#I am still not sure if Matt says after wrestling a match
theunhingedcowboy · 1 month
A List of things that happened at Collision and ROH taping from this weekend.
First of all getting to be in the environment that has been created at the e-sports from this residency is phenomenal and I hope that it will happen again in the future.
Getting seats four rows back from the ring and we were still so close (that will change I'll explain) and getting to go with both my dad and cousin was so much fun
FINALLY getting to see Darby wrestle in person was amazing
The bull rope match was fucking brutal and the TV broadcast did not do it justice the crowd was so fucking over for Rosa it was awesome
So right in front of us about 30 minutes into the show there was a row of 8 seats that were empty right at the barricade and no one had shown up. So my cousin may have taken initiative and got up to the seats and by the Rush and Vance match we were all up front and no one said anything
My cousin saying to Turbo of the Outrunners that "he was like Hogan without the racism and an actual 10 incher" which Turbo totally popped for
Rush and Vance match was so much fun. Getting on tv for most of that match and me cackling like a psychopath made it loud and clear on the broadcast
Me screaming like a lunatic during swerves's match and afterward the cameraman came over to film me (thank God that didn't make the broadcast)
Swerve v Ishii was so fucking awesome
Heart eyes at Stat
Me handing my dad $10 when Christian walked out in the turtleneck ref sweater
Getting to see HoB so close was so fucking awesome
Juice being the chaos junkie that he is
Shayna talking shit to my cousin and then blowing him a kiss after beating up BBG and HOB
Flipping off the patriarchy
RoH Taping
Having beef with the premier athletes
Abadon, my beloved
Getting to see Sammy wrestle was also a lot of fun
Mina, my beloved
Toa mean mugging me when I did the claw for the von erichs
My cousin cheered on Cage of Agony only to accidentally drop his phone over the barricade and Cage to look at him and call him an idiot even though he wanted Cage to win
My cousin continues his years long beef with Matt Taven and Taven shouting at him "you don't have a wiener"
The Von Erichs and Sammy came over to sign my little autograph book, Sammy was so nice and it was so nice to see the Von Erichs again since I met them last year
This was the next day continuing ROH tapings
Tony coming out to say that someone wanted to say hi to the kids and me fully believing that it was gonna be Mortos until Hologram came out
I love Lance Archer. The guy in front of us had a bunch of signs and one of them saying "The murderhawk just needs a hug" and Lance coming over like he was going to give a hug only to rip up the sign
Watching Ari get beat up by Ishii made my day
Cheering so loud for Rocky Romero and him noticing me and giving me a wink (can confirm I am dead)
8 man tag match between Sammy, Dustin, and the Von Erichs v Dark Order and Undisputed Kingdom, once again keeping up the beef and telling the dark order they can do so much better than undisputed kingdom
When Harley Cameron came out and I told my dad to "get his girl"
Queen Aminata is one of the best female wrestlers right now I genuinely love her so much she is so cool
The Righteous reminding me in person that Vincent looks almost exactly like a friend of mine but with dreads
Taya v Mina was fun
Watching the Premiere Athletes at least 8 times over the course of 48 hours and continuing to make sure that we have beef
Also after the match my cousin and I were booing Tony Neese and he tried to get security to kick us out and my cousin blew Tony a kiss
Getting to see Briscoe wrestle this close was so cool and Mortos is so fucking over I love it.
And that concludes my weekend I will make another post like this next week cause I am going back to collision for the final show. This was the most fun I have had all year and something that I really hope AEW does again in the future
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heartsoulrocknroll · 5 months
AEW Dynamite 4/10/24
Swerve attacks Joe before his scheduled eliminator match with Dustin Rhodes and spears him through a table!!
Adam Copeland (c) vs. Penta El Zero Miedo for the TNT Championship -- Penta goes for Fear Factor on the apron, but Copeland blocks it and pushes him into the ring post. Penta runs at Copeland, who catches him with a powerslam on the apron! Copeland goes for a spear outside, but Penta moves and he hits Alex instead. Penta lands an avalanche Code Red inside, then snaps back Copeland's arm, and covers for two! Penta springboards off the ropes, but Copeland takes him out of midair with a spear for the pinfall!
Solid match here with Penta getting a lot of offense in. Kinda dragged on for me though. Rating: 3
Body King and Julia Hart surround Copeland after match. Willow comes out to help.
Renee is with Jericho, Hook, and Shibata. Jericho says Hook and Shibata will sit under the learning tree of Chris Jericho. Lmao. He lays out what they need to do to beat Shane Taylor Promotions. After Jericho leaves, Shibata uses Google translate to ask what Jericho's deal is. Then he tells Renee that he likes her necklace. Lol.
Renee is now with Copeland, Willow, Stokely, new ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, and Eddie Kingston. Stokely suggests that Copeland defend the TNT Championship against Willow, which I think is a phenomenal idea that should absolutely happen. But they agree to a mixed tag team match against Brody and Julia.
The Bucks are backstage with a screen to show the All In footage that AEW has been hyping up all week. God. They mention the altercation between Jack Perry and someone who tried to make everything about himself, someone who is a friend of FTR. Nick suggests that FTR is behind the whole thing. Matt says they can't make accusations without proof, which is an obvious sarcastic shot at the Punk interview. Matt says they had to be EVPs at All In and had to neglect being professional wrestlers, so there should be a big asterisk next to FTR's victory over them that night. They show the footage of Punk shoving and choking Perry backstage, before the people around them stop the fight. Matt says that isn't the worst part. The worst part is filling a building with the most people ever at a wrestling show, only to be distracted by something so stupid that you lose on your big night. And FTR had the balls to stick their hands out and ask them to shake hands. Nick says at Dynasty, they're not shaking hands, you pricks.
Where do I begin? I think blaming the Punk/Perry fight on FTR and using that as an excuse for the Bucks being distracted and losing to FTR at All In is a fine angle. But obviously, the only reason this is being done at all is to give AEW an excuse to show the footage, because Tony got his feelings hurt by the recent Punk interview that no one will shut up about. I think it's a bad look for AEW to still be dwelling on this eight months later, as if they need to rely on this drama for ratings, or need to prove something to someone. Although I am not sure what Tony thinks this footage proves, as it only shows exactly what Punk said happened and only gives Punk, the well-known attention whore, more attention. This company cannot keep acknowledging every shot someone takes at them. It looks pathetic. Tony Khan is a huge man baby and needs to hire someone else to run this company and make the decisions, because he clearly isn't capable of doing it.
FTR come out to the ring with a mic. Cash asks why the Bucks are showing this footage, other than to have an excuse for losing. They are ready to move on and put this in the past. Despite the fact that AEW is now doing some of their best shows ever, they are still showing footage from eight months ago. At Dynasty, FTR have to win, not for their legacy, not to be considered the greatest of all time, but because they are sick of these "petty little bitches," the Young Bucks.
Dax says they have eclipsed the Bucks as the best tag team on the planet. At one time, the Bucks cared about the three letters AEW, but now, three other letters have taken over, and they only care about what is best for the EVPs. Dax says they are building AEW so that wrestlers can have a choice. They are building AEW for hard-working people who spend their money on tickets. And if the Bucks don't want to be part of that AEW, they can go home, because FTR have got this. Dax says the Bucks may have laid the foundation, but FTR are going to put the roof on top of the house, just to blow it right back off!!
Great delivery by Dax here. I am not sure what to make of this, as FTR basically said everything I was thinking about that All In footage being shown. It's kind of strange to show the footage, and then have someone else on the show acknowledge why showing the footage was a stupid thing, as the reasoning for why it was stupid can be applied to the real-life "man" Tony Khan as easily as it can be applied to the kayfabe Young Bucks characters. Weird to acknowledge that you knew it was a stupid thing to do, but you chose to do it anyway. I don't know anything anymore.
Ospreay comes out to the stage for an interview with Renee. He addresses the recent comments that Triple H made about not wanting people who want to work a lighter schedule and who don't want to "grind" in the WWE (comments which were obviously about Ospreay). He says there is a rumor going around that he is afraid of the grind. And he is not sure where that comes from, because he is flying back and forth from the UK to the US every week and delivering some of the best matches the world has ever seen. Normally, he wouldn't rise to this type of bait, but seeing as the person who said it is "only in the position he is in because he was grinding on the boss' daughter," he will. Ospreay says he is in no position to tell Ospreay what the grind is all about.
I have a lot of thoughts about this. I think Triple H's comments were completely asinine and unnecessary. Who wouldn't pick the lighter schedule and more money?? An idiot?? But regardless, we're back to tonight's theme of this company being unable to ignore shots taken at them and let their own programming speak for itself. I kind of get the feeling that this is all coming from Tony Khan, and isn't necessarily what these guys want to be showing or saying on TV. But who knows. It's a mess either way.
Ospreay then moves on to Danielson. He mentions Danielson saying that Ospreay is stronger and faster, and his only chance to win is to ground Ospreay. Ospreay says healthier, younger, and better men have tried and failed. But Danielson is a living legend. And Ospreay can't call himself the best wrestler in the world until after he pins Danielson. It is time for him to show everyone why he is the ace of AEW.
Yeesh. So we are back to cringe Ospreay promos after a couple of unusually good weeks. I hated every second of that. Lmao.
Chris Jericho, Hook, and Katsuyori Shibata vs. Shane Taylor, Lee Moriarty, and Anthony Ogogo -- Jericho lands a lionsault, then a top rope rana on Moriarty early on. Shibata tags in with nasty elbows and a nasty round kick to the back of Moriarty!!! Huge lariat from Taylor to Hook! Hook and Taylor trade elbows, Taylor takes Hook down with a headbutt, Hook lands a German suplex on Taylor!!! Wow! Beautiful Shibata hot tag action, as he comes in with boots in the corner, rapidly alternating jaw jabs and chest chops, a running corner dropkick, then a nice snap suplex for two on Moriarty! Shibata lands a back heel trip and goes for a tag, but Jericho pulls Hook off the apron, yelling about the plan and the learning tree. Lmao. Shibata gets a sleeper on Moriarty, but Taylor comes in with a big right hand to Shibata to break the hold, then Moriarty lands the Fang on Shibata for the pinfall!! Wtf.
I really enjoyed this match. I thought everything was done well here. Shibata looked awesome as always. Really sick of Shibata eating losses left and right though. Rating: 3.25
Dustin is with Renee. He says his strategy doesn't change since Joe was attacked. It is always grit, passion, and glory for him, and tonight will be no different.
Kazuchika Okada vs. Cristiano Argento -- Okada lands the knee neckbreaker, a dropkick, and a Rainmaker for the pinfall and looks so bored 💕❤💕. Rating: AWESOME SQUASH
Okada gets a mic and calls out Pac. He says he accepts Pac's challenge and will see him at Dynasty. HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!! Pac heads to the ring! The Bucks come from behind to attack Pac. FTR come out to even the odds. They set Matt up for Shatter Machine, but Okada grabs a chair. The Bucks go nuts with superkicks. Okada swings for the fences with chair to Pac's head. Damn!!! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS MATCH!!!!!!!!!!
Bullet Club Gold promo about what happened at Supercard of Honor with the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn.
Renee is with Thunder Rosa and Toni Storm for a "champagne toast" that Storm has organized. Storm just throws the champagne in Rosa's face and partially wipes her face paint off with a towel. Purrazzo comes out to try to help, but Rosa pushes her away. This was a really weird segment.
Anna Jay vs. Mariah May -- They trade overhand chops. Anna with a nice blockbuster neckbreaker, then a neckbreaker over the second rope. Mariah lands a headbutt. Anna with a back elbow then a spinning heel kick in the corner. Mariah lands a missile dropkick off the top and a hip attack for two. Anna gets a couple of nearfalls with a hook kick and a back heel trip. She goes for something else, but Mariah reverses into a roll up for the pinfall.
This was alright. Not much to it. Rating: 1.75
Anna chokes Mariah after the match. Mina Shirakawa comes out to help Mariah. She feeds Mariah champagne and kisses her on the lips. Mariah is very happy about this. What is going on.
Alex Marvez has a sit-down interview with Mercedes. Mercedes says AEW made history with their first pay-per-view in Vegas, and she wants to make history again this year at Double or Nothing. Julia and Willow are both some of the best. She has been in the ring with Willow before. She talks about losing to Willow for the New Japan Strong Women's Championship and getting injured. She hates to lose. But she always has a plan, and she is on a mission. The lights go out. There is commotion. The lights come back to reveal Mercedes on the floor.
Samoa Joe vs. Dustin Rhodes (AEW World Championship Eliminator Match) -- Dustin with right hands outside. Joe sends Dustin face-first into the ring post. Dustin's head is busted open. Joe with jabs, elbow, chops, Manhattan drop, big boot, running back senton, and a cover for two. Dustin with a powerslam. They trade rights hands. Dustin with jabs and a bionic elbow, then Code Red for two! Joe blocks a bulldog attempt and pummels Dustin with a huge lariat, sending him outside. Dustin grabs the belt and thinks about hitting Joe, but then throws it aside. Dustin lands Cross Rhodes for two. Joe with a huge STO in the corner! Joe grabs Swerve's steel chain. The ref takes it and hands it outside. Joe grabs the belt while the ref is distracted and nails Dustin in the face, then covers him for three.
Perfectly fine match. Just short with an obvious result. Rating: 3
Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch on Dustin after the match, but Swerve comes out to break it up with a House Call kick, then lands a right hand to Joe's head with the steel chain!! Security comes out to get between them. Nana hands Swerve the AEW World Championship.
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omegawhiskers · 11 months
Dynamite 8/11/23
The Devil Attacks
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Dynamite opens with Adam Cole telling MJF that Samoa Joe is the partner he needs at Full Gear. But that means Joe gets a shot at the AEW World title, so this is clearly not a good option. Daniel Garcia interrupts and MJF asks are we getting the sports entertainer or wrestler tonight? Garcia says we will get the wrestler. Roderick Strong gets wheeled into the segment and Cole shuts down the call. Roddy looks at the camera and says “It’s time to remind everyone exactly who the hell I am!”
Garcia and MJF had a good showing, and the idea here was for MJF to persuade Garcia to be his own man. The problem with this story is, 2.0 holding Garcia back has been limbo for months. When Garcia does break from 2.0, it was won't get quite the pop.
Darby Allin/Sting vs. The Outrunners was short but effective. Sting got the victory with the scorpion deathlock, establishing, despite his retirement, he can still pick up the win.
Hikaru Shida and Toni Storm have a sit-down interview. This was a fun segment with Storm, but I’m not sure if she is meant to be a heel or babyface.
It’s quite disgusting how talented Swerve Strickland and Penta El Zero Miedo are in the ring. They delivered a PPV quality match. To make this segment even better, Adam Page turned up with a steel chair. He cracked it over the body of Swerve a few times before giving him the deadeye off the stage through some tables. Page kept yelling ‘’You’re a dead man’’. This is the side of Page we needed to see.
The Young Bucks are still not happy about The Golden Jets as a tag team. Matt and Nick issue a challenge at Full Gear. Kenny Omega finally intervenes and accepts the challenge, although he doesn’t want to wrestle them, but feels the Bucks are being a bunch of ‘’Sissy, whiny, bitchy children.’’ There's stipulation with this match also. The Young Bucks number one contender’s match for the AEW Tag Team Titles are on the line, but to up the ante, if Jericho/Omega lose, then The Golden Jets are no more. This is a much better scene for The Young Bucks as I felt like the ROH trios belts really derailed them.
The ROH TV title was on the line as Samoa Joe defended his title against Keith Lee. Lot’s of meat chants throughout this match as punches, chops rained down. Joe won via rear naked choke. In a shocking post-match moment, Joe vacated the ROH TV Championship. He’s reasoning is that he is now focused 100% on the AEW World Championship. I’m not sure if you can legally vacant a belt, but I think moving the ROH titles off of AEW is a good move.
Red Velvet returned to action after being out with an injury for 9 months. Velvet was super impressive in this match against Julia Hart. These two women put on a good match. Velvet needs to be featured more if these are the kind of matches she can work. Hart starts the post match beat down, but Skye Blue comes to the ring to have a stare down with Julia. Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander come to aid Velvet and Blue. There is still friction between Blue and Kris. Like the Garcia story, this one is lingering for too long. Just have these two fight already because it will get to the point of no one caring.
Mariah May made her AEW debut. She was interview by RJ City where she marks out Toni Storm. I don’t know anything about May, but it’s good to see the woman’s division growing.
Our main event was Jay White vs. Mark Briscoe. The Full Gear title shot was on the line, so there was not way Briscoe was winning. This was a decent match, but what transpired afterwards was the main angle.
MJF made his way from behind and attacked Bullet Club Gold. Max was unsuccessful at getting his belt back again. The lights went out as cameras backstage showed masked men attacking The Acclaimed. Antony Bowens was sent through a glass window. The Man in the Devil Mask appeared on screen. MJF rushed to the back to where The Acclaimed lay half dead. MJF didn't ask were they OK or called for some medical assistance. At the start of the show Roderick Strong did say he was going to remind everyone who he is, but that could be a red herring. I'm still leaning on Jack Perry.
I'm glad to see the person behind the devil mask finally did something that really affected MJF. And this needs to continue until Full Gear. The matches were also a step up from last week. Overall a much better episode compared to last week.
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wrestlingisfake · 2 years
Hard to Kill preview
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Jordynne Grace vs. Mickie James - On September 1, James announced her "last rodeo," where she vowed to retire if she lost even one match before winning the Impact Wrestling women's world title. In effect, Mickie has been putting her career on the line for over four months, and she's gone undefeated that entire time. Now she finally gets her championship match, so this is title versus career. If she wins, it'll be James's fifth Impact title reign, and her eleventh world title overall.
The stakes in this one make it worth the price of the whole show, so I'm glad they positioned it in the main event spot. Grace is 26 and ought to be at the top of the division, but it might benefit her to lose to a top veteran and chase her for a while. James is 43 and has a lot left in the tank, but nothing left to prove. Something has to give, but I don't know what it will be.
