#I can't believe I've never seen this float around tbh
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terresdebrume · 3 months ago
Joe: I can't believe I'm going to fuck Webster
The rest of Easy: I mean you don't have to
Joe, tossing his cigarette stub to the ground and marching off: No, I'm gonna
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hroscek · 8 months ago
✎📃Dottore studying headcanons📚
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Back again with more Dottore content. This is a bit of a mix between a modern au but still somehow compliant with Genshin? Idk I just wanted to write ab him studying and projecting finding inspiration in my own life without having to explain how he has access to YouTube in his akademiya days okay? Anyways enjoy and make sure to study if you happen to be procrastinating at the moment (I will know)!
Dottore study headcanons
Probably the type that ultra-focuses on the material in front of him leading to generally neglecting any and all other needs until he physically can't anymore (nearly burnt down his dorm via hair catching fire from a candle when he fell asleep at the desk)
Thinks he's above attending lectures so he'd definitely be that one student that never shows up but still ends up acing the exams.
Fully believes that he must achieve a state of total focus to optimize his brain. This starts as threatening the other students into leaving him alone as he studies, drawing the curtains and shutting out all other distractions. Probably spent too much on finding a good noise-cancelling headset.
After getting kicked out gracefully parting ways with the akademiya he devoted some time to trying to find ways to improve his focus even more. I'm talking full blown rounds of experimentation with different methods such as binaural beats (actually works tbh), sensory deprivation tanks etc. Sort of how greater lord rukkhadevata would shut herself away to meditate, but he would never admit how similar their methods are.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the original Dottore is just floating in a state of meditation rn trying to achieve max brain power (legit a headcanon for me now lmao).
Seeing as he probably doesn't sleep much, especially when in the thick of experiments he tries his best to compensate in other ways. He drank an inhuman amount of coffee or energy drinks (or both at the same time tbh) until he grew a tolerance to all forms of caffeine and is now forced to actually sleep once in a while.
He is intimately familiar with is work area and instantly knows where everything is. To outsiders it looks like a mess of various documents, piles of paper, supplies and mechanical parts. Often he asks a new intern to fetch him a sheet or something and they'll spend hours looking for it in the raven's nest that man calls an office. Then he'll show up pissed as hell like "It was under the desk next to the 3rd used energy core. Are you really that stupid?".
When he's in the zone he's deathly silent, his eyes laser focused on whatever page or machine he's trying to figure out. An observer might be afraid he'll burn a hole trough the object with his eyes. This is probably the only time he doesn't wear his mask as he doesn't want anything to obstruct him. Archons couldn't help the unfortunate soul who dares to interrupt him in this state. Instant volunteer for his next experiment.
Pantalone once decided to gift him with an expensive stationery set in a desperate attempt to get him to organize his study. It included quills, ink, various highlighters and organizers all in pastels with cute motifs. "To bring some positivity to the gloomy atmosphere around you!". Dottore claimed to hate it but was seen months later using a kitten-themed notepad at one of his labs.
Another post, another slay (probs a flop). I'm currently taking a half-voluntary gap year because I decided to switch universities a little too late in the year oops. And honestly in this time I've realized how much I thrive in the academic environment and I miss studying so much! Idk might sound a bit too optimistic coming from someone who's currently not under any pressing deadlines or tests but I really do miss it. As much as I hated crunching the night before a test and stressed about the material I believe it's an environment I truly thrive in. I really do find such comfort in being able to take notes, discuss with classmates and professors. It's probably one of the many reasons I find Dottore relatable. We both share such a thirst for knowledge and focus way too much on our favorite subjects. I'm rambling, sorry. Thank you so much for reading and please don't be shy to send me asks or comments with ideas you'd like me to expand upon. I'm still pretty new to writing in fandom space so I'd really be grateful to get feedback and see what the community wants lol.
