#I am tired and felt like sharing some old stufff
jmrothwell · 2 years
Heya. I decided to revisit an old original work of mine and decided to share a few bits of it, from several different points in the story.
She awakens to find that she’s surrounded by darkness. No, it's not dark, there's just something covering her eyes. 
She attempts to move her hand but it won't move. Something is holding her arms down. 
In a feeble effort she tries to kick but that doesn't work either. 
What's going on? Why is this happening? 
She continues to struggle against the restraints when she hears the murmur of  voices from nearby. She cries out to them. 
Demands to know what is happening. Begs for their help  and her freedom. Instead they go silent again. 
“No. Don't leave me here alone.”  The struggle to break free resumes. Screams and please are shouted into the void. 
Somebody please help.
-     -      -
Elise sat on her bed, her breathing heavy. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears. She tried to remember what had frightened her so much that it woke her, but she can't recall anything more than fleeting memories of black.
“It was just a dream” She whispered aloud as she looked around her own dark room, her breathing slowing back down to normal. 
Then she noticed how raw her throat was. She hoped she wasn't getting sick as she got up and went to the kitchen to fetch some water.  The cold ground sent chills through her bare feet and up her legs.  
It'd been a while since she’d woken from a nightmare like that. Dr. Zeidler had assured her at the time it was because she was in such confined quarters, shortly afterward she had been moved to this apartment and received more regular visits from Dr. Zeidler. 
She stopped short of her cupboard. What sort of treatment would cause her to have to be confined like this in the first place?
Her thoughts were interrupted by what sounded like someone tapping against a hard surface behind her. 
Elise turned slowly, her heartbeat picking up again, however she didn't see anybody. She was about to pass it off as her imagination when she heard the tapping grew louder and more insistent. 
She looked around for the source and noticed it grew louder the closer she got to her mirrored door.
She stepped in front of the mirror unsure as to why she was disappointed to see herself in her gray nightgown staring back at her. 
“Hello?” she asked, her voice coming out quieter than she had hoped. 
The tapping stopped, had she just imagined the whole thing? She shrugged it off and turned back towards the kitchen when she felt something brush past her foot accompanied by a metallic sound scrape across her floor.
Elise looked down to see a key with a small note attached by a string laying on her floor. Cautiously she picked it up, it easily fit in the palm of her hand and the metal was slightly warm like someone had recently been grasping tight to it. 
She admired the key a bit longer; it didn't look anything like the brass keys Dr. Zeidler had. This one's metal work was completely different. One end had been fashioned in the shape similar to that of a heart, the other end looked like jagged teeth, almost like the key was trying to smile.
Elise finally picked up the paper note attached to it and let out a small gasp. She saw her own name written in bold clear print facing up at her. Below it was written #2701-1832-AC.
 Elise briefly wondered what the numbers could mean before she turned the paper over to see in red messy thin lines written, Try it now.
Try it now? 
Elise wondered what was meant by that. Did whoever gave her this expect her to use it on her own door? Elise looked from the key to the keyhole in her mirror. 
She had always wondered what was on the other side, this could be her chance to get all the answers she had hoped for. 
This couldn’t possibly work, could it? For one thing it clearly wasn't the same key that was used to get out of her apartment by others, still she felt her feet inch their way closer towards the mirror.
Her mind kept racing, and before she knew it her hand was mere centimeters away from the keyhole. She let out a long breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding as she slid the key in with no resistance. She closed her eyes and bit her lip hoping she wasn't out of her mind for even trying, and slowly she turned the key.
The small click echoed loud around her.
Her eyes opened wide as she heard the familiar sound and felt the door begin to ease open. 
It'd worked. She couldn't believe it. She could feel light laughter building up in her chest as she quickly went and put on a random sweater from her wardrobe over her nightgown and slipped the key into one of its pockets. She was sliding on her slippers as she began to step out of her apartment for the first time she could remember.
Lights which precariously hung from a barely held together ceiling flickered, each  flicker managed to illuminate a different stain on the walls or floor of the hall. Ofira’s heels clicked as she avoided the fresher looking stains. She grimaced as she felt shivers run down her spine that were unrelated to the crop top she was wearing. She always hated coming here. 
