#I don't know of the opinions spread on tumblr but reddit is doing what it always does
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beedreamscape · 7 months ago
I'm pretty much the worst person to even weigh in on this topic because I've been partial to Suvi since day one, but in my opinion there wasn't ever a need to explain or justify Suvi's choices/reactions.
Not because she's perfect, never wrong (though in my heart I know...) but because I'm very certain that the people that keep on hammering on her mistakes/shortcomings/tendencies are people that already dislike Suvi (or don't like Aabria very much, I wish this wasn't a topic of consideration but even 30+ eps in there's still people like that around) for whatever reason and gather excuses to justify their bias against her and no amount of explanation will turn their hearts in her favour.
It really feels like a parallel to the way Suvi herself tries to be understood by her friends and yet she fails time and time again.
And people insist on forgetting that Suvi is not the Citadel, she's just one young wizard of the Citadel.
And it's gut-wrenching how much I relate to that feeling of alienation before every corner she tries to fit in: amongst her citadel peers she's othered by her position and privilege, and now by her friendship to a witch and a spirit; between her friends she's the odd-one-out because of her Citadel connections and the nature of her power; and now amongst the witches she stands out by being the face of the "enemy".
I don't blame her for clinging to the little corner of the world that has not made her feel foreign despite the very nature of her presence: in Steel's family whom she's not related to by blood, yet completely by heart.
And it'll never be a fair game. The girls especially are very young and with new-found independence, they're given colossal decisions to make, and that before beings older than three generations of them combined and incomprehensively more powerful and less empathic.
As much as Mirara wants there to be a good witch and bad witch, there's no such thing as black and white, there are decisions and consequences, what one does with the power they're given. There is no right or wrong in a fight filled with so much heart, there was never a world where a fight between Ame and Suvi would be clean.
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spiders-and-ink · 3 months ago
Actual A.P. Bio Season Four Thoughts
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(I posted this on reddit first because the A.P. Bio fandom is less dead there, but I may as well throw it out to tumblr too, why not?)
As you know if you're reading this, there was a love-hate response to season four of A.P. Bio. Here's what I think was lacking in this season.
In my opinion seasons two and three are the best, and this is largely because Jack has a clear conflict, which is he's writing and trying to publish a book while also trying to decide if he just wants to stay in Toledo with Lynette. This conflict pushes his character arc forward and is what gave the show direction. In season four, obviously Lynette's actor had to leave, but they also totally abandoned his book for no reason? Like the book he was working on for two seasons? This felt like it threw off his arc a little and made the season feel a bit directionless.
Because even in season one Jack has an overarching goal to take down Miles. In season four he doesn't have anything like that. He doesn't have a book to write or a rival to takedown or any short term goal at all. In seasons two and three he was being forced to making a choice between his book and Lynette, between Harvard and Toledo, and it felt like it symbolized his whole character arc and the conflict was so clear and laid out a good path for the story.
But all of that is gone in season four without a new overarching goal, plan, or conflict to replace it.
Not to mention Shayla was inserted too quickly into the story in order to replace Lynette. Jack isn't even given time to get over Lynette, even less so be given even close to the time to start liking Shayla. Given he and Lynette had an entire season together before they were official, shuffling Shayla into Lynette's role mid-season out of nowhere felt pretty cheap. I know the writers were trying to do what they could, but Lynette played a pivotal role in Jack's character arc that no other love interest could simply fill, and I don't even want to begin to analyze it too deeply or this post will be an ungodly length.
I will say, even though season four did disappoint me in that way, I did like it on an episodic level. We had some great moments such as the A.P. kids starting a cult, Jack having a tantrum and screaming into a pillow, Jack's father appearing and of course the scene where Jack gets attacks by roughhouses with his step brother, Jack and Marcus finally bonding a bit over a boardgame, and of course Jack delivering a baby and then walking into his classroom covered in blood and blabbering about the miracle of life. Some people don't like the wackier and more chaotic comedy introduced in seasons three and four but I love it.
Also do want to add seasons two and three aren't only my favorites because of Jack having a clear goal, I think those are the seasons that had the best comedy and character chemistry, and also season two and three have most of my favorite episodes, such as Nuns and the Katie Holmes Day one.
