#I didn't do well wishes for Sol Invictus
ex-king-sombra · 2 years
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Kwanza
Hope you had a good Yalda
Have a fun Yule
Hope New Years Eve is good
and a Happy New Year!
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iamthecomet · 1 year
if christians celebrate christmas… does the ministry celebrate idk… lucifersmas? satansmas? if yes, what date would it be?
and like if at christmas they have retellings of the birth of christ, then at lucifersmas the ghouls would recreate lucifers fall? who would play lucifer, god, the angels, etc?
Oh, man I really love this!? So like, I feel like they definitely celebrate a winter holiday. Maybe just for the fuck of it. Sol Invictus (the Satanic Temple's Christmastime holiday) is an option, or of course, Yule. Or maybe just the solstice. Whatever it is they need an excuse to drink mulled wine, and egg nog, and eat too much food and cuddle up in front of a fire. And of course, give gifts. But besides that they have to celebrate the fall of lucifer. It has to be their biggest holiday. I feel like it must also take place around a solstice, all big holidays do. Maybe the summer solstice, the return of heat. Regardless, it's a big deal. Midnight mass. Huge feasts. Presents. And yeah, of course, plays. I think Dew always wants to be lucifer, but isn't ever allowed, he either takes it far too seriously, or not seriously enough depending on how pious he's feeling at the moment. Rain usually gets that role. Pretty, with an ego, he suits the character well. Cumulus and Swiss trade off as the narrator. Cirrus, Mountain, and Dew are Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, respectively. No one wants to play God, so Aether usually takes one for the team and does it--albeit reluctantly. They honestly all hate the guy and wish he didn't have to be part of the play at all. Sort of like how Christian's have an intense aversion to Satan--the ghouls feel much the same way about God. Sunshine, Aeon, and Aurora play Lucifer's most loyal friends who fall with him. They refuse to allow any other cast members so there's a lot of turn over once God and the angels are out of the way. There's a lot of gauzy white fabric flying as the arch angels try to rapidly change into demons, or humans enlightened by satan. And even though all of these ghouls are more than capable of putting on a good show, and they do exactly the same thing every year, this play always feels a little like watching an elementary school production. It's forced, choppy, someone is always missing a cue or skipping a line. They do not take it nearly as seriously as maybe they should. And for some unknown reason the production budget on it is huge. But at least everyone is having fun. Sister imperator is very annoyed by the whole thing, but Copia really enjoys it, so she green-lights it every year.
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