#I couldn’t find a gif anywhere but it does exist I swear to god
naughtyneganjdm · 4 years
A Compromise - Chapter 2
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Summary: The first thing Negan does with Y/N on their first night surprises her with how innocent it actually is, but a little while into their first night together she realizes that things are going to be a lot harder than she thought they would be. 
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC)
Warnings: Swearing, Dirty Sex Talk & a bit of touching
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27834154/chapters/68293072
“Oh, we’re starting off real hardcore, aren’t we?” Y/N teased as Negan pulled into the parking lot of a diner and a smile cracked in over the corners of her lips. Negan looked over his shoulder at her and gave her an odd expression before smirking. “Like I said, I was thinking of red rooms so coming here is pretty tame in comparison to what my mind was conjuring up.”
“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you with the lack of chains and whips,” Negan retorted with a snort, pulling his helmet off, carefully pulling himself from the motorcycle. Reaching his hand out, he urged her to grab a hold of his hand and winked. “I was just hoping to get to know you first. Talking to you at the club wasn’t all that comfortable. So, I figured I would buy you a late-night dinner and get to know you. It’s quiet and I can actually hear you.”
“And that’s what you want to do with me tonight?” she looked down at his hand while she wrapped her fingers around it. Negan helped her off of the motorcycle and she felt him pull her in closer to him making her let out a shuddering exhale. “I didn’t think I would be having a late-night dinner with someone for two hundred bucks.”
“Like I said, I’m not having sex with you any time soon. I just want to get to know you. To me, it’s well worth the two hundred bucks,” Negan reached up to nudge her chin playfully with his fingers and nodded toward the diner. “Plus, the people that work here will leave us alone and not get up in our business like I feel people would anywhere else. They are good folks here.”
“Well at least I know you’re more of a burger and fries kind of guy instead of a four-star restaurant kind of guy,” she knew that her mind had come up with multiple scenarios of what Negan was like in her head and it was almost relaxing to know that Negan was more laid back than she pictured him to be. When he was tossing money out like he was, she assumed he wanted the best of everything and debated how she would be able to please a man like that with her time.
“I can be both, but who really gets to know someone at a stuffed shirt restaurant?” Negan pointed out, his hand sliding in over the small of her back to make her follow him toward the doors of the diner. Once they were inside, Negan made eye contact with one of the waitresses and pointed toward one of the booths in the back. Following him there, she took a seat with his help and watched Negan wait for her to get comfortable before going to the other side. “Here we can just talk and not really worrying about impressing anyone. It’s a relaxed environment and I feel like when people are in those, they are more open to talking.”
“And what do you want to talk about?” she inquired, her eyebrow perking up while looking him over. She had so many questions, so many thoughts she wanted to bring up to him, but this was supposed to be his time she was on. Asking a thousand questions would likely turn him off of her and that’s the last thing she wanted to do right now.
“Well first of all, why don’t you tell me about school. What were you studying before that asshole did what he did?” Negan laid his hands over the top of the table and she couldn’t help but take notice at how long his fingers were.
“Law,” she explained feeling her cheeks flush over when she thought about her education. “I wanted to be lawyer.”
“Oh, that’s a great profession for you,” Negan chuckled, lowering his head for a moment. It seemed like he was stuck on a thought that entertained him and she tilted her head to the side. “The first case you lose, if you think the judge was being a dickhead you would knock his lights out.”
“Oh ha-ha,” she rolled her eyes, reaching up to brush her hair back and out of her face. The waitress came to ask them what they wanted and when she ordered just water, Negan gave her a frustrated glance. She didn’t really want to go out and eat while getting to know Negan. What if he was disgusted by her and decided to change his mind? She could really use this money and there was a reason he was interested in her. If she ate a certain way, she didn’t know if it would stop him from wanting to be around her. After all, tonight could be a test. She quit her job for this guy based on his offer. He saw her eat and was turned off by it, she may have made a huge mistake. “I’m not all that hungry.”
“Get something to eat,” Negan ordered, his eyes narrowing while he stared out at her expectantly. “And get something you would actually like.”
Negan had gotten himself a burger and she just went with a club sandwich hoping to get something that wouldn’t be too messy. When she was done ordering, Negan eyed her over and cocked his head, “I fully expect you to get what you want when I tell you to.”
“I wanted nothing,” she responded and Negan bit into his bottom lip clearly not believing her. “I just don’t want you changing your mind about me after I eat. You don’t need to see my chowing down on a meal and then decide I’m not worthy of your time.”
“Well, since you’re big on rules…never do that kind of thinking. Never worry about what might turn me off of you,” Negan grunted, looking over toward the front of the restaurant. “I’ve picked you; I’m sticking with you. So, when I tell you to eat, you eat…”
“Yes sir,” she somewhat laughed and Negan’s eyebrow rose at her sarcasm. It was clear he wasn’t completely enthralled with her over-the-top mocking tone and she lowered her head down. She really had to dial back the sarcasm. Lowering her head, she shrugged and wasn’t sure really what to say. “I’m going to have to work on all of these rules that you are going to come up with. Sometimes I have a mouth on me and I need to learn to tone it down.”
“We’ll get you to where you need to be,” Negan stretched out, placing his arms on the back of the booth he was in and she found herself charmed by how confident Negan appeared to be. Watching him while he surveyed the restaurant made her swoon. This guy was gorgeous and the thought that he wanted to be near her and spend time with her really blew her away. His chiseled jaw flexed when he spotted something and looked back to her. Immediately she lowered her head again. Being caught staring might be uncomfortable at this stage for him and she wanted to appear as normal as possible to him. It was just hard to understand why someone like him would want to be around someone like her. “Do you like pie?”
“Like…pie pie?” she repeated making Negan chuckle. It was hard to really know what he was attempting to ask her because she was thinking dirty thoughts based off previous things he said. With the uniqueness of the situation she was saying ridiculous things and she knew that. Hopefully he didn’t think she was simple because she wasn’t. It was just a strange situation and she was uncomfortable. When she was uncomfortable, sometimes she said some silly things. “I don’t know if you are asking something…dirty.”
