#I am like all but in open panic mode cause I still have three dolls to finish and I leave on Friday
meandmypagancrew · 2 months
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Creepy Tsubaki, Creepy Sayu, Creepy Watari, and Creepy L all done for Rachel Clare Chan and Dean John Wilson this weekend!
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that-rock-chick · 3 years
Love Bites
Love sucks. That's pretty much common knowledge. Combine that with addiction, money, fame, and childhood trauma and you've got a recipe for disaster.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
In terms of nationwide success, Guns N' Roses is a band that's virtually non-existent. I mean, considering that they're an unsigned band without a debut album, that isn't surprising. Looking at them and listening to their amazing music, I would say they take a lot of inspiration from Hanoi Rocks, The Rolling Stones, New York Dolls, and to a lesser degree, The Sex Pistols, particularly in their onstage behavior.
And just like all of those bands, they're extremely talented. This band might be the best band I've ever seen play the Whiskey or in LA in general.
They're really fucking good.
I take a second to look at all the members of the band. All of them are very attractive but the man clearly trying a little too hard to look like Johnny Thunders catches my eye. Everything about him screamed cool and mysterious and I instantaneously found myself wanting to do whatever I could to get to know him. My gaze lingers on him for a moment before I begin to survey the crowd. I feel somewhat out of place in this setting. It's mostly men and women trying way too hard to catch the attention of the band for...obvious reasons. No offense to them, I support women doing whatever they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone, but I can't picture myself ever being in that crowd.
Once their set finishes, I begin to wonder if I should wait for the redhead, Axl, to approach me at some point, or if I should just turn around and leave. I weigh my options and figure that I should stay. Not because of Axl, but because I don't really feel like going home and running the risk of walking in on Tiffany and her boyfriend. I don't really feel like going home at all now that I think about it, and if it wasn't earlier, now is definitely not the time to be walking the strip at night.
I sit at the table with my mind wandering, when Axl walks over to me with a massive grin on his face.
"Did you enjoy the show?" he sits down and waits for me to reply. Looking at him and how he carries himself, it's clear he's a man who has little insecurities, if any at all. I wonder for a moment if I should humble him just a tiny bit, but I decided not to.
"That was the greatest fucking thing I've ever seen." I return the smile, as his grows even wider, which I didn't think was possible.
He tells me to hold on for a second and disappears into the sea of people. When he reemerges, he isn't alone. He has a tall blonde man and another man with long curly black hair in tow, and I recognize them as the bassist and one of the guitarists respectively.
"This is Duff," Axl points at the blonde, who I've just discovered is named Duff.
"And this is Slash. Guys, this is Julianna."
I stand up and extend my hand for them to shake and and obviously intoxicated Slash pulls me into his arms for a hug instead. Although I was taken aback at first, I hug him back. At least he's friendly!
"We're having a bitchin' party at our place tonight, you should come." Duff leans over and whispers into my ear while I'm still in Slash's arms.
"I doubt you have anything better to do, no offense." Axl cuts in.
I want to object and tell him that I have plenty of better things to do than to go to some stupid party with people I don't know but 1. I literally have nothing else to do and 2. As cynical as I can be at times, I actually kind of like parties. I'm actually going to a party with strangers, just because they say I should. Ted Bundy would've just loved me.
"If you don't know our address, just follow the crowd." Slash half-shouts as he removes his arms from around my body and begins following his band mates.
The house is exactly what you'd expect the members of an aspiring rock band to live in. The house is a complete dump and it appears so structurally unsound that I find myself questioning how the place is still standing. The lawn is covered with cans and bottles that once contained alcohol, shattered glass, cigarettes, and an alarming amount of drug paraphernalia. Despite my better judgement after seeing all of these things, I asend the concrete stairs and open the door. Well, what was left of the door.
Upon opening the door, I am immediately greeted with the smell of alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and God knows what else. I also smell something burning and I pray to the Lord above that it isn't heroin, although that would explain the needles decorating the yard and the hardwood floor that adorned the interior of the house.
Before I know it, Slash grabs my arm and starts running up the stairs. This man is truly insane and I can see myself getting along well with him after tonight.
He brings me to a room with four other men in it and it doesn't take me longer than a second to recognize them as the other members of Guns N' Roses.
"That's Steven, he's our drummer. On his left is our rhythm guitarist Izzy. And you've already met Axl and Duff.
"Hi!" Steven exclaims excitedly. He's got a lot of energy, something most people expect from drummers.
Izzy looks up at me for a second with a blank expression, then looks away. I can't decide if it's because he's not impressed with what he's seen or if he's just shy.
"I need a drink." Duff wastes no time standing up and leaving the room to consume whatever alcohol the boys have in the house.
Axl leans over to Steven and whispers something in his ear. Whatever it was, it caused both of them to glance at me and chuckle slightly. Instead of asking any questions, I brush it off and sit on the chair that was once occupied by Duff as Axl, Steven, and Slash start talking amongst themselves. Izzy's eyes meet mine again, he looks at me for a little while longer than before, then he exits the room without saying a word.
The other guys seem to have forgotten I'm in the room, so I opted to leave too.
Walking down the stairs, I instantly recognize "Call Me" by Blondie blaring from somewhere down here and I resist the urge to embarrass myself by singing and/or dancing. A man approaches me and offers me a drink but I quickly decline. My mother wasn't good at being an actual parent, but she definitely told me to never accept a drink from a stranger.
Partying at a strangers house, surrounded by strangers, was never brought up in that conversation.
I've always had exceptionally good hearing and when I hear sirens wailing in the distance, I go into panic mode. I assume no one else hears it so I scream.
The atmosphere changes as everyone from all directions beings running to whatever exit is closest. I'm grateful for my smaller stature as I can easily move around the crowd of people and exist though a window that isn't as populated and is harder to spot from most angles. I don't even look behind me after I leap out of the window and run like my life depends on it. I technically didn't do anything wrong, but as previously mentioned, I DON'T like the cops.
I ignore the burning sensation in my lungs while I haul ass all the way to my apartment, narrowly avoiding being hit by several cars on the way. I sprint the full mile to my apartment, unlock the door, and collapse onto the couch after locking the door behind me.
"Well, you did say you we're gonna try working out daily." Tiffany chuckles at my exhausted state. She goes into the kitchen and comes back with a glass of water, which I gratefully accept.
