#I can't stop myself from peeking over at spoilers
breadedsinner · 1 year
A Tiefling Vengeance Paladin named Catharsis...too edgy or not edgy enough?
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livesworthlivingau · 2 months
Behind the Vale Chapter 20
ISAT, Two Hats, AND SASASAP spoilers again! CW: More spiraling, negative self talk, pushing others away.
[You finally begin to let everything out. You explain who you used to be, you explain what you went through, you explain the horrible ways you were broken and what you've done because of that. You can't even tell the difference between dreams you've had, and things you've actually done at this point. You can't bring yourself to look at her as you speak, just staring at the floor while your words continue. locking up every last emotion you could.]
"And when we finally beat the king... I... I still went back... I looped again... after thousands of attempts I thought I'd finally won..." [Your hands scrunch into fits, gripping at your pants tightly, tears dropping down onto them again as you can't hold back anymore.]
"S-So... I gave up... I begged the universe, to make it stop, to send me help, for something, anything!... And that's when it sent me that blinding star... and I took it. I took my way out, and I erased everything... Myself, my family, my whole world, gone, all because... because I wasn't... I-I couldn't..." [You take a pause, and a deep breath... You have to hold it together. You have to get through this.]
"... I passed out from the pain of devouring a star whole, surprising, I know... and when I woke up... I was the star head you saw, and I was stuck in the loops again... guiding a parody of myself through the very same experience I was in." [The rage within you was starting to take over, burying every other emotion underneath it.]
"I gave everything up, just to help a copy do it instead... To do what I couldn't, to get their happy ending, to get their family when I-!... I-I..."
[You stop yourself, you can't bring yourself to say it again, the truth hurts too much, and you've already shown them what a pathetic waste you are... You notice her standing up out of the corner of your eye. You turn away, expecting her to walk out and leave you for good, as she should... Only to find yourself suddenly wrapped in her embrace, her arms tightly coiled around your form, her head on your shoulder, sobbing softly.]
"Vale... I'm so sorry you went through all that..." [She chokes out, holding you tighter. And there it is... the pity... and now we'll never be the same in her eyes, we're just broken, worthless, something to be handled with kid gloves. Her touch burns now, bubbling up the anger welling within you. You push her off of you, standing up and taking a couple steps away.]
"... You broke your promise already... Please just go, find Bonnie... be happy, Nille..."
"No! I'm not leaving you!"
"BECAUSE I-" [There's a knock at the door, interrupting you both. You turn away and try to hide your distraught, tearful expression. Nille takes a second to collect herself and heads to the door, slowly peeking it open to find the kind, elderly innkeeper who sold you the room.]
"Is everything alright in here?"
"Y-Yeah! Sorry, we didn't realize how loud we were getting, just uhh... been a stressful week!"
"Alright, if you two need anything, I'm just a few doors down."
"Th-Thank you very much ma'am, we'll be sure to keep it down."
"Of course, of course!" [She begins to head back to her room, mumbling softly under her breath.]
"Young love... so complicated."
[Nille closes the door again, sighing and regaining her composure before turning back to you, leaning against it almost defeated.]
"... I care about you Vale. Is that so hard to believe? That I can want you to be happy, and feel bad that something bad happened to you? That you deserve happiness?" [You hold yourself close still, not responding, and not looking back to her either, just standing there, unable to find a response.]
"Damnit, will you just look at me at least?" [You reluctantly turn to look at her, your expression trying to remain hardened, but very much failing as the pained sadness breaks through. She sighs again and pushes off the door, walking over to be in front of you. She holds up both her hands as if for you to place something in them.]
"Gimme your hands."
"Wh... What?"
"Your hands, let me see them!" [She orders, you're confused but you eventually give in, slowly placing your gloved hands on top of hers. She tightly grips them in her own, looking you in the eyes.]
"Now listen here you crabbing moron! You. Are. Deserving. Of. Love. Now say it back to me." [You blink in shock, giving an annoyed grimace, looking away and rolling your eyes.]
"I'm not going to say that..."
"Vale, you're going to say it, or I'm gonna get my hammer and beat the words into your skull myself. Now, Say. It." [You grumble some more, sighing as you realize you have no other way out of this, eventually complying after very long pause.]
"... I'm deserving of love."
"Nuhuh, can't hear you, say it for real."
"I'm... Deserving... of... l-love."
"I'm gonna get the hammer, I mean it."
"I'm deserving of love!! Are you happy now?!" [She just gives a bright smile and a chuckle.]
"Yeah, pretty much, I can still bonk you a couple times though if it'd help~." [You pull your hands back out of hers, crossing your arms with a pout, your cheeks burning some.]
"That won't be necessary."
"Hehe, alright, if you say so... and Vay?"
"... What?..."
"Thanks for telling me... really, it means a lot." [Your annoyed expression falters some, sighing out and turning away again, starting to get ready for bed.]
"Good night Nille..."
"Night Vay."
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orionhere · 1 year
Noctis' affection story is so domestic and chaotic I honestly can't believe it (well, as domestic as you can with Noctis)
I often find myself giggling and snorting bc he's such a fun guy. He has Kamui's personality but more violent (So a mix between Kamui & Camu?) and also a ✨HIMBO✨
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He attac, he protecc, but most importantly, he can bake
SPOILER from his affection story below:
(This became so long lmao I really love his interaction with Skk)
Important note: I can only read a little of chinese & with help of translator lol, so I'm so sorry if there's some mistranslation. Also his affection story is after Sands of Wrath event, so beware of spoilers from the main chapter!
Skk and Noctis work part-time in a store (bar?) on Pure Zone as a bartender and chef respectively. Pure Zone is an area that is safe for the human environment because of the blue Tower that purifies the Punishing Virus (Spiral of Chronos chapter).
Turns out it was because Nikola asked the Skk to "take a break" by helping out at the conservation area. Also to gain more publicity with the people in the Pure Zone.
With how famous Skk is, it's easier to attract customers' attention.
"Customer A: Your smile please."
"Customer B: And don't forget, the most important thing is to add a little bit of love."
Noctis being a knight in shining armor always meddles in the middle to stop the customers from pestering Skk too much lmao
After the store closed, Skk and Noctis tried to make their specialties. In this case, Noctis tried to make his special homemade hash browns and Skk tried to make a special drink. Both of them exchanged their "creation" and tried it together.
Hilariously, it ended in failure lmao
"So sour!! Commandant, what did you add to this drink?!"
"Yours too!! There's enough sugar on this hash brown to last the store for a year!"
Not believing the other's comment, they tried to taste their own dish.
" …. Let's just throw them…"
Noctis makes Skk a personal dish for lunch. When a customer saw the dish, they wanted Noctis to make it for them. But Noctis refuses.
"No no no, this is a private meal. We don't sell it in our store."
"Just a little bit please?"
"No means no. And don't make things difficult for Commandant here. This guy had a busy day and didn't have time to eat!"
Also, Noctis used all the ingredients that the boss just brought back to make Skk's meal (more cursing from the boss but he ignored it & ate together with Skk lmao)
Then we have a Karen here (lol) who asks where the chef is. The name is Sykes (I think). Said the "homeless pancakes" (?) that the store sells are not the same thing that he used to eat when he was wandering and accused the store of fraud. Many customers are afraid of Sykes or refuse to involve themselves with Sykes. This caused the store's income to decrease.
More Skk & Noctis' chaotic kitchen shenanigans
Noctis couldn't form the mixture like in the recipe with a mold, so Skk suggested using his hand to manually shape the mixture.
"Are you trying to choke someone to death…"
Skk went to Noctis' side and helped him mold the mixture by grabbing his hand and instructing him step by step which make Noctis blush.
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Skk wipes the crumbs and flour from Noctis' cheeks with a towel hshshshshshs-
A customer asks Noctis if he could 'surprise' them. Not knowing the meaning, he asks Skk and they replied that the customer want another dish. Noctis offers his homemade hash brown which Skk asks if Noctis finally mastering the said dish.
"Huh? Nope. I don't have the time. Just let them eat that poison-"
Skk then proceed to cover his face with a towel and rub it as hard as they could lmao. "Comm *—mph!* – mandant! Stop! I *gasp* can’t b–breathe! *pant*"
That night, Noctis asks the boss to use the Bluefin Tuna that the boss brought back. He thought that Noctis gonna use the fish for Sykes' dish, but turns out it was for Skk's dinner. More cursing from the boss (HE ALWAYS TRIES HIS BEST & USING THE BEST INGREDIENTS FOR SKK'S MEAL IM CRYING)
Skk was worried that Noctis was pushing himself. But Noctis refute that, saying that he likes the challenge and enjoys making the pancake. Then Noctis asks back how Skk was holding up with how they have to smile and chat to customers all day as a bartender. Skk assure him it was part of the job, as long the customer isn't Sykes.
"That's pretty tough. …… Want to switch? I'd like to try to manage the bar too."
"Okay, try to smile."
"Noctis was a little flustered but managed to squeeze out a smile at your request. It feels like staring at a great white shark."
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(Imagine you were drinking in a bar, and ask the bartender for a smile. This is how he smiles at you)
Remember when Skk tried to make their own special drink? Turns out they make an adjustment by adding 40 shots thanks to a customer who suggested it to them. Drunk Skk
"40 shots?! Isn't that the same as wine …… OK, I'll ask around tomorrow to find which genius suggests such an idea."
Noctis then give Skk his special homemade hash brown. But because Sykes' matters, he doesn't have time to improve his dish.
Which results Skk throwing up.
"How is it, Commandant? After you vomited it out, do you feel more awake now?"
Drunk and angry Skk swings a chair at Noctis.
"Who on earth came up with the idea to make Commandant drink 40 shots?! Hey hey hey, Commandant… You can’t be serious, can you?!"
This scared Noctis to the point whenever Skk asks him what happen that night, he always tries to cover it up.
Next day, they went out to ask others about the recipe. They met an old man who used to be a part of the wandering group with Sykes. Turns out the homeless pancake that Sykes want is just some various ingredients mixed together into a weird mixture and baked into pitch black. During that time, canned food and fresh ingredients are very precious and even a luxury.
The old man gestured to Skk to try it, but before they can put it in their mouth, Noctis eats it.
"....Commandant… It's better for you to not try it."
"How can I know what's wrong with it if I don't try it myself?"
More coughing and Noctis pat pat Skk's back
Knowing that Skk is a bit tired from today's walk, Noctis wash the dishes by himself.
Skk was a bit down after finding out about the homeless cake origin, so Noctis tried to cheer Skk up in his own way lol.
"Skk is really kind. If it was someone else, I would probably have said that this is none of my business, and then I would not care about it anymore. After all, thinking about this kind of thing will only add more trouble."
"How is this adding more trouble…"
"That's why I say that Commandant is very kind. You tried your best to do everything for the people on earth, but you still refuse to let yourself go on this matter. If it were me, I wouldn't care at all."
Noctis and Skk wash dishes together.
"This is a pain. Are you gonna help me wash the dishes or not?"
"But you're washing it right now?"
"No way! I don't want to enjoy such good thing alone! So you do it too!"
"…Commandant, if you keep pushing me, I'm gonna stuck in the wall. Tsk, why is the area around the sink so cramped?!"
It was time for Sykes to come back. Noctis finally finish the dish and present it to Sykes with the same recipe from the old man from before. But Noctis refuse to make it as black as the recipe says. "However, this store will never sell that kind of pitch-black food. It is our store principle to make it carefully with the right ingredients and utensils."
Tldr Sykes being a stubborn jerk shouting about 'the real homeless pancake' is the sole reason they're still alive & what Noctis did is just a gimmick to attract more customers.
"We are literally eating all of that stuff. Are they only worthy of being a gimmick to attract customers in the pure zone? Should the past just lie in our memory and become mere talk? Should we just pretend that nothing has happened?!" Basically just Sykes can't let go of the past.
Skk promises all of them to fight hard so they can retake the earth and the Great Arcadia Retreat won't happen again.
Sykes still being a stubborn bastard refuse to let this matter go and tried to attack Skk. But Noctis just stop him in time. It ended up with a bar fight lol
On their last day as a part-timer, while waiting for the boss to arrive in the morning, they decide to make their signature again. This time it was a success.
Skk and Noctis give the recipe to the boss so he can add it to the menu. He asks what it's going to be called.
"Vegetable Storm."
"Super Hash Brown!"
"I definitely don't want that kind of name on my menu. How about calling it '<Name>' and 'Noctis'? It's a good combination. And it added some emotional value."
Because of the last bar fight, they need to replace some furniture. They change the door to a new one, but Noctis painted graffiti on it because the color doesn't match the store. Skk also bought a lucky cat from Kowlong but Noctis modified it into a shark because it doesn't match the store's style. (Lucky shark??😂)
Noctis daydreams about life after Punishing virus is gone.
"These past few weeks felt like a dream. No missions, no enemies, no emergencies, no equipment for maintenance, not even weapons to use. Every day I'm with Commandant, taking orders, cooking, chatting…"
"Are you happy, Noctis?"
