#I buy mine from Orchard but there are lots of great places to order from
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Regarding corsets, I was in a car accident in 2019 and while I'm doing okay now, sometimes doing repetitive tasks like dishes and laundry where it's a lot of use of my lower back muscles, causes my lower back to spasm so painfully that I have to lay down flat on my back until the muscles relax. Do corsets minimize that sort of thing? Do you have any recommendations by chance?
OH MAN. well our back pains are in different Genres, but it's similar in the sense that, yeah, those specific tasks, the ones where you Lean Over Slightly, are brutal. I definitely find that wearing a corset for tasks like that gives me reinforcement. The pressure helps, and the corset boning makes me adapt the way I move, forcing me into a better posture if I need to lean over or whatever. I did WANT a corset specifically though, not JUST for back support but also bc I've always wanted a corset lol. If you want one purely for practical purposes, you should try a back brace first. It won't snatch you, but wearing it while you do stuff around the house might still help.
#one of the flexible ones. you can buy em almost anywhere#also that is BRUTAL i'm sorry#sergle answers#recommendations: I am not a corsetry Pro. I think just about any well made corset would do the job re: back support#underbust or overbust would both work. it's just whatever you want really#I buy mine from Orchard but there are lots of great places to order from
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Amber and orchard for the fall asks!
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
Hahaha this is like cracking open pandora’s box. I feel like I have too many.
I think my primary one though is I absolutely despise capitalism’s affect on witchcraft. I DO NOT think it’s made it more accessible for people, I feel like the only very minor positive thing is that you can now tell people you are a witch and into tarot cards and they won’t find you as weird anymore. Otherwise people don’t realize how capitalism is a force that actually strips culture of it’s meaning in order to sell it for profit and it’s affects on this practice has left a lot of damage not just to some aspects that are sacred but towards the earth since it’s a practice that works really closely with nature.
(added a read more to spare you poor scrolling souls from my rant lol)
Anyway what crapitalism does is it takes a culture and turns it into an easily consumable concept- almost like a brand, so that as long as you slap something ‘witchy’ seeming together then it qualifies as that brand. It boils everything down to an aesthetic. And no one has to actually believe in it anymore, or practice it or make any effort towards learning it or incorporating it into their lives. As long as they buy into the brand or embody the aesthetic then they count. Sometimes you can try to express that some traditions and materials and such do have meaning (I mean of course they do no one just sat around and made this shit up) people kind of have this nihilistic view that’s fed from this weird modern capitalist society that like: nothing truly has meaning anymore. But it’s like they are feeding this consumerist culture by repeating this mindset and gaslighting others when they appropriate magical practices or other cultures that are still very much alive and still tended to (often by indigenous people still being prosecuted) that are focused on working with the earth.
Then you see this ripple effect on places like instagram or the big mainstream like magazines and shit and do not get me wrong cause there are a lot of cool and creative people that practice this that are on there but there is so much cashing into this field now and oversaturation that comes with seedy and shady background stories that show creators being completely disingenuous because they really just want to make money. And then going back to my point that this practice works closely with nature, capitalism exploited the fact that we like working with certain herbs, woods, crystals etc and is overharvesting and mining and tainting the very tools that we want to work with, with greed, pollution, child slavery etc. And it’s irritating cause you can make your own tools and don’t have to import anything and you can tell everyone how bad some industries are but they don’t listen cause they are buying into capitalism’s lie that they can sell you anything at a price, even if it’s sacred. Then if you try to defend your point they tell you that this is the only way it can be accessible to everyone, but it’s NOT accessible to everyone, it strips it away from people that could be working with these tools for generations and protecting the climates that these guides and resources for the tools grow in. It also disempowers people in their craft to begin with because witchcraft is about finding that connection to your own power and magic and the bridge with the universe’s power and magic and when you venture down into this practice you will find tools and guides local to you and find ways to make your own magical tools but capitalism disempowers us by telling us that we are not legit until we can put a price tag on it. So people don’t believe in their ability to find the sacred in themselves or nature, they just keep consuming whatever herb bundle or tool capitalism spits at them because it’s the only way to feel legit in this culture.
And then since it’s seen more of a title or aesthetic and less of a way of life or set of ethics or practice, you have people interested in this spiritual or witchy community that don’t do any work or want to work on themselves that bring their shadow baggage into it. So you get racism seeping into it, homophobia, I also am so fucking confused how TRANSPHOBIA has made its way into here like transfolx are magical by just existing they are walking manifestations and works of alchemy like wtf; and like if you guys were friends with any queer people and hung out with them, they get the idea of magic, ritual and manifestation so well cause so much of their daily life already embodies some of that. But that’s a whole other topic. I vibed well with my queer friends on this and they were the only ones I could talk to about it before witchcraft became mainstream.
Then in general it’s seen as like radical if you tell people that are supposedly practicing witches that our energies should be focusing on restoring balance and we should put our energy towards healing nature or towards human rights (since humans are apart of nature) you will literally have witches being like: don’t tell me what to do!!! Like!! Gurl wtf lmaoo I don’t know how people claim to be empaths or into this but they don’t see that maybe if there was a so called “Great Awakening” to “Empower Ourselves” that’s probably what the fucking point was? Not to say that you need to spend every waking moment protesting (another contribution of capitalism- showing some kind of documented proof on social media that you stand for something instead of little daily actions embedded into your everyday life) but you can find ways to change your daily patterns to make space for the societal change that’s coming to bring in a more compassionate world and better community. But since we are so indoctrinated in this consumerist culture, so many people don’t know how to incorporate their values into their everyday lives anymore. It’s all about quantity and showing off on social media. And that negatively impacts witchcraft cause witchcraft is a daily practice you do little things for everyday that just gets embedded into your everyday life, but people get confused and think to be legit it’s something you gotta buy into or show off as proof with stylistic rituals and of course for many people that’s exhausting or financially inaccessible.
And for the sake of clarity cause the internet hates using critical thinking sometimes, of COURSE you can have a fun and flashy craft I’m not saying you can’t, but there is a massive imbalance here I am pointing out with how people are developing insecurities because they cannot attain this aesthetic overnight without dropping a shit ton of money. Yes witchcraft is very aesthetic-heavy but that’s because it’s a really creative practice that people pour their creativity and energy into and capitalism saw a way to put a price tag on it and now it’s confusing everyone else that’s mistaking this as something else to consume in exchange for money.
And then I hate that I feel often I cannot talk about this cause instead of people using their critical thinking braincells and realizing how bad capitalism is, they somehow turn this conversation into thinking that I just don’t like when a culture becomes mainstream cause not everyone should enjoy a culture or whatever and it’s like fucking hell of course I would LOVE more witches and to have more people into celebrating nature or finding their own magic and connecting to the universe and whatever, but capitalism isn’t helping at all. It’s separating us from it’s connection and the meaning behind it’s practice. (Also one day I dream of living in a witchy town or community so yeah, the more the merrier, but right now with capitalism, this method is not the way to get into this practice lol).
You really see the negative effects of capitalism marketing witchcraft because people now treat it as like this commodity they can jump into without finding a way to genuinely connect with it cause it’s all just a gimmick until the next zeitgeist. This either manifests in two ways where they think they can just buy a book or read some posts and not do any work on themselves or thinking on stuff like cultural appropriation so when they start experimenting they might bring harm to themselves by evoking spirits that do not want to work with them, or taking in some sacred herb or substance that can fuck them up leaving deep psychological damage or death- or they can harm others in a myriad of ways.
Then the other way it manifests are people feeling like witchcraft is suddenly inaccessible because you need money to practice it because capitalism put that veil over their eyes. It’s now another thing gatekept by money. So they try to reclaim it by being like: it’s just a title you can slap on yourself; but they give capitalism more power because that’s what capitalism was doing all along by stripping the meaning. Stripping it down to a concept that only matters as a label that evokes a brand or idea but not an actual practice. In a way it’s very counter culture to not buy into the aesthetic or put in effort anymore. Even if you want to put in effort you feel like you are not good enough cause you will never fit capitalism’s standards of quantity and money to spend to showcase it on the internet to feel legit. So people develop this no-effort approach to it. And ONCE AGAIN for clarity for the internet’s lack of critical thinking and jumping to conclusions I am NOT referring to anything like spoony witchcraft or energy based witchcraft (I am an energy witch primarily thank you very much) I am talking about people calling themselves witches but then when you want to sit down and chat about the craft they have a blank stare cause they were never serious and sometimes judge you for how much you cared about it cause they don’t really believe in it anyway. Not even cause it’s woowoo it’s cause capitalism doesn’t make you believe any anything anymore. The only thing it wants you to believe in is money and what you can consume with it.
And then when people online try to talk about this and point out it’s a practice these guys get angry with you like you are gatekeeping but it’s like BITCH it’s a FREE FUCKING PRACTICE like GO TALK TO A TREE go COLLECT A ROCK YOU FOUND IN THE CLEAR STREAM OF A BABBLING BROOK and maybe you’d CALM THE FUCK DOWN. Capitalism making it seem like you gotta buy all this shit to be seen as legit is not what this practice is about and it makes me upset how there is like this massive group of people that want to access this culture but are so lethargic about actually doing anything because they are disenchanted and it’s really because they are mentally bogged down by capitalism’s grip on it making them feel like they aren’t shit cause they can’t afford all that bullshit that ain’t gonna help them anyway so they just call themselves witches to get them 2 drops of serotonin and feel included but never really go anywhere beyond that cause capitalism strips the fucking joy and meaning out of everything. The only reason why this bothers me is cause I could be staying in my lane drinking my herbs and shit and chilling but then people either judge me for the effort I put into my practice’s aesthetics thinking I am shallow and buying into this or they think I am being reckless and dangerous believing in something not real by practicing a craft that tbh has a lot of dangerous aspects to it so it’s not rated E for everyone. Like you can fit it to what you want it to be since it’s your journey but it’s always been a bit edgy in some ways and it’s annoying when you get people judging you now for your lifestyle or they wonder why you are so invested cause they don’t get it.
Anyway that was a rant but you asked for it lol.
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
Get some more weed
Thanks for the asks lol. Kept the last one short haha but it’s true I have been trying to manifest for a while after my quarantine rations went out. Here are the autumnal asks if anyone else wants to ask or reblog them!
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Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 79
warnings: none hold my hand masterlist
You’ve spent the whole morning and afternoon preparing for Jimmy and Tess, and John had even ran to the store to get more groceries since it won’t just be the two of you eating. He got several things that you asked him to since you know Tess has certain things that she likes. She prefers water from a bottle. She likes a certain brand of bread, and she’s very picky on what kind of pickles she eats as well. She’s pregnant, so you’ll let it slide.
Sadie was beyond excited to see Jimmy and Tess, and she did exactly what you thought she’d do: pissed on the floor. Thankfully you had her in the backyard so it was just on the cement. Bleu was excited to see Jimmy and Tess as well, and Garfield was purring so loud that you could hear him from across the room. Tess and Jimmy both gave them lots of love, and they looked so happy to finally see them again.
Jimmy and John are now across the street looking at the damage in the basement, and Jimmy insisted that Tess stay at your house and that he’d take pictures for her to see it. He didn’t want her anywhere near the mold.
The kitchen smells so good since you put a pot roast in the crock-pot before you left to get Tess and Jimmy, and now with Tess’ help, you’re getting everything ready for dinner. The two of you are laughing hysterically as she tells you all about the shenanigans that Jimmy got himself into, and it feels so good to have her around again. You missed her so much, and you kinda hope the two of you never spend that long apart again.
Just as you start to set the table, you hear John and Jimmy coming in the front door, which you’re thankful for since your stomach is growling. John and Jimmy both wash their hands, and you lean up to peck John quickly as you finish getting out the silverware and plates.
“I don’t even get one. That’s unfair.” Jimmy teases, then he smiles when you peck him on the cheek. ���Uh oh, Tess. I think your sister is trying to make a move.”
You notice the big bandage on Jimmy’s arm, and you point at it, “What’s that?”
Tess turns around a little and laughs, “Oh, go ahead, Jimmy. Tell them about your big hero moment.”
“I was a hero, Tess.” Jimmy says, flicking her shoulder a little, “Well, as we all know, Tess is allergic to bees. She was laying out by the pool when a big wasp landed on the table next to her. Me, being the hero that I am, I tried to get it to fly away.”
Tess laughs, “And in the process, you…”
Jimmy looks at you and starts to laugh, “In the process, I tripped over a chair and cut my arm on this little metal piece sticking out.”
You wince, “Oh, ouch. You got it all cleaned out though, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, we did.” he nods and pats Tess’ ass, “My little nurse.”
You jokingly gag and walk over to the table, then you sit down as everyone starts to dig into the food. Jimmy takes a big bite of the pot roast and sits back in his chair with a huge smile on his face.
“That means he likes it.” Tess laughs, and Jimmy gives you a thumbs up. Tess looks down at her plate, picking at her food, and she smiles when she looks up at you, “Thank you for letting us stay here.”
“Of course. You’d do the same for us.” you say, nudging her shoulder, “Eat your food. Don’t be all…timid and shy because you’re staying with us.”
“We just don’t want to impose.”
“Tess, listen to me, you’re not imposing. We’re not going to make you stay at a hotel when we’re right here. While you’re here, this is your home. Don’t be afraid to go in any room that you want. Nothing is off limits, we don’t have anything to hide.”
