#I couldn't pick the race for yuu
takohebi · 1 year
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Azujamiyuu in my ffxiv glams :3
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crystalrabbit246912 · 2 months
First-Year Camping Trip
Over Spring Break or like, a four-day weekend, the first-years decide to head out on a camping trip!
(I know that all of the first-years other than Ortho were at Camp Vargas 1, but we all know how that went and there were other people and no Ortho. This is just the first-years.)
So they get their permission (Ace and Deuce ask Trey, Jack doesn't need to really, because Leona and Ruggie are in charge there for some reason, Epel asks Rook, Idia would say yes to anything Ortho asked if he was persistent enough, Sebek would ask Lilia, and Yuu's in charge of themselves and Grim at Ramshackle) and head out via the Dark Mirror.
It took them a lot of arguing to pick their location and Yuu asked Jade because they were the only one willing to do so, for some advice, since he's camped out before on weekends for his club activities, and it took them entirely too long (like a whole week of afternoons full of arguments at Ramshackle), but eventually they decided on somewhere similar to Camp Vargas, which meant a forest with a lake nearby, but thankfully no mine with Overblot Phantoms inside.
So they find a nice clearing to set up their tents, which they borrowed off Coach Vargas by saying they were going to train while they were camping, and the arrangements are as follows: Jack with Epel and Sebek with Ortho, because the largest people need to be with the smallest, or else they would take up one tent individually, Ace and Deuce because Ace was lazy and decided that sharing with Deuce would be worth not having to put up his own tent, though he definitely provided commentary while watching him, and Yuu and Grim because they were the only ones left and also Yuu was the only one willing to put up with Grim's snoring.
Now, onto the shennanigans!
They brought food, like sausages to grill over their campfire, which Epel is especially enthused by, and supplies for s'mores, but Jack decided to do some fishing and Epel wanted to join in because fishing is a manly activity, apparently.
So they got some fish and Yuu, because they have to be capable of cooking if they're surviving in Ramshackle with Grim, who absolutely cannot cook, and the ghosts, who don't have physical forms, and Jack, maybe Epel if he was taught to in Harveston, cook it somehow, in a simple way, because none of them are that good that cooking, (also I don't know much about cooking, if you couldn't tell) and they want to relax.
Jack and Sebek somehow get into some kind of physical competition, like a push-up competition or tree/cliff climbing, or a race, and the others have no clue how it happened, so they're watching the two of the only members of the group with actual, functioning braincells doing crazy things. Epel and Deuce's eyes are sparkling at the 'manliness' while Ortho is inputting the data he's acquiring into his database while Yuu and Ace just stare in shock.
Ace and Deuce's tent collapse on them multiple times, but it's always put back up haphazardly. On the final day, it collapsed on them in their sleep, but they stay asleep and the others think that they've already woken up and collapsed their tent, so they're the last to wake up.
Vil and Rook forced Epel to bring his skincare stuff and makeup, but he utterly disregards their instructions for him to use it aside from the bug spray, so he just has a giant extra bag full of the stuff they gave him sitting in his tent that he refuses to touch. (He's in for a large scolding once he gets back)
Ace and Deuce also get into the kind of trouble that you'd normally only see on a comedy show or anime and the others have to bail them out of it, like they somehow anger a bear, fall into the lake and get stuck in the mud, trip and roll down a mountain into a pile of animal dung, etc.
Grim demands food and attention every time he speaks, which happens rather a lot, while Yuu just stands there like a tired parents, sometimes fulfilling his demands while other times smacking him on the nose with a stick that they picked up of the ground and kept on them for behavioral purposes.
Epel and Deuce ask Sebek to teach them how to mock-sword fight with sticks and he agrees while calling them humans and pretending like he doesn't care about them and at some time during the trip, the two clear an arena and duel while the others gather around them and shout tips, encouragement, or make fun of them (namely Ace and Grim for the last one)
Ortho charges via a solar powered charging port that he brought that he leaves out over the day and figured out how to charge while laying down in his sleeping bag so that he can feel like he's sleeping in a sleeping bag like everyone else.
Yuu finally gets a break from being the school's unofficial therapist, although they do have to break up fights between Ace and Deuce every so often and watch over Grim like the overworked parent they are, so that's good.
The freshmen end up a lot closer due to this trip, and whenever they bring up something that happened during it while their upperclassmen are around, they get immensely confused because context is greatly needed for every single incident mentioned. (Like Ace and/or Deuce getting teased for their comedy show incidents when Riddle's approaching them to scold them, Jack and Sebek arguing over who won their fitness contest right as Lilia/Silver/Ruggie drops by to pick one of the two up, everyone as a whole talking about how cool the sword fight was as any of the upperclassmen approach them, etc.)
Yuu also kept the stick that they kept hitting Grim with to discipline him and keep doing that.
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silverstagspirit · 1 year
Survivor of Ramshackle - Part 3
Part three is here!
Warnings: corpses, burial, mild panic attack for Grim, angst.
Grim was attending another unbirthday party with Ace and Deuce. He did not like any of these snobby rules. Yet here he was. The very morning after Yuu left, no less. The one upside was that he was chowing down on some tarts that Trey baked. They tasted amazing. The strawberries felt like they were dancing on his tongue.
A sudden wave of dread washed over Grim. Causing him to freeze. His whole body was paralyzed. And his mind kept telling him that something was wrong. It was a terrible, horrible feeling of wrongwrongwrongWRONGWRONG-
"Oi! Grim!"
He was back at the unbirthday party. Only this time, Ace and Deuce were looking at him.
"What's the matter with you? It's not like you to drop food."
Grim looked down and saw the rest of his slice of tart abandoned on the grass.
"Oh no! My tart!"
"NO GRIM! What have we told you about eating stuff of the- and he's already munching on it."
"We should know better by now, Ace."
He looked at Grim eating his tart.
"Why did you even drop it in the first place? I thought you were like, super protective of food."
Grim stopped eating and looked up at him.
"I dunno. I just had this bad feeling wash over me, and I just couldn't move."
"What do you mean by "bad feeling"."
"I told you I don't know. But I just got a thought that something bad had happened. Something REALLY bad."
"I'm sure you're just remembering an assignment you forgot about, and now you know that Trien's going to have your hide."
"Am not!"
The day would go on normal from there. But Grim would still have questions as to what that feeling was.
Yuu was bumping into things as they floated. Learning how to use this new form was tricky. Having magic now (or at least something akin to it) would be a big thing to adjust to. For now, they stayed on the ground. Thier body feeling lighter than ever.
'I wonder if I can run', they thought.
They picked up the pace a little bit. When they thought they could handle more, they went a bit faster. This continued until they had broken into a full-blown sprint.
'That's weird. I've never been able to run this fast before.'
Yuu began to sprint faster and faster until even the wind couldn't catch up to them.
'Oh my gosh! I feel alive!'
Taking it to the next level, they jumped up. They flew half a dozen feet into the air. This made them panic.
