#I can't put a spotify thingy here
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onemeh · 2 months ago
My empty house:
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synthtitles · 1 day ago
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Hiii! This is my self introduction post! For my profile!! Cuz, I wanna make friends here !
✧ Name: Franciska / Fani
✧ Pronouns: She/her
✧ Age: 13
✧ Timezone: CET (UTC+1)
✧ Languages: Croatian, English, Japanese (still learning)
✦ Interests ✦
My hobbies are drawing, listening to music, reading and collecting CDs, cassette tapes and records. My music genre range to doom/black/death/doom/sludge metal but also at times mincecore,goregrind and etc.. By etc, I mean jpop and ehm.. Folk music. (Rokeri s moravu)! And I also I'm interested in politics, well.. Mainly socialism and communism, cuz of Che Guevara and Tito Broz Josip mainly! And besides all that stuff, I like chiikawa, texas chainsaw massacre and so much stuff I can't even put it here!
✦ What I Post ✦
My posts mainly range from shit posting, fandom posting and random stuff.. But who knows, maybe I will do something different sooner or later! But that's for now.
✦ Extras ✦
I'm a hime gyaru and metalhead! Weird contrast eh? And if you can't tell by watching, I really love Che Guevara, Tito Broz Josip, and Tokumaru Ayano!
✧ Other Links: Spotify:
Discord: corpseaddiction
— ✦ — ✦ — ✦ —
✧ 名前: フランチスカ / ファニ
✧ 代名詞: 彼女 / 彼女 (She/Her)
✧ 年齢: 13
✧ タイムゾーン: CET(UTC+1)
✧ 言語: クロアチア語、英語、日本語(勉強中)
✦興味・趣味 ✦
「など」と言いましたが、それにはJ-POPと…フォーク音楽(例えば Rokeri s Moravu)も含まれています!また、政治にも興味があります。特に社会主義や共産主義に関心があり、チェ・ゲバラやチトー・ブロズ・ヨシップが主な理由です!
そして、それ以外にも ちいかわ や 悪魔のいけにえ (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) など、たくさん好きなものがあります!全部は書ききれません!
✦ 投稿内容 ✦
私の投稿は、主に ネタ投稿、ファンダム関連、ランダムなこと です。でも、もしかしたらこれから何か違うこともするかもしれません!とりあえず今のところはこんな感じです。
✦ その他 ✦
私は 姫ギャルでありメタルヘッド でもあります!すごい対照的な組み合わせでしょ?そして、見てわからなかったら言いますが、私はチェ・ゲバラ、チトー・ブロズ・ヨシップ、そして徳丸亜矢乃が本当に大好きです!
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(^v^)  I hope we can be friends!! Or hm.. I dunno, you can alway ask me something in that little.. Ask thingy.. Anyways bye bye!
(^v^) 友達になれたら嬉しいです!! うーん…どうだろう? まあ、その…質問できるあの小さな「質問ボックス」みたいなのがあるしね… とにかく、バイバイ!
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clatterbane · 1 year ago
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One drawback to this old reliable knockoff controller which came with a phone holder clip thingy: I am having to use it always plugged in, because I can't remember what button presses take it into Bluetooth pairing mode. And it's just old enough that I can't find that info online anymore.
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Same with this more recently bought PS4 knockoff, actually. It also doesn't have the same dedicated reset button that the original Dualshock 4 does, after I seemingly scrambled its little electronic "brain" through repeatedly mashing at different button combinations trying to find one that would put it into pairing mode.
What is even more annoying there was that it was bought after we moved into this place, and I did have the paper booklet that came with the thing. Just don't know where it went. The (Stockholm-based) brand's website is absolutely no help. I actually e-mailed customer support asking for either a manual link or the info I needed a while back, and never heard anything back.
So yeah, I'm back to the older controller minus its phone clip. Because it does work fine wired.
They are both looking dusty as hell in this lighting, but oh well.
Another wild weekend night around here, y'all: some pickle making, strange Spotify playlists through the good old headphones, and sipping on homebrew concoctions while I try to get another PS2 ROM going with some kind of working controller.
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itsnotmandatorybee · 1 year ago
March 3, 2024
11:49 AM
Whenever I see posts of peeps here talking 'bout rants in life, I just shrug my shoulders and try to care a bit, but to repremind this as I don't want to fake thingys; I don't put myself in a situation where I should worry about others 'cause I have my own sh*ts and takeaways.
