#I can never rant so much I feel happy. I probably need some trekkie friends aksdjnsdfkn
mrdinomaiz · 4 years
Ok I am SUPER into this star trek spree you're reblogging rn. What's it about, and it sounds like the good shit 👌👌👌
YEAH, I’ve kinda been too into Star trek since a few months ago. Glad to know you are into my whole Star Trek rampage :b
And I think you are asking what’s it about? Sure hope so because I can’t read and I’m gonna take this chance to infodump stuff about it becauSE. I. loveitsomuch.
So Star Trek, it started as a tv series in the 60′s where humanity is now this very cool utopian society in the future, which cooperates with other races in the galaxy to form a Federation, and to explore and discover more of the final frontier: S p a c e  And sometimes get in trouble along the way.
It originated as a way to make social commentary on tv. That was one of the first reasons it caught my attention, at first I didn’t really wanted to see it or get into it, because I thought it would be only pew pew, or more action oriented like Star Wars (which to be fair I haven’t seen either, it’s probably cool too but not my cup of tea I think, maybe, you cool Star Wars fans). It is definitely a more optimistic view of what the future might be like! And optimistic stuff is right up my alley.
There are many tv series, a cartoon, and several movies, it has even incursioned into novels, cómics videogames and a lot more stuff I probably am omitting. The impact it had on fandoms, popular culture and more as a whole is ASTONISHING. Like, once I started looking a bit of it it blew my mind a bit.
Also I haven’t watched all the series and movies so I might not be able to summary very well beyond the second or third series. Because I plan on telling you a bit about every single one aksjdn.
The first is The Original Series (lol), the one from the 60′s: It follows the starship USS Enterprise and her crew, under the command of Captain Kirk, in it’s 5-year mission of deep space exploration. Very funky, nice humor, amazing cast of characters from different parts of Earth and planets. The issues it tackles in it’s metaphors are focused on the United States’ in the 60′s so it’s good to keep that in mind when watching it.
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After the Original Series ended it had the Animated Series and like, 6/7 movies, which still follow the original Enterprise Crew.
The second TV series came out in the 80′s, The Next Generation: This is almost a CENTURY after the Original series and it follows the Enterprise-D, flagship of the Federation, now under the command of Captain Picard. Here shit got a bit more philosophical in my opinion and OH BOY, I cannot just  t e l l  the experience from watching some episodes, like what does it means to be sentient? Does an Android counts as a person? How are disabilities and different cultures accomodated in the future? And it’s still very fun and entertaining, even stuff that might seem too diplomatic and chill for you gets interesting and tense! And how do they manage that?? The cast again is amazing and to see their relationships grow or what lenghts they go makes my cry sometimes.
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It had three movies after the series ended. One tied with the Original Series where they got the space torch to continue exploring!
Now unto uncharted territory for me!
A bit before the series ended, another TV series started: Deep Space Nine. Now, while the exploration of space is cool and all, not everything in the future happens on starships. Soooo, let’s go to the Deep Space Station #9 and their commander Captain Sisko. I think it shows much more about how the different races interact with each other, and it also shows that while humanity and other races have improved, not everything is perfect and conflicts are coming. What I know of it comes from interacting on the internet and so far all the characters look v e r y interesting and I know I will love them, some come back from TNG and there are ocassional crossovers. It didn’t get any movies.
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Again, before DS9 finished, Voyager started airing, in the mid 90′s: Here we return to a Starship! The USS Voyager, under the leadership of Captain Janeway. The galaxy has always been divided in quadrants for better charting, and we follow this crew as they TRY TO RETURN TO EARTH BECAUSE THEY GOT STUCK ON ONE OF THE FARTHEST QUADRANTS IN THE GALAXY. Takes same cronological place as TNG and DS9. It introduces new alien races and the characters also seem cool. Aaaaand that’s all I can really say about it without doing research.
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The sixth series was Star Trek: Enterprise, whichaired on the 2000′s: That’s rIGHT, we return to our beautiful silver lady the Enterprise. BUT I MEAN THE FIRST STARSHIP NAMED ENTERPRISE, her commander now one Captain Archer. We jump back in time a century before the Original Series’ events, to see the baby steps BEFORE the United Federation of Planets was formed. I think it focuses more in how terrans and vulcans become bff’s and later become the founding planets of the federation along with andorians and tellarites. That’s my report on it.
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After that no other TV series aired for a while…
BUT WE HAD THE REBOOTS NO-REBOOTS: These movies, like, they were kinda reboots, but no one wanted to retcon star trek because star trek is nice as it is so they said “eh u know what, time travel is a t h i n g, we can make our own alternate universe/timeline for ours to mess with”. And that became:  T h e  K e l v i n  T i m e l i n e.   I haven’t seen these either because I like to watch things in the order they came out and HAHA I DIE.
Star Trek 2009: From what I’ve seen it goes like this… After an incident called the Kelvin incident, which altered the timeline, we go back to Captain Kirk, Spock and the rest of the original crew! They embark on the adventures that led them to be assigned to the Enterprise before the 5-year mission, and how they try to stop Nero, an evil Romulan from the future who comes back to fuck stuff up. Very bright and lots of lens flares, stuff looks more smooth, and I don’t think they get political anymore? I t h i n k so. More action packed definitely and I kinda dread that, but at the same time I wanna see this new cast as the original crew u know? The AMV’s are dope and Original Spock appears to help.
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And wow is it hard to find pictures of the crew without JJ Abrahams on it.
The second movie is Star Trek: Into Darkness: Same thing as the first movie I think, their adventures on the enterprise, but now they try to stop evil-genetically-altered-super-human Khan! Who ACTUALLY, is the same villain as the second movie from the original series. From what I have seen this plays as a mirror of that movie. Very angsty in some parts it seems, I probably will cry because of my attachment to some characters.
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And the third movie, Star Trek Beyond: I honestly don’t know what is it about. And wikipedia ain’t helpin’ me this late at night. I love the poster.
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The first one being Star Trek: Discovery: We go back to the original timeline!! And we follow the adventures of the USS Discovery, I think under command of Captain Lorca or Captain Pike? As protagonist we have Michael Burnham, Spock’s honest to goodness sister and second secret sibling, I can see the whiplash people got yeah. The Federation is in conflict with the warrior race of the Klingons, and whe investigating stuff they end up almost a thousand years in the future.
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And the last TV series to date, Star Trek: Picard: Literally got out a few months ago and is direct sequel to The Next Generation, now we focus on now Admiral? Picard and according to trailers how he helps a very fighty teenager to escape some kind of danger, while also fixing fucked up stuff I think. A lot of characters from Voyager and the next generation come back and I wil also cry at seeing them.
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And WOW I really did write more than I though on of Star Trek, huh? This probably wasn’t what this ask was looking for, so I apologize if that was the case, but I got excited!
That’s all I know without getting into specifics, and I am sure I got something off and more people know even much more than me. But thank you for letting me rant about it tho!! : D
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