#I don’t have anywhere to put more stuffies 🥺
rosicheeks · 1 year
Found this meme which is definitely about you 😂
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Had an idea for a image for the nanny where Andy gets sick with a fever and becomes a big baby 🥺❤️✨
I'm so sorry it took so long to answer this. I saw the annon and tried to write it but I had so much work to do. And then when I finally had the time I was blocked and had no idea what to write! But I finally have it, I hope you like it. Trust me I did my best!
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: After Lily got sick, Jake followed and of course it was only a matter of time the head of the family was sick too.
Warnings: None, I think.
A/N: English is not my first language and I was tired when I wrote this, so I’m sorry for any mistake this may have. Enjoy!
Word count: 1612
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIF'S NOT MINE, you can find the credits underneath it. If you are wondering why the gif is a bear, it's cuz Andy is one hehehehe.
After Lily got better, Jake got a cold. Contrary to her sister, Jake didn’t have a fever, but he had a stuffy nose and his eyes were watery. The little boy had to stay home a couple of days to rest, but after that he went back to school brand as new. Annie knew it was the weather, it was the beginning of December after all, the wind was colder and of course it carried diseases.
Everything was fine for a couple of days until Andy woke up one morning with a sore throat. He didn’t think too much of it and he didn’t mention anything to Annie. He had his usual morning routine, drank his coffee and went to work. But as hours passed he felt more and more sick. His head was pounding, he began to cough and he had a runny nose.
“Mr. Barber?” Meghan, his assistant, knocked softly at the door as she opened it, she had been calling him for a while without getting a response from him. She found Andy drifting off in the middle of the day. “Andy.”
“What?” He lifted his head and Meghan saw his eyes and nose were red and his lips were completely dry.
“My god, go home.”
“I’m fined.” He sorted the files he had on the desk.
“No, you’re not. If Lynn sees you she will send you home. You know how she is when someone is sick.”
“I’m not sick!”
“Really? Then what are those?” Meghan saw the many tissues he had on the desk. “Go home, or I’ll call your wife.”
Andy stared at her not really believing she will do such thing, but Meghan was not joking, and when she saw Andy didn’t move, she went to grab the office phone.
“Fined! I’ll go! But I’m not sick!”
“This is the second time you said “fined” with a very mark D at the end.”
“I don’t like you right now.” Andy said as he stood up and grabbed his things.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’ll tell Lynn you went home.”
“Danks,” he said, noticing the way he pronounced the word. “Fuck!”
Andy was always very careful so he barely got sick, in fact he hated when he got sick. Andy came back home, his headache was worse than when he left the office and he felt extremely hot.
“Honeyd… this is fucking ridiculous. Babe!” His head and the back of one of his eyes pounded when he screamed his wife’s name.
“Andy?” Annie came out of the kitchen carrying a laundry basket, “My god, you look awful!”
“I love you too.” He said as he walked to the couch and let himself fall on to it.
“What happened?” Annie left the basket on the coffee table.
“Meghan send me home cuz apparently I’m sick.”
“Well you look like crap and your cheeks are flushed, so yeah you must be sick. Let me…” Annie put her hand on her forehead, “You are burning. Go to bed. I’ll be there in a moment.”
“I’m fined!” He rolled his eyes, “Fucking cold…”
“Go to bed and don’t get near Lily!”
“What? That’s abuse!” Annie looked at him with a severe stare and Andy only nodded and went to their room.
By the time Annie walked into the room, Andy was already under the covers and she could only see his hair. She put the glass of water, pills and syrup on the bed side table.
“Andy?” His eyes were closed, “Andy, baby. I need you to sit down so you can take the medicine.”
Andy groaned and sat down, “Ow,ow,ow,ow!”
“What is it?”
“It hurts when I moved.”
“Just…” Andy pointed to his nose and forehead, “all over.”
“Does it hurt here?” Annie put her finger in the small part between his nose and his eye and put pressure.
“OW!!!! Stop that!”
“Don’t be a baby, a barely touch you!”
“Don’t yell! Ow! Fuck.”
“Alright, take these two.” Annie handed him two pills and the glass of water. She saw how Andy chugged them, “And now open wide.”
“For what?”
“The syrup.”
