#I don’t really like fanon azriel
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dimalry · 5 months ago
Hi! Coming here to say your Azriel makes me feel things 🔥😍
Oh? The depressed ~sick of your bullshit~ Azriel?
I agree, he’s that way the hottest with his enormous dark circles.
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elainsgirl · 19 days ago
I really feel like elriels are az's biggest supporters. i never seen anyone else defend or understand az like yall.
Hey 🫶
Honestly? Elriels are elains and azriels’ biggest supporters bcs we don’t have to twist or misconstrue their behaviour for our ship.
for example: Gwynriels call Az an incest, entitled man etc to discredit elriel…yet at the same time ship him w Gwyn which makes no sense. The gwynriel version of Az is so different from canon and quite frankly doesn’t seem like a love interest Sjm would write about.
Gwynriels have to twist the bonus to suit their ship, in the process having to villanise Az whereas with elriel, we dont have to twist anything for elriel. We understand Azriels behaviour and where he was coming from.
So yh, antis only like the fanon version of Az they can ship w Gwyn whereas Elries appreciate the canon Azriel whose basically just down bad for a certain seer.
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acourtofthought · 5 months ago
Okay so scrolling the Lucien tag and not even 5 posts in I see an e/riel!
Now I’m at the point where I don’t bother to engage with them bc I do not see any point, but I am still curious. This person was saying Eluciens & Gwynriels have to twist cannon and the characters (sure Jan), but what really stuck out to me was that one of those “twists” is Azriel feeling nothing more than lust for Elain…
… where is a single shred of proof that Azriel feels more than lust? Which book, which page number? Because it’s literally explicitly stated that he’s planned nothing beyond the fantasies he’d pleasured himself to. So where is the more? I know you used to favor E/riel. Is there anything more you’d point to?
NTSSM my love!!!!! ❤️ I hope you've been well!
People can headcanon all they want that Az has real feelings for Elain but there is no irrefutable evidence and that's a big part of why I grew to really dislike the E/riel ship.
Az was point blank asked about his known feelings for Mor and he refused to answer. I've seen all sorts of debates about this, "he was just caught off guard!" "He doesn't like to talk about his feelings!" but again, those are all fanon theories right now. He in canon and in his POV did not admit to no longer being in love with her and was not willing to reassure one of his best friends that he wasn't about to just use his sister in-law for sex. Cassian noted his longing glances for Mor were fewer in between but that's not completely gone and we know she was traveling for much of SF. There can't be as many looks if the person isn't around.
Az was asked point blank what his plans were when it came to Elain and once again Az said nothing, followed with him thinking how he hadn't thought beyond the sexual fantasies he pleasured himself to.
Az witnessed Elain's major fight with Nesta, he knew there had been another fight prior to it and he couldn't even be bothered to ask her how she was doing once they were finally alone.
Amren reprimanded Az for not believing Elain capable and we didn't see a single shred of remorse at his doubting her.
Az in canon showed admiration for Gwyn. Az in canon has never shown admiration for Elain. Az in canon credited Nesta for her part in the war. Az in canon has never acknowledged anything Elain did in the war. Az in canon felt a spark in his chest at the thought of Gwyn's happiness. Az in canon never noted feeling a spark for Elain. Az in canon thought of Gwyn's charming irreverence and how different she is now compared to when he first met her. Az has never thought a single thing about Elain's personality or her growth. Az in canon did want to taste Elain but Az in canon also has taken many lovers over the years. Az in canon spent 1 year staring at Elain's headache powder but Az in canon spent over 500 years staring at Mor with longing. We were also told that Az is upset that he didn't get what his brothers had which does provide readers doubt to Az having real feelings for Elain. The author specifically wrote the lines she did in a way that caused many to say "he doesn't want Elain for who she is but what she is in terms of the 3 sisters / 3 brother setup". Compare that to his love for Mor which has been a plot point since book 2 (something that was even discussed in the Cassian and Nesta bonus) and there is no doubt that Az had actual feelings for her.
If a romance author can't convince the majority of her readers that the MMC actually wants the FMC beyond sex and entitlement then I have to say she's not writing a very good romance. Especially when she's not a dark romance / bully romance author (those genre's are a bit different).
Az in canon did lend Elain TT but he turned around and looked at Mor with heat and yearning while Elain sat in the room with them (so clearly the TT scene was not really meant to be romantic). Az did head to Hyberns camp to save Elain but he also told Feyre he'd save Briar while they were there. He then disobeyed Feyre's orders to get Elain to safety so he could instead stay behind for Feyre. Az would have never gotten hurt had he left when Feyre told him to, he got hurt because he didn't want to leave Feyre. He was then ready to fly back into battle while injured but only sat out after Mor begged him to.
