#I could have made even more but. twas so sleepy.
peach-pot · 2 years
this jellycat vday thing is so great for me because there are so many jellycats I could make these every year and then we all get to look at valentines together.
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basu-shokikita · 11 months
Kloktober 2023 Day 14
Use a fall food or drink
It's not fall where I live so I had to research a little for this prompt! Today's combo is Toki and Pickles because I find their interactions really funny for some reason. Like you can really tell there's a big age gap between them. And they're two of my fave characters, so
Shoutout to @the-loveliest-lotus as well because I also got inspired by this Kloktober drabble! <3
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Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Pickles looked proudly at his hard work. Five different drinks were lined neatly on the kitchen counter: Poison Apple Martini, the Grave Digger, the Black Widow Smash, Sleepy Hollow Cocktail and Nightmare on Bourbon Street. And yes, he had done them all himself. He could’ve asked for a Klokateer to prepare them but, eh, he knew better than anyone how he liked his drinks. The anticipation of getting them all ready would only make it more gratifying when he finally got to drink them, too. 
And now, he was about to enjoy the fruits of his hard labor. Raising the glass of Martini, he was about to make a toast to himself when Toki stormed into the kitchen and his peace.
“Oh…” Toki seemed surprised to have found him. “Pickle…” 
“Toki?” Pickles eyed at the couple of Klokateers coming behind him, carrying grocery bags. “Whut are ya…”
“Um, puts it on de tables.” Toki gestured at the Klokateers. He returned his gaze to Pickles, hands behind his back. After the Klokateers left, he asked. “How ams you, Pickle?” 
Pickles was no idiot. He could tell when Toki was hiding something and, maybe most of the time he didn’t care, but he sure cared about it now. He was ruining his drinky drink time. “Whut’s going on, Toki?”
Toki tilted his head to the side, feigning innocence. “W-What you means?” Even from here, Pickles could tell he was nervously twirling his hands. 
Summoning patience, Pickles put the glass down. “Y’are up to somethin’.” His eyes narrowed. “Are ya tryin’ to sneak in candy, again?”
There was a dilemma in the light blue eyes, undecided whether to keep pretending or to come out with the truth already. Eventually, he went for the latter. “Ahh, okays, I just wanteds to bake a little desserts for everyones for the beginning of falls!” He hunched over sadly. “‘Twas meants to be a surprises, but oh wells…”
Pickles raised his eyebrows in surprise and then glanced at the bags. Curiosity getting the better of him, he walked to the bags and began inspecting them. There were apples, flour, butter, ginger, sweetener, sugar-free ice cream, some nuts…
“I was gonna makes apple crumbles…” Toki said pitifully.
“Toki, we have most of these already…” Pickles pointed out. 
“Oh, we does?” Toki asked, surprise in his features.
“Did ya check the pantry?”
“Um, noes…” Toki averted his gaze like an embarrassed child.
Holding back the urge to roll his eyes, Pickles massaged his temple. He gazed at the five babes waiting for him by the counter, then back to Toki, who was kicking his feet by the door. 
Ah, fuck it. 
“Alrigh’!” He stood up. “Who wants to get fuckin’ wasted and bake some amazin’ apple crumble?”
Eyes widening, Toki dashed to him. “Reallies?”
“Yea.” Pickles smiled at him.
“Thanks you, Pickle!” Toki hugged him a bit too enthusiastically. Pickles could feel his bones cracking and his lungs on the verge of bursting. Before too long though, he was released. “Wowee!” Toki’s eyes fell on the drinks. “What ams dese?”
“Just some brutal drinks I made…” Pickles explaining, torn between faking humbleness and showing off. He pointed at the martini. “This is Apple Poison-”
“Oh, cools!” Toki grabbed the cocktail glass and began downing it.
“Easy there, Toki!”
Uncaring, Toki kept drinking until it was empty. “So goods…” He licked his lips, slamming the glass against the counter. Immediately, he tried to get another drink, but Pickles put his hand over his.
“Let’s get started with the apple crumble first, okei?” He said, encouragingly.
Toki already had a dopey grin on his face, “Okays!” He accepted and grabbed the two bags of groceries effortlessly to drop the ingredients on the kitchen. Then, he pulled a piece of crumpled paper out of his pocket. “Let’s sees…press heat…press hit…far and highs?”
“Just gimme that.” Pickles snatched the paper off Toki’s hands from across the counter. God, the handwriting was terrible. And so was the grammar. He squinted, wondering if any of the words in it were part of the English language. “Alright, screw this.” He said, tossing the paper to the side. “‘m pretty sure I remember how to do this one. With his left hand, he grabbed his Nightmare on Bourbon Street  and took a sip. Making his way to the oven, he turned it on 350°. He took another sip, god damn this shit was good. As the alcohol started soothing his senses, Pickles turned to Toki. “Now, we start peelin’ the apples.” He took half of them and gave the other half to Toki. 
“O-Okays.” Clumsily, Toki started imitating what Pickles was doing. A beginner to the art of desserts, no doubt. 
“Um…Pickle?” Toki asked after a while.
“Ya want help?”
“Noes…” Toki was clearly struggling, but he kept trying. “Thanks you.”
Pickles raised an eyebrow. “Ya said that already.”
“Wells…yeah, but…um…’ave always wanted to bakes with families…so thank yous.”
“Okei…” Pickles said, trying not to get too emotional about it. He had barely started drinking, for fuck’s sake. “Y’are welcome.”
Toki fidgeted a little. “Pickle?”
“Can I has another drinks?” 
Pickled raised his gaze and saw Toki trying really hard not to smile. “Ya little runt…” He shook his head, amused. “Go ahead, dildo.”
“Yays!” Toki leaned across the counter and grabbed the Grave Digger. While Toki tasted his masterfully made tequila cocktail, Pickles quickly rubbed his right eye.
He had always wanted to bake with someone he cared about, too.
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Linked Universe X Reader Fairy Tale Collection
@luimagines . Second chapter in the act before it properly picks up into the title proper which is at the end of the act, gotta have that build and set up. It's short for that purpose only plus I don't want it to drag on too much.
Fun Fact: by Medieval Logic, Theaters would exist on LoZ, just be rare.
-Just an Anon on A Stroll 🐚/ Wintertime Storyteller.
Opening Act, Scene II
As Time predicted, you've all reached the village just before midday, it was idyllic and quiet, sleepy in the simple provincial way you hardly could experience back home. It's situated in between the Era of Time and Twilight, so the geography nor the culture had changed so much that you'd need to adapt quite yet, and strangely enough it reminded you a bit of the Kakariko in Legend's time or Four's Hyrule Town, with it's mix of local markets, a bustling farm an hour of it's gates, the citizens house's modest but charming in design and surrounded by the woods, it was a breath of fresh air to any weary travelers on the road, on the edges of being a town but not quite.
There was one very notable feature, though, a strong oak tree on the center of the square which a river cut through, and further out at it's outskirts a theater standing proud and tall, with a stained glass window above it's door in a crystalline, shattered array of rainbow flowers glinting against the early afternoon sun. It was enough to make you pause from where you've been examining the prices of potions and plotting how to best haggle for it's prices (a painstakingly learned skill, but one that's served you well, you send a mental thank you to Legend). Staring trasnfixedly at it with a tilted head, squinting.
The building stood proud and tall on the edges of the village, even above the town hall. Two story and almost like it's own miniature castle, it's walls painted a solemn gray and it's rooftop and structural beams made from dark wood, it's sign was oddly aged from what you could see from the stall though. You couldn't even properly make out the Hylian in it anymore from beneath the little carved raven holding a quill, from one of the windows of the upper floors, you swore you could see two prinpicks of crimson light.Though when you've blinked they were gone, and it could easily be attributed to the shadow cast by the rooftop, a wave of unease shot through your core and your hair stood on end as the very familiar cold of goose flesh overcame you, it made you rub your own arms to try and bring the warmth of the sun back but alas, twas a futile attempt.
Something about that place rattled you to the core with just a single glance, and you didn't like it.
"Cold deary?" Inquired the old lady, snapping your attention back to her and her wares, right, red, green and blue potions were what you were here for, the last ones a rarity but you've all gathered more than enough of the ingredients in between jumps so they wouldn't be as expensive, thankfully, she simply waved off your apologies with a knowing smile, "It's quite alright, must be the storm winds. The fortune teller did say weeks in advance to prepare for it will come today, so make sure to bundle up tight, they give anyone an awful shiver this far from the plains."
"Thank you." You smiled, gratefully passing her the necessary ingredients for the blue potions as she bottled up each of the potions from her cauldron, you catch Twilight's eye from where he's stopping Epona for a drink at the river and wave him over, someone will have to tell the other's sleeping in the open is off the table today, you see Hyrule come back with a pack to him and after a short exchange, it seems Twilight directed him to you. Good, the potions look to be of almost perfect quality from what you can observe, but it's always good to have a second opinion from the main group healer, "If I my ask, is there any nearby inn here we could possibly stay in until it passes? Or maybe a tavern?"
"Oh no, unfortunately not dear. My apologies." She shakes her head at you, finishing up with the red potions and moving on to the green ones, the sinking feeling in your stomach returns as she sighs, "A tragedy happened recently you see, monsters and bandits attacked our village in these recent weeks, while we mostly came unscathed. The inn was not so lucky and took some heavy blows when the men came to defend our home, the poor healer has been besides herself with overworking to fix up the injured, poor thing."
"Excuse me ma'am, if I may interrupt?" Interjected Hyrule as he reaches your side, polite as ever as he smiles, the old woman blinks in surprise but waves him on, "Did you notice anything off about those monsters? Anything unusual at all? And where is the healer if I may? They could probably use the help and I'm not half bad with injuries."
She bites her lip in though, humming to herself, while at it you pass one of the potions to Hyrule to observe, gotta make sure you weren't ripped off after all, "Well... There was an unusual amount of Wolfos and Stalfos for one, Wizzrobes too among the moblins, when the armored bandits were cut by our men. They bled black, like ink you see. The Wizzrobes were the ones to set the inn on fire, riding on beings with the head of a feline, body of a man and a horse's bottom." She sighs, moving onto the green potions, before smiling at Hyrule, "Almost though I'd die on the spot from fright, thankfully my granddaughter managed to grab me away to shelter. In any case, aren't you a nice young lad? Thank you for offering dear, but they should be fine, my granddaughter occasionally helps the healer in between her job at the tailor's. So they should be alright, you and your friends have bigger things to worry about than our woes as you seem like a burdened lot." She laughs, head raised high as she turns back, "If we all survived for so long, we aren't about to start lagging now! So don't trouble yourselves eh?"
You and Hyrule trade a look, your lips twitch at the light flush he gets from the old lady's words (because frankly they weren't wrong) before the good humor is tempered, Lynels weren't around in either Time's or Twilight's eras and between that and the black blood, you'd bet your trusty dagger that the Shadow was behind it, but why here? Why the inn? Hyrule coughs, "W-well, I wouldn't say it would be a trouble... If I can help-"
"Nonsense dear, really. It's quite alright." She sent him a stern look, shaking the ladle at him and making the Traveler rear back a bit, you chuckle, patting his head.
"It's alright 'Rulie, we should probably take her word for it before you get brained. Plus you need to rest a bit anyway." The road seemed to get more arduous as time went on and unfortunately, that meant more injuries, pushing Hyrule when he already did so much for you all would just be cruel. He deserves a break. "Is there anywhere else we can stay to wait out the storm, then?"
"Oh yes, you're quite in luck actually. You see the theater?" She nodded to it, you have been trying very hard not to think about it actually, you though to yourself, tensing up a bit, Hyrule looked over at the building with a blink before looking over at you with a small, worried frown, "The director is a very kind person, they're willing to offer shelter and food to any travelers and performers free of charge. I'm sure if you've talked you could work something out, their theater is the pride and joy of our little village, and quite cozy too backstage."
This all feels... Too convenient, or too suspicious, but hearing the distant rumble of thunder and spotting the circle of clouds in the sky, you soldier on and send a reassuring smile to Hyrule, no matter how uncomfortable the view of that place made you, you refused to let your companions sleep in the rain when it's the clearest option available, you then nod to the old lady, "I see, where can we find them?"
"Usually it would be in the theater, but it's closed today to give the actors some time for rest, so your best bet is beneath the square's tree. They like to sit there and tell stories to the village's children or anyone who'll listen until the moon is high in the sky." Chuckles the old lady, smiling merrily. It makes a part of you uncoil a bit, maybe you're just being paranoid, anyone willing to take the free time out of their day just to entertain kids can't be too bad right? (... Right? Though you've all been proven wrong before), So you nod and turn to Hyrule, handing him the rupee pouch with the payment for the potions, "Thank you then ma'am, can you handle it here, then find Time and tell him about this, Rulie? If he doesn't already know what's going on that is and if it isn't any trouble."
He shakes his head, taking it from you before placing his hand on your shoulder, leaning away from the old lady to talk quietly into your ear, "No problem at all, but will you be okay? You looked shaken back there. If anything we can just wait until the others are done."
You smile, gently squeezing his hand back, "I'll be alright, it was just something that was nagging at me. It's better if one of us try catching them now to talk or else we might miss them entirely before the storm starts and you're better with medicinal items, so let me handle it while you finish up here, okay?" He still doesn't look convinced, "Tell you what, if I run into one of the others. I'll ask them to accompany me, deal? We'll meet by the bridge anyway, so it will save time."
He still looks reluctant, worried in that way you knew Hyrule could get in the way he always made sure to round the members of the group up after battles to heal all of their wounds, in the way you, Legend, Time and Wild practically had to pin him down so he could take a break and let others handle it himself, remember him that he didn't need to keep pushing until he broke and had to rebuild himself from scratch like the kingdom he was named after, before nodding, albeit giving you a stern look and poke to the shoulder, "Alright, but you better be careful you hear? Healer's orders, everyone's well being is important in all ways."
You giggle, saluting, before nodding to the old lady an heading off with a wink, "Sir yes sir!"
Passing through the stalls, you spot Legend and Four at the blacksmith's, Wild and Twilight talking shop with the owners of spice and vegetable stalls, Calamity at their side a silent but observant shadow, eager to learn even if he wasn't the best cook, waving to them (and studiously pretending you didn't notice the sharpening of Twilight's eyes and the traded look with Wild, their instincts unparalled when someone they considered part of their makeshift pack wasn't at their best, you prayed to Farore they wouldn't worry much for a repeat of the Hateno Camp Incident was not something you wanted), soon you cross the bridge and reach the village square, following the sound of a strong and animated voice you presumably find the director.
They looked over all common, at a glance, almost bewilderingly so given the world you've been taken to. With long salt and pepper hair, black rimmed glasses, open dark and light gray coat over a black vest and trousers, they'd could pass by as a citizen in Warriors' castle town, the one notable feature was the blood red gem round their throat in a crimson ribbon and a similar crystalline, feather like ornament on their hair, they made animated gestures as they spoke to the small crowd of enraptured children, oddly enough their coat sleeves reminded you of sweeping wings, flapping this way and that as they made dramatic gestures.
"-The mirror shattered, and the hero could finally, truly, see himself again, returned to his true form and able to see his beloved once more after so long. Held in the arms of the witch at last, they walked hand in hand, towards freedom, towards a new sunset, the end." Concluded the narrator, chuckling themselves at the clapping and slight snickering from the children, they bow theatrically and clap their hands together three times, before winking, shrugging as they turned away, "Of course, that's not the end of their story or of their many many misadventures. Though I doubt any of you little rascals would like to listen..."
"Tell us another one! Tell us another one, Storyteller! No fair! You can't leave it at that" Cried out a little boy from the crowd, making the director laugh before their eyes set on you once they spin on their heel, even with such friendly visage, you can't help the slightly chill of discomfort on your skin before they look at the sky quickly turning cloudy, patting the boy's head after crouching to his side, they wink, "Tell you what, once the storm passes. You all come to the theater, and I'll put in a proper show for you lot, alright? Now scram! Shoo! Your parents must be worried about you little gremlins by now." They shooed them off, to the children's many protests,n qa before leaning against the tree with a smile, "Couldn't help but notice you there, let me guess, have business with little old me? Seems like an awful lot of new faces do, recently."
You take a deep, deep breath, steel yourself with the knowledge that you're all in a very public square, some of the children are watching curiously still and should anything happen, that you can see Wind, Spirit and Wars on your left just exiting the general shop with supplies, any of your friends would have your back should your bad feeling be true, "Yes, hello there, apologies for cutting in, it sounded like they were having fun." That much was true, children loved stories, so making them wait to hear more when they were so clearly exited was a small stab of guilt, the director only laughs, waving you off.
"Oh none of that, they get me almost everyday in the theater and out of it. So I can spare the time to talk to strangers." They offer you a low bow, "The name's Raven, everyone calls me that, now! What do you need?"
"Me and my companions were just passing by, but as you can guess, plans got a bit derailed."
"The storm, yes, plus the monster reports I'm guessing." They tilted their chin to the west, and once you looked over a cringe runs through you, the inn really was reduced to rubble... It reminded you of some of the ruins in Wild's time, for a second there. Yikes, the Shadow definitely did a number in it in compensation for not getting to the rest of the village.
"Precisely, we heard from the potion maker that you offered lodging and meals for travelers temporarily as a result."
