#I don’t know if Ena will be using our tumblr
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Hello, 🌹♥️
I apologize for reaching out unexpectedly, but I am forced to contact you due to an urgent situation.
My name is Mohammed, and I’m an engineer. I want to assure you that I wouldn't want to bother you under normal circumstances. However, I am in desperate need right now. I have a beautiful family, and I am doing everything I can to save them from the horrors of the war in Gaza. I reached out to you because I believe you are a kind and compassionate person, and I hope that if you can share our story, you won’t hesitate to do so.
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
I’m not experienced with Tumblr, and I only came here to try to reach good people like you who can help amplify my family’s voice, hoping we might find someone who can help save them.
If you could reblog the pinned post on my account, I would be incredibly grateful. And if you are willing to contribute even more, you could also share our story on any other platforms where you have access. With your help, we might be able to save them.
If you have friends or know of large blogs on Tumblr, please don’t hesitate to ask them to reblog my post as well.
Again, I apologize for the inconvenience, and I sincerely hope that reaching out to you will be fruitful in my desperate attempt to save my children from the war.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart ♥️
Mohammed's pinned post:
Mohammed's gfm (less than 10k away from its goal!):
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questions from here (I’m just. I love infodumping bout insys shit <3)
1. What kind of system are you? (Describe this in any way you like. No need to use -genic or popular terms if you don't want to)
Eltegenic/Caregenic! We are very introject heavy (only like. 3/4 non introjects at this point?) and we are also caretaker/protector heavy! (Around 20 at our current count :D)
2. How many of you are there?
uhm by last count 130 something! our member count changes a lot tho, new members being formed all the time.
3. How long have you known about your plurality?
uh since last year I think? I can’t rlly remember the month or anything I just know we’ve known about it for around a year
4. What kind of spaces/communities do you/did you hang out in? (Both plural-relevant and non-plural-relevant spaces are valid answers, past and present)
TUMBLR!!!!!! It’s my only social media cite and this is where we are out as plural <3
5. Had you heard of DID/OSDD/DDNOS before you became plural/discovered your plurality?
yeah! I actually discovered my plurality from someone with OSDD.
6. Do you have a wonderland/innerworld? If so, what do you call it, and what are some things that you and your system members do there?
yes we do! It changes a lot tho, and like every time I’ve described it it changes right after :/
7. What do you call your system members?
people, headmates
8. If you're plural but don't use the word "system" to describe you&, what word do you use?
we do use system, but our system name is The Voillohi Family if that counts for anything
9. What are some of the best things about being plural?
I get to make sus jokes but with sys therefore adding an entire layer of inside-jokery
10. What are some of the not-so-great things about being plural? (Any answer is valid- nothing is too minor or too major to be an answer to this question.)
when walk-ins walk in knowing nothing about plurality/systemhood but we all have adhd so we don’t teach them for a couple hours
11. Do you have a spiritual or psychological view of your plurality?
wtf does this MEAN- I’m just plural bitch ✌️
12. Do you ever experience "switching" or "posession" or any sort of change in who controls the body? If so, what do you call it, how easy/difficult is it, and what is it like? Were you always able to do this, or did you have to learn how over time?
whoevers fronting at the time :/ unconscious masking makes it difficult tho
13. How do you and your system mates relate to each other? (Are you friends, family, romantically involved, caretakers, etc.)
All of the above
14. Have you come out to anybody in real life/in a singlet space about your plurality? How did it go?
it went alright! varying degrees of… not acceptance but just treating it well ig :/ still love em all tho <3
15. What kinds of forms and appearances do your system members take on?
humanoid mostly. We do have this one guy who doesnt have a body
16. What are you and your system members interested in?
fandoms: ENA, Drawtectives, Cookie Run, Deltarune, The Backrooms, Liminal Spaces, Weirdcore, Dreamcore
17. What is your life like in the meatworld?
>:/ I’m not telling u it’s none of ur business
18. What are your music tastes? Movies? Favorite colors? Animals? List any other favorites as well
Music: LOVE! Intrested in many kinds. Movies: ew no. Colors: we love all of them<3(except coral and mustard yellow) Animals: not animal ppl ig
19. Does your system have a host/original? If so, what do you call them? Explain what role they play in your system
my name is midnight and I don’t rlly front that much anymore ig? I’m just kinda there tbh
20. Do any system members have notable relationships outside of the system? Explain them!
not rlly
21. If you haven't been plural for your entire life/haven't known about your plurality until later in life: what was life like before plurality compared to life now?
you think I have the MEMORY? /j /lh /nm
22. If you chose to become plural: why? What has changed since then?
23. Is there anything you'd like to say to the plural community at large?
omg endos r real xeno origins r valid stfu sysmeds fuckin dicks
24. Is there anything you'd like to say to any singlets reading this post?
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How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently, 78. Soon to be more once I get my butt in gear and finish Kinktober.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
AO3 seems to think that Star Wars is at least twelve different fandoms, but I disagree. By my count, I have fanfics on AO3 in 4 fandoms: Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Also one Original Work.) But really just Star Wars. Everything else is like, one or two short fics when I felt like it at one point.
This is not a full reckoning, since it doesn’t count fan stuff I’ve written privately and not put on AO3, such as the long-ass backstories of several D&D characters.
As you can see, I am a basic bitch, fandom-wise.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. “Why Wait” (Baby Yoda Christmas fluff)
2. “In The Faces Of Our Children” (Vader and Tarkin, ruling the galaxy together, when Suddenly Luke)
3. “Holding Vader’s Leash” (the first multi-chapter Vader/Tarkin fic I ever wrote)
4. “Do Not Be Prey” (the short bit of Vader’Tarkin smut that started it all)
5. “I Will Not Let My Body Belong to the Dead” (an even longer Vader/Tarkin fic with lots of trauma and disability and Sith temple bullshit)
One of these things is, clearly, not like the others.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I almost always respond! I love comments! Sometimes it takes a few days to get my head together and figure out what to say, and once in a while there’s something that I don’t know how to respond to at all, but generally I respond.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Gosh, I don’t know. I write a lot of whump. Maybe “endure.”
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Probably “Why Wait,” which might explain why it’s so popular.
Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
You know, I don’t think I ever have! I’m not ruling it out one day, but I have no specific plans.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I always expect WAY more hate than I’ve ever gotten, to be honest. I’m always like “ooooh, I’m so edgy, they’re gonna cancel me.” Nobody has ever canceled me yet, to my knowledge. I’ve gotten mildly unfriendly comments a time or two but quite rarely, and nothing at the level where I’d really call it “hate.”
