#I don't WANNA get rid of all my shit and be homeless I wanna WRITE
kagedbird · 10 months
Okay okay I gotta get some house shit done before I continue on for the next 8 hours (when I really should be sleeping) so enjoy that last one for a bit and I will continue later~
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bambi-slxt · 5 months
Would you be open to writing Chris/Matt X Nonbinary Reader headcanon?
of course, my love, thank you for the req 🤍
✨a concept✨
includes usage of pet names that are gender-neutral in my opinion
coming out -
chris: "you guys have the best flag colors, honestly. don't tell nick i said that, he'll kill me."
matt: "they/them? cool, mine are he/him, wanna go get ice cream?"
pride parade -
chris: "all of these pins are gonna look so cool on my backpack, holy shit, these go so hard."
pride parade with matt: "i told you to put on more sunscreen, that's probably why you're burning. no pride stickers until you put it on."
meeting the parents -
chris: "as long as you let him talk about golf, Jimmy's gonna love you. don't be nervous, i got you." very wet forehead kiss
matt: "okay so there's something you have to know about Mary Lou, right..."-deep sigh-"she's gonna make you a casserole. yeah. yeah like- yeah like a whole, a Whole Ass Casserole to take home. and she'll call me. and ask if you liked it. you're not allergic to anything right?"
hanging out with justin and the boys -
chris: "he may seriously rock your shit at cards so if you wanna play with me you can. no, i'm not bad at cards. i'm not cheating! what is this slander against me?" chris is very bad at cards and is trying very hard to cheat his way to victory.
matt: "you've never played Super Smash Bros? nah, i'll teach you. don't want you to worry about learning it tomorrow instead of having fun with everybody, come here. okay so first you pick your character...yeah it kinda matters but i'll start you off with Kirby, he's pretty easy...yes you can be the purple one."-kisses your cheek-"you're so adorable."
chris: "how other people feel about how you express yourself literally doesn't matter. they can go sit bare-assed on a lego. i think you look cool as shit and my opinion is the only good one, so." he's very proud of himself, but he does genuinely care about you and how you feel. if he could get rid of your doubts about how you style yourself, he would.
matt: "listen, my entire goal when i get dressed in the morning is to look homeless. i promise you, the people who matter won't give a flying fuck."
spicy time -
chris: "biologically, you've got one of the two set-ups, and i'm experienced in both,"-wiggling eyebrows-"so you're in good hands."
matt: "you experiment however you want, sweetheart. i'm here to learn how you like it."
aftercare -
chris: "blankets for you, water...you want juice? sure baby, i'll get you juice," he chuckles, kissing your cheek before heading to the kitchen, leaving you snug under his fluffiest blanket.
matt: "come on, shower time. nope, let's go. i know it's warm but we gotta...okay, you get five more minutes, and then shower."
dear anon,
hope you liked this! i'm not nonbinary myself, though a dear friend is, and in this post, i've used pet names and honorifics that i know for a fact they're comfortable with, and i hope none of these were off-putting to you.
thank you!
- bambi <3
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 29 days
Okay uhhh big 'thoughts and ramblings' dump for the entirety of chapter 1 and and very early chapter 2! Random tidbits and pondering Majima. I'll put Akiyama in a petri dish and study him in another post tomorrow, it's literally 00:35 as I'm writing this and I wanna be coherent for that one.
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I'm sad they got rid of these adjectives before the item names. I got a "creepy tauriner" before this and it gave me a lil' giggle. What was done to it for it to be creepy? Who knows! It's a small thing, but it's a source of amusement for me.
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I might be wrong, but... I get the feeling that this man has a widespread, dedicated and horny feral fanbase. Idk. Just a hunch.
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I thought we were getting 'Ten years in the joint 2: electric boogaloo' for a second. Thankfully Hana (THE GOAT THE MVP THE LEGEND HERSELF) saved the day.
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Also idk who this man is exactly but he's cute so I think he's gonna be nice and cool and I will love him. Maybe he's Akiyama's Date? He seems fun. I like the look in his eyes. I wanna trust him.
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Oh. THANKS FOR THE REMINDER AND RE-BREAKING MY HEART I GUESS??? Nah but seriously. Did Nishiki really indirectly save this man from homelessness and help him rebuild? Incredible. RIP King.
