#I can’t hold anything against her because she’s utterly incapable of evil
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dont-forget-the-a · 10 months ago
have determined that noise my cat makes that’s like “bbrrp” and the audible equivalent of ??!!! is actually the sound of a thought occurring in her little burger head. she’s not used to them. they happen and she has no precedent for them because her memory is like a goldfish’s. so she bbrrp.
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maximuswolf · 4 years ago
Death of a Nation via /r/socialism
Death of a Nation
The established politicians of every order in relevance, are either refusing or are not capable of holding the countless offending government officials, along with the perpetrators in the police force, as a whole OR individually, accountable.
If they are simply refusing to hold the perpetrators accountable, then they are indistinguishable from the tyranny and injustice they claim to protect us from.
If they aren't simply refusing to hold the perpetrators accountable, then they are incapable of doing so. They have had their vested power taken through tyranny and injustice, and they can no longer protect us.
Neither of these governments represents the constituents by which these established politicians are or were elected, and therefore vested, with the power to protect.
It's time for a revolution:
But how does a country have a successful revolution? How does one 'start' a revolution? What do you do when the people agreeing that 'the corruption runs so deep as to make those who would do good INDISTINGUISHABLE from those who would do evil', are the same people that so fervently argue against our Right of Revolution?
The greatest folly would be to believe that it will begin inevitably, and that it will be won inevitably. Resistance is inevitable. Revolutions are not. Victory is not.
A slightly lesser folly would be to believe it rests on the shoulders of one person. It does, in a sense, rest on the shoulders of individuals, but no one person is the totality of the driving force. It is the strength in and of our unity that we might overcome tyranny and injustice. It is the weakness in and of our division that we might be conquered.
Tyranny and injustice are the byproduct of inevitability. It must be forcefully, CONTINUOUSLY resisted. Even in the totality of its eradication must we remain vigilant. Tyranny and injustice ALWAYS has, and ALWAYS will, inevitably- oft times in the form of those that would tell us that it would not or could not-, reemerge by another name.
It will begin, as it can only and has only begun:
Through the inevitable resistance of those that have been disenfranchised and violated by a system of government that does not represent them.
It will end, as it can only and has only ended:
The death of a nation.
Be it in favor of tyranny or liberty, of justice or injustice. A nation will die, and like the phoenix from its own ashes, like the seeds of those rotten fruits whose flesh inevitably wastes away providing the fertile conditions with which it grows anew, it will rise and grow again.
There are those that will rightly ask;
'How then should our 'new' government function?'
Though in truth it's not 'new' at all:
It's for the people- with equal representation under the law- to decide. The founding fathers set forth guidelines and blueprints by which governments that no longer represent their constituents could, and SHOULD, be overthrown. By which revolution, for the good of the people, could, and SHOULD, be established. It is ONLY when these guidelines and blueprints are contradicted, perverted, or outright ignored that we find ourselves without liberty, and justice for all.
Even blindfolded, with no sense of smell, and no hands to lift the apple to your mouth, you will KNOW bad apples by the unmistakably rancid taste of its rot and decay. EVEN WITHOUT TONGUE you will STILL know them by the wrenching tremors and pestilence your body and mind are racked by and succumb to after so long. So too does one inevitably, naturally, recognize and distinguish between, justice and injustice.
There are those that will attempt to dissuade;
'Now isn't the proper time because...'
It is only natural to feel fearful in regards to the shifting of power, especially against those who have consistently shown that they will take yours from you, be it life or property. It is a feeling that inevitably fades. Drowned out in its entirety by that most instinctual of desires that all conscious things must feel; the desire to live truly free of tyranny and injustice, or die trying.
If not now, then when? If those that do good are indistinguishable from those that do bad, how then do we find recourse? What is to stop some other indistinguishably good or bad figure from taking that persons place when that person is voted out? Even if you could hypothetically recognize and vote into office an OBJECTIVELY 'good apple' every now and then, EVEN IF you only voted into office an objectively 'bad apple' every now and then, is not the saying 'a few bad apples spoil the bunch'?
If you can't distinguish the good apples from the bad apples; the bunch, inevitably, naturally, is spoiled. In the exact same way; the blueprint, the guideline, inevitably, naturally, is perverted, contradicted, and outright ignored by those beyond recognition or distinction as to whether they are truly good, or evil. Regardless of exactly how 'good' the minority of good apples we have actually are, they will still be utterly obliterated. Eat nine bad apples and then one good if your belief holds true in the contrary. Even if we had a MAJORITY of good apples, that's STILL not enough. I ask you: in which order will you consume your one bad apple out of ten? Will you eat it first? Or last? How long will it fester next to your good apples, indistinguishable from the rest?
Anything short of the absolute annihilation of the perversions, contradictions, and ignorances perpetrated to our constitution and bill of rights through that which has been passed into law, or enacted into policy, or in any other way imposed on the American people, will never be enough.
Even ONE bad apple is too many, even ONE injustice is too many, and they should be swiftly, judiciously, disposed of, lest your bunch spoil. That we might take those seeds of liberty, derived from those rotten apples, and plant them as new trees in declaration of a time where apples MAY NO LONGER rot from that injustice, is our greatest strength. Those who believe we should not hold our constitution and bill of rights to the standards by which they were outlined and created to uphold, I ask again: which bad apple would you like to eat today? Tomorrow? Which bad apples will you feed your spouse and children? Your grandmother and grandfather? Your neighbor?
I see the rot clearly, in all its festered reality. I am NAUSEATED by its foul putrescence, I feel as though I am somehow stained by it, like a stench I know that even if I wash and wash will leave ever still the slightest, always noticeable tinge, or memory of some kind. I have felt the mold-pocked skin slough, giving way to the evermore disgusting and diseased flesh all the way down to its rotten CORE, and for FAR too long have I choked on, and been plagued by:
The perverted orchard from which this vile noxicant now proliferates itself MUST be torn out root and stem, and seeds planted anew, that we might stymied the blight and corruption we have suffered since a time IMMEMORIAL.
'Justice is blind.'
If we continue to malnourish and ravage her with the injustices and tyrannies of 'bad apples', Justice, in all her blindness and glory, in a retching, heaving, violent, confused and helpless mass:
She will decay away until nothing but her former shell remains. Replaced in everything but appearance by injustice and tyranny, and it will be, WE, THE PEOPLE, who murdered her. In all our ineptitude and malice, in all our contradictions and perversions, Justice will be eradicated.
As such it is OUR duty and moral obligation to safeguard Justice and the tree of liberty- with our lives if need be- in the hope not just for ourselves to be truly free and alive, apart from injustice and tyranny, but that all future generations might.
And finally, most importantly, there are those that are truly evil;
'One does not establish the dictatorship in order to safeguard against revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.'
But how do you convince a person that holds no value of evidence or logic, of history or (most terrifyingly) their own thoughts? Which logic, which evidence, should one use to convey that they SHOULD value those things? How do you convince someone who is right that they are, in fact, wrong? You can't, and yet...
