#I am a card holding member of the perfect ass club
undercooked-icicle · 2 months
Washing my hands in the men's toilets (as god made me) and an old guy walks in and sees me and gets confused, then sees a boy walk out of the stall, sighs of relief, and enters. Needless to say I just had the most euphoria I've had in a long time.
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dienamights · 3 years
Unfavorable Guidance | H.Shinso
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​✎ Mindjack has been doing these kind of jobs since he was recruited as a hero, he is unmistakingly the best at them, doesn’t need anyone butting their noses in his business, especially you, the sly fox in disguise, offering your tainted helping hand.
✎ Protagonists: Hitoshi Shinso x Fem!Reader.
✎ Word count: 6.4K
✎Category: noncon/dubcon, Smut MDNI, Prohero!au
✎Caution(!):  noncon/dubcon, Smut 18+ MDNI please, , mentions of alcohol, mentions of murder, minor character death, sex under quirk use, spitting, degrading, swearing, manipulation, unprotected sex. 
✎ Author’s notes: I KNOW I’M LATE EUFGKHDFVBDFXL, but here is my contribution to @daisy-bakugo​ 2k event Vice City! Please take the time to read everyone’s work if you haven’t! Thank you so much for letting me participate.
I listened to this throughout the entire process of writing it, if you’re familiar with Kingdom Hearts, some names will ring a bell to you lol. also I hate the header and the summary but you’re just gonna have to live w it for now cause its 8 am I NEED SLEEP
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The annual auction of Vice City is one of the biggest social events of the year. The wealthiest families and richest people in the world come from everywhere in attempts to win what is secretly considered the greatest treasures of all time. Greatest and most expensive.
Alas, the after party held later on is what people are all secretly actually waiting for, where the most exquisite and rarest artifacts of the year get auctioned off to whoever is lucky enough to even be included in the guest list.
While not all are there for the auctions, it certainly is the perfect opportunity for anyone who's anyone in the world to show off their wealth. Filthy rich people sway all around, laughing and bragging. Venetian crystal chandeliers, velvet carpets, gambling, and alcohol. Men with their cigars, men with their wives, and men with their arm candies, their escorts or mistresses.
Yet, Shinso isn’t here for the luxury, he isn't here for the fame and the fortune, nor the reputation people thrive for when they buy those - meaningless, he calls them - relics. No, he is here on a mission, one he certainly wants to be done and over with because he wants to go home. He loosens his tie with an aggravated sigh before knocking back the last of his only gin and tonic, the bitter taste prickling his throat as he surveys the crowd of people all around him while he stands idly by the bar.
He knew it’d be a pain in the ass the second he got the mission assigned to him from the agency, the words “intel” and “Vice City'' of all places forced a frown upon his face, yet, being the most suitable for this job, he couldn't really decline.
Mindjack isn’t the type of hero you see on billboards and magazines, isn’t the type of hero to kiss babies’ heads that get thrusted at him in meet and greets, he certainly isn’t one to have those adoring fan clubs that follow his every move, posting about his greatest conquests. Oh no, he is a hero that works in dingy jobs with filthy manipulative men in black markets and the human trafficking industry, undercover -lie through your teeth throughout the whole ordeal- kind of hero, the kind of hero that goes home at the end of his missions with no gratitude towards his work, because nobody knows who he is or what he contributes to the society.
For the longest time, Shinso accepted the life he’s living, he didn’t look for validation from the citizens, knowing his work is always beyond the scope of their knowledge and their awareness, but sometimes, just sometimes, the sour droplets of envy would foul his mouth when his amethysts for eyes scan over the extravagant heroes, making a show out of saving their cities and getting praised and awarded and loved for doing what they’re supposed to be doing, their job. 
“Squeeze that glass a bit more and you’d break it”
A voice just like silk, weaving around him and entrancing him, Shinso blinked twice before his eyes dragged over to you, oh so beautiful and oh so close. Your nimble fingers wrapped around his fingers, the lacey glove lightly scratches his hand before he lets go of the glass in surprise, dropping it into yours. You giggle sweetly, turning around to place it on the bar before ordering your own, but not without looking at him over your shoulder and sending him a smile.
“What will it be, sugar tits?” the bartender leans over the counter, towel thrown on his shoulder as he sends you what's supposed to be a sultry look. Your elbow is placed on the counter while you rest your chin on your hand, smiling temptingly at him. “Anything that’ll get you to stop staring at my boobs.” Shinso almost laughs at the contrast between your smile and your voice, sharp and venomous, and the man leans back so far from you like he’s been stung. Walking away to work on a drink for you.
Shinso’s eyes rake your body without his knowledge, he admires the dress adorning your body, hugging you in all the right places, cascading down to the floor, and that slit my god, your legs looking endless in those heels he wonders how you can strut so elegantly with them on. A snap of your fingers breaks his trance and he tries - keyword tries - to act nonchalant to his obvious ogling and you only laugh in return.
You hum lowly, “So,” you’re turning to face him as you lean back on the counter, pushing your chest out to grasp even more of his attention, “what's an esteemed hero like you doing in a place like this?” It takes Shinso a good minute before he narrows his eyes, left foot back and ready to either take you down or run away if you were to involve greater forces. No one is supposed to know about his true identity, no one is supposed to know that there is a hero within them.
But what shakes his demeanor is the way you dangle his wallet in front of him, like dangling a stupid feather for some silly cat, waiting for it to jump at you to entertain you. Shinso swallows with a struggle, deciding that using his quirk to retrieve his wallet back will lead to him leaving, and he didn’t want that. He’s been keeping an eye on the wanted man for hours now, and it’ll all go to waste because of your slimy little hands and your-
“Here,” you toss it back to him, and he stumbles a bit before catching it properly, eyeing you for any sudden movements, but you simply turn back around in time to hold the drink from the bartender’s hand with a smile dazzling your lips. “You’re getting intel on The Wise?” you mumble against your cup, sipping slowly, eyes never leaving Shinso’s glaring ones. How the fuck do you know?
“You’re not the first.” you smirk, finger wiping the smeared lipstick against the glass before circling the rim. “You all look the same, thinking you’re better than them because of your position in the society, only for that ego to come and bite you right in the ass.” It’s almost ironic how poisonous your voice could get while still maintaining that mesmerizing smile, and oddly enough, Shinso’s eyes keep drooping despite his desperate attempt to fight against them.
You hum again, the click of your heels sounding muffled to him, eyes blurring when you get so close to him your breath tickles his cheek. “But you’re different, hmm? You’re gonna make the bad guy go away?” 
“Yes.” it's rushed, almost desperate, and the hero is astonished at how he sounds. “Then, lemme help you… Hitoshi.”
A blink, and you’re gone just like you vanished right from under his nose, slipped right between his fingers. A low curse escapes Shinso’s lips and he turns around swiftly to question the bartender, hell bent on getting any information on the girl that just revealed his entire identity and mission to him in a matter of seconds. 
“How can I help you, sir?” the question boggles his mind, the big burly man with an attitude problem wasn’t there anymore, replaced by another sweet woman that held concern in her eyes at his sight. “You’ve been staring at the wall for a while there, need me to call your driver to get you back?” 
“Wa- but I- She,” Shinso’s body started heating up in anger, worry, embarrassment, he doesn’t really know, but what he wants to know right this instant is how long he’s been out of it and for god’s sake, why?
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Shinso doesn’t really consider himself to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but dammit did he feel like a complete idiot letting you run off like that, a quick trip to the restroom for a splash of water clears his head enough for him to pull back his wallet from his pocket, flipping through it and finding something he was absolutely sure wasn’t there prior to your visit. A silver card, with ‘Surveillance room’ scribbled on a note behind it.
Caving in and accepting whatever help you were offering him, Shinso slides the card through the reader, sighing in relief upon the satisfying ding sound, followed by the door opening to the surveillance room.
“Now that’s what’m talking about.” life got so much easier now that he could watch The Wise through multiple screens, making it hard to miss a single move of his. The hero allows himself to relax a bit, hand messing with his hair and tired eyes blinking in irritation against the glare of the screens. The Wise was the mastermind of Organization XIII, as their name intel, they’re consisting of the same thirteen members that founded it years ago, nobody really knows how they started, what shocked the whole world is how grand their first crime actually was, bloodbath of the century -they would call it, seventeen slaughtered heroes, followed by their families, including women and children, thousands of millions of ¥ in money laundering atop of it, all within a span of 4 months, that was years ago, back in their prime.
Now, with eight of them behind bars, the remaining five were able to stay under the radar, distributing whatever money they were able to keep between them and fleeing to different parts of the world. Just because they were apart, didn’t mean they were any less dangerous, The Wise is a prime example for that, brutally murdering three of the undercover heroes sent his way to bring him back to justice, but they weren’t Shinso, he’d try to remind himself.
May their soul rest in peace, they were those heroes he felt dissociated from, the type of heroes to flaunt their powers, monetize the peoples’ knowledge of their quirks, uncover the secrets of their job, they were easy targets for people like The Wise, he’d know their weaknesses and how to take them down before they even think about pursuing him. Now, Mindjack was a different story, he wasn’t held on a pedestal by the people he saves, simply because they don’t recognize him, while he would loath that reality sometimes, he thanks the god for it today, as he’s watching the man’s call out for a drink.
Amethyst eyes scan the remaining screens, widening upon the sight of you looking right back at them, you are a vixen to him, eyes half lidded with a smile so intoxicating it does nothing but entrance whoever was lucky enough to catch its sight. Lace clad fingers wrapping around a piece of paper, you are so beautiful, Shinso tries to stop his mind from wandering, imagining what you wore underneath that angel crafted dress, envisioning what those fingers could do to please him, the same fingers that held the unfolded paper, the word ‘RUN’ smeared across it in lipstick.
Wait a minute, run?
Even before the poor hero could react, the similar satisfying -now dreadful- ding rings in his ear, before the door opens behind him, illuminating the room even more. Shinso stands to face two men, both as surprised as he is to see another occupant in the room. Right before any of them move, the hero opens his mouth and prays to god that whatever way he’s winging it works. “You got a permit to be here?”
Jesus one of you answer, and they both do - the left having fingers curving into talons while the right pulled at strings from the tips of his fingers, both ready to attack - and by god Shinso couldn’t be happier upon hearing a sound, because the minute the word ‘yes’ slips through their lips, Mindjack is smiling like a madman, welcoming the look of glossy eyes and heavy heads like a beloved relative’s return back home. 
“Great… Now,” the two manipulated  men face him, unaware of the dreaded fate bestowed upon them, while Shinso just can’t seem to keep the glint in his eyes at bay. “Why don’t you put on a show for me,” he breathes, smiling down at the ground before looking at them. ”Choke the fucking life out of each other.” The men don’t even blink, quick to face each other and jump, hands wrapped around throats like a vice, Shinso only moves away from the men on the floor as they thrash and kick at each other, limbs flailing as they try to force the life out of each other.
Turning his back against them, Shinso eyes the screen he was monitoring before their entrance, ignoring the groans and gasps of air behind him. He curses under his breath when he sees The Wise getting up from his place, heading towards a room that is supposed to be monitored by screen #6, but is purposely out of service. If he isn’t able to question The Wise or even keep an eye on him, then he’s gonna head on over to the next best thing. Gargled screams echo through the corridor as the hero makes his exit, making sure the door clicks shut behind him, he wouldn’t want to cause disturbance to the esteemed guests of the society of lowlifes.
Mindjack works in dingy jobs with filthy manipulative men in black markets and the human trafficking industry, killing machines that didn’t spare the live of the innocents, so why should he spare theirs? 
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Shinso makes it back to the main event, immediately finding you between guests, sitting so pretty on the poker table, eyes drawing him closer, the grin adorning your lips now wobbly, easy for him to distinguish as fake, forced, a façade kept for the people surrounding the table. He is hasteful in settling himself in the chair near you, shoulders tense when different pairs of eyes fall upon him, the dealer shuffles the deck to draw cards for Shinso, but you hold your hand out with a smile. “He’ll sit this one out, by my lucky onlooker.” A round of laughter causes Shinso to flush in embarrassment, feeling degraded and looked down upon by all these lowlifes, petty thieves and criminals, thinking they’re better than him, oh he’ll show them.(1)
It takes a few rounds for the table to empty out, now occupied by Shinso and yourself, the dealer asks him to move over to the next chair before they start their game. “Place your bets.” you’re quick to slide over a few of your chips to his side - some black, others red and blue, he didn’t really pay that much attention to them- your eyes daring him to reject your invitation to take the money to play.
He only blinks at you, his eyes seemingly never wanting to lose sight of you as he fights with himself to sit straight to face the dealer again, the man proceeds to deal both of you the cards for you to review before placing your bets. “You tricked me.” Shinso is almost appalled at the hurt laced in his voice, as if the two of you had a bond that was never meant to be broken. “don’t believe so, told you to run didn’ I?” The mockery in your voice is a hoax, the single twitch in your brow catches his attention and he can only deem it as you being stressed, whether it be because of the ordeal regarding the surveillance room or not is beyond him. No, he was stupid and foolish and he will not fall for your silly games again. “Exactly, you knew they were coming.” you hum in response to his accusation.
“Call.” Dropping a few of your chips on the table, your eyes shift momentarily to him, “I did, I said I’d help you and here I am.” He slams his bet on the table, ‘Raise’ gritted right through his teeth at your words. “I don’t want your help!” He reveals his cards on the table, a way to show his disinterest in your assistance as the dealer announces ‘Flush’ at his hand. Your eyes meet again from above your cards, now narrowing down instead of the half lidded look you seem to always have “You don’t want it, but you need it.” The façade you held before is slowly but surely breaking, now a deep frown tugging at your lip as you reveal your own hand, brows furrowing even further in challenge as you hum in displeasure when the dealer announces your ‘Full House’ hand to be the winner of this round.(2)
Shinso moves swiftly to stand when he sees you do the same, right before his entire world starts to spin, lights and colors mingling together and causing his head to spin, he sits down again, head between his hands as he tries to calm himself down, it's probably the strain of the mission, maybe it’s the weight bestowed upon his shoulders to finish it up. The hero lifts his head up to ask you, about something he himself isn’t even sure of, he just wants to hear your voice, like a drug to him that he can’t help but ask for more. Except when he does, you aren’t there, the table is occupied by different people, the dealer is another man with longer hair and slimmer figure, and by god did Shinso want to rip his hair out.
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The minute he feels like he could get back on his own to feet without falling down on his ass, Hitoshi is quick to check his pockets, adamant to find a clue your sneaky hands slid into one of his pockets while he was out, despite the tantrum he almost threw at not wanting your help nor guidance, and he does find something, a simple metal key, attached to it was a tag with the number XIII on it. 
In his shock, he almost drops the key on the ground but barely holds himself together to avoid any further embarrassment, Shinso takes deep breaths, knowing that the key in his possession is his entry to the heart of the organization, and especially to The Wise. 
Every year, specifically at the Vice City annual auction afterparty, The Wise holds a meeting with the most dangerous men within the continent, the most loathsome masterminds of the criminal world, all in the hopes of recruiting one of them into the organization, to uphold its name and spread its message. Every year, with no recruitment yet. 
With trembling hands, Shinso stuffs the key back into his pocket, eyes on the lookout for anyone who might’ve caught the key in his hand, but sighs in relief when he sees some engrossed in their meaningless poker and absurd talks, while the majority have made their way to the next hall over for the auction that is being held. He takes the stairs three at a time up the floors, facing a red oak double door, the same forsaken number engraved into it. After multiple failed attempts at inserting the key in the lock, he finally does with a huff, hearing the lock echoing in his ears before pushing the door open.
To be honest, Shinso didn’t know what he was expecting to see on the other side of the door, he thought maybe he’d watch weaponry trade off, perhaps people brawling and fighting amongst each other for the title of being the new members. But he certainly didn’t expect to be engulfed in jazz music, men with their cigars laughing and chatting, without a single care in the world, as if their hands weren’t tainted with the blood of the innocents, oh how he loathed them. In an attempt to fit in, he grabs a glass of whiskey from the butler standing by the door, nodding to him in thanks before moseying his way over to the corner in the room, he’d be damned if he got caught in the crossfire of those lunatics.
A stage is set up in the front of the room, and it takes a second for him to acknowledge the pole placed right at its center, it takes him another few seconds to see the beauty dancing on that pole, Shinso’s eyes rake her body without his knowledge, he admires the lingerie adorning her body, hugging her in all the right places, garter snug against her thighs as she twirls, her legs looking endless in those heels he wonders how she can dance so elegantly with them on… wait a minute. 
