#I am a red and warm color enjoyer
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have you ever drawn anti cosmo and anti wanda? I think they would look really cool in your art style
You just reminded to finish this drawing I started forever ago, I doodles them right as I started watching the show but never got around to coloring them
#not entirely happy with anti-wandas dress but Ive been fiddling with it for too long lol#Look if Anti-Cosmo gets a fancy outfit Anti-wanda should get one too#they are an important family they have appearances to keep up#He has to help dress her bcs all the layers make her confused hes so sweet and patient with her about it too#fop#fairly oddparents#anti cosmo#anti wanda#art#digtal art#fanart#coloring anti fairies is so hard Im not used to working with blues#I am a red and warm color enjoyer
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Ocean Deep Ch6 A Slight Change In Planning
Warnings: Mentioned kidnapping and mistreatment of the mermaids. Mentioned death.)
The warm sun shown down on the bright sand matching the golden colors of the sand grains making up the beautiful scenery. The waves gently lulled against the grinding grains. Golden sand meeting blue water as the waves gently hugged them good morning.
Water hugged up to her waist as she giggled and dug herself deeper into the soft squishy sand just under the waves near the waves. She was so close to the surface all she really had to do was just sit up and push up a foot or two more and her head would poke right out of the water. One should always be careful when near the surface especially if humans were about but she couldn't help it. The sand was so soft and comfy. She was just curling herself into the comfort of it all.
"It looks like you're having fun." A hand held up a newly caught tuna. It still wriggled about in his hand trying to get away. He would've already skewered it but the sight of her giggling at her own fun and enjoyment.
"IT'S SO SOFT!! We should get some of this sand for our seabed! Makio's always complaining about the bed being too hard!"
"Heh. You think so?"
"I know so! ..But I'm hungry now!"
He blinked- "Pfft. Hahaha! You got hungry just from doing nothing but rolling around in the sand like a guppy?" He couldn't help the laugh he gave her. It was so random it was amusing. Of course the pout she gave her with her puffed out cheeks was also a bonus.
"It's not funny! I am hungry! You're just making fun of me for not eating anything yet!"
"Well it's a good thing I make sure to provide for my wives." He loved the way her big blue eyes just widened as he just held out the wriggling fish in his hand. "Looky here. I just happened to remember your favorite."
"HHHHHAAAA!!! TUNA!!" If she wasn't already underwater, her mouth would be drooling. "YOU GOT IT JUST FOR ME?!"
"But of course. I can spoil you all I want..Just don't tell Hina about this. She's still on my case on giving you that entire net's worth of shrimp for yourself."
"AAAAHHH!! You didn't have to do this!"
A hand placed itself on her head making her look up to the smiling face staring down on her.
"Yes. I do have to. I also want to do this for you. After all, you deserve it so much, Suma. I'll catch you as much as your heart desires. Ok? So don't worry about it. I'll always take care of my girls."
You had jumped as Suma doubled over and fell to her side in a crying fit, curling up in the fetal position. A fresh new stream of tears flowed down her tears and staining her eyes red. You were stunned by the sudden reaction completely unmoving and silent for a long moment before you looked at Hinatsuru next to you and seeing the pink eyed mermaid looking just as stunned as you but she looked much paler. Her pretty ruby jewelry stood out against her pale face. You looked behind you at Makio who had the same expression as her wife. You looked back to Suma as her sobs picked up in volume sobbing her eyes out in the fetal position and holding her clasped hands to her chest. After another few seconds you unsurely spoke-
"What's a...Tengen??" That's what she said right?
"A A A A A A H H H H H H!!!!!"
Your words had the opposite effect. Body jumping as Suma W A I L E D loud enough to probably shake your windows if this room had any! In a panic you held up hands in a comfort pose. If someone heard her then there might be trouble.
"Hey! I- it's ok! I'm sorry for asking! You need to calm down before someone hears you!" Two hands awkwardly patted her back in a vain attempt to comfort the gasping mermaid. "There, there! It's ok! Everything's ok- AH!!"
Without warning Suma threw herself at you completely throwing her arms around you and pulling you into a bone crushing bear hug. Her face buried itself into your shoulder as her ugly gasps and sobs continued..Um. Ok. This was happening you guessed. At least her voice was muffled now.
"There, there??" You again awkwardly patted her back in an attempt to calm her down half expecting Makio to yell at her again to stop being a crybaby but oddly both were silent. "Look. Whatever upset you I'll fix. Ok? " You tried appeasing her to try and calm her down. "Shh. Shh." You hugged her back to you pulling her closer and patting the back of her head. "If it's the fish, I'll throw it out and just get you something else. How about that?"
Her only answer was the ugly crying wetting your shoulder. What just happened? One moment you were just sitting down having a good time and the next there was...Well this. What could've gotten into her that made her cry? Well cry more seriously than she usually does. Behind you Makio's eyes trailed from your head to Suma's hands gripping your back-
"What the-" Your head snapped back over your shoulder as you felt Makio just RIP away Suma's hand from your back nearly tearing a hole in the fabric of your dress. "What are you doing?!"
She said nothing as she just desperately forced her counterpart to open her palm only to tear out what was inside it. Makio's face if possible became even more pale than before as she finally got a good look at what it was sitting in her palm. The little Silver stones clinked together as they were jostled in her palms.
Wordlessly Hinatsuru leaned over to look at what Makio thrusted at her, and fell silent and wide eyed as her eyes fell upon the strand of stones. After a stunned moment of silence she silently took the strand from Makio to gently hold on her own hands. As she was beside you, you were able to finally see what was being passed around and saw they were holding-..
A string of stones??
Your brows rose as you just stared at it. It was a strand of plain looking but obviously cut and polished silvery grey stones. That's what made her cry?
"What's that?"
"Tengen." Her answer was brief, blunt, and devoid of any emotion.
That caught your attention. Your brows raised. F/c eyes looked at the strand of strange stones in Hina's hands in question. That's 'tengen'?? What the heck was 'tengen'?? A type of rock? Didn't sound like any type of rock you knew.
"What's 'Tengen'?"
"Tengen Uzui. He's our husband."
HUSBAND?! F/c went wide looking between her and then to Suma (who was still crying into your shoulder and had knocked the fish she gave you out of your lap-) and the to Makio who looked about ready to cry herself and then back to look at the stones in Hina's hands. That was their husband?? Well they did mention once about having two husbands on top of being each other's wife. ... Mermaid marriages were very strange. But no. Wait a second. It wouldn't make sense for them to be married to a strand of rocks. Did the rocks belong to this Tengen man?
"And these are his?", you asked gesturing one hand to the rocks.
Hinatsuru shakily nodded. "Yes. We'd recognize them even if we were blind." She looked at the basket of fish before back to you. "Where did you get those fish?"
"The butcher's. I told you that-"
You winced as Suma wailed again right next to your ear. "Ow! He's not gonna be butchered! The entire shop is an open space." You could literally walk in and see them cutting and the store room where the meat was kept to be dried, seasoned, or jerkied. "If there was any mermaids in there, I would've literally seen him. It's more likely that his ...rocks just got caught up in one of the fishing nets and transported here by accident." You took the chance to grab Suma's fish and toss it back into the basket where it landed on top of the others with a wet splat sound.
"Then that means he's close by." Hina's face lit up as she looked at you with wide eyes. "Where did these fish come from?"
"They're some of the last ones our sea boats could carry." You explained raising a brow. "Lately some rouge sirens having been sinking any ships that's leaving the nearest port at the beach, so most of the men have been taking to leaving for other bodies of water nearby for our goods. That's why most of the overstock has been so cheap." Or free in your case.
