#I don't publish the vast majority of this person's bullshit btw
silvermoon424 · 3 years
Heavily considering turning off anon messages for a while because that one anti-Madoka anon is straight-up stalking my blog and has been sending me messages trying to provoke me even if I just reblog a Madoka Magica post. It's not a big deal to just delete their messages but it's starting to stress me out. Maybe if I just stop responding altogether and stop taking the bait they'll leave me alone.
Seriously, I know you're reading this, stop fucking messaging me. Other Madoka Magica fans and I don't send rude and provocative messages to Madoka antis so idk why you feel the need to stalk the PMMM tag and insult the series and the people who post there. I'm truly saying this from a place of concern: you need to get help because this is obviously not a healthy hyperfixation.
I really don't want to turn off anon messages because like 90% of my messages are anonymous and I don't want to cut off that communication source for people who prefer it, but fuck, this person is really ruining it for everyone else.
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