(Most hate I ever got in Star Wars fandom was not for a fic, but for a random Tumblr post where I said the Mandalorian writers didn’t understand childcare. LOL)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, I love to write smut! I particularly like smut involving BDSM and villain characters. It’s very cathartic to me to take messed-up, morally questionable characters and imagining how they’d approach kink, which means a lot of very complicated emotional dynamics and a lot of stuff that wouldn’t necessarily pass muster as safe, sane, or consensual in real life!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but “Why Wait” has been made into podfic twice.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have not!
What’s your all time favourite ship?
I don’t know about all time favourites. My feelings change over time and that’s fine.
That said, Vader/Tarkin is a fucked up little rarepair that played a role in my life for just over two years that I don’t think any other ship has ever equaled, or maybe will again. I’ve never been obsessed with writing a ship like I was obsessed with writing that one. And then, at the end of “The Madness of Emperor Tarkin,” the muse just suddenly stopped. I’d been using the ship to work through my feelings about a very particular life situation and when my situation changed, suddenly the obsessive urge to write the ship vanished back into the thin air from whence it came.
I still ship it, in a sort of abstract, nostalgic way, but it’s no longer taking up the majority of my brain circuits.
Or, as @taxxxon put it: “[Tarkin’s still] a very compelling character, you’re just not enacting intensive shadow work through him anymore.”
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
“Don’t Let The Water Drag You Down.” Sorry.
What’s your writing strengths?
I don’t know? Characterization? Imagination? Obsessively writing a lot of words really fast? Don’t ask me to give myself compliments, I won’t do it :D
What’s your writing weaknesses?
Pacing. I would not know proper pacing if it bit me in the ass. I’m not very good at action scenes / battles. Also my characters tend to spend a lot of time sitting around thinking about their own feelings, which I think is a feature, not a bug, but it’s certainly something that polarizes readers. Some love it, some hate it.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
Knock yourself out! There are no rules.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I mean, I wrote a lot of Harry Potter fic starting when I was, like, 12. The stuff I wrote in junior high school has been thankfully lost to the mists of time. We shall not speak of it.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
“I Will Not Let My Body Belong To The Dead.” The entire Vader/Tarkin ship peaked with that fic. It has everything.
Thank you to @cealtrachs for the tag. :) Tagging: @milkmochi, @neumh, @vaderssidechick, @choking-on-your-aspirations
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A3! Project Sekai crossover because I want to
Welcome to my tumblr this is where I talk about all the things I don’t want to bother my friends with and my Instagram is themed so I have no where else
Anyways so, here’s how it would work!
Mankai books a gig at Phoenix Wonderland’s theater, but with the students on summer break and the adults having time in their schedules, they decide to bring the entire company for team building, acting, and just fun!
While there, Tenma, Sakuya, Taichi, and Kazunari all break off to explore together, but as they do so, they feel as though they are being... watched.
After some wandering and tests, looking behind their backs and all that jazz to see what was going on, Misumi comes up behind them, dragging a red and yelling Tsukasa by the hand and just shouts
“I saw this guy following you all, so I brought him here! I think he wanted to be out friend!” Cause he’s Misumi and we love him.
So Tsukasa goes on this whole thing of “it’s unfair why did they hire an acting troupe form Vuledo when the wondershow is right here to act instead we sing and stuff we have me and that makes us 100X better. Yadda yadda yadda.”
Finally Tenma speaks up and is just “... who are you?”
Well the other Tenma is obviously offended cause of course he is, and is like “come to our show at this time today and you’ll see how much of a star I am!” Cause yeah
So the show is later in the day, after Mankai is supposed to have left, but Sakuya is like “we promised!” Cause he’s baby so they get the legend himself Homare to drive them because we know he and Rui have to meet.
So they arrive and go to the spot listed and just see a bunch of kids and their parents. So they sit and watch the show and are like
“Oh wow! This is pretty goo- okay now there’s lasers, explosions... what was the plot aga- oh my gosh it’s a robot.” And honestly they’re all just flabbergasted
Except Homare who is writing everything down as inspiration for his next poem.
So the show ends and WxS goes out to meet with Mankai, (sans Nene, they get Nenerobo instead) and Tsukasa is bragging about how great they were because of course
Emu is just really happy people came to see their show, especially people who she considers profession actors
And Rui is being Rui, there really is no other way to describe what that man does.
Anyways that’s all I have Uhh
Maybe some cute bonding with Sakuya and Emu
Tenma and Tsukasa having this whole thing of “you don’t recognize me???” Going on at some point
Homare shows Rui his poems and performs them as Rui does his robot shows
Kazunari taking selfie’s with Nenerobo
Misumi just vibing the whole time
Also Taichi. Low key forgot about Taichi but oh well know he would have been vibing the entire time. Like a whole “omg this is so cool”
All fun
Other interactions or card ideas:
• Mizuki, Ena and Yuki all going shopping together
• Muku and Rui just sounds so wholesome to me. Actually, screw if put Muku with the group in the main story I want that to much.
• Juza and More More Jump! I don’t have any reasoning behind this I just, that sounds so fun
• Tsuzuru and Haruka also
• Kumon, Azami and VBS. All based on vibes
• I have nothing for Leo/Need I’m sorry ;-;
#a3!#a3game#project sekai#project sekai colorful stage#crossover#sakuya sakuma#tenma sumeragi#kazunari miyoshi#misumi ikagura#taichi nanao#homare arisugawa#tsukasa tenma#rui kamishiro#nene kusanagi#emu ootori#wonderland x showtime#summer troupe#+ others#this is all for fun#but please I want this so badly
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Clone Wars Shadow Warriors
Seas 4
Oh this- just screams edgy ... Whelp
So is Jar Jar an adult, now,? (Asking because before his characteri zation was force of nature to child
Now he seems to have his own personality.
Which is fine if you want to change some details for the sake of a better story, (Or to simply explore a new angle,). Aesthetic
Just. need to make sure I’m holding them to the right standard,
That- was relatively adult,
Aight . . Well-
Did they just call Jar Jar away from Cou-ncil-
. I mean they are clearly trying which is some thing I do give credit for-
Though The Tone Is Robot- Ic-
(Though that might be int- entional since it seems to be hinting that this lady is practicing some kind of mind tricks on him
(Aka, he’s doing it under tox, because we don’t do suspension of choice in dra- mat ic Me- -dia,
Screw my own accou- -ntability - See that was the correct -amount of emotion-
. Okay - Right-
Sus- (pic)
No one noticed the obvious people right there?