You were suddenly shaken back and forth by Suma who finally pulled away from your shoulder only to grab and start shaking you with inhuman strength.
"HE'S DOING ALL OF THIS TRYING TO FIND US!! I KNEW HE WOULDN'T GIVE UP!! HE LOVES US TOO MUCH!!" She sobbed and wailed as she shook your body. "HE'S SO CLOSE BY-!!!"
"SUMA!! Quit shaking her before you bust her brain!!" Makio angrily grabbed your shoulders and halter your movements. Your eyes rolled around before shaking your dizzy head.
"Oops..Sorry. But he's here!! He's really here!!" Suma gushed happily grabbing her cheeks and smiling widely. "I mean not here-here but it's so close if something of his shows up right?!"
"It depends." Hinatsuru's expression and tone did not change from the blunt, far off stare she was giving the stones she still held before her hands slowly closed around them and she took an inhale before looking at you again. "How far away is the ocean from here?"
You blinked. "Uh. Well the nearest beach is a month away from here. Two weeks if by horse. But there's lots of rivers here that lead back to the ocean." You shuffled out of Suma's and Makio's grip. "That was kinda my plan from the beginning. I mean I wanted to make sure you three were strong enough to like swim through currents and stuff, and so I was gonna wait until the end of this month and then take you back up to the nearby river." As if to demonstrate you pointed north. "It'll eventually lead you back to the river."
"That won't work."
You blinked taken aback by Hinatsuru's blunt tone. You thought that was a good idea. "Why not? You guys would be home free!"
"If what you said I'd true about humans fishing in the rivers now, then there's the greater chance of us getting captured." You froze. "On top of that there's less safety than there would be in the oceans. It's not just humans and nets that pose a danger to us."
You... hadn't even thought about that honestly. If you released them into the river then they could very likely get captured again, and that time they wouldn't have anyone to help them. They were lucky to have had you there, and that time you were lucky to not have been caught at all.
"Oh..I uh.. Hadn't thought of that before. But that's good right? That your husband is close by-.. Wait." Your brain whirled a bit as it processed a piece of Intel that was previously said before you slowly looked at her with eyes the size of plates as reality slapped you across the face. "YOUR HUSBAND IS THE ONE SINKING OUR SHIPS?!"
Hinatsuru blinked. "I-...Well to be fair it's perfectly justified-"
"Justified?! Our whole town is a fishing and trading community!" You frowned hard at her. "For months our ships have been destroyed and our whole way of life has been altered! Half the town has been considering just up and moving away because of the depletion! Fish aren't just food for us, but a way of life!"
Who knows how much this will affect you after he stopped? IF he stopped. Less fish means less income. Less income means the families her will suffer more than they had been for the last few months!
"He's VERY justified thank you!," Makio piped up again behind you, "And so were we! He's only doing this because all of the humans in this town are bigoted greedy assholes who want nothing more than to make us suffer!"...You blinked as two arms suddenly wrapped around your body in a semi hug. "Except you of course."
"Y/N'S not like that and all!! Don't make her hate us!!"
You rose a brow at Makio like she didn't insult half your remaining family and friends in the town. "...Right." You decided not to comment on the basis that they did suffer from the hands of humans. "So how can we make him stop?"
"You can't." You froze again as Hinatsuru stared seriously but calmly. "If it really is Tengen, then he isn't going to stop until he gets what he wants."
"And..What is it that he wants?"
"Us. Of course."
"...How long exactly have you been gone from the ocean?"
She shook her head. "I lost track after we were brought here. How long has these attacks been happening?"
"Nearly a year now. It just started with rumors that a few boats in a different and far away area was experiencing but no one thought much of it." You shrugged as you felt Makio slowly start to untangle and comb through your hair again. "They were only rumors at the time and there was no way to really know if they were true. Plus even if it was it wasn't a concern. Sometimes ships sink because of the weather or the sailors are inexperienced. It happens. But-.."
"But?," Hinatsuru pressed raising a brow as you trailed off.
You made an 'eeehhh' face with a roll of your wrist. "Strange things started happening."
"Like what things?" The way she was looking at and speaking to you reminded you of a mother or teacher interrogating a child.
"Well..A ship or two went missing along with everyone on it." You slumped your shoulders with a heavy sigh. "A lot of people were grieving over the massive losses." You'd never forget about all the crying faces and sorrow the families felt. By far that was the biggest mass funeral your town had ever seen. "And then the disappearances started to happen. Within the span of a few months four girls-" Your hand held up four fingers. "-went missing." No one had gone missing since you were a child. So the sudden disappearances made you scared. "And then more ships started to get damaged and sink and it just kept escalating and escalating until eventually the culprit was identified and now no one can even place a boat in the water because it'll just be torn up and sunk. No one could really stop them so they all started to fish in the nearby lakes and rivers instead."...You hummed. "Now that I think about it..All of the disappearances happened right at or close to the river." The three exchanged glances. "Would you three know anything about that?"
All three either shrugged or shook their heads. "No. Even if those disappearances were caused by someone we know, we couldn't have any way to know. We've been trapped, and hauled around like cargo for a long time."
"Hey. I know this might be a sensitive topic but how did you three get captured in the first place?"
"It was an accident at first." You rose a brow. "Really. It was. We were sleeping in a seabed and a net was scrapping along the seafloor. Caught us off guard and by the time we realized it, it was too late. The sailors were as surprised as you when you first found us..But as you can obviously guess, they didn't exactly have any ideas of letting us go."
"That must've been why he started sinking those ships."
Jeez! Just how strong WAS this single merman in he could sink solid thick wooden ships so easily?! You knew that these three alone were obviously very strong as they yanked you around. Were mermen stronger than mermaids?? Or was it just this one merman who was incredibly strong? It was so, so confusing. At least you had an understanding of the situation now.
"Y/n can take us back can't she?!"
A duck sound went off in your mind. ..What?
"Gah!!" You were once again grabbed by the shoulders by Suma who lit up brightly smiling.
"You can take us to the ocean right?! You already brought us here, so you can do that too! Right?!" And like dominos the other two looked at you expectantly.
"I-...*sigh* It's not that easy. I don't have anyway to travel with you all."
"HUH?! But why?! You had that wagon."
"Had. Past tense. The wagon wasn't mine, and the owner already took it back weeks ago."
A tense silence passed over the four of you as wondering thoughts and realization take it's course. Eventually but quietly they moved. Makio started on your hair again and Hinatsuru picked up your hand once again to look at your nails. Suma was the only one who still looked ready to cry with her bottom lip quivering and and eyes watery.
"You mean..W-We're never gonna ge-get home?"
"No!" Suma jolted as a hand clasped onto her arm. "I mean yes!" You held up your other hand despite Hina's protest. "You will get home. I-I just need some time to figure out what to do next, but I promise you I'm going to get you there... Somehow."
You just needed more time to figure out how you were going to do that...
It was a Wednesday morning when you came into work as usual. And as usual you saw Mrs. Henya glaring across from the street with an enraged scowl. Nothing too different for now at least. Your body only ignored her as you just made your way down the street and to the shop doors. You didn't want or need her targeting you next. You just pushed in the doors, stepped inside, and stepped inside- Only to freeze as a familiar face turned to look at you, and he smiled widely.
"Well if it isn't the most beautiful girl in town.~"
A dripping sound cascaded down on the surface of the water. It was really peaceful to watch and not at all harmful to anyone else who was under the water and watching the storm turn the top of the sea into rippling broken glass. Pink eyes gleamed up to the sky as she hummed and watched the pretty sight.
"Here you are. I was wondering where you were when I didn't find you in bed with the others."