And when we flip that, where is the proof that Elain has feelings for Az? I'm not talking about a little crush or flirtation, a willingness to hook up, I'm talking "I will sneak behind the backs of my friends and family to have a forbidden romance with Az and don't care what that means for the peace of our lands because he's worth everything to me."
Was it when she was kidnapped by the Cauldron because she thought it was Graysen? Was it when Az was about ready to pass out from his injuries and she never bothered to ask after him? Was it when she knew he was bothered by her mating bond but had zero interest in actually talking to him about it in his POV? You know, actually sharing in a real conversation with depth after a year where they both pretty much avoided one another rather than thinking hooking up was the better option? (It's giving Tamlin and Feyre who chose not to talk about everything they were dealing with UTM and instead thought banging one out was the smart choice. Sarah doesn't have her endgame couples hooking up before dealing with the hard stuff). Was it when she returned his necklace and was written to be completely indifferent to him the rest of the book? Where she showed zero evidence of sadness or mourning after Solstice?
That E/riels accuse us of twisting canon when they've got Elain as a bloodthirsty, dagger wielding, black leather wearing liar who doesn't care whose feeling she hurts is something else.
I realize that Elucien's saying Elain might have secret feelings for Lucien and is overwhelmed by her physical attraction to him which is one of the reasons she draws back is also a fanon theory right now but the difference is we have empirical evidence to back that up because it's what was revealed about every single Archeron sister to date. Where she ignored, berated, etc. her mate because she was so overwhelmed at being drawn to them (even if she didn't fully understand why that was). Sarah is a Fated Mates author along with many other Fated Mates authors. We have actual data to support that Elain and Lucien as mates will end up together and that Elain has possibly been struggling with her feelings for Lucien all this time.
And yes, there are many yet to be proven Gwynriel headcanons but how could a male feeling something spark in his chest at the simple thought of a female's happiness, a female he really only just met, be considered anything but the first hints at a future romantic pairing?
Az felt happy thinking of Gwyn feeling happy. What is the definition of love if not that?
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nikethestatue · 8 days ago
I think Gwynriels are in for a massive shock. And not just because Gwynriel will be proven to have been fanon all along. Honestly, I'd be surprised if Az and Gwyn have any sort of meaningful interactions at all in Elain's book, even as student and trainer. I honestly doubt Azriel will keep working as their teainer at all in Elain's book. I don’t see how it makes any sense plot-wise. That story has been told and ended satisfactorily already. I just don't think Gwyn and Emerie will play any major role in Elain's book. Just like Mor and Amren didn't play any major roles in Nesta's story. I think Gwynriels will have waited four years for gwyn to be an fmc only to find she'll barely be featured in the next book. What do you think? Btw, I liked acosf and I like the valkyries. I know the book gets a lot of criticism but I'm always happy to see you appreciate it.
Well, we already had Mor step in and basically say that she is going to join the Valk training, which essentially will be her taking over for Azriel. I think SJM kind of set that up already.
I would agree that Valkyries would play a minimal, if any role, in the book. Simply because each sister gets her own group of friends and the other sisters aren't involved--that's been the pattern so far. Feyre has Mor and Amren, and she also has Ressina and the painting group. Not to mention Alis. Nesta has Emerie and Gwyn, and neither Feyre nor Elain know them. And finally, I think Elain will have her friendship with the wraiths develop further and maybe she'll find someone else. In my mind, I keep going back to Briar. The same way SJM kind of retconned Gwyn's rescue so she could place her in the Library, I feel like Elain would meet with Briar again, the one SHE rescued, and they'd develop a friendship.
But that's just a headcanon. Simply because I feel like Briar might be the same type of character like Emerie. She showed up in one book, kind of randomly, and then we haven't heard from her, and then she got a whole new storyline. I think this might happen with Briar too.
I think we might see glimpses of the Valkyries, but I don't see a role for them in the next book. They aren't a cohesive group, they are not really 'Valkyries' when 99% of them can't leave the Library. The training hasn't been expanded to outsiders yet, so it's literally just the Priestesses and Emerie. I think it's premature to call them 'Valkyries' or pretend like they are some elite fighting force.
I definitely do like ACOSF. It's a shame that it's become a monster, which divided the whole fandom into hating fractions.
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moodymelanist · 5 months ago
Has she really handled mor that badly? I (noted not bi not always woman, so take this with however much salt you like your food with) just think that it's kind of out of focus rn and could do with more page time. Thoughts?
personally I think a lot of the issues I have come from SJM’s inability to plan ahead, because if you just read acomaf it’s giving Mor’s going to end up with azriel only for her to suddenly be queer in acowar (and I don’t think SJM explained Mor’s sexuality very well, but I digress). I also personally think the way Mor has spoken about Illyria/Illyrians in the book + how she’s treated Nesta make it really weird for her to have a potential romance with Emerie of all people.