“I don’t want to.” He covered himself with the comforter and whined just like Jake did when he was about to throw a tantrum,
“If you don’t open your mouth I will get a funnel from the kitchen and I’ll stick it in your mouth.” Andy kicked his legs and Annie waited until he finally opened his mouth, she stuck the spoon in his mouth.
“That’s gross.” Andy gagged, “that’s… oh god!”
Andy jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom; he kneel in front of the toilet and threw up.
“Are you serious?” Annie said not believing this grown ass man threw up because of a cough syrup. She kneeled next to Andy and rubbed his back. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“Shut up.” He spit onto the toilet. “I hate those things.” He gagged again when he tasted the flavor on his tongue.
“You’ll have to take the pills again.” Annie said in a soft tone and Andy nodded, “Let’s get you back to bed.”
Once in the bed, Andy took another two pills and Annie helped him to arrange the pillows so he could be almost sited on the bed so he could breathe better. Annie kissed his temple when she heard Lily on the monitor.
“Try to rest. I’ll be back later.” But Andy grabbed her wrist.
“Where you going?”
“Lily is waking up, and I need to finish some things before I leave to pick up Jake.”
“No, you can’t leave. You can’t leave me alone.”
“What if I die?”
“hehehe I don’t think you’re gonna die.”
“I feel like I’m dying.”
“Andy it’s just a common cold.” She kissed his temple again, “I’ll be in the room next door. If you need anything, just scream.”
“My head hurts when I yell.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
Annie went to the bathroom to wash her hands before going to Lily’s room who was now fully awake kicking her chubby legs in the air.
“Hello, princess.” She said as she lifted Lily up, “Guess what?” She kissed her chubby cheek, “Your daddy is sick. So we must be quiet so he can slee…”
Her monologue was interrupted by the sound of some sort of bell.  
“What the hell?” Annie said and turned to see Lily, “Sorry.” The sound filled her ears again, it came from their bedroom. She walked there holding Lily and saw Andy under the covers, with his arm lifted holding his phone.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Andy uncovered his head and looked at his wife.
“It worked.” He sniffed, “I need you.”
“How does your phone make that sound?”
“It’s an app.”
“You should be sleeping, not searching for app of bells.”
Andy moved her phone and the bell began to sound again this time louder and Lily did not like the sound at all. Her face scrunched and a loud scream came out of her mouth.
“Nice job, Andy.” Annie began to bounce Lily, “Shhhh, let’s get out of here.” She took Lily to her nursery until she calm down, put the pacifier on her mouth and left her alone to come back to Andy.
“She is calm now.” Annie said as she walked into the room, “I can’t believe you search for an app with a bell sound, I am not your maid! I have things to do and you are acting like a fucking child!”
When she turned she was met with Andy’s watery eyes, who sniff before tears ran down his cheeks, “Oh god! Andy I’m sorry.” She climbed on her side of the bed. Andy was fully crying, “Don’t cry.”
“You hate me.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Yes,” He sniffed once more, “you do.” He cleaned his nose with the back of his hand, “I’m dying and you don’t care.”
“Oh my god.” Annie rolled her eyes, “I don’t hate you, and you’re not dying. You need to sleep. I’m sure that you’ll feel a lot better when you wake up.”
“If I sleep you’re gonna leave.”
“uh, yes cuz’ a have things to do.”
“Ok, alright.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, I’ll text Sophie, “She took her phone, “and ask her to pick up Jake, she’s picking up Louis anyway.” Andy saw how she send the text and smiled to her. “Happy?”
“I want cuddles.”
“Of course you do.” Annie hugged him and began to hum a tune. “Close your eyes, and try to rest, I’ll be here when you wake up.” She kissed him on the cheek and soon after Andy’s eyes finally shut down.
7 p.m. Annie was in the kitchen cutting potatoes for the dinner.
“You promised you be there when I woke up.” Andy said making Annie turned.
“I told you I had things to do.” She smiled when she saw Andy looked a bit better than earlier. “How is my big baby?”
“I need more cuddles.”
“You think you can wait till after dinner?” Andy nodded with a big, tired smile on his face, “Cool! I’m making you a special noodle soup.” Andy smiled lovingly to her. “On the meantime,” Annie went to the fridge, “Here is some string cheese and a juice, go watch TV.”