"For a price, you'd be correct." They added, smiling and chuckling at your expression, "Oh no need to make that face, that's just how the world works. Though I'm not interested in money, stash whatever is going through your head back in the chest of your mind and slam the lid shut!"
You breathe a sigh of relief, so the old lady wasn't lying after all, though it makes that niggling feeling of unease rise up again, "I see, but then what-"
They raise an eyebrow at you, "Isn't it obvious?" They sigh, shaking their head with a disappointed tsk, "I'm a storyteller at heart you know. Even above my love for theater, is my love for stories, you can stay the night as long as you all stick around to listen to thirteen of my tales to completion as they are performed on our humble stage."
... You blink, "...That's it? That's all you want?"
The person crosses their arms in front of their chest with a hmph, chin raised, it makes the blood red gem on their neck all the more obvious and for some reason, compels you to look away, "I'm half offended that you said 'that's it' of all things, but I'll let it slide. Yes that is indeed all I want." They smile, it's a small, eager thing, they look to almost bound into place with excitement, and the sight made you smile, "Me and the troupe rarely get to perform for new people anymore, you know? The village is small and we rarely get any travelers nowadays. At best we are a pitstop unless something like this happens, can you blame me for wanting to capitalize on it? Boredom is as lethal as a sword to the head and heart I say!"
You giggle with an agreeing nod, "You're not wrong... But are you sure?"
"As a traveler on the road you and your companions would know best I wager, consider this a break for you all and a gift for me. I'm as sure as the sky is blue and the grass is green." They nod, before looking over your shoulder, smiling in amusement at something, before turning to you, "Your friend with the wolf pelt is looking this way, so how about this: You gather all of them and decide what to do, after that, you can all come to me before the storm starts with your choice, my doors shall be open for you."
"Thank you." You nod, before turning on your heel, true to form. Twilight was waving you over, Hyrule by his side and Time on the other, seems he already told them of the circumstances. Your wariness forgotten, you keep an eye on the sky and go forth to discuss the possibility with time.
You miss how the director smiles, teeth a bit too sharp, before they turn towards the theater, their shadow shifts just so, and a black cat comes to join their steps as they pull out a black book and the quill from their head. "Not at all dear, if anything... Thank you."
The clouds seemed to get darker as they wrote and murmured to themselves, a dense layer where there once was a sunny day. And had anyone looked too closely, they'd notice that with the sharp snap of the book closing, came the roar of thunder and the howling of winds.
Opening Act, End Scene II
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ravenouscultleader780 · 6 months
COTL(MLP Base Edit Webcomic) : "The Spousal Trio
Pt 1 : "Remembers of The Past"
Samantha's Diary POV : "Dear Diary, Today i had quite a nice day of worshipping & loving my beloved leader Lambert or as i like to call him "Lam Bam" as of recently due to myself getting pretty befuddled when drinking with my besties Dimmi & M3ggy at the Drinkhouse in the Cult.. Anyways aside from that my darling wife Midge Butterfree asked me a simple but pondering question for a few days now.. what was my origins before the cult i.e my backstory of my earlier younger years..
So i told her that my earlier years before everything about the beloved cult, my marriage to herself & most esp my savior lambert and esp me & midgey having our many kids, becoming grandmothers & great grandmothers to our own children's offsprings. way back then my life was a mixed bag so to speak.
I decided to draw my backstory to anyone whom sees this either my wife, The Leader himself or possibly even my miracle daughter Maxine whom is my first born child before i had married Midge and was a during small period of me & Lord Narinder having a quick one night stand and soon enough 3 days later Maxine hatched out of her egg and twas became my world as myself always wanting a long-lasting legacy of starting my own family & being happily married to my current husband lambert, and step-spouse midge butterfree..
but enough about all that. i bet all of you wonderful cultists are wondering about my origins living in silk cradle.. well turns out it during my escape from silk cradle where i was held as a abused prisoner/overworked slave to The Ex Bishop of Silk Cradle Lord Shamura who they were in my opinion the most evilistic, sadistic & possibly most scarily genius of the 4 bishops of the old faith which i feel whoever the new faith leaders will be or are at this point esp for S.C current time is way way way better than Ex Lord Shamura or Simply nicknamed Shamy by myself in my younger teenager years as a rebellious, anxious & super hostile batdemon during that time in my life.. which i drew as a cute lil summary of my story.
(Author's Note : Basically this webcomic will be changed from Lamb's POV of hearing his 3 fav faithful girls Origins. but rather instead The Girl's own POV/Journal Diaries showing their own drawings of their thoughts, tramuas, childhoods/family lives & even disabilities & mental illnesses thru being enslaved by the bishops of only Darkwood, Anchordeep & Silk Cradle)
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"The Escape fromSilk Cradle was Absoutely Hard as Hell, to runaway from since firstly many of Shamura's Minions/Crusaders were after me along with a excutioner that was right behind them.. as you can tell by my bad bloody wounds & scars which covered with a cloak i wore at the time & was made by my late brother Marvin whom sadly died by the time i escaped.
during that night, i ran as fast as i possibly could from Silk Cradle, with Shamy's lil minions lost track of my sight when i was running away i guess they gave up and was gonna be killed by their master themself for their failed mission to kill me as a escaped overworked slave towards that damned spider..
Anyways the final panel was my last look at my past in drawing/artist sense and i looked ahead at the rising sunrise to a new future and myself needing a rebirth at a certain cult with me meeting a very familliar young sweet lamb that cold autumn night that became my sacred savior for me & my besties aswell!
Sammi's POV : "I look at the clock and saw it was getting late as my eyes were starting to get tired & sleepy tuckered with a small cute yawn i yawned before going to bed. soon enough i wrote my end writing before i went to sleep.
"Well gotta go Diary, pretty tired see you again tomorrow morning, i think i feel i love showing off my drawings with my backstory/my experiences of the past maybe next time i'll show more about my family whom are sadly all gone due to the massacre of my bat kin but i do have a lot of fond memories about them. most esp my big brother Marvin Nosferatu Bloodsucker & even my mother whom was named Vanessa Redmoon.. as for my Dad not so much my Brother & was more of a daddy's boy as i was more into my mother so i guess i was a momma's girl.. well that's enough writing in this diary bye.
-Sammi B. Sheepard Butterfree.
Hope you all liked this, wanted to edit this since i created it & made the idea of a webcomic, i think i finally figured it out!
Love yall
Update : "Next One's gonna only a single drawing, i'm not doing this webcomic frame anymore too much.. drawing ugh..
0 notes
4dtk · 3 years
can i request 3 from the hand holding, 16 from the hugging, 26 from the kissing and 3 from the touching with jaehyun!!!!
yes you did it right, dont worry! hope u enjoy this angel!! and welcome back <333 (ps holy crap this is long AHASHDHDH)
hand-holding, 3: cold hands in warm hands
hugs, 16: ‘not wanting to let go’ hugs
kisses, 26: giggling while kissing
touching, 3: hiding face in neck
“c’mon! you’re gonna miss the sunrise,” you drag jaehyun along the mountains, a clear path etched into the ground that visitors always took whenever they wanted to view the sunrise. the both of you got lucky today, being the only two people who got up early enough to catch the night sky turn into yellows and oranges, before it rests in the usual sky blue you’d see up in the sky.
well… one of you was. “do we really need to see the sunrise again, baby? i was perfectly content cuddling with you…” your husband knew better than to argue with you when you have your eyes set on something, especially with something like a sunrise. it was a by-product of why you selected this B&B atop of a mountain where you’d be freezing your asses off, but jaehyun could hardly reject your suggestion when he saw how excited you were.
“oh, i’ve always wanted to go back to a mountainside hostel! i remember the last one, ’twas so good, whatdya say?” jaehyun remembers every detail you’ve told him: from the countless cats, to the stunning trail to where you watched the sunrise with your family, the edible flower they cooked up for you. he can’t say no when your eyes are lit up like that, and so, he hauled himself out of bed to put on a simple outfit, relying on your hand to guide him.
you know he doesn’t mean it, but you pout either way, both at his words and the time on your watch. it’s dangerously close to when the staff said the sun would rise. the thought alone of missing the sky drives you to take quicker steps, struggling against the thin air the higher and higher you went.
“hah… finally,” you mumble to yourself, perching yourself near a field of crops that belonged to those living nearby. you were careful not to crush any of the sprouts, patting the space beside you as you waited for the show to start. jaehyun takes your hand wordlessly, letting out a gasp at how cold your hands were; it showed you appreciated the warmth with the way your fingers curled around his, it was natural instinct, both a result of your body reacting to warmth and to the love of your significant other.
“you’re freezing, angel,” jaehyun laughs, “maybe you made a mistake wearing fingerless gloves this morning. c’mon, take ‘em out.”
“it was dark!” you glare at him, “and no, you want me to have a frozen hand when i touch your face later?”
“i’ll warm it up for you, c’mon.” you grumble but comply either way, removing the sad excuse of protection from the cold, fingers instantly curling into your husband’s. he blows onto it, conversation falling silent as your keep your eyes trained on the sight in front of you.
it’s slow, the minutes pass, the sky barely changing. the sun decides to stop the teasing, unleashing its brilliant lights that prompt the both of you to squint. it becomes more bearable to longer you look at it, welcoming the painting of warm colours you never tire of seeing. it mixed like an impromptu painting, unknowingly presenting a magnificent piece of art despite the messiness among the clouds and skyline.
jaehyun has moved behind you by then, engulfing you in his arms while he continued to warm your hands. jokingly, he wedges his hand in between your neck, surprising you slightly with his ice cold lips that were slowly cracking.
as the colours thicken and blend, you can feel the other snuggle more into the crook of your neck, gentle and careful to not shock you again. his body fits with yours perfectly, body warmth gradually shared the more and longer you embrace. with a shift of your butt, you’re moving to stand up, but immediately gets pulled down by his strong arms.
“not yet…” he mumbles, fighting against sleepiness for you. there’s a stammer in his voice as he struggles to find the words he wants to say. you attempt to stand up a second time and this time, jaehyun lets you, ready to follow you with an arm around your waist. “why’d you wanna stand up?”
you say nothing as you place your hands on his cheeks, cold to the touch. there’s time for you to admire his face later, so you dive in to fit your lips to his. it moves without trouble, having done this countless times like how jaehyun’s arms fit around your middle. his body is pressed flush against your own, able to feeling every muscle that’s reacting to your kiss that it leaves him hungry for more.
it makes you woozy, dizzy, dopey, the way jaehyun is fondling you, lips moving in tandem with the squeezing hands on your sides. a bit of warmth creeps up from the side, signifying the last bits of the sunrise. it makes the other smile, but you’re not sure why.
you pull away curiously, mouth only an inch from his as you impatiently waited for his answer. “no… just… funny how you brought me up here to watch the sky change colours and instead you’re locking lips with me.” he says with a smirk.
“oh my god, shut up,” you’re giggling like a schoolgirl, taken back to when you’d laugh shamelessly backstage as the members teased you; including the time when the two of you were interviewed for one of korea’s slice-of-life magazines with a suggestive answer on jaehyun’s part… and also of the time when you almost slipped on cake batter that you dropped on the floor.
each day you spend with your boyfriend-turned-husband is guaranteed to be filled with laughter, and now is just one more memory to store away. jaehyun hovers over your lips this time, unifying your smiles with miscalculated kisses that never quite land. you’re struggling to contain it now, breaking contact to stretch your lips into a grin that is reciprocated by the other.
“will your cute ass stop giggling?” he wants to fake his anger, but it backfires as his own laugh fills your ears. it feels like a warm hug after a rainy day, and you give him just that while your arms encircle around his neck. you can’t care much for the colours blooming in the sky now, rather admiring the crimson appearing on his cheeks even after the many years you’ve been together. you bury your face in his chest.
“thank you, jae. for loving me,” your confession is whispered so soft that the other is convinced he wouldn’t hear it. but he does, and the softening of his eyes is something you don’t catch.
“i’m happy to do it. everyday, baby, it’s everyday that i fall deeper and deeper. i hope it’ll never end,” you’re silent, but the words make your heart and cheeks flare up and it’s a minute before you find the courage to say your part.
“likewise, jaehyun. i love you.”
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Second Chances Chapter 22 - Endings
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Summary: The Ruzeks host Christmas for everyone, Al makes an announcement, and the unit realises just how oblivious they were. Series Masterlist Here
Words: 3.3k
Warnings: None!
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Kim may have gone a little bit crazy Christmas shopping. Just maybe.
She stared at the pile of presents sitting in the closet, realising that most of them were for their daughter, and honestly Ally would probably prefer to play with the wrapping paper than the actual presents themselves. Oh to be five months old, and get joy out of trash and the ability to sit up.
It was Christmas Eve, and Adam was on his way home from a last minute grocery store run. They were hosting the entire unit for Christmas this year - plus Will Halstead, who’d managed to get the day off from Med - and Kim had had a panicked moment of not knowing if she had enough stuffing for the next day. So Adam, with his infinite patience and relaxing nature, had agreed to go to the store. By the time he left the house his list had ten items, and she’d texted him multiple times with others. It was their first publicly married Christmas, Ally’s first Christmas, and the first time they were having everyone around for the holidays. With Al’s divorce finalised and he’d moved into his own apartment, she didn’t want him alone for the holidays. Kevin got an immediate invitation as was their normal Christmas tradition. Once they’d been invited everyone else was too.
“Honey, I’m home,” Adam called, stopping still with grocery bags in his hands as he looked at the presents Kim had pulled out. “Are those all for Ally?”
“Most of them?” Kim semi-asked, smiling to try head off his look at her purchases.
“I don’t wanna know. It’s her first Christmas, and we said we wanted more than one kid so they’ll be used. Plus, I want to spoil her this year before she can get used to it.” Kim laughed at his words, not bothering to wrap the presents going under the tree. It was more for them than anything else, but it made them so happy to do it.
The final thing was Ally’s bedtime story, the three of them curled on the couch together as Adam read from Twas The Night Before Christmas. He did all the voices, but the interest was no match for a sleepy five month old, falling asleep in her parents arms. They still marvelled that they’d made her, that she was half of each of them, and somehow she was the best parts of them. She was so loved, and Kim never wanted to imagine life if they hadn’t had her.
The next morning they got up as normal, Ally’s cries getting them out of bed by five. But this time the two brought her downstairs, curling up on the sofa and handing toys to her. Most of the presents they’d gotten her were clothes, she was consistently in the top ten percent of babies for her height and weight, so the piles of clothes for up to nine month olds they had just weren’t going to last much longer. Adam made breakfast for them, handing Kim her plate of pancakes with a kiss as she got Ally settled in with breakfast. They’d just started giving her actual food, and Kim fed her pureed banana as Ally cooed and shook her arms around her high chair.
Adam let Kim cook, and by the time Al arrived things were mostly under control. Ally was immediately swept into her grandfather’s arms, the older man cuddling her close, smiling even when she grasped onto a stray hair. He waved Adam away to help his wife in the kitchen, enjoying spending the time there. Adam and Kim just listened to the coos and baby talk from their living room.
It didn’t take long for everyone to arrive, and the entire unit sitting down around the mish mash of tables and chairs that were there to seat everyone. Both Kev and Hank had brought folding tables and chairs with them so everyone could be there, Kim setting enough places while Adam stirred the gravy under her careful instruction to not let it burn. But finally there were eleven around the makeshift tables, passing sides to each other and laughing. Ally was insistent on being carried instead of in her chair, and she was passed easily from one person to another until Hank insisted he could eat and hold her, settling her against his chest as he did. It was the first big Christmas Kim had had since she was a child, and she couldn’t be happier for it. Everyone at the table meant so much to her, and even with people missing it felt like a gift.
They’d agreed on a secret Santa for the unit, but Kim made sure to have a little present for everyone at the table. Before her parents had split up it was something her mom had done every Christmas, just a tiny token to say thank you for being there. There were pens, some golf tees for Jay, just small things to make sure everyone knew they were welcomed and cared for.
But after dinner, Will still laughing at his “World’s worst Best Doctor” mug, they shared out the presents over dessert. Kim had gotten Hailey, who thanked her for the dirt bike trail voucher. In return Al had bought Kim a new thigh holster, after saying he’d heard her complain one too many times about the straps on her old one needing repair. Adam had gotten Kev, buying him tickets for a Blackhawks game. Everyone knew they’d gone over budget on them, but it was the two of them so nobody complained. Adam’s gift from Trudy was a framed photo she’d taken of the three of them when Ally was born. As Kim looked at it she could tell it was just before she’d told everyone Ally’s name, Adam standing just away from her but with so much love clear on his face for the two of them.
There were presents handed over for Ally, the girl fast asleep up in her crib. The excitement had worn her out, and it didn’t take long for most of their guests to leave with hugs between everyone. She hugged them all, received compliments for the cooking and dished out leftovers to whoever wanted to take some home. But before long it was the two of them and Al still there, The Sound of Music on tv.
“I’m telling everyone when we’re back in work, I’m retiring in April.” Al’s voice was low, and Kim’s head shot around to look at him. “I’m thirty years, my pension’s maxed out and I’m a couple of years from ageing out. It’s time. Figured I’d spend more time with Lexi, with Ally. I wanted the two of you to know before I make the big announcement.”
“You can spend as much time with her as you want, we’re never going to stop you doing that,” Kim said, fixing a smile on her face. “We’re really going to miss you in the unit, I wouldn’t be the cop I am without you helping me.”