Like not even Mr. sus there?
[or are they just so kind that it’s like oh yeah we were just talking hate speech but go right ahead?
Yeah some shit is definitely going on,
For sake of argument* sake, i’m just going to assume that his reaction to toxic behavior
*Account ability-
Any way
I’m still going to try,
Despite you clearly saying you want understood
Because assumed authority - and assuming you know better than a person about themselves
Is totally ok-
- In this society
-[Cries in sad “accountability,” -of- war, ]
In- flue- n -c e
Still an adult-
Imagine it was just a normal necklace and he pulled that shit-
[Ok for the sake of argument I’m going to assume the necklace is symbolism for toxic influence,
Being around it enabling]
It- - His voice voice dropped like - 6 octaves
Also I swear if they try to excuse him for his actions-
Mind over matter -Okay, so they’re not excusing him for his -actions,
Me- an - OK so it’s not naturally evil it just comes down to the users so that dude was still totally responsible,
Didn’t change - much
- Ha-Ha
Actual gas -lighting”
Also persuade, - Okay, good not excusing him from his actions, - Thing
The gaslighting goes deep - Also isn’t the Darkside supposed to be negative over involvement? - Aight- - - A-lone
Oh yeah that’s a great idea let’s just let the dude that just got gaslighted and completely fell forward go back into the person who did it,
(This Jedi Council is fucking brilliant)
Gas- Light- Ing
(Note; Confronting the gas lighter is never the way to do it (Inter- Gen-) (Excluding accountability of the abuser (Gen-break Venting Pro- Ced- u re)
[as you’re usually too angry to let them get a word in edgewise And remain; in control)
With inter- gen productivity, They are possibly given five warnings before Being Kick ed-]
For the sake of argu- ment as well as simplicity-
We’re stick -ing with bas- ic-
If someone’s acting toxic with you, you reflect and you don’t have to hang out with anyone you don’t want to,
This dude is very clearly making it obvious that he’s willing to listen to this person,
And, enabling
See he’s gaslighting him again because he thinks he can get away with it,
With no accoun- tability-
(Or the small bit this society believes in which is jail,”
Is he a Gungan Jedi?
You Don’t
(The repeated Gaslighter who has shown multiple times to be toxic, Was toxic, (And prepared to use any means to subvert the will?
Prize for the most in competent Je di
Like, Serious- (Really had to put those two accoun t- ability- cells to good - use-”
(For matting issue-)
The writer just saving us the effort of him coming downstairs -all feckin- weird, and the obvious “should’ve seen that coming, “
? ha-ha
Oh yeah no the creepy magical stuff wasn’t enough of a fecking clue in-
He snapped out of that quick-
Like didn’t even need a reverse- mind trick
Good for him-
And - actual- nar- rative- -
Wreck-ing -house
Okay, but how do you think this is going to look to the general public like two Jedi,( very good at persuasion - mind tricks’ -just showed up, now they’re leader and said Jedi are wreck-ing one of their minster’s houses-
One who could’ve feign- ed lack of support for the war
Like if this is a set up-
the chips- are about to fall,
Okay, seriously how obviously evil, was this person?
Like we have a weird creepy room, The robots apparently hanging from the chandelier (eck) And the knife
Like if this person ever- went- through a checkpoint
Also, Oh-
(That really does not look good,)
Yeah, she clearly has medical experience,
(Also yeah that’s really going to make it better-”
Oh yeah the senator was seen trying to clean up the evidence-
Well the Jedi ran out full sword’s- a blazing
(Instead of you know the Senator chasing after him, While the peacekeeper stayed behind and tried to tend to the person,]
Great - - Or Not-
Well- tensions just got raised,
Ai. Ght,
(Okay, no way he’s totally not dead but sure-)
That- sucks- - Un- Con-cious
That- doesn’t tell me anything else-
Like; Critical condition?
Li-terally no one else?
(Like don’t get me wrong I’ve been a pretty big Jar-jar fan ever since the change-)
But really, the Senator, the person that spends the most time away from your - planet
That’s the person, they trust the most?
Oh yeah just put on the deadly leaders hat-
The rese-mblance-
Not really?
I mean all humans technically look the same-
Pretty sure Jar jar is a lot scrawn- thin -er
Also if they’re not going to listen to him as him they’re not going to listen to him as he pretends to be their (dead) leader
Also, please don’t go with the liar revealed plot,
Yeah no, they have completely different kind of light. tones,
The face structure-
Co-mpletely different-
OK yeah I’m just gonna go over the fact, that as previously state, I am not a huge fan of the liar revealed plot-
-or lying
(No because it’s- unrealistic- - or there’s anything wrong with it
-people do lie
-maybe because of how overdone and poorly done it’s been,
-With the liar getting off Scott free without any weight
But I really don’t like this plot-
-And the skip button maybe used ad- nausuem- -
[Well- shit �� [for reference; I was using the skip button ad nausuem when I randomly stopped at the part with Greivous
Things just got a whole lot worse]
[Tumblr Refresh] -
Any Way,
Aww, That’s kind of nice the friendship and reliance the dude has on Other- Half - Yes ‘Boss Leoni’ when someone gets tox you leave- - In a - relation ship-
Also yeah he’s definitely not ‘Boss Leoni’ - He would’ve stayed and tried to take the tox
(Aka Jar-jar is less ena- bling, les- tox- And Doesn’t Take It For Much More. Than He Has To,
(He’s les -s
Dyfun. -c)
Good Job - Also - yeah how’d you manage that - That-
Didn’t get car ried up the chain of com- mand- - Then again Gri- evous has shown to be a pretty shit boss. - So I can’t blame these guys for being like yeah compl- ete stranger I will totally take a nap -right ,now- - You kinda have sticks- - [The rain is really nice,]
[is this the first time we’ve seen them use active particle effects for the camera?