Anyway, this post is just to clarify the specific reason why season four didn't quite land for me, without spreading hate for it, and of course I really wish we got a season five. I know it's not likely given the fact that it's been some time since the show ended, rights would have to be sorted, and they'd have to start balancing Glenn Howerton's schedule again despite him acting long term in Sunny, but if this new Netflix deal could end in just one more season to wrap up character arcs, that would be like, really really great, and I do feel like most the cast would be down for it saying a lot of them are still passionate about the show.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months ago
YouTube and Stuff by u/SecondhandCoke
YouTube and Stuff First, I'm trying to get my YouTube channel up in the next couple of weeks... just for those who care. If you have naming suggestions, I'm all ears. If there are things you like to regularly hear from me, let me know. I know y'all want "tea" when I've got it, and I will provide that from time to time, when appropriate. I plan to do a lot of debunking using the logical fallacies and an insider's look at PR strategies. I plan to do a lot of Markle Snarkle, but if you've enjoyed things I've done in the past like the Handwriting Analysis, I can do that once a week, I can do tarot spreads (for fun only, ovbs), I can critique in a constructive and friendly way other content creator's assertions (if y'all ask and direct my attention to it). Also, thanks to TRG for ALREADY giving me a lot of great advice. I also need advice on the easiest way to manage graphics, editing, etc. I'd LOVE to be able to animate my little Secondhand Coke avatar to say what I'm voicing over, but don't know how. Music is set. I'm a musician, and I've gotten my little instrumental zinger almost read to go... I really just have to figure out how to edit it together. Like using a macbook pro or iphone. Any helpful hints would be appreciated. Inexpensive or free editing software recs, places where I can get images and video that are free, even other music blurbs... I can use all the help I can get. Anyway, re: Prince Harry, the impression I am getting is that the people around Harry want to be worthy of Harry's trust. They won't leak his location, but if I'm reading between the lines accurately, he reportedly gave Meghan a fake locale that only she had, and she leaked it. So I think the scales continue to fall from his eyes. It's been weeks since we've seen Harry, at least 21 days since we've gotten a verified location. (I think). I get the feeling the people around him are looking after his best interests while he focuses on getting himself together. That's just my read based on what little bit of info I could get. But for those of you who've encouraged me to do a channel in the past, I'm pretty much ready to get her going and would love your advice and input. post link: https://ift.tt/x3bpoes author: SecondhandCoke submitted: October 21, 2024 at 05:25PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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beheworthy · 1 year ago
Heimdall and Thor's mother genuinely like Jane without even meeting her. Others don't like it or don't care.
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When Odin threw him on a backwater planet, he didn't know his son will find the next Queen there. As is shown, he has had many lovers before in his 1500-year-long life, but with Jane, everyone just knows he's dead serious about her.
Also, everyone just knows what happened on Midgard: Odin in his Odinsleep, Loki makes a r*pey comment about paying her a visit (what the f?), Sif and Frigga talk about her (though this could be Sif recounting her experience on Midgard to the All-Mother but the point is that they know), and of course, the all-seeing Heimdall.
I'm assuming the word spread (accentuated by the Warriors Three) and the general public also has an inkling about their Crown Prince's dalliance with a Midgardian maiden on his exile.
1. Odin is obv unapproving because she's not a blue blood like them - a royal or even an Aesir. She is as far away from being an ideal daughter-in-law as she can be. He pushes for Sif. And his argument for that is this:
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*clenches fist* We need to talk about this line.
This is his view of a Queen, that she'd serve the King like a servant by bearing him children and present herself to being used by him whenever he pleases. That's vile.
He's not in favor of Sif, he just wants Not-Jane. Anyone but a lowlife Midgardian. Why? Because her flimsy lifetime makes her unfit to 'serve' the King. And an Aesir woman would be able to do it better. The Aesir women 'lying' in front of him like things!
What's worse is that Thor doesn't even react to his father's abhorrent way of thinking :(, he's so used to it. Thor would never treat his Queen this way, jeez! But Reddit and Tumblr keep telling me how great it is that Thor is given parallels with this man in Thor3 and Thor4 as tho he was a positive influence on him :)
I thought Odin would eventually come around on Jane but his hostility only increases when Frigga dies 'because of her'. And he just never approves of her till he lived, not even for his son's sake :( I headcanon that Odin stayed near Thor and Jane's home when he was exiled by Loki and saw how happy Thor was with her.
2. Loki is actually understanding of how much wrong Thor is doing to himself by setting himself up for much bigger hurt. He should cut ties now when it will hurt less rather than later when she dies in a fraction of his lifetime anyway, leaving a gaping hole in his heart.
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He's right but no one understands the predicament my man was stuck in. He had already done what Loki is saying by breaking his promise and not going back so Jane could move on with her life and contented himself with looking at her from Asgard. But when she got in mortal danger because she was looking for him, he can't just leave her now. He had to do justice to her this time, All-Father be damned.
I find it fascinating that Odin's opinion of Jane was about kingship and Loki's was about love and companionship.
3. Frigga and Heimdall are fully approving of her :D She has all but accepted her as her daughter-in-law and given her blessings to them. She died saving her. What more can you ask of her?!
And Heimdall is the only one who knows about his longing for her (that little laugh when he first asks her if he can see her at the end of Thor1). He knows how much Thor hurt himself by asking about her every day when he was never going to go back.
