#I am a sucker for anything being turned into a superhero AU ngl
elodee · 4 months
CuteGuy and HotGuy x Batman Beyond
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For the Alternate Hermits day, I drew CuteGuy and HotGuy in the style of Batman Beyond!
I really wanted to include one of the many superhero cartoons I like in this challenge and Alt Day provided the perfect opportunity since Grian and Scar's personas include superhero characters!
To learn more about Batman Beyond and see my style references, continue below the cut.
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Batman Beyond is a Batman cartoon that takes place in 2039, 20 years after Bruce Wayne, now in his 70s, has retired as Batman.
For two decades Gotham was without a Batman until a teen named Terry McGinnis stumbles onto Wayne Manor in an attempt to escape a gang called the Jokerz. After Terry discovers the Batcave, he takes on the mantle of Batman and begins his crime-fighting career under the tutelage of Bruce himself.
Batman Beyond is one of the best Batman series (next to Batman: The Animated Series of course). Terry is a fantastic protagonist and the relationship between Terry and Bruce really drives the show, in addition to its great visuals. With its angular designs and neo-noir setting, I would argue this is the most visually striking of the classic DC cartoons.
If you like Batman, definitely give Batman Beyond a watch!
Style references:
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The show is very angular. The whole show has a very art deco meets Tron aesthetic.
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This poster was my reference for the background, but I rendered CuteGuy and HotGuy in the style of the show itself.
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Batman Beyond title design
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one-year anniversary countdowns: our favorite scenarios/headcanons we’ve written
our first blogaversary is coming up on sunday, and we decided to celebrate by counting down our top 10 favorite pieces we’ve written, both of our own and of each other’s. 
today’s post is our own favorite works that we’ve done for this blog!
10. Demon King!Oikawa falling in love with a human - i really barely know anything about demon king!oikawa so this was really tough and worrying for me to write (because i’m a stickler for details and i hate mis-characterizing anyone) but i am so glad it turned out okay. and i really like how it reads too lol 9. #15 - snuggling on the couch (with bokuto) - this is my first real drabble that i didn’t fuck up lol. as you guys know, i like my works drawn-out, lengthy and detailed. so being able to actually write something as cute as that thing and only in so many words made me immensely proud of myself lol. it put me out of my comfort zone and made allowed me to try something new 8. Close Call (with Kuroo) - this was fun to write! i generally have a bad time writing NSFW (what even is anatomy lol) but writing in that interrupted bit made my day lol 7. the Superhero AU (with Kuroo and Tsukishima) - ah yes. the first fic that i had mistaken for another request. i was surprised how easy it was to write this ngl. i had so much fun thinking up the superpowers and the dorky and corny names. i tend to steer away from superhero fics because of how hard it is to get everything straight lol, but this was so much fun to do 6. Pregnancy Scare (with Iwaizumi, Tsukishima, and Kuroo) - okay so i legit had a lot of fun with this one, but for the sake of there being 3 characters to write for, i cut kuroo’s waaaaay short. i liked thinking up different situations for this one, though, and i really hope all the emotions came through well enough 5. Decorating the Baby’s Room (with Oikawa) - so as i said on the post, i legit could not get the ideas of volleyballs as planets out of my head. writing it also made me remember my cousin’s old bedroom, which was filled with murals of disney princesses and spongebob and dora that my aunt hand-painted herself. it was a nice trip down memory lane while writing. 4. Fighting for the Best Seat (with Bokuto) - so. much. fun. writing this thing!!!! it’s a legit dream of mine to go to an animal cafe without getting attacked by allergies lol, so this is the closest i can get to that dream for now 3. Hitman!Kuroo falling in love - it’s dark, it’s angsty, and it’s just the type of fic i love to write, despite having such a hard time during the writing process itself lol. the terminology had me searching for “parts of a gun” and “pistol” on my office’s computer so i’m wondering what they must think of me now hahahaha 2. New Girl (with Ushijima) -  this was so easy to write you cannot believe. seriously i think i finished it in two hours???? the idea came to me so suddenly and i just started typing it out and before i knew it, i was writing tendou being a supportive troll friend at the end! i seriously love this one omg 1. #42 - netflix marathon (with Kuroo) - so this is the drabble that i accidentally made into a fic. but for the life of me, this is by far my favorite one. i love sense8 and i love kuroo and i love binge watching shows so it seemed like i basically wrote myself in there. but seriously, this one is my ultimate fave of the ones i’ve written for this blog
rachel lauren (i had a few in multi-character ones that stood out, so those characters are bolded for emphasis)
10.  S/O Sending Memes at 3 AM (Shiratorizawa starters + Semi) - my first “viral” post. aside from that, i had a blast writing this. my friends call me the resident memeologist, so getting to dig into my embarrassingly vast knowledge of memes and how the boys would react to them for this one was a lot of fun. 9.  Friend Dumped (Tsukishima, Oikawa, Nishinoya) - if we talk outside of this blog, you probably know that it took me a very, very long time to warm up to oikawa. i only started liking him a little bit after i made this blog, but this is the request that made me enjoy him completely 8. Getting Back Together (Kuroo) - the request that launched a thousand kuroo/manager!reader ideas for me. i’m a sucker for broken-up couples still very much in love getting back together (i can’t help it! i’m a romantic!) 7. Fight (College!AU-ish) (Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Yamaguchi, Suga) - i love writing angst, especially where characters don’t die because death isn’t the only root of sadness, surprisingly. salt aside, yamaguchi’s was definitely my favorite of this group because i really examined his character for it. suga’s is up there too. all of them are, but these two were my favorite of the group 6. Interrupted Proposals (Valentine’s Day 2k17) (Ukai) - i mean, it’s a proposal request with my husband? if you don’t think i savored every minute writing this self-indulgent scenario, then i don’t know what to tell you. 5. Buying Condoms from Sakanoshita (Karasuno boys) - other than this being our most viral post, i had so much fun writing these. i still crack myself up reading some of them (noya’s, kags’, and tsukki’s especially) 4. Proposing (Kuroo, Asahi, Tanaka) - when my cousin proposed to his girlfriend-now-fiancee, i knew i had to use their story for something because it was so darn cute. it ended up fitting tanaka really well, and i’m so glad because i love that boy. and asahi’s was just....really cute 3. Ukulele |  Morning Cuddles and Kisses (Ushijima) - it’s a tie for these two because they’re both fluffy and softboy toshi is a weakness of mine. actually, can i put all of my ushijima requests here??? because i feel so warm rereading them sometimes 2.  A Happy Accident (Birthday 2k17) - i have to thank the anon who requested this, because this was essentially a plot point in that ukai/reader WIP i have so it forced me to write it. granted, there are some differences that i’m going to modify for the fic, but of course my husband was going to be up high on this list and this was so cute. i was more than happy to write it 1. Model Girlfriend (Asahi) - when i think about the work i’ve done on this blog, this is always the first one that comes to mind. i really do think this is the strongest writing i’ve filled a request with and i’ve got some decent ideas for asahi and the reader character for other potential pieces i’d write about these two, request or otherwise
and that’s a wrap on this top 10~
tomorrow we’re going to count down our favorite of each other’s works and then on sunday, we’re going to post a special announcement so stayed tuned for that!
- the admins
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