#I do like the idea that she got a new all red suit to honor Donna. I do not like the suit they gave her but still
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mourning-tides · 8 months ago
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Cassie Sandsmark they could never make me hate you. Even if they’re trying. Really hard
Also idk if Greta and Cassie were technically roommates at Saint Elias’s but who else would it be. They’re buddies. Bonds forged in Yj are unbreakable unfortunately
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spankingwishes2 · 7 months ago
The Birthday After-Party
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agbbswts wrote:
"Your bare bum's visiting our three laps indeed, dear" "And we’ll be using our slippers." "Aw. Poor darling you're gonna be so sore!"
It was my birthday, but hardly even my party - I don’t have a tenth the friends Camille does!  But it was a blast and made me feel pretty special, even if I was meeting a lot of these people for the first time!
The after-party slumber party, though, got down to just the four of us - Chelsea and Evangeline plus Camille and me.  And I can’t say that I didn’t know what was on the agenda… Camille had agreed that there’d be no ‘birthday spanking’ at the party - provided I didn’t object ‘afterward’ - as in, now.  And, to be fair, she had let me know that I’d be ‘in for it’.
“Are we limited to twenty-five spanks?” Ev pouted (twenty-four plus ‘one to grow on’). I looked at Chelsea - she would never go for that.  She likes to spank.
“Well…” Camille started, and I knew she had a way around it.  “It is a party,” she said, “So I guess if we get to the end and it’s not really enough, we could always start over.”
“That’s fair,” Chelsea claimed.
“Don’t I get an opinion?” I protested, knowing it was futile.
“No, sweetie, not at all,” Camille told me pleasantly.  “Though you could ask us for a second round - which you’re getting very close to doing right now.  Or should we just wait and see?”
“Waiting is good.”
“I thought so,” she continued.  “So let’s have you in your birthday suit!”
“You could do a little strip-tease for us,” Ev suggested, which I did not want to do.  I blushed bright red at the idea.
“Or our guest of honor could just stand still, and we’ll provide the stripping,” Chelsea said.
“Oh, definitely,” Camille agreed, “Just right there is fine.”
An instant later, the three of them were unbuttoning buttons and tugging at sleeves.  It actually was sort of exciting - though it’d be a lot more fun if I hadn’t been worrying about what was coming up!  They got down to my undies.  “Let’s stop a second before ‘the big reveal’,” Camille told them, turning me around.  Chels and Ev stood by the couch and Camille dramatically took the final step.
“Ta-da!” she crowed.  “Look at that bottom - have you ever seen one so white?”
“When’s the last time you were spanked, Kendall?” Chelsea asked.
“Um, not since…”
“It’s been over a week!” Camille announced, making it sound incredible.  “But I’m sure any little naughtiness will be all gone by the time we’re done!”
“Want you to start the new year right!” Ev told me.
“Yeah,” Camille said, “Any little wrongdoings from the past year will be sent packing as well - won’t it, girls?”
As they agreed, I muttered, “That sounds like an awful lot of spanking…”
“Just enough,” Camille said.  “Now - here’s what I’m thinking.  We’ll go Evie, then me, then Chelsea.  I really ought to go last, but if K has trouble holding still for the last one, I can help.”
“So I’m first?” Ev said.  Looking over my shoulder, I saw that she was already sitting down with a slipper in her hand.  “Twenty five total, or each cheek?”
“I think ‘each cheek’ would be allowable…” Camille said, as if she’d pretended to think about it.
“Hey!  Now wait a minute…” I complained - and got a sharp slap on the butt.
“Sweetie, if you want a second round, you’ll ask for it nicely,” I was told.
“Yes’m,” I mumbled.
“But we each have two slippers,” Chelsea pointed out.  “So… twenty five with each?  On each cheek?”
I knew better than to protest again.
“Since Kendall doesn’t seem to want a second round, I think that would be best, yes,” Camille agreed.
“So, do we do them back to back?  Or is it one slipper from each of us, then the second?”
“I think one from each,” Camille decided, “Provided Evie won’t chicken out once Kendall’s bottom’s all red.”
“Oh, gee, I don’t know,” Ev said, which was sweet of her.  “I’d hate to… you know… hesitate to… do a good job…”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Camille told her.  “We’re good with back-to-back as well, aren’t we Chelsea?”
“Absolutely,” Chels said, unsurprisingly because it’s probably just what she wanted - third spanking on my roasted bottom!
“Okay, sweetie - over you go!” Camille said as she spun me around to go over Ev’s waiting lap.  “Evie’s going to get your birthday spanking started right!”
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theconstantsidekick · 2 years ago
Tony Stark Is Like A Painting
Pairings: Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: I literally have no idea what genre this qualifies as and I personally have a wide range of what I consider genre
Summary:  Tony's being rejected from the Avengers Initiative. FUN!
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename��Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Very little Swearing (idk how that happened)
a/n: read Age Of Ultron for more information on Y/n's backstory
sidenote: if ya'll know about the rabbit in a snowstorm, HIT ME UP.
My Greatest Creation Is You (previous part) | Series Masterlist | The Avengers (Ft. Static) | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | Static Verse Masterlist  | Iron Man 1 (ft. Static) | Bucky Barnes, the Boyfriend
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“I don’t think I want you looking at that,” Fury says in a scolding tone as he enters the room and takes a seat opposite Tony. There are guards surrounding them and behind their table are holographic screens lit up showcasing footage of the… let’s call it recent peculiar events. “I’m not sure it pertains to you anymore.” Fury pulls the file titled, “Avengers Initiative” out of Tony’s hands. 
Ooof, she thinks. That’s gotta hurt. 
“Now this, on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff’s assessment of you.” Fury hands Tony another file. “Read it,” He urges him.
Tony does as he’s told. “Aaaah—‘Personality overview—Mr. Stark displays compulsive behavior.’” Tony looks straight at Fury, “In my own defense, that was last week.” When Fury does nothing but stares at him unimpressed, he realizes his joke has not landed. Moving on, he adds, “‘Prone to self-destructive tendencies.’ I was dying. I mean, please. Aren’t we all? ‘Textbook narcissism’?” He seems a little shocked at the observation. There is a pause. He even looks at Fury… who remains unmoving. So Tony says, “Agreed. Okay, here it is… aaaaah—‘Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes.’” He closes the file. “I gotta think about it.”
Fury commands, as unimpressed as ever, “Read on.”
So once again, Tony does as he’s asked, he opens the file and reads, “‘Tony Stark not—? Not recommended’? That doesn’t make any sense. How can you approve—me but not approve me? I got a new ticker.” Fury gets off his seat. “I’m trying to—uh—do right by—uh—Pepper. I—I’m in uh—a stable-ish relationship.”
Fury walks around and rests against the table by Tony’s chair, “Which leads us to believe at this juncture we’d only like to use you as a consultant.”
And you have to know, a man does not dress up in a flashing red suit of armor if he isn’t at least a little bit of an egomaniac. If S.H.I.E.L.D. does not want him, he doesn’t need to pretend to need them. He’s a little petty that way. 
Tony stands and offers his hand. Both men shake hands.
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Clasping his other hand on top of Fury’s, “You can’t afford me.” He smiles. 
He goes to leave, but then he turns around again. “Then again, I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favor.” Fury looks a little skeptical, so he continues, “Rhodey and I are being honored in Washington and we need a presenter.”
Yeah… see? Real fucking petty that way.
“I’ll see what I can do,” Fury answers.
Tony smiles, triumphant in his upcoming revenge.
Then he whistles, “You coming?”
Y/n steps out of the shadow where she had been leaning on the wall, “You head out, I’ll be right behind you. The Director and I have a few things to square out.” 
Tony rushes over, drops a kiss on her cheek, and heads out.
Both she and Fury take a seat. 
“So?” Fury begins. “What is your assessment of Tony Stark?”
Y/n pushes her chair back so it’s balancing only on the hind legs. “My assessment is that whether you like it or not, he is going to be an Avenger.”
Fury raises an eyebrow, “Is that so?”
His tone is so apprehensive that it makes Y/n smile. “There’s this painting I like. It’s called ‘Rabbit In A Snowstorm’. You heard of it?”
“That all white piece of canvas that you fancy folk like to call art? Yes. I’ve heard of it,” Fury replies, clearly interested.
Y/n smile some more. “You don’t like it, I take it…”
Fury looks at her like it’s the most obvious thing in the world to dislike it. “It is literally all white. Now, I might not be the artsiest fucker out there, but come on, calling that blank canvas a painting is a stretch.”
Nodding in mild assent, Y/n shoves her hands in her pocket and throws her head back. “See, the thing about that ‘blank canvas’ is that it takes time. The more time you spend looking at the painting, the more of yourself that you invest into it, the more you see. You spend a couple minutes you see the texture, a more and you see the different shades of white and a couple hours in you can even see the brush strokes.”
“So, you’re saying Tony is like that painting?” Fury asks, mildly annoyed.
Y/n sits up. “I’m saying all the people around him have stuck around for a reason. And no matter how—unstable you think he might be, you have to admit the people around him are beyond trustworthy.”
“I cannot pick him to be on my team because I like his friends. This is not a game of charades in a shitty little house party,” Fury argues.
Shrugging, Y/n says. “Look, this isn’t me trying to convince you. I don’t really care if you put him on the roster. I just know he’ll find his way there.” Fury looks at her with a challenge in his eye. “What? You think the council will let you call in these so-called ‘Avengers’—” she picks up the file titles, ‘Avengers Initiative’, “—unless the world is on fire?” She scoffs. “No, right? So here’s my follow-up question; if the world is on fire do you think my brother, Tony ‘I am Iron Man’ Stark will just sit on his ass and watch it happen?” 
“So you’re saying it’s inevitable?” Fury questions, brow raised in discontent.
Standing up, Y/n replies in indispensable nonchalance, “No, come on! I’m saying neither of us knows what’s gonna happen in the future.”
“Except for the part where Tony will be on the team,” Fury counters.
“Yeah, except for that,” Y/n answers, fixing her suit.
“How do you know that the rest of them will accept him?”
“I know because of the ‘Rabbit In The Snowstorm’,” she tells him and begins walking out. “It’ll happen sooner than you think. You’ll wake up one day and realize Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark are the best of friends.” She shakes her head, “It’ll be hilarious.”
“You’ve got yourself a bet, Agent Stark,” Fury challenges with a small smile in his voice.
“It’s Ms. Stark.” She puts on her sunglasses. “And you’re on, Nick.” With that she steps out, rushing over to her brother, who’s waiting patiently in his car.
“I’m craving donuts, you want some donuts? I think we should get some donuts,” Tony says as she gets in the car.
“I think Randy’s is open.”
With that, they drive off.
Find the series masterlist here. Find the Static Verse Masterlist here. Read The Avengers (ft. Static) here.
tag list :@aryksworld @freeflyingphoenix @arikarapli @just-anotherstan @justab-eautifulmess @ceo-of-daichi @liketearsintherainn @paintballkid711 @starkleila @heyitsmereading @fairlygothparents @euphoria-svt @sidepartskinnyjeans @mini-kunoichi @third-broparcelicito @siwiecola @haleybutnotthecomet @mvaldez7821 @rockybutmakeitlame @romanoffswoman @ashpeace888 @hopeofwinter @percabethfangirl987
hit me up if you wanna be added to the tag list.
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koifishart · 9 months ago
I want to be Your Koi Fish - special chapters
Warning: +18 content, criminal underworld, intercourse, strong language - and so on
Fanfiction based on: "Baki" by Itagaki Keisuke
>Tenko Kitsune<
As every morning, she got up fresh and well rested. Looked at her watch. It was almost 6:00. The perfect time to open the window on a cool summer morning, unfold the mat and stretch spine before the next day, probably full of ups and downs. Did she care? Rather not very much, it will always be somehow! Inhale...exhale...dog with head up...and down...half bow...bend forward...up. She heard the panels clink on the stairs - time to grease them. Sisters got up and walked into the kitchen. She rolled the mat up, put it in the closet, then pulled out a pink t-shirt, fresh underwear, light socks with a rose pattern, and dark work overalls with large pockets. In such an outfit, she appeared in children's bedrooms to wake them up one by one. They slept so sweetly: girls wrapped in quilts, boys dug up, heads in legs. However, time passed relentlessly! They all marched for clothes, only the youngest, Fubuki, rubbing her sleepy eyes, approached her, stretching out hands. She hugged the tiny body to hers to lift it up and walk to get the dress and thin tights. When everyone was ready, they heard a call from the ground floor:
- Breakfast!
Ayame may be tone-deaf, but she could cry so firmly that none of the little ones would dare delay. Although maybe they were just hungry? The dining room smelled deliciously of pancakes. Sweet breakfast! Her favorite! She helped pack lunch boxes, including her own, and when they had all eaten, split up to take the children to school and kindergarten. As soon as the joyful three flew into the arms of the tutors, she headed for the outskirts of Setagaya, to the pushed aside building of not the first youth, which she was renovating step by step, to finally become her dream workshop. Everything she renewed, did according to a plan kept improving. Fortunately, she didn't complain about the lack of customers. They were mostly women, happily accepting her approach to the client. She knew perfectly well what typical "male" workshops and control stations could look like. Yes...that was also planned. A vehicle inspection station...but for that it needed a much more modern place and she wanted to organize one. Meanwhile, it remained a slowly renovated recovered building. She always tried to be nice and helpful to all who came to her with a problem, but especially men often had problems with culture and familiarity.
True, she didn't look like a typical mechanic! A beautiful girl, long red hair, blue eyes, slim figure with strongly distinctive breasts, healthy, painted nails. More suited to a beauty salon or massage parlor, right? Optionally, maybe to the hostess in the car dealership. However, she dreamed of something completely different. She has been stealing keys and screwdrivers since was a child to tinker with grandfather's shed. Father wasn't always happy, because she often made a lot of a mess putting things down, but in the end she put it together and cleaned it up! He wasn't surprised at all when she announced that was going to be an engineer. For this occasion, he bought her own brand new toolbox along with a dream electric impact wrench for changing wheels. Was the only girl in the year, one of the few to pass and the only one with honors. She thought that with such papers, getting a job in the largest car factory was a piece of cake! Badly wrong. The owner looked at her CV and all the documentation from her studies with appreciation, but the project she had been working on for months hadn't even opened. After all, "women don't know much about cars"! He offered the position of a saleswoman, at which she, indignant, gathered her things and left without a word, slamming the door. Returning home, she strayed from the road to sit on the slope overlooking the city and think what to do next. The crazy idea came to her as soon as she turned head at the soothing sound of trees. She saw a shanty, an absolute pile of real estate misfortune...and felt immediately that must have it. She begged father for a solid start-up loan, promising to pay him back soon. In the meantime, she got a part-time job in a yoga studio as an instructor. It was worth making a few papers! In the end, it turned out as she wanted. The only thing missing was finishing the building to fully breathe. Until then, she took every order that appeared, unless the client turned out to be an exceptional rude.
She said goodbye to the woman whose tires were replaced and checked the toe-in, and, finding a temporary break, decided to put her own car on the canal. It would be appropriate to change the oil. Unscrewed the relevant parts, replacing the large bucket beforehand, and let the old fluid drain gently.
- Hello, is anyone here? - heard a call from the vicinity of the entrance to the workshop.
- I'm coming! - shouted back, coming down from the ladder.
She climbed the stairs from under the vehicle. On the doorstep was a tall man with blond hair combed in a pompadour style, wearing a purple jumpsuit and black tabi shoes. His face thinned a bit at the sight of her, but he showed some interest. Frequent reaction from men, used to.
- Heard I find a great mechanic here... - he muttered, definitely trying not to look at her breasts.
- Yes, what's the problem? - she asked, smiling radiantly. - I don't know if I'm SO great, but I'll try to help.
- That's...you, lady? - he stuttered.
- Yes. Soga Shizuka*, owner and only mechanic in this workshop. - she laughed. - You probably didn't expect it, that's understandable.
- Absolutely...er... - he replied confused, then pointed at the vehicle. - My bike is broken and the mechanic who usually fixes it doesn't have time.
- Kawasaki Chopper, EN500? Classic... - she muttered, walking to the machine. - Let's see what's wrong with him...
She reached for the keys he was giving to fire up. It had a problem at the start, but took a closer look as soon as the revs stabilized relatively. She took off a large gauntlet, revealing a tiny hand with long fingers, tipped with turquoise nail polish. Touched the bonnet.
- Behaves as if one of the cylinders has resistance. In addition, something is wrong in the ignition system. - she assessed. - I can arrange it, but won't be ready until tonight.
- And I will not be a problem waiting here? Came quite a long way... - He laughed a little and shook his head a bit. - After all, didn't even introduce myself. Shiba Chiharu.
- Nice to meet you, Shiba-san. Of course it wouldn't be a problem.
He drove through the city, along with several people from the gang when he heard disturbing sounds coming from the engine. They stopped in the parking lot they passed, to check where the problem was. It wasn't looking good. He pushed hair back nervously, sighing heavily, then stuffed hands into the pockets of purple jumpsuit.
- Engine, boss. - one of his subordinates said.
- It turns out... - Chiharu muttered, dialing the mechanic's number. - Do you have time to repair? My bike broke down! Fuck, just today...Okay...
- And what?
- No way. - he grunted nervously.
- Shiba-san... - Suzumoto, the bald guy, interjected. - I hear there's a great mechanic just outside Setagaya. It is not far!