John laughs, “Just don’t go in my drawer next to my bed.”
You and Tess both look at John, and you cock up your eyebrow a little as he laughs.
“You know…like in shows when the parents say not to go in the bedside table. You know what? Never mind.”
Tess laughs when you shake your head, “Got some weird sex stuff in there, don’t ya?”
“No, we do not.” you say to Tess, then you look at John and shake your head again, “He’s just being a dork today.”
Tess laughs, then she looks over at Jimmy, “We have some news.”
You gasp quietly and look over at her, propping your head up and waiting for her to continue.
“So, while we were in Italy, Jimmy and I were talking about our hopes and dreams. I told Jimmy that it was always a dream of mine to be a mom, and that with my parents passing when I was young, I want to be as involved with my children as I can be.” she says, and you nod your head as she begins to smile, “Jimmy told me his dream that he’s always had. Go ahead, babe, tell them.”
Jimmy clears his throat and sits up, “Well, John already knows since we just talked about this a little bit ago, but…I’ve always wanted to start my own carpentry business. I love building stuff, it’s one of my favorite things to do.”
“Really?” you smile as you look at him, and he nods his head.
“Yeah, I just…” Jimmy swallows hard and sighs, “Being a cop was more for my parents than for me in the first place, and with Finn on the way, I can’t put myself at risk anymore. Watching John buy the shop inspired me to really think about what I do to do with my life. And I want to start a business. I want to be able to be there for Finn and Tess, and I can’t do that if I’m always on call for something.”
“Jimmy, that’s amazing!” you get up from the table and hug him, then you wrap your arms around Tess before you sit back down, “When do you plan on doing this?”
Jimmy takes a deep breath and looks up John, then at you, “Well, once Finn is born, I’ll have a few weeks off, and I plan on starting to hunt for a place somewhere in Oyster Bay. With John’s help.”
John reaches for your hand and smiles when you look at him, “We’re gonna help them out. A loan to help Jimmy get started, and anything else he’ll need.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything less.” you squeeze John’s hand and smile at him -- he really is the perfect man. You look back at Jimmy and Tess, and you let out a small laugh, “Tess got her wish after all; she wanted you to quit your job.”
“Well,” Jimmy leans over and kisses Tess’ cheek, “What Tess wants, she gets.”
Tess takes a big bite of her food, all while looking particularly pleased with herself.
“This is great, by the way.” John says, pointing at his plate. He reaches out for your hand and presses a kiss to the back of it, “Your food lately has been amazing.”
“I’ve cooked twice, maybe three times since we’ve been home.” you laugh, shaking your head, “Calm down, Wick.”
Tess rests her chin on her hand and looks at you, “So, how was your trip?”
“It was so good. We definitely have to go to the tree house sometime. Even if you and I just go on a girls trip or something.” you sit back in your chair a little and feel John’s hand on your thigh, “John and I had so much fun with Shiloh, and Gia and Christina were so nice to us. We swam, we went for a little walk down around their little orchard and picked apples and stuff. We went horseback riding! It was just amazing. I’ll definitely remember that trip for the rest of my life.”
Tess smiles, “I see John is wearing his ring.”
John happily holds up his hand as he chews his food, then he covers his mouth when he talks, “Every day.”
“Wait…” Jimmy furrows his brow, “You eloped?”
“No, no, she just gave me a ring to wear.” John laughs, and his cheeks turn a little pink.
Jimmy nods, stuffing his face with food, “That’s cool. I was offended for a minute thinking you two got married without us.”
Tess rolls her eyes and looks back at you, “Keep going, tell me more. I practically talked your ear off about my trip. It’s your turn.”
“Uh, I don’t know. John and I just kinda chilled out around the tree house. It was so nice there. One day it rained and we ordered some food, opened the windows, and just talked. Actually, wait…” you look at John and smile, “That’s the night we found the conversation starters. We talked about a lot of stuff that night.”
“Oh, my god. Did you like those?”
You nod your head as you look at Tess, and you glance over at John to see a smile on his face, “We loved them, and we never even got through the whole deck, so we’ll definitely do some more. They were so much fun, and we actually learned some things about each other that we didn’t know. John didn’t know that I’m allergic to fish, I didn’t know how many bones John has broken. Spoiler alert: it’s almost all of them.”
Tess laughs, “Of course.”
“While we were there, we also talked about some more serious things like marriage and babies.” you say, watching Tess perk up. “We’ve decided where we want our wedding, who we want there, and we even decided on a date. And as our maid of honor and best man, you two should be the first to know that I will officially become Mrs. Wick on…September 5th.”
“Like…the September 5th that’s coming up soon?”
“That very one.” you smile and look at John, “It’s our one year anniversary too. We want to have a small intimate ceremony on the side patio where you two got married, but I told John that I thought it’d be a cool idea to tear down the tennis court and use that for the reception, then after we can use it for birthday parties and barbecues. So, I think John is going to call someone this week and have them come out and tear down the fence, then John is going to start working on it.”
“Time for Jimmy to get some practice in if he wants his own carpentry business. Gotta see where my money is goin’.” John jokes, and you laugh quietly. “Nah, I really could use your help though.”
Jimmy nods his head, “Of course, man.”
“Ooh, handy men.” Tess teases, then winks at Jimmy.
You smile as you watch John and Jimmy start to talk about the ideas he has for the tennis court, then you look back at Tess, “Oh, and John and I decided that we want to…start trying for a baby. So, I am now birth control free. Well, that’s not true. I just stopped taking it last week.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Tess moves out of her chair a little to hug you, then she sits back down, “Oh, my god!”
“Yeah, we’re really excited. I told John already that I probably won’t get pregnant within these next few months because even though I’m not taking birth control, it’s still in my body and it’s doing its job, but…” you shrug playfully, “We could get pregnant by the end of the year.”
“That’s the plan.” John says, getting up from the table with his plate. “To get this one pregnant by the end of the year.”
You laugh loudly and get up, “Yeah, he’s definitely trying.”
“Oooh,” Tess teases, nudging your arm and wiggling her eyebrows, “Well, we won’t disturb you two when you’re in your room.”
Jimmy is still stuffing his face with potatoes as you, John, and Tess clean up around him, and he sits back in his seat when Tess takes his empty plate.
“Knowing these two, there’s probably dessert.” Tess says, and Jimmy perks up.
You open the fridge and pull out some chocolate mousse in tiny cups, and Jimmy’s mouth drops open in shock.
“I didn’t make these, I bought them.” you laugh and hand him a cup along with a spoon, “Trust me, I’m not Suzy Homemaker. I can make, like two dishes. John and I usually order food every night, so I hope you like Chinese food, Mexican food, and Italian food.”
Jimmy laughs, “Lucky for you, I love all of those things.”
The four of you finish eating your dessert, and Jimmy insists on doing the dishes for you and John. Tess helps him load up the dishwasher, then she takes a break and leans over the counter, yawning loudly.
“Jet lag is the worst. I’m still struggling a bit with mine.” you say, then you lead Tess to their room, “I washed all of your sheets, made sure that you two have enough room for your clothes, I put a basket in the corner for your clothes. You know where the laundry room is obviously, feel free to use it whenever.”
Tess crawls into bed and lays down, “Ah, it feels so good.”
“Oh, this closet is huge.” Jimmy says, and he starts to put his stuff away. He waves it off and crawls in bed next to Tess. “This bed is so comfortable.”
“We’ll let you two catch up on your sleep.” you laugh and look up at John, “We’ll be in our room if you need anything. Oh, and don’t be freaked out if you hear noises in the night, sometimes John just randomly goes for a walk at like 3 AM, and you know me, sometimes I’ll get up for something to drink.”
“Got it.” Tess says, yawning again. “You can leave the door open a little. Garfield comes in every night around 2 and gets in bed with us. And don’t worry about being quiet or anything. This one sleeps like a rock, and since I’ve been pregnant, I knock the fuck out.”
You glare at Tess a little and shake your head, “It’s 7:30. We’re going to lay down and watch a movie.”
Tess puts her hands up in defense and laughs, “Well, you said he’s trying to get you pregnant.”
“Oh, my god. Goodnight, you two.” you laugh and shut the door a little as John laughs.
John puts his hand on your lower back and looks at you, “I’m gonna let the dogs out one last time.”
You pat John’s stomach and smile, “Okay, meet you upstairs.”
Since you have company, you and John can kiss sleeping naked goodbye. Tess will mostly like barge into your room at least once while you and John are still sleeping, and you're not going to take any chances. You’re going to hate sleeping in clothes, but you know that you can probably find something that will keep you a little cooler. You sift through your clothes and grab out several nightgowns that are possibilities.
“Uh,” you laugh and look down at them on the bed, “Well, I mean, I won’t be hot in this.”
You hold up a thin, black lacy nightgown and let out another laugh as you start to undress. Quickly putting it on, you head into the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth, then you hear John in the bedroom.
“Oh, I’ll be right back again.”
You catch a glimpse of John as he leaves the room, then you crawl into bed and turn on your fan. You snuggle under the covers when the cool air from the fan hits your skin, and you smile when John walks back in. He holds up a bottle of water, then he places it on the table next to your side of the bed.
You smile, “Thanks, John.”
“Gotta brush my teeth.” he says, then he walks into the bathroom.
A few moments later, John emerges from the bathroom in his boxers and crawls into bed next to you. When he lifts the blanket up, he sees what you’re wearing and immediately scoots closer to kiss you.
“I’m happy that we told Tess and Jimmy that we’re trying to have a baby.”
You smile, “Me, too.”
John brushes his nose against yours as he lingers inches from your mouth, and you feel his hand slowly sliding down your stomach. He leans back in to kiss you, slowly slipping his tongue into your mouth. His spit tastes like mint, and you suck on his tongue to get more of a taste.
He leans down, kissing and sucking on your neck, “So, are we going to watch a movie?”
You laugh a little as you pull him on top of you, “Nope!”
The weather has been nice today, but it’s disgustingly hot -- too hot to even go swimming. So instead you’re sitting in the basement watching TV, which wasn’t exactly the plan. You came downstairs to run on the treadmill for a bit since it’s too hot outside, but John is so focused on a book he’s working on, you don’t want to annoy him with the sound of the treadmill. At least that’s what you’re telling yourself.
The floorboards are creaking above your head so you know Tess and Jimmy must be home. They had went over to his parents house for breakfast so they could tell them all about their trip.
You hear a knock on the door, so you hop up quickly and stand at the bottom of the stairs, “Yeah?”
Tess opens the door slowly, then she waves, “Just wanted to tell you that we’re home. Well, I am. Jimmy just went to meet with the guy about the basement.”
“Tess, you can come down here.” you laugh and wave her down, “It’s not off limits.”
“Yes, it is!” John says, and you turn around to look at him as he chuckles like he just told the world’s greatest joke.
Tess has one foot on the step, but she slowly backs her way upstairs, “Oh.”
“He’s kidding, Tess.” you laugh, and she finally starts down the steps again.
She looks around in awe, then she starts making her way around the basement, “I’ve never been down here.”
“Haven’t you?” John asks, still focusing on his book.
Tess rolls her eyes when she sees John has a picture of you and him on his workbench, then she points at his safe, “What’s in there?”
You scoff, “What do you think?”
“Guns.” she whispers, then gasps when you put in the code and open it, “Oh, of course. Pictures of you two.”
You walk over to John and lean against his back as Tess continues to look through John’s safe, and he finally puts his work down to hug you. He turns around in his chair and pulls you in between his legs, then he wraps his arms around you and puts his head on your chest.
“Are you getting hungry?”
You nod, leaning down to kiss his forehead when he looks at you, “Yeah.”
John laughs, “I can hear your stomach growling.”
“Shit.” you let go of John and move Tess out of the way, and you reach into the back of the safe to a small stack of photos that you and John took one night. You tuck them behind your back and smile when Tess looks at you.
“What are those?”
You shrug, “Oh, uh, just some pictures.”
Tess smirks as she walks closer to you, “Pictures of what?”
You shake your head and move behind John for protection, “Just some pictures of John and I together…naked.”
“You’re such a liar.” Tess says, then she yanks a picture out of your hand and her eyes grow wide, “Holy shit!”
You groan loudly and pull it out of her hands, then you turn it around to see it’s a picture of you with John behind you and his hands on your bare breasts. You exhale in relief that it’s not one of the other more…inappropriate pictures.
“You two amaze me.” Tess laughs and turns around to continue looking through the safe. She pulls out the picture of John and Helen, then she turns around to look at John, “This is Helen?”
John nods, “Yeah.”
You walk over to Tess and look at the picture, “Look at John’s cute little smile. He was so happy.”
“John! You look so happy.” Tess says, looking at the picture.
“I was very happy.” he says, and you smile when you look over at him. “Almost as happy as I am now.”
You roll your eyes and laugh, “Reel it in, Wick.”
“That’s probably true though.” Tess says, looking down at John and Helen, “I mean, you’re going to get married and have a baby. John and Helen didn’t have a baby.”
You walk over to John and wrap your arm around his shoulder, “Well, we’re just different. Different circumstances.”
“I applaud you.” Tess says and puts the picture back, “If Jimmy had a wife, I’d always compare myself to her, but he’ll never have anyone better than me, so whatever. I’m the best he’s ever had and will ever have.”