"I was worried about you, did you have a fun night?" Tiffany sits on the couch nexts to me when I sit up to drink.
"Mhm. I saw this really cool band play at the Whiskey, they invited me to a party at their house,"
Tiffany raises an eyebrow in amusement. She knows I'm not the type to go to just anyone's house. I pretend to ignore her and continue.
"someone called the cops, and I got the fuck out of there as fast as possible."
"For someone who's never broken a law in their entire life, you sure are scared of the cops." Tiffany says, while taking my empty glass.
"They've got guns and shit. You don't have to break any laws to get fucked up by a cop."
At the same time I stand up, Victor walks out of Tiffany's bedroom in nothing but his boxers.
We exchange awkward waves and he goes to meet Tiffany in the kitchen.
I like Victor. We got along really well when I first met him. He was a good guy and made Tiffany happy, that's all I cared about. Then when the whole situation with Gwendolyn happened, shit changed almost instantly. By this point, Gwen and I were friends so it made the situation difficult. I didn't want to just stop talking to Victor, but I didn't wamt to hurt Gwen. It's hard to be truly neutral when all three people involved are people you care for.
I decide to stop overthinking and go into the bathroom for a hot shower and some sleep.
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dimensionwriter · 5 years
Mechanical Heart
Part 5
M! Robot x F! Reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
This was awkward. This was beyond awkward and there was nothing you could do to stop it. 
"So this is my, well I guess our, home," you said splaying your hand out to you house. You weren't exactly rich, so your house wasn't filled with the most lavish things.
You had a black couch that could barely seat 3 people with a white rug that had a few stains on it from spilled drinks. Your tv wasn't gigantic, but was durable and looked quite nice on your tv stand.
"So, this is the living room," you walked past the couch and went to a light brown wooden door," and this is my kitchen." 
You went to glance at Axel, but he wasn't there. Spinning around, you saw that he was still in the corner of the room next to the door.
You squint your eyes to see that he had something written on his face. Is he really going to make you walk all the way over there to read it?
"Axel, come on," you said beckoning him over with your hand. He didn't move from his spot in the corner. He looks as if he was trying to take up as little space as possible.
With a long and exhausted sigh, you took giant steps over to him. He tense up and took a step back.
"I do not require a tour of the house. I can stay in this corner until we need to leave for work," he wrote in dark grey times new roman. This font was so boring. Maybe, it's a reflection on his view of life. Nothing but business.
"I'm not going to leave you in the corner like you're some potted plant," you snickered imaging him with a plant on top of his head. Reaching out, you grabbed his hands. Feeling the smooth cool metal press against you skin caused a slight buzz to shoot up your arm.
"Come on," you said using all you strength to pull him. And him being Axel, didn't even budge a single inch. He remains stiff as he started typing a new message.
"Just think of me as an immobile potted plant until work," he said in a light grey colour. Your head tilted as you read that over again. He just made a joke.
"You're breathing, I think, moving, and thinking being. So, no, you are not a plant," you yelled digging your heels into the ground trying to get him to move. He was like a bolder secured down by diamonds.
"I do not require the necessity to breath," he inquired with a slight tilt of his head. You thought he was getting interested in conversation, so you tried to catch him off guard by running to the back and pushing on it. Fail, barely moved the fabric on his jacket.
"Well, can you at least sit on the couch? I feel bad leaving you here in the corner," you pleaded from behind him. You gave a final shove and he actually move. But the thing was, you weren't expecting him to actually move. 
A loud thump echoed through your house as your body collided with the ground. Axel stopped moving towards your couch and turned around slowly.
"I'm okay," you groaned lifting up a shaky hand to give him a thumbs up. Your ribs are going to be sore in the morning. 
Axel's black hand moved downward towards you and wrapped around your forearm. His grip tighten causing his digits to lightly dig into your skin.
With one smooth pull, Axel had you off the ground and onto your wobbly feet. You used your free hand to balance yourself by placing it on his chest. Ah, there's that six pack.
"Axel, you can't go around throwing a human body as if it's a rag doll," you scolded trying to find your balance. First, falling downward then instantly being yanked upwards, really does a number on your stability.
"Apologies if any damage was done to your flesh or internal organs," he wrote in a tinier font. That was a really weird way of wording. Sometimes, you forget that androids and humans have different components.
"It's fine. Just, sit on the couch while I get ready for bed. I'm exhausted from work," you dismissed waving him towards the black couch. That hot shower was calling your name and so was that bed.
Axel nodded obediently and moved smoothly to the couch. He seem to try to move as little as possible as he went to the sit. The couch barely even moved as he put his body on it.
"Well," you drawled out staring at his stiff form. His back was straight as a plank of wood. He wasn't even leaning back into the couch. "I'm going to go take a bath now. Make yourself at home, since it's kind of yours."
He just gave a quick nod before facing forward. His screen turned darker, almost as if he was going into sleep mode. Well, guess androids need rest too.
"Night Axel," you said walking past the light switch and going towards your room. If he wanted the lights off, he can turn it off. It would be rude to turn it off on him if he still wanted it on.
Axel waited until he could hear your water running to move again. It was a new surrounding, so of course he had to check it out. Just to be sure.
He moved as lightly as possible as he went to the kitchen you were trying to show him earlier. He pushed open the light wooden door. 
It revealed a small kitchen with mostly white colours. One of the corners of the counter was chipped, seem to have been that way for years. 
A small door stood in the corner of the room. He was almost certain it was a food closet or pantry as some called it. But he had to make sure his human partner wasn't hiding anything.
Opening the door slowly, he peeked into the small room. There was a bunch of food products lining the shelves. Humans are so odd. They know how much nutrition they require, yet they have so many forms of food that doesn't reach it or have more negative impactful than beneficial.
He closed the door quietly and left the small room. There was a hallway with two doors on the right with one on the end. Glancing at them, he decided to go to the first one since it was closest. 
He opened the door as quietly and quickly as he could to prevent any squeaks. The room seemed to some sort of guest room that got turned into a storage area. There were loads of boxes and random junk in it. 
He walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He turned over to night vision mode to get a good look at everything in it.
All the boxes were clear. Most of them held either random unused objects or items that seem to be used that were broke. Why didn't the human just throw them away? Somehow, a few of the items seem familiar. Maybe seen on tv or being used by other new human officers.