She didn't have to turn around to know who that was. "I couldn't sleep. It kinda fascinating isn't it?" She gestured up to the surface. "If you were above it, you'd be knocked about and drowned but from down here it looks almost pretty. Like thousands of stones being tossed across the water. "
A chuckle was given as two arms wrapped around her body pulling her flush against a well toned and muscular chest. "Well it's a more flamboyant sight down here.~"
"Why do I get the feeling you're not talking about the Water's surface?" Her answer was a kiss to the top of her head.
"I can't help that my wives are all visions of beauty.~ The first time I ever saw you scrounging around for lobsters, I thought 'there's a flashy woman who's gonna be my wife'."
"Mmm. I remember it differently."
"How so?"
"You stuttered when you tried talking to me and then you swam away when you panicked. I still think it was cute when you smacked into the dolphin swimming by."
"Hmph. I don't remember anything of the sort. You must be mistaken."
"And I suppose what really happened in your memory was me instantly swooning into your arms??"
"Well...maybe not instantly." If she could see his face, she would've seen him light up red in embarrassment as she giggled. "HEY! S-Shut up! I was totally under control the entire time!"
"Ok. If that's what you want to go by..But I still think it's cute when you stutter."
He grumbled just burying his face in her hair holding her tighter, making her giggle all the more.
"Hinatsuru? Hey, Hinatsuru!"
Pink eyes blinked out of their dazed state. Gone was the soothing water and comfy hold around her body. Instead cold hard floor and a tub too small was what her eyes saw, along with a hand forcing a vegetable her way. A carrot it was called if she remembers right.
"Quit your daydreaming and eat. You're not doing yourself any favors by ignoring good food."
"Right...Not doing any of us any good."

#Ocean Deep#Kny#kimetsu gakuen#kimetsu no yaiba#demon slayer#suma x reader#suma uzui#kny makio#makio x reader#makio uzui#hinatsuru x reader#hinatsuru uzui#tengen x wives#tengen x rengoku#demon slayer rengoku#rengoku kyojuro#rengoku kyoujurou#rengoku x reader#kyojuro rengoku#kny rengoku#kyojuro x y/n#kyojuro x reader#kny kyojuro#tengen x reader#demon slayer tengen#kny tengen#tengen uzui#uzui tengen#tengen x wives x reader#tengen x you
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@star-graze tagged me for a get to know you game :D
here's some mutuals i'll tag, but of course no pressure if you don't feel up for it or you forget! and feel free to do this and say i tagged you anyway if i missed you: @kamibitt @jawsplitter @keymintt @the-bitter-ocean @natnanatnat @recklessmoss @arthurmorganson @noxseraph @keepinventory @nitw
last song: the luckier you get by american aquarium... know that i am a country music enjoyer above all else 🙏
last book: i'm in the middle of don't fear the reaper by stephen graham jones rn! also very slowly picking my way through @/sanctus-ingenium's sample for verse of the silkworm because i want to savor it LOL
last movie: i'm actually not sure. it might've been the godfather?
last game: hello kitty island adventure. the grind never stops.
last tv show: severance <3 my beloved <333
sweet/spicy/savory: savory! i will never be iron deficient i love red meat and spinach too much
relationship: taken :)
fave color: lots of reds and oranges. also blue, especially pale blues or bold neon/cyan-adjacent blues. also ivory/desaturated warm off-whites... also brown!
last internet search: stephen graham jones cause i had to make sure i was spelling his first name properly 💀 i do this literally every time i mention him. before that, superbowl 51. honorable mention to the cluster of recent searches that are all just different variations on (city name) (street/drive/lane/etc) because i was having a red string corkboard moment about severance and the mdr file names
#i hope yall dont mind the tag ^^#and tysm for tagging me han!!! was a very exciting notif to receive :D#tag games
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Do you have any tips for getting yourself to actually focus and write for a while? I have so much motivation to write but then I open my laptop and go to write the next chapter and I just feel like oughhhhhhhhhh
no that's so real. if you're not sure what you're working on is what you WANT to be writing, i would say investigate that further instead of trying to keep hacking away at it. if you ARE sure it's what you want to write, it's just hard to get started, here's some stuff you can do!
📜 change the aesthetic of your document. this can be with the font (comic sans is shockingly helpful) but what i've been doing lately is changing the page color to something that fits the theme of my fic. it's so much more enjoyable writing on a pastel yellow or a dark red than just a harsh white page.
☕️ go to a cafe! if i have spending money and i need motivation i go to my local cafe, get a coffee, and sit down to write. changing to an environment that isn't my apartment/workplace/university is refreshing, plus i get a nice little drink. and i tell myself because i spent money, i have to write or i'm wasting money. guilt trippy, but it gets the job done. that, plus the caffeine lol
🎧 find or make a playlist you like (i like lofi instrumental stuff i find on youtube) and tell yourself you have to write for as long as the playlist plays. could be 15 minutes, could be an hour, but sometimes having a time limit and some funky beats helps
📝 skip whatever the first scene of your chapter is and write the second. or skip it and go to the scene you're most excited to write that chapter. once you get into a flow state, it's easier to go back and write the previous scene and then later edit it so the overall chapters makes sense
💭 freewrite! just start writing out your stream of consciousness, it's a lot more easy to get started when you're just typing whatever comes to mind and then you can eventually transition into writing your fic. sometimes you gotta warm up first!
👟 take a walk! getting out of the house and just stewing in my thoughts about my fic is great at helping me connect plot points, explore themes, and just think about why i'm excited to write my fic in the first place
💬 create social pressure. deadlines are great, but it's easy to talk yourself out of them if they're self-enforced. so find someone who you're comfortable with reading your fics, and tell them you'll have a chapter/scene/section to show them by a certain date. then you feel forced to have something to show them by that date. only do this if you know it will motivate you and not make you horribly anxious.
the MOST important advice i have is this:
i am SO serious about this. as soon as you finish your latest chapter, go ahead and write at least the first sentence of the next one. starting is the HARDEST PART of writing for me and already knocking out some of that while i'm in the flow has been a game changer when it comes to fic writing. if your problem is that having to start the next chapter kills your motivation, take starting the next chapter OUT OF THE EQUATION.
thanks for the ask! i love talking about writing, best of luck with your fics!
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I just spent midnight to 2 am reading through your entire pit babe tag and I am having the time of my life, your muted colors watch posts of the show are so fucking funny.
Also I am so very deeply impressed on all the stuff you picked up and and also often how early (meanwhile me over here with subtitles and pre-spoiled still suprised pikachu face over half of the show).
I can't wait for your muted colors watch of season 2 and can't wait for Sonic to drive you insane once more. Also justice for Kenta.
@the-iron-queen, thanks for reading through my wild posts because watching Pit Babe muted, on double speed, and without subs made the show so much more enjoyable for me. It was a nice challenge for me, and I'm actually very excited to do it again for season two just so I can hate Vegas' Hedgehog and Southwest Airlines more for not understanding the group (color) assignment.

However, that experience has greatly affected how much I'm (not) enjoying The Love Doesn't Have Long Beans since I'm getting flashbacks to screaming at Alan not to trust that scheming Jeffrey!
Because in any universe, Pon's character will wear blue and lie to Sailub's character.
Like I can't even enjoy Sailub's fine ass because I keep yelling about Jeffrey and that damn blue even though I fully know these are two different shows.
Sailub is too attractive for me to be haunted by a color like this!
But I really wanted Red Rascal turned Blue Boy Kimberly and Black Brooder Kentana to run off into the sunset together, so This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans is fulfilling that giant void in my Pit Babe heart and winning me over in that department.
