#I didn’t even talk ant how dean calls cas handsome
destielhands · 2 years
Not to be controversial, but s12 is 100% the gayest. It has everything, from Mary realizing her son is gay for the angel within seconds, the "at least I don’t look like a lumberjack" bickering, the whole "human weakness" spiel, Cas confessing his love for the first time, the mixtape, the wall pushing??? Need I go on? I’m sorry but the other seasons don’t even come close, they can’t compete when they don’t compare
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waywardmoeyy · 8 years
Raise Hell (Part 5)
Castiel x Reader
Word Count: 1127
Warnings: swearing, flashbacks, mild intimacy, implied smut (?), angsty…ish?.
**Sorry if this one doesn’t make too much sense. I’m on vacation and very distracted.
Raise Hell Master List
(Not my GIF)
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You had been in the car for nearly four hours before stopping. No one told you where you all were going, or talked much at all for the whole ride. You finally found a Gas N’ Sip just outside of Kansas City where you could stretch your legs. Oh thank God. You didn’t know how much of Dean’s erratic driving you could take. Besides, it had been at least five hours since you ate. Your stomach rumbled as Dean pulled the car along side one of the gas pump.
Dean shifted the car into park. “Sam, fill ‘er up. I’ll run in and grab some snacks,” he commanded to his brother as he slid out of the driver’s seat. The door slammed behind him as he turned to the small shack and marched to the glass door. You sighed as you watched Sam follow his brother’s orders and pop open the gas tank.
Cas shifted in the seat beside you. Your hand gripped Cas’s as you turned to him, smiling sweetly. “I’m going to grab some snack too. I’ll be right back.” You leaned over and kissed the handsome angel before sliding out of the back seat.
The small bell on the door chimed as you entered the tiny convenience store. You immediately spotted Dean standing a couple of isles over, in front of the cupcakes and pie. Of course. Just knowing he was in there with you made you feel safe as you browsed the candy section, your weakness. You thought about grabbing something a bit more substantial, but Dean would undoubtedly buy a bag of two of beef jerky, which you could make him share. You grabbed a large bag of M&Ms and a bottle of water before heading to the cashier.
“I’ve got it, Y/N.” Dean chimed as he plopped two pieces of pie and a bag of beef jerky on the counter. “You go back to the car. I’ll be right there.” He winked at you as you nodded.
“If you say so. Thanks Deano. I’m just going to use the restroom before get back on the road.” Dean nodded back as you turned to walk out the door.
The restroom was outside, along the back wall of the small, decrepit building. You marched down the crumbling concrete walkway to the filthy one room bathroom. A single, flickering light bulb swayed on the ceiling, shining just enough light on the tail of ants leading in. You hurried into the dimly lit restroom and locked the door behind you, feeling slightly vulnerable without one of the boys by your side.
But that would just be awkward.
You jumped as you felt a firm hand grip your arm. The mysterious force spun you around and slammed you against the tile wall.
Familiar blue eyes glistened in the flickering light. Shit. “Luci,” you whispered as you struggled to catch your breath. “Get off—“ You squirmed against his grip as he closed the space between you.
“Hello gorgeous.” He glanced around at the filthy room. “Come here often?” He pressed his firm chest against you, pinning you to the wall.
You glared up at him, your Y/E/C eyes darkening with anger. “The guys will notice I’m gone in the next few minutes.”
Lucifer chuckled as he brushed his nose against yours. “Which is why we should get moving.” And with the snap of his fingers, the bathroom wall disappeared from behind you.
“Either she fell in, or something is up.” Dean mumbled as he grabbed his phone from his pocket and pressed your name in his contacts.
Cas raised an eyebrow. “Dean, I highly doubt she fell into the toilet, and even so, she would have been back—“
“It’s a joke, Cas.” Dean rolled his eyes out of both frustration and anger. “I’m going to call her. Cas, go knock on the bathroom door and see if she needs anything.” Cas nodded to Dean and slipped out of the back seat.
Cas approached the restroom door, tilting his head at the sound of your cell phone ringing. The door was cracked open just slightly, the light inside flickering. Ring ring.
Cas pushed the door open and glanced around the empty room. Your cell phone vibrated against the tile floor as it continued to ring. The angel clenched his fists. “Son of a bitch.” Cas picked the phone off the floor and answered it.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Dean asked from the other end.
Cas closed his eyes as he sighed against the phone. “Dean, she’s gone.”
You glance around at the familiar red walls of Lucifer’s bedroom. The black curtains on the canopy were a new addition, much more refined than the former wire frame you had been cuffed to so many times. The bed was bigger than last time you were there, but your pillows were still there beside his. You traced your hand over the black silk pillowcase as a twinge of guilt shot through you.
You turned over to your side and gazed at the sandy haired angel beside you. His glacier blue eyes sparkled in the candlelight as he smiled sweetly at you. You studied his features, slowly soaking in the shadows on his face and the curve of his shoulders. His chiseled arms rippled as he shifted closer, his gaze never leaving yours.
You shook your head, shoving yourself back into reality. You turned to the bedside table and noticed a glass of water perched close to the edge. Beside it, a large red candle with three wicks flickered from an invisible draft.
His arm slithered around your waist and pulled you against his heated torso. His finger traced circles on your hipbone as he gazed at you.
“You’re so beautiful like this,” he mumbled as he grazed his lips against yours.
You chuckled. “What? Sweaty and naked?” you played as you slid your hand down his chest. Each rise and dip of his muscles added a heat to your core.
He growled through his toothy grin, sending shivers up your spine. You loved it when he did that. “Hell yes.” He pressed his lips against yours as he rolled on top of you.
You snapped your eyes shut in attempt to erase the memory. Shit, this was bad. Really bad. Every part of you begged and prayed that you would never have to be here again, especially with him.
“Cas, if you can hear me, I’m okay. I just don’t know for how long. I love you,” you prayed to your angel. A part of you hoped Cas would come swooping in at any moment to save you. You shuttered as you sighed.
Then, a twinge of fear rushed through you as the bedroom door creaked open.
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Angel of the Lord (Castiel) Tags:
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