We will watch, in abject horror and indignation:
Millions, surely more, videos of police brutality, war crimes, crimes against humanity, wikileaks that outright empirically implicate members of government in federal crimes, every monstrosity and abhorrent act the human mind can imagine and WORSE will we find to have been perpetrated by those that would call themselves representatives of the American people. Our 'traitorous' brothers and sisters will cry for justice, will cry for liberty. It will ring in deaf ears unless WE uphold the values by which this country was founded. The contradictions, perversions, and outright ignorance's we face may be COUNTLESS in number, and the 'bad apples' that perpetrate them may be indistinguishable in nature. It is through our constitution and the bill of rights we define our liberty and justice as best we can, and when we cannot, we amend it. It is through our constitution and bill of rights that we WILL have justice and liberty.
Are there injustices and tyrannies that can perpetrated that are not outlined in our constitution and bill of rights? Then we identify those injustices and tyrannies, and amend it with truths that are self-evident.
Does a law contradict, pervert, or outright ignore our constitution and bill of rights? Then we identify those laws, and amend or remove them.
These blueprints and guidelines are the litmus test by which all laws are found to be just or unjust. Why then, are there laws that exist that are unjust?
Because they have not been passed through that lens by which all justice and liberty is derived.
Because they seek to pervert that lens, to suit their own ends.
Because they seek to contradict the justice and liberty endowed to another.
Do you see the protests? What some would call riots? The revolution has already begun. What you are seeing is the 'antibodies' of justice attempting to liberate the 'cells' of the people. Being racked by some, surely many, of the injustices and tyrannies perpetrated by 'bad apples'.
'Bad apples' indistinguishable from 'good apples'.
'Bad apples' who do not represent the constituents by which they were vested power to protect.
These 'antibodies' may yet still lose.
Those that commit the thoughtcrime of opposing fascism, those that commit the thoughtcrime of believing black lives hold equivalent value to others, The traitorous Julian Assanges', Edward Snowdens', and many countless, nameless, faceless others will go to jail, or be made some spectacle of The Hate, as they always have.
We will watch, in inevitable mass appeal.
For posterity:
“We fight not to enslave, but to set a country free, and to make room upon the earth for honest men to live in.” -Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 4, September 12, 1777
“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” -Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 1, December 19, 1776
“Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a Freeman, contending for liberty on his own ground, is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.” -George Washington, General Orders from his Headquarters, New York, July 2, 1776
“The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore to resolve to conquer or die.” -George Washington, Address to the Continental Army before the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776
“There is no retreat but in submission and slavery. Our chains are forged. Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston. The war is inevitable. And let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come! It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun. The next gale that surveys from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms. Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand idle here? Is life so dark or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains—and slavery? Forbid it! Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” -Patrick Henry, Speaking to the Virginia legislature, March 23, 1775
“Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!” -John Dickinson, The Liberty Song, 1768
and an infinity more that have been said, and will be said in the years to come.
(Reposting this because ive done a fuckton of revision on it since initially posting. So much so that it basically doesnt resemble the original anymore.)
Edit: Tl;dr: the whole fucking thing
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 07:10AM by architectfd via reddit https://ift.tt/3hHjTIT
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asarahworld-writes · 7 years ago
Genesis of the Daleks AU
Character Overview: Bettan is a female Thal soldier. Davros is the Kaled creator of the Daleks.  Nyder is kinda like his henchman.  The Thals and Kaleds are the natural inhabitants of the planet Skaro.  Genesis of the Daleks is viewable on Dailymotion.
Genesis of the Daleks rewrite, beginning with episode four.  Anything recognizable was written by Terry Nation and adapted by me.
@doctorroseprompts Episode AU 
“I have read the initial reports of your interrogation. The suggestion that you have travelled through space and time was utterly dismissed by the computer analysis.”  Davros said, eyeing the Doctor with interest.
“I imagine it had never been programmed for such a concept,” the Doctor replied as nonchalantly as he could from where he was strapped into the torture chair.
“Precisely,” Davros agreed.  “I, however, I am perhaps more flexible. Though the power of such travel is beyond my scientific comprehension, it is not beyond my imagination. Why did you come here?”  The Daleks’ creator demanded of the Time Lord.
“To stop the development of the Daleks.”  Davros was intelligent, tantamount to a genius (if, of course, the Doctor hadn’t been in the room).  Perhaps, just maybe, he could be persuaded of the danger he was willing to unleash upon the universe with the creation of the Daleks.
The Doctor expected a cold interrogation and nothing less from the man who had programmed the Daleks as machines of pure hatred and rage. “Because having lived in what you would call the future, I have seen the carnage and destruction they have caused.” Could he convince a man such as Davros, as much a man that remained at least, that the Daleks were an abomination to life itself?  That without the Daleks, millions would still be alive?
“Then my Daleks do go on. They do survive.” Davros, it seemed, was pleased by this. Of course, any man would be happy to know that their legacy was intact, but it seemed to the Doctor that Davros took pleasure in the fact that his Daleks had survived by wreaking carnage and destruction against the galaxies.
“Yes, as weapons of hate and machines of war.”  They had killed so many people, good people.  They had nearly destroyed the Earth when he’d left…but the Doctor would not think of her just now.
“Fascinating.”  Fascinating? Yes, the Doctor supposed that it could be considered fascinating that the Daleks were such terrible terrorists, but when faced with the outcome of his creations, why would Davros not realize the opportunity before him?  To change the future of the Daleks, to make them more than killing machines?
“But there's still time to change all that. Why not make them a force for good throughout the universe?”  Why not, indeed.  Though what good a Dalek could do, the Doctor was incapable of imagining.  A Dalek was a creature of hatred, locked in an armed tank. What change could be done to their damaged DNA to make a ‘good’ Dalek?  Could a ‘good’ Dalek even exist, could a Dalek conceive of a rational viewpoint of what made Dalek-kind evil?  A ‘good’ Dalek was one that killed and massacred entire peoples and civilizations.
“I could do it.”  Millions of lives would be saved, if Davros was serious.  The Doctor briefly wondered how this would affect the twenty-second century where he’d left his granddaughter and the freedom fighter she’d stayed with.
“Then do it. Be remembered for that.”  Surely it could not be this easy to stay the creation of the Daleks.  Surely not.
“You have seen my Daleks in battle?”
“Many times. I've fought against them.”  Time and time again, they kept returning. Time and time again, he had scraped a win for humanity, for Thals, for the race of whatever planet the Daleks invaded.
“And do they win? Do they always win?”  Davros’ priorities were strange, but the Doctor thought it better to answer his questions than to risk alienating him. Perhaps, if Davros knew the future, if there was the slightest touch of compassion in his heart, he could be persuaded to change it.
“Not always. They have been defeated, but never utterly defeated. The Dalek menace always remains.”  A threat hanging over the universe, making war against the galaxies, killing machines fuelled by pure hatred.
“If, as you say, they become the supreme creatures of war, how can they lose? How can they fail?”  Davros’ questioning was beginning to take the tone of an interrogation, a tone of which the Doctor deeply despised.