And speaking of queer rep in acotar, I also think she hasn’t handled Helion that well either. As much as I love him he def has a heavy dose of bi people are more sexually promiscuous stereotype going on. I don’t think you need to be queer to write queer characters, but I think anyone writing characters who come from marginalized communities need to be more thoughtful and think through what they’re putting on the page and personally I don’t think she’s doing that lmao.
anyway all this to say, thank god for ao3 and fanon because there are so many people who care and are thoughtful and it makes a world of difference in my book!
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years ago
fanon beron is so interesting because everyone has different interpretations of his motivations and how he acts.
like in my hc his flavor of abuse is religious trauma, but there are so many different interpretations out there
I've written him as cut-throat since birth and encouraging that with his children. The re-write I'm doing has him as a traumatised child who never got over it so that's why he is the way he is.
Re-reading the high lord meeting is so interesting though because he's not really particularly bad? The actual times we SEE Beron in a scene rather than hear about his actions, he isn't awful? This isn't a Beron isn't bad post, but actually most of the awfulness is all told by other characters.
UTM he is the first one to offer a drop of his magic I think and in the meeting he doesn't want to go to war or accept spring's refugees because he is protecting his court. He doesn't want his sons to be the guinea pigs for the faebane antidote. He speaks about what happened to his wife and her sisters and holds onto her arm. He rightly reminds them that Rhys was on the enemy's side for 50 years and Feyre gave Clare Beddor's name in her stead.
Did you know that while he had his head between her legs, most of us were fighting to keep our families from becoming the nightly entertainment?
If Beron is so evil, why didn't he join forces with Amarantha? Why was he fighting to keep his family safe utm?
Beron isn't the one to incite violence - in fact, he is trying to save Eris from Azriel
‘As my lady said,’ Rhys drawled, ‘she does not need to explain herself to you.’ Beron leaned back in his chair. ‘Then I suppose I don’t need to explain my motivations, either.’
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shadowqueenjude · 3 months ago
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Have you received anon hate? What about?
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Most disliked arc? Why?
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unpopular opinion about LOA?
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Elriel man. I just don’t get it at all. It’s not like they don’t have scenes together. It’s the fact that Elain and Azriel have ZERO chemistry in the scenes they’re in. Honestly, it’s NEGATIVE. Azriel has more chemistry with Mor in the scene where he gives Elain the blade; after all, it was Mor’s begging him not to fight that convinced him to hand over his blade. The bonus chapter? Azriel has more chemistry with Gwyn, who he doesn’t even consider a friend yet. And any sexual tension between them in the bonus chapter is entirely a result of Azriel and Elain both being horny for Vanserras. I said what I said. Plus the fact that Az masturbated to Tylenol and did not think of a relationship past fucking??? Bro…that’s who you want Elain with? Ok…
Tamcien and Gwynlain are not hugely popular…but Tamcien is the second most popular Lucien ship I believe. While I totally see why people might ship these pairs and honestly adore some of their art, I really ship them as bros. Tho I’m not gonna lie Gwynlain getting together after all these fuckers pitting them against each other would be hilarious.
Have I ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Sweetie, I’ve blocked people. In fact, I blocked a mutual I was very close to because of their shitty opinion on Elain. It was exceptionally annoying too because they were coming on my pro Elain posts to shit on her. Like…just why…
I’ve answered this in a previous post, but my NOtps are Feysand and Elriel.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? Most azriel ships (i answer this more thoroughly in another post)
Has fandom made me enjoy a ship I previously hated? Well I wouldn’t say I ever hated Elucien, but I initially shipped them only because they’re mates and not because I had any particular investment in them. But honestly, the fandom and reading Elucien fics really made me believe they have potential to be the best SJM ship ever. I initially disliked Azris as well simply because I think Eris deserves better, but the enemies-to-lovers potential is too good. That being said, I like Azris in a very specific way, so if it’s not written the way I like i don’t enjoy it (which is why I mainly like my Azris version).
I used to like Nessian, ima be real. I think I was so happy to get a Nesta POV book rather than another Feyre one that I missed the brainwashing and gaslighting in the book the first time around. But god, Cassian is so horrible especially in that book looking back. Now I only engage in very specific fanon Nessian.
Yes, I’ve received anon hate, mainly about my unpopular stances on SJM and the IC. Apparently, some people can’t grasp the concept of being critical of a piece of media while still enjoying aspects of it and engaging with it. The Harry Potter fandom would understand me tho. Their author is a known transphobe.
My least favorite characters? The entire Inner Circle. Can’t stand them. Why? They’re villains written as heroes by a biased author and are therefore highly hypocritical, self-righteous, and annoying.
