#I asked Ann how to say dear in Russian and it's like this Дорогая! so I've learnt something today!! thank you ann! <3
imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Okay I lied about not talking about my OCs😭
Imagine little Annika approaching Nadežda covered in scratches and bite marks with a satchel that keeps growling and hissing. She tells Nayda that she has a gift for her, pulls out a gigantic raccoon, and holds it up Simba-style.
“I named her after you.”
Later, Nadežda approaches Nik about it and he’s like, “Don’t worry about her, I’ve already had to get her vaccinated for rabies a while ago. She brought me a fox once.”
“Just don’t get rid of it anywhere near here, Nika would be heartbroken if she found it.”
Nik’s so used to it that he’s happy he won’t be the only recipient of Annika’s “gifts”.
Firstly, I understand ;u; when you get the bug to talk about them, sometimes restraint just isn't enough- JUST AS LONG AS YOU ARE ALSO ENJOYING YOUR HOLIDAY!!
SECONDLY - this is both funny and adorable.
Nadya would find it so endearing that this little girl got her something and named it after her; the thought is what counts and no way in hell would she ever allow Annika to feel bad or anything of the sort. Like, there's a preciousness there, a sort of innocence that needs to be protected. Yes, Nik is already doing that but Nadya would be like "I think I'd die/kill for this child". (Essentially, the fierce protectiveness she would inwardly feel about Ashley is applicable to this au here.)
I also think Nad would feel a little offended at the idea that she's expected to go put the raccoon somewhere XD you know that scene from Pirates of the Caribbean? Where Jack is given a jar of dirt and he at first complains, but then holds it close after being told "don't want it? Give it back" *hugging it to chest* "no- it's mine" Yeah, I imagine that XD
Nik is just "listen, I understand that you might not want to keep the wild animal that has been caught, but make sure when you return it to the wild, it is beyond a 1 mile radius so Annika never finds out."
Nadya, "*gasp* how dare you- I will keep this feral critter for the rest of my life. I will train it to be the best attack raccoon for the faction-"
Cue an idea for a dumb finishing move, where Nadya whistles and this feral raccoon flies to the enemies throat lol. A bit like the rabbit one I see about in Cold War
BUT I wanna focus on the interaction between Annika and Nadya because 100% it would go a little something like this.
"Annika, you're covered in scratches, what happened?" Nadya expresses with concern, the worry etched into her brows as they knit together. The little girl approaches, a smile beaming on her face, prideful, and she holds out a hissing raccoon in her little hands. At first, Nadežda isn't entirely certain how to manage the animal and her awe that the girl is unfazed along with her ability to keep a hold of it. In the split second she falters, Nadya quickly, mentally slaps herself back to the present. "I got something for you! I even named it after you!" Annika grins, tone light, playful, and in her eyes one can tell she is awaiting the praise and glee from the woman. With urgency, Nadežda finds something akin to a container, a cage, just something to keep the animal safely contained and soon ushers the hissing critter inside. It hunkers at the furthest corner from them, as the two peer at it. One still with a huge grin on her face and the other with a curious brow raised. "That's very thoughtful, dorogaya," Nadya said, her hand coming to rest lightly on Annika's head, ruffling the hair slightly. Then, she turned fully to the girl and added, "now let's get those scratches cleaned up, ok?" Then, she thought inwardly, I'm going to need to ask Nik what to do with that raccoon...
I hope you enjoyed this little read-
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