#I can play it fine I just can't improvise to save my life
jenna-darknight · 7 months
Two completely unrelated JRPGs used the same piece of classical music
God, I'd absolutely forgotten that Gymnopedie was use in Innocent Sin. I feel like my brain autoblocks anything else but the Aria of the Soul playing in the Velvet Room.
I do remember this in Earthbound, but mostly because it's like ... the only piece of piano music I ever learned to play and got excited about that.
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timid-plumber · 6 months
{{ Y'know what? I'm gonna officially say I'm on break from here. Losing my icons (some of which I realize I can save from my blog so not all is lost!) plus trying to get back to where I was in BG3, man. I'm gonna take a hot minute to process that.
Funny enough, I don't care much either way about 99% of the rest of what I lost. I JUST care about the icons and my game's save file. LOL. I've also been toying with the idea of making my Baldur's Gate Tav/first DND character a blog...
But- Truth be told, I don't think I really will, or rather, really should. I'd quite potentially end up focusing far too much on the same old hat that I do with my other blogs. Shipping is a big one of those. Far too big in my opinion. I'm also quite awful at plotting these days, figuring out where something should go. I used to be decently wizard at navigating the proverbial stars and guiding plots. I was good at improvising on the fly... but not anymore. Brain go brrrt no work when I try that now for the most part. In truth, I've been struggling to write for a while now, struggling to find interest in even my small sphere of favored ideas and themes. Maybe that's burnout, or maybe that's more a constraint of who I'm currently writing for. Maybe I need a character that can be expansive and varied? A character not constrained quite like a canon character can be? Especially one that's cartoonish. One who has absolutely zero boundaries that can't be crossed in terms of themes or ideas. Or, well- so far as my personal constraints would allow. There's plenty I wouldn't explore, haha.
I'm also sort of in this camp about creating an OC blog where I feel it won't be interesting enough. Nobody'll give a rip. The people I'd be interested in writing with wouldn't have interest back. Which is fine; I wouldn't wish to force interaction. Doesn't mean it's not a bummer though.
I probably need to stew on this all a little more. Really evaluate if it's worth putting my character out there. She's not just a Tav I made for BG3, she's also my first-ever DND character I made to play the RPG in real life. There's a lot of interesting lore to her (IMO) because of that first campaign. I think people would like it. My friends regale those moments to others and they get amusement from them.
Buuuut IDK. }}
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emodialisse · 1 year
Greenwich Village, New York. Evening - 2017.
Int. Octavius Industries.
Otto: That was the day I came up with the idea for a neuroprosthetic! I remember it vividly. I was standing on the edge of my toilet, hanging a clock. The porcelain was wet, I slipped, hit my head on the edge of the sink… and when I came to, I had a revelation… a vision! A picture in my head. A picture of this. Just like you said, the synergy between our muscles and the command module computer to restore fine motor control, can be made possible. Our own neural interface!
Peter: And somehow you still refuse to let Gloria Maria interview you on the Globe.
Otto: Oh, Peter, if they really are waiting for a spectacle, WE will give it to them!
Cut to:
Schenectady, New York. Night - 1988.
Otto: Alright, then tell me, "future boy"... who's president of the United States in 2018?
Peter:...Donald Trump.
Otto: Donald Trump? The boxer's advisor?! Ha!
Peter: Uh, what?
Otto: And who's vice president, Mickey Goldmill?!
Cut to:
Int. Octavius Residence. Night.
A big tube shows the last remainings of footage that Peter was able to save.
Otto: Good evening. I'm Dr. Otto Octavius, i'm standing on my laboratory at Greenwich Village-- It's Thursday afternoon, November 1st, 2018, 6:18 p.m., and this is our latest big experiment, the one i've been waiting for all my life!
Otto: I pass the word to my partner, who will bear with the details since none of this would have been made possible without him. Peter? Yeah, yeah, come over here, I want you to be on the frame.
Peter: I-uh...
Otto: Go on, it's okay, let's keep the tape rolling.
