#I don't draw yellow as a kid much even less as a baby but it works so y'know
the-worm-wiggles · 2 years
Heyy dhmis followers, miss me dhmis posting?
Well good for you bc I saw a thing and had a thought ☺️
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I heard you have a favorite fish. Info dump to me about your favorite fish
Well my dear anon, sit back and relax while I show you my favorite creatures
First up we got Sea Jellies. My favorite one is the moon jelly since it has bioluminescence and literally anything bioluminescent is my favorite thing ever. They start out as teeny tiny little polyps that eventually sprout into baby jellies and go on to live their lives no thoughts full of vibes ✨ Jellies literally don't have a brain, just a basic nervous system and rely on ocean currents to carry them around. Moon jellies in particular can grow to be 20+ inches wide and are considered one of the most harmless types as their stingers aren't long enough to penetrate skin.
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Next up we have the Royal Gramma aka the Fairy Basslet. The reason for their name is for the royal purple that covers half of their body while their tail fin is a golden yellow. They're kept in aquariums and are native to coral reefs in the Atlantic Ocean. The reason why I love them so much is that they're transgender in my heart. When there's a shortage of female fish, the males will literally change their genetic makeup in order to help continue their population. (they're just like me fr fr) this phenomenon isn't exclusive to their species, though, there are other fish and some amphibians who do the same!
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You wanna talk about molluscs? Cause we're gonna talk about molluscs. One super cool one that I love very much is the nautilus. They're part of the cephalopod family (squid, octopi and cuttlefish) and are a species that haven't changed very much in terms of evolution aside from getting smaller, likely due to there being less oxygen in the ocean than back in prehistoric times. They're a cephalopod that lives in a shell, you've likely seen spiral shell fossils of the bigger ancestors before in museums! They're very cool, I based a drawing I did of Cthulhu off of one once back in my design class at college. The pokemon Omanyte is based off of them!
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Speaking of cephalopods: squid!!!!!! Squid 💜💜💜 oh my fucking god I love squid and octopi so much. My top 2 squid are the firefly squid snd the vampire squid. Both are species that live in the deeper ocean, known as the Twilight level. It's not quite as deep as the abysal zone (where all the super cool kids hang out) but it's still deep enough where not a whole lot of sunlight gets to. The firefly squid is near and dear to my heart because they also have bioluminescence! They flash an array of colors and depending on the color and rate of flashes, it's said you can tell their emotions! Squid and octopi are both highly intelligent creatures and need a lot of enrichment or else they'll get bored and sad (just like me). The cutest thing about firefly squid is that they're one of the smallest species of squid, growing to be about 3 inches long at most!!! Their bodies aren't the only thing that glow, their ink glows as well! In the usual ocean levels, cephalopods squirt out a black ink to ward off predators but not the firefly! Because the Twilight level is so dark, predators are used to it so squirting black ink would do nothing. However, glowing ink will stun a predator long enough for the little guy to swim away. I wanna be a firefly squid in my next life.
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The Vampire squid is another very small squid, they're deep red, and their tentacles have webbing inbetween like a bat! Hence the name. Instead of squirting ink like a regular squid would do, however, they fold their head into their tentacles which have tooth like barbs on the inside. Truly a metal species if you ask me. I'm gonna give them a littol kiss. They also got cute little ear flippers 💜💜
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We talked about bony fish. We talked about molluscs. Now it's time for cartligenous fish! (my beloved) in the cartligenous fish family we got sharks, rays, and skates. There are so many sharks to talk about, so little time. I love them all, you hear me? Every one of them. I don't even know where to start. Maybe I'll do some general info <3
Sharks, as we know, are very misunderstood and while sometimes friendly, they're better to admire from a distance. They help keep fish and seals from overpopulating and are very important to keeping the ecosystem healthy. There's a common misconception that all sharks need to swim in order to breathe. In reality that's only mostly true for ram ventilators. Ram ventilating sharks are the kinds of sharks that people usually think of like the great white, whale shark (my love), and tiger shark. However! Not all sharks need this! There are some species of less active sharks like the nurse shark and the leopard shark (the smallest boy) that breathe through a process called buccal pumping which means they draw water into their mouth and force it to pass over their gills. This allows them to rest on the ocean floor. Sharks like the nurse shark are generally pretty docile and sometimes even allow people to pet them 💜
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Look at that little guy go
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Thoughts on kangaskhan?
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Fun fact: Judging by some internal ID numbers and the behind-the-scenes lists we have, Kangaskhan may have been the second Pokemon ever created (Rhydon being the first).
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(Image courtesy of Helix Chamber)
This more "kaiju"-esq look, very common among early Gen 1 Pokemon, is one of my favorite things about Kangaskhan. It would have been super easy to just make it a regular kangaroo and call it day, but instead it's closer to a bipedal pouched dinosaur than anything, which is far more interesting.
My other favorite thing about Kangaskhan is that it's allowed to look powerful despite the motherly theme. A Pokemon that carries around a kid is one thing, but a Pokemon that will snap your spine like a glowstick if you so much as look at their kid wrong is another. And despite this, she's still super loving towards her kid:
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In terms of the design itself, like I said, I like the almost dinosaur-esq look a lot. The yellow accents and the kid being blue draws attention to the pouch, the most important part of the design, and that plate on the head works nicely with the shape of the eyes.
The only thing I don't like are those random extruded blocks on the body. It looks like it's been greebled just to add detail for no reason, and I really don't think it's needed. The spines on the back are fine, as are the "shoulder pads", but the other parts feel like they could've been dropped. I also question the ears being yellow--as it makes them feel a bit disconnected from the body--and wonder if the back spikes should've been yellow instead, but that's a minor point.
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And Mega Kangaskhan is perfect. Sometimes less is more, and having all of the energy from mega evolution to the baby so it can hop out and fight alongside mom is brilliant conceptually without being overdesigned.
