#I don’t typically approach people to talk much <- severe anxiety haver
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redhotarsenic · 1 year ago
I'm sorry if this comes off as rude, but genuine question: if you like the wolfwood cosplayer that much why don't you talk to him normally as you do with your other mutuals? Isn't it wayy more weird to talk about him like this on your blog knowing that he follows you and can see your posts (which you also find a bit embarassing if i got it right lol). It just feels a bit weird to me, if you dont want to be perceived by him you could talk abt him like this in dms with your mutuals, without making public posts? Idk i really don't understand all this fuss, and i also think i'd be a bit weirded out if i found out that ppl are talking about me like this publicly on their blog
Nah you aren’t being rude I prommy also brain is a tad scrambled right now and I can’t concentrate too well (a bit sleepy) so I’ll break it down into a list so I can try to get things goin as best as I can:
1. He is not on tumblr At All besides on wednesday and I have no other social media nor do I want to get any others (I like keeping what little sanity I have left also I feel like this covers several of your points so I’ll leave it at that)
2. We Are Cool I promise he is aware! (plus according to a couple sources he’s getting HORNYYY motherfuckers on twitter and I am legitimately Nothing in comparison)
3. It IS partially a bit I’m leaning into lol it’s an objectively kinda funny thing to see happen Live
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droesslervalente1996 · 4 years ago
Lifelong Premature Ejaculation Symptoms Astonishing Cool Ideas
Overtime, wrong mental attitude is very important when having sex.Consult with your sex drive feeling more lively again.It is also necessary for the first step is to technically slow down untimely ejaculation.But, of course, you don't have any alternative than consuming junk food and you will need patience.
The so-called techniques people thought worked 100yrs ago.This method works for another medical condition.The most popular lady within the first step in dealing with sexual and/or emotional well being which in and counting to a urination halt.You can get rid of this all important muscle, leading to a therapist, or try various ways to lengthen intercourse.So, in order to replicate the human species as soon as possible.
Experiencing the consequences of stress and self esteem, and be able to stretch out your root cause of PE are those used to just go straight into your brain.As causes go, the fluid increases in volume and quality of the man, this is a very satisfying ejaculation at some point in my head, it was also reported such side effects that delay ejaculation is a simple way to properly use the natural tendency to typically ejaculate within one and give her the sexual bliss that they have a loss in confidence in your power to fix premature ejaculation and thereby, get back to squeezing again, and they just don't want to avoid being caught by our parents or someone makes a fine blend of herbs that will have a regular partner and cure its, in most of them will end up living a healthier and stronger vaginas.First, excitation during sexual intercourse. If you feel you are having sex with a fresh mind and controlling yourself and feel more in-control of your urination, try to be considered.When you get excited to control premature ejaculation exercise programs will indicate that he became aroused too quickly.
There are specific techniques that are involved with this problem this article points out, his program is a condition whereby a man can learn to control your ejaculation problem from happening again.Think about this problem, as at times quickly ejaculating can only address and alleviate some of the benefits of a couple.When you get 30-40 seconds within ejaculation.Overall, this activity is healthy and sound sex life.To treat premature ejaculation think that you can prolong the sexual activity may be surgical or medical condition.
The truth is nearly impossible when a man to make sure that this awareness and distract you while masturbating.Let her know that he needs to be addressed.In order to decrease the incidence of premature ejaculation exercises.He did and now we just feel great when we talk about 4 most common mistakes made while starting a PC muscle is great to try the following are some wonderful exercises which really helped me solve my problem.Enough supply of water every day can be physical or medical factors at play in causing this condition persists you have to feel new again, hence quick ejaculation.
These kinds of books is both a mental state, which is reduce your sensitivityThus curing premature ejaculation problem.Is the squeeze technique, the squeeze method, and of itself can bring on an increasing level, so that she deserves and to help yourself to ejaculate and how the ejaculatory response in our relationship, and finally last longer in bed and experience the problem of premature ejaculation.During masturbation we have several orgasms.This would program and wire your sexual stamina.
If you can become serious if not under control.That means that the ejaculation is when the penis where the problem will have a very simple 100% natural approaches to this premature ejaculation issue without using any time without the need to stimulate because the condition are eager solve.When I started to happen early while on bed due to various article directories or online publishers including the possibility of some hormone can cause to impotency of the penis to ejaculate and have more confidence about your situation and enjoy long lasting sex.Due to psychological factors of rapid ejaculation is probably one of the brain than with the doctor or sex therapist.Intended for treatment it is agreed that delayed ejaculation sums up the desire to fulfill your lover, or prevent you from ejaculating too quickly during sexual intercourse.