“No, I mean like apple pie. They have a great apple pie here and I thought we could share some after our meal,” Negan’s face scrunched up after it was clear he was amused with her. Did he find her charming or just ridiculous? It was hard to read his expressions at this point in the game. “If I am talking to you about something sexual, you’ll know.”
“Okay,” she wasn’t sure how to respond, this was all still odd to her. She could only picture how awkward she was coming off to him. “Apple pie is…nice.”
“Good,” Negan stretched his neck out and he bit at his bottom lip. There appeared to be some tension in his neck and her first thought was rubbing it for him. God, she felt pathetic. She was desperate to touch him and be close to him only after the second night of knowing he actually existed. “So, you take school seriously?”
“It’s been my entire life for as long as I can remember,” she answered honestly knowing that there was no sense in lying. While she could pretend that she wasn’t a total geek to a sense, she knew that Negan would find out eventually that her education meant everything to her. Being honest about that she felt was key. “I’ve put my everything into my education. It’s why I’m as upset as I am about what happened with college. I was damn good at what I was doing.”
“I believe that,” Negan nodded his head, his eyes surveying her closely and it made her wonder what he was thinking about her. It was hard to read his expressions and she shifted uneasily before him in her seat. “What are you going to do about school?”
“Well they think they can expel me because they have proof that I broke the windows and set the car on fire,” she told him what he obviously already knew because of what he had heard with her and her father. “What they don’t know is that I flirted with someone from the AV club and they took the tape for me. Eventually, I’m supposed to get the tape from the guy. So, they have no proof. When the appeal comes up, the thing they think they have on me, won’t be there.”
“God damn,” Negan let out an impressed sound and he leaned forward to get closer to her. “Just when I think I won’t like you anymore than I already do, you go and say something like that. Shit! Tell me, should I be jealous of that poor sucker in the AV club?”
“No,” she made a disgusted sound and Negan’s eyebrows bounced up while he listened to her. “I just flirted with him. You’d be surprised how desperate some people can be just for a little attention.”
Y/N thought about what she said and wondered if that was appropriate to say considering the situation they were in right now. It kind of came off extremely arrogant and she didn’t know if he would be turned off by it, but he looked to be the opposite.
“You’re a fucking badass,” Negan lowered his arms and laid them back on the table again. “I knew I liked you for a reason.”
“When the world is against you Negan, you learn to do what you have to in order to get by in life,” she responded knowing that things were harder when you were a woman in the career path she was interested in. “The world doesn’t make it easy for women.”
“I like that. Hearing that you would do anything to get what you want really puts things into perspective for me,” Negan drew his tongue over his bottom lip and his hazel eyes were locked on hers. “You are something else, you know that?”
“Thank you,” she didn’t know what to say as he nearly ate her alive with his eyes. It caused a chill to fill her body and she had to force herself to look away from him. “How about you? Why are you a teacher when you could clearly do anything you want with the money you have.”
“I like feeling like I changed someone’s life for the better,” Negan grunted, “Plus I really like sports. This lets me teach while also getting to coach. I really enjoy it. A lot. People look up to me, it’s a nice feeling.”
“Ah, so you like people looking up to you,” she lifted her gaze catching the smirk that pressed in over his features. “I’m sure you have a lot of boys and girls that are drooling every time they are in your class or whenever you are coaching them.”
“I wouldn’t doubt it,” Negan snickered acting like he didn’t even think that was a thought in his mind. “I’m sure a lot of them fucking hate me too. That’s what you get when you teach high school students.”
“I would have loved having you as a teacher,” she confessed catching the interested look that filled his face when she said that. He sat up straighter and nodded making her lick her lips. “I would have been interested in actually showing up.”
“Mmm…I think you would have been one of my favorite students,” Negan assured her with another confident wink.
“Have you ever had a relationship with a student?” she pondered knowing that this was more so about him getting to know her, but she was interested. “I always wondered these kinds of things.”
“No, but if you were my student, I would have thought about it,” Negan quickly responded making a shocked sound escape her throat. “I was married for most of my career sweetheart and if someone found out I was sleeping with a student it would ruin my career. I also tend to like my women of…age.”
“Well some of them are eighteen,” she remembered what it was like being in high school. If there was a teacher that would have been there that looked like Negan, she could have seen herself doing whatever she could to get his attention. She was sure he got that kind of thing now by people who caught on to how gorgeous he was. “At eighteen I would have loved to have you…”
“Go on,” Negan noticed she stopped when she caught herself clearly thinking something naughty. This is what he meant when he mentioned quiet places. People got comfortable and just let whatever was on their mind come out. That’s how he wanted these things. “What would you have done at eighteen and I was your professor.”
“I would have done anything to get your attention,” she asserted, biting at her bottom lip in an attempt to play coy.
“Well, in a power position it would feel wrong to accept something like that,” Negan reminded her with a simple shrug. “Kind of like that asshole professor that fucked your shit up.”
“That’s different though. I’m a damn good student. I was doing everything right and he tried to fuck me to use his power to get what he wanted,” she insisted with a firm shake of her head. “When you have a good teacher, like I’m sure you are…I would have been totally drawn to you. I don’t think you would have forced yourself on me at all. I would have likely forced myself on you.”
“Wow, we’re going there, huh?” Negan mused with a half laugh. “I’m getting the slightest sense that I may be your type Y/N.”
“Possibly,” she chortled, reaching up to rub her hand in over the side of her warm cheek. There was no doubt that she was doing some heavy blushing and she couldn’t help it. “I honestly don’t understand why someone like you…is interested in someone like me.”
“Well that’s for me to know and for you to…potentially find out in the future?” Negan slurred, trying to find the right words to say. “I like a bit of mystery.”
“No kidding,” she took notice of how things had gone done between them. “You’re a big ball of mystery for me Mr. Smith. Do you want to tell me why you are doing this in the first place?”