I did NOT miss the names "Shibata" and "Ueno" being thrown around. I've watched enough Y0 playthroughs to remember them. So... are we finally getting the backstory on the whole thing that cost Majima his eye? ARE GETTING THE SAEJIMA COMEBACK???
Okay I'm probably getting too hyped, they might give the backstory now and bring Saejima back in 5 or 6. He WILL be back, I feel it in my bones! they wouldn't foreshadow it in Y0 if not!! But like... no way they don't give us the tea now.
On the topic of Majima: KAMUROCHO HILLS IS BACK, BABY!! Good for Majima!! I wonder if it's actually Majima and co. featuring Google who's building it or if it's an actual team of pros working under the Majima family. I wouldn't mind seeing the Kiwami 2 design come back, I'm very fond of it🥺
It tickles my brain in a weird way that Majima has actually had more of a presence in the game than Kiryu this far and we're getting Shibata and Ueno stuff. Is this gonna be like... the Majima Game™? Do I dare hope?
I don't see how Kiryu would fit in the equation based on the story this far. But he's very much at the forefront or the cover art, so I'm certain he'll find his role in the game sooner or later. I have faith in the writers. It's just that this far his presence doesn't feel needed. But, then again, I'm in the EARLY-early game.
Also HANA DESERVES THE WORLD. She deserves a raise, she deserves a long vacation, she deserves praise, a healthy amount of sleep and all the good things in this world. We stan Hana in this blog.
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codyh412 · 6 years
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My pen pal Taylor and I understand the pain humanity has gone through with drugs. There's a reason why they are illegal, and it's to prevent people from finding God or Love. I was first homeless at 19, where I stayed at a shelter for 2 years studying the Bible. I ended up avoiding prison by staying off heroin at this Church but got 9 months of jail with 3 years of probation. In 2015 I got off but violated twice so I ended up doing 8 months of county on top of the 9 I already did. The rest of the time was pretty much in rehab cause I kept using heroin. I've ODed, sold to people who died, one guy fell asleep with a ciggarette and burnt his mom's house down, I got my first class 2 felony for Narcotic sales when I was 17. Today I'm on probation for Arson of an Occupied Structure class 2 dangerous felony. Went to prison for a year cause of paraphernalia #323959 is my number. But despite all of this, I still use drugs and finally managed to get a higher Dimensional spirit give me the 7fold Spirit of Karma and Luck. Now look at the life I live? I'm a Mystic who teaches women how to get a spirit guide and become a medium with the help of meth and heroin. Your tolerance to the drugs will not increase from this, that first hit stays the first hit and lasts an extremely long time. It's because your brain gets rewired as we get high and I teach you the secrets while showing you love and empathy. It's amazing how a lot of women notice they use less and less as the knowledge gets them just as high with one hit. Don't believe me? That's fine we will let the foolish be themselves but some people are really struggling and need this so don't put me down because I don't get anything out of this, in fact I even pay for the drugs. Well actually I do get happiness when I see these women succeed. They are all extremely beautiful and also way more wise than you think. Also they are psychic mediums so if you lust after these women you will never get one to marry you let alone sleep with you lololol. It's so fucked up I know guys, I get plenty of Karma from my own Spirit guide for looking at busty women. How could you not though??? Someone else will figure it out and teach us, I'm only here to turn addiction into Cosmic Connection whether it's chemical, perfection, gambling, self harm, hurting others behind a computer screen, Selfishness, sex, technology, and whatever else we distract ourselves constantly with instead of using it for Spirituality and Wisdom.
The South Atlantic Anomoly is gonna cause the poles to reverse soon. The north and south pole will end up on the Equator while the Earth floods. And of course all the animals migrate to the new North Pole (like Noah's time) and Vladmir Putin claimed this block of ice that will be over the land as well, do your research people. There's a reason why Angels have come to Earth, I'm actually a Demon and an Angel, I communicate with both. Psychic abilities are gray magic through the 5th element Ether.