Either way it’s really nice -
electric sticks,
That makes sense
[- bet ter for Figh t- In- g-
Stop one 1v1 -ing- It
Again this is what happens when you 1v1 it and don’t assume accountability- - -
[Don’t fight a metal cyborg with metal sticks when you’re not prepared to take it, full way,)
[I feel like this is supposed to be some big build up but they only shared like one scene where dude was completely silent,]
Die to take someone out with you
Are they actually going to kill off grievous because this isn’t look-ing too - good - Shit-
Dude- is still not dead- - How? - Whelp- - Oh, hey where the fuck did you come from,
I- Ack. Br-u- Tal
- Un - M - Plan-
“ damn it he messed up the script-, -Pal - patine
Prison break-
Also yeah that’s probably like a vacation for him-
Given how toxic these assholes are - Ex- change - Damn Ship per-
Also screw the 150 or how many other sena -tors - Only Amidala - matters - A- ight- - Also, dude knows where everyone’s lair, Is,
Like he pissed off Grievous with -his
Now he’s just chilling in this dude’s sipping earl gray Or- Some Shit-
Getting a little ahead of yourself episode- - O k
Hearing this, Skywalker doesn’t immediately run back shout -ing nope- - - Because, to my knowledge the speaking at room volume,
Not whispering and the distance isn’t enough to -explain it - Ai - - Wel- - There goes one min-ion- - Droids are apparently expensive enough to chastise Grievous over-
But sen-tient - beings are a dime’ a ‘dozen-
(Also gaslighter’s. don’t give a shit about you dear, God,
The Painful dramatic- irony-
*tra- gic- Wh- -Oa
Ai - Ri-
Wh- -elp,
You know if it wasn’t for the exposure earl- ier
I would assume they would think that the Jedi was just killing all their Im-por- tant- elected officials
He’s right. - But dude- that’s pretty ham fisted-
I mean-
How many episodes (and possibly seasons-) do we have to go- - - Anakin- is a dick to lanterns- - Also the random theme of the bots- coming out of nowhere- continues- - St -op- - Wh- elp-
? (He live?)
Good Play-
Oh, yeah, He’s alive we’re not going to bring that up in any mention-able way?
Wh e l- p
Oh - That was -nice-
You deceived everyone and lied to all our people, you’ll make a great leader,
Or a great council/ committee leader considering that they do have an open position , Best
I like that they had one bad ass fall and had it replace-d by Dooku being particularly bad-ass - In his place-
In the trade off near the end really speaks to the frag-ility of war
I thought-
It was pretty al-right Though it really did seem like - they were trying to build up to something but the structure unfortunately just didn’t support it,
Which is unfortunate because they do seem like bits- that could’ve been nice
Like Jar-jar being a constant peacekeeper-
The underwater nations-
Wars be- tween - Those Dude’s
And that general guy - Who seems to be like he was supposed to be this - really big deal
[probably intended to do something massive in the previous arcs,]
But, here, all he did was that one scene,
[Would’ve worked better if he was like this Re- Public Gen- Er Al-
To the shark guy-
And Akbar,
Was just like the resident enforcer-
Or something to do with the prince
I think it would’ve really worked better with the concept of ‘being taken’ under, As well that possibly being a good contrast between Jar Jar binks And Char- If Jar- jar got promoted- With Char being eager at first but then realizing he just can’t- And Jar- Jar being reluctant at first but realizing he can-
[Note; assumed authority is bad, Just- some people are better at using it for venting than others)
Nope boomers vs throw- it-back, boom-
And it really did feel like this episode -should’ve been the split one
Nearing the end- it started to feel like the 1st- part of a second ep-
Which is fine
Just cut- of-
Episode all around being al-right, with just several parts that didn’t make quite sense including the emphasis on the general for that one scene,
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Zexal Month Prompt Page

Hey everyone, Pyra here and here are the prompts for our third Zexal Month!
The new mod team and I -literally a bunch of chaotic demons in a discord chat- have been very excited and have been working hard on a bunch of prompts and alternative prompts to bring back your hyper-fixation on Zexal. August isn’t far away, friends! So if you want to prep for Zexal Month early, here’s your chance!
List is under the cut! Enjoy!
Week 1
Day 1: 1st of August Presenting you.
Who are you and what made you watch Zexal?
Day 2: 2nd of August Kattobingu brings us together
Tell/show us your favourite thing about your favourite character/or friendship
3rd and 4th of August Weekends are breaks/free prompts/time to prep for next week. So do what you want!
Week 2 Artists
Day 1: 5th of August Fashion icons.
Honestly, just use this an excuse to throw your character in a fancy outfit. Show us alternative costumes, clothes, and fashion, or even an alternate design of someone!
Day 2: 6th of August A Different Mantle.
Yuma the Barian Lord? Vector the Numbers Hunter? Rio the Arclight? Mix the teams up and show us how it affects the story!
Day 3: 7th of August The Family I’ve never known.
Ena, Mirai Tsukumo, the Kamishiro parents, the poor women who ended up marrying Faker and Tron… So many characters were skipped over in Zexal. Show us headcanons and pictures of these unsung heroes. Alternatively, draw fan children! You know you want to.
Day 4: 8th of August A long time ago, far in the future.
Show us characters at different ages! Maybe them as senior citizens, or as hot parents, or babies!
Day 5: 9th of August Space and the cosmos.
Hey, interpret this as you will. Maybe you could do something about the three planets floating in Zexal skies. Or what happens post-Zexal. Or Tron’s weird galaxy face.
Week 3: Writers
Day 1: 12th of August An Angsty Teen Drama.
Give us angst. Death scenes. Breakups. Injury. Pining. Mutual pining. Forbidden love. Cheating. Whatever it is, make the characters (and us) hurt. (Happy endings optional but not mandatory).
Day 2: 13th of August Love is a revolving door.
Give us your OTP. Show us why you love it so much and let them be happy (unless you like it because of the angst. Go do what you want, I’m not your mum).
Day 3: 14th of August What if there were no magic card games?
What if the Zexal cast had to be in our world? Give us some sort of modern AU! Go domestic and coffee shop style or go assassins gunning each other down or something in between!
Day 4: 15th of August Xyz Beyond Time!
Crossover time! Whether with another Yugioh series or a different show, show us a crossover with Zexal!
Day 5: 16th of August The many threads of fate.
Free AU day. Show us what you’ve thought about in your spare time, even if you’ve never done anything for that AU before.
Week 4: Video/Animation
Day 1: 19th of August LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
Hey, who put memes here? It’s just memes both new and old, plus maybe some old fandom jokes. Or something. I don’t know, unleash your inner degenerate.
Day 2: 20th of August The World is Beautiful.
Whether you do animatics or capture gifs, we want to showcase your work here! Capture your favourite part of Zexal. Those who don’t do either, feel free to talk/show what’s your favourite visual scene/scenery of Zexal!
Day 3: 21st of August DJ Earworm.