Also, I'm certain the Aesir people will be pretty accepting of her as their Queen, given how peaceful they're shown to be. :)
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I miss the old internet, it's not fun here anymore.
Few days ago I reinstalled TikTok. Long story short i uninstalled it once again yesterday, because the amount of negativity everyone is spreading in there is unbearable.
Everything you like is wrong, everything you do is "cringy" and you are a bad person, just because you enjoy a fictional character or draw a certain way that the kids on this app doesn't approve. It's all silly, really. What happened to respecting other people? What happened to supporting other people? What happened to forming your own opinions? Why does it feels like everyone is wishing for other people's doom? Just save the negativity for the actual bad people, not kids who draw in certain artstyle you dislike. Are we really all that miserable?
And it's not only TikTok. Youtube is filled with the same people, but now there's also the AI crap and content farms. Instagram is unusable for me because of the inappropriate, explicit stuff that started showing on my reels, that just never goes away. Reddit is helpful, until a guy starts calling you names, because you asked something a random guy five years did. Don't get me started on Pinterest it's huge AI infection and that Twitter is owned by a freaking manchild naz...
I don't really know how to describe it, but everything feels either rotten or overly cleansed, artificial. You mostly see bots or people who never stepped out to see the sun. I'm not nostalgia blind, there were always people who were seaking conflicts, but it felt like the rational one's always unnumbered them. People ware overall more emphatic, they seemed to be happier. Just showing their creativity, giving each other tips, talking about their recent vocations, snapping pics of dogs. Well at least the art community were. You know, that's why I like Tumblr, it's still feels like the old internet here.
Or maybe it's just a me problem, since I am a loser who's being active only on Tumblr and Discord, who knows. Bye
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bridgertonworld · 3 months ago
You are claiming that those 'insider' blogs aren't real insiders, how do you know for sure? Do you work with them? Do you know them personally?
Now I am not passing an opinion on the blogs in question, what I am going to say is that by casting aspersions on what they have said makes you little better than the haters on the Rants sub on Reddit who spread lies in order to have specific people targeted for harassment and bullying online, and attempts at doxxing. The more that blogs, SM users, and others make claims that certain people are liars, or that two blogs are the same person, or that what they say are all lies, the more those people are targeted by the worst of Nicola's fans because you give them permission (in their minds) to bully, harass and dox since they are 'liars' and misrepresenting themselves.
I will say on one of the blogs some of the information shared aligns with some of my personal experiences with one of the actresses, and some of what she says aligns with information I have received from people I know in the UK & Ireland.
Nicola stans need to learn not to immediately dismiss everything negative as a lie, especially when many of them are spreading even worse stories about others in Bridgerton. And those that wish to present themselves as being above it all need to not just dismiss everything as a lie. People's experiences are not lies, they are just experiences that tell a different story to what you want to believe.
Hello: first, thanks for sharing your opinion here.
And to answer: an anon asked me what I thought about blogs sharing information in an anon blog, and this was my opinion: I think that people that work either on Netflix or in series/film production don't come to tumblr to share inside information about shows, casting, actors or relationship between cast members, bosses, showrunners, from Bridgerton or any other production.
This is my opinion. Now, can I be wrong? Absolutely.
That's why I say is my opinion. It's not like I know of how the series/film world works.
Now, a different situation, again for me, is if anyone, you or any other person, has had an interaction with any cast member and that end up being a bad one. That is truly a shame. And I don't like to talk about anyone in particular (you mention Nicola fans), cause this show has a big ensemble with a lot of subfandoms.
I think we live in a moment, that with respect, we can all have different opinions.
Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts in the matter.
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comment-exchange · 1 year ago
I'm considering expanding Comment Exchange to other platforms to spread the word about all the amazing works that get submitted here. I'm not sure how that would look, but I want your opinion anyways and then we'll see.
I really don't want to do tiktok, I refuse to get sucked into that app. Sorry.
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It's a shame that our fandom doesn't have our own fandom spaces for discussion (there was ElenaDamon.com when TVD was airing but it shut down). Why do you think the Delena fandom is dead compared to other TVD fandoms? I also find newer TVD fans and their fugly opinions more obnoxious lol. They even lie about the history of the fandom in their favor to shit on Delena fans despite watching it after it aired.
Oops for some reason, I never saw this until now.
I didn't even know that site existed haha, I only used Tumblr to discuss anything delena related.
Honestly, I feel like as a whole, TVD is pretty dead now. There are loud people on reddit, but that's about it to be honest.
I don't interact with people in this fandom so I don't really know what's going on now, but I do know that the hate for Delena is rising. But fans even when the show was airing claimed that Delena wasn't popular, even though we won all the awards, they claimed we were just the loudest. Problem is, we won the polls and the awards, so no we weren't just the loudest.