“Misfortune, lack of information, sometimes overwhelming opposition.”  The Doctor answered without truly answering.  He must not change the past so that the Daleks became stronger, without weakness.
“Yes, but tell me, how do the Daleks fail?”  Still, Davros persisted.
“No, Davros, that is a question that the future must keep secret.”  Even without his TARDIS, the Time Lord was firm.  There were some things that one must never know.  Their own future was one such thing.  To change the future so the Daleks were stronger…
“What mistakes do they make? You will tell me!”
“No.”  The Doctor said firmly.
“You will tell me!”  Davros’ voice rose, screeching his insistence.
“No, I will not!”  The Doctor was equally, if not more, resolute.
“Nyder.”  Nyder left at Davros’ request (demand).  “You will tell me because you have a weakness that I have totally eliminated from the minds of the Daleks so they will always be superior. A weakness that will make you give me the knowledge to change the future. You are afflicted with a conscience.” He paused.  “Let me tell you what is going to happen. You will answer my questions. You will answer them carefully and precisely. The instruments to which you are wired are particularly sensitive. They will detect instantly any attempt to lie.”
“And if I do lie?”  The Doctor was not certain that he wanted to know the answer.  What sadistic methods would the creator of the most ruthless race of killers use to persuade him?
“If you lie, your friends will suffer. I can create in their bodies all the torments and agonies ever known.”  In demonstration, Davros turned the red knob and Harry and Sarah both immediately tensed as pain wracked their bodies.
“Don't tell him, Doctor!”  Sarah Jane gasped out.
“Now, you will tell me the reason for every Dalek defeat. With that knowledge, I will programme them. With that knowledge, they will know their errors and how to avoid them. With that knowledge, there shall be no defeats! We will begin.”  Davros turned the knob down once more.
“Davros, if I tell you what you want to know, I betray millions of people in the future. I can't do that.”  And yet, if he didn’t tell Davros, he would be betraying Sarah and Harry now.
“But you can! You will tell me. You will tell me! You will tell me!”  Davros insisted.
“Doctor, please, don't tell. Doctor.”  Harry called, to no avail.
“All right, all right! Just leave them alone.”  The Doctor couldn’t bear the torture of his friends, even if it meant telling Davros the Daleks’ future.  “The Dalek invasion of the Earth in the year 2000 was foiled because of an attempt by the Daleks to mine the core of the planet. The magnetic properties of the Earth-” he was cut off.
“You want to know what happens to the Daleks in the future?” A new voice spoke from the dark corner.
“Who is there?”  Davros turned to face the new arrival as Nyder released the Doctor.
“I happen to the Daleks.”  A young woman emerged from the corner, holding a large gun in her hands.  She was human, not Kaled or Thal.  Her dyed leather jacket indicated she was from Earth, but how an Earth woman could have possibly arrived on Skaro (Sarah Jane excepted) was beyond the Doctor.
“And just who might you be?”  Davros turned to face her as she stepped from the shadows.
“The Daleks called me the Abomination.”  The woman said, coming forward.
“All this information, this foreknowledge, will be programmed into the Dalek memory banks.  Take them away.”  Davros did not turn from the mysterious woman as the other humans were escorted away. “Doctor, stay a moment.  Sit down. Let us talk together now, not as prisoner and captor, but as men of science.  And you, Abomination.  Who are you and how did you get in here?  There is so much I wish to know.  Nyder, take charge of the tape.”
“Immediately, Davros.”  Nyder complied, leaving with the tape.
“It will be your responsibility, and remember, it is priceless. It's value beyond computation.”  Davros ordered.  “Now, future errors will be eradicated. Defeats will become victories. You have changed the future of the universe, Doctor.  As shall you, Abomination.”
“I have betrayed the future. Davros, for the last time, consider what you're doing. Stop the development of the Daleks.”  The Doctor begged.
“Impossible. It is beyond my control. The workshops are already fully automated to produce the Dalek machines.”
“It's not the machines, it's the minds of the creatures inside them. Minds that you created. They are totally evil.”  Living beings trapped in metal machines, created for the sole purpose of wiping out all life that was not Dalek.
“Evil? No. No, I will not accept that. They are conditioned simply to survive. They can survive only by becoming the dominant species. When all other life forms are suppressed, when the Daleks are the supreme rulers of the universe, then you will have peace. Wars will end. They are the power not of evil, but of good.”
“Davros, if you had created a virus in your laboratory, something contagious and infectious that killed on contact, a virus that would destroy all other forms of life, would you allow its use?”  The Doctor hoped that his analogy would not be lost on the Daleks’ creator.  Davros was a superb scientist, with a brilliant mind.
“It is an interesting conjecture,” Davros conceded.
“Would you do it?”  The Doctor pressed.
“The only living thing, a microscopic organism reigning supreme. A fascinating idea.”  Davros mused.
“But would you do it?”  The Doctor ground out, determined to force an answer from the other man.
“Yes. Yes. To hold in my hand a capsule that contains such power, to know that life and death on such a scale was my choice. To know that the tiny pressure on my thumb, enough to break the glass, would end everything. Yes, I would do it! That power would set me up above the gods. And through the Daleks, I shall have that power!”
“That’s not how it would work,” the Abomination spoke. Both Davros and the Doctor froze, the Doctor’s hand raised above Davros’ life support systems.  “I destroyed the last of the Daleks.  I’d do as the Doctor says and give the order.”
“Even if I do this, there will be no escape for you. Either of you.”  Davros spat.
“I'll take that chance. Now give the order.”  The Doctor looked at the woman calling herself Abomination, raising an eyebrow as she nodded.
“Press the communicator switch.”  Davros said.  The Doctor complied.  “This is Davros. Elite unit seven will go to the incubator room. All survival maintenance systems are to be closed down. The Dalek creatures are to be destroyed.”
“Tell them the order cannot be countermanded.”  The Doctor added.
“This order cannot,” Davros began, as Nyder knocked the Doctor out.
“No,” the Abomination cried out as she, too, was knocked unconscious.
“No, there isn't. We've got to recover that Time Ring.” The Doctor corrected Sarah.
“Because without it, we'll never get off this planet. But, where is it?”
“It's on the desk in the main laboratory. And then there's that tape recording that Nyder took. We've got to get it back at all costs. It would make the Daleks invincible. Come on.”
“Doctor, the woman, she’s waking.”
“The Time Ring, Sarah,” the Doctor reminded her.
“Well we can’t leave her.  What if the Daleks kill her?  We’ll just have to bring her along,” Sarah said stubbornly.
“Oh, very well.”  The Doctor draped the mysterious woman’s arm over his shoulder and swept her up. The foursome made their way down the corridor until they came to a locked cupboard.  The Doctor toed the door open and, after using a Time Lord gadget on it, opened it to pull out camouflage clothing.  Sarah took the clothing from the cupboard, spying something underneath.
“Useful. Ah. This is something rather more useful,” the Doctor remarked.
“They're explosives, aren't they?”  Sarah guessed.
