#I am one of those people who goes outside during thunderstroms to look at lightnings
milirii · 2 years
4. Listening to the sound of thunder with a cup of tea in hand with Joel/Aleksi
plot twist: one or both of them is scared of thunder 🥺
(I can’t sleep because of a thunderstorm so I thought that one is fitting 😂 I hope you’re doing fine! 🖤🖤)
I am so so sorry this took so long! This was my favorite from the prompt list and I hoped to get this and then I got it and couldn't decide how to write it and then life happened and all that XD But here you go! I hope you like it 💖
4. Listening the sound of thunder with a cup of tea in hand, words: ~1370
"I think this sweltering heat is about to break!" Joonas said with slight relief in his voice. Air had been hot and heavy since yesterday when they had arrived at their next stop on their tour and the only reason Joel could have catched a little sleep was because they had decided to sleep in a hotel instead of the tour bus. Another good thing for getting a hotel room, besides not having to sweat their asses off till they ceased from existence, was of course that he had been able to sleep in the same bed with Aleksi. First time in forever.
Despite these good things coming out of the too hot weather, it was great to hear Joonas, the weather interpreter, tell them how he could see storm clouds gathering in the horizon.
"This weather has been reeking of a thunderstorm all day, I really hope you are right!" Niko sighed tiredly.
Tommi nodded from his place under the tree, where he laid down on the ground  without a shirt. "It would clean this air, so I am with you."
Joel wasn't surprised to hear two of his bandmates waiting for a thunderstorm to break. He had witnessed them both standing outside and looking at lightning and how the storm progressed more than one time over the time they had known each other. Joel wasn't as eager, but he would be lying if he claimed that the rain and thunderclaps didn't feed his hunger of excitement. But he did prefer to enjoy his excitement indoors where it wasn't cold and wet.
The distant thunderclap made Niko's eyes shine and Tommi rose up from his place to join Niko to try to see first lightnings if there would be those. Joonas and Olli turned their heads as well towards the clouds that towered even higher.
But Joel's attention wasn't in the clouds. He locked his eyes on Aleksi, who seemed to focus even more intently on his laptop. Fingers ran through keys vehemently and Niko’s excited squeal from the first lightning made Aleksi’s writing become even faster.
“What are you doing?”
Joel frowned when Aleksi’ didn’t answer him, only focused feverishly on his laptop screen.
When there was still no answer, Joel rolled his eyes and moved closer. “Aleksi? Oh fuck this..” Joel reached out and pulled the hair tie from Aleksi’s hair and made the black locks fall from his eyes. That made Aleksi lift his head finally.
“Why did you do that?” Aleksi combed his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face and reached the hair tie from Joel. Joel had already tangled it through his own fingers tho and was not keen to let go of his toy.
“To get your attention. What are you doing?”
Aleksi lowered the screen of his laptop when Joel tried to take a look of whatever was demanding Aleksi’s all brain cells. “Just… trying to finish this thing… before the storm comes.”
The supposedly relaxed smile on Aleksi’s lips was not fooling Joel in the slightest. He had used fake facial expressions enough in his life to know when others were trying to cover something they didn’t want others to notice. The smile dropped from Aleksi’s face when thunderclap carried over the nearby lake again, this time a bit louder.
“Are you okay?” Joel lifted his fingers to smooth the worried wrinkles that had formed between Aleksi’s eyebrows.
“I… yeah sure!” The fake smile was back and Joel raised his eyebrow to Aleksi. “Stop lying and tell me what’s up.”
Another lightning flashed behind Aleksi’s back and cheering from other guys made Aleksi tense up again.
“Hey it has started to rain on the other side of the lake!” Tommi observed, which made Aleksi hastily gather his things together. “We should get inside..” He mumbled. Joel grabbed his hand and Aleksi looked up at him. The worry wasn’t the only thing in his eyes anymore and Joel finally understood why Aleksi was acting weird.
The panic in his eyes told everything.
“We can go inside, I tell others we are going and I’ll follow you, okay?” Joel squeezed Aleksi’s hand and got a small nod from the other. 
The storm had progressed to its fullest in under half an hour. Aleksi was currently sitting in Joel’s lap, his face buried in the crook of Joel’s neck and hands covering his ears. Joel tried to calm Aleksi by running his hand up and down on Aleksi’s sweaty back and scratching his scalp and murmuring sweet nothings against his forehead. He was almost sure Aleksi wouldn’t hear him through the rushing of rain and constant thunder clapping, but he couldn’t help himself. Seeing Aleksi like that was breaking his heart and he wanted to try to help Aleksi through the worst.
When the lights in the room flickered off and the whole room filled with a new kind of silence that even the pouring rain couldn’t cover, Aleksi started to whimper. “Oh god, oh god, oh god..”
Particularly loud and long rumble shaked the whole building and once it was over, Joel forced Aleksi to lift his head enough to look at his eyes. Tears streamed down his cheeks and Joel brushed his thumbs under Aleksi’s eyes to dry them. “It is okay, the electricity will come back and the storm will end, you are safe here with me.”
“When will it end?” Aleksi’s voice was rough and quiet. Joel shaked his head and hugged Aleksi back as close as he could. “I don’t know, but it has been moving very fast so I guess it is already moving away. Just a bit more left.”
Lightning lit up the room for a moment and Aleksi squeezed his eyes shut. Joel counted quietly under his breath to calculate the distance and when the rumble came, he had counted only five seconds. It was a second longer than last time, so the storm was indeed moving away.
“I want it to be over already.” Aleksi breathed out. Joel nodded and pressed a kiss on top of his head. “It is moving away. You are being so brave, can you keep that up a little longer for me?”
Aleksi nodded slightly against Joel’s chest. 
Electricity came back when the thunder had moved over and was now over three kilometer away. Thunderclaps and lightning were still there but they were further apart.
“Can you sit there a little while alone, I could make us some tea?” Joel massaged gently Aleksi’s back. “Yeah..” Aleksi shifted down on Joel’s lap to sit on the couch instead. Joel pressed a swift kiss on the corner of his mouth. “I won’t be long.”
Kettle boiled the water fast and soon enough Joel had two steaming mugs of raspberry tea in his hands. He lowered them both to a coffee table and then took a comforter from the unused bed. He settled comfortably back on the couch and took Aleksi back to his lap before wrapping them both to a blanket and reaching the mugs from the table. Aleksi snuggled against his chest and took a sip from the tea.
“Thank you…” He whispered and reached to press a gentle kiss to Joel’s jaw.
“You're welcome.” Joel smiled at him, but Aleksi shook his head.
“I don’t mean the tea, although it is good. But… Thank you for being there the whole time.” Aleksi pressed his gaze to the tea. The distant rumbling made him tense a little, but it melted quickly away.
“Of course I am here. You are my boyfriend.” Joel moved his teacup back to the table to wrap both his arms around Aleksi. “I wouldn’t have wanted to be nowhere else than here with you.”
“I really wasn’t that fun companion.” Aleksi let out a little laugh and looked back at Joel.
“You needed me here. And I wanted to be here for you, it has nothing to do with your entertainment skills. I love you Aleksi, I want to help you through the hard parts and share the good parts.”
The fear in Aleksi’s eyes was replaced with love and affection when whispered “I love you too”, and pressed their lips together.
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