Truth of the matter is, people will have their opinions, and I've learned it's best not to engage with people. You won't change your mind, and they won't change theirs. Unless someone is legit spreading false information (i.e., someone said Damon and Elena didn't get their happily ever after or some shit, and they broke up and kept saying that's what happened and that Stefan and Elena got together and I was like the series literally ended with Delena married, what? It wasn't until then they admitted that they made shit up, and I was like why were you acting like what you were saying was true? And then they tried to say I was basically bullying them or something because I told them they were trying to spread false information about the series) it's best just to leave them be. You're just wasting your energy. Block/ignore and move on.
Some people just have problems, and social media/fandom energy has made it worse.
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3rddimension · 1 year ago
Yeah I just started browsing through the comments on that Reddit post and I'm kinda upset. I fully understand that certain subsections of the community don't want shipping to be involved with their fanfare, and honestly, I think it works out better this way for us shippers to be sequestered off to communities like this. I just wish that if we're not talking about shipping there then why does the subreddit have to take cheap shots at us for no reason?
Seriously though, I've been lurking this blog for about 4 months now and sending in anon asks for about 2. I've been very adamantly against people going out of their way to argue with non-shippers about the "truth" for no reason, and I view this Reddit post as the direct result of people doing that.
I think that the proof we have is pretty conclusive. I actually only became a "shipper" after I saw the proof because I usually think of shipping real people as unethical. In this case though, it's appreciating the dynamic of two people I already know to be together, so I think that's fine.
In all honesty, if I had interacted with this community before seeing the proof, I woulda thought you all were psychos too, and I woulda been right in that thread with those redditors.
You might think the solution to this animosity we face is to spread the proof farther, but this is not the case. Shayne and Courtney are in a private relationship, and though this proof is all public info, to spread in directly goes against their tacit wishes.
Also, regardless of whether or not anyone here is actually parasocial, I hope we all admit that most of the proof we have was gained through dubious means. Stuff like noticing similarities in their apartments' architecture and Courtney wearing Shayne's clothing is fine, but those family photos, arguably our most damning proof, were gained through what is by definition cyber-stalking, whether you like it or not. We have a moral obligation to not intentionally spread shit like that. I've heard talk before of an incredibly depraved Shartney Discord server that effectively existed for the sake of cyber-stalking the two of them. 3d, if you know what I'm talking about, please do tell. Point is, if we go out of our way to intentionally spread proof like that gained through immoral means, we become just as bad as that Discord server VERY fast.
So, if you can't spread proof, but people wom't be convinced unless you spread proof, what should you do? Don't engage!!! I get that hearing people in r/smosh be blantanly ignorant and condescending towards us sucks, but guess what? We get to say "we told you so" in the end, and that's what really matters. Stop going out of your way to argue with people if you don't like normie Smosh fans having a negative opinion of this community, then stop fighting with them over shit that doesn't matter!!!
Oh yeah we definitely don't want this to spread further for sure. Tumblr is essentially the only and best place for fandom community to existing in. Which is why I picked this place because of all the community that I has been before and how like mind we are.
For sure a lot of stuff we accumulated are from shitty means which is why the twoshrimps post only contain fully public picture that each people still put it on the internet to see. It's also a very bad argument to be used if you go and argue about it as well. If you tried to using it please don't do it anymore. It paint us in the bad light even we are not the one to obtain it in the first place.
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arkiwii · 11 months ago
I don't agree with you about the state of sarisil in the fandom, but we both like it and it's fun to see how enthusiastic you get over it.
I guess it depends on how you like it! I personally tend to get quite picky unfortunately, but it's how it is. I've seen a lot of content (mostly from the global community) that represented them in a way I don't like (having them be exes, focusing entirely on "divorced" rather than their self trust and how it plays in their relationship, showing Ifrit as just a dumb child who knows nothing of what is going on...). the best representations I have seen so far were in the CN community (not to say everyone in the global is doing wrong! there's really good content! I'm just saying the majority is in CN) and a lot of it made me think about the characters and how to play with them to make them the most interesting possible while staying true to canon. it can sound like my vision is very specific, but I assure it is not, lot of people get it!
also, what I say applies to content (fanfics and fanarts, but also memes, specifically), as they're easily engaged with and spread around. so if it simplifies the characters, or show them different, people who have not looked themselves into them and made their own opinion will let themselves influenced, which leads to wrong beliefs (I already have someone who only looked at their relationship from afar argue to me that "Saria should just explain to Silence that she did not know about the document she signed, and they'll forgive each other", insisting that "they're super dumb for not just talking it out". no, it's not that easy. that Saria signed the document is FAR from being the actual issue.)