Not until the moment when I realized I have no support system outside of work! I have friends to talk to about everything from songs and romances to ways to cook pasta, and I don't have this one particular thing:
I had this friend living in Manila, and we don't worry that much 'bout our future. I came across the window pane while Mt. Arayat's a few miles away, and I thought of being an accomplished theologian with a small plain and hut near my hometown, and wait 'til I'll cough what should I cough for the very last time. I only want to have a cat comfortably sitting with me in a bamboo chair under the tamarind tree that can withstand any storm. I'll keep my notes in a notebook and make a dying wish.
He smiled and laughed, but I knew he knew I thought of that seriously. That's what I also thought of 'til the moment I saw him in a red shirt and blue jeans, inside the bus, heading somewhere, fearlessly nudging those predicaments we had, waving good-byes.
I had weird choices, but I really know what's best for me. It's sad to say that the most beautiful things and lessons I want in life are felt and never seen. I had it first with a kiss from the man I loved while my eyes were closed. I had 'em when it's dark, and those eigengraus form roses swirling in motion. I had them when there's nothing left in me 'cept the ukulele, and I feel the wind in the heat of the afternoon, strumming "Happier Than Ever" by Billie Eillish.
Not to mention, it's been almost a decade since my father died, but I'm still mourning 'cause I wish I had his strength and courage; I'm still young, and he was young when he left us. He might despise me from heaven for not giving myself a chance to forgive. All I had was a patched-up memory inside the two-sided pockets of his light blue jacket, but I can't say sorry to myself 'cause I wore it without any reason why I should do it.
And how can I say sorry to my laptop, it's not working. My stuff from school, and old photographs are kept on that jurrasic-old device with smash hits from Tom Jones, Engelbert Humperdinck, ABBA, Boney M., and Paul Anka. It's different from what I listen to from Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter, Elina, and others in a way that I can't see their songs listed in the karaoke songbook 'cause they're not popular, some not even reaching a million streams on Spotify.
The one particular thing I'm talking about is that, I don't have what I really need, and people don't have what I already had or experienced.
I want handwritten letters, not a treat in a café, 'cause I literally had a Milo earler.
I want anyone's recorded songs, not a long list of playlists, 'cause there's only a few years left for me to listen to everything.
I don't need those sugarcoated stories while seeing myself wearing long sleeves. It's fun to have rants while wearing my rugged-like shirt, 'cause that's what makes me comfortable!
It's better to tell me how strong your fart is, how low your patience is, how bad your handwriting is, how delusional you are, and how stupid you are to bet on your regrets.
Before, I've been telling everybody that life's perfect, but we can live a life that is almost-perfect. I was wrong.
I can only achieve an almost-perfect life if I am constantly true in the way I move and talk to everybody, and true to myself in saying that I don't need anybody. I want it that no one should approve of what I'm saying, 'cause it's actually the difference and the remainder that make life more interesting.
 I've forgotten this word in my vocabulary for so long, but I should keep it on my note:
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 years ago
fuck it. okay. gah idk where to start with explaining storm's fic for my canon 😭 like BDJDKSKDK just send asks about it but here are some thingies so you aren't going in blind:
- storm is working as a band director at his highschool alma mater i because after forces the school's music program was basically non-existent and it's a troubled area (he grew up on the twin island to prison island,,, which is just a ferry ride away from ACTUAL prison island in my canon bc where do all those people live?!? anyways) so he NEEDS music to help people
- he's also buds with vector who is using the post HQ downtime to get back into his piano studies (he's the most skilled pianist in the canon, though storm is quite the composer when he wants to be and is a great accompanying pianist)
- vector is silver's piano instructor (he always wanted to learn and vector has a soft spot for silver who is an honourary chaotix member... he also feels bad for how espio has been neglecting his bestie because vector totally ships espilver)
- shadow's lonely lmao he plays piano at club rouge every night now that infinite is off doing stuff (long story) and thus, shadow is facing the consequences of putting his eggs in one basket and blowing off all his friends during Follow You
- jet is a violinist with pretty mad skill, and storm has been his teacher all these years! he's really into it but when he gets nervous he excessively glisses (the bendy sound: it's great on occasion BUT NOT EVERY NOTE DUDE) and storm gives him shit lmao
SO: specific pieces, storm's teaching environment and his students/musical abilities, silvjet playing together, jet having a crush on shadow, charmy and storm bonding, vector and shadow bonding, literally just give it your all and ask about anything! i can't really make a coherent playlist because i have shit across YouTube, Spotify, AND my personal dropbox so just try to inquire about something specific i'll answer i swear
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dangerouscommiesubversive · 3 years ago
Not enough Garo love out there so Kouga/Kaoru/Rei to "Satisfied" by Squeeze, please and thank you.
