#I did reuse a shade of pink from one of them on Prodigys tail as a treat
mushroom-for-art ยท 1 year
Rue belonging to @blues-sues and Mays cloned crack children! Old vs new!
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I love them so much
While I kept the old bases basic I did still edit them to their old appearances then used them to remodel into the newer look.
Since May long horn genes that grow back both of them have bits of horn growth at the back with Prodigy having more of a spike flourish while Betas is more tall. I noticed as well two of mine have this eyebrow horn but thingy so Beta also got that.
He still has his damaged second neck from being runty and is thinner in feature in the redesign, noodle arms.
Prodigy got more of a round snout like Rue while Beta is rounded square as Mays family (and my way of drawing twos) they have boxy snouts. I altered their eyes too as I think when I originally did them Rues ref had different eye shapes, this time Prodigy has soft triangular squareish eyes a mix of Rue and May while Beta has more triangular eyes like Rue softened by Mays big ol eyes.
Prodigys chest plate is more Rue aligned and boxy as May has a few boxy chest plate havers in her lineage and the bottom points are similar to Matts' too. While Betas is curved like Rues but May shaped at the bottom.
Prodigys tail reminds me of Neopolatin ice cream, the swirl may be larger than like canon I may have went overboard so it may be less ott in official art depending on the vibes, it's fine, exaggerated chibi feature my beloved XD. May has a gene for heterchromia seeing as Dusty also has it. Her reddish purple eye is just Mays brown moved to purple, likely having mixed with Rues purple eye gene for that color.
Beta has partial heterchromia having mostly mama Rues eyes with flecks of Mays and green as May probably has a green gene and I thought it looked good. I headcanoned his original orange colored stripe went up his back to just below his second neck and it's the same here with him having a stripe that fades to blue from Mays blue stripe gene and Rues stripe gene.
Being runty and likely a little genetically defective Beta suffers from pigmentation damage from dna degrading hence his paler patches and clumps they're similar to Prototypes discoloration stripes in placement at times while also being mostly random. Tho around the eye was intentional to mimic an injury.
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