I also like the minor lore confirmation here. While it's always been implied that young Kangaskhan gradually change appearance to match their mom (not the only Pokemont to do this--Vulpix also does, for example, though this is the only time we see it visually represented in the games), Mega Kangaskhan confirms it and even shows the baby starting to get the same eyes and extrusions as mom has.
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My only nitpick is that the extrusions around the belly are particularly unpleasant due to the way it breaks apart the underbelly markings, and doesn't make sense anyway because mom doesn't have any greebling there anyway. That's it though.
Also, side note: While not that big of a deal, it is strange we never got the baby as its own pre-evo. Sure, you would technically have it evolve with a child out of nowhere, but it's not like that makes any less sense than it hatching fully grown with a child (sometimes you just have to accept non-canon gameplay mechanics and move on). I just find it funny that someone looked at Gen 1 and went "you know which Pokemon here needs a pre-evo? Jigglypuff.
But anyway, as a whole, Kangaskhan has a pretty solid design and a very unique (and heartwarming) theme. It also has one of the best mega evolutions we ever got, period. Way to go, funky kangaroos.
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To my best firend, @13-taylor-swift,
Happy Birthday!
I really wanted to make something special for you. Yk, because you are special on your own so you don't deserve anything less. So as far as last year went, for all birthdays, I have drown for people, I have edited, I have written, I have searched all the conversation to find one message . . . I knew this time I wanted to do every single one of them. So happy Birthday you<3
I don't even know which one to start with.
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I was going to scroll back to the start of our conversation but . . . I let my computer scroll for a day and it didn't get there so I guess that says a lot. I did find these though. Which is better cuz that, right there, was the first time I ever told you "I love you". And I will tresure that moment for the rest of my life as it is the truest truth I know best to say. ( Also I haven't pictured it but the way I freaked out after I said that . . . <3 )
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Baby cows and Baby ducks are a must when talking about you. This is my drawing for you Ash. These are the cuttest animals I have ever seen and I owe you a life for letting me worship them like I do
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I know the edit isn't much. But it's how I see you, excited, happy, lovely, full of life . . . there is no way to describe you.
As for the writing, I wrote you a story I hope you'll like. You might remember the characters? Billy and Tommy?
There once was a world where two bear brothers were hanging out in the forest. Billy and Tommy were their names and God, they loved playing. Mama bear didn’t always let them play too far from home because there could be dangers. She’s usually quite busy gathering food for the family to always keep an eye on Billy and Tommy so luckely for them two, those are the moments they can play and do whatever they want. But today is a special day, a really really special day. A day in which mama bear left all her work and played with her little bears. A day when every animal in the forest came to play with the two friendly bears. A day when even their newest friend who is usually too afraid to come out and play with other animals, comes and plays with them. Yes, Yes, Iam talking about Rabbit the rabbit. He plays too. And of all the days of the year today is that special day. Today is Billy’s birthday!
Billy is the youngest bear in the family and there is no-one lese that loves having a fun time and play than him. Of course his brotehr Tommy shares the same passion, but he coul never outrun Billy. So every bear in the family and evry animal in the forest knows that today, on this very special day, they are invited in front of the big tree where Billy and Tommy live. The elder animals usually just hang out with the bear’s mama so the kids are always free. Everybody loves it. So everybody comes to the party.
Animals start to round up around the big tree and Billy is so excited, you could say he’s over the moon. Everyone was there in such a short time adn evryone gave Billy a very nice present.
“Here. For you Billy, Happy Birthday!” Giggled a guest the bear was so happy to see. Sidney brought Billy a flower, she was like a sister to him, they get along so well and she is kind to a fault. Whenever Tommy has to help his mother out with the work and Billy can’t hang out with him, he always sees Sidney. She is a dear and she is realy dear to Billy. To Tommy too.
“Thank you, Sidney!” The bear said. “I am glad you could came.”
But who was he kidding. Everybody could come to the party. And when someone couldn’t, well, they made time to come cuz there wasn’t anyone who would want to be anywhere else than Billy’s birthday.
The parents talked and the kids played. It was such and astonishing day. Tommy and Billy were beating everyone at every game, they were unstopable. Of course, Tommy even let his brother winat the games they couldn’t play together, just for today anyway. Everyone was there and everyone was happy. Except there wasn’t evryone at the party.
There was a guest that didn’t manage to come. Half of the day has alredy past and he still wasn’t there. Where could he be. Billy grew more panicked as the time went by.
“He’ll be here” Promissed his brother. “I am sure he will.”
“Yeah . . . he will.” But Billy didn’t quite mean that. He thought, maybe, something happened to him, or, maybe, he didn’t like Billy after all. So the bear wasn’t feeling that well.
Where is he then.  Where is Rabbit the rabbit.
There is nobody who would miss this so why would he. Maybe he was there, maybe Billy just didn’t see him. So he had the best idea. He satrted playing hide and seek. While everybody was hiding and he was searching he could easily look for Rabbit. But he wasn’t anywhere. He looked and looked, he didn’t even care he was finding the rest of the guests, he just wanted to find Rabbit the rabbit. So even when he found evryone, he was still searching . . .
Mama bear saw hsi son quite sad and walked to him. She understood what was the situation and she suggested Billy’s favourite game! At first Billy was tempted but he couldn’t How could he play his favourite game without Rabbit? It would’ve been unjust, he refused.
Some time passed and Billy’s hopes of Rabbit showing up were close to none. Tommy kept making his brother laugh and feel better and all the other guests helped too. At one point, Billy really forgot about his friend. He was again feeling good at his party cuz, after all, it was his party! And for sure, if Rabbit wasn’t there, he must have a good reason so Billy was ready. He told his mum and they started playing Billy’s favourite game.
“Let’s go play Billy” Tommy Said with a smile on his face.