“Doing what?” Negan played ignorant with her, but she knew he knew that she was asking about why he was having her spend time with him for money. The look she gave him must have told him that and he laughed. “You don’t even have to speak and I know what you are thinking by that ridiculously sassy expression of yours.”
“Then you should answer the question,” she scoffed making Negan laugh again. Well at least he laughed and was amused with her. That was a plus. It would have been bad if she just annoyed him with her forward attitude. “What am I here for? Is this going to be like a purely sexual relationship that is no strings attached?”
“Listen, I’m not looking to fall in love with you or hoping to sweep you off your feet if that’s what you’re asking me,” Negan proclaimed with a small sigh. “I’m not in a position in my life where I’m ready for that.”
“I see,” she looked down toward his left hand to see that he was still wearing his wedding ring like her mother had pointed out to her previously. “Can I ask you…anything?”
“Anything,” Negan grumbled noticing that she was looking at his wedding ring that he was wearing.
“Why still wear the ring if she passed away?” Y/N wondered, knowing that it may have been a little cold for her to ask that, but it was on her mind. If Negan was looking for attention from her, why was he still wearing the ring? Negan’s cocky arrogance seemed to fade a bit while he shifted anxiously before her.
“Just because she died doesn’t mean that she isn’t still my wife Y/N,” Negan looked to his hand and eyed over the ring that he had kept on his finger. It had been there for so long; he just didn’t want to take it off. “Sometimes we need things in life that ground us. When things get a little crazy, we have that thing that pulls us back in. Lucille was that for me. It’s why I keep the ring on. It reminds me of her and it pulls me back in.”
“Lucille?” she repeated the name clearly realizing that was the name of his late wife. “I’m sorry she passed away.”
“Me too,” Negan swallowed down hard and bit down on his bottom lip. “She was an amazing woman.”
There was a silence between them because she didn’t want to say something to upset him any further than she clearly had already done. Negan played with the ring over his finger with his thumb before lifting his gaze to her.
“I’m going to assume that you aren’t dating anyone since you took my offer?” Negan acknowledged and she sighed heavily before nodding. “So, no one special?”
“I told you, education has been my primary focus for a while,” she confessed and Negan rest his chin on his palm while getting comfortable listening to her after bracing his elbow on the table. “It’s been quite some time since I’ve had anyone special in my life.”
“So, are you a virgin?” Negan simply blurt out making her cheeks flush over and she lowered her head to look at the ground beneath the table. “Don’t be embarrassed. Whatever you answer won’t make me like you any less.”
“No, I’m not,” she responded simply and Negan wiggled his head about as if to say she was being vague.
“Have you had a lot of sex then?” Negan uttered and she shrugged.
“What’s a lot of sex for someone my age?” she attempted to get a feel for what he thought about things and he threw his other hand out as if to say he didn’t know. The answer was no, she wasn’t very experienced, but she didn’t quite want to admit that knowing he may have been looking for something a little more than what she had to offer. “Have you had a lot of sex?”
“What’s a lot of sex for someone my age?” Negan almost mocked her with an amused smile and she rolled her eyes at him. “You not being a virgin makes things easier to be honest with you.”
“How’s that?” she was confused as to why he would say something like that.
“When you sleep with someone for the first time, it should be special. You know?” Negan stated with a tilt of his head.
“Apparently I missed that memo,” she exhaled heavily and Negan gave her an interested expression. “I was at that point in my life where everyone was going crazy about having sex. I felt out of place for not having sex and I was trying to figure out why everyone was so big on it.”
“That’s a horrible reason to have sex,” Negan grunted and she felt her face flushing over. Why was she being so honest with him about this?
“Long story short, I did it to find out what the big deal was and to feel not like a loser,” she muttered and Negan nodded, the look he was giving her changing when she said that. “I wish I could get those few minutes back…”
“It wasn’t good?” Negan prodded further and she laughed. “What wasn’t good about it?”
“It was more so uncomfortable and the guy it was with, I was just ready for it to be over,” she admitted with a hesitant sound. “He thought he was impressive and he definitely thought he was hot.”
“And he wasn’t, huh?” Negan grumbled, his eyes narrowing out at her as she tilted her head to the side. It felt weird talking to him about her first experience with sex.
“He thought he was spectacular at sex and God’s gift to women. Let’s just say he wasn’t all that impressive,” she frowned, looking down toward the table again and she felt embarrassed to be saying this.
“See, it’s hard for me to picture that you can’t get a decent lover,” Negan informed her with an expecting glance. “You just told me that you flirted with the AV club guy to get what you wanted. You’re hot, you know you’re hot. So I feel like you could have gotten whoever you wanted.”
“I’m good with flirting Negan. I know how to use what I have to get what I want. It doesn’t make me a slut,” she snorted and Negan’s eyebrows perked up when she said it. “I slept with someone people considered hot and it didn’t take much convincing. Trust me a lot of girls at my school would have been jealous that I got him, but he wasn’t a big prize like most of the girls thought he was.”
“You excite me the more you say to me,” Negan hummed thinking about some of the words she used. “You’re nervous, but you are extremely confident. You’re a badass, but also down to Earth. Fuck, I like learning the layers of you.”
“You make me sound exciting,” she rolled her eyes and Negan tapped his hands against the table. “What about you? I’m sure your first time was much better than mine.”
“My first time was a long time ago,” Negan snorted seeing the way her cheeks flushed over again and he smiled. “What would you say if I told you I was a geek and I didn’t get laid until college?”
“I wouldn’t believe you,” she answered and Negan gave her a sideway glance.
“You’d be right,” Negan shrugged, throwing his hands up. “It was worth a shot.”
“You were definitely a jock and you were very popular,” she took notice of the way he acted. There was an air to Negan that showed he was admired most of his life. He was cocky and there was a reason. People always let him be cocky. He was good looking and he knew it. “You likely slept with most of the school.”
“Maybe,” Negan paused to think of what he should say next. “I was the captain on our basketball team in high school.”
“And did you or did you not sleep with most of the cheerleaders?” she egged him on and watched Negan’s features scrunch up with amusement. “I know I’m right.”
