#I don’t usually do posts like this. but simsiejdiiddj
salty-an-disco · 7 months
I feel like I’ve seen way too many posts about how Shifty is way too unmoving and arrogant in her position during the final battle, even saying she’s dismissive, and guys guys– in the gentlest way possible:
That’s the entire point.
Conflict is in your nature, the both of you pushing and pulling against each other. If she was calm, and understanding, you’d both stay unmoving and unchanging, and that’s just not in your nature.
She pushes, so that you’ll push back, so that new avenues of experience can be born, so that the both of you can keep changing each other. Change doesn’t come without conflict and push back, so of course she’s going to push against you, that’s simply in her nature.
Shifting Mound is always going to be relentless, and the Long Quiet is the only one who can answer in kind and push against her. That’s just how their dance go. The question is on whether you want to join her on it as two beings too larger to be comprehensible to anyone but each other, or if you’d rather be something smaller but easier to comprehend.
There are no wrong choices. Only new beginnings, and fresh perspectives.
This is a love story.
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