Never, never, never enough Garo.
Song: "Satisfied," Squeeze (Spotify)
he couldn't be certain if this was his home
The sun rises warm and sweet through open curtains, and it is definitely too early to be awake. Rei makes a faint protesting noise to nobody, reaching for the pillow to pull over his face, and then, with dawning certainty, realizes that the bed he’s in is too soft to be his. Too soft and too large; he should be able to feel the edge on either side of him even lying still, but while his arm is hanging over one side, the other one isn’t in evidence at all.
Experimentally, eyes still shut, he rolls over, and instead of open air his face meets…what feels like a leg. No—one eye open to confirm, it’s definitely a leg. A woman’s leg. Which is unusual, he can count the number of hook-ups he’s had in his life on one hand and have fingers left over.
Soft laughter above his head. “I never figured you’d be an early riser type.”
“’s bright,” he mumbles against the leg, trying to parse the woman’s voice, and then sits bolt upright when he realizes who it is.
Kaoru is sitting back against the headboard of the bed, one knee drawn up to balance her sketchbook, a pencil in hand. She pouts at him. “Hey, don’t get up now, I was nearly done.”
“I’ve got to—done with what?”
She turns her sketchbook and shows him a drawing of himself, asleep, a beam of light falling across his eyes and the blankets tangled at his waist. “I don’t do as much life drawing as I should, and you looked so nice.”
His thoughts are still too jumbled from sleep and shock to process much of anything, but the one thing coming through clearly is, Kouga’s going to kill me.
Apparently his groggy confusion is cute or something, because Kaoru laughs again and reaches for him, pulling him into a kiss before he can protest, and then whispers, “We should keep it down, though, Kouga’s still sleeping and I was going to draw him next.”
“I’m not actually asleep.” Kouga’s voice, a bit fuzzy still with drowsiness, is coming from—the bed, on the other side of Kaoru. “But you were so pleased to wake up first and I hate disappointing you.”
The shock of hearing Kouga speak wakes Rei up further, the last of his disorientation finally fading into the memory of the previous night. Memories of the previous night, a lot of them, some of them pretty overwhelming, and meanwhile Kaoru’s pouting at Kouga now and sliding her pencil into the coils of her sketchbook, and Kouga’s got his arms around Kaoru’s waist and his face pressed to her side and the most spectacular bedhead Rei’s ever seen.
Kouga looks up at Kaoru, and she looks down at him, and they adore each other, and Rei doesn’t belong here. He’s just a visitor, a momentary diversion in their fairy tale.
He’s about to get out of the bed and start getting dressed when there’s a soft knock at the door and from out in the hallway Gonza says, “Would you like me to start on breakfast now, or do you need another thirty minutes?”
Kaoru’s face lights up. “Oh, can we have French toast?”
“Of course, I already have the bread you like.” Gonza sounds amused. “Master Rei, do you prefer tea in the morning, or should I just leave the entire bottle of honey at your place for your coffee?”
Rei freezes. “I, uh. I should probably be go—honey in coffee?”
“Definitely leave the bottle. And cream,” Kaoru says firmly, “he likes lots of cream in his coffee, you might want to fill up an extra…thingy.”
“I’d suspected as much,” Gonza says through the door, even more amused, and then his soft footsteps are retreating down the hallway.
Rei feels watched, and turns to see Kouga squinting at him over Kaoru's hip. "You were telling him that you were leaving. Why?"
"Kouga, don't put him on the spot, I know this is just as weird for you, I'm kind of freaking out a little bit too. You can't just puff up at him, if you do then he'll start doing it back at you and it won't get us anywhere. Here, we should--oh my god, Kouga, look at your hair, Rei, would you pass me the hairbrush on the nightstand?"
After a brief moment of stunned staring, Rei grabs the indicated hairbrush and hands it to her. "You're freaking out."