Thank the gods she had her knives strapped to her thigh beneath her shorts.
It didn’t take her long to reach the apartment halfway down the hall, the number 44 barely visible against the door. She adjusted the folder under her arm and unceremoniously began to pound on the door. She could hear someone shuffling within, soon she was greeted by a pale man who could be in his late 20’s covered in an overabundance of scars, tattoos, piercings and even a few fresh cuts. 
“Shadows below, woman, can’t you,” the man scratched what little of his black hair he hadn’t shaved from the top of his head. 
“Can it, Griff.” Ofira cut him off. She slapped the folder at a section of chest without any fresh blood on it as she walked past him into the apartment. “We’ve got a new job.”
“Please make yourself at home.” Griff sneered with a roll of his eyes as he slammed his door and began to rifle through the folder.
Ofira looked around, the only clear spaces were a square of empty kitchen counter and the mattress on the floor. She sure as hell was not about to sit where Griff slept and did who knows what else. Counter it was, she perched herself there and picked up a nearby container of takeout, smelled fresh. 
Griff practically growled as he snatched the container from Ofira and threw the folder back in her lap. Ofira twirled a strand of golden hair in her fingers as she watched Griff take a bite of food. 
What was this idiot doing? “Umm shouldn’t you be going and getting ready? I just told you we’ve got a job. Put on a shirt at least.”
“You kidding?” Griff scoffed between mouthfuls as he flopped himself on the mattress, “that looks like nothing more than a grab and bag, a ridiculously easy grab and bag at that. Come get me when there’s something more interesting.”
“I can’t keep covering for your ass.” Ofira spat back “They’re gonna find out you’ve been slacking.”
“Right and what are they gonna do, send you to come snap me up?” Griff could barely hide the laugh from his voice. 
“Ugh I would love to rip you a new one sometimes, except you’d get off on that.” 
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Griff snorted and returned to his takeout. “If that’s all you came here about feel free to leave at any time. You know where the door is.”
“Why do I even bother?” Ofira let out an exasperated sigh and jumped off the counter.
It didn’t take her long to be back in the stained hallway from before. She just needed to get this job done. She’d get it done, get her-more than likely ridiculously meager-check and then go back to getting freebies from guys at the club. 
She flipped the folder open to look at the picture of the tanned, teal eyed girl there. “Time to find you, Ms. Dodgson.”
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social-holland · 6 years
Forgive and Forget | Chapter Three
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Pairing: Mob!Tom Holland x Female!Reader
Warnings: Mention of emotional abuse, swear words, guns and mob stufff in general 
Summary: Thomas Holland is the most dangerous man in England. His family had   been in power over the last few decades. But as one of his business  deals threatens to go down south, he meets Y/N Y/L/N and she turns his world upside down.
Words: 3647
Additional Notes: FROM NOW ON I WILL UPLOAD A NEW CHAPTER EVERY MONDAY! Also if you find any mistakes please let know. :)
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
The coffee coloured eyes staring at her. Surprised how she could be here. “Would you like to dance?” Harrison asked Rachel immediately. She nodded, and both left. Y/N standing in front Tom, Harry and another boy, who looked like he could be another brother.
“Hello Darling.” Tom greeted her.
Y/N turned around for a moment. Her eyes following Rachel, who was also looking at her friend. Both having a silent conversation before Y/N focused back to the three men in front of her. Harry and a dark-haired boy were seated at one of the loveseats that were standing on the sides. Tom was in the middle on the big sofa, a punch of pillows behind them. His surprised expression replaced by a pleasant smile.
He was wearing black suit pants and a dark red suit shirt. The first three buttons were opened. His hair put to the back of his head apart from a few curls who seemed to have their own mind. His partners in a similar attire.
“H-Hi.” Toms eyes never leaving her figure. “Hey Y/N. I’m Sam. Toms brother.” The dark-haired man stood up and greeted, stretching his hand at her. A small smile on his face. “One of many.” Tom corrected. Y/N took Sam’s hand, shaking it for a moment. Harry nodding at her and at the same time rolling his eyes over his brother’s comment.