What’s your favourite Zexal BGM? Either talk about it or do a picture/piece of writing/gif work/amv to the duration of the song! See what you can achieve in 4 minutes!
Day 4: 22nd of August That one, but again.
This one goes out to all you animators. Reanimate your favourite scene from Zexal. Alternatively, for everyone else, just show us your favourite scene in Zexal.
Day 5: 23rd of August AMV hell.
Fan Video time! It doesn’t have to be an AMV too! Vines/Jokes/movie trailers… show us what you’ve got! If you don’t make AMVs, go youtube some and give a shoutout. Alternatively, writers/artists could write a prompt based on a Zexal video they find! Remember to reference videos properly!
Week 5: Fandom week
Day 1: 26th of August Battle of the Bands!
Are you a Numbers Club fan? A Barian Emperors fan? An Arclight fan? A Fearsome Four fan? Something else entirely? Why do you like that group the best? Show us something with them!
Note: This prompt does not have to include a battle of the bands AU unless you want to include it.
Day 2: 27th of August Illuminati confirmed
Fan Theory Day! As much as we love Zexal, there are some plot holes. Fill in the gaps or show us a theory you’ve been concocting!
Day 3: 28th of August The Me that’s not me.
What’s your favourite character? What character do you relate to? Why is this character special to you? Show us your story.
Day 4: 29th of August The Me to aspire to be.
Show us a person in the fandom that you look up to. Or you did look up to back in the day. Give them a shout out, show them why you liked what they did. If there’s no one, tell us a second character you’re really inspired by from Zexal.
Day 5: 30th of August Where are you now?
Zexal Month has always been about the community. Even if Zexal may not be our current fandom, it still holds a special place. For those currently in the Zexal fandom and active, tell us what you like about it. For those fossils like me, talk about your new fandoms and maybe do a small crossover with Zexal to show why you love your new fandom so much.
Finale 31st of August Goodbye for now.
This is another free day! Catch up on a day you missed or go to the alternative prompts page. However, it is also our chance to thank you all for participating. Tell us what you liked about Zexal Month, what you didn’t like, and what can be improved.
As you can see, each week, the prompts will be focused on a different sort of medium: art, writing, video editing/animating and general fandom creation. Of course, you can put forth whatever media you want to whatever prompt! We’d love to see an AMV of your Modern Day AU for example! We just thought having more focused prompts would help.
If you somehow don’t want to do any of the board prompts, that’s cool. Here’s a list of alternative prompts you can do any day that fits the more conventional style of fandom weeks/months. You can pick and choose, you can RNG it, or combine prompts… whatever you want! Just have fun!
Alternative Prompts
kittywampus - a disorganised mess
Agelast- A person who never laughs.
Amatorculist- A little insignificant lover; a pretender to affection
Petrichor- The smell of earth after rain.
Dragon tales
Growing up/Becoming an adult
Time loop AU
Monster/Supernatural AU
A Perfect ending
That’s all from me! See you in 31 days!
-Mod Pyra
God tumblr ruins .png so bad
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Okay so this is probably going to be the most sincere post I’ve ever made (and quite possibly the last sincere post I ever make). It’s been one hell of a year but I’ve gotten to know a bunch of you, be it your posts on my dash making me laugh or having conversations about god knows what at 1am. I think it’s safe to say tumblr has taken over a huge chunk of my life (sadder words have never been said) so here’s to all of you bozos.
@imhereforbvcky I had to start with you. We’ve been talking for over a year now and still you put up with my shitty humour and pestering snapchats. God, you take the piss sometimes though. But I’m glad you dish out what you receive, I don’t know if we’d still be talking constantly if you didn’t. Except also fuck you because we’ve now gotten to the point where I’ll see something (ahem cereal) on Amazon and I can’t help but send it to your door. It’s an issue. But on a more serious note, 2017 has fucking kicked my ass and I think I can safely say that it would have been far far worse if I didn’t have you to rant to and support me through it all. You’re a fucking gem, Mee. And I sincerely hope 2018 is a little kinder on the both of us.
@rotisserierogers Oh kumi, you give hard ons in my heart (I’m still laughing at organ boners). I think it’s safe to say that whenever I need to Yell™ I head to you. You’re somehow the both aggressive and motivational and it’s incredible. You were one of the Big Blogs I took my head out of my ass to speak to and I haven’t looked back since. You’ve ruined my sense of humour (who the fuck am I kidding though it never made any sense) and it’s been a wild fucking ride but thank fuck for you and your shit ass sense in food (rasmalai ftw). But hoe. Please. For the safety of everyone around you. Stay away from the kitchen. Come to my house for gods sake and let me feed you just... stay away from the stove. We’ll bring our son. It’ll be great.
@whothehellisbella Okay you’re a talented piece of shit and I hate you for it. But honestly, thank you for pushing me to be Extra™ whenever I can and for letting me yell about theatre! You’re a sweet little fuck but a sassy fuck and I’m so glad I can call you all the curses under the sun and you’ll just be like “no u, hoe” without batting an eye. It’s great. I think you were one of the first people I spoke to? Idk i’m getting old, either way you’re an absolute doll, you are genuinely supportive and such a kind soul and I wanna thank you for putting up with me. But also pls teach me your selfie ways i stfg I have no idea how to un-potato myself.
@poealsobucky Oh boy. Michelle. What a fucking ride. I’m still not over how awkward my first message to you was, the fact that you still spoke to me after that mess is beyond me (fuck you Mee). But you’re one of the nicest, most understanding people I’ve met on this hellsite. You understand my insane ramblings and the motive behind my bitchy moods and you deserve so much more. I wanna thank you for letting me feel safe to message you about literally anything and everything without fear of being judged. We didn’t speak until later in the year but I adore you and your wise-beyond-your-years advice. Now go get yo’self a glass of wine, you deserve it.
@mynameisnoelle We started speaking after Michelle showed me your username and I thought “that’s so fucking smart! I love it!” Too bad you’re a dumbass irl. Okay but no, I fucking love you, Noelia. You’re literally just as insane as me and it’s magical. Thank you for letting me spam you with whatever is taking over my life on any given day and for screaming along with me about things (babies and dogs, mostly). And I swear to god girl, if I ever get to Spain, we are meeting up.
@buckys-fossil Sam! Sweet, gorgeous Sam. First of, thank you for the lipstick good god it changed my life. And thank you for being just as excitable as me about the dumbest shit (although I’m still going to force you to read Harry Potter) and encouraging my insanity. Your videos of your dog always make my day a little brighter and I’m not even going to deny stalking your instagram, you’re hot af. I love you, peanut.