Peter: Geez... Yes, I'm Peter Parker, and together we worked with a meshing networking to integrate directly into a intracranial neural interface, mostly to extract data from chemical synapses inside the brain, thus accelerating the information via neurotransmitters receptors at postsynaptic potential.
Peter: Doc, seriously, we need to--
Otto: And through extensive study in vivo for constraint in biomechanics, we were able to trace parameters for training procedure to better balance neural activity load, through simple synergy in motor neurons. Whereas action potential of the neurons are usually barried by the short coming of milliseconds, this amplified neurosensor allows it to happen under one nanosecond!
Otto: ONE NANOSECOND?! One... nanosecond...
Peter: You want to watch the rest of it?
Otto: Alas, just keep it playing, boy! I'm starting to feel an occipital neuralgia creep out my migraine aura.
Static starts to intemperate noise on the images.
A series of buzzing noises became proeminent as the tape begins to wear out.
Peter: Yes, and that's exatcly why we should think this through before it's ready to handle, I'm still not sure about the effects the excitatory amino acids-zzzthe overfitting aspects-zzzzzzzthe neural network layers can'tzzz
Otto: What are you doing?
Peter: I'm trying-zzzzREALLY-zzz-zzhard. Will you-zzzzzzzz
Otto: If you start making sense, maybe we can both come to a consense!
Peter: Then I guess we're gonna be here for a while-zzzz-zzzz I need to call my aunt.
Otto: This is insanity-zzz-zzz-zzzbelieve you're doing this to me-zzzz-zz
Otto:... Great Scott! When did I have become so careless?
Peter: Excellent question, mister “Reckless youth”. I think there's more.
Peter tries to fast foward the recording, but the image pendured as a black background.
...Until there was new images playing.
This time, both men are standing on the kitchen area of Octavius Industries, where a boombox is blasting to a rock mashup of the song "How Our Story Goes".
Peter is currently holding a wrench to pretend it's a microphone, while Otto uses a mannequin arm, moving his fingers like he's playing on guitar strings. Peter starts to improvise a really bad dance to the rhythm.
Suddenly he turns off the recording camera.
Peter: Heh, I-uh, forgot that was in there.
Cut to:
Ext. Park. Night.
Otto: But I can't hold any ill thoughts about her... Actually we almost had gotten engaged, how crazy is that?
Peter: Yeah, believe me, Doc. There's a lot in my life that I wish I could just... Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind it.
Peter: It's a movie.
Otto: Oh. Terrific. Is it somehow a variant of our post-german expressionism iconographies?
Peter: What? I don't know. Where the hell did that came from?
Otto: Just trying to find the appeal of 2000s cinema, I suppose.
Peter: Honestly, you got me there. Especially because there aren't many people like you, but a dozen like me, who really don't have time to notice that kind of stuff. But hey, we gotta have fun with what we get from it. Right?
Otto: Yes, it doesn't sound too bad, no.
Peter: Just don't get me started with sequels, I think that's been a dead concept a long time ago.
Cut to:
Ext. Main street. Night
Otto: I'll be really dispondent to see you go, Peter.
Otto: No matter what happened and how much bad blood we will have between us... You've really made a difference in my life. You've given me something to shoot for.
Peter: It's-- gonna be hard. Waiting before I can talk to you about everything that's happened in the past few days.
Otto: I know... you can't force yourself to do anything on my behalf, my dear.
Peter just looks at him, he can't really smile, but there was a faint intent to do it, and somehow, it was enough.
Peter: I never did. Helping you... I liked it, I was good at it.
Otto reaches his hand, which leads to an immediate contact being sealed.
Otto: "Let faith oust fact... let fancy oust memory... I look deep down and do believe."
Peter: I already know you're on your thirties, Doc.
Otto: Shut up, but it is my childhood favorite. Do you have one?
Peter: I really can't tell mine without you getting confused.
Otto: I fell right into that one. Didn't hurt to ask.
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Sink or Swim: Kai x Reader [kinda angsty]
-tbh i had a tiny crush on Kai growing up
-i still swoon over him when he's cool but like, lloyd has stolen my heart
-you all live in yang's temple still
-as a note, i write for female readers because uhhh yeah plz don't be mad at me ;-; (and either way, you can always change the words around in your head if it bothers you)
Summary: Kai needs help. You're there for him, catching him before he sinks.