And as everyone was ready to play in the darkness of the night, just before his special day to end something happned. Behind Billy some yellow warm light hit the grass and evryone in front of him looked in awe at what happened behind him. Billy didn’t even had time to turn as he heard:
“You were going to play without me Billy? How rude.” It was Rabbit the rabbit!
And as Billy finally turned he saw his rabbit friend standing near his mama bear and he couldn’t believe his eyes. They were holding a big honey cake with candles lighting everything around them. Rabbit was so happy to surprise his best friend like that.
“Happy Birthday, Billy!”
Finally, the bear was so happy and so surprised. Rabit really missed almost all his party, just to get him a cake as great as this one. Every guest tasted the amazing cake and evryone felt good. They played Billy’s favourite game and the day ended with everyone happy and with their faces laughing.
“You got me again Rabbit.” Said Billy smiling adn then laughing.
A special day is a good day.
I love you ash, you deserve the best. Also this? This isn't all. The day is long and I still have plenty to give you. I did not stay up that much to tell you Happy Birthday but I promise, I did stay up really late to finish this.
Happy Birthday, you daughter of a sun of a bitch!
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Thank you so much 💜 my day was stressful and mentally taxing but overall it was fine :) i am so so flattered/flustered that you want to gift me something in return- i never expect anything when i'm penguin anon. And irl i'm trying to be better at accepting things from people. so if you really would like to gift me something here are some tropes i like: cas gardening (sorry i can't get away from flowers/plants!), dadstiel with baby or toddler jack, general domestic fluff, anything that explores cas & dean healing/character growth 💜 but i honestly don't expect anything in return for my hearts and flowers. They are freely given 💜💜🌻💜💜🌻💜💜
I’m sorry to hear it was stressful for you, dear. I’m glad that overall it wasn’t too bad for you, though. I hope this cheers you up? I’m a few hours later with it because I get distracted big time in research. Like figuring out that Dean was 22 when Shrek came out. Which had literally no bearing on this, but was fun to figure out. The hearts and flowers are more than appreciated. 💕🌺🌺💕
When Dean was four, he watched his mother hold his baby brother to the blooming sunflowers she kept in the backyard. Mom said they were called Sunriches. They were named that because they were like golden suns. Dean thought the sun was golden, but when he tried looking at it, the sun was just a bright, white color. Blinding. Dad said he couldn’t look at the sun without hurting himself, so he stopped trying.
What he could look at was Mom holding Sammy. He was only a couple of months old, but Mom was excitedly talking to him as if he could talk back. Dad said he wouldn’t be able to talk for a while. That didn’t seem to bother Mom. She was content to describe the flowers to Sammy. They were taller than Dean was. Mom said they wouldn’t get any bigger, but one day Dean would be tall enough to hold Sammy up to the flower petals. He looked forward to that.
Mom looked pretty in her dress, from Dean’s memory of the time. Her skirt swayed in the autumn wind in time with the petals dancing in the breeze. It was ethereal, like a princess talking to animals. Except instead of a squirrel on her shoulder there was a baby in her arms. Dean thought it looked like magic.
A few months later, when Dean was finally trusted with holding Sammy in his arms, he was running out of his burning home.
He didn’t think about the sunflowers they left behind.
Read more undercut or check it out on AO3!
Later in life, when Dean was flirting too close to a stable relationship with a reporter, he idly thumbed at the petals of the Suntastic Yellows. He remembered his mom telling him that they were the tiniest sunflowers. The type they used in bouquets. Cassie had a small pot resting on her windowsill.
Cassie’s hands drew around his waist from behind him. Humming into his neck, Cassie drew him backward with her. He thought about it in an absent sense, walking away from the sunflowers.
“You know,” she whispered against the shell of his ear, “they say that sunflowers track the sun all throughout the day.”
“Oh, really?” Dean smirked, taking her lips in his own. She was wonderful, really. Too wonderful. Wonderful enough that Dean thought about confessing everything to her. Cassie would understand. She was clever and understanding. Hell, maybe she’d even accept him.
It was too bad, then, that when Dean told her what he did—what he was—that she didn’t believe him. Dean wouldn’t have believed himself either. Walking away with his keys in his hand and his heart at his feet, Dean wondered if this is what it would always feel like. If he would always have to walk away from the place his heart was trying to make into a home. Maybe it was something about being a sunflower. Always tracking the sun throughout the day.
Too bad Dean couldn’t find the damn sunlight.
“Dude, look!” Dean grinned during another part of his life, pointing at some old lady’s front garden full of Taiyos. “It’s like Shrek.” He teased his brother, elbowing Sam who only rolled his eyes in return.
“Shrek? Really?” Sam scoffed. “How old were you when that even happened?”
Dean huffed a laugh. “What? You’re telling me you didn’t go watch the cinematic masterpiece known as Shrek with all of your college buddies?”
Sam rolled his eyes again, huffing with a shrug of his shoulders. “Sure, Dean. And then we watched Holiday in the Sun right after, too.”
“Never took you for a Mary-Kate and Ashley fan, Sammy.” Dean grinned, watching the sunflowers swaying in the breeze from the corner of his eye.
They looked peaceful in the witness’ front yard. Untouched by the grueling werewolf that was lurking through the small town. Dean could hear Sam’s sharp inhale from beside him.
“I always thought sunflowers were… homey,” Sam confessed, watching the sunflowers dance with a furrowed brow.
Shooting Sam a crooked grin, Dean stepped forward toward the sunflowers but he didn’t dare touch them. “I’m not surprised,” he began. “Mom used to grow them. She started taking you out into the garden as soon as you stopped crying all the time.”
Sam was silent for a moment, causing Dean to look at him with concern. It wasn’t often that Sam was quiet, but when he was it was always a contemplative silence. “I didn’t know that.” He spoke softly.