Josh Alexander vs. Bully Ray - Ray returned to Impact Wrestling on October 2 to win the annual Call Your Shot match, earning him the right to challenge any champion at any time. On November 18, Bully issued the challenge to Alexander for the Impact men's world title at this show. Ray then immediately turned heel, viciously attacking the champion and his wife.
This is billed as a "full metal mayhem" match, per the demands of Alexander after Ray attacked him again on December 22. Sometimes "full metal mayhem" is a souped-up ladder match (anything goes until a participant retrieves a prize suspended above the ring), and sometimes not (anything goes until a participant scores a pinfall). But the main idea is that tables, ladders, chairs, chains, and possibly other stuff will be placed at ringside to use as weapons. The stipulation plays to Ray's strengths as a pioneer of hardcore wrestling, and works against Alexander's emphasis on mat-based offense.
To put it mildly, I'm disappointed that Impact brought in Bully, let alone for a world title program. I got bored with his how-low-can-he-stoop heel work back in Ring of Honor. Pro wrestling has younger, better stars innovating on that formula while Ray, 51, is just recycling the same old shit. I'd be more interested in seeing Alexander wrestle Jeff Jarrett, and brother that's saying a lot. I sure hope Josh retains and Bully quickly disappears, but I don't have a lot of faith in Impact right now.
Jonathan Gresham vs. Eddie Edwards - This match was originally scheduled for April 23 last year, back when Gresham was the ROH men's world champion and Edwards was the leader of the anti-ROH faction Honor No More. The match was scrapped when Gresham was sidelined (possibly due to a concussion). Since then Gresham has fallen out with Tony Khan's version of ROH and finally ended up signing with Impact. In the meantime, Honor No More has disbanded, but Edwards is still a dick, so these two are back on a collision course. I think Gresham needs to win, but I can't rule out Edwards pulling shenanigans.
Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley vs. Matt Cardona & Brian Myers vs. Heath Miller & Rhino vs. Ace Austin & Chris Bey - The Motor City Machine Guns (Sabin and Shelley) are defending the Impact men's tag team title in a four-way, so the first man to score a fall on any opponent will win the match and the title for his team. Sabin and Shelley are also the STRONG tag team champions in New Japan, but that title isn't at stake.
As usual with four-way matches, I don't expect this to settle any feuds, and whoever wins will probably still be feuding with at least two of these teams right up until the next PPV in April. I guess Sabin and Shelley retain, since double champions seem to be a hot trend these days.
Trey Miguel vs. Black Taurus - This is for Miguel's Impact X division title. I am so relieved this is not a three-way or a four-way match. Keep up the good work, Impact.
I'm out of the loop but I heard Miguel turned heel and tagged the title belt with his graffiti. I'm not sure how Miguel really works as a hell, but I'll give it a try. Taurus has been with Impact for years and he's always just sort of...there. I expect some good big man/little man spots, but nothing to write home about. Miguel should retain.
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Killer Kelly vs. Masha Slamovich vs. Taylor Wilde - This a four-way to determine the next #1 contender for the women's title, so whoever scores the first fall will win the match and be slated to challenge the winner of Grace vs. James.
Assuming James wins the title, any of these four make sense as her first challenger. If Grace retains though, I think it's too soon to run back Grace-Purrazzo or Grace-Slamovich. Kelly would be my pick as a fresh face in the title picture.
The x-factor in this match is Wilde, a veteran from the 2000s who was retired for ten years, returned in 2021, and then took a year of personal leave. Now she's back with some kind of witchy/tarot reader gimmick, which I haven't seen much of yet. If they're serious about this new direction, she should get to shine a lot in this match; otherwise I don't have a lot of faith it'll work out.
Joe Hendry vs. Moose - Hendry is putting the Impact digital media title up for grabs. Last time I looked this title barely existed outside of PPV pre-shows and such, so I'm surprised Hendry made it on the main card and Moose has sunk this low. I guess if Moose won this belt he could elevate it. On the other hand, if Hendry retains I have to wonder if Moose is on his way to greener pastures...
Rich Swann vs. Steve Maclin - This is a falls count anywhere match, so the participants cannot be disqualified or counted out of the ring, and the deciding fall does not have to be scored inside the ring.
Ever since Maclin debuted with Impact his gimmick has been that he's a big mean guy who beat everybody up because he's pissed. For some reason this never translates into enough wins to put him in the title picture, so he just gets into feuds like this one where a babyface tries to shut him down. Maybe this time Maclin can just win the feud and start chasing Josh Alexander. On the other hand, if Bully Ray actually wins the title, Swann's the guy you'd want to push as the next challenger. So I could see this going either way, depending on the men's world title bout.
KUSHIDA vs. Mike Bailey vs. Yuya Uemura vs. Alan Angels vs. Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Mike Jackson - This is a six-way match scheduled for the pre-show. As usual, the first wrestler to score a fall wins.
Kushida is a top junior heavyweight in New Japan. Bailey is a key guy in Impact's X division. Uemura was a Young Lion in NJPW but he's on excursion here, so hopefully that goes better than it did for Okada. Angels was in AEW's goofy fun cult but now he's Cody Deaner's mean serious cult. Gujjar is stuck in the spot where a wrestling promotion puts a token Indian guy on TV and just expects everyone in India to turn into wrestling fans. "Action" Mike Jackson is 73 years old and regularly works in matches like this for GCW.
This isn't officially to determine a #1 contender for the X title, but you'd have to think the winner of this match would move to the front of the line. Since I don't expect Trey Miguel to drop the belt for a while, I'd have Uemura or Gujjar win to give them a little mini-push before putting over the champion.
Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary & Jessicka vs. Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans & Gisele Shaw - Another pre-show match. The Death Dollz (Valkyrie, Rosemary, and Jessicka) collectively hold the Impact women's tag team title, but since this isn't a two-on-two match the title is not at stake. I assume the heel team is gunning for a title shot, but I'm not sure which of them will end up being the challengers. I guess Steelz's team should win to keep the story going.
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rottenbrainstuff · 7 months
BG3 playthrough - big jump sideways
I’ve been sick all weekend with a big cold, so I’ve pretty much only been drinking hot liquids and playing BG3. For HOURS. Somehow, it feels like I’m still not that much farther into the main plot - I just feel like I’ve gotten farther sideways, and completed a million little sidequests that don’t really have to do with anything, though it’s all been super fun. In the spirit of completing a million little tangents, here’s a million random notes. (lots of little spoilers)
Hey I read a thing… I had always assumed, always always, and I think I’m not the only one that assumed, that the city shown in the beginning cinematic being attacked by the nautiloid was Baldur’s Gate. Apparently it’s not. Apparently it’s a different but nearby city called Yartar. I mean that does make more sense - the question always was, how did Astarion get taken by the nautiloid in the middle of the day, did the nautiloid break through the walls of Cazador’s palace? But then why would Cazador write in a journal that he didn’t know what happened to Astarion and he went missing during a hunt? So I guess that’s why. I don’t think it’s very clear that the city isn’t Baldur’s Gate.
So first and foremost: I finally got Minsc. I was fully expecting to just leave him permanently at my camp for the rest of the game like I’ve done with Jaheria and Halsin. Like sure, he’s funny, but I’m HALFWAY THROUGH ACT 3, I don’t have the time to get attached to a brand new companion! I couldn’t even connect with Halsin really, and I met him in act 1. Especially not a ranger, who, I dunno. Maybe I don’t play very good, but it just seems to me that for everything a ranger can do, I have a different companion that can already do it, but better.
But he was really funny, so funny, like, making me burst out loud laughing at every other line. I checked found out that if you respec him, he still keeps the ability to summon Boo, so I changed him to a barbarian (basically taking Karlach’s place… sorry Mama K) which I feel matches his character better anyways, and somehow, suddenly, he is now my second favourite companion, after Astarion. Did not see that coming. He’s hilarious, love him, love his dialogue, love Matt Mercer, love Boo, love how Boo launches himself straight into enemy’s faces.
He has funny things to say about all the other companions - he doesn’t like Gale because Gale uses words that are too fancy, and Tara scares Boo. He’s jealous of Halsin because Halsin beat him at arm wrestling. He has nice things to say about Wyll and Shadowheart and Karlach. (sadly Lae’zel is still kidnapped so he hasn’t met her yet) Oddly though - he has nothing to say about Astarion. He simply says, Boo told him not to gossip about people behind their backs, and he feels he should also be careful what he says to Astarion’s face. It’s a bit weird - he usually has nice cute dialogue with Astarion as we’re walking around. Oh well.
Every single thing Minsc has to say is hilarious, and I’m really glad I went through the giant pain in the ass of getting him. Out of all the companions I have, he’s the one that approves of the choices I make in my specific playstyle the most. Like, Astarion is still complaining whenever I give money to people (dude we literally have more money than the bank has in its vaults, we can give a little out), Wyll complains when I do sneaky things, Lae’zel complains when I talk my way out of fights, etc etc etc, but Minsc man, me and him are just vibing, he approves of all my choices.
I am also glad because in the last fight, I got to whack Roah Moonglow. I’ve had my eye on her ever since we had the nice casual chat about slave trade back in act 1: nice to finally have the chance to smack her down.
I found Ethel! I had actually *totally forgotten* where she appears in act 3, and I had no idea she had anything to do with the missing kid, so I was COMPLETELY SURPRISED by that reveal. Grisly started talking about Lorna NEVER having a daughter and I was like… what the fuck is going on here? I was just at her house, she has books and toys all over the place. Then she’s asking me to KILL Lorna. What? Is this… is this Orin??? Feels like something Orin would say??? And then her voice changed and it alllll snapped into place, all the bizarre things, all the mind altering, of fucking course it’s Ethel, of course. Best bad guy reveal, wow. Ethel is my favourite antagonist in this game, I just love how awful she is. I also like how Astarion might complain about me jumping in to help sometimes, but something about Ethel must really freak him out, because he ALWAYS gives approval when I throw down with her. After finally getting rid of Ethel in a VERY annoying fight, Mayrina finally decided to let her poor husband’s corpse rest, and I’m sure her and Kled will eventually have a very cute happily ever after. (why are the hobgoblins so cute in this game?)
Araj Oblodra isn’t here for me, because I didn’t give her my blood in act 2. I know Astarion has some really nice things to say in your defense, but back in act 2, my durge was worried that whatever was wrong with him could be transmitted or otherwise contained within his blood somehow, and he didn’t want to it give to some creepy drow lady from a house that my tav knows is sketchy, so he kept his blood to himself. So instead, her shop is closed by order of Lord Gortash due to safety violations, lol.
I found Jaheira’s house. Listening to everyone talking online, I had expected this to be a lot sadder, like, that her children had turned their backs on her and had no respect for her or something. Maybe I misunderstood, because that’s not what I saw here at all. Yes there was some conflict, but honestly I found it more… interesting than sad, because Jaheira’s oldest ward seems she’s like basically a copy of her. I left the house feeling good, not sad. Jaheira’s got a lovely family. And yes it seems like Jaheira made a big mistake in trying to protect them by pushing them away, but… like, that happens, people make mistakes, parents make mistakes, kids get mad, everyone forgave everyone in the end? It was fine. Cute. I wasn’t sure which was the best choice for them - to tell them to protect the refugees, or to tell them to help with healing. Shockingly, absolutely shockingly, there’s no good info online! Crazy I know. I told them to help refugees cause that’s been my tav’s whole thing ever since he stepped foot in the Emerald Grove, I hope that wasn’t a mistake. What I DID find online was a bunch of people bitching about the writing. Look guys, if you don’t like it, just go play Starfield or something and fuck off. A friend of mine kept joking that Bethesda doesn’t even hire writers anymore and I thought it was a joke, but apparently it’s not, they literally do not, and the people who code the quests get to write them.
Let’s see, what else. I found Dammon and his spicy book. I know it wasn’t just a random dev decision to put it there, because the actual book is in his room, and then a note interviewing the author of the book is in a different room of his house, so Dammon is a legit fan, haha. I found a VERY busy graveyard with no less than two fights and no less than two living things buried alive. I paid off the bank and the guy gave me a key to a vault I had already looted. Everything in the sewer is done I think? I found a note that explains why that sleeping tiefling is down there, which no one online mentioned when I was looking it up… does no one actually read the books and notes in this game?... anyways with this mysterious unwakeable tiefling, apparently he’s recently had family or loved ones die as they tried to travel to Baldur’s Gate, and he’s taken the last of his money and bought a schwack of sleeping potions to overdose on. Poor guy.
And I got rid of Mystic Carrion and now the zombie bros are hanging out in his house, I like it. I found Volo and had a fuck of a time figuring out how to save him, since the fire burns away the cart and makes everything explode, and even if you untie him he doesn’t seem to be able to run away in time, arrrrgh Volo.
Volo is at my camp now and had some surprisingly supportive comments to make about my dark urge. HOW did Volo know I’m a Bhaalspawn? I mean it’s not exactly a strict secret, I’ve told a couple people in town, but I’m not ADVERTISING it either. I was a bit disappointed there wasn’t a single dialogue choice to ask how he, of all fucking people on Faerun, who I haven’t even seen since he popped my eye out in act 1, managed to figure out that I am the other chosen Bhaalspawn.
Lastly, speaking of Bhaalspawn, I found and killed Sarevok. What a goddamned pain in the ass that was. I’ve never savescummed so hard before. Every choice I made was the wrong one. Took a lot of reloading to eventually figure out that I should kill the outside guards first cause it’s freaking impossible if they come in to fight with everyone all at once, then do NOT kill the three freaky ladies, instead immobilize that asshole so he can’t hit me and charge up his fucking shitty attack, and smack him with everything I’ve got until he dies, hopefully very soon. Man.
Bringing Minsc along to the fight adds some nice extra dialogue as Sarevok reacts to seeing him again. Bring Minsc AND Jaheria adds even more, but also makes him talk to YOU more about blood and bhaalspawns and whatnot. (but I didn’t bring Jaheira, because I don’t like her in fights, sorry Jaheira) Sarevok was creepy. How unnerving for my resisting tav. I kind of wish there had been more of a buildup to him though.
I found the office of the Society of Brilliance, where they tried once again to buy the gith egg off me. I want to say this again, because it makes me sad that our history classes appear to have failed a lot of people: wanting to take a child and “fix” its “violent nature” by raising it outside the influence of its “brutal” culture was literally and specifically the stated goal of residential schools. Even if they said absolutely nothing about experimentation, their goal should be horrifying, and that’s why. Blurgg and Omeluum seem to be the only sane ones in this entire organization TBH. Blurg’s as nice as always but Omeluum is missing, more to do, oh boy, but that’s ok cause I had to go to the place he’s at anyways.
I had some thoughts about Astarion’s parents, because I see people discussing it / including family in their fics - I personally do not think he had family he was close to. Just in general I do not get that vibe from him at all. Karlach talks about her family, Wyll and Shadowheart we get to MEET their family, Gale talks about his mum, Lae’zel doesn’t have a traditional family but talks about her creche, and Astarion never mentions biological relations once, not once. He mentions his spawn siblings a lot, and it seems like they take the place in his thoughts where a biological family would have been. I feel like any bio relations must either be dead (and maybe the grave is part of a benefits package that came with his government job?) or else (my personal opinion) he did not have a good relationship with them, and was perhaps estranged when he died.
For as much as I got done this weekend, I still have so much more to do: the Steel Foundry, the House of Grief, the House of Hope, the stuff in the basement of Wyrm’s Rock, and the temple of Bhaal which looks like it’s going to be a gigantic pain in my ass, and while I was helping Volo I found a whole new freaking quest about checking out some dead waveservant, whatever the heck that is. I am loving this game, the only reason why I can be so picky is that it’s so good, it’s kept me busy since October and I adore it, I really really do. But, act 3, man. I do wish they had more time to finesse it. I can really see how this would have worked amazingly if Baldur’s Gate had been split into lower city and upper city areas, and removed half the quests and content in this area and spread them out over a second area. More room to breath. I’d like to have more fun exploring random areas, not feeling like every single step I take is unlocking some new thing for my journal. Or even just… tweak the quests so they have something to do with the main plot, so I don’t feel like I’m just doing random errands for ever random citizen.
Oh well! I don’t care. I’m having so much fun regardless.
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vicsy · 7 years
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Eternity - Chapter 6
And we are BACK folks! Did you guys miss us?
Shoutout to @adriii-omega cause she wrote MOST of this chapter while Parker, (me, lancearcherinrippedjeans) has school and was sick!
Starring - The MAGNIFICENT OC’s, Kenny Omega, Ricky Starks, The Best Friends, Private Party, Excalibur, Taz, Brian Cage, The Young Bucks and Tony Khan
Word Count - 6,792
Category - Fluff, tiniest bits of angst, comedy
Summary - The tournament is finally starting, how will it go with Nova on commentary?
Warning - Cussing, drinking, slight possesivness
Other author’s notes - Private Party are the STARS of this chapter, and this might look a little weird cause it was posted on mobile, also, follow @adriii-omega
“First you leave me out of the tournament, and now you want me to go out on TV and play commentator?” Nova huffed, as she tried her best not to upset her boss; Tony Khan. “I know you’re not happy about being excluded , but I promise we have plans for you to do big things here in AEW,” he stood in front of her to block her path, “Plus, it’s only Youtube.” Nova let out a long sigh, “For how long?”
“Just until you become a fan favorite, you know like…” Tony stopped mid-sentence, trying to rethink his words. “Like Sawyer and Veronica?” Nova asked, already annoyed. “The fans are going to love you, I promise,” Tony grabbed the cream-colored folder off his desk and handed it to Nova, “This is the match card for tonight. Excalibur should have more info on all of the competitors, but you should know most of them.”