He decided to check, he had nothing to lose, maybe only time. He got on the bike, trying to reach the place as quickly and safely as possible. Before he left, a few more people from the gang spoke up - they heard something, someone recommended it, nothing specific, no precise information, but at least they drew him what to look for. A partially renovated shack on the hill. In fact, the building turned out not to be of the first youth. In places it looked like was falling apart, but on the other hand it was obvious that someone had taken care of it. The walls were reinforced, windows replaced, everything painted with fresh paint... He stopped in front of the entrance and quite hesitantly got off the bike. There was a neat Mazda 6 hatchback on the canal, all silver with a delicate spoiler on the back. The interior looked promising. He had been to many workshops, most of them looked alike, and this one hadn't missed anything either, but it had something that made him ready to trust the people working in here. The problem was, he couldn't see anyone.
- Hello, is anyone here? - he called deeper into the building.
- I'm coming! - he heard a resonant voice coming from under the car.
He was surprised, it sounded like a slightly melancholic girl, not a mechanic. Completely stunned, seeing a woman approaching him. Medium height, fiery red hair tied in a ponytail, a pink t-shirt that definitely ends under the ribs, a little loose overalls with a drooping one harness and large pockets. Despite the heavily built-up work boots and sizeable gloves, he could see that she moved lightly and gracefully. She looked up at him playfully with sparkling blue eyes. The most noticeable, however, was the bulging bust that is hard to find in most slim girls. She smiled friendly, and his voice stuck in his throat.
- I... heard that I will find a great mechanic here... - he finally choked out.
- Yes, what's the problem? - she asked. - I don't know if I'm SO great, but I'll try to help.
He expected to hear "I'm calling" or "dad / brother will be here soon", and she looked like she was speaking deadly seriously. It was hard to pick up and not look at the tight pink blouse at the same time. He swallowed hard.
- That's...you, lady? - he stuttered.
- Yes. Soga Shizuka, owner and only mechanic in this workshop. - she laughed charmingly. - You probably didn't expect it, that's understandable.
- Absolutely...er... - he replied, remembering what he had come for. - My bike is broken and the mechanic who usually fixes it doesn't have time.
- Kawasaki Chopper, EN500? Classic... - she muttered, walking to the machine. - Let's see what's wrong with him...
He hurriedly fished the keys from his pocket and handed it to the girl. She took them gently, then skilfully started the engine. He watched as she watched the operation of the machine with solemnity and great calm. Shiba was in shock! The woman who unmistakably recognized the bike! She had to know at least a little bit. Took off the glove, under which she hid a delicate hand with long nails painted shiny with varnish. He wasn't sure if he could see any tiny patterns on them. The time of the verdict has come.
- Behaves as if one of the cylinders has resistance. In addition, something is wrong in the ignition system. - she assessed. - I can arrange it, but won't be ready until tonight.
- And I will not be a problem waiting here? Drove quite a long way... - he laughed nervously, finally reflecting. - After all, I didn't even introduce myself. Shiba Chiharu.
- Nice to meet you, Shiba-san. Of course it wouldn't be a problem.
She offered a comfortable couch in the office, but he preferred to watch her at work, so reached for a nearby chair. By the way, he was ready to help if she needed a little male support. Only noticed that quiet music was oozing from the speakers somewhere in the background. He was surprised that she took as a male profession. Nevertheless, the rumors of the city were true - she knew her job, skilfully disassembled the engine to look at the cylinders, and even checked a few other things that raised her doubts. Did everything with a smile on her face, as if she were having a great time. He was very impressed.
- This is quite an unusual job for a woman. - he said finally to break the silence. - Aren't you hard sometimes?
- Everyone asks me that! - she laughed heartily, tightening the bolts. - I loved DIY since I was a child, it was destiny. And that's it!
She straightened up after the final shutdown of the engine, brushed some invisible dust off her pants, and looked at him expectantly, keys in hand. He abruptly rose from his chair, knocking it over, and she chuckled at it, covering mouth with glove. He blushed up to ears as he picked up the item being served. Fired up the engine - it fired much faster than before and purred like a kitten. The sound pampered his ears, and the pleasant vibrations made him want a long ride.
- I do not know how it got there, but under one of the cylinders I found a small pebble, was so noisy, scratched the center a little. - she explained. - Lubricated as much as I could, tightened a few other parts, replaced a few gaskets... It shouldn't be a problem anymore.
- Gosh... It's better than ever! - he sighed happily.
- Bought used, right? - she asked, winking.
- How do you know?
- They don't make such motors anymore. Plus, it has a pretty old looking dent on the side, as if someone was putting off action movie chase scenes and driving under a truck! - she laughed. - If you want, you can replace it, just have to order the right part, probably also recovered, but it's worth having your mechanic check the market.
- What if...if I wanted to ask you for a replacement? - he asked uncertainly.
- Just phone. - she replied, taking a tasteful business card from her pants pocket. - We will agree a date as soon as I find a good item.
They settled the bill, and then he drove away toward the setting sun. Felt strange, insecure. As if he didn't want to leave. The somewhat repulsive place contained a very interesting person with a lot of experience and heart for what she was doing. He smirked at the mention of the red pony, then gasped.
He was sitting at home with a mug of coffee, turning his fingers over a business card decorated with a heavily simplified lotus flower pattern cut at the edge. It had been hard for him to focus on anything for several days. Every time he closed his eyes, could see red hair and a smear of grease on her pale cheek. It absolutely didn't bother him, it only added to her charm. It contrasted with an almost milky complexion and ruby lips. It was supposed to be a normal repair, and he was acting like a young man in love! He reached for the phone, tapped one by one numbers on the screen, and after a while he was waiting impatiently for the connection.
- Yes? - he heard after a few beeps.
- Soga-san? This is Chiharu Shiba... - he began.
- Oh, yes, I remember! - she laughed. - You caught me having a lazy Saturday breakfast.
- Oh, sorry...
- No problem. Are you probably calling about parts? - she asked, clearly tapping her long fingernails on the computer keyboard. - Let's see... Yeah... quite a lot of options, but most of them are corroded crap. Oh, I think I found the right one, in good shape. At second hand. Is that fine for you?
- Of course! - he said quickly, surprised. - Could I have a brief message when it comes to you?
- Yes, I'll let you know. - she replied heartily, and he could almost see her smiling.
- So... see you...
- See you soon!
She hung up. Chiharu was still holding the phone to his ear, listening to his own heart beat against his ribs.
As she thought, it arrived very quickly. She also expected the sweet blonde to be pleased with such a quick solution. As soon as she checked the courier, pulled out her phone to text about the package. Thought. She always liked the fair-haired boys, despite the fact that in Japan they appeared as dyed ones. She bit her lip slightly at the thought of how long hadn't been in a relationship with anyone. The last man in her life was Fubuki's father - already thought she found the right one, and when he heard about her pregnancy, said that it was probably not now, it wasn't that... She didn't even regret it, in the end there was nothing. Since then, Shizuka had used male genitalia at night weekend parties rather than looking for someone on a permanent basis.She was disturbed by the roar of a motorbike standing in front of the open garage door. Peeked out from a tiny office with a barely double sofa, a desk with a laptop, and a tiny electric kettle on the windowsill of the last old, slightly crumbling window. He got off the machine, almost falling off it, through a large bouquet of beautiful tea roses in his hands.
- What beautiful flowers! Are you going to your fiancée? - she asked with a smile.
- Oh no, it's for you, Miss... - he muttered a bit confused, lovingly hiding the blush behind the petals. - I didn't think a woman could be such a great mechanic.
- So let's not judge by appearances. - She sighed slightly, picking up the bouquet being served, then headed towards the canteen with the couch.
- In this carton against the wall there is an ordered part. Please check that everything is ok.
She found a tall vase hidden under the desk to quickly pour water into it and spread beautiful flowers inside. An intoxicating scent spread across the room. It was perfect, she loved roses. She left just as the blonde was taking the ordered part out of the bubble wrap.
- Come on, even the color is right! - she laughed sharply. - Should fit...
She was interrupted by the roar of the engine of a sports car with furious red paint. A broad-shouldered guy got out of it, that she wondered how he'd fit behind the wheel. He ruffled his neatly combed blond hair, glistening with blue eyes, Shizuka saw him once... Gaijin**. You could see it right away. He looked like he was bathing in money, but she wondered if it was some kind of cover. She was sensitive to "the rich", because it often turned out that the matter was sewn with thick threads. He approached them, treading firmly with his heavy boots. Despite her suspicions, she smiled as used to greet a potential client.
- I'm looking for the owner... - he muttered, barely glancing at her. - ...of this place.
- Yes, can I help you? - she replied calmly.
- I need an oil change now, the engine is working poorly, there was no time before. - he blurted out hard.
- I'm busy at the moment, you'd have to wait about an hour.
- We don't understand each other, Miss. - he grunted, approaching her. - NOW.
Bull's-eye. The more nervous he got, the more European accent she felt. Hanabi would probably recognize immediately what country the guy comes from. She wasn't in the habit of allowing such treatment in her garage.
- Well, well, buddy, with respect to the woman! - Threw blonde in purple overalls, standing a step in front of her, looking at the newcomer sideways. - Someone lacked culture!
She smiled under her breath. Didn't think he would react like that. Shiba-san was really cute! She approached them, wanting to cool down what the owner of the car intended to use. She caught a hand rushing to her neckline in flight, deftly twisting it, thus turning the man with back to her. He couldn't move, surprised and grounded by his own body.
- I'm sorry, but we are unlikely to get along. - she sighed, leading him out the gate. - Goodbye, you will surely find another mechanic.
She pushed the bulky guy twice her size firmly towards the lush red car. He turned to face her, and she honored him with a hearty smile with a hint of triumph.
- We'll see... - he snapped at her.
She wasn't going to hear what supposed to see. Pulled the lever, lowering the tin door of the workshop with a crack. Darkness fell, rays falling through the windows. She distracted it by turning on the lamps hanging from the ceiling. Sighed heavily as she straightened her voluminous pants.
- Are you okay, Shizuka-chan? - The blond asked agitated, and when he registered what said, he blushed to the tops of his ears.
- All right! - she laughed heartily. - Chiharu-kun...
For a moment he looked as if he hadn't heard, but it was enough for him to burst out laughing too. She pulled on massive leather gloves over slender fingers adorned with turquoise lacquer. Time to replace a few parts!
The bike looked better than after a major renovation, which it received right after the purchase. He wanted it to have its own individual character, to show that it was HIS machine. After all, the Tokkutai gang boss has to present himself! That day, they were betting on the building where Hanayama was making a deal. He hadn't asked for anything for a long time, this time it looked like he wanted to use the size of a gang of motorcyclists to block the nearest streets. The only one left, where Shiba and his most faithful companions stood, at the very entrance to the building. The biggest bull of the underworld should have a suitable road and it was he who decided to guard it. He watched the neighborhood proudly as a gleaming turquoise and black racer sprang out around a bend and onto the exact street. He had seen them, Shiba was sure, and yet motorbike didn't slow down. Shiba wasn't going to dodge, even if he was going to die. The driver in the black suit screeched to a halt and the rear wheel squealed wildly and parked parallelly just below his feet. It boiled in the man. You have to be the last idiot to put on a circus like this!
- Who gave you your driving license?! - he snapped at the motorcyclist. - Watch your ride, dude!
- Gee... I'm sorry... - he heard a rather high voice, muffled with a helmet. - Next time I'll be careful.
Confused, he watched as a storm of loose red hair fell out from under removable hat, framing a pretty face with sparkling blue eyes. He was incredulous, though trying to juxtapose the woman in front of him and the one with the lush pony...he was getting the same person! Had to recover, he was among his people!
- S...Shizuka-chan? - he finally gasped out.
- Oh, you didn't think I was running all day in baggy overalls with a socket wrench in hand, Chiharu-kun! - She laughed pearly, then asked a bit more seriously, puffing lips a little bit and looking from under her almost closed eyelids. - Are you going to stay here a little longer? I cannot take a helmet with me, and it is extremely important to me! I would like to leave him under loving care...of course not for free.
- Er, sure, it will be safe with me! - He blurted out immediately, combing his mane back.
- Oh, that's wonderful! - she threw happy.
Shizuka gave him an exceptionally light, well-built and very aerodynamic helmet, only to reach the zipper at the neck after a while. She was going to undress?! On the street?! Before he could react, heard the clink of teeth. She unbuttoned the jumpsuit to the ankle and emerged from it in a lovely, beige dress speckled with tiny flowers, decorated with a cross tied, imitating a corset. Even motorcycle boots, as it turned out, strongly built-up for a reason, hid semi-transparent high-heeled shoes tied with a tulle ribbon. She lifted the speedseat's seat, where she stowed her purse to tuck the suit into the empty space. She surprised him more and more every moment. She slung the leather strap on shoulder, waving so sweetly at them it almost melted with joy.
- Bye, shopping is waiting!
She walked away briskly, tapping heels and rocking hips rhythmically, incredibly sexy. All she left behind was a cloud of rose perfume, which had just been rising from her neck. He swallowed mechanically.
- Boss...how does the boss know such a beauty? - Suzumoto asked.
- This...this is my new mechanic. - stunned, he muttered in response.
She promised them a weekend shopping trip and kept her word. Happily watched the two dark-haired little angels rummaging between the hangers. A third cherub, red like her, clung to her skirt. Fubuki was like this from birth. She fondly remembered that birth. The little one clung to her at once and wouldn't let go, greedily sucking on her breast. The midwives laughed that the boys are usually "mommy's tits", and here is such a surprise. After shopping, they sat down by the fountain to let the kids play on the small playground in the middle of the mall. She watched the joyful girls, cooperating on the ladders. Their lives often lacked this carefree, so whenever she could, wanted to offer it to them in the highest possible dose.
- Shizuka-chan? We've been seeing a lot lately! - she heard a familiar voice.
A tall man with blond hair combed in pompadour style stood in front of her, this time in a slightly less "gangster" outfit - he chose elegant shoes, dark jeans and a flowery shirt.
- Oh, I guess it is, Chiharu-kun. - she replied with a smile.
She felt a tug of trailing fabric against her lap. The tiny redhead cast a curious glance at the standing man, at the same time demanding her attention.
- Can I get ice cream? - she whispered. - I can?
- Of course, honey. - She replied, handing the banknote to the running older girl. - Just not too much, or your throats will be sore.
She watched them run off to a nearby ice cream shop. Fubuki jumped to pick a flavor while the other two tried to lift her up to see anything.
- Ms. mechanic is a baby-sitter? - Shiba asked, sitting down next to her.
- No no, these three cuties are my daughters. - Threw with a radiant smile.
She saw that surprise on his face a lot, from the beginning, in fact. Could it be that incredible? Is it really so strange that a single mother of three has her own business? Who knows, maybe...
- I must have slightly disturbed your view of me? - she whispered aggressively, still smiling, leaning in slightly. - Maybe you even think I'm slutty and irresponsible? If you want, you can think so. I've always wanted a bunch of kids. I was looking for good stud dogs and found them...and that they were irresponsible assholes was another matter.
- Girls don't have a father?
- No. "I got" chromosomes from two, but I wouldn't call any of them the father of the children. - she answered innocently. - If a man capable of being my partner comes across, I will introduce him to them.
- What if you don't find it or he'll be scared of the kids?
- Hmm...nothing special. - Shizuka threw after a moment of reflection. - I don't need a man to function, I'm a strong and resourceful woman. The only husband I can consider is support, not the master of the house. If he's scared of my kids, then he's inappropriate.
The girls finally managed to buy delicacies, they sat at the table licking sweet balls. She didn't want them to get hurt. The man they call their father must have been a good man. Another was out of the question. Hyo***, Arashi**** and Fubuki***** were worth the effort.
The sight of his sister-in-law somehow could not leave him, despite the fact that he and his wife were sitting on the leather sofa at home for a long time, sipping slowly non-alcoholic wine. If not for Hanabi, he would not have been persuaded to take this type of drink - red whiskey is a love he didn't talk about...or maybe it just entered the blood and that's it? The red liquid with an extremely fruity aroma tasted completely different, certainly even in the full version it had significantly less percentages than the Wild Turkey. She snuggled against his shoulder as she always did when they had a moment to themselves. He stroked the shaved part of her head with free hand, playing with the single strands that wanted to fall on her forehead. She had already taken off her tie and loosened the collar of red shirt enough to let him see a subtle foretaste of what was hidden under it.
- You called your sister, right? - he asked finally.
- Yes of course. I talked to her shortly after you showed me this "miracle on wheels" - she replied bluntly.
- How is she like?
- How do you feel about her, Kaoru? - She answered the question with a question, looking at him searchingly.
He thought. Didn't really have much to say on that point. Only saw her a few times, they didn't talk often. What could he think of her?
- Seems to be a typical woman, who loves shopping and spending money on herself. - he said, shrugging his shoulders.
- Shizuka has always been quite...phlegmatic, and positive about life. - she laughed. - She looks cute, trendy, but loved to rummage in machines since she was a child, took everything she could apart and folded. Father didn't quite like her adoration because she was making a lot of a mess around her. Mother preferred her to paint her nails instead of playing with grease...
- And Grandpa? - he hinted, remembering the strange old man.
- Grandpa saw a specific potential in her. He trained us in harmony with the circle of life, according to the corresponding elements. I am air, she is water. The...hmm...streamlined fighting styles fit her perfectly.
- Interesting theory.
- Right? Until now, I don't know how he thought it up and fitted it, but it worked! - she replied. - In fact, Shizuka is a pacifist, she doesn't like any kind of violence. "Peace & Love" and these matters. It is enough, however, to properly get her under skin to dig up everything she learned and effectively pacify the opponent.
He tried to imagine such conditions. It didn't fit the offensive version in any way. She was too sweet, delicate and so...maximally stereotypically feminine. He felt a small hand creep under the unbuttoned button of his purple shirt, to his taut shoulder to gently massage it. She wasn't going to let him drift in that direction...
