#I am genuinely curious as to how they met cause hey have no connection
mannyrorona · 2 years
Personally I don’t care about the two, but man I’d definitely be pissed if I was supposedly dating a man for “over a year” and he out here eying women up & down in interviews flirting and talking about being focused on finding a partner?? When you’ve been supposedly seeing someone the entire time? 💀😂 weird?
Side note: YALL BE HURTING YOUR OWN FEELINGS ANYWAY. Y’all been down in the trenches looking for the smallest details of these two having a connection and now it’s finally photographed in ya face proved yourself right & you mad? 💀 did you not ask for this…..?
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polyamorousmood · 2 months
hey! I hope this isn't too non-traditional of a poly situation to be sending in, but this is the only place I think I'll be able to get good advice. As a pre-ask thing, to be clear, my best friend is the love of my life, I am aroace, we're very happily in love.
So, a while ago, we were dating, and it ended pretty quickly bc he came out as aroace. I asked him a lot whether or not that was the full reason he broke up with me and he insisted that it was and if it was going to be anyone it would have been me. I figured out that I was also aroace a couple months later. Recently (about a year after we first met and started dating) he got a boyfriend. I already set a firm boundary of no talking to me about his boyfriend bc it made me have a paranoid breakdown once and I don't want to do that to him, but even just the knowledge of him existing is pissing me off so much. I can't ask him to break up with him because I would never do thst to him and I love him more than anything even if this situation is hurting me like this, but I did recently ask him how the relationship was going with him being aroace, and he said that he isn't really aroace and he just wasn't ready for a relationship with me and thinking about that makes me want to cry. I don't want something romantic with him, I'm very much aroace and very sex and sensuality repulsed, I just hate that this random guy who I don't even know and never will (I don't want to bc I know I'd end up being a dick to him if I did meet him) is somehow more important to him than me, even if he insists thst isn't how it is. Since the situation isn't changing, I really need help with dealing with the jealousy. I've tried a ton of stuff and every single time I think about him I still want to kill him. I really don't know what to do, and my therapist isn't being particularly helpful (she isn't poly tho so she doesn't have experience with weird situations)
Hi. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with this.
I'm curious how "he got a boyfriend" went down, and why you didn't bring up your concerns about his honestly to him when he was initially talking to you about it. Or if you did, why it still... doesn't seem resolved😬.
Not to put emotions in your mouth, but it sounds like a large proportion (though certainly not all) of your issue here stems from you feeling lied to about the breakup. This would damage anyone's trust and faith in the relationship, and I think having a formal talk about why he handled it the way he did and if that will continue in your refigured relationship will really help you. Maybe he didn't lie, maybe he was genuinely confused (for example, "if I can't make a relationship work with this person I feel a deep connection with, I must be aroace!" [one year later] "yo wtf I wanna fuck this other person?")! I think you should acknowledge -- with him, if possible -- that hurt. You feel like you want to cry? So cry. Giving the feeling full expression makes it easier to work through (and the only way out is through, darling).
Be prepared to explain why it hurts so much. The betrayal, your assumption that since he was aroace y'all were on the same page and he'd functionally be your life partner, or whatever the fuck.
Aside from the advice in this post (please read it in full📖, it is all applicable here), you have a LOT of legwork🦵 to do in unpacking and deconstructing your feelings. I think this worksheet outlines how to do that well (though, you know, tweak the wording in your head, because its aimed at a more traditional romance). If done right, it will be difficult and time consuming⌛. I recommend working through the worksheet slowly, in at least two separate sessions an hour or longer each. 'Cause shit takes time to sink in. In fact, you will have to remind yourself of the things you learn doing it for weeks to come, if not longer, so don't be afraid to revisit it! There is no shortcut, but I hope you and your best friend can be on the same page and you can have support while you navigate it.
Remember, the boyfriend didn't do anything wrong. He cares about this guy you care about. Try to see him as an extra support for him, rather than competition.
Good luck out there, space cowboy. There is hope 💛 <- its a yellow heart for friendship, get it?
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Meant To Be (iv)
Pairing: Hotch x F!Reader
Summary: Once the team is back you all go out for drinks and your connection to Rossi becomes increasingly evident. The following day at work you get your first chance to work in the field.  
Warnings: None! Just the slow burn as usual. 
Word Count: 5,751
A/N: As always, thank you all so much for your continued support! It means so much to me! I just wanted to warn you guys that I may not be able to update as often as I would like for a while. School just started for me and my schedule doesn’t really allow for “free time” at the moment. Just know that I am working as quick as I can and I always look forward to sharing more with all of you. Thank you for your patience. I love you all so much!
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Today goes by much more quickly than the last few weeks. Garcia helped to make the time pass a little faster but most days you were hanging on by a thread. Now that the whole team is back you feel more hopeful about your future amongst them. As the others do their required reports you make your way down to Garcia’s office. There is a bit of paperwork for the two of you to complete as well but it’s much different and a lot shorter than the rest of the team’s. At this point, you are able to walk into her office without even knocking. 
“Hey cupcake! Ready to finish things up?” 
“You know it.” Pulling your chair around you saddle up beside her. The paperwork is already laid out in front of her and she pushes a few sheets over to you. Thumbing through the few pages that there are you ask her for something to write with. What she gives to you is a small boring ballpoint pen. With a pang of betrayal in your eyes you look at her. “So what, I’m not good enough for the fun pens now?”
“Oh I’m sorry your highness. I thought you’d want a professional pen for your first round of professional paperwork.” Taking it out of your hand, she reaches over and retrieves a new pen that is a bright sparkling pink with a tuft of brightly colored fluff on the end. 
“Thank you. Much better.” She laughs, nudging your knee with her own. The two of you set about filling out the reports. Every so often you ask her a question which she happily answers before going about finishing up her own. It only takes you both about fifteen minutes, leaving you time to talk before the rest of the team gets done. 
“Did you get a chance to talk to Morgan?” Hearing her mention him for about the ten thousandth time makes you roll your eyes.
“Yes, I did. You know what, he didn’t mention you at all.” 
“I wish I believed you but we both know that man is obsessed with me. What did you guys talk about?” 
“Oh, so we’re feeling especially nosy today, aren’t we?” 
“Always my sweet.” You love the ever adorable smile on her face.
“He was just telling me that he was impressed with my work on the case. He also told me that everyone is going out for drinks tonight and he invited me to come along.” 
“Are you gonna go?” She asks even though she knows the answer.
“Yeah, of course. This is my first real chance to get to know the rest of the team. I mean, I already know Morgan pretty well I feel like but everyone else is basically a stranger to me.” 
“I know. It’s gonna be a lot of fun. And of course I’m going with you.” 
“I would expect nothing less from you my dear.” She gives another big toothy grin, causing you to smile as well. Looking back at the clock you stack up your papers and grab Garcia’s as well, heading toward the door. “I’m gonna go hand these in to Hotch.” 
“Oh, okay. Thank you!” She says, watching the expression on your face change at the mention of your boss. “Are you still mad at him?” 
“No, I was never mad at him. Was I frustrated with his decision? Of course but I don’t dislike him for it. He was doing what he thought was right. Besides, he already apologized to me.” 
“Hotch apologized to you? For a decision that HE made?” 
“Yeah.” Garcia pulls your chair back around and points to it.
“Okay you can’t tell me that and just leave. I need details.” Laughing you go back over and sit, putting the papers back on the desk. 
“There’s not much to tell. Before he left he said he wanted to talk to me so he could ‘evaluate my abilities’. He called me in just a little bit ago. It went pretty well I think. He apologized for being harsh and said that on the next case he wanted me in the field. He also apologized for not remembering me when we met. So, yeah. We’re all good.” 
“Okay, so why did you make a face?”
“What face?” 
“Oh come on, you totally know you made a face. When you said you were gonna go to Hotch’s office you made ... a face.” 
“Okay, well I didn’t do it on purpose.” 
“Even so, it happened so what’s the deal?” 
“It’s nothing. I don’t know.” Hearing your awful dismissal, her nose scrunches up as she watches you with narrowed eyes. 
“Yeah, something is definitely going on with you. I’m all ears my love. You know that you can tell me anything, right?” The genuine expression on her face tempts you to tell her every thought that’s gone through head from the very first moment you met Hotch. However, you are having enough trouble understanding your own feelings. There is no point in sharing them right now.
“Yeah, I know. It is truly nothing. I’m just nervous that he might change his mind about me working the next case, that’s all.” This answer seems to satisfy her as she pats your knee.
“Trust me, he won’t. You are an amazing agent and you are going to do great out there. And if he doesn’t like it he can just--” 
“I can just what Garcia?” The sound of Hotch’s deep voice makes both of you jump as you look behind you where he is looming in the doorway. His presence is entirely commanding, the power that he exudes seeming very evident to you now. Garcia clears her throat as she looks between the two of you, adjusting her glasses. 
“I was saying that you can just make an informed and valid evaluation and we will be entirely respectful of whatever you decide.”
“Right,” He says with a ghost of a smile, walking a little further into the office. “I came down to see if you had any questions about the paperwork. I know this is your first report, I didn’t want you to get lost.” This he says to you as he makes his way closer. 
“It was actually pretty straightforward. I have it done if you’d like to take a look at it though.” Reaching behind yourself, you grab the report and hand it to him. With a nod he begins to scan through the pages, flipping through them fairly quickly. 
“Exemplary. I’ll just take this up to my office. Garcia?” Without needing any further instruction, she grabs her own report and hands it to him. Just like that he’s gone again, leaving Garcia stunned.
“Wow. He must be in a really good mood.” She adds. 
“What do you mean? I mean, how do you know?” 
“Hotch doesn’t do that kind of stuff. If you had a question he would have expected you to take the initiative to ask. He normally wouldn’t have even considered making the trip so something must be different. That was ... just not in his nature.” Pondering the implications of her statement you settle for a small shrug. 
“I guess he was just being nice. No need to wonder why he did it.” 
“Yeah, I guess not. Well that takes care of that. I honestly don’t have anything else for you to do right now. You could probably go ahead and ask Hotch if you can leave for the day.” 
“Yeah, I think I’ll do that. I wouldn’t mind a shower before we all meet up later.” With that you stretch and make your way towards the door.
“Have a good afternoon my dear. I look forward to seeing you later.” 
“Thanks Pen. I’ll see you later.” Once she waves goodbye you leave her office, cracking the door behind you. Stepping into the elevator, you slink against the  wall. Even though there’s nothing for you to do, the idea of asking to leave this early in the day makes you uneasy. 
Once you’re back on the main floor you make a beeline for Morgan’s desk. The sight of you in his peripheral causes him to look up. 
“Don’t you ever hang out at your own desk?” 
“You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if I didn’t come bug you every five minutes.” This makes him laugh as he sets down his pen.
“We’ll never know until you try,” Faking offense, you cross your arms. “I’m just teasing you kid. What’s up?”
“Well me and Garcia finished our paperwork and she doesn’t need help with anything for the rest of the day so I was gonna go ask Hotch if I could leave early. If he says yes I’ll need to know the name of the place we’re going tonight so I can meet you there.” 
“Good luck getting Hotch to agree to that but on the off chance that he does, I can write down the address for you.” 
“Sounds good. Better start writing then bud.” Glancing back over your shoulder teasingly you walk up to Hotch’s office, knocking sharply. Hearing him beckon you inside, you step through the door. 
“I wanted to let you know that I talked with Garcia and she doesn’t have anything for me to do right now. Nobody else needs help either so I was wondering if there was anything you needed from me.” 
“I don’t believe so. Usually today would mainly be spent doing paperwork but since you have less than the others if you’re finished I would be alright letting you leave early.” Hiding a smile, you nod.
“Thank you sir. I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You go to leave but he stops you before you can get out the door.
“L/N,” When you turn to look at him you see that same softness in his eyes as you did during your earlier conversation. “I was curious ... are you doing anything tonight? Anything recreational, I mean. An important thing to try and do is find time for yourself. This job is incredibly stressful and can take a lot out of you. It would be good for you to find some time each week to do something ... fun.” 
This seems like a very light-hearted thing to be coming out of his mouth. He carries himself very professionally. There hasn’t been a moment so far when you’ve seen him unwind so hearing him talk about having fun each week seems a bit odd. However you take the advice to heart. Anything he has to offer you want to remember. “I actually am sir. I was going out to have a drink with the rest of the team.” As you say this you suddenly realize that he may not have already been invited. Feeling guilty you offer a smile. “Did you plan on coming as well?” By the look on his face you can tell that he is unaware of the event however he doesn’t seem upset. 
“No but thank you for asking. I need to go home and get some rest.” 
“Of course. That’s a very smart decision. If you ever want to though ... go out for a drink with us, I mean. You’re always more than welcome in my book.” The genuine kindness in your eyes when you look at him causes Aaron’s heart to clench and for some reason, this time he doesn’t try to stop it. God, how can one person be so good?
“I appreciate the gesture. I’ll keep that in mind next time,” The two of you stare deeply into one another and for a moment, just one brief fleeting moment, you are just a man and a woman filled with yearning. It passes quickly and you convince yourself that it didn’t even happen. “Go, enjoy your free afternoon and have fun this evening. It’s important for you to bond with your team members.” 
“Thank you sir.” As you’re about to leave he stops you one last time.
“One more thing,” There is a second of hesitation. “You don’t have to call me sir all the time. A bit of formality when we’re on the job is appropriate but you can just call me Hotch. Everyone does.” 
“Got it. In that case I hope you have a good evening Hotch.” When you step out of his office you can feel your heart beating rapidly. Every time you start to get your feelings in check he looks at you like that and you melt at his feet. It’s nothing but a stupid crush though. You’ll get over it. It’s not like he has feelings for you anyway so there’s no point in entertaining a fantasy. As lovely a fantasy as it is.
“Hey, Y/N,” Emily stops you as you make your way towards Morgan’s desk. “I wanted to tell you, really great job on this case. The work you did was great. You should feel very proud of yourself.” 
“Oh, thank you. I appreciate that.” You nod in gratitude.
“Of course. I’m excited to see what you can do in the field. If you’re that good in an office you’re gonna be a force out in the world.” 
“I’m excited too. Hopefully I don’t disappoint any of you.” 
“You won’t. We’re all on your side here. No matter what happens, we all just want to help you be successful. I promise.” 
“That ... makes me feel a lot better actually. Thanks.” She gives you a kind smile, pushing back away from her desk to face you.
“Absolutely. Hey, are you coming out with us tonight?” 
“Yeah, Morgan invited me earlier. I was actually about to go get the address from him since I’m headed out for the day.” She doesn’t say anything for a moment, frozen as if she’s buffering.
“Hotch is letting you leave early?” 
“Yeah. I finished all my work with Garcia so he’s letting me go.” 
“Well, whatever you did to get on his good side, keep it up.” She jokes, turning back to her own paperwork. The continued mention of Hotch’s graciousness with you threatens to go to your head but you fight to keep your daydreaming in check. 
“When I figure out what the secret is I’ll let you know.” You kid back before leaving her to continue her work. Morgan seems to be almost finished when you make your way back over to him. Upon seeing you hovering he stops briefly to look up at you. The look on your face tells him everything he needs to know and he lets out a chuckle. 
“No way. He’s really letting you leave?” Giving him nothing more than a nod you shift your weight as you watch him grab a piece of paper and write down the address. “I guess you earned this fair and square then. We’ll all meet up at eight. Sound okay?” 
“For sure. See you then.” With a smile you stroll out the main doors. 
As soon as you step in the door you drop your things to the floor and flop onto the couch. It has been a very short day and yet you feel a strange weight on your shoulders. Hearing everyone’s disbelief at the idea of Hotch being so relaxed with you had sent your mind spiraling with thoughts. Even though you know it was nothing it is hard not to entertain the ideas that come to your head. With a frustrated sigh you push yourself up and head for the bathroom. 
Once you step inside your small shower the pressure of the warm water on your back immediately makes you slump over with relief. The strange sense of tension in your body melts away with each droplet as they disappear down the drain. Reveling in the feeling, you take a bit longer than normal to enjoy the time to yourself. After being clean you feel that you can no longer justify lingering in the water so you turn the knob and step out to dry off. The soft material of the towel elevates the feeling of relaxation in your body. 
Throwing a robe on you make your way to the bedroom, flinging yourself onto the bed with your phone in hand. Suddenly feeling very mischievous you take an adorably flirtatious picture of yourself in your robe, well cleaned and blissful, which you send to Garcia. 
Having fun all alone at work Pen?
I think that I hate you.
The response makes you giggle as you head out to the kitchen to grab a snack. There is a chocolate bar on the top shelf that you’ve forgotten about which you happily grab before plopping down on the couch. Turning the tv on to your favorite station you sit there, impatiently waiting for eight. The day feels impossibly long but once you see that it’s seven you decide to get dressed. 
After several minutes of trying to figure out what to wear you decide to keep things casual. You’re not at work tonight. It’s just you and the team spending time together as friends, not agents. The thought alone makes you smile. After a bit longer you figure it’s a good time to head out and make your way to your car. Typing the address into your GPS you pull out and make the drive to the bar Morgan told you to meet at. It is surprisingly close to your apartment complex. When you step inside the building it seems to be fairly empty. There is no sign of the others yet so you make your way over to a table to wait. Cursing your preparedness you fidget with your shirt until you hear the doors open, announcing the arrival of the others.
“Hey, sweetheart!” Morgan immediately calls out upon seeing you. With a smile you stand to meet him as he wraps you up in a hug. 
“Hey! Nice of you to show up.” You add jokingly, turning your attention quickly to the others. Emily steps forward next and also gives you a hug. JJ follows with a sweet smile. Spencer offers a handshake, as has become the custom between the two of you. Garcia pushes her way to the front and nearly suffocates you before letting you go with a laugh. At the back of the group is Rossi. His presence is mildly surprising to you but you offer him a small smile. Seeing him brings to mind the recent conversation you have had with your sister but you push those thoughts aside. Rather than embracing you he places a gentle hand on your arm. 
“It’s nice to see you again.” He adds, trying to alleviate the tension.
“Yeah, likewise. I know we haven’t really had a chance to talk to one another yet. Hopefully we can clear that up tonight!” 
“Sounds nice.” With a nod, you turn back towards the others. They all take up residence at the table you had already picked out. Squeezing in between Garcia and Morgan, you can’t help but smile shyly at the people around you. They immediately strike up conversation, talking like the oldest of friends. Just being amongst them means so much to you. Hearing your name you are drawn back out of your thoughts. 
“Sorry what?” There is a uniform chuckle from the group. 
“I asked if you wanted something to drink?” Emily speaks up.
“Oh yeah. Sorry.” She starts standing but Rossi stops her. 
“Actually, let me get this one,” The action causes you to look between the two, a strange feeling in your chest. “What’re you having?” After telling him your drink order he disappears with a nod. The others continue the conversation as though nothing has happened and you quickly rejoin them. When Rossi comes back over he hands your drink to you first and then passes drinks around to the others. 
As the night goes on you share moments with everyone, getting to know them better and allowing them to know you. Emily and you discuss the stresses of being a woman in this field and she gives you several pieces of advice to stay afloat, which you always appreciate. Spencer recommends some pieces of literature to you which you take mental note of. JJ and you get into a conversation about your sisters, confiding in one another as you share stories. Morgan makes light hearted jokes with you as you talk about some of your favorite movies together. Garcia doesn’t do much talking but she does pull you away from the table to dance when one of her favorite songs comes on. Rossi doesn’t talk much either, instead choosing to sit back and watch with a look that seems to be fatherly pride. 
After a while of dancing with Morgan and Garcia you decide to go sit back down, a wide smile on your face. At the table Emily, JJ, and Spencer seem to be in a heated discussion about chess. Deciding to leave them alone you instead make your way to sit down next to Rossi. As you do so he smiles at you warmly. 
“Having fun?” He inquires, glancing at you briefly.
“Yeah. I really am. It’s really nice getting to spend time with all of you like this. I feel like I’ve been waiting all my life to be part of a family like this and now that I am it’s like I just can’t get enough.”
“I’m glad to hear that. I’ve heard some people say we can’t choose our families but nights like this just go to show how wrong that is.” 
“Yeah, exactly.” With that, the two of you sit in content silence. The quietness between the two of you leaves time to think. Your sister’s words continue to ring in your head as you wrack ever corner of your memory for how you might possibly know the man sitting next to you. With a sigh of frustration you come up completely blank. As you ponder this you also begin to wonder if he might be having the same thoughts and decide there’s no way to find out without asking. 
“So, I hope this doesn’t sound too weird but I’ve been thinking about this since we first met. I just have the strange feeling that you and I know each other somehow but I just can’t recall where from.” It all comes out at once as you shift in your seat to look at Rossi. When you say this he allows himself a moment to think before responding. 
“That’s not weird at all. I’ve been thinking the same thing. There is something about you that is so familiar but I just can’t quite remember how I know you.” Hearing him say this helps to validate your confusion and you offer him a kind smile. 
“Well, I guess we know each other now. That’s what’s important, right?” In his eyes there is that same sense of fatherly joy and it causes a pang of sadness to creep into your chest for a moment. Quickly deciding that it’s better to just enjoy it rather than dwell in the past, you nod slowly. “Thanks for the drink.” 
“Anytime kiddo. I’m glad we do know each other now.” 
With that you mutually decide the conversation is over and you stand with a stretch. Morgan and Garcia seem to be the drunkest of anyone at this point and you laugh as you watch them stumble all over each other as they “dance”. Emily, JJ, and Spencer still seem to be deep in conversation. Looking at the time you decide that it’s probably best for you to turn in for the night. “Hey guys.” You raise your voice slightly so they can all hear you as you make your way over to them.
“I think I should probably head home.” They collectively whine for a minute which causes you to laugh. “It’s okay, I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” Seeming satisfied with this answer they all get up to hug you as you thank them for a fun evening and head outside. Rossi sticks to your side and walks out the front doors with you.
“Would it be okay if I drove you home? I feel wrong about sending you home alone after you’ve been drinking.” 
“Yeah, that would be okay. I actually only live a few minutes from here anyway.” With a nod he heads back towards the bar. As you make your way over to your car you can here him call inside to the others.
