#I don’t get why there is such hype around changing the literal basics of f1
fcb-mv33 · 1 year
Drivers in other categories constantly chatting shit about f1 is so embarrassing like f1 has always been this way. Concentrate on your own categories instead of acting like Max winning is the most horrible thing in the whole wide world dumbfucks. // I dont get why you get so overdefensive? I love Max but I can also see that none of those comments have anything to do with him winning. And when you have so many different racing series (because it's not just Indy drivers, juniors as well as other FIA drivers) drivers saying something is wrong with F1... heres a crazy idea, maybe there IS something wrong? IMO, they are right because so far it is the only racing series this year to have 0 excitement and suspension. And before you say go watch/focus on your own series, I don't want to. I want F1 to be competitive, I want to enjoy watching it again. I want Max to fight with others and to actually see his masterclass driving instead of camera panning to him only at the end because he fucked off so far in the distance the cameras cant even find him. Its great for his championships but its objectively boring and Max agrees.
I’m actually not being defensive just because it’s max I’m just sick of the constant whining about f1 this season just cause Red Bull have the fastest car. Like I’m sorry but some drivers in other categories saying they need to change f1 and turn it into Indycar I just find annoying.
F1 has always been about innovation from teams and their employees, trying to come up with the best car and aerodynamics around it. Like just because we had an amazing 2021 doesn’t mean that f1 was always going to be like this. And also maybe if the fia gave teams longer to get used to the new regs then we might see closer racing. Look at the end of 2021 where we had the midfield consistency fighting and even now the battle betweeen 2-4th and then the midfield is great. Like sure we would all like a fight but lower your expectations until the end of the regs when we see the competition closer.
I just don’t think there is a need to constantly being like “this is why my series is better than f1” because it’s a completely different sport. F1 has always been a jewel of motorsports and just because it’s Red Bull and Max leading doesn’t mean other series have to constantly be chatting shit🤷🏼‍♀️
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