“You could just say Sawyer, Veronica, and Ricky. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings,” Nova joked, heading for the door, “Thank you Tony, but I hope this isn’t a waste of my time.” She shut the door, opening up the folder, and looking over the card for tonight.
She smiled to herself, looking at her friend’s names for the first round of the tournament. A long shadow caught her eye, causing her to look up and seeing Team Taz walking right her way. She gave a small wave to Ricky, making him turn all his attention that was on Taz onto her.
Ricky jogged over, “What weird stuff do they got you doing this week?”
Nova smirked, looking at Taz who was already annoyed they had to stop, “Well, I’m gonna be on commentary tonight!” She announced, plastering on a smile she definitely didn’t have in Tony’s office. “Does that mean you’ll be out there for my match?” his brows perked up in anticipation, “I’ll have the best seat in the house.” she laughed. Brian smiled as Ricky planted a kiss onto Nova’s cheek. Taz cleared his throat loudly, “Well if you guys are done making goo-goo eyes at each other, we gotta get going.” he pointed at his watch symbolizing the time.
“What are you talking about? The show doesn’t start for another two hours?” Cage spoke up from behind them. Nova and Ricky let out a small chuckle at Taz’s new expression. He stood with his mouth agape, darting his eyes at the FTW champion, “Thanks, Brian for correcting me,” he said through gritted teeth. “Is there anyone else that would like to make me look like a complete idiot?” He said through a fake smile. Nova raised her hand, “If it makes you feel better…I’m not on the card tonight,” Taz gave her an obvious expression. “Why would you be-”
“Instead I’ll be sitting next to you on commentary!” She gave him a bright smile, as his smirk disappeared. “The-the whole show…?”
“All twenty-four matches!”
“Oh HELL NO!! AYO TONY!?” Taz angrily marched down the hallway leaving Cage, Starks, and Nova in a laughing fit. “I can’t believe you,” Ricky said through laughs. “I don’t think I've ever seen him that mad.” Cage jokes, “Or run that fast.” He added, causing them to continue their laughter. “Poor Tony.” Ricky pointed, as an annoyed Tony Khan tried to reason with a loud mouth Taz. “I’m going to make sure he doesn’t get fired, I’ll catch up with you guys later.” He said while jogging down the hall. Ricky finally caught his breath and held his hand out. “Come on, I want to spend time together before you and Taz kill each other.” he smiled, making her giggle. “I’m looking forward to it, maybe I can get him to… hate me less?” Ricky chuckled before placing a kiss on her forehead, “You’re lucky Excalibur will be out there.”
“And making her way to commentary… The SuperNova Jay!” Justin Roberts introduced, as the small audience of professional wrestlers cheered. “It’s a pleasure to be able to sit next to you,” Excalibur started, “You haven’t even said anything and you’re already better than Taz!”
“Shut up Excalibur,” Taz grunted.
Nova smoothed out her dress before taking her seat. “I’m so happy to be here.” She gave a smile as the camera was on her. “It’s been such an amazing few weeks for you already here in AEW, first you officially signed with All Elite Wrestling, and now two of your closest friends; Veronica and Sawyer are competing tonight for a chance to challenge Hikaru Shida for the AEW women’s championship.” Nova nodded, as Excalibur opened his mouth to ask a question, but was cut off, “I have a question for you Nova,” Taz joined in, “How does it feel that your own BEST FRIENDS are worthy enough of participating in this tournament, and you are…out sitting on the sidelines?” Taz smirked, as he saw Nova bite the inside of her cheek. Excalibur looked between them trying his best to move forward. Luckily Sawyer’s theme music began to play causing the tension to be lifted.
It was towards the middle of the match when Sawyer and Madi were tied up in the corner. “I’m going to try an arm drag-” Sawyer whispered, so only she could hear it. “No, you aren’t. I am not letting you look stronger than me,” Madi attempted to kick Sawyer in the stomach, but failed, as she lost her balance. Taz face planted himself, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more unfocused wrestler than Wrenkowski.” He complained as they slightly laughed, “Thank god Sawyer is one of the most professional women wrestlers there is,” Nova started, “You see I’ve known both of these females for quite a long time and this rivalry trails way further back than you would think.”
“Is that so…please tell us more,” Excalibur asked with interest. Nova began to speak but instead looked over and saw Taz staring at her with a half-smile. “Well, for starters Madi had ALWAYS been jealous of Sawyer. Though unfortunately, she was the champion at the time, Sawyer always got all of the attention, and that’s something Madi always wants.” They both nodded understanding, shortly later hearing the bell ring.
“Here is your winner: Sawyer Holden!” Justin’s voice echoed throughout the arena. She slowly stood up, allowing her hand to be raised by Aubrey Edwards. Nova sent an evil grin to Madi Wrenkowski as she clenched her neck from the Canadian Destroyer that was given to her. She rolled her eyes before stomping off through the tunnel. Veronica sat with the Young Bucks at the monitor watching everything go down. Nick let out a sigh, as Madi walked past them knocking over a few trash cans in frustration. “God, she’s so annoying,” he commented, making Veronica laugh. “Good thing you don’t have to go against her,” Matt chimed in, “I wouldn’t be able to take it.” They nodded in agreement just as Sawyer made her way back. She sent a small smile their way earning a thumbs up from Matt. “Are you guys still upset with each other?” he nudged Veronica, as she looked over and saw Sawyer in deep conversation with a group of wrestlers. “No, we’re cool.” She half lied. The brothers gave each a look, knowing something was off.
“Hey have you guys seen Kenny?” she spoke up, trying to get the conversation changed from her and Sawyer. Nick sighed, “He’s getting ready for his match with Sonny tonight since Janela was taken out.” She mouthed an “O” before grabbing her phone and opening the messaging app.
Is everything alright? Nick just told me Joey is out.
The next match had started, and Penelope Ford was going against Allie. Shortly later her phone buzzed.
Kenny: Everything is fine. Where are you at??
Sitting next to the Bucks, my match is coming up soon.
Kenny: I'm on my way over there, see you in a bit.
A smile crept up onto Veronica’s face as she began to watch the match. On the other side of the hall, Sawyer stood next to her friend: Chuck Taylor.
“I don’t know man,” she whined, “I don’t think she even wants to look at me.” Chuck rolled his eyes before placing both hands on her shoulders. “SAWYER. GO. ASK. HER.” He gave her a push before leaning against the wall. Everything was headed smoothly, as she made her way next to where Veronica was sitting…
“Hey V!” she piped, causing The Young Bucks to give her a hard stare. Veronica smiled as she leaned back into her chair, “I was wondering after the show tonight we could go to our favorite restaurant. Just us three - like old times.”
A voice cleared their throat from behind making Sawyer turn around. A perplexed Kenny Omega looked over at the group. “Don’t mind me. I just came to see my GIRLFRIEND.” He shot a look at Sawyer, before walking behind Veronica’s chair, “You were saying?” he smirked. Sawyer’s face grew with anger before she turned on her heels, “Just forget about it.” she mumbled. Chuck watched in disgust as Kenny began to laugh. Veronica bit her tongue until she heard the bell ring meaning her match was soon. “Sawyer, wait,” she called out, causing everyone to look at her. “I’ll be there. Meet me in the parking lot at 9?” she suggested. Sawyer held back her stun expression before nodding and walking off with Chuck as he made an “L” gesture with his finger and pointed at Omega.
The Bucks looked between the two, “We’re going to head back to the locker room now, we’ll see you guys later.” Nick scratched the back of his neck, as Matt gave them both a tight lip smile and followed his brother. Penelope Ford came back with enthusiasm since she would be advancing to the semi-finals against Sawyer. She gave a quick hug to Veronica, congratulated her, and went to celebrate with her fiancé. Veronica began to walk towards the tunnels as she noticed her opponent, Serena Deeb, was warming up.
“Are we going to talk about it?” Kenny spoke up, making her stop in her tracks.
“Is there really anything to talk about? I'm going to get dinner. That’s it.”
“But seriously? With…HER?” he scoffed, “When will you finally see she is no good?” Veronica turned around walking slowly towards her boyfriend, “Babe, you don’t understand how Sawyer and I’s friendship works…we’re fine.”
“I don’t buy it. I am trying to protect you. I am trying to protect US.” he ran his hands through his hair, “Kenny….” “She doesn’t like me, Veronica! She’s trying to break us up because she thinks you deserve better,” He stopped his rant, before giving a sly laugh, “But honestly…it doesn’t get better than me.” He clicked his tongue, before lifting her chin, and planting a soft kiss on her lips. “I love you, don’t ever forget that.”
Back out at the commentary table, Excalibur and Nova went over some of the other matches, while Taz stayed rather quiet compared to how he usually is. “And the main event for this evening, Veronica Rodriguez vs Serena Deeb in a semi-final qualifying match for the AEW Women’s championship tournament,” Nova announced happily, looking between the monitor and the stage for what was coming next.
Ricky Starks’ theme came blasting out the sound system of Daily’s Place, and both Nova and Taz snapped their heads towards the tunnel. Ricky walked out, playing air guitar and looking over at commentary. “Ricky Starks is one of the most charismatic and talented wrestlers there is now,” Taz started, hyping up his client, “Just look! Look at the physique!”
Nova shook her head, “I couldn’t agree more, Taz.” She stumbled, too busy watching Ricky to even get her words out.
Ricky looked towards the commentary table, Taz yelled some stuff at him, before Ricky looked directly at Nova. He winked, then blew her a kiss, looking back at the ring and climbing in to start his match.
“AYO STARKS!” Taz yelled, even though Ricky didn’t look over, “THAT WAS UNPROFESSIONAL!” Nova giggled to herself, looking down at the monitor to watch her man wrestle. Excalibur looked at Taz, who was still frustrated, before looking back at Nova, “Hey Nova you look a little red there? Everything alright?”
Nova smiled, Taz glared, “Shut up Excalibur!” They both shouted in unison, in two completely different tones.
Nova knew she couldn’t be like this the whole match. If she couldn’t wrestle, this was one of the ways to showcase herself, she couldn’t mess it up.
Taz and Excalibur went on about the match and each opponent, when she spoke up, “I think everyone can agree that something changed once Ricky stepped into AEW. I mean there isn’t a star like him. He moves quickly, he’s entertaining, his theme is so catchy, honestly Taz, I think you hit the jackpot with this one,” Nova smiled at him, he opened his mouth to speak when she continued, “I mean, between Ricky and Cage, they’re on fire. Just imagine them without you.”
Excalibur tried to hold in his laughter, Taz snapped his head over at Nova, “Now hold on just a second-” The bell rang, interrupting Taz. “Here is your winner: Ricky Starks!”
Nova smiled proudly at Ricky, as he made his way back to the tunnel. He gave her one last wink, before turning around, barely even looking at Taz. “While that match was very entertaining, let’s move onto our next matchup of the night, Nyla Rose vs Abadon!” Excalibur announced, straightening his suit.
The match went quickly, Nyla Rose would face whoever wins against Veronica and Serena. The camera was shot at the commentary table, and the three looked up. Nova smiled at the camera, listening to Excalibur announce the rest of the week’s matches. “And tomorrow night, make sure to catch Wardlow and Hangman in the semi-finals for an opportunity at the AEW World Championship.” Nova looked away from Excalibur and to the camera, clearing her voice, “And make sure you don’t miss Being The Elite on Monday, the best Youtube comedy show,” Nova paused, “But how about our main event tonight? I don’t know about you guys but I am bouncing off the walls excited.”
Excalibur smiled, “I’ve been waiting for this match before the night even started.” Veronica’s theme music played, she walked out, looking around the small crowd of people before looking over to Nova. “Hey girl! That’s my best friend! Kick some ass!” Veronica smiled, even more hyped up after the words from Nova.
“Now unlike Sawyer, no offense bestie, Veronica has held so many championships. She beat both of us in a title match a few years ago.” Nova mentioned, as Veronica set her shades down.
“Now Nova I have to ask, how do you think this match will end,” Excalibur looked over to her, “While Veronica is very strong and could make anyone tap...Serena Deeb is also-” “Yeah yeah she’s a yoga instructor, look at her record. Veronica is one of the best there is now. I don’t think we should underestimate her, Excalibur,” Taz interrupted, looking at the monitor to watch the match. “Took the words right out of my mouth.” Nova mumbled, focusing on the action in the ring.
Veronica finally got the upperhand, pulling Serena into a submission move. Deeb tapped on the mat, and Veronica stood, not able to hold back the smile on her face. She let Bryce Remsburg raise her hand, winking into the main camera.
“That main event was off the charts. I can’t wait for next week.” Nova said. “Yes, but first you have to catch AEW Dynamite tomorrow night on TNT,” Excalibur announced, looking to Nova to take it away, “Of course, one of the best parts of the week, I can’t wait to be back next week for commentary everyone, goodnight!”
The crew called out that the cameras were off, and Nova let go of a giant breath. “That was outstanding for your first time,” Excalibur complimented, “Can’t wait for next week.” He shook her hand before leaving the table, Nova being only with Taz. She looked over at him nervously, before he stood up, holding out his hand, “Not bad, kid. You’ll do just fine these next few weeks.” Nova shook his hand, smiling out of disbelief as he walked away.
Time Skip
The girls all laughed as they took a seat at their table. “You made Madi look like she could wrestle,” Nova insulted as Veronica nodded. “I think it may have been her best match yet.” The waiter placed a basket of rolls on the table mentioning he would be back shortly to take their orders. Sawyer reached in and took a bite. “Your match with Serena was really exciting , a couple of the wrestlers gathered around to watch. It was great.” Veronica smiled, “Thank you, it means a lot…but let's talk about Ricky blowing that kiss to Nova. You guys must be serious.” She wooed, as Nova rolled her eyes. “Taz was totally cock blocking though,” Sawyer added, making them burst out in laughter. Veronica’s phone started going off on the table making her sigh. She set the phone on silent and placed it in her purse.
“What does he want now?” Nova groaned. “Probably wanting to know her exact location this time,” Sawyer mumbled as she placed another roll in her hands. Veronica let out a small chuckle, having it fade quickly as she began to play with her fingers. “He’s just worried about me,” she started. “I can’t blame him. It can be a bit much at times, but he loves-”
“Eck, don’t use that word. I can’t believe you almost said that word.” Sawyer rambled. “You ain’t use it for anyone else, don’t start now.” Veronica opened her mouth to argue but was cut off as the waiter arrived putting the conversation aside for the moment. Once the waiter left, Nova snapped her head over to Sawyer, “But I must ask you, Sawyer, what’s going on with you and Mr. Chuck Taylor?”
Sawyer almost spit out the very expensive champagne, “What?”
“Oh c’mon. If you and Wardlow aren’t together, there has to be something between you and Chuck,” Veronica hinted, Sawyer just shook her head, “No way. No way! He and I are just best friends. And he would’ve tried already.”
Veronica and Nova exchanged a sly look, they knew Sawyer was oblivious, but for now, they planned to focus on the appetizer.
For the most part - the dinner went great. There were no more topics about Kenny (who seemed to be the main problem), and they all ate until they were stuffed, not having to worry about the bill at the end.
“Well if it isn’t the three most beautiful ladies in AEW.” A voice shouted through the hotel lobby. Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen danced their way over with their million-dollar smiles glowing. “What y'all been up to?” Veronica grinned. Marq placed his arm around Nova causing her to flick it off.
“Just came back from training with Matt, nothing too exciting.” Isiah crossed his arms, leaning on the nearest wall. “You started freaking out didn’t you?” Sawyer questioned.
“Just a little bit.” Kassidy giggled as he started cheering. “It was Matt HARDY. Can you blame me?” He began to do the famous Hardy Boy dance before remembering he was in public and cleared his throat. “Anyways, we came to see if you guys wanted to do something tonight. We barely had the chance to hang out yet.”
“Sure why not? We have nothing better else to do.” Nova shrugged. “I’m cool with it, as long as Veronica is too,” Sawyer adds. The thought of having a good night with some of her friends fogged her memory, as she spoke before she got the chance to think, “Come over in about thirty minutes.”
Nova had walked to the nearest grocery store to gather a couple of items before Marq and Isiah would be coming over. “I feel like this night could go incredibly wrong if we’re not careful.” Sawyer brought it up. “How so?” Veronica laughed. “Just imagine, all of us? DRUNK? That sets up for disaster already.” Her attention was taken off of Sawyer when her phone began to ring again. She almost answered, before looking at the caller ID. She stared at it for a bit, before a pillow was flung at her.
“Veronica? Are you even listening to me?”
“No, sorry. Kenny was calling-” She looked back at Sawyer who sat with a blank expression. “Don’t look at me like that! I didn’t even answer.”
“But did you want to?” Sawyer crossed her arms. “Maybe...I just haven’t talked to him since the show, it’s killing me.”
Sawyer bit back her words, as her friend’s facial expression read it was affecting her. “And I know you guys aren’t fond of each other, but I supported you and Wardlow.” she stopped as she let out a breath, “He’s different Sawyer.”
“Wardlow and I are back together.” She blurted, but quickly covered her mouth as Veronica’s neck snapped. “YOU GUYS ARE WHAT?” she yelped. Sawyer secretly thanked herself for blabbing, to avoid another argument. “Shush! It’s not that big of a deal,” she laughed. “We just didn’t want to tell anyone yet.” Veronica nodded understandingly, “So, now I’m just ‘someone’? That’s cool.”
“Oh no , I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I’m kidding, I’m not one to talk about keeping secrets. I’m happy for you.” She smiled, as the door flew open. “Your favorite party people are here!” Marq exclaimed as Isiah followed in after with BOTTLES of alcohol. A couple seconds later a panting Nova stood in the doorway. “You guys saw me struggling. WHY DID YOU NOT HELP ME?!” She dropped the bags and flopped on the couch.
“I was holding my children.” Kassidy gasped as he raised his beverage in the air. “That was payback for flicking my arm,” Marq moved next to her and placed his hand on her knee. “But how about I make it up to you?” he sent her a wink as Veronica and Sawyer hid back their laughs.