You laugh and look over at John, “I would never say that to John.”
“Well, you should because it’s true! You’re the best John will ever have.” Tess says, then she starts to head upstairs.
John laughs as he looks at you and nods, “She has a point.”
You roll your eyes and look over John’s shoulder to see the book he’s working on. It’s nearly done, and all he has left to do is put his stamp on the inside, which happens to be one of your favorite parts. John grabs the stamp off of the shelf, then he hands it to you and watches as you press it down on the inside cover of the book.
“Little harder, baby.” he laughs, then he puts his hand over yours and presses down, “There.”
“Did you hear my knuckle pop when you did that?” you laugh, leaning against John, “Breakin’ my bones, Mr. Wick.”
John lets out a small laugh, and you turn around a little to look at him. The two of you hold eye contact for a moment, and you give him a sweet smile when his gazes falls to your lips.
“Are you gonna kiss me or are you just looking at my lips?”
He leans forward to kiss you, but you lean back a little to tease him. John frowns and sits back, “Fine, I didn’t want to kiss you anyway.”
“Whoa!” you gasp and point at the floor, “Hell…it’s freezing over. And I think I just saw a pig flying!”
John scoffs and begins to clean up his workbench, all while you cling to his back. You're probably bothering the shit out of him with how clingy you're being, but this is what he signed up for when he proposed to you.
“Am I bothering you, Mr. Moody?”
John stands up straight and pulls your arms around his waist tighter, “No, you’re like my little koala bear.”
You scratch your fingers against John’s stomach, then you lift up his shirt a little and scratch his back. He immediately sits down and leans against the workbench, and he lets out a big groan.
“That feels so good.”
You pull John’s shirt up more and kiss over his back, then you press a kiss to the big scar in the center like always. Pulling his shirt back down, you lean against his back and wrap your arms around him.
“Should we go get some lunch?” you ask, and John nods his head.
You start to head up the stairs when John grabs you by the waist and spins you around. He presses his lips to yours several times, then he sighs and looks at you.
You cup his face in your hands and press another kiss to his lips, “Are you sure I'm not bothering you?”
John nods, “Positive.”
Looking at John for a moment longer, you can tell he's not being entirely truthful with you. He's hiding something.
“I just...need to ask you something, and it might be a little weird.” he says, and you nod your head encouragingly. “Right now isn't the time though.”
You groan jokingly and head upstairs to see Tess on the couch, “We’re going out for some lunch.”
“Wanna come with?” John asks, and you turn around to look at him in confusion.
Tess gets off the couch and grabs her purse, “I am starving.”
You grab John’s hand as he walks past, then you pull him aside, “You’re still going to ask your question, right?”
John cups your face in his hands, then he tilts your head back so he can kiss you, “Let’s just have a nice lunch.”
Before you left for lunch, you stopped by and picked up Jimmy, then the four of you went out to eat. The conversations were good and the food was exactly what you wanted. John still hasn’t asked his question yet, and you kept a close eye on him all afternoon, hoping that his demeanor wouldn’t change, and thankfully it didn’t.
Tess asked you if you wanted to go swimming when you got home and you thought it’d be a good idea. Since it’s later in the afternoon, the sun isn’t directly above the pool and the air is getting a little cooler. It’s still hot as hell out, but it’s not too hot to go swimming.
You’re in your room going through your swimsuits, and you look up just as John walks in. He sits down on the bed, then he pats the spot next to him, “Come here, baby.”
Taking a deep breath, you sit down next to John and reach for his hand. The two of you sit in silence for a moment and your mind begins to wander to all the places it shouldn’t.
Is John really upset that Jimmy and Tess are staying here? Is John upset that you let Tess look in his safe? Is John upset?
“You know I love you, right?”
“Don’t start a conversation like that!” you look up at John and pull your hand out of his grip as he laughs, “I’m serious, John!”
He laughs and reaches for your hand again, “I just want you to know that I love you, and if your answer is no, I’ll understand.”
You shake your head, “You’re not making any sense right now.”
John reaches for your left hand and rubs his thumb over your engagement ring. He inhales deeply like he’s going to explode, then he lets it out as he looks at you, “If I asked you to go somewhere with me, would you?”
You smile, “I will go anywhere with you. And no, I didn’t mean for that to be as cheesy as it was.”
“Are you sure? Because what I’m going to ask you…is kind of weird.”
You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion and laugh, “Just ask me.”
“In a few days, it’s Helen’s birthday.” he says, and you nod your head. “Would you…come with me to visit her?”
John shakes his head and closes his eyes, “Sorry, it’s weird. I shouldn’t have asked. I can…I can just go by myself, if you don’t mind.”
“No, no, John, look at me.” you say, and John looks at you again, “I’m honored that you’d even want to take me with you. I think it’s very sweet. I’ll be honest, I always wondered when and if you’d ever take me to meet her. And please don’t ever feel like you need to ask my permission to go visit her. She was your wife, John. You’re allowed to go there. I don’t want you to think you ever have to ask my permission to do things, just like you don’t want me to think I have to ask you.”
John wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer, “I want her to meet you. I want her to see how happy I am now.”
You try to hide your face from John since you’re tearing up, but he cups your face and makes you look at him. He lets out a small laugh, then he presses his warm lips to your forehead.
“By the way, I don’t go there all the time. I haven’t been there in a year, the last time I went was for her birthday. I don’t want to go there all the time. Remember, we’re living in the moment.” he says, and you laugh as you look at him. “Going there and spending too much time there takes me away from where I really want to be: here. With you.”
“I’m really honored, John. I can’t thank you enough for truly opening your heart to me. It really means a lot, and it shows me that you really are committed to our relationship.” you say, moving closer for him to hold you. “I love you so much and I’m so proud of you. I can’t imagine how proud Helen probably is.”
John leans his head against yours and you watch as he spins your ring, “So, you’re not weirded out by this?”
“No, not at all.” you get up and grab your swimsuit so you can change -- Tess is probably wondering where you are. “I think it’s very sweet, and it means a lot that you think I’m good enough to meet Helen.”
John laughs, “Well, don’t say it like that. Of course you’re good enough.”
“Okay, maybe those weren’t the words I was looking for.” you say, watching John closely as you pull off your shorts, “Maybe the word I was looking for was…I don’t know. I guess it just means a lot to me that I mean enough to you to go meet her. Does that make sense?”
“It does.” he nods.
John is completely done with this conversation now that you’re undressing. You pull your underwear off and toss them to John, and he laughs as he holds them up like they’re some big prize. His gaze on you is now laser focused as you pull your shirt off and unhook your bra, and when your breasts fall out of your bra, he immediately gets up and cups them in his hands.
“You can’t keep your hands to yourself, can you? We were having a serious conversation.”
“Yeah, yeah…” John says, leaning down to kiss over your chest.
You let out a small laugh, then you turn around so John can help tie your swimsuit top. He wraps his arms around you, and your eyes meet in the reflection of the mirror. A smile tugs at your lips as you hold his gaze, then he leans his chin on your shoulder.
“You do mean a lot to me, peach.” he says against your cheek, “And I wouldn’t have asked you to go with me if you didn’t. And if you’re uncomfortable, you need to let me know. I don’t want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
You turn your head a little to look at John, “I’m not uncomfortable. I’m excited to meet her actually.”
“She would have loved you. I know I’ve told you that before, and it is a little weird to think about, but she would have.” he says, and you smile when you see him pulling out his swim trunks. You didn’t even ask if he wanted to go swimming with you, he doesn’t need permission, of course, it’s just kinda soft that he wants to go swimming.
“I bet I would have liked her too. She made you happy, so anyone who makes you happy is instantly likable in my book.”
John laughs as he pulls his shirt over his head, “You make me very happy.”
“You just want me to fall into a puddle of goo right here, don’t you?” you tease, walking over to kiss John, “I’ll meet you outside.”
John grabs your arm and kisses you on the lips, almost knocking the breath out of you and buckling your knees in the process. He moves your hair out of your face as you wrap your arms around his neck, then he kisses your forehead.
“I love you more than anything in this world.” he whispers, leaving his lips on your forehead.
Your eyes are still closed since you’re still trying to process that kiss, but you open them and look at John, “I love you, too.”
His hands slide down your sides and onto your ass, “I’ll meet you outside.”
After swimming this afternoon, you and John snuck up to the bedroom for a nice little quickie. John really blew your mind, so you’re currently still laying in bed naked as he takes a shower. The shower turns off, and you prop yourself up a little as John walks into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. When he sees you still in bed, he gives you a wink and smiles smugly.
“Really knocked you out, didn’t I?”
You laugh, “Yeah, well, you always do.”
John pulls on a pair of boxers and he starts to laugh when he feels you watching his every move, “You gonna get up, peach?”
Laughing as you sit up, you wiggle your legs and rotate your ankles, “My legs still feel like jello.”
“Well, you, uh, told me to…” he stops talking and turns around to look at you walking over to him.
You wrap your arms around his neck and lean up to kiss him, “Oh, I know what I told you to do.”
John moves you back to the bed as he crawls on top of you, kissing you with no end in sight. His lips on yours are persistent and his hands begin to explore up and down your body, then he leans back a little to look at you.
“I should shower.” you say, leaning up to kiss John again.
Exhaling heavily, you get up from the bed and head for the bathroom for a quick shower. Ten minutes later, you emerge from the bathroom in your robe to find John and Tess sitting on your bed talking. They both look at you as you walk through the bedroom and over to the dresser for a clean pair of underwear.
“Don’t mind me.” you laugh as you sift through your drawer, “Just grabbing some underwear.”
Since you’re wearing a robe, you don’t mind getting dressed in front of Tess. You quickly pull on your underwear under your robe, then you grab a sundress from your closet and put it on. From the corner of your eye, you see John watching you and when you look over at him, he gives you a small wink.
“I’ll let you girls talk.” John says, then he gets off the bed and heads downstairs.
“So, John told me that he asked you to go with him when he visits Helen. That’s a pretty big deal.”
You nod as you wring the water out of your hair, “Yeah, I’m kinda nervous though. I don’t know what I’m supposed to wear, or say, or even do. I don’t know. I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I’m honored that John even wants to take me to visit her, and it kinda makes me weak in the knees that he wants her to see how happy he is. But on the other hand, I’m nervous because I mean…it’s his wife. What if the sky turns dark and lightning strikes a tree, then a branch falls on me and kills me?”
“Your imagination knows no bounds, does it?” Tess laughs, and she walks over to you to brush your hair, “It’s going to be fine. I mean, do you think she’s gonna bust out of the coffin and grab your leg?”
You widen your eyes and shake your head, “I hadn’t even thought of that.”
“Stop!” Tess laughs, slapping you on the arm with your brush, “It’ll be fine. The two of you will probably go there, John will bring some flowers or something, he’ll say a few words and then you’ll leave. No biggie.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” you nod, exhaling slowly.
Tess looks at you through the mirror and smiles, “Don’t ever doubt how much that man loves you. While you were in the shower, he asked me like…4 times if you were weirded out by going to her grave. I told him no, of course. He told me to tell him the moment you mention it being weird. He loves you so much, and he genuinely cares about your feelings.”
“Would you be weirded out by it?”
Tess inhales deeply then she shrugs, “I don’t know. I guess it would be different if I was actually in that position, and I suppose it all depends on how I’m treated by him. If it were Jimmy’s late wife, then no, I wouldn’t be. He treats me well, and I know he loves me a lot. If it was like…Scott from high school, then yeah, I would be. But he treated me like shit, so there’s that.”
You nod your head as you look down at your hands, “Well, if John asks again before we go visit her, tell him I’m not weirded out, and I’m excited.”
“Will do, boss.”
The two of you head downstairs and find the boys on the patio with beers in their hands. John and Jimmy are both laughing and talking, and you and Tess take a moment to watch them.
“I adore how well they get along.”
You nod, “Me, too. John worries about Jimmy a lot. He’d never say it, but he does. He felt so bad when he saw the basement. I knew right away that he was going to figure out a way to help out. He worries about you too, by the way. Actually he referred to you as his little sister the other day. Tess, I swear to god, I nearly collapsed.”
Tess immediately tears up and hides her face in her hands, “You can’t tell me this kind of stuff right now! I’m very emotional!”
You laugh loudly as you open the patio door and step outside. You’re immediately greeted by Bleu and Sadie, and you reach down to pet them both before walking over and sitting in John’s lap.
The air is still so warm tonight, so you definitely won’t be having a bonfire. You’d melt. Tess and Jimmy have plans to go to a restaurant in Oyster Bay -- they’re trying not to spend too much time at your house -- and you and John have absolutely no plans at all.
John pats your leg to get your attention, then he pecks you quickly, “Wanna go for a walk by the lake?”
“I’d love to.” you smile and get off of his lap, “We’ll see you later.”
Tess and Jimmy wave as they head for their car, then you reach for John’s hand and make your way down the path near the lake. The sun is starting to set now, so everything is covered in a soft orange glow. John has your hand in his and his other hand in his pocket, and Bleu and Sadie are both running a few feet ahead of you. If only you had a baby, this moment would be absolutely perfect.
“You look beautiful tonight, by the way. The sun, it’s really…capturing you.”
“Oh, no.” you laugh and put your hands over your face when John starts to pull out his phone.