He turned around to see that the door was open. Not only that, but it was his human partner. She stood in the door with quite the lack of clothing, only a towel tightly wrapped around her. A gun was held in her hands and was pointed at his head.
You reached your hand out to reach for the light switch. You could see the outline of the person trying to blend in with the boxes. Well, too bad for them. They broke into the wrong house.
"You are under arrest for break in and- Axel," you said in shock as light finally flooded into the room. He stood completely still as he stared at you. You wait for something to type of his face, but nothing did.
"Why are you standing in the dark in my closet?" You asked confused. He stood there for a little bit before taking a step forward.
"I was assessing the new area," he typed quiet slow. You face scrunched up in confusion. So, he's saying that he was just simply looking around.
Maybe he doesn't want you with him when he looks around. He is used to working alone, so he may be overwhelmed since he spent his entire day stuck to a person. 
"I understand. Check out everything, but not my bedroom. That's my area," you said jokingly narrowing your eyes at him. He nodded his head before going still again.
"Well, I'm going to go take my bath again," you said taking a step back. A slight whirring noise emit from him as he stuck his hand out to you. You stop you movements while quirking up an eyebrow.
"How did you know I was moving?" He wrote quickly. You read it again before smiling.
"This house is old. It was built before the techno houses were built, so there's some problems with it. My bathroom lights flicker every time someone opens and closes a door. So when it flickered four times, I knew someone was moving around in my house," you explained locking your gun. Your words appeared on the screen before disappearing. Guess he was taking note of you again.
"I'll withhold this information," he wrote quickly, almost sloppily since the bottom lining of the words were uneven. Glancing down at his right hand, you noticed that he was gripping his leather jacket tightly. Okay?
"Well, I'll leave you to 'assessing' then," you said awkwardly grabbing your towel to lift it up. You flickered off the light and slowly shut the door on the android. He didn't move a single gear and just stared blankly at you.
The door clicked shut and you could hear the jerk in electricity from your bathroom. Guess Axel wasn't planning on being found out. He must doubt your skill, you are very aware of your surroundings. 
You were about to turn around and leave to get to that warm, comforting shower, but a neon pink light flared from under the closed door. You ran to the door in panic to make sure your partner was okay. 
A loud and increasing buzz followed the room making you stop mid motion. You recognized that sound. It was earlier today at the woman's house when you didn't follow his order when he was worried. 
That's it, you need answers.
"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Screw wrote slowly in gold cursive font. They were sitting in Danny's desk, who was gone at the moment, and had their screen leaning on their open palms. Their three fingers were tapping lightly on the screen and the other hand was busying itself with a black pen that had Danny's name on it.
"Okay, so as you can clearly tell I am not human. I am not able to read non-human emotions," you drew out trying to get them to pick up on your hint. All you got was Screw's black screen.
"If you are asking for some type of book on android's emotions, you won't find one. Each android is different in their own way," Screw wrote while rolling their wrist in a bored continuous manner as they continued to write. "You just have to learn how they are."
You let out a loud groan and sunk deep into the office chair. How are you supposed to read Axel? He is the equivalent of a brick wall that only does something interesting when you are not looking. You can maybe guess when he's happy, in about 10 years.
A light tap on your nose brought you out of your pit of despair. Screw pointed to his screen as a way of saying listen, or read?
"Are you trying to read Axel? If so, good luck. He's a pretty serious machine that only really focuses on his work. He even stated, don't take any offense to this, 'emotions were made to be with humans, which is why they struggle so much. In their struggle is where I shall succeed.' Your eyebrows dropped in slight disgust at the quote. You were so worried about appearing speciest to your partner when in reality it was the other way around.
"I can tell you're judging him. What Axel meant is that he doesn't want emotions to get in the way of his job because he feels that it would hinder him."
An image downloaded onto their face. It was an old cartoon drawing of a train on a track that slowly divided into two. On one track was a bunch of tied up people and on the other was one singular person. On the bottom of the image was the text that read, 'Choose a path'.
"This picture was something use a long time ago to get humans to question their morals. While humans will think to take out the single person, even if they don't want to. Axel will think to derail or stop the train, even if he has to destroy his body. He doesn't want to feel fear, doubt, or anything negative that could stop him from succeeding his missions. He would rather be stone cold and be the best than full of life and face the consciences of failing."
Screw stopped scrolling on his paragraph. You glanced again at some parts as you let it sink in. Guess that's a good explanation for his lack of emotions. 
"But here's the thing, I think Axel is showing emotions," you exclaimed helplessly as you felt more confused. How was someone that was trying so hard to distant himself from something, but still continues to return to them?
"What?" Screw wrote in bold red font. A loud shrill came from their neck that caused you to flinch from the high pitch sound. Screw slammed their hand over their neck as a slight pink colour started to bleed into their words. "Sorry, that shocked me."
"There. That sound you just made and the pink colour on your words. He does that. He also flashes a neon pink light and his words have a red gradient when I'm being annoying or something," you rambled on and on, listing all the times you noticed his drift away from his normal boring grey new roman font. It felt great to actually talk to someone about it. 
"I knew that scrap of metal was going to start showing emotions. No one, machine or not, can remain blank like that," they wrote out quickly while jumping out of their seat. Speed walking to a computer in the corner of the room, Screw's screen seem to darken in concentration.
"What are you trying to do?" You asked turning around in your chair to look at them. They gripped the end of their golden suit and bunched it around the forearm.  
Their screen spun 180 degrees around and stopped at your angle. A startled scream slipped out of your mouth at the creepy motion. You keep forgetting what these things can do, even if it can be creepy as hell.
"I know I said there isn't a book on android's emotion, but I do have access to all the coding of every android that works under me. So if I can check all of his most recent coding, I can see if I can translate it into something that can be interpreted into something similar to a human's emotion. I would probably need a few hours to see it and to get a time on when it started. Then I should be able to contact you when-"
The entire screen disappeared making you let out an irritated groan at missing the ending. You need to speed read when it comes to Screw. They write so much. But they usually give you time to read it all, so what made them delete it?
A hand clamped down harshly on your shoulder. Fear and dread dripped down your spine as you recognized the firm matte digits. You had a feeling on why Screw deleted his words.
"Hey Axel. I thought I told you to wait in our office," you said too sweetly as you looked up at his screen. He somehow changed clothes from when you arrived. Today, he had on a white shirt with a black breast pocket. His pants were a little more unique which the left side being black and the right being dark red. The iconic black jacket was thrown on with his gun holster lying lazily on his hips.