She threw the skirt of a colorful summer dress, turning to the mirror to check the tying of the braid with a woven ribbon wrapped around her head. She finally had time for her weekend getaway. She was going to wander slowly through the drugstores, leafing through nail polishes and fancy bath accessories. Maybe she will find a nice, aromatic sparkling ball? What if a jeweler...? It makes sense to add something new to the casket from time to time. She listened to the cheerful clatter of her own sandals on a high post when she noticed a pair coming from around the corner. He was in a perfectly cut white suit and purple shirt, with raven hair scattered by the wind, she was dressed in light shorts with a row of buttons at each pocket, a coral elegant blouse, with her feet in simple wedge sandals in front of her. Black locks flew slightly against the face. She did not expect to meet sister and her husband! His people were hanging around nearby, as well as...a familiar blond man in purple jumpsuit. She wondered if it was a faux pas if they found out they knew each other.
- Come on, a twist of fate, Hanabi-chan! - she chirped.
- Shopping? - asked the younger one.
- Like every month!
A strong arm caught her in half, and then another, placing massive hand over intricately woven braids prevented her from unfolding the sentence. The touch felt strangely familiar. She hadn't had much contact with it, but the rough, thick skin was like someone she had dealt with recently. She had a glimpse of the corner of her eye as he brought his head close to her shoulder. Apparently he was more interested in her brother-in-law than in her. Blond, fair-eyed, proud expression on his face. She saw Shiba standing behind the young boss's back clenching his fists nervously, bristling all over his body. He also recognized the "owner" of the red sports car. Gaijin.
- I felt like you knew each other...Hanayama... - he muttered, then laughed lowly. - The cutie is going to pay for the last treatment you treated me?
- ...what?... - Hanabi muttered, looking at her husband.
- I didn't accept his challenge a long time ago. - the man replied, unbuttoning the buttons on his jacket.
- And the percentages are rising. - drawled her tormentor, tightening his fingers a bit on the red hair. - It would be a pity to break her neck, she's pretty...
- Sorry, it doesn't seem like a good idea. - she demanded, turning her eyes towards him.
- It's not up to you. - he growled, tilting her head closer to the shoulder.
- Oh, if you say so... - she sighed disapprovingly.
She took a deep breath, then let all the air out of her lungs to compress her body as much as possible, and slip out of iron embrace. The man with a European accent stood completely taken aback. She brushed off her dress gently, then launched a solid roundhouse kick right into the center of his face. He took the full force of the blow, twisted a few dumbbells on the sidewalk, and finally lay flat on his back. She turned and caught the startled glances of the men behind her and her sister's thumbs up.
- Nice! - Hanabi said triumphantly.
- Oh, gentlemen, I am not whipped! Don't mess with the Soga family. - The redhead laughed, and then turned to the slowly rising blonde. - You underestimated your opponent, little boy.
He was staring at her, definitely pissed and eager to retaliate, but a dull crunch of Hanayama's knuckles was enough for him to let go and run down the alley. Shocked, Chiharu stepped forward, apparently wondering what to say. Black-haired girl sensed the situation in flight. She pulled her husband and his men away, waving her goodbye. Shizuka laughed under her breath at the sight. It was amazing how easily Hanabi could get along with a guy like Hanayama.
- Er...Shizuka-chan... - the blond man standing next to her began.
- Yes?
- Would you like to come out to dinner with me? - he asked, blushing slightly. - I know a place where they prepare the best Peking duck.
- Unfortunately it's not good idea... - She replied a bit confused.
- Oh...sure, I understand. You probably don't have time...or something...
- No, no, that's not it! - she laughed. - I just don't eat meat, I'm a vegetarian! But I love tofu ramen!
- Well...let it be ramen! - The man laughed, gallantly letting her go ahead.
Tenko Kitsune - http://yokai.com/tenko/ ; mine Tenko is dark-blue only because of element (water) which I want her to have;
*Shizuka - [jap.] calm
** gaijin - [ jap.] foreigner
***Hyo - [jap.] hail
****Arashi - [jap.] tempest
*****Fubuki - [jap.] snowstorm
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years ago
Yay, I’ve finished my second Mass Effect: Andromeda playthrough, this time romancing Peebee! I was just going to do the - ahem - Zero-G no strings option and quit there but it turned out that the save point I jumped in at was literally right at that part so I decided to keep on playing, just to do more of the flirting etc. Then I got to the scene where we - AHEM - locked in the romance and that was so near to the end of the game by that point that I decided to finish it so I could get to the movie night, because that was something I loved in my initial playthrough with Jaal!
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I really think they should’ve let Lexi (the blue Asari lady on the right for those who don’t know 😉) sit next to Drack (the big Krogan fella on the left). Nobody’s ever going to convince me that she’s not at least a little bit sweet on him, d’aww. 😉
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Sadly, you don’t get your honey with you during movie night when you romance Reyes but I guess that much sexy sitting on a sofa would’ve caused a spontaneous combustion! 😇😉
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D’aww, and here’s Sara and Peebee! And Vetra behind them on the left who seems to be napping, like Cora is on the right, lol! Well, the crew of the Tempest had a hard day, after all. They don’t need a nap, they need a full-on good night’s sleep! 😴😇😉
Now, for my next trick... I want to do a playthrough with Sara and Vetra before I switch over to Scott. I haven’t gotten into modding so all of my Sara’s looks are basically just changing the color and style of her outfit, though I did think to give her a different hairstyle with Peebee. I honestly love her look with Reyes, I think the outfit and red and black coloring really suit her! 💖 (My Sara x Reyes vid ‘cause I really love them a lot, your honor 😉)
I’m not sure if I’ll keep her hair red (I really do like the red hair, though, so I’ll probably just try for a different style) and then may do a different color variation on the red and black outfit. I want her to be all spiffy for our best Turian girl, after all! 😇😇😇
For Scott, I actually like the default look for him, so am not planning on changing his face like I did with Sara. The Sara default face is one of those that can look nice from one angle, then a little weird from another, so I went with preset 5 or 6, can’t remember which at the moment, (edit: I went back and looked and that is NOT preset 5 or 6, I’m not actually sure which preset she is, oops) and made some minor makeup changes between all 3 romances.
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Scott and Sara’s default looks. Annnnnd now I feel bad for dissing her default look. Okay, new plan: I’ll do a playthrough in her default look once I’m done with my Vetra romance. I wanted at least one more playthrough to romance Suvi, so... here’s my chance! *pats default!Sara*
Anyway, Scott is definitely going to romance Cora first for his full playthrough, then we’ll back up and switch to Gil because holy moly, I really ended up caring about Gil and I’d love to see how it’s going to work out with Gil having a baby with his friend Jill once he’s in a relationship with Scott! 🤔 Scott also needs to romance Avela because, as I love to remind y’all...
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I know it’s just a tiny little quasi-romance but it’s KATE KENNEDY and if I can romance Kate frickin’ Kennedy in a video game, then, by Jove, step back and watch me get my romance on, yeahhhhhhh mannnnnnn!
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(I feel like Vannak is representing every single person reading this right now... 😮😂😂😂)
This playthrough took me about 60 hours instead of 120 like the first one because I dropped several of the side quests this time. I also knew to place the forward stations right away so you can fast travel and such. I honestly think I can cut the time in a half again just because I have a better idea of which quests you need to do and which you don’t. I’m still really loving the game, even more as I get more comfortable with everything.
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Ahhh yeah, look at how comfortable Sara is with her Pathfinder duties now! 😂😂😂
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 1 year ago
Everything on Their Christmas Lists
I accidentally turned a single fic "Make The Yuletide Gay" into a trilogy (See also: "Two Losers at a Christmas Party") and I have finally brought that trilogy to a close. Almost 2/3s of the way into January, 2024. This story is set in 2022. I am so tired.
I'm not gonna stop, though! I already have my Sphere Valentine's Day fic planned, and I still might do a New Years Eve fic (based on this artwork by @rollingaroundin-bread ) before that. And those are just my holiday-themed fics, I have so many more ideas and no plans on stopping anytime soon.
Hunter woke up on Christmas morning and was stunned to find Sara was not already awake and dressed but also wearing the most normal outfit Hunter had ever seen her wear. No leggings with wild patterns, no neon clothes, and no sports bra over her shirt. She wasn’t even wearing one of her many ugly Christmas sweaters. 
She was just sporting black jeans and a dark red turtleneck sweater. 
“You’re wearing that?” Hunter asked skeptically.
“Yeah, I want to make a good impression on your family.”
“It just doesn’t look like you,” Hunter pointed out.
“Hmm. I’ll jazz it up with some fun jewelry.” Sara hopped up and began to sort through her earring collection. A few moments later she triumphantly held up two large, dangly Christmas tree earrings.
“Very you,” Hunter said, nodding approvingly. “Would you like to borrow one of my necklaces?”
“What do you have in mind?”
Hunter slid out of bed slowly and crossed to her jewelry box, selecting a silver necklace with an emerald that would kind of match the earrings. 
Sara’s eyes widened and she held the necklace reverently. “Did you get this off a corpse?”
“No, I only take dresses. I got this from my mother. So, uh, I guess I did get it off a corpse…” Hunter coughed and turned her focus to unclasping the necklace.
Sara hesitated and pulled away.
“You’d let me wear your mother’s necklace?”
“Yeah, I think my mother would want you to wear it. And look,” Hunter lifted a silver pocket watch off of her bedside table. “This was my father’s, and I was planning on wearing it today. If you wear the necklace, a part of both my parents will be celebrating with us.”
Sara blinked back tears- the way Hunter talked about her family was so full of love, it was beautiful. “I’d be honored to wear it.”
Hunter draped the necklace around Sara’s neck, holding back tears herself. “It looks good on you.” 
Hunter swiped at her eyes and turned away. “I’m going to go shower real quick.”
“Alright, Hun. I’ll microwave breakfast.” Sara could see that Hunter was also trying not to cry and decided to put all of her energy into making the rest of this morning as easy and happy as it could be. 
For Hunter’s festive Christmas outfit, she selected a black pinstripe pantsuit, accented with the pocket watch and a silly Christmas tie. She’d gotten the suit for funerals and the tie as a gag gift from Marian last year, so they were an unlikely pair, but it somehow worked. Just like Hunter and Sara.
When she stepped out of the bedroom in her suit, Sara whistled.
“Wow, I mean… Wow.” 
Hunter grew flustered. “I’ve been told I should wear pants more.”
Sara answered immediately, “I don’t care how much or how little you wear- you’re always irresistible to me.”
Hunter would have ditched the suit then and there if they weren’t on a strict schedule.
“We should be going.”
“I called a car, and we can eat on the way,” Sara said, handing Hunter a microwaved breakfast sandwich.
“You thought of everything,” Hunter said, impressed.
“Well, this is the first Christmas I’ve spent with anyone in a while, so I wanted it to be perfect.”
Hunter grabbed Sara’s hand with the hand that wasn’t holding her breakfast sandwich. “It will be. My family is going to love you.” 
Sara smiled but kept quiet, feeling jittery. She knew that whatever happened wouldn’t change Hunter’s opinion of her, but she really, really wanted this to go right.
In the car on the ride over, Hunter gave Sara the SparkNotes of her family.
“So, my Uncle Shaun is my dad’s brother, he’s married to my Aunt Deidre, everyone calls her Dee, and they have three kids, Marian, Morgan, and Maddox. My dad’s side of the family was really into the gender neutral names. ‘Cause gender is made up and stuff.”
Sara had never wanted to be part of a family more. 
“Marian's a year younger than me, Morgan is 24 and Maddox is 19.”
“So you're the oldest?”
“On dad's side of the family, yeah. I'm squarely in the middle on my mom's side but I don't see them as much.”
“Oh, is everything okay with them?”
“Yeah, they just mostly live on the other side of the country. But maybe in the new year…”
“You should,” Sara encouraged. 
“Maybe. It's hard to schedule a vacation around the fragility of human life.”
“Makes sense. But it's worth trying, right?”
The car pulled up to a well-lit house, decked out in green and red string lights and inflatable snowmen. It wasn't cold enough for real snowmen yet, it usually didn't snow around here until January. 
“Ready?” Hunter asked, seeing the nerves on Sara's face.
“I'm ready. The way you talk about them, I'm sure I'll be just fine.”
Hunter nodded, squeezing Sara's hand real quick before ringing the doorbell.
A tall, muscular guy with a buzzcut and the same dark eyes as Hunter answered the door and lit up when he saw them. “You're wearing the tie I got you!”
“It seemed appropriate. I saw Petunia the other day, she says hello.”
“You met her when she delivered those sunflowers, to the Townsend funeral?”
“Oh, yeah. Tell her hi for me, I guess.”
“Do you work at the funeral home too?” Sara asked, eyes wide. 
“Sort of? I do the landscaping for the cemetery. It's only part time though, I also do private gigs. Here,” Marian pulled his wallet out of his sweatpants’ pocket and handed Sara a business card. 
Hunter didn't know what she'd done to make it so her friend group consisted entirely of people who had their own business cards. 
“Impressive,” Sara said earnestly, “I have my own business too. I can get you a card later but if you look up SaraPenaPartyForHire online you'll get the gist. Hunter's on the payroll.”
“Oh she is?” Marian asked, raising an eyebrow. “Never thought I'd hear about Hunter willingly going to parties.”
“Willing is a stretch,” Hunter mumbled. 
“I would kill to see that,” Marian said.
“I'll keep that in mind,” Sara said, tucking the business card into her jeans. 
“Hunter, is that you?” A woman called from the living room.
“I'm here, Aunt Dee! And I brought someone very special!”
“Bring her in here,” Aunt Dee said, “we're all anxious to meet this mystery girl.”
It was so refreshing for Sara, to hear Hunter's family so casual and supportive of queerness.
Hunter grabbed Sara’s hand and pulled her into the living room. Then she gestured as if she was doing show and tell. “This is Sara.”
“Are you two official yet?” One of the cousins asked. She seemed slightly older than the other girl, so Sara guessed she was Morgan.
“Yes, Morgan. We live together,” Hunter said, already seeming a little impatient with the questions.
Morgan smirked. “And did you become official before or after you moved in together?”
Hunter reddened.
“I knew it. You're just like my fanfics.”
Hunter rolled her eyes, but Sara couldn't help laughing. “It's nice to meet you all.”
“Not everything is a trope, Morgan.”
“You're literally sunshine and moon coded,” Morgan said. 
Sara beamed. 
“You think I'm sunshine-coded? That's so nice. Although, I do prefer the moon.” She rubbed her thumb over Hunter's hand and Hunter grew even more flustered. 
“Simp,” Maddox accused.
“Yeet,” Hunter shot back. 
“That is not how you use the word yeet.” It was clear they'd had this argument before.
While Hunter and Maddox squabbled over slang, Sara was waved over by Hunter's aunt and uncle.
“It's nice to meet you, young lady,” Uncle Shaun said.
“The pleasure is all mine, really. Thank you for letting me crash your Christmas.”
“Nonsense, if Hunter loves you, you're part of the family,” Aunt Dee said. 
Sara pinched herself in case she was still dreaming. 
“That means a lot to me.”
“It means a lot to us to see Hunter this happy. It's been a long time,” Shaun said, a sad smile tugging at his lips. 
He cleared his throat before he could dwell on the people who were missing from their Christmas. 
“Well, we should get started, these presents aren't going to unwrap themselves. If you children are done catching hands, the rest of us are ready for gifts.”
The one thing Hunter and Maddox could agree on was that Shaun used slang more egregiously than either of them. 
Hunter came to sit down next to Sara, looking a little nervous herself now. Sara couldn't for the life of her figure out why Hunter was nervous, but the anxious look was adorable on her. 
Sara leaned back and watched the others unwrap gifts, just glad to be there. They were all so happy, and they clearly loved each other so much. Unconditionally. 
She was watching Morgan unwrap a fancy new journal when Hunter tapped her on the shoulder.
“I got you something.”
“Oh! I left your present at home,” Sara said guiltily.
“It's okay. Here,” Hunter pressed a small satiny box into Sara's hand. 
Sara's eyes widened as she opened it, they'd only been dating for about a month so she definitely hadn't expected jewelry for Christmas. The box held a beautiful rose gold locket that was better than anything Sara could have ever asked for.
“Look inside,” Hunter urged.
She struggled a moment before being able to open a locket. One side held a picture of her, from the night they had met. The other photo was a selfie of Sara and Hunter together on their second (third?) date, when Sara had tried to teach Hunter some dance moves. 
“It's perfect,” Sara said. “My gift isn't as good as this.”
Hunter laughed. “That's okay, Sara. All I really wanted was to spend Christmas with you.”
Sara wrapped an arm around Hunter. “Well that I can manage.”
Aunt Dee cleared her throat. “It's time for stockings.” 
She passed stockings to all of her kids and then headed over to Hunter and Sara.
“Sorry, yours is kind of generic, Sara. I didn't know what you liked.” Aunt Dee held out two stockings. 
“Oh, you didn't have to get me anything.”
“Well, I did,” Dee said with a laugh. 
Sara felt her face grow warm as she took the stocking, overwhelmed with gratitude. 
It was just candy and a few hair scrunchies, but it was everything to Sara. She was part of this family now. They wanted her to be here. It was… Nice. It was really nice. 
After trading her Snickers bar for Maddox's Tic Tacs, she leaned back and wrapped her arm around Hunter once more. 
“I think I got everything I wanted,” Sara said in a whisper.
“Me too.”
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swtki · 4 years ago
Boss - C.D
Pairing: CEO! Cedric Diggory x Intern! Fem! Reader
Summary: You fucked your boss, thats it.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, mentions of copulation, About a five year age gap (reader is 23 and Cedric is 28), alcohol.
A/N: not me just now posting this
When I was informed that my intern application had been accepted, I was ecstatic. It was my dream to work in the Aurors office, to fight the evil trying to destroy our way of life. Naturally, I went out drinking the night before - which granted, wasn't an amazing idea in the first place. I planned to have a few drinks, then grab a taxi for home. The tall, lean, brunette man sitting next to me was a later addition to the itinerary.