“Mhmm,” Negan slowly nodded, biting into his bottom lip. “You want me to be honest with you?”
“It’s a night of honesty,” she retorted with a dramatic shrug. “So why not?”
“In college I stayed with a friend of mine. We lied and said I was her brother so that way I didn’t have to pay for a place to stay. It was a building with nothing, but girls…” Negan admitted almost making a pleased look for himself. “Let’s just say, when you are the only male in a building, girls are pretty damn eager to…get to know you.”
“Of course you did,” she lowered her head into her palm, letting out an amused sound.
“Does that turn you off of me?” Negan poked, his eyes hooked on her when she lifted her gaze again.
“As you said Negan, you’re completely my type,” she reminded him, hating to confess that to him. “I would have been one of them hoping to understand why sex was so damn good and why everyone wanted to sleep with you. Maybe you would make me realize why sex is so damn good.”
“I’m better now than I was then,” Negan almost flirted with her making her shudder. “I know what a woman wants now. Then, I was just happy to be getting laid at the rate I was. I thought I was such big shit.”
���Well, I bet the people you slept with felt lucky. Unlike I felt with the guy I slept with,” she brought back her past and let out a long sigh. “It’s one of the biggest regrets I’ve had in my life and I’m still wondering why people are crazy about sex.”
“You just didn’t have the right partner,” Negan insisted, reaching out to place his hand over hers to give it a firm squeeze. “Once you find the right one, you’ll never get enough of it.”
“Yeah?” her eyebrow rose as she leaned in closer to him at the table. “Why is that? What would you do to make me enjoy it? Now, not back when you were younger.”
“You want me to go there?” Negan grinned with air of arrogance. When she nodded, he took a look around the diner and made sure they were secluded so no one could hear them. “Give me a situation. Where are we?”
“Let’s go with where we are now,” she looked around the small diner. “What would you do to make sure that I enjoyed it?”
“Well, first of all…” Negan lowered his voice, his eyes narrowing out at her. “I would get up from this side of the table and slide in beside you. I’d start kissing your neck, learning the places you liked to be touched. Since you’re wearing that sexy little skirt, I would caress over your thigh with my hand in teasing strokes. I’d gradually slide my hand up between your thighs and trace over your panties with my fingertips. I’d make sure my eyes were locked on yours to be sure I could see which ways I touched you made you shudder or shake. After I knew that you were turned on and full of lust, I’d push your panties aside and push this finger inside of you.”
She watched him raise his hand up and wiggle one of his fingers. Listening to him was drawing her cheeks to turn a light shade of red again and he could sense that her breathing had gotten heavier while he was talking, “I’d finger you, urging you to make sure that you stayed quiet while we were in here because we wouldn’t want to be caught. After you were nice and wet, I would put a second finger in. I’d vary with slow thrusts of my fingers to quick. It would be based on if you were about to have an orgasm or not. If you were close, I would slow down, making sure to drag it out. When we could get away, I’d go to the bathroom and instruct you to follow me in there. When we were alone, I’d make sure the door was locked and I’d hoist you up on the sink. I’d take your panties off and put them in my pocket. Get down on my knees and eat our your pretty little pussy. It would be about dragging out the pleasure for you. I would use my fingers and tongue in equal amounts teasing your clit while also focusing on hitting your g-spot. I’d do it until I had you screaming out my name having your first orgasm.”
“Yeah?” she was eager for him to continue as Negan checked to make sure they were still alone within reason. The undoubtable pounding of her heart inside of her chest was felt and she felt goosebumps pressing in over her arms. Truthfully, this was making a warmth pool at her core and it ached. Negan was turning her on incredibly bad by just his words and it was hard to admit it, but it was true.
“Just when you thought you were at the peak of your pleasure, I would let you take my cock out because something tells me that you would eagerly like to get me out of my pants yourself,” Negan looked down toward his groin, a wicked smirk pressing in over his handsome features when his eyes lifted back to hers. “I’d have you put me inside of you and I would make sure to kiss you while you got used to my size.”
“I take it that means you are big,” she felt her throat go dry and Negan sat up straighter.
“I’m six foot one,” Negan cleared his throat and she felt her frustrations getting the best of her when he clearly teased her again.
“You know I mean your dick,” she simply stated, licking at her lips. “I’m trying to put an image in my mind and make this as realistic as possible. “Do you have a big cock?”
The sound of a surprised breath fell over them making Negan choke in amusement when the waitress had brought their drinks to the table. An incredible amount of embarrassment filled her entire body as she groaned inwardly and lowered her head into her palm after seeing the look on the waitress’s face.
“Thank you,” Negan was chuckling when the waitress swiftly walked away from the table. “Very subtle. We’re clearly going to have to teach you to do things on the downlow so we don’t involve other people and make it uncomfortable.”
“Why didn’t you tell me she was coming?” she lifted her head from her hand and could see that Negan was completely amused with her.
“I didn’t know where you were going with it,” Negan snickered, lowering his head to laugh to himself. “It’s why I answered my height.”
“After all of this, I think you at least owe me an answer,” she claimed nodding toward him when he lifted his head to look up at her. “I did just embarrass the hell out of myself there.”
“It’s pretty good,” Negan rubbed at the back of his neck, letting out a strained noise.
“What does that mean?” she was flustered with his answer and it was clear he liked screwing with her.
“It means it’s bigger than the average size,” Negan bit at his bottom lip, his tongue flicking out over his bottom lip. “I’m not a horse or anything of the sort…”
“So bigger than six inches?” she confirmed making Negan grin over her interest.
For someone who hated sex as much as she said she did, it entertained him that she was so sexual with him about her questions. It really was flattering that she was so hot and bothered by him.
“Why? Do you want a monster cock after your first experience?” Negan teased her and she let out an agitated sound. “Yes, it’s bigger than six inches and it’s thick. Would you like me to continue or would you like excruciating details of my penis so that way if you ever do see it you aren’t surprised at all?”
“Keep going,” she almost begged looking around to make sure the waitress wasn’t anywhere near their table. “Please.”