'I've never jumped this high before!'
They thought they would collide with the ground but were surprised when they didn't feel anything. When they opened their eyes, they were still floating in the air. They were confused, but when they imagined themselves floating safely to the ground, it actually happened.
'Neat,' Yuu thought as they stepped forward experimentally.
Yuu looked back at the phantom behind them.
It was burying bodies. The middle head using it's snout as a shovel while the left head picked up the corpses and put them in the holes. The third head was also helping with bodies, but it was not as good at it as the left head.
Yuu looked at the phantom doing its job. Before they could take revenge, they needed to have this creature on their side. They couldn't go anywhere without it.
So they walked up to it and started helping them bury bodies.
As they were doing this, they started to wonder, why was the phantom doing this? These things are dangerous, evil beings. So why wasn't this thing destroying everything?
They said that phantoms came from when a Mage was using too much magic on top of feeling intense negative emotion. Said negative emotions manifested as that phantom. This phantom formed when Yuu was experiencing extreme grief at the loss of their race.
That and there was nothing left here for them to destroy.
So Yuu just never said a word to it and helped them bury the dead.
Yuu helped their phantom with the burials all day. When the sun went down, that was when they stopped to rest. After all, you can't stay up past sundown when there is no electricity for light.
When they began falling asleep, they noticed that the extra long sleeves they wore would wind around their waist and tighten like a straight jacket. This felt like a hug, so they didn't mind. And it helped them sleep better.
Waking the next morning, when the sun rose, they set out with their phantom to continue the burials.
Body after body
Person after Person
Yuu felt numb whilst doing all this. But they still did it. Burying people they have known for years. People they didn't know. People who had barely begun life.
This went on for some time. They stopped counting the days. It must have been almost a week by now.
Yuu had thought about naming the phantom. They couldn't just keep calling them by 'their phantom'.
"Hey you!"
The phantom turned its heads towards them with the middle one snarling.
"Can I give you a name?"
That made the creature go quiet and look at them with interest. Yuu searched through the mental list of names they had made.
"How about Ragnarok?"
That made the creature growl at them displeased. They thought of another one.
Once again, the creature growled displeased. Yuu was actually kind of relieved at this. Because they weren't exactly fond of that name either.
The phantom made a crackling-chittering noise at this. Yuu thought they made it mad, so they closed their eyes, waiting for pain to come. Instead, they felt something wet and squishy brush over them. Yuu opened their eyes and saw that they were being licked by the middle head. They seemed pleased with that name. But Yuu was not quite finished yet. They still needed to give the three of them separate names.
"Okay, so that will be the name for all of you, but what about each of you?"
Doom's heads looked at each other.
They went through the list again. If Doom did not like Ghidorah, then they probably won't like Ichi, Ni, and Kevin either. They still offered it just in case. The two Phantom heads did not like those names for them. However, the third head on the right started licking them.
"You like the name Kevin?"
It chittered in response.
"So that settles your name. But what about you two?" Yuu thought over possible names. "Ying and Yang sound good." Doom's heads let out a satisfied huff.
"Cool! So that settles things."
They would need some more bonding before they could get Doom fully on their side. But they were willing to wait.
Sorry for the wait. It took me a while to figure out the plot for this part. I apologize for any mistakes. Thanks for reading.
Taglist: @kami-kun1003 @lemonandlime22
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bloodthirstybatty · 2 years
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💛 ~~~~~~~~~💛
Leona x reader
Disclaimer: I have dyslexia, given that my writing can suck. Please be mindful of this, thank you!🙏❤️
TW: depression and mention of suicide.
I was originally going to make this a multi-character fanfic but I realized with my dyslexia it's easier for me to only write for one character. I picked Leona because I find comfort in him so it's a bit of a self-insert/vent fanfic of how I would feel if I was yuu.
It was raining cats and dogs, you ran fast trying not to trip and fall from the slick ground. You decided your best chance is to run to the botanical garden since it was close by, you turn left and blotted towards the door of the garden.
Catching your breath, you look around to see the rain hit the dome of the gardens, it was beautiful and peaceful. Walking you think about what earlier, you and Crowley got into a disagreement, the showers were getting less hot from the boiler being ancient and your flip phone was cutting off all the Time, so you went to Crowley to ask for an upgrade. He then called you ungrateful and that you should be more understanding on how hard he is working to get you home, that you should realize that your stuff cost school money, and that you could have been on the streets if it wasn't for his kindness... You were tried, very tried. Not just from the argument you had with Crowley but everything, school, tasks from Crowley, ramshackle falling apart, over lots, being belittled for not having magic, etc... You were depressed, you felt alone and felt that nobody truly had your back, even grim sometimes.
You continued to walk around the garden when you spotted a certain someone's tail, it was Leona's. There he lay asleep, peacefully snoring, you stared for a minute before you decide to sit next to him so you could have some company while doing your homework. As you were doing your work you couldn't stop crying a little, tears fell and hit your paper and you sniffle causing the lion next to you to stir in his sleep. you got startled by it, you thought you awakened the lion, you started to hypervalent, you didn't want to cause your hyperventilation to fasten, you started to cry from it, you were freaking out, you were having a panic attack. Just then the lion next to you arose, however, you didn't notice he did.
"Are you crying?", "huh?" you froze, you thought you just made another person mad at you. "are you crying?" he repeated, "i- a no, no I'm not," you said in a panic. "yes you are I can see it, you have tear stains on your homework" "I'm fine, it's just allergy" "no it's not your having a panic attack, your heart is racing and your shaking like a leaf" "i-" you couldn't get any words out, your panicking started to worsen. Leona shifted his body he was now close to you, he looked into your eyes "tell me" you stared into his eyes stunned, you could believe it, leona king scholar was considered for you, generally considered! He was the first person that saw your true discomfort. Taking a deep breath you began to speak.
"i-i, sorry" you took another deep breath to get rid of the frog in your throat, talking about feelings was hard for you, you never really talked to anyone about them in your life, and you mostly found ways to overcome your feelings. "so?" "did you and grim get in a fight?" looking back up to leona you said "no, no I and grim are fine, we didn't get into an argument, actually me and that damn bird did" you huffed. "what did that bird do to you to be all worked up?" your tears started again, just thinking about it was tough. "he called me ungrateful! I just went to him because my water was not getting hot and my phone is a busted piece of crap, then he called me ungrateful, and that he had to spend school money to get me those things. He also said he cant solve every lotion of mine since he's already trying to solve how to get me home!" your voice was now horses from your ranting, but you didn't feel better from it. "your not ungrateful herb- uh y/n" you bit your lip and looked away "maybe I am, tho.. Like I could have been in the streets, if it wasn't for Crowley" "no your not! Stop saying dumb things" "im sorry" you mumbled. Still crying you turned back to leona he look serious, a different kind of serious unlike usual. "I can tell you have more to say, this isn't all that's troubling you, go on spill" "that's true there is more.." "well?"