"Drinking to forget the demons, or celebrating?" he said, swirling his whiskey.
"Excuse me?"
He smiled, "It's just that usually people only come to a bar when doing either of the two."
"Oh," I turned my body towards him, "Celebrating, I suppose.". He smiled and nodded, taking a slow sip of his drink. "And you? Which is your reason?" Upon further inspection, I noticed he was dressed in a suit, but had taken off the jacket.
"Demons, I've lived a long time. Seen a few things."
"You can't be more than thirty, and obviously you do well for yourself. Businessman, perhaps? A wife, kids, a brilliant car?" I questioned.
"Not even close," He scoffed, "Twenty-eight, I've had the most experiences with near death than anyone you'll ever know. I live in an average flat, I don't own a car, nor do I have anything resembling a wife or kids." I sat there quietly. "So, what is it that you're celebrating...." he signaled as if he were asking for my name.
"Y/N, I start my internship tomorrow."
We talked for the rest of the evening, and he invited me to his flat. It eventually led to me waking up next to him in bed at two am, and blindly stumbling to my own home. Usually, one night stands weren’t my forte; Cedric was different. I didn’t know his last name, but I knew how he sounded - how he tasted.
My heels clicked on the linoleum floor of the ministry, I would start off in the office, filing for aurors and such. Even to assist them was an honor. My smile was wide as I entered the well lit office. A woman rushed by, her cup of coffee floating a few inches behind her. She saw me standing there, rather misplaced and stopped.
“Can I help you dear?” she said with a raised brow.
“Yes, I’m Y/N L/N, I’m the new intern.” The woman’s face relaxed.
“Ah- yes we were just talking about you! I’m Macy - I work in the same department as you actually. Come along, lets see you to your station.” Macy strutted away as I quickly followed behind, only stopping once we reached a small wooden desk in a separate room.
“This,” She pulled the chair out and motioned for me to sit, “Is your desk - its right next to the library so you can put together files more easily. My desk is over there.” She pointed her long red fingertips towards a decorated space; While mine had absolutely nothing, hers had pictures and intricate pens. “Oh!” she exclaimed, “they didn’t put your typewriter over here - lazy bastards.” With a swish of her wand, she brought me a slightly rusted device.
“Thank you, Macy.” She smiled and we started on my training. What to put wear, when to drop off the files, how to drop off the files, and so on. I looked at the clock as it struck five, the time flew by so fast that at first I thought it was broken.
As Macy and I walked out of the office together, I saw a fairly large office, blinds drawn down as much as possible. “Hey, whats that room there?” I pointed.
“Oh - thats Mr. Diggory’s office. I guess a case must have been rough, haven’t seen much of’m today. Probably meet him tomorrow, just needs to reset ‘s’all. “ I nodded and kept up with her, stopping once we reached our respective transportation.
As I walked in the next morning, I noticed someone blocking the door to my department’s office. He was tall, lean, slumping against the frame as if this were a solicitation friendly area - it wasn’t.
“Excuse me, I’d really like to get to my desk can you maybe-“ He turned around and with him my entire universe shook. It was him, it was Cedric. He stepped aside, not giving me the faintest of recognition that he had in fact been inside my guts only a few days before. I quietly walked in, my entire body feeling cold and stiff. I couldn’t quite place the feeling; Was it embarrassment? Hurt? I wanted to know so I could eradicate it.
The days passed and I succesfuly managed to avoid being alone with him. If we weren’t alone we couldn’t have the “talk”. I thought I was safe until I decided to stay a bit later than usual, packing up my stuff just as the last person had left, or who I thought the last person was.
I looked up when I heard three solid yet soft knocks on the door. My jaw went slack as I saw who it was.
“Got a minute?” he asked.
“I suppose…” my voice was quiet, why was I so nervous in front of him? He walked over to the desk beside me and leaned on it.
“You haven’t talked to me since - since that night. I woke up and you were gone, I thought I’d never see you again.”
“Well - maybe it would have been for the better, Mr. Diggory-“ He leaned forward slightly.
“Please, call me Cedric when we’re alone. I want you to be my equal when in private. And no, I don’t think it would have been for the better. You- you’re brilliant you know?” I hummed in response. “Y/N, I want you to be more than a subordinate. I want to take you to dinner - to do all the parts we skipped before.” I bit my lip, hesitantly.
“I need to….I need to think on it.”
“Right.” He said quietly, shoving his hands in his pockets. A pit formed in my stomach, had I just rejected him on accident? Was it possible my soul mate stood a few feet from me and I was in the process of fucking it up? He dropped his composure a bit. “Well, I’ll be off then. Have a lovely night, Y/N.” He said my name so well, so smooth. Like the night we first met, he was so natural yet so put together. He turned to walk out of the door, not hesitating for a small second. My thoughts ran wild with every step he took away from me.
“Fuck.” I hissed under my breath, opening the door and walking out to the hall as fast as I could. I spotted him - waiting for the lift. “I don’t,” He looked up from the floor, “I don’t have anything for tea tonight - plans I mean. I’d like to take you up on that offer.” My hands grasped themselves, thumbs twiddling as I saw him smile and start to laugh.
“You,” He stepped closer to me, leaving the tile where the lift was located, “Sure like to make this hard for me.” He lifted my hand to his face, leaving a soft kiss on the back of my hand.
And thats how I became the girlfriend of Cedric Diggory, the man who won the Tri-wizard tournament. It turned out, I had in fact been standing next to my soulmate the entire time.
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atlabeth · 4 years ago
hey! i love your zuko fics so much and was wondering if you’d like to write this, because the idea just popped up: maybe a zuko x reader fluff that takes place before/during LOK? maybe they’re reminiscing about their past adventures w the Gaang while helping out the new Team Avatar? idk it’s just that every time I see old zuko it makes me soft and emotional 🥲🔥❤️ anyways, much love! (and don’t feel pressured to do this at all, I was just thinking abt who I could submit this request to, and obvi my first choice was you 💕)
reminiscence - zuko x fem!reader
summary: just because you and your husband are retired doesn’t mean you don’t have amazing advice for the new team avatar.
a/n: this is so cute omg!! thank you so much for requesting this and thank you for much for your kind words i'm honored <33 im so sorry this took so long
sorry im posting so much lately im trying to stop slacking and publish things that have been wips for over a month sdkjfh
wc: 1.3k
warning(s): none bc i choose to ignore the news of zaheer’s plan right after this scene
Retirement was… nice.
You had spent your childhood fighting with the Avatar to end the Hundred Year War, a feat that was only made more difficult with your Fire Nation roots and connection to the banished prince. But all that’s well ends well, and you ended up getting your happy ending together — you had to fight hard for it, though.
You married Zuko at nineteen, three years after he ascended to the throne, and spent the subsequent years balancing your duties as Fire Lady and taking care of your daughter. Ruling the Fire Nation was a lot, but you knew you could get through anything with your husband at your side.
When he told you his plans to abdicate the throne, you were more than supportive. One of Zuko’s biggest fears was becoming his father, and by giving up his position willingly to Izumi, it guaranteed that he wouldn’t fall victim to the power-obsessed ways of his ancestors. It also gave him a well-deserved break after decades of being Fire Lord, and you were more than ready to get out of the world of Fire Nation politics. You had sat through enough meetings to fill multiple lifetimes.
But just because the two of you weren’t as involved in every day affairs of the world didn’t mean that you were completely out of it. No, that was far from the truth. You and Zuko were still some of the most important people in all of the nations, which meant it wasn’t a rare occurrence for your husband to be called off on some sort of mission.
One such mission was stopping the Order of the Red Lotus for the second time; Zuko had been part of the team that stopped them from kidnapping Avatar Korra as a child, so it was no surprise that he had been called to help for a second time. You knew even in his old age that your husband was powerful, but you couldn’t help but feel concerned about everything he was doing.
This concern was ultimately what led you to join Zuko on his trip to meet with Chief Beifong and Chief Tonraq in the Misty Palms Oasis. He had originally been against your involvement, claiming that the Red Lotus was far too dangerous, and he didn’t want to risk you getting injured in any way. You, of course, weren’t having it. “The Avatar’s in trouble, and I’d like to think I know a few things about getting out of trouble.”
One thing was certain after you arrived — it had been far too long since you had ridden on the back of a dragon. You truly adored Druk, and you felt bad for everyone that would never have the opportunity.
After conversing with Lin and Tonraq inside, you all exited to greet the new Team Avatar. If what you were told was true, then they had been through quite a lot since leaving Zaofu. For as long as you had been involved in foreign affairs, you had never met Avatar Korra nor her friends, so you didn’t know what to expect — an awestruck boy that could barely speak wasn’t at the top of your list though.
“Oh my gosh. It’s Lord Zuko and Lady Y/N. I can’t believe it!” He stared at the two of you with wide eyes, his voice getting higher and higher as he whimpered. He looked like he was going to fall over until another black-haired boy pulled him out of the way, his tone apologetic.
“Uh, forgive my brother,” he said as he put his fist against his open palm, his brother following suit. “We’re just really honored to meet you both.”
“It’s no problem,” you smiled as you and Zuko returned the greeting. It had been years since someone had reacted that way towards you, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t amuse you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”
The two boys straightened again as the taller one gestured to them each in turn. “I’m Mako, and this is Bolin. We’re Korra’s friends.”
“Ah, she’s got her own Team Avatar?” You inquired with a twinkle in your eye. “You know, I traveled with Avatar Aang years back along with my husband.”
“Of course I know!” Bolin exclaimed. “Oh, I’ve heard so many stories about your adventures, they’re all so amazing!” His eyes widened and you actually thought that he was going to fall over. “Oh, oh, could you tell us about some of the things you went through?”
“Bolin, we really shouldn’t bother them—” Mako started, but you laughed and waved it off.
“I assure you, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s not often I get to relive my journeys to such avid listeners. What would you like to hear about?”
He thought for a couple seconds then shot back up again. “What was it like when you escaped the Boiling Rock together? You guys were the first people to ever break out, right? That had to be amazing!”
You and Zuko both laughed as you shot him a look. “It was… interesting,” he said.
“By interesting, he means it was a complete disaster,” you corrected. “Everywhere something could’ve gone wrong, it went wrong. They had originally come there to rescue Sokka’s dad, but instead they found Suki and I. Then Zuko got found out and thrown into prison, our first escape plan failed, Sokka almost got found out, Azula showed up… it was honestly a miracle we made it out at all.”
“It wasn’t that bad!” he protested. “Getting thrown into prison was part of the plan, we wouldn’t have been able to get the cooler out if I hadn’t been found out.”
“I guess I can’t complain,” you chuckled. “I did get to punch you a couple times.”
“They are so cool,” Bolin whispered as the two of you went on in the background. He elbowed Mako in the shoulder and gestured towards the couple with his head. “Come on, ask them something! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”
“I’m not going to ask them something, Bolin—”
“Excuse me, my brother has something he wants to ask too!” Mako shot him a dirty look which quickly disappeared when you and Zuko turned to him attentively.  
“Oh, um…” He coughed and scratched his head. “I guess.. is there any advice you have for us? With this whole Team Avatar thing, I mean.” You smiled at Mako and took Zuko’s hand.
“The friendships you forge during your journey are the most important thing — they’re the things that will keep you going during your darkest moments, and they will last a lifetime. There will be mountains and valleys, ebbs and flows, but no matter what, you will hold an unbreakable bond.”
You felt Zuko squeeze your hand and turned your smile on him as you returned the sentiment then nodded for him to continue. “Never take anything for granted, and trust in fate. You’re where you are for a reason — everything will end up working out in the end.”
You grinned and kissed him on the cheek, humming in agreement. “It did, didn’t it?”
After a few more minutes of talking with the two brothers, they went off to join the rest of their group. It was strange being on the outside of it all after how intense your childhood was, but it was… refreshing not to have the weight of the world on your shoulders anymore.
“The world’s in good hands with them,” you murmured as you leaned your head on Zuko’s shoulder.
“They all have that same fire you had when I first met you,” Zuko chuckled. You watched the four of them conversing and a smile graced your lips.
“Oh? Then I think the world’s in very good hands.”
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
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ptergwen · 4 years ago
Hi val! Got a request, it's okay if you don't wanna write it, but can you write about peter telling the reader he's going on a huge mission and he's excited about it but the reader is so worried they end up arguing? But when peter gets back from mission all bruised, the reader is still upset but dresses his wound anyway and it ends up with fluff??
abort mission
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w/c: 2.4k
warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, and angst
a/n: woah woah woah i ended up writing way more than i expected but i loved this request so much :,) i hope you do too
“we’re staying in this, like, super fancy castle while we’re there. it’s gonna be awesome,” peter rambles to you. he takes all the clean shirts in his drawer and throws them into a suitcase.
he’s packing for a mission in europe with the avengers, and you’re here to say goodbye. you’ve been pretty quiet while peter gives you as many details as he’s allowed to. it’s always an honor when the team invites him on. he gets so stoked about it. you’re happy he’s happy and gets to pursue his passion, but you’ve noticed a pattern.
every time peter leaves the country with earth’s mightiest heroes, he comes back in worse condition than the last. it seems like they protect everyone except peter. he’s oblivious to the fact that the end result is always his suffering. he’s just glad to be there. really, he gets nothing in return except scars that never heal, not even a permanent spot on the team. 
so, you’re not thrilled he agreed to go.
“plus, i get to miss two weeks of school.” peter beams, getting onto his knees to zip the suitcase. “feels like a vacation almost.” “you like school, though,” you remind him. you’re sat at the edge of his bed while you watch, rather than help. he hops up again with a shrug. “i like vacations more.” “it’s not a vacation,” you mutter to yourself, then speak up.
“how are you gonna catch up? that’s a lot of missing assignments.” with that same innocent smile, peter walks over to you. he grabs both your hands and laces your fingers together. “i’m a fast learner. besides, ned said he’d help me.” you sigh, looking down at the floor so you don’t have to look at peter. “or, you could. make it into a little study date when i get back,” he suggests while playing with your fingers.
“i don’t even want you to go,” you finally admit and meet his sparkling eyes. nothing could ever dull them. “why not? you’re gonna miss me?” peter teases, pressing a couple of kisses to your palm. “you don’t have to. i’m pretty sure france has wifi.” he wiggles his eyebrows. “oui oui, mademoiselle, eh?” despite yourself, you giggle at his french accent and tug on his hands. he sits down next to you with a chuckle.
“nat has been giving me lessons,” peter explains, you quirking an eyebrow. “she speaks french?” “she speaks a lot of languages, actually. she’s so cool.” peter scoots closer to you and sets his hands on your waist, his voice dropping. “you’d love her.” your face twists up in confusion at the idea.
you don’t have anything against the avengers, obviously. they’re good people. you’re just not the biggest fan of them at the moment, considering the circumstances they’ve put peter under.
“peter, i don’t want you to go,” you repeat more seriously than before. your teeth sink into your lower lip. “and, it’s not because i’ll miss you.” “none taken,” peter jokes, implying there should’ve been a no offense. he then realizes how distressed you look, so he cuts it out. “sorry, sorry. i’m done now. how come?”
you take his hand again and hold it tight. “what if you get hurt?” you ask in the nicest way possible, out of care. “i don’t wanna see you hurting, pete. this mission sounds really... dangerous.” he runs his thumb over the back of your hand, his grin faltering a bit. “it is, but i’m ready for it. i’ll be fine.”
you’re not convinced yet. that line he likes to overuse isn’t enough to do the trick.
his eyes searching for yours, peter brushes a piece of your hair back. “have a little faith in me, babe.” “no, i... i do. i have the most faith in you, peter.” you find yourself frowning as he twirls your locks around his finger. “that’s not the problem.” peter’s voice becomes a whisper. “what is it, then? talk to me.”
you do the opposite because you’re afraid you’ll upset him further, which is the last thing he needs right now. your silence prompts peter to fill it. “would it make you feel better if i say mr. stark is keeping an eye on me?” he’s smiling sheepishly, you scoffing. “oh, like he kept an eye on you in amsterdam?”
the only eye related activity that happened there was peter almost losing one of his. he’d come back with an eyepatch and couldn’t see out of it for over a month. to this day, there’s still a bit of blood in it when you look close enough.
“i already told you, that was my fault,” peter grumbles, turning so he faces forward. “i didn’t listen to him-“ “who gives a shit? he’s the one who put you in that situation!” you blurt out. you’ve been way too patient this whole time, and now you’re reaching your breaking point. “you say that like i didn’t wanna be there.” peter clenches his jaw, still mostly calm.
“either way, mr. stark,” you mock what peter always calls him, “was supposed to keep you safe, and he didn’t. i’m scared it’s gonna happen again.” letting out a noise close to a growl, peter stands up from the bed. “you’re not listening to me, y/n. everything was fine. i just-“ you’re not in the mood to hear him make excuses, so you interrupt.
“do you know any other sixteen year olds who fight literal terrorists on their free time?” you rhetorically ask and get to your own feet. peter tries to walk away from you, only you follow him. “you’re a kid, peter, in case you forgot.” he spins around to give you a nasty look. “do you know any other sixteen year olds who stick to fucking walls?”
your heart starts to race from his sudden outburst. he’s scary when he’s mad, and he almost never gets mad at you. all you can do is blink dumbly. “didn’t think so,” peter spits. “this is what i’m supposed to do, help people. is that so wrong?” his breathing becomes ragged as his anger grows.
“what about you? are you helping yourself?” you speak softly, expecting an answer this time. “you’re not my fucking therapist, y/n,” he deflects the question. “i am your girlfriend, though. i care about you so much, you know that.” eyebrows furrowed in concern, you reach out for peter. he takes a step back. it doesn’t take long for tears to cloud your vision.