"Well, yeah, kind of." She's putting her sketchbook aside on the pillows and brushing out Kouga's wild bedhead, and it's very weird to see him sitting there with his head so meekly bowed even if it is for completely reasonable personal grooming purposes. "I wasn't, I wasn't even sure if last night would work, and then we didn't really...talk at all beforehand, and what if you regret it? What if you both regret it?" She frowns at Kouga's hair, forehead wrinkling, as she works out a last little tangle. "I don't want either of you to regret it, I want you both to be happy because I'm greedy and I want to keep this. Here, you’re a mess too, let me just,” and her fingertips skate down the side of Rei’s face as she twitches a strand of hair out of his eyes.
She looks up at him, and he looks down at her, and her eyes are gleaming, and he adores her, fuck, if she says to stay then he’ll stay as long as she wants him to even if she doesn’t really feel the same way.
“Here, turn around.”
He turns his back to her and sits with his head bowed while she brushes his hair, feeling the bristles pull gently through each tangle as behind them he hears Kouga get out of bed and start hunting for something, probably his pants.
“There you go,” after not very long, “your hair doesn’t knot nearly as badly as Kouga’s does, it’s wonderful.”
“Yeah, it’s, uh, my father used to say my hair was the only thing about me that ever did what it was told without arguing.” He looks up—
—at Kouga, who’s standing there, blanket around the waist, looking down at him with an even more impenetrable expression than usual, and then leaning down and tipping his chin up and kissing him, and his first, insane thought is, Kaoru’s going to have to brush my hair again, because with the way his scalp prickles it feels like it’s all standing up.
Kouga says, “Stay.”
And because it’s Kouga he has to be a little obnoxious, so despite the fact that his hair’s still standing on end he says, “I thought we already established that I’m staying for breakfast, apparently I get all the whole bottle of honey to myself.”
Kouga’s fingertips are still under his chin, tilting his face up, and Rei adores him, Rei loves him in ways that are probably impossible to put into words. “Stay for as long as you like.”
Kaoru’s arms wrap around him from behind, her face pressed to his back, he can feel her eyelashes moving as she blinks, and she’s saying, “Stay forever.”
“Ok,” he says, bewildered. “Ok, if you both want me to.”
“Gonza already has a room made up for you,” Kaoru’s saying, barely audible over the sheer sensation of Kouga kissing him again, “when I asked him if he’d do it he said he’d already started airing it out.”
All Kouga says, again, is, “Stay.”
Rei shuts his eyes against seeing Kouga’s face, because he’s not sure if he’s ready to have that look directed at him, not when just ten minutes ago it was pointed at—“Sure, ok, I’ll stay.”
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hiyabradley · 6 years ago
“This is one of the best days of my life!” Realisation and Love Chapter 5 (Part 2/2)
Masterlist|My Wattpad
Warnings? None
Words: 2125
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We had now boarded our flight, I still had no idea where we was going and I don't think Brad was going to tell me where we was going until we had actually reached our destination.
I looked over at him and saw that he already had his earphones in, a way of calming him down when flying. I tapped him on the shoulder. He took one earphone out and turned to face me.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"Just a bit nervous!" He weakly smiled.
I took his hands in mine. "You'll be okay, I promise!" I kissed him on the cheek, then placed my head on his shoulder and placed the earphone he wasn't using in my ear.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, you wanna listen to music with me?"
"If that's okay?"
"Of course!"
He pressed play on his phone and suddenly music filled my ear along with everyone else's conversation on the plane.
I started laughing at soon as I recognised a song from the playlist he was playing. "Is this your Plane playlist from Spotify?" I asked.
"Yes, why? Do you want me to change it to something else?" He suggested.
"No you can keep it on, I was just expecting you to listen to some meditation app or something?"
He laughed. "No! Music is more relaxing!"
"Okay, you enjoy your music, I'm gonna see what movies they have on this thing!" I placed his earphone back in his ear and started browsing through the movies they had until I found one I liked. I grabbed my earphones out of my bag and connected them to the screen thingy.
I settled down into the movie until I felt a tug on my earphones.
"What movie are you watching?" Brad asked.
"Pitch Perfect Two!"
"Can I watch it with you!"
"Of course!" I gave him the other side of my earphones.
We both settled down into the movie until I started drifting off.
Before I knew it the plane had landed in the destination Brad had picked for us to go on holiday in.