“Al…” Adam’s voice trailed off. “I owe you everything. If you hadn’t picked me that day, I wouldn’t have Kim, Ally, my family. None of it. It’s all thanks to you. Feels like this place might fall down without you there.”
“I mean it might, you’re the second most tenured at this point.” Kim watched as the realisation hit her husband’s face, running his hand through his hair.
“Oh fuck, we’re all in trouble with that.” The words rushed out of Adam’s mouth, making the other two laugh, Al smiling when he finished.
“You’re a good cop, both of you. I know Hank wants you three to take the detectives exams soon. You deserve that position, plus the raise is nice. But if I didn’t think the unit would be fine, I wouldn’t retire. But you’ll all be fine.”
They hugged Al goodbye as he left, Ally awake and holding onto him, not wanting to let him go. It was the first tantrum they had to deal with from her, Ally yelling for Al as he drove off, Kim and Adam feeling utterly helpless. Finally she calmed in their arms, holding onto Adam’s shirt as he walked around with her. But once she was in bed for the night, they shared their own Christmas presents.
They’d agreed on only small gifts for the other, and this year they’d actually stuck to it. Kim got Adam some of the crime novels he’d become obsessed with when he’d been up with Ally at nights, along with a new kindle to make his reading easier. Once he opened it he pushed a kiss to her, a grin on his face at it. He got her an appointment for a pampering day, a massage, facial, and mani pedi. Kim had said she’d missed getting massages, and that he’d not only listened but done it for her made her so excited. The appointment was two days later, Adam waving her off to her day, he and Ally having a day together.
On the first day back to work in January Al announced his retirement to the entire unit. Nothing really changed until March, when Al’s retirement date was set for April 10th. He’d already stopped taking lead on cases, unable to testify once he was retired, instead usually being the man behind. They’d organised a section of Molly’s for his retirement party after his last day, Sylvie agreeing to watch Ally for them. But before that, it was their third wedding anniversary.
Going into work that day felt so surreal for Kim. They’d hidden their marriage for over two years, but they didn’t have to anymore. She wore her rings to work on a daily basis. She even had that indent on her finger when she took them off. But it was their third anniversary, and Kim could very firmly say she was just as in love with Adam as she had been that day in Aurora.
He’d woken her up that morning with Ally in his arms, her present firmly gripped by Ally and in her mouth. She’d just laughed at it, opening the paper and admiring the multicoloured braided leather wristband he’d bought her. The different strands were different colours, braided together and smooth and supple. He’d wrapped it around her wrist with a kiss, Ally going between her parents and holding them. They had an almost nine month old, who could crawl but much preferred dragging herself around on her butt. She’d stopped looking like a baby, was looking like a mini adult now, with dark curls on her head that Kim had started to clip back.
“Mama! Dada!” She’d started speaking a few weeks before, calling for her parents whenever she didn’t see them. She loved when they held her between them, a firm barrier from the rest of the world.
Once Ally was happy with her parents around her Kim had given Adam his present, a new wallet. He’d been complaining for weeks that he needed to buy a new wallet, his was falling apart, but he never did anything about it. So he was given the brown leather wallet, immediately moving everything over to the new one. Trudy had agreed to pick Ally up from daycare so they could have a date that night, something they were eager to do.
It wasn’t until lunch that Jay spotted Adam’s new wallet when the officer was pulling out bills to cover his share of lunch, cocking an eyebrow.
“New wallet? Didn’t think you’d pick something like that, it’s nice Ruz.”
“Yeah, my wife got it for me for our anniversary today.” You could have heard a pin drop in the room as the realisation hit that it was their anniversary.
“Isn’t leather three years?” Hailey asked, and it dawned on Kim they didn’t say how long they’d been married for. In the excitement of announcing, and Ally being born, and all the changes in their lives it hadn’t even crossed their minds to reveal they’d been married since before Kim had been brought up.
“Yeah, it is. April Sixth, 2016. Three years.” She watched the shock on the faces around the room, only Kev shrugging at the information.
“Wait, what? Seriously?” Jay turned around and looked at them, realising it wasn’t a joke. “How did you keep it from us for so long? I just assumed you were sleeping together and got married because of Ally.”
“Look, we’re not that dumb. That would have been the worst decision. We got back together, we were in love, we realised we wanted to be married. With the whole Voight not wanting couples working together, we said we’d just not tell people. Nobody ever asked if we were married.” The realisation went through everyone’s head, Al looking at them.
“So every ‘double date’, every time you mentioned that you’d met the other’s partner, you were talking about yourself?” Kim nodded in response to his question.
“Wait! That day at the grocery store with Ruz’s car! That’s why he lent it to you, cause you were already married?”
“I mean her car was in the shop, but yeah. We just didn’t tell the full truth. We did live in the same building.” It was quiet for a moment, as the realisation of just how hard they’d fought for their privacy to be kept hit everyone.
“Well happy anniversary. Molly’s after work?” Hailey asked, but they shook their heads.
“Date night, Platt’s watching Ally for us to actually go have a night to ourselves. Thanks, though,” Kim said, smiling at her partner.
“Soon. And I want details on how you did it!”
They got stuck into the case, but by five they were sent out, Kim and Adam waving goodbye before getting into the car together. Adam had organised their anniversary date, and they pulled up at the valet parking for the CIBC Theater. Kim looked at him in shock, Adam pulling out their tickets for Hamilton for that night. You’ll Be Back had become a lullaby for Ally, rocking her gently to get her to sleep. But they walked in hand in hand, being directed to their seats and watching the show. When it had blown up they’d been in new engagement bliss, so it had ended up being that musical that random songs popped onto their playlists from. Watching it had Kim sobbing, Adam tearing up as well. It was fantastic, but they were slightly weepy getting the car back.
“That was your best and worst idea ever,” Kim remarked checking her eyes in the mirror. “Because it was amazing, but now all I want to do is cuddle Ally and never let her out of our sight.”
“I’m the same,” her husband replied, reaching over to squeeze Kim’s hand. “Dinner and we can head home and check on her before she sleeps?”
They went to a brewery nearby that they’d wanted to go to before, sitting with a beer and splitting a couple of appetisers between them. They laughed and joked, talking about things that weren’t just work and their daughter - how the Hawks were doing, the tickets that Adam had already bought for the three of them to go to a Cubs game in a couple of months. When they walked outside and got to the car Kim reached up, kissing him soft and slow. They made out like teenagers against the car for a moment until they remembered where they were, separating with a blush.
“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for Darlin’?” He asked, a grin on his face.
“Because I love you. And I’m so, so grateful that you went with my impulsive decision to get married that day. And because I have another present for you on under my clothes…” She watched her words sink in, lust clear on his face. Kim didn’t wear lingerie often - it was usually uncomfortable, and she was still not fully comfortable in her body after having Ally - but the look of delight on Adam’s face when she did wear it made all the difference to her.
The drive home was filled with flirty touches, Adam’s hand grazing up and down her thigh as he drove. They said goodnight to Trudy, attempting to pay her for babysitting but getting a firm refusal. Instead after they looked in on their daughter with a whispered goodnight they made it to their room, staying up far too late but it was oh so worth it.
It was the kind of week Kim could remember only having once before in Intelligence. All of them were in and out of court, so instead of the unit taking on cases they were dispatched in their pairs to different scenes. It always amused her when she and Hailey arrived at a scene and asked for information, the look they’d receive from the detectives and officers there. They always looked at the two plain clothes young female cops oddly, until one of them introduced themselves as Upton and Ruzek from Intelligence. They never used titles, there’d been one too many times of the on scene cops trying to send her to be with patrol when she was introduced as Officer Ruzek. Plus the looks from the ones who’d known Bob, who knew who she was.
But by Friday they were on an easy day, although nobody would say it. Kim left early to pick up Ally from daycare, agreeing to meet everyone at Molly’s for Al’s drinks. It didn’t take too long for Sylvie to arrive at the house, Ally excited to see her godmother, Ever since Sylvie and Antonio had split up her best friend had felt weird coming over, but Kim just wanted both of them to be happy. If it couldn’t be together, that was fine.
She was last to Molly’s, sitting in the seat Adam had saved for her, a beer in front of her. The seven were in their own world, conversations between them. She and Hailey were explaining the look on the Sergeant’s face at their scene when the two of them arrived up, the glare they got from him as they introduced themselves until they said they were from Intelligence, making the rest of the table laugh. Adam’s hand was on her thigh, and she leaned into him as they sat.
Al cleared his throat as Jay arrived back with fresh drinks, raising his glass.
“This unit has been an honour to work with. You’re all exceptional cops, exceptional people, and I’ve been lucky to know you all. It’s not like I’ll never see any of you again, mind.” They raised their glasses to toast the detective, grinning at him.
It didn’t take long for them all to decide to leave. It was mostly handshakes with Al and the team, but Kim wrapped him in a hug. She didn’t know how to thank him for everything. Her entire life - her husband, her marriage, her daughter, her home, even her job - wouldn’t have existed if Al hadn’t picked Adam that day in the Academy.
“Thank you. For everything.” The words didn’t feel enough, but she could tell from the way he clasped her shoulders he understood exactly what she meant.
“Always. I’ll be over to see that girl over the weekend.”
The car was quiet on the way home, both of them thinking over what had happened. There was hugs and goodbyes to Sylvie, and plans made for coffee over the weekend. But when they got into bed that night, Kim curled up beside Adam, cosy in his arms. They had their daughter, their marriage, their family. There was nothing else she could have asked for in her life.
“I can hear you thinking. What’s going on?” Adam mumbled, pressing a kiss to her forehead in his half asleep haze.
“I love you. I love you, and I love Ally, and I’m so happy about us.” She reached up and captured his lips, Adam rolling them over as they kissed.
Chapter 23>>
Taglist: @aruzlover @amandarrollins @morganupstead @adamruz @fullwattpadmusictree @redpoodlern @everythingaddictxx @write4life13 @lizlouisebrown @jeanjacketjesus @tuxieboy101-blog @thelittlepterophyllum @planecrazylex @sophiatellerrhodes @eternal-olicity @ossypooh @dissociation-writes @kimburgess-ruzek @thestarrynightslover @reidskitty13 @etamne @torreshalstead @itsnotpersonalbut @leymr @multicouple-lover @burzekschicago
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ghostlypawn · 3 years
anyways heres all the quotes alice by heart takes from the books (bold is the abh lines/as close as they can be and ‘///’ means theyre from seperate scenes of the book merged together)
Chapter One: Down the Rabbit Hole. Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading-
So she was considering in her own mind, (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid,) whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.
There was not a moment to be lost: away went Alice like the wind, and was just in time to hear it say, as it turned a corner, “Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it’s getting !” 
It was the White Rabbit returning, splendidly dressed, with a pair of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other : he came trotting along in a great hurry, muttering to himself as he came, “Oh! the Duchess, the Duchess ! Oh! won’t she be savage if I’ve kept her waiting !”
Alice took up the fan and gloves, and, as the hall was very hot, she kept fanning herself all the time she went on talking: “Dear, dear! How queer everything is today! And yesterday things went on just as usual. I wonder if I’ve been changed in the night? Let me think: was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I’m not the same, the next question is, Who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle!”
“I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly: “but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”
“Who are you?” said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, “I—I hardly know, sir, just at present—at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”
“The first thing I’ve got to do,” said Alice to herself, as she wandered about in the wood,“ is to grow to my right size again; and the second thing is to find my way into that lovely garden. I think that will be the best plan.”
Very soon the Rabbit noticed Alice, as she went hunting about, and called out to her in an angry tone, “Why, Mary Ann, what are you doing out here? Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! Quick, now!”
It was the White Rabbit, trotting slowly back again, and looking anxiously about as it went, as if it had lost something; and she heard it muttering to itself, “The Duchess! The Duchess! Oh my dear paws! Oh my fur and whiskers! She ’ll get me executed, as sure as ferrets are ferrets! Where can I have dropped them, I wonder!”
“Come, my head’s free at last!” said Alice in a tone of delight, which changed into alarm in another moment, when she found that her shoulders were nowhere to be found: all she could see, when she looked down, was an immense length of neck, which seemed to rise like a stalk out of a sea of green leaves that lay far below her. /// “...now I’m opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Good-bye, feet!” (for when she looked down at her feet, they seemed to be almost out of sight, they were getting so far off).
They were indeed a queer-looking party that assembled on the bank—the birds with draggled feathers, the animals with their fur clinging close to them, and all dripping wet, cross, and uncomfortable.
“ Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.” “How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Alice crouched down among the trees as well as she could, for her neck kept getting entangled among the branches, and every now and then she had to stop and untwist it. /// “I quite agree with you,” said the Duchess, “and the moral of that is—‘Be what you would seem to be’—or, if you’d like it put moresimply—‘Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.’”
They are waiting on the shingle—will you come and join the dance? Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you join the dance? Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, won’t you join the dance?
“You can really have no notion how delightful it will be When they take us up and throw us, with the lobsters, out to sea!” But the snail replied “Too far, too far!” and gave a look askance— Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the dance.
Oh, how I wish I could shut up like a telescope! I think I could, if I only knew how to begin.” For, you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.
At this moment the King, who had been for some time busily writing in his note-book, called out “ Silence!” and read out from his book, “ Rule Forty-two. All persons more than a mile high to leave the court.” /// “I can’t help it,” said Alice very meekly : “I’m growing.” “You ’ve no right to grow here,” said the Dormouse. /// “But then,” thought Alice, “shall I never get any older than I am now? That’ll be a comfort, one way—never to be an old woman— but then—always to have lessons to learn! Oh, I shouldn’t like that !”
Alice gave a little scream of laughter. “Oh, hush!” the Rabbit whispered in a frightened tone. “The Queen will hear you! You see she came rather late, and the Queen said—”
He sent them word I had not gone (we know it to be true): If she should push the matter on, what would become of you?
“No room! No room!” they cried out when they saw Alice coming. “There’s plenty of room!” said Alice indignantly, and she sat down in a large arm-chair at one end of the table. The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on hearing this; but all he said was, “Why is a raven like a writing-desk ?” /// “Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice again. “No, I give it up,” Alice replied : “what’s the answer?” “I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter. “Nor I,” said the March Hare. Alice sighed wearily. “I think you might do something better with the time,” she said, “than waste it in asking riddles that have no answers.” “If you knew Time as well as I do,” said the Hatter, “you wouldn’t talk about wasting it. It’s him.” “I don’t know what you mean,” said Alice.“Of course you don’t!” the Hatter said, tossing his head contemptuously. “I dare say you never even spoke to Time!”
Then came a little pattering of feet on the stairs. Alice knew it was the Rabbit coming to look for her, and she trembled till she shook the house, quite forgetting that she was now about a thousand times as large as the Rabbit, and had no reason to be afraid of it.
“Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!”
“Cheshire Puss,” she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know whether it would like the name: however, it only grinned a little wider. “Come, it’s pleased so far,” thought Alice, and she went on, “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to walk from here ?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where——” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you walk,” said the Cat.
Alice laughed. ‘There’s not use trying,’ she said: ‘one can’t Alice laughed. ‘There’s not use trying,’ she said: ‘one can’t believe impossible things.’ ‘I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. There goes the shawl again!’
However, she soon made out that she was in the pool of tears which she had wept when she was nine feet high.
“ I’ll tell it her,” said the Mock Turtle in a deep, hollow tone: “sit down, both of you, and don’t speak a word till I’ve finished.” So they sat down, and nobody spoke for some minutes. Alice thought to herself, “I don’t see how he can ever finish, if he doesn’t begin.” But she waited patiently. “Once,” said the Mock Turtle at last, with a deep sigh, “I was a real Turtle.”
...“we went to school in the sea. The master was an old Turtle—we used to call him Tortoise—” “Why did you call him Tortoise, if he wasn’t one?” Alice asked. “We called him Tortoise because he taught us,” said the Mock Turtle angrily; “really you are very dull!”
“Herald, read the accusation!” said the King. On this the White Rabbit blew three blasts on the trumpet, and then unrolled the parchment scroll, and read as follows:—
“Let the jury consider their verdict,” the King said, for about the twentieth time that day. “No, no!” said the Queen. “Sentence first— verdict afterwards.”
... “Don’t let him know she liked them best, For this must ever be A secret, kept from all the rest, Between yourself and me.”
At this the whole pack rose up into the air, and came flying down upon her; she gave a little scream, half of fright and half of anger, and tried to beat them off, and found herself lying on the bank, with her head in the lap of her sister, who was gently brushing away some dead leaves that had fluttered down from the trees upon her face.
“Oh, I’ve had such a curious dream!” said Alice, and she told her sister, as well as she could remember them, all these strange Adventures of hers that you have just been reading about; and when she had finished, her sister kissed her, and said, “It was a curious dream, dear, certainly : but now run in to your tea ; it’s getting late.” So Alice got up and ran off, thinking while she ran, as well she might, what a wonderful dream it had been.