“i was excited to share this with you, and i thought you’d be happy for me.” peter balls his hands into fists at his sides. his voice stays low. “instead, you made it all about yourself. you can never let me enjoy team stuff.” you’re speechless, peter nodding as he lets his words sit. “thanks for the support.”
“you’re an asshole,” you laugh out bitterly and wipe under your eyes.
he didn’t mean to make you cry. he was so caught up in himself, he didn’t realize you were.
peter’s whole demeanor changes. “y/n, baby...” he attempts to put a hand on your cheek, but you hit it away. “get off of me. what did i just say?” you sniffle, your tone harsh in contrast. “you’re an asshole, peter.” he changes his mind about feeling bad. you’ve berated him way more than he did you, anyway.
“you should go. i have to be up early,” peter decides, even though he’d said you could stay the night. whatever, you don’t want to anymore. “fine,” you agree shortly. “i’m leaving.” he stands there while you collect your things, shoving them into your bag. you’re going slow enough so he has a chance to stop you. he doesn’t.
you pass by him on your way to his door, sucking in a breath. here’s your official goodbye. “see you later, peter. don’t die.” “mhm, i won’t,” he replies, his tongue poking at his cheek. with one more shared look between you two, you make your grand exit, no doubt informing may of her nephew’s behavior before you’re gone.
peter immediately regrets the way he talked to you, and that you’re leaving things like this. you were only trying to protect him. you’ll never be able to save the city like he does, so this is how you do it. he truly is an asshole for not seeing that.
frustration consuming him, peter kicks over his fully stuffed suitcase, its contents spilling out. he grits his teeth.
you don’t talk to peter the whole two weeks he’s gone except for some are you alive and yes texts. he’d called you quite a few times, and was sent to voicemail for all of them. he gave you the benefit of the doubt because of timezones.
it was actually because you declined, which peter knew deep down was the real reason.
he’s coming home from his mission today. you’re not sure when or if he plans on dropping by. you’re not sure you’d like him to, either. you don’t really get a choice in the end.
there’s a series of knocks at your window, at some ungodly time in the night. you’re all too familiar with this routine. it’s peter.
you slip out from under your covers, a scowl already painting your face as you go to the window. surely enough, peter is perched in front of it, clad in red and black. the suit must be new because you’ve never seen it. you push up the window and step aside so he can get through.
“thanks,” peter mumbles, climbing into your room less gracefully than usual. he’s sort of wobbly when he lands. “yeah,” you dully acknowledge. “how was france?” “uh, good. you know, lots of cheese and all that.” his voice is muffled from his mask, since he hasn’t taken it off yet. that’s odd. “i was talking about the mission, but cool,” you almost laugh back.
“the mission was... fine,” peter clarifies and scratches the back of his neck. he never describes something as simply being ‘fine.’ when the boy talks, he lectures. you’re starting to get worried. “that’s good. at least you didn’t die, right?” you say to lighten the mood. peter awkwardly chuckles. “haha, yeah. thank god for that.”
you hum and walk over to sit on your bed, peter staying where he is. “what time did you get back?” you wonder, a completely harmless question. “um, this morning,” he says in response, raising your suspicions. “why’re you still in the suit, then?” you squint at him. “i like it, by the way.” “thanks, y/n/n. i, uh,” peter trails off, no good explanations coming to mind.
you’re quickly developing a hunch for what what down. you wordlessly get up again, meeting peter by your window. he’s nervous to see what happens next. peter’s shoulders slump when your fingers land on his mask. you carefully lift it, revealing his face to you. his banged up, bloody face.
“surprise.” peter musters up a grin, you tossing the mask at his chest. you’re beyond angry now. it’s not at him, athough it is at his injuries. “please don’t be mad,” he nearly begs, you shaking your head. you go to leave your room for some space. peter’s fingers wrap around your wrist, pulling you back. “i should’ve listened to you, okay? i’m sorry,” he genuinely apologizes.
you still don’t say anything while you look over his beaten body. there’s a gash with stitches in it on his chin, a deep slice across the bridge of his nose, cuts littering his cheeks. he’s even got a busted lip for good measure. this might be the worst condition he’s let you see him in.
“you were right, y/n. i think... i think i’m gonna sit the next one out. it’s too much for me, clearly,” peter continues, fingers sliding down to lock with yours. “you should say you told me so.” “how... how did this happen?” you manage to get out instead. “the bad guy fought me,” he says with the hint of a smirk. “i won, though.”
it’s a relief that he’s handling this so well, even earning a laugh from you. that puts you more at ease.
“this is probably a dumb question, but are you okay?” you brush your thumb over peter’s cheekbone gently, avoiding his scratches. “not really. my face hurts a lot, and flash is gonna tease the hell out of me on monday.” his lips form a line, arms looping around your waist. it’s very much welcomed by you.
“you just spent two weeks trying not to die, and you’re worried about flash?” you snicker and draw a heart on his skin. peter shrugs a shoulder. “he’s so mean to me.” he brings you in closer to him. “besides, this is the normal kid stuff i should be focusing on.” you’re glad he finally came to terms with that. you’ve been saying it for the longest time.
you smile wickedly at him. “exactly. so is all that homework you have to make up.” peter lets out a breathy laugh, you laying your head on his chest. “i missed you,” he tells you quietly. “really wish i could kiss you right now.” “i missed you too, pete. so much,” you murmur into him. your hands settle on his biceps. “and, i forgive you.” “thanks, baby,” peter exhales.
“of course. once your lips are healed,” you pull back from his chest, making a kissing noise. “pucker up, lover- oh my god.” you’re looking up at him with wild eyes. peter gets reasonably startled from it. “what? what’s wrong?” “you... you’re bleeding!” you point at his stitches. he winces, touching the spot. there’s blood, alright.
“crap. do you have a bandaid or something?” peter gives you an apologetic smile. “mr. stark said i should cover them when this happens.” maybe, tony isn’t so bad after all. you nod and take him by his hand. “yeah, in the bathroom. come with me.”
peter sits on the edge of your bathtub while you patch up his chin. he tells you more about the fun parts of his mission, you placing the cinderella bandaid over his gash. you have those from a while ago and also regular ones. however, he preferred the princess design.
“you saw the real mona lisa? like, in person? that’s insane.” you grin, smoothing down peter’s bandaid one last time. “yeah, she’s even prettier up close.” peter returns the smile. “thanks for taking care of me, y/n. i swear i don’t deserve you sometimes.” now pouting at him, you crouch down so you’re at his level. “it’s the other way around, peter.”
“let’s just agree to disagree,” he concludes and tucks a stray hair behind your ear. “i love you, okay?” “i love you, too.” you press a light kiss to his bandaid, getting a giggle from peter.
yeah, it’s going to be hell finding replacements for his lips.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years ago
hi bestie! xmas request for u <333 could you do one where the avengers clearly know that peter and the reader like eachother, so they (very undiscreetly) place mistletoes literally everywhere in the hq to get the lil babies of the groups to kiss? thank uuuuuuu love u!
Under The Mistletoe
pairing: Peter Parker x reader
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“Good morning everyone.” You greeted the Avengers as you walked in the kitchen one morning.
“Good morning.” Peters eyes followed you as you sat down next to him at the table. “I made you hot chocolate.”
“You did? You’re so sweet.” You took the mug from him and kissed his forehead. “Thank you.”
“Well you mentioned last night that you were always freezing in the morning so I thought this would warm you up.” Peter smiled sweetly at you, face flushed from the kiss.
“You’re too good to me. I was gonna put some whip cream on it. Do you want some?” You offered as you went to the refrigerator.
“Sure. Thank you.” Peter nodded as you put some whip cream on his hot chocolate. The rest of the Avengers watched the interaction, exchanging knowing glances every once in a while.
“So, what did you guys do last night?” Natasha asked curiously as she leaned on her hand.
“We went on patrol together and then walked around the city. It was snowing so it was really pretty.” You smiled as you remembered the night before. Natasha and Bruce made eye contact, giving each other a knowing look.
“Didn’t you get cold?” Bruce asked for his own amusement.
“My suit has a built in heater.” Peter told him.
“But Y/n’s suit doesn’t.” Tony added, understanding what was going on.
“Peter had his arm around me so the heat kept us both warm.” You told them as you sipped your mug, making everyone gush.
“Uh huh.” Tony nodded as he watched Peter put his arm around your chair. “So you went for a moonlit stroll through the city. Pretty romantic, don’t you think? Was it a date?”
“What?” Peter sputtered. “No.”
“We’re just friends.” You nodded a few too many times.
“You got some whip cream on your face.” Peter noticed the white dollop on your nose.
“Oh. Oops.” You laughed in embarrassment and went to wipe it off.
“I got it.” Peter wiped your face with his thumb, leaving both of you in a blushing mess.
“Thanks.” You giggled, gazing lovingly into his eyes.
“Right. Just friends.” Rhodey grimaced as he watched the disgusting love fest in front of him.
“So what are you doing today?” Natasha asked, finding the whole situation hysterical.
“We were gonna watch some holiday movies in my room before patrol.” Peter told her.
“Speaking of that, do you want to get started?” You asked him. “We have a lot to get through.”
“Sure. Bye guys.” Peter waved before resting his hand on the small of your back and leading you out of the room. Once you left, the Avengers let out the collective laugh they had been holding in.
“So…they’re in love, right? We can agree on that?” Tony asked as he looked around the room, seeing everyone nod at him.
“I have never seen anyone so whipped.” Rhodey laughed as he sipped his coffee.
“How have they not admitted their feelings?” Nat asked the room. “It’s so obvious.”
“This is worse than me and Nat.” Steve commented.
“Or me and Nat.” Bruce added.
“Or me and Nat.” Tony agreed.
“When are those crazy kids gonna get together?” Steve chuckled as he opened the newspaper.
“This gives me an idea.” Tony narrowed his eyes as he got a familiar devilish glint in his eyes.
“Oh no.” Steve recognized the glint. “This can’t be good.”
“By the end of the holiday season, I want Y/n and Peter to be together.” Tony said decidedly. “This will require a group effort in making it happen. In the weeks leading up to the holidays, I expect each and every one of you to get our dear Peter and Y/n to realize they like each other.”
“How do you expect us to do that?” Nat humored him.
“You will all plant mistletoe somewhere in the building.” Tony grinned wickedly. “The mistletoe that gets the most kisses out of them wins.”
“Wins what?” Bruce asked, just as intrigued as the rest of the team.
“Whatever you want. I don’t know if the giant building with my name on it gave it away, but I have money.” Tony stated. “Lots of it. Or how about this, the winner can pick and design a new room to be added to the tower.”
“I could use a physical therapy room.” Rhodey spoke up. “I don’t know if you guys remember, but my legs don’t work on their own anymore ever since I fell out of the sky.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.” Steve realized.
“Yeah. Nobody really talks about that.” Bruce agreed.
“I think we could all benefit from a new training room.” Nat threw in. “The old one has a permanent sweaty man smell.”
“We already have a training room. What we really need is some personal up keeping. Keeping myself this blonde is not cheap. A hair parlor in the building would be nice.” Steve suggested.
“Parlor.” Tony chuckled under his breath.
“I second that.” Bucky piped up.
“Of course you do, Jared Leto.” Tony teased.
“We don’t need a hair salon. What we need is another lab.” Bruce declared.
“Or a ballet studio.” Nat gasped.
“I think we should install an Olive Garden.” Bucky shrugged.
“How about a room full of murals of myself?” Thor smiled. “You can all gaze upon them and push yourself to stop being tiny and small.”
“Or another gym.” Rhodey shrugged.
“Or a wine cellar. But for beer! A beer cellar.” Thor cheered.
“We can discuss the room later.” Tony quieted everyone down. “If you really want these things, get the kids together. You know what you have to do.”
You and Peter often ate breakfast together in the same spot everyday, and Tony used that information to his advantage. He skillfully hung some mistletoe above your usual seats and patiently waited for your arrival. Soon enough, Tony heard your footsteps coming into the kitchen.
“Hey Petey.” You rubbed Peter’s back before taking a seat next to him. “Hi Mr. Stark.”
“Hey guys.” Tony smiled before looking up and gasping. “Oh golly gee, would ya look at that? Mistletoe! Who put that there?”
“Oh, wow.” Peter said as he looked up to see mistletoe hanging above the two of you. “I didn’t even notice.”
“Yeah. I probably wouldn’t have looked up if you hadn’t pointed it out.” You said skeptically as you eyed Tony.
“Ha.” Tony forced a laugh. “Well, now you see it. Bye!”
He quickly left the room and hid behind a wall where he could watch his plan unfold.
“That wasn’t at all weird.” You chuckled as you turned in your seat.
“He probably put Red Bull in his protein shake again.” Peter laughed as well, fingers brushing yours a little on the table.
“Yeah.” You nodded, suddenly feeling awkward now that you were both aware of the mistletoe hanging above your heads. You both looked away from each other, red in the face and sneaking occasional glances at the plant.
“I, um, I’ve never actually seen mistletoe in person before.” Peter said to break the silence. “I’ve only heard about it in songs.”
“Me too.” You nodded rapidly. “Or in movies and stuff.”
“Yeah.” Peter gulped. “And stuff.”
You looked at each other for a moment, shy smiles on your faces.
“I mean, since it’s both of our first times getting caught under it, it’d be a shame not to honor the tradition.” You suggested sheepishly as you averted your eyes.
“Right.” Peter said quickly. “It’s tradition. We basically have to.”
“Yeah. It’s practically a right of passage for the holiday season.” You said simply as you leaned closer to Peter.
“Exactly.” Peter agreed, leaning in as well. Your faces were almost touching now, just a few more inches until contact.
“Um.” You let out a nervous laugh before shutting your eyes and leaning in. Peter met you the rest of the way, your lips connecting directly under the mistletoe. You smiled a little into the kiss before pressing your hand to his cheek to keep him in place. Peter pulled away after a minute, gazing fondly in your eyes as he opened them. He’d been waiting to kiss you for the longest time, and it was just as perfect as he imagined.
“Thanks.” Peter said, squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment after he said it.
“You’re welcome.” You laughed at him, squeezing his shoulder in admiration.
“I’m glad we could, erm, fulfill the tradition.” Peter laughed at his own awkwardness as he shook his head.
“Me too.” You nodded with a flushed face. “I feel more in the holiday spirit already.”
“Same, same.” Peter trailed off, looking around the room to distract from the awkwardness.
“Can we just pretend that didn’t happen and eat our breakfast?” You requested, looking at him shyly.
“Please.” Peter agreed. “It never happened.”
Bruce was making his way to the lab when he saw Rhodey hiding behind a wall, staring at hanging mistletoe.
“Why are you standing here?” Bruce whispered as he stood behind Rhodey.
“I told Y/n to meet me in the kitchen and I’m sending her a bunch of texts so she keeps her eyes on her phone. I also told Peter to meet me in the theater. They’ll have to go through that doorway where I strategically placed mistletoe. Once they bump into each other, they’ll have to kiss and I’ll get a point.” Rhodey explained his masterplan in a hushed tone.
“Why do you want them to bump into each other? Can’t they just see each other in the doorway?” Bruce whispered back.
“Man, have you ever seen a romantic comedy?” Rhodey sighed. “The girl has to bump into the boy so he knows she’s clumsy and not like other girls.”
“I think you’re getting a little too invested in this. It’s just a room.” Bruce reminded him, beginning to think he was behind on the contest.
“Its not about the room.” Rhodey insisted. “I just want to beat Rogers and his stupid parlor.”
“Shh.” Bruce hushed him. “Here they come.”
Bruce and Rhodey watched as you and Peter smacked into each other in the doorway.
“Oh, sorry. I wasn’t looking.” Peter said as he caught you from falling.
“That’s okay. I wasn’t looking either.” You smiled at him, staying in his arms.
“How are you gonna get them to notice the mistletoe?” Bruce whispered.
Rhodey silently took out a large fan and switched it on, sending a breeze towards you and Peter. The breeze made the bells on the mistletoe chime, causing you and Peter to look up.
“Is that mistletoe?” He asked as he pointed to it.
“It looks like it.” You commented. “I guess Mr. Stark decorated the tower.”
“Kinda crazy we got caught under it twice.” Peter chuckled nervously, hoping he’d get the chance to kiss you again.
“I know. But hey, it’s tradition.” You shrugged, also hoping you’d get to kiss him.
“Yeah. Tradition.” Peter was barely listening to himself speak as he stared at your lips. You laughed a little as your arms went around his neck, pulling him into a soft kiss. It was just as good as the first time, if not better. You pulled away after a moment and sighed against his mouth.
“I, um, I gotta meet Rhodey in the nitchken.” You stumbled over your words.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to see him in the popcorn palace.” Peter spoke, not even knowing what he was saying.
“I’ll see you later, Petey.” You squeezed his arm gently and made your way to the kitchen.
“Bye.” Peter mumbled before going to the theater. Rhodey turned to Bruce with a boastful grin and held a finger to symbolize the point he has just gotten. Bruce swallowed nervously, realizing he had to get on it if he wanted to win.
“Banner.” Tony came to Bruce’s side with a suspicious look. “You look awfully devious today.”
“You’re much more likely to walk next to someone than to be caught under a doorway with them. That’s why I put a bouquet of roses and mistletoe on the table between their rooms. Every time they pass it, they’ll have to kiss.” Bruce explained as he turned to Tony with bloodshot eyes. He had been working on the plan all night and it showed.
“You unsuspecting genius.” Tony gasped.
“How is that unsuspected?” Bruce deadpanned. “I’m a certified genius. That’s why I was recruited.
“Yeah? And I’m a certified freak. 7 days a week.” Tony said as he stared at the bouquet of mistletoe. It didn’t take long for you and Peter to come out of your rooms and meet in front of the bouquet.