As if predicting the minute he realized it was you, you twirl to face him, lips pulled into a smile yet again, a giggle interrupting your humming as your body twists and turns on the pole. Shinso isn’t really sure how long he sits there captivated by your body, the only thing breaking his trance is the clap on his back and the heavy weight that sits next to him. “Beauty, isn’t she?”
Bile rises to Shinso’s throat at the mere sound of the person next to him, fear stills him in his place, restricting any movement he’s even thinking of doing, all he could do is sit, widened eyes and sweaty brows at the sight of The Wise right beside him. 
“Don’cha love it when women like her,” The Wise points at you with his cigar, “work to please men like us?” His arm now completely wrapped around Shinso’s shoulder as the hero feels his soul levitating from his body. “Look aroun’ya,” and he does, and only then does he really pay attention, he should’ve seen it all along, the glossy eyes, the droopy heads, it's a sight he was so well accustomed to that his brain normalized it to him. With whatever courage he musters up, he shifts his eyes to look at the man beside him, noticing the ear plugs he wore, and right then the gears start to turn in his head. “My most prized possession I tell’ya.” 
Of course you would be, how else would you have access to all these things, the card, the key, the vanishing from thin air, it all makes sense now.
“Enjoying yourselves, gentlemen?” your words are flowing like honey to his ears, a low buzz ringing in his brain as you spoke to the men in front of you. His ability to frown is nonexistent, a relaxed look adorning his face as he looks up at you, so elegant and beautiful in whatever hugged that miracle of a body.
“Sure are,” The Wise jerks Shinso by the shoulder, and he realizes that was done to break whatever trance he was in, he could only glare back at you when you smile at them, that conniving smile that hosted all the lies you spouted to him.
“y/n,” He calls you and by God if this isn’t the most beautiful name Shinso ever hears, what a shame it's being tainted by the voice of this criminal. “Wadda ya say to takin’ this fine boy to the red room, hm?” The man urges him to stand and take your hand, which he did at the blink of an eye, his body moving on it’s own to graze his lips against your knuckles in a breathless kiss. “Treat’m real nice for me.” The hero’s feet take him to follow you, his steps light, like walking on clouds, the sway of your hips pulling him closer to you until his chest is flush against your back, pushing you to move faster into the room you are pointed towards.
Walking aimlessly through hallways, taking lefts and rights he would never be able to recollect in his current state, you both enter a room, red just like The Wise called it, crimson silk sheets fitted on a king sized bed, maroon loveseats and plush carpets, everything in that red hue that it's almost nauseating. 
Bringing your hands in a loud clap, the fogginess in Shinso’s vision dissolves, your creased brows and frown now more prominent to him than ever, his eyes catch the scar trailing from the back of your neck to your cleavage, confused as to why his usual perceptive self would miss it, but then again, he doesn’t feel like he was ever himself throughout this whole ordeal.
To say he was furious is an understatement, he never felt more played in his life, he is Mindjack, the most conniving hero of all of Japan, he was manipulative and sly , known by his people to get jobs done, no matter who his opponent is, he always comes back victorious. And when his ears pick up your sigh of relief, he could only see red, he is hurt, he is scared, but now its his act, his turn to fuck shit up, he wants to hurt, he wants to scare.
“Fuckin’ lying bitch,” It takes him all but two steps for his body to graze yours, tantalizing eyes boring down into yours as you gasp at the close proximity, “you were workin’ with’em this entire fuckin’ time?”
“N-no that’s not it,” you stutter, flustered at his overwhelming presence, trying to put some distance between you and the fuming man by pushing his chest, “Please, I need you to listen to me.” 
“Oh, now you’re beggin’ hmm?” his firm warm hands circle your wrists, tugging them away from his body and using them to pull you even closer to him, his breath now grazing the tops of your cheeks, “Didn’t your boss tell you to treat me right?” he breathes, “well, get to it, slut.”
“That’s not what this is Hitoshi, just listen-” for the love of all that’s pure in this world, why does the sound of his name exceed his perception of how happiness is supposed to reverberate in his ear? “Keep my name outta your mouth, or I swear,” He hisses at you, the grip on your wrists tightening as you whimper out in pain. 
“You think you can just toy with me? Have me running around and following your orders like a lil bitch!?” He sees you trembling, lips wobbly and in tears, how ironic, he doesn’t know a few words would get you to start tearing up, the change in demeanor from when he first met you confuses him for a second, but only a second, because he’ll be damned if he falls for any of your tricks anymore. “N-no, I swear it isn’t like that, just p-please, please c-calm down! Let me explain myself-” the ugly cackle he lets out shuts you up, teary eyes widening as they fall on his, the aura he’s radiating is terrifying to say the least, your knees shaking in dread at what’s about to fold.
“You think you can play my game and win?”
It takes you a minute to answer, the word no echoing in your head, throbbing in your brain so painfully you forget the words that follow it, but what you can’t forget, what you will never forget, no matter how delirious you feel, is the look of pure sin across Shinso’s face, grin rivaling that of the Cheshire cat, because you were now simply a measly little pawn in his game. 
Mindjack works in dingy jobs with filthy manipulative men in black markets and the human trafficking industry, criminals that broke every law in their way to get what they desire, so why couldn’t he indulge even a little himself? 
He lets go of your wrists, watching as your arms sway next to your body like dead weight before he turns around to flop down on the loveseat, legs spread wide as he waves his hand over to you.
“Waddaya waitin’ for,” he knows you can’t answer him, but it feels so fucking good to hold such power over you after all you’ve put him through. “Now, strip.” the surge of power he feels jolts his dick up in excitement as he watches you take off your lingerie, moves robotic and forced, eyes glazed over both with tears and his control over your dumb little brain. Hitoshi is no villain, he is a respectable hero, but he’s been called that all his childhood, he might as well live up to that expectation, one way or another.
Shinso stands when you’re fully naked in front of him, long legs circling you and taking you all in, the back of his hand grazes your nipple and he all but groans as it pebbles at his touch. But god, he was nowhere near being done with you.
“Spread your legs for me on that bed,” he grins at the way you follow his orders even before he asks, “will ya?” you settle yourself on the bed before slowly dropping your weight on your back, hazy eyes staring up into the ceiling as your arms bring themselves down to circle the back of your knees, pulling them up close to your chest to expose yourself to him. 
Shinso’s cock twitches in his pants again at the opportunity to just seath it into you without any warning, but he barely holds himself back, approaching your body and feeling himself salivating at the sight, what a sight it is, your pussy looking so fucking beautiful clenching over nothing, the sight tempting him to just dive his face right in to get a taste of your juices.
Taking off his suit jacket and rolling the sleeves of his shirt, Shinso presses his thumb to your clit, frowning when he notices how dry you are, of course you would be, he chuckles to no one, puckering his lip to spit right at the nub, watching it trail down to your clenching hole, the sight igniting a flame within him, he does it again, simply to watch your spit hide in your cunt, impatient to follow suit and bury himself in there. 
His thumb is quick to draw circles with your clit, needing for your orgasm to wash over you quickly, eager for the things he’d do to you after he preps you enough to take him. The usual comforting silence is thick between you, no moans escaping your ajar mouth as your arousal seeps out of your pussy, he prods your hole with his finger to collect your nectar, smearing it across your clit again to rub even faster against it.
The only indication of you coming undone is when your thighs start to shake, your body curling in on itself as your back arches, your cunt gushing on his fingers, and Shinso is almost disappointed to not hear you moan out his name in pleasure. But he isn’t that disheartened, he’s bound to hear you scream.
You on the other hand, are petrified at the way your body is being handled, feeling yourself looking down at the horror being folded in front of you, this isn’t you, this is a shell of who you are, wrapped around his finger, at his mercy, and you want out, no matter the cost. But, you are to regret these words, because you see him unbuckling his belt, you hear the zipper drilling in your ear, and you watch him lay atop you, feeling your lungs constrict at the weight settling upon it, and to your utmost terror, the only thing that breaks his bind on you is when you feel his warm head prodding at your entrance, right before seething completely in, your throat prickling when you wail hoarsely in pain at feeling like being split into two.
“No, nonononon, st-stop please, please!” You’re crying, legs thrashing and arms flailing trying to push this monster off of you, but you can’t, you think as your walls pulsate in pain at the intrusion, you’ll never be able to with him placing his entire weight on you like that, and the way he pulls out before impaling you again has you seeing stars in the worst way possible. Desperate for an escape, you grab a chuck of his hair, your nails digging into his scalp before you yank, your jaw throbbing at how tight you clench your teeth in pain and disgust and pure panic. The strength you muster to pull his head up is in vain, because it only jerks his face deeper into your neck, right where your scar trails, and he bites, so hard you’re certain it draws blood. 
Only then does he lift his head up, his upper lip smeared with a smidge of blood, your blood, before he spits right into your mouth. Sick to your stomach at the metallic taste invading your taste buds, you spit right up at him, mindless to the debris falling right back at your face, your mascara running down your cheeks as you sneer up at him. Even as he laughs teasingly at you.
“Don’t worry slut,” He rasps, his nose brushing against yours as his thrusts find a pace, pulling out to the tip before pushing himself fully inside, “It’ll feel good in a minute.” and it does, he feels more of your arousal coating his cock as he snaps his hips against yours, your wails and whimpers slowly yet surely are coated more with lust as you moan out his name. “See tha’, almost too easy…” almost too good to be true.
And it is, because when his eyes struggle to find yours, he is reminded by the feeling that overtook him this entire evening, and when he sees the corner of your lips pull lightly does he want to rip your head right out, but the minute he moves his hand, he is overwhelmed by how wobbly he feels, how your face distorts and misshapes before he is met with the sight of the ceiling, the sight you grew accustomed to when he was taking advantage of your unconsciousness. 
He groans when he feels you impaling yourself on his cock, pussy clenching so tight as you bop yourself up and down his shaft, your tits bouncing with you as he looks up at you, so mesmerized and entranced by your beauty all he does is hold your hips, helping you lift yourself up before dropping you on him, the squelching sound that follows it music to his ears.
You plant your hands against his chest, hips rolling as you pant at his lips, both of you so drunk on the feeling of each other and chasing your highs, “You gonna listen to me, when I ask you to?” His hand claps against your ass at your question, “Yes, yes oh God, anythin’ just don’t stop.” He can’t help but want more of you, want to feel his cock push against you even further, so he plants his feet firm against the bed, hand grabbing handfuls of your ass as he starts thrusting up at you, moaning against your neck when he shoots ropes of his cum inside of your sopping cunt, squeezing him so tight and milking him, and all of what Shinso remembers is the way you arch your back, pressing your chest against his as your whimper out his name, as he feels your juices dripping against his balls and down on the sheets beneath you. After that, all he could see was black.
Shinso awakes startled, eyes darting in alarm before he relaxes when he confirms he’s alone, the red silky sheets now draped over his lower body, pooling at his lap when he sits up to look around once more, desperate for any sign of you. Yet he only sees a brown folder on top of the love seat, impressively thick with the amount of papers stacked inside it, and when Shinso reaches for it, he catches the note that slipped off and draped down on the floor, reading it and scowling at it. ‘You promised you’d listen’
And boy is he more than lucky to listen to you when you asked him to. Because that folder has every tiny little detail he needs to know about The Wise, from the quirks of his circulating bodyguards to the keys to his multiple homes within the world. Pictures upon pictures of the man, decoded letters and basically intel on his entire criminal record.
Fucking finally, Shinso gets to just go home no that everything’s over and done with.
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Limited Edition Sneak Peek:
It is way too early for Shinso, the sun glaring at him as he makes his way into the agency, the honking cars and chattering people feeding into his migraine so early in the morning, and he groans as he pushes his door open, ready to get back to his regular routine after the incident at Vice City.
It hasn’t been even a week, but it sure was eventful, using the folder you left him, Mindjack was able to capture The Wise the very next day, via the map of the routes he takes that was attached in the folder. They were able to ambush him, easily being able to bring the right heroes for the job to overcome the quirks of both his workers and himself. Now the mastermind of Organization XIII was behind bars, making the job of catching the remaining members now much easier.
It almost felt like child’s play, at least, that’s what the heroes made it out to be, flexing their powers and their potential, when they were well aware that all their efforts would’ve been in vain if you and your folder weren't there to aid them in every step.
To say that guilt ate him up is an understatement, he feels himself decaying from the inside out from resentment, he figures he spent too much time in the dark, that it started to mess with him, manipulate him, carve him into someone he isn’t, someone that isn’t fit to be a hero. He feels like was walking into a tunnel with no way out, engulfed and trapped in pure merciless darkness, that ate away at his soul every step he took further in.
Shinso trudges up the stairs with a heavy heart, the dread at what he did to you, especially that your intent to help him didn’t waver despite his actions loomed over him, and he couldn’t remember the last time he felt like he didn’t deserve the life that he’s living in right now. 
Yet, the saying ‘there's a light at the end of the tunnel’ rings in his ear, the minute he opens up the door to his office, eyes widening at the sight before him, smile so dazzlingly sweet, a voice just like silk, weaving around him and entrancing him as the words captivated him despite their simplicity.
“Missed me, Hitoshi?”
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(1) its common in poker for women to be onlookers, like the wives of the players for example, the jab at him being an onlooker is basically just a sexist joke to make the people around the table laugh to ease their mind.
(2) to help gain more perspective about the poker scene you can read the elaboration here
Aaaand more about the reader’s quirk here!
Hope you enjoyed! Also, PLEASE if you could theorize with me after reading the fic I’d love you forever, ask me about the reader’s quirk, ask me about some hidden meanings between the scenes JUST ANYTHING. MWAH
Borrowers (taglist):
@hanji-is-life @anarchicmartyr @sleepykyan @yourprincess-maybe @wolfygirl1900 @tteokdoroki​
@theehoneybunii @nanamisbento​ (not sure if you wanted to be tagged for bakuhoe only of all my fics, so sorry if its the former!)
if you want to be tagged with for any of my fics let me know ♡
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Heal Me, Kill Me Ch.5 (Final Chapter)
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x female reader
Genre— Vampire!Taehyung x Vampire Hunter!reader, SMUT +18, angst
Warnings— Unprotected explicit sex, fingering, blood mentions, death, oral (f and m receiving), creampie, overstimulation 
Word Count— 6.3k
Summary— You’re one of the best vampire hunters in the world. That’s to be expected when your parents are the best of the best. Your life had solely revolved around ruthlessly killing vampires, making you a cold blooded machine. However, things take a turn once you meet Kim Taehyung, your latest target.
A/N— Huge shoutout to @dee-ehn for this beautiful banner! Thank you to everyone who has given this series a read. It’s very special to me and it’s bittersweet that it’s now over. Please let me know what you guys think!
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“Let me get this straight, the VEC HQ is completely gone? Wiped out?” you questioned as you tried to grasp the situation.
“Apparently they were hit with a massive ambush. A huge horde of vampires led under a single commander, it seemed like. I got a call during the middle of the raid. All I could hear were screams and the caller’s laugh. I was given a time and place for a meet up,” Yoongi explained further. 
“Perfect, let’s go burn the sons of bitches,” Jungkook got up energetically.
“There are only four of us,” Taehyung observed with a judgmental glance towards the young man. 
“There are only THREE VEC members left. The only reason you’re still alive is because ___ insisted on it. Mark my words, one slip up, and you’re dead. Got that?” Yoongi corrected him. Taehyung solemnly nodded. 
“So, what do we do? HQ is gone, but surely we can contact the other agencies around the globe,” you suggested.
“Already tried that. They saved the best for last. There is no one we can ask for help,” Jungkook shook his head. 
“I can go. Alone, I mean. To the rendezvous point you were given,” Taehyung offered. 
“And do what? Join forces with them?” Yoongi glared. 
“An attempt at diplomacy would be ideal. Should they choose violence, then so be it. If I die, I die. But at least you will be safe,” Taehyung looked at you while he said that last sentence. 
“Sounds good to me--”
“Absolutely not,” you interrupted Yoongi, “If we really are the last people qualified as vampire hunters, I say we go down swinging. I can’t just sit by knowing there are murderous vampires on the loose. We all took an oath to protect mankind. I intend to keep that oath.”
Yoongi and Jungkook exchanged looks. Jungkook was all for it, eager to let out his rage. It took a bit more to convince Yoongi, but he reluctantly agreed. He really took to heart what you said about the VEC oath.
“Here are the coordinates I was given. We have three days to get there,” Yoongi brought up the site on Google Earth.
“What the hell? That looks like an abandoned castle. That’s kind of badass. Major Castlevania vibes,” Jungkook gawked as he zoomed in closer.
“I know this place,” Taehyung said quietly. 
“You do?” the remaining VEC members asked in unison.
“I believe so. And if who I think is involved truly is involved...I fear we may be in deeper trouble than I thought,” he said ominously. 
“Fuckin terrific,” Yoongi grumbled. 
