#I can’t remember all the different fanfics but I think a few did this troupe
kitonish · 9 months
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These bitches again
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whatsseobb · 4 years
More Than Meets The Eye (Crystal x Gigi Fanfic) - Chapter 6
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[A/N: Updates are still slow but thank you really for waiting. While waiting you can also read some of my other fics. I hope you’ll like them too!
I hope you enjoy this fic and leave me your thoughts!!]
Too bad that you couldn’t see See the girl Crystal could be There is more that meets the eye I see the soul that is inside~
Based from Avril Lavigne’s Sk8ter Boi but with different twists.
Chapter Six - Prettiest Blonde 
“Let’s do it again!” Widow’s firm voice echoed across the auditorium as the dance troupe froze on their spots, sighing before they walked back to their first blockings to start the dance routine.
There was only a month until their upcoming competition and the dance captain was getting extra worried for because of their unfinished routine. It was a Saturday and the dance troupe decided to schedule their morning for rehearsals. Lunch time was almost near and everyone was getting extremely tired but there was no backing up. They had to accomplish at least one of their agenda from today and Widow was getting stricter at the moment.
“Jan, show them how to do the step. Please, just please, watch Jan carefully and follow. Come on!”
Jan stood in the middle of the stage, in front of everyone else, as Widow played the music for their dance routine. The shorter blonde danced gracefully along the song, not missing a single beat. Her face was full of expression, perfectly matched with the emotions expressed by the song. Once the music was stopped, she immediately went back to where Heidi was, standing beside her as they all readied themselves for another round of dancing.
Widow was tapping her foot to the beat as she intensely scrutinized each and every one of the team, making sure everyone was on point and the whole team was dancing flawlessly. “Gigi, what are you doing?”
The door at the back of the auditorium suddenly opened as groups of friends flocked together inside, running to the front of the stage.
“We’re here, bitches” The voice of the pink-haired girl resonated across the almost-empty room as her friends followed her to the front, bags and bottles in hand. They settled on the front seats, waving at their friends.
The dance captain stopped the music booming, putting her phone down before looking at her team. “Okay, let’s have a short break. But after this, I want to see you all doing it perfectly. Jan, please help Gigi follow. She’s getting lost.” She clapped her hand to signal their rest, the dancers walking to different directions to get their water bottles and freshen up. Meanwhile, the taller blonde had her shoulders dropped down as she walked towards her friend, the latter patting her back gently to comfort her.
“I’ll teach you later, Geege. We’ll take a break first.”
The four girls headed to where their newly-arrived friends were, plunging on the empty seats as they all caught their breaths. Jan was wiping her face with her purple towel when she felt a cold object touching the back of her neck. She jumped slightly at the touch, before she looked at the direction where the coldness came from. She saw her Persian friend holding up a bottle of blue Gatorade towards her direction, a smile painted on her pretty face.
“You surprised me!” The shorter blonde hit her friend lightly with the towel, smiling as she kept on looking at the bottle then back to her friend’s face then to the bottle again. “What’s this for? Is this for me?”
“Actually, this is mine. I’m just making you crave and want Gatorade but I’ll never give this to you.” The brunette jokingly replied, hugging the icy bottle close to her. She watched the girl’s reaction in front of her turn into a frown, her shoulders slumping down as she turned away from Jackie. “Hey! I’m just kidding, Jan. This is for you.”
A light hint of pink rushed on Jan’s face as she looked at the bottle once again before turning to her friend. “Are you sure? I mean you didn’t have to. I can just go get myself some water from the water fountain outside. I brought a water tumbler with me anyway.” A foolish smile appeared on her face as she took the cold drink from her friend.
Jackie returned the smile, thinking about the moment she secretly bought the Gatorade bottle for Jan at the convenience store on their way to school when her friends invited her to watch the dance group’s rehearsals. It was just a spur of the moment, her seeing the bottle reminded her of her friend Jan and so she added water bottles for her friends, trying to be subtle but obviously giving an extra special drink for the shorter blonde. She looked around nervously, trying to see if anyone noticed her giving her a Gatorade instead of just the bottle of water.
“Thank you for this, Jackie.” The smile on their faces were not disappearing as Jan took a chug of her Gatorade. She closed the cap and put the bottle near her bag, turning to Jackie. “Why are you all here anyway? I didn’t know you all we-“
She was cut off by a loud chortle coming from the girl in front of her, her eyebrows wrinkling on her forehead as her lips turn into a pout. “What’s so funny? Hey, why are you laughing?”