“You wouldn’t have remembered.” Dean shrugged, stepping onto the witness’ walkway to begin making their way up to the door. “These are a bit taller than hers were. But then again, everything seemed taller then.”
There was another moment of contemplative silence, but it seemed Sam had nothing left to say. He knocked on the witness’ door, taking care not to meet Dean’s eye. Dean wondered what that meant. Wondered if Sam felt the same way when he saw sunflowers.
Then again, Sam had always been larger than life. Tall and proud.
When Dean was on the aching side of forty, he watched Castiel hold their four-year-old son to the blooming sunflowers he kept in the backyard. Cas had been enchanted by the Little Beckas when he had seen them. While they might not have been the tallest—or the smallest—of sunflowers, he had thought they were lovely. Dean had made a quip about their halo and bought Cas seeds the same day.
Watching Cas and Jack reminded Dean of being four and trying to see what color the sun was. It was blinding, something he felt he should look away from lest it hurt him. But he found that he couldn’t look away. He didn’t want to. He just wanted to watch Cas answer every question Jack had.
He was beautiful, Dean often thought, but especially in moments like these. The cuffs of his jeans were muddied and his bare feet were buried in the soil where he sat with Jack in his lap. Dean hated how Cas refused to wear shoes outside, but he had claimed to like being closer to the Earth. Dean couldn’t argue with him. He wouldn’t argue with him; not for what made him happy.
Cas turned to look at him, catching his gaze and drawing him closer with just a look. Dean moved without hesitation, standing beside Cas and kicking at his knee with his booted foot. His approach drew Jack’s attention away from the flowers, who clapped excitedly the closer he got.
“Whaddya think, Jack? Do you like the colors?” Dean hummed, watching Jack’s gummy smile as the kid waved up at him.
“Daddy says that sunflowers face East!” He pointed enthusiastically, laughing and reaching for the blooms in front of him.
Dean frowned, looking from Cas to the flowers. “I thought sunflowers rotated with the sun or whatever.”
Cas hummed, tilting his head with a nod. “They do, in their youth.” He pressed a kiss to the top of Jack’s head. “But when they mature, the sunflowers learn that they get the most light during the morning hours when the sun has just risen from the East.” Bouncing Jack momentarily and causing the boy to giggle, Cas turned to face Dean. “They just learn what’s healthiest for them. It just takes time.”
Inhaling sharply, Dean wondered if this was it. If this was his East. Watching a smiling Jack and Cas whispering about sunflowers that—while not the tallest or the smallest—were a halo of colors. Two colors that came together, that never faded, that bloomed to life in this tiny garden he called home. He was a dark heart and a bright halo, smiling toward the bright, white sunlight of a gummy smile and clapping hands.
With a grunt, Dean lowered himself to the soil, sitting beside Cas and wrapping his arm around Cas’ shoulder. “These little guys are pollen-less,” he spoke to Jack. “That’s why we got the honeysuckles.”
“Honeysuckles stand for devotion.” Cas’ voice rumbled gently. “In the ancient Celtic alphabet, the symbol that the Ogham carved into stone to represent the honeysuckle stood for following one’s path.”
Dean snorted a laugh, shaking his head. “Sort of counterintuitive. Since, yanno, Free Will.” He quipped, raising a curious brow toward Cas.
Bowing his head in concession, Cas continued. “Yes, that is true. The Druids meant it more like… trusting one’s gut. Rather than sticking to the story.” He grinned, rocking with Jack in his arms for a moment. “But the honeysuckle is rather hard to kill. That is why it means everlasting devotion.”
“Deaths don’t stick, huh?” Dean hummed, squeezing Cas closer into his side. “Sounds like someone I know.”
Cas exhaled a laugh, resting his head atop Jack’s. “The Chinese valued the honeysuckle for its healing properties. It can be a cooling herb to remove toxins.”
Dean pressed a kiss to Cas’ cheek, keeping his lips there for a moment longer before pulling away. “Even if the honeysuckle can’t heal ‘em, the sunflowers like the company anyway.” He smiled softly, watching as Cas’ eyes turned dewy toward him. “And ‘sides, the honeysuckle brings all the bees to the yard.”
Snorting laughter that Jack joined in without knowing the cause, Cas shook his head. “I suppose so.” His attempt to suppress a smile made Dean’s own grin widen. “But the sunflower is more than enough company.”
“Damn straight,” Dean whispered against Cas’ lips, kissing him slowly and savoring the moment.
Between them, Jack made exaggerated kissy faces, causing them to pull apart and watch him with amusement. He grinned, reaching up and holding Dean and Cas’ cheeks in his palms.
“Daddy and Poppa sittin’ in a tree!” Jack sang, giggling as he smushed their heads together.
Mocking a frown, Dean held his other hand out behind Jack’s back. His palm felt so large in comparison to how small Jack was. “Did Uncle Sam teach you that?”
“Yup!” Jack nodded enthusiastically, head bobbing as he continued to hum the song under his breath.
Cas gave another chuckle under his breath, looking from Jack to Dean. “I suppose we should head inside. We're still expecting Sam and Eileen for lunch.”
Dean stood with a groan as his knees ached. He reached out a hand to help Cas and Jack up, standing tall with his family in their little garden. Keeping their fingers intertwined, Dean didn’t have to think about the sunflowers they left behind.
They would be there as long as the sun was in the East.
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hello-mojo · 3 years
[Ok so the following is a story, (Rise Above This was was a working title) I was working on this completely on my own and I was quite excited about it. I actually had tried to plot out the progression and main plot points, and a few other notes for things I needed to look up and research to mesh the timelines a bit better. I hadn't gotten around to it though and now... well I don't know if I'll ever bring myself to write fanfiction anymore. I loved this story premise though and had such Hope's for it... ah well. The first chapter was completed but there was supposed to be so much more.. Frances having accidental magic and then getting sick and Healer Harry to save her... ah well. If you like the fic let me know, if you want to adopt it, comment.