Have a good day! ❀
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cloudycasey · 2 years ago
Consider this post as a add on, due to re-watching the episode with my girlfriend we both made some interesting conclusions about his character. This isn't necessarily a note post for his canon character, but more of a deep-dive of what is canon to possibly gain a better perspective of his character for what is confirmed. This post might feel a tad more disjointed, but it would mean a lot for me if you read through anyway! This time around I'm also going to use some screenshot visuals to help empathize the points I'm going to make, along with bring up other theories I heard going around! So, who the fuck IS Striker? Striker is a hybrid of two different Hell-Born species. The first species being a normal imp that you'd see in the Wrath, Greed, or Pride ring, and the second being a currently unknown Hell-Born species that has been seen in the background of numerous episodes. I personally believe this species to reign from the Envy ring, as the Envy ring supposedly contains a large ocean, and has a blue/teal/purple color scheme. This species from the Envy ring all tend to gain aquatic creature features of some kind, and background characters from jellyfish to sharks have been seen to assumedly come from this ring. I do not believe Striker is a shark-imp hybrid, but rather a hybrid of a aquatic snake imp species along with a wrath imp species. This would fit his overall snake motif, his ability to hiss and make rattling sounds, and his other snake-like features. (Just wanted to make this clear as I've been seeing a huge theory floating around since the release of Exes And Oohs that Striker is part shark imp, but I just don't see it tbh lol). I have a lot more evidence under my belt to help prove his biology and hybrid status, but I think I can further discuss all of that in another post. Striker was most likely born and raised in the Wrath ring, as evidenced by his strong southern accent and affinity for the Western flair. Due to this most recent episode though I think it's a fair assumption to say that Striker likely grew up on old Western films and media, and it therefore influenced his way of living (hence the reason why he was so adamant about train tracks being "a classic"). I'm going to also go out on a limb here and say that, as most Southern people can attest, Striker is very prideful due to insecurities never really brought up or discussed openly while being raised, but that will come into play further into this post. A very interesting line that he said in Western Energy was the following: "Look...not every ring is in some fancy ass city, with some fancy ass mansion, that only fancy ass royals get to live in. Some of us have hard lives to live. And some of us have everything we care about, taken away by fuckers like you." There's a lot we can see and gain from this little monologue, especially when we compare it to his previous one in The Harvest Moon Festival: "Blitz, come on. You know, the two of us are superior than most of our kind. And you were so above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners, who could care less who you are, when you could be slaying Overlords. Why struggle to run a business that is rigged against you? When you could partner up with me and kill... the unkillable?" First and foremost, it is painfully obvious that he holds a extremely harsh judgement and opinion surrounding those who are rich. But past that, there's a clear internal placement of himself in his head. On one hand, he calls himself superior then most of his kind, but at the same time admits that he is struggling with the life that he lives. He thinks he is above it, or at the very least wants to be above it, but he simply can't. And I think he is aware of that contradiction. Let's take a look at his living situation.
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You see that right there? That's his bedroom, and next to that is his kitchen. His bedroom is adorned with some decorations, despite the dirty tattered fabrics, and he tries to spruce it up with neon lights. His kitchen is noting more but a old broken tent with a few logs, stones, and a used pot with a wooden spoon.
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Presumably, he has taken various old neon signs from all over Wrath, most likely from various public places that were run down, and tries to use them not only for décor but to gloat. Striker is known as 'the best assassin in the ring of Wrath', if his theme song is to be believed, and he obviously takes pride in that if he dedicates an entire sign mounted to where he ties up and kills people. And the most damning thing of all:
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Despite clearly living in poverty, he still takes the time to dedicate a whole ass statue of himself, with a fucking spotlight to shine on it, for his own entertainment. To me, I think all of this points out two major key points that was revealed about his character in this episode: 1.Striker has poor money management issues (prioritizing getting decorations rather then essentials for a better living situation), and would rather spend money on things to look better appearance wise 2.Striker is a fucking d o r k I'm sorry, but he's a dork. This is straight up nerdy, dork behavior. He is trying so hard to dedicate himself to the western style it's to the point where he snaps and gets pissy whenever people judge him for it. He is living in poverty, at a old train track station in the middle of a fucking volcano. If he really is the best assassin in the ring of Wrath, wouldn't it be safe to assume he would have more money than his living situation lets on? I think he's living paycheck to paycheck, and whenever he does get money its commonly spent on things to boost his own ego. And if you think this is a bit too much of a stretch for me to so boldly claim, look at Striker's facial expression and body language when he's on the phone with Stella.