“Come on, baby. Smile for me.” he says, holding up his phone as he snaps pictures, “Ooh, that’s a great one. Lemme get one with you and the dogs.”
You kneel down with Bleu and Sadie on either side of you, then you smile as John takes another picture. John is taking an endless amount of pictures and he reaches for your hand so he can take a picture with you.
“I’m pregnant!” you say, watching John’s eyes grow wide, “Just testing it out.”
“You’re awful.” John laughs and puts his phone back in his pocket. “That was so mean.”
“It was, I’m so sorry.” you laugh hysterically and tilt your head back to kiss John, “No more jokes like that, I promise.”
You’re scrolling through your phone while John locks up the house, and you huff loudly when you see Rachel has left a comment on John’s picture. John went out with her twice, and he posts about you all the time on his instagram yet she always comments on his pictures as if you’re not even in them.
John lays down on the bed next to you and smiles when he sees your face a little twisted up in anger, “What’s the face for?”
You turn your phone and show him the picture of you and him together where your engagement ring is in perfect view, and he nods his head and smiles.
“Yeah, I liked it. I wanted to post it. Did you want to post it instead?”
You scrunch your face up and huff, “No, didn’t you see her comment?”
John laughs, “I don’t really read my comments that often unless you’ve written something. Baby, half the time, I don’t even know what I’m doing on that thing. I let you edit the pictures and have you send them to me. I only know how to post them, I’m old.”
Turning your phone back around, you put it John’s face and show him the comment where Rachel is, once again, asking John to go out for dinner. She does it every few weeks and it’s starting to piss you off. You’re very confident in your relationship, and you know that John would never stray and you know that he loves you. There really is no doubt in your mind about that. You don’t want to make him unfollow her because you don’t want to be that fiancee, but you really wish he would.
John shakes his head, “I’m sorry she does that. I know it upsets you.”
“I just don’t understand why she keeps commenting that stuff when she knows you’re engaged.”
John puffs his chest up and smirks, “Because she wants me.”
You look at John and roll your eyes, “Okay, stud.”
John pulls you closer to his chest and licks his lips, “You want me?”
“I already have you.” you say, and John glares at you for a moment before he begins tickling your sides. You’re nearly in tears and you’re laughing hysterically, and you can’t get John off of you since he’s so much bigger and stronger. “Okay! Okay! I surrender.”
Wiping the tears away from your eyes as you laugh, you sit back down next to John and he wraps his arm around your shoulder. He reaches over for his phone on the night stand, then he opens Instagram and goes to his followers.
“I…” he leans closer to you and shows you his phone, “I don’t know how to un…”
“Unfollow.” you laugh, taking his phone from him to do it yourself, “Are you sure you want to unfollow her? Don’t do it just for me.”
John furrows his brow and looks at you, “Of course I’m doing it for you. It makes you uncomfortable, and that upsets me. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Would you unfollow people you dated if it made me uncomfortable?”
“If they were commenting things like she does, absolutely.” you nod, “I don’t follow anyone who I’ve dated before, but I would totally unfollow someone if it was hurting your feelings.”
John gestures to his phone, “Okay, then do it. I’ve been meaning to unfollow her but I don’t know how, and I didn’t want to ask since you’d just tease me for being old.”
You chuckle as you hand your phone back to John, “Done.”
“Kinda funny seeing you jealous. I’ve never seen you like that.” John says, and you look up at him as he smirks, “Won’t lie, it’s kinda hot.”
You scoff quietly, “Whatever.”
John leans down to kiss you as he takes his phone, then he kisses your forehead as you both get situated in bed. The TV is already on, and it’s open to Netflix so the two of you can continue watching your show. He leans back against the headboard a little, and you scoot closer to him and wrap one leg over his waist, then you wrap your arm around his stomach.
“Ready to maybe finish this? We have three episodes left.” you say, looking up at John.
John leans down to kiss you as he nods, “Yup.”
You snuggle closer to John and the two of you cling to one another as you become completely engrossed in your show, and you almost don’t notice John’s right hand is resting on your stomach.
@tnu-ree @dangerouslystrangecrown @weird-civilian @callmeglenncoco @sanctuarygirl @meetmeinthematinee @jessicajones616 @artistic-discontentment @cheekybluefox @jazzyboo2001 @a-small-independent-princess @thepastrecedes01 @rubywantsafuitgummy @sterekislyf @lostandfaceless @sweetgoodangel @racharr @star017 @ladyren33 @whatcolourisanorange @lunaticgurly @ficsnroses @wheretheriversrunintothesea
#john wick imagine#john wick x you#john wick x reader#fic: hold my hand#guess who is meeting her fiances wife in the next chapter#lmao#anyway enjoy and be kind
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in dublin’s fair city ~ t.h
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Requested: no
Word count: 2,537 (my longest one ever!)
Warnings: Binge drinking, swearing, Irish slang and pure Dublin shenanigans.
Hi guys! I’ve had this in my drafts since July which is highly criminal if you ask me! There’s a lot of things that I love about my fair city of Dublin (nickname comes from the song Molly Malone. Listen to this classic!) and I am so excited to be able to share lots of them with you through this one shot! Here comes the bad news... I have final exams in June and need to study hard to get the points I need for my university course. I’m hoping to get some things out to you guys before then but it may be Easter break before anything comes your way. Thank you for your constant support and love with my writing. Please make sure to request things in my ask box for the future! Love and hugs as always xx
My friends and I sat around a small table in The Temple Bar Pub nursing our third or fourth pint of the night. It was nearing 8 and I’d lost count of how many drinks I’d had. The Irish trad music lilting through the air and the harmonious laughter of my friends reminded me my pint was slowly emptying. It would fill up soon without a doubt on earth.
“Ah here now, would you fill your glass before you embarrass us!” My friend Faye called out to me with a large smile adorning her face.
“Well, my drink is nearly gone too so if you’re going you better fill mine too,” Jess called out to me. The rest of our large group agreed and knocked back their drinks.
“Only if you’re buying.” I hit back wittily, knocking back the remainder of the liquid and feeling the tiniest burn on my throat. I held out my hand and she placed a fifty euro note in my hand. I laughed knowing she was being scaldy and reached into my pocket to pull out another fifty euro note.
“Pints again there Y/N, you’ll need at least another two before you get a fella.” Emma laughed loudly and I rolled my blurry eyes. I scooted past Max and Sammy in our booth, collecting the empty glasses before Alannah followed me to help me carry the pints.
“John, we’re gonna need another round,” I called out to the barman. He sauntered over and took the money out of my hands. I placed the empty glasses on the bar and Alannah stood against it
“I assume yous all want the same again. Orchard Thieves or Heineken?” He asked with a chuckle, his accent thick and warm.
“What do you take us for, fecking eejits? Orchard Thieves, ya bollocks.” Alannah laughed and John moved to pull the pints.
Our group was quite large. We all kept in contact after school ended and it was rare that we were all together like old times.
John had pulled the first two pints and Alannah took them over to the table. I waited for the next two and did the same. Alannah collected her last two and I waited for my pint to be pulled. John handed me back far too much money for what we got but I accepted it, knowing it’d be a lost war.
I picked up my glass and began to head back to the table until my journey was disrupted by a body colliding into me.
“Ah swinging Jaysus watch where you’re heading!” I exclaimed as my pint went all over the floor. I silently cursed more in my mind as I was known in this pub for constantly spilling drinks. John never minded pouring me another on the house but I always felt guilty.
“I barely understood that but I sincerely apologise and I’ll buy you another pint.” A British accent spoke apologetically. I sipped what was left in the glass before meeting the eyes of the English man in front of me.
“Holy Mother of Mary I’m bloody locked if I think I’m seeing Tom Holland.” I choked as my drink got caught in my throat. Tom’s hand came in contact with my back gently as I coughed.
“You’re seeing Tom Holland love, don’t worry about being locked or whatever you called it. What’s your name?” Tom said with a slight chuckle in his voice. His hand left my back and I felt the remaining warmth
Just then, Faye came running over. She was drunk and probably thought I’d left in her state.
“Y/N, sweetheart you need to be more careful with your pi- OH MY GOOD JESUS IS THAT THE SPIDERMAN FELLA?” She shouted. Tom looked alarmed and he seemed to be looking for someone. I hit Faye a smack on the arm and she rubbed it gingerly.
“Faye head back to the table I’m getting a pint with Tom. I’ll be back in a minute.” I ushered her quickly towards the group and she began gossiping as soon as she sat down. The boys at the table bounced excitedly in their seats, wanted to meet the movie star.
“So, that pint?” Tom laughed as we walked to the bar beside each other. “What’re you drinking Y/N?”
“Thieves,” I said waving my hand to John. “It went on the floor John, you’re gonna need a mop.”
“Ah, it’s grand love don’t be worrying. The same for your fella as well?” He smirked.
“Um yeah, can we get three pints?” He asked politely as he shifted from one foot to the other. I looked at him sightly funny as he ordered the three. “Harrison should be here somewhere, MATE!” He shouted as he spotted him. Harrison walked through the crowded pub and greeted his friend. I could feel the alcohol taking effect and I could hardly believe that Tom Holland was buying me a pint.
“Who’s the girl Tom?” Harrison asked as our pints came and Tom paid.
“Y/N, Tom spilt my pint and he owes me one,” I said with a wave as I began to gulp down the cider. “My mates are at that table over there, do yous want to join us?” I asked feeling a bit confident. My mind was buzzing Tom Holland had just bought me a pint and I wasn’t going to lie to myself and say I wasn’t attracted to him. And I also quietly thought of Max and Sammy, the Marvel geeks who’d kill to chat to the web-slinging hero.
“Drinking with the prettiest girl in the pub? How could I say no?” Tom said as Harrison patted his back. I let out an embarrassed giggle and led them to the booth where my friends sat staring at us.
“Hey Y/N, the pretty girl with the short blonde hair, what’s her name?” Harrison asked as we made our way through the crowd carefully.
“Her name’s Alannah. She’s studying human nutrition in Queen’s up in Belfast. Slide in on her I doubt she’d mind,” I whispered quickly. I saw Alannah glance our way and Harrison waved softly.
“Tom and Harrison are drinking with us tonight, no objections. Tom and Harrison, the gang. Gang, Tom and Harrison. Play nice you wallys,” I said plopping down beside Tom after Harrison took a place beside Alannah, introducing himself quickly.
The group began chatting, Sammy and Max asking Tom about Spiderman and the sort. Alannah and Harrison seemed to be hitting it off quite well. Soon enough Tom and I started having a chat of our own. We talked about life, my law course at uni and his acting career. We had scooched closer together after the second pint, the cosy pub creating a homely atmosphere.
“So Y/N, where is one place I have to visit while I’m here? I know about the Guinness Storehouse and all that jazz but what’s your favourite place?” Tom asked me quietly as the group chatted around us. Without hesitation, I answered.
“The Iveagh Gardens without question. It’s so beautiful. We’re heading to a concert there tonight if you and Harrison want to tag along, Emma will get you tickets in minutes.” I said with a wave to Emma. She nodded her head and began texting on her phone. “She’s owed a favour by the lads at Aiken.” Tom smiled widely and placed his arm around my shoulders. I felt my body stiffen at his touch but I rapidly moulded into his body, enjoying the heat it provided.
“I’m sure it’s beautiful but I doubt anything I see will ever be as beautiful as you.” He whispered into my ear. My cheeks were already quite red from the pints I’d been drinking but I swear at that moment I was officially a tomato.
“Y/N, polish off your drink there it’s nearly 10. Gates are opening in fifteen minutes. It's not too far a walk but you know what we’re like.” Max spoke to me across the table. He completed his pint as the table began to finish up their drinks and grab their coats.
My pint remained virtually untouched, Tom’s stunning eyes distracting me from it. Me being myself, I couldn’t let a good and full pint go to waste so, I did what any good Irish girl would. I decided to neck it.
“Hey Y/N watch it!” Tom laughs as he watches me intently.
“Don’t worry about her, she’s done it more than once.” Jess laughed. The girls started playing a drumroll on the table as I continued to knock back my pint. Tom’s eyes glinted with something I couldn’t quite place but he clapped loudly with the others as I slammed my glass onto the mahogany table.
“Right darlings, let us head to the gardens of Iveagh to hear the kings play,” I announced as I tugged on my leather jacket and grabbed my bag.
“The Kings? Are they some cool Irish band or something?” Tom asked as our group began to leave the pub.
“No silly, I just call them that. It’s a benefit concert for the homeless and there are tons of great Irish artists playing the gig. Walking On Cars, Keywest, Inhaler, Kodaline and the greatest band to come out of Dublin City, Aslan.” I waved goodbye to the barmen and John as the warm July air greeted me.
Tom looked visibly confused as we followed the group out onto the cobbled streets of Temple Bar.
“I’ve never heard of them before. Are they any good?” He asked curiously as we began our walk to the park at the back of the group. I could see Harrison and Alannah chatted animatedly and smiled to myself. I was hoping things would go well with the pair.
“Well you see, they were huge in the eighties. My ma was a huge fan of them and ended up becoming mates with them. She and her friends used to get all-access passes to the gigs in The Towers in Ballymun and they’d have a mental time.” I finished quickly with a sigh. My cheeks burned as Tom’s gaze held mine as we trudged up Grafton Street, the sound of buskers and their music made my heart warm.