“Take a seat, love.” Tom offered to her. She took it next to him, having Harry on the side next to her. “Thanks.” She answered Tom, but he didn’t seem to hear her over the music that was playing. She couldn’t recognize the artist or song. His eyes on Harry and Sam for a moment. Before Sam asked her “You want something to drink, Y/N?” She just shook her head, declining his offer. “No, thank you.” She could already feel a little buzzed and the dancing before didn’t take much away from it.
“One of many?” She asks Tom. One of his brow furrowed. “Brothers? Sam. Is one of many?” She helped him out. He chuckled over it. “One of three.” Sam insisted. “Harry and Sam are twins and there is Paddy. He the youngest, still living with my parents.” Tom continued before taking a sip of his drink and leaning back into the many pillows. Her body was facing his and he put one of his arms behind her.
“Do you have any siblings?” Y/N played with her hands, a small smile on her face. “Yes, Parker. But he is the only one.” He watched her. Taking her hand into his to stop her from it. “Is he younger?” Tom knew all this information already, but he wanted to hear it from herself. “Yes, about three years. But h-he is not here. “Tom furrowed his brows.
“Where is he?” Y/N bit her lip for a moment. “United States. He moved there.”
She looked over to Rachel again. They locked eyes. Rachel smiling at her, a silent encouragement to her friend. Harrison took her hand and swirled her around to him. Demanding Rachels attention. Her head falling a little back, making it seem like she was laughing at him. Kendrick Lamar bouncing of the walls.
“Your best friend?” Tom asked. He was looking at her. “Yes, that’s Rachel.” She introduced Tom more or less.
Sam and Harry were both silently listening to the conversation. Before Tom shoot them a glance and the message were clear. He needed to talk to Y/N alone.
“Let’s have some fun, Sam.” To her surprise did Harry smile at her before standing up and announcing their department.  Both leaving Y/N and Tom alone. Making their way over where Haz and Rachel who were still dancing in the crowd.
“Do you like him?” Tom suddenly asks. “Who?” Y/N turns to look at Tom, one of her brows furrowed. “Michael Cromwell.” He simply says. “I don’t know anyone who likes him.” The Y/H/C haired woman answers. “Why are you doing this to yourself?” His voice seemed curious and there was an undertone to it. Like he was almost concerned for her. But Y/N couldn’t imagine why he should be.
After some time, she voiced. “I don’t think you should care for that.” His right hand which laying on his leg turned to a fist. His lips pressed into a small line. “Well, here I am. Caring for that, for you. So why?”
She swallowed at his change of attitude. “I don’t even know you and you don’t know me. From where should I know that you don’t go running telling him that?” Y/N challenged Tom.
“Because I’m not his employee, darling. Apart from that you never answered my question if I could trust you.” He dared to say and slipped closer to her. Their faces as close as possible without touching.
“Can I trust you?” Now she was the one asking. “Yes, you can.” Tom was tired of the constant question that never seemed to leave the room when they were together. And it was true. She could trust him. If he could he would protect her from any danger that would come her way, including Cromwell.
It was weird to him, to have this feeling for her. But here he was, talking to her. Feeling his heart racing at her sight in front of him and his hands sweating. He felt less like a twenty-seven year old mob boss and more like a teenager.
Something changed in her expression. She almost looked soft. “You can trust me, too.” Y/N whispered. He probably wouldn’t even hear her if they two didn’t sit that close together. His face softened at her words, a small smile gracing his lips.
 Harrison and Rachel came back from the dancefloor. Both took a seat next to each other. “Having fun, lovebirds? “Rachel teased her friend. Toms smile disappeared and was replaced by a blank look. He leaned back into the pillows. His arm still laying behind Y/N.
“Always.” Y/N replied monotone. She had an idea on what her friend was thinking.
A huge smile building on Rachels face as she watched the reaction of the two opposites to her. Harrison having the equal response, taking another sip of his drink to cover it.