once again, it doesn't apply to everyone, and thankfully, most people on Tumblr seem to share a vision similar to me (hence why I enjoy this place). however, on Twitter or Reddit, it's another place. I check many different websites and look about everywhere, I see what the majority thinks and that's why I'm kinda bugged about it. well, of course, it concerns every character and relationships, anyway. can't escape it
but I do hope I'm doing them justice, really! they're seriously important to me (I guess it was obvious that they're huge comfort characters to me), so I wouldn't forgive myself if I mischaracterize them (and I know I did by the past, when I just started to get into Arknights), and I hope other people can enjoy them just as equally
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televisefur · 1 year ago
CW: Non-art tangent, Mentions of Twitter, mentions of hate speech
My opinion on Twitter and how we should use social media in 2023
I want to make this space a blog where I can express myself freely - so some posts will be art, and some will be like this. Thank you for staying with me!
Now, onto the topic of today's blog post.
Remember how we had tons of different social media websites, like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.? And now, most of the younger folk stay on Twitter, now known as X, and rarely ever go to Facebook, not to mention what happened to MySpace.
As part of this centralization, from 2012 and up until 2023 Twitter used to be my home online. Most of my followers are on Twitter and most of the people I know from the communities I'm in are from Twitter. I liked the convenience of having one platform where I could post art, talk to people, share my opinions.
As you know, Twitter, now X, has been irreparably damaged. As time went on, even before Elon's takeover, it became impossible to share your opinions without being supressed by the Twitter algorithm. I should've known I had Tumblr as an option where I could do so. Well, now as I've realized this, I'm making this post to talk about it. But things are so much worse now for Twitter when it comes to expressing your opinions or finding out what people think about things - which was Twitter's original intention.
When Elon came over, things became even worse. Elon started promoting alt-right hate speech, and made it much harder to get noticed or even talk to people in DMs without paying for Premium. But unlike Reddit, there was no giant tidal wave of people moving to Mastodon or any of the other alternatives (and people came back to Reddit anyway because some communities just stayed there or got reopened, and Lemmy has a host of issues that make it inconvenient for the majority of users).
Instead, the community splintered - Bluesky invites are flying off the shelves, Meta had their euphoric moment with Threads, and even Tumblr is trying to attract Twitter refugees by replicating its user interface, but most people stayed on the bird-turned-letter app- meaning we as artists or fans have to stay on our old Twitter accounts while at the same time spreading our attention thin between different platforms.
Tumblr used to be this extremely niche platform for artists, fans, various communities but it is becoming more popualr as a general social blogging website. I think that's a good thing, because I don't believe in gatekeeping, but I also don't like how uncomfortable existing Tumblr users are right now with the fact that a ton of Twitter users are coming into the platform.
Basically, I should've "switched" to Tumblr a long time ago and made that my priority. I should've just left Twitter a long time ago, when it started becoming the "only positive vibes" platform. The people behind Twitter manipulated it and the content you see on it for years, and that is the thing I dislike the most, second to the far-right push itself.
But now, the only thing I can do is get used to a splintered experience of social media once again. And I kind-of have a method for it, but I'm figuring it out. Like, for example, why should I use both Mastodon and Bluesky if both are virtually the same except one is open for everybody but more niche, and the other one is locked but is actually trending? Maybe it depends on which one is more popular at the current moment. Maybe it's based on how fun it is to use the platform. Maybe it is based on what I can do on it.
The thing is - I'm in the exploring phase. And that's the fun part.
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puppyluver256 · 1 year ago
It's that time of year again, when everyone and their brother has Opinions (both justified and ridiculous) on the holiday season, specifically what is considered the Dominant Holiday in most countries that have a large share of the demographic of Tumblr users. So I have a few things on my mind that I want to say and I am going to say them.
To my fellow non-christians, whether you're of some other religion or an atheist like myself:
"Christian Atheist" is a specific label for an atheist who follows the non-magical parts of philosophy supposedly spread by someone named Yeshua/Jesus. They take on this label willingly, believing that the teachings associated with this individual had good merit without believing him to be the literal son of a god or that he literally turned water to wine or healed people with god-magic. The venn diagram between them and atheists who happen to come from a christian background is NOT a single circle.
"Cultural christianity" is a valid label for groups, whether small as a friend circle or large as a whole country, where one is implicitly or explicitly expected to be or at least follow along with christian practices. It is NOT something that can be applied to individuals willy-nilly. If someone does not want to be referred to as "culturally christian", you need to respect that regardless of their upbringing.
Yes, many atheists come from christian backgrounds. This does not mean they are still somehow christian forever. They are atheists, and unless they specify anything else that is all that they are. Do not apply a religious label to someone who is not part of that religion, as you have no idea whether or not that label may bring up old trauma and make them feel they can never escape from something they may have left, especially when that thing they left is constantly around them as just a normalized part of the surrounding locale.