You fiddled around trying to calm down, you knew if you didn't you would sob. You tried to take several deep breaths but you were still shaking so you decided to spill, "im tried!" "im tried of everything!" "im tried of this school, of living in ramshackle, of overblots" you shaking sobbed taking a deep breath you begin to speak again "im tried of always being called hero from saving people from overblots!" "i-i- IM TRIED OF LIVING!" you shouted, "im tried of life, I want to disappear for good, I don't want to be here" you wiped your tears away but they were like a river, sniffling you squeezed you risk to stop you from panicking. You then looked up at leona, you thought you said to much but his eyes were soft, he then spoke "your feelings are valid, you shouldn't have to be going though this, you didn't choose to" he then stood putting his hand out for you, you reached it and he pulled you up into a hug, leona kingscholar was hugging you! You felt relief flow through you, all your worriedness left your body, you felt peace. Leona the pulled way "if anything is troubling you come to me first okay, I'll help you resolve it" "thank you leona" you smiled. He then pulled your hand to make you follow him "the run stopped lets get something to eat, I'll pay."
Later that week you had a better phone and your plumbing was fixed, all thanks to Leona, you felt grateful. You have to now had protect you, you don't have to worry now. Leona and you also stared to hang out more, eating lunch and sitting in the garden.
I hope you liked it! I tried to write it on how I thought leona would actually acted in a situation like this, I want to have him pull you down to nap with him but I don't this he's the type to do that unless you were dating. I also know Leona is canonly protecful and keeps his eye out on others, he doesn't say it but he shown sides of it.
If you want me to wrote more stuff then please put in a submission, also comment down below what you thought of the story!! ❤️❤️❤️
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lanshappycorner · 2 years
yuurollo role swap😳 in which rollo is transported to yuu's world✨ i (attempted to) write this while i was too brain empty to draw and i'm sorry in advance if it sucks but. yeah❤ it's kinda long but if u read it i hope u enjoy 👍
"Where are you from anyways?"
The boy inspected Yuu's phone, his eyebrows furrowing further as his lips pulled into a sharp frown, "The City of Flowers. In the Shaftlands."
"...Never heard of it."
The both of them stared at each other in dismay. There was clearly something very wrong here.
If Yuu had to describe his life in one word, it would be...."boring".
He woke up, went to school, came home, slept, rinse and repeat. It was awfully dull, like the long winded lectures his history teacher would give when he began to ramble on about topics unrelated to the lesson at hand.
Yuu let out a sigh, his arms resting against the windowsill as he leaned forward, peering out into the empty courtyard. Of course it was empty—it had been raining pretty hard all day. Yuu had even gotten a flash flood warning on his phone, although no one, him included, took it too seriously. A day like this could be described in no other words besides gloomy, the rain acting company to Yuu's dampening mood.
All the students were in the school corridors, hoping to hide away from the rain. Yuu felt a tap on his shoulder as he turned around to face one of his classmates. He couldn't quite remember the boy's name, but it was whatever. It wasn't important anyways.
"Sakuragi-san, you should close the window. The cold is seeping in," The boy's lips quirked into a smile, "If it starts getting windy, you'll get a faceful of rain, y'know." They were in a sheltered area, but the wind had yet to kick in, so Yuu had yet to be splashed with any water.
"Ah...alright." Yuu responded, nodding slowly as the boy gave him one last smile, walking away. Turning back to the window, he reached to close it, only to notice a bright flash in the distance.
Yuu paused, squinting as he tried to make out what was going on over there. Perhaps something had fallen from the sky? Was it like a NASA landing or something? Oh, but...it would make no sense to land in the school courtyard.
...This was weird.
Slamming the window shut, Yuu turned his heel, making a mad dash outside of the school, much to his peers' dismay. He must've seemed like a lunatic, running out into a storm like that, but it was the least of his worries. Reputation be damned, he was curious.
Yuu made his way through the grass, cringing as he felt the sloshing of mud under his feet. His shoes and socks were completely soaked in water, and it felt utterly disgusting. Whatever was out there better be worth this pain, or else...or else he would be incredibly disappointed, he supposed.
He shuddered, swiping his palm against his face to brush away the water that was threatening to drip into his eyes. With every step he took, his heart raced with anticipation. He was close, just a little more and he'd solve the mystery.
That was when he saw it.
Passed out in the grass was a boy his age, dressed in black robes of sorts. It reminded him of something that priests would normally wear, but much more fancy and elaborate. Was this boy cosplaying or something?
Do priest cosplayers normally drop from the sky?
...Not important, he supposed.
Picking up the strange boy, he turned back to head into the school. It would be best to bring him to the infirmary first and worry about the rest later. If they stayed out in the rain any longer, either of them may catch a cold.
Seeing Yuu running into the rain must've been an odd sight. Seeing him return with an oddly dressed boy must've been an odder sight.
Yuu ignored the confused stares, the looks of inquiry as he trekked through the school, leaving behind small puddles in his wake. When he arrived at the infirmary, he found it to be empty.
Maybe the nurse was out for lunch or something.
Heaving a frustrated sigh, he glanced back down to the boy in his arms. He couldn't just leave him like this, could he? Yuu decided to prop the boy up in the meanwhile on a chair. If he simply laid the boy down now, his clothes would definitely soak right through the bed. Plus, the boy had been literally laying in a puddle of muddied water, there was no way that was clean.
He dug through the cabinet, finding a pair of extra gym clothes. This would do. He clapped his hands together in apology as he began to change the boy out of his robes, praying to whatever entity out there that the boy did not awake at this second because that could lead to some very horrid misunderstandings.
As he was pulling off the boy's sleeve from his arm, the fabric snagged on something—a ring? Around the boy's finger was a ring, the red gem inside it glistening faintly, reflecting the white lights of the infirmary ceiling. It was rather pretty, but Yuu took no further note of it, merely unsnagging the fabric from it and continuing his task.
Luckily for Yuu, the boy did not awaken, and after drying him off and wiping up any mud and rain, he finally set the boy down on the infirmary bed. Now that they were out of the rain and the boy was cleaned up, Yuu could better examine the boy.
He was a relatively tall person (although to Yuu, it was nothing), with short grey hair, and sickly pale skin. His lips were thin, and he sported dark eyebags...maybe that was why he had yet to awaken, because he was so sleep deprived, Yuu mused.
Overall, the boy's appearance didn't seem to be overly striking to Yuu (maybe Yuu did consider him to be a little cute, but…that was neither here nor there), but at the very least, he didn't seem to be Japanese. Perhaps a foreigner? Who knows. He could ask the boy later.
There was a moment of pause as the room fell silent, only the boy's shallow breaths and the pattering of rain against the windows could be heard. Also, the dripping of water near Yuu's feet.
Oh right, he needed to get out of these clothes too.
Yuu glanced back at the sleeping boy one last time before leaving the room to get his gym clothes. He'd be back, but surely nothing would happen if he were to be left alone for a second right?