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“Thank god Yoongi brought the private jet over here,” you sighed as you watched the trees below you grow smaller and smaller.
“Thank god I have the credit card for the VEC funds. I would be remiss if we lost all that money,” Yoongi called back using the intercom. 
“Flying via private jet is probably one of my favorite parts of the job. Hey, you good over there, Fangs?” Jungkook coined a nickname for his new vampire acquaintance. 
You looked over to see Taehyung’s face paler than usual as he tightly gripped the armrests of his seat. He slowly looked over towards the pair of you and nodded, though he was clearly lying. You couldn’t help but chuckle at him. His fear of flying was adorable, who would’ve known that an undead creature could be scared of planes?
“I’m gonna go join Yoongi in the cockpit, I love the view from there,” Jungkook said to no one in particular as he stood up once cruising altitude was reached. 
You unbuckled your seat belt and went over to comfort Taehyung, who looked queasier by the minute. You handed him a bottle of water.
“Sorry, we don’t have any blood bags on the plane,” you joked.
“I appreciate the gesture, darling,” Taehyung meekly smiled.
“I didn’t know you were scared of flying,” you said with an amused grin.
“I’ve never been a fan. People traveling in the air? It’s just not natural,” Taehyung shook his head in distaste.
“I don’t think you’re one to talk about what’s natural, but I get that. I wish there was a way I could get you to unwind. We have quite a long way to go before we reach our destination,” you straddled his lap and ran your fingers through his hair, “I can get off if you feel like you need to puke,” you quickly added.
“No, I think a distraction is exactly what I need,” Taehyung’s eyes darkened as he unbuckled his seat belt and gripped your hips.
Your hips began to move on their own as they grinded against him. You could feel his clothed erection growing under you, which only spurred you on more. Taehyung leaned forward to kiss you, and accidentally bit your lip in his excitement. He quickly lapped up the small dribble of blood that surfaced, and that alone seemed to make him more ravenous. Taehyung started to guide your hips, pushing you harder and faster against him.
“You want me?” Taehyung exhaled against your lips.
“I need you. Take off your pants, Tae,” you instructed as you climbed off of him.
“The others won’t intrude?” Tae asked with a smirk as he tugged down his pants.
“Yoongi is flying the jet, and I don’t give a fuck if Jungkook walks in on us,” you answered as you sank to your knees. 
You wasted no time in taking a firm hold of Taehyung cock. Your now ice cold hand caused Taehyung to shudder, a feeling he would now have to get used to. Luckily, the friction from your quick pumping warmed him back up, and he was able to fully enjoy himself. How could he not, when he sees your eager eyes gazing up at him with your lips wrapped around his tip. Your tongue swirled around his sensitive head, making a small moan escape from his lips.
“You have to be quiet, or else I’ll stop,” you warned him. It felt good to hold somewhat of a dominant position over him, but also you would rather not be walked in on. Taehyung nodded his head and licked his lips as you returned to the task at hand. 
Drool dripped down his long cock as you bobbed your head up and down. You tried to fit as much of him in your mouth as you could, but his sheer size made it damn near impossible. Taehyung couldn’t help himself as he grabbed the back of your head and shoved his dick further down your throat. You gagged as he took control of your mouth, but he stopped as soon as he saw tears welling in your eyes.
“I’m sorry darling, did I hurt you?” he asked with concern as he stroked your cheek.
“I’m fine, it’s an involuntary reaction. You’re too sweet,” you smiled as you stood up and unbuttoned your pants, “But since you made me cry I guess it’s only fair for you to make it up to me.”
You straddled over Taehyung, teasing your bare pussy over his hard cock. You wanted him to feel how wet you were before he even penetrated you. As much as you wanted to milk this moment, you really would rather for Jungkook to NOT walk in on you in the middle of getting down and dirty. 
You slowly lowered yourself onto Taehyung’s dick, softly gasping as he stretched you out. You both let out a blissful sigh once you reached his base. You took your time fucking him slowly, as this was one of the few times that you had control in an intimate setting. Taehyung gripped your hips harshly; his eyes begged for you to go faster. Lust took over and you gave in. You began to ride him harder and faster, and soon it was a struggle for both of you to stay quiet. 
Lewd wet sounds echoed around the cabin as you hid your face in the crook of Taehyung's neck at a poor attempt to muffle your moans. Taehyung in turn could barely hold back his deep grunts since he took control with a tight grip on your ass as he fucked upwards into you. With Taehyung drilling into your sweet spot with inhumane speed, the intensity made you clamp down on his neck hard enough to draw blood. Taehyung came quickly after you bit him, releasing his load into your ravaged pussy. 
You licked at his wound, his blood only adding to the euphoria pulsing around your body. Taehyung kissed you passionately before you hopped off in search of napkins to clean yourself off with. The sound of the cockpit door opening sent you and Taehyung into a frenzy. Clothes were put back on in record time and you both were sitting properly in your respective seats when Jungkook came to rejoin you.
“You’re looking better, Fangs,” Jungkook observed. 
“I just needed some time to adjust,” Taehyung said smoothly. 
“You guys know we have cameras and microphones rigged around this cabin right? And it’s all viewable from the cockpit?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
Taehyung’s eyes grew large and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Neither of you could make eye contact with Jungkook, who was looking at both of you expectantly. 
“This is why I do not appreciate modern technology. Personal privacy is a thing of the past,” Taehyung confessed.
Jungkook burst out into a fit of laughter, clutching at his sides as he tried to talk.
“I was fucking with you. I mean yeah there are cameras and shit but security is in the back and gets sent directly to HQ. Which no longer exists. Fuck, you guys are so horny,” Jungkook laughed.
“Fuck off Jungkook,” you rolled your eyes and turned away to hide your reddened cheeks. 
“How’s it feel being part of the Mile High Club?” Jungkook slung his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders from behind. 
“I am assuming that has something to do with intercourse in the sky?” Taehyung questioned. Jungkook nodded excitedly.
“In that case, I rather enjoyed it,” Taehyungn concluded thoughtfully.
“Tae! You don’t have to indulge this idiot,” you cried out.
“Thanks for being honest. Yoongi and I made a bet. He’s gonna be so pissed,” Jungkook sing songed as he walked back towards the cockpit.
You and Taehyung quietly listened as you heard Jungkook say, “Hey Yoongi, time to cough up that $200!”
“Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell ___! God dammit,” Yoongi exclaimed loud enough to be heard clearly through the door (and with your heightened sense of hearing).  
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The decrepit castle basked in the pale moonlight as the four of you peered at it through the bushes. The rest of the plane ride was awkward and Yoongi hadn’t been able to make eye contact with you since. He kept shooting death glares at Taehyung while Jungkook kept making funny faces at the both of you. You sighed knowing odds were that the castle was filled with bloodthirsty vampires guarding the strongest one of them all, and the only ones going up against them was your ragtag team. You suddenly made peace with dying...again. 
“So what’s the plan again?” Jungkook asked.
“I can go and try to reason with them. If you hear the sounds of an altercation then that would indicate your cue to join the fight,” Taehyung offered.
“I’m not risking you turning over to their side just to screw us over,” Yoongi sneered. 
“Yoongi he wouldn’t--”
“That’s reasonable. What other plan do we have then?” Taehyung interrupted your oncoming protest.  
“We go all at once. A cool final last stand thing. The grand finale. I don’t want to go into hiding and spend the rest of my life trying to pick these suckers off one by one. They’re all here. Or at least, the one that matters most anyway,” Jungkook gave his input, “Oh, but you matter to me, Fangs,” he shot a smile at Taehyung, who gave him a small polite bow to show his gratitude. 
“So we go in guns blazing?” you asked to sum up the plan. The men all nodded in agreement. It was now or never. Jungkook was right, this was a prime opportunity to take out the ring leader. 
All of you sported long black trench coats that concealed many weapons. Guns with blessed bullets, blessed blades, and water guns filled with holy water (Jungkook’s favorite) were among the vast assortment. You subtly left out wearing crucifixes as you normally would, hoping that no one would notice. Taehyung didn’t need any fancy weaponry, but Jungkook gave him a coat so that he could “match the team in its kickassery”. 
Yoongi was staring at something in his hand away from the others. You approached him slowly. You didn’t know what to say to him on the potential last night of your lives, but you hoped something would come to mind.
“Whatcha got there?” you questioned, peering over his shoulder. 
“An old picture. Have you ever seen this before? Here,” Yoongi handed you the picture. It was old, and the camera quality was not the greatest. However, you were able to make out a smiling Yoongi off to the side.
“Wow you look the same,” you joked.
“This was my VEC graduation picture. See anyone else you know?” he asked. You examined the picture a second time.
“Mom and dad…” you trailed off. They were practically strangers to you. It was odd seeing them like this; young and happy, not knowing their grim future. Before you knew it, you were crying. You didn’t realize it until Yoongi called your name with concern.
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s going on,” you apologized while wiping your tears away, “I guess I just don’t want to lose you too.
“I couldn’t bear to lose you either, ___. I promise I’ll do everything I can to protect you. But knowing you, you’ll probably be the one saving my old ass,” Yoongi chuckled as he patted you on the back.
“Guys! We gotta go!” Jungkook beckoned.
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If this were a movie, the scene where the main characters walk in slow motion like badasses towards the enemy would be playing. However, this was not a movie, and you were scared shitless. Sure, you technically were a vampire now, but that won’t stop them from killing you again. 
“I know I said this place was cool before, but now it’s giving me the creeps,” Jungkook whispered as you all followed the rugged path that led to the stone bridge in front of the main gate.
The once grand door was now ripped off its hinges, laying a few yards away from the entryway as if it was carelessly cast aside. You took a deep breath as you followed Taehyung into the castle. Beams of moonlight illuminated the castle in rays as it shone through cracks and holes in the walls. The castle was oddly bare, most of its belongings were probably looted a long time ago. All that was left was memories of the past that no one cared about and a few rats that have lived there for decades. 
Your party made it to what must have been the throne room. There was not a single sign of life. It was eerily quiet, and the only movements you saw were those of the vermin that dwelled within the decaying walls. The throne room was dark, and Jungkook led the way with a single lighter. 
“What the hell? Is this place really empty--”
“Welcome, honored guests!” a loud voice boomed as braziers suddenly lit up the room. 
You cowered at the sudden brightness. Once your eyes adjusted, you saw a single figure sitting in the throne at the front of the room. One of his legs was slung over an armrest as he rested his chin on his hand over the other. He depicted a spitting image of a cocky King drunk on power. 
“I’m so thrilled you all could join me this evening. Oh, what’s this? An old friend? How serendipitous,” he sat up straight now as he leaned forward to get a better look at his visitors. 
“Why did you summon us here?” Yoongi cut right to the chase. 
“Very blunt and straight to the point are we? You must be the failed VEC’s headmaster. Min Yoongi, was it? I wanted to talk business. But I must say, this is a rather odd bunch you have here,” the man chuckled, “Are you aware that there are vampyres amongst your company?”
“Yes, this one--wait, vampires? With an ‘s’?” Yoongi’s face scrunched up in confusion. 
“Oh yes, that girl over there,” the strange man gestured towards you with his chin.
“What?!” Yoongi yelled with incredulity, “Taehyung, if we get out of here alive I’m gonna murder you myself!”
“It was my decision! I asked him to do it!” you admitted while jumping in front of Taehyung to protect him from a furious Min Yoongi. 
“Hah, I knew it,” Jungkook said with a devious grin.
“You know what? I’ll beat all of your asses after this,” Yoongi hissed before turning his attention back to the man on the throne, “Anyway, what do you want?”
“I simply wanted to negotiate with you Mr. Min. But I believe we’re all in for a rather interesting night,” the man licked his lips, “Tell me, how long has it been, Taehyung?”
In an instant, Taehyung was strangling the man on the throne. He was so fast that you didn’t even register his movement until you heard him yelling.
“You bastard! You ruined my life! Over and over again! Now I can finally kill you with my own hands,” he growled with a murderous look in his eyes that you have never seen before. 
“Taehyung stop! You’ll have your chance with him, but for now we need answers,” you pulled Taehyung away as Jungkook put the vampire in blessed restraints. 
“Ouch, that hurts,” the vampire pouted, “Still just as dramatic as ever I see, Taehyung. I like your spark though. Almost the same as the night we met, all those years ago.”
“I will kill you,” Taehyung threatened. 
“What did this guy do to you, Fangs?” Jungkook asked.
“He’s the one that turned me,” Taehyung admitted. 
“Can you believe that? It feels like it was just yesterday when I slaughtered your little village. How silly was it that all the men were in the tavern, drinking and fucking whores while their families were left unattended. That didn’t sit right by me, I’m a man of morals. So I killed everyone in the tavern after I had my fill of lonely housewives and innocent children. Except Taehyung. He was the only man who was ever able to put a scratch on me. I forgot I could even bleed, it was honestly a refreshing sight. In the spur of the moment, I rewarded him with eternal life. Could you believe my surprise when he said he didn’t want to be my henchman?” the detained vampire explained. 
“You killed my family and everyone that I knew! Of course I wouldn’t want to be your stupid sidekick, you daft idiot,” Taehyung rebuttled in disgust.
“It was a shame. Poor sweet Maggie didn’t deserve what happened to her,” the vampire looked down at the ground somberly.
“You...you did what?” Taehyung interrogated with a shaky voice. 
“I managed to catch a glimpse of you and your happy life in London. Excuse me for being a little petty about you declining my offer to be my travel buddy. I get lonely, you know. Every other vampire I turn becomes such a drag and I end up killing them myself. So I gave a little tip to the VEC and the rest is history,” the vampire shrugged. 
“Hoseok you snake! You’re the scum of the Earth! I’ll tear your throat out,” Taehyung screamed as he shook off Jungkook and lunged at the captured vampire. Taehyung slashed a giant gash in the middle of Hoseok’s chest, spewing blood everywhere.
“If I die, so do they,” Hoseok said nonchalantly as Taehyung was about to sink his fangs into his jugular. That made Taehyung reluctantly pause and shrink back.
“Taehyung, you can have the honor of killing this piece of shit after I’m done talking to him,” Yoongi stated, “Your name is Hoseok?”
“Jung Hoseok, at your service. I’m thinking of J-Hope as a street name if I decide to make my dancing skills public. Not to brag, but I’m also the strongest vampire to ever live. I normally don’t bleed this much, it’s embarrassing,” Hoseok looked away bashfully as blood flowed freely from his chest.
“Why did you say that if you die we die?” Yoongi asked with urgency. 
“Well because there are roughly 100 vampires who haven’t fed in a month waiting at my command. My dominion over them is the only thing keeping you safe. With me gone, they’ll be free from their invisible leashes,” Hoseok smiled.
“Nothing is stopping us from dragging your sorry ass away from here,” Jungkook snarled.
“You think they’ll idly sit by and watch their master be whisked away in shackles? I can tell who wasn’t top of their class,” Hoseok giggled. 
“What was the deal you had in mind?” Yoongi kept up his stoic act.  
“Total immunity. I’ll even have all 100 henchmen kill themselves as a show of good faith,” Hoseok flashed a sly smile. 
“No can do, I already promised Taehyung he could kill you,” Yoongi sighed.
“Is he part of the VEC? The deal would have to last for the rest of eternity between me and the VEC. If I die in a vampire fight then that’s on me,” Hoseok tilted his head in confusion. 
“Give me a minute to discuss this with my colleagues,” Yoongi said before leading you and Jungkook to the opposite side of the room, “What do we do? His offer seems too good to be true.”
“It seems fair since he said he’d kill off his henchman on his own. I’m sure Taehyung can kick his ass,” Jungkook added. 
“And if Tae loses? Then we have nothing that’ll stop him from killing us. It’s too risky. I don’t trust him one bit,” you concluded. 
“We can’t possibly win against him plus 100 starving vampires. We’ll be dead meat in seconds,” Yoongi argued. 
Meanwhile, Taehyung looked down in disgust at Hoseok as they had their own conversation.
“I think we were fated to be together. I never thought you’d be here,” Hoseok batted his eyes at Taehyung.
“You’re lucky they’re here to stop me. Otherwise you’d regret letting me live,” Taehyung snapped.
“So why are you here? I’m guessing it has something to do with that girl. Don’t tell me, did you turn her?” Hoseok’s eyes grew large, “Wow, you’ve grown stronger than I could have hoped! If we combine our powers we can rule this world.”
“You’re delusional if you think I’d join you after all of this.”
“Then I’ll enjoy tearing apart your plaything in front of your eyes,” Hoseok smirked. 
“If you lay a finger on her then I’ll--”
“We’ll accept your terms after a few more clarifications,” Yoongi interrupted, “First of all, we don’t think we can trust you. After all, you wiped out the VEC HQ. I have no doubt that the global branches have fallen as well. There’s nothing stopping you from killing us as soon as we let you free.”