Sidenote, not all atheists were raised in a christian setting. Some were originally from the other abrahamic faiths, some were from non-abrahamic faiths, and some were not raised in a religious setting at all. Some are completely anti-theist, some appreciate the positive affect other people may get from their religion(s). Don't assume that every atheist is the same cookie-cutter "reddit atheist" (whatever the association with reddit is supposed to mean) mold that seems to get applied to all atheists indiscriminately.
Another sidenote, atheism itself is not a religion. It is a lack of religion, outside of religions that are specifically atheistic (ie. without gods). Yes, it is protected in the idea of freedom of religion, as that includes freedom FROM religion.
Yes, Christmas is primarily a religious holiday, and yes, it DOES have a secular component despite what some people will insist (on both sides of the aisle). Don't assume that because someone wants to have fun with a tree and decorations and food and presents that they want the weird magic baby worship nonsense. Some people just want an excuse to celebrate after a long year regardless of whether or not they even have a religion, and we only have one widely-known holiday (sorry, Newtonmas) at the end of the year that can mostly be considered truly secular AND EVEN THEN there are cultures that ascribe religious aspects to it so we take what we can get. Excuse us if what we can get is what's most prominent in our area or what our loved ones already know. You wouldn't say an atheist that celebrates the big holidays of Judaism or Islam or any other religion is doing something religious just because they wanted to spend time with their friends and family doing something fun as part of a special occasion, so stop saying everyone who willingly participates in Christmas is willingly participating in christianity.
To the christians, specifically the ones who are more obnoxious about it:
Don't get on people's case if they don't care for or even legitimately hate Christmas. I'm sure there's something that "everyone else is doing" that YOU don't care for, so let them be frustrated in peace. At the very least, lend a shoulder and let them vent, but don't pressure them into doing the Christmas thing if they don't want to and would instead prefer either celebrating something else or nothing at all.
There is no "war on Christmas". Secular people have never attacked Christmas to the degree that the right-wing nutjobs pushing this rhetoric have insisted. In fact, the only times that anyone has proposed or even enforced a ban on Christmas, it was another sect of christianity. Someone saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas" is not going to kill you, and no one's trying to "take the christ out of Christmas" by merely celebrating a holiday without the religious trappings. Get over yourselves and take your persecution complex to the garbage where it belongs.
Remember there are other holidays in December and that some people have better things to do than be pestered and bothered by the constant reminders of your holiday. Let people live their lives without trying to wedge your religion into it.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months ago
Can someone explain to me what the flair "Fake News" means? by u/snappopcrackle
Can someone explain to me what the flair "Fake News" means? In regards to some posts from yesterday: So if I am understanding correctly, it's ok to post inflammatory made-up stories about H+M posted allegedly from some random Twitter account with a handful of followers and no blue checkmark, but if you go to that Twitter account, the post isn't even there, so it was just a made up screen shot. Yet we can post as if it were true along with commentary in the OP inferring that it is true, and as long as we use the flair "Fake News" it is ok. With Harry and Meghan wanting to censor social media, I don't think we should be giving them fuel to their fire. It's one thing if fake news is posted on a gossip site or Neil Sean/Lady C/CDAN and reposted here for fun gossip discussion. Or if there is Fake News that is all over the internet and people want to talk about the veracity of it with the disclaimer it is fake (ie surrogacy). But it is another to post something from "CNN" that is totally fake, and then leave it up without even editing the original post to let people know is fake, while people are taking the post to be true and spreading the misinformation. To me this just seems like gaslighting and making a mockery of the people who follow this sub. I really feel the "Fake News" flair needs to be clarified. And what is the difference between "Fake News" and "Allegedly"I am referring specifically to this post:"Alright, this isn’t funny. He can just stop this right now."Which, instead of deleting it or editing the post to let people know it was totally fake, posted another follow up post with a vague title, so that people who read the first post probably won't even see the second one: "Misinformation"Even though it has come out that the first post is totally fake, people are still commenting on it as if it were real and upvoting it. They are obviously are not reading the rather boringly titled post "Misinformation" explain it is a fake. Both of these posts should be deleted, IMHO. If a poster posts something that later they learn to be untrue, it is much more considerate to your fellow redditors to either delete it or edit the OP with a large disclaimer in capital letters. post link: https://ift.tt/nkcUhua author: snappopcrackle submitted: October 12, 2024 at 01:17PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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kaileighblue · 2 years ago
Webtoon and how to fake it.
As you may be aware I have a webtoon. A relatively popular one I guess? Multiple times a week on different webtoon communities people ask how to get views. I, as an expert, am here to learn you a thing.
Obviously you need to have a comic, but I'm potentially talking to people that already do. The best advice I have for the actual comic is post consistently. You can post once a month. bi monthly. Every week. Whatever just make sure you keep a schedule and a buffer.