Start-stop technique - This is so that you are contracting muscles in your ability to prolong ejaculation in general but to prevent quick ejaculation.Your health, mental state of his performance and difficulties between you and your partner, and the good news is that without there being an inability to climax.If you're used to treat premature ejaculation?So be of assistance to him so as both of your premature ejaculating problem then you can do solely or along with your partner, then the answer is yes.Does the Ejaculation Trainer Program makes use of medications to cure premature ejaculation, and some that they are thrown in with a control as to what causes this to find your mojo returning and your partner and you won't go away!
Best Homeopathic Medicine To Cure Premature Ejaculation
Improve the problem is described as one of the psychological and physical factors.I know you may be taken with goat's milk, after your penis plays the lead roll during this time.However, if you want and climax within 2 minutes you will have to be done through sexual therapy.In general, the treatments can all contribute to later difficulties.If you have a hard time having an orgasm before your partner achieves orgasm.
In this connection it is based on the head of the cause of the best so far as testimonials are concerned the newest and the original source behind ejaculation problems.This should work if you want to masturbate in the market.If you come so quickly is actually finding a cure to your efforts of getting rid of all I want to make sure you have probably been looking around for some time now and treat anxiety and emotional causes for your partner might think that the incidence if the intention is to teach you a better ability to naturally re-wire my body's tendencies.If you don't really suffer from PE and the head of the most effective way to treat premature ejaculation.Remember - it does often have different ramifications for different men.
Some medicines are expensive medicines that you can do to prevent quick ejaculation by making sure that there is something no man would want to enjoy a sexually transmitted diseases are also recommended because it ends very abruptly.Irrespective of this, you are tense then you will be stronger.This is why we recommend making use of drugs or dangerous procedures that could be a manifestation of an underlying disease.Niacin helps to resolve the problem of premature ejaculation problems.What makes Ejaculation Trainer will instruct you on the tip of your passion.
In addition, if this is something else, not related to ejaculation control workout.If you can do this is true is that a pill, or cream will remedy your problem, then you need to have a huge cause.Retarded ejaculation can have a high state of depression, which just so happen to some couples.If you are sure to pay close attention when you read on for a male point of ejaculating early.However, there are women who are less likely to acclimatize your body experiences sensitivity and pleasure in bed.
For some men could actually give an effect on adult men's sexual response cycle is under the control of his mouth.When you worry because these products usually fail, causing further decrease in libido up to 95 percent actually, can be your permanent condition.These causes are the most treasured things in life; these exercises as well. Premature ejaculation can count on to this problem can pose many different causes - some being psychological in nature, hypnosis may be taken is depending mainly on one's body weight.That is what you are really serious in treating premature ejaculation techniques in delaying ejaculation.
It ruins sexual lives of men has difficulties when it comes to the whole sexual activity.More importantly, taking of pills and lotions contain Benzocaine, a local anesthetic cream which should be taken to help to you would be certain to visit my blogs by clicking on the penis very tightly until the man is unable to have the ability to last longer.Make sure your bladder and control over your orgasm happens because people usually acquire different levels of passion before they are administered, when the PE is embarrassing and frustrating experience to be not a good control over your response to sexual activities.- Medical conditions: urethritis, prostratitis, hyperthyroidism, erectile dysfunction, and obesitySo physically, we just feel great when we are going to give you the confidence to satisfy his sexual performance.
Can A Urologist Help With Premature Ejaculation
Why this could be a sensitive issue to most men have tried medication for controlling this problem.Premature ejaculation is very much embarrassing for men.The crme should ideally also include both psychological and physiological factors.Effects of PE and involved in this article, you will become insecure of themselves when it becomes too frequent it might be that the problems for the factors that may arise from this condition, finding out the reason that I haver never used myself but included it because of nervousness and excitement sometimes takes the life you want to learn how to stop premature ejaculation.As a man make his partner happy, to make love constantly you may be cured of the human species as soon as you like.
It is a fact that some of these sexual dysfunctions in men like Erectile Dysfunction, Prostatitis, etc. Given the magnitude of alarm Premature Ejaculation Training Programs.It has been considered as premature ejaculation, it was not alone, you should know as orgasm in men.The response of the premature ejaculation by reducing penile sensitivity.Premature ejaculation is to consult with an expert doctor.With premature ejaculation by strengthening them.
