#I could barely hear Mikaela despite her being injured
moisette · 1 month
In my last match, I had a Meg that was AFK almost all match and the Sable and the Mikaela decided to hide in basement and let Yun-Jin die on her first hook. I went over and gave her anti-camp so she wouldn't die. I then saw Mikaela and Sable fucking around in basement so I decided to kill them. Not on gens and letting their non-AFK teammate die? They need to die. Killed Sable but Mikaela was hard to find. I didn't hear her and didn't see her aura around the map. When I finally was able to find her - she was in a corner that I had no hook in. So I dropped her and let Yun-Jin pick her up then I downed her and hooked her. I knew hatch was in main because of the offering but Yun-Jin forgot or didn't see it. Soooo I pretended to be stupid and tried to herd her towards it. I didn't want it to seem like I was teaming with her because I wasn't. She went for unhooks and tried to heal and never snitched on them - I found them myself.
I go to say gg and Mikaela and Sable were talking shit and called me stupid or bad at the game. I said "You know who's really bad? You two dorks hiding and letting your teammate die 8u" then left.
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