“Don’t any of you even think about setting foot inside a car yet. I’ll be back in a few minutes to drive you home.” With a chuckle you unlock the door and step inside. He slips into the driver’s seat and you give him directions back to your apartment. The drive is silent and quick. When you arrive you thank him as you both step out.  
“Wait, how are you gonna get back?” You say, realizing that you’ve stranded him at your apartment complex since he took your car. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be alright. You get inside and get some rest.” With another expression of gratitude you head upstairs and make your way into your apartment. Stripping as you make your way to the bedroom you flop down on the bed, unable to keep your eyes open. 
This morning you are awake bright and early, surprisingly ready to start your day. By this point you’ve begun to get into a routine before you head out for work. Your clothes are always laid out on the chair and your work materials are on the kitchen table. You make a quick breakfast then give your sister a quick good morning phone call before heading out the door and showing up to work promptly at five.
When you step inside the building this morning you are one of the first people there. Setting your things down at your desk you head over to the coffee machine, deciding an extra little boost might not be so bad. After setting it up you wait patiently for it to brew. A few minutes later you are very aware of a presence next to you. When you look back over your shoulder you are greeted by Hotch, seemingly very awake and as professional as ever. 
“Good morning, Y/N.” The sound of your first name on his tongue doesn’t escape your attention as you take a small breath. 
“Morning Hotch,” Hearing yourself say his name is equally as pleasant to you as you revel in the blooming bond between you. 
“How was your evening?” Thinking back to the night you shared with your other team members you can’t help but smile. 
“It was really wonderful. I had a great time. It was nice getting a chance to learn more about everyone. It really makes me feel connected ... like I’m truly a part of the team. You know?”
“I do. I’m very happy to hear that you had a good time.” With a nod, you look back down for a moment as you think of what to say.
“How did you sleep last night? I hope you were able to rest.” 
“I slept well, thank you. I spent the evening with my son, Jack.” Hearing this takes you aback. The fact that he has a son is news to you. It’s not bad news, just a bit surprising. However, the more you think about it the more fitting it seems that he would have a kid. 
“That sounds lovely. I didn’t know you had a son.” 
“Yes, he’s two now. The nights I get to spend with him are always some of the best.” The thought of Hotchner taking care of a young baby sends a warm feeling spiraling through your chest.   
“I can imagine,” You say, unable to hold back a small smile. “I don’t have any children but if I did ... god, they’d be my world.” 
As much as you try not to think about it, for the briefest moment an image of you and Aaron laying in bed with a few babies of your own flashes in your mind. Scolding yourself harshly you erase the image and turn back towards the coffee machine. You look away just in time to miss the same dreamy look cross over Aaron’s face as the exact same vision passes through his own thoughts. It’s these moments of silence between the two of you that dare you to dream. It isn’t awkward. It has all the familiarity and comfort of a silence shared between two people that have known each other all their lives. 
“That’s exactly how it feels. He means everything to me. He is the biggest thing that makes this job worthwhile. I want him to look back on his life when he’s older and be proud of the man his dad was.” 
“Jack will always be proud of who his dad is. That’s a feeling that doesn’t fade over time. At least, not when you know he loves you. And when you know you love him. I’ve never--” There is a brief moment of hesitation as you wonder whether or not you should continue your train of thought. “I’ve always been proud of who my dad was. I always will be, no matter how much time passes. It’s one of the biggest things I remember about him. How much I loved him. That’s a hard feeling to forget. Jack won’t forget either.”
In this moment, Aaron Hotchner has never wanted to embrace someone so badly. Every fiber of his being is itching to reach out and touch you, to pull you close, kiss the top of your head, tell you that everything will be alright, tell you how sorry he is that you lost your dad, thank you for comforting him, caress your face, tenderly press his lips to yours, and just hold you. But he can’t. So he doesn’t. 
“Thank you. That’s nice to hear.” Is all he can muster before he falls silent again. Content with this, you stay silent as well as you both simply enjoy each other’s company. A few minutes later the coffee is finished brewing and you pull the pot out to pour some for yourself and Hotch. With a nod of gratitude he makes his way back up to his office, leaving you there alone but strangely full and warm. 
Needing a distraction you head back to your desk and begin pulling paperwork out of some nearby drawers to begin filing. You keep yourself occupied like this for a few more minutes before the other agents begin entering the bullpen. Morgan ruffles your hair as he passes by you causing you to punch him. The others come in, talking amongst themselves and greeting you warmly as they pass by. You quickly join in on the conversation as you all begin your work. 
Pretty soon JJ disappears to her own office and Garcia disappears to hers, leaving you, Morgan, Emily, and Spencer to do your own paperwork. Things remain uneventful as you look over your materials, stopping every now and again to ask Morgan a question. As you do your work you can’t help but glance up towards Hotch’s office every once in awhile. Your interaction with him had been very strangely intimate and you almost wanted to speak with him more about it but you knew that both of you had things to do. And even if you didn’t it was in the past and didn’t need to be dredged up again. It’s better this way. Around lunchtime you head down to Garcia’s office, joining her for some light hearted conversation. She has also packed you some snacks she knows you love and the gesture warms your heart. It is a very pleasant afternoon, feeling reminiscent of the time you spent shut up in her office on this last case.
After a while you decide to head back up to your desk to continue your work. The day is passing fairly slowly until JJ suddenly draws your attention and calls you into the conference room. There is a new case that you all need to be prepped for. Now everything around you is passing at lightning speed. Preparing your things you head up to the conference room with the others, buzzing with excitement. When you step inside you realize you’ve never been in this room before. In an instant you are flooded with the gravity of what you’re doing. This is the culmination of years and years worth of hard work and you are finally being presented the chance to do what you’ve always wanted to do. It is both liberating and completely terrifying.
JJ begins her debriefing very succinctly, telling you all the facts of the case. You listen intently, absorbing every single piece of information she gives to you. The others pitch in when the moment is right but you remain silent as you simply take in what everyone is saying. Several gruesome images are pulled up on the screen in front of you and for the first time since you’ve stepped foot in this building your stomach turns. Six homeless people have been murdered in the Phoenix area. Their bodies have all been left in widely public places with various messages written on their skin with blood. All the messages are different but point to someone with a serious hatred for big corporations. They have all been left in different parts of Phoenix, leaving a wide geographical profile which will pose a challenge. Once the debriefing is finished Hotch is the first to speak. 
“You all know the drill. Wheels up in thirty.” Everyone nods and begins heading for their desks. You follow closely, pulling your go bag out of your bottom desk drawer. Checking inside to make sure you have everything you need, you gather the rest of your things and head towards the doors. As you stand at the threshold you feel a hand on your shoulder. Once again you are met with Hotch’s intense gaze though his expression seems strangely soft.
“Y/N, I want to make sure you feel ready to get into the field. I know this will be your first case with the rest of the team and I want you to be prepared. This won’t be pretty and it will take a lot out of you.” 
“I’m ready, Hotch. I was ready the moment I walked through these doors.” Keeping his eyes locked on yours he responds with a nod before walking away. You head in the direction of the jet, steadying yourself. This is your big moment to prove yourself. To Hotch, to the team, and to yourself. You are ready. You’ve been ready for a long time now and nothing is going to stop you from getting out there and putting whoever is doing this away. Determination fills you with every step you take. No matter what happens, you will not fail. 
Tags:  @talesfromtheguild @lannister-slings-and-arrows @gryffindorwriter @nopeforyou @sheerfreesia007 @roxypeanut  @ohpedromypedro @ssahotchie @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @readsalot73 @the-mechanical-angel @races-erster @maxlordd @pascalisthepunkest @paintballkid711 @hotchafterhours @h0tchner @ssahotchswife @ssahotchhner @technotic-prophecy @klinenovakwinchester  @hotch-stufff @annadorothxa @canadailluminate @yoshigguk @gothicxbarbie @romanogersendgame @little-diable​ 
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mianavs · 4 years
Savior Complex
He stripped you of your lifeline but refused to let you perish
Chrollo x f!reader
a/n: some chrollo content for your enjoyment
tw: dubcon, imprisonment
wc: 2.1k
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Stealing Hatsu from others was akin to eating for Chrollo Lucilfer. He did it to strengthen his abilities and spared little thought on how it affected his victims. To him, people were equivalent to puppets in that they could be used and discarded without a second thought. The only time he spared a thought for his victims was when their Hatsu disappeared from Bandit’s Secret indicating their demise. Chrollo likened it to mourning his victims despite the depravity behind the sentiment.
You were different, however, in more ways than one.
There was no other way to put it—you were a genius nen user. Without any formal training, you developed your ability to manipulate the minds of others. While other geniuses profited off their Hatsu and used it to rise the ranks of society, you were trapped by yours and used it strictly for survival. Bought by a Mafia boss at a young age, you practiced your ‘gift’ on anyone your master sent.
Everything changed when a new esteemed client of your master’s walked into your workshop. Chrollo’s original target had been your master’s rare treasures but, after hearing about your gift, he altered his plan and included your Hatsu. It was a riskier plan, showing up in person for a session, but to Chrollo your ability was worth it.
The first thing that caught his attention was the cold emptiness of the room. Concrete walls, harsh fluorescent lighting, and the smell of disinfectant and death pervaded the small room. You sat on one of the chairs in the center with two armed men on either side. You were a frail young woman in a dirty white gown and with equally dirty hair that lie atop your head in a tangled mess. You were obviously malnourished judging from your sunken cheeks, bony wrists, and knobby knees. The most damning evidence of your mistreatment, however, had to be the leather shackle around your ankle that was connected to a large chain and attached to the wall.
In spite of your dreadful conditions, you rose from your seat with the grace of a newborn deer and greeted Chrollo with a bright smile that caught him off-guard.
“Welcome Dearest Client and please take a seat.”
Chrollo was convinced your lilting voice could soothe a raging beast as he unconsciously lowered his guard and sat down in front of you. Warmth dripped from your eyes as they traversed Chrollo’s face while yours radiated a child-like innocence as you started to explain the process.
“I will look into your eyes for a minute to search your mind for emotions I can use to create your fantasy. Is that alright, Dear Client?”
“Of course, Miss—I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name.”
Your eyes widened at the word ‘name’ while the men behind you shifted uncomfortably. “Um…name? I-I don’t know what—”
“What do other’s call you?” Chrollo interrupted.
“Oh! Then I guess I have multiple names. I’m called ‘You’, ‘Witch’, and ‘Woman’ so please pick whatever you prefer.” You stated and Chrollo started to assess your character and the situation you were in.
“I’ll stick with Miss for now,” he declared before initiating Skill Hunter. “Now, can you tell me a little bit about your gift?”
“Of course,” You were completely oblivious to the growing tension that radiated from your guards and started your explanation. “My creations all take place in the client’s mind but I am always present. They are crafted around positive emotions or memories that I find.”
“So these fantasies are all positive?” Chrollo’s voice successfully masked his disappointment.
“Yes,” you replied fondly. “I use my gift to make other’s happy even if it’s only temporary.”
“Oh…and how long do they usually last?”
“At first, I could only last a couple of minutes but after making a vow, I was able to create fantasies that lasted up to three hours.”
“And what vow is that?” Chrollo asked, genuinely curious.
“Loss of my sight if I ever stopped using my gift. My eyes have no purpose if I can’t use them to search people’s minds and create fantasies for them.” Your smile dimmed as you uttered those words while something akin to pity stirred inside Chrollo; however, it wasn’t enough to spare you.
“What a beautiful sentiment,” Chrollo’s honeyed compliment warmed your heart and your smile brightened once more. “Shall we begin?”
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Unlike most of client’s you dealt with, Chrollo’s positive memories and emotions revolved around a group of people instead of jewelry, money, fame. Instead of the luxurious mansions, clear skies, and sandy beaches you normally created the setting of Chrollo’s fantasy was a junkyard city.
You distanced yourself from the client as you usually did and watched from afar. Chrollo greeted each and everyone of the group members but tears welled up in his eyes when a large muscular man approached him.
You panicked at the sight of tears until you felt a wave of happiness from Chrollo and your worries faded away. For you, these moments were priceless and made you forget the pain in your stomach or the weariness in your bones. Seeing your clients happy negated any unpleasant emotions you held against your master and gave your life meaning.
Other clients merely forgot about your existence or purposefully ignored you but Chrollo surprised you by seeking you out.
Where are you? I want you to meet my family.
A strange warmth settled in your stomach at Chrollo’s request and you emerged from your hiding spot. You approached him hesitantly until he reached his hand out causing you to freeze in shock.
“Is there something wrong?” Chrollo asked, confusion written all over his face.
“I-I don’t know. Client’s usually don’t want to see me…why do you?”
“I want to share some of my happiness with you. Is that wrong?” Chrollo’s smile dazzled you and before you realized it, hot tears prickled your eyes.
“T-thank you,” you cried. “N-no one has ever done s-something like this f-for me.”
You accepted Chrollo’s hand and interacted with his family as if the fantasy were real. After delving into Chrollo’s mind some more, you learned that the muscular man was actually deceased and focused on perfecting him for your client.
Like always, you wished your fantasies could last forever along with your client’s happiness but it was an impossible desire and your masterpiece started to crumble. The flaming red sky of the junkyard city turned to fuchsia, then pink, until it became a white void. One by one, the group members disappeared as well until Uvogin was the only one left. He bid Chrollo farewell with a toothy grin on his face before he too became one with the white void.
“I see it’s time to return.” Chrollo commented staring into the white void that was once his beloved city.
“Yes, I’m sorry it ended so soon.” You answered, lowering your head.
Suddenly, Chrollo’s hand grabbed your chin and you met his eyes full of emotions that went beyond your comprehension. “No, Miss, it is I who is sorry.”
You wanted to ask what he meant but your fantasy dissipated into nothing and you were kicked out of Chrollo’s mind.
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Your eyes fluttered open to blood splattered walls and your hand lying on an old book held by Chrollo. Everything had gone according to plan and the spiders eliminated everyone in the building including your owner. As the Phantom Troupe hauled out the treasures located in the bunker, Chrollo regained consciousness and fulfilled the last condition of Skill Hunter.
“What…happened?” Your eyes widened in horror when they landed on your fallen guards lying in a pool of their own blood. “H-how?!”
Chrollo watched as you whipped your head around for help only to be met with silence. Your seemingly constant smile was long gone replaced with a horror-stricken face Chrollo was used to seeing on his victims—but you were no ordinary victim.
You trembled as you watched the old book in Chrollo’s hands disappear and darted to your feet in an attempt to run away only to collapse on the ground when your chain extended its entire length.
Teary-eyed, you looked up at Chrollo who decided he never wanted to see that terrified expression on your face ever again. He softened his own face as he crouched down next to you and dried your tears with his thumbs. Confusion replaced fear on your weary face and Chrollo sighed in relief knowing it would be easier to dispel confusion as opposed to fear.
“I’m sorry it had to be like this,” Chrollo apologized, before knocking you out in a fraction of a second. “But I’ll take care of you now.”
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When you woke up to the black void that was your vision, a broken wail erupted from your chest that alarmed various voices in the room. You flailed your arms in front of you to see if you could at least make out their outline but it was to no avail. With your vision gone, the gravity of your situation pumped adrenaline to your limbs causing you to scramble to your knees and crawl on the bed only to fall out of it and onto the cold floor.
“Are you okay?”
“Get the boss!”
The shoulder you landed on throbbed painfully but the ringing in your head from listening to disembodied voices you didn’t recognize was worse. Curling up into a ball, you clamped your hands onto your ears to cancel out the harsh noise but it was to no avail. A plethora of negative thoughts filled your mind only to be dispelled by a familiar soothing voice that overpowered all noise.
“Dearest Client?” You uncovered you ears and uncurled your body only to hit your shoulder on the ground once again causing you to hiss in pain. Warm hands gently lifted you up and you jerked from the sudden movement.
“Shhh it’s alright, Miss. My name is Chrollo Lucilfer and I’ll be making you happy from now on.”
“B-but my sight…my gift—” The soft bed surprised you as he sat you down on the edge. “W-what are you—”
His hands cupped both cheeks and turned your head forward. “I’m sorry about your gift but I promise I’ll use it well.”
“W-what…how did…I-I don’t—”
“Stay still for me…please.” You were captivated by the gentle firmness of his voice and did as he asked.
When the meaning behind his words hit, you wondered if your gift would even work in your current state. Before you could voice your doubts, however, the darkness that enveloped you turned lighter and lighter until it was a white void you would recognize anywhere. Splashes of color materialized until they formed your last creation—the junkyard city.
“This…made you happy?”
Seeing Chrollo again made your heart swell and you ran to him wanting nothing more than to see his features up close.  You took in his disheveled black hair, pale skin, and pools of grey and teared up from simply being able to see another person once again. Raising your hand, you touched his cheek and gasped from how real it felt being on the receiving end of the fantasy.
“Amazing…I-I can’t bel—”
Chrollo’s hand shot out and pulled you into his chest while his arms wrapped around your frail form possessively. His scent and warmth assaulted your senses making your head spin but Chrollo only tightened his hold pressing against your skin harshly. Overwhelmed by the sensations pulsating through your body, you clung to Chrollo not knowing what else to do.
“You’re mine now,” his voice rumbled against the sensitive skin of your neck. “I’ll be your eyes from now on.”
A chill ran up your spine as Chrollo’s mouth trailed kisses up your neck to your mouth. An uncomfortable knot started to build in your stomach as his tongue probed your mouth and pressed against yours. You gave Chrollo free reign over your body not because you reciprocated his desire but because you didn’t know any better.
Your entire existence revolved around pleasing others, so when your tainted fantasy ends and you return to your dark reality; you learn to accept your new role. Moving forward whenever Chrollo visits your room, you continue to let him do whatever he wants to your body by convincing yourself that it’s his happiness that is most important. So when he leaves you naked and trembling with a dull ache between your legs, your mind does what it has always done best—it makes things up to help you cope with your miserable life.
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 3!! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Episodes 21-30
⚠️Content Warning! This review contains the episode arc of Wolf in the Hen house, an arc ahout SA⚠️
So it seems to be better to post 10 at a time so that's what I'm gonna do, I'll try to post em daily since I usually read like 20 at a time but who knows.
Ep 21
Hermes lets gooo
Look naked persephone just in case you forgot that shes gorgeous
“Demeter sends her a lot of letters” didnt they not live near each other if not together what
Why does apollo introduce himself like that- oh i know bc rachel cant organically make someone bad shes gotta kinda force it /lh
Apollo is being a dick just let her talk like interrupting is a dick move and what he said obv
“Let me help you” “no thanks” yeah i mean she doesnt need help
Plus youre being a dick like
Ep 22
“Hes my brother” i dont care shes uncomfortable
Quick apollo make a comment about your sisters body so we know how much of a dick you are
Also why does she slip with the knife we dont see her and then ope she has a cut i feel like it couldve been done better
“Alot of blood” did you stab yourself wtf
I know they are gods but shes also the goddess of the hunt she should have stuff lying around for her or maybe animals
See the thing with apollo is he doesnt ask to do anything he just assumes its fine which is one thing but it feels like rachel hammers home the point so violently
“ let me help you!” use ur words king
“I dont have great control of my moods” get a therapist bestie
Also he has no reason to be overprotective he just met her what is it with men and becoming immediately attached to persephone
Cause shes so gorgeous and sweet and naive or whatever
which i think we should discuss the portrayal of her being naive and how it is a part of p*dophilic culture
Ep 23
Haha! I know you dont like this man so i will joke about it
Why is one eye golden bc he used his powers or
Stop grabbing her she just forgave you
Ur so uncomfortable around this man so none of us will pay any attention to you guys together
Are they watching carrie
Why. honestly just why
Ep 24
Hey uh just tw for sexual assault bc its that epsiode
“What time is it” “i came to see you” thats not an answer
Once again the he doesnt ask he just does
“Youve been flirting with me all day” has? She?
Like its gross and apollo is in the wrong but can we ask why we needed to see it, even part of it. Thats so intense
And also, how does it help the story. Genuinely. Did Rachel just do this bc persephone needed to explore her darker side i find it uncomfortable
She handles the topic fine but why was it necessary, i know its smth that happens but it feels so. forced into the story
I guess to get her out of the maidenhood thing but wouldnt it have been so nice to watch her make the decision on her own as a form of growth
Im glad we stop having to see it
I know why the pictures are used later but right now, why does he take pictures
Also its so weird that hes like “keep it between you and me” there isnt any reason for that other than like. Hes bad
Ep 25
Why did his name change for Aidoneus to Hades i dont know the stories that well
The shiny rocks are nice i wish we got to see his connections to gems more
I wish the titans looked more diff than the gods i know they are related but it would be cool
Why did Gaia say that he would destroy them
Vore :/
Glad hades has a therapist
Ep 26
i do like the fact that this episode is a call its nice
Omg they said the title
“Im the king of the underworld” ok and?? Anyone could tell shes crying
I like the small talk i know it doesnt move the story but its realistic
Hades hears her crying and is like. Im gonna bully you for it
Yeah its teasing and its cute if she wasnt already sad yknow
“Persephone why did you stop talking? I just completely called you out while you are upset”
Ep 27
Why was he in the mortal realm with minthe im curious
“It was different” rachel then retcons that and says it was a one time thing
It does sound like hes making fun of her
Her face and hermes proportions in that one panel oml
“I dont like talking about it” is a valid response persephone hades doesnt make you speak you just are very vocal
“The balance of power should always be in my favor” thank you rachel for showing why it is an unhealthy relationship
“I owe you question” never. Brought up again
Ep 28
“You dont get personal boundaries do you?” neither do you tf
Why do demeter and hades not like each other other than plot
“Working with someone doesnt mean youre compatible” works with minthe(and later works with persephone)
Why was demeter so intense to make her join maidenhood i know to protect her but like if she kept her with her she could be protected too right
Aw they fell asleep on the phone together
How did their phones not die tho
Ep 29
Oh wait look we see one dog that isnt the main three lets go
And hes wearing glasses its actually nice to be wrong
Artemis’ bangs are not long enough to pull into a bun oml
Ill say it: i hate how rachel portrayed zeus and heras marriage. Like they love each other and there couldve been a better way to do this then them arguing all the time
I know ive said it plenty of times but the lack of color consistency is annoying same goes for body types
So if he commands someone they have to do it or
Shes right tho he does whatever he wants
Hebe is cute
I do like how hera dresses
Ep 30
Hebe is so smart but like why let her be 8
Also let me see the other kids who is her sister that she is getting out of bed
“How about a test!” thats a terrible idea
New outfit!