"We should have started patrol 2 minutes ago. I tried to give you a few more minutes, but crime doesn't stop for us," he wrote slowly. His screen turned towards Screw for a second before looking back down at you. 
Did he read what Screw wrote? No, Screw is definitely smart enough and deleted it in time. No need to worry.
"Ah, well I guess I can talk to Screw later…about getting a company car so it can fit you a little easier," you lied quickly. To add a little whipped cream on top, you widen your smile and batted your eyelashes. Please take this as not being suspicious.
"I do not require that," he wrote in a dark grey font. The font was still the same old Times New Romans, but the edges seem to be a little bit more pointed. Is he making the font his own?
"Oh, well I just wanted to make sure you're comfortable too. You are my partner so I'm going to be worried about you," you said honestly. You kind of hated when Axel dismissed himself as if he didn't deserve to be treated like equals.
"You know what. I think we are done here for now. Let's go Axel," you exclaimed jumping out of the chair. You grabbed Axel's dangling hand and yanked him towards the door. Luckily, he moved along with you and didn't just stand rock solid.
As you speed walk to the exit, you turn slightly around and threw a quick wink at Screw. By the time you finish with your patrolling, they should be done with the coding. You will finally be able to understand your partner. And maybe be able to finally connect with him.
"Sure," you read as you glanced at Axel's screen. The bottom of his words were tinted pink as he tilted his screen down at your entwine hand. 
"Then let's go," you said cheerfully dragging him out of the door. You just have to make it through patrol and then you get your prize.
Part 6
It may have been 10 years since the last chapter of in this series, but I did it. I really missed Axel and I’m glad I got a chance to come back to my boy. Anyway, please remember to comment on anything you liked about this chapter, this really helps inspire me and I love to look at them. Please like and look out for a part 6 in the future. The next story I put out may not be an addition to any of the  series I’m doing. Love you guys and enjoy the rest of your day. 
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clintbartonswifee · 5 years
Breathe (Steve x Reader)
Warnings: ANGST, swearing, graphic depiction of blood
(Established Relationship)
Not my best but I tried😂.
Part Two is here || masterlist
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The mission debrief was simple. Get in, get the files, get out. Kill some motherfuckers along the way. We had the floor plans, the number of workers and the times of patrols. An easy job. Of course no one was denying that the enemy weren’t tough, in fact the whole Avengers Unit had been chosen to go, even Banner would wait in the jet and would almost inevitably be called out in a code green. HYDRA was still a large threat, and no matter how prepared Tony insisted we were, you weren’t convinced.
You went anyway, it was of course a good distraction. A punching bag only released so much anger and you were more than happy taking out some repressed fury on some Natzis. The cause of your rage? Steve fucking Rogers.
The first time you saw Steve Rogers was at one of Tony’s parties. He was sulking in the corner with Sam as you walked in, trying to segregate himself from the rest of the somewhat boisterous crowd.
You watched him throughout the night, picking up on small details, like how he tapped a tune on his glass when he was distracted. Or like how he plastered on a fake smile when another person came over to talk to him. You also noticed that he still seemed tense, still in fighting mode, as if anything could attack him at any given moment. The mark of a soldier.
You didn’t actually meet him until he was introduced to you. Natasha, the reason you were at the party in the first place, had insisted on introducing you to the rest of the Avengers before hastily grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the open bar and over to the two men you had been watching all night.
“(Y/N) this is Steve and Sam. Sam and Steve this is my old friend I was telling you about”
“Nice to meet you” I smiled, offering each man a handshake, and returning a polite hello in return.
It wasn’t until a few months of flirting later, when you had joined the team, that Steve made his move. It was around noon when you stepped into the gym, noticing Steve hammering the punching bag, sweat cascading down his body. Eyes slightly widening, you turned to leave, only to be stopped by his voice.
“Don’t leave on my account, doll”
“I - I wasn’t -“ you stammered, slightly embarassed by getting caught. Clearing your throat slightly, you regained your composure before meeting his eyes, “I just didn’t think you’d want me watching the gun show”
An amused smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he watched you carefully, crossing his arms over his chest as he surveyed you.
“You can watch all you want, a pretty dame like you? I’d be honoured”
Your throat constricted as you relived the beginning of your relationship with Steve. He had asked you to dinner the next night, swiftly bedding you within a week. It was fast but it had just felt so right, at the time you couldn’t be happier.
As your vision filled with blue, your brain floated to the argument three days before.
“What do you want from me?” Steve thundered, “you’re being impossible!”
“Are you joking?” You spat, equally as riled up, “you keep treating me like a child! I can handle my own bloody problems Steve! You don’t have to fix everything and then make me feel entitled to thank you for it”
“You’re not responsible enough! If you can’t handle a simple mission then how the hell am I supposed to be able to see a future with you. I can’t even imagine us getting married, let alone have kids”
You hadn’t expected that. Not ever. Not from him. Stumbling back slightly, your hand blindly searched for the door handle, eyes still locked onto the man in front of you. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes but you silently willed yourself to stay strong, clearing your throat.
“Then by all means, don’t let me stop you from your future, Steve” you sneered, opening the door, “I hope you find someone that you deserve. I saw you making eyes at that Sharon girl, you’d make a great fucking couple”
You hadn’t spoken to him since then, hurt and alone you had withdrawn from the group, missing out on the ‘family’ dinners. No one seemed to notice your absence, meaning you happily stayed in your room, safe from the outside world and the confrontation it brings.
Until now.
Coming back to your senses, you realised you were staring up at the sky, which was odd considering you were pretty sure you had just been fighting with some HYDRA goons only seconds before. First red flag.
“Fuck - (Y/N)”
Your brain foggily registered Nat’s voice ring out somewhere to your left, sounding distant and muffled over the ringing that had filled your ears.
“I need backup! (Y/N)’s down - yes I’m trying to get to her - BACKUP NOW STARK”
She sounded frantic. Natasha was never frantic. Her panic seemed to seep into you, your body desperate to move. That was the second red flag.
As if your brain had just been rebooted, your eyes widened as you tried to look around you, straining your eyes to the side to see your earpiece lying shattered on the floor.