@crappy-camel @theassetseyeliner @barnescrazy Ah yes. The Children™. You guys will send me to an early grave, I swear. Macy you’re literally insane, I am worried about your health tbh but you’re also a huge fucking softie and I wish you the best. Erin any time I see your photos I can’t help but think “how the fuck is this girl so trendy? I looked like trash when I was her age” because oh boy was that a look. Good old suppressed emo teens. And Vena you Canadian blessing. You’re freaking gorgeous but fuck you and your Twizzlers, eh? Ngl though I’m considering marrying you for that nationality ya dig?
@valhalla-ally Ally! I fucking love ya! I don’t remember how we started speaking but holy fuck, you quite literally changed my life (woo uni) and I never really thanked you for that. You’re such a hard worker and quite honestly, watching your reactions to that Loki fic was one of the highlights of my year. You’re such a kind-hearted person and you go out of your way to make sure I’m okay and help i any way you can. I love you, woman, you deserve so much more recognition.
@meleedamage We haven’t talked much in terms of messages and shit but holy fuck, your posts have made me inappropriately laugh in public too many times. Any time I see you reblogging something from me, I prepare myself because I know it’ll be absurd, filthy and punny and I will probably have to stifle a laugh. You’ve made my dash immensely better and I wanted to thank you for making me laugh.. and yelling at me to reblog my drawing more lmao.
@soldatbarnes I’ve been such a shitty mutual when it comes to fics this year and I’m sorry but I’ll have you know, I have pretty much all of your fics saved on my tbr list because you’re insanely talented. And fucking gorgeous! I love seeing you on my dashboard and when we’ve spoken, you’ve always been such a sweetheart. Thank you for letting me ramble and forgiving me for being such a shitty reader.
There are so many more people who’ve made my time on tumblr that much better but my laptop is about to die and I can only handle so much softness. This is unnatural. I feel weird. But to everyone I’ve spoken to this year or has made me laugh when scrolling, thank you. You make tumblr what it is and I probably would have gotten bored and left long ago if it wasn’t for you guys.
#appreciation post#this is too sappy#good god#that's enough soft shit for the next year#i've filled my quota
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Laid-Back Camp - Episode 12
Alright, the last hurrah. One last camping trip with these girls. Let’s see how it goes. It’s Laid-Back Camp, episode 12! Here we GO!
-We begin…In a possible future. Rin’s camping ways have continued, and she’s taken more after her grandfather, with a cool motorcycle and sweet boots. She arrives to a campsite to find the others already waiting for her. Chiaki’s become the new Toba-sensei, treating all camping trips as an excuse to get her booze on…Well, I said the others, but Nadeshiko is a ways out still. In this fantasy, Nadeshiko didn’t just keep camping…She now owns a camping gear company, bringing American styled equipment to Japan. Also, Aoi still hasn’t lost her fang…
-And Nadeshiko arrives…On…
-She’s in the flying tent from the opening.
-So obviously this is our title-card shot. As much as I love all the other shots of the girls all grown up…I mean, come on.
-And this is all Nadeshiko’s idea of what it’ll be like when they’re all grown up. Which explains a lot. And Rin’s gotten back with stuff! Yayyyyy.
-Opening! So here’s the magic question for you: In Nadeshiko’s possible-future, did she imagine herself and Rin being married?
-Episode 12: Mount Fuji and the Laid-Back Camp Girls
-So doggo has to go. He’s picked up by Ena’s family to go back home to warm bed, while the others scrub their dishes and ask the question of who’s gonna take advantage of the actual baths first. Well, Toba-sensei is out.
-In the end, Aoi, Ena and Chiaki end up in the bath, in an actual proper hot bath no less. Which leaves Rin and Nadeshiko to stay warm around the fire, and they end up asking Toba-sensei if she doesn’t mind being out here all alone instead of with her lover…
-…That was her sister she was with, you dorks. Anyways, all of this gender and romance confusion has Nadeshiko so off-tilt that she ends up outright asking Chiaki if she’s a girl or not when the others get back. Do you want to die?
-So round two of the baths, chatting with Toba-sensei. Who has a camping history not entirely dissimilar to Rin’s, though hers is more group-oriented. Her dad was a huge outdoorsy type when she was a kid, so the whole family would practically be out every weekend in the summers. Her sister picked up the bug full-force, and she tags along.
-Also speaking of camping, Rin still doesn’t know what that thing she saw in the darkness was. It was your teacher. Aaanyways, by the time they get back from the bath, everyone’s done their hair up in a Shimarin Bun. Nadeshiko is surrounded by Shimarins and it’s wonderful! Rin is quietly a bit mad at that name.
-So Nadeshiko has enough hair that she gets the true Shimarin treatment: Having Ena do something ridiculous to her head. Which she doesn’t see until they take a selfie together. Alas, Nadeshiko. But now they’ve kind of used up their tasks, but it’s too early to sleep…
-So Chiaki has a treat. You know outdoor film festivals, and vintage American drive-ins, and all that? (GOD I wish I could justify using that shot of Anime To the Future) Well Chiaki just signed up for a data plan and streaming services for her tablet! It’s not quite a grand projector, but they can just dive deep until they forget what time is!
-Eventually they’re all tapped out…Until everyone else is asleep, and it’s just Nadeshiko and Rin with their heads poking out of Rin’s tent way off on their own, looking up at the stars. They end up talking about all the shows and stuff they watched, and possible journeys, and New Year’s plans, and just…just talking. I’m not sure if Rin will do these big group trips very often, but I think it’s clear she’ll be doing a lot of these little trips with Nadeshiko.
-And they doze right off, as quiet comes over the campsites…And all is peaceful…
-Until the first alarm goes off. It’s 5 AM Christmas day, and Rin wakes up next to Nadeshiko, just the two of them. I’m not saying they’re a few months at most away from one of them suddenly realizing “FUCK we’re a couple when did that happen crap crap crap what’s the anniversary is it the day we met WHAT DO I GET HER”, but it was aliens.
-Also Nadeshiko you promised to make breakfast so get out of that mummy bag and make with the grub.
-Of course, Rin ends up helping…And by the time the others gather, it’s a truly traditional meal. Some grilled salmon, a miso soup, rice, even natto. Exactly what a certain hungover teacher needs to clear her head. And as they all get their grub on…The sun tips over the horizon, and it is just magic. That first light, when your eyes have adjusted to the pre-dawn, is so overwhelming, and just…Amazing.