“Persephone has big boobs” we know shes like supposed to be perfect or whatever
Imagine stopping aging at 19 gross also how does their aging work
“ i think ur depressed bc u arent challenged” hera. Stfu up
Also you cant say job and then have her be an intern
Also i know its just so they can be close to each other but god its so dumb
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onlyfreds · 4 years
Breaking Free | F.W.
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Title: Breaking Free (High School Musical Au!)
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: Fred and Y/N first meet at a New Year’s Party. When Y/N ends up being transferred in the same school as Fred and they have callbacks for the school’s musical, will they be able to escape the status quo and break free?
A/N: This maybe the longest fic I’ve ever written with a whopping 3k. And tagging @thisismynerdyself​ since I know she loves HSM.
Fred Weasley couldn’t believe it. It was her, Y/N L/N, the girl who sang with him during the New Years’ Eve party. But he had to make sure.
He took out his phone, despite Mcgonagall warning them not to, and called the number Y/N had given him.
Sure enough, her phone ran, confirming her identity. But at the cost of getting his and Y/N’s phone confiscated and the both of them landing a detention.
Once Homeroom had ended, Fred waited for her outside the classroom.
“Hey!” He greeted as she walked out.
She looked up at him, a smile making its way onto her lips, “Hey! I didn’t know you went here.” She said as they started to walk down the hall.
Fred chuckled, running a hand through his hair, “I didn’t even know you lived here.”
Y/N giggled, “I just moved this winter because the company had to transfer my mum. But now, she made the company promise not to transfer her until I graduate.”
“That’s great!” Fred said enthusiastically.
The two of them stopped in front of a sign-up sheet for the Winter Musical.
“You should join. Since you’re such a good singer.” Y/N suggested as she glanced at Fred.
“Oh,’ Fred suddenly muttered, “I-I can’t, the one that was singing with you was a whole different side of me.”
The girl giggled, “In short, your friends don’t know.”
Fred laughed as he relaxed. Feeling relieved that Y/N had understood him, “Yeah,” he said, “They don’t know.”
Pansy Parkinson, the leader of East High’s theater clique and Draco Malfoy’s partner, came skipping in. Signing her name on all of the spaces for the audition.
She gave a sickly-sweet smile to Fred and Y/N, “Hi!” She said to Y/N, “I would invite you to audition for the musical but.” She glanced at the sheet, “All the spots are taken.”
Y/N chuckled nervously, “It’s fine. I wasn’t planning on joining any extra-curriculars anyway. Since I am new and all.”
On that happy note, Pansy skipped off, probably to look for Draco.
“I’m sorry about her.” Fred immediately apologized as Pansy was out of earshot, “She’s always like that.”
Y/N smiled genuinely at the ginger, “It’s okay. There were a lot of them at my old school anyway.”
Later that night, as Fred laid in bed, he couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N. Not that he was complaining, of course.
Truth be told, he couldn’t stop thinking about her ever since he met her at the Ski Lodge during the party.
For some reason, he was infatuated, no, he was in love with her.
The next day, Fred skips one of his basketball practices (even if the coach, Oliver Wood, would throw him across the court if he had caught him). Secretly heading over to the auditorium where the musical auditions were being held. Only to bump into an equally curious Y/N.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asked him, not expecting him to be there.
“Um, to um, watch the auditions.” Fred stuttered out, making Y/N giggle at how cute he was.
They sat in the back row to keep away from prying eyes as they watched the auditions.
It would be an understatement to say that the pair was mildly disgusted with the performance of Pansy and Draco.
Mcgonagall called for anyone else who would want to audition.
“I want to audition.” Y/N whispered excitedly to Fred.
“Then go audition.” Fred encouraged her.
She looked at him, “But, I need a partner.”
Fred’s eyes widen, “No, I can’t sing with you.” He tried to tell her but she was already walking over.
“I want to audition Professor.” She said, causing Mcgongall to look at her.
“I’m sorry dear.” The professor looked at her sympathetically, “But the solo auditions are long over.”
“I’m going to sing with her.” Fred suddenly said, coming out of his hiding spot, wearing the most defeated look on his face.
Mcgongall tried to mask her surprise, “I’m sorry Mr. Weasley and Ms. L/N but I already called for the pair auditions and you are too late.”
“But Professor, she has a great voice.” Fred tried to reason.
“You guys can audition for the Spring Musical.” She said.
“But Professor- “Fred tried.
“The next musical.” Mcgonagall said sternly, leaving no more room for discussion.
Fred looked apologetically to Y/N, “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head, a small smile gracing her lips, “It’s fine. There’s always the next musical anyway.”
They then heard a small thud and as they looked over at the direction of the stage, they saw Hermione, the pianist, frantically trying to pick up papers that flew out of her grasp.
Fred and Y/N ran over to Hermione and helped her pick up the papers.
“So, you wrote the play?” Fred asked trying to break the awkward silence that was lingering between the trio.
Hermione nodded, “Yeah.” She answered in a quiet voice.
“Then you’re the playmaker of the play.” He said.
Hermione gave him a confused look, “Playmaker?”
Fred nodded, “Yeah, it’s like you’re the brains behind the operation. Without you, the play wouldn’t be happening at all.”
Hermione smiled, “Do you guys want to hear how the song should really go. Not Pansy and Draco’s version.” She offered.
Y/N smiled, “Sure.”
Hermione started to play the song, Fred and Y/N singing along in perfect harmony.
“Weasley, L/N!” Mcgongall said as she came out of her hiding spot, causing the trio to jump slightly. She offered a kind smile, “You have a callback.”
Hermione had given them the music sheet for their callback song.
The next day, Pansy’s scream seemed to echo across the whole school.
Draco took a deep breath despite his partner’s distress and started to read the note. “Callbacks for the Winter Musical, Thursday 2 to 3 pm. Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley and Y/N L/N.”
Pansy screamed again as George and the rest of the basketball team entered the school, “Fred and Y/N have a callback!”
George laughed as he heard it, “Fred? Has a callback? You’re kidding.” But the smile on his face disappeared as he took a look at the sheet and saw his twin’s name on it.
He quickly rushed out in search for Fred.
“We’ve got to do something about this.” Pansy said, stomping her foot like a toddler throwing a tantrum, as she dragged Draco to who knows where.
George and Y/N’s best friend, Angelina, met up in the chemistry lab.
“They both have callbacks.” George ranted, “We have to do something about it.”
Angelina thought about it for a moment, “I have a plan.” She said as she whispered their plot into George’s ear.
The ginger looked at her with a smile, “You’re absolutely brilliant!”
The plan came into motion the next day.
George and Angelina came to school early to make sure everything was ready.
The two then went their separate ways moments later to execute their operation.
George and the rest of the basketball team cornered Fred as he was about to leave the court.
As they were drilling Fred, one of his teammates took out a small webcam that was connected to Angelina’s laptop making sure everything was being captured.
“You’re already neglecting the team because of Y/N, because of the stupid callbacks.” George said to Fred, knowing what he would respond.
Meanwhile, in the chemistry lab, Angelina was having Y/N watch the scene that was unfolding down with the boys.
“Then I’ll forget about Y/N.” Fred said in his confusion and rage, “I’ll forget about Y/N and the callbacks.”
Y/N heart was shattered. She thought that there was already something more than friendship between her and Fred. But she was wrong. She was blinded by love and it resulted in a broken heart.
“I’m sorry.” Angelina said, knowing her friend’s obliviousness to the whole plan.
Y/N stood up, taking her best friend’s hand, “It’s okay.” She said, her voice barely above a whisper, “I should’ve realized sooner anyway.”
Angelina nodded, feeling slightly guilty upon seeing her friend’s heart being broken into pieces, “Do you want to go to lunch?”
Y/N shook her head, “No. I think that I’ll just stay here for a bit.”
Angelina looked at Y/N reluctantly, pursing her lips, contemplating if she should tell her the truth. But thought against it as she left the lab.
Y/N looked out the window to see Fred being lifted on his teammates’ shoulders as they cheered.
Her heart ached so much for him. At night, she couldn’t stop imagining how life would be if they were in a relationship. How it would feel like watching him play, cheering for him as he winked at her, proud to have her as his girlfriend.
But it was just a fairytale. A dream she lived in when she was awake.
But this was reality and reality was no fairytale.
She tore her eyes away from the window, walking down the halls, mind filled with nothing but Fred, heart broken into pieces.
Just my luck she thought as she suddenly bumped into Fred at the locker area.
“Hey!” Fred said, greeting her with his signature smile.
She avoided his gaze, causing him to suspect something.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
Y/N looked up, seeing the sincerity in his eyes, “Nothing.”
“Oh, and about the callbacks- “Fred started to say before he was interrupted.
“Let’s forget about it.” Y/N suddenly said.
“What?” the ginger asked, confusion coating his voice.
She looked down at her feet, “Let’s forget about it.” She repeated, trying to keep herself from breaking down in front of him.
“Why?” He questioned, trying to figure out what was happening to the sweet, bubbly girl he knew.
“That’s what you would want.” Y/N said as she walked past Fred, failing to control the tears from falling from her eyes. And leaving a very confused Fred standing there.
It’s been a week since that incident. Fred and Y/N’s mood seemed to be deflated to the point that even their friends noticed it.
George and Angelina discussed the problem, and they both agreed that they should tell the pair the truth.
George, Lee and Ron went up to the rooftop garden and they found Fred there.
“Hey!” George said as the three of them sat down next to Fred.
“Leave me alone.” Fred muttered, staring blankly into space, trying to figure out what he done wrong with the girl he adored.
“Just give us a moment Fred.” Lee pleaded.
“Just listen to what we have to say.” Ron added.
Fred nodded, thinking it wasn’t of any importance.
“Angelina and I maybe behind the reason why Y/N has been avoiding you lately.” George said, slowly breaking the news to Fred.
Fred turned to properly look at his twin, now giving him his full attention, “What?!”
George explained what plan he and Angelina had formulated. Fred wore a frown on his face the whole time instead of his signature smile that made Y/N fall for him in the first place.
Once the three of his friends had finished recounting the story. Fred immediately ran down the stairs.
In the chemistry lab, Angelina, Hermione and Ginny were the ones to tell Y/N the truth.
After they had told her everything, Y/N placed her attention on the whiteboard where she was studying for the triathlon.
“Y/N?” Angelina said tentatively.
“I’m okay.” The girl said.
“About the callbacks?” Ginny asked.
Y/N sighed, “They aren’t important. We should focus on the triathlon.”
Y/N still avoided Fred especially at the attempts wherein the boy would try to talk to her.
It was after class, Y/N laid on her stomach on the bed, texting with Hermione on her phone. When she heard her mum opened the door and upon hearing Fred’s voice, she slowly walked down the stairs hiding from view.
“Can I talk to Y/N?” Fred asked.
Her mother closed the door slightly looking at her daughter as Y/N mouthed, “Tell him I’m doing homework and stuff.” Before she dashed up the stairs.
“She’s doing homework and stuff.” Y/N’s mum said, turning to Fred.
Fred nodded, “Well, can you tell her I dropped by?”
Her mother smiled, “Of course.”
As Fred started to leave, he noticed that the balcony behind the house led directly to Y/N’s room.
He climbed the nearest tree and hopped onto her balcony, seeing Y/N with her back turned to him.
He took out his phone and called her, as soon as she picked up the phone and heard his voice, Fred suddenly said, “Wait, don’t put down the phone. I’m sorry okay. I never meant to say all that. I can’t bear to lose you from my life. Not being able to talk to you this past week has been torture for me. So, can you please find it in your heart to forgive me?”
When he received no answer from her, he began to sing the reprise of the song he sang with her during New Year’s Eve, This could be the start of something new. It feels so right to be here with you. And now looking in your eyes, I feel in my heart The start of something new
Y/N turns around and sees him on her balcony, she drops the call and walks over to him with a small smile on her face because she realizes that Fred really cares.
“I’m sorry too.” She said, joining him on outside of her room, “for leaving you without an explanation.”
He smiled, “It’s okay. So, will you still do the callbacks with me?”
She smiled up at him, “Of course.”
The friends of the two were happy when they saw that Fred and Y/N were back. After class, Y/N went down to the basketball court to visit Fred.
“What are you doing here?” Fred asked with a smile as he passed her the ball.
“I came to see you.” Y/N answered as she threw the ball into the hoop, shooting a perfect three-pointer.
“Not bad.” The ginger praised her.
She giggled, “Well, I did score 40 points during a game.”
Fred gave her a look of surprise, “Really?”
“Yeah. And on the same day I invented the space shuttle and microwave popcorn.”
“Microwave popcorn.” Fred laughed as he hugged Y/N from behind, spinning her around as her giggles echoed off the walls.
Somebody cleared their throat causing Fred to let go of Y/N, it was the team’s basketball coach, Oliver Wood.
He raised a brow at the two, giving them a questioning look.
Fred placed an arm around Y/N’s waist, causing butterflies to erupt in her stomach as he said, “Hey coach! This is my friend.”
Y/N smiled as she held out her hand, “I’m Y/N.”
Oliver just nodded, “Well, Y/N, if you don’t mind, we have practice to attend to.”
The girl nodded, handing the basketball back to Fred, “Well see you.” She said, running out of the court.
“You didn’t have to be rude.” Fred said, dribbling the ball.
“That girl is distracting you.” Oliver reasoned.
“That’s girl’s name is Y/N.” Fred answered back.
“It’s because of her you’re in the callbacks. You supposed to be the playmaker, not a singer.” Oliver said.
Fred stopped dribbling the ball, “Why can’t I be both?” Fred asked angrily before they proceeded to practice in silence.
Pansy had managed to put into motion a plan that will stop both Fred and Y/N from attending the callbacks.
“The callbacks have been moved to Friday.” Hermione said, bursting into the room where Fred and Y/N were practicing with the presence of George and Angelina.
“But the big game is on Friday.” George said.
“The triathlon is also on Friday.” Angelina said.
Fred and Y/N exchanged a look before the five of them started to formulate a plan.
The three groups went on their separate ways that Friday. Pansy and Draco going to get ready for the callbacks. Fred and the basketball team going to the court. And Angelina and Y/N going to the lab for their triathlon.
Pansy thought that she could win? Then she’s messed with the wrong people.
Right after Y/N answered a question at the triathlon, scoring another point. She and her best friend exchanged a look as she sat down.
“Time for an orderly exit from the gym.” Angelina said she pressed a key on her laptop which caused the lights to flicker in the court.
“Players please conduct an orderly exit from the gym.” The voice of the announcer boomed through the speakers as Fred and George exchanged a smile.
“There goes Angie’s signal.” George said clapping Fred on the shoulder before running out of the gym.
Angelina pressed another key on her laptop, causing on the potions to emit smoke and have them all evacuated to the auditorium.
Pansy and Draco had just finished their performance, when the students both from the gym and the lab started piling in.
Fred and Y/N met on stage. “You ready?” Fred asked.
Y/N looked nervously around at the amount of people who were watching them, biting her lip.
“I can’t Fred. Not with all these people.” She said.
He cupped her cheek, turning her face so she could look at him, “Hey, just imagine there not here. Just the two of us. Just focus on me.”
She nodded as Fred motioned for Hermione to start playing the piano.
They started to sing, Y/N felt like she was set free as her stage fright melted away with every second, she was on the stage with Fred. They both felt confident, they both felt like that they could take on the world. Together.
“You know the world can see us in a way that’s different from who we are.” The couple sang the last line together, looking at each other loving as the audience gave them a standing ovation.
Fred kissed Y/N on the cheek. “Be my girlfriend?” He asked quietly.
Y/N smiled, “I would love nothing more.”
@lumosandnoxwriting @whizboingies​ @wand3ringr0s3
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Warnings: Fluff
Characters: Y/n, Loki, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Part 2
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Two weeks later
Bucky POV
“How about Dottie?” Steve asked. He was asking me if I went on any other dates with her. But truth be told. After I had met Y/n I couldn’t think of anybody else. I sighed and took a sip of my coke, we were sitting at a diner. “No? Buck you still got your mind on this girl? It’s been two weeks.” He tried to reason. He was right, but a girl like y/n I have never met before. “She was somethin’ else Steve.” Was all I has to say. “How was she so special?” Steve asked. “She was beautiful, you had to see her. She had this beautiful smile and this glistening in her y/e/c eyes. She carried herself in a way that was just so graceful. And she was so kind. and her laugh, Steve, you had to hear her laugh.” I sounded crazy, but that one encounter with her was what that did to me. “Well if it is meant to be you’ll see her again.” He tried to cheer me up. I looked out of the window at all the people that were walking around going places, work, home. “Maybe it wasn’t.” I said quietly. I wanted to look for her, but she would definitely think I’m crazy if I succeeded in that and I wouldn’t want to scare her away. In the corner of my eye I saw a woman walking the same walk as y/n did. I tried to get a better look, as much as I could with the window being in the way and the people on the street. I could only see her back. She had a yellow dress on with the same hairdo as y/n had that night. “It’s her.” I couldn’t believe it. I immediately stood up and walked out of the diner as fast as I could. I kept a quick pace to keep up with her. “Y/n!”
I must have startled her, she turned around a little shocked looking to who ever just called for her. “Y/n.” I said again coming closer. “Hey.” I gave her an awkward wave. “I saw you from out of the diner and had to say hi.” I quickly explained. This might have been a mistake, because she still hasn’t said anything yet. “Uhm, hi, Bucky. I didn’t think I’d see you again.” She said the last part a little more quiet. “Oh, uhmm-.” This was a mistake, a stupid one. I mean of course what would anyone think if some guy ran up to them after only seeing them once for an hour two weeks ago. “No! I didn’t mean.. Sorry.. How have you been? It’s been like, what? Two weeks since we had an escape?” She said making light of this awkward situation. I laughed at that. “I’ve been doing good. Just grabbin’ some food with a friend of mine at the diner over there. How about yourself? You look beautiful.” Shouldn’t have said that last part. She is probably gonna run away screaming. But then I heard her angelic laugh, that made me smile. I hadn’t heard it in so long. “Thank you. I was actually on my way back home. Not doing a lot today.” She told me. “Well.. If you want you can join me and my friend, Steve, for some milkshakes? Only if you want.” Please say yes, please say yes. “Steve? I think you had mentioned him when we met, right? He left you alone on the dancefloor.” I snorted at that. “Yes, him. Other than leaving me behind on the dancefloor he’s a good pal.” Again she gave me a beautiful laugh. “Well, I would like to meet him then.” That made me sigh in relief, I was so happy seeing her again. And now I get to spend time with her. And Steve will now know I wasn’t just drunk talking to myself the other night. “Great follow me.” I put my arm out for her to take and she did. I could smell her perfume, it was some sort of citrus, it smelled amazing. Keep it together Buck.
We walked in the diner to the booth I was sitting with Steve. I waved at him and he looked at me with big eyes. “Steve, this is Y/n. Y/n this is Steve.” I introduced. Steve stood up and patted down his clothes quickly before he put his right hand out. “Pleasure to meet you ma’am.” He said I snorted. Y/n took his hand. “Nice to meet you Steve.” She responded. I motioned for us all to sit down and a waiter came over. I ordered us all some smoothies. “So.. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Steve started as I gave him a glare. I had only seen her once before. “Oh, he has.” Y/n gave me a look. I was busted. After all the ways I could’ve embarrassed myself, this is how, with Steve. “He has now? What are the things he has told you?” She asked Steve. I swear if this kid embarrasses me more. And by the look he gave me he was going to embarrass me more. “Oh, well just that he can’t stop talking about how beautiful and funny this dame is he met at the dancehall. Ahh.” Under the table I kicked Steve. That is enough. “Did he now. And it was me right? Or did you meet another beautiful dame there after I left?” She asked me narrowing her eyes and smiling at me. “What no! It was you definitely you.” I stammered rubbing my neck awkwardly. If I had known I was going to be this embarrassed I would’ve sat at a different table. Who am I kidding, I would still embarrass myself then. All she did was laugh again, that made me smile. The milkshakes couldn’t come fast enough and when they were placed in front of us I took a big gulp, hoping to cool myself down. Didn’t work.
After a short moment of silence Steve continued small talk. “So what do you do for a living?” Steve asked. That intrigued me as well, I didn’t know this. “Uhm, well my family invests in anything that seems interesting all over the world. We have a lot of connections and houses all over the world because of that.” Interesting. They must know exactly what to invest in then. She seems like she or her family have a lot of money. “Where over the world do you have houses.” I wondered out loud. “In Sweden a few, but that’s where I am from. Then we have a place in Norway, Italy, France and the Netherlands, Australia and now I’m looking for a place here. I have been staying in a hotel so far. And I used to have a place in Germany, but.. you know.” The war in Europe, we are all hoping this ends soon. Germans or Nazi’s taking over killing. “It is awful that that is happening.” I stated not really knowing what else to say. “Is your family in Sweden still?” Steve asked. “Yes, but luckily Sweden has been neutral so far.” Y/n looked down so I gently took her hand. “I’m sure it will all be over soon.” It had to be. She looked at me and nodded. She held my hand a little tighter. Considering the topic that made my heart beat a lot faster and I was almost scared she could hear it. Cause I certainly did.
I held Bucky’s hand a little tighter. Considering what I know I still wished he was right. I wished that that awful nightmare would end now and that it would be the end of it. But millions of people would still die and I couldn’t do anything about it. Over the years I had tried to stop or help with world events that would lead to a lot of deaths, but always it would do absolutely nothing. If I tried to kill someone that would late cause a lot of tragedy, something always seemed to go wrong and someone else would die. Believe me I have tried to kill Hitler himself in WWI, but I missed. I tried to get him in to a painting school as a last resort, but he got denied. Always nothing seemed to work. And everything that went down in the history books that I know happened exactly like it was written. It was a sick game knowing exactly what was going to happen, but I could not do anything to stop it. Loki had seen that it was getting to me and wanted to leave earth and go back to Asgard, but that was too hard for me. If I did that it felt like I wasn’t even trying to do anything, even if it was small. I keep getting in my own head about this situation, so I decided to change the subject. 