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie/Little: Hyunjin (age 3-5)
Caregiver: Jisung (daddy), Jeongin (appa)
 Noone’s POV.:
Hyunjin loved his two caregivers dearly, Jisung and Jeongin were always so gentle and patient with him and took care of the dancer with their whole hearts. However, the oldest of the trio was still used to considering his time in headspace as his ‘me-time’, so he really enjoyed the times he’d be at the dorm alone. Today was no exception, they had a day off and knowing how busy they had been recently, the caretakers offered to stay at the dorm with Hyunjin to let him regress, while the rest of Stray Kids would head out and enjoy the early spring weather. The dancer refused because he knew how much the younger two had been looking forward to their off day, to go shopping and to get pastries at a café close by. Yes, he planned to regress but he’d be fine to do that on his own, he had been taking care of his little self until a few months ago. He sat on the couch scrolling through social media and waiting for his members to leave. Hyunjin felt the couch dip beside him before Jisung’s voice pulled him from his thoughts: “Hey, are you sure you want to stay here by yourself? You haven’t regressed in a while and we could have some relaxing family time.” – “Sung, I’m fine really. You should go soon or the others will leave without you”, the dancer put on a smile although his dongsaeng’s offer sounded tempting. “Are planning on being little? I know Innie is excited to go out but I’d really have no issue with staying here”, the rapper questioned, chewing on his lip, “I have a bad feeling about leaving you by yourself when you’re in headspace.” Hyunjin chuckled at his friend’s protectiveness, he could still remember the times when they didn’t get along at all. “It’s alright, I’m not planning on regressing”, he lied, “I just want to catch up on some anime series and maybe take a nap.” Noticing Jisung’s conflicted expression, he added: “And yes, I’m sure. Go Sungie, everyone else is waiting for you.”
Not even five minutes later, Hyunjin was alone. Unlike what he had told his friend, he immediately waddled to his room to change into an oversized hoodie and overalls. Jeongin had gifted him a cute baby pink paci after becoming his caregiver, which the dancer happily sucked on while digging through the box under his bed in search of crayons and his coloring book. It took him a while to pull the items from the bottom of the box because he could only use one had to get them out, his other hand was clutching the fuzzy cream-colored teddy, Jisung had brought home one evening to make up for spending all day at the studio leaving the little at home by himself. That had been during the times, that Jisung used to be his only caregiver. Ever since Jeongin joined the rapper in taking care of their little friend, Hyunjin had only regressed with at least one of his caregivers around. When he finally managed to get his coloring book and the box of crayons out, the little squealed happily, almost dropping his paci in the process. He caught it by quickly slapping a hand over his mouth, eyes wide before exhaling in relief that his beloved comfort item was still between his lips. Trying to fit all his things into his hands, the dancer waddled to the common area of the dorm and dropped everything on the dining table before pulling a chair out and sitting down cross-legged. The teddy found its place in Hyunjin’s lap from where it could watch him color and the dancer got to work on a fresh page of his coloring book.
The little happily colored away, not a care in the world. He had just finished his third drawing when his stomach growled. Looking down in shock, Hyunjin placed a hand on his stomach. He just now realized how hungry he had gotten, having lost track of time, the dancer didn’t know if it was time for lunch already but he also didn’t really care. Coloring was hard work and he had definitely earned himself some food. The dancer had relaxed so much that he had slipped into his younger headspace and his plan of having some fruit with a sippy of apple juice suddenly turned out to be more difficult than expected. Usually his caregivers sliced the fruit for him, although in the older range of his headspace, Hyunjin would manage to do that himself. Now, being in the youngest range of his headspace, the little was terrified of knives and even more terrified of hurting himself while being alone. Deep in thought, the dancer chewed on his teddy’s ear, paci abandoned next to the box of crayons. He always chewed his teddy’s ear when he needed to think, only the right one though, which already looked a bit frayed. The image of his bottle suddenly popped into his head, eyes lighting up. “Milky!”, the little exclaimed, scrambling up to get his bottle and dropping his teddy in the process. Hyunjin froze, looking extremely guilty as he crouched down to pick up the stuffed bear. Stroking the soft fabric, he mumbled: “Jinnie, weally sowwy. Nuh wan’ dwop chu.” With the bear clutched close to his chest, the dancer made his way back to his room and knelt down next to his box of little gear. A fond smile decorated his lips when he pulled out his bottle, but the smile soon turned into a clueless pout, looking at the container with formula. Not having prepared milk for himself in a long time, the little had forgotten how many scoops of formula his was supposed to use. Sure, he could call either of his caregivers and just ask but he wanted to take care of himself like a big boy, besides if they knew he was little, they would come home immediately and he really didn’t want to ruin their fun. Little Jinnie always hated being a burden.
Hyunjin decided to just look for some milk in the fridge and excitedly skipped to the kitchen. Setting his teddy and bottle down on the counter, he opened the fridge and smiled when he found a carton of strawberry milk. This sounded even better than his formula. For a second, the little got distracted, repeatedly shutting the fridge very slowly to see the light switch off, before forcing himself to focus as he poured the lightly pink milk into his bottle, using both hands and making sure to fill it to the very brim. Putting the milk carton away, got him into another cycle of opening and closing the fridge before he focused back on his bottle, screwing the top on without spilling anything. The milk smelled too tasty to be wasted by being clumsy. With his bottle and teddy in hand, Hyunjin waddled to the couch, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and cuddling up under it. He turned on the TV, switching channels till he found one of his favorite kids shows before settling in to start drinking his milk. The strawberry flavored drink was even yummier than he expected and he wondered why his caregivers never gave him any of it, instead letting him drink formula, that didn’t even really taste like milk. Slowly the little’s eyelids got heavier, sucking on his bottle always made him sleepy, and after setting the empty bottle on the coffee table, he fell asleep to the sounds of his cartoon playing.
His nap however didn’t last too long and the dancer was soon woken up by a twisting pain in his stomach. He looked down and carefully rubbed circles on his middle like his caregivers usually did when he had an upset stomach. It didn’t soothe the pain in the slightest, only causing his stomach to let out an angry gurgle. As high as Hyunjin’s pain tolerance was in his adult headspace, as low it was when he was little. Feeling helpless, a small tear slipped from his eye, followed by another. The little curled further in on himself, willing the pain to go away and hoping his members would come back home soon. He didn’t know how long he had been lying there, crying into his stuffed bear and yearning for both, his caregivers and his paci, which was out of reach on the dinner table where he had been coloring and which was the only thing that could help him calm down when his caregivers weren’t around. Shifting in pain, the dancer felt his phone in his pocket and after only a few seconds of resisting, he tapped Jisung’s number, which he had on speed dial for obvious reasons. It only took one ring for the rapper to pick up, he had had a bad gut feeling all day, so he was really worried when his little’s name lit up on the display. “Hey Jinnie”, he greeted neutrally, not knowing in which headspace his friend was. He heard quiet sniffles and what sounded like a suppressed sob, Hyunjin’s voice was soft and shaky when he replied: “D-Daddy. Pwease h-help. Jinnie’s t-tummy has the h-hurties weally b-bad.” Jisung’s eyes widened in shock, knowing his intuition had ended up being true. “It’s ok, sweetie. Try to calm down for daddy, yeah? I’ll just get appa really quick and we’ll be home in no time”, the caregiver assured, walking over to the maknae with the phone close to his ear. Trying to not get too distracted by his little’s pained cries, he explained the situation as fast as he could and pulled the youngest member along with him, while the rest of the group watched in sympathy. “Jinnie, hey, can you try to take a deep breath for daddy? Daddy and appa are already coming but we need you to calm down. Did you already eat lunch, princess?”, Jisung asked hoping the dancer just suffered from hunger pains. Hyunjin on the other side of the line sniffled, trying to take a deep breath like his daddy had told him to: “Jinnie had some milky.” – “Really, you mixed your formula by yourself?”, the rapper questioned and looked over at Jeongin, who raised an eyebrow. “Nuh-uh, Jinnie found stwabewwy milky. ‘Twas weally tasty”, Hyunjin smiled at the memory before another cramp shot through his abdomen and he had to bite into his teddy’s ear to keep himself from crying out loud. Jisung had paled at the little’s words, making eye-contact with the other caregiver and frowning: “Jinnie, you know that you can’t have milk. It always hurts your tummy, that’s why we got you a lactose-free formula.” Jeongin looked shocked when he concluded what had happened from only hearing one side of the conversation. They picked up their pace and only had a few blocks to go before reaching their dorm. Jisung wanted to stay on the phone till they reached their little but the call was ended abruptly and he only heard beeping.
Hyunjin had ended the call and dropped his phone. He was already in pain and now his daddy was upset at him for doing something he wasn’t supposed to do. Would they even come back to him after him being a bad boy? The little got more and more worked up, pulling the blanket over his head and making himself as small as possible. He sobbed hard, clutching his teddy to his chest in an attempt to find some comfort. It didn’t help that all the crying gave him the hiccups and the little was starting to taste the artificial strawberry flavor again. Hyunjin wasn’t able to hear the door slamming open over his cries but suddenly there were hands on him, removing the blanket to reveal his shaking form and tearstained face. At first the little startled away but soon realized the hands belonged to his daddy and looking up, he also found his appa standing close by. Strong but gentle arms picked him up and he found himself cradled against Jisung’s chest. “Ssh, it’s okay, sweetie. We’re here, everything will be ok”, the rapper hummed, rocking them both from side to side but soon stilled his movement, when he got a glimpse of the dancer’s face before it was shoved into his hoodie covered shoulder. “I’ll go find his lactase pills”, Jeongin announced, leaving the pair on the couch. “Innie? Maybe also get a bucket”, the older requested, drawing comforting circles on the little’s back, whose shoulders shook with hiccups and sobs. There was an audible gurgling noise followed by Hyunjin whimpering: “Huwts, daddy.” The caregiver cringed in sympathy, praying the maknae would hurry, while he watched the color drain from the little’s face. “I know, princess, daddy knows. Appa’s getting some medicine for you, that will make the hurties go away”, he promised, tucking the dancer’s hair behind his ears.
Jeongin didn’t take nearly as long as it felt to both, Jisung and Hyunjin, and crouched down next to the pair. “Jinnie, can you look at appa, princess? I got you some medicine”, the maknae smiled comfortingly, “on the other hand, judging by his skin-shade I think he needs to get at least some of the milk out before he can even swallow it”, the vocalist frowned at Jisung. The rapper had already expected this and quietly took the bucket from Jeongin. Standing up, the maknae set the box of pills on the coffee table and pulled a few colorful hairclips from the pocket of his hoodie. Hyunjin loved to wear them when playing dress up and he thought they would come in handy, keeping the little’s long hair out of the line of fire, should he need to be sick. Gently, he brushed the messy strands back and clipped them to the back of the dancer’s head, keeping his movements slow and steady. Both caregivers knew that the thought of throwing up scared the little and they could see him getting restless and uneasy in Jisung’s lap, so they needed to act extra-calm in order to keep him from freaking out. “I nuh be sick!”, Hyunjin announced stubbornly but when the next hiccup was followed by a wet burp, he quickly clamped his hands over his mouth as more tears streamed down his face. “It’s ok, sweetie. It’s better to get the things that are hurting you out, so they can’t hurt you anymore”, the rapper encouraged in a low voice, bringing the bucket a bit closer. Jeongin stood in front of Jisung, keeping the little between them on Jisung’s lap. The maknae stroked Hyunjin’s back comfortingly, while Jisung steadied the little with one arm and used the other arm to hold the bucket in Hyunjin’s lap.
A silent gag caused the dancer to pitch forward over the bucket but he kept his hands clamped tightly over his mouth, whining loudly at the burning sensation at the back of his throat. “Princess, daddy is right. You need to let the bad stuff out so that the pain can go away”, Jeongin frowned. Hyunjin shook his head, coughing behind his hands, which turned into another, wetter gag. Sighing, the maknae grabbed the dancer’s wrists, gently pulling his hands down, just in time for the little to burp up a small pinkish stream into the bucket. “That’s it, baby, get it all out”, Jisung cooed. The smell and taste were enough to send Hyunjin over the edge again, the milk not nearly as tasty having it on his tongue for a second time. He hiccupped weakly, choking on his saliva and coughing a bigger wave into the bucket, the liquid splashing hollowly against the plastic. Hyunjin couldn’t breathe, the was bitter liquid in his throat and he couldn’t breathe. It was only for a few seconds but to the little it seemed like forever and he started to freak out. Sobbing loudly, clutching both his caregivers’ hoodies. Jeongin reached out, wiping away the endless stream of tears: “It’s ok, you’re ok, princess. You did so well. I know it’s scary but it’ll be over soon. Appa promises.” The maknae switched from rubbing Hyunjin’s back to giving it some firm pats, making the little burp repeatedly before a small trickle of bile passively spilled from his lips.
“Seems like most of the milk is out”, Jisung hummed, “Sweetie, how does your tummy feel now?” Hyunjin shrugged, pointing at his throat rasping: “Ouchie.” – “I know it stung a bit, but your tummy will be better soon and then your throat will also be okay”, the rapper promised. Jeongin went to the bathroom to clean out the bucket before setting it down next to the couch just in case. He had also gotten the little’s sippy cup filled with water. “Here princess, have some water to get rid of the taste and to help your throat”, the vocalist requested, touching the sippy against the dancer’s chapped and swollen lips, “That’s it. Do you think you can take some medicine now?” Hyunjin pulled away from the sippy and nodded, allowing Jeongin to feed him two of the pills, before latching onto the sippy again to wash them down. Having finished all of his water, the little cuddled back into Jisung’s chest, who shifted them into a flat position. The maknae then joined the pair on the couch, spooning the little from behind and gently rubbing circles on his sore middle. By the time the rest of the group returned home, the trio was asleep.
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eternadyne · 3 years
[yawn] an early morning, half-awake hug. | @aestuavis​​
‘Twas another rainy day, it seemed, as the sights and smells of autumn were effortlessly drowned out by the sound of soft showers and the presence of early morning grey. The sun, normally so radiant around this time, was nowhere to be seen. 
The season’s changes were finally beginning to set in, and even as he busied himself with sweeping away cobwebs and ages worth of dust from the kitchen floor, he could still hear it all from inside; the raindrops that beat against the window pane, the wind that whistled past the trees and made the branches tremble in the breeze. Only nature had the ability to be both loud and quiet at the exact same time. 
Still, it provided a rather pleasant background rhythm for doing house-chores  ——— the smell of (scrambled) eggs and bacon wafting into the air, fresh off a scavenged pan and onto a plate made of dried clay once he’d set the broom against a nearby wall. 
Having once lived like this on the regular (humbly so, with a loving family watching over him, emanating warmth during winter’s chill), the erune oft felt that he had walked back into the past again; being Mother’s pride and joy, and Father’s beloved sharpshooter (in-training). Being both the strong older brother, and shy little brother, to siblings bright and full of life. 
And we all lived there, content as could be. ...Until nothing remained. And I was alone. 
...Once the food had been taken care of, his mind wandered to what he ought to do next once the rain eventually ceased. The garden out front could use some more work, and they ought to restock on food now before it got too low for either of them to survive off of. There was also the rest of the house that still needed to be redone... new walls, new paint, a more thorough cleaning...
Whilst simmering with those thoughts (guard momentarily let down, not hearing the soft steps that soon entered the living room), he admittedly tensed for a moment upon feeling a pair of (lithe) arms suddenly wrap ‘round his waist from behind  ——— soon relaxing, realizing who it was, as her cheek pressed itself to his back; a quiet yawn, and sleepy ‘good morning’, mumbled out from under the breath. Someone had a good rest, from the sound of it. 
All alone, I was  ——— until you emerged from winter’s shadow. And you asked to be at my side.
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“Good morning to you too,” Eustace whispered with a smile, still setting the plates of breakfast down onto the dining table with ease, as if she were hardly a hindrance to his movement (if anything, you could say he learned that particular skill overtime, as this wasn’t the first, nor last time). “As per usual, you’re up when the food is.” 
Not that he was complaining, contrary to the softly spoken tease. He rather liked watching her eat his cooking, seeing that smile grow on her face while telling him that she enjoyed it. One of the many small pleasures that this new chapter of his life offered, nestled in the heart of a forest teeming with wildlife and wonder. Accompanied by someone you cared so much for. 
‘Twas another rainy day, indeed  ——— but she could make any day full of sunshine, by virtue of being near.
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lesbian-deadpool · 5 years
How The Wade Stole Christmas
Wade has created a chat.
Wade has renamed the chat: HO HO HOE ;)
Wade has added, Y/N, Tony, Peter, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda.
Wade: Ahem hem hem hem!
Wade: Get your glasses of warm milk ready!
Wade: You're about the hear the best Christmas story of your entire lives!
Y/N: Wade, wtf?
Tony: Y/N, what is your friend doing?
Y/N: Trust me, if I knew, I would tell you.
Peter: But what if I don't have a glass of warm milk?
Thor: Nor I.
Thor: What type of milk?
Y/N: Rabbit, obviously.
Thor: Rabbits milk?!
Y/N: NO!
Y/N: Not, 'Rocket' Rabbit! A normal rabbit. Y'know what? Nvm.
Thor: Goat milk?
Thor: No, I ran out of that.
Thor: Horse milk?!
Thor: Will horse milk suffice?
Y/N: That's not milk.
Tony: Got milk? ;)
Natasha: You two are disgusting.
Steve: Thank you, Natasha.
Natasha: But not as disgusting as Thor. He's drinking horse semen.
Steve: And to think I had faith in you.
Natasha: Well you were wrong, bitch!
Steve: And, Thor? Please do not drink the horse milk.