Oh one other thing... not all the songs are actually nirvana songs, there's a pearl jam song used too but I was looking for songs in the right genre that seemed to work for the plot. It's all fair in fanfic right?
Anyhooty... I doubt I'll post the stories that were completed on my main profile as I orphaned them and they can still be viewedon archive just look up my old. Penname CagedNTorn.
For unfinished stuff I had oh let's see... 3 different charlie/Draco fics I was working on, one that was all but complete... I had a draco/spike crossover fic, plus there was the sailormooon/Harry Potter crossover... that was actually a Drarry fic too, there were a bunch of things that I'll likely never finish. So I'll post them by and by.
Do let me know if there's a better place to post the plot bunnies that are up for grabs.
Now I've blathered enough so here's the first chapter of Rise that can be adopted if someone is interested in finishing it.]
Rise Above This
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Draco was backstage at the place he was playing that night.  He sat tuning his guitar wearing ripped jeans and a white long sleeve thermal t-shirt with thumb holes burnt in and also a mohair sweater he was particularly comfortable in.   Western Washington state was wet and cold pretty much all the time.  
This didn't really bother the English man though as England had similar weather.   He'd grown his hair out and had it cut shaggy and it hung in his eyes perpetually now but he didn't care.  It drove his mother nuts whenever she came to visit.  
Narcissa still hadn't quite gotten the hang of blending in with muggles but she was getting better.   She was sitting nearby chattering about her trip to France.   She was wearing faded bluejeans and a fitted corset top that she'd bought in paris.  She also had a posh cashmere sweater on where most of the kids were wearing flannel and converse sneakers, just like Draco. 
She had her long blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail.   Draco smiled at her as she nattered-on about wines and the latest runway fashions.  At least he still had her.  Pansy was floating around somewhere too, probably flirting with someone.   
"I just don't understand why you have to look so scruffy though darling.   You have such a lovely face!  Can't you at least comb your hair back?"  Narcissa was saying.   Draco rolled his eyes at her but gave her a shit-eating grin.  
"Because I like looking scruffy.  It pisses off the establishment.  Even if it didn't, I'd still do it.  Hiding myself away is comfortable."  Draco said, handing his guitar to a stagehand.  
"Besides, this grungy war refugee look suits him.  He's ridiculously hot."  Pansy stated with a grin as she sidled up to accompany Narcissa out front to watch the show.  Draco could already hear the crowd cheering as the lights went down.  Draco and the 2 other blokes, 1 squib and one muggleborn, all cast outs of the wizarding world lined up off stage.   They formed a circle and everyone put a hand in and they shook them, clapped and cried out their chant.    
"Music and ass, gas or grass.  We're here for a good time, not here for a long time.   Lets do this!"  Draco led the chant the guys all cheered and then took the stage.  Dave went first and started a drum beat, Krist was next and began the base-line.  Then Draco, carrying his electric guitar, went to the mic.  He never looked at the audience.   He wasn't here for them,  not really.  He was here for himself.   Because he had something to say.  Even if no one really understood him or interpreted his messages clearly.  
"Come as you are, as you were
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend
As an old enemy
Take your time, hurry up
Choice is yours, don't be late
Take a rest as a friend
As an old memoria."   
He strummed the chords and sang the song not really looking at anyone.  He was trying quite unsuccessfully not to think about a certain messy haired brunette.   
After the war he'd had every single door slammed in his face.  Even the most menial of jobs wouldn't hire him.  Potter had kept his word and put in a good word for him and his mother but the blonde on stage really didn't know why he'd bothered.   No one in the Wizarding world wanted him or any other Slytherin around.   Dave was a muggleborn Slytherin in the year below Draco and had also been chased out.  
"Take your time, hurry up
Choice is yours, don't be late
Take a rest as a friend
As an old memory."  
It was hard not to think of Potter when he sang this song because it was about him, at least mostly.  There was always a thinly veiled anti establishment opinion mixed in. The fans loved it though and he didn't really mind.  It’s not like Harry would ever show up and hear it.  He was too busy still saving the world,  having babies and whatever else it was that heros did.  Not Draco.  His long shaggy hair hung in his face as he sang the chorus, and shook his head.  Just one word.  Memory.   His best and worst thing.  His respite and the source of his nightmares.  
He finished off the song and they hit a heavy chord progression into the next song.  
"Load up on guns, bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over bored and self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word"  
The kids surged forward jumping up and down and shaking their heads as they raised their fists in the air and sang along.  
Draco had worked with Dave to put his thoughts on the war into muggle terms.  He thought they'd done pretty good honestly.  Even if they hadn't,  the teenagers in Seattle and California couldn't get enough.   He screamed the chorus and the kids screamed it with him.  
"With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
Yeah, hey, yay"  
Five years ago Draco had left the wizarding world and his mother behind.  Narcissa was more than able to take care of herself.   Draco wasn't concerned about her in that respect.   His father had been a lot of things but stupid had never been one of them.  Misguided certainly,  but not stupid.   
Luscious had moved money around in various accounts all over the world.  He'd taken Draco with him on nearly all of his business trips.  Draco had had many private tutors growing up and could speak French, English, Russian and German fluently.  He could read in several languages.  His father had insisted.  Draco learned to balance a ledger when most kids were learning to ride a bicycle.   
When the ministry had seized their accounts in Gringotts,  they hadn't even seized a tenth of the true fortune.   Draco hadn't needed to work.  He'd wanted to.  However no one would let him.  So he'd packed a duffle bag of casual clothes,  taken his muggle id and cards and left for America.  He'd covered his accent fairly well he thought, and if he came off sounding like a stoned southerner at times… no one pointed it out.  