“So have you guys been keeping up with football or baseball?” I asked. I didn’t really care much for it, but they might. “Yes! Next month our team is playing, but it is impossible to get any tickets the baseball game.” Bucky said excitedly. “I’m telling ya, we just need to show up there and hope that others might not show up, so we can take their seats.” Steve responded. Alright they love baseball. I smiled. “Who’s playing?” I asked. “The Dodgers against the Phillies and it’s gonna be here in Brooklynn.” I’ll have to look into seeing if I can get tickets for that for them. They seem excited about that.
After some more time and more small talk Steve excused himself. “He seems nice.” I noted out loud. “He’s a good kid, but seems to get himself in trouble a lot.” Steve didn’t seem like a troubled kid. “How come he gets in trouble so much?” Genuinely curious. “He wants to stand up for what is right. Fight against the bullies you could say.” “But that is not bad.” I told him. “No it’s not, but Steve is not a big guy or anything and seeing that the bullies usually are the big guys gives him a disadvantage.” I see what Bucky means now. “You fight any bullies?” I asked him squeezing his left hand. It made me smile. The first time I met him I couldn’t let go of his hand and now again. It didn’t feel uncomfortable even though we barley knew each other. It felt like the opposite, it felt like we had known each other for a very long time. “Not like Steve has.” He said smiling. “Here’s your check.” The waitress interrupted. This was the first time Bucky had let go of my hand to reach for his wallet. Instantly it felt empty. “Let me-.” Bucky started. “Oh no you don’t have to pay for my-.” “I insist.” He said as he put his hand on my purse. 
As we walked outside I looked at my watch and saw it was getting late. ”Oh, I need to go it’s getting late.” I told Bucky. “I can walk you back, where ever you need to go.” He said with hopeful eyes. Honestly I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet. It felt nice seeing him again. So I nodded in response and we walked back to a hotel I had a room at in Brooklyn. It wasn’t very far from the diner, I really was almost back before I saw him. “I am happy that I saw you again Bucky.” I told him honestly. “I’m happy that I saw you walking outside. Honestly I had been hoping that our first encounter wasn’t our last.” We both smiled at that. “So you and Steve were not lying that you couldn’t stop talking about me.” I said jokingly. He laughed at that, he had such an amazing laugh, so light hearted. “No, he was telling the truth.” I thought that was very sweet. I walked slightly closer to him and our hands were slightly brushing up against each other. I wanted to grab his hand so badly. I decided to do it when I man walked in-between us separating us a little farther. We both let out a breathy laugh at that cause of the awkwardness. We tried again getting closer and closer when another man tried to walk between us. Bucky quickly grabbed my hand and put it us so the man walked under us. The stranger seemed a bit shocked at that, which made it all the more funnier. We both started laughing and Bucky pulled me closer. “This time I’ll make sure it won’t happen again doll.” He said half jokingly but also serious. Because of that I felt my cheeks heat up. “Such a charmer.” I noted, but I couldn’t look him in the eyes as I said that, cause I knew I would turn more red if I did. 
We walked around the corner of the block. “Well this is me.” I said a bit sad. “Thank you for walking me back, even though it was a short walk.” I was looking at our hands not ready to let go yet. “Of course doll, no problem.” And he put on his charming smirk. “Before you go. I was wondering if.. Would you like to see me again, maybe?” I gave him a big genuine smile. “I would like that very much.” And his smirk turned in a full smile. “Great can you do this Saturday at six?” He asked eager of my answer. “I can do Saturday.” “Alright it’s a date I’ll pick you up here then.” He said happily. “Ok! See you on Saturday.” I stepped closer and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I slowly stepped away and let goof his hand. I waved at him before walking inside the hotel and hearing a “Yes!” From Bucky who was still standing outside. He’s a good man.
As just closed the door of my room I heard a knock. Loki. I sighed and walked over. “Where have you been?” He asked already stepping inside. “What are you concerned now?” I asked Loki. “You said you’d be back by three... It’s almost five. Where have you been.” I rolled my eyes. “Not like I can’t protect myself or anything. Not like I have this weird energy shielding me.” Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. “You said three, it’s almost five now. Where have you been?” Loki asked more calmly this time. “Nowhere in particular.” I said not really wanting to answer him. Because I already knew his response if I told him I saw the guy from the dance. “Y/n. I don’t like to play these games.” He started. “Since when? I thought you were the trickster God? Or has that changed in the time I was gone?” “Y/n..” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Alright fine. The guy I met at the dance was at this diner that I walked passed and he asked me to go for milkshakes. And I know what you’re gonna say, but it was just a milkshake, nothing more.” Loki walked up closer to me. “Was it?” He asked. “Well.. He asked me out for this Saturday.. and I kinda said... Yes.” I answered and Loki sighed. “Y/n, you’re going to get hurt, again... You need someone that is not.. what’s the word.. Die. They grow old and die and you’re still you. You need someone who can be there for you, not someone that you have to be there for them.” He has told me this so many times. “Who is that person than?” Loki got quiet at that. And I decided to leave it at that. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” I said as I was walking towards my bathroom. “Oh one last thing.. It is just a date. It doesn’t mean anything.” I said as I closed the door of my bathroom.
It doesn’t mean anything. It is just a date. Nothing more. Bucky is just.. a random guy I met and I am going to see him for a third time. After that I am not going to see him anymore. It doesn’t mean anything. 
So that was a complete lie I told myself before the date. Bucky was wearing a very nice tuxedo and had his hair done. He had given me some flowers, tulips. They looked lovely. I wasn’t excepting this much. And the date itself.. He did all the things right. He made me laugh, he made me feel comfortable. “Bucky you’re being too kind tonight. This restaurant? The flowers? You? This has been amazing!” I said genuinely and took his hand again. Taking his hand every time felt good. “Really? I was nervous to take you to a restaurant like this.. I thought, maybe it wouldn’t be up to your-.” “No, all of it was perfect.” I interrupted him. After that I excused myself to go to the ladies room, but I went to the host instead to pay for dinner. I am not letting him pay this time. “Alright we can go.” I told him when I came back. “I just need to pay for tonight doll then we can go.” He told me. “Nope, we don’t, I payed. And before you say anything, you can pay me back by taking a walk with me right now. I don’t want this date to end, not yet.” I put my right hand out and he took it and we walked out.
Outside we were both enjoying the cool night breeze. “It’s cloudy today.” He noted. “It is.. you can’t really see the stars.” He nodded at that. “You have to be lucky to be able to see stars in a city like this. Did you live in a city in Sweden as well?” He asked. “No, I.. It’s a island where I lived and they are basically stuck in time. Not really noticing what is going on outside of that island.” I decided to tell him the truth on that. I don’t know why I did. Usually I would lie and say Stockholm, but with Bucky I didn’t want to do that. It wasn’t even a thought to lie. “That sounds interesting to live like that. What do you prefer?” And I honestly didn’t have a answer for that. I loved the island Kattegat, but I only went there when I wanted to take a breather from the world and live the life.. Bjorn.. always wanted to keep alive. The Viking life. It was something for me to hold on to for all this time. The world was moving so fast and Kattegat always stayed somewhat the same, at peace. Kattegat was my vacation and the rest of the world was basically my work. “I like both. What about you?” Was all I had to say. “I like the city. It’s fast paced. It’s the future. I mean have you seen Stark industries? What they’re doing there you won’t find on a secluded island.” I laughed at that. “Stark? he sounds familiar.” Bucky’s eyes lit up. “He is this brilliant guy and rumor has it he is building a flying car. Before you know it everybody will have flying cars! trust me.” I laughed at that. “And his name is Stark?” He nodded his head. “Howard Stark is his name.” I hummed at that. “I have heard of that name I think.. a long time ago.” And I am pretty sure I have it sounded so familiar, but it was such a distant memory. Over the years a lot has happened and I have been better at remembering faces than names. Especially from before I got sucked back in to time. 
A cold breeze went by and immediately Bucky gave me his jacket. “What a gentleman.” I said and he smirked. “Always doll.” He said. I couldn’t help but smell his jacket straight away. It smelled like fall, the woods. We got to a pier and could see the New York skyline. “Isn’t that a sight.” He stated. “It is as I stepped closer to his side. He put his arm around my back and I rested my head against his shoulder. “I really liked tonight.” I said out loud, but it was more meant for myself. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. And I’ll be sad to go back home soon. “I did too. I would like to see you again.” And Bucky looked down at me. “I would like to see you again too.” I said turning my head towards him. “Tomorrow again?” He said softly. Our faces were close I could feel his breath on my skin and smell his cologne better now. Wood, grass and peppermint. “Tomorrow again.” I answered back getting closer to him. Bucky inched closer as well and our lips were almost touching. He rested his forehead on mine and our noses bumped. He was waiting, trying not to overstep any boundaries. I didn’t know if I should tell him I probably wanted to kiss him just as bad as he did me. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. For a short moment we just took each other in. His soft lips against mine. I put my hands up against his chest and he moved to put his hand on my neck and one on my back. Pulling each other closer.
Loki is going to kill me if he finds out.
Let me know what you think :)
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jpegjade · 4 years
Hang 10! - Spencer
we’ve got a fic ladies and gents! it’s not the most interesting one but it’s a fic in the middle of my crazy life. hopefully i’ll be able to more along the way. i’ve got the next one planned out and i’m gonna start writing it soon.
wheelchair reader x crutches spencer
warnings: idk none really. not much happens. v v v domestic  
It was a normal Saturday for Spencer. Sitting with ice on his leg, the leg where he took a bullet only a few weeks before. He wasn’t allowed to put weight on it just yet and doctor’s orders were to keep it elevated as much as possible.
Spencer was making notes in a book he’s read a thousand times before. He liked to use his free time to read and even make notes on what the obscure quotes could mean, in and out of context. 
Out of nowhere, his phone rang. Causing him to lean over to the coffee table to grab it, he saw it was just Morgan. According to the team group chat, everyone was supposed to be at Rossi’s house, christening Rossi’s recently completed pool with burgers and drinks.
“Are you getting ready, pretty boy?” He usually didn’t call Spencer unless it was important. Spencer wondered whether this was actually important. 
“For the pool party I didn’t want to go to?” Spencer asked, putting his book on the coffee table. 
“Exactly.” Morgan exclaimed. Spencer wondered what he was up to. 
“I didn’t want to go for a specific reason. I’m supposed to be resting my leg.” Spencer sighed, looking down at the ice pack resting on his leg. 
“Your bae will be there.” Derek said, nonchalantly. 
Spencer understood what the endgame was now. It had been everyone’s endgame since the beginning. 
“I hate that word. If you want to acknowledge that it’s a word, which I do not. I much prefer another moniker to talk about y/n. I’d love something classic and timeless but fun, like they are.” Spencer blushed, realizing he said more than he should have to Morgan. 
“Ah, so pretty boy does have a huge crush on our new teammate. We suspected it but you just admitted it. Emily owes me money.” Derek chuckled. 
Grabbing the ice bag off of his leg, Spencer grabbed his crutches and put the ice bag into a bowl he laid out for himself to hold the ice when he was done. He always thought ahead because he hates cleaning up messes. 
“What do you want me to do about it? I’d like to maintain a professional relationship with them for as long as possible, thank you. Work relationships with co-workers when you’re working in such close proximity is very difficult to navigate, not to mention the statistics of getting married after meeting and working together is only as high as 31%. 69% of work relationships are more than likely to fail. Who knows what…” Spencer was anxiously moving around his apartment, going off on a tangent. 
“Reid. Hey.” Derek cut off Spencer’s train of thought. “Come downstairs. Let’s go.” 
Spencer grabbed his cardigan, slipping it on, before he and his crutches made their way to the building elevator. 
In the car, Derek was humming along to the radio while Spencer looked out the window. He was glad Derek wasn’t trying to talk to him the whole drive because he needed time to plan what he was going to say to y/n.
To everyone else, this was a simple pool party that was meant to welcome y/n onto the team while simultaneously christening Rossi’s new pool. It wasn’t a big deal because for the past few weeks, y/n had been instrumental in the cases they covered. Everyone was so excited about the new addition to the team, especially Spencer. 
To Spencer, this was a nerve racking opportunity to fail in front of y/n. Ever since their first interaction, when y/n corrected Spencer on a statistic about serial killers, Spencer was intrigued. He knew you didn’t have to have a 187 IQ or an eidetic memory to be smart but you were consistently going toe-to-toe with him on every fact, sometimes beating him to the punch. You had yet to interrupt him or even act like his tangents bothered you. In fact, a couple times, you pulled Spencer over to hear the rest of his tangent after everyone left the room. 
“Hey kid. You okay? You look like you’re going to be sick.” Derek pulled into Rossi’s driveway with a concerned look on his face. 
Spencer’s sickness wasn’t Derek’s concern. His concern was getting the smell out of his carpet once Spencer let out his stomach contents inside the car. 
Derek leaned over Spencer, putting his arm towards the door but Spencer thought he was trying to hug him in an attempt to comfort him. This was not the case. So when Spencer wrapped his arm around Derek’s torso while Derek pushed open the door, Spencer was met with a very confused look from Derek. 
“I read that wrong.” Spencer said. 
“Let’s go, kid.” Derek and Spencer climbed out of the car and walked to the door. There was no need to knock so the boys just let themselves in.
Spencer was immediately drawn to your laughter as he and Derek entered the house. Without realizing it, he started walking with his crutches to the backyard, where he saw you sitting in your wheelchair, talking to Garcia. He paused as he looked at you, taking in how nice you looked in the setting sunlight. You weren’t guarded like you were at work but you weren’t relaxed either. It looked like you were on edge but there was something so calming about you that his nerves seemed to disappear almost completely. 
“Boy wonder is on his feet!” Garcia said, noticing Spencer standing in the backyard doorway. 
Spencer watched as your smile shrunk before you looked in his direction. He wanted to look away but when he saw your smile grow as you waved at him, his hand waved just slightly. So many thoughts ran through his head about you at once that he couldn’t decipher which thought he wanted to focus on. 
Garcia waved him over to you before winking and leaving. Spencer looked at you as you squinted daggers into the back of Garcia’s head. 
“I like the embellishments.” Spencer said, looking at your wheelchair. 
You tilted your head as you looked at Spencer in confusion before you remembered: Penelope bought you some badass clips for your wheels. They were incredibly small but they were just noticeable. They looked like the clips you would put on your bike in the 70’s. They were neon colored and even though you didn’t normally like that kind of stuff, something about the thought Garcia put into it made it special. You hadn’t had anyone do that for you before. 
“Oh, thank you. They weren’t my idea so I can’t take credit but without the wheelchair, there would be no clips so...” You grinned, too shy to look at Spencer. 
Everyone had gone inside to get drinks while you and Spencer were silently hanging around each other. Both of you were too afraid to really start a conversation of some sort because neither of you knew where to start. 
“Why aren’t you inside with the team?” Spencer asked, sitting in the patio chair next to you. 
Propping his crutches against the wall, you took notice of his hands fiddling in his lap. It was like he needed to keep moving when he couldn’t go anywhere. You hadn’t noticed that about him before. 
“I’m still getting used to them…” You said, looking at your hands in your own lap. 
“Oh… You seem pretty comfortable with the team when we’re on a case.” Spencer said, looking at your hands. His thoughts wandered to how nice they would feel laced in his hands. He would love to hold your hand right about now. 
“That’s different. I know how to do that. I know how to interact when I’m forced to in order to save someone’s life.” You grinned, thinking about the last case, when you were able to save a little girl from yet another monster of a person. 
“It’s different to find common ground when you’re alone with somebody you don’t know.” Spencer said slowly. 
The muffled laughter of the party inside through the back door made you smile. They were having such a good time while you were… Doing nothing next to Spencer? Not that you minded. It was easier to be around one person than it was to be around a group of people all looking at you for your next answer. 
“I think I might like it here. It’s better than my old job.” You said, gazing off into the distance. 
Spencer noticed that you slouched a little bit after saying that. 
“What do you like about it?” Spencer asked, genuinely curious. 
It had been a long time since you liked your job. In the beginning, you liked your old job but your boss turned mean, vindictive even, when you started to receive praise from higher ups. In fact, your skills at your old job got you here. 
“It’s more than just working with a group of people. I’ve been close to some of the most brilliant minds in the world but none of them have ever felt like this. Nowhere before have I ever felt like I’m in a group of people that like each other enough to hang out when they’re not working. It’s like…” You stopped, trying to find the word. 
“A family?” Spencer said, finishing your sentence. 
“Yeah… And right now, I feel like the cousin twice removed that doesn’t really know anyone at the family reunion, even if everyone knows me.” 
There was another pause as Spencer thought about that connection. He tried to think of something smart to say that would be interesting when his brain acted faster than he could sort out. 
“In almost every state, it’s legal to date your second cousin once removed. On estimation, 0.2% of Americans alone are married to their second cousin. For clarification, a second cousin is someone you share a great grandparent with. It’s less about who married who but your relation to them. The current number is unknown as the last time the 0.2% was calculated was between…” Spencer stopped once he saw your face change. 
“What?” You asked him. 
“You’re smiling. And you haven’t stopped me.” Spencer said, eyebrows furrowing. 
“I like listening to you talk about the probability that I’m going to marry my second cousin from this unrelated, metaphorical family.” You smiled wider as his mind started working again. 
“Am I the second cousin in this scenario?” Spencer asked, blushing at the thought. He wasn’t going to lie and say he hadn’t caught feelings for you when he started to find out more about how your mind worked. 
“Maybe. Only if the plan is to get married.” You said. “But you have to take me on a date first.” 
“Okay.” Spencer said, grabbing his crutches. 
“Okay, what?” You asked. You were so confused. 
“You said I have to take you on a date.” Spencer repositioned himself to stand up with the help of the crutches. 
“Are you serious?” You asked, looking up at him. 
“Do you want to go on a date?” Spencer asked in a matter-of-fact way. 
“Well only if you want to.” You said, sheepishly. 
“We should pick a date...Saturday?” Spencer asked. 
“Saturday.” You confirmed with a smile. Spencer began crutching inside before turning and looking at you. 
“Are you coming, y/n? The family is calling.”
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Just your comment, please I want to tattoo that entire response on my forehead so people could understand some stuff fjshdhsh. I very much agree with everything you have said, like I do think the bighit deal was more so with the help of say with western connections (which again does NOT mean pledis could have done this without bighit. They clearly could but I saw a theory on a YouTube comment where someone said they focused on the core fanbase aka in Korea which is their main market and it paid off imo) from helping with buisness side of things like we do have merch to buy directly (which I have my opinion on some merch ideas like why the fudge is bighit selling us water!? Bro you thought that worked with bts doesn't mean it will with seventeen) which wasn't common in the past or being able to film concerts with ease during the pandemic. Bighit clearly acknowledges that seventeen is a monster group in their own right I mean as you said, they break records and are 2nd behind bighits own group. They are EXTEMELY big in Japan. They are their own song makers, bang pd confirmed this when pleids was first announced in a press video so the fact people brush all of their achievements and statements because why, their streaming numbers are low?
And oohh such an interesting point as well! Very much i think the current mindset of kpop fans (or at least some) is that streaming is what equals success which to some degree, yes but as you said, many ignore the casual side of listening. People that find the song due to it being viral for whatever reason, a fancam getting popular like in the cass of hani from exid or whatever reason. Dwc is a great example and I saw those comments under their recent performance of that song and it makes me proud that the boys have a song like that. That it has its own "fanbase" quote on quote with how well loved that song simply is and well known. You don't have to have fans doing crazy streaming to be considered "popular", I mean I could give more examples but I don't wanna make this too long nor cause unwanted fandrama lol. Those casual listeners are extremely important and powerful I mean brave girls is a great recent example of that I think! It very much does seem like that when looking at the views, its mainly the core fanbase which isn't bad nor should we feel bad for not having crazy numbers. They seem more organic if that makes sense? Plus I agree, we can stream and can explain how it works, clearing up confusion about it like no emojis don't take down views and yes youtube does take away views but that is due to it making sure it isn't bots only viewing the video. Explaining that streaming should be done with a chill mindset and its ok if you don't stream. But hey, maybe we're too weird of fans to think like this fjajdjajs.
But some few updates! Seventeen is back on Instagram, fully everyone is posting away. Makes me happy hehe m, a bit funny it took so long for them to comeback but am happy nonetheless. The interactions that seungkwan does makes me super soft. Seventeen are also back with doing proper promotions so yay (also pledis is S Wording people over the mingyu issue finally so bless). As for me on the personal side of things. I have OFFICIALLY finished that video game ^_^ it took me a while but I have finished it, my last goodbye was completed and am at ease so to speak? Lowkey am planning on beating all the trophies in the game cx also may I ask about your thoughts on the album? Favorite songs, have you bought the physical cd?
ok finally getting around to this lol!!
and yeah that's absolutely true, pledis focused on kr promotions/fanbase first and foremost (and then expanded to Japan and is now looking toward the US/western promos in general). which i agree was a good thing. i think some companies get too greedy with wanting a group to be ~internationally famous~ that they ignore their Korean fanbase a bit too much and I've seen groups that have failed bc of it, so I'm glad that didn't happen w SVT
and yeah in terms of merch I'm genuinely grateful as an american that for this cb at least there was a US distributor which made things super convenient but wtf is going on w hybes merch those water bottles are not it TT it just sucks to see bc it's clear that at least as far as merch goes hybe doesn't have an interest in like. doing market research to figure out what carats want. which is funny bc they don't even have to start from scratch they could literally just ask pledis?? and tbh what's sad is i don't think hybe is like. purposefully trying to sabotage SVTs merch from my limited perspective i get the feeling they treat all their groups merch like that :( but since us carats have seen in the past what kind of merch we're capable of getting it's disappointing to see such a downgrade. and like tbf pledis's merch decisions were never perfect like that time they tried to sell replicas of the SVT rings and carats were rightfully pissed bc those are something the members earned, not something to be bought. and i also don't think hybe never has or never will make good merch, I'm sure they're fully capable of it. but it just seems obvious that they've put WAY less if any effort into understanding both the market (ie carats) and seventeens brand compared to pledis so like of course most carats aren't gonna like it :/ i really hope they step up their game and do better research or bring ppl onto the team who better understand svt's brand
and yeah i very much agree with everything u said about streaming! tbh i think this mindset isn't as uncommon as you might think, I've actually met a fair number of kpop fans who are critical of streaming culture but as u know there also are a lot of ppl who are really into it and those ppl tend to have the loudest voices. and unfortunately part of streaming culture is that if you question the methods or don't participate you must be a bad fan or secretly an anti or something ridiculous like that. so ppl who aren't into streaming culture end up learning to not be too vocal about it bc of how bad the backlash can be
yes! I'm glad to see insta line (+ now dk!!) active again. i still wonder why pledis made them stop using their ind instas, like I know all the theories people have as to why but honestly none that I've seen seem to fully make sense. it will probably be one of those things where we'll just never know the full story. but i digress!! regardless of the reason I'm just glad to have them back after all this time ^^
congrats on finishing the game! I'm glad it was able to help you work through your grief a bit and that you feel more at ease now ;-; and good luck with the rest of the trophies if you end up trying to get them!
as always I'm answering this a bit late so you may have seen already but i did get the physical album! it was a birthday gift so i only got it the other day, but according to my mom it arrived almost immediately after the album was released so as i said before, I'm very grateful for the US shop this time around ;-; as for the songs usually it's easy for me to pick one or two favorites but this time around it's genuinely a 4-way tie between heavens cloud and all the unit songs TT (i also love anyone and RTL, they're just slightly lower on the list in terms of preference if u get what i mean). i really hope some time in the future we get some kind of performance or special video or something for heavens cloud, since so many carats and the members themselves seem to really love it. i also think it's a song that brings up such beautiful imagery that it would be a shame if it never got any type of visual representation, you know? I'm also really curious to see a performance of wave, since iirc the members said the choreo is a lot more laid back/different from other perf unit choreos?? + that song also evokes such great imagery for me that like... makes feel like it needs some kind of movement so I'm just itching to see a performance. kind of like... even if i didn't know it was a perf unit song i would think it would be great to choreograph to if that makes any sense dhfkf. but yeah overall i think it's just a really solid album, as expected from summerteen ^^
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more than life itself || self para
Prompt: Travel back in time watching a video of a then-eight months pregnant Abigail Bailey, recording a video intended for Alex. Abi’s pregnancy was faced with a lot of challenges and problems that could’ve resulted in her dying.