“Hey, hey look at me”
A different voice came from above you, your eyes moving to identify the person. Tony looked panicked as he stared down at you, a sense of foreboding in his eyes.
“You’re gonna be okay. Just fine-“ he rambled, flirting around you nervously, “keep your eyes open for me honey, come on now, eyes open”
You didn’t even realise them closing, unconsciousness finally grasping you as you fell into darkness.
Steve was too late.
Whacking the final guy over the head with his shield, Steve ran outside to assist Nat, his eyes scanning the ground to find you. He saw Tony first, Natasha stood by him with her hand on his shoulder. Comforting.
Steve strode over, pushing the two out of the way until he loomed over your body. His eyes immediately drawn to the weeping scarlet hole in the middle of your chest.
He collapsed to his knees, shaking hands reaching up to cup your cheek only to be jerked away as if your skin was on fire.
“No, no, no, no. Come on babygirl” he whispered, moving his hands to your chest, noticing the bandage haphazardly wrapped around to try and stem the blood flow.
He started compressions on your chest, his eyes watching your closed ones as he did so.
“Come on babygirl - breathe for me. Please breathe”
“NO! She’s going to be fine - she just needs to breathe!” He shouted, tears filling his eyes as he continued CPR, your body unresponsive.
“Steve” Natasha insisted, her hands moving to his shoulders, pulling him back slightly, “Steve she’s gone”
“No!” Steve fought half-heartedly against her hold, crumpling into himself as he finally realised the truth, “no”
“She died thinking I hated her”
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maikatc · 5 years
black sun tale but it’s the original first draft i wrote back in seventh grade like three or four years ago
and yes, i mean the entire 2k words of it, unedited too
“I wonder what’s going on right now,” I was in my living room couch and checked out the latest news on YouTube from my black laptop. New York City has been going wild on the internet lately. There have been pictures and videos of dead bodies and people proclaiming that they saw monsters. News stations are even going on saying that deaths are occurring at random places with no evidence for a reason. The subway, buildings, even some at the theme park. The unknown cases are causing major panic for most, parents aren’t even letting their children go outside. 
“I don’t think anything will happen today,” my dad replied to me while he was in the kitchen. 
“And you probably just jinxed it,” I continued scrolling through the page, skimming at the titles until I found something. The headline said Children Are Not Safe Anymore. I clicked on the video, there was a dead small girl inside a house. She looked like she was only five years old. No injuries at all. The babysitter said she was in the kitchen while the child named Alexa was in her bedroom playing with her dolls. Apparently, Alexa was the daughter of a new model, Lumi Katsmann, and she was too busy to have much time with her. I suppose she kept the little girl inside like most would but now there’s no certainty that would work. 
I went on my phone to see if Twitter or Instagram has anything. When I turn on my phone, there was a text notification from Sora. Saying that I was late 
Sora has been my friend since middle school because of me being the first person she met. She’s nice, but does have a bit of a temper, doesn’t really matter though. When summer began, we planned to meet up the day after she comes back from her summer trip, July 2nd at 3:15. 
Sora: Jackson, you’re late
Jackson: But I thought you said at 3:15
Sora: I said 2:15
I scrolled through my phone all the way until I got to when we planned the outing. As I looked at the conversation, I realized that she did say 2:15. Well shit. I got up from the couch I was laying on, my legs wobbled from not standing up for a few hours. All I had on were bowers and a T-shirt I used when I sleep so I decided to change clothes. 
“Are you going anywhere,” I forgot to tell dad. 
“I’m just meeting up with Sora at the park,” I spoke while rushing to get myself ready. I put on a white shirt with black stripes, blue jeans and a pair of Nike shoes. Before I left, I grabbed my phone just in case something else happens today and went off. 
“Bye dad.”
“Be careful Jackson.”
“‘Kay,” as I close the door. 
I turned around to go to the destined land, the park. Sora would be a bit moody when I make it there for being late but I guess I should tell her what’s been happening lately. She would at least be intrigued, she’s interested in mystery. I know enough things about her that people would think we’re childhood friends, but we’ve only known each other for five years. Now thinking about it, we’ve been together for a long time. I remember in freshman year, I even got interested in her, but I knew things would get awkward between us, especially if something bad happened. At the end, I decided to not say anything, eventually the interest faded away. Now, everything’s chill and we’d hang out every few days or so
Some good breeze was passing through me while walking. The weather said this was one of the best summer days ironically. Aside from that kid’s death, perfect weather , good time of relaxing, it has been an enjoyable day so far. And now I’m about to be at the park.
Wrgdb Eulqjv Wkh Ixwxuh
It’ll be a few seconds before I make it to the assigned area. It was more silent than usually, no sound at all really. I stood as I got to the entrance. The breeze flew throughout knocking some leaves off the trees while I saw something terrifying.
Dead bodies.
Sora’s dead body.
Right in front of me.
Her brunette hair dyed with blood.
What happened?
What caused this to happened?
Why is everybody dead?
Their guts are even showing.
I see something over there.
It looks big.
It looks like
A Chinese dragon.
It has claws.
They’re covered in blood.
Buried in blood.
I ran as fast as I could in the wish of survival. A girl, light brown hair, walk past me, walking to where it was. 
I stopped. “Don’t go there! You’ll get yourself killed!”
She paused her walking and turned around. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine,” she smiled while her hazel eyes glistened in the distance as she continues to the land of demise. 
I have no time to save her, she would die either way, so what’s the  point? She chose to go there. It doesn’t matter now.
My mind was in survival mode, the side of humans which doesn’t make them think heroically in the shows. Reality is different, we’re selfish in this mode, you do whatever to survive. People probably don’t except this fact, hell, even I don’t like to except it sometimes, but one day they have to. 
I was running through the streets. Bumping into people the entire time. Looking at me like they should. I looked like I saw the depths of hell and ran like a madman. I didn’t care, I saw something that could’ve killed me. I was getting tired, I needed to rest. I was about to come up to an alley, I turned to the dark surroundings, sat down and closed my eyes for a second. 
“Wow, how ironic you came here,” the voice sounded like a kid’s. I opened my eyes, Nike shorts with bright green sneakers. Looking up I saw more of the child, white shirt with a few stains, a black hoodie with bright blue highlights, half zipped. I wasn’t sure if they were a boy or girl. Their black hair was droopy and went down to the middle of their neck, but by the voice, I’m guessing it’s a boy. What really caught my attention was his eyes. The left one was only a deep sea blue, somewhat rare but still normal. Then there was his right eye. There wasn’t even a pupil or iris. It was silver in background but covering most was a design that looked like a black sun.