The other tried to compose herself, obviously failing, as she tried to reply to Jan’s question. She pointed on her tongue, laughing louder as she watched the other girl’s face painted with confusion. “It’s hahaha… your tongue… blue.” She laughed in between her sentence, receiving another hit on the arm with the purple towel.
“I hate you.”
“Where did you get that Gatorade? I asked Crystal to buy me one but she said the store didn’t have any Gatorade in stock.” Heidi interrupted the two, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she eyed the bottle with the blue liquid beside Jan’s bag.
“I think that was the last bottle.” Jackie mentioned, her eyes darting at Heidi’s hand as she tried to snatch the bottle away. Jan was quick, holding it close to her.
“This is mine. You go buy yours later when you get home.” The Persian girl watched the blonde close to her getting protective of the drink she bought for her. She can’t help but smile again at the sight of Jan.
“You buy me one later when we get home.” Heidi said before she went back to where Widow was standing, offering her a water bottle that she got from Daegen’s bag.
Meanwhile, Gigi settled near where her bag was, getting her towel from the pocket and wiping her sweat. Crystal walked up to her and showed her a small smile as she put her bag beside hers.
“Wow, I can see that you’re all set for later, huh?” The ballerina eyed the packed bag that the blue-haired girl prepared with her.
“It’s safe to say that you’re not the only one excited for this project.”
“Hi, Gigi. Are you going somewhere later?” A taller, dark-haired girl followed Crystal to where she was standing with the taller blonde, putting an arm on top of the skater’s shoulder.
“Remember I told you Gee and I are partners for this Literature project? The one with Ms. Visage. We’ll start doing it later after their rehearsals.”
Daya let out a chuckle as she gave Gigi’s arm a light pat. “If I were you Gigi, I will keep an eye on the snacks. This one eats a lot. Sometimes, she can finish a whole bag in under ten minutes. I’m not even sure if she does the projects or just went there for the food.”
The small group shared laughter at the dark-haired girl’s comment, receiving a gentle hit on the stomach from Crystal. “Hey, that’s not true. I don’t eat that much.”
“Gigi, you can text me if she finishes all the snacks in your cupboard, okay?” The taller blonde giggled at what Daya told her, offering her a small smile as she quietly watched the two girls interact with each other. She saw taller girl pinch Crystal’s cheek, the other glaring at her jokingly.
“Daya, I’m sorry I can’t go to your practice today again.”
“No problem. I’m getting used to it anyway.” Daya showed a slight frown on her lips, Crystal laughing as she saw it, messing with her hair in front of her face. “I’m kidding. Come on.”
They all heard a few loud claps from the front of the stage near the speakers as the dance captain called their attention to resume the practice.
The rehearsals ensued, the bunch of girls watched their friends as they danced their hearts out and focused on their routine. They chatted amongst themselves, observing how graceful their friends were then after a while it turned to school stuff that they had to finish. They all busied themselves with talking while they wait for their friends to finish their dance practice. Among the five girls, Crystal was the only one not engaging in the conversation. She was silently sitting near the spot where hers and Gigi’s bags were, watching the ballerina as she strutted and twirled her way on the stage, doing her best to follow Jan’s advice from earlier. A honey-dipped smile was unwittingly painted on her face as her eyes were locked on the tall blonde’s figure. She was seeing the Gigi she was with back at the mall the other day, the confident and not-so-timid girl. She was fascinated at how standing on stage and just being there was enough for the ballerina’s stature to change, from her slumped shoulder and silent figure to this poised and flawless dancer.
Their eyes met a few times, Crystal feeling her heart beat on her throat every time Gigi caught her looking and watching. She scrambled inside her bag to get the borrowed book for their project and pretended to read a chapter of the story. However, she was still getting distracted by the vision in front of her.
 It was past noon when the dance rehearsals were finished, the group of girlfriends gathering near the stage as they cleaned up, preparing to leave the auditorium. Jackie lifted some of the bags they brought from earlier, showing it to her friends. “We actually bought lunch for you all. Shall we go to the cafeteria?”
“I know a place.” Widow said as she picked up her gym bag and led them out of the auditorium. She helped Jackie with one of the bags she was carrying. The friends followed Widow to where she was leading them, chattering as they talked about their dance rehearsals.
Crystal, on the other hand, deviated from the pack as she made her pace slower to catch up with the tall blonde, walking beside her as she hung her backpack on her shoulder. “You were amazing upstage earlier, Gee. How do you do that thing again?” The shorter girl tried to imitate the twirl Gigi was doing in their routine which made the blonde giggle.
“That wasn’t half bad. It goes like this.” The pair shared a laugh as Gigi demonstrated the twirl to Crystal, who in return tried to mimic her moves. “Hm, I’ll show you later. Remind me.”