When Yuu returned, the boy was sat up in bed, fidgeting with his ring. He jolted as Yuu walked into the room, shooting him a wary look.
Oh man. This was really happening huh.
Yuu didn't let the boy's hostility bother him, his face stoic as he stepped closer to the bed, "You don't have to look so tense. I found you passed out in the courtyard earlier, so I brought you in. It was raining so..."
The boy was silent for a moment, glancing up at Yuu, his eyes squinted in doubt before he turned to look at the rain pattering against the windowpane. It didn't seem like Yuu was lying. "Then...you have my thanks."
He seemed surprised by the words that left his mouth, covering his lips as his eyes widened, "What language is this?"
What in the fuck? Yuu furrowed his eyebrows, "Dude, did you hit your head or something? It's Japanese. We're in Japan."
"What is a "Japan"...?"
No yeah this dude had a couple of screws loose.
"Japan?? Like the country??? How have you not heard of Japan? Actually, how can you be cosplaying without knowing what Japan is…" Yuu asked incredulously, "You don't look Japanese, but I find it hard to imagine you just stepped foot here without knowing where you were. Also, you're speaking perfect Japanese, so there's that."
The boy looked just as baffled as Yuu, "I can't speak this language you speak of, but it's just...happening. And I haven’t the slightest clue of what you mean by cosplaying." He ran a hand through his hair, "I have never heard of such a country. If you are jesting, it is not very funny."
Yuu couldn't believe this. He was seeing a Japan denier in front of his eyes. Speaking perfect Japanese. Insane.
Pulling out his phone, he essentially googled their location, showing it to the boy, "This is Japan." When he took the boy in, he knew they'd be bouncing questions back and forth, but explaining what Japan was to him was most definitely not Yuu's first anticipated question. "Where are you from anyways?"
The boy inspected Yuu's phone, his eyebrows furrowing further as his lips pulled into a sharp frown, "The City of Flowers. In the Shaftlands."
"...Never heard of it."
The both of them stared at each other in dismay. There was clearly something very wrong here.
Now, Yuu wanted to think that maybe this boy was a little…not mentally well. It would be a more plausible reason than, say, him being from a whole nother world. However, the fact still stands: this guy was probably from another world.
“I’m not crazy. You can find my student ID in my pocket, it’s there.” The boy insisted, “It must’ve been some sort of magical mishap. A mistake.”
“Huh? Now you’re talking nonsense again. Magic isn’t real.” Yuu mumbled, moving to the pile of wet clothes he’d folded up and set aside. Indeed, just as the boy said, there was a student ID. “Rollo Flamme.” He looked up to Rollo, “Is that your name?”
“Yes, that is my name.” Rollo nodded. However, he placed a hand over his lips, an indescribable look coming over his face as he asked, “What do you mean by that?”
“By what?”
“Magic isn’t real. That’s what you said.”
Yuu’s fingers brushed over what seemed to be gold plating upon the ID card. Rollo Flamme…NBC… He responded shortly, “There is no such thing as magic in this world. You aren’t about to tell me that you come from a world with magic and magicians or whatever, right?”
A pause.
“Regrettably so.” Rollo’s voice was surprisingly bitter, Yuu noted. He wondered why. “I come from a world brimming with magic. There is too much of it, if I had to give my opinion on it. It is unnecessary." He cleared his throat, "But to think…a world without magic."
He pressed his lips together to form a thin line, his eyes staring down at his hands, and yet they didn't seem focused. Perhaps he was feeling conflicted about something, Yuu didn't know, but either way he didn't particularly care.
"Can you do magic?" Yuu asked, tilting his head.
"...Yes." He fidgeted with his ring once more, "But I do not enjoy using it. If you wish to see anything, forget it."
Assuming that Yuu believed his story, he'd have to guess that this boy had his gripes against magic. However, on another hand, refusing to use magic at such an unstable time could also mean that Rollo was lying about being from another world.
Once again, Yuu found himself slightly intrigued, but those feelings quickly dissipated into indifference. The usual boredom.
"Then I will forget it." Yuu hummed. "Hey Roro-chan, if you really came from another world, do you have a place to crash?"
One could physically see the moment the nickname computed inside Rollo's head. His thin, delicate features pulled into an annoyed sneer as he huffed, "Roro-chan? My name is Rollo Flamme."
"Roro Flamme-chan," Yuu crossed his arms, "I asked a question." He had to admit, it was a little funny seeing Rollo's reactions. The boy seemed to be just as stoic faced as Yuu, so it was fascinating seeing how quickly he changed. It was like seeing L*ght's face contort in D*ath N*te.
Rollo sighed, shaking his head. This guy was not going to give up on the nickname, huh? Well, whatever. That was the least of his priorities now, he'd get him to stop eventually (*he would not). "I do not have a place to stay. Is it possible to call the authorities? They should likely have a plan for me."
"The plan would be jail, a mental asylum, or worse, experimentation." Yuu bluntly stated. "We live in a world without magic. Do you think they'd easily believe you when you tell them you got isekai'ed here? They'd think that you were insane. Plus, you don't look Japanese, and you don't have an actual ID outside of your school one either. Whichever way you look at it, isn't that totally illegal? And in the case that they do somehow believe you, do you think they wouldn't dissect you like an insect? That's hopeful thinking, Roro-chan."
Rollo looked at Yuu blankly. As much as he hated to admit it, the boy did have a point…or, many points. "...I suppose you're right. Then what do you suggest I do?"
"Stay with me." Yuu simply replied. "My house is large, and I'm the only one who knows of your circumstances. I can arrange for you to get a fake ID. How does that sound?"
It sounded too convenient. Rollo was hesitant, but at the same time…he was not in a position to refuse. "I can't refuse that offer. But I do have a question," he narrowed his eyes, "Aren't you afraid? Wary? I just told you that I could use magic. And as you said, others would consider me to be insane. How are you so easily able to allow me into your home?"
"Well, life is all about trust. I've decided to take the risk and trust you, and I hope you won't betray it." Yuu closed his eyes. "But if you do, I'm not afraid. I have something you don't."
Trust. Such a thing, Rollo could not understand. Still, it was convenient that this boy was so naive, Rollo could easily use that to his advantage. "And that is?"
Yuu's face remained blank. "A gun."
Even Rollo could not hide the shock on his face.
"If you try to hurt me or my family," Yuu calmly handed Rollo his student ID, "I will simply kill you." He gave Rollo a small smile, "My family can create a fake ID for you, and they could just as easily hide your body. No one will know you're gone…no one will go searching for you." He gave Rollo's head a pat, "So it would be in your best interest to behave, yeah?"
Yuu moved away from the bed, "Not that I'm threatening you or anything." That wasn't supposed to be a threat???? Bullshit. "It wasn't like you had any bad intentions right? So there's nothing to worry about."
