#I do have the transcript under the cut but it’s also kinda jank aghaaha 🥲
orykorioart · 2 months
I have to know! What's your story for merfolk Raihan and Leon? How did they meet and whatnot?
To be completely honest I was intending to write a sort reply since I don’t have that much of an idea for them as Merfolks, but then I got in the mood for some sketches while drafting a reply so here’s some quick sillies haha
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(Transcript/desc under the cut since its kinda long)
(First Meeting)
Panel 1: Young Raihan encounters a young Leon, who looks lost and upset.
Raihan: Hey, uh... You okay?
Panel 2: Leon showing Raihan a part of a cape.
Leon: I -hic! - got lost on my way home, and I can’t follow the -hic! - map mum drew on my cape...
Panel 3: Raihan: Looks like it's just an hour's swim away. I can help getcha there!
Panel 4: Leon grabs Raihan in a tight hug, excitedly thanking him.
Leon: REALLY ?! Thank you so, so much!
(2 months later)
Panel 1: Raihan pulling along a lost Leon, who is embarrassedly explaining why he’s lost again.
Leon: I just wanted to get some shells for my baby brother, I didn’t think it would be so confusing to get home...
(A week later)
Panel 2: Raihan encounters Leon again, who is excitedly waving at him.
Raihan: WUH?! How are you lost AGAIN?
Panel 3: Leon pulling Raihan along, as Raihan looks at him confusedly.
Leon: Not lost this time! Mum wanted to invite you over for dinner to thank you for helping me again!
Raihan: Uh- Really?
Panel 1: Leon feigns a dramatic speech.
Leon: Oh no, I'm lost again... If only there was a handsome, kind, and gentlemanly shark out there who could help get me home...
Panel 2: Leon blows a kiss to Raihan, who blocks it with his book. Raihan looks slightly embarrassed.
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