“I’m not a child.”
“Ok, then. Can I get those back?”
“No, they’re mine!”
“Dinner will be ready soon.” She smiled and saw Andy walked to the living room, “And don’t get near the kids!” A small groaned was all she heard before Andy disappeared in the hallway.
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elgaravel · 3 years
23, 37, 58, & any other questions you want to answer for Zath and/or any of your other ocs? 🥺
kissing ur ring like in the godfather. From this post
23. What’s one childhood memory they’ve never forgotten?
His father dying :/. He was very young, maybe around 5 or 6, but that's not something you forget regardless. He didn't actually see his dad die but his mom broke the news and he was pretty devastated as he was very close with his father. Now that he's much older, he has very few memories of his father and he almost feels like a stranger now.
37. What’s their favorite thing about their significant other, if they have one?
Oh my god... Finding something Zath doesn’t enjoy about that man is hard enough so picking a favorite is like holding me a gunpoint bc that means I also have to pick something 😭. Could write a 7 page essay on how much I adore Dorian. 
But I’d say he likes Dorian’s courage, or his bravery, however you want to put it. This goes hand in hand with his open-mindedness and willing to learn (on most topics, he has his Moments) but Dorian has had it ingrained that his sexuality is a flaw, that his want for change is a flaw. His father has gone as far as trying to change him with blood magic, which has to be one of the most devastating things ever. Despite that, Dorian took the leap of faith and pursued something with Zathrion, despite his worries that this would taint his reputation, despite his fear of it all going horribly wrong. Zathrion couldn’t be more grateful for that. 
He also loves how much of a nerd Dorian is. And unlike Solas, who Zath is quite close with, he never really talks down to Zathrion. It doesn’t feel like you’re speaking to someone who thinks they’re better than you. Dorian asks questions, rather than expecting you to ask him and in turn be blessed with his knowledge. When he explains things, there’s always a genuine fascination in his voice, he’s excited to be sharing his knowledge. Zath also adores the way his face lights up when they’re sharing recent discoveries. You know that mission in Crestwood (i think) when you’re underground and he says something about the lighting bc it’s magic or smth and he says “Remarkable! :D”, Zath fell in love immediately. 
58. If they could change one thing about their life, what would it be?
As much as he’s enjoyed the whole world-saving business because of the people he’s met, he’d really just like to live his life in peace. Living either with his clan or somewhere remote in the forest (or anywhere with Dorian, he’s not terribly picky), seeing his son as often as he can, traveling the world again maybe. But, alas, the universe has different plans for him. 
It’s conflicting for him because part of him does wish he never went to the Conclave but he’s also grateful for much of what being the Inquisitor has offered him, mostly meeting the love of his life and his closest friends. He mostly just wishes that he could offer his son the life he deserves, which is one free of the looming threat of death due to being the Inquisitor’s son. Zathrion can only shelter him from so much and he can’t bear being the reason Taren will have to deal with such things. He’s only ever wanted to be the best father he could be and he feels that being the Inquisitor has robbed him of that. 
Adding a couple under the cut, pls don’t feel obligated to read them. One of them is kinda not sfw
41. What do other people love most about them?
He is quite literally a breath of fresh air. Due to his expertise in frost magic, the air around him is always refreshing, when he’s in a good mood anyway. I wrote something more in depth if you’re interested but I’ll keep it brief  for this. It’s hard not to enjoy his presence when the air suddenly feels cleaner and crisper when he walks, clearing any potential stuffiness or uncomfortable temperatures. He has a comforting aura regardless, whether that be because he’s a parent or because of how gentle he is, you really can’t be upset when he’s around. 
6. What are they like in the bedroom — well-rounded lover or wooden plank?
Very well rounded 😏. Versatile switch so he’s down for any kind of dynamic but he’s generous either way. Your pleasure is his pleasure kinda guy. Not super kinky but is open to experimentation but be ready for him to check in every 10 seconds LMAO. Really likes using magic, so if temperature play is your thing, he’s your guy. Enjoys light bondage, blindfolding, choking, massive praise kink, etc. Very good with aftercare, the word “no” is not in his vocabulary after, he will get you whatever you want/need. 
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