"It’s not bad, I’m very happy! I was so happy that I actually didn't want to go back."
"Commandant, do you think we can enjoy this leisurely life for the rest of our lives after the Punishing Virus is gone?"
"Of course we can, we already have the Pure Zone, and one day we will retake the earth completely. And then, you could do whatever you want to do."
"Then let's make a fortune with '<Name> and Noctis'! We could open a store, and then I'll let Commandant be the boss. Then you'll be in charge to manage the bar!" He even plans to open many branches, even on Babylonia (THAT'S SO SWEET WTH-)
The boss being a savage to Noctis lmao.
"Our store will always welcome you back, <Name>. As for Noctis, forget it. I just want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter how it ends, as long as this store exists, your aprons will always be there."
"Don't worry, Commandant is in my hands. When it's all over, we'll definitely come back."
"Maybe at that time, they will no longer be the Commandant of Gray Raven and a member of the Cerberus team. But just '[Name] and Noctis'." (I'M GETTING EMOTIONAL AT THIS LINE FCK)
All in all, this is really a fun and heartwarming story. I haven't finished Sands of Wrath chapter yet, so Noctis' interaction with Skk really caught me off guard. There's still a lot of his interaction that I couldn't fit in here because that's gonna be too long-
Also in the Sands of Wrath chapter, Skk and Noctis called each other 'partner' (In JP dub, he calls Skk 'aibou') I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ASDHFKA😭😭
Noctis is a malewife material you can't change my mind✨💕
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girls-alias · 8 months
Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester P11
Title: Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester Part 11
Words: 924
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
Part 10
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We drove into town and found a motel. When Sam turned the car off I sat forward. "I'll get us a room if you get him to a doctor?" I asked and Sam nodded starting the engine again.
"What, I don't get a say in this?" Dean asked pretending to be offended. I laughed.
"No," I replied before leaning forward and kissing his cheek. I grabbed my bag from the boot before heading to the reception area. I thought as I walked. My brain started ticking away and something didn't seem right. If this guy is the real deal why isn't every hunter using him as their nurse? I couldn't stop thinking. I was so deep in thought that I got a fright when I almost walked into a wall not watching where I was going. I shook it away.
I walked into the reception area and asked for two double bedrooms, the woman at the desk accepted my payment and handed me the keys. I carried my bag to one of the rooms and let myself in. I instantly put my bag down and got my laptop out. I just couldn't shake the feeling that something shady was going on. I started doing as much research as I could, anything I could find. I seemed to be coming up with nothing. I sighed as I rubbed my eyes. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. My phone ringing beside me caught my attention I answered with a smile.
"Hey, baby. We're heading back to the motel now, what room are you in?" Dean asked through the phone instantly making me smile.
"I'm in room 18, what did the doctor say?" I asked getting up from the bed and walking away from the laptop sick of seeing the words taunting me on the screen.
"She said that my heart was perfectly healthy. It's a miracle," He performed making me laugh.
"Well, I'm really glad, I can't wait to see you," I smiled.
"I can't wait for that thing you promised, I might believe in the Lord," Dean joked in a seductive tone and my brain finally clicked.
"Wait, what did you say? Say it again," I quickly instructed as I rushed back to my laptop.
"I can't wait for that thing you promised," Dean answered slightly confused.
"No after that," I explained as I tapped away on my laptop.
"I might believe in the lord," Dean answered very confusedly.
"I have to go see you soon, kiss kiss," I said quickly before hanging up and dropping the phone on the bed before typing as quick as I could.
When sudden footsteps approached the motel door I rolled into action literally. I rolled off the bed and instantly grabbed my gun from my bag. I cocked it and aimed it at the door. The door swung open with force, I stiffened my trigger finger ready to shoot when I noticed it was Dean. I sighed with relief and stood up, Dean only just noticed me as I was peeking from the bottom of the bed. He looked worried, I was confused as he stormed over to me.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked quickly grabbing me and looking me over. I looked at him confused.
"What are you talking about?" I asked as Sam closed the motel door and started searching the room. "What is going on?" I asked grabbing their attention.
"You hung up, you sounded off," Dean explained but I laughed. He looked at me confused.
"I had an idea, I think something going on with the preacher," I explained going to my laptop to show the boys my research.
"See, I told you something is going on," Dean bragged to Sam as Dean approached me sitting behind me to look at the screen over my shoulder. He hugged me from behind slightly making me smile.
"Well, I thought the whole thing was odd, you know. If this guy is the real deal why wouldn't the evil in the world try and kill him or why haven't hunters claimed him as their nurse, that's when I remembered something weird he said," I explained looking between Sam and Dean to make sure they were listening. Sam took a seat on the back of the couch to face us. "The preacher said and I quote." "It is a lord who does the healing," I quoted and looked at the guys to see if they pieced it together as well but they were just looking at me confused. "Dean on the phone you said that you believed in 'THE' Lord, the bible referring only to one God. So, why did the preacher say 'A' Lord like it wasn't God? I did some research and found a Lord of healing, Jehovah Rapha," I explained turning the laptop to show them the search results I got. "God referred to himself as Jehovah Rapha multiple times in the bible, I was thinking that if a demon were posing as God they wouldn't be able to say or hear God's name. They might call themselves Jehovah Rapha," I explained and Sam looked confused.
"But why would a Demon be healing people?" Sam asked so I sighed.
"That's the part I get stuck on," I sighed looking at Dean for answers.
"Can I see the laptop?" Sam asked so I nodded and smiled. Sam started tapping away on the computer seeming to instantly zone out, I leant back into Dean so he wrapped his arms around me fully and kissed my head.
Working On
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bi-bard · 2 years
Fine - Joel Miller Imagine [HBO's The Last of Us]
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Title: Fine
Pairing: Joel Miller X Reader
Word Count: 1,050 words
Warning(s): Spoilers for episode 3, grief, mention of death
Summary: [Season 1, Episode 3] Joel, (Y/n), and Ellie make it to Bill and Frank's home in the hopes of getting some help. What they walk into is enough for (Y/n) to feel like they're falling apart. And beg for more from Joel than a plan for the next step.
Author's Note: Because I needed a fucking hug after that episode, and I didn't get one.
I knew something was wrong when we saw the fence around Bill and Frank's place.
I wasn't sure that Joel saw the same thing as me until we looked at each other. There was an air of uneasiness around us as he walked up to unlock the gate.
I grabbed Ellie's arm before she could touch the fence. I pointed to the high-voltage sign.
"Oh," she muttered. I nodded.
Joel held the gate open for us.
That uneasy feeling only got worse as we got closer to the house. Something was wrong. I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. After what happened with Tess, I wasn't sure that I could handle what could have possibly happened to Bill and Frank.
The wooden gate was squeaking as it swung back and forth on its hinges.
The front door was unlocked.
It was all out of character for them. They kept the house in good shape. For their safety.
The creaking of the floor against the complete silence didn't soothe me at all. I could see the dust forming on some of the tables and shelves.
Joel called out to Bill and Frank.
When there was no response, he decided to go looking for them.
"Stay with her," Joel said to me, pointing to Ellie. I nodded.
Joel went down the hall. Ellie went to the sitting room while I peeked in the dining room. There were dishes sitting on the table. The food had flies gathering around it and it was going bad. I furrowed my eyebrows.
This was wrong. So, so wrong.
Ellie came in a minute later. She sat in one of the dining room chairs.
"I found a letter," she held up the paper for me to see. "'To whomever but probably Joel'."
"Let me," I held out my hand. She sighed and placed it in my hand.
I shouldn't have done that. I should have just left it to Ellie.
She dropped the key on the table as I opened the letter.
"What happened," she asked as I read the letter.
I didn't have a good response. Maybe it was the shock or the sadness. Maybe I did have a way to explain it, but I just didn't want to because if I said it out loud, then all of it was real. It didn't really matter. All that mattered was that I couldn't explain it to Ellie.
I dropped the letter on the table and stepped out without answering her. "Joel!"
He turned to look at me. His hand was resting on the doorknob.
"Don't," I said, nodding down at his hand.
His eyebrows furrowed but he still pulled his hand away.
When we both made it back to the dining room, Ellie was reading over the letter.
The first time I read it, I was able to hold back tears and hold myself together. Hearing it read out loud, I didn't have anything to focus on. I didn't have that choice.
I blinked a few times and tilted my head back, trying to keep myself from sobbing in front of Ellie.
I heard Joel tell her to stay put as he swiped the key and walked out.
I looked at his back for a second before turning to Ellie. I held a finger to tell her to wait there before I went to follow Joel outside.
"Go inside and watch Ellie."
"No, Joel," I shook my head.
"(Y/n), I am not fighting about this right now," he muttered as he stopped. "Just go. I'll be right back."
"Oh, for fuck's sake!"
The air shifted. It tensed. I was never one to yell. I was rarely known to cuss. I think Joel had some understanding then that I needed to be properly heard.
"For the love of God, please don't pull the drill sergeant act on me," I begged. "You may be able to compartmentalize all of this and keep moving, but I can't do that right now. We just lost our friends, Joel. Three people that we trusted and we cared for. You have your brother out there to keep you going, but I... I don't have anything other than you."
He didn't move.
"I... I can't deal with that like you can," I muttered. "Please... just... stop... just for a moment."
Joel took a deep breath before turning around. I saw his face shift. Like he hadn't realized that I had started crying until that moment. I closed my eyes and turned my head down.
A sob escaped me as soon as he pulled me into his arms. My face ended up buried in his shoulder as I hugged him as tight as I could. I felt his arms tighten around me as a shaky breath escaped him.
"I love you," I mumbled.
"Shut the hell up and listen to me," I stopped him. "Like it or not, I care about you and I love you. I... I need you to know that. To hear it."
"I love you too," he replied, voice closer to a grumble than anything.
I squeezed my arms around him one more time before stepping back. I grinned at him before wiping away what I could of the tears that had fallen.
I reached over and did the same for him. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone, so you can hold onto your tough-guy act."
A chuckle escaped him. "You're an ass."
"Yeah, so are you," I shrugged. "Get back soon, alright? Don't do anything stupid."
"Do I ever?"
"You don't want a real answer to that."
He glared at me for a moment. I just grinned a little wider at him.
I watched him walk away from the house. I turned and walked inside. Ellie was standing next to the window. She had watched the whole thing.
"Bill and Frank had a working shower last time I was here," I said. "Maybe you should go see if it's still working."
She slowly nodded. "Are... Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I replied. "I'm fine."
She didn't seem to believe me.
"Go," I nodded toward the staircase.
She held her hands up and went up the stairs.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Fine. That was good enough.
I was okay with fine.
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What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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simpingcowboy · 2 years
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x GN!Reader, established relationship
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Being aggressively in love with Marcus Pike, light use of pet names, getting almost stood up, feeling of romantic inadequacy, just a teensy bit meta, The Wizard of Oz spoilers?
Summary: Even the worst of days are made better with your boyfriend Marcus Pike around
A/N: Another one down for my Year of ABBA as part of the "Year Of" Creations @yearofcreation2023 February edition!!! I've been on a Marcus kick so here we are!
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It was a miserable day. A long, terrible, tiresome day. Even your room, your personal sanctuary, felt dreary and gloomy. The wide window offered no comfort either. The rain falling over D.C. clouded the skies. The whole world looked dark from inside your apartment. You let out a sigh of exhaustion; surrendering to the comfort of your bed. As you stare up at the blank old dirty ceiling, a soft knock is heard from the door.
"Babe?" The voice calls, slowly unlocking the door.
You perk up at that voice. Marcus…you smile to yourself, realizing your partner is at the door. Finally, using the spare key you'd given him ages ago.
"I'm here! Come on in." You call back to him.
You sit up on the bed, and make your way over to the door. The two of you practically bump into each other as you meet in the narrow doorway. Marcus looks as perfect as ever. Nicely clean shaven, hair just a bit tussled from the day, in his usual black suit and blue button up combo, a beautiful bundle of flowers in his hands.
"Woah!" Marcus says, trying not to knock you over. "Hi Baby," he says cheerfully, "I heard you had a bit of a day so I uhh thought I'd surprise you." A big smile overcomes his face as he tilts the flowers towards you. "Tada!"
Your eyes shift down to the bouquet. You find yourself giggling at the barcode still peeking out from the top. Imagining Marcus running out from the office to the corner store to grab these. Still, the colors are vibrant. Your favorite. The smell is bright. As you gaze back up at Marcus, the whole world feels brighter too.
"Do you like them? Sorry I couldn't go to the usual florist but I-" Marcus rambles on.
"No." You answer with a smile, taking the flowers in your arms. "They're perfect. You're perfect."
A tinge of red flushes his cheeks at your statement. "Far from it but I'm glad you like them. I also-" he reaches around the still open door to grab a bag from the hallway, "got take out! It's your favorite." He smiles bashfully. Suddenly concerned he'd gone a bit overboard. "I hope it's okay."