If Kentana couldn't have Peter (GIVE ME POLY!!!!), then I knew Kimberly could keep Kentana warm at night.
I mean, look at Benz. He knows how to kiss a homie, yet Pit Babe wasted those lips!
En of Love: This is Love Story and Prom showed us that.
So I'm hoping CHANGE2561 doesn't disappoint me twice!
Because if so, I guess I'll just have to pray the third times a charm and that Benz gets to kiss TWO boys in Pit Babe 2.
#pit babe#pit babe 2#and a sprinkle of This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans#I'm only asking for poly#and Pon not in blue#it's not like I'm asking for the world#just for Benz to kiss a homie . . . or two
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Rules: answer and tag people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with! Tagged by @mosscosmos
Favorite Color: i have SO MANY !!!! in no particular order: red/black, PINK, and all warm colors INCLUDING warm-toned purple.
Last Song: Death to Chronos by Darren Korb (Hades II OST)
Last Movie: ...i think this is actually still Barbie. wow
Currently Reading: the most normal kind of fanfiction imaginable. (academia has me incredibly burnt out on real books unfortunately)
Currently Watching: a lot of drawfee on youtube <3 also severe weather coverage. there's a lot of that going on rn it's kinda yucky
Currently Craving: physical company bc my new room on campus is Soooo nice and i want to show it to someone and offer them snacks and throw a tangerine at them
Tea or Coffee: as much as i am now a tea enjoyer i HAVE to say coffee...... iced coffee is just such a good little treat. tea isn't a treat it's just a way of life (to me).
I tag: @nebulous-nevermore, @sugar-free-byproducts, @dykedragons, @everysinglepheel, @thewisestdino, @photographerh, & @cowardishh (IF U ARE SO INCLINED!! no pressure & feel free to lmk if u prefer not to be tagged <3)
#.txt#.tag game#ty for tagging me riverrrrrr :] im so glad these are making a comeback. reminds me of back when deviantart was usable........
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A/N: Arthur won the poll for which vamp suitor to write for @aquagirl1978 and my Summer Days Sultry Nights CCC. This is also my first stand-alone Arthur fic!
Prompt: Summer Festival
WC: ~1.1k
Festival Entrance
An archway bedecked with blush-colored summer roses welcomes you both to the Festival d'été. You squeeze Arthur’s hand tightly, clearly taken by its charm and he finds himself smiling. As you pass through, he casually steals one of the soft pink blossoms, careful not to crush the delicate petals. As he’s tucking it into your braid, you ask him where he got it. He winks one blue summer-sky eye and murmurs: “Magic, luv.”
Games Tent
The shiny pyramid of tin cans stands tall and proud, almost daring him to give it his best shot. The vendor hands him the small rubber ball and wishes him good luck. You’re watching him, eyes bright with anticipation. He clears his throat. He may be excellent with his hands, but he has never been the best shot. C’mon, he tells himself. You are a supernatural creature. You can manage to topple some tins. He winds up, throws and.......
......the throw is wide. The vendor chuckles and you cover your mouth with the back of your hand to hide your amusement at the utter dismay on his handsome face.
“Perhaps the young lady would like to try her luck.” Arthur steps back, head cocked to one side as he watches you, his lips curving up into a skeptical smile. “Surely, if I am not able to–” The tins topple to the ground with a loud clattering sound. You turn to him, a very satisfied smirk on your face. “Which prize do you want, sweetheart?”
Arthur walks away with a stuffed dog wearing a smart red bow tie and an only slightly bruised ego.
Food Stand
Hand in hand, you stroll past the food stands with their incredible smells, each one valiantly fighting for your attention. The popped corn almost wins but then you both stop in your tracks when you see the white stand with the word “Caramel” written in bright pink lettering.
“Fudge!” You both make a beeline for the stand, working with one singular thought: “Must have some.” The vendor smiles warmly as you two approach, as excited as children entering a candy store, and asks if you would like to try a free sample. There are so many different kinds, your mind is swimming in possibility. Dark chocolate? Toffee? Walnut? Penuche?
Then you spot it: Coffee. Tugging on Arthur’s sleeve you direct his attention to the warm brown fudge and you swear his face lights up. The vendor offers you both a free sample. Arthur’s eyes close as soon as the sweet confection enters his mouth and you have to grin at his expression. It is absolute bliss, a man transported to the heavens via condensed milk and sugar.
The vendor kindly offers you a paper bag where at least half her coffee fudge now lives and Mr. Barker, the stuffed dog, is riding along, guarding the sweet treasure.
Wine Stand
“Cheers.” How he managed to order himself a cup of coffee at a wine stand is beyond you but you raise your glass towards his porcelain mug, gently tapping it with a small clink. The blueberry wine is sweet and cool, the flavor spilling like summer over your tongue and sending a shot of sunshine right through you.
He’s watching you over the rim of his coffee cup, eyes gleaming like a feline following a bit of string as you lower your wine glass. “Tastes good, does it?” You lift your glass in offering. “Would you like a taste?”
“Would I.” But he does not touch your wine glass. Instead, he leans over, brushing his lips over yours in a surprisingly sensual move that has you raising your eyebrows even as your heart leaps up in excitement. And then you lean in, conscious that you are in public but unable to deny how enjoyable it is to kiss him like this. It's sweeter than the wine, you decide when you lean back, and just as delectable.
Town Square
Mr Barker and his precious cache of coffee fudge are set down at the base of a nearby lamp post as Arthur sweeps you into his arms, pulling you into the dancing crowd. The musicians are playing their hearts out, fiddle bows flying over strings, accordions singing, as they send a raucous melody across the entire square that has everyone tapping their feet.
You’re swept up in the joy that rolls across the gathered people, your hand holding tight to Arthur’s as you spin, feet deftly navigating the cobblestone ground. You are light as a feather, bright as the sun’s reflection in Arthur’s brilliant eyes. He holds your gaze and you are flying through all that blue, a bird on the wind, wings beating in time to the music. His touch steadies you like a dancer’s focal point as they pirouette, a whirlwind of beauty and grace.
His strong hands are at your waist, lifting you towards the bright sun as it smiles down on the crowd and you stretch upwards, your body arching to greet it. And then he’s lowering you back down to earth and his sapphire eyes are aflame with a different light.
Even sunlight can’t penetrate the curtain of shadows the buildings at either side of the narrow alleyway provide. They stand like protective guardians, sheltering you and Arthur from any gaze that aimlessly glances at the narrow, inconspicuous passageway.
The brick is hard and rough against your bare shoulders, snagging at the bunched up material of your dress. But you don’t care.
Not when Arthur’s gifted hands are everywhere all at once, touching you in a way that has your body coiling around a lightning rod of desire.
Not when his mouth is on your neck and his voice is weak with the sound of your name.
Not when he emulates the sun and all it's powerful heat, your body a conduit for pleasure that courses through you like plasma until you explode into nothing but bright embers that ever so slowly drifts back down to earth.
Mr. Barker is nestled comfortably against the arm of the couch. The precious coffee fudge is on Arthur’s desk where it will disappear within a day. The rose from your hair is now on your nightstand in a glass where it will live until its bright pink petals begin falling, one by one, in a final swan song.
The sun has long since sunk to its rest, giving the care of the sky over to a full summer moon. You shift within the circle of Arthur’s embrace, sighing contently. “Thank you for a perfect day,” you murmur, tipping your head up to place a kiss right at the corner of his mouth. You linger there long enough to feel those lips curve into a smile. He turns his head slightly to kiss you back, properly, a tender press of his mouth to yours.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, luv.”
You roll away from him and then scoot back until he has curved his long body around you, a silent safeguard. A vow of safety, protection and above all, love.
Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bubblexly
#ikemen series#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikevamp arthur#arthur conan doyle#ikemen arthur#summer days sultry nights ccc#ikemen fanfiction#ikemen fanfic#otome fanfiction#otome fanfic#violettwrites
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this might be a really small or weird thing but this is the blog that made me the warm colour enjoyer I am now. I used to hate warm colours but idk
wyllow and everyone else and you made me appreciate how pretty reds and yellows and browns can be :)
YAYYY OH COME TO THE DARK SIDE BOY!!! or warm side. whichever!!!!
im so happy my art makes people appreciate even the smaller aspects of my style, especially when it comes to colors <3 makes me jump around even. warm colors are my genuine favorite things to use when it comes to art, happy to know youve started appreciating them :) 🫶
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dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
( au: what if the masquerade didn't end? giggles )
behind a simple mask lies a complex face. a large feather---distractingly large, who wears something like that anyways?---parts the crowd its wearer pushes through akin to a dorsal fin out of water.
he does not know the true identity of the golden mask he approaches and yet his suspicions rise, rise, rise. their mannerisms, the way they speak, their verbage---it's all unmistakable, but he can't be sure without some kind of confirmation. there is no way to undo the things he thinks of doing.
so instead, black-and gold approaches gold-and-red. a luxurious set of colors to be sure, and dangerous besides. but he is not afraid of anything except his own imagination.
that is what the knife behind his back is there for. just in case.
" good evening again, my friend. " feather and tassels droop as the body bows perfectly. " i do hope everything has been well for you since our last chat.
" by the by, the dance floor looks quite lonely, " he notes, off-track but now focused on the observation. his free hand flourishes outward, offering. " would you like to make it a little less so? maybe a dance or two? "
Behind every mask stood a stranger, eldritch and unknowable in the vastness of their mystery. None could be made perfectly certain of a sharp-tongued dragon tucked behind a devilishly horned face, nor of his partner with an extravagant one, fond to oversized plumes and playful whims. Each would have their theories, of course, but in the end these truths dangled out of reach. An enticing ceiling to be lowered with every subsequent encounter with some deemed closer to it than others.
"Well enough, if only for the great many things to be observed and done."
Though calm and measured his speech, the holes of Rafal's mask did little to conceal his interest at a certain sunny reappearance, two glittering eyes peering outward. Too darkly shadowed to tell their bloody color. Another perfect ninety degree bow; the other's ostentation impressed upon him twice now, beyond the realm of coincidence. Likewise, there existed no coincidence in the purposeful slide of one hand into another. Grip warm and firm - smirk heard before seen.
"A single dance would be to fine favor, I am no accomplished dancer. Although, I imagine you must know a thing or two to be asking me." No, not merely imagine, but theorize, bespoke his amused tone. His induction into twirling steps and ballroom routines had come about with both humility and sparsity, on a single dance shared with Poe. Far be it from his present capability to ask another to dance with such unassuming freedom.
Even so he would be no liability.
Known to the motions, he stepped into position. Hand-in-hand, hand-on-waist, and the tethering of two antithetical forces with themselves as sole witness. Empty the dance floor save only for them; masks horned and plumed, a slanted vision of the serpent and bird in timeless if harmless embrace. Questions, answers, curiosities, all to be smelted down to insignificance with an inevitability and enjoyment hard to deny.
#◜ ₊ — 𝓡 ˚ ₊ 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ╱ askbox.#losojos-decupido#masquerade rafagado you will always be legendary to me#very cute thank u ... returning us to that nostalgic age :soft_smile:#and next ethereal ball they can dance for real ;)
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I just came back from trick or treating and I am so tired. My legs ache so bad. It is always a bad idea to do things that require a ton of walking for me because of how weak I am… but I got tons of candy so it was worth it!!
Per usual, I have yet another request for you. Can you share your thoughts on caregiver Yosano with a little who refuses to share their feelings out of fear of Yosano being angry if they’re not absolutely positive… and they don’t do this when not regressed it is specifically when they’re feeling little only!!
- Fyodor Enjoyer
Candy is so super awesome! Where I live there’s no trick or treating :( It’s a culture thing sadly. Make sure you rest up! Don’t want you pushing yourself to far hehe
Caregiver Yosano + Scared Little
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
⚬ Yosano would always be kind and gentle. She’d never ever lash out or get frustrated with her little one! As a doctor she’s used to handling kids, or those who throw tantrums like children (Glances at Ranpo the man-child and Dazai our residential doctor hater). At most she might do some light teasing? So when her little one is suddenly scared to express how they’re feeling she’d be surprised to say the least! She can’t understand what she could’ve done to scare them like that… But she’s able to assume it wasn’t anything she did
⚬ She’d give plenty of options for the little one to communicate how they’re feeling! I’ve seen many different systems, colors (Red bad, yellow bleh, green good), numbers (0 bad, 10 good), or even temperatures (Warm good, cold bad)! Of course that’s still a way for them to need to say how they’re doing. So she completely understands if that’s still too much. If they keep saying they’re doing good when they’re clearly not she’ll stop asking, not wanting to overwhelm them!
⚬ I think the best solution to the problem would be to give the little something to hold that shows their mood! That way they’re not verbally saying they’re going bad, it feels less overwhelming and scary! A beautiful example is the flippy octopus plushies?

These things! They can flip it to the angry side so they don’t have to verbally say they’re doing bad. Other options though can be like colored bracelets, colored pacifiers… Subtle things!
⚬ Above all else though her best way to know if something is wrong though is just to know her baby! Watch their breathing, hold them in a way she can check their heart rate. She’s a doctor after all! She’d know all symptoms of anything going wrong!
⚬ Another tiny thing that I think would help is she’d explain things that indicate they’re upset! For example “I notice when you twist your fingers it usually means you’re upset” This gives an opening!!!!! It shows the baby that she notices these things, so they’re able to start using it as an indicator! They’re not directly saying they feel bad, they don’t need to explain, but it lets her know. Only if she’s paying attention! If she’s busy she wouldn’t notice, so they wouldn’t be a bother! (They’re not a bother anyway but I get the anxious baby way of thinking)
⚬ When Yosano sees any of these various signs that something is wrong, she never asks what’s wrong! If they’re too scared to even tell her that they’re feeling bad they definitely wouldn’t feel comfortable voicing what’s upsetting them. Instead she’ll just sit the baby down in her lap and say things until she notices a shift in their behavior! Examples “You know I love you right?” “And I would never be mad at you” “You’re definitely not a bother darling” The shift can be bad or good! Whether they’re reassured or get more worked up. It means she’s found the sensitive topic and is ready to cheer up the baby!
⚬ Once she’s found the sensitive topic she goes all in with the praise! She’ll reassure them on every possible thing relating to the sensitive topic! All while gently bouncing them in her lap! She’ll be whatever they need. If they need to cry into her neck, that’s ok! If they wanna play to distract themselves, she’s got their toys all ready! She finds the issue and makes it all better!
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
I love caregiver Yosano! She’d be the best at noticing and stopping panic attacks, handling depressive episodes… All suffering babies need a caregiver like Yosano
I’m very sad that I can’t boop my wonderful Anons who bring me so much joy :( My solution however! Is this
Have a wonderful day!!