“THAT'S MY BOY!” Kassidy yelped as he poured his first shot. Nova groaned in response, getting up from her seat and popping a cork on a wine bottle, “It’s going to be a long night.”
The Next Morning
A loud siren blasted through the room, Veronica shifted around in her sleep noticing her bed has been replaced with something way more uncomfortable. A snore caused her to jump, instantly regretting it as the effects of last night began to hit. She felt around, finding she was passed out in a bathtub. Veronica’s face flashed with confusion and was about to call out until she saw a slumped Isiah Kassidy on the toilet. “Zay?” she squinted as he began to stir. “Wake up!” she grabbed the nearest thing next to her, a bar of soap, and flung it at him. “AGH-” He shouted, waking up from his slumber. “What the hell…WHERE ARE MY PANTS?” he looked down in fear until a grin popped up. “Are you… fully clothed?” he peeked in the tub and sighed as, unlike him, was still in her nightclothes. “Damn, I thought I got some.” he snapped his fingers in disbelief. “How are you thinking of sex right now?
“Because I could have pounded that ass, but you wanted to be loyal, and have no fun. Mama ain’t raise no snitch.” He raised his hands in defense, “Plus this is normal. I party every night, and all night. Is this your first time drinking?” He asked in a mocking tone. He held his hand out to help lift her, accepting that she groaned as the room started spinning. Her arm rested around him, as he made her way to her bed. “Did you want me to grab your phone, I’m pretty sure I saw it somewhere in the living room-”
“NO.” she yelled startling them, “It’s fine where it is.” The events of last night began to become less of a blur. Multiple shots, loud ass music, and even more calling and texts from Kenny. At one point, she couldn’t take it anymore and used her phone as target practice as she lunged it anywhere she could. They reached the room and saw Nova spread out on both beds that had been pushed together, and Sawyer hanging upside down on the armchair. “Ah that’s right, Marq did a 450 splash off the dresser. It’s all coming back now.” They both nodded and exited the room. “Here, you sit here, I'll get you something.” He searched through the cabinets, sighing when nothing was found. Sawyer soon stumbled in and found her way next to Veronica on the couch. “I am never drinking with them again.” She leaned her head on her friend’s shoulder. “They’re too advanced for us.”
“We’re on a different level.” A voice boasted behind the couch making the two jump. “MARQ? WHY ARE YOU BEHIND THE COUCH?” Sawyer shrieked. He shrugged as he began to rub his head. “So, you guys have absolutely nothing- AHH MARQ?!” Isiah threw the cup of water and held his chest. “You damn near killed me.” he breathed out. Sawyer groaned, “You just spilled water on our floor!”
“Could you guys be any louder-” Nova started, but wasn’t able to finish as she glided down the hall. Isiah raised his hand to his mouth to stop the laughter from slipping out. “Please tell me this is water…”
“This Ain’t Water.” They said in unison, before bursting out in laughter. Veronica went to gather her friend, after for a fact, reassuring her it actually was just water. “As I was saying, before Marq scared some of the skin color off of me, you guys don’t own shit. If y'all planned to get wasted you should have packed some aspirins.” He suggested, earning an ear thump from Sawyer. “We didn’t plan to end up like this. You guys got us drunk.” Marq nodded, “She’s not wrong.”
“Is there anyone that could go pick something up?” Nova suggested, before feeling more effects as she rushed to the nearest bathroom. “I’m sure Kenny could-”
“Nope, I got Trent and Chuck on the way. We don’t need anyone else.” Sawyer blurted out, quickly sending a text to the Best Friends. Veronica's lips straightened, as she slowly backed out of the living room, and into the kitchen. A sigh escaped her lips, as she realized having to explain to her boyfriend why she had been so distant wasn’t going to be anything she was looking forward to.
The door opened, and Trent and Chuck both rushed to Sawyer’s side. “We came as soon as we could, I hope you like sushi.” They shoved the bag of food onto her lap, before taking out their drug store bag filled with a couple of pills. “Oh, you didn’t have to bring us food-”
“Speak for yourself,” Kassidy and Quen snatched the box out of her grasp, and began to pick at it. She threw her hands up in annoyance before Chuck placed his hand on her forehead. “Have you thrown up yet?” He questioned. “Not yet,” she answered, as she stared at him carefully. “Oh you will.” he sent her a smile, and for a moment she felt warmth until he stopped.
“Hey are the guys here with the aspirins…oh hey.” She stopped herself, as she made contact with them. “I’m Veronica, it’s nice to finally be able to meet you.” Slowly walking over, she reached for the bag from Chuck who pulled his hand back.
“So, you’re the famous Veronica Rodriguez....” Trent started, “I got to say Kenny chose well.” Chuck smirked, as Trent walked up to her. “I guess you’re too far up his ass, to realize you’re in for a load of trouble though.” She was taken aback until Trent began again. “I don’t see you around backstage a lot, Sawyer claims it’s because you’re always hanging out with the EVP’s. I bet if you suck them off hard enough, you could get lucky and get a title shot.”
Her fist clenched, but they held each other's stare until a cough from Kassidy broke them up. “Well, this is getting exciting. We got a bed in the back if ya’ll want to settle your differences there.” Sawyer face-planted herself, before grabbing the bag from Chuck and walking to the kitchen. Trent shortly followed shoulder bumping her, and letting out a small laugh. “It was nice meeting you.” Chuck spat at her, before making his way where his other friends were.
Veronica sat next to Private Party with an unfazed expression, “Of course they would hate me.” She thought of the multiple times Sawyer had run to them in the past couple of weeks, ever since she got with Kenny. Marq offered her the container of food, where she sunk into the couch and began to pick at the bits that were left.
“I’m going to head out for a little bit,” Veronica said, handing the food back. “Are you sure that’s such a good idea?” Isiah questioned. “No, it’s not - but it’s not like I’ll find anything here that will help me.” She grabbed her sweatshirt and made her way to the door. “Have Nova help you guys clean this mess up, I’ll be back soon.” With a sigh, she closed the door and didn’t know where she would end up.
Sawyer slid down the patio door with a groan. “I bet you learned your lesson.” James, better known as Orange Cassidy, laughed over the phone. He had called Chuck wanting to get a daily update on the situation. “Hang up on him, or I’m going to toss your phone off the balcony.” Sawyer threatened making Chuck hold his phone to his chest. “Alright man, I got to go.” They said their goodbyes when Trent opened the sliding door. “Here’s your aspirin, and a bottle of water.” She took the items and took them almost immediately. Chuck let his eyes wander as he stared at her current state. Trent nudged him in the side causing him to snap back to reality. His eyes widened a bit as he smirked, and pointed in between them. Sawyer tossed the bottle to the side and closed her eyes. “You guys seemed heated in there,” She mentioned. “Towards V, was that necessary?” she laughed.
“Oh it was more than necessary,” Trent admitted. “She had the nerve to reach for the bag, after everything she’s done to you.” Sawyer held her tongue, knowing that it wasn’t all Veronica’s fault, they both were acting childish. “He’s right, she’s never looked in our direction either, her ego is only going to get worse around The Elite.” he took a seat next to her, relaxing his hand against hers. “I know you see it. I know you see her becoming something she’s not.” A calming silence rang through them. Sawyer thought over his words that seemed to hit her right in the face. Everything was starting to make sense.
At 9 in the morning, Veronica sat in the hotel lobby. Waving to some of the people that crossed by before beginning to hear her stomach growl. She looked for the nearest breakfast bar until she saw the people she was trying to avoid. Kenny sat at a table with The Young Bucks and seemed to be in a deep conversation, she slowly backed out and into the room next to her. It was mostly empty, except for a familiar guy in the corner… with a beer bottle and cowboy boots.
“We got to stop meeting like this,” she made her way over onto the stool next to him. He finished his glass, before taking a glance at her. “Rough night?” he asked. Veronica sighed before starting, “Is it that obvious?” she groaned. He put his glass down, looking her up and down, and bit the bottom of his lip. “Yea. You look terrible.” He lied. Hangman liked how the ‘Morning After’ look appeared on her, but she didn’t need to know that.
“Gee, thanks. I’ll make sure to let Private Party know.” His brows rose in surprise, “You drank with them? How are you still alive?” He cracked a smile at her dead expression. “How are you when you’re drunk? The daredevil type maybe?.” It was his turn to have a dead expression, as she laughed. “I’m the complete opposite actually, from what my friend’s told me… I can get handsy if I’m with someone. Other than that, I keep to myself in my small corner.” He raised his glass to her, and sipped it. “You’re drunk right now…aren’t you?” He let her look him over closely and started to feel himself get hot, “No, but I’m getting there.” Veronica took the glass from him, and drank the rest of it down. “You don’t need to be alone anymore, Page.” She placed an arm around him, “You’re safe with me now.”
“I'll hit you with this damn mop, if you don’t put her phone back!” Nova chased Kassidy around the living room, as he snapped another selfie of him. “Come on! Are you not curious at all to read one of these 400 text messages from Kenny?” He attempted to unlock her phone, before it was snatched out of his hand by Nova. “Hey!” he whined.
“Go get more paper towels.” She said while fully shutting the phone down, and onto the counter. “Ouu, so demanding. Kinky. I like that.” He flirted with Nova groaning. Marq came from the bathroom, and looked around. “Damn where did everybody go?” he scratched his head, as Kassidy made his way back into the living room. “Sawyer is on the patio, and I don’t know where Veronica went-” a knock interrupted them making his head perk up. “Must be her now.” Isiah went to the door, but let out a groan. “Ugh. It’s just Ricky.”
“Ricky?” Nova questioned as she made her way to the door. There he stood with a small bag, and a dumb found expression. “Oh I didn’t know you were here.” He looked between them with a hurt expression. “What? Oh no it’s not like tha-” Nova began to explain as Marq peeked his head out as well. “Why are you talking to my girl?” he squinted. Ricky’s eyes widened, as Nova slapped the back of his neck. “Go inside.” They stuck their tongue out, and closed the door leaving them alone.
“Just to be clear… there is nothing going on between you and them? Right?” Nova laughed, “Nah they just came over last night, and still haven’t left.” He let out a sigh of relief, before turning his full attention onto Nova. “Well, what did you need? I still gotta clean this place or they’ll destroy everything.”
“So you know our first date, when I told you I knew the artist from the bowling alley?” Nova nodded, remembering the date, “Yeah, have you told him I think he's talented, and about a possible merch design?” Ricky chuckled, “Yeah, about that…” He reached and grabbed the bag that he brought with him, pulling out a t- shirt, “I wanted to surprise you, since he knows what he’s doing, I got this designed for you.”
Nova grabbed it from his hands, her jaw dropped, “Oh my God…” “What’s wrong? Do you not like it?” Ricky asked, worried.
“I love it. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.” Nova gushed, admiring the pink design. “Well, the reason I did this is because I had to ask you something.” Ricky smiled, waiting for Nova to look at him. “Well, what is it?”
Ricky took a deep breath, “When I first laid my eyes on you, I was mesmerized. And after our first date, I knew you were someone special. And the dates and calls after just continued to prove my point.” Nova smiled, Ricky said a bunch of stuff like this before, but this time felt...different.
“You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I know I gotta ask before I don’t get the chance,” He grabbed her hands, “Nova Jay, will you please be my girlfriend?” Nova smiled so big, “I’d thought you would never ask.”
Ricky pulled Nova in, and let his hands rest on her backside as they shared a kiss. He lightly pushed her onto the wall, without breaking contact and let her rub against him a bit. A groan almost escaped his lips until the door swung open.
“Nova, I accidentally clogged the toilet- OH MY GOD.” Marq screamed, causing them to jump. His hands covered his mouth, as he quickly shut the door. “What’s wrong with you? You seem like you just saw a ghost.” Kassidy said while he flipped through the channels on the TV. “I just walked in on Nova and Ricky doing mouth to mouth, I’ve never been more devastated in my life.” Kassidy dropped the remote, and let his eyes close. “He’s out there kissing OUR GIRL?”
“How could she do this to us?”
Sawyer then came into the room with Chuck and Trent, “Have you guys seen Nova?” She made her way to the door, but was pulled back by Marq. “Don’t go out there! It’s dangerous and could lead to serious trauma!” Isiah cried. Chuck and Trent looked at each other with odd expressions, “What? Let me look.” Sawyer took a peep through the peephole and started screaming as she saw Nova and Ricky making out. “FINALLY. GET IT NOVA!” She cheered, making sure they could hear on the other side. Marq whipped a fake tear from his cheek, before leaning against Kassidy for support. “At the start, we had three girls…now we only got one.” Isiah glanced at Sawyer, making her cringe. “Now is not the time.” she reminded herself, as she and Wardlow wanted to keep their relationship private.
Chuck tensed, as Kassidy put his arm around Sawyer. “Have I ever told you, you were my favorite?” He smiled, but was met with an elbow to the ribs. “Too late, I got my eye on someone already.” she said, as she shot a look at Chuck who began to blush. Trent began to speak up until the door opened, and a giggling Veronica walked in with a tipsy Hangman Adam Page.
“Did you guys see Ricky and Nova outside? I first thought it was some random dude, but when I got closer,” she leaned onto Hangman “I noticed his big forehead, and instantly knew it was him.” She laughed.
“Well if it isn’t Hangman Pussypants Page.” Isiah rolled his eyes, at the sight of Veronica against him. “Did you get her even more drunk than she already was?” he asked with concern. “SHE drank my glass of whiskey, I had nothing to do with it.” “So, you couldn’t have taken it from her?” Trent interrupted, making Veronica lunge at him. Hangman picked her up, and tossed her over his shoulders. “Calm down.” he ordered as he set her on the couch, Hangman sat next to her letting his arm rest against her thigh. “I don’t know what happened before I got here, but it ends now. Veronica and I are both going to sober up a bit, and we need pills. Do yall got any here?”
Sawyer shoved Chuck, making him groan, he handed the bag over and Trent rolled his eyes. Nova then came in with Ricky, and they starred at the group. “Well isn’t this something,” Ricky started. “I thought you guys we’re going to suffocate out there.” Sawyer jokes, as she went to hug her friends. “You have gotta tell me the details.” Sawyer mumbled to Nova who nodded. “How about we put on a movie to ignore the sound of my heart shattering?” Isiah mentioned as Nova groaned, “Get over it!” “NEVER.” He cried. “A movie is fine with me,” Ricky shrugged as he took a seat on one of the chairs. “First we should take a picture, it’s crazy to see all this talent in one room.” She chirped.
“All this talent… and Veronica.” Trent laughed, making Veronica turn her head to face him. “I’m going to hurt him,” she started to get up until Hangman grabbed her hand. She took a deep breath before giving his hand a squeeze. Nova smiled as they took the perfect photo and posted it onto her instagram. It was only then till Hangman released Veronica’s hand, and took her face in his hands and kissed her.
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
“The Worst Thing in the World” - Matt Jackson x OFC
Title: The Worst Thing in the World
Theme: @12daysofchristmas Day 12 - Mistletoe
Fandom/Character(s): AEW/Matt Jackson x OFC
Warnings: Some cursing and sexual language, alcohol use
Word Count: 2,514
Notes: I’ve done it. I’ve caved and written a Matt Jackson fic. BUT I’ve done it my way *smug smile* Also, I’m honestly pretty pumped about this because it’s sort of a prologue to something in the works? And I’ll just leave it at that. Enjoy!
Find more of my fics here.
Tag squad: @champbucks @hotyeehawman @freshlysqueezedmox @comeasyoudar @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @librathepheonix13 @exe-sadboi-exe @gabbynorth98
“Do you think this is gonna be weird?”
Katrina felt her palms starting to get clammy as she and Violet got out of their Uber. She looked nervously up at the house in front of them, trimmed with festive bright white icicle lights that twinkled in the dark. Normally, she’d be all about a Christmas party with their friends. But the circumstances were a bit different tonight.
Violet gave her a curious look. “Why would it be weird?” she asked; and then she answered her own question as she shut the rear passenger-side door of the car. “Because we don’t work for WWE anymore?”
Katrina just nodded, the fluffy white ball on the end of her Santa hat bobbing with the motion. Violet frowned.
“It won’t be weird. They might not be our coworkers anymore, but they’re still our friends,” she reasoned. “Besides, it’s a blended party, anyway. You know Britt and Adam invited AEW people, too.”
Katrina rolled her eyes when she said that. “Don’t remind me,” she groused and started up the driveway. Violet followed, a cheeky grin on her lips.
“When are you gonna stop pretending you don’t have the hots for Matt Jackson?”
“I do not have the hots for Matt Jackson,” Katrina returned with a look over her shoulder.
“He thinks you’re hot.”
“What? No, he doesn’t.”
“Yes, he does. He told me so.”
Katrina scoffed. “When? Before you sucked his dick back in Japan?”
“Actually, yeah,” Violet bluntly returned. It made Katrina stop and blink dumbly at her as they arrived on the doorstep. She smirked. “And I did way more than just suck his dick.”
The front door abruptly opened. Britt Baker and Candice Larae beamed out at them, drinks in both their hands, red sequined reindeer antlers atop Britt’s head and a green Christmas elf hat on Candice’s. The sound of Christmas music floated out from the house.
“Finally, more girls!” Britt proclaimed. “It’s a sausage fest in here.”
Violet snorted a laugh while Katrina bit back a smirk. That was an ironic turn of phrase, given what they’d just been discussing. Thankfully, Britt didn’t question what was so funny.
“You two look festive,” Candice complimented. She smirked at Violet’s black and red checkered flannel. “You and Page are twins.”
Violet gave her a surprised look. “Paige is here?”
“Wrong Paige,” Britt returned. But she didn’t clarify before she motioned for them to come inside. They all exchanged hugs and proper hellos, and then Britt took their jackets and the bottle of wine they’d brought and told them to help themselves to the drinks and food in the kitchen. They’d arrived fashionably late—which was, as usual, Katrina’s fault—and the party was already well underway. She’d barely taken two steps toward the kitchen when someone called out to her.