Trigger Warnings: pregnancy, death, and labour mention
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For as long as Abigail can remember, she’s created a baby box for Alex. Admittedly, it was more so of a childhood box; But nevertheless, in it, held memories. Alex’s favourites over the past five years, remnants of her nursery then her bedroom. Toys, clothes, a binkie, her favourite book. Anything that she wasn’t still using (such as her crocheted blanket she still slept with), was added to the box. Along with a scrapbook, filled with pictures all the way from when Abigail was pregnant with her. Ultrasounds to Abi’s progress photos, memories from the past five years. There also held a USB in the box, holding videos from the past five years as well. First crawl, first walk, first word, first tooth: everything. But… along in the big box, there held a smaller box. A box that when you opened up, was filled with things. A list of the best places to travel to, pictures of Abigail and of Atlas (both together and separate, all from their time together back in London), a picture of Abi’s favourite wolf that Atlas showed her, a statue. And a DVD. All one needed to do was put it into a laptop or DVD player and maybe… maybe, it’ll go along the lines of something like this:
Abigail sat in a rocking chair in the nursery. Smiling softly into the video camera. Her bangs had grown out, so has her hair, and she was in soft blue sundress. Her hands were resting on the bump she has, the young archaeologist now at eight months pregnant. “Hi, Alex,” she began, head tilting softly as she looked at the camera. “My name is Doctor Abigail Bailey. I was born in Istanbul, Turkey before being raised mainly in London, England, but I also spent a good portion of my years living in Cairo, Egypt. My birthday is July 15th, 1993 and I am 23 years old. I am an archaeologist and anthropologist who specializes in ancient civilizations. And I am your mother. I know that… you possibly know all these things already. I know that if you’re watching this, then, it means that… it means that I’m not with you. It means that, I died. A few weeks ago when I was still seven months pregnant with you, I discovered that I had placenta previa. Your placenta had been formed lower than usual. Placenta previa causes an abnormal amount of bleeding and it… it can be fatal. When it comes to the common symptoms and causes of it, I technically shouldn’t have it. But, I… I do. The doctor said that there is a chance that I could live. But, there’s also the chance that I couldn’t. And this… this video is meant to be a way that I could talk to you. This box,” she reached over and placed a small box on her lap, “is meant to be a way for us to still be connected, despite me not being here. I pray… God, I pray that you never have to watch this. That I am still with you years from now. But, it is better to be safe than sorry.
“Um, I guess I better start off with what’s all in here,” she mused, clearing her throat. “I, I-I wrote down a list of the best places you need to travel to at least once in your life. If you’re anything like your father and I, I am certain that you’re going to love adventure. That you’re curious to see more of the world, discover more things. I also wrote down some of the best historical books. Now, there might be a couple of books in the future that are good, so talk to your grandfather about that. But these? These are a couple of my favourites. Especially this one.” She held up a book, one that is well-read and extremely loved. Abi looked down at it and smiled softly. Her fingers tracing over the cover. “Your father… Your father wrote a note to me once in this book. It had been my favourite long before he ever did that. But… I suppose that that’s another reason why. I won’t tell you what it is; I want you to read it and find out yourself. But I hope that you’ll take a lot from it. Not just your father’s note. I also got a bunch of photographs in here featuring your father and I. We met one day at my favourite book shop. He’d asked me for advice on a history book and… Something just clicked. I felt comfortable with him, I just… I wanted to get to know him better. We went to lunch together to Pomodoro’s and eventually, I brought him back to the manor. Talked to him about all kinds of history stuff and just spending time with him. Little did we know, he would end up staying with me for three weeks. Those three weeks… I don’t think I can describe how happy I had been. Just being with him and spending time with him… I fell hard and I fell fast. I had never been through something like that before: he became my first. My first of so many things. When he had to leave, it shattered me. I wanted to go with him. I wanted to ask him to come with me to Egypt. I was suppose to be going there soon for an excavation for a couple of months and… I don’t know why I didn’t ask him. And I regret it so, so much. I wish I had the confidence to tell him everything I wanted to say. I hope that you have the confidence I lacked.”
Sniffing, Abi wiped at her eyes before breathing out a laugh. “I’m sorry,” she wiped her tears away some more. “I-I’m sorry, I… I’ve missed him so much, always hoped that I would see him again. That I would get to hold him in my arms and kiss him, that the three of us could be a family. I have been wishing for that for the past couple of months. So this…” She shook her head away. Placing the box away, she kept her eyes on the camera. “Alex, I beg of you… please don’t blame yourself for this. I love you more than life itself and I would do anything… absolutely anything… to ensure your happiness, that you’re healthy and safe. I don’t want you to bear any guilt over my not being here. I just want you to live your life and to be happy. The pregnancy… it hasn’t been an easy one. I’ve been really sick throughout it. My body has experience so much pain and trying to go about it all… it was difficult. I’ve spent a majority of my pregnancy in Egypt. Which, hasn’t exactly been the easiest thing either. But it’s okay: I’ve done everything I could to ensure that you’re okay. And I always will, alive or dead. There is still a chance that I’ll make it. We are planning on trying to do a caesarean section for labor, which could help. But I… If that happens, I’m scared about the future. I’m scared about you wanting to be a big sibling. I’m scared of wanting to have more kids. There’s a 2-3% chance that I could have placenta previa in another pregnancy. And admittedly, that terrifies me. If I make it and I want more kids in the future, I’m not sure what I’ll do. I just… I hope to come up with a plan, if that is the case. But… if I don’t make it…”
Abi sighed softly. Her fingers traced over her bump before glancing up again. “I really hope that you’re with your dad,” she whispered. “My parents promised me that they were going to tell him about you if I don’t make it. That they’ll explain everything. Your father’s name is Atlas Williams. He was born and raised in Providence Peak, Colorado. His family owns Wolf Wild Rescue and he loves those wolves so much. I remember the look on his face as he talked about the wolves and the rescue for the first time. Just how proud he was. Your father is many things, Alex. He’s passionate, he has a love for adventure. He’s curious, about the world and about history, about so many different facts and trivia. He’s loyal. He’s caring and gentle, so incredibly gentle. For a man as giant as he is, it’s incredible how gentle he truly is. Or can be. He’s got a wicked sense of humor and he’s protective. He’s also intelligent. And god, he’s handsome. He’s got these eyes that just capture you, this smile that is brighter than the Egyptian sun, this laugh that warms you right up, and his arms? When he holds you and you know that you’re safe, that you are at peace and at home? I have been everywhere in the world, but I have never felt more at peace in a place than in his arms. I know that there’s more to him. I know that he has a temper and sometimes, he’s more prone to fighting than talking. But every time he’s gotten into a fight, or at least the ones that I’ve seen, he was defending me. He isn’t great at talking, prefers to show than tell. Perhaps he’s worked on that the past couple of years, of raising you. There are probably a lot of things about him that I don’t know still. And I genuinely hope that I’ll make it and I will find out more about him. Because I know that there is more to the man than just the man I knew in London. And I’m ready to love him just as much as I love the London Atlas.”
Abigail paused for a moment. Taking a shaky breath, she looked down at her bump. Fingers softly tracing it. “Alex, if… if your father is around, can you please give me a moment to talk to him?” Her words came out in a whisper, the young woman visibly nervous. Yet as she wiped away her tears and tried to make herself presentable, she gave herself a minute. Before looking back up at the camera. And she smiled warmly. “Hey, Las.
"Before I say anything else, I want to start off by saying this: I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry for not telling you about Alex months ago. There has never been a moment where you weren’t on my mind and never a moment where I haven’t almost contacted you. E-mail you, call you through the rescue’s line, gotten on social media and hopefully find you. I… I ended up losing my phone on my way to Egypt. I don’t know how or when, but I did. And I had told you prior that I had programmed my laptop so that I could strictly do work on it, so that wasn’t an option to use to contact you either. It wasn’t until I got back here in London when I finally had the options to do so. But I… I’ve been scared. I’ve been so scared the past few months over what you would say or do. I didn’t… I-I didn’t want to face rejection. I was scared that you wouldn’t want to see me or the baby and… and I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry.” It was getting harder to breathe and she wiped away her tears. “The moment I found out about Alex, though… I did have a moment of bravery. After I was released from the hospital, I made my way to the airport. I was trying to find the best flights to Denver. And for a moment, I almost did. But my mentor ended up stopping me. There’d been a big discovery at the site that I needed to see. I had work to do there, I… I was on a loan from the government and responsible for so many workers. I was paying them, responsible for them to be able to provide for their families. This was my first excavation. I couldn’t… I couldn’t leave. There was so much at stake. But I told myself that I would get a phone, contact my mother so that she could give me the information for the rescue, and I’ll call you. And I did… expect for calling you. I had a nightmare that night. I dreamt that I told you and… a-and you wanted nothing to do with us. I had a few more dreams like that that eventually bled into real life. It was all I could think about for so long that every time I tried to contact you, I got too scared. And I hate that so much. But it… it hasn’t stopped me from trying to include you, or at least your presence, in our kid’s life. Like their name, for example.
"Alex is a Greek name, meaning ‘warrior’ or ‘defender of mankind’. As of right now, I don’t know if Alex is an Alexander or an Alexandria. I came up with many different names over the past few months. A lot of them were after many different historical figures or places. However, one day during one of my last few days off, I went up to Alexandria to see some friends. Alexandria had been on my list of names, because of the infamous library and the great conqueror, but it wasn’t one I was completely set on. My friends and I went to a couple of different museums that day there, including the Graeco-Roman museum. While I had been roaming the statue garden, thinking about the baby and of you again, I stopped in front of a statue. It was the Titan Atlas, with the world on his shoulders. Standing there and looking at him, I knew instantly that the baby’s name, was Alex. In that moment, everything felt right, it… it was almost as if you were there with me. As if somehow, you had helped me pick the name. And I couldn’t pick any other name afterwards.” Laughing, she stood up and reached for the camera, taking it off the stand before showing off an area in the nursery. Right there, was a tiny statue of the Titan Atlas. “I bought it from the gift shop right afterwards,” she mentioned. She then moved back and placed the video camera back on it’s stand. Moving to sit back down, there was a visible strain on her features. She let out soft whispers and gasps as she got herself situated, pain on her face while she cradled the bump with one hand. Her eyes were shut for a moment, Abi trying to take a couple of deep breaths to soothe herself back to before. “I’m okay,” she whispered, resting her head against the chair as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I-I’m okay… Atlas, I… From the moment I found out, I tried to find ways to include you. I tried to tell you so many times over the past few months and I’m so sorry. Maybe you’ve forgiven me… Maybe you haven’t… But for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.
"I wish that I could tell you that myself,” she whimpered. “There’s so much I wish I could. And I… I’m sorry that I’ve never had the courage to do so before. But I… Since I’m dead now, maybe I finally do: I’m in love with you, Atlas Williams. I wish I got to tell you that to your face, I… I wish I found your note first. Had I known, I would’ve gone straight to Denver to see you again. I’ve always wished that I got to see you again. That we could’ve gotten a real chance, that we could’ve been a family. That I could’ve gotten more time with you, fallen in love with you more. I wish that I could kiss you again. Hold your hand once more, fall asleep in your arms as you list off some random fact, how completely and wonderfully fascinated you are by it. I wish that our goodbye in the airport won’t be our last. That that wasn’t the last time you held me in your arms, that it wasn’t the last time you kissed me. I wish that I got to hear you tell me you love me instead of having to read them in a book on a flight while over Greece. I wish we had more time. I wish I got to tell you how much I love you. That I had gotten to witness us grow old together, share a life together while raising Alex. All the good and the bad moments, I wish we had gotten them together. That we gotten to stand by each other’s side and work things out together as a team. That I had gotten to know each and every single thing about you and gotten the chance to love you for everything you are, both the man in London and the man in Providence Peak. I wish we had gotten more time. I wish I told you I love you, that I’m in love with you. I’m so sorry for never saying anything. I’m so sorry it took this long. I just… I hope you forgive me. That you’ll love our child twice as hard for me. Because Alex… Alex really needs you. So much and I wish that I was there. I’m sorry that I’m not. I love you both, more than I could ever possibly say. Please don’t forget that. Can… Can you bring Alex here, please?”
She waited again, taking another moment. She wiped away her tears that she’d been crying, trying to steady her breathing. Hoping that Alex would now be watching, she placed a smile on her face again. “Alright! I just… I wanted to leave this on a high note. I’ve cried a lot in this and I… I have never cried so much before in my life. I hate it, so much. But I just wanted to say: take that list of travel ideas and go on an adventure together. Share as much of them together as possible… and think of me. Especially if you both come to Egypt. I’ve always wanted to take you both there and in a way, I will be. I’m with you both always. There’s... There’s so much I wish the three of us could’ve done. I wish that the three of us could’ve been a family. I’m so sorry for being too scared of doing anything about it, for being too late. I hope you both can forgive me eventually.” Gently, she wiped away her tears. Letting out a breathy sigh and looking at the camera softly, one hand resting on the bump and the other toying with her necklace. The young historian smiling peacefully. “Atlas and Alex Williams: I love you both more than life itself. Don’t forget that. Please don’t forget me. I love you.”
Blowing a kiss to camera, she waved and gave one final smile, before the video ended.
Abigail had spent 43 hours in labour. It had been a rather peaceful day (more or less) in the Bailey manor when Abi needed to walk, having been on bedrest for the last remaining weeks of her pregnancy. She’d been found in the library of the manor, passed out with a small pool of blood, a trail leading from the entrance to her spot. Her father, Richard Bailey, had been the one who found her and quickly took her to the nearest hospital. They had to perform an emergency C-section, delivering a healthy baby girl at 7 pounds and 6 ounces. Unfortunately, Abigail had hemorrhaged during labour and they almost lost her before they were able to stabilize her. She spent three days afterwards in a coma, her parents alternating between taking care of Alexandria Jane Williams and being there for their daughter. She eventually woke up and spent a week in the hospital regaining her strength before heading back home, where once again she spent a month on bedrest with baby Alex resting in a bassinet next to Abi’s bed. The archaeologist eventually getting her health back, all the while taking care of her daughter while loving and protecting her.
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misscampacyn · 4 years
Chapter 1
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The hostage situation was not what Alexis was expecting. We had entered the house Kate had killed one man, only to discover that behind the drywall there were bodies after bodies all with bags on their heads. Kate and Alexis explained the situation to Jennings.
“You can step outside Reggie,” assures Kate.
The smell was horrendous it would make anyone gag.
“How many bodies are in here?” asks Jennings.
“Forensics have found 15 in the hall and 20 in the back bedroom. They are still searching for more in the rest of the house,” explains Alexis.
“Call the DOJ let them know what we have” orders Jennings he then looks over at both Alexis and Kate. “Is this one of the houses owned by Manuel Diaz?” he asks.
“There’s no way to connect him but he owns it,” confirms Kate.
“Jesus Christ,” says Jennings looking at all the bodies.
Outside two uniformed police officers were searching a shed searching for anything hidden. Finding a locked trap door. They called for some bolt cutters to cut the lock. This called Alexis and Kate’s attention, as they walked to go outside and see what had been found. The explosion was set off causing three officers to loose their lives and the rest to be knocked off their feet.
Kate had a cut on her scalp and Alexis had some cut on her face caused by the shards of glass from the broken window. Reggie was alright considering he was closer to the explosion. The ride home was a blank Alexis could not remember getting in the van and being dropped off at her and Kate’s apartment. She didn’t even remember getting into the shower until the tepid water fell over her head. Any blood and dust she had in her body was washed off, once she deemed herself clean she stepped out and got dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt.  
Alexis stepped out the water and found Kate sitting on the couch, “Hey Jennings called he wasn’t to see us at headquarters,” said Kate.
Alexis just collected her phone and keys and started to walk to the front door, Kate followed.
Once in headquarters they were met by Reggie.
“They called you guy too, shit we must be in trouble,” he says.
Alexis didn’t answer only sat outside of the glass conference room.
“Hey Alexis, you okay?” asks Reg.
“Yeah I’m fine,” she answers.
Inside the room the men discussed the three agents.
“Alexis Graver has only been in hostage division for one year, but she’s been in..” Jennings started but was interrupted by a more casually dressed man.  
“She was in DEA, stopped a couple of the cartel’s big dogs from smuggling drugs. I know she’s my sister,” explained the casual man proudly.
“Will that be a problem? we have two more qualified agents,” questions Jennings.
“Not a problem, I know she’s good, follows orders, she’s worked cases. What can you tell me about the other agents?” asks Matt.
“Today was her fifth IOS” brags Jennings.
“5 and O not bad for a rookie, “comments Matt, “has she ever worked a case?” he asks.
“She’s been kicking doors since day one,” answers Jennings.
“I like her already, what about the other agent?” asks Matt.
“He’s only been with us for 18 months,” answers one of the other men.
“What his background?” ask Matt.
“He’s a sharp kid ROTC scholarship to Maryland, did a tour in Iraq, got his law degree from UNC. He’s green but he’s good” says Jennings.
Matt leans back in his seat, “No lawyers on this train just give me the girls,” says Matt.
Outside the trio waited to be called in or yelled at.
“What do you think is going on?” asks Kate.
“I don’t know,” answers Reg.
Alexis looks at the group of men behind her, and she notices one she knows to well.
“Shit that my brother,” says Alexis.
“Which one?” asks Reg.
“The one with the flip flops,” answers Alexis.
Both Reggie and Kate look back to see the flip flop wearing man. Before Kate says anything she is called inside to the meeting room.
“How familiar are you with Manuel Diaz operation?’ asks one of the men.
“His company Sun Oasis has 80 or so foreclosure properties. He has other legitimate businesses. Um… but he’s rumored to be linked with one of the Mexican cartels,” explains Kate.
“Manuel Diaz works for the Sonora cartel, he’s most likely their senior member here in the U.S.,” explains the man.
“What do you know about his brother?” asks Matt.
“I had not idea he had a brother,” says Kate.
“You live with Alexis and she has never told you about Guillermo or his cousin?” questions Matt. Genuinely curious as to why his sister never mentioned her run ins with the cartel.
“His cousin is Fausto Alarcon,” explains the same man as before.
“Never heard of them. How do you know Alexis and I live together?” questions Kate.
Matt just smirks at her question but doesn’t answer.
“Agent Macer is part of the hostage response team, not narcotics,” defend Jennings.
“Are you married?” asks Matt changing the subject.
Kate looks at him confused, “I’m divorced,” she answers.
“Kids?” asks Matt.
“No, anything else?” asks Kate.
“No thanks Kate if you could wait outside please,” says another man.
Kate walks out of the conference room and sits between Reggie and Alexis again.
“What did the want?’ question Reggie.
“Don’t know,” answers Kate.
Alexis is called in only a minute later.
“Alexis, I want you on my team,” says Matt.
Alexis ignores her brother and looks over at the other men.
“Your files states that you had a run in with the Sonora cartel,” points out one of the men.
“Yes sir,” answers Alexis.
“Mr. Graver here is looking for agents with experience to join his team against the same cartel that was responsible for today’s events,” explains Jennings.
“Your team is trying to stop Diaz?” asks Alexis.
Matt smiles at his sister liking the fact that she was asking the right questions.
“Yes, and even Alarcon,” explains Matt.
Alexis had been waiting a whole year to find a way to get back to the cartel.
“I’m in,” answers Alexis.
Matt smiles, “Welcome to the team,” he says. Standing up and shaking his sister’s hand.
“Ms. Graver could you please call in Macer please,” asks Jennings.
Alexis did what she was told, and Kate entered the room again. Only she was not given the same information as Alexis had been given she was told they would go to EL Paso while Alexis knew they would be going to Mexico.
 Authors Note:
Fun fact I am from El Paso, Texas. And it weird to hear it be said in the movie but its pretty cool too. Hope you like this story so far and have a safe day. BYE!!
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joaquinfeed · 5 years
Snuggle Buddy (Arthur Fleck x Fem!Reader)
Prompt: Reader works as a professional cuddler at SnuggleBuddy. Arthur utilizes her service.  Also, for the sake of the story, Penny Fleck has already passed in this.
Warnings: Cursing, implied anxiety, descriptions of bad coping mechanisms (Arthur banging his head against the wall)…I think that’s it?
