#I didn't coin pee hand bfs for noth- (I am shot)
distant-screaming · 1 year
By far my favorite part of episode one has been the bathroom scenes, and by that I mean. Bathrooms are often shown as being private spaces or a place to show a person's honest emotions (often things like secret conversations or breakdowns). As a show that starts off in a bar, I'm not at all surprised to see a couple of bathroom moments, and I'm just going to lay out what I think about it!
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We're introduced to Ray in the bathroom, clearly drunk enough to feel sick - and this choice makes me think that while he's full of bluster and ego, Ray is pretty transparent with his emotions. With the glaring exception of his feelings for Mew, he's been straightforward with everyone and tends to not beat around the bush - instead choosing to be blunt and often rude.
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The next bathroom scene is the one in Sand's house, where he helps our favourite pathetic disaster throw up and then fall asleep. It's an interesting scene because despite not liking Ray much, if at all, Sand rubs his back and helps him comfortably fall asleep (even going so far as to change his clothes). I think it's an interesting look at his character and how he treats others.
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Then we have This Scene, which was intriguing to me for many different reasons, one of which is that both Boston and Top here are honest. Boston is clear about how he's jealous, about how he wants to (at least) sleep with Top again - through his actions and words both - whereas Top is clear about how he sees Mew as a... game, almost, but he's genuinely interested in the game. And isn't that fun - that Top and Boston are the two characters that have been the most honest with each other this episode?
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