Abhor Feyre’s arc in ACOMAF. That was not the slay she and the author think it is. I don’t know how she expects us to believe her mind hasn’t been melted by Rhysand’s daemati powers. Sjm tried to copy paste book 1 Tamlin’s traits onto Rhysand, only Rhysand doesn’t wear those traits as well as Tamlin did. And feyre loses the personality she had in book 1.
Unpopular character that I like is Tamlin, although he has a much bigger following now than when I first came to Tumblr.
I don’t think there’s an arc I like that the fandom doesn’t, aside from some Elriels. I can name plenty that I don’t like that the fandom does, but not the other way around. Ok, maybe…most of my elucien friends don’t care for Nuala and Cerridwen. I actually want to know more about them; they’ve been around since book one and we still don’t know shit. While I don’t see them as Elain’s found family, they’re still her friends who supported her during tough times and I think she should have as many friends as possible as is her nature. I have so many headcanons about them lol but I’ll save that for another post.
Unpopular opinion about LoA: Oh boy. I know so many people ship Helion x LoA, but I’m genuinely here like: I don’t want Mamaserra to just jump into another relationship. I mean, she’s been in an abusive relationship for centuries. I think she should get a break, explore for some time, figure out what she really wants before going to Helion. Helion has waited this long; he can wait longer.
Unpopular opinion about the fandom? Some of y’all take shit wayyyy too seriously. I enjoy making theories as much as the next gal, but some of you are genuinely deranged, sending so much hate to other people for made up characters. Like…reality check. I can assure you the sooner you start making memes instead of hating, the sooner you’ll start enjoying fandom.
Unpopular opinion about ACOTAR? It could be so good if you changed almost everything about it. That’s why I’m here🙂‍↔️
Thanks for the ask! From salty ask post here
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velarisdusk · 5 months ago
Our favorite Azriel stan 🦇🖤💙 !!
1. Why is Azriel one of your favorite characters?
2. Is there a specific scene that made you like them?
3. What theories/headcanons do you have for Azriel?
4. Feel free to share anything else about Azriel that the questions didn’t cover!
omg i wasn't expecting such a title, what an honor. i’d like to thank the academy, azriel, beyonce
putting this under the cut bc i just realized how much i wrote lol
i always love the characters that don’t talk much and aren’t super expanded on by the author (this isnt me saying he lacks depth, i just need an azriel book). ig partially bc of more room for headcanons/fanon exploration, but mostly bc it’s like…. omg so mysterious let me learn more abt you bbg 🫦 az is so broody and witty and i love that abt him
im gonna be so real i fell in love with him (and cass) from that first dinner at the house of wind. like i said, very quiet, very witty, lots of small but telling facial reactions. i was REALLY hooked, though, later on at the “i don’t see you spouting poetry, brother” “i don’t need to resort to it” AND IM PRETTY SURE HE WAS LIKE LEANING AGAINST THE WALL OR SOMETHING ARMS CROSSED WITH A LITTLE SMIRK LIKE STOP THATS ENOUGH I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE i know its such a basic and very brought up bit of dialogue but UGH i literally squealed and kicked my legs for feyre bc god i WISH i couldve witnessed that with my own eyeballs
buckle up, i’ve got a good few. azriel: ♡ is left-handed. i wont be taking any questions. ♡ is a switch, but ive been on my sub!azriel soapbox for months now, and i'm not getting off anytime soon. sub top sub bottom idc, sub azriel for president ♡ if only he was born in the right place and the right time, he would LOVE rock music. i think where cass is more classic rock (i'll die on this hill), az is more punk rock, alt rock, garage rock, grunge if he's feeling a lil crazy. oh but i bet he loves classical music. ♡ at one point he tried to learn piano bc he wanted to play a piece he heard at one of those hewn city balls :) but he realized very quickly how difficult it would be what with the chronic pain in his hands and all :( ♡ there was one night in particular, he was alone at the house of wind practicing, and he got so frustrated after messing up the same measure for the millionth time. staring down at the keys - no, at his hands, his fingers... he slammed the keylid down on them over and over in a moment of rage ♡ when the IC asked why his fingers were wrapped, he'd told them he just trained too hard ♡ but he didn't stop playing. i like to think he plays in private. plays and sings for the shadows. and it's always beautiful ♡ he's got a soft spot for animals. specifically birds.. like owls and falcons i think. ♡ i also feel like he's got pre-mission rituals. like he's gotta sharpen his blades in a specific order, checks his gear once, twice, three times. reflects in front of the mirror for a few minutes, then heads out. i feel like it borders on compulsive. like he feels that if he deviates from it even slightly, something will go wrong with the mission. ♡ REALLY good with kids. they just gravitate toward him. he'll let them play with his shadows, shapes them into little animals too UGH uncle az with nyx is so :") ♡ has a small, hidden tattoo that means a lot to him and no one else knows about it. yes, he did it on himself. no, he isn't showing anyone except his mate. ♡ OH ALSO i feel like hes really good at dancing. like cmon he sneaks around all the time hes gotta be very nimble and quick on his feet. qualities of a good dancer. put him in a dance with nesta lets see THAT i have a lot of thoughts on azriel my bad
i love him
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yennas-stuff · 8 months ago
I was on Instagram and typed in Gwynriel edits and I clicked on one, but it turned out to be an E/riel edit (there were quite a few like that) and the caption said “archived elain this theory was run until redacted stans got their hands on it” and one of the comments said “this theory would be really interesting to see only if gwynriels doesn't exist”.