#age regression#agere#safe agere#sfw agere#agere sfw#agere caregiver#bsd#bsd agere#bungo stray dogs#bsd yosano
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People I'd like to get to Know Better
Last Song: Bad Girl by Usher (because it's a song I will sing full volume with windows down - no matter if I'm losing my voice or not) 🤣
Favorite Color: Blues and Reds. I like the juxtaposition of cool and warm together and I feel I look good in both. 😎
Currently Watching: Just finished Bosch on Prime. Keeping up with Chicago PD, Med and Fire (I love them all okay), Tulsa King (I enjoy this show way too much and should not just be watching for Mitch but I am so it is what it is.), Star Trek Discovery - watching with my mom is really fun. I'm enjoying Brilliant Minds and I just have to remember it's TV - stop getting mad at the screen (due to medical inaccuracies but it really is an enjoyable show. It's because of my job.) I still have to figure out if I'm caught up on Found of not but I loved what I saw of it.
Last Movie: It was either Rebel Ridge or Blink Twice. I know I saw Blink Twice in theaters and I think I came home and tried to watch Rebel Ridge which was a bad idea. Didn't finish Rebel Ridge. I'll try watching it again but then it made me want to watch John Wick or The Equalizer for a faster pace. 👀 I'll need to give it another shot. Blink Twice had a warning about the material which I was surprised to see but is was well warranted and still didn't quite prepare me for what I saw. Excellent movie though.
Current Obsession: Playing my video games since I can't seem to write. I've been playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Final Fantasy 16 and got a game trial to Baldur's Gate 3 because just from the TikTok's it seems like I would have the same type of obsession with that game I had with Final Fantasy Tactics. Which honestly maybe that isn't so bad. I also have way too much sunscreen (always trying different ones because my skin is now combo - oily forehead and nose with dry cheeks and acne because it's been there since puberty, my longest relationship outside of family lol) 🤣 Though Korean ones work well for my skin it seems as well as cleansers and stuff.
Relationship Status: Single and chilling.
Last Thing I Googled: About a sunscreen. Nerdie be nerdy. 😊
I was tagged by @bitchwitch1981 @soft-persephone @yopossum @inept-the-magnificent @baronessvonglitter
Like most things I'm late to it so if you'd like to do it, please do and tag me. 🤗
#get to know ur nerdie#people I'd like to get to know better#tag games#I always feel like I type way too much on these things
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Marquise Spinneret Mindfang
Act 5, page 3507-3510
~ On the 14th 8ilunar perigee of the 2nd dim season's equinox ~
The Orphaner poses a caliginous riddle like no other I've met. I am presuming him 8othered 8y jealousy, and it would 8e sickening if it were not so marvelously amusing. 8ut then, who 8ut royalty could have the finned cheek to show disdain for the manner in which his 8lack lover conducts her red conquests? Less has acceler8ted meeker than I to homicide, and the viol8tion would hold me aghast, again, if his misgivings did not complement his so endearing arsenal of qu8nt flaws. It is impossi8le to stifle this grin even now as I write.
He surely understands this as my maritime overlord, a superior while through gritting fangs he would concede the expanse of my plunder makes his seem hardly worthwhile to trou8le a map with good ink over. I know he understands. I will take what I want. I expect nothing less from Dualscar, and truly, less would offend me. Is it the crude 8lood of the suitors from which I have taken enjoyment recently? If his displeasure is with my 8lithe treatment of the social order then he has either not spent enough time in the warm company of my indifference, or is simply very stupid. I saw the look he gave. He's so secure in knowing I can't feel what's in his mind he forgets the tr8torous ways of his own face. His little looks are words to me, interjections in our deliciously 8itter repartee. First a look as I summon a slave from the hold, with such ease 8etween my remarks. Why yes, Dualscar, they were the very slaves in your hold until 8ut this hour. Another ship deployed carelessly, languishing in strategic vulnera8ility. Is this not our routine? Our dance? What is this look, my dear kismesis? Is it shame? Envy? Contempt for what he knows will follow?
I nod her over. She is fearful and it makes her prettier. He scoffs without a movement or sound. I know there is disgust feeding the shadows in his corner of my 8lock. At least prick her in the light, he surely thinks. Determine what vulgar hue she 8leeds 8efore persisting with your a8asement, Marquise. Do try to understand, Orphaner. Not knowing is the point, and if you truly understood this, your crusade against the Gam8lignants would not 8e among our Grand High8lood's most uproarious punchlines. (If only one truly needed to 8e so high to find it amusing!) And so not knowing, I take her will, 8ut leave enough of it to enjoy her response. Her hands are in my service 8ut they still shake. They unfasten the first 8utton at my jacket's waist, clumsily. I have masked the line 8etween my puppeteering and her volition exquisitely, and her uncertainty over her own control fuels her fear. She unfastens the second 8utton, and 8etween the second and third, I make a casual remark to Dualscar, continuing our convers8tion. He does not respond.
I look again at the face of my slave, imagining for a moment her mind is not an unguarded port to her every dread. I imagine I cannot feel her conviction that it's not merely a matter of whether she will 8e put to the irons, 8ut how hot they will 8e if she fails to please. Poor thing. Her horns make attractive shapes and pair themselves pleasantly amidst her violent snarls of hair. Her fingers, which I have lost track of, to my surprise have come 8etween the petticoat and my skin. The heat of her touch tells me the likely range for the color of her 8lood. I wouldn't have guessed it to look at her, not with her sign stripped. Her mouth opens slightly and I squint. Ah! Razor sharp, and none missing. Perfect. How disappointing it is to find quivering lips hiding dull teeth. I pause to consider. What will her fear 8ecome if I choose to show her mercy later? And even, in days, kindness? Will this 8e the red dalliance that 8ecomes fully flushed? Love demands my cunning just as my raids. If it is to 8e, she will never understand how thoroughly she was manipul8ted, her 8ody, her mind, her devotion.
I remem8er Dualscar again. My distraction from our 8anter was momentarily a8solute, and I inquire into the shadows. 8ut he is gone.
Then go, my kismesis. Fume with the indign8tion I gave you. I can only pray it 8lackens our 8ond. I must know such exhi8itions agit8 him and hence why I 8other, otherwise it would 8e easy to dismiss him 8efore I partook. Let it 8e a gift of antagoniz8tion to you, my dear rival, on which you may 8rew pitch for me anew. And if it is true envy, a vermilion yearning I can't a8ide, then though it pains me it will 8e farewell.
Alas, it may 8e that I am too good at spurring h8. Too good, at least, for him. I only hope he is not so foolish as to tread a path of less torrid malice.
For if he does........
~ On the 16th ~
My suspicions have 8een confirmed. I'm not grinning anymore, Dualscar.
Our orderly contention has dissolved right 8efore my vision 8fold. It was once a handsome 8lack, 8ut now sits like good strong tea sullied and cooled 8y unwelcome dairy.
Thus my heart was 8roken twice. I was fond of the slave. There was surely promise in her red investment. He had her assassin8ed.
And so I am visited 8y a 8it of 8ad luck for a change. It's not possi8le to evade it forever, I suppose. I will simply have to endure the misfortune of o8serving his 8ase and artless measures of retali8tion.
He's applied his own resources to increase the 8ounty on my head. I wonder if he intends such a laugha8ly ineffectual gesture as anything more than a formality, a sym8ol of his intent. If not, my smile. How it threatens to revisit. Almost.
I've 8roken laws, yes. 8ut what has there 8een to pay for? If any act I've taken should demand a 8ounty, it was paid up front. I foot the 8ill myself with guile and supremacy.
#homestuck#marquise spinneret mindfang#homestuck act 5#page 3507#page 3508#page 3509#page 3510#homestuck act 5 act 2
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The first friend she had made upon enrolling here stood before her, blue hair and eyes beautiful as the sky above them, a kind smile that was nostalgic yet unique to him alone. Despite their first meeting many moons ago being a little awkward at first, his welcoming nature made forging a bond much easier.