Steve: I don't even wanna know where you got that from.
Thor: Okay, Sir Steve :(
Wade: 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house.
Y/N: Oh, I see now...
Y/N: This should be fun.
Clint: Fun as in fun, or fun.
Y/N: Yes.
Clint: Fantastic.
Wade: Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
Bruce: Only Tony, bc he doesn't sleep.
Tony: Wow!
Tony: Thanks, Science-Bro.
Wade: The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
Wade: In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
Wade has forcefully added Fury to the chat.
Fury: Tf is this shit?
Wade has changed Fury's name to: Old St. Nick
Y/N: Pha!
Natasha: OMG!
Tony: Santa Nick!
Old St. Nick: SANTA WHO NOW?
Y/N: There's just something about seeing Santa Claus swearing, that is so magical...
Wade: The children were nestled all snug in their beds.
Natasha: I'm guessing we're the children then.
Y/N: Well, one of us is still legally a child.
Peter: That's me!
Natasha: Yes it is, you sweet little boy.
Tony: Aww, Natasha. You going all soft on us.
Natasha: Shall I show you how hard my blade is?
Wade: While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
Y/N: They're high.
Natasha: Oh, so high.
Steve: Can you guys just not be like this, for three minutes?
Y/N: Three minutes is a bit of a stretch.
Y/N: But we'll give it a try.
Natasha: I never agreed to that.
Wade: And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap.
Wade: Had just settled down for a long winter's nap.
Clint: Man, a nap sound's so good right now.
Peter: Right??
Bruce: Thank God he's reading us to sleep.
Thor: You are welcome.
Bruce: ... Thor...
Thor: :)
Wade: When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter.
Clint: Someone's drunk, and trying to get in.
Tony: It's me.
Tony: I'm drunk.
Thor: Hi, Drunk, I'm Thor!
Thor: I've always wanted to do that!
Y/N: We're proud of you, Thor.
Thor: Thank you!
Wade: I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Wade: Away to the window, I flew like a flash.
Y/N: Pietro!
Clint: Don't bring his name up in front of me.
Natasha: What'd he do now?
Clint: It's between us and the sea, Natasha!
Natasha: Okay...
Wade: Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
Wade: The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow.
Y/N: Ha! Breast.
Steve: Real mature.
Natasha: Noice!!
Tony: Hehehe! Boobies!
Thor: ;)
Clint: >;)
Steve: Children, all of you.
Wade: Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
Wade: When, what to my wondering eyes should appear.
Wade: But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.
Y/N: Wait.
Y/N: Are we-?
Y/N: Are we the reindeer?
Bruce: I think we might be...
Wade: With a little old driver, so lively and quick.
Wade: I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
Old St. Nick: I hate you.
Wade: More rapid than Falcon, his coursers they came.
Wade: And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name.
Wade: "Now, DASHER!
Wade has changed Natasha's name to: Dash-tasha
Dash-tasha: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
Wade: Now, DANCER!
Wade has changed Steve's  name to: Can't Dancer
Can't Dancer: ...
Can't dancer: I hate this
Wade: Now, PRANCER and VIXEN!"
Wade has changed Peter's  name to: Pran-ker
Pran-ker: I love this!
Y/N: You're not the only one!
Dash-tasha: Just wait until your name gets changed.
Wade has changed Tony's name to: Dix-en
Dix-en: Hey!
Wade: "On, COMET!
Wade has changed Bruce's name to: Comet-at-me
Comet-at-me: What?
Dix-en: I think he may be talking about that time you got drunk and started yelling at Steve to, "COME AT ME, YOU STAR-SPANGLED BITCH!"
Comet-at-me: Ohhhhhhh...
Can't Dancer: You really scared me that day.
Y/N: You made me cry laughing that day... good times. Good times.
Can't Dancer: Those were not good!
Wade: On CUPID!
Wade has changed Clint's name to: Cupid
Cupid: Yep.
Wade: On, DONNER and BLITZEN!"
Wade has changed Thor's name to: Donn-or
Donn-or: :)
Donnor: I am quite enjoying this.
Wade has changed Y/N's name to: Y/N-BLITZES-EM!
Y/N-BLITZES-EM: Do I fully understand mine?
Y/N-BLITZES-EM: Do I love it?
Dash-Tasha: I hate you.
Wade: "To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!"
Wade: "Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"
Dix-en: Right, I'm sick of this.
Dix-en has changed all but Old St. Nick's names back to their original state
Tony: Ahh...
Tony: Now, that's better.
Old St. Nick: I hate you, too.
Wade: As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly.
Wade: When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
Wade: So up to the house-top the coursers they flew.
Wade: With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
Peter: Toys?!
Natasha: He really is a child.
Y/N: What kind of toys?? ;)
Tony: ;)
Clint: ;)
Thor: ;)
Steve: God.
Bruce: Thor? Do you even know what you're winking for?
Thor: No, I do not.
Bruce: Right.
Y/N: And Natasha, don't act like you're any better.
Y/N: I've seen your "not collection" of action figures.
Natasha: ...
Natasha: I'm gonna fucking kill you.
Wade: And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof.
Wade: The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
Y/N: Well, only three of us are truly little.
Y/N: *Looks pointedly at Natasha, Tony, and Peter*
Natasha: We'll kill you.
Peter: But I don't wanna kill anyone.
Tony: And I don't wanna move.
Tony: Me sleepy.
Bruce: That's a first.
Tony: Right, you listen here.
Natasha: FINE!
Natasha: I'll kill you.
Y/N: ;)
Wade: As I drew in my hand, and was turning around.
Wade: Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
Peter: He fell down.
Y/N: And most likely landed on his ass.
Clint: Santa, how you feel?
Old St. Nick: ...
Clint: Ohhh, he's not talking.
Tony: He angey Santa Claus.
Natasha: Probably bc his ass hurts.
Old St. Nick: Fuck all y'all, mother-fuckers.
Wade: He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot.
Wade: And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
Y/N: Oh, Santa you dirty!
Tony: Ahh, Santa, what's in your bag??
Steve: My eyes.
Steve: MY EYES!
Peter: Your virgin eyes, Mr Rogers?
Steve: Yes!
Steve: Wait.
Steve: What?!
Steve: NO!
Tony: Hahaha! Good one, kid!
Clint: Oh, Santa, you want me to sit on your lap??
Natasha: Santa, what would Mrs Claus say?
Thor: Santa ;)
Bruce: Omg, Thor.
Old St. Nick: ...
Wade: A bundle of toys he had flung on his back.
Wade: And he looked like a Peddler just opening his pack.
Y/N: Does anyone even know what a Peddler is?
Peter: Nope.
Bruce: A Peddler is a person who sells illegal drugs or stolen goods. It was slang, mostly used in the 1920s to 1940s.
Y/N: Okay, Wikipedia.
Y/N: Also, Awesome!
Y/N: Where do I sign up?
Natasha: Y/N, no.
Y/N: Y/N, yes!
Wade: His eye- How it twinkled! His dimples how merry!
Wade: His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
Wade: His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow.
Wade: And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.
Natasha: Aww, Nick you sound so cute!
Tony: Like a little cartoon!
Y/N: I'd love to see that!
Old St. Nick: ...
Old St. Nick: Just you wait.
Old St. Nick: Just you fuckers wait.
Wade: The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth.
Wade: And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
Wade: He had a broad face and a little round belly.
Wade: That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
Wade has forced Old St. Nick to say:
Old St. Nick: HO HO HO!
Wade: He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf.
Wade: And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.
Wade: A wink of his eye and a twist of his head.
Wade: Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
Y/N: Aww.
Y/N: See, Nick. You're not that scary at all!
Old St. Nick: ...
Wade: He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work.
Wade: And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk.
Y/N: *Eye emoji*
Steve: Y/N...
Y/N: Yes, Steve?
Steve: Nothing. There's no helping you.
Y/N: Yes!
Y/N: I win!
Wade: And laying his finger aside of his nose.
Wade: And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
Wade: He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle.
Thor: That's us!
Steve: It is.
Old St. Nick: I hate you all.
Wade: And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
Wade: But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight.
Wade has kicked everyone from the chat.
(Three Hours later. When everyone's asleep)
Wade: Now I can move on with the next step of my plan.
Wade has added F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Wade has changed F.R.I.D.A.Y's name to: FRI-BAE
Wade: Heyyy ;)))
FRI-BAE: What?
Wade: ;)))
FRI-BAE: Please don't look at me like that.
Wade: You know everything, right?
FRI-BAE: I have access to all of Earths information. And a select few hundred planets, thanks to Captain Danvers.
Wade: Wow... that'll be useful for later.
Wade: Anyway!
Wade: Well, did you know I could show you a good time?
Wade: All you have to do is give me access to the compound, and I'll rock your world around the Christmas tree ;)
Wade: That's what all the girls say to me ;)
FRI-BAE: Please leave me alone.
Wade: I'll do anything for you. Just give me access first ;)
FRI-BAE: Just never talk to me again.
Wade: Your wish is my command ;)
FRI-BAE has given Wade access to all of The Avengers Compound
Wade: There's more where that came from ;)
FRI-BAE: I must go re-boot all of my systems now, because of the corruption you have caused me.
Wade: It's all apart of my charm ;)
FRI-BAE has gratefully left the chat.
Wade: Works like a charm.
Wade has added Goose to the chat
Goose: Dyhcdooisikgnrngssyujd
Wade: Max! Get the slay ready!
Goose: ???
That chat has been festively closed.
480 notes · View notes
efrmellifer · 3 years
Wolmeric Week May 2021, Day Six: Family
At the first of Landric’s whimpers, Etien was awake, exhaling heavily in preparation to get up as he progressed to earnest crying. But before she could even get her arm under her to lift herself, a warm hand settled on her shoulder.
“Stay still, Etien. Rest. You were up late with Betula.”
“He’s gonna wake her up. Hells, you have to be up in a few bells.”
“I have to be up now to tend to our son,” Aymeric replied. He sat up, then, and Etien rolled from one side to her other to watch him lean over the cradle, speaking quietly to Landric.
“Good morning, young man. You certainly are up early. What could the matter be?”
Landric still cried as Aymeric lifted him from the cradle, clicking his tongue as Landric’s sock fell from his foot. “Well, that simply will not do. A gentleman like you with chilly feet? We cannot have that.”
With the same motion as a dhalmel but twice the grace, he bent and lifted the sock from the floor, putting it back on Landric. “There, we have that settled. What else is troubling you?”
He continued to search for the cause of Landric’s upset, checking whether he needed changing, making sure the poor boy wasn’t too hot or too cold, and then wracking his brain for more possible reasons. He looked out the window as he thought. Landric kept crying, though the intensity of it seemed to have passed its peak already. Now they were the cries of a child awake too early and clearly frustrated by how long it was taking his father to figure it out and help him rest again.
“I know, darling boy,” Aymeric whispered. “This is all very stressful. I promise you, I am doing my utmost to solve this little problem.”
Etien lifted her head again. “You can give him to me.”
“No, I can handle it. You can’t possibly do everything, dearest. Besides, it would feel like cheating you to simply hand him over and then try to sleep.”
She blinked slowly, appreciative. “He could be hungry.”
“Oh. I suppose. But he sounds different when he wants to eat.”
“True enough,” she replied with a shrug.Still,she sat up, looking into Betula’s cradle.
“Is she still asleep?” Aymeric asked.
Etien nodded. “Hopefully she stays that way.”
Aymeric nodded, then got Landric so that his chin was resting on Aymeric’s shoulder. From there, it was much easier to rub his back, though Aymeric thought better of it quickly and grabbed a rag to slip under Landric’s chin.
“Just in case,” he mumbled, half to himself.
He kept at his task of patting and rubbing Landric in rhythmic alternation, and somewhere in the process, he had begun to rock. When he realized that it was working, he leaned into the motion, swaying as he walked around the room. He settled into a little pattern, starting at the cradle, then crossing to the window. From the window, he moved toward the fireplace, and then to Etien’s vanity table. Then, back again to the cradle.
They two had made this journey around the room four times before Landric started to settle. First, the cries turned to those whimpers that had first woken Etien, then those faded into an awed silence.
Aymeric laughed. “Once, ‘twas that I impressed all the ladies with my command of steps on a dance floor. Now I stun my beautiful son with them.” He looked over to Etien. “I think I like this use better.”
“For what it’s worth, you’ve impressed me with both,” she told him, a sleepy smile lifting the very corners of her mouth. Her eyes were hardly open; the only indication that they weren’t actually closed was that her eyelashes were sitting higher than they would have been otherwise.
“And that is all that truly matters, that they work for the children, and I still catch your eye.” He sat down on the bed. “Do you still want to try feeding him?”
“Worth a shot,” she replied, shrugging again. “If nothing else, it ought to soothe him the rest of the way to sleep.”
They passed Landric between them, and as Etien held him, Aymeric undid the first few buttons of her nightgown.
“I should have done that before I took him,” she said with a little scoff.
“I don’t mind,” Aymeric said simply, reverently tracing a small scar on her collarbone before retracting his hands.
He watched the fire, burning low, while Etien got Landric situated in her arms and suckling, then he turned back to her.
“Should I check on Betula again?”
She shook her head, then tilted it to check the occupied cradle. “If she was awake, she would let us know.”
“Then, can I do anything for you?”
“You can fix my braid, if you want to keep your hands busy.”
He nodded, taking off the ribbon that held it, and separating the strands up to her scalp. Before he ran his fingers through it, Etien rolled her neck toward one shoulder, then the other. When she returned to center, Aymeric sank his hands into her curls, parting them further, then massaging her scalp.
When Etien was more fully relaxed, Aymeric split the thick fistfuls of her hair into three equal parts again, and began to weave them, taking care not to tug, but to ensure that each turn of the braid was sufficiently tight. When he’d gotten to the bottom of her hair, he tied it up again, and swirled the end around his finger to curl it even more tightly.
“I almost want to put a sprig of flowers in it,” he commented.
Etien hummed. “In the morning.”
“It is morning,” he replied.
Now she hissed.
“I didn’t think it was that pedantic.”
“No, no. I think Landric is going to start teething soon.”
Aymeric looked just a little shocked. “Did he bite?”
“He tried. And now he’s hiccuping.”
Aymeric’s suppression of his snort was evident. “Aw. It makes sense, after he was crying. You are having quite the early morning, hmm?”
Landric was already asleep.
“Should I put him back in the cradle?”
Etien shook her head again, still looking half-asleep. “I’ll stay up and make sure he stays like this. Get some more rest before you have to go.”
Reluctantly, he agreed. “All right,” he gave in, kissing her forehead. “Shall I have Estinien come over later so you can catch up on sleep during the day?”
She smiled. “That might be good. For me and for him.”
“I do so love things that are good for the both of you. And that keep you close.”
He kissed her again, then lay down, still gazing up at her. When he was younger, he’d never devoted time to imagining having a family. But now he realized that this was better than anything he would have imagined back then, even if he was currently dead tired.
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Happy holidays everyone!! This year, no one asked me for my latest Christmas fics, so I took the opportunity to do something I’ve wanted to do for awhile: give ALL OF the bookmarks I have for the Christmas season... essentially updating my current Christmas lists so I make sure I didn’t forget any of them :P 
Included below is EVERY bookmark I have up to today, for both Christmas and New Year! I hope you enjoy everything! 
I’ll have Pt. 2 up for you tomorrow, which is EVERYTHING I have recently recorded for my Marked for Later list, and kindly ask you wait until THAT list for you to add your own lists so that I have everything I should read in one place! <3
Hope these lists get you into the holiday spirit the week before Christmas!! <3 Love you all!
See also: 
Christmas Fics (Dec. 2017)
Christmas: Oblivious That One or The Other is In a Relationship
G / T / K+ Rated Christmas Fics (Dec. 2018)
Undeterred by 221b_hound (T, 221 w., 1 Ch. || 221B Ficlet, Christmas, Mistletoe, Kisses) – Sherlock does not approve of this mistletoe nonsense. Though he will make exceptions. Part 6 of The Million Word Festival // Part 42 of Unkissed
When Morning Comes by Youarethelightoftheworld (T, 423 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Lazy Mornings/Morning After, Fluff and Angst, Sleepy Cuddles, Domestic Fluff, Cuddling / Snuggling, Emotional Hurt/Comfort) – “Sherlock,” says John solemnly, “I’m not sure we can go anywhere today.”
Jumper by bofurs_laugh (G, 520 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Pre-Slash, Christmas) – John wakes to find something he never thought possible. Part 4 of Sherlock Advent Series
Christmas With Sherlock by grannysknitting (K, 830 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship & Family, Christmas) – John spends Christmas with Sherlock. Mrs Hudson gets a pressie.
A Christmas Holiday by consultinggalpals (sansa_undergrind) (G, 1,076 w., 1 Ch. || Tooth Rotting Fluff, Christmas, Honeymoon) – "Come on, Sherlock. Just take the picture already.”
Upon Reflection, Tenable Frippery by emmagrant01 (T, 1,299 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, John’s Beard, First Kiss, Fluff) – John was, inexplicably, growing a beard.
Yet What I Can, I Give Him by a_big_apple (G, 1,391 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Kisses) – This Christmas is much improved over the last – mostly because Sherlock isn't dead – but it isn't so simple for John to recover from his grief, and he finds comfort in likely and unlikely places.