I have no idea what theory they were talking about but I’m going to assume it was Elain being a spy, because one of the slides of the edit quotes was “I think she’s got you beat for secret keeping” and there were photos of a woman covered in blood, blood dripping down her bare chest, a woman with a fire blazing behind her, and other images of what E/riel’s claim Elain would be but is actually their fanon version of her. The edit was honestly giving Manon/Aelin (maneater) vibes and we know that is out of character for Elain. She doesn’t like violence (which is more than okay). I don’t understand why E/riel’s cry about people being misogynistic of feminine characters and tell Gwynriel’s to stop changing Elain, but they’re the ones who keep saying Elain will wield Gwydion, is going to be a spy (if Azriel was training her we would’ve gotten something of that in his pov and he himself said he’d been avoiding her), and draw her wearing Illyrian leathers and armor. I’ve seen E/riel’s change the plot/arc for Elain multiple times, as well as her personality to fit a certain ship. Her becoming the High Queen/High Lady of Dusk, ruling over the Court of Nightmares, the Prison, etc. Ironically they say Elain won’t leave Night Court since her family is there, but they’re also more than fine with Elain leaving the NC if Azriel is ruling over Dusk or the CoN with her.
It’s fine if you prefer feminine female characters that aren’t warriors, but that doesn’t mean you need to put down those female characters who are warriors (I also love woman who prefer not to wield a weapon just like I love woman who want to wield a weapon). That’s also misogynistic. And most Gwynriel’s have been very supportive of Elain staying feminine and not being a warrior. Also, you can still be feminine if you’re a warrior. Just look at Aelin and Mor. Both are warriors, but love wearing gowns and going shopping.
Hi, anon!
The problem with incorrectly tagging fanarts is widespread on all platforms, unfortunately. I see it all the time on tiktok.
When it comes to the whole *stealing aesthetic* thing... well, it seems quite silly. Elain becoming a spy was just their theory. With Gwyn, we have canon text and real evidence. So if we are to accuse anyone of stealing the spy arc, they need to take it up with Sjm herself.
(Also, I personally don't see any serious grounds for the spy Elain theory if we connect it to the type of spying Azriel does. Elain doesn't want to be in the shadows, lurking and not drawing attention to herself. When she was a human, she loved socializing. The only spying I see her doing is getting information by talking with people and by being an emissary like Lucien.)
About the traditionally female character traits... I don't like the binary limitations we put on characters. I would say rage is very feminine. But if we have to say something is culturally seen as more female (dresses, pink, flowers), Elain is more like that. I'm sure she has some edge inside her because all of us do. People can be multifaceted. But I just don't see her becoming a warrior or someone who observes people from the shadows. Someone who, rather than be close with people, keeps her distance. That's what she kind of does now with the IC. She's on the outskirts, close but kept at an arms length. Close enough to be safe but not enough to create any deeper connections. And I don't think she's happy now. And Sjm gave us enough hints about it.
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gwyns · 10 months ago
“Gleeriels are fucking delusional. There’s nothing wrong in shipping a fanon ship, just acknowledge that it doesn’t have textual evidence and go enjoy fan fiction in peace.” How is Gwynriel a fanon ship? Azriel felt a spark in his chest, a glow, and the end of his bonus chapter was similar to Quinlar’s (I can’t remember which book), which is mating language. His shadows also danced with her breath. And there are so many similarities between Gwyn and Azriel, they parallel each other, and they have certain things that make them equals. If E/riel’s are gonna call Gwynriel a fanon ship, then I’m gonna call Vassien a fanon ship. Let’s be honest, they don’t actually ship Lucien with Vassa, they just want to get rid of Lucien.