-Of course, then comes the end of the trip. The loading of gear, the packing up of campsites. Daily coming to pick various folks up, and of course, one last photo of them all together before they scatter.
-Cut to a new day at the bookstore. Rin’s just hanging out behind the counter…And she’s thinking she wants to go somewhere for New Year’s…Which is when Ena shows up, buying a magazine on winter camping.
-Over at school, Chiaki leads the crew on a full cleanup of their club room! …That took like two minutes. Until they get Rin or Ena to actually sign on, it’s the cramped storage room for another semester. And tragically, they’re both working through the New Year’s holiday, so they can’t even go camping together…Well, except for Nadeshiko, who can’t find work.
-Cue Rin texting with a PLAN. Ena got a temp job printing and delivering new year’s cards and they need more warm bodies. It’s only a week or two of work, but Nadeshiko’s super excited at getting some cash to turn into camping gear.
-And at last, the credits song plays, as we montage over a quiet calm for all involved with the sun low in the sky. Rin’s scooter dutifully parked by her humble home. Ena’s doggo wrapped up snug in his doggo bed. Nadeshiko’s sister after another road trip to a picturesque sight. Rin’s grampa watching the sun set from his latest campsite. Nadeshiko’s folks coming home with groceries. Toba-sensei’s sister setting up camp, and she herself wrapping up a day of teaching.
-And in that little storage hall, a few more photos added to Nadeshiko’s wall…Including the one magical shot that started the series, of them all together…
-Aftercredits! And not a skit, either. It’s post-New Years, the back end of winter turning into spring, and Nadeshiko’s pedaling her humble little bike, with its rack and her bag both full of kit, to a certain campground…It’s a hard ride, but she finally makes it, checks in, and finds herself nearly alone at a pristine lake. The very place where she met Rin, damn near the exact same spot, as she dutifully puts together her setup. Her tent, her little table…And her own little treat, the gas lantern she saw in the shop that day. It’s a perfect, gorgeous setup…
-When Rin texts asking if she’s working. She’s actually out on the road, and just got to her campsite! And thus they get talking, both of them out camping solo, as Nadeshiko hides where she’s gone, until she sends the photo…And Rin’s comes in…And she’s not even a hundred feet back. They both had the same idea and came to the same place. These adorable precious girls.
And that’s a wrap.
I…Damn, this one somehow feels way heavier than it should. The show’s just so warm and comfy that I don’t want to leave it. But there’s no more left(unless they do a second season COME ON YOU COWARDS), and thus there’s no choice.
I mean, except for the fact that I obviously have already made bookmarks for the manga to chew on.
It is no mistake that this show caused a lot of people to want to go camping. This was…Damn, this was real close to perfect for me, and quite frankly the only things that would’ve made it better would be trading some archetypes around to pander to my specific tastes, rather than actually doing anything objectively higher quality.
And that fucking ending. That last shot. That was just…Pretend your favorite meme image of a chef’s kiss is here, because that was perfect.
So what’s coming up now that we did that? A hard pivot to the exact opposite of this warm comfy slice-of-life stuff, and also me trying blatantly to build my presence Tumblr-side with a big-pop. You’ll see. Wait for it!
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Answered Asks // 1
Under cut~~~
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 5th 2017, 4:06:00 pm · 9 months ago aww I'm going to miss u :( good luck on writing!
You sent this 9 months ago but TY FOR THE WARM WISHES. It took a while and not exactly the best chapter but it’s done. It’s what I could manage so please forgive the less than good writing T___T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 5th 2017, 4:13:00 pm · 9 months ago TAKE YOUR TIME LOVE, GOOD LUCK, I'M SURE YOU'LL DO GREAT!!! Θα ειμαι το τυχερο σου αστερι ♥ (I'll be your lucky star)
I feel like I know who you are and ty ty ty for this message! You definitely were and thank you for your patience! TT___TT
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 5th 2017, 10:30:00 pm · 9 months ago I just finished all the current chapters to 5018 and can I just say, its so great. Sehun is my bias wrecker (Chanyeol is my bias), but this story is seriously making me reconsider who has the title of my "favorite" and I've never felt so attacked.
Oh yes. Yes, yes yes please come to the dark side and join our sehun forces. we are always looking for new members
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 5th 2017, 10:33:00 pm · 9 months ago I just realized LOXE (the club from 5018) is EXO-L backwards and I've read the story twice, why did it just hit me
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 21st 2017, 2:03:00 am · 9 months ago ena ena ena~ It's been a while. Hope you're doing well! 🤗
I’m doing better now that chapter 16 is DONE.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 23rd 2017, 9:28:00 am · 8 months ago I just found Apartment 5108 and I am dying. God. I mean, I know Sehun and Ahri are the romantic leads, but that boy needs to get his shit together. She deserves the sun and the moon and whatever the hell she wants, not this! I feel sorry for him, but also kinda want to kick his ass real bad. Also, love your portrayal of Chanyeol! If you ever have them fall for each other (though I doubt it) you'll have my full support.
He’s learning and I hope that’s apparent in the chapter about to be posted. She really deserves it all and no worries. I shall give her the world. Or well---get Sehun to give her the world LOL. I KNOW. I have many issues with PCY bc I give him the best dialogue in this damn story and I really shouldn’t but it just happens that way and I can’t help it. But he’ll have his own happy ending---as will all of the characters in this universe. //hugsssss//
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 28th 2017, 1:53:00 am · 8 months ago Hi Ena!! I hope you're doing well, I miss your updates :( how's life/writing going?
I feel like death tbh. I think I got sick from stressing over this chapter but it’s done and I’m sorry if it’s not good but I felt the progression was necessary???
@knownotwhatisinstore said to enaasteria: February 5th 2017, 11:38:00 pm · 8 months ago Hello! I finally managed to get caught up on 5108. It is so fantastically written that I can feel every emotion, almost down to the physical pain in your story. It's so wonderfully humanizing and psychologically deep. I can't wait to read more. Please take your time and continue to write openly! Thank you!
