#I don’t usually share pics of myself often because I hate that I am fat and I don’t like how it shows on my body
spookyheaad · 1 year
I’ve been away for a bit! Had an AMAZING time yesterday at the convention I went to! And I met Hayden Christensen, Anakin Skywalker himself, and I was a mess about it LMAOO
It’s definitely something I’m going to remember for the rest of my life due to how Star Wars has been with me since I was a little girl. Revenge of the Sith was my first exposure to SW, so I grew up with Hayden being Anakin.
I wrote him a thank you letter, for playing the role, and showing him support because a lot of ppl I’ve seen in the SW community, especially prequel haters, treated him like shit for YEARS, and up until last year when he was in the Kenobi mini series did people finally start to praise his performance as Anakin/Vader. That’s weak shit, I’ve been here since I was seven, loving his performance.
I also gave him a drawing of Darth Vader, because I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give him a gift!
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I added a few extra highlights, but of course I forgot to take a final picture like a moron. This was nearly finished though. When I got his autograph and handed him his gifts I tried to explain but my brain just short circuited, and I just said it’s a thank you for all you’ve done, and I started to tear up. He said I was really sweet and I almost died further LMAOO
He’s insurmountably kind and humble, and he deserves nothing but love for the magic he’s given us in his work in the SW universe, both past & upcoming.
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The pic came out great but I AM SO CRINGE, after the pic I wanted to shake his hand and turned back but he had moved on to the next person so I turned back & just left like 😬😬😬
I am so deeply awkward, I apologized to his bodyguard too. Why? Idk I was frazzled for eight whole hours so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I quietly cried happy tears on the way home with my friend & parents as I watched revenge of the sith on my phone.
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