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Kai's got Lloyd, but who's got Kai?
Ninjago was filled with a variety of perils. Some were easier to see, such as destruction of any population within the premises of Ninjago city. Other times, it was minuscule, like a speck of dust. If you looked hard enough without blinking, you could see it. But most times it was invisible.
The sun was bright today, shining past the swiftly moving clouds as you clashed under its heat. Sparks flew as your katana slammed into Cole's, who skillfully parried your blows. You readied another combo, twisting to the right and faking a slash before spinning and striking to the left.
"Cole look out!" shouted Kai. Cole wasn't fast enough, and you knew it was because he wasn't used to using a katana. His hammer lay on the platform leading inside, right by Jay's side under the sunshine.
You suddenly realised Cole would be split in half if you didn't stop. But how could you when the inertia practically sent you flying towarss him? "Cole--!"
Kai parried the attack. He hit your blade with so much force that it was sent flying across the courtyard, thankfully, clattering harmlessly on the ground. You heaved out a harsh sigh and slapped your knees. "That was close. Sorry Cole." He chuckled, giving Kai a good slap on the shoulder.
"For once our Hot-Head wasn't distracted by his 'oh-so-perfect' looks." Cole said. "How did you do that so fast?" Kai sheathed his sword with a shrug. It was odd to see him so quiet, especially around this time in the day. His expression remained relaxed, but it was void of its usual smug smirk. "I don't know, I just improvised."
You can't help the frown settling on your lips. There was an edge to Kai's voice, as if he had just returned from an unseen battle between life and death. He looked normal, yet the way he forced out a small laugh made you cringe.
"I'm going inside, think I might shower." he abruptly announced. "Don't train too hard or you might bake in the sun!" You watched as he fiddled with the strap on his sheath, twiddling it and running it between his fingers. He caught your stare and flashed a fleeting smile your way, yet it didn't feel genuine. "Kai--"
He pretended not to hear you and rushed through the temple doors. Your frown deepened. "He looks upset." Jay rested his cheek in his hand with a snort. "I'll say. He looked like he was thinking hard about something."
"But what?" Cole inquired with a sigh. "Nothing's been happening around Ninjago, shouldn't he be happy about it? He can play video games all he wants now, or, I don't know, talk to Skylor on the phone? Morro's gone and Lloyd's fine now." Zane raised doubtful brow. He took a seat by Jay and leaned his head back against one of the supporting beams. It was an odd sight to see everyone so deeply in thought again, especially since none of you should have been deeply in thought in the first place.
"Lloyd has not fully recovered." Zane notes. "He suffers from mental trauma and is regaining his strength as we speak." Nya hummed in agreement. She set her weapon down with a thoughtful nod and leaned against a supporting beam. "I don't know about you, but he seemed kind of sad. Why don't you talk to him (Y/n)?"
"Yeah, you're his girlfriend so you guys share a special connection." piped up Jay. You cam't deny that. Your relationship with Kai was special, so he told you certain things no one else had ever known about him. Whether it be about his past, or even what he dreams for the future, you knew it all.
Well except this.
You stood up, ignoring the low cracks from your aching body. "I'll be back." You pulled open the temple's doors, gently shutting it behind you as you surveyed the vast room. The main hall was empty, save for Sensei Wu who sat at a table drinking tea. He turned to you, eyeing your troubled expression knowingly. "Kai is in his room." he simply stated. You smiled at him gratefully. "Thank you Sensei."
You sprinted up the stairs, caring not if you skipped the creaky steps or walked right over them. It was quite tranquil in the halls of the quiet temple, yet somehow, it made you uncomfortable. "Kai?" You stopped in front of his door. "Kai--"
Sniffling. That was the first thing that caught your ears. Your fingers paused on the door handle, slipping past the cool metal as you continued to listen to the sounds. You knew what crying sounded like, but this? It was earth-shattering. The way he cried sounded exactly like raw agony. It was painful to listen to, yet you couldn't bring yourself to walk away.