gwynriel is in no way a fanon ship. i wouldn't even call e/riel that like hello lol. just because you don't like a ship doesn't make it fanon. now their characterization of elain (and azriel honestly) is a whole different story but i'll be nice. gwynriel has mate parallels with other confirmed mate couples, e/riel doesn't. it's as simple as that
i'm convinced nobody actually ships lucien and vassa tbh lmfao. i love them both but they're so... bland together, there's no spark. i've said it a billion times, sjm is perfectly capable of writing that spark even if it's just in a short string of text so... yeah no that ship isn't happening either
alright e/riels, i'm really curious so i am begging you to show me this textual evidence. show me where all this buildup is with screenshots of on page interactions. no cherry picking, no omitting parts of the scene, show me everything. if you manage to do this, and make an actual believable case, i'll delete my blog. i'm waiting 😘
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born-to-riot · 2 years ago
Okay so like as we all know I can’t stop thinking about Azris
(and y’all I haven’t even read acosf yet but I’ve read so many Azris fics I basically know the gist)
I’ve had many thoughts recently about Azris, I haven’t read the books recently so a lot of this may be influenced by fanon but I don’t really care
- I feel like overall Az as we all know tends to be attracted towards people he’s saved but I also thinks he needs someone who challenges him and gets him out of his self sacrificial bullshit and matches his energy rather than idk enabling him to be his overbearing overprotective self like “I appreciate it but calm down bro that isn’t necessary” which I guess is what attracts me to Azris in the first place because I think Eris could fit that role nicely because I mean who’s better at getting someone out of heir own head than a grade A asshole. (Don’t get me wrong, I love Az but what’s a character without flaws)
- I’m pretty sure after Cassian did his whole “I don’t think you’re a bad male but a coward” thing and Eris was like “you’re not who I need to explain myself to” (again remember I haven’t read the last book I was just spoiled and I haven’t read the books in a while so sorry if I got that wrong) like who else would he need to explain himself to about that situation other than Azriel? I’m pretty sure Rhys knows more than we think because didn’t Eris let him look into his head to get them to trust him for the alliance. And Cassian and azriel are usually associated together so Eris is like you’re not the one I want to talk to, we can assume then he is referring to azriel. Idk I’m stretching a little on that one.
I actually didn’t even mean to start typing all of this I wa going to post a fic idea but obviously this post went in a diff direction so idk share your thoughts byeeeeee
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elainsgirl · 2 months ago
what's with this obsession with banter? But also completely ignoring Azriel not liking banter?
It's like they're incapable of reading a story as it's own story and can only think in tropes. Banter = romance so banter needed for romance. If not banter = no romance. Except for this character they are trying to fit into this trope, he doesn't like banter. It's a square peg and a round hole.
Azriel gets headaches from his friend groups banter. Canon Az doesn't need an LI that banters with him. This isn't hard to understand. Sarah has made that really clear about az. But people aren't even reading the books as they are. They are thinking in tropes and try to fit a trope onto a story where it doesn't fit. At least this is how it seems to me. What do you think?
Hey anon 🫶
Remember how I went on this spiral about popular tropes nowdays such as Enemies to lovers and common microtropes such as “banter” taking over the book community/ publishing making them very common, favoured tropes to find nowdays which leads antis to insert these microtropes onto gwynriel/elucien bcs they’re not actually considering what the characters want or how the characters are personality-wise, they just want a book catered to their preferences with the dynamic/tropes they like even if it makes 0 sense for the canon characters and how they’re written.
Is Azriel a character that banters? I can’t see it. I can see him giving a jibe here and there but full on bantering and going back/forth with someone? Does not seem like him. Same w Elain. Elucien stans want her to “banter” with Lucien or Lucien with Elain but does that fit Elains’ character? Again. Not really. Does that fit eluciens dynamic? No. Lucien is awkward around Elain. Elain uncomfortable around him. They don’t have the tension or chemistry needed for successful bantering. Unless ofc, you change Elains/Azriels personality which eluciens/gwynriels do. And if you have to change a characters’ personality to suit your ships wishful, fanon dynamic better… guess what? Its a form of self-inserting.
Not every relationship will have banter as it does not suit every dynamic or character. Both Az amd Elain are funny, witty people who deliver hilarious, sassy one liners but they’re not people to stand and go back/forth with teasing someone. You’re completely right. Azriel does not need someone to constantly banter with. He needs someone who can calm him and be his quiet place. Someone who he can just exist silently with - which is Elain. Both of them spending time, lounging about in the garden together. Cherry on top - Az and Elain do have the same humour and can make each other laugh.
This is exactly my point - Elucien & Gwynriel is based off on fanon dynamic their stans have created (as Mass didnt bother to do it) with a bunch of popular tropes inserted in. Which yh, they can have fun and do that but can’t compare it to a developed ship w an established dynamic like elriel. You can compare it to other crackships tho like targwyn. Gwynxbalthaazar. Jassa.
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separatist-apologist · 10 months ago
#9 please 😈
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
Fanon Azriel and Lucien, first of all- I hate those dudes.
In the actual books, I still don't care very much for Azriel. He's just...there. I do not get the obsession other than he's a man who almost never speaks? We're gonna doxx real life people over the blandest man in the series? Go off I guess.