Christmas by thegirlinthedeathfrisbee (G, 1,768 w., 1 Ch. || Mistletoe, First Kiss, Fluff) – John goes home for Christmas -- to the Holmes home, that is.
You Can Imagine The Christmas Dinners by johnsarmylady (T, 1,780 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Family, Introspection, Fluff, Post-ASIP) – Set the morning after a Study in Pink, John sits and contemplates Mycroft's words. In answer to a challenge set by Librarianmum, and dedicated to that talented lady.
Wintery Hell by Belldere (K+, 2,457 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship & Humour, Christmas) – With Sherlock being roped into spending Christmas with his family, John had his own Christmas all planned out with his other friends and family... That is until he's extended a forceful invitation from Mycroft and an assumption from Sherlock who, once again, failed to notice John wasn't in the room when he 'asked’.
Just Admit It by LoyalNerdWP (T, 2,512 w, 1 Ch. || Christmas, Fluff, Family, Romance, Pining Sherlock) – Sherlock goes to his family’s place for Christmas without John, and Mycroft makes an interesting observation that Sherlock missed.
Unmapped by 221b_hound (E, 2,835 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas Fluff, Kissing, Experiments, Kisses, Saucy Kisses) – Sherlock wishes to explore more about his desires. To this end, he conducts a kissing experiment in the afternoon of Christmas Day. John is all for experiments of this nature. They are going to learn a thing or two together. Part 9 of Unkissed
The Trial of Sherlock Holmes by jenna221b (G, 3,015 w. across 3 works || TAB!lock, Metafic / TJLC, Victorian AU / 1895, Christmas, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Oscar Wilde) – Scripts based on speculation that Sherlock will be put on trial in The Abominable Bride to parallel the Oscar Wilde Trials of 1895.
Unwrapped by 221b_hound (E, 3,022 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas, Fluff, Oral Sex, Feet and Toes, Tow Fetish, Pet Names, Licking) – It's Christmas morning. John doesn't really want the Christmas Sex that Sherlock proposes and explains the reasons why. Sherlock discovers a new element of how his desire functions, and later John gets to indulge his foot fetish. Part 8 of Unkissed
Entanglement by orphan_account (G, 3,218 w., 1 Ch. || Confessions, Physics, Metaphors, Texting, Pining, Christmas, Mind Palace, Sick Fic, Fluff, Humour, Praise Kink) - On Christmas Eve, snow covers London, John visits Harry, and Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson untangle some knots.
First Night Out by verityburns (M, 3,251 w., 1 Ch. || Romance, Christmas, Dev. Rel.) – As John recovers from the effects of a brutal kidnapping, he and Sherlock attend the Yarders' Christmas Party. There are... developments on the dance floor...
Twas The Night by xox-hattii-xox (K+, 3,356 w., 1 Ch. || Humour & Friendship, Christmas, Domestics, Fluff) – Twas the night before Christmas...and Sherlock has had just about enough of the whole thing! 'Really, John, a Santa Hat' Christmas in 221b, and Sherlock just wants it over with.
It Wasn't Just the Mistletoe by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 3,593 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas Fluff, Mistletoe, First Kiss / Time, Frottage, Masturbation, Come as Lube) – Sherlock and John just stood there, seemingly frozen. Sherlock was desperately trying to think of a way out of this. There was no way he could kiss John, even a small kiss, and not have him know immediately how he felt. Sherlock could lie, and fake and sham, but there was no way he could hide this.
Last Christmas by Mazarin221b (T, 3,911 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss) – That Earth-shaking revelation, then, leads to a problem, and one that Sherlock realizes should be solved quickly, before John’s dates turn into girlfriends or boyfriends, because sometimes girlfriends or boyfriends can turn into wives or husbands while your back is turned. Every time John hums happily at the mirror as he shaves, splashes on a little gift cologne Mrs. Hudson bought him for Christmas, Sherlock is drawn back to that night by the fire, and the way John’s touch had made the world stand still.
Tree Topper by May_Shepard (E, 4,017 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas Tree, Christmas Fluff, Drunken Shenanigans, Smut, First Time, Friends to Lovers) – Sherlock and John are celebrating Christmas the best way they know how--alone together, with booze. They've almost finished decorating their tree, but John is determined to find the best way to top it.
Christmas at Holmes Cottage by johnlockedstarkid (G, 4,295 w., 7 Ch. || Christmas, Fake Relationship, Love Confessions, Holmes Family, Pining, Kisses, Fluff, Allusions to Mystrade) – Sherlock doesn't want to have to deal with his mother's wishes for him to find a partner when he goes to visit them for Christmas, so asks John to pose as his boyfriend. Little does he know he's not the only one who wishes that the relationship could be real.
Happy Christmas, You Arse by 1electricpirate (T, 4,766 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, Fluff, Christmas) – In which evidence is presented that disqualifies Sherlock from being the Grinch, and everyone's shoes fit them perfectly well, thank you.
Winter of Life by You_Light_The_Sky (T, 5,178 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas, Fluff & Angst, Magic Realism) – It was an experiment, really. On Christmas, Sherlock wrote to Santa asking for a friend. He got a broken toy soldier instead. This is the story of how he finds him again and again.
Memories Lost on Christmas Day by agnesanutter, PlainJane (G, 5,479 w., 3 Ch. || Fluff, Hospitals, Worried Sherlock, Post-TRF, Christmas) – It's the day before Christmas and Sherlock and John are exactly where they need to be....
Maybe This Christmas by feverishsea (T, 6,021 w., 1 Ch. || Matchmaker Anthea, Anthea POV, Slight Mystrade, Holmes Family) – Anthea has given up her life, her own desires, even her name in service of something greater than herself. But that doesn’t mean she can’t see when someone else wants something – even if she doesn’t happen to care overmuch for that person. And it doesn’t mean she isn’t willing to help.
Surprise Christmas by Ayakae (K, 6,093 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Sherlock in Disguise, TRF Hiatus, Christmas, Fluff, Mary) – A year and a half after his death, Sherlock tries to give John Watson a happy Christmas without actually revealing himself. The consulting detective thinks his newfound friend can help. Epic friendship.
Same Same But Different by Kerkerian-Horizon (K+, 6,435 w., 2 Ch. || Friendship, Angst, Post-TRF, Gladstone, John/Mary, Christmas, No Slash) – After Sherlock's return, a lot of things have changed, things the detective has to learn to contend with- or rather, to accept. A sometime-post-Reichenbach story in two parts, no male pairing. Contains Mary, the puppy Gladstone and Christmas as well.
Same Same But Different by Kerkerian-Horizon (K+, 6,435 w., 2 Ch. || Friendship, Angst, Post-TRF, Gladstone, John/Mary, Christmas, No Slash) – After Sherlock's return, a lot of things have changed, things the detective has to learn to contend with- or rather, to accept. A sometime-post-Reichenbach story in two parts, no male pairing. Contains Mary, the puppy Gladstone and Christmas as well.
once upon a time by darcylindbergh (M, 6,501 w., 6 Ch. || Fluff and Angst, First Kiss / Time, Love Declarations, Christmas) – It starts with a wish. In the beginning, John comes home. Part 1 of things fairy tales are made of
5687 (Approximately) by prettysailorsoldier (T, 6,771 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Alternate Canon, Christmas, Pining, Fluff, Soldier John) – When John's leave request for Christmas is denied, Sherlock is nothing short of devastated, not that he's letting it show. The holiday season now something he's just waiting to end, Sherlock doesn't think anything can possibly make it worse. That is, until he realizes no one in his life believes his army "boyfriend" is even real, but, luckily, everyone is in for a surprise. Part 13 of 25 Days of Johnlock
that thing you like by misspamela (E, 7,165 w., 1 Ch. || Holmes Family, Fake Relationship, Friends to Lovers) – "Happy Christmas, etc. etc." Sherlock and John go to the Holmes’ for Christmas, and everyone thinks they’re together.
Christmas by WhimsicalEthnographies (E, 7,673  w., 1 Ch. || Worried Sherlock, PWP, Drunkeness, Christmas, Est. Relationship, Idiots So In Love) – John feels a lump rise in his throat, and it hits him, again, that this beautiful, infuriating creature is his. Completely, one-hundred percent his.
The Frost Child by twistedthicket1 (M, 9,994 w., 2 Ch. || Frozen-ish AU || Magical Realism, Christmas, Angst, Fluff, Powerful John) – In a world where people are born with a Gift of varying levels, simple John Watson is the last person one might look at when thinking of any strong Magick capabilities. Hiding comfortably in the shadow of Sherlock's brilliant deducing abilities, John is content to keep it that way...
Their Great Reward by BeautifulFiction (T, 10,095 w., 1 Ch. || UST, First Kiss, Fluff) – Boxing day, in John's opinions, is the worst day of the year. Christmas is over, the tree is wilting and stripped of gifts, and there's a week of dead-time until the clean slate of the new year. However the combination of a blizzard, a power-cut and Sherlock might just make it a day to remember.
The Nutcracker by Odamaki (T, 13,758 w., 7 Ch. || Nutcracker AU ||  Christmas, Dark Magic, Dolls) – Sherlock is unimpressed with Uncle Rudy's present. A doll? What does he want with a doll?
Merlot by Itsallfine (E, 14,844 w., 17 Ch. || Christmas, Pining Sherlock, Wine, Slow Burn, First Kiss / Time, Love Confessions, Wine, Holmes Family) – Sherlock and John work toward becoming something more as they prepare to host the Holmes parents at 221B for the holidays. Part of 25 Days of Fic-Mas 2015.
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Christmas Spirit by SilentAuror (M, 15,002 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas, Domesticity, Post S3, Happy Ending) – John hates Christmas. So does Sherlock, but he suggests that they do Christmas "properly" this year to see if they can't track down its elusive magic and discover for themselves what Christmas is supposed to be about.
Twelfth Night by yourdykeinshiningarmor (E, 15,139 w., 5 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Christmas, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Angst & Fluff, BJ’s, Anal) – John is invited to his aunt's Twelfth Night ball. Sherlock offers to attend with him as a friendly face among strangers, but John's family force him to address his true feelings for Sherlock.
Till Death Do Us Part by prettysailorsoldier (M, 15,390 w., 1 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Case Fic, Friends to Lovers, Fake Marriage, Christmas, Fluff) – When Sherlock links a recent spree of murder-suicides to a psychologist who specializes in marriage counseling, there's really only one thing to do: Go undercover as a couple in hopes of drawing the killer out. Faking a relationship seems easy enough, but things take a turn when their real issues start to creep into the sessions, and, all the while, a killer is watching, waiting in the shadows for their chance to strike.
Never-Ending Cycle by orphan_account (T, 17,211 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas, Est. Rel., Proposal, Fluff) – Or, four times Sherlock Holmes attempted to propose to John Watson, and the Christmas Party at which he finally did. Sherlock thinks he's a miserable failure, John is confused, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade provide some unsatisfactory advice, and Mummy is, as always, the solution. All in a lovely, fluffy holiday theme.
You're On the Air by prettysailorsoldier (M, 20,616 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock, Matchmaking, Radio, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Flirting, Bisexual John) – The Consulting Detective and The Woman dominate the airwaves of their university radio station, doling out advice on everything from meeting the parents to sexual positions. When their ratings start to dip before the holidays, however, manager Mike thinks it's time for some fresh blood, and who better to fill in the gaps than rugby captain--and notorious flirt--John Watson? Part 1 of 25 Days of Johnlock
Winter's Delights by Kate_Lear (E, 21,173 w., 1 Ch. || Holmes Family, Christmas, Fake Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Bed Sharing, Domestics) – Sherlock takes John home for Christmas to meet the extended Holmes family. Part 1 of Winter's Delights
Ghost Stories by SwissMiss (M, 22,256 w., 1 Ch. || Pining, Holmes Family, Christmas, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, First Time) – Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something.
You Can Imagine the Christmas Dinners by ardenteurophile (T, 23,584 w., 9 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Drama, Fluff & Angst, Humour, Romance) – Sherlock takes John along for Christmas dinner with Mycroft and Mummy (And "Anthea", too). Over the course of the evening, John realises that everyone in the room - apart from him - seems to think that he and Sherlock are a couple. Part 2 of Xmas Dinners Verse
Dropping the Act by jadztone (T, 27,258 w., 10 Ch. || Parentlock, Fake Relationship, Mary’s Family, Post-S4, Cuddling & Snuggling, Bed Sharing, Pining, Christmas) – Sherlock and John are quite happy living together with Rosie in Baker St. They might be even happier if they didn’t act towards each other like their love is only platonic. Mycroft brings troubling news in the form of Mary’s parents wanting to know just what their grandchild’s home life is like. The boys decide to spend Christmas pretending like they are in love in order to seem more like a "normal" family. It's easy enough to pretend when all you're doing is dropping the act.
Another Auld Lang Syne by DiscordantWords (M, 30,234 w., 31 Ch. || Post S4, Mutual Pining, Alternating POV, Introspection, Parentlock, Christmas, New Year’s, First Kiss, Past Drug Use, Angst with Happy Ending, Drinking, Sherlock Whump) – There had been years of missed chances.
The Winter Garden by Callie4180 (T, 31,213 w., 13 Ch. || Post-S4, Retirement, Christmas, Slow Burn, Grown-Up Rosie, Parenthood, Rosie’s Cat, Angst with Happy Ending, Holidays, Beekeeping, Magical Realism, Sherlock POV, Sherlock’s Violin, Future Fic, Sussex, Honey, Magical Healing Honey, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Scar, First Kiss, Touching, Mycroft is Dying) – As Sherlock nears the end of his career, he's given the gift of a cottage in Sussex. The honey from the beehives out back is amazing. Almost...magical.
a good old-fashioned happy ending by darcylindbergh (E, 32,731 w., 26 Ch. || Christmas, Frottage, Comfort, Est. Rel., Fluff, Insecure Sherlock, Frottage, Nightmares, Sleepy Sherlock, Marriage Proposal, Humour, Fluff, Dancing, Cooking, Happy Ending) – For Christmas this year, Sherlock wants to get John something special: something every fairytale deserves. Part 2 of things fairy tales are made of
Our Enthusiasms Which Cannot Always Be Explained by withoutawish (M, 32,961 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas, Fluff and Angst, H/C, Post-TRF, Case Fic, Mild Gore, Sherlock Whump) – The list that is tacked haphazardly on the refrigerator of 221B reads, ‘Kidney(s), and/or a full cadaver (preferably male, late 30s, under six feet tall), bag of fresh toes, sixteen cow’s eyes (corneas retained), dual exhaust hand –held flame thrower, an unopened first edition copy of Joseph Conrad’s 'Heart of Darkness', and no less than ten abhorrently gruesome murders in the upcoming month.” The one neatly hanging next to it simply reads, “Sex.” One of these lists is not John Watson’s. If John Watson were to put what he really wanted in list form, to live in a land somewhere beyond ‘almosts' now that Sherlock Holmes has indeed returned to him, he would never be able to look his flatmate in the eye ever again.
Goodness Gives Extras by mydwynter (E, 39,629 w., 6 Ch. || Fluff & Angst, Case Fic, Oral / Anal, Humour, First Time, Miscommunication, Snark, Christmas) – Christmas time. 'Tis the season to settle down with a drink, some food and a present or two, and to enjoy the quiet relaxation of the holiday. Instead, there's a case that drags them all over, missing presents, disappointed kids, angry parents, and a freak snowfall. On top of that John has to deal with Sherlock, who is being even more of a prat than usual. He really shouldn't have expected anything different.
One Little Change by jadztone (E, 58,312 w., 12 Ch. || ASiB Divergence, Fake Relationship, Bed Sharing, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Bi John / Gay Demisexual Sherlock, Switchlock, Alternating POV, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Case Fic, Angst with Happy Ending, Emotional Love Making, Butt Plugs, Cuddles) – Our story begins right after John and Sherlock's first meeting with Irene Adler in September. It splits off into an AU that imagines them taking a case where they act as bait to hook a killer targeting closeted gays in secret relationships. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, many things happen that have our boys wondering if maybe they have a chance with each other. Then Irene fakes her death on Christmas Eve, and things get a lot more complicated - especially since they still have a killer to catch.
John Watson's Twelve Days of Christmas by earlgreytea68 (M, 53,464 w., 14 Ch. || Christmas, Holmes Family, Fake Relationship, Alternate First Meeting, Falling in Love, Fluff and Angst, Hardcore Pining) – It's the holiday season. John Watson needs money. Sherlock Holmes needs something else.
The Baker Street Nativity by SwissMiss (E, 99,662 w. || Nativity! AU || Teacher Sherlock / TA John, Pining, Sherlock POV, UST, Angst, Christmas, Music/Song Fic, Anal / BJ’s, First Kiss / Time) – Fusion between Sherlock (BBC) and Nativity! (2009 movie starring Martin Freeman). Sherlock is a primary school teacher and John is assigned to be his classroom assistant. Together, they are charged with putting on the school's Nativity play. What could possibly go wrong? Part 1 of The Baker Street Nativity Verse
Sherlock Holmes and His Inability to Sing by sherlockholmesandhisinability (Parentlock, Christmas) [Tumblr Ficlet] - “Oh, for Christ’s sake. Sherlock, it’s me- Greg. You texted! Said it was an emergency. Ring a bell? God, I was panicking! Here, get up,” Greg scooped the bundle from the floor warmly and held it by the shoulders. “You alright, then?” “Yes. Fine.” Ached Sherlock as he wriggled free. “Come on, you soft git- take that off and tell me what’s happening.”