“Alleyways are popular here aren’t they? And you came to the alley where I live,” I looked around and saw it was decorated a little bit. A calendar and a few papers on the wall which contains drawings that each said ‘accomplishment’. There was even a small dream-catcher.
After a few seconds, I noticed, “How old are you?”
“Ummm, I’m about to turn thirteen soon, but don’t think about messing with me,” he was definitely lying. He was much shorter than me and his voice was barely deep. He seemed like he was in around the end of elementary school. What questioned me was that he was saying he lived in the alley. He was too young, he’d die. “Wait a minute, what’s that on your forehead?”
My black hair covers the majority of my forehead, but it looked like he saw something there. He began to reach it with his hand. 
“What do you think you’re doing,” as he split the front hair. His face started looking surprised, confused, but had some excitement.
“Woah,” he smiled,” you’re one of us,” he turned around and paused for a second to think. I was in confusion the entire time. Who is he? Why is his eye like that? What does he mean by one of us?
“Let’s go,” he grabbed my hand immediately and got me up with incredible strength for his size.
“Hey Aladdin! I have defeated the dragon th-,” then appeared the girl with light brown hair.
“Wow, finally we found somebody else,” the girl has a yin-yang T-shirt and blue baggy shorts, nothing that revealing, but there was something black poking out of her chest.
“Who are you people,” how was she still alive,and she said she defeated that thing. Why did she call that kid Aladdin? That’s a fictional character, who would name their kid Aladdin?
“Glad you asked! We are Black Sun Tale! We are people who have special abilities and defeat these monster, creature things. And you’re apart of it!”
“What,” These people are insane. How am I apart of this? I thought to myself.
“You didn’t explain everything Annette.”
“Why don’t you call me by Belle?”
“Because your ‘code names’ are stupid.”
“I think they’re cool,” she said in a pouty face
“They’re fairy tales!”
I saw them bicker at each other for the next two minutes until I had enough, “Can you explain to me what is going on? I don’t know who both of you are and somehow I’m a part of this group? Why?”
“Well-” the girl called Annette started speaking until the sun-eyed boy stopped her.
“Let me do this, explaining it with your peppy attitude will make him think we’re insane.”
“Fine,” she said with crossed arms.
“Okay, so see my eye? Well Annette-”
“Whatever, Belle, has a black sun mark too. Show it.” the so-called Belle lowered her shirt to show a black sun mark on the top of the left side of her chest. 
“And if you look at your forehead, you have one too. Oh and for a bit more detail, we have three members so far and I’m the leader.”
“How are you the leader.” I questioned him. I didn’t believe a group that defeats creatures that kills would be a little kid.
“I was the one who got this stuff in the first place and found all of you guys. I’ve also been though some traumatising shit, how do you think I’m living here? My family kicked me out? Why the hell would they do that,” his voice filled with anger, it looked like he was about to cry.
“Can you calm down. Look sure I’ll join whatever you’re doing. I just have a few more questions.”
Belle came into the conversation, “Um sure. What do you wanna ask?”
“Well you said that there are three members right? Well then who’s the third member?”
“Oh! Well, um, uhh she’s not that active with the group lately. She’s the youngest in the group, turning twelve in two weeks, but she’s, what do you call them, oh, a shut in. She was to be somewhat hyper like me, and she annoyed Aladdin even more than me because of her being a fangirl over stuff like anime and such. Now, she’s consumed by the internet and almost never goes out. She also sleeps more at day than she does at night, but I think she’s Aurora, or Briar if you like the book more, from Sleeping Beauty!”
“Second, what are your real names?”
“Oh fine, since you’re in the group. I’m Annette Jasofy, Aladdin’s name is Ayu, he never told me his last name for private reasons, and Briar’s is Roselle Karzen. Oh I forgot to ask, what’s your name?”
“Jackson Bardsly,” I wasn’t hesitant, they were younger than me, they couldn’t do anything. “Lastly, how old are you guy’s?”
“I’m fourteen, Aladdin-”
“Yeah yeah, he’s twelve and Briar is as I said, eleven. And we’re wondering about your age?”
“Thanks, I can’t wait to see your power, so Aladdin what do you want to do now?”
I didn’t notice but Ayu was observing the whole conversation. He had a bored look but still had a bit of curiosity in his eyes.
“I don’t know, shouldn’t we let the newbie choose,” he spoke with a somewhat sarcastic tone but looked at me. 
“I would like to meet the third member,” Ayu looked at me with a face that said he did not want to go there at all, “but I think I’ll  go home… My friend was at the park.”
It was silent, even Annette wasn’t sure what to say. Ayu then grew dejection on his face. He walked up to me slowly and raised his arm to my shoulder. Having small tippy toes and eyes down to the ground. 
“It’s fine, you can come here anytime… We’ll help I guess.... And don’t worry, something like that happened to me too,” he was quiet at first but by the end he was smiling with some hope in his eyes. 
After we said our goodbyes, I left to my house. Unsure of what to tell my dad, and thinking of what to do tomorrow. Should I just stay home and be on my laptop all day? Or should I hang out with those kids. Questions flying all around on what to do.
“I’m back, Dad.”
“How was your date?”
I froze for a moment, thinking back on what happens, but I about that aside.
“First of all, it wasn’t a date. And… Nothing really happened.”
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When You Call Part 4
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Angst, Alpha!Dean, Omega!Reader, FLUFFY AF, some angst, panic attack  
Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader  
Characters: Alpha!Sam, Alpha!Dean, Omega!Reader  
A/N: Ohh guys it’s time for part 4!!! I know that this was a few days coming but I promise it’s worth the wait! The responses to this series is overwhelming and I can’t thank each and every one of you enough for your support! Once again, many many many thanks to @emoryhemsworth for being my Beta reader, and thank you for dealing with all of my grammar and tense issues… you have a heart of gold!! This one is still slightly angsty, but it is also Fluffy AF! (Italics in this one signify internal dialogue as well…)
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“I thought you didn’t want your rut to get worse,” I replied nonchalantly.