Hugs you! Thank you so much for reading and yes---I love pain. I write pain better than I do with happier tones so I think it’s why chapter 16 took so long. It didn’t really have a super angst element so I was like ????? how do I write this part?? But yes. THANK YOU so much for reading!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: February 13th 2017, 12:47:00 pm · 8 months ago omg ena! is chap 16 ever coming out soon? I'm so excited you're such a good write I swear... I love ur story so much 😭😭
Thank you for loving the story and this message is about 8 months late but it’s being posted tonight. Have a good time reading //hugs//
@sassyunicorns2 said to enaasteria: February 23rd 2017, 3:24:00 pm · 7 months ago Hi!! I'm a big fan of apartment 5108 and i have a few questions: 1° - what is Ahri height 2° - in chapter 15 are lay and soi no longer together? 3° - can you please explain me better where are Ahri scars? Since my first language is not english it's a little harder for me to understand. Thank you. I know that you are in hiatus and i hope you can write and finish the story just like you wanted. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WRITING AND HWAITING
The best of the message: You are my favorite writter ever and your stories are amazing. They are so well written and the plot is so good! Like thanks you for writing. Before you i couldn't read any angst story... Now i cant escape them
1// Ahri is around 168cm --- 5′6″ 2// Yixing and Soi are broken up //les cries// 3// Scar is on her forehead line where her hair and forehead touch and also on her back jawline
And thank you so much for reading. I’m so glad you enjoy it and please have fun reading 16!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 5th 2017, 5:26:00 am · 7 months ago Ok I don't know if you remember me but I was the girl who had to distant herself from a guy because one of her friend was really into him and people shipped them. Also I know you're on hiatus but I'm just sharing news so don't answer it's okay :). Well, basically I had to go on a trip with his family because his dad is doing the job I want to do so he proposed to show me everything and the guy came along with his brother to see too. (1)
And for a hour, his dad had to do administrative tasks so the 3 of us were left alone until his brother went calling their mom. So the guy began talking to me and at a moment he asked me about the fact I was more distant. And I messed up. Saying I wasn't feeling confortable with him anymore (which was true) and that it was for the better. AND. He knew about my friend who's into him and he told me he knew why I was distant so lying to him was useless. (2)
So I explained to him that it wasn't that I was into him but me being close was worrying my friend. He litterally said "Bullshit". So I said "Even if i'm into you, it isn't going to work out. I don't like you enough to put my friendship in danger and we both know she's an amazing girl. Also you're going to the same university next year so give her a chance." So he confessed to me but we agreed to never talk about it again and we decided to stay friends. (3)
And that's how we ended every chance with had. Because I'm litterally going to live at the opposite of the country so I'm sure he will be better by giving her chance when she's few meters away from him. I know I did what is right but is it normal for me to be hurt by it because I swear I wanted to throw up when I told him to give up. Anyway, I hope you're doing well and take care ! :)
Of course I remember you anon! Your story pains me a lot. I feel for you and wish I can give you a hug but I love how resolved you are. You let him know plain and clear you like him---but not enough to put your friendship in jeopardy. I really commend you on that bc it shows your maturity and I don’t know. I still feel sad for you on it because it appears you both have mutual feelings for one another---it’s just wasn’t meant to be. :(
@jediofthemarveluniverse said to enaasteria: March 8th 2017, 4:08:00 pm · 7 months ago Erm i dont really know if this was answered in the story . But why did Sehun remember something bad when Ahri asked for the pass code for the balconey? Thank you xx
It was in chapter 12---Ahri found out the balcony locks were numbers to Jiyul’s birthday. When Ahri asked him what the passcode was, it made him think of Jiyul and in turn, place him in a somber mood so it’s why he was perturbed when she asked.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 8th 2017, 4:18:00 pm · 7 months ago How did sehun feel hearing tht pcy was talking to ahri? What was it like when he saw the final photos? How long has he been going back to his old habits ?
In chapter 16! Ty! <3333
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 9th 2017, 2:22:00 pm · 7 months ago I'm curious as to how Ahri told Myungsoo that she was living with Sehun and had developed feelings for him since she never mentioned Sehun on their first date x)
I might not dive into this because Ahri kinda touched base on it in chapter 9 how she told Myungsoo and you could see Myungsoo’s interaction with her after. I’m sure it hurt a bit but they went out once and it wasn’t enough to develop into something too deep to get out of.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 9th 2017, 5:52:00 pm · 7 months ago What about the jar in the kitchen when they put kind messages ?
I’m gunna try to put this into chapter 17. 16 was overcrowded with information. hahaha
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 9th 2017, 5:54:00 pm · 7 months ago MYUNGSOO FUTURE LIKE IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT HE DESERVES SO MUCH HAPPINESS
YES! Chapter 17 will touch on this! I was gunna do it in 16 but I tried and the chapter got even longer and I was like. nope.
@khaty-fan said to enaasteria: March 11th 2017, 2:58:00 am · 7 months ago SEND ♥ THIS ♥ TO ♥ THE ♥ FIFTEEN ♥ NICEST ♥ PEOPLE ♥ ON ♥ TUMBLR ♥ IF ♥ YOU ♥ GET ♥ 5 ♥ BACK ♥ YOU ♥ MUST ♥ BE ♥ PERFECT ~♥ :D
Thanks babe!
#anon#messages#knownotwhatisinstore#to all of u who have me on notifications#i'm sorry#i have aorund 60 asks to answer and i'm grouping them as much as i can#sassyunicorns2#jediofthemarveluniverse#khaty-fan
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march 25, 2017
9:16pm Well I hung out with Justin tonight and it's always nice to see him. Turns out he made a tumblr so I guess he can still see these but I'm sure he doesn't read them anymore, he said he hasn't recently, so I'll just keep venting on here like it's nothing. I feel so off. I feel really weird and I don't know why. I tried to text Alex about it but she kinda just pushed it aside. It's okay though, I'm not upset. I just feel like my mind has been somewhere else for the longest time, but something about the way I feel tonight is throwing me off so much. :( Anyways, I just feel really bad now. Justin and I went to go see Beauty and the Beast, and IT WAS SUCH A NICE MOVIE, I'm glad I saw if with him. But the movie ran longer than I expected, and we kinda went the wrong direction on the way to my house, and I feel so bad because he was late to his dinner. I felt so bad, and I offered to buy him ice cream after but of course Justin said no. Anyways, I was supposed to go to dinner with Jakob, but he asked for a raincheck last minute, and it's fine, I'm kinda used to it from him hahaha. I really miss Gracie tonight because most of my friends are either coming home or already home, but she won't be. I wish I could be in North Carolina right now too, where I could easily drive to Ena's house, and we'd just vent for hours about our lives, or have Kayla come over so all three of us can watch a movie, or have Rico cheer me up too. I think typing all of that out made me a little sad, but I know I'll see them soon. I think I'm gonna work on the songs I've been writing recently since that always seems to take my mind off of things :-)
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