Word Count: Around 6,000. I know it’s a doozy. 
Arthur was nervous. His palms were sweating slightly, his heart rate was uneven, and his leg hasn’t stopped moving for the last twenty minutes that he has been sitting. His eyes trailed over the small print on the business card— “SnuggleBuddy.”
Arthur thinks back to early that day; he was at Ha-Ha’s getting ready for his usual shift when one of the guys—Randall— took a jab at his love life.
“Just in case you need to touch someone other than yourself, Art,” Randall laughed, handing him the card.
Although Randall’s comment bothered Arthur, he wasn’t entirely wrong. He hasn’t experienced human touch—real, genuine human touch—for a very long time. Arthur couldn’t even think of a moment when someone had given him a hug, or a kiss, or wrapped their arms around him. Not a single soul besides his mother dared to understand him in an intimate way.
As soon as his legs allowed it, he walked over to the phone and carefully poked in the number on the card.
“Hello, this is Pete from SnuggleBuddy. Are you looking for a cuddler, or are you looking to become one?”
Arthur faltered. “I’m looking to, um, find one. My name’s Arthur.”
“Okay, Arthur,” the man paused, and Arthur heard rustling in the background. “I have a few questions for you, and we can get you somebody in no time.”
Arthur answered every question that came at him, only letting out a yelp when Pete asked him if he’d like to pay for other activities. After declining immediately—and blushing profusely—Arthur had finally been paired up with a girl.
“Her name’s Y/N,” Pete said. “You will be billed for every hour that you spend with her. Your first session is scheduled for tonight at 7 PM at the address you gave me. Does all that sound correct?”
Arthur nodded before realizing that the man cannot see him. He stuttered out a ‘yes’ and hung up the phone.
His heart was thumping loudly in his chest; he couldn’t believe he went through with calling them. So many worries plagued his mind already— How would he afford this? What if you thought he was weird? If everyone at Ha-Ha’s found out…
He shook his head at that thought. He has absolutely no idea what’s going to happen, and there was no way for him to know.
And so, he waited.
A few hours later, a knock interrupted the Charlie Chaplin rerun that had been playing on his TV. Arthur pushed his freshly washed hair out of his eyes, making his way to the door. He opened it up, and his breath caught in his throat. Standing in front of him was someone he has never seen around Gotham—he would have remembered.
“Hi, Arthur,” you smile at him while giving a small wave. “I’m Y/N. I work at SnuggleBuddy.”
Arthur only gazes at you in shock. He definitely was not expecting someone like you; actually, he didn’t know what he was expecting. After a small bit of silence, you glance around nervously.
“Is this not the right apartment? Are you not Arthur?”
“No, I- I am.”
“Oh. This is your first time I’m assuming?”
Arthur nods, his mind finally catching up with him. He steps aside to let you in, and you move past him, checking out his apartment. Your eyes land on the TV, and you smile seeing “The Kid” playing across the screen.
You turn to Arthur. “Chaplin fan?”
“Are you a Charlie Chaplin fan?”
He points over to the stack of tapes sitting by the small TV; your eyes follow his gaze until they land on the pile. You stand there, paused in thought while Arthur continues to watch you. Suddenly, you’re struck with an idea.
“Hey, if it would make you more comfortable, we could do the session on the couch? That way we can watch a film or two instead of laying in silence. Unless you’d be more comfortable with that. Whatever works for you, Arthur.”
He leads you to the couch, and both of you sit down.
“H-how does this work?”
You smile at him, trying to calm his nerves a little bit. “Really, it works however you want it to. Usually, people tell me what they like, what they don’t like, what makes them uncomfortable, what makes them feel relaxed.”
“I don’t know what I like,” Arthur says, looking ashamed at his lack of self-knowledge.
“That’s alright. We can figure it out,” you assure him. “I’m going to put my arms around you, okay?”
You wait for his consent before wrapping your arm around him. “Is this okay?”
He nods but stays stiff in your arms. “Do I…touch you?”
“You can,” you tell him, watching as he timidly puts one of his arms over your shoulders while the other one rests across his waist. You both stay like this for a little while, getting comfortable with the feeling of each other. After a few minutes, Arthur relaxes into your embrace, and you drop your head onto his chest.
Having this type of job was, no doubt, a little awkward at times. It was the only opportunity you were faced with after moving to Gotham city. You didn’t want to do this forever; sometimes, you thought about quitting after a long, hard day with some overly-touchy pervert. But sitting here with Arthur, his heartbeat steadily beating in your ear, you thought the job wasn’t so bad. 
“So, Pete, the guy you talked to when calling CuddleBuddy, he mentioned that you said something about not having this type of contact for a while,” you say. “How long has it been?”
You feel Arthur clam up at the question, and you immediately blurt out, “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want. I was only curious.”
You look up at him and see his eyebrows scrunched together in concentration. His eyes are looking back at you, and you finally notice just how green his eyes are—like different hues of a forest. He seems to be studying you too, but as quickly as the silence came, it ended.
"For my whole life, I guess,“ Arthur says, breaking you out of your daze.
You frown. "Your- Arthur, that’s not healthy. We need to feel connections like this, you know?”
Arthur didn’t know. His mother—when she was living—was there to dance with him or hug him when the moment called for it. But he has never experienced anything outside of that. He briefly wondered if that’s something he should bring up with his social worker, but the thought left his mind when he felt your arms tighten around him.
“I didn’t mean to make you feel bad if I did,” you spoke up. “I was just surprised.”
He brushes off your apology, dispelling your fears of already upsetting him. When it’s clear that nothing else is going to be said on the matter, you lay your head back on his chest, content with only sitting with him for the remainder of the session.
Somehow, by the time the credits were being presented, Arthur was lying against the side of the couch, and you were lying next to him—your head still resting by his heart.
You could hear the TV playing in the background, your eyes fluttering open to the sound, only to be met with blinding sunlight coming through the windows. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
You shoot up off of Arthur’s sleeping form, and he wakes with a jolt, looking just as startled as you. "I am so sorry,“ you tell him, burying your face into your hands. "I swear, I didn’t even realize that I was falling asleep.”
“It’s okay. Don’t be sorry,” he says, his voice still raspy from the night’s sleep. “I can’t remember a time when I’ve slept like that. I-I have insomnia.”
“Oh,” you nod sympathetically. “I’m glad I stayed over then.”
Arthur gives you a small smile. Your caring demeanor felt fresh and generous compared to the other residents of Gotham. But it’s only for a job, he reminded himself, he hired you. At that thought, panic arose in him.
“I don’t have the money to pay you for all the time you spent here,” he says, looking at a clock that read 9:23 AM.
“Don’t worry about it. It was my fault anyway. Pete will be in contact with you about how to pay for the session.”
Arthur hopes his disappointed look wasn’t too obvious; he honestly didn’t want you to leave. Even so, he walks you to the door and gives you one last small smile.
"I hope this isn’t the last time I’ll be seeing you,“ you say, returning his smile.
He blushes slightly, ducking his head. "It won’t be.”
Arthur has never been so happy strolling through the streets of Gotham on his way to Ha-Ha’s. The subway ride was surprisingly uneventful and the sun was still out—an unusual occurrence for the dark and somber city. Although, Arthur wondered if the city was actually that uninviting, or his change in scenery was due to the happenings of the night and early morning.
When Arthur gets to work, everything runs smoothly. Randall’s jokes never cease, but this time, they don’t bother him as much. There’s a lightness in his steps as he carries out the rest of his shift at Gotham City Children’s Hospital.
The real trouble comes on his way home; he chalks it up to bad luck—his day going “too well.” A few teenagers poking fun at his make-up, messing with his clown cap, and causing him to hold his throat as he chokes out unwanted laughter. When he returns to his apartment, his steps are less light than before—the stress of the evening finally catching up with him.
His hands reach for the phone before he can stop himself, and dial the number for CuddleBuddy. This time, the process is short. He only has to ask for you, and the next session is booked. Luckily, you didn’t have any previous arrangements tonight.
“They were harassing you, Arthur, you should tell someone,” you say, once you are cuddled up with Arthur again for the night. “People can’t treat you like that.”
“Yes, they can,” Arthur mumbled. “There’s nobody to tell, Y/N. Everybody is just mean.”
“Not everyone,” you say against his chest. “Your not.”
He only hums as a response, before glancing over towards the kitchen.
“Would you like to eat something? I could, um, make dinner,” he suggests.
“Are you paying for more of my time if I say yes,” you jokingly ask.
Arthur stumbles over his words. Of course, he thought. Payment. He just had to keep reminding himself that he was paying for your time; you were not here voluntarily.
“R-right. I’m sorry,” Arthur apologized. “Let’s just stay here then.”
“I was kidding. Dinner actually sounds nice,” you smile.
You both get up and make your way to the kitchen. For the next thirty minutes, you watch him as he whips around the kitchen, making dinner. You offered to help, but he insisted that he had it. By the time it’s done, and in your mouth, you were pleasantly surprised.
“Mmm,” you moan. Arthur was a damn good cook, and it showed. You were too focused on the food in front of you to notice Arthur’s cheeks turning a bright red color. 
Poor Arthur sat on the other side of the table, his ears burning from the small noise of pleasure you let out. How was it possible for one to sound so melodic, he wondered.
“Do you like it?” He asks, despite knowing the answer.
“I do. It’s really good,” you say. “Any chance you want to be a chef?”
“No, actually, I’m pursuing a career in comedy,” he says proudly.
“Maybe I can hear some of your routine sometime.”
The rest of the dinner went smoothly. You two shared Gotham horror stories, talked about family, and discussed mental illness in-depth. Arthur told you about the parts of himself that troubled him and society’s inability to understand. Your eyes stayed on Arthur the entire time, even after he got up to put away the dishes. His tan long-sleeve shirt, paired with his baggy pajama bottoms, made him look incredibly adorable. You tried to stop your mind from thinking anything like that about the man. After all, he only hired you for a job. But you couldn’t help it if his curls fell around his face in the most perfect way, or his smile shined with warmth when talking to you, or his eyes—God, his eyes—looked so lovely in every light possible.
When he’s done washing the dishes, you both return to the living room to resume the session. You move to sit back on the couch, but Arthur stays standing, shifting back and forth nervously.
“Can we, um, can we move this to the bedroom?”
You arch an eyebrow at his statement. “Really?”
His eyes become frantic as he moves to explain further. “I-I mean, instead of the couch. We could, you know, cuddle on the bed. I- I definitely did not mean…”
He trails off, and you giggle before getting up. “I know what you meant Arthur, relax.”
He nods relieved. He gestures for you to follow, leading you to what you presume is the bedroom. As you enter, your eyes glance around to the flower-covered walls before landing on the soft-looking blankets that lay across the bed. You don’t waste any time standing; you climb in next to Arthur, letting your limbs tangle in the same way they had earlier in the evening.
Your fingers graze his slender figure; the feeling of his warm shirt against your fingertips was enough to make you shiver. He brought the blankets up over you both, still hesitating as his arms rested back against you gently.
“Tell me about Ha-Ha’s. I don’t mean your shitty co-workers or rude boss; I want to know what you love about it. What makes you happy about working there?”
“I like making kids smile,” he says softly.
“Does that happen a lot?”
“Yeah. Sometimes they’re just walking past me, sometimes I visit the children’s hospital.”
Your heart melted at the mental image of Arthur, fully dressed in his clown make-up, interacting with the kids. His clown persona, who he mentioned was named Carnival, was something that you’d love to see.
You could feel the smile on his face when he spoke his next words.
“I get to sing and dance with them,” he says. “They never look at me funny for dancing.”
“That’s amazing, Arthur,” you tell him. “I bet you’re really good with them.”
“You know, you could come with me sometime,” he suggests. “They wouldn’t mind.”
You nod slightly before letting your eyes fall closed. You both lay in silence, taking in each other’s shallow breathing. A calm sensation that Arthur’s never experienced washed over him. The rise and fall of your head on his chest worked to ease his anxiety about the subway events. He still couldn’t fully relax in your hold, which is why he stayed quiet about his wish for you to pull him closer. Almost as if you read his mind, your arms tightened around his midsection as you snuggled further into his embrace.
“Arthur,” you say quietly.
“Do you want to be friends?”
The room fell silent. You didn’t want him to feel pressured to say yes, but you wanted to give him time to think it over. After talking to him about his decision to hire you, plus his lack of physical intimacy, you could only assume that the man doesn’t have many or quite possibly any people he considers a friend.
“You want to be my friend?”
You pick your head up off his chest, gazing into his pools of green that are filled with curiosity and disbelief. You don’t even have to think twice before nodding your head.
“I do,” you say. “Do you want to?”
“I do.”
The next few weeks are gone before Arthur realizes it. Not only is he able to see you every other day, but his cuddle sessions haven’t stopped simply due to your budding friendship. As the weekend approaches, he uses his time off work to go pick up his medications as well as see his social worker, Debra Kane. Although the process was no different—Arthur sat down, she asked if he brought his journal, she made a few remarks about some of the content, then asked about his job—his experience seemed to be a lot more rewarding.
“I have a friend,” Arthur all but beamed at the woman. “Her name is Y/N.”
“Arthur, have you thought any more about the prompts I gave you for last week’s journal writing?”
“She thought that I was wanting to become a chef, which is funny because I’m actually trying to be a comedian,” he says, disregarding Debra’s question. “She wants to hear my routine.”
“That’s certainly good,” the social worker comments offhandedly. “Are you experiencing any kind of negative thinking?”
Arthur laughs a little, reaching for his pack of cigarettes. He slides one out of the box, rests it on his lips, and lights it. Some things never change, he thinks to himself.
As Debra probes him with more questions he hears every week, his mind wanders back to you. He can nearly see you on the other side of the room—watching, smiling, waving. He doesn’t want to get caught up in his perceived idea of you, though; he only wants to keep you in his reality.
Arthur thinks back to his childhood—images of him sitting alone in the school cafeteria flash through his mind. For once in his life, he had somebody besides his mother, who seemed to care about him. He had a few boys in his early years that tried to befriend him, but upon learning his idiosyncrasies and hearing his booming laugh echoed through the quiet halls, they quickly turned their back on him, leaving young Arthur to wonder what went wrong.
When he was old enough to work, he was out trying to help his mom keep up with rent. He took odd jobs with quick payouts to hold on to their life in Gotham city. By this time, Arthur stopped trying to make friends all together. He knew the things he needed to do to keep surviving in a city like Gotham, and going out of his way to get rejected again wasn’t one of them.
After leaving the social work office, he arrives home feeling both excited and apprehensive. His trip down memory lane had brought the feelings he held towards friendships up to the surface. You were bound to realize what a freak he was at some point; he wonders how long it will take you to figure it out.
A knock on the door brings him out of his thoughts. He’s even more surprised to see you on the other side when he opens it.
“Oh, hey,” Arthur says.
“Hey,” you repeat.
“Did we have a session booked?”
“No, no,” you tell him. “I just thought we could hang out—if you wanted to that is. Sorry to just drop by.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind,” he steps aside and lets you into the apartment. You make your way to the couch, and Arthur follows behind you. He stops short of sitting down and asks if you want anything to eat or drink. You decline his offer and pat the seat next to you.
“Come sit.”
He sits next to you stiffly, rubbing his hand over his bouncing leg. You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering why the man is so fidgety all of a sudden. Maybe you made him uncomfortable by showing up, you told yourself. He did say it was okay, though.
Before you could mull over your thoughts, Arthur broke the silence.
“Do you want to watch a movie? Um, or I could show you my stand-up routine? Or we could do something else. What do you want to do?”
You chuckle at his line of questions while tilting your head at him. “Watching a movie sounds fun, and I’d love to hear your routine.”
He immediately gets up and sprints to the bedroom, leaving you on the couch to smile at his behavior. He surely was adorable.
When he comes back, he’s dangling a few VHS tapes in one hand, and holding a journal in the other. You watch as he resumes his spot next to you and lays out the tapes onto the table.
“You can choose a movie, and I’ll pick out some of my jokes,” he says. You look over the different films ranging from “A woman of Paris” —a Charlie Chaplin feature— to one made by Ernst Lubitsch called “A Shop Around the Corner.” You finally land on one titled “Duck Soup” and pick it up to hand to Arthur.
“Good choice,” he gives you a small smile. “This is actually a comedy and a musical. This goofy man named Rufus—you’re going to like him—he becomes president of his country. The country beside them thinks Rufus is awful so they try and start a war. It- it doesn’t sound much like a comedy, but I swear it is.”
Your lips curved upwards, and your eyes twinkled with amusement. As you listened to Arthur go into extensive detail about the movie’s plot, you found your eyes dropping to his lips. As they moved with every word, you noticed how soft they looked despite them being slightly cracked. You wondered what it would be like to kiss-
“Y/N,” Arthur jarred you from your thoughts. “Is everything okay?”
Your face flushes red at being caught staring. You’re not sure if Arthur knew where you were looking, but he sure as heck knew you were distracted.
“Everything’s fine,” you reassure him. “It’s just been a long day. Did you want to show me some jokes?”
You gesture towards the journal still in his hands, and he smiles instantly. It takes a bit for Arthur to feel relaxed while presenting his material to you, but once he made you laugh a few times, he gained the confidence needed to finish. You were pleasantly surprised at the jokes he had come up with for the routine; they molded perfectly to your sense of humor and left you nearly in tears every time. You weren’t sure if they were actually that funny, or if you just wanted the beaming smile Arthur would shoot you after he made you erupt in laughter to stay there.
After nearly an hour of joke-telling went by, and some convincing on your part, you persuaded Arthur to put on the movie—insisting that you were not tired.
The film opens up with the flag of Freedonia—the country the movie takes place in. Straight from the beginning, you’re already invested in the storyline; your eyes carefully watch every movement on the screen, and you laugh when you finally meet Rufus—the new president of Freedonia. Rufus was just as Arthur made him out to be: goofy. As you watch the story unfold, you can tell why Arthur likes this movie so much. You look over to see if he’s smiling at the screen, only to see that he is, in fact, smiling, but not at the television. No, he is smiling directly at you.
You give him a questioning glance, and he ducks his head, immediately apologizing.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“I was looking at you,” he explains.
“So? You’re allowed to look at me,” you chuckle, and his eyes meet yours again.
“I am?”
You can almost feel his breath from how close you’re sitting to him on the couch. Your shoulders are pressed together, while your thighs lay side by side. As a cuddler, you’ve been much closer to Arthur than you are right now, but somehow, this particular time feels more intimate than the others. Later, you’ll blame it on hormones, or maybe even your own mental stability, but just as Arthur was about to repeat his words, you leaned in and pressed your lips right against his.
The kiss didn’t last long, though. As soon as you felt the man tense up under your touch, you nearly flew off of him, sliding yourself to the other end of the couch.
“Shit. Fuck, Arthur. I am so sorry. That was so out of line for me to do. I wasn’t even thinking,” you slide your hand over your face, afraid to look over at Arthur in case he was glaring at you. “I should go.”
He didn’t say anything, and you assumed that was your cue to leave. You cursed yourself for being so brainless as you got up from the couch. As your hand reached for the door, you heard Arthur’s laughter from behind you. You felt tears sting your eyes as you left his apartment feeling foolish.
He found it funny; you found it heartbreaking.
Arthur scrambled to get up as he saw you leaving. His hand held tightly to his throat, as harsh chokes of laughter came barreling out of his mouth. He stopped just shy of the door, nearly toppling over as he tried to force himself to swallow the laughter. By the time he got the door open, you were gone.
He forced a pained smile at the empty hallway, turning back and shoving the door closed. The voices of his past cried out to him as he paced around the living room. You’re such a freak. What’s so fuckin’ funny? You were born by mistake. As more torments flew through his mind, Arthur stopped in front of the wall to lean his head against it. He didn’t know why you left in such a hurry, but he assumed it had something to do with him. He lifted his head back and slammed it against the wall with a sickening thump. Bang. You caused this. Bang. You made her feel like that. Bang. It’s your fault. Bang, bang, bang.
He slid down the wall, a single tear dropping from his eye, and just sat there. He couldn’t even feel his head throbbing; the pain in his heart was too high.
Days went by, and Arthur hadn’t heard from you. He picked up the phone several times to try and call your workplace, CuddleBuddy, but couldn’t bring himself to dial the number. He was too afraid of what you’d say when you had the chance. Not even a full month of friendship, and he’s already lost you. When he does get the courage to call the company, he’s only let down once again by the latest news.
“Sorry, man. Y/N quit a few days ago,” Pete tells him.
“Yeah, she pulled her profile down from the bulletin, and said she was moving on.”
Arthur panics. This wasn’t supposed to happen. How would he get in touch with you now? Would he ever see you again?
He runs a hand through his curly locks before asking, “How can I reach her?”
“Uh, I’m not really supposed to give out her information, man.”
“But- but it’s Arthur. Arthur Fleck. I’ve been calling to book sessions for the last month.”
“Yeah, I know,” the man on the other line sighs. “But I don’t know who you are. I can’t really tell some guy her private business.”
“I’m not some guy! She’s my friend,” Arthur reasons. “Please.”
Pete groans and mumbles a 'fine’ before rattling of your address.
“If she ends up murdered tomorrow, I’m telling the police it was you.”
Arthur thanked him and chuckled lightly at the joke—assuming it was a joke. He took the piece of paper, which carried the address he had just scrawled down, and raced out the door. He grabbed the subway, recognizing your place to be near the Children’s hospital that he worked at occasionally. Once he was standing in front of what he had hoped was your apartment, his nerves were at an all-time high.
He was scared of rejection, scared of seeing your disgusted, disappointed, or aggravated face along with any words that might follow.
After three timid knocks, he waits patiently for you to open the door. When the door does swing open, he was met with an expression he wasn’t expecting—shock.
“Hi,” he utters shyly.
Your heart thumps in your chest wildly at the view in front of you. You couldn’t believe Arthur was standing in your doorway right now; you half-expected this to be a dream. After you left his apartment that night, you felt the lightness you’ve been feeling for the past couple weeks drain from your body, only to be replaced by tightness in your chest and a dulling ache in your heart.
“You quit,” Arthur says, breaking the silence that loomed over you both.