“Yes. Explosives and detonators. It seems almost providential.”  The Doctor said softly.
“Why? What are you going to use them for?”
“The Time Lords gave me three options. There's only one still open. Genocide.”  The Daleks must be destroyed.  They posed too great a danger to time itself.
“Genocide?”  Harry was incredulous.  Surely the Doctor wasn’t serious.  To kill an entire species… Harry wasn’t sure what to think.  Yes, the Daleks were monsters, but for the Doctor to kill them all…
“Yes. I'm going to kill everything in the incubation room. I'm going to destroy the Daleks forever.”  And wasn’t that just a chilling thought?  If he ended the Daleks before they began, how many lives would be saved?
“The Daleks are in there?” Sarah peered through the door.
“The flesh and blood part of them. Indeed, they are flesh and blood.”  Daleks, it seemed, were more than murderous machines. They were what remained of a people. An entire race, forced into one-man armoured tanks, experimented on by a sick man…
“Some of them can move about.”  Harry commented.
“Well, how do I see?”  Sarah asked.
“Press the button.” The Doctor said.  Sarah pressed it and peered into the room.  The lighting was green and cast a sickly look over Davros' experiments. They weren't Daleks, not yet, (but no longer were they Kaleds, either) and never would be if the Doctor completed his task.
“Pay it out quickly, Harry,” the Doctor said urgently.
“You're not going in there, are you?” Sarah looked to the Doctor with concern.  Those things still were Daleks (weren’t they?), even if they hadn't fully evolved yet.
“They're harmless enough, I think. Just unpleasant.” The Doctor handed the detonator wires to Sarah.
As the Doctor started to leave, Harry added, “you don't want me to come in, do you, Doctor?”
“There's no need, Harry. It just remains to put the charges where they'll do the most damage. It shouldn't take me more than a couple of minutes.”  Evidently relieved, Harry picked up the unconscious woman and followed Sarah.
As Harry finished prepping the detonator, Sarah was visibly agitated.  “What’s taking him so long?”
“It's a very delicate operation, Sarah. Still, he should have finished by now,” Harry had to concede.
“Doctor? Doctor, are you all right?”  Sarah called through the door.  The Doctor re-entered the corridor with a…thing wrapped tightly around his neck.
“Sarah!”  The Doctor choked.
“Get it off! Get it off!”  Sarah cried, scrabbling at the tentacled thing twisting around the Doctor’s throat.  Harry threw it into the incubation room, the Doctor pulling the rest of it from his skin before closing the door.  Hesitantly, he held two wires close, but not touching.  “What are you waiting for?”
“Just touch these two strands together and the Daleks are finished. Have I that right?”  The Doctor stared at the wires in his hands.
“To destroy the Daleks? You can't doubt it.”  Sarah thought of all the deaths and destruction they had caused.  She thought of the complete annihilation of Exxilon.
“Well, I do. You see, some things could be better with the Daleks. Many future worlds will become allies just because of their fear of the Daleks.”  Earth was only one world in such an alliance.  The Daleks brought the universe together while tearing it apart.
“But it isn't like that.”
“But the final responsibility is mine, and mine alone. Listen, if someone who knew the future pointed out a child to you and told you that that child would grow up totally evil, to be a ruthless dictator who would destroy millions of lives, could you then kill that child?”  And yet, this was his life.  Always making choices, always on the edge of making a decision that would affect one – or millions.
“We're talking about the Daleks, the most evil creatures ever invented. You must destroy them. You must complete your mission for the Time Lords.”  Sarah countered.
“Do I have the right? Simply touch one wire against the other and that's it. The Daleks cease to exist. Hundreds of millions of people, thousands of generations can live without fear, in peace, and never even know the word Dalek.”
Rose had completely awoken and yet did not move, listening to the man whom she now knew was the Doctor.  She thought of her first Doctor, vulnerable and completely alone, facing the lone surviving Dalek after the horrors of the Time War.  Even then, he couldn’t kill it.  He certainly would not be able to do so now, innocent of the annihilation of worlds they would one day destroy.
“Then why wait? If it was a disease or some sort of bacteria you were destroying, you wouldn't hesitate.”  Sarah Jane Smith.  Rose had to smile.  The other woman had a very good point, but the Daleks were a living people and not a disease or some sort of bacteria.
“But I kill, wipe out a whole intelligent lifeform, then I become like them. I'd be no better than the Daleks,” the Doctor said heavily.
Rose thought again of her first Doctor, so scared of being like the Dalek that he had very nearly broken down in front of her. He couldn’t kill a Dalek even then.  The Doctor was not a killer, not like this.
“Think of all the suffering there'll be if you don't do it.”  Sarah Jane continued her protest.
Rose pulled herself up, leaning against the wall as a wave of nausea overtook her.  The Doctor was at her side immediately.
“How do you feel?  Am I correct in the assumption that Nyder knocked you unconscious as well?” He asked her.  Rose nodded gently, reaching for his hand.
“You can’t kill the Daleks,” she murmured, leaning heavily against him for support.
“Doctor! Doctor, I've been looking everywhere for you. Davros has agreed to our terms!”  Gharman burst into the room.
Harry finally spoke up.  “He submitted?”
“He did, but he asked only one thing. That he might be allowed to address a meeting of all the Elite, scientific and military.” Gharman said dismissively.
“He's going to put a case?”  The Doctor sounded worried.
“Yes, but a vote will be taken. It's a foregone conclusion. There'll be a complete landslide against any further development of the Daleks. We've won.”  Gharman’s excitement permeated the room.
“I'm grateful to you, Gharman. More grateful than I can tell you,” the Doctor said pensively.  Rose said nothing, gently stroking the Doctor’s thumb.  He was agitated, though he was carefully hiding it, and pulled away.
“The meeting's about to begin. Will you come?”
“Yes.”  The Doctor pulled the wires from the detonator and he, Sarah, Harry, and Rose followed Gharman into a meeting.
“Everybody is here, Davros.”
Davros began his defence.  “The issues are simple and clear cut. I have given my life's work to the survival of our race. The travel machine I designed, the Dalek, will give the creature into which we will mutate its only possibility of continued existence.”
“But you have deviated from that intention. You have introduced genetic changes that will alter the mutation into a creature without morals and without ethics,” Gharman argued.
“I have introduced aggression, without which no race can survive,” Davros countered.
“But aggression without a conscience.”
“History will show that cooperation between different species is impossible. One race must survive all others, and to do this it must dominate. Ruthlessly.”  Davros was clearly prepared.  As Davros continued his defence, the Doctor gestured for Sarah to bring his equipment from Gharman's desk.  “Now I intend that when all the bickering and battling is over, the supreme victor shall be our race, the Daleks.”  Sarah handed the etheric beam locator and sonic screwdriver to Harry, who passed them on to the Doctor.  “At this very moment, the production lines stand ready, totally automated, fully programmed. The Daleks are no longer dependant on us. The machinery is ready. They are a power in their own right. If any one of you would destroy everything that we have ever achieved, then here is a destruct button.  Press it, and you will destroy this bunker and everything in it. Only this room will remain. Press it and you will wipe out our entire race, destroy the Daleks forever. Which of you will do it?”  The travellers continued their search as the Kaleds considered Davros’ words.  “You are men without courage. You have lost your right to survive,” Davros declared.