“We both know that you never would have agreed to meet with me if I hadn’t done anything drastic. I needed to get rid of the grunts to get to the King, simple as that. Believe me, if I wanted you dead you all would have been slain the moment your fancy plane landed,” Hoseok shrugged.
“Then why did you let us live? Why go through the trouble?” Jungkook questioned.
“For the drama of it all, dear boy. When you get to be as old as I am, living gets boring. I’m not sure if you could tell, but I live for theatrics and thrill. Oh and I’m planning on taking over the world or whatever,” Hoseok admitted happily. 
“And you think we’d let you get away with that?” Yoongi scoffed.
“I’m simply offering you a little peace offering. Of course I wouldn’t hurt you three, and you’re all welcome to kill any vampires that come across your path. It’s more of a mutual immunity actually. This benefits you people more than me. If you disagree, you’re dead anyway,” Hoseok smiled wide enough to show off his fangs.
“Fine. The VEC accepts your terms. You have my word that the VEC will never harm you,” Yoongi declared, “But first, we must see your troops fall with our own eyes.”
“Pleasure doing business with you, I knew you’d be smart. And that’s fair,” Hoseok whistled and the ground began to rumble as an army of vampires came running into the throne room. 
The soldiers made orderly lines and awaited their orders. Some of them salivated at the sight of your party, but they didn’t dare move an inch without permission. They were the most ravenous vampires you’ve ever seen, and would want to avoid fighting them at all cost.
“My dear underlings. You have all served me well. You’ll be in my heart as I create a new world. I ask one last thing of you. Rip out your own heart to show your devotion to me. May your souls rest in peace,” Hoseok gave a short uninspiring speech.
You watched in horror as the army chanted “Long Live Hoseok” along with random whoops and hollers. They were extremely lively and hyped up as they plunged their own fists into their chests. Fountains of red erupted across the room as they ripped out their own hearts. You let out a sigh of relief as you watched the last soldier fall. 
“That was wild,” Jungkook said with a deer in headlights expression. 
“Really makes you feel something huh? A deals a deal,” Hoseok chirped up expectantly. 
Hoseok was tackled to the ground as soon as he was released. Taehyung yelled with fury as he reopened the nearly healed gash he inflicted earlier. Hoseok reacted by hurling Taehyung into the opposite wall. 
“I haven’t had a real fight in ages. Don’t disappoint me, Taehyung,” Hoseok laughed as he spat out blood.
A rock was hurled at incredible speed from where Taehyung landed. Hoseok was quick enough to dodge the rock, but not Taehyung. Once again, the vampires were on the ground and Taehyung was aiming for Hoseok’s throat. Jungkook shot a blessed bullet into Hoseok’s leg, causing him to howl out in pain.
Hoseok tossed Taehyung aside with newfound strength as his eyes glowed red. He set his sights on Jungkook and his lips curled up into an evil smile.
“You dare to break the contract, boy? I’m gonna make you regret that,” Hoseok warned.
Another blessed bullet lodged itself into Hoseok’s back, making him crumple to the ground. He turned in distress to see you wielding the gun with a cocky smirk plastered on your face. Yoongi kicked him onto his back, and spat in his face. With a quick motion of his arm, a wooden stake peeked out of the opening of his sleeve. With a yell, he plunged the wooden stake into Hoseok’s chest.
“Filthy liars,” Hoseok sputtered as blood dribbled down his chin.
“We agreed that the VEC would never harm you. However, you singlehandedly dismantled the company and the establishment is no more. I was the headmaster, but now I’m just a jobless son of a bitch,” Yoongi said triumphantly as he pushed the stake deeper.  
“We did it Yoongles!” you cheered before you heard the sounds of bones breaking. The smile dropped from your face instantly as you zipped over to Yoongi.
“An eye for an eye. Well played, Mr. Min Yoongi,” Hoseok croaked with his hand buried in Yoongi’s chest.
Taehyung quickly decapitated Hoseok with a strong kick. Hoseok’s body turned to dust as his head rolled across the floor for a few seconds before it also reverted to nothingness. 
“Yoongi! Yoongi!” you cried as you cradled him in your arms. Warm blood gushed out of his chest as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Jungkook sank to his knees beside you and held onto Yoongi’s hand. 
“Taehyung, go start up the jet! We have to get him to a hospital!” you demanded with tears running down your cheeks.
“He doesn’t know how to,” Jungkook said softly, trying to comfort you.
“We have to help him!” you sobbed. 
“___,” Yoongi whispered weakly. 
“Shhh, you’ll be okay. Don’t speak,” you begged. 
“Love...you...Be...happy…,” Yoongi rasped before gagging on his own blood. 
You and Jungkook cried over Yoongi’s body for a long time after it had gone cold. Jungkook held you as you cried into his chest as you soiled his clothes with tears and snot. To be fair, his tears and snot ended up all over your hair. Taehyung wanted to comfort you, but he knew Jungkook was a better fit for this job. Afterall, Yoongi was special to both of you. He was the parent neither of you had, and always took care of you guys in his own special way. 
After the sobs subsided, you and Jungkook stared blankly at the body before you. You’ve always been surrounded by death, it never bothered you. You didn’t need emotions in this line of work. You never thought you could feel pain like this. 
“He was a hero. I’m sorry for your loss,” Taehyung finally spoke as he placed a hand on both of your shoulders to show his condolences.
“Thanks, Tae.”
“Thanks, Fangs,” both you and Jungkook said in unison. 
Yoongi was buried outside of the castle, in the clearing where the private jet landed. There were no fancy rituals or blessings. Only a few words of gratitude uttered by both you and Jungkook. It was still too soon to say much more before either of you would start crying again. The feelings were there, and that’s all that mattered. 
The sun began to rise as the three of you sat inside the private jet in silence. You were lost. The VEC was truly no more. The biggest vampire threat (that you weren’t even aware of until a few days prior) was defeated.  Now what?
“What are you going to do now?” you asked Jungkook. 
“No clue. I guess I’ll travel. I have nothing else to do,” he shrugged, “What about you guys?”
“I think I want to open up a flower shop,” you said absentmindedly.
“A flower shop? Like the one Yoongi set up for you?” Jungkook was confused. 
“Yeah. I can either try to make that one work or start up my own elsewhere. I don’t know. I just think that would...make me happy,” you answered softly.
“Would you like some help with that?” Taehyung asked as he interlocked his fingers with yours. 
“Who else is gonna teach me how to make such beautiful bouquets? Plus I don’t have a green thumb so I’ll need you to help keep the plants alive until we can sell them,” you answered and squeezed Taehyung’s hand. 
“It’ll suck now that we don’t have a job but--wait,” Jungkook scrolled on his phone, “___, check your bank account.” 
You stared in disbelief at the obscene amount of extra zeros that had magically appeared in your balance. Yoongi must have transferred what was left of the VEC funds to you and Jungkook at some point. Thinking about Yoongi looking out for you one final time made you tear up again. 
“I’ll drop you guys off wherever you want. I’m assuming neither of you know how to fly so I’m calling dibs on the private jet,” Jungkook stood up.
“Bold of you to assume I don’t have a piloting license, but you can take it since Taehyung hates flying,” you rolled your eyes at Jungkook before continuing, “Tae do you want to go back to your estate?”
“We don’t have to. I like the idea of starting anew,” Taehyung smiled.
“How does Paris sound?” you offered. 
“C’est magnifique. I’m sure we’ll find a way to start a successful flower shop there,” Taehyung nodded in agreement. 
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It had been five years since the VEC was destroyed. You never knew what a normal life was like, but now you wouldn’t trade it for the world. Sure, your new “normal” still technically wasn’t normal since you needed to consume blood to live and the sun was your mortal enemy, but you made it work. 
Business was booming. “Min’s Blossoms” was the name of your flower shop, and every day was an adventure. Having Taehyung as your business partner proved to be more beneficial than you thought. Other than his floral expertise, his appearance is what really got the business off the ground. Apparently, rumors of a mysterious and handsome man who worked at a local flower shop were being spread around the city. Women flocked to the store to catch a glimpse of Taehyung, and soon they all started buying flowers just for a chance to talk to him. Taehyung was worried that that might upset you, but you reassured him that you were happy that the store was doing so well so early on.
Now Min’s Blossoms had become part of the Paris landscape along with all the other little fancy boutiques. Taehyung was in charge of putting together orders, while you handled most of the business side. Your teamwork was impeccable and made even the busiest days enjoyable. 
“Are you happy?” Taehyung asked one morning while in bed.
“Honestly, I didn’t think it was possible to be this happy,” you rolled over to kiss his forehead.
“Do you ever miss your old life?” he prodded.
“Why so many questions today? As much as I loved brutally murdering monsters and constantly putting my life on the line, I would say no. This life is more pleasant. How ironic is it that I had to die in order to truly live,” you stared off into the distance as you uttered that last sentence.
“My apologies, I only wanted to ask since I know you tend to get pensive during this time of the year,” Taehyung stroked your cheek. 
“Thanks for always being so sweet to me. I love you, Tae,” you whisper before leaning in for a kiss. 
What started as an innocent kiss soon turned into something more tainted when your hand found its way to Taehyung’s already hard cock (who knew vampires can still get morning wood?). He didn’t let you take the lead as he pushed you flat on your back and pressed his thigh against your cunt. You giggled as he kissed a trail down your neck and over your collarbones as he fondled your breasts. He latched his mouth onto one of your breasts and his tongue swirled around your nipple as his free hand ripped off your panties. 
Taehyung’s fingers slipped inside you easily since you were already sopping wet for him. He smirked as the curl of his fingers made you moan and squirm beneath him. Taehyung pulled away from your breast with a satisfying “pop” and slid down to face your bare pussy. He licked shallow stripes along your folds to tease you, and let out a low chuckle when you whined for more. He placed a finger on your clit and started to rub it rapidly, not giving you any time to adjust to the intense sensation. It only took a few seconds before you were moaning and shaking at his touch.
Taehyung wasn’t finished. He went back to eating you out while pumping two fingers inside of you. The overstimulation had you seeing stars. You cried out as you came again, drenching his chin with your juices. Taehyung gave you a satisfactory grin as he rose from between your legs to align his dick with your dripping pussy.
You groaned as he filled you up. He went slow at first, his eyes closed with pleasure. You gazed at him fondly while he fucked you. He was so beautiful even when your cum was on his chin and his sweaty hair was stuck to his forehead. Taehyung opened his eyes and looked down at you with a smile. He leaned forward to kiss you once more as he snapped his hips against you. 
“You’re gonna make fun of me for cumming so soon. But I can’t help it when you’re wetter than usual,” he panted as his strokes became sloppier. 
“I won’t complain, you already made me cum this morning, now it’s your turn,” you answered between moans. Taehyung grunted as he came inside of you, his hot semen filling you up. He gave you one final kiss before collapsing beside you. 
“You know, you never told me how I saved your life,” you said after a while.
“Hmm?” Taehyung hummed.
“You mentioned it the night you turned me,” you clarified. 
“Ah, yes. My life had been meaningless for a long time before you came. For a while I was contemplating on ending it myself. But you came along and rescued me. You gave me purpose again,” he explained.
“Wow. Not to be cheesy, but you did the same for me. Honestly my life was mundane before you,” you blushed.
“Surely the best vampire hunter in the world led an exciting life,” Taehyung teased. 
“I suppose I did, but I would take a lifetime with you over it any day,” you smiled, “I love you, my little vampire.”
“I love you too, ___. There’s no one else I’d rather spend eternity with.”
Published December 14, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020 Baepsaesbae.
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Roller disco night in the club at the beach
Can you imagine the absolute ✨flair✨ hatter would use to announce and participate in this soon to be beloved event?
Would participation be mandatory?
Would militants still be scary on roller skates?
You’re the only one with the answers we’re all desperate to know
Roller Disco
Characters: Aguni Morizono, Hatter, Chishiya Shuntaro, Niragi Suguru, Arisu Ryohei, Usagi Yuzuha, Kuina Hikari (Not named, but she's there briefly)
Genre: Fluff. Roller Disco, baby!
1.6k words
I have done it! I have made the rollerskating thing a thing! I tried my best to make it as fun as possible, and even if legally you can't build a whole rink in a few days or so, this is fiction and time is a construct! I am a Time Snipper! Hehe! >:3c!
Anyways I do hope you have fun reading this. :D
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Being the higher ranking members to the Beach, the sole place that had a constant source of food, water, drugs, and electricity, they got the special privilege of having to deal with Hatter a whole lot more than anyone else in the Beach.
Sometimes that meant they were dragged into his silly schemes that Hatter would concoct on a sheer whim, out of boredom and the rule that stated they were allowed to do whatever they want whenever they want. It’s led to strange ideas and occurrences, but usually they were harmless.
Today was similar, Hatter rounding up the executives and militants to the meeting room, as well as Arisu and Usagi. The latter weren’t high ranking at all, left around the 40s in the ranks, but Hatter seemed to enjoy them nonetheless.
Everyone takes their usual seat around the table, save for Last Boss continuing to stand despite the perfectly normal seat, which was taken by Arisu instead. Usagi stood nearby him, everyones attention on the leader to this entire organization. Hatter grins at them, visually brimming with excitement and a new idea that he just had to get out to his inner circle, standing up and scanning everyones expression. It ranged from faces of neutrality, boredom, and slight interest from a few, nobody matching the sheer excitement that Hatter was holding in.
After a few moments of silence, Aguni speaks up, hands folded in his lap and eyes staring straight through Hatter’s favourite sunglasses. “ Mind telling us what this is about?” His voice was tired but inquisitive, Hatter grinning and straightening to his full height, holding his arms out like he was the next coming of a flying squirrel.
“ Yes, yes! Well, I have decided that we, as Beach members, should be allowed to have access to even more fun than ever before, and I hear one of the rooms here is perfectly empty and ready to be used as something that not every place has ever seen before! People here are allowed to do whatever, yes? But there is only so much you can do here without getting bored from the usual sights, so I thought of a brilliant idea!”
“ And that is….?” Aguni’s eyebrow raises up a little, overall not knowing where he was getting at. Hatter just continues to imitate a lowercase T while emitting his usual cheerful chaotic energy.
“ We’re gonna open up roller disco!”
There was several minutes of stunned silence, everyone looking straight at the still eager tomato waterfall, Chishiya’s lip quirking in a half-amused half-mocking smile. Niragi just squints at Hatter, a look of confusion clea on his face. The others were mostly just stunned to the point where their expressions didn’t really change much, give or take minute amounts of confusion.
“ Roller….. disco.” Aguni echoes, flabbergasted. “ You want roller disco." “ Yes! Yes! It’ll be a blast for the Beach! It’ll give them some extra steam to burn off, and it’ll be fun for everyone! Who doesn’t love a good disco?” “ Who likes dancing to disco nowadays? That’s fucking boring.” Niragi pipes up, his lips curled into a mocking sneer. He scoffs, leaning back in his seat. “ And think about it, not everyone would know how to roller-skate and not look like a fucking fool. Hell, I bet the cracked egg over there doesn’t know.” He snorts, glancing at Chishiya, who ignores his glare and keeps his attention on anything else of interest to him. “ Bet you’ll just eat shit and knock yourself out on the rink.” He imitates a person with a hand, crashing it into the table with an exaggerated noise from his mouth, ending it with his tongue sticking out and a bark of a laugh.
Chishiya glances at him, eyes flicking from his face down and back up again in a smooth manner, and his lips curl again, Niragi glaring at him. “ Perhaps it’ll be your fate too~” He chimes, Niragi narrowing his eyes at the smug vanilla eclair. Aguni has to wave him down before Niragi had the chance to leap over the table to strangle Chishiya, or even pick up his gun off the table and threaten Chishiya any more.
Hatter hums at the rebuttal anyways, taking it into consideration. “ Well, then they’ll just have to suck it up and learn if they want to roll with us! The more the merrier that loves roller disco the better! Say, who thinks this is a great idea!” He raises his hand in favour, and the others quickly discuss among themselves, Hatter still vibrating with sheer joy and the thought of going rollerskating with everyone and seeing how many people make a fool of themselves so he can talk about it later in his chambers.
Eventually, a few of them raise their hands in favour, taking the majority of the total group, Hatter’s lips stretching even wider as they agreed with him.
It takes a few days before the rink was ready, a few of them having to go around and look for people with any skill in architecture and craftsmanship to eventually renovate some old rooms into a large, functional rollerskating rink. It took a little bit, but eventually the rink was approved to be skated on. Hatter even took the time to make sure the aesthetics were perfect, setting up a real disco ball in the center and painting parts of the room with fluorescent paint and arming black lights everywhere.