Katrina halted. There was only one insufferable person who dared to call her that. “Matthew,” she gritted.
“Long time, no see.”
He pulled her into a hug. She reluctantly lifted one arm and patted him stiffly on the back. “Yeah, I wish it was longer.”
“That’s what she said.”
She gave him a cruel smirk as he stepped back. “I bet you’re used to hearing that.”
“I’m actually not,” he returned. “And I’d be more than happy to prove it to y—”
“Hey, stranger,” Violet interrupted at the perfect moment. She wrapped her arms around Matt’s middle and gave him a much warmer hug than Katrina had. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah, I was just catching up with my best friend Kat, here,” he grinned. Katrina rolled her eyes.
“I’m too sober for this.”
She started toward the kitchen again—but Matt caught her wrist. “Wait. There’s someone I want both of you to meet.”
His hand dropped from her, and he motioned with his head for them to follow. Katrina exchanged a look with Violet, but she just shrugged and walked after him; Katrina expelled a sigh and did the same. He led them into the great room where most everyone had gathered. Matt’s younger brother Nick stood with Adam Cole and a tall, blonde man dressed in a black and red checkered flannel nearly identical to Violet’s. Katrina knew who he was, but she didn’t know him. She presumed he was who Matt wanted them to meet.
“Hey, guys!” Nick proclaimed when he saw them. He exchanged hugs with them both, as did Cole, and then the awkward pre-introduction anticipation set in. Thankfully, it didn’t last long.
“Violet and Katrina, it’s about time you met Adam Page,” Matt said. “Adam, meet Violet and Katrina.”
Adam nodded and tipped his beer toward them. “Hey, it’s nice to finally meet y’all. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Violet smirked up at him. There was a glimmer in her eye that Katrina recognized all too well. She wanted to climb him like a tree. “Only terrible things, I’m sure.”
He smiled a handsome smile. “Well, you’re both from Virginia, right? So you can’t be too terrible. Plus, you clearly have impeccable fashion sense.”
He glanced down at her matching flannel. Katrina watched as Violet fidgeted. Yup, she wanted to fuck him.
“I heard y’all had a pretty intense rivalry with Matt and Nick back in the day,” he added with a glance at Katrina. She grinned.
“Oh yeah, we totally whooped their asses.”
“No, you didn’t,” Matt countered.
“Did too.”
“Yes, we did,” Violet added.
Nick’s eyebrows arched. “Are you shitting me?”
“It sounds to me like this rivalry isn’t settled,” Cole grinned. “Maybe it should be revisited. Your non-competes are up soon, aren’t they?”
Katrina nodded. “Yeah. But as if the TNT execs would let an intergender match happen.”
“You never know,” Nick shrugged. “And even if we can’t make it happen, I’ve already told you that Kenny wants you two in AEW.”
Katrina’s stomach did a little flip. But then Matt’s voice cut into her thoughts like nails on a chalkboard.
“Seriously, let us know when your non-competes are up. I know you’re dying to wrestle me again, Kat.”
He fixed her with that shit-eating grin she’d come to know so well. Her eyes narrowed. “Again, I’m too sober for this.” She looked back at Adam. “It was nice meeting you, but I need a drink.”
He nodded. “Yeah, we’ll get along just fine.”
She gave him a smile and turned to head toward the kitchen. Violet called for her to get her a drink, too, and when Katrina turned to tell her alright, she saw that Matt was following her. She rolled her eyes and kept walking.
“Come on, I was just joking,” he said.
“That doesn’t make it any less weird,” she returned.
“What? What’s weird?”
“Are you serious?” she shot him a look as she grabbed two cups. “You don’t think it’s weird that you flirt with me right in front of my best friend who you’ve fucked?” She ladled out mulled wine from the crockpot on the counter into the cups. When Matt didn’t say anything, she glanced expectantly him.
“Not really,” he offered. “Vi doesn’t care.”
“Well, I care!” she proclaimed. “It’s weird, and you’re not cute, so.” She left it at that and grabbed the drinks to march back into the great room, nearly smacking Matt in the face with her Santa hat as she whirled around, a period on their conversation.
But Matt couldn’t leave it at that, because of course he couldn’t. “Come on, I know you don’t hate me as much as you act like you do.”
“Pretty close. You’re literally the most annoying person on planet Earth.”
He laughed. “Oh, literally? Okay, so you’ve met every single person on planet Earth, then? All seven billion of them?”
She stopped and turned to face him again. “You’re literally the most annoying person I’ve met, then. Far and away.”
He shook his head. “No, that’s not true.”
“Yes, it is.”
“No, it’s not.”
“How do you know?”
“Because you’ve met Nick.”
“Whoa!” Nick proclaimed, suddenly appearing before them. “I am not the annoying one.”
“Yes, you are,” Katrina and Matt simultaneously returned. Matt smirked at her; she scowled at him.
“You’re both equally as annoying as the other,” she clarified.
Matt’s grin widened until he looked like the Cheshire cat. “Well then I’m not the most annoying person you’ve met, am I, Kat?”
Katrina growled in her throat. If there was anything she hated, it was when Matthew fucking Jackson got one up on her. But before she could think of a scathing comeback, Nick cleared his throat.
“Uh, guys. Look up.”
They both glanced at Nick, curious, and then they both looked up. Katrina froze. Hanging from the lintel above them was a small bunch of mistletoe, tied up in a neat red velvet bow—and they were standing right underneath it. 
She reeled back. “Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little.”
Matt rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on.”
“You two have to kiss now,” Nick said. “Them’s the rules.”
Katrina snorted out a laugh. “Yeah, not happening.”
“Why not?” Nick asked.
Her eyebrows arched high onto her forehead. “Seriously?”
“Yeah,” he returned. “If you ask me, I think it’s pretty obvious that you two have some pent-up sexual aggression you need to release.”
Katrina’s mouth dropped. One, that was ridiculous. And two, it gave her the willies just thinking about kissing Matt. He’d hooked up with her best friend! Multiple times! She stole a glance at him out of the corner of her eye and shuddered. It was weird.
She looked back at Nick, eyes narrow. “Well it’s a good thing no one asked you, then,” she bit, and she stalked away from them, ridding herself of the disgusting thought of kissing Matthew Jackson.
* * * * * * * * * *
Thankfully, Violet had been right: the party wasn’t nearly as weird as Katrina had worried it would be. She was happy to see all their friends, and most of them seemed excited at the prospect of her and Violet going to All Elite Wrestling once they could. Which was funny, because they hadn’t really discussed what was next for them. Impact had reached out, as well, and they had women’s tag team championships, and Katrina wouldn’t be opposed to going back to Japan. However, judging by the way Violet had been making bedroom eyes at Page all night, it seemed like he’d already been added to her list of pros for going to AEW. That was fine with Katrina—anything to get Vi away from that Carolina Bastard she’d been hooking up with.
She got what she could of what was left of the mulled wine and decided to step out into the Florida room for a little privacy. Truth be told, she was buzzed and thinking about texting someone, half for advice on going to AEW and half for other reasons; but as she pulled out her phone, the sliding glass door opened behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and let out a groan.
Matt stuck his hands into his hoodie. “Jeez, I can’t come see why you’re out here all by yourself?”
She scoffed. “It didn’t occur to you I wanted to be by myself?”
He pursed his lips. “I know you pretty well, Katrina. You’re a social drunk.”
She rolled her eyes, trying to ignore the fact that he hadn’t used the nickname she loathed for once. “Page and Vi seem to be hitting it off.”
She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, gauging his reaction. As long ago as their Japanese fling had been, she had a feeling Matt still had a little crush on Violet. But if he was jealous at all, he didn’t give it away.
“I expected them to.”
Her eyes widened. “Like that?”
His brow furrowed. “What, you think I’m jealous?”
She smirked and looked back at her phone. “You said it, not me.”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Really? Because I think you have a little crush on her.”
“Why am I out here, then?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, because you’re chickenshit and you know that Page is way hotter than you.”
He gave her a flat look. She let out a laugh and brought her drink to her lips. But it died in her throat at what he said next.
“You know, maybe Nick’s right.”
She lowered her drink to look back at him in shock. He couldn’t be saying what it sounded like he was saying. Could he? “What?”
He moved closer. “Maybe Nick’s right about what he said earlier, when we were under the mistletoe. Would kissing me really be the worst thing in the world?”
Katrina’s nose crinkled as she pushed her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. A smart-ass comment sat at the ready on the tip of her tongue; but, before she could fire it off, Matt was right in front of her. Close. Close enough for her to feel his body heat in the chilly winter air.
“Because, for the record, I don’t think kissing you would be the worst thing in the world.”
His eyes lowered to her lips. She felt her pulse quicken. Matt had never looked at her like that before. It made her feel… something other than aggravation toward him, for once. She blamed the mulled wine. But then he raised his gaze to meet hers, and her senses returned to her.
“You’re full of shit,” she dismissed.
He smirked, crooked and cocky as ever. “Oh, am I?”
“Yeah, you ar—”
He bent forward and caught her lips in his, cutting her off. Katrina made a noise of surprise into his mouth; but she didn’t pull away or stop him, and for a second he just stayed like that, his lips pressed to hers, unsure what to do next, as if he was just as surprised as she was that he’d actually kissed her. But then, slowly, he started to move his mouth against hers. His lips were soft, juxtaposed with the scratchy stubble on his chin. His hands found her waist. Her hand that didn’t hold her drink lifted to slide tentatively up his chest to his neck. He deepened the kiss, gently, testing if she’d let him in. She did. He tightened his hold on her, drawing her body against his. And then, unexpectedly, a breathy, muffled moan escaped her.
Katrina pushed him away like his lips had shocked her. She had not made that noise. Matthew fucking Jackson had not made her make that noise.
His grin was cockier than ever. “What, enjoying it a little too much?”
“It was the wine.” She pushed past him back toward the house, a scowl on her lips and a blush on her cheeks.
“Uh huh,” he smirked after her. “Sure it was.”
She glared at him over her shoulder. “This never happened,” she said, and as she ripped open the door and went back inside, she decided that kissing Matt was the worst thing in the world. Because she knew he was never going to let her live it down.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
20 AEW Dark and Elevation Regulars that AEW should sign
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Now I know, AEW has a very stacked roster, in fact I've considered writing an essay on the risk of AEW's growing roster being top-heavy
I mean we've barely scraped the potential of Brian Cage, Scorpio Sky, Wardlow, Sammy Guevara, TH2, Sonny Kiss, Matt Sydal, Proud and Powerful, Nick Comoroto, Will Hobbs, Serena Deeb (who I know is injured atm), and many more. But with Rampage oncoming maybe there is room for them.
But, we'll stick a pin in that for now, because tonight is AEW's 100th Episode of Dark. A big deal still considering it's one of AEW's 2 weekly youtube wrestling shows, and one of AEW's many Youtube weekly shows if you include vlogs such as BTE, SammysVlogs, Ethan Page's vlog and the AEW-promotional Countdown to and Outside the Ring with Lexy Nair segments and the Unrestricted Podcast. In the pandemic era, Dark became a home to several indie talents in need for work, some got signed but not all, so I'm gonna list 10 men's and 10 women's wrestlers who were regulars on Dark and Elevation who AEW can and should still sign
Note: I will not be including wrestlers who look set for regularity, so Wheeler Yuta, Jora Johl, Fuego and the Wingmen won't be on the list, as will any AEW Women's tournament entrants (Maki Itoh, Madi Wrenkowski, Nicole Savoy etc.). Danny Limelight and Konosuke Takeshita are also signed to MLW and DDT Pro just fyi
10 Men AEW should sign
The men's division is already stacked, and it has a lot of up and comers too, but there are still a few areas where AEW's Dark stalwarts have proven they can fill a void for.
Honorable mentions for: JDX, El Australiano, M'Badu, Jake St. Patrick, Brick Aldridge, Megabyte Ronnie, Suge 'Pineapple Pete' D and Vary Morales. Also Kidd Bandit, but he hasn't wrestled on Dark or Elevation so I couldn't add him in.
10. Marty Casaus Better known as Marty 'the Moth' Martinez from Lucha Underground, Marty trained with AEW after some time out with injury and made some appearances on Dark. As the Moth, Marty demonstrated his character work as a gross heel, but his size was also an asset to his disturbed and near-psychotic persona.
9. Dean Alexander An alumnus of the Nightmare Factory, Alexander has frequented on Dark and Elevation usually in tag action where he hasn't been able to get his dickhead persona across. He is your traditional cocky heel which in the Nightmare Factory showcases has led to his hilarious downfalls, even losing to Negative One in his multiple failures to win in the Main Event of these showcases. Frankly, this is what Baron Corbin should be like if you're gonna mock him, he's also very impressive in the ring.
8. Dillon McQueen Another Nightmare Factory alum, Dillon McQueen has also only been used for jobbing, but his character is actually great. The King of Queens, Dillon brims charisma that would be a winner for crowds, but he has a babyface fire to him as well, easily could be a rising talent with the right training.
7. Dan Barry To be honest, I like his Hawaiian Shirts. He has a lot of experience in the indies and can work in a similar way Colt Cabana works balancing serious and comedy wrestling, would just be pretty cool to see him more.
6. & 5. TNT (Terrence and Terrell Hughes) Sons of D-Von Dudley, TNT have had less appearances on AEW as of recent, which is a shame, because they can definitely be developed as some of the next gen tag teams the Acclaimed and Blonds have been. AEW haven't shied from legacy wrestlers in the past, and the duo definitely have potential.
4. Chandler Hopkins Chandler Hopkins has shown up to be squashed by the big men a lot, but somehow he also manages to eke out some strong entertainment and fluid wrestling in it. His match against Brian Cage is an effective example of this. Like Fuego, Chandler is definitely someone you can use on the undercard for some enhancement, maybe even push up once more character comes across.
3. Ryzin Ryzin has stuck with AEW for quite a while now, even having skits on BTE. The Unholy Father however never got a W on AEW, which is a shame because he has character and promo skills in hand. He could easily be a fit for Chaos Project as well or teamed with Abandon in a James Mitchell kinda role.
2. Carlie Bravo One of the first class alums of the Nightmare Factory, Carlie Bravo remains charismatic and athletic in his showings, he even had a great little pairing with Shawn Dean until Dean's signing, I'd love to see them bring that back - two Navy veterans tearing up the tag scene would be pretty awesome.
1. Baron Black Few have stayed the course during the pandemic era like Baron Black. Debuting in April and still yet to get his first win, he was one of the three touted stars by Cody on Sammy's vlog who he encouraged to be booked around the world because of his workrate and skill. If anyone has earned it that isn't named Fuego del Sol (or that other name Cody mentioned), it's Baron Black.
10 Women AEW should sign In contrast to the men's division, AEW's women's roster does look like it could use some buffing, for midcard and even building more stars.
Honorable mentions are plenty in this one, so just missing out are the following: Ashley D'Amboise, Leila Grey, Renee Michelle, Jazmin Allure, Savannah Evans, Willow Nightingale, the Renegade Twins, Holidead, Kenzie Paige, Jennacide and Brooke Havok (who I would guess will be signed once her leg recovers).
10. Ashley Vox With or without her Sea Stars tag partner, Delmi Exo, Ashley Vox has proven herself a frequent flier for AEW. Talented in singles and tag competition. She also has a strong rapport with many of AEW's current roster.
9. Alex Gracia The Pink Dream has been on ROH as of recent but remains a freelancer, her last appearance being a squash from Dr. Britt Baker DMD. AEW must've been high on Gracia at one point because they gave her a title shot on Dynamite. With experience in Shimmer and Stardom, Gracia would definitely be a worthy addition.
8. Tesha Price Another woman who AEW put on Dynamite rare times, Tesha proved herself to play face and heel during her time on Dark and Elevation. As a heel she showed a lot of fire especially against KiLynn King and Ryo Mizunami, the Psycho Sweetheart definitely has something she can give to the division - who are tbf lacking in heels right now.
7. Vertvixen I am not sure what it is about Vertvixen specifically, but whenever I see her I think she has the look, not to mention the athleticism to boot. Her triple threat on MPW against Jennacide and Jazmin Allure was a definite highlight as of recent.
6. Miranda Alize A former Mae Young Classic competitor, like Jennacide and Gracia she's recently been used by ROH, but she is definitely a confident wrestler and does not shy from the intergender matches either, having fought Laredo Kid and Danny Limelight. She's worked with many impressive wrestlers too, including an Impact Knockouts Title match against Jordynne Grace and matches against Deonna, Taya and Tessa.
5. Reka Tehaka The Samoan Savage may've debuted on AEW's first ever house show, but regular Dark and Elevation appearances have been met with positive reactions. Being partly trained by the Nightmare Factory, Tehaka has done well to establish herself despite only wrestling for a year and a half, she could definitely be a prospect.
4. Veda Scott Okay, so I cheated a little by saying no competitors, but I could not leave out Veda on this list. She has in-ring talent and intergender experience - tagging with her Speedball husband - but on AEW Dark and the Deadly Draw she proved herself excellent on commentary. A female voice in the booth even for just the women's matches would go a long way for the division and Veda's the perfect voice for it.
3. Dani Jordyn The Mean Girl is definitely someone you can call a regular on Dark and Elevation. She works hard and works with a lot of main roster talent, and I don't think I've seen her put on a bad match. So it would be nice to reward her with a contract.
2. Diamante It still baffles me actually that Diamante has yet to become All Elite. Deadly Draw winner and involved in a lot of the Elevation/Dark women's feuds, Diamante has a wealth of knowledge and experience under her belt. She's still popular with fans and can easily step back into her LAX days by pairing with the Inner Circle. Few unsigned talent have won as much as her too, I would say it's when rather than if, but when is taking a long ass time.