“Okay,” Negan watched her scooting in closer to the table and he found it cute that she was so eager to hear how they would finish in his little story. “Once you were used to my…size…”
The way in which he said that made a smile crack in over his lips. Well one thing was for certain, he certainly was someone that liked fucking with her and liked getting her hot with what he was saying.
“I would start off at a slow pace making sure that your eyes were hooked on mine. Once you were relaxed, I would make each thrust just a little bit harder. I’d want you to hold onto my shoulders tightly so that when I started fucking you harder you would have something to brace yourself with. When it seemed like you were about cum, I would stop. I’d get you on your feet and make you face the mirror. You’d brace your hands on the mirror while I thrust into you from behind. I’d make you watch me fuck you while my fingers rubbed your clit at the same tempo I was thrusting my cock inside of you. This time you would be allowed to cum. Near the end I would make it so you could crawl in over me and ride my cock to your own accord. Letting you control when I get to cum. You’d bring yourself to another orgasm before making me cum inside of your tight little pussy. We’d kiss until I went soft inside of you…”
“Wow,” she breathed out slowly, feeling certain parts of her tingling when Negan explained just what he would do to her. An involuntary shiver filled her entire body and she waved her hand in the air. “You are…”
“Oh look, our meal,” Negan rubbed his hands together when the waitress came back with their food. Instead of being able to say what she wanted, she swallowed down hard and avoided making eye contact with the waitress. “Thank you darlin’.”
The area around Y/N felt like it was spinning and she was doing her best to bring herself back down from the high his story gave her. Negan had started to eat, but when he noticed she wasn’t eating he gave a wicked smirk.
“Eat your food sweetheart,” Negan winked and during their meal he asked her questions about herself that were rather innocent. They talked about things to get to know each other better on a more personal level that didn’t really involve anything sexual. How he went from being that…sexual to just talking like it never happened blew her mind. She was still heated and she could tell that Negan got her mighty excited. When they were done, Negan ordered a single piece of pie and when it came to the table, he grabbed a forkful to hold his hand out for her to take a bite. “Open wide.”
“Yes sir,” she smirked parting her lips for him to feed her the bite of pie. When she made a pleased sound, he was proud and grabbed a bite for himself. “This was nice.”
“Yeah, it was,” Negan agreed with a loud sigh, thinking things over as he took a couple more bites from the pie. Slowly, Negan pulled himself up from the side of the table that he was on. Taking a seat on the same booth as her, he urged her further in wrapping his left arm around her shoulders. The way she gasped made him smile while his hazel eyes hooked on hers. “This has been quite an eye opener for me. You know? I’m glad you agreed to this. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with agreeing to this whole thing.”
“Yeah?” she felt heated when he leaned in closer to her. His right hand grabbed a hold of her jaw and she felt his lips pressing in over her jawline making her take in a sharp breath. The sensation of his lips trailing over the side of her neck caused her eyes to slam shut. She was tremoring and she knew he was doing what he told her would be the first thing he would do if they had sex at the diner.
“You are something else,” he muttered against her flesh, biting softly at her skin. A small moan fell from her throat and Negan’s gaze lifted to look at the diner to make sure she hadn’t drawn attention to them. When he was certain they were fine, he went back to depositing wet kisses over her skin taking the time to see what areas seemed to drive her the craziest with desire. “I think the two of us are going to have a lot of fun together.”
“I think so too,” she agreed, biting into her bottom lip when his rough palm settled in over her bare thigh. The roughness of his skin tickled hers and it drew her to spread her legs further apart for him. Negan was pleased with himself and he continued to slide his hand further up her thigh. “Negan…”
“Yeah?” Negan hummed against her neck, his tongue flicking out over her skin before nipping again.
Sliding forward in her seat when she felt Negan’s fingers exceedingly close to her panties, she found herself ridiculously excited at the idea that he was doing what he had told her at the beginning of his story. It wasn’t like her to want to have sex with someone like this, but there was something about Negan that just drew her to him. God, he was so sexy.
“We should probably pay for the bill,” Negan pulled his hand back and his mouth away from her neck. A desperate sound fell from her throat when he had clearly tormented her with the idea of what he had said in his story. “I should get you home. It’s been a busy night for you.”
“What…what about the bathroom?” she suggested and Negan lifted his gaze to look in the direction where the bathrooms were. “Don’t you want to go in there?”
“Nah, I’m good,” Negan reached up to swipe thumb in over her jawline. It was clear that he was teasing her. He got her excited at the idea of what he had told her before they had eaten, but he wasn’t going to give that to her. “I don’t need to go.”
“But…” she tried to reason with Negan watching him get up to pay the bill. She was shaking. Her breathing was heavy and she was truly heated. More than anything she wanted Negan to take her into the bathroom and do just what he had said he would. Yet, he was fucking with her. Her lips parted and she swallowed down hard. “Fuck.”
“You ready to go sweetheart?” Negan reached for her hand and helped her up from the seat she was in. When he noticed her legs shaking, he stepped forward and made sure his lips were pressed to her ear. “Just how wet is your pussy right now?”
“You could find out,” she whispered and Negan laughed against her flesh making a chill run down her spine again.
“I think I’ll wait for a better opportunity,” Negan hushed her, pressing a soft kiss against her earlobe before tugging softly on her hand to get her to come with him to his motorcycle. The urge to beg Negan to desperately fuck her was there, but she didn’t want to come off completely pathetic. Shuddering, she got back on the motorcycle with him and heard him let out a satisfied breath. “Make sure you hold really tight to me baby. I’m going to take you home.”
“What about my car?” she thought back to the fact she had driven herself to work before Negan convinced her to come with him. “It’s still at the club.”
“Tell your parents that you were feeling sick and a friend drove you home,” Negan answered like it was no big deal at all. “They will take you to pick it up in the morning.”
And like that, she didn’t fight him. Holding tightly to him, she rest her cheek against his back as he drove them home. It was a nice feeling that she wasn’t quite ready to end when Negan finally did get home. When he pulled into his driveway, she was disappointed and wanted the night to last longer.