"Ah—" Rollo didn't even have the words to respond. "I…yes. I will be in your care then. Thank you very much." He took it back, Yuu was not naive, he was just fucked up. Were all magicless humans like this ??? He wasn't sure if he wanted to live in that kind of dystopian world, no matter how good the prospect of a world without magic was.
Going back to his world and reworking the system to be magic free seemed much easier than thriving in a world where people casually threatened to off other people (*he was unaware Yuu was an exception).
"Well then, unfortunately I am a very good student, so I have to resume my classes. I'll come pick you up after I'm done." Yuu stood up to go to the door, swinging his backpack over his shoulder, "If the nurse comes in, just tell her you got caught up in the rain and that you're feeling too unwell to attend class. Tell her I'm picking you up later."
Just as Yuu was about to leave, Rollo called out. "Wait—! I have yet to learn your name, what is it?"
Yuu merely glanced back, his response nonchalant, "Yuu." 
With that, he was out the door, and Rollo could only stare at where Yuu once stood, the space once filled with chatter making way for empty silence.
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josnhoes · 2 years
Halloween.... Spooky scary skeleton 🎶
Okay since halloween is near what if humans do not exsisted in two world but as a myth, like we humans make mythos out of thin air or drugs
And child yuu just appear one day?
I'm assuming you mean twst so I'm going to write it that way. But if you meant a different Fandom feel free to message me again. Also since you didn't pick 3 characters I'm going to do a more general version then focused on characters.
Edit: I ran out of steam and only did the first 3 dorms.
Content warning: Monsters, child reader
In the world of Twisted Wonderland there are a few truths none question; the great seven where revered, the races of monsters where to do their best to keep the peace the great seven created, and humans where nothing more then myths. Though the stories of humans where common, told as tales of fun and whimsy most of the time. There where a few cases of stories where humans where dangerous, abducting monsters to have friends. A set truth about humans aside they didn't exist was if you befriended one, and treasured them in return of their loyalty they would help your magic grow. Young monsters often sought out humans for fun and with hopes of becoming a mage worthy of being seen along side the great seven.
The world of humans was real, a reality mirroring the monster's own. Where humans where viewed by monsters like fairies are to humans; to humans a majority of monsters where to be fear. But just like the monster world their counterpart was viewed as fake.
On rare once a millennium event the realities overlapped allowing for travel between realms. Though usually it was with out incident, but on occasion someone fall through. A monster and a human switched places. But none truly knew of this.
Mc was little even for their age. Though their age was small as well, not even in double digits yet. So waking up in a strange place alone was not ideal. In fact it was the opposite of what any child would want. Alone, lost, and hungry you could do nothing but cry. A cry that caught the attention of a certain Tengu headmaster.
Crowley was in shock to find such a little monster alone in the mirror chamber and approached. Only for the little one to scream. At the fearful wailing he took a closer look and was in shock to find the child was *human*. Oh how fortunate for his school chosen to host such a rare guest! It was a sign and he couldn't wait to see who you chose to bestow power upon, would it be one or many?
Once you're calmed down and reassured no one would hurt you, he asked how you arrived. The answer of you didn't know wasn't ideal but no matter. Soon you found yourself bounced between dorms to find someone for you to bond with.
Heartslabyul was first. The dorm leader refused at first finding no possible way a human could exist, as such he was very hard on you for the first week. The werewolf was strict on everyone but especially himself lest he become a mindless beast. Trey the gentle living doll however was kind and managed to help Riddle realize you where human and not some monsterling shape shifted. Once that gets out the school is vying for your attention. The various monsters in Heartslabyul did their best to keep the havoc to a minimal for your sake.
Savanclaw has a mixed reaction. The sphinx dormleader Leona was the worst at having mixed feelings. He wanted the promised power a human could offer, but you where a child and children where such a pain to deal with..or so he claimed. Most of your care while with them is from Ruggie the resident Knoll and Jack the werewolf wind spirit hybrid.
Octavinelle was the first to have actively tried to bribe your affections. Even with out the bond you brought profits galore. Everyone wanted a deal with Azul the water element Slime, as such his power was growing and growing. The twins a pair of sea serpents where extra busy keeping the lounge in order as many monsters fought to get contracts for a chance to meet the small human.
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sylusjinwoon · 2 years
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{ 03 }
- what falling in love with yuta feels like -
yuta okkotsu x reader
alternate title: a love letter to a quiet beauty
falling in love with yuta feels like having your first taste of cotton candy.
his laughter was as sweet as spun sugar, and his kisses were as addictive as melted cotton candy against your lips.
everything about yuta was soft- from his hair to his gentle true blue eyes that drew you in like a moth to a flame.
he was an infinite reservoir filled with kindness;
he was a man who wasn't afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve, flashing his every emotion with his expressive eyes that you knew you could get lost in;
but most of all, he was the one you gave yourself whole-heartedly to.
falling in love with yuta feels like taking cover from the rain together.
the storm was lightly pounding against the windows of your shared apartment, splattering heavy droplets of rain as the dark clouds paints your room in grey hues.
despite the depressing weather, you couldn't bring yourself to feel the tiniest ounce of sadness. after all, today marked the first day your beloved had come home after such a long mission away from you.
you bask in the way his arms lightly encircle around your waist, feeling his soft and gentle breaths tickle at your skin as you slowly came closer to him.
with your face now pressed gently against the base of his throat, you allowed yourself the pleasure of kissing him. you relished in the warmth of him- knowing that you would never forget the scent of him for as long as you lived.
shutting your eyes, you breathe him in, whispering his name with a reverence you felt vibrating from the very depths of your soul. yuta evoked so many powerful emotions from you, so much so that you felt yourself sympathizing with rika orimoto and the all consuming love she had for yuta.
silently, you thank rika for protecting yuta with her strength even after her death and closed your eyes-
you already knew your dreams would be filled with yuta even before drifting off.
falling in love with yuta was like being forever protected by a loving shadow.
"yuu, i don't see why you want to go with me so badly. i'm just picking up some groceries to cook your favorite meal. it'll only take 30 minutes tops."
he pouts at you, arms coming around your form as he rests his head against your shoulder, "don't care. i wanna go with you anyways because i can't stand being away from you."
"what if i want to surprise you with dinner?" you ask him with a giggle, only to see him pout even more at you, "then i'll just close my eyes as you're buying the ingredients."
his cute answer makes you flick at his forehead. "you're such a dork."