“I can handle myself. I’d rather smell you. Your scent calms me, ‘Mega.” Damn him and that growl. Heat pooled immediately in between my thighs and Dean smelled it. “There’s a time and a place and with how banged up you are. This ain’t the time or place. Get in, ‘Mega. We still have a few hours before Sam’s early morning ass gets up.”
As soon as I got into the bed Dean scooched himself closer to me put his arm under my head. Usually, this wouldn’t be a problem, but Dean’s in rut, so now I can only describe what I felt as a push and pull. I want him, I always wanted him, but this… This was a craving, more than that, a necessity… I needed Dean…
Yup… this was gonna be a long night.
Y/N’s POV:
Found via Google Search
I began to slowly awaken to the dull thud of what sounded like footsteps. My head snapped up to see Sam dressed in his running outfit, all except for one shoe.
“Damn it, did I wake you?” asked Sam as he fiddled with a shoelace that just wasn’t cooperating.
As I gained consciousness I began to notice that I wasn’t just sleeping on my side, like I always did. I moved my legs and realized that they were tangled with Deans. Dean was fully facing my back cradling my head with his arm, effectively making me the little spoon. The next thing that I noticed was a heavy weight on my hip, when I touched it to feel what it was, it was Dean’s hand.
The weirdest thing was, the more purchase I gained the more I realized that I felt nothing but a dull pain in my ribs. Hmm, I guess sleeping for those three days did wonders for me.  
“Wake is such a strong word, I’m a light sleeper anyway, so no big deal. Need help with that pan-hands?” I responded, joking with him of course. The minute I tried to sit up it felt like tiny knives were surrounding my ribcage and stabbing me simultaneously. I couldn’t help but whimper and try to curl into a ball, protecting my ribs from nothing in particular.
“Shit, stay down Y/N/N. Your ribs are shattered. Lemme get you some painkillers,” Sam immediately sprung into action. I gratefully swallowed the pills and checked to see if Dean was pulled to consciousness by my lack of self-awareness. I looked and noticed that he was still out like a light.
“I didn’t feel anything when I woke up… shit!” I silently cursed myself.
“That makes sense,” quipped Sam.
“Oh really?”
Originally posted by lucifersagents
Sam sat down on the other bed to talk to me while he finished taking care of his stupid laces. “Yeah, there are studies that show that Alpha scents have a chemical in their pheremones that affect Omega’s in the way an opiate would, almost like morphine. I think they named it ‘OC-42’. That’s why many Omegas are never fully sated when they’re with a Beta, especially in heat. They don’t have that chemical to literally get high off of. Another study showed that an Omega’s scent has that very same effect on Alphas, especially when they’re in rut. Really interesting stuff.”
I listened intently as Sam and I always had similar interests when it came to research.
“Ok, first off, you need to send me those articles, and secondly, why do they call it ‘OC-42’ and what does that have to do with me going from no pain to crippling agony?” I asked.
Sam chuckled, “I’ll email it to you today! It’s called ‘OC-42’ because ‘OC’ is an acronym for ‘opiodal chemical’ and ‘42’ is in there because the chromosome that’s responsible for the production of that chemical seems to be the 42nd chromosome in human DNA. As for the reason why this makes sense for your case? You were wrapped up in Dean, hell you still are a bit. Here’s the trick, when you were sleeping, half of your face was on his arm, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Y/N, one of the scenting glands are there, at the bend of the elbow. That’s why you didn’t feel anything until your head left his arm,” replied Sam.
“Hmm, that is definitely interesting,” I said with a smirk.
Originally posted by lucifersagents
“What’s interesting?” groaned Dean as his eyes slowly began to open.
“Apparently you are like morphine to me, because I’m in heat and you’re in rut,” I replied.
“And that’s different from how we normally are, how? I’ve always been your morphine,” uttered Dean mischievously as he began to sit up carefully.
“Hell no Winchester. You, my good friend, give me all of the headaches,” I chuckled in response.
Originally posted by thejabberwock
“You know, that would hurt if I didn’t know better,” smirked Dean as he called the diner and ordered the food to go. After he hung up he began to get dressed.  
“Where are you going? Don’t leave,” I began to panic. Why was I panicking? Those assholes were dead, what did I have to worry about? I can’t be alone, I can’t be without him.
“Sweetheart, relax. I’m just going to get you breakfast, you haven’t eaten in days,” Dean tried to soothe me but it wasn’t working.
“Nononononononono… Dean, you are not leaving me. You can’t leave me, what if someone else comes? I can’t fight, I can’t run. I can’t even get to the bathroom on my own. How in the hell am I going to be able to fight for myself ?” I rushed out the sentences as the walls began to close in.
“Sweetheart Sam won’t go anywhere, okay? One of us is going to be with you the whole time… Don’t worry.” Dean reassured me.
“I’m not asking for Sam… I’m asking for you, Dean! Please don’t leave me!” I was near tears until I smelled that familiar scent that reached to the core of my anxiety and smothered it. I felt strong hands wrap me from behind as Dean petted my hair and shushed me.
“Then it’s settled, I’m not going anywhere, ok? I’m right here, I’ll protect you no matter what…. “ Cooed Dean as he slowly got my breathing down to normal. I didn’t care about the pain in my ribs as I twisted myself around to bury my face in Dean’s neck.
Dean looked at Sam, “Sam, could you get the food before your run, it’s already ordered. I got it from the diner in town, you remember?” He kissed me on the top of my head as soon as he finished speaking, letting me know that he wasn’t going anywhere.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll be right back” replied Sam as he grabbed Baby’s keys from the table and left
Dean’s POV:
The minute I saw the desperation in her eyes I knew three things: I knew that I was done for, NO ONE WILL EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN, and that I’d die without her. I don’t know what caused these feelings. It’s not the rut, it wasn’t a territorial feeling, even if it was they usually come and go with the waves of rut. Those feelings were and still are deep. They are in my soul. As I wrapped my hands around her to soothe her, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere.
Seeing her beg for me to stay broke my heart, but I also felt a sense of reassurance. Knowing that Y/N wanted me and only me, knowing that it was my scent that calmed her, reassured me of the fact that we have a connection that is deeper than just feelings or memories. We have an instinctual tether to each other, a bond. Yet there was something more than just a bond.
I had no idea how I didn’t see it before. Every single time we go on a hunt I’m always hypervigilant of Y/N and everytime she gets hurt I immediately go into “kill everything” mode.