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First he looks frustrated, then he realizes Stolas is looking at him, then he turns away from Stolas's eyes in embarrassment. He is ashamed of choosing to agree with Stella's demands, because he knows he needs the money. Despite his attitude towards royals, he still needs them in order to even try to get out of his living rut. And when Stolas reminds him:
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He HATES being reminded of it. And it pisses him off to the point of losing his temper and beginning to hurt Stolas in unnecessary and sadistic ways (even though Stolas barely reacts to it at all). I think that, above all, Western Energy revealed to us that Striker has a character flaw, and it's one he's well aware of and hates. He's living in a rut that he could possibly get himself out of if he learned to stop spending his money on random crap to boost his own appearance, and instead could save up that money to actually live in a house and not inside a volcano. Maybe when he gets paid by Stella it'll help drive him to live better? But besides that, something or someone was taken away from him due to royals if his quote is to be believed. This said event might have lead him to live this life, or it sent him into such a rough living situation in the first place, and he could possibly be using the Western aesthetic to help cope. Either way, some bad shit has happened to Striker, and it seems to be both the root cause of his pride issues and hatred for rich folk. But we don't know nearly enough about him to even begin to guess what it could be. Either way, I hope this dork with money issues and a addiction to being a cowboy gets some help, I think he deserves it.
I noticed a lot, and I mean a LOT of character differences in Striker in this newest episode (not just his voice actor!) so I decided to watch both Striker episodes back to back and write out all of the traits and notes of character that can be seen in both episodes. Let’s begin! Season One Episode Five -Originally inspired by Rattlesnake Jake from Rango -Meant to bring a strong, imposing aura -Design is meant to be a blend of Moxxie and Blitz originally, took on other characteristics to be a hybrid over time during design phase -Can be casual, polite, and charismatic -Good at listening, and highlighting what gives others ego boosts through compliments (can be used for manipulation later on) -Social, but doesn’t talk that much. Seems to prefer being in the background to read and observe people and only speaks up to challenge Moxxie -Raspy, dark voice but big range. Can have a higher pitch while being casual and friendly, but gets lower in pitch and tone when he’s being threatening -Not afraid to step up and show off, but knows how to balance it with skills to back it up -Athletic, but knows how to restrain himself to keep face (via always being able to keep a smile on his face and only grunting from exertion) -Enjoys attention, but doesn’t enjoy his personal space being evaded (interesting considering how he confronts both Moxxie and Blitz later on in the episode) -Isn’t afraid to physically assault people to obtain his personal space -Isn’t afraid to call people out, even while showing off -Smart and knows how to take steps to do his job silently, but effectively -Sadistic, and enjoys playing the waiting game -Durable, can take multiple stab wounds and smile through it -Enjoys degrading and emotionally putting others down -Morally ambiguous, but great at reading people and using their own morals and thoughts against them -Hates rich people, and likes to favor himself as better then other imps by nature based on his physical strengths and attributes -Not afraid of making alliances, and respects others who show the same level of strength as him -Has the ability to recover quickly, but tends to rely on his words to fight when he can’t physically -Much like actual snakes, Striker is slippery and knows when to run away when he loses the upper hand -Knows how to be respectful and polite to rich higher ups, further showing his charisma and ability to put up a front despite his internal beliefs -Is confident in his own abilities, but is fine with staying in the shadows as he waits for his next opportunity to strike (very similar to how a snake hunts in real life)
Season Two Episode Four -Good at waiting for the right opportunity (or just has good timing) -Good at stealth with his poncho -Good aim, good at avoiding shooting the wrong person/people and focuses on his target primarily -Still good at listening, but gets more openly annoyed while listening -Gets impatient, and snaps far more easily -Loves and respects wild west tropes -Doesn’t enjoy attention, and possibly doesn’t enjoy his own theme song -Seems to live in a old mining cave with old train tracks -Enjoys doing stunts and tricks with his horse, and seems to trust his horse fully to do the jumps needed. Possibly great at training horses -Most likely sees himself as a outlaw (which would explain a lot tbh) -Still enjoys the waiting game like in episode five -Takes time to decorate and