“How many chapters have you read anyway? I was trying to catch up on reading earlier during your rehearsals but I was getting distracted.” The skater girl mentioned as she looked down on her feet, watching her steps as she shook her head at the thought of the dancer’s graceful moves from the practice earlier.
“Distracted from what?” From you. “Oh no. Was the music too loud? We usually have them like that since it’s as close to the volume during the main competition.”
A smile crept on her face as she heard the hint of concern from the taller girl. It was paired with a flush of light pink appearing on the sapphire-haired girl’s cheeks. Gigi’s soft voice and kindness reminded her of the first night they met. It was one of the few nights someone showed concern towards her and it made her feel warm. “No, it’s fine. I am a few chapters in already.”
After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached the school’s football field. It was empty, no athletes or band members in sight. They settled on the bleachers, putting their bags down on the seats as they made a small irregular circle, facing each other. “We usually go here to eat and take some fresh air. Especially during weekends like this when there’s only a few to no people around.”
“Lucky day for us, it’s all ours.” Daegen commented as she brought out the food containers that they purchased earlier for the group.
“Thank you for this free lunch!” Jan’s cheerful voice resonated around their small spot as she stuffed her mouth with the delicious food their friends brought for them.
“It was actually Jackie’s idea to buy you all food. We were just supposed to ask you to have lunch with us.” The shorter blonde’s eyes darted towards the Persian girl as she flashed her a big smile. Jackie felt her cheeks heating up, her lips returning the grin that was on Jan’s face.
“Don’t think it’s free though. You gotta treat us lunch another time.” Daya jokingly shared, making the whole group laugh with her. They all ate their lunch together, babbling and gossiping with the whole group.
 After their short gathering by the school’s field, the bunch of friends all went their separate ways as they go on with their day. Some headed home while others decided to visit the mall and look around. Gigi and Crystal went to the blonde’s place, as they have planned, so they could start with their literature project. They stayed inside Gigi’s room, the sapphire-haired girl looking around and exploring the bedroom the moment she first came in.
They took a few minutes of rest and just talking as they readied themselves for their project. Once they were all settled, Crystal took out the materials from her bag and Gigi showing her the notebook she wrote her plans with. The blonde explained her thoughts and ideas first, the other just looking and watching her as she spoke. She had finished the book already before it was even assigned to them but just watching the tall blonde talk and talk about it fascinated the skater girl. She observed the way her face lit up as she talked about the main character, her biting on the tip of her pen as she thought of more ideas to write down, the way she spoke greatly of her plans as if her words helped in making her thoughts come to life. She was mesmerized at how creative the other one was. Or so she thought that was the reason.
“Hey, are you listening, Ms. Crystal?” The skater girl was cut off of her thoughts as she felt the pen Gigi was holding just a few seconds ago land on her lap. She nodded, straightening her back to fix her posture.
“Yes yes, I am. But right now, I think it’s time for some break time.” Crystal buried her head on Gigi’s pillow as she tiredly lay down on her stomach on top of the bed, taking a sniff of the pillow the blonde use. She didn’t mean to take a whiff of the strawberry scent of her hair from the cushion. She immediately pulled it away as she became aware of what she was doing, looking at the taller blonde standing in front of her.
“Are you going to eat some more snacks? I really should text Daya and tell her you rummaged on our cupboard and consumed everything.” The ballerina teased the other girl, poking her waist as she placed herself beside her on top of the bed. The skater girl shot her a look, her lips pushed into a pout as she shook her head for the taller to not go with it. “Wait, where is my phone?”
“No!” Crystal whined, looking at the taller blonde beside her. She put an arm on top of her, acting as a shield to push her down in case she tried to stand up. “You know that’s not true. I only ate half the bag.”
“Mhm? I think my phone is just here somewhere. Is it on my pocket?” The other girl tried to stand up only to be pinned down by Crystal’s upper body as she laid down on her stomach. The two shared a laugh as they both fought with their strength, wiggling and shuffling on top of the bed.
Gigi froze under the sapphire-haired girl as she noticed her face a few inches closer to her own. The other girl quickly noticed it, pausing on her position as well. Silenced occupied the room as they both shared a few seconds looking into each other’s eyes. The skater girl was the one to pull away, sitting down hurriedly on the bed as she fixed her wrinkled shirt.  She cleared her throat as she tried to ignore the noise banging on her chest. “Wait, where were we again?”
“I- I think we’re almost done with the plan. We just need to finish the whole book and finalized the poster.” The blonde spoke, her voice shaking a bit as she stood up, clearing up her table to pack away the notebooks and the materials. “Is it really okay for you to leave your materials here for a while?”