"yeah, i'm your dork."
after bickering back and forth for the last 5 minutes, you finally cave in and let yuta accompany you. as you both stepped out of your shared apartment, yuta makes sure to lock the door before holding out his arm for you to take.
even when walking together, yuta made sure to always walk near the side of the road while you stayed closer to the sidewalk. it didn't matter the sheer amount of times yuta had done this before, the sentiment was enough to make your heart race as your eyes began to glimmer with unshed tears.
yuta notices your soft sob and looks down at you, panicking while placing both hands on your shoulder, "honey, are you okay?!"
instead of answering him, you plant both hands on his face, framing his handsome features before pressing your lips against his. you didn't care about the tears that ran down your face or the fact that yuta could taste the saltiness of them against your skin.
you were the one who pulled away first, leaving yuta in a dazed expression as he softly called out your name, "what was that for?"
you shake your head, choosing instead to wrap your arms around his back as you hugged him tightly, "i just love you so fucking much, you know?"
no words were needed to convey yuta's answer to your admission, for you felt it in the way he tightens his arms around you, never daring to let go.
falling in love with yuta was diving into a lifelong commitment, forging yet another unbreakable bond together.
after a particularly long night spent loving one another, with yuta bringing you nothing but the sweetest pleasure all throughout the night, you were exhausted and out of breath.
yet still, yuta remained hovering above you, eyes still dilated from the passion he spent loving on you. with a gentleness that you had never felt before, yuta picks up the back of your hand, placing butterfly kisses against your knuckles as he whispered your name over and over again like a mantra.
with a desperation felt clawing at you, you lift yourself up towards him, meeting his eager lips once more as you kissed him. you were quickly becoming addicted to him, needing more of his sweet taste as you prayed that your kiss would convey your undying devotion to him.
this time, yuta pulls away from the kiss first, making you whine at the sudden loss of him. "wait, there's something i need to give you."
using the bed sheets to cover his naked body, you watch with curiosity as he rummages through his nightstand, asking you to close your eyes for a moment.
you do as he says, shutting your eyes as you felt yuta slide something cool and heavy on your ring finger. "okay, y-you can open them."
he sounds nervous. you muse to yourself, yet follow his instructions all the same. only when you opened your eyes and look down to see a gorgeous ring with your favorite gemstone settled in the middle of it did you finally let out a gasp.
"i love you." yuta's voice was husky, interlocking your fingers together with his as you both looked down at the beautiful engagement ring he had given you. "i want you to be tied to me for the rest of my life, my greatest dream is for you to take me as your husband. so please, marry me. say yes and i promise i'll make you so fucking happy."
unable to answer him with words, you shake your head and fling yourself into his open arms, resuming your kiss with him as your tears returned, "of course you dork, i'll marry you."
you hear yuta let out a choked laugh before gently laying you back in bed, going back to kissing your hand as he uses his knee to pry your legs apart once more, "this calls for another round of 'celebration', right?"
feeling the heat pool against your cheeks, you simply respond by wrapping your legs around his waist, readying yourself for more of your fiancé's love.
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all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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ronas-reveries · 3 years
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×Title: What Do You Want?
×Pairing: Lilia Vanrogue x Female!Reader
×Words: 2.1K
×Summary: After harboring a secret for some time, you fear that your friendship with Lilia is going to take a turn for the worse. When he suddenly comes to visit, there are overwhelming emotions that prove to change both your futures and your relationship.
×Additional Tags: Second Person POV, Not Canon Compliant, Reader is not Yuu, Suggestive Themes, Reader is the daughter of a Twst!Chernabog, Reader is taller than Lilia, Brief OC mention (Jacob)
Requests are Open!
Visits from Lilia used to be one of your favorite things, given that they were always full of laughs and the rare competitive air whenever you played games. He was one of your favorite people in Briar Valley, one of the things that made the dreary days become bright and exciting. It's ironic that seeing him upside-down in front of your open kitchen window so abruptly and without prior notice made you sick to your stomach.
Red eyes, ever so lovely and full of mischief stared into yours and the singsong greeting coming from his smiling lips should've made your heart flutter like it did before, but nothing could stop the dread from taking over your mood. The only hope you had now was to play it off and hope his visit was short.
However, that was never the case with Lilia's visits to your home, and today was no exception.
You gave him a smile, one where you tried your hardest not to let your lips quiver. "The house is a mess, but you're a sight for sore eyes. Tea, Lily?" Your statement, while conflicting with your anxiety, held truth to it. Lilia giggled at the sound of his nickname and gracefully stepped in, hopping off the ceiling to take a seat at the small island in your kitchen. "Tea would go well with what I brought you, dear. I'll take your offer."
With a twirl of his finger and a few sparks of magic, a familiar little basket appeared on top of the table. "Berry pastries and a little trinket from my travels." The gesture never failed to leave your heart racing and your cheeks burning.
It made everything so much worse.
You couldn’t help but fall for him despite fighting it, despite repeating your father's words over and over in your mind every night. But when every visit was like this, how could you not?
"You spoil me." You hummed, turning your back momentarily to grab some plates and get the tea going with some magic. Setting the saucers down, you place two tea cups before finally bringing a plate to arrange the pastries. With another twirl of his finger, Lilia had the desserts out at the table and a pretty little teapot set on the counter next to the brewing tea.
"Is that the trinket you mentioned?" You asked, carefully picking up the teapot and examining its design. It was beautiful, like the ones you've see that come from the Kingdom of Roses.
"Not quite, though I did think of you when I picked it up."
Your heart swelled, both out of affection and the gnawing guilt you had. "How's the Prince? Has he made any friends yet?" You tried your best to give him the usual hospitality, but you knew that the longer he stayed, the more likely you were going to be found out. "I feel a bit bad taking you away from him, you being his vice housewarden and all. It must be difficult to find time with so many responsibilities."
He crossed one leg over the other, placing his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his open palm. "It's always a treat to come see you, dear. Malleus is alright and Silver truly misses you coddling him with his favorite treats." He followed your conversation, just like he always did. "Night Raven is full of energetic youth, it reminded me of all your little antics and I couldn't stop thinking about how it's been some time since I last saw you." A chuckle left his lips, his half-lidded eyes making you feel like he was about to devour you.
Any other moment would've resulted in a little quip about how someone as old as him should feel like a few months merely felt like a week or two, but his stare made you squirm in the least pleasant way. It sent a shiver down your spine and made you lose focus on the magic that was brewing the tea, the flames growing and becoming erratic for a moment.
"You seem nervous. Is something troubling you?"
There it was.
Even though you were doing a poor job at hiding it, nothing slipped passed him. You were an open book to Lilia, and the way your jaw locked only proved his observations. You knew he was going to coax the answer out of you no matter how many times you were going to try and change the subject.
You stood up to grab the kettle, your back to him and your mind going haywire. He wasn't going to pry, letting you take your time to assess the situation and find a way to answer him. After all, he wanted to hear it from your mouth.
"How did you find out?"
"I overheard Vargas and your friend Jacob talking about it. He let your name slip and tried to play it off once he noticed I was eavesdropping."
"That explains the sudden visit."
Lilia hummed and you sighed in defeat, tears pricking the corners of your eyes before you took in a deep breath and set the kettle on the wooden counter. "I'm sorry." Your voice was barely above a whisper as a few stray tears streamed down your cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Lily."
You were ashamed, you felt like a failure.