use décor for his home, but seems to prefer a more simplistic design. Could possibly be because he can’t afford that much furniture, and seems to prioritize getting décor that provides a liking to his own image -Has a train track rock wall of sorts dedicated to killing people on, as referenced by the giant ass sign that he got attached to it -Has a soft spot for old tropes and clichés, and seems to prefer to live under that aesthetic for his own pleasure -Enjoys getting things that can boost his own self image and ego, but still uses them for more practical things, like using his own statue as a coat/hat hanger -Easily annoyed and seemingly hurt by insults and negative comments on his living style -Seems to have a hatred for richer folks because they took something away from him -May feel the need to ‘have’ to live like he does because of his personal money issues -Still very sadistic -Doesn’t seem to enjoy when others either don’t react or enjoy when he’s trying to be sadisitc -Doesn’t seem to enjoy that he’s having to work for Stella in order to get money -Seems to genuinely hate Stolas -Also seems to genuinely hate being compared to Blitz -Even when angry, he prefers to slip away instead of actually losing his temper at his captor -Becomes more like himself when he strikes a nerve with Stolas, relishing in his reactions -Recalls and obtains information from listening in on the phone call, much like he was shown doing in episode five, and uses the information against Stolas as a manipulation tactic -Can still easily flip fronts, and can still maintain a polite demeanor when interacting with higher ups -So poor he uses a flip phone (fucking rip) -Seems to be almost ashamed for following Stella’s orders, going so far as to avoid eye contact with Stolas as he agrees to her -Still prefers to satisfy his own needs first though (which goes against his more efficient characterization in episode five), and is willing to follow orders but bend the rules a little just to satisfy his own sadism and ego -Even Striker is confused about the music choice, and clearly preferred the country music -Still powerful and durable, using his athleticism and the environment around him to assist in giving him a upper hand against Moxxie and Millie -Was seemingly aiming to decapitate Millie rather than pin her -Genuinely caught off guard from Moxxie appearing to enjoy being choked, and dislikes the change -Even still, Striker was successful in his goals and seemed to have actually gotten under Stolas’s skin with his words with his manipulation and sadistic treatment I hope this helps to solidify what we know as a whole for Striker’s character, and bring out all of the differences that we saw! Thank you for reading <3
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bayothemayo · 2 years ago
OMFGGG (ノ´ з `)ノ HI HI I RQ THAT AKIRA X YOR BASED READER AND UGGHGHGHGH YOU WROTE IT SO WELL !!!!!!! ESP WHEN YOU ADDED AMAGI (」°ロ°)」 !! ♡♡♡♡ I also saw you opening reqs again (or like, recently made a post abt it and putting it in some tags ( ̄▽ ̄;)ゞHEHE) and wanted to request AGAIN!!: this time for the Persona Protags (Seperately) with reader who is a persona user just like them, but reader's persona method is completely different to theirs?? (EXAMPLE: Akira x P4!reader, Yu x P3!reader, and Minato x P5!reader) HCs again!! I've seen other Persona blogs get similar req like this, where they write the reactions to the boys seeing reader using a persona different from theirs BUT!! (。•́︿•̀。) wouldn't it... lowk be funny if reader and the boys met after encountering each other in the Metaverse and getting into a fight with them?? LIKE in Akira's case where he and the other PTs learnt abt another intruder and they're on edge, imagine they meet reader and think she's the intruder ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)!!?? you can branch off whatever ideas you have for this since, tbh, IM NOT TOO SURE ABT IT EITHER!! i thoguht abt it in the spur of the moment ig but this can be optional for whether or not you want to write this in!! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ hehe this ask is longer than the last one I sent in SO SORRY YOU HAVE TO READ MY INFO DUMP .. BUT WHATEVES!! TY AGAIN FOR ANSWERING MY LAST REQS AND REMEMBER, STAY SLAYING!!!!!!
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami, and Minato Arisato Mets Reader Who Summons Their Persona Differently
Note: This is a little bit of swearing and very long.
Akira Kurusu
After hearing about another person running around in the Metaverse, the group was on edge.
One time they were at the Mementos and Oracle detects a presence, a human presence.
Naturally, they thought the person were the Black Mask.
When they met you, they accused you of being the Black Mask
Obviously you were confused, “Black Mask? Causing mental shutdowns? Are you good?”
Then you got into the fight with them
If you used an Evoker, they would freak out. They literally thought you were going to…make yourself sleep forever. The entire team’s heart basically skipped a beat. Akira just stared at you with wide eyes and mouth open.