"You really are perfect, huh?" You tease, pulling him in and shutting the door behind him.
"I try." He concedes with a shrug. Moving the take out over to your table. Carefully pulling the food out of the bag.
You go to the kitchen, grabbing a vase and filling it with water. Dropping the bouquet in and rushing it over to show Marcus. "Look how pretty they are!" You can't help but smile at them. They fit perfectly. Suddenly, you could ignore all the old stains on the table top.
He chuckles at you, "They look good in here." He agrees.
You inhale, getting a sniff of the food. "That smells so good!" You exclaim, taking your seat across from Marcus.
"Ugh you're telling me! I had to stop myself from just eating it all in the car." He laughs, taking the plastic utensils in his hands.
You eagerly dig in. The flavors hitting your tongue like a firework. It was so rich. Cooked to absolute perfection. Though you know it had likely been some fifteen minutes of waiting in Marcus's car, it was somehow the perfect temperature. "Oh Marcus…I swear the food is never this good when you're not there! Are you sure you're not tipping off the chef or something?"
He scoffs, smiling at the absurdity. "Babe, the first time I went there was with you. There's no way I would have been able to do that."
You squint your eyes at him, a look of fake suspicion on your face. "I'm onto you Agent Pike."
"Yeah yeah," he rolls his eyes, taking another bite of his dinner, "eat your food!"
You continue chatting through dinner, airing out all of the day's frustrations. To which Marcus dutifully listens. He then goes on to talk a bit about his day. Nothing exciting, just writing up reports on his latest sting. Though he just so fails to mention how he left most of them piled on his desk when he heard of your bad day. Still- you cling to every word. At times it felt like Marcus could be talking about nothing at all, and you'd still be totally fascinated about it. Eventually you both finish. Marcus is quick to insist on cleaning up. Claiming as he always did that he had "brought the mess over" and therefore was responsible to clean it. Knowing that fight was yours to lose, you allow it. Watching from the table as he neatly stacks the takeout boxes before throwing them in the trash.
"All done!" Marcus claps his hands together celebratory. "Any ideas for how you'd like to spend the rest of the night?"
You pause to think, "Maybe a movie?"
He smiles with a nod. "Sounds good." He pulls on his tie, loosening it from around his neck. "Do you mind if I change first?"
"Be my guest. Your clothes are in the second drawer where they always are."
Marcus rounds the corner to your bedroom to change. You take the opportunity to get comfortable on the couch. Your body sinks into the soft cushions. A relaxed sigh leaving your body as your hands trace over the smooth material. Everything felt so cozy.
"This look alright?" Marcus steps out into the room giving you a spin. A white V-neck t-shirt on, paired with his comfy grey sweatpants.
You smile up at him, he just looks so snuggleable! "You look great. Now, come here!" You reach for him with outstretched arms.
Marcus, never one to keep you waiting, is quick to join you on the couch. Sitting besides you, pulling you into his chest in a tight embrace. "Alright, what are we watching?"
"No clue." You shrug.
"Channel flipping it is!" Taking the remote in his hand, he begins scouring for something to watch. "Ohh here's something, The Wizard of Oz?"
You watch him with wide eyes. A sense of sentimentality taking over you. "That's the first movie we saw together."
Marcus pauses for a moment, remembering. "Yeah…it is, isn't it? Though, I think we missed the opening of it."
"Which was your fault by the way!"
"Traffic was bad!" He defends.
You can't help but tease. "Excuses, excuses!" You huff as the memory of that date.
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You stood impatiently on a corner downtown, across from the movie theatre. Tapping your foot and struggling to stop yourself from sending another text asking if Marcus was standing you up. It'd been about ten minutes since the movie started, and another twenty minutes since Marcus was supposed to have been there. Suppressing the tear in your eye, you bite the bullet and turn to head home. A hand grabbing your waist from behind to stop you.
"Wait-" the man pleads with a voice you recognize, Marcus. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. The traffic was so bad and I- I got here as fast as I could. I didn't see your texts until I was here. And I-" he pauses.
You turned slowly, with half a mind to tell him off for almost making you cry. But you can't. As soon as Marcus was in view, all your frustrations disappeared. It didn't matter that he was late. Only that he was here. And that those big brown puppy dog eyes were all yours again.
"Fuck-" he cuts himself off, leaning in to kiss you unable to resist the urge.
You relax even further into his touch. His hands still on your waist pulling you closer. Your hands wrapping around his neck, holding him to you. "Marcus…" you murmur softly, pulling away briefly.
"I'm sorry." He repeats against your lips. "I should have been here." He kisses you once more, pulling you tight against him.
Suddenly, the traffic seemed to get a little lighter.
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"Marcus?" You grab his attention, your mind focusing back on the present. "What happens in the beginning anyways?"
"Of The Wizard of Oz?"
You answer with a nod.
"Well. We start out in Kansas with Dorthy who just got out of school. She's just kind of going about her day. Running into a whole little cast of characters that make up the main cast. A mean neighbor who's the witch. Lion, scarecrow, and the tinman are this group of guys who work on the farm. So on and so on. Same as the end of the film. She sings a little song and then a tornado happens. And we're in Oz!"
"There's a transition, right? When the movie switches into color?"
"Ah yes! That's the really cool part! After the tornado, she opens the door and the world outside is in color. I looked up how they did it but…it kind of ruins the magic." He says with a guilty smile.
"I know the feeling. Of Dorthy I mean. That feeling of the world suddenly being in color.'
"Yeah?" Marcus prompts you, asking for more.
You lean into his ear, with a low whisper, "The same feelings I get being around you."
He playfully pushes you off, "Okay now you're just teasing." His cheeks red with embarrassment.
"I'm serious, Marcus." You wrangle your way back into his arms. "I felt horrible earlier, but there's just something…when you're around…I don't know. My days are just so much better. It's like this aura? Or vibe?"
"A lovelight?" Marcus offers.
"Love-light?" You repeat.
"Yeah, you know…like the ABBA song?" He sighs and begins to half heartedly sing, "You must have a lovelight, everything around you is lovelight."
You chuckle, Marcus's affinity for old media never failing to entertain you.
"You've gotta know that one!"
"I do, I was just hoping you'd sing it for me." You smirk, knowing your plan worked.
He laughs, hiding his face behind his hands. "You got me."
You smile at him, moving his hands to plant a soft kiss on his lips. A smile tucked into each of your faces. "I like it." You quietly say into the kiss.
"Like what?"
"Lovelight…it fits." You nuzzle against his cheek. "You light up my whole world, Marcus. All the things you do. The things you say. Just the way you are. Everything around you is…lovelight."
His face goes red at your turn of affection. "You like it? It's not too much?" Insecurity creeps up his neck. He knows previous partners had felt suffocated by his attentiveness. But if you really liked it maybe…
"Yes. I love it. It makes me feel good. Being with you feels right. Everything about you is right." You lean, gently pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Don't let anyone dim your lovelight, Marcus."
Under you, Marcus anxiously bites his cheeks. His sweet dimples popping in and out as he tries to hide a smile. His eyes, dancing around to avoid catching yours. Though he has lots to say, "I love you…" is all he manages to vocalize.
You smile into his jaw, "I love you too Marcus. Now, I believe we have a movie to watch!" You relax back down at his side.
Marcus flashes you a quick grin. "To Oz we go." He says as he turns on the film.
The rest of the night is peaceful. Full of behind the scene facts from Marcus, and snacks you'd been saving for moments like this. After the film ends, you're both quick to agree to turn in early. Both you and Marcus are tired from your day, and know the next will be equally as tiring as well. Marcus takes his place in bed beside you, turning off the bedside lamp.
"Goodnight Baby." He gives you a soft kiss before tucking himself under the comforter.
"Goodnight Marcus." You return his notion.
As you get comfortable under the covers, you notice something. With Marcus around, even that old dirty ceiling seems a little whiter.
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sukugo · 1 year
Yeah I wasn't sure if you're okay with leaks and spoilers so I tried to be vague. It's alright, I'll wait till you're seen the chapter! Do you typically read the official translation on Sundays/Mondays or fantranslations that come out 1-2 days after the leaks? There's another thing I noticed actually, I'd like to think that it proved my theory right? I'll save that for later as well.
Oh yes please read The Path To Insanity, on AO3! I highly recommend it. It's so good to the point where I couldn't stop thinking about it for few days lol.
Hmm I think so, most of us have been suffering after some Bad Shit™ happened and I think you'll be affected too. Sending you positive vibes in advance! It's good that you're actively avoiding leaks because the fandom is literally imploding rn, it's chaos everywhere. Though surprisingly it didn't hit me as hard as I thought it would. I think it's due to the fact that I'm too busy being conflicted at how it was executed and stressed over how future chapters would turn out so I don't really have the capacity for sadness atm.
I wonder what you'll think after you've read it. Like personally I found it pretty haphazard and laughable lmao. It just feels strange and surreal in a bad way, maybe Gege meant to set tone like this on purpose? Idk. This chapter has a vastly different vibe from the rest of the manga to me so I'm trying to refrain myself from being reactionary and impulsive like others. I'll wait for Public Enemy #1 (Gege) to continue the story instead lol, based on some context clues there's still a slight chance that this might be just another sick and twisted joke from that demonic cat. Hopefully. I wanna beat his ass though he'd better sleep with one eye open
i usually just read the chapter on sundays when it comes out (which is kinda funny bc i DO read the fan trans too haha). but im gonna be honest, im considering reading the scanlation earlier this time agdkdhskd. i'll see what i do dgfdgd
but well. even tho i havent seen the leaks i do know What Happens (there's quite literally no way to not know, it's everywhere). bc oh boy is it imploding. yesterday i decided to take a small peek into twitter and it was. on fire. i closed it immediately, i was not gonna deal with all that csjdhdjd. but my tumblr's been pretty peaceful! it's so easy to avoid things here if u have the tags filtered, tho even then, i just haven't gotten so much of it on my dash anyways
and about the last thing u say, from the little things i came across, i did see that there were mixed feelings about the chapter, but as i haven't actually seen the leaks i can't really comment. so yeah ill come back to give u a proper reply after ive read the chapter!! :D
AS FOR THE PATH TO INSANITY I STARTED READING IT YESTERDAY ACDJHDJSH. ive only read 2 chs but GDJDH EXTRA BRATTY TEEN GOJO WITH SUKUNA!!!!! lately I've just been so into specifically that, so yeah im enjoying it <3333
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agostron · 8 days
An Overview of Murk (so far)
Note: Murk isn't complete. This post will be referring to pages 1-23, because as of writing, these are the only ones released.
Read the comic here. Full review under the cut. Spoilers ahead!
The presentation is wonderful. The art is painterly and reminds me of rough children's book illustrations; makes it all the more disturbing given the contents of Murk. The first page shows a bloodied corpse, their killer, and heavily implies (if not outright shows in the following pages) the cute raptor chick we were following up until that point was murdered as well. Its soft art style then takes a more jagged tonal edge. A brilliant introduction to a thriller.
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The killer is revealed to be Heysag, a smooth-talking raptor with a cute flying companion that likes eating off of his previous victims. Murk quickly established Heysag's ability to switch between polite charisma and murderous glee. It's unsettling to see him telling stories to chicks like nothing happened.
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Heysag teaches them about Murk, the in-universe figure which is the comic's namesake. Murk rebelled against the Great Mother - AKA raptor god - and was cast down to earth where he lures in victims before killing them.
A small debate over whether or not Murk is real occurs, and it becomes clear what the narrative is proposing. Even if Murk - the figure from the stories - isn't real, Murk exists through Heysag, making Heysag effectively Murk. Murk parallels Heysag and his rebellion against the Matriarch.
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Afterward, Heysag tells Peek - the cute flying companion I mentioned earlier - about his pack, the Motley. It's a mixed pack, featuring dwellers from the plains, northern slopes, western marshes, and blood-stained Stone Wastes.
His story is interrupted by Seirig, a bothersome raptor mainly concerned with kissing the Matriarch's rear end. Heysag's disdain for Seirig is blatant. He changes the topic into discussing how everyone takes care of the Matriarch's chicks, and in return, the pack takes care of them... so long as they're not different. Further elaboration comes later in the form of Rigar.
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Peep tells Heysag about Rigar, and he goes over to her location. She's going to kill the Matriarch right there, but Heysag stops her. They watch as the Matriarch reveals she plans on checking the borders without anyone else knowing, as Meisar's (presumably the raptor corpse from the beginning) death unsettles her.
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Heysag gives Rigar advice. He praises her for attempting murder during appropriate conditions but informs Rigar she should consider the fact the Matriarch is never alone. Heysag uses this opportunity to ask Rigar why she wants the Matriarch dead.
Rigar tells Heysag her backstory. Her mother is Leira, a low-ranking raptor, and her father is Jarog, a Stone Wastes member. Jarog and Leira planned on leaving, but unfortunately Jarog died, and Leira had gotten pregnant. The Matriarch eventually found the nest and killed all the hatchlings except for Rigar, who hid. She pretended to be a stranger for her survival. That's why Rigar desires to murder the Matriarch.