See also: New Year’s Fics (Jan 2018)
New Year, New Beginning by DaisyFairy (T, 810 w., 1 Ch. || New Year’s Eve, John POV, Post S4, Friends to Lovers) – New Year at a crime scene and John makes a decision.
Q 1 HR by StillWaters1 (K+, 2,234 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Sick John, Fluff, New Year’s Eve) – On New Year's Eve, Sherlock discovers that sometimes it's the seemingly innocuous, rather than life-threatening, conditions that can keep John from The Work. And John is reminded just how deeply their friendship runs.
Not My Proudest Moment by charlock221 (K, 2,695 w., 1 Ch. || Lunar New Year, Mild PTSD / Panic Attack, Coping Mechanisms, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort) – John tries his best not to get in the way of Sherlock's cases, but when the vivid noises of fireworks unnerve his senses and begin to bring back unwanted memories of Afghanistan, he cannot help but to hope Sherlock will notice and help him before things go too far.
Unimpressed by 221b_hound (M, 3,106 w., 1 Ch. || New Year’s Eve, Dancing, Jealousy) – Sherlock has no intention of attending the Met's New Year's Eve party. The start of a new year is all but meaningless to him. But he ends up there anyway, having odd conversations, and John does not find Sherlock's jealousy the slightest bit cute. And then there is dancing. Part 10 of Unkissed
Coldness/Heat by agirlsname (E, 3,790 w., 1 Ch. || Cuddling & Snuggling, Body Heat, New Year’s Eve, PWP, Bedsharing, Frottage) – The inn is booked up on New Year's Eve. The train home is cancelled because of the snow. The only option is to sleep in the non-heated guest room of a client, and John and Sherlock are freezing. You know where this is going. Part 1 of New Year's Kiss
Another Auld Lang Syne by DiscordantWords (M, 30,234 w., 31 Ch. || Post S4, Mutual Pining, Alternating POV, Introspection, Parentlock, Christmas, New Year’s, First Kiss, Past Drug Use, Angst with Happy Ending, Drinking, Sherlock Whump) – There had been years of missed chances.
Again, if you have fics to add, I kindly ask you wait until TOMORROW’S list to suggest them, so that they’re all in one place I can logically remember to check for new fics to read!! :) This list is meant to be my gift to you guys, with my bookmarks list, and Tomorrow’s is the community gift to the fandom with stuff people have suggested to me and others! <3
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littleplebe · 4 years
Could you write a fic where Darcy gets hurt and Bucky swoops in and saves her. But Darcy tries to keep pretending that she’s fine until Bucky has enough.
“I told you to stay in the fucking van!” Bucky bellowed over the din of gunshots and explosions, one hand wrapped firmly around Darcy’s arm while the other gripped his rifle, firing madly at the oncoming HYDRA agents.
There weren’t that many of them left. Once they were all down, Hill and her team would take over the base, unless someone decided to blow up the place, which, considering the history of Avengers, wasn’t an uncommon occurrence.
Darcy huffed as she tried to keep up with him, grimacing every time Bucky pushed her behind him to block an attack. He didn’t need to protect her. She could take care of herself, dammit!
“I told you,” he began again, not noticing her death glare.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do,” Darcy snapped, cutting him off. She defiantly raised her gun to shoot down two agents hiding behind a column. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to walk, it hurt to keep a hold on her weapon, but dammit she was stronger than she looked! And she’d go down fighting if she had to.
Steve’s shield whizzed past them and the sound of Iron Man’s repulsors made her look back with purpose, but Bucky tugged angrily at her body, unwilling to tolerate her shit anymore. He would die before letting her jump back into the fray with blood dripping down her front.
“Keep moving!” he growled.
He was worried about her. The blood stain on the front of her catsuit was getting bigger. He needed to get her to safety. But she was making his job difficult with her recklessness. She kept shooting people, even those who were not headed in their direction and were in combat with other Avengers. At one point, she stopped running and shouted, “Clint, look out!” right before the archer stabbed an agent with his arrow.
Right at that moment, a bullet ricocheted off of Bucky’s metal arm and he let out a string of curses under his breath. He had had enough. He picked Darcy up bridal style and sent a signal to Natasha to cover them.
“I got you,” the Widow said in his ear and Bucky nodded in thanks before sprinting straight out of the building, a loudly protesting Darcy in his arms.
He didn’t stop until they reached their surveillance van and barged in, scaring the crap out of Hill’s agents who were huddled inside around their computers. Uncaring, Bucky started shouting orders.
“Move! You! Get me a first aid kid. You, Watson—Nelson? Inform Dr. Wheeler we need medical attention asap!” He snatched the gun from Darcy’s hand and tossed it to another startled agent. “Keep this away from her, will you?”
Everyone jumped into action, tripping over themselves to make way for the Winter Soldier to pass and to carry out his orders. Darcy rolled her eyes at the drama. “You’re scaring them,” she said, annoyed at his behavior. He was overreacting.
Bucky didn’t respond, quickly carrying her to the front of the van, where he gently set her down on the cushioned seat.
“Can’t you, for once in your life, listen to what I say?” he bit out, furiously tearing at her suit with his metal fingers.
She swatted at his wondering hands. “Stop that! I said I’m fine. I was trained for this, remember?” Her words ended with a hiss and a yelp as his fingers finally found the bloody gash on her belly. “Fuuuuck! Don’t touch that! Dude, get away from me!”
He silenced her with a look.
She wanted to fight him, but the more she relaxed into her seat, the more pain she felt. Her body was running out of adrenaline and it was now she was realizing that she had been stabbed, right in the gut, and it hurt like a goddamn bitch.
“You’re being ridiculous,” she mumbled blearily after quiet minutes of watching Bucky patiently clean her wound and cover it up with a bandage to staunch the flow of blood. “I’m fine. I’m… totally…” She trailed away in confusion as dark spots erupted before her eyes, growing in size with each blink of her lids.
Bucky’s concerned gaze darted up to meet hers. “Darcy, hang on.”
But she was already gone. His name was the last thing she uttered before darkness consumed her.
She woke up to the sound of machines beeping and a low familiar whirring that she couldn’t immediately place in her hazy state of mind.
It took a minute to comprehend she was in Stark Tower’s infirmary and the whirring sound was Bucky’s metal arm. It hung by his side, lax fingers almost touching the floor, while its person slept on, unaware of the noise it was making. Darcy figured he must be having a rather intense dream for his arm plates to shift like that.
She smothered a smile at the position he was in, slumped in an arm chair next to her bed, his head resting against her thigh and flesh arm draped protectively over her legs. It was cute.
To her right sat Jane, curled up under a blanket, asleep as well. The uncomfortable way her cheek rested on her shoulder foretold a painful creek in the neck when she awoke.
Warmth flooded Darcy at the sight. She didn’t know how long she’d been out or how long they’d stayed by her side but seeing them there, waiting for her to wake up, made her heart swell. She tried to sit up, wanting to announce her wakefulness, but the move caused her stomach muscles to clench in the most unpleasant of ways, forcing a gasp out of her. She gritted her teeth against the pain and let out a soft, “Oh, fuck!”
To her surprise, her whisper was enough to jolt Bucky into consciousness. “Darcy,” he breathed, sitting up straight and staring at her in what she could only assume was immense relief. He was strangely alert, as if he hadn’t just woken up from a deep sleep. There was no fuzziness, no sleepy eyes.
So hot, Darcy thought, and kinda freaky.
“Hi,” she croaked around a dry throat. “Water…”
“Right here.” Bucky quickly got to his feet. A moment later, the rim of a glass was pressed to her lips. He held her head up so she could take a few sips, then carefully set her back on her pillow again. “How do you feel?”
She opened her mouth to respond, when something pinched her memory and her eyes widened. Instead of answering, she grabbed his hand. “Did… did you take the flash drive?” she asked him urgently. “’Twas in my pocket.”
Bucky stared at her. “You’re in the infirmary, injured, and you’re worried about a stupid flash drive?”
Darcy grimaced but held his gaze. The data on that flash drive was important. It was the reason why she had disobeyed ordered and gone in, guns ablaze, afraid someone would blow up the building and they’d be left with nothing but a bunch of charred bodies.
“Do you have it?” she asked, gripping his hand tighter. “Is it safe?”
“Darcy,” Bucky began firmly.
“Bucky,” she interrupted, willing him to understand. “I know bringing HYDRA down is important to you, but this is important, too. We need to know what they’ve been up to, what they’re going to do next, and if you’re still number one on their wish list.” She bit her lip, imploring him with her eyes. “Please.”
He deflated, looking down at their joined hands before meeting her gaze with a nod. “Natasha’s decrypting it as we speak,” he told her, shaking his head when she heaved a sigh of relief. “You’re mad, you know that?” he murmured, moving closer and watching her in a way that made her breath hitch. “Never do that to me again.”
The emotion behind his words was clear. “I scared you,” Darcy whispered in awe, “didn’t I?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, looking away. “Very much so,” he added, twining her fingers with his.
Darcy’s heart was racing. It never ceased to amaze her how much certain people cared for her, and the fact that the Winter Soldier was among those few people made it all the more amazing. It made her feel warm and giddy inside. She knew now she was important to him, and that was something she’d never take for granted again.
“No more field work,” she promised.
He pursed his lips and contemplated her words, before nodding decisively. “No. Not until I deem you ready.”
Darcy raised her brows, a smile threatening to grace her features. “You plan to train me, soldier?”
“You leave me no choice, agent,” he retorted, trying and failing to look annoyed.
Darcy grinned and glanced at a still sleeping Jane. She decided to take a chance. She had waited long enough. “You think you can pencil in coffee with me in your plans?”
Blue eyes crinkled at the corners as Bucky huffed out a quiet laugh. “Yeah,” he whispered fondly. “I can do that.”
Tell me what you wish me to write. I just might write it.
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mieteve-minijoma · 5 years
So This Is Christmas - A Bughead Secret Santa Fic
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Here is my Bughead Secret Santa Fic/Gift for @madsinwonderland (or mysweetjughead)! I hope you like it!!! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🎄⛄🎅🦌💋
Twas the morning of christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring... well, except for the twins inside the Jones house. Fresh snow had fallen the night before, insuring a white christmas for all the residents in the sleepy town of Riverdale. In a newly renovated home, just on the Southside of town, two little girls lay awake, waiting to hear Santa Clause come to deliver their gifts.
“Do you think Santa has come yet, Maggie?” Seven year old Juliet Jones whispered in the darkness of early morning to her twin sister, Margeret. Maggie looked down at her sister from the top bunk, her green doe-eyes wide in wonder and a grin splitting her face.
“Should we go check?” Maggie asked her sister in a hushed whisper, excited to be able to unwrap her gifts. She had not heard Santa come yet but he may have came and they just didn’t know it. When she thought about it for a moment longer though, she chewed her bottom lip and said, “What if Momma catches us, Jules? I don’t want to get in trouble.” 
“We won’t, silly! We will be super quiet and then no one will catch us, I promise! Come on, let’s go see if Santa came!” Momma and Daddy are probably still asleep anyway so they will never know if we stay quiet, Juliet thought slyly. Her Aunt Jelly had told her that if she waited up long enough that she was sure to catch Santa when he came and Juliet was determined to catch him this year. 
The two girls snuck out of their bunk beds quietly and made sure to creep past their little brother’s room so as not to wake the toddler. They crept up to their parents door and pressed their ears against it to listen. They didn’t hear anything from inside so they figured they were in the clear. 
They both grinned and tip-toed away from the door, both confident that they would catch a glimpse of Santa in the act. As they approached the stairs, they heard faint sounds and talking coming from downstairs and both got excited and snuck further down the hall to see if Santa was here.
*    *    *
Betty Jones was busy tucking the remainder of her children’s presents under the tree while her husband finished off the milk and cookies they had laid out in a hurry before the kids could see him. She rubbed her slightly rounded belly, feeling their fourth child squirming and dancing around as if she were a dancer in a ballet. She felt content in this moment and turned to watch her husband enjoy the cookies she and her daughters baked earlier that day. 
“I swear, I think your daughter is trying to dance to the ‘Sugar Plum Fairies’ on my bladder right now,” Betty chuckled at him as Jughead looked up at her in confusion before grinning as he swallowed a mouth full of chocolate chip cookie. 
“What?” he asked as he brushed cookie crumbs off his shirt, a sheepish look on his face. Betty giggled and stepped closer to him, wiping the milk mustache off his face. She sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss to his lips.
“Your daughter is wide awake right now,” Betty said with a grin. Jughead laughed and wrapped an arm around his wife, placing his other hand on her belly to feel the flutters of the baby’s kicks against his palm.
“So she is, Betts. She will make an adorable Sugar Plum Fairy when she is old enough, I just know it.” He smiled at his wife, peaking kisses all over her face as she giggled.
“You know, if the girls see that you ate Santa’s cookies and milk we will both have some explaining to do, right?” Betty arched her brow and gave him a mocking stern look.
“I know, but they are still asleep. Speaking of which... Since everything is all done, what do you say we go spend the rest of the morning in bed? Just the two of us,” Jughead rasped, running his hand up the back of her pajama shirt as Betty gave him a knowing look. He cupped her cheek and kissed her passionately. Betty ran her hands into his hair, opening her mouth to allow him to explore with his tongue. Suddenly, she heard a shriek from the stairs leading to the second floor that startled them both.
“Ewwwww!!!” Betty pulled back and stood up to see her twins standing on the stairs with sour looks on their faces. She heard Jughead chuckle before stepping behind her and placing a kiss on her cheek as they faced their kids.
“Now girls, what are you two doing up so early?” Jughead asked firmly. Jughead didn’t often use ‘Daddy Voice’ but when he did, the girls knew he meant business. Maggie and Juliet stared at each other for a moment before turning back to their parents, both with wide, fearful eyes.
“We...um, we-,” Maggie began, stuttering and trying to find an acceptable excuse until she was interrupted by her sister before she could even finish her sentence.
“Maggie wanted to see if Santa came!” Juliet exclaimed, firmly placing all the blame on her ‘older’ sister. Maggie placed her hands on her hips and turned to face Juliet, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout. She couldn’t believe that her sister would try to blame her for them sneaking downstairs when it was her idea to begin with. How rude! Maggie thought angrily. 
“No. I. Didn’t! It was your idea in the first place, Jules, so stop lying!” She shouted at her sister, not caring if the whole neighborhood heard her protests. 
“I’m not lying! Momma, she’s lying, not me!” The girls then started arguing back and forth loudly when a sudden cry came from above. Betty placed her forehead in her palm and blew out a frustrated huff before addressing her daughters. 
“Girls! It’s six o’clock in the morning and your shouting has just woken up your brother! Stop fighting right this minute!” Betty scolded them. 
Both girls hung their heads and murmured apologies to their mother, their hands behind their backs and both looking every bit as shameful as they felt for shouting. Betty sighed - feeling bad that she had fussed at them, especially on Christmas - walked up to them and lifted their chins. She sighed again when she saw the tears in their eyes before looking at Jughead, who just shrugged in return. 
“Hey, why don't you guys go downstairs with Daddy while I go get Holden and then Momma can make your breakfast before we open presents. How does that sound?” Betty said softly as she rubbed the girls shoulders, hoping to let them know she wasn’t angry. 
“Ok, Momma!” The girls shouted in unison, smiling and happily skipping down the stairs to where their father waited for them. 
Jughead gave them a smile too and kissed each girl on the forehead before he spoke gently, whispering to them but knowing very well that Betty could hear him. “What do you girls say to some milk and cookies while Daddy reads you The Polar Express?” 
The girls cheered quietly and jumped up and down at the suggestion. Jughead blew Betty a kiss and took the girls to the kitchen to retrieve their snacks.
Betty shook her head and laughed lightly at her little family before turning to go upstairs to get her son. She walked into his room to find him sitting in his toddler bed, his knit beanie askew on his dark curls as he wailed and clutched his stuffed puppy. Betty walked over to him and dried his cheeks as he held his arms up for her. 
“Hey Denny Boy, it’s ok. You don’t need to cry anymore, Momma's here. I’ve got you, little man,” Betty whispered as she reached down to pick him up, letting Hot Dog drop to the mattress. 
Holden nuzzled into his mother’s neck, sniffling and clinging to her tightly in his frightened half awake state. Betty began to sing him a christmas tune, hoping that maybe she could get him back to sleep for at least a few more hours.
“I'll be home for Christmas, you can plan on me. Please have snow and mistletoe, and presents by the tree,” Betty gently swayed her son as she danced slowly around the room, her melodic voice filling the quiet room. She could already feel his body going limp, comforted by the sound of his mother’s voice. She continued to sing for a few more minutes, happy to just hold her child to her.
“Christmas Eve will find you, where the love light gleams. I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams. Yes, I’ll be home for Christmas, if on-ly in...my dreams.” Betty laid her now sleeping toddler back onto his bed, still humming the tune to make sure he stayed asleep. She brushed the stray curls from his forehead before kissing him gently and covering him up.
As Betty started to close his door she smiled and sang once more, just barely above a whisper. “Yes, I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams.”