I also don't love Amren. I don't think thats unpopular- she just feels unnecessary- like SJM didn't really know what to do with her. I would love to see her original draft of ACOWAR before she sidelined half the inner circle and the stories she'd set up in ACOMAF
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acourtofthought · 2 years ago
What’s your opinion on Gwyn? I’m just starting ACOSF and from what I see, she’s a very sweet character, but kind of strikes me as a typical fantasy heroine if she gets a book. Although I think I’ve seen a bit too much fanon about her and that’s what’s influencing me. That, and the friends to lovers trope has always been a bit boring for me… but maybe SJM will make it good. I’m kinda worried it’s gonna be a book about her pursuing Azriel and I don’t like that. Women running after men and begging for attention kills a book for me 🫤
I’m really hoping for something more unique, because I feel like Rhys/Feyre and Nesta/Cassian are sort of similar with only a few core differences. That’s why I’m hoping for Elain and Lucien’s book to be next. I feel like they’ll be a breath of fresh air from all that. Like, it’s time to travel around Prythian… let’s see some other courts and territories.
I understand how some might feel that at the moment Gwyn could be perceived as a typical fantasy heroine because she's:
Good at Everything
Tragic Backstory
Truth be told, in SF she would be a little cookie cutter for an SJM heroine. But a few things with that -
She's not really meant to be antagonistic in Nesta's book. Her main purpose in SF was to become a best friend and support system for Nesta and be introduced as a possible / probable love interest for Az. It wouldn't make a lot of sense for her to come on the page and cause issues for anyone, she needed to be unproblematic so we could understand why she became the family Nesta never felt she had.
I do think that if she and Az were to get a book, Gwyn would become more layered and complex.
At their core, Feyre, Nesta, and Elain are all really good people. They don't all express it well but they do love one another. However, sisters can bring out the worst in someone as does anyone we end up dating. 😂 Feyre is extremely brave and would sacrifice herself for anyone but she has a habit of judging people or not really grasping the full picture of who they are. Nesta will always fight for what's right even though she can be extremely hurtful with her words. Elain tries to make the best of every situation & tends to see who people are (despite the front they put up) however she's often been way too complacent and timid and tries to turn away from the dark side of things. It's not that she's unaware but she prefers to live in the light and I think that can make her come across as naive.
Gwyn hasn't had any real reason to have conflict to anyone close to her. We never saw her with her sister, her mother, or having an actual argument with a love interest (as right now she and Az are not in the romantic stage of things).
When she becomes a FMC though, I have no doubt that we'll see all the sides of Gwyn. The good we've already been shown and the negatives that every single other character in an SJM book has. Because things are definitely going to happen to draw that out of Gwyn, her story would be boring otherwise.
As far as friends to lovers, I don't know that we have to worry about that so much (at least not in the way I think you're thinking).
No SJM couple has EVER been friends to lovers with no other trope thrown in there. Feysand was a one sided enemies to friends to lovers. Rowelin was DEFINITELY not friends to lovers. Maybe not enemies but extreme dislike to lovers. I don't know what you'd call Nessian 😂. Bryce and Hunt were dislike to friends to lovers. Elide and Lorcan were sort of friends to enemies to lovers.
I really can't imagine she would turn Gwynriel into something as basic as friends to lovers. I think she's going to create some drama and angst between them at some point (and no, I don't think that drama will involve Az and another love interest. I imagine whatever conflict that exists will exist solely between the two of them).
SJM has spoken of Az in interviews and said his character has scared her. Rhys is often SJMs "voice" and he too says that Azriel sometimes scares the shit out of him.
Az is definitely going to be an amazing Mate to Gwyn but that doesn't change the fact that he's dark, jealous, aggressive, and has a whole bag of issues. It's mentioned how he was locked away, not permitted to fly even though his Illyrian instincts screamed at him to do so. Rhys tells us that not using ones magic can make someone go mad. Maybe magic and Illyrian instincts are not meant to be placed into the same category but to me, I do get the vibe that Az might be a bit crazy😂 But in a good, anti-hero who is still the hero way.
He's extremely complex. So if Gwyn is his Mate, I find it impossible to believe she's not going to end up extremely complex too. They just wouldn't match otherwise and making her a Mary Sue just so Az, with all his darkness and rage can feel he is finally "worthy" (because he was Mated to this pinnacle of peak perfection and goodness) doesn't ring true to SJMs writing. Her characters tend to be equals in their strengths and flaws. Not that I think Gwyn will completely match Az as I still think she's the "light" (as in moonlight) to his darkness and shadows, but I do think she's going to have a little of a vengeful side to her when it comes to enemies (a little darkness of her own) and complexity (good and bad).
Even if I'm way off base, I really would prefer an Elucien book next only because, like you said, it would be a bit of a breather. Nesta's book was pretty heavy and I imagine Az's book will be too because of the intensity of his self loathing. I know Elucien will have their own issues to overcome but to me, their story doesn't seem like it will be quite so dark. And I do agree that it's time to take a break from the NC and travel around Prythian / the Continent for a bit and Elucien is the best chance for us to have that.