Heysag uses this information to his advantage. He says he'll support her in killing the Matriarch. Soon they discuss their plans, but not without Seirig butting in, informing them of his own story. Heysag says they should eliminate Seirig because he's a problem. While he is manipulating Rigar, it's a scene where we can see inside Heysag's head a tiny bit. He loathes the fake positivity surrounding him.
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Rigar is hesitant. Her heart isn't committed on killing anyone else other than the Matriarch. Heysag proceeds to show her a tyrannosaur cannibalizing his own kin, proposing that their species is truly similar, however, tyrannosaurs don't bother to lie about their intentions, unlike raptors.
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Heysag tells her his upbringing. He was always treated suspiciously, and got blamed for the death of his brother. Oddly enough, looking at the panels, I can't help but suspect him myself. It could be me overthinking; this is the last page of Murk, posted way back in June. I believe it's a visual metaphor, how Heysag felt betrayed by everyone. Is that all, though?
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Could he be lying? Usually the backstories are portrayed in a stylized flashback. Instead, we get nothing other than witnessing Peep getting picked on. I don't doubt he received the short end of the stick, yet I can't quite believe he didn't kill his brother. The panel right after doesn't help. We'll see in the future, I suppose...
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I thoroughly enjoyed reading Murk. Can't wait to see what's next!
0 notes
Wow. I feel like the universe is laughing at me.
Late last summer I had a dream that I was chatting with a man about sex. And the only part of the dream I could remember was the man wanting to focus on my pleasure and me insisting that it wasn't all about my pleasure and that I wanted to give him pleasure as well. He explained that that was something no partner had ever talked with him about or generally seemed to care about. It was revolutionary to him and the bare minimum to me.
I remember feeling so happy to see him enjoy being a priority to a lover, but honestly I couldn't tell you what this man looked like at all. Because I'm me tho, I at least assumed he was older tho.
When this dream happened, we had just opened up my marriage. And I thought it was just my subconscious being excited to date again and find a man to finally fulfill certain parts of me that had been sorely lacking for the better part of 10 years. I was very unhappy but I wasn't willing to admit it to anyone, let alone myself. Well it wasn't 2 weeks before my ex ruined something I had been so excited about for myself independent of her. Par for the course. 🙄
I told her that I wasn't closing my side of things because I refused to let my hope of finally finding fulfillment die. And honestly? Shit wasn't fair at all. Unfortunately I was devastated by the betrayal she had committed and I couldn't in good conscience put that kind of energy out into the world; I couldn't get under someone to heal from the latest of many many betrayals. I knew that I wouldn't be a good partner and it would just be more polyfuckery in the world. So while I stopped pursuing dating, I began intensely focusing on myself, what I wanted, and healing myself. My ex begged for one last chance and I told her that she could have it, but after that I was done. It was half hearted, I think I should've ended things then tbh. I had no hope or optimism that she would actually be able to do right by me, but I had larger goals we had begun to work at together that gave me the smallest hope she could get it together. Spoiler alert: she betrayed me again and I told her I wanted a divorce. I thought my life was over; the universe had other (extremely unexpected) plans.
I've always had prophetic dreams. Literally my whole life. They've never been all that useful; usually it's a dream with very little context, mostly focused on the surroundings and feelings and thoughts. The problem is that without context, you can't really understand the message that the peek into your future is trying to share. Long story short, I'd forgotten all about this dream. Until this morning, when I woke up and immediately realized I literally had this conversation last night. My words were pretty much verbatim, "it's not all about my pleasure, I want to give you pleasure too." His reaction was much the same; feeling flattered and cared for.
Because I assumed, I was looking for an older man, but other than that being incorrect, everything else felt exactly right; just like my dream. I felt safe and trusting, which is something I really need and really need to pay attention to and to let it lead my interactions.
The universe has given me more than a few shake ups this past year, but it has also given me a lot of blessings. I think I just have to trust in the process at this point. Everything might not unfold as I pictured it, but it will unfold as it's meant to. And right now, my job is just to trust in this. 🥰
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
Chance Encounter
A Venom Imagine
Eddie Brock x Female Reader
1.1K Words
TW - attempted sexual assault w/ knife and the emotional aftermath
his tattoos are my trigger ⬇️
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***PLEASE NOTE *** THERE ARE TRIGGER WARNINGS. ALSO - this is not great, actually it sucks, but I cant just delete all of my hard work when it's already a completed imagine. So I'm using it as a start into writing for Eddie. I loved the first Venom movie - I've watched it so many times, but the second one is incredible. I am obsessed. THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS TO VENOM 2! PLEASE READ AT OWN RISK.
-Chance Encounter-
One moment, one symbiote, and one punch to the face.
"I'm hungry," Venom whined to Eddie who winced, grabbing chocolate from the shelf.
"That's why we are at the store, dipshit," Edfie huffed quietly. "You're giving me a headache."
"You're giving me a headache, Eddie," Venom copied.
He shook his head, swiping all of the chocolate options off the shelf and into the basket.
Their banter was mutual and normal, especially after the events of Carnage. Venom and Eddie had an understanding for each other, a bond that was slowly developed despite all of the chaos and change it caused.
"I do miss our apartment, and Mrs Chen," Venom said, oddly sentimental for such a hot headed symbiote.
"Me too," Eddie said, gathering his bags. "But we are the lethal protector, remember? Can't stay in one place too long."
The cool night air was refreshing on their skin as they stepped out, starting the long walk to the crappy motel they were staying at.
"Listen," Venom whispered, and Eddie perked up, hearing sounds of distress.
"Oh yeah, lethal protector to the rescue," Venom cheered.
"Remember what we talked about, Venom."
"No showing myself unless there's an actual emergency so we don't give anyone else a heart attack."
"And?" Eddie walked towards the alleyway.
The symbiote growled, "And no biting off heads which is a dumb rule."
He rolled his eyes, letting his eyes adjust to the lack of streetlight.
"Get off." He heard the muffled cry coming from you where you were struggling against a much larger male.
"Hey," Eddie yelled, startling you. You felt relief flood your body.
"Leave us alone, dude. This ain't got nothing to do with you." The man in front of you squared his shoulders, trying to look intimidating in front of the man who had an alien living inside of him.
"What a dick," Venom muttered.
"Are you okay?" Eddie asked you, peeking around the him. "Is he bothering you?"
You wiped the blood from your busted lip onto your sleeve, giving the strange man a nod. You couldn't see much of him, but you could already tell something was different about him.
"You're going to wish you had minded your business," the man growled, raising his fist and knocking Eddie in the nose.
"Ow, shit," he groaned, cupping the fiery hot pain that spread over his entire face. "What the hell? Why did you let me take that?" he whispered angrily.
"I wanted to see what you would do. You are weak," Venom said.
"Thanks a lot."
"Who are you talking to?" the man asked with furrowed brows.
You were wondering the same thing as you moved to his side. "Are you okay? Did he hit your head or something?"
"No, it's normal," Eddie said, straightening so he could look at you. You were beautiful, and the thought was odd since he hadn't looked at anybody since he and Ann broke up. "You're bleeding," he whispered, gently reaching for the injury on your lip but he stopped his hand mid-air.
You were yanked back by your shoulder and you yelped, stumbling and catching yourself before you fell.
"Don't touch me," you gasped, moving away from the slimy man's grasp. His name was Josh and he was your friend, a really good one at that. Tonight at dinner he had come onto you too strongly - and he wasn't even drunk. He just couldn't take no for an answer and hit you right in the face. You were afraid he would have done much worse if this little distraction didn't happen.
"You should listen to her," Eddie said. "You really don't want to fight me."
"Us," he corrected with a cough.
Josh gave a chuckle, "You think I'm scared of a boy who can't even take a punch?" He pulled out a pocket knife, pointing it at him. "Get out of here. That's your last warning."
You squirmed, trying to distance yourself but Josh wasn't letting up, instead he moved the knife to your back and you stilled.
"He can't hurt her."
"For once I agree with you," Eddie said, allowing Venom's tentacles to appear and diffuse the situation. Josh was flung against the brick wall and over a dumpster.
Your knees gave way and you hit the ground harshly. You couldn't believe Josh. He was one of your closest and only friend. What had happened?
You brushed away the first tear and the panic you had been surpressing became difficult to swallow.
Also, did your incredibly handsome rescuer have tentacles and super strength?
"Are you hurt?" Eddie asked, feeling bad he couldn't catch you before you collapsed. He crouched down, giving you a glance over for injuries.
You shook your head, burying your face in your hands, emotionally exhausted and unable to accept the situation.
"Alright, come on. Let's get you up," he encouraged. You didn't seem to be frightened of him, so he took it as okay to gently grip your arms and helping you stand.
"Why do you have tentacles?" you whispered.
"It's a condition," Eddie muttered.
"A condition? You said you'd stop calling me names."
"I'm Eddie Brock by the way," he said, ignoring Venom.
You introduced yourself to him, wiping the tears that continued to fall. You didn't know what would have happened if Eddie hadn't shown up.
He shuffled awkwardly, unsure of what to say or do to comfort you. He wanted to know more information, like if you knew the guy, but didn't want to press on the sensitive subject.
"Can I walk you home or wherever you are going?"
"I'd really appreciate that. I'm staying in that Motel on 6th."
"Oh, really? Me too," he said. "It's nice."
You chuckled despite your turmoil. Nice wasn't exactly the word you would use.
"Give her your jacket you fool."
"I'm sorry. I didn't even realize," he whispered, taking in your shrunken form like you were trying to hide in plain sight.
He shrugged out of his leather jacket, holding it out to you.
"You don't have to," you said.
"I'm happy to," he said, helping pull it up over your arms and over your shoulders.
"Thank you," you said softly. There was something comforting about his presence and his jacket. "for this and for saving me."
"I'm just glad I was there," Eddie said.
"And your nose is okay?"
"It's fine, all healed." He dipped his head so it was able to catch the street light.
You nodded and he grinned.
"You want to ask about my condition?"
His smile was contagious and you felt your lips tug up. It was a welcomed change in mood.
"I am a little curious."
"Let me talk to her."
"His name is Venom."
Here's my Masterlist. Next one will be more fluffy. :)) Requests open.
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catnipster69 · 3 years
Wincest Fic Recommendations Full List
Here are my faves, categorized from lightest to darkest. I hope to add to this full list over time.
J2 rec list here.
Suave & Complicated by OldToadWoman
Sam and Dean discover a useful, little, magical artifact. No one is forcing them to do anything. No one is going to die if they don't. They don't even feel a strange compulsion. But… it would be really helpful if they powered up the magical stone… and… all they have to do is kiss.
This is maximally delightful! It's funny, sexy, and reads like a better Supernatural episode, only with wincest. I found this to be practically perfect.
Comfortably Numb by bloodwrites @bloodwritesfic​
You can't live so close together without occasionally getting a peek at each other's equipment, and Sam's big all over, but Dean's sure he doesn't have the kind of length he'd need to— "We are talking about the same thing, right? You're telling me you can..." Sam grins. "Fuck myself. Yeah."
This is a complete delight. And it just feels so in character.
Utopia by nigeltde @nigeltde-fic​
Anyway, Dwight Yoakam can go fuck himself.
Basically, a room of requirement fic. I found this very sweet. Post season 12.
Leader of the Pack by @astolat​
Teaching old dogs new tricks.
It’s a shame that Astolat does not write Supernatural fics anymore, but more than a decade later, her fics still hold up. Small, delicious meals. Makes sense that she is such a good mainstream writer in real life, too. Set in mid season 3.
Bad Blood by @astolat​
Fuck me or I'm going to die isn't the world's best pickup line.
Good humor.
Green and Gamboge by @sevenfists
Sam first notices the weird dinging noise in Paducah, and by the time they hit Kansas City, it's a full-on clank and rattle, the car thumping rhythmically every time the engine turns over.
This is fucking adorable.
Coast On Through by philalethia
A post-first-time fic. With a lot of sex.
Insanely hot. It takes a while even after they’re fucking to realize that, yeah, they’re it for each other, that no one else can compare. I love hearing the boys’ voices so clearly. So many great exchanges. It just feels so real.
Hands That Held Your Hands by philalethia
In which Dean gets sick and Sam takes care of him. Tiny spoiler for episode 404. Written while waiting in a doctor's office to make myself feel better about feeling awful.
This is adorable, really.
Over the Hills, Far Away by roxymissrose
Somewhere in the middle of season seven, this world careens towards the left. Dean looks at Sam and decides enough is enough. They need to settle down for a while, take a breath.
I’m not a giant fan of curtain fics, but this is my favorite.
Taking the Fifth by @astolat
“Dean Winchester?" Sam said. "I'm Sam Moore. I'm your lawyer." (AU inspired by 2x07, The Usual Suspects)
It’s hard to pick the best of the best from astolat.