“Hey, Petey.” You greeted him. “What are you up to?”
“I was gonna grab a snack and then watch Dance Moms compilations.” Peter told you.
“Without me?” You pretended to be offended.
“I was gonna ask you to join.” Peter rolled his eyes sarcastically.
“I’d love to.” You smiled at him. “Let’s go.”
“Wait, is this mistletoe?” Peter realized the bouquet right as you were about to leave.
“Damn, it’s everywhere, huh?” You laughed as you touched the roses, warmed by the color.
“Do we still have to kiss of its not over our heads?” Peter wondered.
“Yes!” Bruce whispered sharply.
“You heard that too right?” Your eyes widened as you looked around for where the voice came from.
“Yeah. I thought it was my conscience.” Peter sighed in relief. Your eyes flickered from the bouquet to Peter, back to the bouquet.
“I mean, we might as well kiss.” You shrugged. “Mistletoe is still mistletoe.”
“You’re right. It would be a waste not to.” Peter nodded eagerly.
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” You smiled as you pulled him into a kiss. This kiss lasted longer than usual as you both let it linger.
“The plan was smart but you only got one kiss out of it.” Tony whispered to Bruce as you and Peter went to the kitchen.
“Just wait.” Bruce told him. Some enough, you and Peter returned with an armful of snacks.
“Oh, we passed it again.” Peter said robotically, knowing you’d pass it again.
“Oops.” You said sarcastically. “I guess we have to kiss again.”
“Ugh. Every time.” Peter rolled his eyes as he pulled you towards his lips. You gripped his shirt collar and continued kissing him as you pulled him into your room.
“See?” Bruce smirked. “Certified genius.”
Down the hall, Natasha had seen the whole thing, chewing her lips as she came up with a plan.
Natasha set her plan in motion a few days later, waiting in the kitchen for you as she stirred a bowl of muffin mix. Peter sat at the counter, reading over one of Bruce’s articles in a book. You came into the kitchen wearing an ugly Christmas sweater that matched Peters, the sight of you making Peter smile.
“Hi Nat.” You beamed at her as you took a seat next to Peter at the kitchen counter. “Whatcha making?”
“I’m making muffins with the berries from mistletoe.” Nat said cheerfully. “They should be really good.”
“You bake?” You asked curiously. “You mean they taught you culinary skills when training you to be an assassin?”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me. For example, I love ballet. We might even be getting a ballet studio in the tower soon.” She said coyly, making you and Peter exchange a suspicious glance.
“Wow. That’ll be really cool.” Peter played along, skeptically of her intentions.
“Right? Does this look okay to you guys?” Nat asked as she held the mistletoe above your head. “I can’t tell it it’s good to use or not.”
“It looks fine to me.” Peter shrugged as he looked up at it.
“Oh, silly me.” Nat clicked her tongue. “You guys are totally under it. I guess you’ll have to kiss.”
You and Peter exchanged another look before pecking each other on the lips.
“Hmm. I still can’t tell. Can you check again?” Nat asked as she held it up again.
“It still looks fine.” You told her, growing suspicious.
“And you still have to kiss.” She sighed like it was an inconvenience. You narrowed your eyes at her before kissing Peter on the cheek.
“Are you guys sure it’s okay? One more time, please.” Nat held it over your heads a final time. Peter looked at you skeptically before leaning in for a kiss. Both of you were well aware of the sneaky smile on Natashas face.
“Wait, let me see if I can find another one.” Natasha took another bunch of mistletoe out of her grocery bag and pretended to inspect it. She made a whole show of it, making it look like she simply couldn’t find out if it was okay to use. She sighed sadly and looked to you guys for help before holding it up. You and Peter laughed in disbelief before kissing on the lips.
“Wow. Did I accidentally make you guys kiss 4 times?” Nat spoke loudly, as id she was letting all the people in the tower know. “That’s a lot. Looks like we’ll be getting that ballet studio after all.”
“Yeah. That is a lot.” Thor appeared in the doorway upon hearing Natashas declaration. He eyed you and Peter with a ponderous look on his face, becoming aware that he was losing the competition.
“Oops. I just remembered that mistletoe is poisonous.” Nat finished her bit. “Guess I won’t be making these! Bye guys!”
She swiftly left the room, leaving the mistletoe on the counter. You and Peter looked at each other, equally confused about what was happening. Thor walked further into the kitchen and pretended to take interest in the mistletoe. He held it up over his head before holding it over you and Peter.
“Are you two sure this mistletoe is good for use?” He asked, stealing Nat’s idea.
“We’re not kissing for you.” Peter told him flatly.
“I never liked you anyway.” Thor stated as he dropped the mistletoe and left the kitchen. He wandered the tower until he found Pepper reading in the living room.
“Pans. I have some bad news.” Thor sighed as he laid on the couch like he was in a therapists office. “The competition your husband started is rigged.”
“Why do you say that?” Pepper wondered.
“Because I’m losing!” Thor whined. “Gods do not lose to humans. Unless it’s a contest for tiny people.”
“How many kisses have you gotten?” Pepper asked, well aware of the contest.
“0 so far.” He sighed. “Everyone else has four or five. Banner has seven!”
“So you just have to come up with a plan that blows everyone else out of the water.” Pepper shrugged.
“Like what?”
“Everyone else has gotten them to kiss, right?” Pepper asked.
“Yes.” Thor nodded.
“You can get them to date.” Pepper said like it was simple.
“Why, that’s brilliant! Thank you, Pans!” Thor cheered as he got off the couch. “You have done me well.”
“You’re welcome.” Pepper chuckled as she flipped the page.
“Wait, your husband is also in this competition.” Thor realized. “Why are you helping me?”
“Because when Tony wins something, he gets way too cocky and thinks he’s above doing any laundry or cleaning.” Pepper explained. “Someone else has to win or he’ll buy Mexico or something.”
“Thank you, lady Pans.” Thor grinned. “I will not disappoint.”
“May I come in? I’m just kidding. I am coming in regardless of your answer.” Thor chuckled as he barged into your room. You and Peter had been sitting on the bed, jumping from fear as he came in.
“Hi, Thor.” You said skeptically as Thor pulled up a chair. “Can we help you with something?”
“For the past few weeks, the Avengers have been holding a stupid contest that I am losing to see who can get you two to kiss the most.” Thor explained. “They have been using mistletoe to carry out this stupid contest.”
“Wait, what?” You and Peter looked at each other in shock. Suddenly, the strange behavior and random mistletoe sightings all made sense.
“That’s why there’s mistletoe everywhere?” You asked. “And why did you guys do this in the first place? Why us?”
“Because you two like each other.” Thor shrugged. “And everyone knows it. Except for you two. You don’t know it.”
“What?” Peter sputtered. “We do not-“
“Shh.” Thor hushed him. “Don’t talk to me. Talk to each other. You’re welcome.”
Thor smiled kindly before getting out of his chair and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.
“I can’t believe they did this.” Peter groaned. “Forcing us to kiss because they think we like each other? Who comes up with that?”
“I know right?” You agreed. “How we feel about each other is none of their business.”
“Exactly. And what do they know? If I liked you, I think I would know.” Peter forced a laugh, well aware that he liked you.
“Yeah. We would know.” You nodded before looking at him skeptically. “We would know, right?”
“I don’t know.” Peter answered honestly. “It’s kinda hard to tell how I feel about you. I never know if something that happens between us is platonic or romantic.”
“Me either.” You spoke softly as you put your hand on his. “Kissing isn’t really platonic, though.”
“I guess not.” Peter chuckled as he looked at you. You stared at him for a moment, heart beating in your ears as you thought out your next step.
“Peter, do you like me?” You asked slowly, looking at him through your eyelashes.
“Um, kinda, yeah.”
“Kinda?” You laughed softly at his answer.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed and squeezed your hand. “I don’t know what to say in this situation.”
“Just tell me how you feel.” You shrugged.
“I feel like I’ve been lingering around places where the mistletoe in hopes that you’ll walk by and kiss me.” Peter confessed, looking at you with a shy smile.
“Well that’s not platonic.” You teased him, leaning into him a little.
“No, it’s not.” Peter agreed. Your eyes flicked to his lips briefly before leaning in to kiss him, pulling his face closer to yours with the hand that wasn’t holding his. He kissed you back once he got over the surprise, sitting up straighter to get closer to you.
“You don’t need mistletoe to kiss me, Petey.” You whispered once you pulled away. “You can do it whenever you want.”
“I’m gonna take you up on that.” Peter smiled softly at you.
“I hope you do.” You flirted before connecting your lips to his again. On the other side of the door, Thor had his ear pressed up against the crack, listening to every word with a huge grin.
“I am so going to win this contest.”
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butwhyduh · 4 years ago
Night Swim
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Garth of Shayeris/Tempest x batsis!reader
Summary: pinning over him. I know like 7 people will read it but he’s too cute. Canon has no home here and timelines don’t matter.
Warning: dash of innuendos.
The apprentice of a justice league member that went on his own. That could describe almost all of your brothers but it also described the beautiful man standing before you. That currently didn’t even notice you were staring at him puppy dog eyed.
“So, are you ever going to do anything about it or just stare at him until he jumps back in the sea again,” Kori said beside you. You jumped and gave her a look. “Noise cancelling glass. He can’t hear us and no one is looking over here,” she reassured you.
“That obvious,” you asked turning to face her. She nodded with a little smile. Of course she thought it was cute. She had told Dick the first time she knew she was attracted to him. That’s how she was raised. No fear of rejection or shame in sexual attraction. You were raised by batman and had a healthy dose of both.
“There’s not like it would do any good. He’s never given me a second thought and I don’t even think he likes surface walkers anyways,” you deflected. She snorted.
“He dated Donna.”
“That shouldn’t count. She’s Themyscirian. They’re like perfect,” you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t know. I find Dick very appealing and he is human. Is his powers what attracts you to him?” She asked leaning on a desk. Her long curly red hair flowed over her shoulder in a way that only Kori could.
“No, of course not. I mean, they’re cool for sure. But it’s.. he’s nice and honorable and funny,” you said and she grinned almost proudly.
“And you can be nice and honorable and funny without any meta powers. Don’t put yourself down. And if you need help..” she started.
“No no no. No wing woman,” you said quickly.
“What do you need a wing woman for?” Dick asked behind you. Your eyes widened before you turned around.
“Nothing. Just some guy from college. That I don’t like,” you said in possibly the worst lie of your life. Dick narrowed his eyes at you.
“I can tell you’re lying but if I don’t know the truth, I can’t lie to Bruce about what you’re doing so don’t tell me,” Dick said. Wally, Donna, and Garth walked in the room.
“Wait, did I hear that Nightwing’s little sister is seeing someone? Is he ready to die,” Wally laughed clapping Dick on the shoulder.
“I’m not having this conversation,” you squeaked out before squeezing between the heroes, feeling yourself far too close to Garth for just a moment. Thank goodness M’gann wasn’t there to read your thoughts or feelings. Kori stayed mum on the subject and concentrated on the mission that Dick was prepping the team for.
You didn’t go on missions now. An injury that put an end to that. You just couldn’t maintain the level a vigilante needed. Sometimes you’d help with the computers but mainly you worked at Wayne Enterprise with Tim. You were just visiting on this trip and wasn’t involved in the mission.
“Wish us luck,” Kori said giving you a hug. You couldn’t help but watch Garth in his new blue suit that fit perfectly as the rest of the team walked by.
“Woah,” you said barely above silent but Kori hugging you caught it all and giggled quietly. You flushed and tried to stutter out some excuse.
“He is very handsome. Wish him luck,” she whispered in your ear. You made a little noise to disagree and she simply grinned at you while walking away.
“What was that,” Dick asked, suspicious.
“Nothing, just a joke. Good luck. Be safe,” you said to him and Dick didn’t argue but definitely didn’t believe you before joining his team.
As they left, your mind wandered to the first time you met Garth. It was a mission in a warehouse fire that had homeless people camping out on the second story. You walked carefully to the back office through dense fog with flames threatening any moment to see if there was anyone in there. The fire was getting really close and it was kinda dicey. But it was your first job away from Gotham and you were 14 and you felt the need to prove yourself.
You entered the room bent low with smoke overhead. You saw something move in the back of the room and you made your way towards it. But just as you crossed to the back half of the room, part of the ceiling collapsed, trapping you in the room and knocking you to the floor. You jumped back against the wall. There wasn’t a window and the movement? A toy.
You shrank against the wall and pushed your panic button. The fire was hot and you cursed wearing shorts. “Shit,” you breathed as it started moving closer. The air was starting to get thick. The flames jumped and you pressed against the wall with your eyes covered, expecting flames to hit you.
But instead you felt cool wet air and you opened your eyes to see water surrounding you. It appeared to float in air and you reached a hand out to touch it, confused. As soon as you felt the tips of your fingers dampened, the water crashed to the floor causing you to jump.
In there place was a teenage boy only a few years older than you, grinning. You stared at him in silence. He had just saved your life.
“Did you- how did you-“ you stuttered and his smile grew even wider.
“Aqualad, at your service. You wanna leave before it crashes on us?” He said and you took a step to wince in pain. Oh yeah, when you jumped you twisted your ankle. Your plan, like all the other bats, was to suck it up and hobble out. But Garth had other plans and he quickly scooped you up bridal style as soon as he noticed you couldn’t walk.
“Just hold on. I’ll carry you,” he said walked down the charred stairs carefully. You couldn’t take your eyes off his handsome face the whole time. Your heart pounded and your lack of experience with dating or liking anyone had you completely dumbfounded. “You can let go,” he said with a little smile.
You were out of the warehouse clinging to him past the time necessary and quickly moved away from him, feeling your skin flush. Dick gave you a look over before give Garth with a look you couldn’t recognize.
“She’s catatonic, Bro.”
“Feed her something.”
“Wally, food isn’t always the answer,” Dick said giving your shoulder a shake. You jumped and knocked over a glass of water.
“Sorry!” You yelped reaching over to grab a towel.
“I’ve got it,” Garth said and with a flick of his wrist the water started to pour in the sink rather than off the counter. As you watched the water jumped before flowing down the drain. You laughed a little and looked up to see Garth grinning at you. Dick stared suspiciously at you both before being pulled somewhere by another Titan.
“So was the mission okay?” You asked, not knowing what to say. Your crush was more ‘stare across the room’ rather than do anything about it.
“It went well,” he answered grabbing a water bottle and chugging it. You tried not to stare.
“Cool suit,” you said and immediately felt stupid. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Thanks,” he said without adding anything else, leaving an awkward air to hang.
“Damn, you might be from the sea but are soo dry, Garth,” Roy said clapping him on the back on his way to his room. Garth looked at you confused.
“It’s been awhile since I’ve been land side. Is being dry an insult now?” He asked.
“I mean, kinda. It just means boring,” you answered with a shrug. “You know Roy.”
“But you are dry. I mean, you live on land. Not that you’re boring,” he said with an awkward laugh. You smiled back at him before taking a sip of your drink nervously. “Does that mean you want to be wet?”
You coughed as you choked on the liquid. He tapped you on the back. “You okay?” He asked concerned. Donna walked by with a raised eyebrow but said nothing.
“I’m fine. No, that’s not how that works. It’s just we aren’t really dry. We’re like 80 percent water. Dry means like sand or something. Too dry,” you said and he nodded humoring you.
“It seems pretty dry here,” he said playfully.
“I can knock over more glasses. Get this place all wet again,” you quipped.
“Tempting. Or you can go swimming with me,” he answered back.
“Haha or I could- what? It’s nighttime,” you answered. “And doesn’t that do something to the currents or something?”
He gave you a dry look. “The currents come in at night? Yep. You’d be the safest person in the water swimming with me. I could navigate night swimming as a squirt. Come with?” Garth asked.
“I-“ you stared before mumbling.
“You what? I didn’t hear the last part,” he said.
“I... can’t swim,” you said and he stared at you and you felt like sliding under the counter and through the floor. Then Garth’s lips curled into a smile and he laughed a little. You looked down awkwardly.
“Oh you’re serious?”
“I’m sorry. I forget that swimming is learned skill here. I apologize,” he started.
“It’s okay. Really,” you insisted.
“Come with me. We’ll stay shallow,” he offered. You looked at him before nodding.
“This is a bad idea but let’s go,” you said pulling him along. Garth laughed as you pulled him out the back door towards the beach. “I forgot a bathing suit,” you admitted.
“I guess you could go insi-“ he trailed off as you pulled your shirt off and shorts to swim in your underwear and bra. He quickly looked away as you ran in the water to your waist.
“Coming in? Can’t believe I have to ask, merman” you said and he pulled off his shirt to quickly join you. You splashed him with water which quickly turned into a splashing war.
“Okay, you win!” You yelped as he bombarded you with water. He splashed you one last time and you turned away. Garth grabbed you by the waist as a wave splashed over you. You simply watched each other for a moment. You noticed your feet didn’t touch the ground anymore. You clung to him.
“I can’t touch,” you said a little panicky. He held on to you.
“Don’t worry. I’m right here. I won’t let you drown. It’s my job, remember?” Garth smiled. “Look around. Look at the moon.”
You looked up to see the luminous globe hanging above the sea. It lit a silvery path through the water, highlighting waves crashing. The beach seemed far away. The only sounds were the sea and a few night birds as well as Garth’s breath from being so close. You looked back at him and almost froze. He was gorgeous. The water truly was his element. His dark hair curled in the water and the moon glow highlighted his nose and collarbones. His purple eyes looked almost black in the darkness but the way he looked at you said a ton.
He looked down at your lips and you couldn’t help but lick them, tasting salt water. Garth bent a little and you turned your head up to touch lips softly. His arms wrapped closer around you as you kissed. Garth easily kept you above the water. Your brain was broken. You were kissing Garth, who you’ve had a crush on for a long time.