“I did,” you open the door wider, letting Arthur walk into your apartment. He takes a look around, noting that the decorations you have chosen seem to be very you. He wants to marvel more at his surroundings, but instead, he turns back to you.
“I tried to book a session, but you quit,” he says, a hint of resentment in his voice. “Why would you do that?”
You sigh, offering him a small shrug. The ache in your heart hasn’t gone away, not since you saw him last. You wanted to give him a real explanation, but you didn’t want to bring up the kiss. You were afraid that his balled-up fist, quick-paced breathing, and twitching nose —all of which happened when the man felt anger— would be the result of your careless and selfish action.
“Why are you here, Arthur?”
“I- I want to know why you quit.”
“Because I knew you’d call,” you admitted. “I knew you’d call because that’s who you are.”
You sniffle quietly; the tears that have been threatening to fall since Arthur showed up were now spilling down your cheeks like a river.
“I didn’t want to see you,” you wiped harshly at your face.
Arthur gave you a troubled look. His expression was soft, but his eyebrows furrowed together in concern.
“Please don’t be upset,” he whispered. “I’m sorry.”
You gave him a bewildered look. “You’re …sorry? What on Earth are you sorry about?”
He only shrugged, so you took a deep breath and continued with what you had to say.
“I kissed you,” you looked away, still ashamed at the way you handled the situation. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I guess I just felt like I should in the moment; it was completely wrong of me. I apologize.”
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable, Y/N,” he mutters while fumbling with the zipper of his tan jacket. “I- I liked it.”
You smile sadly at him. “You don’t have to lie. I’ll be okay. We can continue being friends if you want; I just need some time.”
“But I’m not lying,” he says as if it’s the simplest thing in the world. 
"You- you laughed at me, Arthur,“ you whisper before chewing on your bottom lip, tears welling up in your eyes once again.
"I didn’t!”
Arthur tried his hardest to hold in whatever laughter that was always on the surface and bubbling over. He didn’t want to leave you feeling upset again, and he surely didn’t want you to think he was disregarding or making fun of your feelings.
“I have a condition,” he says. At your confused look, he shuffles around in his pants pocket to pull out one of his cards. He hands it to you, bracing himself for your reaction.
“Oh,” you say, reading the front before flipping it over and skimming over the back. “So- so you weren’t laughing at me?”
“No! I would never. Not unless you made a joke.” Arthur assures you before pausing. “Did you?”
“I would never,” you repeat to him. Both of you stay unspeaking, taking in the words that the other has said. You wanted to talk more about what happened, but you didn’t want to cross any more lines in the relationship.
“Y/N, can I ask you something?”
You nodded weakly.
“Why did you kiss me? Is that what friends are supposed to do?”
“No, Arthur,” you look solemnly at him. “Friends don’t do that.”
"I didn’t think so,“ he says. "So, why would you? ”
You shrug half-heartedly. “I don’t know. I think you’re funny.”
His eyes search yours for some clarification, but he finds none. “You kissed me because you think I’m funny?”
“Yes,” you say. “and because you’re sweet and easy to talk to, and- and handsome.”
Your face heated up at your comment, but there was no taking it back now. Arthur’s face matched yours, and he stumbled over his words to try and respond.
“What- what does this mean?”
He was pretty sure he knew what it meant; he’s seen enough movies to know precisely what it meant. However, he couldn’t be too careful. The mere thought of him getting it wrong, and you—his only friend in Gotham—leaving was too much for him to handle.
“I think you know what it means, Arthur,” you say to him.
“Can you please just tell me?”
You exhale. “Do you want to go out with me?”
Although you didn’t directly answer his question, it was almost better. He didn’t waste a single second before nodding his head.
“Yes, I’d like that,” Arthur musters up every ounce of courage he has and slides his arms around you in a hesitant embrace. You hug him back tightly, encouraging him to do the same. You stand there for the next couple minutes, the events of the last couple days catching up with you both. “Can we- can we kiss again?”
You pull back enough to look at him, your lips curving into a smile. “Thought you’d never ask.”
You lean into him, capturing his lips in a slow kiss. You could feel your heart explode with emotions; Arthur’s lips timidly sliding over yours as his hands came up to rest on your cheeks. When you pulled apart, you looked at Arthur with his crimson cheeks and slightly swollen lips, and you couldn’t think of anything or anyone more beautiful than the man in front of you.
“When can we do that again?”
You giggle at his question, your eyes sporting a playful gleam. “Well, if you were my boyfriend, we could do that all of the time.”
“Okay,” he agrees, and you nearly choke on the air around you.
“R-really? Arthur, do you understand what I just said?”
He nods, and you explore his face for any trace of uncertainty or humor, but there is none. He was completely serious.
“Don’t you think it’s too soon?”
“No,” he huffs. “I’ve spent my whole life thinking that the same apartment, the same questions from my social worker, and the same people were going to hold me back forever. I don’t want to be held back.”
You bite your lip, wondering how you’re ever going to keep this relationship going if he’s always this damn adorable.
“Okay,” you smile at him, not being able to control your happiness.
“So, Y/N,” he looks at you shyly, with a small smirk in place.
“Yes, Arthur?”
“Now that you’re my girlfriend, does that mean I get cuddle sessions for free?”
You laugh, playfully swatting him on the arm as joy tugged at the corners of his lips too. 
And you both thought to yourselves, how did I get so lucky?
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ddixons-angel · 4 years
Fated: Season 3
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Summary: Gloria Rhee narrowly escapes Atlanta with her brother as the outbreak reaches the city. Luckily, they find a camp outside the city and together, they fend through encounters with the living and undead.
Starts a little before Season 1 and then follows the main storyline of the show.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Glenn Sister!OC
Warnings: major TWD spoilers, language, violence (the typical TWD stuff)
A/N: I can’t believe there’s only two more chapters left of Season 3! Like I said before, I’m most likely going to go back to posting once a week once we hit Season 5, unless you guys want me to keep going with twice a week? Let me know~~ Enjoy the chapter!
Chapter 9
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The next day after Andrea had visited the prison, offering to set up a meeting with the Governor, Rick took Michonne and Carl out on a run. He had mentioned the night previously after Andrea had left that they needed to stock up supplies, more specifically weapons, for when the Governor attacks. Glenn, Hershel, Beth, and Judith were in the cell block while Maggie and Carol were both on watch. Daryl was outside having a smoke on the picnic table outside as Merle was lounging about in the connecting hallway of Cell Block D; Maggie and Glenn didn’t want Merle always hanging around outside their block so Rick and Daryl agreed to move him to another cell block. Gloria was at the kitchen area washing some dishes from lunch. As she put the last dish away to dry, she wipes her hands on a cloth before hanging it over the sink. She’s about to walk back to the cell block when she hears a whistle emitting from where Merle was. Gloria rolls her eyes as she looks over to the man who was already looking at her through the gate. 
“What?” she says, not amused.
“Listen, I jus’ wanna talk.” Merle tells her, he raises up his arms to show her that he’s not being hostile, “no tricks or nothin’.”
Gloria ponders for a moment before nodding and follows his lead to his own cell block. She knows that Merle can’t beat her in a fight, injured or not, Merle still only has one hand and Gloria was able to beat him up when he still had two. Plus, she had her daggers on her. 
Once in the cell block, Merle lets out a sigh and turns around to face Gloria but is met with her fist. He stumbles back at the punch, not at all expecting it. Before he’s able to shout for her to stop, she knees him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of his lungs.
“That was for beating up Glenn and taking Maggie to the Governor!” Gloria seethes in anger, she then strikes his back with her elbow then pushes him to the ground.
Merle groans in pain, “an’ what was that for?!”
“All the times you pissed me off.” Gloria huffs then leans on the wall, crossing her arms as she looks at him.
Instead of being angry, Merle laughs at her answer then sits on the ground, leaning back on his hands and pauses a bit before he starts talking, “‘M sorry. For what I did to your brother and that farmer girl. But I do have to let ya know, if it weren’t for me, Glenn’d be dead.”
Gloria rolls her eyes and scoffs at his words, “Do you actually think I’m going to believe that you saved Glenn by beating him up? You were going to execute them! You think I’m stupid?!”
“If it were anyone else, Glenn’d be dead. They woulda killed him, I jus’ dragged it out! Had to make it look realistic or they’d jus’ shoot him straight up!” Merle defends and Gloria eyes him, not knowing whether to believe him or not, seeing this, he sighs, “look, I didn’ want Glenn to die ‘cause o’ what ya did for me on the roof. Ya stayed. Even if it was for Daryl, ya still stayed.” 
Gloria’s face softens at his words, hearing the sincerity behind them, “you still threw a walker at Glenn...” 
“Come on, I knew he could take it! Kid’s a ninja!” Merle exclaims causing Gloria to scoff.
“Ninjas are Japanese, Merle.” Gloria corrects him.
Merle rolls his eyes at that, “hey I’m tryin’ ‘ere, a’right? Gimme a break.”
Gloria chuckles then lets out a breath, “is this what you wanted to talk to me about?”
“Nah,” he shakes his head, “I wanted to talk to ya about Daryl.”
Gloria frowns, confused. Why would he want to talk to her about his brother? She looks at him, Merle’s expression unreadable but serious as he looks back at her. 
“My baby brother,” he starts, “he cares a lot ‘bout ya. I know jus’ by the way he looks at ya, I’ve never seen that look in his eye before, not wit’ anyone. But you, you’re the reason he came back to this prison.”
Gloria ponders his words, “he... did he tell you that?”
“Hell nah! He’d never admit that shit!” Merle chuckles, covering up for Daryl, “but he didn’ need to, I jus’ know, I raised him after all!”
A sense of guilt raises inside Gloria, she doesn’t know what to think. A few days ago, she had yelled at Daryl for leaving, saying that he didn’t care at all about her or the group. Sure, they were words of anger but Gloria was trying to convince herself rather than him as a sense of protection in case he ever left without a word again. Now, Merle was here vouching for Daryl, telling her that he cares a lot about her in particular. 
“Jus’... take it easy on my brother, a’right?” Merle says with a heavy sigh, “he ain’ good with words an’ ain’ ever been good at relationships, hell, he doesn’ even know the love of a parent... but he’s tryin’, ya know? He’s tryin’ for you.”
Gloria looks up at him, a thoughtful look on her face, “why are you telling me all this?”
“‘Cause you’re the only broad I can see worthy o’ takin’ care o’ my brother. Ya sure can pack hell of a punch, and if ya can keep ol’ Merle in check, ya definitely can keep Daryl in check.” Merle says with a genuine smile. 
Gloria’s about to respond but both of their attention is taken away from each other as they hear quick paced footsteps emitting from the hallway. They turn their heads to look at the door and Daryl and Glenn emerge with worry written on both their faces. However, their look of worry is soon replaced by looks of confusion as they survey the scene in front of them. Gloria was leaning on the wall, unscathed, while Merle was sitting on the ground with a split lip and bloody nose. Glenn and Daryl glance at each other, communicating without words on who won the fight. Daryl makes his way over to help Merle up as Glenn goes over to Gloria who pushes herself off the wall.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Glenn says, his tone full of disapproval.
“Getting revenge for you.” Gloria shrugs then follows Glenn back to their cell block.
Daryl pulls Merle up to his feet and gives him a onceover, “she beat ya up again?” he asks, trying to hide a look of amusement.
“Ya got one hell of a woman there, little brother.” Merle chuckles as he watches the blush creep up on Daryl’s face, he then places his hand on Daryl’s shoulder, making the younger look at him, “she’ll come around, and when she does, ya hold on to her. She’s a keeper, that one!”
Wanting to hide his embarrassment, Daryl scoffs and pushes Merle’s arm off him, “shut up.” 
Merle laughs as he watches Daryl walk out of the cell block back to his own. He shakes his head at how flustered the younger man can get. Smiling to himself, Merle retreats to one of the many cells and rests.
The next day, Rick, Daryl, and Hershel had left the prison to meet with the Governor for possible negotiations. When Rick had come back from his run with Carl and Michonne, he had brought back a full artillery of weapons to fight the Governor. Andrea had told them that they were to meet up at noon the following day, but for precautions and to scope out the area, the three of them had left in the morning. Gloria and Carol were on watch together on the watch platform leaving everyone else back in either the cell block or main area. 
“How’s your shoulder?” Carol asks, giving Gloria a smile.
“It’s good,” Gloria glances over at her bandaged shoulder then back at Carol, also with a smile,  “doesn’t hurt anymore, so I’d say it’s healing well.”
“What about things with Daryl? Are they also healing well?” Carol asks, curious while also giving Gloria a knowing look.
Gloria blushes slightly at the question then looks away into the courtyard, “I had a chat with Merle about Daryl yesterday. He says that Daryl... he really cares about me and that I’m the reason he came back.”
“Do you believe him?” Carol questions, more for Gloria than her own curiosity.
“I don’t know... I mean, he didn’t sound like he was lying but...” Gloria lets out a sigh and looks down.
“It’s okay, give it time. I don’t think you should give up on Daryl, people and feelings are all we truly have these days. And what you have with Daryl is special,” Carol puts her hand on Gloria’s shoulder as Gloria nods, “have you forgiven him yet?”
“Honestly? I don’t even know.” Gloria purses her lips, “whenever I think about how he just left, I still feel mad, but I am glad he’s back. I’m happy he’s back with us. I just don’t know when I’ll stop being mad at him for leaving.”
Carol nods, understanding and gives Gloria’s shoulder a light pat but before she can say anything in reply, a gunshot sounds from the direction of the cell block. Both women glance at each other, exchanging looks of worry before bolting off to the cell block. Once they open the door to the prison to the main area outside of their cell block, they see Beth holding a gun aimed to the ceiling and Merle on the ground wrestling with Glenn. 
“What the hell is going on here?!” Gloria shouts, gaining everyone’s attention.
“Merle wants to intrude on the meeting with the Governor,” Maggie explains while glaring at Merle, “but Glenn isn’t letting him go.”
Gloria sighs and goes down the steps, “Merle, get off of Glenn, now!”
Merle, who is still pinning Glenn down on the ground, glances up at Gloria then back at Glenn and pushes himself off the ground, freeing her brother. He takes a few steps back from the other man as Glenn gets up as well, both men eyeing each other. 
“All o’ ya say ya wanna beat the damn Governor, but ya ain’t doin’ shit to beat him! We know where he is! We can ambush him and kill him there!” Merle shouts.
“Merle, you know that puts Daryl and the others in danger too, right?” Gloria asks rhetorically. 
“And them three goin’ doesn’ put ‘em in danger? How do we know that the Governor didn’t bring his entire army to this meetin’?” Merle yells back, his worry evident in his voice.
“You’re right, we don’t know that. But what you’re suggesting is too big a risk to take.” Gloria takes another step down on the steps so that she’s level with the others, “think about it, Merle. Regardless of whether the Governor took his entire army, if they have a lookout and catch us trying to ambush them, Daryl, Rick, and Hershel are still with the Governor. They could turn it into a hostage situation and it puts them in even more danger. You may not care about Rick or Hershel, but I know you care about Daryl and you want to look out for him, but wanting to ambush the Governor does the complete opposite of that.”
“Yeah, that’s what we’ve all been trying to tell him but he just doesn’t get it with that thick skull of his.” Glenn says, still glaring at Merle.
His words provoke Merle as he growls, lunging at Glenn but only to be stopped as Gloria unsheathes one of her daggers and presses it to Merle’s throat, making him freeze in place. 
“Keep moving and see what happens.” Gloria challenges him.
Merle glares at her but moves back, he can’t help but admit to himself that he’s quite impressed with how badass Gloria is. Still huffing in anger, he backs off from Glenn and the others. 
He then looks at Gloria, “I didn’ wanna cause trouble, like ya said, I only wanted to help Daryl.”
“You can help him by shutting up and waiting for them to come back.” Gloria says as she puts her dagger back into its sheath then turns to Glenn, “and no more bitter retorts from you either.”
Glenn crosses his arms and huffs, not saying anything else as he knows he was guilty of provoking Merle. He lets out another breath before making his way to the door and going outside to get some air. Merle goes to the hallway connecting his cell block to the main area and sits along the wall. Gloria looks over at Carol and they both sigh, glad that the damage of the altercation was somewhat minimal to say the least. 
Next Chapter
A lot of Merle in this chapter hehe so yeah I might have grown a soft spot for Merle, at first I hated him but after rewatching the show over, I grew to like him, in his own twisted way, he does care for Daryl! That and he’s also Mary Poppins hahaha sorry there wasn’t many Gloria Daryl moments, but I needed this chapter, what did you think of Merle’s interacts with Gloria though?? Let me know!!!
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy, please don’t panic, we will get through this!
And as always, I would really appreciate any comments left for me! I’ll be replying to any comments in a new post because this is a sideblog!
Taglist (please let me know if you’d list to be added/removed!):
@twdeadfanfic​ | @fandomfanatic97​ | @crossbowking​ | @watchmeaspire​ | @spidergirla5​ | @kamieshep | @letsstarsfalling | @molethemollie | @alicewinchester99​ | @neilox | @womanup22 | @jodiereedus22 | @theonlyone-meeeee
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bangteen · 5 years
Can I have a soobin reaction where you are bff with a other member and he thinks you like that member but you like soobin And you and the other member plan how youre gonna to confese to soobin. Idk if it makes sense to you
a/n: Hi anon!! This was a fun one to write!! Thank you for requesting, and I hope you enjoy!! 💞
You Like Me? | Choi Soobin
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⇥ Summary: Soobin thinks you like your best friend, Kai. Little does Soobin know, that you and the other members are planning out how you are going to confess to him.
⇥ Genre: mostly fluff
⇥ Word count: 1.1k
Every time you smile, every time you laugh, every time Soobin sees that you’re happy, he can’t help but smile himself. Right now was one of those times.
You were at the dorm to hang out with the guys, but somehow, you ended up being dragged into Kai’s room.
Soobin was watching you two through the small gap, representing that you did not fully close the door.
You were good friends with all of the boys, but Kai was your best friend. That’s how you met the rest of the guys: through Kai.
Though you unintentionally make Soobin smile and blush, he can’t help but to feel jealous of the person that is currently providing you that happiness. Soobin has provided you that joy several times—and he cherishes every moment of it—but he wants to always be the person to make you laugh so genuinely.
Later, you and Kai came out of the room to join Soobin in the living room. You made eye contact with Soobin, and he smiled at you, and you returned it immediately after.
“What were you guys doing in there that made you both seem so happy?” Soobin asked with a slight playful tone in his voice, though, he was genuinely curious.
You two laughed nervously.
“Nothing, hyung. Just the usual,” Kai paused as he quickly tried to think of an idea. “Gossip and what not!”
“Mhm,” Soobin eyed Kai suspectedly.
“Hey, Y/N, come over here!” Beomgyu called, with Taehyun by his side, gesturing you to make your way over to them, so that’s exactly what you did.
“What’s up?” You asked as Taehyun shut the door behind you as you three made it into Beomgyu’s room.
“So what did you guys plan?” Beomgyu questioned, referring to how you and Kai had planned earlier how you would confess to Soobin.
“Come on guys, I still don’t know if he likes me.”
“Oh my gosh! Are you kidding?!” Beomgyu screamed so loud, causing Soobin to become curious and make his way over to you three.
“It’s so obvious that he likes you!” Soobin heard Taehyun say, and his eyes went wide.
“Who likes who now?” Soobin asked as he barged into Beomgyu’s room, startling the three of you.
“What?” Beomgyu asked his hyung, pretending to be oblivious. “Someone likes someone? Why wasn’t I aware of this?!”
Soobin closed the door behind him and walked over to where the three of you were sitting, on Beomgyu’s bed.
Soobin let out a sigh.
“I know who you guys are talking about,” Soobin explained. “It’s so obvious.”
All of your eyes went wide.
“You do?!” Taehyun exclaimed.
“Y/N, you should just confess to him already,” you three could hear the slight disappointment in his voice and wondered why he was referring to himself in third person.
“Soobin, just to confirm, who is it that you think I like?” You asked.
“Kai,” Soobin answered. “Obviously. You two are always hanging out, and he always makes you happy.”
You three almost weren’t able to hold in your laughs before Yeonjun suddenly opened the door.
“Oh, sorry,” Yeonjun apologized. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Uh, it’s ok, Yeonjun,” you said. “What is it?”
“Kai wants you,” he answered. “He’s too lazy to come and get you himself.”
Yeonjun yelled the last part so that Kai could hear.
“You should confess to him now!” Soobin encouraged, just wanting you to be happy.
Yeonjun looked at you and the other boys confused, also aware that you like Soobin.
Taehyun and Beomgyu explained to Yeonjun—through eye contact—everything that just happened, while you and Soobin were still looking at each other.
“Um,” you said hesitantly, not completely sure of how to respond. “Yeah—“
“I’m sure he likes you too,” Soobin smiled. “I’m happy for you.”
“Aww, Soobin,” you returned the smile yet again. “You’re so sweet. I think that’s what made me fall for yo—“
With wide eyes, you quickly covered your mouth with your hands.
“You—“ Soobin, not fully sure if he heard you correctly, was shocked but happy at the same time. “Like me?”
He looked at you with soft eyes, it made the tension in your shoulders lessen.
“Well that’s not what was supposed to happen,” Taehyun muttered.
“Kai!” Yeonjun yelled, ruining the beginning of an unforgettable moment. “It’s happening!”
You and Soobin turned your attention to Yeonjun and saw Kai run in shortly after, Soobin completely unaware of what Yeonjun was referring to.
“That was fast!” Kai cheered joyfully. “Y/N, Soobin, congratulations! So, should the four of us leave to let you two make out or something?”
Yeonjun hit his arm.
“What did I tell you? That’s stage four! Y/N literally only just confessed to him!” Yeonjun whispered loudly as he face palmed, all of you hearing every word.
Yours and Soobin’s cheeks both immediately tinted red.
“Um, Yeonjun?” Taehyun cleared his throat, signalling through eye contact once again, that all of you just heard everything he had just said.
“I think we should leave—“ Yeonjun said slowly before the four boys began to make their way out of the room.
“Wait! This is my room! Why should we leave?!” Beomgyu asked, offended.
“Beomgyu! Just let them have their moment!” Yeonjun pulled the younger boys out of the room. “You two have fun, just not too much fun!”