This spread sheet of my subs, views and notes about that month. The first few months I didn't keep notes so they're guesses.
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There's barrier to entry that is skill and effort put into it but I mean I don't have much of those and I still get by.
While I was furiously making my first few updates I watched every youtube "how to webtoon" out there and followed a few. I joined some discords and am now up to 4.
I started interacting with the webtoon canvas twitter in April. Shortly after first posting.
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Including participating in their art challenges or answering their questions. It is of my opinion that got me their eye and thus promotion. I still respond at least once a month. The promotions definitely help, but as you can see it doesn't mean they will stay.
June was a summer coins event like the one currently running but it had even more comics to pick from. I never actually saw my comic there and for a few weeks had no idea why I suddenly got a boost but someone finally told me.
I participate in some romance book communities including those that specialize in monster romance. So I got some promotions from there.
Sub4sub doesn't get you readers. Make art for creators you like and make friends. Creators who genuinely like your work and do work like you are more likely to help you find your audience. Besides on webtoon you can't seen see who subs to what do what good does that idea even do?
I comment on webtoon youtubers. I comment on webtoon reddit. I post thirst traps on tumblr. I started posting more on tumblr in general(and forgot everything I ever cared about.). I started posting these chars on tiktok and and ended up making a comic because literally one person asked. I could probably do more and do better but I do a lot of art and sometimes time is limited.
No matter what you make there's some community out there you can participate in. Make fanart for things like your comic and post it everywhere related. Tag it on general social media sites. etc. Post it on other sites like Tapas, Global Comix, etc. You can do them all but I only really do global comics because formatting is boring.
Also just got on bluesky and making myself their problem.
The Halloween promotion was the biggest push and that's not necessarily luck but demon guy=Halloweeny.
There was a noticeable drop at the time they got rid of the reward program. March 2023 being the end of it. I don't know if/how that was related but it seems true for other people too.
And uh that's the end I guess. Basically here's every reply to every time someone asks how to popular.
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breadstingray · 2 months ago
Completely agree with this! (Brief disclaimer, not hating just something I also find frustrating and wanna talk about. I don't want to sound mean, I literally have no sense of tone so please point out if I said anything that could come across as wrongfully rude)
Personally it just doesn't really sit right with me. I've briefly attempted fanfics before (and write alot as a hobby) and yeah, it's definitely more difficult to write a blind character but it's not impossible by any means and if someone doesn't want to write a blind character they can pick a. different. character.
And (oh no, Nyx is saying the thing) is that not literally ableism? I'm not a professional or someone who knows alot about it but it feels like blatant ableism with the excuse of "yeah just didn't feel like it" or "it's too hard" which is not okay whatsoever. Like, there's literally so many writing tools, reddit and Tumblr posts, there's examples, it's not that difficult guys. And by the way saying "I just didn't want to include it" about someone's DISABILITY is actually insane, like, I'm sorry what?
And hey, maybe they want to write a fic with Jouno and just don't think they can write him well with the disability. That's fine but for the love of god at least make a reason he got his eye sight back, hell it could even be a sideplot but just making him able to see with no explanation is annoying and frustrating as a reader because (I feel like) that's a very important part of his character. Again, it is a disability and erasing any character's disability in ANY form of media feels icky and ableist. ESPECIALLY when it's 'cured' for no apparent reason because disabilities shouldn't be treated like something that's wrong with someone and has to be cured. If anything it makes the character more interesting! Like yes, he has other things going for him but the at that point why not just write a different character? Or if it's a "oh, no, I wouldn't be able to write it well" okay, WHY NOT TRY?? You don't become good at it by not writing stuff like that and maybe it'll be fun to experiment!
Adding into the third paragraph, to be blunt, I gotta say Jouno not being able to see how hot his love interest is isn't that much of an issue. One of my favorite Suegiku fics has a part where Jouno maps out his face with his hands to try and /feel/ what he looks like and that was such a good scene and an amazing way to showcase what I mean. Another example could be voice, maybe he likes certain aspects of their personality or mannerisms, maybe he likes the way they smell or the feel of their hair, maybe how their hands feel in his etc. There's SO many good ways to make a romance between a blind and seeing character without having it feel cheap or bland! Like, even x reader oneshots or shitty smut fics, it's not difficult.
But hey, at the end of the day do what you want, no one is stopping you. Fanfics are fanfics, no one expects professional writing and never let someone else's opinion stop you from doing something. As I tend to say, free will exists, so use it. As long as what you're doing isn't harmful or spreading hate then go for it! To anyone who actually read through my little rant have a wonderful rest of your day ♡
Okay so kinda rant incoming-
Let me start this off by saying that I'm not putting this out there to be hateful or anything, it's just a personal pet peeve, my opinion if you will. If you disagree with me, good for you for having free will, I'm proud of you. I don't hate anyone who does this, and I don't mean to sound hostile, but English is my second language, I already have no sense of tone in my native language, and also I'm overly passionate about shit that just doesn't matter. Take it with a grain of salt please.