“Let’s get something to drink.” Rachel offered. Y/N nodded before taking a glance at Tom again. “You want something, too?” Her brows furrowed. Both boys declined. Rachel took Y/N’s hand and they made their way to the bar.
While both girls waited, Rachel asks “What did you two talk about?” Her face turned to Y/N. Curiosity written all over it. “Just his brothers and Parker.” Y/N face went back to both boys who seemed in a serious discussion. Haz looked stressed while Tom’s face had an angry expression. He was talking, Haz nodding along.
“You think there talking about us?” Y/N questioned her friend. Rachel laughed about it. “Nope.” She turned her head back to her friend. “Why? “ The green eyed girl now fully turned around to her. “Because Tom would never frown around you.” Y/N turned her head to the side. “You met him today, for the first time. How would you now?”
“Because…” Rachel smirked, took her drink from the bartender after paying him. “I saw how he looked at you. This is Tom Holland and he would never watch someone like you.” She turned around and made her way back to the two boys. “Wait! From where do you know him?” Y/N hurried after her, nearly spilling her drink.
“I think he and you would fit good together.” Rachel winked at her before sitting next to Harrison again. Y/N just shook her head over her. Having no idea what her friend was talking about.
 The rest of the night was spent between the four. Harry and Sam had disappeared somewhere. Business as Harrison had described it. Rachel gave her thumbs up when Tom and her went to the dancefloor. He was a good dancer, and both seemed to enjoy it and they got close again.
Her eyes wide. Their bodies rubbing on each other. His hands on her waist, holding her against him. Her arms holding onto his shoulder. Y/N could feel her cheeks heating up as closer his face got to hers. Almost close enough for their lips to touch. Almost.
If Harrison and Rachel wouldn’t have interrupted them. Letting them know that they would leave together, Rachel a big smile on her face. It widened when Tom told Y/N he would take her home. Rachel gave her a kiss on the cheek before following Haz out of the club.
Y/N and Tom danced for another song before he leads her outside. His car, a black Audi R8, already standing outside. He opened the door for her to get in. Tom, shortly behind her, started the car, driving to the main route.
“Don’t you want to ask where I live?” Y/N wanted to know. He tensed for a moment. “Sure. Where do you live?” He looked at her, biting his bottom lip. She told him the direction and he nodded over it. Narrowing his eyes over it for a moment before relaxing his features.
 Y/N had enjoyed dancing with him tonight. Somehow it felt good when he put his hands on her waist. Holding her against him and having him close by.
They didn’t talk for a while and both enjoyed it. It felt comfortable to be in each other’s presence. She felt at least nice. Until he started asking her questions again…
“You said I could trust you. So why don’t you tell me why you continue working for him, especially when he isn’t a good boss?”
“How said he isn’t a good boss?” She weakly tried to not answer his question.
“I know him long enough, sweetheart. Furthermore, he isn’t a good person nor are you the usual type of assistant he would go for.”
The truth is that she wasn’t ready to share anything about her job and the circumstances with Tom. She wanted to trust him and for him to trust her. But trust needed time.
The reality stayed, this part of her life should not be opened up, not again.
Tom could see her struggling to answer. How her mind seemed to go to places he was not able to understand, yet. Before he even could comprehend her facial expression, her face hardened. “With all due respect, it’s none of your business.”
They arrived at her home. And she opened the door and left the car. Before she was able to close it, took Tom her hand. “Here take it. For… emergency’s or if you want to talk.“ Tom voice was soft as he placed a piece of paper into her hand.
Y/N was surprised by his actions. Not sure what he meant but nodded her head over his words. “Thank you.” Her voice soft and quiet as well. “I’m sorry.” Y/N nodded and tried to give him a little smile. She turned around, closed the car door and made her way to her apartment block. He waited until she disappeared into the building.
Tom restarted the car and made his way back to the office. There was a long night ahead of him and he needed to get things done.
She was woken up by the sun shining directly in her face. She groaned and threw her blanket over herself. Squeezing her eyes shut. She was not hungover, she didn’t drink barely enough to feel a little bit buzzed. The thought over the events of yesterday followed her. Because of them, she was not able to fall back asleep.