“The Time Ring isn't here, Doctor.”  Harry said urgently, sotto voce.
“What?”  The Doctor said in disbelief.
“The Time Ring, it's not here.”  Harry looked at the Doctor as Davros continued his case.
“You have heard Davros' case. What he has not made clear is that there is another way,” Gharman announced.
“There is no other way!”  Davros insisted.
“Production of the Dalek can continue. We can destroy the genetically conditioned creatures and allow the mutation to follow its own course. Our race will survive if it deserves to survive, but let it have all the strengths and weaknesses that we have. Compassion and hate. Let it do good things and evil.”  Gharman argued.  “But we cannot let it become an unfeeling, heartless machine. That is our choice. Now, we must decide.”  
A wave of understanding washed over Rose as she pieced this together with what she had heard the Doctor speaking of.  This was the Dalek homeworld before the Daleks had become Daleks.  They were at what must be a fixed point in time, and yet it must be a temptation even for a Time Lord to have the chance to prevent the millions of deaths that they would cause.
“We've got to find that Time Ring,” the Doctor said quietly.
Sarah grinned.  “Doctor,” she held up the Time Ring.
“Good girl, Sarah. Now all we need is the tape recording, so keep an eye on Nyder.”  The Doctor said.
“You've heard our cases. I will give you two minutes to decide. Then you must answer not only to me, but to the future.” Davros proclaimed.  The room was silent.  
At exactly the two-minute mark, he spoke once more. “You have had ample time to decide. Those who would remain loyal to me and to the future of our race, move forward and stand at my side.”  He was joined by two Kaled scientists.  “No more? Kravos, will you betray me?”
“Now I wonder where Nyder's going at such a crucial moment,” the Doctor turned his attention to the man who was slipping out from the room, clearly attempting to remain inconspicuous.
“I think we ought to find out,” Harry agreed, looking after him.
“So do I. Let's go.”  The foursome left the room as the trial went on.  The Doctor and Rose slipped behind Nyder as Sarah and Harry advanced, knocking the cosh and Time Ring free; the Doctor was quick to pick up the cosh.  As the Doctor advanced on Nyder, Rose picked up the Time Ring for safekeeping.  “Now where are you going in such a hurry?”
“Davros has lost. I am getting away while I can.”
“Oh. Somehow that just doesn't ring true,” the Doctor dismissed his excuse.
“Why didn't you just join the other side?”  Sarah asked.
“Now that's a good question.”  The Doctor said approvingly.  “Do you have a good answer? Evidently not. Well then, let's try something else. That tape recording you took, where is it?”
“It's put away in a safe in Davros' office.”  Nyder looked at the group.
“Shall we go and see?”  The Doctor asked cheerily, looking at Rose in surprise as she took his hand.
“Down here.”  Nyder led them into the next room.  There was a safe in the wall, with an Elite Corps mural marking it.
“Now, be reasonable and open it for us.”  The Doctor turned from examining the safe to Nyder.
“Only Davros knows the combination.”
“Come on, Nyder, you can do better than that.” Harry clearly did not believe the Kaled man.
Sarah protested.  “Perhaps he's telling the truth.”
“Oh, no, no. On the contrary. Now, Davros can't rise from his chair, correct?”  The Doctor’s mind was whirring.
“And he has the use of only one hand, this hand. (the right one) And Davros never goes anywhere without you, Nyder. So you must open the safe for him. Open it for us.”  The Doctor reasoned.  Nyder looked at the Doctor, then opened the safe, handing the tape hidden within to the Doctor.
“Thank you. Now let's destroy it.”  The Doctor said gravely.
“Er, how about this?”  Sarah held up an object.
“How very apt. A Dalek gun.”  The Doctor said, faintly amused.  He placed the tape on the floor, using the gun to blow it up as Nyder left the room.  “There,” he looked up as the door shut after Nyder.  Harry tried to open it again, but it was stuck.  “He's not important.”
“What?”  Sarah looked back to the Doctor.  Nyder was essentially Davros’ right-hand man, as the Doctor had just pointed out. Nyder was the second most important man on the Kaled base.
“We've got the Time Ring, we've destroyed the tape and Davros' power is broken.”  The Doctor smiled.
“What about the Daleks that are already operational?” Sarah countered.  Surely they couldn’t leave without doing something about them?
“Oh, I think we can leave Gharman to destroy them.” The Doctor replied merrily.
Harry smiled.  “That means we can leave, then.”
“Yes, all we've got to do is touch the Time Ring. And what of you, Abomination?  Will you be returning with us to Earth?”  The Doctor pushed up his sleeve, revealing…nothing.  “Ah. I must have dropped it in the struggle in the corridor.”
“You did.  ‘s a good thing that ‘m here,” Rose held out the Ring, a grin on her face. “What do you do without me, Doctor?”
“Well now we've got to get out of here,” Sarah looked from Rose to the Doctor.  “Doctor,” Sarah jerked her head toward a large monitor showing the laboratory. “Why is it going on so long?”
“Who knows. It's out of character for Davros to submit quite so easily,” the Doctor frowned.  In the laboratory, Davros and Gharman were arguing.
“This is your last chance. Move to join me now or suffer the consequences,” Davros hissed.
Gharman continued to protest.  “Why don't you just accept the fact that you have lost. It's over for you, Davros.”
“Do you believe that I would let a lifetime's work be ended by the will of spineless fools like you? You have won nothing. I allowed this charade to be played out for one reason only. To find those men who were truly loyal to me and to discover those who would betray me!  We, I will go on!”
“You are insane, Davros.”  Davros flicked a switch on his chair and the Doctor and Rose shuddered as they heard the oncoming Daleks chanting ‘Exterminate!’
“Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!”  Davros cried.  The Doctor, Rose, Sarah and Harry were unable to do anything but watch on the monitor as the Elite were murdered by the first Daleks.
“Stop this, Davros. You must stop them!”  Kravos cried as Nyder threw him at a Dalek, where he died screaming.  Footsteps approached, not on the monitor but from the corridor.  The door opened –
“Sevrin!”  Sarah gasped.
“I haven't got much time. The Thals have set the explosives at the entrance. They'll detonate as soon as they're ready,” the Muto explained hurriedly.
“Let's go. Back, back!”  The Doctor took Sarah’s free hand and she took Harry’s and all five people ran to escape the Daleks.  “Back!”  They ran down the corridor, Daleks everywhere.
“We're not far from the main entrance. If we can get through the next section, we'll be safe,” Servin inhaled sharply.
The Doctor took the Time Ring from Rose.  “Sarah, take this.  Sevrin, lead them to the main entrance. Get them out of here.”
“What are you going to do?”  Sarah asked, her voice concerned.
“I'm going back to the incubator room. This time I'm going to blow it up,” the Doctor said gravely.