Disclaimer out of the way, can I just say how much I hate when in fic Jouno's blindness just gets erased?? Specifically when there's just like an authors note saying "yeah I didn't make them blind" with no plot event to justify it? Specifically in a fic taking place in "present day" BSD where Jouno very much is blind, because I know they canonically became disabled later in life rather than being born like that. Fics exploring how they became blind? Muah, chefs kiss, intriguing. But I'm not talking about those.
It very much feels like it's just a cheap way to make Jouno impressed with how attractive their assigned love interest is (usually x reader but I've seen suegiku guilty of this too). As if that's the only thing that could possibly draw them to that person. Like screw personality, behaviour, idk- sound of voice or something, let's go the easy route! They see a hot person and immediately fall for them because that's easy! That's the only thing that could ever matter when being attracted to someone! /s
It's also erasing a pretty integral part of their character. Because as much as I don't like it, Jouno is a side/background character. They don't have many defining traits, and you're just throwing one of the few ones they do have out of the window for convenience. At that point it's not Jouno anymore, you just stripped off their name and appearance and pasted it onto generic anime boy template 3.
And if you're going to go through the trouble of writing an entire fic about them, am I wrong to assume you'd at least like them a little bit? Please? Why would you want to change them?? Even AUs and stuff keep the character intact in the context of how they happen. This isn't even usually an AU, it's just canon universe except idk the magical eye fairy "cured" them. ("Cure" in quotations, disabilities shouldn't be seen as something to be cured)
Of course, write whatever you like. Your fics are yours and you should write whatever you want to and not feel stopped by what I, random person on the internet, have to say about it. Write what you want to write, and I'll keep reading what I want to read. I just had to get the disbelief and frustration out my system.
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mobiused · 3 years ago
Mobi. Why Chui say weird cryptic thing about protecting what she loves without denying that she's leaving the company? Very weird. Also if youre getting burned out on questions you don't need to answer this, I won't be bothered. I'm sure it'll come up later. I just... Don't know where else to go with my thoughts since i only use tumblr. Is reddit a good place for loona info?
No, it's okay - thanks for your kind consideration though, I'll give you a full breakdown.
A well respected journalist who has reported on, and personally interviewed, LOONA multiple times posted an article revealing that Chuu is preparing to move companies to BY4M, and also corroberates a report from a (significantly less credible) media outlet that Chuu also is in the process of suing BBC, and won a temporary/partial injunction against her contract with BBC in March.(which I covered in more detail here). This is shocking because it's notoriously difficult for members of differing agencies to make group schedules work, and appears to threaten the fate of LOONA. That being said, it's not impossible to promote as a full group, as groups like SNSD, 2PM and GOT7 have managed to do so despite their multiple agencies and solo schedules.
After the article was uploaded, Chuu talked on Fab that she's trying her hardest to protect what she loves with her own effort. I think by this she meant she won't be doing anything to damage LOONA's OT12 status, whilst taking care of herself and her family. You don't need to worry about Chuu leaving LOONA, unless something drastically changes. (Lip also apologised for the situation for some reason, I guess that's the mark of a true friend...)
After the article was released and Chuu made her promises on Fab, 2 well regarded fansites got really angry on Twitter and revealed that Chuu hasn't received any managerial support for any of her schedules since May, saying that she has had to call her own taxis and ride separately with the other girls, carry her own luggage, and even recounted one time where the PD for a show she filmed arranged her transport for her instead of BBC. Whilst the fansites were very outraged about this (and had been keeping it a secret as to not stress Chuu out by causing controversy), it's unclear whether BBC were doing this out of malice, or because of this alleged company change they have no reason to manage her anymore.
BBC's announcement takes issue with the original article (and even moreso with speculative spin-off articles), because the journalist said "according to officials", and they state that the officials in question are not themselves, BBC, nor Chuu, and therefore this journalist shouldn't have reported on it. They also claim to be supporting Chuu and the girls' dreams. They make no attempt to refute what the article actually claims, nor do they address the complaints of the fansites, they just say they intend to sue anyone who spreads libel or attempts to defame BBC and LOONA. The fansite who threatened to post photos to expose BBC's mistreatment of Chuu if they dared to make a statement to the contrary don't do anything in response.
Reddit is Reddit - it matters whether the users are good sources or not. I trust Orrery and John Litell, who both have accounts on reddit and often share their opinions there instead of on Twitter. I don't really trust the idle musings of unestablished strangers, but nothing's stopping you from reading them.
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