If you used a Tarot card, the team will be confused. Akira will notice what kind of card will be floating in your hand. The Fool, Emperor, Lovers, etc. You destroyed your Tarot card with your weapon
He got to hand it out to you, you are pretty good. You even got some critical hits, and able to get the correct weakness of Joker's Personas.
You were defeated
However, you convinced them that you were not the Black Mask. Oracle also agrees with you as she analyzes your Persona and their levels and concludes that you would be at a higher level.
The group apologizes, but you forgave them.
You join their group to take down the Black Mask.
You seem to get along with Akira the most. Most likely due to your other friend is almost like them.
You chat to him a how you summon your Persona. Accepting death or accepting yourself.
You help out the group if they are struggling on fighting shadows.
Akira, in turn, helps you out with all the Phantom Thieve stuff.
Being sneaky wasn't the main factor in your last adventure, so you often get caught by a shadow.
Yu Narukami
The Investigate Team was training inside the Midnight Channel when Kujikawa sense a presence.
Believing that this could be the person who keeps throwing people into the Midnight Channel, they immediately went to the area where the presence is at.
The team met you, who was wandering around because you can't see anything.
They accuse you of being the person who caused the killings. You objected to the accusation, saying that you would never attempt to kill someone.
Though they didn't seem to be convinced as they decide to start a fight with you.
If you summon your Persona with a Mask, which is most likely the reason why they thought you were a killer, they flinch at the sight of blood going down your face and the blood dripping down the floor. You seem unfazed by this, which make them a little concerned.
If you summon using an Evoker, expect the same reaction as the Phantom Thieves. When they saw you took out the Evoker. They thought it was a real gun and start to freak out. Pretty sure Yosuke will pee himself. The group will run to what ever object nearby in hopes that the bullet won't go through the object. Instead, you put the Evoker towards your head. Rise let out a shout, which in turn made the team look at you as you just pulled the trigger. Instead of seeing a corpse, they instead saw your Persona. Narukami was wide-eyed the entire event
During the battle, Rise senses another presence. However, the presence was weak and surrounded by shadows.
They stopped the fight after Rise told them that they believed that another victim was just thrown into the Midnight Channel.
Since you were with them while the person was thrown into here, they are now convinced you are not the killer.
You joined the Investigate Team!
Narukami asks you about your previous adventures when he hangs out with you. You always recount the good memories of your old teammates, and how Narukami reminds them of their old leaders.
If you are able to get your old teammates to help you with the investigation, you give Narukmai a nudge, "Don't mess with Kirijo-san/Niijima-san, they WILL whoop your ass."
Minato Arisato
While they were approaching the boss, Yamagishi sense a different presence.
The group got concern considering that ordinary people get stranded in the Dark Hour.
They quickly went to the location, and then they met you.
However, Yamagishi notices that you were quite strong. S.E.E.S immediately thought you were a member of Strega. You objected the claim.
"What the hell is Strega?"
You got into the fight, sadly.
If you summon through a Mask, he will be shock about the amount of blood on your face. It will take a little time for him to get used to it.
If you summon through a Tarot Card, they would be confused as how you summoned the card above your hand. Minato knows the card is, since they appear in his head time from time. Because of the Social Links, he can tell what card you had in your hand.
Kirijo stopped the battle when she notices that you didn't summon your Persona with an Evoker. She tells the group that summoning through a Mask/Card will be near impossible, because it will be difficult to make them function to summon a Persona just from Crushing/Ripping them.
The revelation was short-lived when the boss interrupted the conversation.
You fight alongside the S.E.E.S after that.
You talked about your old members to Arisato. Sometimes talked about your struggles in your adventures, either personal or the fighting.
All of Them
The year got closer to end. You were alone with Akira/Yu/Minato having small talk. You tap their shoulder, and you got close to their ear, "Someone might die in this journey...and a god might be behind all this. Be careful." They looked at you, to see a serious look in your eyes. A look of someone who seen a tragedy... Before they ask about what you are talking about, someone calls you over. You give them a pat on the back before walking over to the person that called you over. They are left to ponder on what you said.