What she wished to convey today was gratefulness for that day but most importantly to celebrate that he exists in this lovely world. "Today's a special day, Marth. I brought two little gifts to celebrate."
She trailed closer to the archanean, a curve forming on her lips as their distance was cut short. In silence she placed a small box in one of his palms the contents inside were a pair of earrings with a simple design, golden with a small blue gem incrusted in them. Alear had noticed his ears were pierced, although the design wasn't close to what she had seen him wear the color of the gemstone reminded her of his eyes.
On the other box that she held as to not busy his hands rested a necklace, a golden chain with a charm at the center of it shaped like the falchion incrusted in the place were the red gem of the sword would be rested one mimicking her hair color. This gift was complicated to find someone capable of making it but she was glad it was able to be completed. "I am so happy to know you and the bond we have, you were the first to welcome me when i joined the academy, that day is special to me. It's truly an honor to stand by your side as friends, now and always."
"Your life is precious to those who love you so i wanted to tell you... happy birthday Marth!"
To enter into another year of life spent beside countless loved ones and allies is bliss enough for the Altean king. Which is to say, Marth does not often desire for material possessions, either on the day of his birth or any other. His interest is captivated by the gifts already planted into his hand; an Archanea unshackled by conflict, the daily pleasures of life attainable due to a world at peace, and - last but not least - the priceless bonds regarded as his treasures. Those maintained from old as well as those newly forged.
"A special day, you say? Hah. I am truly happy that you think so. To me, it is not that special when compared to every day I spend in enjoyment of life." Cerulean gaze sparkles warmly, pleased and amused in equal measures by the Elyosian woman who numbers among said bonds. Her honesty easily met with his own.
But his attention soon switches tacks, awe occupying a wonder-filled face as he is presented with two gifts. A fashionable pair of earrings alongside a resplendent necklace, one evocative of his emblematic blue color and another of Falchion itself. Their quality is easily discerned even by one who knows mandates and laws better than precious metals and gemstones. The heart he expresses is deeply touched and above all sincere: "Goodness, I am at a true loss for words! They are beautiful gifts and your consideration for me has gone to lengths I scarcely deserve."
Her regard alone would have been enough to make this a shining occasion. Not for the first time he finds the aura surrounding Alear to be curious. Though earnest, thoughtful, and undoubtedly kind, from their first meeting across the monastery grounds he could sense a certain way about her deeper than all those things - just as he'd observed of the male Alear. A phantom familiarity, perhaps; as one might judge of a tune or cuisine reminiscent of childhood.
And, naturally, what is familiar to Marth is comfortable.
He smiles, gratitude mingling with friendliness, an expression tenderly warm. "You have my thanks, Alear, for gifts and sentiments both. Let today not merely be a celebration of myself, but also that of our friendship. I would like to imagine us always at the sides of one another. . .as welcome allies."
#◜ ╰ ♕ ◦ › royal mandate ‹ ASKBOX. ◞#alliberacio#miss alear :plead: :plead:#may their bond shine on....
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Semantic Error Japan [Theater Pamphlet] - Jaechan
Regarding the release of the Japanese version It has already been two years since I first presented this work to you all, and I am still grateful that many people continue to show interest. Moreover, I feel a strange sense of wonder that it will be released in Japan this time, and I am truly thankful. At the time of filming, I never imagined such things happening, so it's almost surreal to be receiving this much love.
I greeted the Japanese audience last year through KCON and MAMA, but this time, instead of a stage, I will be showcasing my acting on the movie theater screen. It feels a bit embarrassing, but I am extremely pleased that many of you are showing interest.
Memorable Moments During Filming I'm particularly sensitive to the cold, and since we filmed during winter, I have a vivid memory of seeing my breath every time I delivered lines due to the intense cold. There were moments when my mouth froze, making it difficult to speak, and I even brought hand warmers or a stove close to my face. Not only me but also other actors and staff had red ears or noses due to the cold, yet strangely, instead of finding it difficult, we thought such unconventional situations were amusing. The memory of sitting around the stove, warming our hands and mouths, comes to mind every winter. I believe that these memorable moments persist because the cold wasn't bothersome enough to overshadow the enjoyment we experienced on the set.
Favorite Scene When Sangwoo, who was in confusion, skipped school for several days, I have a strong attachment to the scene where Jaeyoung came to our house out of concern for him. This led to a fight with him. Like the saying that "it's darkest before the dawn", that moment was likely the most difficult time for Sangwoo to accept. This part was as crucial as it was in the audition script, portraying a significant conflict and confusion for Sangwoo, who was tormented before fully realizing his emotions. it was the most challenging moment for Sangwoo to accept. In the midst of the turmoil, the scene where Jaeyoung suddenly appeared, and emotions exploded in an instant was the moment I struggled the most to express. It was a collision when one is most concerned about the other person and the most confusing moment for him. I wanted to convey that emotionally painful moment even more vividly to those who watch it, despite feeling some regret when looking back now. Although there are parts that seem regrettable upon reflection, at that time, I was deeply immersed in my role. For Sangwoo, it was a crucial moment for him to experience the pain of his emotions growing, making this scene my favorite.
A scene that left a lasting impression with co-star. The scene that remains most memorable to me is when he appeared, deliberately clad from head to toe in red, a color Sangwoo detests, to make things difficult for him. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, Sangwoo is a character who lives within a predetermined routine from the moment he wakes up until he falls asleep. He sticks to the same style every day, even when putting on clothes and wearing a hat. Jaeyoung, who effortlessly disrupts everything with a single word, stands out remarkably to Sangwoo. Given Sangwoo's routine and personality, witnessing Jaeyoung casually doing things that should be impossible likely evoked a myriad of emotions. Audiences might initially laugh and wonder, 'What's with that outfit, is this a joke?!' But I felt the same way initially. However, as time passes, I believe it becomes a catalyst for Sangwoo to consciously accept Jaeyoung, who is so different from himself. Jaeyoung had a profound impact on Sangwoo, and Seoham, who portrayed him so naturally and confidently, left a lasting impression. The red tracksuit will linger in many viewers' minds after the movie ends. Whenever people see a red tracksuit around them, they will probably think of Jaeyoung. I, too, had that aftereffect for quite a while (laughs). On a personal note, it's hard to imagine using the same color to paint one's entire outfit unrelated to the project. That's how striking Jaeyoung was. Even during breaks, everyone could easily spot Seoham.
A Message to Japanese Fans Hello, this is Park Jaechan, who played the role of Sangwoo. It is an honor to greet you in this way. 'Semantic Error' is a very precious and significant piece to me. Therefore, I hope it remains as a beautiful youth romance in the hearts of everyone who watches this movie. For those who want to delve deeper into the story of Jaeyoung and Sangwoo after watching the film, I recommend checking out the series and the original work. For those who are still contemplating whether to watch the movie or not, just like the line goes, 'Don't take more than 10 minutes to decide!!'