“If they’re any good I might become of groupie myself.” Tom laughed as we passed by the gates of St Stephen’s Green.
“Luas! Quick leg it!” I shouted as the tram began to move along the tracks. MY group of friends yelled loudly as they rushed to get the other side of the tracks in one piece. Seeing that Tom had no idea what I was on about, I grabbed his hand and pulled him across the tracks with me, the two of us laughing loudly as we broke our hands apart to have a spontaneous race to the top of Harcourt Street.
We finished our race out of breath with Tom winning by the skin of his teeth. I want to emphasis that strongly. Skin. Of. His. Teeth.
“Not bad at all. But please tell me we’re almost there, I could use a drink.” Tom laughed as his body heaved, begging for air to enter his lungs.
“It’s a two-minute walk but we’ll need to wait for Emma. She has the tickets and I’ll have to name drop so we can get barrier.” I breathed, placing my hands on my knees as I gasped for air with a smile.
“You are one of a kind aren’t you Y/N.” Tom grinned as I looked up at him from my defeated position.
“Mr Holland, what in the world do you mean by that?” I let out a schoolgirl’s giggle and silently kicked myself in the arse. I’d known this handsome man for no less than three hours and was slightly tipsy but that was beside the point. As I stared into his eyes, my heart began to burn with a feeling I hadn’t ever felt before.
“What I mean is, you don’t meet a girl like you ever Millenium. You’re unique and funny and seem to have the coolest life. I don’t want this night to end. Ever.” He replied. My cheeks flushed with an unknown feeling. My heart was fit to burst and I finally had the strength to straighten myself into an upright position.
“I’ll have you know that the night hasn’t even started yet. Our little group is on our tail so we’ll be in the gates where our night will begin in a matter of minutes.” I smiled. He stared back at me with a mixture of relief and happiness. “And this is completely off record, but when the night officially starts, I don’t think I’m going to want it to end either.”
He let out a breathy chuckle and took my hand in his as the group caught up to us. Alannah and Harrison were snuggled closely together thanks to Harrison’s arm perched around her shoulder. She sent a giddy smile my way and my heart exploded with pride. She had truly grown up now.
Our group seemed to be louder than the whole queue combined and it was no different when Emma flashed the tickets to gain us entry into the beautiful park. I had to become a storyteller to try and convince the lovely security man, Declan, to let us in to get barrier, but it turns out I didn’t have to.
“L/N? As in your mother is Y/M/N? Christy has you all sorted don’t worry. Take it as the babysitting money.” Declan smiled at me. I let out a laugh and thanked him graciously before he led us into the park for prime standing room.
“Whatever you need, just ask. Drinks are free. Christy’s orders. I’ll grab yous all some pints and I’ll be back in a few.” Declan smiled. We all shouted our thanks and stood to wait for the band to come on.
The 10 minutes came and went. Soon enough Aslan’s set began and I truly had an out of body experience. Tom kept his arm gripped around my waist as the set went on. I felt warmth and safety with his arm around me.
“Oh my god, this is my favourite song!” I let out a loud yell as the chords of their song Crazy World were heard out of the speakers. Tom laughed as I wiggled out of his grasp to down my pint and start dancing. Everyone in the park could feel the cosmic energy that the band emitted as they played their most famous song.
Tom joined me in my dance, spinning me around and acting the eejit as I screamed the lyrics at the top of my lungs. When we locked eyes through our hazy, adrenaline-induced vision I felt like home could be anywhere as long as I saw his eyes.
“What would you do if I kissed you right here, right now?” Tom shouted over the noise as my breath caught in my throat. My mind went completely blank as I let my ‘fuck it’ mentality kick in. I did what any good Irish girl would do. I kissed him. Pure. Bliss.
In that very minute, Dublin became even fairer. And I had never felt more alive.
#tom holland imagine#tom holland#tom holland x reader#harrison osterfield#harrison osterfeild imagine#harrison osterfeild x reader#dublin#writer#writing#imagine#imagines
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What were your favorite things to draw when you were a lil kid? I knew I wasn’t an artist the moment I started experimenting with pens and markers, and the only image I liked to keep - and was capable of - drawing on repeat was your usual kid’s portrait of a house with a sun and clouds lmao. I never learned how to draw anything else.
Do you think there is something with or around you, like a spirit, angel, ghost or something else? How does this make you feel? No, never.
Imagine you’re a stranger looking at yourself. What things would immediately catch your eye? Probably the way I’m scowling at stranger-me staring at me-me.
When did you feel the most confident in your life? Not sure when I’ve felt the most confident, but I typically feel so whenever I get something I’ve been desiring and working hard for, like getting a job offer or being accepted to my dream college or passing a really difficult exam.
Do you think love is needed to have good sex? For some people, no. For me, loving one another is an absolute must. < Yes, hits the nail on the head for me.
Do you think, or want to, die in the city you currently live in? I don’t think it would matter where I die, as long as it’s not from a terrible freak accident.
What is the strangest thing you have ever encountered? That time I went to Singapore and a sex toy shop was casually blatantly standing in the middle of Orchard Road for families to stroll pass. It’s not objectively strange, of course, but it was definitely a big culture shock. Putting up sex shops in the Philippines is basically a game of who can find the best spot to hide them in.
Favourite soft drink? I never drink soda, so I don’t have a favorite.
What do you like to put gravy on? Fried chicken or steak.
Have you ever gone canoeing/kayaking? Yes, in Palawan.
What is one thing you know about your family history you’re proud of? I come from a line of datus from both precolonial and colonial Philippines. The most exciting part about it is that it technically makes me a princess, or at least our local version of princesses haha. I’m also distantly related to one of the three women who sewed the first Philippine flag.
Who depends on you the most? Kimi and Cooper, surely.
Are you related to anyone famous or historical, if so who? See two questions above. Coming from my datu ancestors, my relatives also continue to serve in the local government of our family’s province until today. Not that I’m particularly proud of them or show this off whenever I want because they are all very vocal Duterte supporters and regularly engage with him and his family, so *barf*
Would you ever donate a kidney to anyone, and who? If it ever comes down to it, I’d offer one of mine to my dad, Angela, and either of her parents.
What is the main quality you think makes a great parent? They recognize when they’re wrong and know to acknowledge it and apologize.
What three things do you think of most of each day? Tasks I have to do for work for the day, tasks I have to do for the rest of the week, and financial concerns.
Does/did your high school have pop machines? No, of course not. Are there schools that are ok with selling soda? :/
Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? Not that I know of, but then again these things are shared in secret so there’s always that chance of possibly knowing someone who won the lotto at some point.
Have you ever slept in a water bed? Never slept but I’ve played on one.
How often do you use Flickr? I haven’t visited that site since I was like 11. Not even sure it still exists.
Who is the last child that you took a photo with? I think my cousin Toffe, but it was most likely a family photo that the two of us happened to be in. I don’t have a lot of photos with my younger cousins and kids in general.
How often do you wear hats? Never. I always think about getting a bucket hat of my own but I just never go through with it.
Would you ever get a nature tattoo? I never even entertained the thought before. But considering Hayley’s albums and songs have like a million references to flowers, it sounds like a good idea now :)
Is anyone in your family sick at the moment? My paternal great-grandma was recently confined in a hospital but she’s been discharged. I have a grand-aunt who suffered a mild stroke a couple of weeks ago and is currently recovering.
Where do your siblings work, if anywhere? They are both still studying. If I had to guess, my sister would probably end up in the film, media, or advertising industry, if not a freelance artist.
Where is your favorite place to buy groceries? If I had the money for it I’d get my groceries at Marketplace, but I’m content with getting ours from SM or Robinsons for now.
Who do you generally talk to the most? Probably my immediate family and my team at work.
Is anyone saved in your phone under a nickname? Not anymore. I use nicknames on my friends more frequently on Facebook Messenger.
Whose birthday is coming up? One of my cousins’ birthday is on March 31.
Have you ever ordered from an informercial? No, never.
When, where, and why did a needle last pierce your skin? Around a month ago when I was embroidering. I usually accidentally prick myself from time to time.
Have you been to an escape room? Was it a success? Nah, not really my idea of fun. I’m a little weak at problem/riddle-solving :(
How many followers do you have on Instagram? I literally never use my Instagram except to lurk and look for influencers to potentially tap for work. The account was initially my one-photo-a-day-in-2020 dump, but I stopped in April last year and now we’re in 2021 it doesn’t even serve a purpose anymore lmao. But for some reason Bea asked for my account and still followed me (and is the only person following me), which I’m sure she already regrets.
What’s the most recent music video you watched? Thoughts? Continued the next day. Jessi’s What Type of X. Killed it as always.
Have you ever recorded a cover of a song? Never.
What makeup products are your go-tos? None.
Are you going to school this year? No, not anymore. I did that for the very last time in 2020, and I don’t see the point in going back for an MA because I feel like I’m already covered.
What is your favorite water activity? I’ve only ever tried kayaking, but that was a very pleasant memory.
What are your favorite video games? I’m not a super passionate video game fan who’s always up-to-date, but I do have a soft spot for games I bonded on with my family when I was a kid, like Grand Theft Auto (very inappropriate for a kid to be playing, I know lol), Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros.
Do you like jello? I never got over the texture, so no.
When was the last time you gave someone "the finger?" Not sure when exactly but it happened recently, maybe a week or two ago. I suddenly thought about my ex and flung both fingers around just for myself lol.
Have you ever held a snake? Yes, I got the chance to hold and take a photo with one on my trip to Bali. I was the only willing one in the family.
Most unique place you’ve ever been to? Baker’s Hill in Palawan is what I would imagine seeing if I ever took drugs and had a trip of some sort. Most random place ever.
If you were a superhero, what color would your cape be? Continued from...I don’t even know anymore. Just know it’s been nearly a week since I first started this, lmao. Idk maybe gold.
Have you ever slept out on your porch all night? We don’t have a porch. We do have a rooftop and I’ve fallen asleep there a couple of times. I only do so when the climate is cold, though.
Do you like horror movies? Sure, but I haven’t watched any in years. Just have never been in the mood for it for a long while now.
What’s your favorite Coke product? Blech, I hate soda.
Watergun or water-balloon war? Water gun. I’ve never been hit by a water balloon but I imagine it hurts?? so I wouldn’t want to experience it if I never had to.
Do you know anyone that’s afraid of elevators? I know my sister and grandma are claustrophobic but they’re not ~deathly~ afraid of elevators.
Is there anything in your room that belongs to a boyfriend, or a friend of the opposite sex? I don’t think any of my guy friends have lent me stuff that I got to take home, so no.
Who’s your favorite Beatle? I was never a fan. I remember pretending to be, back when liking The Beatles made you look all cool and hippy and trendy... but I honest to god just couldn’t get into their music.
Have you ever texted an ex whilst drunk? How’d that go? Yeah just once, super super way back when I was still thought remaining friends with her was the way to go. It was fine, I didn’t message anything horrific and we were both chill about it the next morning.
Do you have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss your boyfriend? I don’t have a partner anymore but yeah, I used to. I think? Maybe? I barely remember anymore. I definitely did have to tilt my head up quite a bit, though.
Have you ever been tackle-hugged? I can’t remember if I’ve received one. I’m usually the one who gives them.
Have you ever rejected someone’s kiss before? I don’t think I’ve been in this situation before.
Is your mood or the overall tone of your day often affected by the dreams you had the night before? Just for like the first half hour of waking up, especially if it was a nightmare or a triggering dream. The more I wake up the more the dream fades away, and the sillier it feels that I was affected by it.
Do you think that there are any positive aspects or outcomes of suffering from a mental illness? If you have a mental illness, do you think it has changed you for the better in any way? No. Sugarcoating mental illness doesn’t sit well with me at all. I know I’ve learned to be gentle and understanding towards other people because of the emotional abuse I’ve received in my own relationships, and I absolutely hate that it’s because of mental illness. I shouldn’t have had to learn to be kind because I was treated shittily first.
What is your opinion on celebrity culture and celebrity worship? Have you ever been guilty of putting a celebrity on a pedestal? Do you think it’s somehow more acceptable/understandable to obsess over certain types of celebrities (musicians over YouTubers, say) than others? At what point do you think an obsession like that crosses the line? I sometimes think it’s silly when fandoms fight and defend their favorites as if they know them personally, but I’m heavily into my fair share of celebrities and I honestly don’t see anything wrong with it. As long as you’re not hurting anyone or doing anything stupid like stalking your favorites, you do you.
If you were to pursue a career in photography and had the opportunity and means to photograph whatever you wanted, what would most like to photograph? People.
Is there a certain type of clothing (outerwear, activewear, loungewear, etc.) that you enjoy shopping for more than others? Cute tops.
Are you ever afraid to post your ideas, artwork, photography, etc. online for fear that they will get stolen or not credited? No, because I am not even creative in the first place and can’t make any form of art to save my life.
When is the last time you did something sexual? Last night.
Who is the last person you showered with, if anyone? My ex but that would’ve been ages ago. It was super rare that we absolutely had to shower together.
What do you think when you see roadkill on the side of the road? Sad and kinda disgusted if the guts are out, but also relieved that they don’t have to suffer in pain anymore.
Have you ever had an ex that just didn’t understand that it was over? Yeah, me. Luckily I came to my senses a few months ago and have felt better and been better ever since.