“Let us come with you,” Sarah said defiantly. Rose nodded in agreement, protesting his decision.  He had made a decision for her twice before, both times ending with her leaving against her will.  She was not about to simply let him do it to her again.
“No! Get out of here. Hurry. Now, go on,” he ushered them out.  Rose looked hard at the Doctor, and he must have been able to see something in her eyes because he did not ask her to leave with his companions.  The Doctor steeled himself, then exited the room to pick up the detonator wires once more.  Two Daleks rounded the corner, firing.  The Doctor dropped the wires, turning the corner through the doorway, Rose reaching for his hand to pull him into the room.  The Doctor reached once more for the wiring and the Dalek fired again.
“Run,” Rose took his hand and they heard an explosion as the Dalek rolled over the wiring.  They could hear Sarah calling.
“No, wait! He's coming! He's coming!”  They ran faster, barely making it through the narrowing gap as the Daleks came after them.  The doors closed as soon as they were through.
“Now!”  Bettan signalled.  Rose held on to the Doctor as the ground shook with the explosion.
“The incubator room, were you able to do anything?” Sarah asked.
“Yes, with a little help from a Dalek. But I'm afraid I've only delayed them for a short time. Perhaps a thousand years.”
“What?” Sarah asked.
The Doctor elaborated.  “In the total time scale, no more than that.  Goodbye, Bettan.”
“Goodbye, Harry,” Bettan waved to the travellers.
“Sevrin,” the Doctor gave the Kaled man a look, placing his hand on the Time Ring.
“Thank you, Sevrin,” Sarah followed suit.
“Goodbye. Thank you,” the Doctor watched as the Thals left.  “Hands on the Time Ring.”  He eyed Rose suspiciously.  “Aren’t you coming back to Earth?”
Rose fingered the dimension hopper around her neck. “You don’t even know who I am and you’d just take me with you.”
“You’re human, not Kaled or Thal.  This is not your planet, which seems to beg the question of how you arrived here,” the Doctor looked her over.
“I never did catch your name.  Harry Sullivan,” Harry stuck his hand out.
Rose shook it.  “The Daleks called me the Abomination.  ‘m trying not to change timelines, though I suppose that my being here has done so already.”
“And just how much do you know of timelines,” the Doctor looked at her, arms folded across his chest.
“Enough,” a tongue-touched smile suddenly shone. “Learned from the best, didn’t I?” The Doctor was still visually searching her, looking for clues to her identity.  Blonde hair from a peroxide bottle, blue leather jacket with a purple shirt and black leggings, boots, large but simple silver hoops in her ears. None of it made an iota of sense to the Doctor.  “I know enough that if I tell you too much, you’ll need to bury your own memories.”
“That’s nothing I haven’t done before,” the Doctor said dismissively.  “I have already done so twice, that I know of.  It’s a simple process.”
Rose looked to Sarah.  “It’s not just your timeline that’s changed.”
“What, I know you in the future?”  Sarah looked from the Doctor to the Abomination.
“You’re brilliant, Sarah Jane Smith,” Rose smiled.
“You know who I am?”
“Yeah.”  Rose fingered the Dimension Cannon around her neck.  It was time.  Well past time (well, not quite), as a matter of fact, for her to return to the parallel universe.  But there was no denying that she ought to have left as soon as she’d realized she was in the wrong timestream.
“Am I correct in assuming that the miniature transport around your neck is a dimensional hopper, not meant for time travel?” The Doctor asked.  Rose nodded.  “Am I correct in further assuming that you have travelled through time to get here?”
“Technically it’s connected to your TARDIS.  When I made this jump, I felt her sort of…transfer me to the Time Ring.”
“The question of your identity remains,” the Doctor looked at Rose, still trying to read her.
“Hidden for now unless you want to hide your memories of what happened here.  Somehow, I doubt the Time Lords would be happy with that,” Rose deflected the question. The Time Lords.  Though she knew that this was a younger version of her Doctor, it felt strange to know that his people were still alive, his planet whole, and that he had just met the first Daleks and their creator.  Rose looked at the Doctor, so young and far more innocent, and hugged him suddenly.  “I’ll see you again.  But first you’ll need to meet me,” she choked, half a cry, half a laugh.  She pushed the button around her neck and faded from view.
“I suppose that we ought to be getting away from Skaro as well,” the Doctor looked at his companions, holding out the Time Ring.
“You don't seem too disappointed. We've failed, haven't we?”  Sarah asked as the Time Ring activated.
“Failed? No, not really. You see, I know that although the Daleks will create havoc and destruction for millions of years, I know also that out of their evil must come something good.”
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nicemango-feed · 7 years ago
Qasim Rashid's Tasteless Independent Piece about Sex Abuse
I was appalled to see this article on Twitter the other day. I don't even have the words to express how tacky and distasteful this is.  As the far-right rises in the West, I find myself more interested in pushing back against that (since it's more of an urgent issue impacting our day to day existence here).....than constantly criticizing Islam in a climate where Muslims are singled out, generalized and targeted.  Nuanced and legitimate criticisms are lost anyway nowadays, to fear-mongering about Mooz-lums raping their way across the globe to secretly instill Shariah.  But then there comes a situation where you just have to rebut something as stupid and insensitive as the article above...with all you've got. Hopefully, my rebuttal won't get lost with ignorant takes like: "Islam is worse than Nazism" or "90% of Muslims are ticking time-bombs"... ..so here goes:   With all the overuse and false accusations of "Regressive Left" floating around atheist twitter, its hard for an actual left-leaning person to recall a time when this term had meaning and referred to an actual problem. Well, this article is a great reminder on how the left can utterly fail in the way it deals with the topic of Islam. I can't believe such an article was approved and put out by such a well known publication. What were they thinking? Who is making these decisions? I mean...they may come from the perspective that they're doing this to offset the increasing anti-muslim bigotry, to normalize Muslims in a political climate where they become dehumanized more and more each day....but they can't seem to comprehend that defending Muslims can be separated from championing Islam. Before seeing this one, I came across quite a few tasteless takes regarding the awful Weinstein scandal. It seemed everywhere I looked someone was hijacking it to further their own agenda. A few standard "Oh you think Weinstein is bad, but what about Islam...that's way worse!!" type takes from ex-muslims that I've become used to seeing....and cringing at. Oh you think the alt right/white nationalism/nazism is bad? What about ISLAM - it's way worse!!" It seems, that some are incapable of discussing anything other than that one topic (which makes it all the more off-putting for me). There's a time and a place....there's a way to acknowledge multiple problems without minimizing the suffering of Weinstein's victims. This isn't to say, of course that when the conversation is turned towards sexual abuse that we cannot also bring up other forms that people often let slide.... especially when religion gets a pass on everything. I saw some Saudi feminists bring up some important points about how migrant domestic workers are assaulted on an everyday basis in Saudi society by privileged Saudi men...who get away with it. But they didn't do the, "Oh you think Weinstein is bad? Well Saudi men can be WAY worse" thing....where they bring the other topic to light only by minimizing the harm that Weinstein did. That is the difference.....one that many 'but what about Islam' types don't understand. "Yes we have similar problems too which we need to discuss" is a whole lot different from "Oh, Pfft, this? It's nothing compared to the cause *I've* dedicated *my* life to. And