Source: 빨간약/kusurine on X: "일본은 저작권 무서워서.. 팜프 내용을 찍어 올리긴 좀 그렇구.. 정리하면.. 1. 일본 영에러 공개에 대해 2. 촬영 중 기억에 남는 것 3. 애기가 좋아하는 장면 4. 상대 배우분과 연기한 장면 중에 인상적인 장면 5. 일본 팬분들께 한 말씀 요런 내용인데(영화관 문 닫는다고 나가래;;)" / X (twitter.com) Translated by Park Jaechan Updates
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Hi, I hope you're having a good day! 🥰
I'd like to ask for a cod pairing pls ✨️
(I hope this ends up being coherent because I did just get back from spending several hours in the blazing sun lol)
as for appearance: I'm 5"4', have wavy brown hair that goes just past my shoulders, green eyes and I'm pretty pale with some freckles. as for body type I guess I'm more on the skinny side but I do have some curves and have been building some muscle lately.
personality-wise, I'm a fellow infp 👋🏻 I tend to be shy around people I don't know yet but once I get to know someone enough to be comfortable I get very talkative and make (sometimes really bad) jokes. my sense of humour bounces from silly to pretty dry or even sarcastic/cynical sometimes. I try to be kind to everyone unless they give me a reason not to, and I very rarely get angry or loud. I also try to always give my friends a sense of reassurance that I sometimes wish someone would give me. I do struggle with generalized anxiety disorder but I've been working on it, trying to live with it and move out of my comfort zone one step at a time.
in terms of interests/hobbies, I love playing video games, especially story-driven or open world adventure/fantasy games, as well as reading and writing, and going for hikes in the woods (I also do a bunch of nature photography). I work out twice a week and am pushing to get to a third time. this is definitely something I need since I work in office administration and sit a lot haha. but I do also like getting physically stronger, it helps my confidence quite a bit.
okay this is starting to get long so I'll cut it off here lol
thank you!💖
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
How you met: Civilian Hikes in autumn were some of your favorites. You loved the crisp, cool weather and always had your camera on you to capture the changing of the seasons. You zipped up your fleece jacket as the soft breeze flowed gently through the trees. Your camera roll was filled with pictures of the wildlife making preparations for the winter and the silhouette of birds against the colorful leaves. The ground crunched under your step as you walked the nature trail. Eventually, you came across a man who was enjoying the beauty of the forest. He wore a warm flannel jacket and his bright smile was picturesque. You shamelessly snapped a picture of him as he was perfectly contrasted against a collection of yellow, red, and orange foliage. You weren't going to say anything until he approached you with a friendly wave. "Was it a good picture?" he asked and you blushed in embarrassment. You looked at your camera and it was, his smile perfectly capturing the enjoyment of fall and the leaves descending elegantly behind him. You sheepishly showed him it and he awed in response. "You have to send me a copy!" he exclaimed and quickly handed his phone over to you to exchange numbers. "I'm Kyle, by the way," he said as you sent yourself a text, "being a model is just a hobby of mine." You both laughed at his comment and said your goodbyes as you continued in opposite directions. You wouldn't find out until months later but he saved your contact as "the pretty photographer."
A peek into your relationship: "My turn!" you exclaimed as Kyle finished playing through another character's unfortunate demise in What Remains of Edith Finch. You had a tradition when he was on leave to play a game you each picked and trade off controlling the main character. It had taken you months to get through the Borderlands series as your boyfriend was terrible at making quick decisions and completing dialogue branches. He pushed the keyboard and mouse to your direction as you continued to direct Edith through the sprawling maze of a house. You had started the game this morning and after many breaks (Kyle was so upset after certain character deaths) you were finally approaching the ending. You had just played through Lewis' story and both were heartbroken at his fate. "This game is so twisted," Kyle said as you finally navigated to Edith's great grandmother's room. "I know but the art and the story is just so good," you said as you sat back and watched another tragic cutscene playthrough. "You are something else," he joked as he gently held your hand to pull the mouse away. By now, it was only Edith left and the plot twist left you both yelling and screaming at your pc. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE WAS PREGNANT?" Kyle yelled as tears pricked your eyes. "Why did she have to die in childbirth?" you sobbed and shut your computer off as the cut scenes rolled. Kyle picked you up and placed you in his lap to comfort you. "Next time I pick the game," he joked and you could even see he was getting a little glossy in the eyes. "Deal" you said as you wiped at your cheeks. "Can we watch something silly like FNAG reaction montages or something?" you asked and he nodded as he carried you off to your living room for some much needed laughs.
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Top Experiences in Japan
Japan is a place which delights the senses. Whether you are in Tokyo to witness temple bells ringing, eating sushi at a renowned restaurant, or soaking in an onsen bath Japan offers something for every person. See a kabuki production which tells the dramatic story of the heroism of 47 ronin. Explore the winter beauty of Mt Fuji in Hokkaido's snowy peaks. climb the mountain's arid slopes. 1. Senso-ji There aren't many experiences that will better enthrall tourists to Japan's unique history and culture than the Senso-ji Temple. It is located in the center of Asakusa the temple is an essential part of any visit to Tokyo and is enjoyed by those of all religious backgrounds. The temple's main hall is enshrined with the image of Kannon (a Buddhist goddess of mercy) which was taken out from the Sumida River by two fishermen in AD 628. Despite being destroyed by numerous natural disasters and blazes throughout its 1,400-year history the temple's main buildings along with the famous Kaminarimon "Thunder Gate" have been rebuilt numerous times.
The temple complex is a great area to take in the old-fashioned Japanese architecture. There's also a marketplace filled with collectibles, souvenirs and street food. Make sure to visit Denbo-in, the park that lies behind the final block of shops, which was initially reserved exclusively for the temple's abbots and Japanese nobility. It's a serene and quiet enclave that offers a sense of the past of Japan. 2. Tokyo Bay Tokyo Bay is a beautiful location that is a symbol of the coexistence of tradition and modernity. The Edo-era buildings and the futuristic skyscraper communities coexist wonderfully in one place. The red-colored Tokyo Tower offers a breathtaking view from its observatory. Also, the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation is a hands-on museum that lets you interact with robots and androids. In the ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) is an additional great experience to experience in Japan. You'll be able to fully get a taste of the Japanese culture and its hospitality. This is an amazing experience, which includes sleeping on a tatami, taking a bath in a hot spring, and eating kaiseki - an elaborate meal that includes local and seasonal dishes - as part of the stay. Finally, I am a fan of the distinctive nightlife in areas such as Roppongi or Kabukicho. The feeling of a warm public bath or sitting in manga cafes is an experience that is truly unique to Tokyo. In Japan the karaoke scene is a popular activity. Everyone from teenagers to women who work sing in bars that offer karaoke. 3. Street Kart Driving Although it's tempting to design your Japan trip around completing as many experiences as possible however, remember that you'll have only a week or two (or how long you're lucky enough to spend there). What should you actually prioritize? Mario Kart is the ultimate gaming experience. This kart-driven guided ride takes you on a tour of Tokyo along famous landmarks such as Shibuya Crossing and the fashion paradise of Harajuku. It's an enjoyable way to explore Tokyo with your other friends. You also get to choose the character you like best from a variety of costumes. You can also visit TeamLab's digital art museum and play video games at the massive arcades. Also, don't forget an excursion to a themed cafe, where you can enjoy a cup of coffee with owls, cats, rabbits and maids. Of course it's not a trip to Japan can be complete without taking the famous Shinkansen bullet train. 4. Koyasan A stay in a temple on the sacred mountain Koyasan is one of the most immersive and unique experiences that you can experience in Japan. Visitors can stay in rooms decorated as monks at Shukubo (similar to the traditional Japanese ryokans) as well as eat shojin the vegetarian meal prepared by monks who live there. In the past going to Koyasan would have meant the trek of a lifetime to this holy place but nowadays, it's feasible to travel by train and cable automobile. You are still able to visit Koyasan for a day however I would suggest staying overnight to take part in the morning prayers and meditation. Within the Kongobuji temple complex is Japan's most renowned rock garden called Banryutei. This awe-inspiring location is surrounded by more than the 200,000 tombstones laid by pilgrims seeking salvation. This cemetery, known as Okunoin connects to the mausoleum for Buddhist monk Kobo daishi. It's a deeply spiritual experience. The autumn season is when the leaves are at their peak. Video from YouTube
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