Punxsutawney by @astolat​
astolat thinks any plot worth doing is worth doing TWICE
Groundhog Day by @astolat​
astolat thinks any plot worth doing is worth doing TWICE three times. (especially if the show mostly does it for you.) spoilers for Mystery Spot (3x11)
Thought I’d group both of these groundhog day fics together. (I think she may even have another one out there).
Baby Blue by Edwardina
Sam touches a cursed pacifier and is compelled to suck on it non-stop. At first, Dean thinks it's hilarious and Sam is humiliated, but the way Dean treats Sam is actually a turn-on for them both.
This is weird, but surprisingly engaging.
Follow The Jackalope by WhiskyBoys
It was just a regular black dog hunt, or so Sam and Dean thought, yet somehow they ended up tracking a unicorn through the woods, and then Dean may or may not have spotted a jackalope. After that things really took a turn for the weird!
"A unicorn? A freaking unicorn, Sam?" Dean repeats for the fourth time in fewer minutes. He looks down at the arsenal of weapons in Baby's trunk, twitchy fingered and wild eyed. "How the hell are we supposed to kill a goddamn unicorn?"
We're not gonna kill it," Sam snaps, elbowing Dean sharply in the ribs when he picks up a flame thrower.
This is a hoot.
Two People, At Least One Orgasm by nigeltde @nigeltde-fic
Under the ham balls and tears.
Laugh out loud.
In a safe behind a painting by glovered
Dean tells RoboSam that he'd have to be paid a large sum to sleep with him. Challenge accepted.
It’s not too often you get a soulless!Sam story that is so hopeful and humorous.
Heart Shaped Balloon by @winsive
Sam and Dad are fighting. No surprise, but it's the weekend before Valentine's Day and Dean isn't missing out on the chance to bang a cheerleader just to console his bratty little brother. He does bring back a heart shaped balloon for him, though. It's not supposed to be cursed.
This whole premise is clever. Love the build-up.
the constant vow by deadlybride @zmediaoutlet
With Crowley apparently dead and Sam's soul back in place, even though Eve is a worry and Castiel's fighting a heavenly war, Sam and Dean at last have some space to get back to what passes (for them) as a normal life. They've just finished up a pretty standard job and are killing time in snowy Wisconsin when Dean wakes up no longer looking like Dean. That's just the start of their problems.
I don’t usually like female Sam or Dean stories, but since Dean is not female all the time, I was able to get over my reluctance. Deadlybride is one of my fave authors, and she does not disappoint.
Strong Black Vine by shaenie
They are both pretty drunk when it finally happens. Not drunk enough to pretend they don't remember or even drunk enough to chalk it up to bad decision making. Just pure liquid courage drunk.
This is a really good case fic plus lots of kinky BDSM! I think the author, who isn't really "in the fandom," didn't get the voices quite right (a tad too much slang for Dean), and some scenes have "weighty" meaning that I didn't always get, but still really good.
Invisible Boy by dollylux
This is a story of adolescence. This is a love letter for the slow burn, for Led Zeppelin, for the 90s. This is the first of two sets of stories about how Sam and Dean didn’t fall in love. They never had to. It was always there, this desperation between them, like a real, breathing thing. When they came together, it was inevitable. As sure as continents colliding, as the phases of the moon and the life and death of stars. This isn’t a love story, but it’s a story of love.
You’ve probably already read this! But if not, hurry and do so. So good it feels like canon.
Phthonus by leonidaslion
There's only so much jealousy a guy can take, and Sam's reached his limit ... 
Whatever happened to leonidaslion?? One of life’s great mysteries. Even though this is unfinished, it’s totally worth reading for the hot, hot sex. The plot is the least of it.
with a cherry on top by dollylux
Sam gives Dean a Valentine's gift that keeps on giving.
This is underage, consensual, and filthy.
Like Staring Into the Sun by @nyxocity
It’s not about the girls. The girls are just the excuse. It’s about them. Them and this unavoidable thing that’s growing between them.
Hot as hell. I guess I felt it was Gray because the tone is kind of dark and desperate.
Surrender by Coragyps
Sam Wesson, college drop-out and general nobody, is abducted from his home by a green-eyed stranger. Taken to the shadowy Facility, he is trained over time to embrace his inner Submissive and become the perfect slave. But is he making a mistake in trusting Dean to be his Master?
The writer truly embraces her premise, which is that there are people who are “natural submissives” who will end in suicide if they aren’t trained and matched with a master. Hey, it works!
Wrapped in Honey by emebalia
Sam is a monster who wants to buy himself somebody to feed on. Lucky him, Dean's on sale.
Poor, broken Dean. Luckily good incubus Sam is there to save him. Too bad it involves locking him up and using him as a sex slave! A world with supernatural creatures, but Dean’s not a hunter? It’s so crazy it just might work. There are some spelling mistakes in this, and that usually drives me nuts. Sadly, there’s no “suggest” function to put forward corrections on AO3.
Riders on the Storm by zorrosuchil
I. Bottled up in a borrowed Sierra Nevada cabin while their father chases demonic omens, Sam and Dean have nothing to do but hunt chupacabras and mess around. It's not supposed to mean anything. When the weeks are over and Sam announces he's leaving for Stanford, everything including their relationship falls apart. II. After Jess's death, Dean is Sam's anchor in an ocean of grief, but soon Sam starts suspecting that he's holding too close, wanting too much. Meanwhile, Dean has repented of what happened that summer, but deep down neither can shake his less-than-brotherly feelings. III. On the trail of the Wild Hunt, during a last-ditch effort to save Dean from hell, the crackling tension between Sam and Dean finally comes to a head.
Just a good, angsty read.
Trinity by leonidaslion
This isn't what Dean meant to give Sam for his birthday...
Hot, as usual.
Come Home in the Car You Love by @sevenfists
It seems fucking stupid now—worse: naive—but Dean honest-to-God thought that everything would stop after he went to Hell. A big cosmic reset button. Like his death would settle the universe's score and Sam could make himself some kind of real life, one that didn't involve hitching his fate to Dean's inevitable demise.
Great mood, interactions, build-up. Classic.
Moderation Itself by @sevenfists
"So just leave, then, if that's what you fuckin' want to do—" Dean said, and Sam slammed his hand down on the table and yelled, "Yeah, well maybe I will," and Dean said, "Fine," and Sam said, "You fucking asshole, I hope you rot in hell," and the next thing Dean knew, it was two days later and he was driving toward the Gulf, alone in the Impala for the first time in what felt like about ten million years.
Sometimes Dean needs time to process what he really needs.
Skin of the Beast by @alulaspeaks
Find Dean, find Jack, fix it. Sam's mission should be simple, but after a mysterious storm transforms ordinary people into hideous creatures, Sam finds himself struggling to hang onto his humanity and stay alive. Joined by an enormous wolf, Sam sets out across a new and dangerous landscape trying to balance the draw he feels to the wolf and his need to complete his mission. Find Dean, find Jack, fix it.
This has such an imaginative and poetic scenario. 
Roll the Bones by @lovetheirloves
When other kids his age were experimenting with drugs and alcohol, Sam Winchester was experimenting with witchcraft.
This is why you’re not supposed to experiment with witchcraft.
Douglas County by @awabubbles
Prison AU. Dean Winchester is a new correctional officer at Douglas County Youth Services where he meets Sam Wesson, a fifteen year old inmate who's been charged with arson and the death of his parents. Dean finds himself increasingly protective of the young inmate, but as his personal life gets more complicated, Dean has to find out exactly how far he'll go to keep Sam by his side.
Just perfection. The kids aren’t alright, but maybe it’s alright if they’re together. This is a raised apart, non-supernatural AU. But even if that’s not your thing, I think you can appreciate the way awabubbles adapted the general outlines of Supernatural to fit this gritty tale of a fucked up Dean who is trying to overcome his own traumas; and how he connects to a boy for reasons we readers know, but that Dean takes some time and luck to figure out. They way they find salvation in each other. It feels real and painful and sexy and hopeful.
The Light of Munin by leonidaslion
Beyond the Apocalypse, beyond the Rapture, beyond the reach of memory ... How long can even the strongest love survive?
This one is very literary, with a fascinating setting. Not the usual fare. It’s always a treat to find unusual things in this genre, as there is a tendency to tread the same well-worn paths.
Sammy's Little Boy by majesticduxk
Dean is hit by a spell which turns his cock into a little boy one, tiny and soft and useless. He can't even get hard anymore. He hates it but his partner can't get enough of playing with Dean's little limp, bouncing cock and balls. After all, daddies can do what they want with their little boys. please note: this is NON CON and as such if this will disturb you please don't read. Dean does get some physical enjoyment out of it, but there is definitely no consent.
This is such a bizarre one... It's not realistic, why Sam is so, so bad, or why Dean is so helpless. I don't take it too seriously. It’s just...smut!
The Glamorous Life by @rivkat
Dean's infected by an incubus. Complications ensue.
Poor Dean! The boys aren’t good at communicating, as usual.
Grit to Build a Pearl Around by @saltandbyrne
Sam always helps his big brother out. Even when it hurts.
Underage. Dean's not a good guy in this. Twisted Sam/Dean.
remainder of two by @thatsakitkat
Dean has a curse put on him that de-ages him and makes him desperate for Sam to fuck him.
The first time I read this, it ended on such a bleak note, that I got mad at it. But then I couldn't stop thinking about it. It took me awhile to find it again, and then I bookmarked it. It is bleak: but very well done, especially since it's mostly porn without plot.
Flying Weight by Flesh
Sam wakes after being soulless for three years to discover that Dean and his relationship with him have undergone some serious changes. Through traveling and hunting with Dean, Sam struggles to put his life back together after events he has only limited memory of. A season six wincest AU
I was kind of resistant to this story initially. It was just so hard to take. But on re-read, I could admire it better. Masterful.
This is as dark as I go. There are darker out there (drug addiction and prostitution, I’m looking at you).
Suite!verse by leonidaslion
evilSam and Dean
This is a long, unfinished fic where Sam becomes a general of Hell and becomes evil. But his “love” and obsession with Dean remains, so he locks Dean in a hotel suite for years while he fights for Hell in the apocalypse and tries to get Dean to surrender. I couldn't stop reading it, but I was also yelling at it. She explains in the comments how it ends; it would have been bitter, bitter sweet.
Disturbia by leonidaslion
Not all of our scars are worn on the outside ...This is a VERY DARK FIC, and if you are sensitive to issues of consent or to the psychological repercussions of rape and other sexual trauma, please hit the back button now. There IS a happy ending, but it is at the other end of a very long, very dark tunnel. Please be sure you want to make the journey before clicking ahead.
Again, Dean really gets fucked up in this, and I'm not sure I like having this version of Dean in my head. Still, it's a gripping read. Read at your own risk. I mean, it ends basically happy? But Dean’s trauma can’t be wished away, and Sam has his own traumatic journey too. I guess one of the things I relate to in this is Sam’s intense, obsessive longing for Dean. Because I have that too.
Kink Corner
These are the fics I was afraid to post as being too outré; but hell, you’ve made it this far! Your kinks may not be my kinks, but if they are, you’re very welcome.
Little Creature You Unspun by Exaggerated_Specificity
Prompt: "Some spell/curse/hand-wavy magic grants Dean his deepest, darkest desire: eight year old Sammy spread out naked and begging to get fucked."
John inadvertently brings home a cursed book that has eight year old Sam acting out Dean's wildest fantasies. Marked as non-con due to magically induced reasons for the sex happening. Don't read if this isn't your thing.
Well written! Really!
Doppelgänger (little bird sing) by Exaggerated_Specificity
Prompt: "Soulless Sam sweet talks an underage girl/boy into giving up her/his cherry. As young as you want."
Soulless Sam has a little fun with one extremely young Jensen Ackles. Read the warnings. This is every bit as dirtybadwrong as it sounds.
I guess we can blame these on the anonymous prompts? I’m not sure what my excuse is for reading these.
warm by @hellhoundsprey
Sam and Dean go a little further. (Sam is 8-ish, Dean is 12-ish.)
I only put this in Kink Corner because of the under-agedness. This age works as an A/B/O fic.
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Dress You Up In My Love (Darren Treacy x Jeanie Turner)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: angst, smut, language, cross dressing kink
A/N: Darren needs just one night to hide after pulling a hit on Dublin's biggest drug lord. He turns to secondary family where he finds out something surprising about himself and unfinished business from his cousin's wedding. (Takes place in series two between episodes 5 and 6. There ARE spoilers for series two of Love/Hate.)
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A frantic knocking sprung Jeanie out of sleep that she didn't remember falling into. She hurriedly pulled on the hotel bathrobe and shouted at the door she was coming. A glance at the clock told her it was 8pm. Still plenty of time for him to come by.
Jeanie opened the door and gasped. “Dazz?! What's going on?”
“Is Gordo here?” The man shifted from foot to foot outside the doorway. He had a motorcycle helmet in his hands and a wild look behind bright green eyes.
“No. He's been up at Trinity in that fucking lab all day. I've not seen him.”