1. KiLynn King The three names Cody praised highly were Fuego, Baron Black and KiLynn King, so I think above all else they should be given contracts. In fact, I was surprised King wasn't on the Dark 100 card, by virtue that although King has shown up on Dynamite a few times, she has been on Dark and Elevation 41 times since debuting in May 2020, it was a shock that someone so regular wasn't on the card. King showed she could work as the bully heel but also as a charismatic babyface, even having a little faction brewing with Swole and Red Velvet as RSK, but when crowds came back we seemed to drop the potential of AEW's first all-women faction. King is over with fans...so long as you don't put her against someone as over as Thunder Rosa, and she has put on some lowkey bangers during her time on AEW, especially the one against Riho. Tall and powerful, but fun in the ring and outside the ring with clips of her in the crowd chanting and even vibing to Angelico's music. King would definitely be on the top of my list of AEW Dark regulars that deserve a contract.
I'm sure I might've missed some and opinions may differ, but I think these lot would definitely be able to fit into AEW effortlessly thanks to their time on Dark and Elevation. Many of whom could be used to build or become future champions themselves, and I hope still to see more of them beyond Dark 100.
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aen-maggs · 4 years
I woke up in a sweat and crying out in my sleep. It took me a minute to realize where I was and what was happening. I flipped on the lamp and was blinded by the light. Getting up I went to the sink in the room and ran cold water over a wash cloth.
It had been such a great evening. After my encounter with Eddie, I was called to the hotel lobby where I met with Nick and Matt Jackson. These guys were very genuine and were excited to meet me. I was shocked since I still wasn't sure of who, other than Cody, would have even known me. Again, the power of the internet had the brothers fully educated on me and what I had done years before.
The restaurant wasn't far, so we walked along the river to arrive at Mi Tierra. I had been there before only I hadn't eaten anything on the menu. It was the bakery that always had my attention. We were seated at a table in the back. We were soon joined by Cody, his wife Brandi, and Kenny Omega. To say I was fangirling was an understatement.
Dinner and conversation went by quickly. It was easy to feel like I fit in with this group as they made me feel very comfortable and very wanted in the company. After dinner, Brandi turned to Cody.
"I want to take a look at that bakery." She started to stand and he stood with her wiping his mouth one last time with his napkin.
"Gentlemen and lady, we bid you good night." He said with a smile as they walked through the restaurant.
"You ready, Nick?" Matt said with a grin. Nick nodded and they excused themselves also heading towards the bakery.
I found myself sitting alone at the table with Kenny. He pulled out his wallet and put a cash tip on the table.
"I drew the short straw and get to pay tonight." He said. I laughed.
"The perks of being an executive." I said. I sipped at my water. Kenny put his wallet back in his pocket and looked at me seriously.
"I am glad we get a chance to talk." He said. He crossed his arms, elbows leaning on the table.
“Oh, yeah” I said doing the same. I had felt his unease with me most of the night.
“When you used to wrestle, I get it. You were a hardcore brawler. You worked with several people known for putting it all on the line.” Kenny said. I knew what he was referring to. I had worked with Mox and Sami and Eddie years ago. I left the business for a few years once those guys moved on.
“Time changes a person.” I said with a slight smile.
“I’m not so sure,” he shook his head, “Brawlers are always brawlers. Some can be very good technical wrestlers, but at their core they will always be reckless.” Kenny said flatly. My smile dropped and I leaned forward.
“You happen to say this to Jon or Eddie or Darby?” I asked.
“I’m over the women’s division mostly. I am concerned you are reckless and your temper might create issues.” He said raising his eyebrows.
“Ah.” I said, realizing Kenny had heard of my anger issues. There weren’t many people that knew or understood about my anger. Fewer still knew where it came from. Who could have told him, I didn’t know, nor did I know how much he knew.
“Look,” I said, “My time away from the ring was spent learning how to control my demons. I have everything right wrapped up. I can promise that I will not abuse this opportunity or let my hot head get in the way of the success of the company. I am ready to get started, and I understand I have to start at the bottom and prove that I am trustworthy and capable.”
Kenny sat back in his chair, accessing me. A man like him, a top player in the entire business and a brilliant mind, didn’t need long to know I meant what I said.
“You understand, it’s not meant to be offensive. I just want to be cautious. We are still getting our stride here, and inter-gender matches are already taboo and not exactly something Tony wants. I fought hard for this.” He said frankly. I could tell he was searching for something.
“In the interest of good faith and friendship, I can tell you the story behind that incident in Mexico.” I shuddered slightly not wanting to remember that night. The night I beat another woman almost senseless from rage and jealousy.
Kenny held up his hand and and shook his head. “No, I don’t need to know. Just tell me it’s good now and we can start fresh.”
“All good here, boss.” I told him.
“Great!” He said as he stood up from the table, “You want anything from the bakery?”
“No, I’m good.” I felt myself relax just a bit.
After Kenny paid, he walked me back to my hotel room. At the door, he actually hugged me. That was not expected, but I made a note to myself that Kenny was a hugger. It was actually kind of sweet, but I wasn’t used to being touched like that. It had been way too long.
Now, here I was, standing in my hotel room in a cold sweat. I was fine. Everything was fine. Why the hell had the nightmares kicked in on me now?
I heard a gentle knock at the door. Looking quickly at the clock I noticed it was 2 in the morning. In my pajamas, I walked to the door and looked in the peep hole.
It was Eddie. He was leaning against the door frame looking down the hall. I opened the door, too tired to be angry.
“What?” I asked with a sigh.
“It about about that time you wake up shouting and then want waffles or somthin’.” He said not looking at me. He was still just staring down the hall, hands in pockets.
“You-“ I started but just blanked out. The bastard had remembered.
“It ain’t no thing if you are good, but I figured I would check for old times sake.” Eddie straightened and looked at me finally. “You had a nightmare, yeah?”
“Yeah.” I opened the door wider offering him to come in.
“Nawh, I’ll wait downstairs” he said.
“I’ll be down in a few if you can keep up this nice guy business,” I said. He grinned at me.
“Now, doll. You know I can’t make any promises.”
He turned down the hall and I closed the door. I checked my inner demons. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was a nice gesture and I was in good control. Let’s see what is going on with nice guy Eddie.
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fandom-imagines-001 · 4 years
Kenny Omega X Reader #001
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Kenny Omega
5. "Why do you hate me?"
"Don't touch me" you glared at Kenny when he passed by and accidentally grazed his hand on yours. He didn't say anything to you, just frowned and continued on his way following your big bother Cody.
"Why does she do that?" Kenny said to Cody as they continued into their locker room. "Don't ask me Omega" Cody shook his head but he knew why. Cody has known all along why you do what you do to Kenny.
You watched the monitor dazing into the match, and to be honest you really didn't care who was wrestling or what was going on. All you could think about was Kenny, everything he does. He bothered you, every single bit of him bothered you.
"Hey sis" Cody pulls you from your daze, and you turn to look at him. "Hey Cod" you smiled at him. "You know he really cares about you, and not just because your my sister. I could swear he's in love with you." Cody was right, and you knew it. You knew Kenny was in love with you. "Can we not talk about this right now?" You ask him still not looking at him. "No, we're talking about this right now. You're starting to effect his mood" You give him a dirty look and shake your head. "Good" you snort and try to walk away but Cody pulls you back towards him. "Seriously, what is your problem with him?"
You grit your teeth, how could Cody ask you this. He knew what your problem with Kenny was. After all your time here and the months before your tried to get Kenny to notice you, and notice that you were madly in love with him. He never noticed not once, and once you finally gave up he started to care. "Are you serious Cody? What is my problem with him? I was in love with him! And he never once noticed! I tried for months after you asked me to join the club! He doesn't get to act like he's the victim! And how can you stand there knowing exactly what I mean and ask me why I have a problem with him?" You unload on Cody, you couldn't believe Cody right now. He acted like this was all your fault and it pissed you off.
Cody looked down and sighed "Do you want to know why Y/N?" He looked you in the face, and you could see his demeanor change. "Why Cody, tell me exactly why" you say , still obviously pissed off.
"I told him to stay away from you, I though I was looking out for you. I didn't want my little sister being hurt, especially by someone so close to me. I should have never done that. I'm sorry Y/N, I really am. After I seen the way he actually cared about you I felt so terrible." You just looked at Cody, you really couldn't believe him.
Before you knew it, your fist was bawled up and you punched him. Not just once not just twice, you unloaded on him. Punch after punch you began to feel better, and he wasn't trying to stop you either.
"Hey hey hey" Matt pulls you from Cody. "Y/N, what's going on" you pull yourself from him and shoot him a glare. "Ask him" you say holding your fist and looking down at Cody before walking away.
Matt starts to walk after you "Don't, let her go." Cody stands up and stops Matt. "What's going on, what is this about?" Cody just looked down moving his hand under his nose to wipe the blood off his mouth. "Kenny" Cody says as he walks in the opposite direction that you walked away in earlier. Matt just shook his head, still standing there.
"Marty I can't believe him!" You cry in to his chest as he moves the strands of hair from you face. "He was only looking out for you sweetheart, I'm sure he meant well" his voice always so calm and caring. "But he knew we both liked each other" you continued to cry as your words were muffled into his chest. "Who says you guys can't just start over, you know from the beginning." Marty cooed, you loved talking to him about your problems. He's always so sweet and makes you feel so good. "Kenny thinks I hate him now!" You look up at Marty, your make up stained on his shirt and running down your face. "You know, I bet I could talk to him for you beautiful" he smiles at you. "Did you just call me beautiful Mr. Scurll?" You laugh at him. "I have to say, if I didn't know Kenny was crazy about you...I'd be showing you this-" you cut him off "Marty please!" You laugh again slapping his chest. "But really, if you want me to go talk to him I will. No hesitation for you sweetheart." You smile at him "you're great Marty" you lean over to kiss his cheek. "As are you Y/N"
You wave Marty off as he exits your locker room. You close your eyes, and lay your head back.
Your almost asleep when you hear a knock on your door. "Come in" you say softly while keeping your eyes closed.
You heard the door open, and someone shut it behind them. Heavy footsteps stepped across the floor and sat next to you.
You kept your eyes shut expecting it was Cody, or Marty.
"Why do you hate me?" He said. Your eyes shot open to see Kenny sitting next to you with his hands fisted in his pockets. "What did I do that made me hate me so much?" your shocked by his presence.
"Kenny, I don't" you sit up and cross your legs so your closer to him. "I never did really".
"I could never hate you, Kenny"
A/N; this one kinda sucks, bare with me though...I haven't wrote in almost a year, not to mention I have a tremendous case of writers block. So many ideas, so little time. Also whenever I write anything about Kenny, Cody is always the readers brother.
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freakandgeek · 4 years
this really was a terrible week for pro wrestling
and im glad they had a really serious moment !!
this is the best ppv I've seen in years i guess ????
like,,, i was sure she was gonna jump over the barricade to kick somebody's ass
i thought they were gonna be safer after all the injuries on wednesday
OC asking the commentators how to win the match had me YELLING
but him not knowing how to use a ladder JDJFF I WAS CRYING I SWEAR
when oc was on cage's back and almost won the match i had a MITB flashback I HAD FEAR IN MY EYES IM TELLING YA
so now it's pretty obvious that cage will feud with darby and I CANNOT WAIT
but what if darby will have a manager too ??? IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW
i can't stress it enough but MJF AND JUNGLE BOY ARE PURE GOLD
future legend i said what i said
I think we can all agree that the TNT championship is horrible
maybe there was too much chaos at the end i guess
i had so much fun watching penelope v kriss
kip looked like he got hit by a train and tbh I FELT THAT
(if we don't consider that crazy main event)
nyla lost 🙁
i've never loved any kind of props as much as i loved those poker fiches AMAZING
i don't think somebody actually told mox and brodie lee that they CAN'T KILL EACH OTHER
we could only see the foot and i was like 🤯🤯
yes lee lost BUT he wasn't pinned nor he tapped out
it was a referee stoppage
GENIUS 10/10
adam page wasn't there and I was like EXCUSE ME
(btw vickie guerrero was there too and i loved it)
apparently he saw the entrance cody did with his car and said NO ONE CAN BE MORE EXTRA THAN ME
at this point i had to pinch myself because i was sure that it couldn't be real
matt had a broken rib i think but he still did a moonsault from something that's IDK TWO THREE METERS
"are you here to fight or to drink?" MH WHAT DO YOU THINK
can i say i got a bit emotional when i saw kenny and adam fight together again? I JUST MISSED THEM OKAY OKAYYYKDKC
matt suplexin sammy from a side to the other of the field was so stupid WHY AM I LAUGHING
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lantern-inthenight · 5 years
Playing the Vocals (series)
Chapter Three: Power and Control
Pairing: Josh x fem!Reader Word Count: 1430 Warnings: Language, pettiness A/N: Alright y’all, it’s here already!! I’m on a roll with this one, so hopefully I’ll have Chapter 4 up soon (cause that’s where things get turned up to 11 hehe) Also, get ready to stan Miss motherfucking Michaels. Eternal thanks to @sparrowof-thedawn for proofreading this for me <3
Summary: Josh and Reader are competing vocalists at a music college. They are each trying to win a competition as soloists, but their advisor tells them they can only win as a duo. They begrudgingly become partners, but find that they may have bitten off more than they can chew.
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You actually looked forward to practice that Friday. Your short conversation with Josh had given you hope that you might actually be able to get along. You almost felt a kinship with him, even if that kinship was founded only on your shared tastes in music. But still, talking to him had been kind of pleasant.
It was nice while it lasted.
“See, this-- this right here is why I can’t stand you!”
Your shout echoed through the music room, and was bounced back to you with an equally-scathing insult from Josh.
“Well, at least I’m not a control freak!”
Miss Michaels sat at the piano looking tired. You and Josh were in the ninth or tenth round of a shouting match that started five minutes ago. You stood several feet apart, your shared copy of the day’s song (“Almost Paradise” by Mike Reno and Ann Wilson) laying abandoned by the wayside.
“Are you sure about that, asshole?” You shot back, prompting a white-hot glare from Josh. Miss Michaels stood up, exasperated.
“Alright, you two, stop it now.”
But you and Josh were oblivious to her interruption. You got right up in his face, which was slowly turning red to match your own.
“You’re the one that just had to sing louder even though the harmony is supposed to be obvious in that part of the song! But no! You just couldn’t let me have it!”
“Why the hell would I? The harmony should never be louder than the melody!”
“Well, that one is!”
Josh opened his mouth with an angry reply, but your argument was stopped dead in its tracks by a sharp, ear-splitting whistle. You both turned to find your instructor standing next to the piano with a small, metal whistle perched between her lips.
“Jesus,” Josh hissed, as you each placed hands over your ears. Michaels lowered the whistle and clasped her hands in front of her, looking unimpressed.
“When I ask you to be silent, you will listen respectfully. Is that clear?”
You and Josh glared at one another before nodding with matching frowns.
“Aren’t those made for dogs?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Yes,” Miss Michaels replied matter-of-factly. “But I find they work rather well for students, too.”
You and Josh could do nothing but stand there, looking indignant.
“Quarreling like children is not going to win you this grant,” Miss Michaels chastised.. You looked at the floor guiltily, unwilling to look at Josh. The heat radiating off him spoke for itself.
“We’ve already determined your voices are more than compatible. But the two of you need to learn to complement each other and recognize each other’s strengths,” Michaels continued, walking up to you. “...instead of constantly competing. Because that will get you nowhere. Is that clear?”
You and Josh made similar disgruntled noises of admission. Miss Michaels reached for the whistle in her pocket, pulling enthusiastic “Yes ma’am”s from both of you.
“We’ll meet again Monday,” she declared, turning back to the piano. “Take this weekend to... gather yourselves,” she instructed, frowning at you both over her glasses.
“And next week, you will both receive lessons on power balance and control issues.”
With that, she was off. You stood there, mouth open. Josh folded his arms and sighed. When you looked up at him, he looked like he wanted to say something. But you didn’t give him the chance. You turned on your heel and left, fighting tears of frustration.
This was a massive mistake.
Upon leaving the rehearsal, you had called Emily to vent. She listened patiently as you ranted about the day’s events. When you were done yelling into the receiver at no one in particular, she gave you a half-hearted encouragement. But the best thing she could offer was to get you drunk, which you readily accepted.
So the following evening, you put on your tightest skirt, paired with a flowy blouse that you left unbuttoned a little further than it should have been. Emily and your other friends whistled at you when you got in their car, which made you blush. But you were secretly proud of yourself.
It was a glee that left you the moment you walked into the house party to see Josh laughing with a bunch of his friends in the living room.
Emily noticed you glaring, and followed your gaze to the opponent on the couch.
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry, dude, I didn’t know Matt invited him.”
“It’s fine,” you replied, shrugging. “Let’s just drink, okay?”
“Fine by me.” Emily grinned. She led you to the kitchen, where a makeshift bar had been set up. Every surface was covered in plastic cups, mixers, and various bottles of alcohol. You elected to mix some Fresca with the first kind of vodka you could find, handing a cup to Emily before making one for yourself.
You managed to dance for about an hour without event, effectively ignoring the presence of Josh and his brothers. But after several drinks, Emily’s wild side had come out to play. She ended up wrapped around one of Matt’s friends on the armchair, leaving you to your own devices.
You were sitting on the landing of the staircase, looking out over the party and mourning the emptiness of your cup. You were zoned out enough to not realize that Josh was approaching until he was right in front of you.
“Hey,” he greeted, looking a bit nervous. You felt a small sting of sympathy, which wrestled with the pang of annoyance that came at the sight of his face.
“My brothers are completely wasted, whereas I am only a little wasted,” he explained. “Do you mind if I join you?”