He met Dave hanging around kings cross station panhandling.   The two 18 year olds decided to strike out together.   Draco and Dave were sitting together at some boardwalk in Seattle, Washington when Draco flipped his skateboard and saw a kid playing guitar near-by.   He'd been hooked from the first chord.  He'd bought them instruments and they taught themselves to play.  
"I think you'll all know this next one."  
Draco hit the distinctive chords and the kids in the audience squealed with delight.  This was more personal,  more singing than the growly screaming.   More about his feelings than anything else.   He hid in his hair not seeing anyone.   In his mind he tried to be back in that skatepark with scraped knees, just him and Dave.  
"What else should I be?
All apologies
What else should I say?
Everyone is gay
What else should I write?
I don't have the right
What else should I be?
All apologies."
He sang the words not looking at his mother, not caring about her reaction to that statement.   He'd forgotten she hadn’t heard this particular song before.   Well she had to find out sooner or later he supposed.   
"I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
Aqua seafoam shame
Sunburn, freezer burn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy."  
Draco finished the song and the kids were crying out various songs they wanted to hear while cheering and clapping.  Draco loved it.  He lived for it.  They only had one more song to play.  It would end the show on a high note before the next band took the stage.  The next song he was about to play was about a lot of things.  Various parts of the war, Tom Riddles beginnings, the discrimination in the Wizarding world,  his own parents a bit.   In hindsight, Draco realized that he likely should have adjusted the set list a bit when he'd found out his mother was coming to the show.  'Too late to do anything about it now.' He thought to himself.   Maybe they'd finally have a real conversation for a change.  He set his guitar in a stand nearby and took a deep breath.  
"At home
Drawing pictures
Of mountain tops
With him on top
Lemon yellow sun
Arms raised in a V
And the dead lay in pools of maroon below."  
He shook his head, hiding in his hair and not seeing anyone.   Only Dave and Krist, only his guitar.   The kids screamed and jumped and sang along.  Draco thrashed around stage with them, just the microphone cord wrapped around his hand.  
"Daddy didn't give attention
Oh, to the fact that mommy didn't care
King Tommy the Wicked
Ruled his world
Tommy spoke in class today
Tommy spoke in class today" 
The guys backed him up intermittently on the chorus and the base thumped throughout the song, a steady heartbeat.  Draco couldn’t let himself worry about hurting his mother's feelings.   He sang what he needed to say.  He knew nothing was ever simple.  There were at least two sides to every story and a variety of contributing factors.   
"Clearly I remember
Pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little fuck
But we unleashed a snake
Gnashed his teeth
And bit the recess lady's breast."
Draco knew the words painted a vivid picture.   He didn't care.   Maybe people would learn that bullying others for shit beyond their control was stupid and had far reaching consequences.   There were certainly a few chapters in his story that he'd like to rewrite.   
"How could I forget
And he hit me with a surprise left
My jaw left hurting
Dropped wide open
Just like the day
Oh, like the day I heard."  
There was no possible way he could make up for some of the shit he'd done.  He knew that.  He tried to just pass on the lessons.  Hoping that if he could even reach just one person,  it'd be worth it.  Exile in the muggle world.  They weren't so bad really.   Their fashions were quite fun, and much more functional than robes.  He missed making potions, doing magic.  It was a particular skill set that he was good at.  There was no place in the muggle world for magic.  He had to be even more careful now that they were getting really famous.   People were always watching him.  Hiding in the bushes, trying to sneak into his hotel room, everyone wanted pictures of him to sell to the press.  He couldn't risk anyone seeing him perform magic.  He did little things like casting stasis charms or heating up a hot beverage,  or casting a cooling charm on himself and the guy's.  He knew his mind was spiraling away from the uncomfortable conversation with his mother that he was anticipating after this.  
"Daddy didn't give affection, no!
And the boy was something that mommy wouldn't wear
King Tommy The Wicked
Ruled his world
Try to erase this (try to erase this)
From the blackboard." 
He knew his parents had loved him.  They had been very cold, and reserved in all things though.  His mother could be formidable when she wanted to be and his father was doting yet terrifying.   That was something about Tom Riddle's life that Draco had been able to understand.   Feeling alone, as if no one cared, no one understood you.  He knew how cruel kids could be,  because he had been the one leading the mockery in his day.  
He'd never once thought about what it might feel like on the other side of it.  Until he'd been on the receiving end of such mockery, ridicule and unfairness did he begin to re-think his actions as a snotty young man.  The crowd was going wild.  
Draco stood as the lights came up and he bowed with the guys.  They all smiled and waved to their fans.   Off stage, he saw his mother standing with Pansy.  Narcissa looked a mixture of hurt, worried and angry.  A reporter from MTV was there, shoving a microphone in his face.  Draco smiled his small smile,  just a turning up of the corners of his mouth really.   He answered all of the questions asked in a rare and rather lengthy interview,  glad for the temporary reprieve from his mother for the moment.   
Out of the corner of his eye he saw a familiar set of green eyes and messy black hair, accompanied by none other than Hermione Granger and a regular. Analese Taylor was no stranger to Draco. She had been a fan since the band's boardwalk skate park days. Now that they were famous, she was their number one fan. The way Granger was clutching her arms, the strong resemblance between the two women, Draco could slap himself for not realizing what was so familiar about the girl. She had to be related to Granger, no other explanation.
Before he could really panic about the three familiar faces another familiar set of arms was thrown around his knees and a very delighted
"Daddy!" Rang through the room as his daughter Frances threw her arms around him. Draco glanced around for his soon to be ex wife. He spotted her nearby with arms crossed, looking furious. He sighed deeply as he scooped his daughter into his arms. The child was his whole world outside of his music. Draco glanced back towards Potter and Granger as his wife stormed over as the press and other onlookers were cleared out by Pansy.
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createdbyinvisibles · 4 years
The Chronicles of a bookworm ninja
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Word count:  2829
An episodic series of chapters telling the odd tale of Rin Kikumoto, the last political book carrier and her misadventures in becoming a ninja.