Then came the announcement. It was during his usual game announcements, Hatter standing over the hundreds of Beach members with a proud grin. “ Hello everyone! I know we are all excited to go out and collect cards so that we may soon get out of the Borderlands as quickly as we can, but we have a very special announcement to make before I send you all on your ways to do your best in returning the cards!” Hatter throws his hands out to the crowd, a handful of confetti flying out of his hands, soon accompanied by Kuzuryuu and Aguni setting off the confetti cannons they had in their hands at the same time, raining confetti throughout the awed crowd.
“ Now, as people may have rumoured throughout our beloved Beach, there has been a special surprise coming to everyone for a while, down in the east wing! It’s been many days, many hours of long hard work done by a group of our hardworking people, but we have finally done it! As a gift to all of us, in celebration of still fighting onwards, I, Hatter, am proud to announce that we have built a rollerskating rink for everyone to enjoy at all hours of your time! And what’s more, it’s not just regular rollerskating, but the most greatest version of all: Roller Disco!” Hatter raises his arms out with a grin, people by instinct cheering him on and applauding, many getting excited off of one another and from the thought of a new place to hang out and play. Hatter looks down among his people, giddy from being able to reveal his newest thought baby, and starts his usual encouragement to the Beach about the games and collecting their cards, sending them into a positive uproar of pride and joy before everyone filed out the doors to their possible deaths.
By the time Hatter was back, having gone to a game with his good pal Aguni, people were already flooding the room for the new rink, people skating around in circles and having a good time. It settled a warm spot in Hatter’s heart, the man running off to snatch a pair for himself to try it. In the frenzy he lost Aguni for a bit, but when he comes back out in bright white skates with orange tips and black laces, he sees Aguni already on the rink slowly making his way around by himself. Hatter doesn’t hesitate to get inside and catch up to him, grinning at his long time friend. “ Having fun?” Hatter chirps through the disco music blasting through the speakers, Aguni slowly nodding as he gets comfortable and speed up, people trying their best to skate out of the way from Aguni skating past them with a rather concentrated expression. It only made Hatter laugh, watching Aguni scare off the more frightened skaters by sheer appearance. Hatter knew Aguni never means to, he just was a more serious guy and wanted to concentrate on not eating ass in the rink.
Hatter pauses, laughing to himself. He supposes there’s nothing wrong with that~
A bit later he spots a few of his cherished other high ranked members make their way onto the scene, a few missing from either him missing them entirely or not wanting to skate at all.
Among them was Niragi and Chishiya, of course, Hatter unable to hear the taller charred rock through the music, but still getting the feeling it was one of challenge. The smaller rock of the two apparently accepted as they speed off, trying to out-skate the other. From what Hatter got to see, Niragi was quite literally pushing everyone aside in his race around the rink in order to get past, Chishiya preferring the route of dodging and even disappearing straight form Hatter’s higher vantage point before reappearing meters away from where he was last seen. It was actually impressive.
That woman that Chishiya was always with was there as well, helping a very confused Beach member on the rink as they stumbled like a wee fawn with their proud and stable mother. Something like that, at least. Hatter chuckles, still cruising along as disco pounded in his ears and people laughed around him, some tumbling and others gliding as if one air. Hell, he might’ve even seen someone with bright pink Hello Kitty skates reading a book while they skated, which was fucking magnificent.
Yeah, he wasn’t regretting this idea at all.
Even when he sees poor Arisu immediately skate straight into a wall at hyperspeeds and flip over the wall while Usagi skates after him.
Yep, no regrets.
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fangirl1029 · 4 years
I believe you owe me 20
Opie Winston x reader 
Warning: smut
opie and y/n had grown up together/ He , her and Jax used to get into so much trouble together. Everything had changed when she moved away halfway through high school. Then things were just Opie and Jax, Y/n hadn’t tried to lose contact with her boys but some how she did. Now 21 years old she was ready to go back home but with her luck she stood next to her smocking piece of shit car. The rumbling of motorcycles filled the air. Three motorcycles rode together and slowly came to a halt. “Are you a damsel in distress?” The other two rolled  their eyes with her.”nope , car just broke down. Should've known she wasn’t going to make the move across country.” A heavier set man with long hair and facial hair to match spoke next. “ well if you’re comfortable with riding we can take you to the garage and have someone to come and get your vehicle.” He held out a helmet. Y/n  nodded and strapped it on.  “Lucky man Bobby” The first mumbled. She got onto the back of the bike with ease. “hold on tight wouldn’t want you to call off in the wind.”
She took in the view of town everything was still the same they pulled into a small parking lot with a Teller and morrow sign. She internally face palmed. There was only one good garage in the small town of charming. “Thank you for the ride Bobby , i’m y/n” Bobby smiled and nodded “ i’m going to send someone to go get your car then we’ll see what the damage is.” The other two that were with Bobby introduced themselves one was Tig and the other chibs.
There were many motorcycles parked outside and a group of men  were gathered around a small picnic table and there she saw him.  Jax had changed very little since high sch. She would’ve never guessed that he had patched in within the last 5 years.”Jackson Teller?!” she started walking over to him. His head snapped over to her. “ Oh no honey Jax Teller doesn’t have time for a booty call.” one of the men around him spoke. She glared daggers at him and laughed. “ maybe you should take your own advice and get outta his ass.” She looked the man up and down. He chucked , he was tall and bald with many tattoos up and down his arms. She read his patch ‘Happy’. “ ok that’s enough lass , cpuldn’t leave you alone for a whole 5 mins.” chibs said walking up. Jax laughed and stood. “ well nice to see you stranger.” he held out his arms and she ran to him giving him a big hug that could knock the wind out of anyone.”it’s only been a whole 5 years” She mumbled into his chest. "everyone this is y/n. She was my and opie's pain in the ass growing up" "excuse me if anything y'all were the pain in my ass growing up. Speaking of where is Opie?" Jax looked to her " he's on his way back from a run. He'll be home in a day or two.
One more day of small motel rooms is all Opie could think about when his phone viberated. ' she's home' is all it read.
Opie road through the night instead of resting like he should've 15 hours later he pulled into the parking lot.
Jax sat at a table playing poker with Tig , Bobby and y/n. He nodded toward y/n once he made eye contact with Opie. She looked over , dropped her cards down and ran to Opie. He dropped his bag to wrap his arms around her and pick her up trapping her in a bear hug. He slowly set her down and looked at her as if she'd disappear.
He had changed. Hit a growth spurt and bulked up. He added many tattoos , grew out his hair on his head and on his face.
For the rest of the night they were attached. It was great for Jax to see his two best friends in the same room again.
Y/n was staying at the club house until she could find somewhere else to stay. She turned in semi early compared to everyone else.
Jax sat next to his friend at the bar and they drank in silence. Y/n had met his wife Wendy the night before. She could tell that Y/n didn't approve of her. " How'd she like Wendy?" Jax chuckled " about as much as she'd like any woman around you in high school" "you know I always thought the two of you would end up together" Gemma said from behind the bar. Jax shook his head "nah ma her and Opie would've been more predicted"
The next crow eaters filled the bar as the boys celebrated a patch over. Y/n stood in front of a mirror in all black. Her red Lacy bra peaked out from under a black mesh top and lace up leather pants. Her hair done in her signature way and makeup to perfection.
The boys jaws dropped when they saw her. Wendy rolled her eyes and tried to get Jax's attention. Opie went to y/n " shouldn't you be some place you won't be looked at as if you were a meal." " This isn't high school ope , I can take care of myself."
As the night got later and the party got louder Opie couldn't stop looking y/n's way. A crow eater sat next to him trying to get his attention. Y/n glanced over to see that sight and rolled her eyes ordering another of her fav drink.
after a few more drinks she went to find trouble. She sat next to happy bored and slightly tipsy.
There was no way happy was going to get the girl Opie had been in love with since junior high.
Opie pushed the crow eater away and grabbed y/n's arm " what the hell ope" he dragged her to the corner of the room and pinned her against the wall. " I told you I can take care of myself" y/n sat through gritted teeth. " I know you can and I know you know that everyone is looking at you and fresh meat."
Her breath hitched as Opie moved closer " and that crow eater looks at you the same way." He rolled his eyes. "you can't even come up with a fight because it's the same thing."
The sexual tension grew as days went on. Y/n started wearing less and less clothes around Opie adding a few touches here and there.
Saturday night. Y/n dressed again but this time she had one thing on her mind. Driving Opie crazy.
He sat there his long hair straightened.
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A crow eater clearly had her eyes on him but she didn't know what she was up against. Tonight y/n wore a tight leather skirt , no bra and a skimpy Lacy top. With knee high boots.
She didn't even hesitate to sit on opie's lap and wrap her arm around him " heya ope" he smiled as she took his drink from his hand and took a sip. The alcohol burned her throat that good kind of burn.
"how much you wanna bet they'll end up together by tonight?" Tig asked Jax and chibs from behind the bar. "20"
Some how 2 hours later y/n was straddling Opie as they talked Jax had never seen this much of her skin in his life.
Opie rested a hand on each of her thighs as her face got closer to his. "you're drunk" y/n laughed " liquid courage am I right." She whispered pushing her hips down into his. Opie bit his lip to keep a groan in. He hands moved to her ass as he pulled her up onto his lap more and He gave her a small kiss.
Y/n could feel him getting hard " maybe you should get some relief" she whispered biting his earlobe lightly. " You don't know what you're playing y/n" she smiled as if to say of course I do. Opie kissed her again tying his hands in her hair
"opie , I'm not wearing any underwear" she felt his member get rock solid under her. " If you don't believe me see for yourself." He moved his hand off her ass and Slid it up the front of her skirt. He felt her wet folds and slid his fingers back he teased her hole with the tips of his fingers and pulled his hand back. He sucked the juices off his fingers.
Y/n looked at him her face red. He slid his hand back and teased her more. " Is this all from me?" She nodded pushing against him. He slid a finger inside her. "Opie were in front of people" he started pumping his finger then added another as he stroked her clit with this thumb. Y/n moaned into his ear " Opie I need you."
There were people fucking in the corner and in no way did she think this was how they were going to get intimate but at this point she couldn't wait. "take me now Opie." He smirked and tossed her over his shoulder as he walked into her room.
wasting no time at all he pulled down his boxers and pants sliding her onto him and fucking her roughly against the door. She moaned and held onto his shoulders as he moved roughly against her. Minutes later she was tightening around him. "Come for me baby" he said as he sped his pace up.
Not even 2 minutes later she came all over him. The two rode out their orgasms together their foreheads touching.
The next morning y/n came out in opie's shirt Opie following behind shortly after.
Tig held out his hand " I believe you owe me 20 Teller"
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missroserose · 4 years
the neon light's on me tonight
part 1 | part 2
or read on AO3
here I am, back on this bullshit again.  it's like y'all's enthusiasm is addictive, or something. <3
And yes, three chapters means it's playlist time.
(Thanks as always to @anarchist-billy for being the best beta. <3)
The January nighttime air is a shock, whiskey vapors and cigarette smoke and beer fumes cleared from Billy’s lungs in one bracing breath. Something about the cold is soothingly familiar—it mirrors the gnawing emptiness deep in his gut, soothes the constant itch beneath his skin. He takes another lungful, can practically feel the ice crystals forming inside his lungs.
Billy’s not drunk, not really—though not for lack of trying.  He shotgunned each beer and downed every shot somebody bought him, but the buzzing is still there, energy scrabbling in circles like the lyrics of that Ratt song playing on the bar’s jukebox. Between that and the icy fingers that creep under his collar and inside the corners of his leather jacket, what little comforting haze had dropped between him and the world is cleared away within moments.
Still.  It’ll be better soon enough.  He struts out the door, boots crunching on the gravel, gives an extra little swing to his hips for the sake of the man following him.  The weather is the perfect excuse for a quickie—it’s too goddamn cold even to stay out for a cigarette.  No names, no awkward small talk.  Just long enough to get off in the almost-dark beneath the bar’s window signs.  Long enough to feel gravel beneath his knees, to taste bitter salt at the back of his throat.  Long enough to quench the restlessness that vibrates through him, long enough to find his center, to keep up his front of self-preservation—
A pair of headlights clicks on, flooding the darkened space between the lot and the roadhouse where they’re standing.  Billy mutters a curse and throws up a hand to shield his eyes, wondering what kind of clueless asshole—and then something clicks in his mind as the door opens.  Even before the figure emerges, even before it stands silhouetted in its Members Only jacket (in this weather?) and that ridiculous hair and that fucking nailed baseball bat—well, Billy knows who it has to be.  Knows what he has to say.
“Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?”
But Steve doesn’t do the expected thing.  Doesn’t give the reply that by now might as well be their secret code for come kick my ass, or pound it, could go either way.  Instead, he walks towards Billy, knuckles tight around the grip of the bat.
“Who the hell is this?”  The question could’ve come from either of them—Steve, standing in front of him, or the nameless man behind him—a little taller, maybe, a little older, a little less hair product.  But the slightly-nasal tenor is the same, the fancy clothes, the flicker of assessing glance.  Like they only make one model of closeted queer in Indiana.  Or maybe it’s just the only one Billy likes.  
Fast cars.  Cigarettes.  Pretty rich boys.  Billy always seems to love the things that could destroy him.
“Aw, that’s sweet,” the man behind Billy says—Billy’s fairly sure it’s him this time, can practically feel the disdain emanating from behind him as the man looks over Steve.  “Your boyfriend drove all the way out here to defend your honor?”
“He ain’t my boyfriend.”  He isn’t, not even sort of—Harrington’s been avoiding him, after their last encounter, and for the sake of his own safety Billy had decided to take the hint. He takes a step forward, grabs Steve by the lapels, gives him a shove. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Steve returns the favor, shoves Billy back.  “I need your help, jackass,” he says.  He tilts his chin up and to the right, moving his gaze over to Billy’s companion. “You realize he isn’t even eighteen?”
Billy’s punch lands right on Steve’s jaw.  It’s a bolt from the blue—no windup, no warning, just a swing and a connection, hard enough that Steve stumbles back.  Billy turns, already pasting on his most charming smile, opens his mouth, ready to spin some shit to repair the damage—
It’s too late.  The guy has his hands up, is backing away.  “Thanks, but no thanks. This is way too much drama for me.”  And with that he’s turning, going back—hair metal guitar solo spilling out briefly as the door opens, then shuts, leaving them out in the cold.
Billy stands for a moment.  Savors the heat that fills him—something like anger, something like lust, something completely different from both—whatever, it’s enough to drown out the buzzing, to give the scrabbling energy a much-needed outlet.  He turns back, smile still in place, eyes bright with coiled menace.  
“God, Hargrove.  You’re such an asshole.”  Steve’s standing by the car, holding a hand to his jaw, split lip oozing blood; the nail bat leans against the bumper next to him.  
“Born and bred, baby.”  Billy watches Steve, waits to see which way this is gonna fall.  If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll get in his car and drive right the hell away.  If he cares what’s good for Billy, he’ll man up and throw a punch in return—but he doesn’t, of course he doesn’t, because when has Steve Harrington ever been smart?  He only straightens.  Sneers a little.
“Look, do you want to help the kids out or not?  We could use some backup on this.”
“Oh, is that what’s going on?”  Billy can’t keep the sarcasm out of his voice—of all the pathetic, weak-ass excuses for his erstwhile hookup to cockblock him at the one fucking homo bar in the county—he stalks towards Steve.  “You drop me like a hot potato, not so much as a Christmas card, then one day you just decide to ruin my night because something came along that your little midnight chess club couldn’t handle?” Billy waits for the sidewise slide of the eyes, the backing down, the slinking away—all the shit Steve’s been pulling on him since November, that leaves Billy fuming.  But something tonight is changed, charged; Steve’s eyes narrow, and something in his eyes looks—delighted, almost.  As if he’s missed this fire as much as Billy has, as if the pit yawns in his gut the same way it does in Billy’s.  
Billy feels his heartbeat kick up a notch, feels the buzzing under his skin tune itself, become a humming, harmonizing with whatever electricity always seems to fill the space between them.  A power chord, the fifth to Steve’s tonic.
Oh fuck yes.  The King is out to play tonight.  
“You wanted to know what’s going on in this town.”  Steve’s hands find Billy’s hips, fingers curling in his belt loops.  “Now’s your chance, Hargrove.  If you’re not too chicken.” He gives a sort of half-smile, pulls him forward, pulls their crotches flush against each other, and goddamn if Steve isn’t halfway hard and getting harder.  Goddamn if Billy isn’t right there with him.  “Or would you rather just go at each other right here in the parking lot?  Your call—”
 “ksssssh—eve, you there?  Code re—kssssh—can’t find—over—”
Steve doesn’t take his eyes from Billy, but something in his expression changes—goes from seductive to steely.  He reaches back, grabs something from a belt clip—it’s one of those fucking walkie-talkies the kids are always using.  He uses his teeth to raise the antenna, brings it to his mouth.  “This is Steve.  What’s your position?”