Crystal stood up and helped the taller girl organize the materials she brought for that day. “Yeah. I might just use them for some other stuff I do at home so it’s better to keep it safe here. Don’t worry, I’ll take them back after we finish the project. Is it fine with you?”
“Sure! Store away.” Gigi opened her drawer and took out two gift wrappers. She showed it to the skater girl, the other furrowing her eyebrows. “Help me. Which one do you think would suit Jackie more?”
“Do you really have to match the gift wrappers?” She shrugged before choosing a simpler wrapper covered in glitters.
“Well, of course! So she’ll love the gift inside more. I can’t wait for the party. Anyway, who did you pick?” Gigi kept the other wrapper inside her drawer as she left the one Crystal chose on top of her table. She turned to the shorter girl as she anticipated her answer. The other just winked at her, shaking her head. “What? Come on, tell me. You know mine.”
“It’s because you accidentally blurted it out. Not my fault.” She shrugged as she turned to walk back to Gigi’s bed. She plopped down on the soft mattress, hugging a pillow as she looked at the taller girl.
“That’s unfair. Please tell me. Come on.” The skater girl shook her head, determined not to confess that she got her for Secret Santa. “Give me a clue then.”
“Fine.” Crystal tapped her chin as she stared at the other girl who was waiting for her reply. She thought hard of the ‘clue’ she was going to tell her without admitting that it was actually her. The shorter girl’s face brightened up as she thought of the perfect hint to give her. “She’s blonde.”
“Blonde?” Gigi walked towards her bed, sitting beside Crystal as she put a pillow on top of her lap, thinking hard. “We have three blondes in the group, right? Lux, Jan, and I are blondes. Gimme more clue.”
“She’s the prettiest blonde of the group.” She almost whispered the word ‘prettiest’ as she didn’t want the blonde in front of her to notice her pink face and the softness of her voice as she talked about her.
“Prettiest? It has got to be Lux. Oh my gosh!” The ballerina covered her mouth as she gasped, a realization hitting her. “You called her the prettiest… does it mean…” She trailed off, wiggling her eyebrows to the girl in front of her suggestively.
“You have a crush on Lux!”
“You said she’s the prettiest among the group. The way you said it, it sounded like you adore her. Oh my gosh. Are we going to have another couple forming other than Jan and Jackie?” She clasped her hands under her chin as she smiled endearingly towards the blue-haired girl.
Crystal uttered her third consecutive “What?!”
“N-nothing. But back to you and Lux, since when? Does she know you have feelings for her?” She poked the other girl’s arm, signaling her to tell her more about her non-existent romantic feelings toward their blonde friend.
“I don’t have a crush on her. I didn’t even tell you if you’re correct or not, Gee. And I never will, until that person receives my gift for them. And what did you say about Jan and Jackie?”
Gigi squinted her eyes as she looked at Crystal, flinging her two fingers back and forth to the other girl and her own eyes, motioning a ‘my eyes are on you’ gesture. “I’m gonna be watching you when we have our lunches. I’ll know it before Christmas.”
The skater girl chuckled as she watch Gigi’s determination to identify who she picked for the exchange party. Her mind was running wildly while at the same time relieved. It was running with thoughts about how to not let Gigi notice that she was her Secret Santa, running wildly at the sight of the girl next to her, serious to know who Crystal picked. It was full of thoughts again as she remembered their little moment earlier. Simultaneously, it was calm. Somehow thankful because of the thought that Gigi didn’t even mentioned her own name, relieved that she had no idea that the skater girl in her room alone with her thought she was the prettiest among the bunch.
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imperial-martian · 5 years
hey new mutual, the character i'm giving you is armitage hux!
How I feel about this character:
Armitage is a very complex character to unfold. He has so much information about him that is never shown in the movies. His past is a major part of what’s made him the man he is today. His countless years of abuse - whether physical, verbal, emotional, or any other form that he went through - definitely effected how he acted later on.
He was forced into an army without a choice and saw no other option but to rise in the ranks and fight for his life only for somebody else to jump in and take a similar position, and then pass him because of a game of kill or be killed. He’d played that game all his life and lost due to a force user, but he would have been damned if he didn’t take one final blow.
So, personally, I think Armitage is a very complex and hard character to understand completely. Even now I realize that how I wrote him for imagines would be completely different then how I would right him for chapter fics (at least the ones I after Broken & Bruised). He’s has a very simple task that he wants to achieve. He wants power and he wants control, because that’s all he was ever brought up to know.
He wants power to be feared, and to be feared gives him some form of security. If he was feared and in control he wouldn’t have to worry nearly as much about somebody throwing him around or treating him like trash without severe punishment being taken against them.