“I need a place t’crash for a few days,” he half-begged, half informed Jeanie as he pushed past into the suite. “Crikey this is posh. If I knew Gordo was gonna grow up t’have this kinda cash, I wouldn't have poked fun at the specs n shite.”
“Darren is there something I can help you with? As we've not seen you in four years?” Jeanie crossed her arms over her chest.
“I.. Did something. Just need a place t’lay low. Figured my cousin was th’last place anyone would look.” There was a shrug in his voice.
“Why not Rosie?”
Darren started to shed his jacket then ran a hand through his shaggy hair, “Best not involve her either. Not exactly talking these days.” He held his jacket out to Jeanie.
“Fuck off with that!” she swatted the jacket away.
“Oi! Just hold it while I take off the rest.”
“Rest of what? Your clothes? Hi Darren. Haven't seen you since the wedding. You've grown up. Sorry about Robbie and your mum. Thank you, Jeanie. How have you been? How's Scotland? Just lovely. Don't see Gordon for days and he's had TWO affairs.”
“Fair point, darlin,” Darren stepped out of his boots and unzipped his sweatshirt. “The Treacy side ain't exactly one t’write home about. Are we, yeah? ‘Cept Mary.”
Jeanie took the leather jacket and pinched her nose. Eyes closed. Something sticky about it made her recoil. Eyes popped open. She held her hand up; it was speckled brownish red.
“Dazz is this blood?!”
“Best you don't know. Can I shower?”
“I don't know, can- JESUS DARREN PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON” Jeanie covered her eyes.
“I'M IN UNDERWEAR!” he shouted back, laughter in his voice. “Alright, Ginge. Haven't ye ever seen a grown man in his underwear? You just need to get rid of those anyway ye can. Please?”
“Well you certainly aren't 16 anymore.”
“I was 18 when ye’s got married. Don’t ye remember?” his eyebrow arched suggestively.
“I would say I tried to forget, but when I'm stuck alone at night, or in a hotel for days at a time, I don't feel bad. It really was foreshadowing for the rest of our marriage.”
“Gordo’s cousin trying t’shag his new wife th’night he got married? Almost got that tossover. Pride myself on that.”
“I was hammered and you have very hypnotic eyes. Like Kaa in the Jungle Book”
Darren frowned, his brows knit together in confusion. His lower lip turned out as he struggled to comprehend that as compliment or insult.
Jeanie couldn't help but stare now. A proper look. Darren's body hadn’t changed much since she last saw him. Still thin, muscles a bit more defined. Scars littered his chest and stomach as he exhaled deeply. It was labored.
“Are those from a gunshot?” Jeanie looked minorly distressed.
Darren absently ran his fingers over the old wounds. “Aye. Working on one lung and I'm a bit barmy now.” Like it was no big deal.
Jeanie sighed heavily, but stopped to gather up his clothes. “I'll take a walk, and ditch these. Against my better judgment. Clean clothes are in our bags. You're about his size I suppose.” She rummaged around in the closet by the front door for a garment bag.
“You're a fucking beauty!” Darren snatched his cousin’s wife up in his arms. He pecked her cheek awkwardly.
“Towels are in the bathroom,” Jeanie grappled with what just happened. “I'll be back in half an hour. I hope whatever you did is fucking worth it. Dazz.”
“Trust me, love. No ones gonna miss him.”
Jeanie sloshed out of the canal bed glad she packed her Wellingtons for the unpredictable Irish weather. Grateful too for the stones she found along the water side. She had put the hotel pub news bulletin out of her mind warning of a gangland hit on a local known drug lord. One that showed up to her wedding on the arm of Darren and Gordon’s aunt.
“I hope Darren shot you right in the fucking face, and you knew it was him.” Jeanie muttered as she watched the clothes sink after she pushed the bag under the surface.
Maybe it was hypocritical she was relieved JohnBoy was dead. Dazz wasn't the only one who tried to fuck her that night, but he was the only one she welcomed. Maybe, Jeanie owed Darren a bit of physical gratitude.
Jeanie shut the door behind herself and popped her boots off in the closet. She changed quickly in the bathroom.
“You hungry or anything? I hope you found clothes that-”
Jeanie stopped in her tracks when she came around the wall that divided the suite foyer from the bedroom. Darren with his back to the full length mirror, was twisted so that he could look at himself. He seemed to be staring at his own ass.
“What are you doing?!” Jeanie was surprised, but amused more than anything.
“Oh! What kinda fookin underwear does Gordo have?” Darren's cheeks were just a hint of pink as he caught Jeanie’s eye. “T’ere’s no place for my cock when I piss, but they feel nice? Like t’ere comfortably snug?” He caressed his ass for emphasis.
“Well, those are mine. Not Gordon’s boxer briefs. So that answers the cock question. And they look snug because you have.” Jeanie's eyes strayed down over the bulge that had grown inside the boy shorts. “Well you must REALLY like them.”
Darren's eyes were wide, but he didn't seem embarrassed. Not really. His gaze followed Jeanie's downwards to his erection. “Yeah looks t’at way, doesn't it. I promise ye, I've never done t’is before.”
“Who cares if you have. Women wear boxers all the time. Back home, when I was in uh, what's it here? 1st through 4th year, all we wore was boxers as regular shorts. If you like them, Dazz, you could try some more?”
Jeanie had sat down on the bed. One knee crossed over the other with her hands clasped together. She bit her lip while her heart drummed loud in her ears. A pleasurable discomfort as she began to throb at the sight of Darren in her panties. The anticipation of him getting into a sexier pair. Letting her feel them. It had been so long.
“I mean, I'm not going anywhere t’ night. I’m not dressing in full drag though,” he insisted.
Jeanie stood and rifled through the suitcase. “I didn't think you wanted to. My regular clothes wouldn't fit you anyways.” She bit her fingernail and debated between a deep purple and cobalt blue. “I'm built like an hourglass and you,” she laid her choices on the white duvet, “are built like a baby giraffe.”
Darren rolled his eyes but joined Jeanie at the bedside. He gravitated towards the purple ones. Mostly lace with a bit of satin, they would look absolutely obscene on him. In the best possible way.
“Ye were wearing these t’at night,” Darren was full of nostalgia.
“I didn't know your side of the family could be sentimental besides Mare,” Jeanie giggled. She couldn't help it. “I definitely married the wrong cousin. Sometimes, I wish I could legally kill him,” there was an uneasy humor in her voice.
“I mean, I would do it for ye.” Darren didn't even hesitate.
“Um..” Jeanie's face matched her hair.
Darren burst into laughter, “Ease up, darlin’. I'm fuckin with ye.”
Jeanie wasn't certain about that but she played along. His smile both unnerved her and turned her on. The way he studied her and then the panties with a curiosity and delight.
“Why don't you put those on, and I put on the bra. Then.. we can make a full set.” There was innuendo in Jeanie's suggestion.
“We can't.”
“We CAN. The right sentiment is whether or not we SHOULD.”
“Should I really put these on?”
“Would you really kill someone you care about?” It was a strange reciprocation.
“If I cared about Gordo, I would not have tried t’fuck his wife the night he got married.”
Jeanie licked her lips, flames curled around her ears and cheeks. “Put them on. Anything I can do to make you more comfortable? Liquor?” She reached inside her shirt and produced a small bag that she swung back and forth, “Cocaine from your jeans?”
Darren reached for it but she was quicker. Stuffing it back in her bra, she swatted his hand away. “How about you.. don't do stimulating narcotics with a PTSD chaser?”
“It keeps me awake so I don't have nightmares. Just go so I can put t’ese on!”
Jeanie planted herself on the bed after taking her shirt off. She leaned back on her elbows, legs crossed. “I'm not going anywhere.”
“Fine! But close your eyes, so we can both be surprised. Wait, why’d ye take your shirt off?”
“Won't this make you more comfortable?” She pushed her chest forward a bit.
Darren’s eyes darted down to Jeanie's tits where they lingered longer than she expected. “Alright, sweetheart.”
Jeanie could listen to him talk for hours. Still she squeezed her eyes shut with a dramatic flare. “Go on then. I can't bloody wait.”
There was some shuffling around as Jeanie sat without peeking. Her heart raced in anticipation as she realized Darren had tossed what he was wearing at her feet.
A few minutes went by, and she lost patience, “Can I look? You've gotta have them on by now.”
“Fine, but don't laugh! I can't seem to get my junk in these.”
Jeanie opened her eyes and her mouth, “Fuck me, Dazz. Those are..” She stood up and made her way over to him from behind as he faced the mirror. Completely unable to stop herself. “You look delicious.” A word no one has ever used to describe either of them.
Jeanie’s hands on Darren's thin hips. They ran back and down over the sheer and lace over his ass. There was a playful squeeze before changing direction and flattening her hands on his. Downwards and into the indentation of his abs. Then she stopped to trace her fingertips over the angry red scars. Jeanie ran her fingers over them as if she wanted to memorize them.
Darren’s stomach convulsed a bit under her touch. “Jaysus,” he muttered under his breath. Eyes shut as Jeanie watched him in the mirror.
“Let me take care of you. Just one night,” she kissed between his shoulder blades. “You certainly deserve it after what you did today.”
“What did I do t’day?” Darren challenged Jeanie with his question. His hands covered hers, but not to push her away. To guide them down further over his erection.
Jeanie playfully squeezed again. The man in front of her let out a sound between a gasp and a moan when she began to rub the satin barely containing his cock. Her open palm gained friction as she worked faster. Where a man might find a woman's clit between her legs under the fabric, Jeanie moved her palm over Darren's balls.
“Eradicated part of Dublin’s largest pest population,” each word punctuated by her hand moving faster. Jerking him off without ever touching more than the underwear.
“I hope..” Darren's breath hitched and grew heavy. “Someone else..” his hips started to twist. “Ro-”
“I don't think we should talk about her right now, do you?” Jeanie cut him off. She finally let herself reach inside of the panties to properly take his cock in her grip.
Her thumb played with the head, slick with precum. Fingers wrapped around the shaft and stroked the length down and back up. She wasn't used to doing it from this angle but found it even sexier. The power she felt surge being the one in control. How wet she was inside her OWN panties.
Darren's head hung back as he lost himself in the ecstasy of what his cousin’s wife was doing. He didn't care that she was married. To a man who neglected her, ignored her.
Nidge. Tommy. His own sister. His cousin. They fucked around all the time. He and Rosie, that almost got her killed and they weren't even shagging. He knew he'd be livid if he caught her cheating. not violent mind you, but pissed. Just like if Siobhan or Trish did it. Or even Gordon. Everyone was a hypocrite.
Yet here was Darren. His cousin’s wife wanking him off while he wore her knickers. And he didn't give a fuck for once. His dick hadn’t been this hard in ages. That day he and Rosie had sex felt so long ago. They didn't do it much if at all since then.
Maybe this wasn't right, but Darren couldn't care anymore. He stood three feet above a malicious drug lord reduced to a cowering pussy and killed him. It was the same feeling as Jeanie's fingers as they twisted and kneaded his cock. Euphoric.
“If we don't take this to the bed. only one of us is gonna get a happy ending.”
Darren turned quickly. Faster than Jeanie could focus on. Their mouths finally crashed together as he gripped a handful of her. He shoved his tongue in her mouth and hands in her the pockets of the jeans she still wore. He dug his fingers into the thick of her ass as they stumbled back towards the bed.
Jeanie's hands labored in an effort to unbutton and unzip her pants around Darren's body as it thrust into her. She didn't want to stop the war their tongues waged as she struggled to tug the denim over her hips, but there was air as her husband’s cousin intervened. They laughed as he yanked them down to the floor and he went with them.
Darren looked up at Jeanie, who now sat on the edge of the bed, as he knelt on the floor by her feet. He helped each ankle as she lifted them out and literally kissed the tops of her feet as she drew them up on the comforter.
“That was romantic,” her voice thick and barely above a whisper. No hint of her usual sarcasm or humor, only some embarrassment. Her cheeks were pink.
“I've wanted t’fuck ye since we met. And I want ye to remember this for a long time.”
Darren stood up and hooked his fingers in the elastic of the underwear of hers that he was wearing. Jeanie covered his hands and leaned forward to kiss his stomach and his scars. Using her tongue this time to trace over them like she had her fingers.
“Leave them on? I'll never forget it if you let me fuck you wearing those.” Her fingers tangled up in the lace. Tips of her nails just brushed his cock through it.
Darren smiled in a way Jeanie wasn't sure he was capable of doing anymore. Right now, in this moment as his eyes changed from darkness to almost emerald, she knew he let himself forget. That's all she wanted. One night for both of them to forget.
“Can't say I've ever had sex like t’is,” excitement in his voice. “I'm right curious t’see how ye manage.”
“You lay down, and I'll play it by ear. This is definitely a new one for me too.”
They switched places. Darren laid down on the bed, head on the pillows. Jeanie unhooked her bra and slipped out of her own panties. She stood naked and exposed in the lamplight. Her heart raced when she realized he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. They traveled over her breasts and stomach and further still as she crawled on the bed beside Darren and straddled him.
