#I couldn't really think of a 5th thing on my todo list
anime-scarves · 7 years
tagged by @akise for one of those tag things. I don’t usually tag people so do one if you want, and tag me if you feel like it. Or something, don’t let me tell you what to do. 
Under a read more because it got kind of long with formatting and what not. Or really lack of formatting. 
5 things you can find on my blog:
1. Not scarves because it’s the summer.
2. Cute anime girls.
3. Fate Grand Order shit posts.
4. Occasionally reviews of shows, manga, LNs, or whatever really.
5. The occasional meme.
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
My backpack is my bag so..
1. My tablet.
2. Currently a folder with resumes and also my character sheet from DnD. Probably should put those in different places so I don’t accidentally hand someone interviewing me my character sheet. 
3. Chargers for my phone and tablet.
4. A tiny toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss.
5. An entire packet of mechanical pencils because I also lose them and need more.
5 things you can find in my bedroom:
1. My computer and assorted peripherals.
2. Lots of books.
3. Unlimited pillow works (I currently have 8 pillows).
4. An entire drawer in my dresser devoted to socks. I don’t think a single one has as match.
5. A framed shirt signed by Day[9] and some SC2 pros from when I went to a tournament quite some time ago. 
5 things I always wanted to do:
1. Cosplay. I have the free time to actually put one together now etc. so I think I should.
2. Learn how to draw. There are a million free tutorials and all that jazz, I’ve just never sat down and done it. It seems so very daunting and isn’t something that you just learn right away. But I think I’d really enjoy it after I put in the time and effort to learn it. It’s just that initial effort that keeps me from actually doing it. 
3. Learn Approaching Champion Cynthia on the piano. I have the sheets for it, but man it’s a chore. I think I’ve played more difficult songs in the past, but it’s fast and my left hand does not like doing those runs up and down octaves. It’s doable though. 
4. Visit Japan. This is partially weeb goals, but as I’ve learned more about Japan there are all sorts of different things that I’d want to visit and experience.
5. Play DnD (though I actually did that today for the first time. Was super fun and we got to fight magical cows. DnD is wild. This had been a goal for a long time so I’ll still include it even though I checked it off today).
5 things that make me happy:
1. Delicious food.
2. Sharing a meal I cooked with friends and family.
3. Playing games. Any games really, table top, board game, video game, sports (though it helps to be in shape for that). I’m a competitive person by nature and I love a good game. 
4. Reading way too late into the night. 
5. Music.
5 things I’m currently into:
1. Fate franchise as a whole. Grand Order got me into it and I’ve read most of FSN and so on. 
2. Cooking. Though I’ve been into that for awhile now, but I’m still into it so it counts. 
3. The Monogatari series. I just read Hitagi Crab in the LN for bake and it was fantastic. I’m excited to read the rest of the first book and then the other two parts of bakemonogatari. 
4. Avoiding responsibilities and putting things off for far too long. 
5. Boku no Hero Academia. It’s really growing on me as it airs and I think I’ll end up reading the manga when it’s done. 
5 things on my to do list:
1. Somehow clean/sort through all the stuff that I took home from my dorm and figure out where to put it. It’s just kind of in a pile in my brother’s room for now.
2. Find a job. This is more of a long term goal, but it’s on the to do list. 
3. Read through the stack of books I’ve accumulated over the past couple of years. I’ve gone through one and a half this week so far, so it’s looking good. 
4. Clean off the workbench in the garage. It’s been a mess for years now and I honestly don’t know where a lot of our tools are.
5. Learn how to use a straight razor. 
5 things you might not know about me:
1. I’ve lived on three different continents. 
2. I’ve won a state tournament in archery.
3. In DPP I bred over 500 swinubs until I got one with the correct nature and skill. I didn’t even know how to breed for IVs then. I shudder to think how long it would have taken to get perfect IVs too. This was some extreme bad luck in taking that long. 
4. I’ve played the piano for 17 years, though the past 5 or so have been spotty since I’ve been in university and haven’t had a piano to practice with regularly. I should pick it back up now that I’m at home for awhile. 
5.  I’ve fractured both my arms, and my skull. Though not all at once. That would have been wild. 
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