If you’re curious about what the Kikumoto clan is exactly then this bio here should explain everything.
    Rin Kikumoto lived an utterly peculiar existence, she was the type of person to spontaneously do things for the sake of quick and short excitement. As well as the kind of person to just always be around asking questions, a kid, nine years old to be exact, should never be wondering. Living on the only standing house in the crumbled compound of the now-disbanded Kikumoto clan, you could say it was an odd house for an odd girl. But now this odd girl would be attending her first day at the ninja academy, something her older brother was solemnly against. He simply hated the mere thought of having his sister be a part of what he thought to be "another pawn of the military complex." 
But it would get her out of the house, and she argued it would do her more good than the negatives that came with it. She'd have to start late, however, since she was already nine and the rest of the classmates have been at the academy since age six, but she was a fast learner, well... She had to be. The reason being was the very same reason she was well odd, she was what the village called a political book carrier. The position was one of knowledgeable importance, as it was an old position, and it even went back to the first Hokage, this position was one of four now-disbanded positions the Kikumoto clan occupied. 
A position that detailed the tasks of carrying knowledge, secret knowledge, the kind of knowledge that was best left to be forgotten. And Rin had to carry all of it, libraries worth of secrets and information of all types to be stored away within the depths of a large sketchbook. To be sealed by the strength of her soul, to be remembered but never talked about again. For even if she wished to forget the village needed someone to remember, for what if the Hokage required information? If she never remembered then, the Hokage surely wouldn't, and the village would suffer. So cursed with the seal mark of the black chrysanthemum, she for the rest of her life would bear the knowledge of the village by sealing it in the book that was her soul. 
But it didn't matter now, for, with jello-like legs, she stared at the oddly shaped building looming in front of her. As she felt her muscles tense up, it made her realize that she was about to enter an environment in which she could socialize with others. Other people who weren't her brother and other people who all had differing opinions, opinions as well as feelings different from her own, something her brother said was the bane of their existence. But if she was to learn how to understand others and become friends with any of them well, she'd have to try. So with reluctant steps, she walked forward into the building that would become the start of a life she couldn't even begin to think, she'd have. 
"Alright class, today we have a new student who will be joining us..." Iruka Sensei now told the class, to the response of nods and a couple murmurs for who this newcomer could possibly be.
"Excuse me, but you're going to have to enter the classroom first," Iruka Sensei said gently motioning for her to step through the door, so lost in her thought that she forgot to enter the classroom entirely. But with cold feet, she stepped into the classroom, there were a lot of people, too many people. All of which stared down to her on high wooden benches that made everything seem so much more intimidating. "Alright, why don't you tell the class your name?" Iruka Sensei suggested with a smile, and with a nod, Rin complied.
I could walk into that classroom with an identity entirely different to my own, and no one could tell, I'll just say I'm so-so, and everyone will just believe me, and I'll have to live a lie for the rest of my life. Rin gripped her book, a book she should have kept in her back pocket, for the book not only carried libraries of information but her soul as well. But at times like these, it always seemed to calm her down when she held her book close.
"Is there anything you would like to say about yourself? A favourite colour perhaps?" Iruka Sensei suggested yet again breaking her train of thought, for little did she know as all this thinking was going on, she merely stood statue-like.
"Greetings or salutations, my name is Rin Kikumoto…" Rin said with her voice surprisingly steady. Look at the faces, study each one, remember what brother said, everyone feels something and all of it can be displayed on their faces. Perhaps someone is just as nervous as me? I know practically every dark secret in this village, something like this shouldn't scare me at all! It shouldn't scare me at all… Even if everything about this is new and new is a change and change is well, uncomfortable. Rin's obsidian coloured eyes darted back and forth, it made her eyes look like two little kaleidoscopes that seemed to draw you in by pure curiosity. She didn't find anyone, in particular, that was nervous, all except one girl, and she looked plain antsy with her blank pupilless purple eyes, eyes that were the mark of the Hyuga clan. 
Ironically she would have preferred world stumping mind bogglers, she was used to those, her brother would always give her one every week, and at the end of the week, they'd have a debate over it. Those questions were easier in a way since they were always open-ended and allowed room for an answer longer than a sentence. How was she supposed to form a meaningful opinion with a sentence? 
Favourite colour? Well, white reflects the sun and looks really lovely but it also stains easily, black is beautiful but plain dreadful in the summer, purple is majestic, but it's too expensive. Blue is so basic and red is far too strong, green is different enough to make me seem unusual, but the colour itself reminds me of puke. Grey is dull and brown feels like cheating because it's all the colours just mixed together, orange never looks good on me, and yellow makes my eyes hurt. Pink is sweet, but everyone is probably expecting me to say it and big brother always talks about how we have to break the "stereotypes' ', so it's out of the question. And what if someone in the class is colourblind, then I'll just sound like a jerk regardless! Rin was yet again looking towards the floor, typical softball questions that anyone could try and answer seemed like world stumping mind bogglers for her. 
It was only now that she realized she never answered Iruka Sensei, nor did she say anything at all, the realization of which made her sink slightly into herself. "Can I sit at my desk please," Rin asked awkwardly, re-evaluating my life is more like it.
It was then that she noticed the Uchiha insignia on his back, so he's Sasuke Uchiha the lone survivor of the Uchiha clan, well the personality checks out at least… Peas and carrots. Rin felt bad, Even if his personality made her think less of him. Being a book carrier meant she had to know a lot about this village, even tragedies he'd never know, but it weirdly comforted her. It's easy to understand someone she had records on, easier than having to get the information herself anyway. 