Steadying herself on her Jell-O feeling legs, she rubbed at her arms and could see Negan staring out at her with an expecting glance.
“Do you…want me to come in?” she pointed toward his house and Negan’s eyebrow arched up. A wolfish smile pulled at his lips and he shook his head slowly. “We could get to know each other a little bit better.”
“Not tonight,” Negan denied her, shoving his hands in his pockets while he turned his attention back to her. Why was he being so damn difficult? “I think we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well for tonight. We can end it here.”
“I still feel like there is so much more to learn,” she reasoned with him and Negan nodded.
“Which is why I look forward to our future encounters,” Negan stepped forward, getting exceedingly close to her. The warmth of his breath over her face caused her to shudder and she found herself leaning in closer to him. With his eyes on hers the way they were, she felt connected to Negan in a way that made her eager to get to know him more. “I’ll see you morning.”
“Wait…aren’t you going to kiss me?” she called out to him when he pulled away from her to leave. “That’s the perfect way to end the night, right?”
“Would it be perfect for me…or perfect for you?” Negan stepped forward nuzzling his nose against the side of her neck when he lowered his head. Negan dragged his bottom lip over her flesh making her whimper out. Dragging the back of his fingers over her lower abdomen, Negan bit back a groan himself. “Can I touch you.”
“Yes,” she shuddered when Negan slid his palm between her thighs to palm in over her mound. It made her cry out into his collarbone, burying her face against his leather jacket. Negan hummed with approval when he managed to slip his hand beneath the material of her panties. All he did was slide his palm over her body before a proud sound fell from his throat.
“You are so fucking wet,” Negan growled, pulling his hand from her panties and bringing his fingers up to his lips. There was a wicked smirk over his handsome face when he sucked softly at his fingertips. “I have a direct order for you tonight. I know when I leave you tonight, you are going to want to touch yourself when you’re in bed tonight. You’ll want that release because I’ve got you fucking soaked and aching…”
Involuntarily she was shaking and Negan grunted when he reached to pull her close to him, “but you aren’t allowed to touch yourself. You can’t shower, you can’t masturbate…you are to go to bed immediately. You need to get your sleep because I expect you here bright and early tomorrow after you get your car. I have plans for you. So, in the morning you can shower and get yourself ready, but not tonight.”
“That doesn’t seem fair,” she bickered in a soft voice and Negan let out a disappointed tsking sound.
“You’re not allowed to, no matter what,” Negan maintained, pressing a long kiss over the side of her face. “If I find out you did, you’ll be punished for it and trust me…you’re the type that can’t hide lying very well so I will know.”
“Yes sir,” she obeyed and Negan back stepped away from her, his amused breath filling the air.
“Good girl,” Negan clicked his tongue at the top of his mouth and leaned back in a dramatic manner. “I’m so proud of you.”
There was a silence while Negan clearly thought hard about something and he held his hand out to her, “Give me your phone.”
Listening, she handed him over her phone and saw him typing something in. When he handed it back to her, she could see that he put his phone number into her phone and sent himself a text so he would have her number as well. When Negan started to move away from her, she was thinking a desperate way to try and keep him there with her.
“So, no kiss?” she reaffirmed and Negan nodded once. Damn, that was disappointing. She imagined kissing him was amazing and the fact he wasn’t doing it made her even more uncomfortable than before. “Well, goodnight I guess.”
“Sleep tight,” Negan wiggled his fingers and headed back toward his home. Moving back to her parent’s house, she found herself staring as Negan moved into his home. He didn’t even look back over his shoulder at her and it disenchanted her.
Truthfully, the perfect night would have been doing exactly what he told her in his story, but instead she ended up with this. Heading inside she went upstairs and crawled into her bed after getting dressed for bed. There was a strong ache at her core and she looked to the time. Negan wouldn’t know if she touched herself, right?
Biting firmly into her bottom lip, she closed her eyes and pictured everything he told her at the diner tonight. It was easy to picture in her mind and even though she wanted to caress over her aching body, she knew that she was given an order not to. Whining, she looked toward the window and wondered if Negan was thinking of her the way she was thinking of him.
Damn, it was going to be hard to sleep tonight thinking about Negan. Especially when she was desperate for tomorrow morning. She was excited to see what Negan had in store for her in the morning. If it was anywhere near this, she figured it was something she would definitely be happy with.
Tags: @slutlanna976​​​​  @nubbinrobin​​​​ @oreostars​​​  @fuckthis-and-fuckthat​​​​ @jennydehavilland​​​​ @felicity291​​​ @de-gabyconamor​​​ @ibelongtonegan​​​​ @smallsadjellyfish​​​ @labyrinthofheartagrams​​​  @msjamesmarch​​​ @thebeautysurrounds​​​ @hotfornegan​​​ @redmercysugar​​​ @caprithebunny​​​ @iluvneganandjamie​​​ @ninamarietwd​​​ @tuttifuckinfruitty​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​ @a-girl-interupted​​​ @akumune​​​ @stoneyggirl​​​ @insertneganhere​ @haleygreen23​
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crackheadgeminibby · 4 years
don’t leave me
pairing: henry cavill x black!reader, platonic chris evans x black!reader
warnings: language, age gap, angst
word count: 2.9k
i do not consent to my work being copied in any way, shape or form or reposted on any other platform
not my picture
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You throw open the door to your shared house with Henry as you roll your eyes and hear him practically stomping behind you.
“You have got to be kidding me! Are you fucking serious?”
You throw your clutch on the couch and open the fridge in search of a water bottle. You hear the door to the house slam shut and Henry huffs loudly.
“He kept touching you and checking you out. And you did absolutely nothing. At all!”
Henry and you were just coming back from a party one of his celebrity friends was throwing. You were both having a lot of fun and drinking more than you should have been, without consequence, until Chris got there.