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year ago
i hope this doesnt sound mean to the anon before but im always surprised when people think azriel does cruel things in fics because yeah he's literally the spymaster, he tortures people. i think it would make less sense in terms of the plot if he just trusted her out of the blue and you can tell he feels a little sorry for her but she's not making it easy for him to fully know if she's working with kier or not so he's treating her as a threat and if you go into the story thinking from his perspective instead of just seeing hers it makes sense that he's kind of using her. i think most people read these reader fics only considering the reader perspective but you have to get both to fully get the story, i do think if azriel just started trusting her out of the gate the story would fall flat
I don’t think you’re being mean at all! It’s interesting getting to hear different opinions so as long as you’re being polite and not rude you’re more than welcome to come on here and chat! 🧡💛
I suppose on the topic of how “in character” people are, there are canon and fanon versions to take into account? It would be a little weird if in fanfiction the character it involved didn’t take any interest in the reader at all, which is why Az might seem a little cold since I think both in the books and in fanfiction we see him around people he’s comfortable with and likes, whereas in please… they don’t really know each other that well so it lacks that open warmth?
Though admittedly I would love to read more fanfiction where he’s a little colder and less affectionate 🫢 give me a crueler Azzie so it’s better when he melts 🤭
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years ago
ACOTF Ch 15 has me thinking (a lot of things), but mostly the whole AC army vs NC army.
Mini Rant about Cassian incoming…
I was thinking the reason why Cassian is so dislike by the Illyrians is because they may believe that Cassian isn’t really for them/he doesn’t fight for them. Considering Cassian doesn’t fight for his own mate, I’m not surprised but that’s besides the point. Cassian stated in ACOSF that he was gifted the job by Rhys. He doesn’t have any ambition only to get on his knees for Rhysand. I know he WANTS to help the Illyrians but we have yet to see anything other than stupid training. Add on to the 50 yrs being in Velarius, on one hand I can understand, he was in fact trapped their by Rhys but I wanted him to do more. I am so tired of the excuses, especially “tHiNgS tAkE tImE.” Goodness, it makes me want to scream! Cassian doesn’t live in Illyria, despite having a house there (wtf). In ACOFAS, we find out that none of the shops will take his money, despite the fucking shops being Illyria and I would assume that many Illyrians are around that area. I was thinking maybe they don’t take his money is because he’s not for the Illyrians anymore and they know that too. So, I think SJM was really trying to have us pity Cassian instead of holding him accountable.
Now, someone can easily say the same with Eris, that since he’s the HL son, of course he’ll get the job. However with Eris, we see him actively help bring the lesser and high fae together, no matter the gender, because at the end of the day Death doesn’t care what species you are. I feel like we should have seen that with Cassian in the NC. Cassian can want, all day, to help the Illyrians but that doesn’t mean much when the only thing he could think of is training and nothing more. Sometimes I really blame SJM for not allowing the characters to think outside of their boxes. 😒
I think you've hit the nail on the head with your comments. I also think it's due to a lack of worldbuilding.
Cassian might be born as an Illyrian but he was the lowest in the pecking order then he got a cushty home with the little high lord. Got given his job because of that. I don't doubt that him and Azriel are powerful, but you're telling me the two who happened to become friends with Rhys as boys both turned out to be more powerful than all of the others? (I always wonder if they'd still be in the IC if they had no power whatsoever).
Cassian supposedly has a home in Illyria - I don't even know if that's canon now or just fanon. But he doesn't live there. Neither does azriel. The IC openly dislikes Illyria. When they arrive there, Mor declares it should be burnt to the ground. Cassian might be Illyrian blooded but his heart is in Velaris. He's not accepted because he doesn't experience the same life as them - his life is much more comfortable. Rhys pays the IC an obscene salary, but where does that money come from? Do they only tax the citizens in Velaris or do the Illyrians and Hewn City also have to pay their taxes? Do camp lords get paid? What is the economy like in Illyria if they just are warriors - does Rhys pay them for serving in his army? Is there a choice or all males conscripted?
It sucks because Cassian does seem to care about Illyria in some form whereas Azriel hates it. Cassian is seen buying clothes etc to be distributed but acknowledges it won't be accepted from him. I wish we had more of that development, of him trying to mesh with his people. I would far rather see a book set there with the political instability, the prejudices etc worked through rather than another book in the greatest city in the world (with all its nasty slums that nesta lives in).
I honestly do not know why the Darkbringers and Illyrians agree to fight for Rhys. Like what do they get from it? Nothing. They die. They're simply cannon fodder. Illyrians train from birth to kill and like not one of them can kill rhys off the second he tries to send them off to war???
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