"Of course, there is an empty seat near the back where you can sit," Iruka said motioning towards the only free desk available. I guess I'm already the problem child or at least a timid emo kid, please believe me when I say I'm an entertaining and chill person! Wait, they can't hear me. Rin made her way to the back, it wasn't as bad as she thought it was, just well, really far away from the front. Sitting by the window in the seat next to her, was a cantankerous looking boy with short jet black hair in the shape of a duck's butt. "Guess we'll be desk buddies then," Rin joked offering her hand to shake, and telling by the irritated glare he shot her the joke didn't land.
With the proper information, she could empathize and formulate the best way to converse with the person for the best outcome. Even if in the process of knowing their records and files, it had the potential of making Rin feel guilty. But at the end of the day, she didn't know Sasuke, not enough to really care about him anyway. And by the looks of it, Sasuke would rather the world burn then talk to her, so as long as it stayed that way, Rin would never even worry about the potential guilt she might feel.
The rest of the school day wasn't much of note, she tried to talk to people during the break period, but with everyone in their own cliques, it was a pointless endeavour. She couldn't even sulk on the swingset because some other kid was using it, and she couldn't talk to Sasuke because he was being... Well, a total dill weed. She tried to find the antsy girl she noticed previously, but she looked busy as well, for that same girl was staring at the kid on the swingset. Rin believed it was because she wanted a turn on the swingset as well, but she didn't ask. So she spent her break sitting in the shade sketching the other kids in a smaller plain white sketchbook different to her large floral decorated sketchbook. Her goal was to have drawn and made a personal file for every student in her class since baby steps were required if no one wanted to talk to you.
"Um, excuse me," A shy voice called, and as Rin looked over to see who it is, she was surprised to find the same antsy girl who was watching the swingset from before.
"Yes?" Rin called a little louder than expected, happy that someone approached her at all.
"Well um, I don't mean to be rude or forward or anything, but I couldn't help but ask… You just seem really invested in that drawing and well..." The girl fumbled around with her words, in fact, she fumbled so much you might as well call it a literary train wreck. Wait she's really not making any sense, so that means she's nervous… I was nervous earlier today, and it caused me to be embarrassed… Wait is this empathy? Well, sweet dango on a stick, I'm empathizing! God, empathy feels fantastic! Rin was correct, she really was empathizing, but in the process it caused her to stare at the girl. Which caused the girl to become so nervous she simply excused herself and left, leaving Rin alone yet again. 
Before she knew it, it was the end of the day, so with her book in hand, she left to go home skipping as she went, only stopping when she reached a small ridge to the side of the sidewalk, green grass and little white clovers painting a scene of contentment. Taking a slight detour, Rin began to pick the white clovers, tying them into a crown as she went scrutinizing the ridge for more of the prettiest and most delicate of clovers. "Well don't you have great eyes for flower picking?" A rather confident sounding voice called, Rin looked up from her flowers to find a girl with platinum blonde hair tied into a short ponytail. "I'm Ino by the way, and you must be Rin, right?" Ino said, offering her hand to shake.
"Oh, hello Ino… Wait doesn't your family run the flower shop?" Rin asked excitedly, shaking her hand back, she loved to go there and get flowers every Sunday. 
"That's right, my family runs the Yamanaka flower shop, but enough about me, you were recently given a seat next to Sasuke, right?" Ino asked to which Rin nodded.
"Well you don't really seem to like Sasuke, so I was wondering if you'd want to change seats with me?" Ino asked Rin's confusion.
"Wait, do you like Sasuke?!" Rin exclaimed, surprised to which Ino laughed.
"Yeah, and who doesn't?" Ino asked, and when Rin pointed to herself, Ino laughed "And I'm taller than most of the girls in our class."
"Still it doesn't make sense though, I tried talking to him, and he's well very distant, to say the least," Rin responded, confused to Ino squealing.
"But that's what makes him so cool," Ino gushed.
"Cold is more like it," Rin responded, still confused and even more confused to find Ino irritated.
"Well you're still new, so maybe you just don't understand Sasuke at all," Ino huffed, turning around to leave, forgetting about what she was going to ask Rin in the first place. Rin was still confused, what was there to understand about Sasuke, even without records Rin could feel the hatred steaming off the boy. He was rather one-note in that regard, to curse at the rest of the world is to ignore everything else about it, including the complications that make life a greyish mix of exoticness. But she wasn't one to judge, she didn't have the best first impression either, and telling by everyone's reaction to her, she probably wasn't liked either. So for all, she knew he too had socialization problems and wasn't that why she was here in the first place, to understand others? And how could she understand others by writing them off?
Maybe I don't really know Sasuke all that well either, I mean Ino has been in that class since she was little and I've only just joined... Wait, that's it! To properly understand someone I have to befriend them, I mean to call someone a friend is to understand them. That's what I'll do! And with that, Rin got up determined and marched on with a flower crown in hand.
"I'm home!" Rin called as she took off her shoes to find her brother on a chair near the door. "I made this on my way back home," Rin said, giving him the flower crown she made previously.
"Well, doesn't this look nice on me," Her brother said, gently placing the crown on his head as if it was his own personal coronation and with a thumbs up from Rin he ruffled her hair.
“It was…” Rin trailed off, how was her day? She couldn't really put a finger on how she felt about it. It was different to say the least, but it wasn’t a bad difference going there made her feel like a scientist sent to study a different land from her own. “I’m not sure, but I think I want to go tomorrow,” she did want to go back, even if it was odd but where there was oddity, there was a way to understand it. And that’s what she was here to do.
"Maybe one day, you could come with me to pick the flowers?" Rin suggested, trying her best to ignore the slight grimace in his eyes, her brother hated leaving the house. Something he hadn't done since she was six, after that he just came home one day and never left. 
“When the flowers grow in the backyard, we can pick them together,” He suggested a small smile on his face, that was enough for Rin, it was her first day of school and she was simply too tired to get into yet another argument. “How was your day at school?” He asked carefully, Rin found him studying her face, a habit her brother always had when he felt Rin wouldn't tell him the whole story.
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