It wasn't until you felt a gentle hand on your lower back that you straightened up. You didn't even notice how your shoulders slumped and your nose started watering from the silent crying. Lilia turned you slowly so you could finally face him.
With the same gentle touch, gloved fingers brushed away your tears. "Whatever for?" His tone was soft, like he didn't place the blame on you for wanting to hide it. Surely you had your reasons.
You looked at Lilia through the tears, the head of difference in your heights making more droplets fall as you angled your head. It was funny, in a way. He was tiny compared to you, yet his touch made you feel safe--like the warmth he gave you shielded you from the entire world.
"Come," He said, placing his hand against your back again. "Tears don't suit you darling, not sad ones, at least. Let me dampen a washcloth to clean you up. Sit and let's talk about this over tea."
After you calmed down and came clean, you still couldn't look him in the eyes. He was silent, though the glimpses you caught of his face looked more like he was putting things together rather than him being mad or upset at the news.
"If my memory doesn't fail me in my old age, the date would've been the night of your father's feast."
You nodded slowly. "It would make the most sense, yes. I didn't find out until around two months in, so the other times would've been after." Your eyes darted towards him for a moment, and you were shocked to see a smile on his face when he asked. "Can I see them?"
Even though you were still in shock, you got up and led him upstairs to one of the bedrooms and opened the door. He stepped inside, placing a hand on your forearm as he tried to peek from his current spot.
"They're asleep, don't worry."
Lilia got closer to the crib, peering at two sleeping infants. He couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that they already had so much hair despite barely being three months old.
He gave you a coy look from over his shoulder before it turned into amusement at the sight of your heated cheeks. "Stop starin' at me like that."
"I thought you enjoyed my bedroom eyes. Aren't they what gave us these two in the first place?"
You wanted to curl up under the sheets and die out of embarrassment. It wasn't the reaction you expected, and you didn't know how to reply with your usual snarky comebacks. "You're taking this well considering I just dropped the news that you're a father again. Am I the only one freaking out right now?"
"I have prior experience, of course. Or rather, shall we call it Briar experience?"
You groaned. "Lilia..."
"Fufu, come now, a dad joke every now and again won't hurt~"
The conversation made one of the babies stir and fuss, causing the other to also wake up. Just as you were about to grab them, Lilia beat you to it. He held them both in his arms, shushing them gently and trying to soothe them. It was over as soon as it started, and both infants were asleep in his arms in no-time.
You couldn't help but hold in a laugh, the sight of Lilia holding two chunky babies that were almost as big as his arms was just too cute. Taking your phone out, you snapped a quick picture, one he even gave you a toothy grin for before he put the babies back in their crib. He gently pat both their heads and said goodnight, then turned to you.
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other under his gaze. "What are we going to do?" You asked. "I don't want to get in between you and your duties with Malleus, dad doesn't know and he's going to freak when he finds out I'm going to distract you--"
"What do you want to do?" He countered. It was a genuine question that took you aback slightly. "Your father has no say in who I choose to be with." Lilia sighed and shrugged his shoulders in exasperation. "Cher's nasty habit of thinking he runs everything hasn't changed since we were knights, I see."
"What about Malleus?"
He gave you an amused look. "He'll be delighted to hear the news, I'm sure."
You were quiet for a few moments, listening to Lilia's humming as you thought. He seemed to have his mind made up already.
"Since when?"
"This. You're so calm about everything, it makes me think you were waiting for me to confess I want to start a life with you."
Lilia chuckled, taking a few steps forward until he was right in front of you. "I wanted you to decide what you wanted for yourself rather than think about everyone else. You were finally selfish the night we were first together, I wanted you to do it again and keep me all for yourself."
You were baffled. Had he just confessed to having feelings for you?
He let out a giggle, finding your shocked expression cute. "Mm, little bat got your tongue?" He stood on his tiptoes, throwing his arms around your neck and pulling you in for a passionate kiss. You let out a small whine, one Lilia swallowed hungrily. He didn't have to hold back anymore, neither of you did.
As much as he enjoyed having you chase him and then get too shy to confess your feelings, he was ready to take matters into his own hands. His feelings for you had been there for quite some time; if he had to put a timestamp on it, it was maybe around the time when Malleus was still a child. He never wanted to overstep any boundaries, which was why he let you take your time and went with whatever you wanted. Fae lived long, after all, so he wasn't in a rush.
He knew that the feelings were mutual, and now there was no reason for you to keep your relationship private. It was the reason he bought the trinket he mentioned earlier. He wasn't going to push the idea of marriage so quickly onto you while you were still dealing with the reality of parenthood, of course, but it was a gift and he intended to let you know just how much he wanted you to be a part of his life.
You pulled away from the heated kisses, breathless and flustered. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips, genuine and happy. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes again and Lilia was quick to gently brush them away. "I want you to stay..." You muttered, pulling him gently by the collar of his jacket. "Even if it's just a few days."
He followed your lead to the bedroom, only stopping to place a hand against the door frame. "Eager little thing, aren't you?" He cooed, knowing his low tone would get right under your skin.
You answered him with a kiss, tongue pushing passed his lips before pulling away teasingly. "Mm, I'm all giddy and need an outlet."
Lilia gave you a mischievous look as you closed the door behind him. "Fufu, let me help you with that, darling~"
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kozumedenki · 4 years
tsukishima kei x male reader
i posted this way too early yesterday but now it's finally finished and really cheesey but i hope you all like it.
request: tsukishima friends to lovers au, first kiss
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kei, tadashi, and (name), an inseperable trio since grade school and it just seemed even more so in high school. the two shorter males were practically stuck to the blonde's hips, talking and pulling kei along wherever they went. it was cute to the upperclassman on the team, ryuusuke and yuu poking fun here and there at the trio. nothing too major, at least, to tadashi and kei.
(name) on the other hand, lit up like a christmas tree almost every time.
it was the famous cliche of falling for your best friend in high school. everything about it was cliche and the poor (color) haired teen was so embarrassed by it and yet, he couldn't bring himself not to stare whenever kei was on the court.
the game against shiratorizawa, kei's shining moment. at least, in (name)s' eyes. the fire, the confidence, everything about him on the court was shining. it was a game that finalized any doubt in the first year libero's heart. he was completely in love with their middle blocker, moreso then ever. there was no one he could even begin to deny it now, not with his heart racing just by seeing the tall blonde returning like a hero rising through a cloud of smoke. it was the only thing on his mind the entire game, eyes glues to that number eleven on his broad back.
"tsukki, you were really amazing out there." (name) leaned against the wall of the bathroom stalls, giving the taller a soft smile after tadashi had left. "you may not think so but this whole game... it really wouldn't have been won without you."
silence filled the space around them for a good few minutes, just the sound of the sink running and their breathing. without a word or even a proper look, kei pushed off the sink and stocked over to the shorter.
"tsukki, are you ok-"
the libero was cut off by a hand landing next to his head, it wasn't hard or rough but that didn't stop his heart from picking up it's pace. the fact that kei's forehead pressed against his didn't help the matter.