If Kai was suffering, you had to be there for him like all the times he had been there for you, or Lloyd, or Nya and Jay and Zane and Cole.
Your fingers wrapped around the door handle. You gently knocked and peeked inside. He sat on his bed with his back facing you. His katana lay on the floor instead of of by his bed or next to his pillow like he usially did.
"Kai?" Your voice came out as a gentle whisper. "Are you okay?" His crying ceased so quickly that if you hadn't been standing outside listening, you would have thought everythimg were your imagination.
"Yeah." he steadily said. "I'm okay. I just needed to take a break after that spar. It got really intense." He laughed. It wasn't a happy one. If you knew what it felt like to have your organs ripped out, you'd describe it as listening to Kai fake his laugh and fake his happiness. He put on a brave face for the world, and perhaps that was because he knew people relied on him to step up when Lloyd couldn't.
You opened the door a little wider and let yourself in, softly closing it behind. "If something's wrong Kai, you can tell me." He sniffled quietly. "No, I'm fine." He laughed; you didn't miss the quiver in his voice. "I'm just a little tired."
"No, it's something else. I won't judge you, promise."
Kai sniffled and grabbed a tissue from his nightstand. He blew his nose with a shaky breath and tossed the tissue in the bin. For a good minute, he sat there in silence, slowing inhaling and exhaling rattling breaths. You made your way over to him and took a seat at the edge of his bed. He kept his back towards you as he sniffled some more, so you sat there, watching his shoulders quiver.
Slowly, Kai entertwined his hand with yours. He gave it a good squeeze, as if reassuring himself you were still there. You didn't want to say anything to him yet. If you did, you were sure it would break his already fragile tranquility. Thankfully, he made the first move.
"I know you wouldn't leave me," he began, "but sometimes I can't help worrying. What if we go on a mission and none of us make it back? Lloyd almost died, Cole's a ghost.... What if something happens to you? Or--or Nya and Jay or Zane?" He let out a rattling breath that spoke of all the battles you both endured. It was hard to believe you both survived every single one of them.
"Kai, we've lived this long." you said. "Why not longer? And even if one of us does die, life will go on. It always does in Ninjago, and it blooms again into something new." You squeezed his hand. "You're thinking about your parents too."
The quiet Kai stayed in was enough of an answer.
"I understand it hurts. You know, my parents died when I was very little. I don't remember how they looked like, but I remember what I felt. They made me so happy. It was short, but I found it again in you and the others. Even if something disappears, it's never truly lost." You smiled even though Kai would never see it. "Lloyd's still here because you saved him. None of us are going anywhere for as long as we can help it."
Kai's shoulders slumped. A sigh left his lips and he finally turned to face you. What strikes you the most about him isn't the puffiness under his eyes, or the bags and crinkle in his brow--it's the life that's been sucked out of his expression. His eyes were hollow, as if someone had completely wiped the emotion of happiness from existence. The deep frown tugging at his lips is even worse. It's thin, tight, and quivering.
"I-I'm sorry..."
You placed a hand on his cheek. "Kai." It's all you can muster, a name, a look of sorrow, and worry. Howw had you not seen this? How had you missed something so plainly put?
You gently pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his warm body as the rain fell from his eyes. "You have nothing to be sorry for. If anyone should be sorry, it's me. I should be there for you, but I didn't notice. I love you though and I'm here now." you gently whispered.
"You're not alone Kai. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. We're all here for you and no one is leaving." His cries started out soft, but with each word that left your mouth, his whimpers grew, gaining and gaining in volume until a heart-wrenching sob ripped through his throat.
Tears gathered in your eyea and you allowed yourself to cry with him. It hurt to think about losing anyone, it hurt to see your boyfriend so battered, so beaten and defeated. What cure could you offer to remedy his pain you shared?
There was no answer to that. And so you sat there, keeping your arms tight around each other as if either of you would disappear. Right now, it was sink or swim. You had to fight the ache and push forward, even if it felt like you were both drowning.
Please don't forget to reblog so this can reach more people! Thank you all for reading!
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