Are your fingernails currently short or long? They’re unequal lengths because I’ve been either biting or picking at them over the last few weeks, but for the most part they are long enough to need to be clipped.
Would you rather have big or small dogs? Big.
What is your favorite sports drink? I don’t drink any of them, so none.
What was the last compliment you gave a guy? I told my dad the dinner he made tasted excellent.
Does your jaw ever crack, pop, or lock? I don’t think my jaw has ever made a sound before, hahaha.
Have you ever thought of how you would give your kids “the talk”? No, but I think it’s also relevant to note that I live in a very conservative country where sexual intercourse is never discussed, especially within families; and that it’s virtually unheard of to hear of people until my generation to have been given the talk. I had to find out all by myself, and I remember being very confused when we were being taught the reproductive system in fifth grade because they only taught about the organs and their functions, and never anything deeper than that.
Luckily the last conservative generation was Gen X, and younger generations have been a lot more open-minded. And if I had to guess, I’m fairly certain Millennial parents would be more willing to give their kids the talk.
Do you ever feel like you’re missing out on something? I mean, my 20s, thanks to Covid.
Do you ever write/draw on windows that are fogged up? Yes.
If you were married, and your spouse’s parents became ill, would you let them move into your home? Of course.
Have you screamed in a pillow before? Probably.
What do you like more, acoustic or electric? Electric.
Did you actually have a cookie jar? No.
What’s worse, having someone mad or disappointed in you? Disappointment is more gut-wrenching. I feel more hopeless and helpless when someone feels that way about me.
What do you bite on more, your tongue, lip, or nails? Definitely my nails. Lip-biting isn’t a habit of mine and I only ever bite my tongue accidentally.
Do you think that knowing when and how you’re going to die would ruin your life? No. I would find that comforting, actually.
Do you have a favorite bromance? From TV or a movie. J-Man and Channy’s from Friends.
Do you find flea markets and thrift stores enjoyable? Sure.
What color is your wallet? Pink, but I def have to buy a new one soon as I’m still using the one my ex gave me...
Have you ever been somebody's photography subject? No, and I would hate to be. I don’t like being in front of the camera.
Nicki Minaj fan? I like a lot of songs by her but I’m by no means a fan.
Have you ever seen the Niagara Falls? Nope but I would love to.
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She’s From Boston part 6
Steve McGarrett x ofc
Word count: 2697
Warnings: Car crash
A/N: It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted on this story. If you want to catch up, you can find the other parts here: 1 2 3 4 5 Feedback is lovely and fuels my muse’s fire. If you enjoy my work and would like to buy me a coffee, you can do so here. If you want to read my other works, you can find those here. Special thanks to my lovely beta @fandomoniumflurry who kept me on track as best she could and helped me work through my block. <3
After a quick trip to the grocery store to buy some steaks and a few other items, Steve and Sophie made their way back home. She was totally relaxed now, even laughing heartily at Steve’s silly jokes. She had only known the commander for less than a week, yet it felt like she’d known him for years. She felt completely comfortable in his presence, which was something she never thought possible with anyone but Lydia and Michael. As the pair crossed through her mind, she made a mental note to call them and let them know everything was alright once she and Steve arrived home.
The grocery items were brought inside and Steve went up to shower while Sophie put things away and fired up the grill. As she waited for it to heat up, she picked up her phone and called her cousin. “Lyd, it was awful! I was so scared! Steve and Tani went inside! But everything turned out ok. Steve took them down.” Lydia could hear the pride in her younger cousin’s voice as she spoke about this hero named Steve McGarrett. The way Sophie spoke about him, the man seemed like he could walk on water.
They talked a little longer, then Sophie ended the call to begin cooking. Steve finished his shower then came downstairs to attempt to help with the grill, but his hand was promptly swatted away. “You’ve worked enough today, mister!” Sophie said. “Sit back and let me pamper you a little.” While the steaks were searing to perfection, she cubed up some potatoes, added a few garlic cloves and other spices, then wrapped the lot in some tin foil to throw on next to the meat.
Steve sat outside on a lawn chair sipping a beer and watching her work. He smiled as she moved about, curious about this potato recipe. When she brought the foil wrapped package out and placed it on the grill, he questioned her. “Where did you learn the potato thing?” She turned to him and smiled. “My dad taught me a thing or two about grilling. Actually he taught me a lot of things about cooking in general. My mom was a good cook, but my dad was a great one.”
The two talked about Sophie’s life growing up in New England as dinner cooked. She checked the food once in a while, then sat back down to answer his many questions. Why he was interested in her younger years, she didn’t know, but it felt nice to have someone interested in what her hopes and dreams and fears were. Some of the questions hit a nerve she wasn’t yet ready to pluck just yet, but Steve understood and did not pry.
When the meal was finished, she plated the food and set the dishes down on the small table between them. They ate in silence for a few moments, then she looked over at him. “What about you? Have you always lived in Hawaii?” Steve chuckled and went silent for a moment. “I was born here but I moved to the mainland when I was fifteen, after my mother passed. That’s a story for another time, though.” Sophie smiled and nodded, understanding that each probably needed to get to know the other better before such intimate details were spoken of.
Steve complimented her cooking skills several times as they ate, stating that she’d have to teach him her potato recipe. A comfortable silence set in for another few moments, then Steve looked over at her. “I’d like to hear some more about your childhood. What was one of your favorite things to do?” Sophie thought for a moment then smiled. “Well, autumn was a kind of big thing in my neighborhood. There were several people that had grand Halloween parties. Those were always fun, even if pretty spooky sometimes. The best haunted houses were there. But my favorite thing during that time was apple picking. I don’t know why I enjoyed it so much, but the apples always tasted better fresh off the trees.”
She paused and took another bite of her food, then laughed softly. “Of course, there was the time that I broke my arm at an orchard. I should have listened to my dad when he told me not to climb too high, but there was an apple that looked absolutely perfect and I was determined to make it mine. So I climbed higher and higher. ‘Sophie, I said don’t go too high! I’m not taking you to the hospital if you fall!’ he told me. But when I did inevitably fall, he was the first one at my side, followed closely by my mother. When we got home after the trip to the emergency room, he sat down with me. ‘I hope now you understand why I told you not to climb too high.’ he said and I just nodded. He often told me things and I didn’t always listen. I still wanted to try things. But if his warning came to pass, he would always make sure I understood why he had given his advice.” The silence once again sat in, Steve allowing her to get lost in her memories as they dined.
Once the food was finished, both fully satisfied, they cleaned up the table and moved to the living room. “It’s still your day, Princess Sophie. You pick a movie.” Steve said, a bright smile on his face. She blushed slightly and began to look through his movie collection. Most of them were action films. Though several were among some she enjoyed a lot, none were quite what she was in the mood for. “Ok you’re gonna think I’m silly, but I have a movie up in my room that I’d really like to watch right now.” Steve nodded his approval and she made her way to her room to search through her backpack, where she kept a few of her favorite movies that she’d brought with her.
After finding the film, she returned to the living room and turned on the dvd player. “Ok promise you won’t make fun of me for this? I used to watch this with my parents all the time. It’s one of my favorites ever and….” With the talk of her parents and her childhood, memories were flooding back to her and tears prickled her eyes. “I just kinda wanna watch this right now.”
Steve chuckled and sat down on the couch. “I promise I won’t make fun of you for it. ” Sophie pushed play then joined him on the couch. “It is considered a kids kind of movie but I think it’s for adults as well. It always makes me feel...I don’t know. I guess comfortable would be a good word? It brings back a lot of good memories for me. Dad would always pop us some popcorn and pour some apple juice for me. I probably drank an orchard’s worth of apple juice as a kid.” she said, laughing softly.
Both went silent then, watching the screen as the opening of the Wizard of Oz began to play on the screen. “Now this brings me back. I watched this with my parents a few times, too.” Steve stated simply, placing an arm on the back of the couch behind her. They settled in to watch the film, but when Steve looked over at her not more than a half hour after it began, he saw that she was asleep.
He chuckled and moved to pick her up. Carefully, he climbed the stairs and placed her gently on her bed. A blanket was draped over her, as the night was beginning to cool down and her window was open. When he went back downstairs, Junior was walking in the door. The younger man saw the film still playing on the screen and he raised a brow in question. “Sophie picked a movie to watch. She’s clearly had a long day, though. Passed out not long after it started.” Steve explained as Junior got himself some food, then sat on the couch.
She was back in her childhood home, fourteen years old once again. The gray autumn afternoon loomed over them, but the temperature was still rather warm. Rain had been threatening for days, but none had yet fallen. She was reading the newest book in her collection out under her favorite tree as her parents were packing up for a weekend trip to their cabin. She had decided she’d rather stay home and read, and her parents had agreed that she was old enough to stay on her own for a couple days. It probably had helped her case that her grandparents lived next door.
Once the car was packed, her parents walked over and gave her some last minute instructions and her father handed her some money so she could treat herself and order take out for dinner that night. They kissed her, hugged her and told her they loved her, and she returned their affection. She was anxious to be staying by herself, but she knew if she got too spooked, Nana and Papa would welcome her to stay with them. She smiled and waved as she watched her parents walk away. Her smile faltered a bit, though, when the first few drops of rain caressed her face. This meant she’d have to go inside now.
After settling herself in the rocking chair, she decided that she wanted to work on the crochet project she’d begun a few days before. Nana had taught her the craft and Sophie was excited to make her first blanket. Of course, it would be a Christmas gift for her parents. She didn’t know how much time had passed, but it was beginning to get dark and her stomach was rumbling.
She moved to the kitchen and looked in the drawer for the takeout menus, trying to decide what she wanted. Pizza was decided on and she called in an order for a large Hawaiian pizza. She settled back in now, the steady rain calming as she resumed her project. After some time, she heard a knock on the door. ‘Pizza got here quick’ she thought, but when she went to the door, it was not the pizza guy.
Lights from two police cars flashed in the darkness and two somber looking officers stood at the door. “Is this the home of Leonardo and Marilyn Russo?” the younger looking officer asked. Sophie’s heart thudded in her chest as she nodded. Her mouth was too dry to speak. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nana and Papa walking over. “Miss, is anyone here with you?” the second officer asked. Sophie shook her head, her voice raspy as she spoke. “No, but my grandparents are here.” she said, pointing to the elderly couple that had reached the bottom of the stairs.
“I’m so sorry to tell you this, but Leonardo and Marilyn were in a car crash about an hour ago. A drunk driver hit them head on.” the young officer said, his voice cracking slightly. “Neither of them survived. I’m sorry.” Sophie’s head began to spin. The lights made her even dizzier and she heard a scream in the distance. She didn’t realize it was her own scream until Papa’s arms were around her, catching her just before she hit the ground.
When the two men heard the scream from Sophie’s room, they both leapt to their feet and bounded up the stairs. She was sitting upright on her bed screaming and crying. She was confused for a moment, then realized where she was now, and whose arms were now around her. They weren’t Papa’s arms. He had died almost a year ago. They were Steve’s. “Hey. Hey I got you. We got you. What’s wrong?” he spoke softly, gently caressing her hair.
It took a moment before she was fully aware that she’d had a nightmare. It had been a long time since she’d dreamt of the worst night of her life. “Come on. Why don’t you come downstairs and we can talk about it if you want.” Steve practically carried her back down the stairs and sat her on the couch. “I…..I dreamt of the night my parents died. I hadn’t for a long time. I don’t know why I did tonight. I’m sorry for startling you guys.” Steve and Junior both frowned. “You don’t have to be sorry for that.” Junior stated. “We were just concerned is all.” He went to the kitchen and brought her back a bottle of water.
“It was probably my fault. I’m sorry for asking those questions earlier.” Steve stated. “No, it’s fine. I’ve talked about them before and didn’t have any nightmares. They haven’t happened for a long time.” she restated. “I like talking about them. Sometimes it makes me sad, but I want to like I don’t know….keep their memories alive. That was a really bad time for me. I was fourteen. I went to live with my Nana and Papa after that, but about a month after, we moved. It hurt us all too much to live next door to where my parents used to be.”
The next few hours were spent with Sophie telling the men tales of her youth. She told them about the time she and Lydia had nearly gotten arrested because her cousin had “borrowed” her parents’ car. What the older girl hadn’t said was that she hadn’t informed her parents that she was taking the car and they’d reported it stolen. The cop pulled them over and Lydia was in tears as she tried to explain that it was her parents’ car. This story earned a loud peal of laughter from both men.
Her eyes went slightly misty and a smile graced her face when she spoke about being the maid of honor at Lydia and Michael’s wedding. “Everything was perfect! It was supposed to rain that day, but the sun shone bright the whole ceremony. They wanted to get married in the place they met, which was on a beach in Maine. The rocky coast, ocean splashing behind us, birds chirping, the scent of the ocean and the many MANY flowers just…..” She trailed off for a moment then blushed slightly and chuckled. “Sorry. I got lost for a minute. Anyway, I owe them so much. They are the ones that got me here. Honestly, if it wasn’t for them, I probably wouldn’t even be alive right now.” Several other tales of her adventures with Lydia were told, some sad, some happy, all helping to make the nightmare disappear as her thoughts focused on two of the most important people in her life.