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cantshinebrighterthanyou · 3 years ago
I've seen a lot of takes floating around about how we shouldn't make excuses for EJ/Gina/Ricky while talking about the others' mistakes. I can't help but wonder -
Am I the only one that's Team-Make-excuses-for-everybody?
Because fundamentally these characers are pretty young and that summer of firsts has put a lot on their plates.
EJ - isn't spending enough time with his girlfriend and friends? Yeah, because he was slapped with the huge responsibility of making a blockbuster musical work in a few weeks and nobody is helping him. (They are learning their lines and cues to be fair, but no one offered to help him plan for the read-through in that tent? Not one person?)
He's not telling Gina about the letter until she finds out for herself? That's absolutely bad, but he was planning on telling her after he had sorted it out. Which, let's be real, wasn't going to happen before the end of the summer after the documentary came out, so his plan really wasn't very likely to go well and even if it did, he would have still been in the wrong for not confiding in her.
But it makes sense, too. When we first meet EJ, he's a jock who gets leads in the musicals. A popular kid with grades impressive enough to make it reasonable for him to get into Duke. He's also prone to schieming and sabotage and has no clue how to sincerely apologize. We later find out that there's a lot of pressure to be perfect from his dad. You can't tell me that EJ grew up in an environment where it would have been acceptable for him to be vulnerable about something he was struggling with unless it was already in the past and he had already handled it. There's a reason this kid doesn't know how to apologize and I'd wager it's the same reason he doesn't know how to talk to his girlfriend about a something he doesn't yet know how to fix.
That doesn't make it okay, but it makes it understandable and I'm willing to make excuses for him and sympathize with him anyway.
Gina - is being passive-aggressive towards her boyfriend instead of talking to him directly? Yeah, because she's discovered that he's hiding something from her and I think the first few jabs were meant to give him the hint that he should maybe explain himself before she would bring it up. She's been busy with getting the lead in Frozen and trying to be 'a good girlfriend' for the first time, only to learn that EJ is hiding something from her and has been confiding in someone else about it instead. That would upset anybody. And I truly believe that most of her anger has been her trying to force a conversation, even if it wasn't in the healthiest way. Which is perfectly understandable.
She's also showing glimpses of old habits? Of course she is - ambition is not inherintly a bad character trait and "Gina 1.0" wasn't very long ago, so of course she has that ambition in her still. (Tbh I have a whole analysis in defense of Gina 1.0 that I wrote when I first watched that ep, so if anyone's interested in reading that I might still post it.)
And Ricky - has a crush on Gina while she's in a relationship with EJ? Yeah, that happens. It's already tough to rebuild a friendship after having had crushes even when those romantic feelings haven't lingered. Trying to navigate a friendship while having a crush on an unavailable friend is deeply complicated.
And that is what he's trying to do! He's not trying to interfere in portwell at all. We know what Ricky looks like when he's trying to sabotage a relationship and this isn't that. (I could make a whole other post about that difference tbh.) This is Ricky and Gina, who never got closure on their feelings for each other, trying to act like the casual friends they were before she ever pulled away from him. Only their casual friendship was founded on electric understanding that was likely already hurtling towards something way back then - so finding a new normal, that will actually look casual to the outside world (nevermind feel casual), is a tall order for both of them. (Not saying their attempt at friendship will leave them driving off into the sunset together anytime soon! Just saying that they've got a difficult goal here and it's bound to be awkward as they try to figure out new boundaries.)
At the end of the day, these characters are all trying to navigate pretty complicated romantic situations while also having a lot of other stuff going on at the same time. Be that the musical, the documentary, pressure from home, having to defend your ambitions to your best friends, or having to find your place in a group where some of your strongest connections were your ex, your ex-friend who you have a crush on that can't be more. (And I'd also list Ricky's friendship with Carlos here, but tbh their friendship is pretty uncomplicated so it's not relevant to my point right now.)
Of course all of them are going to make mistakes, but they're all very understandable. The discourse around not laying blame at only one character's feet feels to me a bit like people trying to justify their fave or even their ship at the expense of (more) nuance. (Which is also totally fair, I just felt like I had to throw my own take into the ring as well.)