you know what, no one's perfect we're all likely to fall into that trap accidentally sometimes... but the ones who have a distinct repeated pattern of constantly being unable to address any issue without the added, "but what about Islam/The left" have become incredibly unhelpful voices. ...Speaking of unhelpful and cringeworthy voices though..I have to say Qasim Rashid, the author of the Independent piece is one of the worst I've encountered on this issue. The 'but what about Islam' takes are bad, but fuck....using a sex scandal to spread religious propaganda, to *proselytize*.... is a whole new level of scummy. Not only is it scummy but he goes about it in the most dishonest way. Yes we should absolutely encourage liberal, progressive interpretations of Islam. I find it incredibly unhelpful when people hold every liberal muslim to an 'ISIS purity test', that basically no one passes...and therefore the only 'real' muslims are the extremists. That is not a good approach. But, when it comes to more progressive interpretations of religion there are those who acknowledge the plurality and plausibility of multiple interpretations. They admit that some verses are just not ok by today's values. People like Qasim however will argue that everyone else has it wrong... they've misinterpreted and HE somehow has the correct interpretation. They cherry pick without acknowledging they are cherry picking, unlike more honest reformists who openly say that cherry picking is the path forward. Like all the Abrahamic religions, obviously...Islam too is full of contradictory crap er...stuff. So naturally you can pick a bunch of things that sound alright, or you can pick a bunch of things that sound barbaric. But if you really want to look at the whole picture you can't ignore either...both anti-muslims and apologists for scripture like to ignore the aspect convenient to their narrative and push the other. "Islam is PURE EVIL" or "Islam is PERFECT and PEACEFUL and FEMINIST" .... there are some pretty vile, murderous, misogynistic, hateful things in there...certainly some of that is 'evil'....but there are some alright bits that are cherry picked by modern progressive muslims, which makes most of them peaceful. 'Perfect', it certainly is not...'feminist'...nope. Be wary of anyone claiming either of those. I mean its absurd on the face of it...morals from centuries ago are simply not going to work today. If you try to claim they are *perfect* for today, then you're endorsing or twisting some pretty awful shit. Anyway.... *Cracks knuckles* Lets get into it....this fuckin' article. What a crock of shit. "My advocacy is informed not just by the law, but by strategies detailed in Islamic teachings and Prophet Muhammad’s example to pre-empt sexual abuse." Almost spit my beverage all over my keyboard...thanks for that Qasim. Would Mo's example pre-empt sexual abuse here?
From Sahih Bukhari
Slavery too....if defined by scripture is permissible in Islam....and slaves were to accept that owners are allowed to sleep with them at will. As stated in Quran 33:50
Obviously this is not a practice any decent Muslim would endorse today, but if you want to go by Mo's example...then it's worth mentioning. It would be one thing to make some excuse about it being a different time....and the example not measuring up by today's values... but if you are going to literally say a sex slave owner's values are what can prevent sexual abuse....I'm going to have a thing or two to say. Yes such slavery predates Islam, and so continued under Islam...I am not a fan of people using archaic texts to define an entire diverse group by today. So no this is not for you far-righters who paint all muslims as pedophilic rapists. What about this strategy detailed in the Quran, 4:34
Does making men in charge, commanding women to be obedient, and giving permission to 'strike them' also pre-empt sexual abuse?
I have to say I cringe a little while I'm picking out these verses to debunk this idiotic article, because I'm all too used to seeing how anti-muslims use these to dehumanize and generalize Muslims who may not even be aware of such verses. I know many like myself were taught curated versions of scripture. Religion is full of this kind of nonsense.... slavery, stoning babies, virgins...killing people who disobey...fathers ok-ing rape of their daughters for a few $$. Islam is certainly not alone in this, so think twice before painting Muslims with a broad brush. I cannot say that enough, especially in the Trumpian era.
"Let’s start by understanding two facts. First, a woman’s attire, alcohol intake, marital status, and education level do not contribute to sexual abuse – abusive men do. Second, sexual abuse doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Every level of society – social norms, media, and Government – is complicit in promoting the rape culture that perpetuates sexual abuse." "Social norms demonise a woman for speaking out, victim-blaming her by asking what she was wearing, whether she gave signals inviting abuse, or asking why she didn’t speak up sooner." Very good Qasim...I'm glad you pointed out that a woman's attire doesn't matter. But the Quran (24:31) seems to disagree,
Here it tells believing women not to flaunt their assets, and even wrap a portion of their headscarves/outer garments over their chests. Clearly a woman's attire mattered to Allah, and therefore Mo quite a bit. (24:60) only postmenstrual woman are allowed to cast out their 'outer garments' even then being careful not to display any 'adornment':
So Qasim, when you talk about social norms demonizing a woman, victim-blaming her by asking her what she was wearing....perhaps look honestly at the things you yourself recommended to 'pre-empt' sexual abuse. Laughable really. Don't even get me started on the punishments Islam prescribes someone for adultery...so I'm pretty sure marital status matters too. You're right when you say every level of society can be complicit in promoting a culture that perpetuates abuse....but you conveniently miss out religion - old value systems that simply didn't classify abuse in the same way we do now. If you want to be a women's advocate, how about not preaching a misogynistic religion to them while they open up about their painful abuse experiences. "state laws only punish the actor once the act is completed, they don’t prevent the act in the first place. This scenario plays out repeatedly worldwide, whether we’re discussing “revenge porn”, gender based violence, or sexual harassment in the workplace.
This is where Islamic teachings and Prophet Muhammad’s example provide a solution that no state truly can. "
What the fuck, dude. What are you even trying to say here? While you're right that banning cat calling won't work, and that it isn't preventative... what's your solution? Islam and Mohammed? Are you for fucking real right now? Are you saying that being fearful of some god that would burn you for eternity and that following in the footsteps of a prophet who's example isn't known for his fair treatment of women, who owned slaves...and consummated with a child is what will prevent sex abuse better than modern man-made law?!  Right because religious people NEVER sexually abuse anyone....if only they had had access to the teachings if Islam and the example of Mo. It's embarrassing really, to even debunk this.
Read story here
"Yes, Islam implores accountability to the creator, but rather than preach empty dogmatic theories, Islam instead prescribes a proven secular model." What are you even on about? Accountability to the creator? How old are you... how well has that worked to prevent religious people from sexually abusing people or committing any crimes? Secular model? What? "Thus, the Quran 4:2 first establishes men and women as equal beings. Chapter 4:20 then forbids men from forcing a woman to act against her will, thereby ensuring women maintain autonomy and self-determination. " Now, just because theres some contradictory more benign seeming stuff in there... doesn't mean you can ignore the wife beating verse (4:34), where aside from the 'strike them' nastiness...it literally says this: "Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other" Or how about the women are your farmland... plough them however you like (just don't do anal tut tut) verse (2:223)?