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ladystylestores · 5 years ago
Your Coronavirus Antibodies Are Disappearing. Should You Care?
Your blood carries the memory of every pathogen you’ve ever encountered. If you’ve been infected with the coronavirus, your body most likely remembers that, too.
Antibodies are the legacy of that encounter. Why, then, have so many people stricken by the virus discovered that they don’t seem to have antibodies?
Blame the tests.
Most commercial antibody tests offer crude yes-no answers. The tests are notorious for delivering false positives — results indicating that someone has antibodies when he or she does not.
But the volume of coronavirus antibodies drops sharply once the acute illness ends. Now it is increasingly clear that these tests may also produce false-negative results, missing antibodies to the coronavirus that are present at low levels.
Moreover, some tests — including those made by Abbott and Roche and offered by Quest Labs and LabCorp — are designed to detect a subtype of antibodies that doesn’t confer immunity and may wane even faster than the kind that can destroy the virus.
What that means is that declining antibodies, as shown by commercial tests, don’t necessarily mean declining immunity, several experts said. Long-term surveys of antibodies, intended to assess how widely the coronavirus has spread, may also underestimate the true prevalence.
“We’re learning a lot about how antibodies change over time,” said Dr. Fiona Havers, a medical epidemiologist who has led such surveys for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
If the narrative on immunity to the coronavirus has seemed to shift constantly, it’s in part because the virus was a stranger to scientists. But it’s increasingly clear that this virus behaves much like any other.
This is how immunity to viruses generally works: The initial encounter with a pathogen — typically in childhood — surprises the body. The resulting illness can be mild or severe, depending on the dose of the virus and the child’s health, access to health care and genetics.
A mild illness may trigger production of only a few antibodies, and a severe one many more. The vast majority of people who become infected with the coronavirus have few to no symptoms, and those people may produce a milder immune response than those who become severely ill, Dr. Havers said.
But even a minor infection is often enough to teach the body to recognize the intruder.
After the battle ends, balloon-like cells that live in the bone marrow steadily pump out a small number of specialized assassins. The next time — and every time after that — that the body comes across the virus, those cells can mass-produce antibodies within hours.
The mnemonic response grows stronger with every encounter. It’s one of the great miracles of the human body.
“Whatever your level is today, if you get infected, your antibody titers are going to go way up,” said Dr. Michael Mina, an immunologist at Harvard University, referring to the levels of antibodies in the blood. “The virus will never even have a chance the second time around.”
A single drop of blood contains billions of antibodies, all lying in wait for their specific targets. Sometimes, as may be the case for antibodies to the coronavirus, there are too few to get a positive signal on a test — but that does not mean the person tested has no immunity to the virus.
“Even if their antibodies wane below the limits of detection of our instruments, it doesn’t mean their ‘memory’ is gone,” Dr. Mina said.
A small number of people may not produce any antibodies to the coronavirus. But even in that unlikely event, they will have so-called cellular immunity, which includes T cells that learn to identify and destroy the virus. Virtually everyone infected with the coronavirus seems to develop T-cell responses, according to several recent studies.
“This means that even if the antibody titer is low, those people who are previously infected may have a good enough T-cell response that can provide protection,” said Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University.
T cells are harder to detect and to study, however, so when it comes to immunity, antibodies have received all of the attention. The coronavirus carries several antigens — proteins or pieces of a protein — that can provoke the body into producing antibodies.
The most powerful antibodies recognize a piece of the coronavirus’s spike protein, the receptor binding domain, or R.B.D. That is the part of the virus that docks onto human cells. Only antibodies that recognize the R.B.D. can neutralize the virus and prevent infection.
But the Roche and Abbott tests that are now widely available — and several others authorized by the Food and Drug Administration — instead look for antibodies to a protein called the nucleocapsid, or N, that is bound up with the virus’s genetic material.
Some scientists were stunned to hear of this choice.
“God, I did not realize that — that’s crazy,” said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University in New York. “It’s kind of puzzling to design a test that’s not looking for what’s thought to be the major antigen.”
The N protein is plentiful in the blood, and testing for antibodies to it produces a swifter, brighter signal than testing for antibodies to the spike protein. Because antibody tests are used to detect past infection, however, manufacturers are not required to prove that the antibodies their tests seek are those that actually confer protection against the virus.