"i felt your eyes on me the whole game. it wasn't like the others," the blonde muttered, his eyes downcast as if avoiding eye contact. "this game... it was different, the feeling i got from knowing you were watching felt different."
(name)'s gentle hands gripped the sides of kei's jersey, his face slowly warming up as he tried to still his beating heart. the taller was so close, too close to keep from almost having some sort of heartattack.
the silence had returned, thicker this time as the sound of running water was drowned out by the pounding in the (color) haired teen's ears. each beat of his heart grew louder as the distance slowly closed between them, like it was some natural force of nature bringing them together.
it was soft, a brush of the lips more than a kiss but it was more than either of them ever expected. soft and gentle was the last thing to come to (name)'s mind when associated with kei but it was something that he was going to revel in it before they both had to return to the team.
maybe falling for his best friend wasn't too bad of a cliche.
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Golden Nights: Chapter 22
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of abuse, tax evasion
Word count: 1281
"Wait, what is his quirk? Repeat that again" Katsuki looks at Deku.
"It's called projection. Like he can make people see what he wants them to see" Deku says looking down at his phone.
It's a mind manipulation quirk, much like yours only probably much stronger and well trained.
"That's probably why we didn't see these rooms when we checked the club the first time. He made it so we didn't see anything" Kirishima said as he looked at Katsuki.
This made no sense. Why would he take you, Taya and Reirei? It seemed he had been running his business successfully for a long time without any suspicion. Why now?
"Hey look at this" Deku said showing Katsuki his phone "this guy as the same last name an Tony, I mean Yuu has."
"Another son maybe?" Kirishima looked at him with a puzzled look.
Why does this guy look so familiar? Katsuki think. Where did he see this guy? He had to have seen him? He starts to think as visions of you flood his brain.
The first night you were assulted! That was the man he pulled off of you!
Katsuki tore the phone from Deku reading about the man in question. He had been in and out of prison most of his life for drug deals, assault and rape. He was a piece of shit low life who had taken an interest in obsessing over you.
"He's the guy who assaulted Y/N" Katsuki looked up at Kirishima and Deku. His mind was racing.
This man had been connected to Tony the whole time? His own son??
Worse yet, Katsuki failed to protect you again. He wasn't a hero, he wasn't anything. He couldn't help imagine how scared and alone you must be feeling. How scared Taya and Reirei must be. What the fucking disgusting excuse for a human is doing to you!?!
"Kat, KATSUKI" Kirishima shouts as he waves his hand violently in front of Katsuki's face "dont even think it man. You did nothing wrong. No one could have predicted this. We all got played. Y/N is strong. She proven it over and over again. We will find the girls."
Deku and Shoto nodded in agreement. Katsuki looked at Kirishima. He knew deep down he was right. He was always right but he still couldn't help feeling guilty. He wanted to be your hero. He promised you nothing bad would happen. But it was happening and far worse than he could ever have expected.
"We need to find where Tony lives. There's a chance the girls could be with him" Deku says.
"But Tony is supposedly 'dead' how do we find a dead man's house" Shoto says "I doubt he's an upstanding citizen with tax records."
Kirishima looked up "he just might be!" Shoto watched as Kirishma walked out and down the hall way. He kicked in the door across from the girls dressing room.
"I'm not playing with fake locks anymore" he says as he rushes into the office. The office space is clean. Nothing out of the ordinary. The cabinets were all locked.
Deku reaches for one as he quickly pulls back "ouch fuck, they have a quirk on them." The cabinets sent a shock wave through Deku that caused him to grab his arm and shake it violently.
"A good shock to it, at least couple thousands volts" he says looking at Kirishima.
"We need to disarm the quirk but how" Kirishima says as he looks back at Katsuki.
"I think I know just the person" Katsuki whips his phone out of his pocket dialing a number.
please pick up, PLEASE
"Hello" a tired voice says on the other end of the line
"Sir it's Bakugo we need your help" he says shortly into the phone.
"Text me the address I'll be there soon" the voice says as Katsuki hangs up texting the address quickly to the number.
"Who did you call?" Deku says with a concerned look on his face.
Katsuki looks up "The only person we know who can cancel quirks.... the Eraserhead himself"
"Eraser, I didn't know you could Eraser quirks on objects" Deku says questioningly as he walls him into the club.
"Well it's not often I do because it's not often I encounter someone who had a quirk what projects to objects. The fact that I've never seen this quirk in action is surprising" Eraser says as he enters the office.
He works quickly, neutralizing the quirk to access the files. Kirishima quickly removes the tax forms from the cabinet, destroying the locks in the process.
"There are at least 5 different address listen here. Any of these places could hold the girls. It looks like these people are not only professional drug dealers but also professional tax evaders" Kirishima says.
"We each take a location and look. That's the fastest way to go about it" Katsuki says grabbing at the files.
"Not a good idea Kaachan" Deku says "we don't know what quirks these people.might be hiding. I mean it seems like they are pretty strong if they are able to do all this right under the noses of the law."
Katsuki is furious. They are wasting time.
"We don't know what they are doing to Y/N, Taya or Reirei" Katsuki yells "they could be torturing them and you want to play the safe game? Deku I'm not in the mood and I'm ready to blow this guys ass up!"
"Deku is right" Shoto says "we have no idea what we are walking into. Plus you and Kirishima have been at it all night. Don't you think you should get some rest?"
On que, both Kirishima and Katsuki look at each other and then back to Shoto and Deku.
"No" they say in unison as they look at the addresses.
"Look there is no way I'm going back to my house without Y/N. Not to be dramatic but have you met her cat, I'm pretty sure the only reason he's letting me live is because Y/N is there" Katsuki says as he searches the address. Kirishima can't help but laugh.
They needed to laugh to defuse the situation. As serious as it was, nothing was being accomplished with their foul moods. Katsuki searched all the addresses quickly and divided them up into 3 teams. 3 addresses for each team in a different section of town.
Shoto and Deku would take the North side, Kirishima and Katsuki the South and the Police with Eraser would take the East. They just hoped that the girls weren't in the last location which was on the west. The plan was the search the locations as quickly as possibly and meet up. If there was activity at any location, the others would immediately be summoned.
The plan seemed solid for as quickly as it was complied. Katsuki and Kirishima bid farewell to the others as they took off running back to their office to retrieve their Katsuki's car. Once in the car, Kirishima looked up the addresses.
"Let's try this one first, it looks to be a warehouse online but looks can be deceiving" kirishma said as he looked at Katsuki. He didn't say anything in response. Only put his seatbelt on and floored it taking off down the nearly empty street.
"We are going to find them Katsu" kirishima said softly.
"I know dude" Katsuki said smiling "honestly, I'm kinda scared for Tony and his gang because kidnapping those three was probably the worst decision they ever made in their entire life."
Kirishima smiled as they raced down the street.
You were going to be ok. You had to be ok.
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