I feel as though Armitage is still a character lurking for attention and affection - albeit, different forms than what children or romantic companions give him - to make up for everything he went through as a child. He doesn’t want to be known as the man who is a weak willed child. So, no, I don’t think him becoming the spy was far off at all, because seeing Kylo Ren lose would put him in that position of power.
Armitage could most certainly over power Pryde, but he wouldn’t be able to do that with Ren constantly over his shoulder and at his neck. I don’t think Armitage was even close - honestly, no where near close! - to being shown his real potential.
I could go on for longer, but I have class in a bit.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
No one. Can no one be an answer? Well, that’s my answer.
Now, before I go on to say why, let me clarify one thing. I do not go looking at the fanons view of ships. I don’t look at the headcanons people give them, or the reasons they ship it, or what redemptions they give the characters. I absolutely stay away from ANY fandoms ships!
Okay, with that out of the way, let me tell you why I don’t like a lot of ships with Armitage. I don’t know how many there are, and I don’t want to go looking for them all, but I’ll mention the few I know.
(This isn’t to offend anyone, it’s just my opinion!)
Kylux- I have a few major problems with this ship, that no matter how much people try to redeem it, or see past certain things, will never make me feel indifferent. The way Ren treats Hux is a major issue for me. I mean, Kylo nearly killed Hux- more than once if I remember correctly.
The animosity that Armitage holds for Ren is far too grand for any form of romantic relationship to hold. Even a friendship is hard for me to see happening between the two. It would take a damn long time for Hux to even think about opening up to Kylo like a friend. I can’t see any other relationship, except work - which we all know how that went - working.
To be honest, I think Kylo is extremely physical with Hux, and although I think Armitage could dominate Kylo if he had the power/force, because Hux is at a disadvantage I can only ever see Kylo as an abuser towards Hux.
Hux x Poe, Rose, Finn, Rey- I can’t see Hux with any of these characters, at all. In no way can I see the man that absolutely obliterated the New Republic. Armitage hates everything that the Republic stands for, he was brought up to hate them.
The only reason he helped the Resistance was for the power. He knew he couldn’t kill Hux on his own so he needed people to do it for them. He only gave enough information that he knew would help take down Kylo, but not enough to take down The First Order.
Also, why would any of the Resistance members want to be romantically involved with somebody who’s killed billions of their own. They don’t see any redemption in him- and the only reason I could see him be “redeemed” for dating a Resistance member is through fabulous writing. I haven’t seen any reason why any of the Resistance members in the movies to really and trully trust Hux.
(ps. this doesn’t mean that fanfic writers can’t write for Hux joining the Resistance or that Hux can’t date a Resistance reader - I mean like that’s one of my favorite troupes - but I can’t see Hux dating the Resistance members in the movies. They all stand too tall and proudly to let them be corrupted into dating Hux. (This is also one of reasons why I don’t ship Reylo either.))
Hux x Phasma- I honestly can’t see them romantically involved with one another. You’ll see more as you why on the next bullet.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Now this is easy. I mean, the two characters were really close. Phasma even killed Brendol Hux for Armitage. Hux kept her safe too. He did his best to hide the tracts of what happened, and when Hux killed Brooks, he looked towards Phasma to be sure nobody would see. He even used her blaster.
I can’t see them together romantically, I think, for the both of them, they aren’t ready for each other emotionally, and even if they were I still wouldn’t be able to see them as any more then a best friend or brother-sister relationship.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Here me out, Hux would be such a badass force user. I think that if Hux could use and control the force he would be someone to be reckoned with. Not only is Hux skilled with a blaster - which, unfortunately, wasn’t shown in the movies - but him with a lightsaber! He’d be pretty hard to take down.
Even if people were able to get through his guards I think he could take down another force user. However, this isn’t canon compliment, so for an opinion that is, I think Hux would make a better Supreme Leader than Kylo and Snoke. The man has one of - if not the highest - IQ in the Star Wars universe! Now imagine him with the highest power possible in the First Order.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character:
Well, I wish a lot of things would/had happened with him, a lot regarding his “death” (and I put that in quotations because I, much like a lot of others, think that he’s still alive). However, I don’t want to go there right now, so I’ll list list a major thing I wish would have happened.
I wished Hux could have been what they made him up to be in TLJ in TROS. I think Disney absolutely ruined what his character stood for and who he was. I think if his past was shown or hinted in the movies a lot more people would start to see how complex he is. Now many people read the comics. I never did before I got into Hux’s character. So, to put it simply, I wish that they would have showed some more character in him (and, like @swellwriting, I hope they show how he is still alive in some tv series).
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