Rachel words clung to her. What did she mean and how could she know Tom? Rachel, for sure, had never to do with some kind of security, so how could she possibly know them.
But there were also other thoughts that occupied her mind. How would her parents react to Tom? Parker would certainly be happy for her, but her parents are a whole over story... Things are complicated, and Y/N would be happy if she could just ignore her problems and everything that came with it. Because if her parents would know, Cromwell would find out as well. And she couldn’t even imagine how that would play out.
Y/N groaned over all the thoughts that were playing in her mind. Letting her hand fall to the floor next to her. Feeling around for a moment before taking the piece of paper and opening it. The piece Tom had given her yesterday.
His name and number on it.
 If Tom is interested…
 Another groan left Y/N’s lips. Making the decision to get up, she threw her blanket back and walked out of her bedroom. Taking some clothes with her to the bathroom.
A loud thump from the door took her out of her morning routine. She quickly exits the bathroom and walks into the kitchen. Rachel already standing at the coffee machine, preparing a few cups. “How was your night?” Y/N teased. Taking some cereal and fruit as well as soy milk from the fridge.
“Amazing. You have no idea.” Rachel smiled. “How was Tom? Is he still here?“ The brunette turned around to her friend. “You don’t even look hungover.” She added.
“Because I’m not and Tom is probably at his home. I didn’t sleep with him.” Y/N continued preparing her food. Her back turned to her friend. Rachel took a seat at the table which was placed in the middle of the room. A smirk on her face as she was preparing the next words.
“I don’t even know why. He is hot and mobsters are pretty good in bed. At least what I know from my last night experience.”
Y/N turned around. Gulps of milk, from the bowl in her hand, hitting the floor. “What did you just say?” Her voice higher pitched than normal, her eyes wide and mouth open. “What do you mean? I said…” But Rachel didn’t get far. “I heard you. But did you just say mobster? Like the mob? “
YN couldn’t comprehend what her friend just said. She repeatedly shook her head. Her mouth still wide open. “That’s what I said, dummy!” Rachel laughed.
“I-I thought you went home with Harrison last night? “Y/N placed her bowl back onto the worktop. Arms crossed, and brows furrowed. She couldn’t believe that her friend would be as careless as sleeping with someone from the mafia.
“I did.” Y/N features relaxed and she sighed. “How did he get the idea that he would be part of the mob?” She massaged her forehead.
“Love, because there are. Tom is the leader and Harrison is his best mate.” Rachel looked at her weirdly. “He is Tom Holland, Y/N. The mob leader. How would you even get the idea of him being in a security company? “ She now laughed.
“B-Because he told me that.” Y/N was confused and she turned angry, fast. The anger hitting her friend. “Are you crazy? How could you go home with a mob member?!” She nearly screamed.
Rachel stayed calm and answered her friend in a normal tone. “Because he was hot. Apart from that you knew them first and let them take us over to their table.” Lifting her hands in defence. “I mean who doesn’t know the Hollands.”
“I don’t. “ Y/N weakly defended her. She let herself fall to the floor, hiding her head in between her hands. “Why didn’t you warn me? This is no joke, Rachel! This is the mafia. “
She was still angry and extremely frustrated with her friend.
“Believe it or not but I think that Tom might be good for you. ” Y/N groaned. “How can you say that?” She was still hiding behind her hands, eyes closed. Her head pounding.
“Because he can protect you. Let alone how he looked at you yesterday. Plus, I have a thing for Harrison.” She stood up from her place and put coffee in both mugs. Giving one to her friend. “This is the mob we are talking about, Rach. This is no joke.” She argued.
“I never claimed that it was joke. Just my opinion.” Taking a sip from her mug. “No way. I’m into enough trouble as it is. I don’t need to add more to the pile.”
“You like him. Don’t deny it, I saw it yesterday.” Rachel argued. “That was before I knew he was basically a mobster.” She threw back at her friend. “Doesn’t matter. You like him already and I know you. If you like someone, you like someone.”  Y/N groaned from her place before standing up and walking back to her room. “Well if this would be the truth, he lied to me. And I don’t like liars. End of topic.” Y/N shut the door, a loud thump from the strength she used.