I mean, I hate to put on my "let me point out all the awful verses in the Quran/Hadith" hat right now, because I know the alt/far-right loves that stuff and uses it to stir hatred for whole groups which include people like me and my family. But in the face of this tasteless absurdity, I cannot remain silent. I can only hope I put enough "I dislike anti-muslims" caveats in here that it prevents them from latching on to this particular piece. I'm not alone in feeling that my criticism of Islam is sort of stifled at the moment because it's too easily hijacked by bigots, anyone with a shred of decency is feeling that right now.
Anyway, back to this unfckingbelievably ridiculous piece. I honestly can't wrap my head around how awful it is..and what kind of person you'd have to be to write something like this, especially in the midst of a high profile hollywood sex scandal. "Here..... stop fussing about this sex scandal...and listen to all the good things about MY religion, one that has a bad reputation for it's treatment of women" ....Oh ok @ssh*le.  -___- Aaand it gets a whole lot worse than I imagined. Qasim actually links to a previous even more nauseating piece he did about THE WIFE BEATING VERSE FFS, where it's a bunch of the most pathetic and weak twisted apologetics for 4:34, and it's actually titled: "The Islamic Solution to *stop* Domestic Violence" [emphasis mine] I can't....I have to take a break.....I walk away from the computer, pour a drink, take a breath. Alright, I'm back...What was I saying? Oh yeah... His fucking *solution* is the verse that says men are in charge of women and you can strike them. THAT, to him is pre-empting domestic violence.. because by making men in charge it gives them some responsibilities and shit. He's thrilled it doesn't go straight to beating....this is a good thing apparently....An 'anger management strategy' - what the actual fuck is wrong with this guy and how is he allowed to pump this shit out in mainstream liberal publications like Huffpo and Independent?? And I quote, from the Huffpo piece, "Pre-emptive deterrence is the key. And this precisely is the wisdom behind verse 4:34 to decrease and stop violence against women. The verse in its totality describes a process of restraint, anger management and reformation." 'Wisdom' he says...About an infantilizing, abusive verse that clearly doesn't hold women in high regard. Just because it doesn't jump straight to the beating, it's a process of restraint. Fucking hell. "Employed effectively, these two steps help reconcile the vast majority of domestic disputes. Should the first two steps fail, however, the Quran allows — never commands — men to consider the third step, translated as “to chastise them.” Look, it *allows* --- it doesn't *command* you to 'chastise' your wife. (since the beating isn't compulsory...that makes it totally ok) Firstly Qasim, slick replacement of strike with 'chastise'. Secondly, obviously this is only for the rarest of times...for when the first two infantilizing and humiliating methods don't work on her (that totally excuses the fact that u can resort to ..you know... beating her) If the first two steps don't sort out your domestic dispute, it's because you didn't employ these perfect strategies 'effectively'.... Of course then his article delves into semantic bullshit about how the word for strike isn't actually that. Nothing I haven't heard before...but I haven't come across anyone with the audacity to argue they are progressive *and* suggest the wife beating verse as a goddamn *solution* to domestic violence. There are many Muslims who genuinely acknowledge that this verse is not palatable today....Qasim is not one of them. He would rather twist it to say it means the opposite of what it says in mainstream interpretations of the Quran. He'd rather appear dishonest in front of anyone who knows anything about Islam. This doesn't help Muslims, or their reputation...quite the opposite in fact. So I sincerely don't understand why left leaning publications put out stuff like this. All this does is breathe fire into anti-muslim movements. It energizes them, gives them something to rally around.
Sorry I went off into a rabbit hole there for a bit, so enough about the horrid Huffpo piece, and back on to the horrid Independent one....where were we... "And when it comes to the Islamic concept of Hijab, it is men who are first commanded to never gawk at women, and instead guard their private parts and chastity, regardless of how women choose to dress – pre-empting sexual abuse." I just love how he selectively points to the male requirements for modesty, saying that it tells men to lower their gaze... but he completely skips over the modesty requirements for women. You know, what hijab is literally KNOWN for? Slut-shaming women into covering head to toe and holding them responsible for provoking lust....no mention of the double standards about what men are required to do vs women. Of course men are commanded first because the whole Quran refers only to men directly (with a couple of exceptions)...when it refers to women it is in third person or via men..."tell your women/wives" type stuff. The Quran isn't some great feminist book, it puts men first because it only talks to *them* directly. "Accordingly, the Prophet Muhammad by example demonstrated that the burden of modesty, respect, and combating abuse of women rests on men. Indeed, men must take the lead in stopping such sexual abuse." Oh COME ON, the guy who married a six year old and had slaves? I really hate to sound like a broken record here... but Qasim is being one, so I need to keep repeating the obvious. "After all, while the Quran obliges women to dress modestly as a covenant with God, Islam prescribes no punishment whatsoever for women who choose to dress otherwise." Oh yeah totally, it's just an afterthought that the Quran obliges women to dress modestly...nothing to do with placing the blame on them for enticing men. Oh and the Quran doesn't describe the details of Salaat/prayer either....so I guess that must not be Islamic either. Here's a verse specifically commanding the wives of the prophet to stay home and not display themselves if they want to be 'purified' (funny thing is, this is one of like 2 or so verses that directly address women, and it's to tell them to not put themselves on display! Imagine that.)
O wives of the Prophet, you are not like anyone among women. If you fear Allah, then do not be soft in speech [to men], lest he in whose heart is disease should covet, but speak with appropriate speech.
And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance. And establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin], O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification.
And 33:59 spells it out clearly, women of the believers....cover yourselves so you aren't abused.
Just because the book hasn't specifically prescribed a beating in *this* situation... (I mean... a lot could be covered under 'disobedient wives') - doesn't mean that the general climate of "stay at home, do not put yourselves on display... or else you won't be pure" crap isn't pressuring women with the threat of hellfire.
"women in Islam rise to the rank of legal scholars, warriors, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists while lovingly embracing identities as mothers and housewives.
Weinstein is a symptom of the greater disease of arrogance, unaccountability, societal apathy, and from men who knew of the abuse but did nothing. Islam and Prophet Muhammad provide a practical solution."
Oh ffs, a man who ok-ed wife beating and keeping them at home, married a child and thought women could be owned as slaves does NOT provide a practical solution to sexual abuse. You're an embarrassment Qasim. 
So shameless...
"Together, we can employ a proven Islamic model that will stop this madness, and re-invoke gender equity today in America, and the world."
Who is he preaching to? How did the Independent let this happen, this is like a lecture you'd hear at Islamic Sunday School....does no one understand that this kind of horrific dishonesty, easily debunked....does nothing to help muslims. 
It's a real shame this man gets a platform like this. I'll say again, who approved this and what were they thinking? Who is the audience they hoped to reach with "together lets employ an Islamic model to stop sexual abuse"? This is some bullshit 'religious right' propaganda....get it together Independent. 
I'm all out of facepalms. I think that's all I got for today. 
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