That would also explain why Bobby and Dad wanted us as far away as possible from each other when we presented. They kept us away from each other because they knew… They knew what -whatever the hell- we were and are looked like. It was dangerous at the time, so they separated us… I only sobbed in front of my father once, that was when Y/N was ripped away from me on that hot summer day.
Originally posted by amal-albuloshia
Dad and Bobby had tricked us into separating, unpacking something in her overnight bag that she was going to take on the hunt with us. When she went up to get it, dad whispered: “I’m sorry Dean.” When I asked him what he meant, he locked the doors and revved up the Impala. I begged him to stop. To just wait for her, I begged him, I bargained with him.
As we began to pull away, I heard Bobby yelling, “Y/N baby doll calm down… No, you aren’t going! It’ll be alright. It’s for the best for once trust me!”
I remembered looking in the rear-view mirror of the Impala, I couldn’t turn around or I would’ve thrown myself clear through Baby’s back window. I saw Y/N trying to break free of Bobby’s grasp as I heard her scream “No you can’t take him away, Papa no! DEAN! Papa, you can’t do this.” Her hands were clawing at the air, trying to rope the car back to her as tears fell down her face while Bobby continued to struggle to keep her at bay.
I felt this hot searing pain go through me like I was being ripped in half. The pain was an old friend. I used to have that pain every night when I was a kid and only one person could numb me, could take the pain away, that person was Y/N. The pain was constant until she would lay down with me and hum to me. I taught her “Sweet Child O’Mine” just so that she could hum it to me when that pain got torturous. When I was a kid, that pain would be accompanied with flashes of my moms face, little sounds clips of her humming “Hey Jude,” all the times she said, “I love you, Dean.”
That day, that pain was the same, but instead of my mom in my head, it was Y/N. Her smiling face when we would sneak out with Sammy and try to give him some sort of a normal childhood by taking him to the park. The light as it danced off of her hair, the utter joy at seeing Sammy’s smile, at seeing my smile.
I remembered when she nearly died on a hunt. A ghoul got her pretty good and she wouldn’t let anyone else touch her but me. Bobby and Dad gave a huff as they sat across the room while I patched her up.
Then all of the nights, the way that she’d hold me, protect me. Almost like a pirate guards their treasure, so certain that, if anyone dare touched what was hers, they’d walk the plank, I am hers. Same with Sammy, everytime he so much as whimpered in a dream her whole body shot up, moving to his bed to soothe his mind.
As I openly sobbed in the front seat of the car that day. Dad, of course, didn’t care. Maybe it wasn’t that he didn’t care, but that he remembered the feeling of mom getting ripped away from him. He knew the pain and didn’t know how to make it better.
That also explained why Uncle Bobby hated us going anywhere together. He didn’t want Y/N to get hurt if I died, well at least not hurt beyond repair. After reliving all of this I finally put two and two together.
I never realized that Y/N never felt like family to me. As I held her tiny frame in my arms while she nuzzled my neck, I didn’t feel like I was holding a family member, she felt like home. She felt like a jewel that I’d be an idiot not to protect. Like my reason for existing, my reason for being. Every single time I’m around her it feels like I finally found the missing puzzle piece, and that feeling was always there. I just never pinpointed it.
I didn’t know what to call it when I was four because I was so young. That pull, that feeling I always had towards her, it wasn’t just friendship, lust, or hormones, hell it wasn’t even instinct… It was love. Not the feeling of being in love, no, the real thing. The love that people have died for. The love that people will crawl out of hell for like Y/N did. This love that I have for her is the love that most people don’t even get to experience in a lifetime…  and I experienced that love every day since the first day I met her at Uncle Bobby’s. I don’t feel like she’s family because she isn’t. She doesn’t feel like family because I love her… I love her.
After Sam left the room, I knew I had to tell her. I couldn’t wait anymore and we didn’t have much time before he came back.
When she calmed down I began what could’ve possibly been the most awkward conversation of our lives.
“Y/N, sweetheart, we need to talk,” I said not nearly as confidently as I had hoped it’d come out.
“About what, Dean?” she asked. Damn, she looked up at me with those doe eyes, I knew that I was a goner before, but now… Now I’m not only gone… but loving it too.
Just breathe Dean, just breathe. You are talking to your best friend… that’s it.
“About something that I’ve been feeling for a while and I didn’t even know it.”
Dude, cut it out with the voice shaking, she’s gonna get spooked!
“Oooooookay… Don’t see how that has something to do with me but continue.”
This is good… she didn’t run! Progress Dean, good job, ok now… Just don’t fuck up!
Thanks for being vague yet again conscious.
My pleasure!
I leaned into her neck and took a deep breath, I felt even more of a pull to her when I did. I muttered into her neck “It has everything to do with you.”
“Listen, I know that what I did, going out on my heat without one of you, it was stupid and childish. It was selfish and I should’ve at least let Sam come along. I know that, I was just so furious.” Muttered Y/N as she pulled away from me, covering her face in shame.
Quick, comfort her! She thinks you’re still pissed.
“I get it if you don’t want to hunt with me anymore. I compromised myself. You don’t need someone like that on your team.”
Originally posted by destielonfire
“NO! Nononononono, you can’t leave, Y/N. I’m not pissed about what happened, ok?” I semi-rushed the words out of my mouth. I took  breath after I let the words fly out, trying to figure out what to say.
C’mon man, she’s gotta know… you need her… she needs you.
I get it conscious, thank you for your lovely input, yet again!
I can tell you’re being sarcastic, wise-ass.
“Then why are you looking at me like that?” asked Y/N. Damn her lips are in a semi pout, they looked so perfect and before I knew it I leaned into her.
Originally posted by gifworld13
That first kiss. Her lips were so soft and still slightly chapped as I molded mine to hers. Their inherent warmth entranced every single fiber of my being and for once, I was complete. I could feel her begin to moan into the kiss as she brought her hands to my cheeks. Then her scent hit me, fields of wildflowers, fresh rain, pie, her slightly fruity notes that were all her own. My God, it felt like the gates of heaven opened to finally give me some relief. Relief of all of my stress, my worries, all that mattered was her.
Originally posted by samslostshoe-deansbaby
When I broke the kiss and touched our foreheads together I breathed, “I’m looking at you like this because I love you.”
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Sam Winchester
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131 notes
Jun 5th, 2018
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