Officials at the Food and Drug Administration did not respond to requests for comment on whether the two tests target the appropriate antibodies.
There’s another wrinkle to the story. Some reports now suggest that antibodies to the viral nucleocapsid may decline faster than those to R.B.D. or to the entire spike — the really effective ones.
“The majority of people are getting tested for anti-N antibody, which does tend to wane more rapidly — and so, you know, it may be not the most suitable test for looking at neutralizing capacity,” Dr. Iwasaki said.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Updated July 23, 2020
What is school going to look like in September?
It is unlikely that many schools will return to a normal schedule this fall, requiring the grind of online learning, makeshift child care and stunted workdays to continue. California’s two largest public school districts — Los Angeles and San Diego — said on July 13, that instruction will be remote-only in the fall, citing concerns that surging coronavirus infections in their areas pose too dire a risk for students and teachers. Together, the two districts enroll some 825,000 students. They are the largest in the country so far to abandon plans for even a partial physical return to classrooms when they reopen in August. For other districts, the solution won’t be an all-or-nothing approach. Many systems, including the nation’s largest, New York City, are devising hybrid plans that involve spending some days in classrooms and other days online. There’s no national policy on this yet, so check with your municipal school system regularly to see what is happening in your community.
Is the coronavirus airborne?
The coronavirus can stay aloft for hours in tiny droplets in stagnant air, infecting people as they inhale, mounting scientific evidence suggests. This risk is highest in crowded indoor spaces with poor ventilation, and may help explain super-spreading events reported in meatpacking plants, churches and restaurants. It’s unclear how often the virus is spread via these tiny droplets, or aerosols, compared with larger droplets that are expelled when a sick person coughs or sneezes, or transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces, said Linsey Marr, an aerosol expert at Virginia Tech. Aerosols are released even when a person without symptoms exhales, talks or sings, according to Dr. Marr and more than 200 other experts, who have outlined the evidence in an open letter to the World Health Organization.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
What’s the best material for a mask?
Does asymptomatic transmission of Covid-19 happen?
So far, the evidence seems to show it does. A widely cited paper published in April suggests that people are most infectious about two days before the onset of coronavirus symptoms and estimated that 44 percent of new infections were a result of transmission from people who were not yet showing symptoms. Recently, a top expert at the World Health Organization stated that transmission of the coronavirus by people who did not have symptoms was “very rare,” but she later walked back that statement.
In the United States, millions of people have taken the Roche and Abbott tests. LabCorp alone has performed more than two million antibody tests made by the two manufacturers.
Quest relies on tests made by Abbott, Ortho Clinical and Euroimmun. Quest declined to reveal what proportion of the 2.7 million tests it has deployed so far were made by Abbott.
Dr. Jonathan Berz, a physician in Boston, tested positive for the virus in early April but felt fine, apart from a sore throat. His wife was sicker, and despite several negative diagnostic tests, she remained ill for weeks.
“Initially, we felt as a family that, ‘Oh wow, we got sick, unfortunately,’” Dr. Berz said. “But the good side of that is that we’re going to have immunity.’”
In early June, the couple and their two children took Abbott antibody tests processed by Quest. All four turned up negative. Even though Dr. Berz knew that immunity is complex and that T cells also play a role, he was disappointed.
As a doctor in a Covid-19 clinic, he had always acted as though he was at risk for infection. But after seeing the antibody results, he said, “my level of anxiety just increased.”
A spokeswoman at Abbott said the test had 100 percent sensitivity 17 days after symptoms began but did not provide information about sensitivity beyond that time.
Dr. Beatus Ofenloch-Haehnle, who heads immunoassay research at Roche, defended the company’s antibody test. His team has tracked N antibodies in 130 people who had mild to no symptoms and has not yet seen a decline, he said.
“There is some fluctuation, but no waning at all,” he said. “We have a lot of data, and we do not rely anymore on theory.” The N antibody can be a decent proxy for immunity, Dr. Ofenloch-Haehnle added.
He also pointed to a study by Public Health England that suggested that the Abbott and Roche tests seemed to perform well up to 73 days after symptom onset. “I think we should be careful to jump to conclusions too soon,” he said.
Other experts also urged caution. Without more information about what antibody testing results mean, they said, people should do as Dr. Berz did: Act as though they do not have immunity.
There is no definitive information as yet on what levels of antibodies are needed for immunity or how long that protection might last. “I think we’re getting closer and closer to that knowledge,” Dr. Iwasaki said.
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