You answered with a nod, and fidgeted with the hem of your skirt as he sat down next to you. It was a narrow staircase, and the sides of your knees brushed. You ignored it, and chose to continue people watching.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he began. You looked at him sideways, a little surprised. Was he actually trying to be nice? What happened to the asshole you were used to dealing with?
“I just figured I’d take the lead since you missed your cue,” he added, causing you to roll your eyes.
There he is.
“I wouldn’t have missed my cue if I didn’t have to be staring at your stupid face,” you snapped. Josh gave you a smirk, that goddamned smirk.
“Staring at my face a lot, mama?”
Previously, you would have been flustered at the unwanted pet name. But the vodka in your bloodstream willed you to face him directly with eyebrows raised.
“No. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Josh scoffed, shaking his head.
“Please,” you continued, feeling braver. “As if I didn’t notice you staring my ass during my solo. Is that why you forgot the lyrics in that line?”
Josh was silent, and you felt a wave of triumph. You had gotten him.
“That’s what I thought.”
You moved to stand up, but Josh spoke up.
“You watch me, too.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’ve seen you staring at me, too,” Josh reiterated, looking at you with his chin lifted. You shrunk into yourself a little, turning red in the face.
“Well, yeah, you… have a… commanding presence,” you offered, struggling to find words that you wouldn’t regret.
“Oh, yeah?” He looked smug, and you wanted to punch him. So you stood your ground.
“Is it really so hard for you to admit you’re into me?”
The fucking nerve of him. You were speechless. When you scoffed and rolled your eyes, he spoke again.
“Fine, I’ll go first. I think you’re an incredible singer, and you’re insanely attractive.”
Wait, what?
You had to look at him, unsure if he was playing a cruel prank. But there was no lie behind the brown of his eyes. The tiniest bit of heat rose to your cheeks, and you couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol or something else.
“You’re attractive, too,” you admitted. Josh almost smiled. You should have left it there, but the vodka wasn’t done with you yet. The words were out of your mouth before your brain had vetted them.
“If you weren’t such an asshole.”
Josh’s almost-smile fell into a frown. His annoyance, you could handle. What was worse...he looked hurt. And it was your fault.
“Thanks,” he replied darkly, before getting up and walking downstairs. Leaving you alone on the landing to contemplate your mistake. You couldn’t help but be a little angry at yourself.
Monday rehearsal was going to suck.
End note: AHHH What did y’all think?? Please reblog with your opinions or comment below! What do you think will happen in Chapter 4?
Taglist: @kissthesun-fightthefire, @lover--leaver, @myownparadise96, @satans-helper, @songbirdkisses, @bluewillowmom, @sweetkiszkadreams,  @mountainofthesunn, @turntonightfirelight
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wrestlingisfake · 5 years
Final Battle preview
Rush vs. PCO - Rush is defending the ROH world title.  As far as I can remember, Rush is undefeated in Ring of Honor.  The only singles loss in ROH that I could find for PCO was his last shot at the world title.  It is probably worth noting that each man’s contract is expiring at the end of the year, and there has been little word on whether either of them plans to re-sign.
Rush is probably the hottest star in wrestling that isn’t signed to WWE, AEW, or New Japan.  You see his entrance and you can tell this guy is a big ass deal, far beyond anything else going on in ROH.  I’m still surprised they managed to sign him.  Pierre Carl Ouellet, meanwhile, is a minor name from the 1990s enjoying a cult resurgence as a monster brawler with a Frankenstein gimmick.  At 51, PCO isn’t a hot prospect bound for the big leagues, but he’s a can’t-miss draw at the super-indy level.  So this is arguably the biggest match ROH could deliver in 2019.  It reminds me of a big match from ROH’s early days, where a WWE fan wouldn’t get the appeal but hardcore indy fans saw it as a dream match.
Even someone like me, who only half pays attention to ROH, can see the appeal of this match.  Rush’s matches are fast and intense, and he quickly destroys guys with big explosive moves.  PCO’s matches are about how he feels no pain and keeps getting back up to do increasingly insane spots.  This is, fundamentally, the irresistible force meeting the immovable object.  I can’t believe we’re getting such a match from “The guy who taught Tetsuya Naito how to be cool” versus “The Mountie’s tag team partner,” but such is wrestling in 2019.
Ring of Honor has really fallen off a cliff this year.  The core of their star power left to found AEW, and their alliance with New Japan seems to be at its lowest ebb.  The whole controversy of CMLL firing Rush and Dragon Lee, who have become key figures here, would also seem to be a bad sign for the ROH/CMLL alliance as well.  So it’s been a rebuilding year for the company, and frankly I haven’t been impressed with what they’ve rebuilt.  Except for this one match.  This is very symbolic of their one shot to turn things around for 2020.  I hope they don’t blow it; I expect that they will somehow.
My gut tells me Rush is moving on to greener pastures, whereas PCO probably can’t do much better than being a big fish in a small pond.  Wild as it sounds, I think we might get a title change tonight.
Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham - This is for the Briscoes’ ROH tag team title.  The biggest question mark here is that Lethal broke his arm back in October, and although he’s vowed to make it to this match it remains to be seen if he’ll be healed enough to really go.
I haven’t followed the story closely, but Lethal and Gresham were friends until Gresham decided that he needed to cheat to get ahead, and then they fought over that, and then they reconciled, and now they’re both whacking the Briscoes with chairs.  I’m still not sure if the Briscoes ever officially turned babyface this year.  So to me this is a pretty standard 2019 ROH story, where there are no heroes and everyone’s an asshole.
In theory this should be a down-and-dirty brawl between two teams that would prefer to fight than wrestle.  But since it’s not officially billed as a street fight or anything, what we’ll probably end up with is a basic wrestling match where they just sneak a few weapon shots and low blows behind the ref’s back.  That’s fine to build to a bigger, wilder spotfest later, but not so much to be a featured tag match on Final Battle.  I guess Lethal and Gresham will win the belts with shenanigans to set up a rematch.
Shane Taylor vs. Dragon Lee Ryu Lee - Taylor is defending the ROH television title.  Dragon Lee had been a big name in CMLL, and a frequent representative of the company in New Japan, and of late he’s been getting involved in ROH through his brother Rush.  But since CMLL suddenly fired him, and they own the rights to the name, he’s now adopted the name “Ryu Lee,” using the Japanese word for “dragon” to honor his new deal with New Japan.  Lee’s preference among those three companies is to work for New Japan, so now that he’s got that contract I am very curious whether he remains a ROH regular.  I suspect this match will be the first clue.  Taylor has been a dominant champion but Lee has friends in high places, so the one they want to push should be very telling.  I’m kinda thinking Taylor retains.
Matt Taven vs. Vincent - Vincent used to be Vinny Marseglia, a member of The Kingdom stable with Taven and TK O’Ryan.  I’m not sure what happened to O’Ryan after Taven lost the ROH world title, but Vincent turned on Taven and has gone all in on the gimmick of being a horror movie slasher.  This means Taven is doing the “asshole champion you come to respect drops the title and then improbably turns babyface” thing.  I’m not sure I buy that, but I guess ROH kinda has to make the best of what they have to work with.  All I know is when I see Taven plugging his DVD I’m just reminded of when TNA put out that Jeff Jarrett retrospective as if he was Triple H or something.  Anyway, I guess the King of Kings King of the Mountain King of the Kingdom needs to win this match.
Mark Haskins vs. Bully Ray - This is being billed as a street fight, so the match cannot end by count-out or disqualification.  Bully Ray has been playing the bitter veteran bullying young guys for the better part of two years now.  He was mainly feuding with Flip Gordon, but even after they blew that off he just kept doing it, and when Flip turned heel they just sort of switched to Haskins.  They’ve even got Bully going after Mark’s wife like he did with Flip’s wife.  It’s the exact same fucking thing.  Which, I suppose, means Bully has to win this match to generate more heat for more rematches.  I would literally rather be escorted into a room where Bully bitches me out for being a bad fan than watch this crap one more time.
Marty Scurll & Flip Gordon vs. Bandido & Flamita - All right, so months ago Juice Robinson came to ROH to found a stable called Lifeblood, with the goal of elevating some new stars to replenish the roster after the AEW exodus.  Well, in an apt metaphor for ROH’s fortunes in 2019, Lifeblood quickly fell apart with half the team disappearing from ROH, leaving Bandido, Mark Haskins, and Tracy Williams.  They tried to recruit various guys to fill the void, but nobody has stepped up and Flip Gordon even turned heel on them to join Scurll’s Villain Enterprises.  Then Flip blew out his elbow during the heel turn.  Anyway, Haskins has his hands full with Bully Ray, and I don’t even know where Williams is, so now Bandido is starting a new tag team with Flamita and this is the closest we get to blowing off the Lifeblood/Villain Enterprises feud.
Scurll’s contract with ROH actually ended a couple of weeks ago, but he has a handshake deal to work this show and the one on December 15.  The big questions now are which company he’ll sign with and how ROH will write him out of the company.  But presumably those questions won’t be answered until the 15th, so even at this late date we’re still in a holding pattern, and I’m guessing they’ll keep acting like  everything is normal.
Logic would suggest Scurll should do the job so ROH can put over Flamita and Bandido.  Then again, it wouldn’t shock me to learn that Bandido is getting ready to leave, so you never know.
Jeff Cobb vs. Dan Maff - This is basically a battle of two big mean guys.  Cobb is just back from a month-long tour with New Japan.  Maff is a recent acquisition, and notably filled in for Brody King to help Marty Scurll and PCO defend the ROH trios title.  That kinda makes me wonder if Maff could end up playing a role in the final fate of Villain Enterprises, but that probably won’t affect this match.
Cobb is--say it with me this time, folks--expected to have his contract come up soon, and may or may not be getting ready to leave.  If he’s staying, he should probably win this match to build him up for whoever is champion going forward.  If he’s leaving...well, Maff seems to be a budget version of Cobb, so it would make sense to have him be the guy to send Cobb packing.  We’ll just have to see what happens.
Angelina Love vs. Maria Manic - Love won the women’s title at the last ROH show I watched, but it turns out she lost it back to Kelly Klein shortly thereafter.  Then Klein suffered a concussion, which turned into a pretty big story abut ROH not taking care of her and letting her contract expire, and I don’t know what’s going on with the women’s title anymore.  I occasionally wonder if they’ll even continue to have a women’s division after this show.  Manic is clearly their big new project, but apparently they almost let her go to NXT before locking her into a contract.
The story of the match is that Manic is a big mean monster and Love is terrified of her.  Usually in this kind of story the heel gets to demonstrate that they can come up with some clever way to outwit the monster, and the match is about whether that works or not.  But as far as I know they haven’t given Love anything--she seems to just be a lamb led to the slaughter.  It’s possible Love is preparing to leave and this is the blowoff for her character.  If so, I’m not sure who will be left to fight Manic.  There’s only like five other active women in the official roster, and I haven’t seen any of them wrestle in months. 
Dalton Castle & Joe Hendry vs. Silas Young & Josh Woods - This is scheduled for the pre-show.  Young and Woods are apparently calling themselves “2G1T” (“Two Guys, One Tag”), which is possibly the most alarming sign of the creative energy left in this company.  I think Castle and Hendry have been passive-aggressively feuding and teaming for months and I’ve kinda given up trying to figure out where this is headed.  I guess Castle and Hendry win.
Rhett Titus vs. Kenny King - Another match set for the pre-show.  Titus and King were a tag team ages ago, but now King is a wannabe top heel and Titus is a prelim guy.  Well, I guess they’re both in the pre-show so technically they’re both prelim guys.  I assume the point is to give King a win, but if this guy was ever going to be something in ROH, he would already be well beyond the point that beating Titus would mean anything.
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itjazzbicch · 3 years
In Reality
Pairing: “Platinum” Max Caster x Fem Reader  
Summary: On television, Max Caster and the reader are enemies, but behind the scenes, they are actually the best of friends and whenever Max and the reader are in a mixed trios match, on the opposite teams, Max's tries to do his signature rap, but he can't do it to the reader, instead, professing his feelings...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY)
Requested by:  Anon (Whoever you are, I hope you enjoy!)
Word Count:  3364
Tag List: @demonqueen29​ @jessiebean00​ @new-zealand-chic​ @crowleysqueenofhell​ @justamess44​ @thatpanpal​ @hungmanhorsecarriage​ @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​  @linziland13​ @yungbludjazz360​  
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"Dude, you're wrestling the Sydal brothers! You have to make some kind of yoga joke!" I giggled, helping my best friend, Max Caster write a part of his rap for his match tonight and this one had me very intrigued.
Max and I were enemies on television but behind the scenes, we were the closest duo back there! We were travel buddies, we worked out together, supported each other's hobbies outside of wrestling. We were the best of friends, without a doubt.
I wasn't sure if Max had begun to work on my part of the rap because tonight the match up was:
The Acclaimed and Britt Baker (weird combo in my opinion, but it made sense since she was my rival) versus Matt & Mike Sydal and myself.
"You're right! Definitely gotta get that in there," Max laughed with me, beginning to jot some things down.
"So, what are you going to say about me?" I asked curiously, a smile on my face because I wasn't trying to laugh.
"Now, that's a secret," Max smirked, smiling back at me.
"You seriously can't even tell me a line?" I groaned, seriously wanting to know, but he wasn't budging, shaking his head no.
"Our match is up next! You'll know soon," Max protested and I just gave up, rolling my eyes but laughing:
"Alright! Just take it easy on me!"
"Can't make any promises!" Max laughed, watching me when I began to walk away.
Our match was up next and I was actually honored to wrestling with Matt and Mike. They were veterans and legendary. Our wrestling styles were also very similar, so that made it even more exciting. They were already waiting for me whenever I got to the guerrilla and Matt welcomed me with a smile, saying:
"You ready for the night?"
"Always ready," I smiled, but growing silent whenever I heard Mike say:
"I heard you over there with your buddy, Max. I hope he doesn't try and roast you too bad, tonight."
We all actually laughed and Matt whispered:
"I already know what to expect from him so, I'm prepared."
"So am I," I sighed, "Honestly, we joke around a lot. If he didn't roast me, I'd actually be surprised."
While I was finishing my sentence, Matt's music hit and Mike when up the stairs, Matt following along when he said to me:
"See ya out there!"
I made my entrance like normal, the fans always ate it up and next was Britt, damn it was annoying. It didn't take long though for me to get excited, hearing the beat drop for Max's music.
"Yo, yo, yo!" Max yelled while walking through the tunnel.
I thought to myself, boy is this gonna be good and it was, hearing the lines I helped him with when Max began:
"Sydal Brother!
Every time you get in the ring, ya'll say namaste
But when we whoop your asses you'll be running away
No one cares about you two hippies
I should slap your asses back to the 1960's!"
It was so hard to sit in the ring and act disgusted meanwhile I wanted to laugh my ass off, but at the same time, I was also preparing myself, knowing I was next, Max pointing at me, saying:
"And Y/N, don't even get me started!
You, you-"
I was actually surprised this time. Max was stuck, stuttering, like he was nervous which I never saw from him. No one ever did, everyone trying to encourage him, I even heard Britt yell:
"Roast her, Max!"
But Max, he did something no one expected, going back to his rap:
"You know what, Y/N, I ain't even gonna lie
Every time I see you, I wanna make you mine.
You, you're better than all these girls
And all I ever wanted was to give you world
I know we're supposed to get in this ring and clash
But you and me? We are the perfect match!"
I began to naturally drift to the center of the ring and I really couldn't contain my emotions, holding my mouth for a moment, trying not cry and every began to cheer, clapping and smiling whenever Max finished with:
"This is a special moment, so everyone observe and watch me go get my girl!"
My arms were wide open while I watched Max hop into the ring, coming right at me with the best hug I ever received. There were few moments when I heard a big pop in this ring and this moment was one of them, everyone just go ballistic, whether if they liked us or not.
I couldn't hold back the tears whenever Max hugged me, but everything stopped, like slow motion, the noise dying down. The only thing I could feel was Max's hand holding the back of my head, looking into his gorgeous brown eyes before they closed, feeling the warmth of his soft lips whenever they met mine.
It was like fireworks were going haywire in my brain, passion being the thing that lit the fuse for them. Just the way Max had his arms around me, for the first time, feeling emotions from him that I never felt before and with the way he kissed me, I just knew that everything he said was true.
Whenever our lips parted, I finally snapped back into reality, seeing the ring and the crowd again while Max just pulled me into another hug, holding my head to his chest, looking down at me as he smiled:
"So, you gonna be my girl?"
"Why did you even ask? I am your girl," I giggled, smiling so hard when my head popped up, giving him another kiss.
Max kept his arm wrapped around my shoulder, yelling to Britt Baker:
"Ayo! Get over there with them hippies! Y/N is our partner!"
"What? You can't just change the match!" Britt yelled, trying to get in Max's face and that's when I stepped in.
Max was always a bit of an instigator, but this time, I didn't mind. Max and Anthony were on standby though whenever I got in Britt's face and said into a mic:
"You heard what my man said. Now get over there! Either way, I'm kicking your ass tonight!"
"Yeah! Get over there and catch this whoopin!" Max laughed, all of us watching whenever she just stopped trying and went to her corner while we went to ours.
Now, it was time to get in the zone and Anthony started out first with Mike. This was the first time I had ever team with Max and it was so hard to not smile and jump around to let out the excitement. It also took all my might to not get on Max and have a little match of our own. I was just on top of the world.
Our match was also a lot of fun. The only thing bothering me was that, Britt refused to be tagged in. She was abandoning her partners, which she would have done regardless of what side she was on. Max and Anthony had a tough time handle Matt and Mike.
At the climax of the match, Max just broke out of Matt's submission move, super-kicking him and they both collapsed. The only two people on the apron was Britt and myself.
"Come on, Max!" I yelled, stretching out my arm as far as possible.
Again, Britt abandon Matt, but Max made his tag to me. She had no choice but to get in here. Britt, of course, tried running away, but whenever she made it to the outside, right by the front of the ring, I ran against the ropes and hit her with a suicide dive, ramming her into the barricade, picked her up and threw her in the ring and that's when the real fun began.