After a while, Junior excused himself to go up to his room. Steve and Sophie stayed downstairs and finished the Wizard of Oz. When it was over, Sophie turned to him, her cheeks flushed slightly. “I have a request. It’s weird, I know. But I feel….safe with you. Would it be ok if I slept in your room tonight? Or at least for a little while. I’m still kinda shaken by that dream.” Steve smiled and nodded. “Of course you can. I’ll be your personal dream catcher. If anymore bad dreams want to get to you, they have to go through me first.”
The pair made their way upstairs and Sophie collapsed onto the bed, still in her clothes. She didn’t bother to get under the covers. The room felt rather warm tonight. She felt kind of odd being in Steve’s bed, but he didn’t seem to think anything of it. They were friends, after all, and he wanted to assure that she was able to sleep peacefully. He was glad that she felt safe with him. As she lay there, she wondered how many other people felt safe because Steve and his team were always on duty to serve and protect. Her eyes were starting to drift closed before Steve even got under the covers. “Good night, Princess Sophie.” he said. “G’night, Steve.” she mumbled in return before she fell into a deep sleep.
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Thess vs Objectivity
A friend of mine was giving me a precis of Mass Effect: Andromeda last night.
...I know there are a few people on my dash who won’t want to read this. But honestly, on hearing what there is of the plot so far, my reaction was frothing rage. And the fact that I’m reluctant to go into my reasoning is down to not wanting to hurt the feelings of people whose posts I’ve read who not only enjoy the game but are actively hurt by anyone pointing out flaws in it.
I don’t want to take away anyone’s ability to enjoy the game. Thing is, if you really enjoy the game, you can probably stand to think about its problems and still like the game. For instance, I like Dragon Age 2. I thought that the protagonist not being some Magical Chosen One, instead just some shmuck who constantly wandered into the wrong place at the wrong time, was new and inspired. No Magical McGuffin, just Hawke blundering in and finding themselves with the world on fire around them, with the nagging feeling that maybe this was kind of their fault.
But some aspects of that game were horrible, and I will freely admit that. They spent no time on map design, so you were wandering the exact same reskinned cave, occasionally chopped into segments, every time you had to go outside of Kirkwall. I hated the narrowing of skill trees (which was worse in DA:I, mind you - and who the fuck thought a fetch quest was a great idea to unlock a job class?). And there were portions of the story that relied a lot on coincidence and would have been a lot better in a more open game world. From that perspective, Dragon Age 2 had problems.
That does not stop me from enjoying it.
I want to know where it’s written that we have to give only the most positive reviews to everything before we’re allowed to enjoy them. Why we can’t admit a thing’s problems and still love it. Why we have to be ashamed of liking what we like just because it’s not High Art or some shit. If you want to enjoy janky character animation and The Bioware Story that’s so predictable I can practically tell you how Mass Effect: Andromeda is going to end, down to at least two of the Dramatic Twist Moments, without having even watched an early Let’s Play, then go ahead! Enjoy it! I’m actually being sincere here; I really do hope that the people who are happy to spend this amount on an alien dating sim enjoy their experience to its utmost. I just don’t see why I should have to refrain from pointing out the flaws because I’m somehow being ‘mean’ by not letting them say how good it is without challenging that view from an objective standpoint. You’re allowed your opinion; why can’t I have mine, particularly where I’m pointing out hard examples of how I reached that opinion?
Video game companies expect us to buy a game effectively sight unseen - sure, we get trailers, but we’ve known for years that trailers can lie. They are expecting me to shell out ... HOLY FUCK £70 for the Big Super Deluxe Edition, before the game’s even properly released, and I’m expected to take whatever they give me and like it, no matter what it is. A lot of people will give them just that. Okay ... but that’s not me. I haven’t been unduly kind to any media since Theatre Studies, when I got the first A my teacher had given in years because I actually pointed out the flaws in a production of The Cherry Orchard (which was atrocious, by the way; Chekov’s a bitch to do well).
The things I am hearing about this game mean that I am not shelling out £70 for a Big Special Preorder. Hell, I’m not shelling out £55 for the Deluxe edition. I’m not even big on the idea of spending £50 on the regular edition. So I won’t. That is a LOT of money that I could better put towards the Thess Map-Making Software Fund. I was actually considering relaunching Scent of a Warden - with some heavy restrictions on how many orders I’ll take - as a celebration of Andromeda ... but now I fucking can’t because I refuse to play the thing.
Bioware has had too much of my money for not enough actual quality content. Each game has been more and more of a disappointment than the last for me. Yes, some bits of those things I enjoyed, but when I start seeing the storyline that dragged me right out of TOR come to hit me in the face in Mass Effect (because, come on - Big Evil From Some Other Galaxy Comes To Fuck With People? Hi, Eternal Empire!), I sort of flee in the other direction. Maybe I’ll buy it when it goes on sale. Maybe. And maybe I’ll enjoy it then. But currently my opinion is “They expect me to pay over a day’s pay for this?!?”
And to those who think I’m being mean and overly judgemental and wish I’d stop and just let them enjoy it? I’m not stopping you from enjoying it. If your enjoyment is coloured by someone else’s negative opinion, maybe your enjoyment isn’t as complete as you want it to be. There’s nothing wrong with embracing something flaws and all, you know. I know from experience that it’s a far more comfortable place to be than shielding the thing from any criticism or even objective review.
Hell, I should know. I read VC Andrews novels. But I’m never going to say they’re good. They’re crap and I read them anyway, usually to rip them to metaphorical pieces and just a little bit to get a cultural viewpoint I won’t see otherwise. I also support my local charity stores by buying those overwritten piles of tripe. But I get some enjoyment out of them, so what the hell, right?
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Summer Date Challenge--Part Two
We are still working on our church's Summer Date Challenge and REALLY enjoying it.
For our sixth date we chose the Double Date. We went to Mellow Mushroom for pizza with our son and his wife. It was the first time we had ever been to a Mellow Mushroom. Then we went to see Lion King. I loved the movie but there was a little more violence than I expected. Husband and I really enjoyed spending the time with them!! (Spoiler their 15 year old daughter chaperoned us--she wanted to go and we just couldn't leave her at home even though she had seen the movie a couple of days before).

Our seventh date was the Patriotic Date. For this one we went to Alpharetta for their Old Soldier's Parade. This was even better than we had expected. First we were treated to a concert by the Alpharetta City Band. Then there was a wonderful ceremony with a military fly over. Next was the parade--




They threw a LOT candy-so much that I even was able to get some :)
For our eighth date-we decided to do Lady’s Choice. I chose to start at the river in our city to feed the ducks and geese.

Then a two mile walk along the river in our town. After our walk we went to look for chestnuts at one of our historic homes.

They were still green and on the tree, but I cut off a small branch to show to our Sunday school class.
Then, after a lunch at Longhorn’s we went by Sprout’s to stock up on fresh fruit.

This amount will probably only last the two of us three days :)
Loved my date!!
For our ninth date-we chose Inexpensive Date. For that one, Husband suggested that we go to COSTCO for lunch.


We did add one churro (that we split) to the bill- $1.07 for a grand total of $4.30.
We added the tenth date--a trip to Kennasaw, Georgia to pick up some badly needed antique dinning room chairs.

We have worn out our present ones over the last 50 years. Husband was able to get six of the chairs inside our SUV, but had to tie one on the top :)



While there we ate at a great bar-be-que place.

We had seen a sign FROZEN COW on the way there and decided we couldn’t pass it up. We LOVE ice cream so we decided to go in and see what they had.


Oh, my. It was the best ice cream we have ever had!! They make it with frozen nitrogen right in front of you. Then they add a LOT of things depending on what you ordered. Mine was full of BIG chunks of pecans, brownies and other goodies. I have NEVER had such large chunks of goodies in any ice cream, ever!! If you like ice cream you HAVE to go there!!! I am sure we will, even though we will have to drive a long way to get there.
Our 11th date was Restaurant Date. We had been seeing Midway Meal House Restaurant on the way to church every Sunday morning. and wondering why the parking lot was always full. So this Sunday after church we decided that for our Restaurant Date we would take the time to stop there and check it out, even if we had to wait. Well to our surprise, we didn’t have to wait at all. Even though the parking lot was full, they had enough seats for everyone. One of the reasons for that is you get your meal really fast :) I was in food heaven when I discovered that they had GREAT fried chicken AND pecan pie. It was so good we plan to go back next Sunday with two guest :)


Our twelfth date was Easy Date. For this one we made a trip to Bruster’s Ice Cream. We splurged on sundaes-unusual for us. But worth it! I couldn’t even finish mine. So we put it in the freezer when we got home (we live close) and I graciously split the rest of mine with Husband the next day :)


For our thirteenth date (Entertainment Date) we went to visit an organic farm in the middle of the city of Roswell. We have been watching them develop it for the last 4 years. We have never taken the time to visit until today. It was WONDERFUL!!! So impressed that someone would make this an organic farm instead of selling it to an developer. AND they are trying to buy up land close to it as it is put up for sale. When it gets cooler, we plan to go back for a longer time and extensive farm tour. They raise organic veggies, flowers, bees and are going to put in an orchard.


We LOVE cats!!



They have goats, too.
OK-our idea of an Entertainment Date is a LITTLE different from most peoples :)
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(NF) A night in College
My night started typically with me waking up feeling refreshed yet groggy from being in bed for too long, it was Saturday night Thursday I had gone too my first house party and overdone it leaving me feeling lethargic Friday. I awoke my appetite still a bit off from what had happened Thursday when I had gotten sick I chose to make an effort to feed myself, waking up I prepared a delicious hamburger topped simply with cheese Maionese and pickles remembering how much better food is with even a little bit of effort, my diet surprisingly low in vegetables lately. I proceeded to play games before inviting my good friend over to cuddle and watch movies. It would never be a romance not because I didn’t love her but because our values did not align despite very similar interests. We finished the movie and after having planned it I made sure I was showered and groomed before heading out to get Mexican food, I sat down with my friend Calvin who was a local and worked hard to be in college but hated his job like many people I knew. His close friend hunter had taken care of him on a previous weekend when he went to hard and ended up with alcohol poisoning. I ordered 4 enchiladas beans and rice Calvin got the same with no sides and hunter had a fahita over a t-none steak with cheese. We all ordered margaritas afterwards at first barely touching mine and eventually finishing it I gave myself brain freeze. I was unable to finish my Mexican food due to an uncharacteristic lack of appetite. We all got containers except hunter who had finished his upon leaving we went to the store to purchase sockeye and I brought a few beers over to his place. It was a decent house in a small town, I watched silly videos and made jokes then we played beatsaber. I decided that I loved this game and needed to buy it. We decided at 9:30 that we were going to bars he suggested possibly staying at his place but wasn’t partial to anything and I wanted to go and see some of my friends later on that evening. Hunter before leaving thanked us for dinner, I met up with my friend Sam and all our mutual freinds. He seemed bored not having known them so we went into the bars not that many people. I ordered an angry orchard but still was not thirsty for alcohol having thrown up 5 times Thursday. Pool somehow I hit the 8 ball in and twice, afterwards we played beerpong and were joined by two guys since we each threw 2 balls and joined on teams winning after numerous high fives. Calvin seemed very spacey and I asked him what was wrong he told me that he was not feeling it much and had just worked a 10 hour shift and has been up since 3 am, I thanked him for coming saddened by the leaving of a good friendand went back to sams. Hunter Sam and other freinds where there. Hunter asked was that your boyfriend? No I replied, saddened at the disdain that hunter and others seemed to have for the locals. Jeff was also here somehow convincing me to drink vodka which I had no appetite for after getting sick off of it. Surprisingly faster then I thought my group of loose friends that seem to thrill in getting fucked up I went to bodies with them remembering the great bar that it once was. He ordered me a free shot and I thanked him drinking it and feeling regret at peer pressure induced alcoholism and poor health choices the voice in my head thought of those years it took me to get out of my depression how I fought. I went over to the district and afterwards everybody seemed to scatter. For about an hour I casually danced and got a few drinks. My wingman who I did not know encourages me to grind on some girls but I am not rude so I ease my way into it because I care too much. I ended up dancing with this beautiful swim and healthy blond girl with a red backless top. In my excitement I knocked over a guys drink. Infuriated he stared me down and I offered to pay for it, he wanted a 10 the girl had realized he tried to get extra money and told me it was 8 so I’d followed him to the bar and bought him another drink for 7 getting the rest of his drink. He had told me that I had earned his respect. I went over to the girl and told her how I had bought a new one and that I feel so bad. She told me how nice I was and that she was looking out for me. I told her your nice nobody in here even cares, she said I was cute so I told her she was cute and asked her for Snapchat. She said she had aboyfriend so saddened and confused I moved on tried dancing but was unable to truly enjoy it afterwards. In my sorrow I begun drinking more and remembering the brain damaged child that had barely became what I wanted to be, seeming to go backwards and deep into a sullen and silent depression. I left the bar and it started raining, Jeff was finishing his tacos and talking about the amazing after party he was going to. Hunter and me both inquired and decided we would follow while we tested under the rain next to the heroes bar. Jeff in extreme anger and drunkenness began to fight a smaller guy that knew him being pushed into the hood of a car spilling his drink hunter tried to break it up but I encouraged it laughing at their lack of intellect. Jeff upon finishing his tacos took the ranch and smeared it on the window as I looked at him in disgust he pulled out his dick and pissed on the door of the restraunt. While he did this the smaller guy joked about smearing ranch on his face and sucking him off Jeff headed towards the house party, hating him by this point, there was these two girls walking home paranoid that some guy would try to pick up to the point they would barely hold hands but they were cold. We arrived at the house party with lots of girls briefly dancing before leaving what had recently ended. The girls friend was sick and decided to go home instead of party and said she was uninvited, being a real ass at this point he pissed the host off until she slapped him and he was getting excited from it. None of us got in and we had to spend 90 minutes and deal with some really foul tempered neighbors before we got in where the party had died. But we met the host, me stoned and drunk got the guys Snapchat and found out this spot was for regular parties. Me and hunter went outside and paused off the porch I had done it I have other options besides the loud buffet of too many impersonal interactions with beautiful women. Here is a smaller buffet with less options and volume where I can have more meaningful conversation. After that night and others I think on how my life and sense of accomplishment slowly decline simply to give myself time to spend with losers so that I can simply have more opportunities to meet women. My brain at this point when drinking can cease to function, I will space out my subconscious will take over and I don’t remember what happened but maybe I have another option than the bars.
submitted by /u/Bubblezzszz [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2Dc26HG
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Why Normande Cows
In today’s show, we are going to talk about the milk cows that we have chosen for our central enterprise of cheesemaking – Normande Cows
Today’s Show Topics
Homestead Life Updates
The Normande Cow Breed
Crème Fraîche Recipe
Homestead Life Updates
Scott has been out pruning trees for a couple of days, but taking a nap now. It’s raining. AGAIN. Yesterday and the day before were filled with getting the trees in shape. There are 80 plus trees in our small orchard.