“Ew!” Beomgyu screamed. “But that’s my roo—“
“Have fun you two!” Kai waved before Yeonjun quickly closed the door while Taehyun helped calm Beomgyu down.
You and Soobin sat there, too nervous to make eye contact, as the room began to fill with silence.
“So—“ Soobin began, attempting to break the heavily awkward tension.
“So—?” You repeated.
“You like me, huh?”
“Yup!” You laughed awkwardly.
“Since when?” He asked.
“I guess ever since I first really got to know you.” You smiled. “You seemed like such a sweet guy. It was hard not to fall for you.”
He turned to face you, and you did the same. Your faces were inches away, and he glanced down at your lips before staring into your eyes again. You could see his adam’s apple bob up and down. He looked down at your lips again before slowly leaning in, you following, as the two of you connected your lips. Your hands made there way around his neck and his hands trailed down to your waist. Being the shy boy he is, he pulled back after a few seconds. You two smiled at each other before you pulled him back in for another kiss, this time longer.
“Are you guys done making out yet?” Beomgyu knocked on the door.
You two quickly pulled back and giggled.
“Coming!” Soobin said, pecking you on the lips one last time, before taking your hand in his and leading you out of the room, winking at Beomgyu on the way out.
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Part 2
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parkersharthook · 4 years
Angel On Fire
Peter Stark-Rogers & Stark-Rogers!reader (twins)
warnings: weed smokage, family arguing, mentions of sex, insecurity of one’s self
2k+ words
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requested: can you write a one shot from the peter Stark Rogers and sibling!reader? Like what is it like when one of them brings a partner over?
Okay so kinda different than requested. y/n doesn’t bring anyone home but it’s talked about
You don’t know how it happened honestly. You had thought you were being sneaky and sly.
Apparently not. Your fathers had found out, and worse of all… they wanted to meet him.
Honestly, youre not sure you’ve heard an idea worse than bringing home the guy you’ve been talking to/hanging out with/maybe your boyfriend/idk you haven’t talked about it. You didn’t even have an actual label for it and you were already bringing him home?!
And of course when you disagreed with your parents about bringin said boy home, they instantly assumed the worst about him, about you, about the relationship.
They’re thought process went:
Don’t want us to meet him?
He’s hiding something.
Criminal record.
Sex offender.
Bad for our daughter.
Let’s kill him.
Let’s have Bucky kill him.
So now here you were, surrounded by your /entire/ family. And they all happened to be talking – read: interrogating – you at once.
It wasn’t until you felt a small tickle in the back of your head did you even lift your gaze from the table. You met eyes with Wanda and she just gave you a sympathetic smile. She was young, she understood this. She’s had more than one partner scared and threatened by Clint, which in turn means Bucky.
You okay?
Hang in there.
The conversation was short and sweet, and it left you feeling slightly better. But then Wanda ended the little connection and you were thrust back into the very loud and very out of control room. Your headache came back immediately.
You groaned and dropped your head back into your hands, letting yourself do what you were good at: ignoring your family’s constant disapproval.
I guess that wans’t fair. You did love your family and you knew they loved you, it was just always so much. And it usually felt like you couldn’t do anything right. There was a reason you spent most nights out and about rather than stuck at home. It was just… suffocating at times. And it wasn’t like you were out doing bad things, maybe a joint here and there, but nothing horrendous.
It wasn’t like your family was your villain origin story or anything. So yeah, you were fine.
You lifted your head slowly and raised a confused brow, “huh?”
“We were asking you questions.”
“right. Sorry, I was too busy ignoring you guys.”
Clint snorted and then promptly shut his mouth after a harsh glare from Steve. He shook his head stiffly, “not funny. Sorry.”
Tony rolled his eyes and then looked to his daughter. Thank god Morgan was still too young for all of this. “we were curious when we’re going to meet this boyfriend of yours.”
“thinking that he’s not my boyfriend… never. He’s just a guy I’ve been talking to.”
“and hanging out with.” Peter mumbled with obvious distate. You turned to glare at him
“do you want me to punch you in the face?”
“I’d like to see you try.” He countered. And in very you fashion, without warning, you landed a swift punch to Peter’s nose.
He tumbled backwards out of his chair, clutching the nose. Wimp, you had barely hit him.
Steve scrambled to help peter, but mostly everyone was just stunned that you were able to land something on him. Granted, Peter’s spidey sense never really worked around you due to the inexplicable trust he had with you.
You clutched your hand slightly and stood up, “thank you all for your concern. I am not bringing this boy here because he would ignore me the minute it was over and I’m done having things ruined because of my last name. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to make a McDonald’s run and get some all-day breakfast.”
You spun on your heel and walked out of the room, grabbing your hoodie and pushing your feet into your sneakers along the way. “also, please no one follow me. It really kills my mood. Okay thanks, bye!”
It was a few hours later and you found yourself on the roof of MJ’s apartment with the girl and a large bag of McDonald’s between the two of you. You had a chocolate shake on the other side of you and she had a sweet tea in her hand. Oh, there was also a joint dangling between her fingers. Pretty standard for the two of you.
You were watching the sun slowly lower in the sky, happy to see the colors beginning to turn pinkish.
MJ took a large sip of her drink before biting in her next hash brown, “you know that James and Sam are following you. They’re a few rooftops over.”
“yeah I know, I pretend to not notice them so I don’t hurt their egos.”
A distant “hey!” was heard and it caused both of you to laugh slightly. And sure enough, a few moments later Bucky and Sam appeared in front of you two, sitting down casually.
Bucky immediately grabbed for the bag of McDonald’s, searching through the napkins for any food. Sucks for him, you had already eaten everything.
Sam however reaches for the joint and quickly snubs it. MJ gives him an pretty impressive unimpressed look, “dude, there’s like half a joint left there. Can I have it back at least?”
“do you have a medical marijuana card?”
“that’s less than two ounces, worse you can do is fine me is fifty bucks.” Sam doesn’t budge. “dude I thought you were the cool avenger.”
Sam grumbles but concedes, handing the joint back. “put it away at least. I can’t be seen hanging around delinquents.”
You took another large sip of your milkshake and gave the duo a cocky grin, “then why do you hang out with Bucky?”
Bucky rolled his eyes, stretching out his leg and nudging you with his boot. You gave him a questioning look and he gestured to your milkshake and then made grabby hands.
“um no. I paid for this, it’s mine.”
Bucky grumbled, “don’t be stingy.”
Sam pushed Bucky roughly, causing the man to obnoxiously fall to his side. Bucky made a barely there effort to sit up before deciding to just stay on his back, his eyes tracing the clouds overhead.
“look, obviously you’re here because my dads asked you to tail me.”
Sam shrugged, “basically but we thought you might wanna talk to us.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled slightly as you saw MJ relight her j. She wordlessly handed it to you and you easily took a drag. “now why would I want to do that?”
Bucky knocked your shoe with a hard knuckle, “because we’re your favorite uncles.”
You snorted. Sam looked at you with obvious disapproval, “you know we don’t care if you smoke weed but can you at least not do it in front of us? That way we can at least pretend to be oblivious to all your teenage rebellion and angst.”
Both you and MJ laughed. She gestured between the two of you, “this isn’t rebellion. We could be at a NYU party right now with coke up our nose if we wanted to. This is chill.”
Bucky grimaced, “please don’t talk about putting cocaine up your noses. It makes me queasy.”
Sam quickly steered the topic of conversation away from drugs, “Look, I know your dads are overbearing and its obvious that Peter doesn’t like the kid so we get that this whole thing is a lot. But there’s got to be a reason you don’t want him to meet us.”
“because he’s only with me for you guys and the minute he meets you, I’ll go back to being friendless and alone.” The brutal honesty took the men by surprise. You felt a small nudge at your side causing you to smile, “minus MJ of course. She’ll always be my friend.”
“damn straight.” She smiled at you as she took her last drag before snubbing it.
You met Sam’s eye with a new amount of emotion he wasn’t used to seeing. You were good at avoiding and you didn’t often get super honest. However, you did have four or five hits earlier and you might be kinda high.
“it’s hard to find genuine people when you have Stark and Rogers as your last name. People want to get with me because they want to meet you guys or get a job at SI. Now I don’t pick people based on their geuninity because it’s not there, I pick people based off what they can do for me.”
“It’s selfish I know, but if they’re gonna use me might as well get something out of it. Ya know?” You sighed deeply, “his name is brad and he has an actual crush on MJ. So I think he’s not only using me to get into SI because he really wants a job there but he also wants to get closer to MJ.”
Bucky eyed you warily, “and the upside?”
You shrugged, “good kisser, better weed.”
MJ snorted as Sam groaned and dropped his head into his palm, “don’t need to hear that.”
You pulled a lazy smile, “so you don’t want me talking about his dick?”
This time Bucky groaned. “are you just never going to bring anyone home?”
You shrugged and picked at your nails, “maybe eventually. I tried to bring someone home last year. We had been dating for a few months, told Wanda about him and everything. Brought him into the lobby of the tower and he asked if he could get a job here because he knew me. I said ‘probably not’. He shrugged and walked out the door, didn’t talk to me again after that.”
Bucky frowned, “I could kill him for you.”
“MJ already offered.” Bucky gave MJ an approving smile, “he’s not worth it.”
“and this brad…?” Sam ventured carefully
“not worthy of her either.” MJ interjected smoothly, “at this point I’m just waiting for him to fuck up so I can punch him in the face.”
Bucky squinted at her, “why don’t you come over? y/n you need to bring this one home, I like her.”
“She doesn’t like superheroes. Or Dad.”
“yeah… he’s an acquired taste.” Sam said, “can I at least be an exception to the superhero thing?”
MJ tipped her head slightly, “I’ll think about it. Right now the only exceptions are Wanda, Natasha, and Clint.”
“I’m fucking Clint if that helps.”
“ew!” “gross Barnes.” “it actually does.”
There was a moment of silence between the group, and while it wasn’t awfully tense it definitely wasn’t comfortable either.
“you know they mean well.”
You exhaled loudly, “yeah I know and for the most part it isn’t them. But could you imagine if I brought home a boy who I’m literally with for drugs and sex? And then if they found out that guy was only with me because of who my family was? He would be dead in the hour.”
“more like the first 30 minutes.” Bucky snorted
“my dads need to learn to take a no as an answer. Especially about my personal life.”
“I’ll talk to them.” Sam said softly.
“thanks.” You smiled lightly at him, then you gestured at the area, “also… this? Stays between us. Everything.”
“are you kidding me? Steve would kill me if he knew I let you smoke.”
“c’mon kid let’s go back. It’s getting dark.” Bucky stood effortlessly and then extended a hand your way, pulling you to your feet. You did the same for MJ.
“I’ll see you on Monday?”
She nodded, “yeah. Thanks for the breakfast dinner, here I can take your trash.”
“thanks babe. Love you.”
“love you too, get home safe.”
You were walking between Sam and Bucky when Bucky nudged you slightly. “why did you punch peter?”
“he’s my brother and he was annoying me? Do I need any more reasons?”
Sam laughed, “guess not. But it was a pretty solid punch.”
You smiled, “He’ll heal in a few hours. Plus, I’m like the only person he trusts enough for me to do that, I gotta abuse it sometimes.”
Bucky clicked his tongue and shook his head in a mix of disappointment and humor, then he asked, “the reason peter doesn’t like brad is because he has a crush on MJ, right?”
“oh yeah.”
“knew it.”
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crmsfanfiction · 4 years
Second Chances-Chapter 4
Author Note: Ok this is a heavy chapter. It has trigger warnings, domestic violence and blood. There is a scene of DV towards the end of the chapter. Please don’t read if this will cause issues.
As always Feedback is appreciated and Constructive criticism is encouraged. Flames will keep the plot bunnies warm this winter.
Chapter 4: Confrontation
Two days later Willa was back in her hometown of Columbus, Ohio. She’d gotten in the night before late and crashed at Becca and David’s house. This morning she had an appointment with the realtor at 9 and was meeting Tony for lunch at 12. She was ready for this all to be over with. Becca and David were heading to the house when Willa met with Tony for lunch. They were going to pack up as much of her stuff as they could and take it to their house. She’d be crashing there for a few days until she got a new place.
Getting ready for the day, Willa put on a pair of black skinny dress pants, a blue silk blouse and a black leather jacket. She wanted to exude confidence and power. Adding in a silver necklace and black booties she left her hair down and kept her make-up muted with natural colors. She didn’t want to overpower anyone, but she had to let Tony know he wasn’t in charge anymore. The past couple of days she had realized she was allowing him to much power over her. She was tired of crying and feeling horrible. Yes, she was still heartbroken, it had been 5 years together. However she was no longer feeling numb. Now she was feeling absolutely angry and ready to end this shit for good.
Willa’s phone rang and when she looked at it she didn’t recognize the number. Confused she answered it, “Hello?”
“Stay away from him. He doesn’t want you. He is with me now.” a female voice said with malice dripping from her tone.
“I don’t know who you are or how you got this number, but you can have him. Once a cheater always a cheater. Remember that. Also never call me again.” Willa said as she hung up and tossed her phone to the side. She shook her head and resolved to get a new phone and number. She also was going to give Tony a piece of her mind about giving her number to the women he is sleeping with. Of course he’d never have her number again after today. Checking the time Willa headed downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee as her phone went off again with a series of text messages, all from an unknown number. They all basically said the same thing. Leave him alone. He wasn’t in love with her. He was with her now. He’d never loved her. She treated him better than Willa ever did.
Laughing at the stupid texts she showed them to Becca and David as she sipped her coffee and put a bagel in the toaster. “Who does this stupid bint think she is? I seriously don’t want his nasty cheating ass anymore. If she seriously thinks she can keep him from cheating, she is deluded.”
Grabbing her bagel, Willa slathered it with butter and cream cheese as she pushed all thoughts of Tony’s side piece getting all up in arms over her. She had more important things to think about. Like how she was going to break the news to Becca and David that she wasn’t staying in Ohio after this week. She’d talked to Uncle Bob and he told her to take off some time and come visit for awhile and then move to a different state to start over. He was hoping California, but Willa was leaning more towards New York. She had lived there a decade ago and she’d loved it, but after the incident she’d never gone again.
She missed New York. The great deli three blocks from his apartment. The cafe they would always stop and get coffee from on their way back from a run. Spending the weekend at his mom and step dads place. Willa shook her head. She had to stop thinking of him. It wasn’t doing her any favors right now. It isn’t as if she’d ever get back together with him. That ship sailed years ago, when he walked away with the worst excused she’d ever heard before. He told her he didn’t love her, but Willa knew that wasn’t true. He’d loved her then. Something or more likely someone made him walk away.
“Alright I’m off. See you guys in a few hours. I’ll be a free woman again. Be careful getting stuff out of the house. I don’t want much other than my laptop, clothes, make-up and jewelry. If you can grab the box of stuff in the garage. Becca, you know which one I’m talking about right? Black box, red roses on the lid. Everything else can be left.” Willa said as she pulled herself out of her thoughts and headed to the door and her car. She had 30 minutes to get to the realtors office. Luckily traffic was light today and she arrived with ten minutes to spare.
After a couple hours, Willa was tired and ready to be done. She had explained why she wanted to sell the house to her realtor and they had promised to get the paperwork sorted in the next week or so and give her a call as to when the inspector and appraisers would be by to see the house. Willa smiled, stood and shook their hand as she gathered her purse and headed to her car. She had just enough time to head for the phone store to get her number changed. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long. She had been getting a constant barrage of text messages and a few voicemails from Tony’s side piece. Willa had ignored them all. Hadn’t even open them. She didn’t want to hear or read the vitriol spewing from this delusional chick’s mouth. She was ready to cut ties and start to move on with her life. It wasn’t going to a quick process, she knew that. It was 5 years that she was moving on from, but damn if she wasn’t going to do it.
45 minutes later Willa walked out with a new phone and a new phone number. She had her old phone in her purse, but turned off. She would transfer all the pics and music over another day. Right now she had to hurry to get to lunch. Getting into her car, she merged smoothly into traffic and headed for the restaurant. Pulling into the parking lot Willa noticed tony standing next to his car waiting for her. He had a confident smile on his face.
Groaning Willa got out of her car, straightened her jacket and walked over to Tony. She didn’t stop next to him, but kept walking towards the door causing Tony to curse lightly and jog to catch up. He wasn’t about to let Willa go willingly. He was confident he could sweet talk his way out of her anger and back into her good graces. He help open the door for Willa as she reached the door.
“Reservation for two under the name Malstrom.” Tony said as he smiled at the hostess. The hostess giggled lightly as she showed them back to their table. Willa just rolled her eyes at the display. She was so over it all. Tony pulled her chair out and pushed it back in as she was sitting down before sitting down himself.
“Hey baby. Thanks for having lunch with me.” Tony started, trying to lay it on so Willa would forgive him. He needed her connections in Hollywood to help get his book published.
“I wanted to do this in public to avoid a huge scene. This is over Tony. Our life together is over. I can’t forget seeing you in bed with another woman.”
“Baby that wasn’t what it looked like.” Tony was starting to feel a little nervous. He couldn’t afford to lose her and her connections. They were the only reason he’d stuck with her for so long.
“Oh? Then what was it like?” Willa asked genuinely curious as to how he was going to spin this.
“Alright, yes I was in bed with her, but she seduced me. It didn’t mean anything. I love you baby. I don’t want to argue. I refuse to allow you to break us up. We are perfect together. Everyone says so. We will get past this. After all we are getting married in two months. Now that this is settled, what do you want for lunch?” Tony said with finality. He wasn’t letting her get away from him.
Willa laughed out loud as she stood up pulling off her engagement ring and setting it on the table between them. “You’re not allowing me? I have news for you, I am breaking this off. We aren’t getting married in two months. The wedding is canceled. You are nothing more than a liar and a manipulator. I can’t believe I was blind to it all these years, but you have always done no wrong. It has always been someone else’s fault. No more. Time for you to man up and accept that you aren’t the victim in this.”
“Stop being so dramatic and sit back down. I’m not letting you go. Not like this. It was one mistake and you want to throw away 5 good years over it. Now put your ring back on and sit down. We are going to have a nice lunch and then we are going home, where I can prove I love you.” Tony said as he narrowed his eyes at Willa and purposefully stared at the chair across from him. This was getting ridiculous. She needed to relearn her place. He was definitely going to teach her once they got home.
“No. I won’t sit back down and have lunch. I am done. Done with you. Done with this situation. Done with all of it. We are done.” Willa said as she started to walk away, but tony grabbed her arm tightly and hissed, “Sit down now and have lunch. We are going to have a talk about this when we get back home and you will listen to me if you know what’s good for you.” Willa looked down at Tony and gulped. She nodded and sat down again. The look in his eyes told her that she would regret not doing as he said right now. She would follow through with lunch and then leave in her own car afterwards. Maybe by playing nice right now, she could deescalate the situation.
After an extremely tense lunch, Willa and Tony were headed for their cars. Tony had his hand wrapped around Willa’s forearm in an extremely tight grip. Willa was sure she’d have bruises by morning. Exiting the restaurant found Willa being pulled in the direction of Tony’s car and away from her own. “Tony, my car is over there. Let me go. I stayed for lunch. Time to go our separate ways.” Willa said as she tried unsuccessfully to extract her arm from his grip.
“No. You’re riding with me. I told you, I wasn’t letting you go. We are going home to talk. Once we sort everything out we can come back and get your car.” Tony said as he drug her to his car and opened door. He practically shoved her in and slammed the door shut. Willa thought about opening the door and making a run for it, but it was a fleeting thought. She knew he’d catch her and it could be worse. Sitting back Willa tried to think about how she could calm Tony down and she could walk away safely.
Tony drove them back home and once there pulled Willa out of the car and forced her into the house. Closing the door behind him, Tony threw off his jacket and started to roll up his sleeves. Willa stared at him waiting for him to speak. She was going to listen to him and then leave as soon as she could. She’d call Becca and David to come pick her up and drive her to get her car.
“Tony, look I know this is a shock and you’re upset, but acting like this isn’t the way. I am not going to stay with a cheater. You don’t get to play the victim. You don’t get to lie you way out of this. I am 1000% done with you and us.” Willa said as she crossed her arms and leveled a glare at Tony. He just turned away from her and curled his hands into fists.
______________________Trigger Warning_____________________
Willa wasn’t paying attention to him and had just closed her eyes, when the first hit landed on her left cheek. The second hit landed on her ribs knocking the wind out of her and doubling her over. The third and fourth hits were both to her face and after the fourth hit, blood started flowing from her nose. The fifth hit was to her ribs again, knocking her to the ground, where he kicked her hard twice. She was gasping for breath as Tony leaned over and grabbed her hair and dragged her to the living room. He sat on the couch and threw Willa on the floor in front of him.
“Now look what you made me do. You have always been so obedient and I’ve never had to punish you like this before, but you had to go and say horrible things about me. I won’t tolerate that kind of behavior from you again. Is that understood?” Tony said as he took in the bruises blooming around her eyes and nose. He knew if he’d lift her shirt there would be bruises to her ribs as well.
Willa nodded quickly and turned her face away from him. She was in survival mode now. She’d never thought he’d be capable of doing something like this. Never had he given any indication that he would ever physically abuse a woman. She was hoping and praying that he’d just leave her alone now and she could leave. Tony smiled and reach out to caress her hair and face as he gripped her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “Now why don’t I go run a bath for you and then we can spend the rest of the day in bed.”
____________________End Trigger Warning____________________
“Y-Y-Yes. Th-That sounds lovely.” Willa stuttered out as she stared into those cold, brown eyes. All she could see in them was rage and hatred. She smiled through her tears and the pain trying to convey to him her submission. Nodding, Tony stood up and left the room. Willa listen as he walked up the stairs and into the bedroom closing the door behind him. He was confident that she wouldn’t leave now.
Willa struggled to her feet and softly walked to the door. She grabbed her purse from the floor and opened the door. She ran outside and down the street. Lucky for her, she was three blocks from a bus stop. Running there she was just in time to catch it. She paid and sat down. Pulling her phone out she scrolled through her phone looking for a number she had never thought to call again. She wasn’t even sure if it still was his number, but it was worth a shot. She pressed the call button and held the phone to her ear. It rang several times before his voice came through, “Hello?”
“Baz.” Willa said as she broke down sobbing on the bus.
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