The static hisses, breaking up the words—they must be right at the edge of its range.  “kssssh—odog—got Max—chasing—towards you—”
Billy feels his heart give a jump, much less pleasantly this time.  “What’s going on with Max?”
Steve steps back, his face grim.  “I don’t know, but if Dustin didn’t get after me for not saying ‘over’, it’s bad.”  He hits the button on the walkie.  “Do not engage.  Repeat, do not engage.  I’m on my way.  Over and out.”  A pause as he clips the walkie back on his belt, looks up to Billy’s face.  “Look, I’ve got to go.  I could use your help.  But you should know.”  His expression changes again, steel giving way to a—hollowness, almost.  Hauntedness, at a depth Billy wouldn’t have credited him with even a few minutes ago.  “Once you’re in, there’s no going back.”
He should be worried about Max.  Billy can feel it, practically etched into his forebrain.  Out of sheer self-preservation alone—if something’s happened to her, Neil will have his hide regardless of whether or not he was supposed to be watching out for her.
He should laugh this off.  Billy can feel it, deep in his gut.  The idea that this boy from podunk nowhere has something life-changing to show him is patently absurd.  He should throw another punch, maybe two, rough Harrington up a little.  Teach him not to mess with his personal life. It’d let the energy out another way—less satisfying, maybe, but just as sure. Billy realizes he’s starting to shiver, deep against his bones—soon enough it’ll take over his whole body, leave him visibly trembling. Thinks, for a moment, about the heat that he and Steve always seem to bring out in each other.  Remembers the way it roars through his veins, his muscles, drowning out everything, until the world is pure and breathless and beautiful—
“Just tell me one thing, Harrington.” He steps back, squares his shoulders.  Squelches the shivers that’re threatening to work their way up his spine.  “Whatever it is that we’re chasing—can we burn it?”
A smile slowly grows over Steve’s face.  A kingly sort of smile.  And Billy has to fight the sudden urge to drop to his knees right the fuck there in the parking lot.
Luckily, Steve moves.  Grabs his bat, crosses to the trunk.  Pops it.  Reaches in, and pulls out something long—Billy only sees it in shadow until Steve tosses it to him, until he catches it by reflex, feels the uneven weight, sees the dinged red paint on the head.  An axe.
“Get in,” Steve says, opening the driver’s side door.  “We’re gonna start ourselves a fire.”
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I’d love for you guys to have Mark Lewisohn on your show just to grill him. As someone who’s experienced workplace bullying and sexual assault, that he would go so far as to paint Klein as “heroic” when he said things like “reluctant virgin” is just so devastating to me. It makes me feel ill. I do NOT want this man to have a say in Beatles history. I love the Beatles. I don’t want that tainted by people who will paint over abuse just to feed their own self importance.
We vehemently agree, Listener!  Thank you for writing in.
Our list of grievances with Mark Lewisohn is long, but in a nutshell we believe his intent is to publicly “redeem” John Lennon and we have seen copious evidence that he will go to whatever lengths he has to in order to do this. 
That includes, but is not limited to: 
Claiming that readers of his Tune In Series may consider Klein the “hero” of the Beatles break-up
Deliberately spreading the demonstrably false lie that John (and Yoko) did not have a significant heroin problem in the late 60s and early 70s (Lewisohn suggests Cold Turkey is just John playing make believe)
Displaying unapologetic favoritism by using glowing terms to portray John and Yoko as the world’s most perfect romance, as opposed to Paul and Linda, whose 29-year marriage he dismisses as “conventional” and motivated by appearances (namely Linda’s pregnancy, even though it was planned) and Green Card needs
Stating that he could tell from watching the infamous “it’s a drag” clip that Paul was kind of sad, but primarily annoyed at how much positive attention John was getting on the day of his murder
Apparently suggesting to an audience of his Power Point Show that Paul maybe stole a leg off Yoko’s bed (the bed she had delivered and built in the Beatles’ recording studio, mind you), a personal “theory” which is based on the fact that Paul later wrote a song called “Three Legs” (you know that song: “My dog, he got three legs, like the bed you inappropriately brought into Abbey Road 2 years ago which I secretly vandalized behind your back because I have nothing better to do, am certainly not busy writing the Beatles Swan Song and don’t have a fucking 7 year old at home or anything”)
This isn’t even to mention Tune In, which could be a whole separate post and episode. Suffice it to say, this book often reads less like a Beatles biography and more like John Lennon Fanfiction to us.
Lewisohn managed to distinguish himself by doing (some) research and unearthing some original documents. That he had some skill in research is not surprising given that he started his career in Beatledom as a researcher for Norman, on his book Shout — which Lewisohn still contends is a good book. Norman, on the other hand has evolved his opinion of his own work and thinks Shout was flawed, so has written a whole biography on Paul to make up for what he sees as the failure of Shout, which is his underestimation of Paul. Unfortunately, Lewisohn does not seem to have made this same journey. He pays lip service to John and Paul being equal, and then spends all of his time and energy trying to prove otherwise. Norman says that he has created a monster in Lewisohn. We take his point.
One of our biggest issues with Lewisohn is that he vigorously promotes himself as an unbiased truth teller, and his calm manner seems to telegraph this. But it is not true. The research that Lewisohn does and the spin that he applies to his findings are all heavily biased. As we mentioned in one of our episodes, he travelled to Gibraltar simply to experience where John and Yoko got married. Yet when Paul calls the May 9th meeting over management the metaphorical cracking of the Liberty Bell, Lewisohn doesn’t even bother to Google it so he can understand the metaphor.
What he chooses to research is also a form of bias. For example, we at AKOM are very interested in Paul’s relationship with Robert Fraser during the Beatle years — since Paul has commented that Fraser was one of the most important, influential people in his life. Paul McCartney was the concept artist behind Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, the Magical Mystery Tour film, the iconic Apple logo, and he co-designed the covers of the White Album and Abbey Road.  All of these are pretty defining moments in the Beatles’ career.  As Beatles fans, we’d like to know more about Paul’s art education and influences. But we would be shocked if Lewisohn dug into Fraser at all beyond his relationship as John and Yoko’s gallerist/curator (and heroin dealer, but since that isn’t a thing in Lewisohn’s world then maybe he will be ignored).
We think Lewisohn benefits massively from the fact that Beatles authorship was like the Wild West since its inception, when everyone with a connection to the Beatles (plus or minus a personal axe to grind) wrote a book about their experience. It was absolute chaos, with no rules, no checks and balances, uncredited sources, etc. Just an absolute shit show.  What Lewisohn did was bring some order to the chaos with some proper documentation. But again, what he chooses to dig into often reflects bias. And this certainly does not mean that he is intellectually or emotionally equipped to interpret his findings. Doing this takes social intelligence and insight, which is a very different skill. As a creator of myths, he is no better (and no more insightful or original) than many of the others who came before him; he worships John Lennon and freely admits it. He is not even close to being unbiased.  But in this dumpster fire of a fandom he has at least checked some boxes and done some digging.  The fact is, the bar has been so low for so long that Beatles fans don’t even know how to expect or want better.  But WE certainly expect better.  We expect some breakthrough, fresh thinking.  Not just Shout with Receipts.
We think it’s significant that Lewisohn was deeply disliked by George Harrison, who lobbied to get him kicked him off the Anthology project. He was fired from Paul’s fan club magazine, and yet no one seems to think he might hold a grudge about that, too?  Lewisohn so distorted John and Paul’s relationship in Tune In that he believes he is the target of the lyrics in Paul’s song “Early Days.“  And he either thinks that’s flattering or funny, because Lewisohn seems to truly believe he knows John Lennon better than Paul McCartney does.  We find it almost tragic that Paul is so bothered by the way his experience and relationship is being portrayed by authors (perhaps Lewisohn) that he wrote a song about it. In it, he conveys his frustration and heartache about how everything is misconstrued and we find it absolutely outrageous that Lewisohn would not take this to heart.  Perhaps Lewisohn thinks Paul should listen to him for a change? And if he doesn’t like it, then tough, because Lewisohn knows better? We think Lewisohn should do some serious soul-searching about “Early Days” because if one of his main subjects is saying, “you are getting it wrong and it is breaking my heart”….maybe, just maybe, he should listen and rethink things.  Maybe apply a little creativity, out-of-the-box thinking and empathy. This is what his heroes did.
Meanwhile, Jean Jackets are SO BUSY complaining that Paul McCartney doesn’t like Lewisohn because he “tells the truth!” that they fail to notice that Lewisohn has become a mouthpiece for Yoko Ono.  He has already started white-washing John Lennon’s history, promoting John and Yoko as the true and only geniuses versus Paul as the craven, small-minded Lennon disciple who (through no virtue of his own) was born with the ability to write some nice tunes.  Lewisohn’s version of John, on the other hand, is ALWAYS a sexy, visionary genius on the right side of every issue.  He even went out of his way to recently trash Paul’s early 70’s albums, which -in addition to being obnoxious and we believe wrong (since we love them)- is totally outside his purview.
Lastly, to address your original point, Lewisohn’s claim that Klein may be viewed as the “hero” of his Beatles History reveals that he hasn’t shown sufficient empathy or interest in Paul’s experience.  This claim at best ignores and at worst condones the fact that Klein was an abusive monster to one of the two founding members of the Beatles.  As we discussed in Episode 4, Klein was a criminal who bullied Paul in his creative workspace, disrespected Paul in his own office in front of his own employees and actively pitted Lennon against McCartney for years.  It’s hard to imagine ANYONE who inflicted more damage on the Beatles and Lennon/McCartney than Allen Klein.  In addition to the wildly inappropriate “reluctant virgin” nickname, he verbally threatened to “own Paul’s ass” (to which Paul responded “he never got anywhere near my ass”). Klein was so disrespectful to Paul and Linda’s marriage he pitched the idea of procuring “a blonde with big tits” to parade in front of Paul to lure him away from Linda and destroy their relationship.  Let’s also never forget that Klein contributed lyrics to the song “How Do You Sleep.”  Allen Klein literally gave Paul nightmares.  Anyone who so much as pretends to care about Paul’s break-up era depression (including his alcohol abuse, his inability to get out of bed and his terrifying sleep paralysis) would not champion Allen Klein.
Yes, Klein is a human being and therefore has his own POV, same as anyone else.  But a Beatles biographer is beholden to four points of view only: John, Paul, George and Ringo.  And when an outsider is openly hostile to one of the Beatles and damaging long-term to all of the Beatles, it is beyond inappropriate to portray him as a hero.  This type of comment, made publicly to an audience of Beatles fans, invalidates and seeks to erase the real trauma inflicted on Paul McCartney by Allen Klein, and we think Lewisohn should apologize for his comments.
Instead, Lewisohn’s current buddy is Peter Brown, whose book, The Love You Make so offended and angered Paul and Linda that they literally burned their copy (and photographed it burning for good measure).  This information doesn’t appear to bother Lewisohn in the least. Why not?
George referred to Norman’s Shout as “Shit.” But Lewisohn thinks it’s a great book.  Why?
How any Beatles or Paul or even George fans tolerate Lewisohn is baffling to us; we don’t recognize a real human being in his version of Paul, and his version of John is a superhero rather than a man.  We suspect that fans have come to accept the traditional story and at least appreciate some properly-documented facts. 
But as we are constantly trying to demonstrate on our show, just because the story has always been told one way, doesn’t mean it’s right.  Because in the end, Mark Lewisohn has no special insight. He wasn’t there. He is a guy who bought into a narrative during the Shout era, and is cherry picking his findings to support it.You can find a discussion of Lewisohn here
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blkgirlcafe · 5 years
Control PT. 1
Read the tease here...
Henry Cavill x Jazmine (OC)
Warning: Smut, Cheating, age gap
Word Count: 2,393
Flashbacks are in italics, text messages are bold and italics. 
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The valet opened his door, Henry stood tall, smoothing his midnight black tux to make sure there were no wrinkles. He even went as far as to style his hair in the way Jazmine likes. 
Henry's thick black curly hair was pushed back, one curl dangled over his hairline. The valet got into his black Ashton Martin BD11. He walked the red carpet to the door keeping his eye out for Jazmine. 
He frowned when he didn’t see her or her husband, maybe that hadn’t got here yet. 
Henry found his table, his name written in pretty calligraphy. He looked at the other name cards and noted that she would be here and at his table. He walked to the bar, ordering a scotch. 
Women fawned over him and tried to get him to talk, but he didn’t want them. These women were weak compared to her, and would never be able to control him at all. 
He groaned inwardly when he finally saw them enter the ballroom. Her arm wound into her husbands. It set his chest on fire to not have these moments with her. 
Most of, if not all the men in the room had their eyes on her. She was younger than most of their wives, being only 22. Espresso brown skin that sparkled in the light, she was breathtaking. At 5’7 she was the perfect height, she made a man feel like a man.  Her normally curly hair was straight and fell like a black curtain to her shoulders. Unlike these other women her body was natural, all her. Breast that were firm and soft, he could spend hours suckling her. He thought about how he would grab her ass when she rode him. The golden dress complimented her skin perfectly. 
Her husband, Viktor Adrik was an Russian oil tycoon who had his hands in many things, he was beyond rich, but so was Henry. But Henry had something her husband didn’t and that was power. He was a powerful man, the type of power that people wanted to be around because it would open doors for them. 
He locked eyes with Jazmine, she smiled at him and his heart fluttered.
Henry made his way over to the couple, holding out his hand for Viktor, “Good to see you Vik, how are you?” 
“Just fine, glad to be home for a while, the back and forth with Russia can be a lot.”
“I am sure, and Mrs. Adrik, you look lovely this evening.” He bent down, giving her hand a lingering kiss. 
“Thank you Henry, I love that tux.” 
Henry tried not to smile too bright, he loved pleasing her. He followed the couple to the table they shared, another couple also seated there. 
“Babe switch chairs with me, I want to sit next to John.” 
Henry watched as her face did a slight frown, did she not want to sit next to him?
“Fine but I hear too much business and we are switching back.”
The dress she wore slid up when she crossed her legs and all Henry could think about was how he loved being between her thighs, tasting her. He tried to push the thought away. 
She flipped her hair over her shoulder before showing him her phone, a meme pulled up. 
Henry read it before cracking a smile, he loved when she shared things like this with him. 
“Ugh I wish this would start already, I wanna go home.” She whined to no one in particular. 
It made Henry think of how they meet. 
Henry knocked one the door of the lavish home, holding flowers and a bottle of vintage wine. He had met Viktor at the community country club and they golfed together, found out they were basically neighbors, living down the block from one another, and next thing he knew he was invited to dinner. 
He could tell someone else was here, there were two other cars outside. 
Henry couldn’t help himself, his jaw dropped when the girl opened the door. She was beyond stunning. 
“Hey, you good?” She asked. 
“Yes Sorry, is this the Adrik Home?”
She giggled and he swore he never heard a more pleasant sound. 
“Our final guest, Come in Henry!” Viktor's voice boomed in the foyer. 
Viktor wasn’t a small man, at 6’5 and 255 pounds, he looked like he wrestled bears for fun. Viktor pulled Henry in, pretty much yanking him across the threshold. 
“That lovely lady is my wife Jazmine, babe this is the guy I was telling you about, Henry Cavill, Founder and CEO of Cavill enterprise, and future member of Congress.” 
Henry held his hand out for her to shake it, her touch soft and tender. 
“Nice to meet you.” 
Before she could respond, Viktor had him whisked away to meet the others, which included an oil CEO and a lawyer. No one had their wife or girlfriend there. 
Jazmine disappeared but Henry kept an eye out for her. Eventually she came into the sitting room, looping her arms around Viktor's neck, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Henry found himself jealous of another man, something that hasn't happened since private school. 
“Dinner ready guys.”
They sat around a table that had the food in serving bowls. 
“So I made veggie lasagna , homemade bread, and a Greek salad, I hope you guys enjoy it.” Jazmine beamed at the table but it seemed directed at him. Henry took a sip of water. 
“Didn't know you were vegetarian Viktor!” One of the men teased. 
“I’m not but I’ll try anything she cooks.”
“Not to be nosy, but just how did you two meet?”
Henry leaves forward wanting to hear it all. 
“You tell them Vik, you tell it better.” 
He cleared his throat, “ Well I was giving a speech at her school on being one of the youngest billionaires and whatnot, and she walked in late, right in the middle of my speech. So I say to the room, being on time is a sign of respect and went back to my speech. Afterwards she waited to see me.”