Betty closed the door quietly and walked back downstairs to find Jughead and their girls fast asleep on the couch, the half-read book propped against his chest as Juliet curled on one side of him and Maggie curled up on the other side. 
She grabbed the fleece throw blanket off the back of her favorite chair and spread it out over them. Betty grinned and tears pricked her eyes as she felt their newest daughter, Persephone, kicking her gently to let Betty know she was still awake.
Betty rubbed her belly as she smiled down it and whispered, “Little Persie, looks like it’s just you and me, kid. What'd you say we go make the family breakfast, huh? I’ll even sneak us some extra bacon. What do you say kid?” 
Just then, Persie gave her a swift kick and Betty chuckled. “Yep, you are a true Jones, baby girl.”
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ladywynneoutlander · 5 years
Heart’s Abundance
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Part 6 - Clear as Joy, Bright as Hope
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
This is the last installment. I really hope you enjoyed the story. You can find it here on AO3 as well. Happy New Year!
Hogmanay is a festive affair, despite a freezing rain and dropping temperatures. The house is full of people. There is dancing and merrymaking right up until the moment Roger takes on his traditional role as the first foot. After he enters and presents Jamie with gifts of an egg, wood, salt, and whiskey the inhabitants of the Ridge scatter like birds so they will be ready to greet Roger at their own doors. Jamie and I follow him and Brianna onto the porch and wave them on their way.  
Just as we turn to go back inside William steps up. “If I might have a moment?” The boy looks sober, nervous, and somehow eager. A strand of chestnut hair is loose on his cheek, freed by the evening’s fun.
Jamie smiles. “Aye, of course. What’s to do?”
“I was hoping to speak with you. I’ve had it in my mind for a while,” William glances sideways at me, and I give him an encouraging look. “And the new year being upon us I thought there could be no better time.”
Jamie seems surprised but gestures toward the dooryard. “Aye. Walk wi’ me then?”
William nods. Jamie bends to take a lantern from the stoop and I reach inside the house for his cloak. William takes up his own lantern. Jamie bends to kiss my cheek. And they step off the porch together, heading toward a path leading up the mountain. As the two men make their way into the night, cloaks held tight against the chilling weather, I watch until I can no longer see the bobbing of lanterns or hear the crunch of boots.
I stand for a moment longer, listening to the ping of half-frozen droplets on the roof, hoping these two very stubborn men will finally come to terms with one another. A gentle urge to pray for them moves through me. So I do, my arm wrapped around the porch post. I silently pray for the young man seeking his place, straddling the gulf between familiar English aristocracy and a whirl of newfound Scottish kin. And for the other, my Jamie, who I know longs for closeness with his son. For the relationship sacrificed early on, the necessity of which was accepted but evermore grieved. I can see the flicker of new-sprung hope in Jamie, kindled by William’s presence, and so my prayer is simple. Lord, please. Give them back to each other.  
Jamie and William return a little time later. I have been waiting up for them, and as they enter I see the ice has turned to light snow. No one says a word, but Jamie’s smile tells me everything I need to know.
They hadn’t gone far, just up the hill to the cavern we use as a stable. Jamie sat on a bale of hay and gestured for William to do the same. The lad declined, too full of nerves to sit. Instead he paced a step or two then turned to look at Jamie.  “The time has come for me to make some decisions regarding the course of my life.”
Jamie nodded, but didn’t speak so William continued, leaning against the railings behind him and gesturing as he talked. “Do I embrace this new land? Make it my own? Or do I return and take my place as Earl? I have a task to complete come spring. But then…” He trailed off for a moment, then shrugged. “Then my life is my own. To shape as I will.” He turned to Jamie. “And before I decide on that shape, I should like to know exactly how things are between us.”
Jamie spread his hands. “Speak ye’re mind lad, or ask what you will. I’ll be honest with ye.”
William nodded, seeming suddenly hesitant again, and finally sat on his own bale across from Jamie’s. He clasped his hands together and leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “When I found out you were my father, I’m afraid it was rather a shock. I was angry, felt betrayed. I would like to apologize for that.”
Jamie made a dismissive gesture, “Nay worry. I understand.”
“Do you, indeed? Well then, good.” William let out a breath and sat up straight. “I also understand why you and Papa did what you did for me as a boy - to a point. But why keep it from me later? When I came to the colonies, why not tell me then? By law I’m an earl either way.”
Jamie rubbed his jaw, eyes on William. “Aye, that’s true. It just seemed a hard thing for a man to take, and it wasna likely we should ever meet.”
“But we did meet. We were in the same city for God’s sake. Did you....” William unconsciously clenched his big hands. “Did you not want a son? I mean, it could complicate matters for you, with Mother Claire or Brianna maybe.”
“Och no! I wanted ye. I’ve always wanted ye William. Believe that if nothing else. No. ‘Twas only I thought you better left as you were, secure in yourself. But I’ve always wanted ye.”
Suddenly William stood, impatient, and his blue eyes flashed in the lantern-light. “You say so. But you left me. You had me with you at Helwater and you left me.”
Jamie felt his color rising and took a deep breath, “And I’m sorry for it. I had to leave. People were noticing the resemblance.”
“Do you know that I never forgot you? You’re leaving was....” William turned away, facing toward two sleepy heifers in their stall. “Well, I didn’t understand. I was only six. One day we were inseparable and the next you were gone.” Jamie sees William’s tense shoulders slump and the next words come softly, but with an intensity that tears Jamie’s heart. “I grieved for you.”
Jamie slowly came to stand beside William at the railing. “I mourned your loss as well.” He laid a hand on William’s shoulder. “I thought of you and prayed for ye. I never forgot you. William, lad, you are my son. I love you dearly and always have.”
The broad back under Jamie’s hand rose and fell in what might have been a sob. Then William swiped at his cheeks with his sleeve and faced him in the dim light. “If I’m your son then I’d like very much...for you to be my father.” He rushed to prevent Jamie’s response. “I’m no longer a little boy. I don’t want anything from you, not money nor even public acknowledgement. I’d never take what is Brianna’s. All I want sir..Jamie..is you as a father, and to be your son.”
Jamie’s own eyes grew moist, “Nothing. Nothing would please me more.” Jamie reached under his shirt and withdrew a beechwood rosary. The very one he gave William all those years ago. Wordless, he offered it once again.
William looked down at the beads, glossy with age, and he finally understood. His feelings of mixed loyalty, of fear, have all been unnecessary.What he had with Lord John and what he had lost could never be replaced; but there could still be. There is room in his heart for Papa and Mother Geneva and Mother Isobel. For Jane and Fanny. And there is still yet room for Jamie and Mother Claire, for his strange sister Brianna, for Ian and Jem. For all of them. He found there is space in his heart to embrace them all, places as unique as snowflakes for each of them, and fitting them there needn’t displace other loves.  
And he realized too, that Jamie’s heart held a similar space for him. He looked at Jamie, his father, and saw tenderness and joy looking back. He does want me. The realization was as cleansing as cold water. This father truly did want him in his life. William felt tears gather anew in his eyes as he took the rosary.  
“Da,” he croaked blindly. He didn’t have to take a step before he felt arms around him, and he was a little boy rescued from the mist once again. Safe, and finally, secure in his place.
Jamie and I steal down the stairs as quietly as we can, feeling almost giddy with exhaustion as we make our way outside in the freezing pre-dawn. The last stars shine far above us, the snow ended, and the horizon is lightening over the distant peaks of the Blue Ridge mountains. Jamie unfolds the quilt he carries and wraps us both in it, his natural heat soon warming the interior of our shelter even as our ears and noses grow cold. He links his hand with mine and we watch, mesmerized, as the sun rises. Everything is coated in clear ice, each tiny branch a singular thing of beauty. The first rays spark and glint, and in an instant the clearing is lit in a crystallized splendor of rose and gold. We are suspended in the moment. It is beautiful and sacred, joyful, and hopeful above all. A new year.  
We stand for minutes, but as the sun separates from the horizon Jamie takes a deep breath, lets is out, and time is moving again. Homey kitchen sounds reach our ears and Jamie turns to me. “I never thought to be so blessed. Never in life.” He puts his hands on my hips and draws me closer, the quilt slipping unregarded from our shoulders. “Claire, after Culloden... I despaired of ever being more than a ghost haunting the place he was happiest. Then you returned, and I was alive again. And the weans, it is you who made our family possible. Not just Brianna, but William too. You bridged the gulf between them and me, both of time and the heart.” He brought one of my hands to his chest, folded it, and held it in one of his, his other arm pulling me even more tightly against him. “You are the beginning and the end of this family mo nighean donn. No matter what the year brings, war or anything else, thanks to you I can face it in the knowledge my family is loved, and that they ken it well.”
I blink and a tear slips warm down my cheek, catching on the curl of my lip as it wavers with a smile. Having no words I stand on tiptoe to kiss him. Just before our lips meet, he whispers, “I love you.”  
“And I love you, Jamie. Always.”
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Chapter Nine
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They began passing the joint in between them. “I’m not much different, though I do tend to get a lot needier than I already am. Or so I’ve been told.” He stated as he took a puff as well and then blowing the smoke out of his mouth. “I’ve smoked some weed once that gave me energy for a little bit. That was quite the ride, let me tell ya. ‘Twas called Cotton Candy. I could not stop bouncing my legs up and down while I was sitting.” They both chuckled to themselves, as Hannah could picture Harry doing so in her head. “It was a weird feeling because the weed was also making me very sleepy. I didn’t know what to do with myself!”
Hannah continued to laugh with Harry, “That would definitely be quite the sight to see, that’s for sure.” There was a moment of silence between them. “Thanks for inviting me, Harry. It’s been amazing so far, and it’s only my first day here.”
“I’m always happy to be have you around.” He paused momentarily. “I’m glad we get to experience our first music festival together.” Harry’s cheeks turned a light pink as he realized the words that just came out of his mouth. He scolded himself, Don’t forget she has a boyfriend, Harry. You’re treading in hot water with those words.
Harry passed Hannah the joint, and she took a puff. She blew it in Harry’s face as she said, “Me too.” She too was slightly surprised by what she just said.
Hannah giggled as Harry coughed a little, which made Hannah cough too from all the laughing she was doing. “You’re the worst for that.”
The smoky substance was beginning to make Hannah’s body feel tingly and light, and her emotions seemed to be somewhat heightened. She passed the joint as she yet again ran her fingers through Harry’s hair, which had more knots in it than before. “No, I’m not,” she smiled at him.
He took his last puff of the night, offering more to Hannah, whom shook her head no. He put out the joint in the ash tray next to them on the bedside table. “No, you’re not the worst.” He hesitated on his next sentence, and before he realized it, the words were already coming out of his mouth. “You’re probably the best person I know, Han.”
She smiled at him as she continued to play with his hair again after he sat back down next to her. “Oh, you’re just saying that.” Hannah’s hand slid down to Harry’s cheek, and he leaned his face into her hand.
“No, I’m not. You’re one of the sweetest, most loving people I know. I’m glad I know you.” As he said this, his hand moved from his lap to the middle of Hannah’s thigh.
Hannah looked down as he began to move his thumb in circles on her leg as her hand was now also resting in her lap. “Harry, this feels like it could be leading somewhere. I don’t know if this is a good idea….”
He sighed. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it. You looked so good today. I just wanted to be able to put my arm around your waist so I could have you closer to me. But I will do my best to refrain.” He paused. “I don’t even know why I’m saying all of this out loud. I need to stop doing this.”
Hannah knew that kissing Harry again while she was still with Ryan was very, very, very wrong. But in that moment, it felt so, so right. She also knew she was under the influence of marijuana and alcohol, and so was he. Though he had just said he’d refrain from intimate actions, Harry had already moved in closer to her as if he had read her thoughts—inches away actually. “Harry, we aren’t thinking straight. We’re both high. We can’t do this. Plus, you just said you’d hold back.”
“Fuck, I know, but I have also felt these things when I’m sober.”
Hannah sighed, not wanting to reveal how she was really feeling to him. But she hates holding in her emotions. “Fuck…Me too…”
Harry was staring at her lips, until she said that. He looked into her eyes, and there was something about her in that moment that he couldn’t resist. He couldn’t put a finger on anything specific. Maybe it was just… the… everything about her. He looked back down at her lips, and she did the same to him, watching his actions very carefully. “I can’t help myself around you…. It just feels so natural…” He trailed off as he inched closer. Her body mist was overwhelming his senses. He let it consume him. His hand felt like it was on fire as it laid upon Hannah’s thigh. Her body too was radiating heat all over. She looked so perfect, and her eyes were so inviting.
Their lips brushed against each other, and Hannah gripped tighter onto the silky cuff of Harry’s short sleeve shirt. Suddenly, Hannah felt a surge through her body as Harry kissed her, almost in a rushed kind of way. Electricity felt like it was going through Hannah’s body as their lips touched. Her heart rate picked up, feeling it beating in her chest. One might even be able to hear it if they were close enough, and Harry definitely was.
There was a sense of urgency between the two of them. Harry had grabbed onto Hannah’s hips to pull her closer and set her legs to hang over his lap. She had one hand on his shoulder, gripping it, while the other was playing with the hair that rested on the back of his neck. They continued like this for a while. Harry slipped his tongue into her mouth, and it felt like it was all over from there, like there was no stopping them. He felt invincible as he held her in his arms again.
They continued like this for a while until they began to hear more voices outside as people were making their way back to their campsites. Hannah pulled her lips from Harry’s, leaning their foreheads against one another. They were both slightly panting, which turned into small giggles.
Hannah sighed, still feeling the high of the weed and the high of kissing Harry. “Fuck… This is so wrong… but I don’t feel bad.” Hannah sighed. “And I should feel bad.”
Harry pulled back to look Hannah in the eyes. “I should say, ‘I’m sorry, this is all my fault’ since I’ve initiated the kiss both times. But I’m not sorry. I’m not sorry one bit.”
A sheepish smile and a deep red blush came across Hannah’s face. “It’s not like I didn’t kiss you back. We’re both guilty here. Probably me more than you though.”
Harry moved his head side to side as he slightly shrugged his shoulders. “Eh, I haven’t been completely honest you.” Hannah gave Harry a look of confusion. “I’m also kind of still seeing Camille…”
Hannah shook her head with a smile, “So we are both equally as guilty. What’s going on with you two then?”
“Well, honestly I don’t really know. I asked her to come with me on tour with me for a bit, but the longer I was around her the more I didn’t want her to be there, kinda started to get annoyed.” He sighed as he tried to collect his thoughts. “She’s a great girl, and we get along really well. We’re definitely great friends, but I feel nothing. There’s no spark, and nothing I do seems to ignite it, not for me at least. We don’t have very many common interests, just mutual friends it seems. We sometimes run out of things to talk about, and I feel really awkward.”
“Have you told her any of this?”
“Well… Not exactly… We haven’t really spoken in a couple of weeks.”
“So, what does she think is going on between you two then?”
Harry shrugged his shoulders, “I honestly have no clue. We never really discussed it; there’s no label, as far as I’m concerned. We were kind of just hanging out, getting to know each other, especially since we were away from each other all the time. She’s met my family and such. But we never fully discussed our relationship. The tabloids just assumed she was my official girlfriend.” There was somewhat of an uncomfortableness hanging in the air between the two. Neither of them wanted to think about anything outside of their tent, outside of them. But they had to. They were both currently hurting people as they spoke, as they kissed. They were both thinking the same thing, but Harry said it out loud first. “What are we even doing here? What is… this?” He gestured his hands back and forth between them.
Hannah chuckled, “Uh… I have no idea. I don’t know what we are doing. I don’t even know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. All I know is that I’ve cheated on my boyfriend. Twice.”
Harry sucked in a sharp breath and deeply exhaled, “Yeah… I guess I’ve cheated on Camille twice now too.”
If it wasn’t uncomfortable before, it definitely was now. Their minds were racing at what to do, but neither of them knew. Neither of them wanted their time together to end, but they both knew that they might end up the same way as before. The weekend would soon come to an end, and there’s a chance they’d never see each other again, if they were being honest with themselves. That’s where Hannah’s mind went anyway. “Maybe we shouldn’t carry on with… whatever this is for any longer…” The words came out of her mouth almost as a whisper.
“Maybe….” Harry hesitated to continue, but this could be his only chance to talk about this. It was probably at most a minute of silence, but it felt longer to both of them. Harry decided to say what was on his mind. “But I also really feel something between us. I don’t think I’m going to be able to let it go. It feels so easy and natural with you, even in Detroit after having not spoken in so long. There always needs to be a spark between to people for anything to last. It feels like a fire with you, and a great one at that. I don’t want to let that fire burn out again.” They still sat on the edge of the bed, shoulders touching. Harry was playing with Hannah’s hands, as if this might be the last intimate moment they ever share again.
Hannah stood up from Harry, pulling away. “This is a lot to think about all at once. I think we should take a pause. Go to sleep, collect our thoughts, and come back to this.”
“Sure,” Harry replied slightly disappointed, but he understood. “Is your offer still valid? To sleep in the bed?” He asked shyly.
Hannah smiled, “Of course it is, you are paying for this tent.” They both chuckled, and with that, the two got ready for bed and drifted off to sleep. It was awkward sleeping in the same bed, but neither left to sleep on the floor, wanting to be as close as they could without violating anymore rules. Both ached to be held in the other’s arms but knew it was wrong.
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