We stepped off of the plane and I could feel the heat already.
"Welcome to The Brahmas baby girl!"
"The Brahmas?"
"Yes!" He smiled.
I hugged him so tightly that I probably squished him to death.
"I've always wanted to come here!"
"I know, that's why I've brought you here!"
"Thank you! Oh wow, I love you so much!"
"I love you so much too! Now c'mon!"
We went and got our suitcases and then got a taxi to the hotel he had booked!
We was three days into our holiday, I absolutely loved it here, everything was so beautiful and perfect. I walked into mine and Brad's room and saw he had placed a beautiful red dress on the bed with a note:
"Dear Y/N,
I'm not sure if you'll like this or not? If not then feel free to wear something else. I've made dinner reservations for us, I'll come and collect you at 6:30pm
Lots of love, B x"
I looked over at the clock on the wall. It was 3:00pm. I jumped in the shower and began getting ready.
I did my hair and makeup, I then put on the dress that Brad had picked out for me, it was absolutely beautiful!
Before I knew it, it was 6:30pm. There was at knock on the door. I went and opened it to see Brad standing there. He looked me up and down.
"Damn. Oh wow!" He smirked.
"Don't you getting any ideas!" I playfully hit him.
"Um, I might be!"
He smiled cheekily "C'mon!"
I took his hand and he led me to a taxi that was waiting for us outside of the hotel.
"Baby girl, this is gonna sound wried but is it alright if I blindfold you?" Brad asked.
"Blindfold me?" I asked confused!
"Yeah! I want it to be a surprise!"
"But we're just going for dinner aren't we?"
"Not exactly! Now is it alright if I blindfold you?"
"Um, okay?"
He gently placed the blindfold over my eyes. The taxi then came to a stop.
"Ready baby?" He asked.
"Um no! I can't see where I'm going!"
"I'll help you!"
He guided me to the place where we was having dinner.
"Okay you can take your blindfold off now!" He spoke.
He carefully helped me take my blindfold off to reveal a beautiful beach setting and a picnic laid out on the sand.
"Brad, what's happening?" I asked.
He took my hands in his and cleared his throat.
"Y/N Y/L/N, from the very first day that I saw you, I knew you was the one for me. Yes we've had our many ups and downs, but I wouldn't of had it any other way, I think that's what lead to me bringing you here and I'm about to ask you something that I've always dreamt of asking you. I thought I had lost you that certain day, which I'm not going to go into details about, because that's not important, what's important is that you're still with me and I couldn't imagine myself being here with anyone else but you. You're perfect in every way possible. I love you so so much!"
He then got down on one knee and pulled out a black box from his pocket and opened it.
"Oh my god!" I blinked back my tears.
"Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?"
"Yes! Of course! Oh my god!" He slipped the ring onto my finger. I then jumped into his arms and kissed him!
"Woah!" He stumbled backwards.
"Sorry! I'm just so overwhelmed! I can't believe it!" I looked at my ring. "Wow! It's beautiful!"
"I wasn't sure if you'd like it? Your parents and my parents helped me pick it out!"
"Brad, I love it! It's so beautiful! Thank you!" I kissed him again, which he returned. Soon enough we was making out on the beach.
I pulled away for air.
"Maybe we should stop?" I suggested.
"No ones gonna see us, we have this entire bit of beach to ourselves!" He kissed me.
"Brad! As much as I love kissing you and now being your fiancé, can we actually eat something cause I'm really hungry!"
He laughed! "Of course!" He lead me over to the picnic.
"I made your favourite! Mini pizzas and chicken nuggets!" He smiled.
"Did you really make all of this?" I laughed.
"No, you know I can't cook to save my life! I had somebody make food for us!"
"That doesn't surprise me!" I took a bite of one of the mini pizzas.
"Speaking of surprises I've got one more for you!"
"What else could top this?"
"A beautiful sunset possibly?"
I turned around to see one of the most beautiful sunsets I had ever seen!
"Wow!" I said breath taken, suddenly I felt two arms wrap around my shoulders
"Has it topped it?" He whispered.
I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"No! Nothing could ever top you proposing, other than our wedding!"
"You know what?"
"This is one of the best days of my life!" He smiled.
"Mine too!" I smiled back.
We then continued watching the sunset and enjoying our picnic. Nothing could get any better than this, expect the day we actually got married of course!
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