Suddenly water splashed over your head as a wave crashed on you both. You leaned away with a cough as water invaded your mouth and nose. Your eyes stung and watered a little.
“Sorry, I forgot to pay attention,” Garth admitted sheepishly.
“It’s okay,” you said with only a little cough. “Can we?”
“Get you on land? Yeah. You’re getting cold anyways,” Garth said before swimming towards the shore. It wasn’t a rough choppy swim the way people did. He seemed to simply glide through the water gracefully. So beautifully. Which was broken when he fell over on the beach.
“You’re the most graceful swimmer and trip on your feet when you hit ground,” you said with a laugh as you attempted to help him up. He was far too heavy to lift but appreciated the effort.
“Atlantean,” he shrugged. “Don’t make fun of me too much. You can’t even swim.”
“Yeah? You wanna take a dip in Gotham Harbor?” You asked and he laughed.
“Absolutely not. I don’t want to get some unknown cancer from whatever pollution they have. Or whatever rouge is living there,” he added.
“That’s why I can’t swim,” you answered. It really was cool in the wind and you quickly pulled on your clothing.
“But doesn’t batman have like multiple pools?”
“Yeah but I never used them. I was 15 when he took me in. Too old to learn,” you shrugged.
“You’re never to old to learn to swim. It’s important for safety,” Garth said. “Especially here,” he motioned at the beach.
“Especially if I keep kissing Tempest in the water?” You quipped.
“That’s just a bonus,” he said pulling you close by the hips. You grinned up at him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
And a spotlight shined glaringly at you both. You covered your eyes and looked away.
“Come inside,” boomed the voice of your brother. “Now.”
And that’s how you got a 20 minute lectures on the danger of night swimming and risk of hypothermia and Garth got the shovel talk. But despite the fact that Dick was really angry, you didn’t regret a thing and went to bed with wet hair and smile on your face.
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yourmcu · 4 years ago
Hell’s Kitchen
Pairings: Marvel cast x reader (Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr.)
You and your co-stars get invited to dine at the famous Hell’s Kitchen restaurant as the VIP guests. All of you have a great time.
Word count: 1,257
A/n: so this is just a lame idea I came up with when I was binging the all-star season of HK. I hope this turned out ok I’m nervous sksks (I didn’t add everyone in the gif to this imagine btw, sorry!)
(italicized texts is those moments where the chefs talk to the camera, y’know what I mean right?)
Warnings: swearing
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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“I’m starving.”
“I can’t believe this place is real!”
“I know!” You laughed with Tom as you hopped out of the car and waited for Scarlett to come out after you.
You became part of the Marvel cast since Age of Ultron, needless to say they thought you were an impressive actor at your age back then. They welcomed you with open arms and made sure you were never left out.
Anyway you and Tom were acting like total fans, pointing at the portraits of the past winners of the competition and commenting on every detail as you made your way inside the restaurant. Chris and Robert tuned the both of you out and was having their own conversation. Scarlett just rolled her eyes and laughed.
You noticed felt the cameras point to the five of you despite them being hidden in corners. Robert smoothed his suit jacket and greeted his fellow actors that were dining as well. You contained your squeals as you saw the kitchen with both red and blue teams now prepping for their service.
They brought glasses, water, champagne and menus after you all settled to a table.
“It’s beautiful in here - oh, thanks,” Scarlett smiled at you when you handed her a glass of champagne.
Tom was sneaking glances at both teams stationed at the kitchen. “Look, Y/N, it’s them! Which team are you rooting for?” Then he looked at the blue plate coasters on the table. “I hope the blue team’s alright tonight.”
“I hope so.” You laughed.
“Wait what if they aren’t? Are we not getting served?” Robert questioned, handing the menus back after all of you ordered. That made Tom giggle and explain the whole show to him. Chris hid his face behind his hand and stopped himself from laughing.
Moments later Gordon himself walked up to your table and greeted everyone politely. “Good evening, thank you for coming,” which you all returned with smiles and murmurs.
Then the celebrity chef left for the kitchen to attend to the contestants. “Listen up, look who just arrived. The cast of Avengers.”
Some of the amateur chefs turned their heads away from their tasks to get a good look.
“I almost dropped my pan,” a chef from the red team laughed. “Honestly I wouldn’t hesitate to switch with the blue team just to make sure they get a good service tonight. I love the Avengers.”
“That’s Iron Man!”
“They have a new movie coming out, right?”
“Chris Evans is literally - sitting - right - there.” A chef from the blue team squealed. “It’s such an honor. He looks beautiful in person.”
All of you gave little waves, smiles and Tom gave a thumbs up as encouragement. Soon the attention from your table died and you were in silent conversation among yourselves.
“They’re offering us the chef’s table over there,” Robert pointed out to the vacant one over by the blue team. “Should we? What do you guys think?”
“Woah, no way, really?” Tom looked at you excitedly (as if the both of you weren’t famous actors and being at the chef’s table were your wildest dreams).
You had doubts. Sitting cramped (because as far as you knew that table seated about four people max) and listening to a British chef lose his shit meters away...
“Doesn’t he yell a lot though?” Chris said silently, referring to Ramsay. He did recall watching that lamb sauce online.
“As much as I’d love to,” you chuckled. “I’m having same thoughts. We’re better off watching from afar, Tom.”
“I agree,” Scarlett nodded and the waiter got the hint, walking away.
The service went on. You and Tom were watching them cook while still trying to look appropriate and mature for the cameras filming on the side. The sounds of trays clanking echoes the room, the amateur chefs froze like deers in headlights, looking at the man who owns the restaurant. Soon enough, Ramsay’s long string of profanity joined in.
“Oh boy,” Robert casually sipped on his drink while watching the celebrity chef throwing the raw pieces of meat in the trash.
You and Chris visibly flinched as Ramsay yelled at a poor contestant on the red team, sending them to the storage closet for a chat. You obviously knew what was coming to that chef.
“Both of you, just fuck off! Get out!”
“The risotto is burnt, look at it! It’s burnt!”
After some time it was noticeable that both teams were fucking up their dinner services. Your table had finished the first course, your plates were taken away now and the next course was taking too long.
“I am so sorry, the food still needs a few more minutes. They have to re-plate everything.” Ramsay approached your table to apologize but he sent glares when he looked back at the teams as if telling them to hurry the fuck up.
“No problem, right guys? We just need a few more of these,” Robert gestured to the bottle of champagne and Chris laughed heartily. “Oh, and,” he leaned over to whisper something to the chef.
“A bit of motivation, since all of you seem to be giving up,” the chef announced to the contestants when he got back to the kitchen. “The winning team of tonight’s service will receive a  gift card for Avengers: Infinity War.”
Some of the guests cheered, most of the amateur chefs upped their game. Few of them didn’t know what an Avengers do-hickey was but they sped up anyway.
“...and a hug from Chris Evans!” You called out loud enough for Ramsay to hear. Your co-stars burst out laughing, Chris being the loudest, he nodded his head to confirm it.
Ramsay let out a chuckle and added, “and a hug from Captain America himself.”
“Hi! I’ll be serving your desserts for tonight,” a member of the blue team strolled over with dessert ingredients prepped. She was younger than most of her team members, she was in charge of the tableside service. They were a couple more delays for the previous course, you and Scarlett’s meals were served late, but it was worth it. The food was great. “It’s an honor to meet all of you, me and siblings love the Avengers.”
Both you and Tom grinned at that.
“Got a favorite?” Robert wiggled his eyebrows making the chef giggle. He pointed to himself and made disgusted looks to Chris as if they were the only choices.
“I gotta say Black Widow, she’s so badass.” She laughed. Scarlett stuck her tongue out to both men and fist bumped the chef, then leaving her to do her job. “So what I’m going to be making for you is...”
Tom was asking questions here and there, intrigued by it.  No wonder her team was falling apart at the kitchen, she looks more composed than any of her teammates.
Ramsay yelled out the chef’s name after she served the last dessert. The rest of her team was sent back before the night ended, so she had to go as well.
“But you did great!” Tom frowned.
“Yeah, the dessert was amazing.” You smiled.
“I’m still part of their team. But thank you, I appreciate it,” she shrugged, smiling, pulling off her apron and dashing to the back kitchen.
Once the restaurant closed you all thanked Gordon for the wonderful food. He asked for a group photo before leaving.
But you still had to wait for Chris since he owed the red team a bunch of hugs (and pictures, for sure).
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miekasa · 3 years ago
mie!! i’m so late to the party but i absolutely loved ‘NICE’, it made me feel so warm and fuzzy <33 it’s so unique to its own and the flow of it is beyond wonderful!
what is married life like for oc and eren in ‘NICE’? is it just like before/do you have any nice!husband!eren headcanons?
AHH I’m so happy you liked it and that you took the time to come and tell me!! Married life for them... doesn’t really differ from what their lives looked like before actually hehe. They were basically married without knowing it 🙄🙄 idiots to lovers or something like that; but here are a few head canons of the months immediately following NICE!
You officially got married in Paris on the fourth, not too long after Carla’s wedding. You guys flew in some officials, checked through all the technicalities, and signed the papers right on top of the Eiffel Tower (access granted by the city of Paris upon request of one Carla Jaeger, of course). 
Aside from having the most picturesque location in the world to sign your marriage certificate, there wasn’t anything lavish in celebration after that. Carla’s wedding was just three days earlier, after all, and was still the talk of the local press. You did have a small party with your friends (Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Marco, Erwin, Levi, Hange came from the Alps for Carla’s wedding) in your overly large hotel room. Just some music, room service, and lots and lots of champagne.
Eren extended your winter break vacation by two weeks for an impromptu honeymoon to the Bahamas before you went home. Let’s just say you did not leave the safe haven of your hotel room very often, except to dip into the ocean a few nights (benefits of a private beach).
After getting married, the rings swapped places; the band with diamonds previously on your pointer finger was put on a chain (a new one since Eren threw the other one on the ground 💀), and you now wear the engagement ring on your ring finger.
Eren doesn’t like it when you take off the ring (the ring being the engagement ring). The first time you were going into the water, you were going to put it on the chain for safekeeping, but he protested very strongly. He would rather it rest safely in your suitcase than go around your neck again.
Your wedding bands are actually very similar to the band you already have: gold and diamond encrusted. Eren’s, however, has an emerald in the center, like the two emeralds that serve as the pistils of the sunflowers in your engagement ring (for reference, that ring looks something like this, but with a gold band). The bands were the first thing Eren bought when you guys got home.
Your friends in Dubai (Ymir, Reiner, Annie, Connie, Sasha) had no idea that you and Eren got married over winter break. Safe to say they were all… very surprised to hear the news. Connie was a little bit bitter because he missed it, and wolf whistles every time he sees your ring (even though he’s seen it before because you wore it on the necklace every day).
You got married in January, but have an official wedding in the process of being planned sometime around late summer/early fall. Carla insisted that you guys have a wedding despite already being married, and Eren agreed whole heartedly. They are both very into planning it, and yes, Eren is somewhat of a bridezilla, and his mom is enabling him 100% please.
The night you signed the wedding papers, Carla lent you an off-white satin couture gown from one of her past collections. She is designing and making your official wedding dress by hand, with the help of Mikasa.
The two of them are also making Eren’s suit, and all the outfits for your wedding party. Carla will murder you if you even so much as hint at just buying other suits/dresses. This is her baby’s wedding, and she runs one of the most renowned fashion houses of the modern century; she’ll be damned if you guys wear something off the rack.
You considered a destination wedding, but settled on having it in New York. You haven’t decided a location yet, and it’s the one thing Eren isn’t actually picky about (because you know he’s gonna go ham on the decor no matter where it is bye).
Jean doesn’t know it yet, but he’s your maid of honor. Good luck and best of wishes to Eren picking between Mikasa and Armin for best man.
Even before confessing and getting married, Eren never slept much in his own bedroom. You both have California king sized beds in your rooms, and more often than not, Eren would sleep with you in your bed. You didn’t always cuddle, but he just liked to be there (for your presence, and because he was grossly in love bye)… you ended up cuddling a lot of the time tho.
He wants to renovate your apartment now that you both “officially” live in the same bedroom, even though it’s not necessary. He just likes renovating things.
You guys go to dinner every weekend, and sometimes you even go dancing. Eren still can’t dance and he doesn’t actually care to learn; it just reminds him of being in Nice with you.
He kisses your ring finger every morning waking up and every night before going to bed; sometimes he even does it subconsciously in his sleep.
He holds your hand way more often. Not just because you guys are together now, but because he likes seeing the ring where it’s meant to be. He also notices that it helps to curb your anxiety, which is a good bonus.
Eren wants kids, but he hasn’t really brought it up yet. He knows you both are fairly young, and that you’re still technically in school, but that’s not really a deterrent for him.
The only reason he’s waiting to say something is because you guys have a lot going on with wedding planning and settling in to “married life”—there’s a lot of tedious paperwork to be done and documents to update. He’ll bring it up next year when all that is settled.
On the subject of school, you are still attending university, but have been eligible for graduation for a year now. You had enough credits to graduate last (the year before NICE) December, but there were a few more classes you wanted to take out of interest that hadn’t been running in past years, so you stayed for all four years. Eren picks you up from your lectures.
Eren graduated in December before you guys went on vacation. By normal standards, that’s a semester early. However, he was supposed to be in this Honors Arts and Sciences program, that should have taken him another two semesters. He decided it wasn’t worth it, and dropped the honors part, and with that, had enough credits to graduate, so he did.
A college degree is really more of an accessory for him anyway, and school was never his thing. He’s decently smart, sure, but he never enjoyed school because of the emphasis on exams; he’s more of a creative person, a dreamer if you will. The only reason he even went to Columbia was because you decided to go there. 
He and you both have enough money to live more than comfortably if neither of you decided to get a job after graduation… way more than enough/ But Eren isn’t doing nothing; he’s actually sorta been working his way into the world of professional interior design, and he really loves it. You’re proud of him, and more than anything, happy that he decided to go for something he loves.
Armin and Jean also graduated a semester early. Armin’s been living with Mikasa since Connie got his own place off-campus in January. Jean is a little upset blondie is living with his girlfriend before he is, but it’s whatever 🙄if it’s gonna be anyone, at least it’s Armin. 
Carla mentioned that Eren got married sometime during a NYFW interview (along with talking about her own recent marriage), and since then you both have interviewed for two magazines, one of which featured pictures from your smaller party in Paris. You’ve gotten requests from Vanity Fair and Vogue about your bigger wedding later in the year, but you guys haven’t invited any media officials as of yet.
You and Eren attend the MET Gala almost every year. You don’t walk the red carpet and nobody is scrambling to take your pictures; but you have passes because of Carla. Also, you could just buy your way in if you wanted you (and your friends have in the past). This year, Eren had to pay two security officers $10k in bribes because you two snuck away to fuck in… a part of the museum not sectioned off for the event. Whoopsies.
Even before Eren got him arrested, going out to brunch was kind of your and Armin’s thing. Eren insists he should be invited now that he’s your husband. He is not. (His bitterness grows when he learns that Jean has secured himself an invite somehow).
Eren sold the car he got arrested for drag racing in. He never told you why—and as far as transportation goes, it wasn’t a big deal because you guys have other cars—but, to him, it was a kind of symbol. He thinks it’s dumb if he thinks too long about it, but he just didn’t wanna have that there are a reminder of how he’d hurt you and his mom.
Jean still drives you to your therapy appointments, but now Eren picks you up. Eren also goes to therapy himself, and has been before you guys got married; his therapist says he’s undoubtedly happier in recent sessions… like a weight’s been lifted off his shoulder.
As far as drugs go, there’s, of course, weed on a happy occasion, or at a party; but he hasn’t touched coke since that one time (which was also the first time he’d ever done it). That’s not even him being a changed man, he just didn’t like it—he only argued with you about it because he was being stubborn. He’s more of a drinker than anything, and absolutely loves to get you drunk on a special occasion, too; he always has. He thinks you look cute, and he likes taking care of you.
You have lived in that apartment with Eren for years before marrying him, yet he insisted you needed to christen the place like it was brand new… at this point, the only places you haven’t fucked in are the elevator itself, the foyer, the storage closet, and the pool. The latter only because it’s been too cold in NYC… trust and believe pool sex is coming lmfao.
Eren bought the apartment and renovated and designed it, but he never did like being in it all alone, and that’s been magnified since you got married. If he’s there by himself, he’s usually in the living area, napping on the daybed. He waits for your faithfully every day, and is hardly in the bedroom if you’re not.
Eren has not stopped introducing you as his wife since January. Even to people in passing like cashiers and bartenders, everyone in the whole damn city probably knows you guys got hitched.
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kaz11283 · 4 years ago
The Shape of You
Summary: While at one of Tonys top end parties the god of mischief asks you to dance to your suprise. You didn't think he was the type to dance muchless to the song that he decided to ask you to dsnce to.
Characters: Loki, Thor, Tony, Natalie, Wanda, Clint, Steve
Pairings: you x Loki, you x Thor (platonic), you x Tony (Brother, sister)
ANNOUNCMENTS: I got this idea while listening to "Shape of You", then I really started getting into the story everytime that I listened to it (which was a lot). Ive had this on my head for a while now but i had to finish up I think I'm in love and part 2. I also got 200 followers today, next is 300, lets get this! BTW I know that this is a GIF from High Rise but it gives you a PRETTY good iead whats going on. 💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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"Why do you insist on bringing me to the boring ass parties Nat?" You asked trying to pull the hem of the dress down that she had picked oit for you. It wad a dark blue thigh length dress with a very low v neck, the shoes where a high heel ankle strap black shoe with small bows on the side the same color as the dress.