You had been friends with him since you had met him while you were interning on his PR team over 6 years ago. You had been a little starstruck at first and, as much as you had tried to hide it, he immediately saw it. He had made a joke about it that you had found funny and you had both started making stupid, random jokes until he had asked if you wanted to hang out. Of course, you had agreed and thus was your beautiful friendship born.
You both always joked about the fact that your body would mummify before you got laid again until he got the idea of introducing you to his hot, single friend. You would have been stupid to refuse so you shrugged and told him to bring it on. He certainly did when the following weekend, he hosted a barbeque and introduced you to Henry.
At first, it was awkward between the both of you because neither of you knew how to approach the other. A couple of hours and many beers later, you were in the stupidest but longest conversation ever, which ended with him coming home with you. You had thought nothing about it, but he had stayed the whole night and had offered to take you to breakfast the next day. And then lunch, 2 days later. Followed by dinner, a week after.
Even though you had told him multiple times, Henry never seemed to believe that Chris and you had never and would never cross the limits of friendship. This had strained the friendship between Henry and Chris, and sure, you felt bad about the situation, but you couldn’t really do anything more than reassuring Henry every time he asked about Chris and you. Thus, your current predicament.
Chris had arrived at the party already a bit buzzed and particularly clingy. He had hung around you almost all night and always kept his arms around your shoulders or your waist. Considering that Chris and you were very close, it didn’t mean anything at all to either of you: you were just 2 friends at a party, getting drunk.
Henry didn’t feel the same way when he saw Chris supposedly checking you out shortly after. He had stormed over and started making a scene, which you had begged him not to do, so you had simply taken his arm and pretty much dragged him to the car. You had driven the whole 45 minutes back home with Henry ignoring you and pouting in the passenger seat.
You open your water bottle and roll your eyes again as you take a swig.
“He was drunk, Henry! Did you want me to just leave him to blackout on the floor or something?”
You scoff, put the water bottle on the counter, and cross your arms as you raise your eyebrows.
Henry looks at you straight in the eyes and shrugs. You roll your eyes yet again and start to head to the bedroom as Henry follows behind you.
“You’re acting like a dick, Henry. And like a fucking child.”
“At least I’m not acting like a… a tramp.”
As soon as he finishes his sentence, you stop in your tracks and turn towards him. You narrow your eyes at him as you tilt your head to the side and ask,
“Excuse me?”
He crosses his arms and stares at you.
“With that fucking dress and those heels. I mean, seriously. It’s like you want him to feel you up.”
Your eyes start to fill with tears from hurt and anger as you tell him, through gritted teeth,
“Fuck you, Henry.”
You head back to the living room and take your clutch from the couch. You hear Henry sigh and walk back to where you are,
“I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry.”
As he sees you putting your shoes back on, his eyes widen,
“Wait… Where are you going?”
Tears have started falling down your face as you look at him and scoff,
“I don’t know. Anywhere away from here, away from you, you fucking asshole.”
You open the door and get in your car as you see him on the porch.
As it’s almost 1 in the morning, he whisper-screams, “Y/N! Come back, please. I said I was sorry.”
You don’t offer him a second glance as you back out of the driveway and start driving.
Shit. Where the fuck are you gonna go now?
You bitterly laugh to yourself as you realize that the only place you can go to at this hour is Chris’ house. You start the long drive ahead of you as he lived on the other side of the city.
You finally get there an hour later. Henry had tried calling you multiple times, but you had declined every single one of his calls.
Knowing that he was probably sleeping off all the alcohol he had consumed at the party, you ring Chris’ doorbell and knock on his door loudly multiple times. After 5 minutes of incessant knocking, you finally see the light turn on inside. Chris opens the door as he’s standing there, half-naked, with his eyes barely open. He blinks multiple times before asking,
“Dude, what the fuck? It’s like 3am.”
You start feeling a little guilty as you wince and look up at him.
“I’m sorry. Henry and I got into a fight and I didn’t know where else to go.”
Chris sighs and slowly nods his head as he steps aside to let you in. You immediately walk towards his bedroom as you know that, at this late hour, Dodger is safely in bed, probably snoring.
As soon as you enter the room, he gets down from the bed and runs over to you. You smile as you kneel next to him and as he starts licking all over your face.
“Hi buddy! Oh, I missed you too, it’s been so long!” You pet his head and scratch his belly as he starts rolling around next to you. Chris smiles from the doorway and starts to head to his closet.
“Pretty sure you didn’t bring any clothes in that miniature little clutch of yours, so t-shirt or long-sleeve? And black or white?”
You smile as you remember all the other times that you slept over after a party. Chris always preferred that you both ended up at the same place after a party to make sure you were safe so he had started buying shirts and boxers that he reserved for you for when you slept over.
You continue to pet Dodger as you look up at Chris and say, “Black and long-sleeve, please.”
He nods his head and reaches inside his closet before throwing a red shirt and black boxers at you.
You get up from the floor and head over to the guest room which, to be honest, was pretty much your own room as your belongings were spread out everywhere.
You go to the bathroom and start changing before you start hearing noises at the door. You finish putting on your sleeping clothes and folding your dress and you open the door to find Dodger looking up at you with his big, brown eyes, whining as Chris leans on the door frame. He shakes his head before saying,
“I swear to God, every single time you come here, it’s like I don’t exist anymore.”
You laugh at him as you put the dress on the dresser and head to the bed as Dodger follows you before settling down next to you.
Chris enters the room and sits on the bed next to you as you get under the covers.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You exhale, look up at him and shrug as your eyes start to sting from tears.
“He got mad because of the party. Said you were checking me out and trying to feel me up and whatever.” He rolls his eyes as he listens to you. “Then I told him he was acting like a baby and being a dick and he said that I wasn’t better because I was acting like a tramp”, you finish, imitating his accent.
Chris’ eyes harden and he balls his fists before looking back at you,
“What the fuck is wrong with him?”
You shrug and say, “I don’t know. He’s like insecure and doesn’t trust me or something but this is really starting to piss me off. I’ve told him literally a million times that nothing is going on between us and he still does shit like that.” A tear falls down your face and you wipe it away before saying, “It’s whatever… I just wanna go to sleep.”