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thetaekookcloset · 3 years ago
I seriously never understood the jkk vs tkk comparison. I never could really pinpoint a specific moment of where ive seen tae “jealous” of jkk, and ive been here since 2016. I remember things getting really really bad around 2017-2018 in terms of jkk vs tkk content. Before that, everyone was actually civil towards each other. You would think if he were actually “jealous”, he’d set boundaries after all this time, but whatever floats ppls boat i guess. Back then, tkk shippers were the majority, but i think after the lack of content some time around 2017 (where things got really messsssyyyyyyy), tkk became “dead” so to speak. I rarely saw any jkk shippers in my time tbh, but things have changed a lot. I remember people being pissssseddddd at the company after burn the stage came out and for good reason too, but i wont touch base on my gripe with company content because i have strong issues with that and its not just about the pairings.
Interesting!  Yeah, when I first started getting into BTS, I wasn't surprised at all by the shipping, but I was definitely surprised by the amount of vitriol between shippers.  The idea that this would be something that people would argue about to the extent that happens is so wild to me.  It's interesting that it wasn't always like that but developed over time.
I guess I can understand why Jikook would develop so quickly during the time that Taekook weren't shown as much, especially with GCF Tokyo coming out in 2017, I think.  And with people on "both sides" so convinced that, even if their ship isn't "real," it's still the most likely one to be -- those ideas are mutually exclusive, so to an extent, I guess I can also understand being frustrated by the people who believe in the thing that is fundamentally opposed to the thing you believe in.
But why that leads to fighting and nastiness being hurled around, I really don't know.  When it comes down to it, we're just talking about the potential dating lives of two complete strangers -- how is that worth fighting about?  I don't get it.
I've talked a lot about the idea of Taehyung being jealous of Jimin where JK is concerned.  I really feel like, at most, he's sometimes been bothered by their fanservice in the past or maybe sometimes resents that he can't be as free with Jungkook as Jimin can, but for the most part, I don't put much stock in the idea of Taehyung or Jungkook being genuinely jealous of any of the members.  It would be so exhausting for them if they were, and the fact is there are plenty of moments where it's obvious that everyone is very chill with each other.
Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts!  As someone who is pretty new to all of this, I always appreciate getting to hear the perspectives of people who have been around for a while!
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hakuteeth · 7 years ago
hi! im new to the fandom and im just trying to figure out if harry is currently dating someone? i've seen sooo many different things on here from mabel to louis to zayn and idk who to trust in this fandom lol and i can't tell if people are joking
or is harry's dating life something fans don't generally talk about? i either see a lot of stuff about it on some blogs or none at all on others
Hi welcome to the fandom! so basically i’ll try to break it down as unbiased as possible for u and hopefully give u the gist of everything
so okay there are some fans who talk a lot about harrys relationships, current, shipping, and not current wise and there are also some ppl who dont like to for various reasons u can usually get a decent mixture of both 
ppl think he’s currently dating french model camille rowe and they’ve been seen pretty frequently together now for about 7 months? they’ve been papped a few times together but are super low key when they hang out and she’s pretty divisive as in some fans like her and some fans really really don’t like her and some ppl dont care much about her harry nor her have confirmed their relationship but shes been to multiple tour dates and have been spotted together having dinner and stuff so who knows really
Most of the time when ppl talk about harry with other ppl they usually are talking about just shipping them ie not serious and for fun like with mabel ppl thought they were really cute together after harry pranked her during tour on her last date with him and the band also zayn and harry are kinda played off as for fun as well cause i mean at one point zayn ate a candy thong off harry on stage so yeah ..... (also ppl who ship zarry just love the angst of them hating each other)
With louis ppl genuinely believe him and harry are together to the point where they think louis’ baby is fake and send death threats to his girlfriend id advise to stay away from those ppl tbh they have built an entire conspiracy around it 
But for the most part ppl when they talk about harry / others are usually just shipping for fun or just talking about his past relationships he’s had, i know theres probably an official timeline floating around somewhere lol but harry never publicly confirms any relationships he has or ever had he once famously said “I have a lot of friends some who are girls, and I’m apparently dating all of them.”
So you’ll find a lot of shipping, a lot of weirdos, and ppl who just dont care. I hope this was somewhat helpful it is quite messy lol I wouldn’t dig too deep into it tbh sometimes all it is is just a headache fjdlk
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