#I didn't hate the secser plot; it did set up some great moments
sothischickshe ยท 3 years
What do you mean you didn't enjoy the Dave content???? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ He's my favourite character this half-season! ๐Ÿ˜‚
lol, well tbf i havent rewatched s4 & maybe i'd be able to enjoy him more with some distance but i found him particularly and the secret service plot generally pretty boring and kinda repetitive of the previous fbi stuff while being de facto less interesting (due to lack of turner) & therefore at least low level annoying, and (as a result?) a time suck from stuff i wouldve found more interesting/particularly wanted to see, especially from a final season.
i think the longer the show went on, the more both beth and rio managed to irritate me, and the more of a turner fan ive retroactively become lol. one of the things that annoys me the most abt the s2 finale is the squandering of the beth + rio + turner dynamic, which is doubled down on by turner's (apparent!) death in the s3 premiere. we only get one beth + rio + turner interaction in the whole show! and they're never all active participants in a scene together!!! wtf??!??!?!
i was fine with the law enforcement storyline being dropped (tho i still think it's super weird that we never got a realisation of or acknowledgment from the girls that rio was (presumably!) responsible for turner's death?? like wtf???!! is he ever mentioned again????), so to have another one almost immediately with less interesting characters seems a bit...silly? i mean it's kind of an upping stakes i guess but it just felt needlessly repetitive, and i think as with other things in the later seasons (e.g., beth getting rio arrested again, or kidnapping 2.0) couldve been easily improved with concrete references to previous occurrences from the characters! even if kind of oblique?
like the secret service storyline was overall pretty inoffensive but i just found it quite bland/boring, and it frequently stretched the limits of my ability to suspend disbelief? (tho being not american im sure helped lol.) i sometimes enjoyed phoebe (and particularly her dynamic with beth), but i think the show squandered the opportunity to do something with the ~women in male-dominated industries thing, like that didnt really go anywhere? i thought ew guy (i wanna say henry?) was a kinda fun character, and i was hoping he and annie were gonna meet and get stuck in an ew off, but he swiftly disappeared into the bg?
also the weird all of law enforcement are gay thing was just.... so odd??? (i did super enjoy that nick's assistant lampshaded it lol.) if dave didnt fuck dean on the books & kick off the dean coming out storyline we deserved....i just dont really get what the point was yknow? and along with the unfulfilled potential of the women in male-dominated fields thing, it feels like there's a sort of wasted opp to properly mirror the phoebe/dave & beth/rio (~professional) relationship thing.... or like.... idk it feels kinda like the show accidentally said the key to career success is either to get your boss to leave his wife or fall in love with you LOL (am now obsessed with the idea that dave and rio went to the same management conference offscreen at the tail end of the season and suddenly learnt how to listen to women tho....)
the wrap up of their storyline with the blatancy of the beth protecting rio / beth and rio as the co-presidents of the we hate nick club WAS super fun but it repeatedly felt kind of preposterous that dave and phoebe were being so agreeable to the girls?
ultimately i'd put a lot of the secret service stuff in the chaff i didnt really care about column, which is frustrating when there was other stuff i wish the show had had space to focus on e.g., why set up this beth-stan conflict to just have it putter out?! we deserved a scene of the two of them absolutely losing their shit at each other!!! And/or destroying everyone at scategories!!!!! christina and reno as scene partners was such a treat!!!
and like honestly....law enforcement exist to kick off a brio fake dating ploy... turner understood this.... all of fanfiction understands this.... why were they there otherwise yknow?!
plus i def think the whole thing could have benefitted from a surprise: turnerโ€™s actually alive reveal!!!! #mencantdie
but im glad someone was getting some serious enjoyment from his presence, haha
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