Chris nods and gets up from the bed before turning off the light, “Good night.”
You softly smile and answer, “You too.”
You turn towards Dodger and pet him, “God, Dodger… What should I do?”
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You’re woken up a few hours later by Dodger quite literally eating away at your hand. You giggle and softly push him away before stretching. The sun has almost completely risen, and you can hear some noise in the kitchen.
You get up and brush your teeth before heading to Chris’ kitchen as Dodger follows you. You find him with a cup of coffee in his hand, making French toast and dancing as he sings along to a song playing from his computer.
You laugh and say, “Okay, Rihanna, calm down.”
He jumps and turns around to look at you, wide-eyed.
“Jesus, dude! Don’t fucking scare me like that.”
You roll your eyes and get yourself a cup of coffee just as Chris plates the last slice of bread. He hands you your plate and you both head to his backyard where you always eat breakfast after a party. You sit down and take a sip of coffee as you start eating. You can feel Chris’ eyes on you as he eats so you turn towards him and raise your eyebrows. You slightly smirk and ask,
“May I help you?”
He rolls his eyes and swallows his bite. “How long are you gonna stay here?”
You tilt your head to the side and laugh. “Why? You got plans or something?”
He shakes his head with a smile on his face and shrugs. “No. But you can’t hide out here forever. You guys literally live together. And I’m pretty sure I have no clothes to lend you for work tomorrow.”
You sigh and shrug. “I don’t know. I guess you’re right. I’ll probably just leave this afternoon or something.”
He slowly nods his head and says, “I know that what he told you was really fucking shitty. But you know what I think?”
You chew as you gesture for him to continue.
“You’re both very… non-verbal people, you know? You guys need to hash out all of your problems once and for all. Clear the air, you know what I mean?”
You nod as you know he’s right.
At first, you were worried that exactly this would happen to Henry and you. You both liked to show your thoughts and feelings through actions and not words. It didn’t cause you problems at the beginning of your relationship, so you had thought that you had created some sort of silent communication, but you were clearly wrong.
You’re about to agree with him when you faintly hear the doorbell from inside the house. You frown and turn towards Chris. “There’s someone at your door.”
“Huh?” He knits his eyebrows together and takes out his phone before pulling up the camera footage from his front door.
He grimaces and bites his lower lip as he looks back up at you.
“It’s him…”
Of course it is.
You sigh and leave your plate and coffee cup on the table as you head towards the door.
You sigh deeply before opening it.
Henry exhales heavily as he sees you behind the door.
“Oh, thank God, you’re here. I’ve been knocking on all your friends’ doors. I’m pretty sure they all hate me now.”, he chuckles slightly.
You scoff and shake your head as you walk to Chris’ living room. You sit down on the couch and motion for Henry to do the same. He hesitantly follows your instructions and sits down on the seat in front of you.
You wait for him to start talking as Dodger comes and lays down next to you. You pet him as Henry starts,
“I am so sorry, Y/N. I had no right whatsoever to say what I said last night. I know that it’s not an excuse, but I was drunk, and I was mad, and I was scared and I just… There’s no way to justify what happened. I’m sorry and I didn’t mean it. At all. I’m just… bad with my words.”
You frown and shake your head. “Scared? Why were you scared?”
“Because I’m literally terrified of losing you. You are so far out of my league. You’re so smart and ambitious. So beautiful and funny. I just don’t want to lose you.”
You softly laugh. “Well, you’re really going at it the wrong way, you know.”
He looks at you and chuckles also. Your expression becomes serious again as your conversation with Chris from last night comes back to you.
“Henry… Honestly, how many times do I have to tell you that nothing is going on with Chris? Believe it or not, he’s not my type.”
Both Henry and you turn around as you hear Chris hiss, “Damn Y/N. That hurts. Right in my feelings.”, he jokes as he fake pouts and points to his heart. He nods to Henry and says, “Don’t mind me. Just bringing the food back inside before I get an ant infestation. I’ll be out of your hair in a minute.”
You turn back to Henry and continue as Chris heads to his room, “I’m serious, Henry.” He softly hangs his head, “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
He looks up at you, alarmed, with tears in his eyes. “No, I… Don’t say that, please.” He gets up and takes your hands in his before sitting next to you and looking deep into your eyes. “I’ll do better. I’ll be better, I promise. Just…. Please don’t leave me.”
You sigh and look down at your intertwined hands.
“Okay. Under one condition.”
He nods hastily, “Yes, anything, I promise.” You gaze into his soft blue eyes and stroke his cheek.
“You have got to talk to me, Hen… Stop keeping everything inside because that’s when it blows up. When something’s wrong, talk to me, ask me about it. And I know it’s easier said than done, but when I tell you something, I mean it and you gotta believe that, okay?”
He softly nods and leans towards you. He gently puts his lips to yours and kisses you as his hand reaches for the back of your neck. He delicately deepens the kiss and guides you to his lap as his hands rest on your hips. You subconsciously start grinding on him as his mouth slowly starts leaving kisses on your jaw and neck. You softly moan before you jump as you hear a loud clap.
“Okay, that’s enough. Here are your bag and clothes. Please keep it in your pants and go home. Thank you!”
You giggle as you feel the heat rising to your face. “Sorry, Chris.” You get off Henry’s lap and take your clutch and clothes from Chris. You turn towards Henry and heartily laugh as you see his face that’s redder than a tomato. If you didn’t know what had just happened, you would have told him to go to the doctor’s because being that red is probably unhealthy.
Henry gets up from the couch and hurriedly makes his way outside. You follow him while still laughing and stop on the front porch. You turn around and hug Chris before saying, “Thank you for being there and for listening to me.”
“Of course, Y/N. You know it’s never a problem. Mi casa es su casa.” You roll your eyes playfully and bend down as you hear Dodger whine from the door.
“And you, sir, I will be seeing you very soon. Promise.” You kiss his head and wave to both as you enter your car. Henry starts driving and you follow behind him.
You smile and shake your head.
These two were going to be the death of you.
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