Britt did have her moments where she was having the upper hand. At one point, I was almost put into her finisher, but she couldn't hook my other arm, which gave me an opportunity. Elbow after elbow, finally made her break her submission.
Matt and Mike tried getting back to the apron, to break up a pin if needed, but Max and Anthony were on it, taking them out while I was thinking on the top of my head, hitting her with a pump handle, flat-liner, planting her face in the mat and picking up the win.
As soon as that bell rang, Max came right at me, making me laugh as he about knocked me over. It was hands down, the best moment I ever had in that ring, Max and Anthony putting me up on each of their shoulders, raising me up high to celebrate.
Whenever we got backstage, that celebrating didn't stop. When we had open space, I just hugged Max again and we were both just so happy; Max spinning me around in his arms.
"I'm so happy you didn't show me the rap you had planned for me," I giggled, still raised up in his arms, looking down at him.
"If you want me to be honest," Max sighed, admitting, "That came off the top of my head. I could never talk about you in a bad way. It came straight from the heart."
"Max! I already cried enough tonight!" I whined, but smiling, making me laugh a little and I just wrapped my arms around his neck even tighter, laying my head on his shoulders, legs wrapping around his waist.
"You guys wanna call it a night?" Anthony suggested, we didn't have anything else to do truthfully.
"Wanna get out of here?" Max whispered to me, "Have some time to ourselves?"
"I would never pass that up," I cooed, kissing his cheek, "Just know though, I'm not letting you go."
Max just shook his head, smiling while patting my back, just listening and walking off to the locker room with me in his arms.
Backstage, we heard a lot about what happened out there and I was happy to hear a lot of sweet comments. We basically stole the show and both Max and Anthony agreed that I was now, officially, the third member of The Acclaimed.
I have always been the kind of person who couldn't contain their excitement and tonight, it was even worse, but also in the good way. I was shaking, jumping, squealing, just having the best night ever. Whenever Max and I got to the hotel, in our own room, I was still so excited, smiling whenever he came in and shut the door:
"So I am seriously apart of The Acclaimed?"
"Yes!" Max said for about the millionth time, laughing, "How many times are you gonna ask?"
"I'm sorry," I chuckled, admitting, "So much just happened tonight and I'm like, freaking out! I can't believe all of this!"
For once, it rarely happened, but Max got seriously, standing in front of me when he asked, "Why can't you believe it?"
"It-" I began, truly caught off guard, but I got serious too, admitting my true feelings, "I just can't believe that you feel the same way and you got to say it first. Telling the whole world. It's like a fairy tale dream and I'm living it."
"Dreams," Max sighed, stroking my cheek, "They do come true, baby."
"They do," I smiled, stroking his cheek too, "I'm so happy I don't have to keep dreaming anymore."
Just like in the ring, our lips clashed and it was even better. My knees seriously grew weak, shaking from anticipation, excitement wanting to grow, but moving through my body ever so slowly. When I wished in the ring that Max and I could just be one on one, that wish was coming true right in that moment.
I took a handful of his shirt, kissing him a bit harder and he understood the feelings steaming off of me, delivering that right back, picking up the tempo whenever he threw off his shirt, his hands unbuckling his pants while my shirt was gone next.
For a moment, we just stared at each other. By the way his chest was heaving, I could tell his heart was beating quick and hard, just like mine. Reality hitting me never felt so good, another hard kiss from Max finding my lips again, his strong arms picking me up by the thighs, wrapping them around his waist while he climbed onto the bed, laying me down softly.
While our kiss just grew even more intense, I pulled my shoulders in, my bra straps loose enough to fall down on their own. At the same time, Max spread my legs open wide, allowing himself to throw off his jeans.
A quick rush made my body shake a little, my blood running hot, growing whenever I felt his hard on hitting right at my clit, even through my tights I could feel it. It made me pick up the pace, sitting up, pulling away from our kiss when I whispered in a sexy tone:
"How about we get even, huh?"
The look in Max's eyes, I had never seen it before, laser focused while watching me kick off my tights and throwing my bra off the bed.
Slowly, he just looked me up and down, knowing that he liked what he saw, his cock growing even harder, it showing through his briefs, his erection making it tighter.
He liked it, so I gave him even more, bringing my legs together, smiling:
"What? You shy?"
Again, he just watched, following my every move while I threw off my panties next and finally, that's when he finally snapped back into place, smiling devilishly when he got off the bed, saying:
"Trust me, I'm not shy," At the same time, his briefs dropped to the floor and I definitely liked what I saw, a very impressive size, smiling hard again as he added, "I just can't get over how beautiful you are."
Max always knew how to make my heart flutter, my heart rate unstable at that point, but it never felt so good, it growing when I watched him crawl his way back up to, my legs naturally opening wide for him, eyes adjusting to the lighting quickly when he reached over to the left, turning off the lights.
I thought my blood was running hot? Max was like a human space heater, hands steaming hot and that alone gave me so much relaxation from the moment of contact, his hands covering and kneading at my breasts, feeling his hard, hot cock laying against me, his kiss leading from my lips down to my neck.
Each kiss on my neck was slow, his right hand falling down my side, picking me up a little by my lower back, taking a handful of my ass, keeping me in that position, holding it better once he took a hold of my thigh and I was left gasping, grabbing his shoulders quickly.
His crown began to push through and into me, the moisture taking a moment to hit, but even when it did, it was a lot, having me whine already.
"I'm not hurting you, am I?" Max asked quickly, noticing my reaction.
"No," I gasped quickly. He wasn't at all, I was just trying to focus on the feeling of being so full, "I just never felt this way before."
"Is that a good thing?" Max chuckled, smiling when I let my head fall back into the pillows, praising him already by saying:
"It's so damn good, baby."
"Good," Max whispered, kissing me softly, moving his hips a little more, feeding me some soft thrusts, working his way up so that eventually, our hips would meet.
That didn't take long, Max spreading my legs a little wider, which helped, sliding all the way in slowly and it made a deep moan fall from my lips, that same moan turning high pitched whenever I felt his crown go past my sweet spot and it felt amazing.
From the sounds of my moans, he knew that he was making me feel good, sitting up straight, my legs hooked around his button of his arms, dragging every inch down slowly, and putting it all back a little quicker, going deep just like last time.
"That feels good, huh?" Max smirked, squeezing my thighs hard once he did it again.
I just nodded my head, looking up at him for a moment while I murmured, "You found a new way to make me feel good and I love it."
"You love it?" He asked, picking up the pace and the feeling was so overwhelming, I could barely nod my head, overtaken by all the moans and noises that desperately needed to escape me.
Each thrust hitting my sweet spot, it jolted everyone one of my nerves, from my head to my toes, making me tremble a little, all the heat in my body growing hotter from how fast my blood was running, on top of Max's body heat.
Before I knew it, I was moaning out his name, more praising from those and just senseless babbles, my back arching hard from my nerves just searing my body. One of his hands found the arch of my back, pressing into it softly, his other hand keep him up a little, but our bodies still coming together.
We both could feel my walls spasming, clenching him so tight, my arms quickly wrapping around his neck, holding tightly because my body was just so close to losing all control. By keeping my hips up, he was sliding in so deep and with the quickened pace, it made my walls spasming even harder, signaling my orgasm.
"M-Max," I stuttered horribly, with the way he was moving, it was just hard to comprehend anything, only wanting to focus on all of the sweet, powerful pleasure.
"I'm here, baby," Max whispered in my ear, "You o-"
I didn't mean to cut him off, but even though he moved a bit slower in that moment, my whole body was in sensory overload, every part of me sensitive, his previous thrusts hitting my sweet spot multiple times because he was only pulling back a little, the soft impact also hitting my clit, making my body shudder, the heat in my body just dropping down, triggering me.
He knew the moment my hands latched onto his shoulders and I cried, "Max, oh my god, I'm cuming."
I could barely breathe, even Max having trouble trying to keep it together, letting out some groans whenever my walls just gave him a death grip, drenching us both.
Max actually helped me out by taking my hands, interlocking them with his and putting them above my head, it actually expanded my lungs, getting more air, but like always, he knew how to make me breathless.
His head was against mine, our noses nuzzling and he was still feeding me a few soft thrusts, but I paid close attention, even more overwhelmed whenever he cooed:
"Y/N, I love you."
My eyes opened slowly and he picked up his head to see mine, smiling when I whispered, "I love you too."
I was about ready to cry again, just hugging him, his head laying on my shoulder while he pinned his hips against mine, rocking back and forth a little, both of us breathing heavily when we felt another wave a heat that took us out.
Max literally just rocked my world, from the beginning of the night during the show till now, pulling me on top of him whenever he withdrew, falling back to lay down on the bed. I gladly took the cuddling invitation, placing my leg over him, cuddling up to his chest while he wrapped his arm around me.
"Max," I whispered softly, just looking at him in awe whenever he looked down to me, "I really love you."
Max rarely showed emotions out in the ring and on television but when it came to me, he didn't mind putting those walls down, wiping away a small tear that fell down my cheek when he cooed:
"I love you even more."
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iamchikara · 5 years
Results for Chikarasaurus Rex under the cut. As with yesterday’s results, only point gains will be recorded. Point totals will not be touched, as they are still in flux due to the Regency Furniture results fiasco. A full update to the point standings covering all three shows, as well as any others that happen in the interval (next one is in October so I really hope this isn’t dragged out for a month) will be done once those results are released.
Match #1: Singles Contest John Francis of Coronado vs. Jakob Hammermeier w/Der Wildebeest John Francis is starting to morph into this weird mish-mash of previous American-hero types, as he used the big boot and legdrop, several of John Cena’s moves, the Angle Slam, and the ankle lock. I’m not sure how to feel about that. Anyways, the ankle lock made Jakob submit. WINNER: John Francis of Coronado (1 point) Match #2: Tag Contest, Campeonatos de Parejas Defense #1 Travis Huckabee and Tony Deppen vs. Lucas Calhoun and Stray Kat First fall went to F.I.S.T. with a small package on Calhoun after a corner kick doubleteam...and then the second fall went to them as well, as Deppen hit a double stomp on Kat while Huckabee had her in the stretch muffler. For how long we had to wait for this first defense, F.I.S.T. taking it in two straight is a bit of a disappointment for me, though at the same time it also conveys the renewed dominance that F.I.S.T. has displayed lately. WINNERS: Travis Huckabee and Tony Deppen Match #3: Singles Contest Missile Assault Man vs. Kobald MAM got the win by submitting Kobald with the Sharpshooter, then was attacked by Hallowicked and Frightmare. Lucas Calhoun and Stray Kat came to MAM’s aid, with Calhoun telling MAM that he couldn’t fight the world alone before they shook hands. Trio #15? WINNER: Missile Assault Man (1 point) Match #4: Singles Contest Fire Ant vs. Cajun Crawdad Crawdad spent the entire match trying to blind Fire, but got put away with a brainbuster after Fire got sick of that. WINNER: Fire Ant (1 point) Match #5: Singles Contest BLANK vs. Penelope Ford This is prob’ly Ford’s last CHIKARA match, as she’s full time with AEW starting next month. Accordingly, BLANK ended his obsession with the Color Wheel. Post-match, he called out Still Life for King of Trios. Considering that we haven’t actually gotten much of a reason for the breakup of the Nouveau Aesthetic beyond BLANK’s obsession with Ford and Still Life having other things to do, it’s weird that we get to this point right now and not, say, at the Season finale or something. WINNER: BLANK (1 point) Match #6: Singles Contest, Grand Championship Defense #1 (as undisputed champion) Dasher Hatfield vs. Mick Moretti Lot of interesting notes described to me from commentary. Technically, this is Dasher’s eighth defense, though first as undisputed champion. Moretti’s facepaint resembled that of one of the Baseball Furies from The Warriors, with suggestions that he was using it to get under Dasher’s skin. Most harshly, Sidney Bakabella claimed that Dasher asked for the match to go on early so he could go home and be with his kids...even though Boomer’s match was on later. See? Toxic! Described as a hot back and forth match, and Dasher successfully retained. WINNER: Dasher Hatfield INTERMI...no, not quite, pre-taped interview from Ophidian hyping up Matt Makowski. Someone possibly jumped the gun with that, but considering how disruptive the Crucible’s been lately, it fit right in with their modus operandi. Then INTERMISSION. It’s time for the Crucible’s presence on this show, as the ropes are down and Ophidian brings out his entire cadre including their referee. Match #7: Crucible Exhibition #1 Matt Makowski vs... Thief Ant is out to answer the challenge, but is shut down fairly quickly and made to tap out with a cross armbreaker. WINNER: Matt Makowski (1 point...I guess? If our esteemed Director of Fun is legitimatizing this whole thing...) Match #8: Crucible Exhibition #2 Evan Matthew Demorest vs... Still Life answers this one, to a huge reaction from the crowd. Unfortunately for Still Life, they didn’t fare any better than Thief, and the match was stopped after they were knocked out with the Demoralizer (a variant of the Last Ride powerbomb). WINNER: Evan Matthew Demorest (1 point...I guess? It’s being treated as a legit part of the show...) Ophidian issues a third open challenge on the behalf of Tunku Amir... Match #9: Crucible Exhibition #3 Tunku Amir vs... ...which is answered by a voice in the crowd screaming “I WILL!” and Jawbreaker Josue/Joey, accompanied by Xavier Faraday and Josh Wells, appears. Joey scored what looks to be the first actual victory against the Crucible cadre, forcing Amir to submit, then racing out of the building with Wells and Faraday, leaving Ophidian to fume and berate Amir before leading his followers out. WINNER: Jawbreaker Josue/Joey (1 point...I guess? Didn’t go Ophidian’s way...) INTERMISSION AGAIN Mike Quackenbush is out to address the crowd. As he apparently suffered an injury at Earning The Lucha Libre Merit Badge, he’s withdrawing from his match on here, and has handpicked Hallowicked as Joey Janela’s opponent. Match #10: Singles Contest Hallowicked vs. Joey Janela In what’s prob’ly Janela’s last CHIKARA match as well (same situation as Ford), he scored the victory with a top rope elbow drop. I don’t get why that happened, but it did. Hopefully some kind of deal can be worked out with AEW, so that he can at least come back and not sit in the inactive part of the standings. WINNER: Joey Janela (1 point) Match #11: Trios Contest The Crucible (Lance Steel, The Whisper, and Devantes) vs. the Creatures of the Deep (Oceanea, Merlok, and Hermit Crab) Bouncing back from their utter humiliation earlier in the show, the Crucible returned to form here, as Devantes pinned Merlok after a TKO. Post-match, the Queen of the Deep was not happy in the slightest with her charges, berating and hitting the big fish in her fury, then told her subjects that they’d regret it if they kept losing. Oceanea, I love ya but they’ve been losing all along and you haven’t done a thing about it, what makes you think they’re going to take that threat seriously? WINNERS: The Crucible Match #12: Singles Contest Princess Kimberlee vs. Solo Darling Kim returned to CHIKARA in strong fashion, defeating Solo with the Alligator Clutch after a Ganso Bomb. Post-match, she shook Solo’s hand, then addressed everything that has been going on. (Below is the transcription, provided by Freakin’ Awesome Network forum lildude8218) "This is just Kimber Lee here for a minute. I need to get real with you guys. Everybody has a past. Every single person here. And in Pittsburgh mine hit me smack in the face. It's something I've ran from for SO LONG and so far even to the point where I gave up my crown to keep this hidden from you. I was a different person in the past, everything you heard it wasn't wrong. I did use Lance Steel as a stepping stool to get where I am. But here's the thing: in life we all do things we regret but it's what you do afterwards that defines who you are. And I am a different person now. So this crown jewel is going to do whatever it takes to make things right." Ophidian interrupts her. "I know how you can make peace with your past. You call yourself the Princess. The Crown Jewel. But you have no kingdom. You have no purpose. The way to make peace with Lance Steel and the Whisper is by becoming a resource of the Crucible." He tells the Whisper to get in the ring and pay his respect. He tells Kim to do the same. She does. "Your new purpose is to lead me and my team to victory at King of Trios. Leave!" So yes, the deep, dark secret that Princess Kimberlee has been harboring for years, the one that she left CHIKARA to protect, the one that she let herself be first blackmailed over and now outright conscripted, is that she was a jerk to Knight Eye 4 The Pirate Guy years ago. This is something that everyone paying attention to Wrestling is Fun! at the time already knew, that anyone not in the know could easily look up, and that I’ve never seen anything even remotely resembling an outcry over. The past is past. People change. We all know that. Dwelling on regrets and holding onto things long past their relevance isn’t healthy. Why Kim let herself be bothered by something like that this far into the future from it is...concerning. Perhaps she’s weaker-willed than we all thought. Who knows? WINNER: Princess Kimberlee (1 point) Match #13: Singles Contest Volgar w/Professor Hugo Nicodemus vs. Boomer Hatfield Boomer tried his best to fight back from the underdog position, even nearly surprising Volgar with a bulldog off the top, but Volgar scored the victory in the end. WINNER: Volgar (1 point) Match #14: Tag Contest Xyberhawx 2000 (Danjerhawk and Razerhawk) vs. Cornelius Crummels and Sonny DeFarge Danjer scored the win for his team with an O’Connor Roll pin on Crummels. Man, those legitimate businessmen can’t catch a break lately, can they? WINNERS: Xyberhawx 2000 (1 point) Match #15: MAIN EVENT, Singles Contest, JKI Finals Green Ant vs. Ophidian Green Ant attempted some psychological warfare by coming out with an Ophidian mask on over his own, but Ophidian wasn’t having any of it and bumrushed him (and even rolled out of the CHIKARA Special) before tapping him out. Post-match, the Crucible paid their respects to end the show. WINNER: Ophidian (1 point...JKI is one point per round adding up to the three)
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