“I waited an hour to be exact.” She cut in. 
“Yes an hour to meet me and you know what she does?”
“What?” Henry and the other guy said at the same time. 
“She slaps the fuck out of me, saying she was lost and accidentally stepped into this room. By now my security has her by the arms and she is spitting hot fire. I tell her to calm down, that I wouldn’t call the cops as long as she went out on a date with me. I figured any woman that could slap me was worth getting to know.” He chuckled. 
“Was it a little slap or a …”
“No she slapped the shit out of me, I saw stars for a few seconds.” Viktor laughed. 
“I’m sorry babe.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
“It’s that fiery temper that got me.” 
Henry tried to laugh wishing it was him on the other side. Dinner continued as normal, the men mostly talking business. Jazmine kept mostly to herself. She got up to clear their plates and Henry decided to help her. 
“It’s fine I got it.”
“I don’t mind helping.” He grabbed a few dishes and followed her to the kitchen. 
The sway of her hips drew him in, he wanted to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close. Henry shook his head as if to clear the thought. 
He sat the dishes on the counter next to the sink and she began to prepare dishwater. 
It was a little awkward to stand there, “you guys don’t have a maid?” He blurted out. 
“No, I prefer to do it myself, we have a housekeeper that comes by twice a week to deep clean and do laundry but otherwise I prefer it myself.”
“And you cook, that meal was fantastic by the way.”
“Thank you, I love cooking, a little hobby of mine since Vik doesn’t want me to work.”
“Oh he doesn’t?” He leaned against the counter. 
“Nope, isn’t that how rich guys like it. Keep their woman at home?”
“I don’t have a woman.” He responded. 
“If you did, would you make her stay home?”
“I don’t believe in making a woman do anything. If my woman wanted to work I would support that but I also would tell her not to over stress herself.”
“Well your one of the sweet ones Henry.”
“Henry! We are headed to the study, babe get my scotch please.” Viktor stood by the kitchen entrance. 
“Alright here I come.” She dried her hands before turning to Henry, “thanks for keeping me company.” 
“No problem.” Henry followed Viktor to the study where a box of cigars were being passed around. 
For the rest of the evening all he could think about was her. The way her plump lips would smile at her, her scent, the way she spoke, the way she moved. 
“Babe I’m bored.” Jazmine whined. 
Henry wished he could whisk her away, take her home, to his home. 
“Behave.” Viktor gave her a stern warning before turning back to John. 
She rolled her eyes and got up, dipping off into one of the many hallways in the ballroom. 
Henry waited a moment before following her, when he got to the hallway he tried a few doors, all locked. He walked deeper into the building, Jazmine pulled him into a room. 
“I knew you would come look for me.”
“Always my love.” 
She pushed him against the door, he always let her take control. Jazmine's arm went around his shoulder as she kissed him. 
Henry tried not to moan too loud, never knowing who would be out there. Just imagine the scandal if he was found with another man's wife. 
“You miss me?” She asked, not giving him a chance to answer before her tongue slid back into his mouth. 
If he had answered, Henry would have said, ‘Of course I miss you, always, I want to wake up to you, fall asleep with you, have a life with you.’
Her hands groped the front of his pants. 
“Ma’am please.” He quietly begged. 
“Tell me what you want?” 
“You.” He whimpered as her hand slid into his pants, gently groping his hard dick. 
“I think I can make that happen.” 
She dropped to her knees in front of him, pulling his dick out. 
Henry focused on her glossy lips as it wrapped around his hard member, a hiss escaping his mouth.
He knew he couldn’t touch her, risk messing up her hair or makeup and her husband might notice and ask a question, he fisted his hands in his side. 
She pulled away and he whined, “Call down boy, I plan to finish, just wanted you to know you looked gorgeous tonight.”
“For you Ma’am.”
Her mouth stretched around him and he groaned. Henry knew he couldn’t cum unless she said so, unless she gave him permission. 
Jazmine tongue did things to him, in his mouth, sliding down his chest, on his dick, it was amazing and he never felt anything like that. 
She pulled him out of her mouth and he almost begged her to put it back. She licked the underside of his shaft, one hand cupping his balls. 
“Fuck I miss you.” He whistled. 
It wasn’t just the sex he missed, he could get sex anywhere. It was her he missed, her personality, her presence, her. 
Jazmine deepthroated him and he had to fight to keep standing, he was ready to cum already but knew he couldn’t unless he said so. 
“Henry you can cum, cum in my mouth, but don’t fuck up my makeup.” 
She went back to sucking him, they made eye contact as her lips stretched around him. 
“Fuck, here it comes.”
He came right in her mouth, she never once released him. Even as he softened in her mouth, Jazmine kept him there, gently swirling her tongue. 
Henry fixed himself, bending down and giving her a kiss. 
“I wish I could have you tonight.”
“You might, I’m working on something I’ll let you know before we leave.”
“Yes Ma’am.” He gave her another kiss. 
She used her phone to fix her lip gloss, checking her makeup in the camera. 
“Go ahead Henry, I’ll be out in a few.”
He didn’t want to leave her, but he had to cherish each moment he got with her. He left the room, looking both ways as he ducked out and went back to the table. 
Viktor was still engrossed in conversation with John. 
Henry sat at the table and looked at his friend, he just didn’t know what he had in Jazmine. If Jazmine was his, he would never ignore her, she would get what she wanted.
Jazmine reappeared moments later, the table cleared of dinner dishes as dessert would soon be served. She sat next to Viktor who turned towards her. 
“I’m sorry baby.”
“Whatever Vik.” She brushed him off. 
Henry tried not to look too interested. She took a sip of her wine. 
“I’m ready to go Viktor.”
He turned back towards her voice low, “now isn’t the time to be a brat.”
“If I am ready to go, I am ready to go.”
“Fine go home, I’ll meet you there.”
“If I leave by myself I am going to Claire’s.”
He looked at her angry, ready to call her bluff. 
“Fine go.” He brushed her off. 
Henry watched Jazmine get yo, giving him a wink before she walked away and out the door. How long did he wait before he drove home to see her there. 
His phone dinged, it was her. 
I expect you home in 30 don’t leave me waiting, is the security code the same?
Yes Ma’am it is
Good boy, I’ll see you later. 
Viktor turned to him to include him in the conversation. 
“Women always want their way, it isn’t enough to just provide for her. She is still young and gets into these bratty fits.”
“Don’t give in, don’t let her think she can get away with that.” John said. 
Henry nodded weakly, knowing for a fact he would let you get away with it. 
He couldn’t wait to get home to her. 
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lincolnonline · 4 years
a material world - self para
who?: lincoln clarington-smythe where?: wmhs / lima mall when?: monday, november 23rd about?: link completes his annual closet re-stock, just in time for gaga vs. madonna week. after all, he is a material girl.
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Link had this day planned out for months. He had been counting down the days in his Lisa Frank calendar, waiting for the chance to march into the mall with his dads credit card in hand.
He had even gone as far as to ensure his outfit for the day was as lowkey as possible in order to gain more satisfaction from the new wardrobe, choosing an all-black ensemble and pairing it with a simple ( by Link’s standards ) belt with a few statement chains and some black boots.
The joy he felt that morning when his dad has offered to give Link his credit card and drop by the mall after class was unparalleled by anything save for the joy he felt when he was able to locate Swift the snake, going to down on a rat in the back of the school cafeteria. While Link knew his dads didn’t exactly get him, he had never felt judged by them either. They were aware that their son was a mix of their worst qualities and was a modern day homosexual Sharpay Evans and they had themselves to blame, there was no point in fighting or denying it.
Placing his books back into his locker following his last class of the day ( World Religions, total snooze-fest! ), Link couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as the final bell of the day rung.
Quickly taking out his bag and closing the locker door behind him, Link felt a buzz from his back pocket. Fishing out his phone, he was greeted with a notification for a DM from some random sophomore at Dalton, reading; ‘u free tonite?? heard u were a good fuck lol’. With a displeased eye-roll, Link dug into his pocket once more, this time pulling out his headphones and pressing play on his ‘sex yeah!’ playlist. He was worth more than some one-off hook up with a guy who probably only heard about him through the Dalton Gay Grapevine.
Some boys kiss me, Some boys hug me, I think they're ok.
Making his way down the school hall, back-pack slung over his shoulder and the drum-machine  beats of his favorite Madonna song playing, Link walked passed the choir room, not even giving a look in the general direction of the Glee club. He had his mind focused on bigger things today, and sectionals took a big ole’ backseat. He had already given his amazing song-list suggestions, he had fulfilled his team-work quota for the week as far as Link was concerned.
If they don't give me proper credit I just walk away.
As he pushed open the front doors of the school, Link was greeted with the sight of his fire-red Audi, parked in its usual spot in the staff carpark that he had been able to finesse his way into getting via some nicely worded emails from his lawyer dads. Going to public school wasn’t a dream come true by any means, but he was enjoying the perks that being rich, sexy and talented gave him among a sea of people who were…not so rich, sexy or talented.
Clicking the button on his car keys, Link slid into the driver’s seat and pulled out his favorite pair of sunglasses from the glove compartment before putting the car into reverse and making his way to the.
They can beg and they can plead But they can't see the light.
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Link marched up to the check-out, throwing down racks upon racks of clothes onto the counter, giving the woman working the register a smirk before flashing his credit card and handing it over. He was prepared to up the sales numbers for every store the Lima Mall had to offer, and he was doing it happily. Capitalism be damned.
'Cause the boy with the cold hard cash Is always Mister Right.
 As the woman scanned away and bagged up all the clothes, Link let his attention shift elsewhere, noting a group of teenage girls walking out of the change rooms at the back of the store, standing around and taking pictures. He recognized a few of the faces, they were from Crawford. Perfect.
“Hi, excuse me,” Link said with a faux warmth to the employee now attempting to fit a pair of shoes into a branded plastic shopping bag. “I was wondering if I could, ugh, how do I put this? Rent your change rooms for the next hour or so?”
The woman looked at Lincoln incredulously for a moment before Link cocked an eyebrow and looked back down at his credit card, making it clear he was more than happy to pay for her services.
“Hey ladies!” He called to the girls at the back, and they looked up, curious, before their eyes widening at the growing stack of bags in front of him. “Impromptu fashion show? What do you say?”
'Cause we are living in a material world And I am a material girl. You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl.
Dramatically whipping open the changing room curtain, revealing his first outfit, Link let himself fall into a few poses as a member of the group snapped a couple of photos per-his request.
“What next? Sexy teenage vampire or Bratz-Goes-Hollywood?” one of the girls enquired, holding up two hangers. He shrugged off the blazer and tossed it over to a girl in the group before pushing his sunglasses up onto his head and taking a hanger and turning back to the change rooms. “Ladies, the fangs are out tonight.”
Boys may come and boys may go And that's all right you see.
They went on like that for the allotted 45 minutes, taking pictures and blaring music from their phones in order to ‘feel the fantasy’ as Link put it. Looking at his phone gallery to check how a picture that had just been taken turned out, Link’s phone buzzed in his hand and he was greeted with a message from the boy who had DM’ed him earlier, reading; ‘u left me on read?? fuckin ugly ass bitch anyways u look like trash’.
Noticing Link’s sour expression, one of the girls looked up from her phone. “Who pissed in your Gucci? You okay?”
Shaking it off, Link gave a nod and tapped out of the message, picking up the last hanger. “I’m fine. The real question is will you be okay when I blow your fucking minds with this look?”
Experience has made me rich And now they're after me .
Link blew a kiss ( to the best his ability with how full his arms currently were ) towards the group of girls as they headed in opposite directions. “Snapchat me anytime babe!” He called out as they turned the corner and disappeared from view.
He headed down the escalator, feeling the eyes on him as he passed other customers. And how could he not? He looked and felt like a human disco ball, it was fucking fabulous.
As he headed out the doors and towards his awaiting car, Link froze and his smirk dropped, eyes wide. “Fuck, how am I gonna fit this shit in my car...”
'Cause everybody's living in a material world And I am a material girl!
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msjr0119 · 5 years
One Temptation
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*This new series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Riley Brooks moves back to New York after leaving five years prior- struggling to get by in life she wanted to go home. After getting mugged, a woman and man come to her rescue and offer her a job at their strip club. A rich business man Liam Rhys is forced to visit the club as part of his bachelor party. What will happen that night?
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Riley Brooks returned to New York City, five years ago she left the city that she was brought up in. It was one of the hardest cities to live in - but if you could survive, you would be able to live anywhere. Moving to Florida to live with her Gran, she enjoyed her time there- but she was terribly homesick. Landing back in the Big Apple, subconsciously she kept checking over her shoulder, afraid of seeing the ghosts of her past.
Unflinching, the mysterious dark figure blocked my way. I needed to not show the fear that was building up throughout my body. Carrying on walking, I wanted to scream for help, but barely a whimper could escape my lips. He spoke almost too confident, in denial as if he wasn’t doing any wrong. I could tell this wasn't his first time doing this type of thing, but it was my first time being this type of victim. "Purse now!” He demanded, as he pushed me against the cold stoned wall. Punching me like a punch bag, my body was slowly giving in- the grip of my bag slowly loosened. Hearing more footsteps behind me, I knew I was surrounded. My hands shook as I handed over my purse- why did I give in? There was only a few dollars in it, nothing sentimental. The credit card could be frozen. As if like ghosts they disappeared in an instant. I stood still frozen, shaking still in shock, not wanting to leave the alley in case there was an ambush awaiting me. In that moment the quietness that had surrounded me was now the opposite, exiting the alley- the familiar noises of New York begin ringing through my ears again. It was as if time had frozen, and someone had clicked their fingers bringing me back to reality.
Riley’s perfect ponytail was now messed up, loose hair falling over her features. Not knowing where she was staying due to her impromptu return, she needed to find her way to somewhere familiar. Stumbling as she walked the streets, she began to feel dizzy- flinching as she felt a calloused hand touch her.
“Are you okay Miss?” The concerned couple gazed at her, as the blood began to dry around her button nose. Her cheeks were swollen, anyone would think she had overdosed on Botox.
“Yes, sorry. I’ve just been mugged that’s all.” The two people looked at each, Riley felt defeated and agreed to allow them to help her eventually. Either way, a little bit of warmth from two strangers was better than sleeping rough. Believing now, it was a mistake returning back ‘home’ in the first place.
Arriving at the location, the two strangers cleaned Riley up. Gently dabbing her nose and cheeks with some ice and gauze. She was still in shock, that she didn’t comprehend that the ‘bar’ was in fact a strip club.
“Honey. If you want, you can stay here with us- work for us. We will keep you safe.” They were intrigued to find out a background story on the vulnerable girl in front of them. They assumed she had no living family, struggling to make ends meat. They may seem like murderers, but they took young women under their wings all the time.
“I... I... Erm... I don’t dance. I was a waitress though.”
“The girls could teach you dancing. It won’t take long- a matter of hours. And if you have a strong determined mind, you’ll smash it.” Riley didn’t want to degrade herself, Sure the money she would earn would help her until she found something else. What else had she to lose?
Liam Rhys was an successful business man, he had taken over the business when his father passed away. By rights, his older brother Leo should have taken over the business- but he wasn’t responsible enough. Liam had his head screwed on, and prioritised his families business over his happiness. He had been in a relationship with Leo’s ex girlfriend, Madeleine for five years and tonight was his bachelor party.
Leo dragged them to the ‘Wild cats’ strip club; Liam, Maxwell and Drake weren’t that impressed. Liam knew Madeleine would throttle him, Maxwell was quite content just socialising in a normal club where he could bust out his infamous dance moves, Drake would have just preferred to drink whiskey in a dive bar, he was the newest member of the group moving to New York from Texas recently.
“Excuse me gentlemen, I’ll be right back.”
The men looked at him furiously, Leo dragged them here and then ditched them. Observing him walking over to the bar, they laughed at the woman who had just busted his nose. Overhearing the laughter coming from Leo’s direction, they saw the woman delicately seeing to his injuries that she had caused.
“Is that?” Maxwell thought his imagination was playing tricks on him, shaking his head. He wondered how strong the alcohol was that they were consuming.
“That’s Riley.” Liam confirmed Maxwell’s question. He felt as if his heart had stopped. She was still as beautiful as he remembered.
“Who’s Riley?” Drake asked his two friends who were hypnotised- waving his arms in front of them they both ignored his frantic hand gestures- staring with their jaws agape. As he couldn’t get their attention he decided to sit back sipping the brown liquid.
Leo walked back over to the group, holding the ice to his nose. Feeling like he was lacking in masculinity- he was wondering where she learnt to throw a punch like that.