“Fuck me,” it was a response. And a suggestion he made simultaneously. His hands spread out over her back and caught up in her long red hair.
Jeanie raised a bit up on her knees to situate herself. She lowered her body so that the outline of Darren's cock beneath the satin and lace was between the folds of her naked sex. Her hands anchored on his chest as she started to ride him.
“Jaysus your so fucking wet already,” Darren breathed and ran his hands up and down Jeanie's body. Over her shoulders and to her ass where they settled on her hips.
“It's you in my bloody knickers,” her voice wavered as she started to rock harder back and forth.
It was like a pleasurable rug burn on her cunt, as Jeanie closed her eyes and twisted her hips just a bit. She rode the length of Darren’s hardened cock completely from bottom to top and kept gaining speed each time. His strong hands buried in her waist helped her pump over and over. Then he angled himself underneath her so that the tip could hit her clit just right as she moved down.
Jeanie rode harder and faster. The satin and her cunt on fire as Darren's cock started its familiar twitch. She clawed at him without caring if someone else saw the marks on his chest. That explosion was building deep in her walls as they throbbed and ached for him to be entirely inside of her.
Instead Darren slid a thumb into her cunt. It replaced his cock as Jeanie started to lose control. Circled and fucked as she fucking him.
She clutched his wrist, “Harder. Rub my clit harder. Like that.”
He obliged all too eagerly. Especially when moments later she cried out unexpectedly. Her body rolled into an orgasm. He never let up with his thumb or his own hips as they bucked up into Jeanie as she came.
“Let me fuck you properly,” Darren begged as her cunt constricted around his hand. His thumb, the knickers and Jeanie's body slicker than before they started.
Then Darren's mobile rang. Darren's mobile was always ringing.
Tag list: @joz-stankovich @robertsheehanownsmyass @badsext @slutforrobbiebro @badsext @sean-falco
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Nance is successfully flirting rn, you'd be so proud Buster: If it was 'cause of me, yeah, but nah know-it-all strikes again, like Rio: 😒 Rio: We're a team, bitch Buster: I'm just playing Buster: Calm down Rio: Hmm Rio: You play too much Buster: What's that meant to mean? Rio: I'm just joking too, duh Rio: Entertain me 'fore I have to thirdwheel this Buster: I reckoned you'd easily entertain yourself Buster: Hence my lack of invite Rio: Babe Rio: You really wanted to come to the gay club? Buster: I really wanted to be with you Buster: You just happen to be there Rio: You know I always wanna be with you Rio: but this was booked in, you should do something fun too Buster: 😒 Rio: Don't be grumpy with me baby Rio: Who am I coming Home to? Buster: I know Buster: It's not your fault I have nothing to do Rio: Sure between us we can think of something Buster: Yeah? Rio: 'Course Rio: know-it-all, babe Rio: don't act like you forgot Rio: What do you wanna do, do you wanna go out do you wanna stay in, do you wanna be with people do you wanna be alone Rio: What's the vibe Buster: I wanna go out too Buster: It ain't right that my sister is but I ain't Rio: Yeah, got you trippin' Rio: are you thinking food or a bar or a club or something else altogether Buster: I don't care Rio: I'm looking Buster: You really must be not feeling that club Rio: I'm not here for me, like Rio: obviously I've been on the floor being gaybait but you know, I missed you Buster: Good to know Rio: Jealousy need not extend that far Rio: in fact, can be dropped altogether 'cos I've just thought of the place and I bet you ain't been Buster: I'm being everywhere worth going so don't get your hopes up, babe Rio: Stop being difficult and start getting ready, boy Rio: [Directions] Buster: Fine Buster: Do you wanna tell me what to wear as well as what to do or nah? Rio: Yeah, if you're offering Buster: Go on then Rio: So much harder to mentally dress you than undress Rio: Give me some options Buster: Where's the fun in that? Buster: You're supposed to know everything Rio: It's gonna be like that, is it? Rio: Alright, test me Rio: [Pic she has of him] This top Rio: [Other] but with these trousers Buster: You sure? Rio: You wanna look good or not? Yes I'm sure Buster: [Sends selfie after probably ages faffing because well he's him] Rio: There's my baby Rio: Perfect Buster: You're cute Rio: Nah all you Buster: I miss you even more now Buster: Stop being nice to me Rio: I can't help but be nice to you Rio: you're very likeable Buster: 😂 Buster: How drunk are you? Rio: Not at all Rio: don't worry, I won't spread your secret loveliness around Buster: Pick your audience like Buster: I know my sister ain't trying to hear that tonight Rio: I'll find a random gay to tell how good my boyfriend is Rio: won't be obnoxious at all Buster: 'Course not Rio: Baby Buster: Yeah? Rio: Never mind, it's stupid Rio: we can talk about it when you're a few more drinks in, like Buster: Tell me Buster: It's alright Rio: It's just Rio: do you think Edie will hate me forever Buster: Nah Buster: She don't hate you now, not really Buster: You're just the easy scapegoat, you know Buster: It's shit but it's what she needs Rio: Maybe Buster: Come on Buster: Nothing's as simple as just hating someone, yeah? Rio: I wish it was Buster: It's good that it ain't though Rio: Good for who? Rio: Not her Buster: For you Buster: But when she sorts her head out, her too Rio: If only THAT was simple Buster: Yeah Buster: It ain't gonna be like this forever though Buster: Not to be that cunt but look at us Buster: Look at where and how we are Rio: We're alright, aren't we? Buster: Better than that, babe Rio: We're not fuck ups? Buster: We've fucked up plenty of times but nah Rio: Okay Rio: I love you Buster: Trust me Buster: I love you Buster: And this ain't a mistake Rio: I do Buster: Have a drink, dance, and turn that knowing brain off, yeah? Buster: It's gonna be alright Rio: Promise Rio: You too, I wanted to make your night better Rio: not fuck it before you got going Buster: You always make my night better Buster: Like you said, who are you coming home to Rio: You baby Rio: Even if we have to be respectfully quiet Rio: boo Buster: We don't have to be anything close to quiet, babe Buster: You know what my sister is like when she gets going Buster: She'll get wasted and we'll do whatever we want Rio: Maybe she'll be preoccupied herself Rio: the night is young Buster: Don't Rio: What? Rio: You know why people come to the club, babe Buster: 😒 Buster: That's my sister, I don't wanna hear it Rio: You're adorable Rio: she's heard enough of your exploits in her time, she probably weren't buzzin' either, boy Buster: Not from me she ain't Rio: Please Rio: You loved a brag Buster: Fuck off Rio: Easy Buster: Whatever Rio: 😞 Buster: Stop sulking you're meant to be having fun Rio: Love me I want attention Buster: 😂 Rio: 😒 Rio: Rude Buster: Babe Buster: You're just funny Rio: I just know how to ask for what I want, you meant to say Rio: 😏 Buster: Alright Buster: Start over Rio: Hm? Buster: Ask me again and I'll react how you want Rio: Oh Rio: Love me Buster: [Sends a kissy face selfie because he's a nerd] Rio: 😋😍 Rio: that's better Rio: thank you baby Buster: I love you Rio: You're the cutest Rio: and I love you mostest Rio: they just played 4 ABBA songs in a row Rio: 4 Buster: Sorry I'm a moody cunt Buster: It's just weird having Nance here Buster: Well, I was gonna ask how shit was going but there's my answer, like Rio: I know it is Rio: It's reassuring to know she doesn't hate you though, yeah? Buster: No more than standard you mean Buster: But yeah Rio: You're doing good, baby Rio: I'm proud of you Rio: and I think she's having a pretty good time Buster: Good Buster: I'm gonna have a drink and calm down myself now Rio: Sounds like a plan Buster: I wish you were here though Rio: I know you don't like sharing Rio: hard when your wifey's the life and soul, babe Buster: Never call yourself that again Buster: You sound like Indie Rio: Awkward Buster: Exactly Rio: Now she might actually hate me Rio: that one Buster: I don't reckon she hates you either Rio: I'll bet you Buster: How much? Rio: Moneys boring Rio: think of something more fun Buster: Name a fantasy, I'll do it for you if I win Buster: You do mine if I win Rio: Interesting Rio: I like it Buster: Are we on or nah? Rio: 'Course Rio: I can't lose Buster: Shut up Buster: You know I always win Rio: Nah babe Rio: Sorry but you're going to look so good taking that L, hope that's consolation Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: I'm just th Rio: inking what I want you to do most Buster: Same Rio: Don't get too attached to the idea Buster: Says you Rio: 🥊 Rio: You'll see Buster: I know you will 🥇 Buster: I've got this Rio: 😡 Buster: Behave Buster: Don't be a sore loser already Rio: Doesn't take a know-it-all to work out your fantasy would leave me sore Buster: 😏 Rio: Pervert Buster: You love it Rio: Yeah Buster: Tell me about yours Rio: Not giving you spoilers Rio: you don't get time to prepare Buster: Fine Rio: Hey, it's my fantasy not yours Buster: I'm just trying to find out what we won't be doing Rio: I don't wanna turn you on in public Rio: I'm not that kind of girl Buster: 'Course not Rio: I am mad though Buster: Why? Rio: Because everyone's getting off with each other and I'm just sat here and you're there Rio: and it's stupid Buster: Is that your way of telling me that my sister is hooking up with someone right now? Rio: I didn't say anything Rio: You don't wanna know Buster: But she is Rio: Shh Rio: don't tell her I said Buster: If I can't take the piss there's no point her even being here, like Rio: 😩 Buster Buster: What? Rio: Ugh Rio: you didn't hear it from me okay Buster: Behave Buster: I'm not gonna sell you out, babe Rio: I think she's alright looking Rio: not sat here staring, like Rio: but from my sneaky peeks Buster: If she ain't in her 40s its an improvement, yeah? Rio: Behave Buster: Come on Buster: Don't act like you haven't thought it Rio: I'm thinking if she's had kids she's looking well for it Buster: 😂 Rio: i'm getting another drink Buster: Good Buster: You gotta keep up Rio: Excuse you Rio: Miles ahead, boy Buster: You reckon? Rio: Are you kidding me Rio: I've lost track of all the free drinks I've been getting Buster: Nicely done Buster: Get the brag in Rio: 🤷 Rio: Everyone's fave Buster: You don't have to tell me Rio: Any excuse to talk to you Buster: Babe Buster: You know you don't need one Rio: Remember when we did though Rio: Remember, like it was ages ago Rio: feels it Buster: Yeah Buster: Lets never go back Rio: Sure? Rio: Now's your chance, like, already told me the engagements off Buster: When did I say that? Rio: You said I couldn't call myself wifey Rio: was joking on both, obviously Buster: Only 'cause it's cringe not 'cause I don't want you to be Rio: It's chill, babe, I know what's up Buster: What do you know? Rio: That you didn't really mean it Rio: it was just a heat of the moment deal, I get it Buster: Is that why you said yes? Rio: I don't know Buster: Yeah you do Buster: It either is or isn't the reason Rio: This is so humiliating Rio: I mean Rio: no, it obviously isn't the only reason is it but Buster: But what? Rio: Like I said, I get that it wasn't like binding Rio: I'm not holding you to it Buster: You don't get it, clearly Rio: What Buster: You never wanna hold me to anything I say if you don't wanna hear it Rio: Nah Rio: That's not what I'm saying Buster: That's what I'm saying Buster: When was the last time I said something I didn't mean? Rio: I just didn't want it to be a repeat of the 'I love you' situation Rio: but if it's not then, I'm sorry, like Buster: Forget it Rio: Obviously not Buster: Whatever then Rio: Don't be like that Rio: I feel really fucking stupid now Buster: You feel stupid? I'm the one that said it Rio: Yeah and I said that and now you think I don't mean what I said before Buster: Well you don't so Buster: Cheers for telling me, like Rio: Don't tell me what I do or don't mean Buster: You literally said that you didn't Rio: I did not Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: I'm not drunk enough for this Rio: I said I thought you didn't mean it, that's not the same Buster: Like I said, forget it Rio: For God's sake Buster: Don't Rio: Well you know I'm not going to forget so stop saying it Rio: but if you don't want to talk right now I can't make you Buster: I can say whatever the fuck I want Buster: I don't want to talk right now 'cause you'll just reckon I don't mean any of it Rio: Mature Buster: Sorry I'm not 42 I'm sure it's not too late for Nance to give you some pointers on that score though so Rio: My point exactly Buster: If you're making a point, make a fucking point, like Buster: All your doing is giving me a headache Rio: My point is, you've not thought this through Buster: Fuck you Buster: You're not in my head even if you're trying to get under my skin right now Rio: I can't win Rio: Jesus Buster: It's not a fucking game, that's why Rio: I mean, if I'd just stuck with it, that'd probably be wrong Rio: I try to do the right thing and that's wrong too Buster: How is not believing what I say the right thing? Buster: You either know how much I love you or you don't Buster: And you either wanna marry me or