"Stop. Stop pulling, your not gonna make it any longer by doing that." She said swatting your hands away. "I bring you to these 'boring ass parties' because you spend to much time in the library doimg research, in your room working, or sitting in the lab trying to make something better. Point is, you are always working."
"I dont hear you complaining when something of yours gets improved, or an upgrade. Nat I love you but I am a weponds expert. I work better in the quite, thats my zone. Not here."
"Is that why you enjoy spending time with Loki? Because I have to tell you y/n hes not really the quite type." She rasied an eyebrow to look st you.
"Hes not the quite type around all of you because you all make snide remarks. Hes usually quite around me because I dont pick on him or call him names." You turned and looked straight at her.
"All of the other reindeer, use to laugh and call him names." Tony sang walking up to the two of you with a drink. "Couldnt be talking about reindeer game could you?"
"Thank you Tony, and we were just finishing talking and Loki." You answered walking off to sit at the bar where Steve and Thor was sitting.
"Your brother throws one heck of a party." Steve saod tilting his beer to his mouth. "Defiantly better than some of the parties I've been to."
"It is a good party but nothing like the ones on Asguard." Thor boomed with laughter. "You must come some time, we would have a grand celebration in your honor."
"Hes always been a little over the top, if you cant tell. Always had an eye for big, expensive things. Flamboyant parties, playboy style women, expensive cars. Whatever he wants he gets, now dont get me wrong he does work his ass off, but sometimes it would be nice to just have a weekend were the walls didnt shake while I am trying to work on something."
"Ah but little sister, all work and no play makes y/n a dull boy." Tony answered lightly slapping your back.
"Jesus Christ Tone, stop quoting movies, it gets rather annoying."
"Another round, bartender, for little sister." Tony said ruffling your hair.
"You realize I cant stand you right?" You shot him a sideways look.
"Thats why I dont let you work on my toys." He answered giving you a kiss on the top of the head before walking off.
"Thor?" You turned to the god of thunder.
"Yes Lady y/n?" He turned to were he was facing you, his legs on either side of your thighs.
"Do you know of your brother is going to show up?" He laughed turning back to the bar. "Dont get me wrong I absolutly love your company but...."
"You would rather have the company of a more slender, raven haired man tonight." He raised a brow while taking a drink of his beer.
"Well, yes. He is quite interesting to say the least." You laugh.
"Well lady y/n, he said he would be down shortly. He did say he was going to make an apperance though."
"Thank you." You stood, leaning down to kiss his cheek before walking off to find someone else interesting to talk to.
"Hey y/n! Over here!" Clint shouted waving you over to were he, Nat, and Wanda were sitting.
You sat talking to them for a little bit about what new stuff you had added to their weapons and gear, Clint was excited about trying out some of the new arrows that you had developed. You kept gnacing around the room hoping to catch a glips of Loki when he decided to come down.
While you and Wanda was in the middle of a conversation you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning slightly you seen Loki stamding there was a know it all smirk on his face, he was wearing a completly black suit with his hair slicked back, you coud have swore that your heart stopped.
"Hello Darling, I heard you had been asking about me?" He offered you his hand to help you stand.
You laughed tucking your chin down slightly, you could feel your cheeks heat up. "I am going to kill your brother." He lead you back to the bar and getting you a drink handing it to you.
"You look quite ravishing tonight." He leaned in whispering in your ear. "Dont start being bashful tonight, after what happened last night." He had caught you off guard causing you to spit your drink back in your glass.
"Loki," you hissed smacking him on his shoulder. "We dont need Tony going all Iron Man on you tonight."
"Dance with me." He took your glass sitting it back on the bar and grabbed your hand.
"Oh no no no no. I dont dance." You tried stopping but he pulled you to the edge of the damce floor.
"Then dont dance, let the music guide you, or just follow my lead." He grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him, the song was an up beat song and he started moving. "Midguardian dances are so simple, it would be a type of tango I am assuming." He took you hand and wrapped it around the back of his head before placing his hand on your lower back pulling you even closer.
"This is crazy." You laughed after a few practice steps. It was simple yet intimate at the same time, you had a feeling you knew where this was heading.
"But simple, you are better than what you give your self credit for." He spund you around a few times as the tempo changed, when he spun you back to him his chest ws aginst your back as his hamd splayed across your abdomen.
He traced his nose up the side of your neck as you both moved causing you to give a small moan. "My bed sheets still smell like you." He whispered.
"Loki, can I let you in on a secret." You turned back in his arms to face him.
"Of course my dear." His fingers stroked your back.
"I think I'm in love with you." You wrapped your hand around his head so that you could pull his ear down to your level. You heard him take a breath and the dancing faltered slightly but he kept moving.
"It feels as though I might be returning those feelings y/n." You smiled up at him he turned you in a few more circles causing you to be facing away from him again. His hips following yours in a delicious manner causing your thoughts to go back to the night before. His trailing kisses down your neck to your collar bones, fingers caressing up your sides pulling your shirt over your head. You returning the favor and being speechless at finally seeing him with out his shirt on. He had a more slender figure but his muscles were still there. Remembering the feeling of his chest clenching as you ran your fingers up and around his neck to pull him closer for the earth shattering kiss that had lead to so much more.
"You reliving some of last nights activities, y/n?" He asked quietly.
"Yes but sadly I am having trouble remembering some parts. You might have to remind me." The song ended as you pulled him off the dance floor and through the doors leading to the hallway.
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ANNOUNCEMENT 2: Wow wow wow, ok so some slightly adult situations but oh dear lord, my face is a little red just from writting that. I've read worst but never wrote. What I would give to be twirled around the dance floor like that by him. Thank you guys for reading! I really hope you enjoy this one. Like I saod I have been thinking about this for about a week now and here it is. I habe to say this is like top 3 of my faves (my first was and still is my fave "Bath Time For a Prince") Thank you again for all the love and the support!!!!
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rubypearl31 · 3 years ago
TWST Fanfic - Night Raven College Candy Debacle: Part 2
Part 1
This fanfic is connected to this art: candy thief
My OCs appearing:
Yuel Fairland - A righteous girl, who sticks to her own beliefs. Regardless, of what others say or do. 
Why is Heartslabyul always so basic?
“What was that?” 
“Why is our dorm always so basic?” Ace reiterated himself. Unbeknownst to him, Riddle, Trey, and Cater had walked into the room the first years were conversing. Ace, Deuce and Yuel were drinking tea and discussing Ramshackles new lollipops.
Before Riddle got mad Trey interrupted, “What brought this up?”
“We just tried Ramshackle’s candy,” Deuce explained. The aspiring honor student had zero intention of upsetting his upperclassmen.  “And we.. w-weren’t trying to be rude. It’s just they picked their own flavor and it’s… different.”
“I’d say using the word ‘basic’ is the definition of rude.” Yuel chimed in, giving an accusatory glance at Ace. “And, what do you mean different? It’s pink. Is it berry flavored?” She continued looking back at Deuce.
“No, I’m not entirely sure, since they told us to figure it out on our own. But I think it’s soda flavored.” Deuce continued, “But Yulie said that was only partially correct.”
“It’s cool that they can pick their own flavor since their dorm is new.” Cater added. He never really cared for the candy. But if they could have cinnamon, or something else, he wouldn’t be against it.
“Yusha said the Housewarden can change the flavor at any time.” Ace couldn’t help but add in. “And ours has been strawberry for years.”
“Wow, you sound so upset Ace,” the sarcasm coming from Yuel was hard to miss.
“All I’m saying, if we are going to start making our dorm a place where everyone’s opinion is heard,” Ace was referring to changes earlier in the school year after the “incident”. “Then shouldn’t everyone get a vote on the flavor?”
“Ace, it’s tradition.” Deuce said while taking side glances at Riddle to see if his answer was approved.
“That’s right Ace, our dorm has always picked flavors that were well liked by most students. So it being ‘basic’, is important” Riddle clarified.
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“But Riddle, that’s just your opinion. Right?” Cater, for once, was being honest because this conversation might actually give him a solution to a problem that has plagued his taste buds for years. “I’m sure you like strawberries because they're a part of your favorite dessert. But that might not be the case for everyone.” Ace gave a snide grin towards Riddle. For once, someone was on his side.
Riddle was caught off guard by the rebuttal. “Well… I should hope students would feel comfortable to say how they feel about it.” 
Fortunately Trey knew better than to let Ace and Cater spin the conversation to their favor. “Well, what would you all like to see as our dorm's candy flavor?” He already had a general idea, since he knows the dorm's favorite foods best. “I’m sure you guys have something in mind.”
“Raspberry,” Yuel was the first to strike. “It suits our dorm colors and is a bit more tart.” She even made a case for herself.
“Well, I’m fine with the current flavor,” Riddle didn’t have his usual confidence as he said this. Apparently getting called out for pushing his favorite hurt his pride.
“Maybe… apple?” Deuce was unsure. And the last red fruit he had was something he got from Epel.
“Cherry,” Ace was prompt and gave no further clarification.
“Cinnamon or peppermint are both “red” flavors, right?” Cater asked as if he wasn’t planning to suggest them from the start.
“Looks like everyone has different tastes,” Trey noted. “And it looks like everyone wants the flavor to be their personal favorite, right?” He looked towards Ace and Cater who had been pushing for the debate.
“So maybe we should have a vote with the entire dorm, to make things fair?”
To be continued…
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vmeemo · 2 years ago
Squidmas Delivery, Chapter 2
Rylee, to say the least, was... Not expecting her night to go like this. The most she had planned out was snuggling with her two partners before watching some Squidmas movie. Though with the storm that was going on, she didn't think that the movie would end up happening.
However something else came up instead. And that something or rather, someone, is now sitting on her couch and asking the three of them to take over being Father Squidmas for the night.
And from what she can see, even the candy crab was giving the guy a insinuating look about this before objecting, "Sir you can't be serious! These three wouldn't be able to do your job even if they tried!"
The manatee shakes his head and looks to the others, "Trust me Valorie. I do not make mistakes lightly. These three can do it." He looks over at Rylee with a twinkle in his eye, "Especially you young lady. You have a very special ability that can help out with this."
Except for the candy crab, everyone knew what he was talking about. Rylee's special power, the one she thought was a curse for a time. The ability to shift her size at will. Taking a deep breath the inkling steps forward.
"How do you think my power will help you?" She asked, "I'm not... Really magic like you are."
Squidmas shakes his head, "I beg to differ. With your power, you could deliver presents at a massive size, even making yourself smaller to go down the chimney." He looks at River and Hex, "And your friends can help keep track of deliveries, even help you in their own ways. And of course I can always send Valorie for extra assistance if you need it."
While Rylee was starting to think about the idea, River grabs her hand, pulling her to the side, "Rylee... I don't know about this. I'm already skeptical about the situation as it is but now? Say that we do take over for the night. We know next to nothing about delivering presents. Even less about being the guy." The inkling looks away from Rylee's face, "I just don't know..."
The shorter inkling can see where they're coming from. No one besides the man himself knows how to do it like he does. And travelling around the world in a single night is already a daunting task enough. However...
"I understand that Rivi." Rylee gently cups their face, "But to tell you the truth, I think we can do it. I got you and Hex after all. And isn't love stronger on Squidmas or something?"
The inkling pauses at what she said before letting out a light laugh, "Cheesy as you are Rylee, you know how to get me agreeing on your crazy ideas. Even if you did falter a little at the end there."
Rylee giggles a little at this before looking at Father Squidmas. “I would be honored to take over for you tonight. We won’t let you down.”
The smile returns on the manatee’s face before letting out a billowing laugh, “Ho ho ho! Great news! I am sure you three will do wonders! And young lady-” He digs into his red suit, pulling out three red fuzzy hats, holding them out to Rylee, “You need to look the part after all. And in your case, it will help conceal you from sight when you use your power, in addition to temporarily extending it to the presents.”
Holding the hat in her hands, the sizeshifter puts it on her head, it fitting perfectly. “It’s great! Thanks.” Holding out a hat to both River and Hex they take one as well, placing it on their heads. Father Squidmas smiles as he sees the three dressed up in front of him before turning to Valorie. “While I rest here, I need you to assist them in deliveries. Can you do that for me?”
Rylee can see her face scrunch up before letting out some air, “Yes sir... I will do my best. Squidmas will be done.”
“I’m sure it will. Now then-” He takes a breath before letting himself rest on the couch, “I will do my best to rest while you four are out. Do me proud ladies.”
Everyone can feel the sincereness of the manatee’s words as they all look at each other. Rylee sees the candy crab, Valorie, approach her, “We need to get going in that case. So get yourselves ready and meet me out front. I’ll go get the sleigh in the meantime.” Rylee nods, the crab leaving the three as she looks to the others. Understanding what she was about to ask, the two walk off to get themselves ready, leaving Rylee to do the same.
Minutes later, outside Rylee’s home
Standing out in the cold doesn’t make the inkling feel better, even with her partners beside her. The only saving grace was that the sleigh, pulled by giant clams, arrived shortly after they came outside, with Valorie holding the reins. Seeing the look on the crabs face, the three get on the sleigh, getting themselves comfortable. Or at least, as comfortable as they can before Valorie cracks the reins, making the sleigh shoot off the ground and into the sky.
River gets their bearings, glaring at the crab, “Couldn’t have waited a few more seconds?!”
Valorie side-eyes them before looking forward, guiding the sleigh into the air before straightening out. Seeing that they're being ignored River leans back in the seat, blowing some air out.
Rylee on the other hand tries to break the ice with the candy crab. Since she will be with them making deliveries and whatnot. "So... How long have you known Father Squidmas for?" There wasn't an answer from the crab. Giving them a weak smile the inkling gets herself comfortable beside River and Hex. She glances over at the back of the sleigh, watching the city lights go by further and further away from them.
"Soooo..." Rylee starts to say again, "Where are we deliverin' to this time? I imagine since we're flying away from Inkopolis that means he finished up the area?"
When there wasn't a response again, she considers giving up talking to Valorie anymore. "Yes." Rylee looks at the candy crab, "He finished the area up. I covered for him while you three were outside."
The inkling nods at this when something occurs to her about that statement. "Wait we were only outside for like two minutes? How did you?"
Valorie lets out a chuckle, "I'm quick at my job."
As Rylee sits there impressed at the smaller crab, Hex leans to River's ear, "Do you think this was a good idea? Like I know we agreed to it and everything but..." The octoling glances at Rylee, "You ever think we're too soft with her?"
River lets out some air before gently clasping their hand with the octos, "Sometimes. But if we weren't as soft with her this relationship wouldn't work out as well as it does."
Hex stares at them before letting out a small hum, leaning against the inkling, "You aren't wrong about that. It's what we both like about her. Wouldn't be the same otherwise."
The two sit in silence after that, feeling the wind blow over the sleigh. They're happy that it's not nearly as cold as River thought it would be, though it might be due to whatever magic this sleigh has. The man likely gets cold doing this for hours on end so why not have a heated sleigh? As River lets themself relax holding Hex's hand, Rylee tugs on their coat.
"River!" Rylee says with excitement, pointing ahead of them, "We're approaching the Crabibbean Islands!"
Looking to where she was pointing, River sits in amazement as the lights of the island still shine bright even in the dead of night. The inkling can see the joy in Rylee's eyes as they approach the islands. Though their own amazement was soon blunted by the candy crab that was riding along side them.
“Alright you three.” Valorie grunts, not looking back at them, “We need to deliver these presents pronto. So you three need to figure out how that’s going to get done.”
Rylee thinks for a moment before looking over at the bag, “Can the bag be split into more bags? Like one for each of us?”
“No it can’t.” Valorie clicks at this. As Rylee is mildly upset that her idea wasn’t gonna work she speaks again, “There are spares however. Emergencies for the rarest of situations. They’re just under the seat.”
As Rylee smiles and digs under the seat, Hex leans towards her, “So what’s the plan ‘Lee? Whatcha got in that brain of yours?”
Once the inkling finds the bags she holds them out to Rylee and Hex, smile still on her face “I’m gonna take the main bag. You two will take some presents and I’ll take the rest.”
“What are you planning to do?”
“You’ll see. Valorie can you park somewhere?” Grumbling ‘This isn’t a taxi.’ to herself, Valorie dips the sleigh down towards the ground near the outskirts. Once it was close enough, Rylee empties the main bag a little bit, filling the two smaller bags with presents. “Ok, here’s the plan. River and Hex, you two will deliver presents the classic way. Go up on the roof, slide it down, that fun stuff. I on the other hand-”
Rylee hops out of the sleigh, increasing her size as she does so. “Will cover the rest. I’ll walk towards the other islands, deliver presents that way while making myself huge.”
River grimaces at the idea before letting out a sigh, “Ok. Only because that hat protects you from being seen. If what Father Squidmas was saying is true, then you will be safe from being seen. Just- Be careful Rylee.”
Grinning at this, Rylee leans in to give both River and Hex a kiss with her ever-growing lips, “I will. Trust me, I know what I’m doing!”
Now at about 15 feet tall, Rylee effortlessly lifts the diminishing sack of presents, carefully holding it. “Just be safe for me as well. If you need me just look for the 50 to maybe 70 foot inkling wearing a Squidmas hat. Love you!”
Both the inkling and octoling blush at the kiss given to them before waving the growing inkling off. “Love you too Rylee. Good luck with the deliveries!”
The giant inkling waves back before approaching 25 feet already. As she gets further away with every footstep, River looks to the candy crab, who is wide-eyed at the inkling walking away, “Well then.” Valorie blinks, looking at River,  “Let’s get going. We got Squidmas presents to deliver. Wanna lift us off?”
“I- Uh-” Shaking back to attention Valorie cracks the reins, “Yeah, lets get busy.” With that said, the sleigh flies up into the air once more, ready to head to another part of the island to make deliveries.
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