#I am not in danger of actual overheating in any way shape or form. I'd pass out first from low blood pressure lol
tj-crochets · 3 months
Hey y'all! The AC in my house is like half-broken and I have all the heat tolerance of a particularly sad penguin*, so I could use some advice. I am from a desert area, so I know the stay hydrated, electrolytes, loose clothes type advice, but do you have any advice for handling the heat in humid areas specifically? Also, does anyone have any recommendations for sun hats? Specific sun hats you recommend are what I'm looking for, but if you don't have a specific one an idea of what criteria I should look for would be very helpful too *I say this jokingly, idk how much heat tolerance penguins actually have. I have POTS, salt wasting syndrome, and some unknown autoimmune issue that probably involves my endocrine system? Docs are still working on it but the sum total is I cannot exist in hot temperatures
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discernment , noun
the ability to judge well. "an astonishing lack of discernment"
Source: languages.oup.com
Discernment is the ability to judge well and, in religious contexts, understand spiritual progress.
Discernment is vital to any thriving, stable religious community, practice and individual for without it, we can lose ourselves. We can mistake our own voice for the voices of the gods.
Not everything is a sign, a spirit, a god, an ancestor or magic.
I think all of us know when, and when not, to yell " AHA, MAGIC!", however for my peace of mind please go thru' this with me:
Before saying "Oh a spirit is here/talking to me" :
Have you taken your meds?
Are you 110% sure you don't have ANY underlying medical condition that may cause you to hallucinate in any way, shape or form?
You smell something weird? Go get your house inspected for mold, a gas leak or a dead animal hiding somewhere in your home.
Cold Spots? Again. Get your home checked out.
Creaking when no one is home? Your house/building is probably shifting/setting in, it happens to both old and new builds. Get it inspected just to be safe.
Sibling or child saying weird ass shit they shouldn't have any idea about? They probably have an imaginary friend, having fun by saying things they have seen/heard on the net, TV or from other friends. If it still freaks you out, seek a mental health professional to rule out anything that could be causing them to say creepy-ass things. Better safe than sorry.
Hearing thumps in the dark of night? Check to see if any trees or bushes are hitting your house, make sure an animal you aren’t aware of isn’t making the noises, hell, yell at your neighbors if you share a wall/ ceiling . If you can’t find a cause, get it checked out by a professional.
Scratching in or on the walls? Could be a rodent or your own pets. Get it checked out.
Is there any physical explanation outside of yourself for the sign you have received, maybe a friend or family member you didn't know was home?  Is the radio or TV on in the other room? Is your neighbor watching a movie, listening to music very loudly? Is this animal that you are suddenly seeing a lot of and interpreting as a sign actually just more active this time of year and very local to your area? Did someone just walk by wearing way too much perfume?
If things happen when you think of them it’s possible you might be placebo-ing yourself into believing a spirit is causing this. For example, you see a roll of paper very close to the edge, you think "It's gonna fall" and it does. It was close to the edge, of course it'll fall at one point or another.
Have you eaten enough? Have you had enough water to drink? Have you had enough sleep?
If you have checked all mundane reasons for what is being experienced by you or someone you know, then go onto spiritual reasons. You can always cleanse or pray before you get things checked out, but to assume it’s always a spirit is dangerous. You could put people at risk especially if it’s just rodents, a creaking house, or a gas leak. 
Those problems can easily be taken care of if dealt soon enough with, however ignoring them can lead to a lot worse, especially if thinking it's a spirit without second thought. Mass hysteria is real people.
Spirituality should not replace mundane reasons. 
"But what if I am 99.99% sure it IS a sign/spirit?" you say... Well
How often does x, y and/or z occur in your life?
If xyz occurs so much, to the point where you usually don’t even notice it anymore, it is probably not a sign.
Do you normally see xyz this time of year or during this time of the day?
If xyz is normally seen during that time of year, it is probably not a sign, when I'd visit my grandparents in the country side I'd always see toads during the night. Animals and birds can be local to the area, as can plants
Is xyz a common thing that science explains?
If science can quickly explain something away, static electricity, your device shutting down due to overheating, or something else really mundane, it, probably, is not a sign.
"I keep seeing x animal, THAT must be a sign!"
Is the animal often seen? IS THE ANIMAL LOCAL TO THE AREA?
Did seeing the animal create a specific feeling or change an existing one? Did the animal give a specific mental imagery?
Was the animal doing anything out of the ordinary?
Have similar displays been seen recently but not commonly?
"I received message through a dream" ok, but:
Do you usually remember dreams?
If you don't usually remember dreams, this could indicate a potential message the dream might give a specific and literal message, or interpretation may be required, however I'd still be skeptic, the human mind is a crazy place.
The dream keeps on repeating?
If the same dream keeps occurring, many people try to see if there is a meaning behind it, for example, if the same thing keeps happening over and over in one dream, it could show importance in said repeated thing.
"I keep seeing the shape of xyz in abc" (such as clouds, smoke, liquids, plants et cetera):
Are you prone to seeing shapes? Were you looking for shapes with someone already in mind? Are those shapes really what I think they are or just there because I am thinking of xyz?
Are you seeing other random shapes?
Is it really a shape or are you grasping at straws?
Some people see shapes or faces in everything( see: face pareidolia) while others do not, which category are you ?
৹◊wasn't proof read◊৹
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