you don't Rio: Well I wasn't exactly expecting it Rio: And it ain't that simple, ever, is it Buster: Yeah it is Rio: Just on this then? Rio: 'cos how do you expect me to keep track when you swap sides like this Buster: What is that meant to mean? Rio: You said that it ain't that simple, about Edie and Indie and all of that Rio: why is this different Buster: 'Cause its not like I was like we're going to Vegas right now, pack a bag Rio: Yeah well, good Rio: even so you probably want to give yourself more time than you have Buster: No I don't Buster: But you take it Rio: I'm just saying Rio: this is your first time, like Buster: Do you wanna be more patronizing? Buster: Go on, I reckon you can go harder at it Rio: This is just what everyone else would say Rio: I'd be shit if I didn't Buster: I already told you that I don't care Buster: You said you didn't either Buster: But whatever Rio: You can't not care at all Buster: Why can't I? Rio: Because it's impossible Buster: Try me Rio: Right Buster: Right Rio: Is there anything I can say or should I just go? Buster: Do what you want Rio: Doesn't answer my question but alright Buster: 'Cause I can't tell you what to say Buster: Or do Rio: I'm not asking you to, I'm asking if there's any point in me trying right now Buster: Well there's no point giving up ever, is there? Buster: Who are we? Rio: Okay Rio: Maybe you're right, should we just forget this ever happened Buster: I don't know Rio: Can you? Buster: I don't know Rio: I wasn't trying to be a dick, I was just trying to do the right thing for you Rio: but that's up to you, I know Buster: Yeah Rio: I'm really sorry Buster: Just come home, yeah? Buster: I will too Rio: Yeah Rio: I'll see if I can convince Nancy Buster: She's got enough hair to pull her by Rio: I really ain't out here tryna brawl Buster: How drunk is she? You might not have to Rio: Fairly but not like, call out the fam, stalk your ex levels Buster: Well, that's something Rio: I thought so Buster: If you need help my cab can swing by you and we can share it back Rio: That'd be good Rio: thanks Buster: No need to thank me Buster: Purely selfish 'cause the sooner we can make Nance leave the sooner we can Rio: Did you like the bar? Buster: Yeah Buster: We should go back Rio: I knew you would Rio: I'm down Buster: Just me and you though Rio: Of course Buster: I'm sorry that tonight's been a shitshow Rio: That ain't your fault Rio: nothing that can't be fixed, yeah? Buster: 'Course Buster: I'm taking the blame though Rio: No you ain't Rio: Literally how can you, good luck Buster: 'Cause my shit mood started it Rio: Nah Rio: but I don't care if we can be friends again Buster: As long as you don't want to only be friends Buster: 'Cause that's going a bit far Rio: Don't be silly Buster: Not trying to have a sleepover with my sister, like Buster: That's all I'm saying Rio: Me either Rio: but I think your family would be a little put out to find me on the sofa so Rio: glad we're on the same page Buster: Babe, you know I'd take the sofa Buster: But yeah Rio: You can't be being a gentleman even when we're fighting Buster: It ain't even it's just not being a worse cunt Buster: And not having my mum fight me as well Rio: You've been raised too right for that clearly Rio: You're not even close to being that cunt, trust Buster: You're shamelessly biased Buster: But cheers Rio: Nah Rio: not to start pitting you against 'em but I've dated many actual so Rio: I know Buster: Yeah Buster: Fucked but true Rio: It is what it is Buster: I hate it though Rio: I know Rio: but that shit's well in the past Buster: I know Rio: I think Ryan's moved on, like Buster: Good Buster: I don't have to find the cunt on my doorstep Rio: I'd question if he was ever that devoted but don't need to jinx it Buster: Yeah, like speaking of forgetting something Rio: It's weird Rio: not having to think about that anymore Rio: or think about drew or think about hiding us Buster: The only way is up, literally Buster: Not to get a non-Abba song stuck in your head but Rio: You're funny Buster: I'm hilarious Buster: And I miss you Rio: You're on your way aren't you Buster: Never fast enough Rio: that's what she said Buster: Now who's funny Buster: Coming for my 👑 again, babe Rio: What can I say? Rio: I want you outta all of that Rio: 👑 included Buster: So that's why you picked all the clothes you picked, is it? Buster: It makes so much sense now Rio: 😏 Rio: and you looked good Rio: as if i need any incentive to want you Buster: Could've been wearing a corset but the girlfriend has spoken and she ain't got time for that Buster: You looked fucking hot, wasted on that club and anywhere I'm not Rio: Adding that to potential fantasy list now Buster: 😂😏 Rio: Only got yourself to blame for giving me ideas Buster: No blame or shame Buster: I'd look great Rio: I know 🤤 Rio: Stop distracting me Buster: Fine I'll save it for the cab ride home Buster: I can see Nance but I can't see you Buster: Tiny angel problems Rio: Have you forgotten you invited her along for the ride or what Rio: and how dare you suggest I get lost in the crowd Buster: Come and kiss me if you can reach my beautiful face Rio: You're an idiot Rio: a tall, handsome idiot Buster: Fuck, you look so beautiful Rio: There we go, not too painful Rio: though she did smack her head on the way in Buster: 😂 Buster: She can blame tomorrow's headache on that, like Rio: Yeah, bet she was wishing she was short too now 😏 Buster: Then she'd look even more like mum Buster: I don't know if that's the goal or nah Rio: Probably not hers but I wouldn't be mad Buster: I would Rio: 😂 Rio: Unlikely you gotta worry about that Buster: Good Buster: Do I chat this much shit when I'm drunk or is it just her? Rio: Sure, when you're drunk 😉 Rio: Nah, you don't though Rio: she just saves up her words, like Buster: Literally Buster: Shut up, Nance Rio: You don't need to listen, the cabbie's feeling it Buster: Distract me Rio: You're meant to be distracting me, remember Buster: Am I? Rio: So you said Rio: but knew you was all chat, it's cool Buster: Shut up Buster: When have I ever been all chat? Rio: 😏 Rio: Just hoping you'll prove me wrong babe Buster: Come here Buster: You're so far from me, like Rio: How far can I really be Rio: but okay Buster: That's better Rio: Is it? Rio: What about that? Buster: I'm not mad about it Buster: So you can't be if I do this Rio: I wouldn't call it mad Rio: Frustrated, maybe Buster: Poor baby Buster: Does that help? Rio: mm Buster: Use your words Rio: I can't Rio: for two reasons now Buster: Some kind of sound is gonna come out, I know you, so what would you rather, babe? Rio: Please don't stop Buster: I won't Rio: I swear I'll be quiet Buster: We'll see Rio: I've needed this all night Buster: I know Buster: I'm here now, babe Rio: I don't like going out without you Buster: Me either Buster: Especially when you go out looking this good Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: You're so hot, don't you know that? Rio: I didn't even try tonight though Buster: Come on Buster: You don't have to Rio: I'm glad you think so Buster: Well now I can't stop until you agree with me Rio: Baby Buster: Tell me how hot you are Rio: 😶 Buster: If that's how you want it Buster: Guess I'll have to make you Buster: Like this Rio: Okay okay Rio: I'm hot Rio: but you're hotter Buster: I see through your shameless flattery but I like it Rio: It's true Buster: Nah Buster: You're fucking stunning, like Rio: Shh Buster: You're the one whose meant to be being quiet Buster: Not me Rio: I don't wanna talk right now Buster: I know exactly what you want Rio: Then stop teasing me Rio: I can't take much more Buster: Say please Rio: Buster Buster: Go on Rio: I swear I'm gonna make you pay when we get home Buster: Promises, promises, babe Buster: I still wanna hear it while you're still able, like Rio: Fuck Rio: I can't fight it, you know how you got me Rio: Please please please Buster: Good girl Buster: Okay Buster: Now you've earned this Rio: Oh God Rio: put your fingers in my mouth Rio: I'm gonna scream Buster: Jesus Rio: I can't help it Rio: just please don't stop whatever you do Buster: Kiss me Buster: You can moan as loud as you want then Rio: Can we Buster: If she hasn't noticed anything else we're doing I think we're fine Rio: Yeah Rio: it's just so fucking hard to stop kissing you once I've started Buster: Then don't Buster: I can fight with her about it tomorrow if needs be Rio: Fuck it Rio: I need you as close as I can get you Buster: Yeah Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too, Rio Rio: Don't forget Buster: Never gonna happen Rio: Good Buster: Fuck me Buster: How do you keep doing this to me Rio: 'Cos I know you Rio: I know exactly what makes you tick Buster: I want you so bad right now Buster: I can't handle it Rio: I know Rio: I can feel it Rio: Not far now Buster: Touch me Rio: Is that what you want, daddy? Buster: I need you to Rio: How do you want me to touch you Rio: Where Rio: You gotta be more specific Buster: [Takes her hand and puts it where he wants 'cause what are words, am I right? Lol these shameless hoes] Rio: Oh Rio: so you don't have to use your words Buster: Is that what you need, babe? Buster: There's plenty of things I can whisper to you if you want Rio: You know what your voice does to me but this is about you Buster: It can be about both of us Rio: Pleasing you is what gets me off Rio: You know that Rio: let me make you happy Buster: Oh fuck Rio: Better? Buster: As long as you don't stop Rio: When I've only just started? Rio: Who do you take me for Buster: There are a fair few other distractions in this cab Buster: I'm not saying it'd be your fault Rio: Rude Rio: There are nicer ways to tell me to try harder but understood Buster: Baby Buster: I'm saying you're doing so good that I might get us caught Buster: Especially if you're gonna go any harder Rio: Fine Rio: I'll be good Buster: I know you will Buster: You are Rio: Tell me Buster: Christ, Rio Buster: You're so fucking good Rio: Only for you baby Buster: We have to stop, I can't be quiet anymore Buster: I can't Rio: Okay Rio: Mean it this time, well Rio: I don't wanna but I will Buster: I don't want to either Buster: Tell me we don't have to Rio: We do Rio: 'cos I wanna hear you Buster: How far from home are we? Buster: I can barely think Buster: 'Cause I wanna be inside you Rio: Like five minutes, I think Rio: five too long now Buster: You mean Nance's running commentary ain't making the time fly for you, babe? 😂 Buster: What is she even chatting about now, like? Rio: 😏 Not quite Rio: Idk, but this is lowkey better than the flirting she was doing earlier so Rio: success or failure? not sure Buster: You make me laugh Buster: Someone must have liked it though Buster: Or maybe just her face? Rio: Awh babe, that's nice Buster: We share genetics, It's impossible for her to be ugly Buster: Simple as Rio: 🙄 Rio: So close Buster: You know it's true Buster: I'm not gonna have an ugly twin Rio: I'm not saying it isn't but you know, she's not reading this Rio: you can just be nice 😂 Buster: Well right now I only wanna be nice to you Buster: Sorry, like Rio: Not gonna complain Buster: Good Buster: Me either. I'm done being a moody cunt for the evening Buster: You'll be glad to know Rio: I'm still sorry Buster: Don't be Buster: I mean it Rio: But I do too Rio: you know that, yeah Buster: 'Course I do Buster: But like, I don't want it to be that way, I only said what I said 'cause of how much I wanna be with you Buster: Not to cause a rift or whatever Buster: And I only said it was simple 'cause for me it is, not I ain't a confused kid, you know Buster: Not like they are Rio: It won't Rio: cause a rift Rio: I know now Rio: I just had to make sure so then I can know where I stand Buster: And where's that? Rio: Well, I wanna stay with you too Rio: Obviously Buster: For forever though? Rio: Yes Buster: Then literally what were we fighting about? Rio: I did try to say Buster: I'm so sorry Rio: Shh Rio: It doesn't matter now Buster: I love you so much Buster: Seriously Rio: I know Rio: and I love you just as much Buster: Sorry Nance but I have to kiss you again Buster: Even if we are nearly home Rio: She can deal on this one Buster: Yeah 'cause I won't be able to deal if I don't Buster: So fuck it Rio: We kept it practically PG-13 back here Buster: And we kept it secret long enough Buster: [smooches and somehow that's the most dramatic PDA of all 'cause they highkey and Nance spies it 'cause typical] Rio: Oops Rio: 😳 Buster: I'm not sorry Buster: I ain't said anything about her club hook up Buster: Yet, like Rio: God at least give her 'til morning 😂 Buster: Obviously Buster: More fun that way Rio: I'm having nothing to do with it Rio: I just wanna get outta this cab without a fine Buster: Easy Buster: We're basically home anyway Rio: Easy if you watch your mouth, boy Buster: I'm gonna give her time to get properly mortified, hence waiting until the AM and sobriety Buster: Don't worry Buster: Not a fucking amateur Rio: I hope she's proud af just to fuck with you now Buster: 😂 Buster: You did say the girl was cute, yeah? So could be Rio: Not my type but yeah Rio: not like, pull her away sharpish at any rate Buster: One day I'm gonna make you tell me what your type of girl is Rio: 😏 Buster: But come on, let's finally get the fuck inside Rio: Thank God
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