Rachel smirked. She knew, she was right even if her friend wouldn’t admit it as of now. Taking the bowl her stubborn friend left for herself and shooting a text at the man she had spent the previous night with.
Y/N on the other side leaned against the door for a moment. Groaning at herself over her own stupidity. Before taking the little piece of paper that was laying on her desk and throwing it in the trash. Fuck Tom Holland. He could take a long wait for a message from her.
“You’re so whipped for her already, mate.” Harry joked. “You got to inform mom and dad that they will meet their soon to be daughter in law.” Sam continued, and Tom send them death glare. He took another smoke from his cigarette, frustrations crowing. “Honestly Tom. You never this happy around a woman. At least you never smile at them.” Harrison continued. “Don’t you have work to do?” Tom groaned before giving Harrison his cigarette.
“No word to Mom and Dad. You know how they get.” He threatened the boys. They just continued smirking at the brown-haired mobster. “And finally get rid of Williams downstairs. There is no fucking use to him anymore.” He continued. His voice left no place for contradictions.
Harry and Sam followed his commands. Harrison waited until both had left before turning back to his mate. “I could always talk to Rachel if you want me to.” He offered.
Tom watched his mate for a moment, thinking about it, before shaking his head and declining his offer. “No. I need from her first. It’s only been a week.” He tried to convince, Haz.
In reality, Tom was frustrated with Y/N. He was not someone who liked to play stupid games. There had not been one message from her. Nothing, ever since that night.
And he was afraid that he might have fucked up with his questions. So, fucking stupid. But he wanted to give her time. Even it made him nervous and frustrated, day by day.
Harrison shrugged his shoulder and smirked. “The offer still holds. Let me know if you change your mind… or get more frustrated.”
The door closed behind him and Tom knew his men were waiting for him. His head hitting the desk.
How the fuck could she have taken over his mind is such a short amount of time? It didn’t make fucking sense to him. He would be dammed for being whipped that much.
A groan left his lips, he took his gun from next to him. Walking to the door while loading it. Time to get his job done. Priorities first.
The overweight man had his head in his hands. He was full of hate. Hate for the mobster who tried to take over his business. And Cromwell wanted revenge. The man promised himself that he would not be a puppet in a game of a twenty-seven-year-old who was lucky enough to take over his father’s business. Seated at his desk and desperately trying to form a plan. Cromwell knew he needed a clear head for this, controlling his anger or better letting it out.
He knew exactly how do that. His new secretary was the perfect victim. The grey-haired business man knew she would never spill a word or even dare to stand up against him. Her father, one of his best friends, had made sure of it. He stood up from his working place, making the way to her desk, ready to show her how unimportant she was. In the end, she was only a woman. What could she do?
On his face was an evil smile as he cackled and took the phone, dialling the number.
“Mr. Cromwell?” Her voice already sounding afraid. That’s just what he wanted. “You got two minutes to get you pacific being into my office and bring your work, useless woman.” He commanded.
The phone already back to its place. He could hear her shuffling. Just perfect for him. The evil smile never leaving his lips as he leaned back. The chair squeaking under his weight.
Y/N made her way into the office. Her head bowed, not looking at him and her work papers pressed against her body.
“Turn around again.” He demanded. She looked up at him. “Are you deaf now, frump?” She cringed at the insult being thrown at her, being confused at his demands. “No, sir.” She whispered.
“You didn’t knock on my door, woman. Go back and try again.” His hands pressed against each other. He couldn’t believe how could worked out for him now. At least he could get his frustration of him.
Y/N did as she was told. Leaving the office. Her eyes pressed shut, she took a deep breath. Telling herself that she could do it. She would survive this job. She had no other choice.
Taking another breath, forcing the tears away, she knocked on the door….
Next Chapter: Monday, September 24th.
Please, Please leave a comment or reblog if you enjoyed this chapter. It would mean a lot to me. <3
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