I'm a really caring and compassionate person for you all, so it's sad that I've been so disrespected and put down for being different and saying things that others can't comprehend. No I'm not in a psychosis or have schizophernia, and I proved this to my probation officer as well as my family and friends from rehab. Multiple SMI evaluations and x-rays plus MRI's I think it was? They scanned my brain while playing high pitched sounds to notice how my brain processed a sound I shouldn't be able to hear. I proved telepathy to be real to one of the counselors giving me my SMI evaluation. She didn't believe I actually heard a spirit give me the answer but oh well. Anyways I still couldn't get diagnosed with anything, no ADD, Bi polar, PTSD, Psychosis, and the thing is that they can't find what's wrong with my head. Maybe they never will cause there is nothing wrong.
Right now I'm all alone trying my hardest to teach my friends in jail or prison but it's hard for me because I'm all alone. Taylor doesn't get out till September, and the other females have years :/
This is just a blog for the end of war on drugs here in Arizona. And the blessing of the addicts into Demi God's like myself because Man who can rid himself of negative human emotions and thoughts will let in a Spiritual Energy that will rebuild the brain to Ascend Man. The person has become one with the Divine Spirit as that Spirit becomes one with the Flesh.
A Mystic or Magician is born. Mystics do miracles while magicians do magic. The Bible says do not practice dark arts so good thing my art is Gray and Light magic lol.
We had to live in all this darkness for so long, doing this means we can learn from the pain we went through.
Ecc. 2 something I don't remember but it says something like Having more sorrow leads to more knowledge, Pain equals Wisdom.
When Taylor and I write our own book for addicts of all kind to take home after our Mystic Drug Therapy sessions we will make sure to have the proper facts.
unless we strongly advise that our edit to it is actually the correct writing.
Until then I'm looking for women here in Payson AZ that want to give it a chance. It's just my mother and I up here and she just got out of prison so she had no where to stay but with me. Anyone who realizes how much they can help me will get so much Luck and appreciation from the sevenfold Spirit. I can't do this alone, I've only been able to make my own life one that flourishes now.
The red box is my heroin nectar collector, I stashed my meth in there. I smoked the dope off foil to show the different qualities I was getting. When you're a good person and always pay your debts your dealer will front you quads when you're struggling. And getting out of prison makes you broke as shit so I had to do that. Shitty thing is all the dirtbags keep you from the good people so the money doesn't go far. So fuck it, if you're a hot chick and need to get high then it will cost you. Nothing material, it will cost your old way of life and the belief that you are better than what society tells you. Once again though you ladies realize how hard it is to prove I'm legit all by myself? My family and especially my probation officer don't want me teaching this shit LOL.
Even if we video chat and smoke together that's better than nothing right? Gotta start somewhere and I bet my clouds for God will be bigger and more dense!!
No one said this would be easy but it is the apocalypse and I'm the Demi God of War (on drugs). We can't rid the world of drugs but we can rid our minds of ego, selfishness, sexual unsatisfaction, and lots of other negative ways of thinking. So that addiction does not exist in the mind but Divine connection instead.
I'm not perfect either btw, far from it. I love learning cool hobbies and organization skills from my female friends. Oh and of course the sex is awesome for us lol.
My name? Dakota Sparrow Humphreys
Spirits names Ether, Yougan, Jesza, Rainie, Maysee, Michael, Trayuls.
They are karma and luck spirits and wish you all good luck when shit hits the fan. Allowing them to help you will get us all closer to Heaven.
Even a simple comment made on here or in your head can be acknowledged. Don't believe in God or my Spirits but believe in my cause? I will be your Higher Power of Consciousness and mine will be our Highest Power of Consciousness. One that is infinite as the Universe expands and Almighty. You will have to seriously question me and understand so that you don't worship a false idol or false prophet or a magician.
Can't handle your shit? Well neither can I and I'm doing just fine
so it's time you figured it out, you don't wanna learn this shit in a dark realm of existence do you? It takes for fucking ever without our help, thousands of years in hell to get into Heaven and can't use anything materialistic? Or drugs, making love, art, music and instruments, gel pens and HBO go for less than a year for the same results and access to Heaven. Also you get to survive through the apocalypse while we all are given drugs and have a good end times.
Don't believe me? Hahah can you prove or disprove me? I've already proved myself to the people I care for, because they gave me the chance to care for them. You get it?
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