Apples, peaches, cherries, plums, pears, mulberries, kiwis and elderberries are the fruit trees/bushes. Hazelnut, pecans, almonds are the nut trees. He got about 40% complete on the blueberries and blackberries before the rain hit. There are a few raspberry and grape plants around as well. I probably missed one or two in that list. The orchard is a favorite project for him. It’s a lot of work, but he loves it. We have a beehive back there also for pollination.
Farmer’s Market
We were at the Wytheville Farmer’s market this past Saturday. Got to meet lots of new people. A shout out and thanks for your patronage. March 9th is the next market date. We will have ground lamb and goat as well as some awesome soup bones. You get a free recipe card with each purchase. If you buy a whole or half lamb you get the All Lamb Cookbook. It contains recipes for every cut of lamb in your package.
We want to make is easy for you to get the most out of your lamb. I will admit that the Indian Lamb Curry is my favorite. It’s made from the boneless shoulder roast cut into bite-sized pieces.
March 23rd market we will have ground beef as well.
Need More Freezer Space
Tomorrow we are going to pick up a freezer we loaned out last year. We need it for the beef we are going to have soon. I’m a little bummed about the need that drove the event. Sometimes it’s hard to maintain peace when you have a homestead farm business. Here’s the story.
We have a small herd of Normande cows. As I mentioned, I’ll be talking in great detail about that breed today. The purpose of the cows is to provide wonderfully nutritious milk so we can make wonderfully nutritious cheese. In order to make that happen, the cows need to have a calf every year. We milk them for about 9 months and the other 3 months we do not. With the birth of a calf in the spring, the milking process starts again. It’s a continuous life cycle.
In order to tell this story properly I need to make a distinction between the cows, the goats, the sheep. Goats and sheep are cute, especially the kids and lambs, and we watch them play and enjoy their beauty. But they are not pets. We have very little hands-on daily interaction with them. The goats get their hooves trimmed regularly and, in the spring, we comb out the cashmere. Otherwise, the goats and sheep pretty much take care of themselves.
As far as the cattle, we have the milk cows in one herd. Then there is another herd comprised of steers that resulted from the annual birthing of calves. We grow them out for beef. The bull hangs out there as well until we need him. The steers pretty much take care of themselves as well. We often watch them grazing peacefully but are not physically interacting with them so much.
The Milk Cows
The milk cows are unique. We interact with the milk cows – just about on a daily basis. These cows are not pets, but there is a special relationship or bond that develops with them. We pet them and hug them and talk to them. Cows are very peaceful animals. It is a pleasure to simply watch them graze. One of the reasons I wanted a milk cow was the experience of peace while sitting beside this beautiful creature and performing the action of milking.
We bond with all of our animals. However, the bond with the milk cows is deeper. The difference is that the other animals are raised specifically for meat as food. The milk cows are raised for the luscious milk they make. They get extra-special attention.
Today, for the first time in my experience on the farm, we had to cull one of our milk cows. She was gentle and calm as they all are. She had intelligent eyes and a beautiful coat. I’ll talk more about the Normande coloring in a bit. We put a halter on her and led her onto the trailer. She was only slightly adverse and it didn’t take long to get her on the trailer. When we arrived at the processing facility, she was lying on the floor of the trailer not seemingly traumatized at all. Once the door was opened, she got up and Scott led her off the trailer. She got a little antsy at that point when we wanted her to go to an unknown place, but she shortly cooperated.
Upon beginning the return journey home, we were both quiet and introspective. It was hard. I think it is the hardest thing I have ever done so far. I’ve seen the aftermath of a coyote attack on our lambs. I found dead lambs and goat kids that perished for reasons unknown. Last year we lost our oldest breeding ewe and her lambs, likely triplets. This past fall we culled an older ewe that twice had issues birthing her triplets.
So, what happened. Lilly was 7 years old. She had a calf in 2014 and she had a calf in 2015. She hasn’t had one since. After more than seven months with the bull this year, she was still cycling. We had to let her go. She was consuming massive amounts of grass and hay and not doing her part to ensure our small enterprise would continue. Perhaps there were extra steps we could have taken to get her to stand for the bull. Or perhaps she had ovarian cysts and could have been treated by the vet but that comes with the possibility of recurrence. I’m sure I will continue to doubt my decision to cull her from the herd. But I stand firm in that it was a decision that had to be made. I had no idea it would be so hard.
I was in tears and indeed am tearing up now at the loss of this animal. We hold in our mind the purpose of every animal on our homestead. Each contributes to the whole process of sustainability and diversity on our farm. They must contribute or they must go. At this point I’m pretty sure I’m never going to get used to losing my milk cows. I can’t help but bond with them. And I will cry each time their life with us is over whatever the reason.
I hope this isn’t too much of a downer but I feel it is important to honor her life and to share our feelings as we move forward on the homestead. It’s not always roses and butterflies. Thank you for your patience with me as I grieve a little.
One way I want to honor her is to share the wonderfulness of her breed and why we chose these cows.
The Normande Cow Breed
It all started because I like to drink milk but did not want pasteurized milk. And cheesemaking has always been a passion of mine since I first learned how to make it back in 1993. The original plan was for one or two cows. So, we researched and researched. We wanted the milk but also knew to make that happen there would be a calf every year. That means we needed good beef as well. Because our values revolve around living close to and in harmony with nature, we wanted a breed that would do well on pasture without supplemental feed.
Finally, we purchased our first cows in the fall of 2011. We bought two for milking and one for beef. I was already enamored with their unique coloring. And as we worked with them, I fell even more in love. Almost all cows have a deeply peaceful quality about them. This breed takes that quality to the next level. It was a defining moment for us in the evolution of our business aspirations. These cows were to become the centerpiece of our homestead.
As the name implies, the breed comes from Normandy, a North–Western region of France. Since Normandy is famous for its Viking influence, many people believe that the breed descended from the cattle the Vikings imported. For over 1,000 years these cattle evolved into a dual-purpose breed to meet the milk and meat needs of the residents of Northwestern France.
During the Allied Invasion of Normandy beginning on June 6, 1944 through July 1944, the breed was nearly wiped out. But today they are alive and well. As of 5 years ago there were about 3 million Normande cattle grazing on French pastures, with large numbers in the regions of Normandy, Brittany, and Maine, as well as in the Ardennes and the Pyrenees. Although popular for their beef, they are primarily milk producers.
The Colors
Have I mentioned that these are gorgeous cows? They have distinctive eye patches. There are three characteristic coat colors sometimes referred to as the three Bs: Blanc (white), Blond (fawn or red) and Brindled (dark brown). It’s kind of hard to describe so I’ll put pictures in the post on the website. Please check them out. I believe I mentioned, they are gorgeous.
The arrangements of colors are really varied: Blanc is mostly white, sometimes called quail. The coat is scattered with very small patches of color; The Blond coat has one big fawn or red patch covering almost the entire cow’s body. The belly and head are white and there are those circles around the eyes with all of these coats I’m describing. The brindle is similar to the blond but the large patch is dark brown to black.
Normande Around the World
The breed has been exported to many different countries, and has thrived in all of them. They adapt well to a wide range of climates. In South America, central Europe, Western Europe, Asia and North America the breed has shown its versatility.
While having been exported worldwide, they received their greatest acceptance in South America where they were introduced in the 1890s. Total numbers there now exceed 4 million purebred plus countless Normandy cross breeds. Columbia alone has 1.6 million purebreds with the rest mainly in Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay. They are also growing in countries such as the US, Mexico, Madagascar, Belgium, Switzerland, Great Britain and Ireland.
Milk and Cheese
Their milk has about 3.5% protein and 4.4% fat, with a 4.2% butterfat content. The reason their milk is so suitable for cheesemaking is because of high levels of Beta Casein and Kappa Casein. We’ll get into that more at a later date.
In France, the Normande is associated with the production of famous cheeses such as Camembert de Normandie, Livarot and Pont Leveque (pone liveck). These are all moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cheeses. In France, to legally carry the official name the cheese must meet certain requirements for manufacturing location, type of cow, raw and/or pasteurized milk, and specific processes. The official Camembert de Normande is made entirely from raw milk from the Normande breed grazed in the Normandy region of Northwestern France. There are lots and lots of other cheeses from the Normandy region of France, but the three I mentioned require the use of milk from the Normande breed of cow.
A Sustainable Breed for a Sustainable Agriculture.
Since Normandy cattle have been raised on grass only for many centuries, their grazing ability is highly commended.
Long, damp cold muddy French winters and simple forged diets have prepared Normandes for the worst. As I mentioned, today Normandes have spread from the Andes to the tropical coastlines of South America to Ireland and Canada. Because the Normande has not been selected solely on one character, it has retained exceptional qualities often lost by specialized breeding. Highly desirable qualities such as fertility, calving ease, excellent feet and legs and overall heartiness are prominent. Their thick, curly winter hair ensures good protection against the cold. The eye rings are effective against the sun in the summer. The breed also shows remarkable docility which makes the handling of bulls very easy, though you always watch your back. Finally, raised on grass for centuries, the Normandy shows outstanding grazing ability and that works for us.
That’s it for your overview of this excellent breed of cow. I hope you enjoyed that little trip through French history. Learning new information is always a joy for me and I hope you were entertained as well.
Crème Fraîche Recipe
Crème fraîche is similar to sour cream. While sour cream and crème fraîche are both used to add richness and tangy flavor, they are not the same thing. And is it worth taking the extra time to make your own crème fraîche? I’m going to say absolutely, yes, depending on the use.
How They’re Made
Sour cream is made by adding lactic acid culture to heavy cream and sometimes milk to thicken and sour it. In France, crème fraîche was traditionally made from unpasteurized cream that naturally contained the right bacteria to thicken it. Since our cream is pasteurized here in the US, crème fraîche is now made by adding a fermenting agent with bacteria to heavy cream. So, today’s recipe will be the Americanized version of crème fraîche.
The Differences Between Sour Cream & Crème Fraîche
Sour cream has a fat content of about 20% and may include ingredients like gelatin, rennin, and vegetable enzymes to stabilize it and make it thicker.
Crème fraîche has a fat content of about 30% and does not contain any added thickeners. Crème fraîche is thicker, has a richer flavor, and is less tangy than sour cream.
When to Use Crème Fraîche?
Use it anywhere you would use sour cream. Because sour cream has less fat but more protein, simmering or boiling it will result in curdling. Crème fraîche is a better choice for sauces or soups.
If using in a salad or as a topping, they’re pretty much interchangeable and the choice is yours — some people like the tanginess of sour cream, while others like the richness of crème fraîche.
What You Need
2 cups heavy cream
3 tablespoons cultured buttermilk
What to Do
In a glass jar, combine the buttermilk with the heavy cream.
Cover the jar tightly with cheesecloth or other breathable material. Let sit at room temperature (70 to 75 degrees) for 24 hours.
Remove cloth, stir. It will be thick but will get thicker. Screw on a lid, and refrigerate for another 24 hours before using.
Get the recipe here!!
Final Thoughts
That’s it for another episode of the Peaceful Heart FarmCast. Work continues on all sorts of farm projects. There is still more to do in the orchard. The garden will be picking up soon. That always adds a bit of hurried activity in the spring. We are looking forward to it.
I hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane and through Normandy, France. We plan to visit one winter when we are not milking our beautiful and gentle cows.
Visit us at http://peacefulheartfarm.com/recipes and download that creme fraîche recipe. It’s so fun and satisfying to make things with your own two hands. And in this case, so easy.
As always, I’m here to help you “taste the traditional touch.”
Thank you so much for listening and until next time, may God fill your life with grace and peace.
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