#I bet Logan and Magneto are just kinda like co-parents
ghestie93 · 5 months
I have a thought. How would the DC Talons be treated in the Marvel universe? More particularly the X-Men 97 universe?
Maybe they are hand picked mutants broken down till they are essentially walking corpses, at least that's what I assume, my perception of them is like they are mind controlled. Wouldn't be far off given the fact that Logan was Weapon-X and he has memory issues.
I like to think Magneto would show them mercy once he realizes his people were turned into these walking zombies.
I can see Talons either imprinting on Logan and Magneto.
You understand what I mean they imprint on Logan because he totally understands that at the point of broken down that they are just going off of these programmed instincts and probably don't want to hurt people. That they are having severe identity issues and not remembering who they were and if they have family.
But why do I think that Talons would imprint on Magneto? It's simple really. Because Magneto can relate to the Talons, since they have their entire lives reduced to a number etched in ink on their inner wrists. They underwent torture that was supposed to break their minds and they did what they did to survive cruel conditions. He doesn't fault them for that. He reminds them that they did things with the intentions of survival. They were forced into situations where it is dubbed "me or them".
And everyone knows that Magneto was a Holocaust survivor, he understands the trauma.
And maybe the Talons imprint on Charles Xavier because they can actually communicate with the man. He has never ending empathy rather than sympathy. The man is so understanding, he's a telepath after all, and he is like that other comforting parent that just gets it. It's the aura.
Maybe if this was a DC and X-Men 97 crossover then something can be figured out. Bruce probably doesn't want the Talons in Gotham, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. It's just god knows what triggers are associated in Gotham. And I wonder what the interactions Talons have with the X-Men as they hide with them, this would be before the Metahuman Rights Acts and such.
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