“I asked her for a dance but she refused. Just said she was the waitress. But I could imagine her straddling me. I swear she’s got hotter these last five years. That ass, those tits.” Liam rolled his eyes back, frustrated with Leo for dragging them there. Did he know she was back? Did he know she worked here? He didn’t know, but he couldn’t stop admiring her even though she was providing him with looks that could kill.
“Riley honey. Could you go and serve the bachelor party over there please. Keep them entertained. We will get big bucks...”
“I... I can’t. I know them. Well I know three of them. Can’t Mercedes do it instead? Please?”
“Riley please baby. If you know them it’ll be so much easier. They will give us a good reputation, just flirt with them then get on the pole. You’ll make a good cut on your second night, it’ll boost your confidence.” Sighing, she knew she had to do it keep a roof over her head.
Walking over to them she took a bottle of scotch, not knowing who the mystery brown haired man - but she was intrigued to find out. Gulping, she placed the bottle on the table. Just imagine it’s someone else- she kept reminding herself.
“Blossom!” Maxwell jumped up like an excited puppy.
“Hey Maxi, long time no see. Sit down!”
Riley pushed him back to his seat, before straddling him. “Just play along please, my manager is watching....Oh my god Max! Seriously?”
“Well you are sat on my cock! I can’t help it Ri. What are you doing back anyway? You just went poof.”
“My gran passed away last month and I was homesick.”
“I’m sorry Riley.” Ignoring Liam’s sympathy, she brushed past him and moved on to Leo’s chair with him.
“Well hello baby. Who feels better, me or Max?” Smirking at her, he knew he was pushing his luck. Holding her tightly, he had probably missed her the most. They were close friends, since he had split up with Madeleine they began to have this flirty banter.
“Well Max is like my brother, so I’d say you. Sorry not sorry Max.”
“Ah don’t worry about me. The feelings mutual. This is Drake by the way. He’s the newest member of the wolf pack. Don’t worry he doesn’t bite.” Maxwell impersonated a wolf, Drake couldn’t believe the group of people he hung out with; one was a melancholy depressed millionaire, one was a child still and the other was just a kinky so and so.
“Hi Drake. I’m Riley.” Drakes eyes widened as she sat on his lap. Unable to prevent his unexpected erection, he felt embarrassed. “I’m so sorry.” “Don’t be sorry. You’re blushing babe.” Riley kissed him on the cheek, if it was possible to blush anymore he would be looking sunburnt.
Getting on the pole, she laughed secretly at Liam’s disheartened expression that she didn’t get closer to him. After hearing different men whistle at her, he couldn’t cope seeing men gawk at her- enough of this. Abruptly standing up he dragged her off the pole much to the disappointment of the other punters- her managers saw the commotion and headed straight over with security. The main rule was that no client could touch the staff. Riley waved them away explaining it was okay- a misunderstanding.
“Do not ever touch me again Liam! Do you understand?”
“How could you degrade yourself like this? You’re acting like some whore!” Raising her hand, the slap was that loud that it echoed throughout the room- the lingering sting on his face, made him rethink about what his mouth had just spat at her. Clutching his face, his eyes began watering. I deserved that.
“I’m a whore am I? Seriously! Look in the mirror arsehole!”
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icecreambeach · 5 years
"Arright," Jesse slurs, sliding slovenly into the beat-up old sofa in the corner of the rumpus room, waggling his cigar in Hanzo's face with a mischievous grin, "arright-- I got somethin'. Never have I..."
PREDICTABLY, this one gets real horny real fast. Rated E for NastEEE.
- - -
“Arright,” Jesse slurs, sliding slovenly into the beat-up old sofa in the corner of the rumpus room, waggling his cigar in Hanzo’s face with a mischievous grin, “arright– I got somethin’. Never have I…”
“The game is over, McCree,” Hanzo snorts, waving him away.
“Naw, naw, naw… that was the kids’ version.” Jesse tosses his head at the door, as if implying the four hours they’d just spent with the rest of the team – who’d all had enough sense to go to bed by now – was just the lead-up to the true point of this evening. Reinhardt and Lucio are still here, but they are across the room, smiling and chatting well out of ear-shot. Which may be lucky for them. “This round’s for the big dogs.”
“If you are about to get even more lewd than Angela’s med school dormitory confession, then get me another beer.”
“I’mma get even more lewd than Genji’s bukka–”
“Never mention that to me again,” Hanzo groans, face in his hand.
Jesse cackles and only staggers a little when he stands and, gentleman that he is, pulls a brew from the very bottom of the now mostly-watery cooler. The rumpus room at Gibraltar has seen better days, but they’ve managed to outfit it with most of the essentials: a couple sofas, some recliners, big holovid, a few games. The cooler is Reinhardt’s, which accounts for its size, but even this prime resource is running low.
He’ll have to make some kind of move before Hanzo can finish this beer, or he’ll miss his window and all this liquid courage will have been wasted.
Jesse thumps back onto the sofa, tucked into the arm opposite Hanzo, and passes him the beer. “Alright now. Never have I ever–”
“Wait.” Hanzo opens the beer and takes a long swig, the kind of deep gulps that make his throat stretch and Jesse’s thighs shift in his seat. “You may,” he burps, “Continue.”
Jesse snickers. He hasn’t had a drinking buddy like this since Blackwatch. “Never have I ever… wait. Wait.”
“What now?”“What did we establish?” Jesse sets his beer down on the coffee table and counts off on his metal fingers. “We both’ve had threesomes. Both’ve had sex in a car, a train, a plane, and at least four restaurants and or clubs. Both’ve had sex blindfolded and tied up and…”
“Is this round to only be about sex? There are other subjects.”“Well, feel like we covered everything else, and, to be frank… if we talk about the more nefarious shit we’ve both gotten up to, this night’s gonna take a dark turn real quick.”Hanzo grunts in reluctant agreement. He was slumped before, but now he sits up with considerable effort, like a sleepy king still trying to keep up appearances. “Go on then.”
“Never have I ever… uhh…” Then Jesse slaps his knee. Points at Hanzo like he’s got him. “Never have I ever had somethin’ up my ass that wasn’t a body part or toy!”
Hanzo tilts his head up, thinking. Jesse, who’d been expecting either a snort of disgust or a look of simple derision, is on the edge of his seat.
After some consideration, Hanzo drinks and Jesse brays: “WHAT? What was it?!”“The handle of another man’s knife.”
“That’s…” Jesse knows he doesn’t have the self control to finish that sentence without playing all his cards at once. So he just hisses through his teeth and tries to get a hold of himself. Takes a puff of his cigar and mouths around the end. “Jesus Christ. Alright. Your turn. Shit.”
Hanzo looks smugly at Jesse. “Never have I ever slept with my boss.”“That ain’t fair.” Jesse drinks. “You never had a boss.”
“That is the point of the game. To use one’s knowledge of each others’ differences to win.”
“No, the object is’t’learn ‘bout each other and fun and… well, anyway, I ain’t got a big-mouth brother to tell me all the gossip ‘bout my new team members.” Then Jesse narrows his eyes. Aims to kill. “Never have I ever eaten food off of someone’s naked body.”
Hanzo rolls his eyes and drinks. But Jesse has little time to celebrate. “Never have I ever had sex in womens’ clothing.”
Jesse’s jaw drops. “How’d you know?”Hanzo chuckles darkly. “What was it? Bad dare gone wrong?”“Nah,” Jesse shrugs, smirks like the devil, “I just look really good in a brassiere and thigh highs.”
Jesse sees his brow flick up. The effect reminds him very much of a cat waving its tail. “What color?”
“Kind of a tangerine.”“Hn,” Hanzo slowly grunts, shifts his body so that it’s more open to Jesse. Leans his jaw on his hand. “Suits you.”It takes a second for Jesse to remember that they’re playing a game, but in his defense, he is playing two games at once, and one has much higher stakes. “Never have I ever…” He strokes his beard. Considers. “Worn a spreader for more’n an hour.”Hanzo chokes on his beer. Curses in Japanese as he wipes it off his shirt.Jesse grins with deep satisfaction. So the man likes ‘em dressed up and spread out. “Does that count as a drink?”“No. Kuso. You are not even playing well.”
“Alright. Go on, then. I’m still sober enough to find my dorm. Don’t know about you.”
“Never have I ever…” Hanzo hesitates, swallows. Looks at Jesse with strained determination. “…Gone home with a bartender.”
“Now you’re just walkin’ backwards into tame territory,” Jesse drawls after his drink. “Game gettin’ too hard for ya, old man?”Hanzo smirks, and though it’s brief – like a poker tell – Jesse feels a little fear crawl up his spine. Decides to go for broke. “Never have I ever been spanked with anything but a hand or a riding crop.”Hanzo’s face darkens in the most satisfying way yet. He looks over Jesse like he might drink him up too, but he leaves his beer alone. In fact, he settles more deeply into the sofa.
Jesse wonders if he’s pushing too hard. “Y’ready for bed? We can–”“Never have I ever sucked someone off while they were driving.”
Jesse’s brows flare just listening to Hanzo say that out loud. That intense stare, that unashamed enunciation. Hanzo stares like a drawn gun. Jesse can feel his eyes on his chest while he drinks, the spot where four buttons air out the hair that spreads up half of his pectorals. He can feel sweat form at the spot along with his temples.
Hanzo drapes an arm across the back of the sofa. Seems to move closer without effort. “Military vehicle?”Jesse shakes his head. “Truck.”“Was it your idea or his?”“Mine.” Jesse feels some of the levity in the air get replaced by sudden, coiled arousal. Doesn’t know what to do about it. Wasn’t ready for it, even if it was his plan all along. “Was a long ride. Got bored.”
Hanzo lifts his drink to his lips. “Did he pull over before he came down your throat?”“Jesus. Jesus, Han.”
“Never have I ever–”“It ain’t your turn.”“I will say when I am finished.” He’s somehow now even closer on the sofa. “Never have I ever been fucked by two men at once.”Jesse drops his jaw. Despite all the drinking, his throat’s gone dry. But he locks eyes with the other man anyway, downs more beer anyway. Gives him a slow, slick smile anyway. “That one wasn’t my idea. But I held up real well.”
“You took them both at once?” Hanzo mutters, voice now lower and softer. More appropriate to their closer quarters.“Yeah. Yeah, I did.” Jesse spreads his knees over the sofa despite the hammering of his heart. “One laying down, one standing from behind.”
“Did you come on them like that?”
“Fuck,” Jesse hisses, “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”“Did they fill you up well,” Hanzo trails his fingertips across the back of Jesse’s hand, “Did they give it to you hard for being such a good boy?”“Christ. You’re gonna kill me, Hanzo…”
But Hanzo is even closer now, easily within touching distance and Jesse has no idea how. Never really registered his movement, though he has had a few by now. Can’t bring himself to care with all the need coiling in his guts, the sharp shudders threatening to make him do something stupid. It’s all he can do to stay still now that he can see the very subtle start of Hanzo’s morning stubble, can smell the Czech pilsner on his breath, can count the scales on the dragon from where the man’s yukata slips down his shoulder.
“Never have I ever kissed a man in Gibraltar,” Hanzo noses close to Jesse’s jaw.
Jesse would smile, but he’s way too focused on the playful knowing in Hanzo’s half-grin. It’s the last thing he sees before their lips are together, soft at first, then quickly sloppy and impish and perfect. They both know how drunk they are, and how neither probably want things to go much further than this tonight, and so both settle into the luxury of a winding, aimless kiss with deep sighs and quiet, revenant moans. If Reinhardt and Lucio are even still in the room, neither take notice.
By the time they part, Jesse is winded. “Guess I have to drink now.”
“No more drinking.” Then Hanzo grins and leans to press his lips right up against the soft, sensitive shell of Jesse’s ear. “Never have I ever…”
And then Hanzo whispers into his ear something so graphic, so specific, so obscene that Jesse feels his heart locomotive straight into his belly, feels that shudder he’s been suppressing pulse upward from the same spot. He’s never met someone as kinky as he is and Hanzo just blew him away with one shot on a half-drunken brain at 3:30 in the morning.
“I’m gonna,” Jesse wheezes, “Need to write that one down.”
“I will remember.” Then Hanzo settles on top of Jesse, kisses him again, and neither hold their win against the other come morning.
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part III
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*Hello loves! This is Part III, we get to meet Kendra and read a little bit into more of Leah’s backstory. Bear with me here, I promise all of the details mentioned have meaning in future parts! For now, enjoy!*
A few hours pass by since I left the clubhouse. As soon as I got home, I showered and changed into a pair of old raggedy pajama shorts and an old Chicago Cubs t-shirt. Chicago is where I’m originally from, at least that’s where I was born and raised until I was 5.
I hear a knock at my door, and sure enough it’s my girl Kenz.
I open the door and let her in and give her a weird look as she has a key to my place.
“My hands are full, I couldn’t reach for my key.” She says laughing, and then I look down and see she has a million bags.
“What the hell did you bring?” I ask eagerly as she passes by me and into my home.
She plops one bag on the couch and takes everything else into the kitchen. “Well, my overnight bag for one because I plan on getting wine drunk and I ain’t going anywhere. Secondly, I had to stop and get our favorite men – Ben & Jerry, and I also picked up some stuff to make tacos, because you know I’m Mexican and I can make tacos in my sleep.” She explains as she places all of the items on my kitchen table.
I cannot stop laughing because Kendra always makes me laugh. It’s just her personality, she rarely takes anything seriously. She is the literal definition of zero fucks given, but the girl demands respect. She was one of my first friends I made in nursing school. Actually, she was my only friend I had made at that point, and by the grace of God we were able to come up through the ranks together. Kendra has been my side through a lot of shit. She’s had her fair share of family shit and guy drama, but she’s always been there for me – no questions asked.
“I was just going to order us a pizza.” I say, staring in awe at the groceries she has brought over.
“Well, think of it this way – you save some money on food tonight and you can repay me by holding my hair back when I hug the toilet later.”
“That’s fair.” I reply, and we shake on it.
Kendra takes over my kitchen as she preps the tacos, and I assist. We have our usual girl talk banter, because even at 26, we still act like teenagers.
“So, did you go to the club today?” She asks.
“Yup. They called before I was even walking out of the clinic.” I say as I dice up some onions.
“EZ and Angel?” She asks without missing a beat.
“EZ and Angel.” I repeat and nod.
Kendra, although she has no direct blood ties to the club, she is still clued in on myconnections – she knows everything, it was part of the deal Marcus and I worked out.
“Who started it this time?” She asks as she seasons the meat in the pan.
“I honestly don’t even know, EZ had a nasty cut on his face but Angel took a nasty beating as well.”
Kendra just rolls her eyes as she knows how immature this whole ordeal is.
“Did Angel thank you this time?” She asks even though she already knows the answer to that. I stop dicing the onions and stare at her with my “really?” face.
She puts her hands up and says “You know, I was kinda hoping for a miracle. You’d think after cleaning up his messes for the fourth time in a month, a ‘thank you’ would accidentally escape his lips as if he truly is thankful for someone who gives a damn.”
I let out a sarcastic laugh, “I’m just doing my job because it’s what I do for the club. They save my ass when I need them too, and I save theirs.” I say pouring all the veggies together in one big mixing bowl.
“When have they had to save your ass, Lee?” Kendra asks with a quirked brow.
Before I can even respond, she answers for me “exactly, they haven’t. You’ve held up your end of the deal, the least Angel can do is fucking say thank you – he’s such an asshole.”
One would think that after all of the disrespect Angel has thrown my way these last eight months, I wouldn’t give him a thought after I fix him up. It’s hard to explain, but he’s like a puzzle to me and I highly dislike how I cannot figure it out. He doesn’t go out of his way to bully me or anything, it’s nothing like that. It’s just, he doesn’t really care to acknowledge my existence whenever I’m around, and he’s the only member to do so.
Kendra lets out a chuckle, “Okay enough MC talk, let’s eat like the hangry fat girls we are.”
We end up laughing most of the night, stuffing our faces with tacos and wine, oh and catching up on some trash tv.
“How does someone let a so-called doctor inject cement into their face?!” I exclaim and look at Kendra with a major what the royal fuck face as we watch an episode of Botched on E!
“It’s like a nasty car wreck out on the 405, I don’t want to look but I can’t stop staring. Look at their cheeks, like legit cement is in there. How? Why? But like seriously why are we watching this? Isn’t there some cheesy romcom we can watch?” Kendra suggests as she snatches the remote from my hand.
“Bad Moms, perfect.” She says as she tosses the remote on the other side of my sectional.
I take another sip of my wine and tilt my head back, simply enjoying this moment – a quiet night in with my best friend.
“We’re going to be cool moms like these bitches. Right?” Kendra asks as she takes a bite out of a cookie that came out of nowhere.
“Cool moms are the only options, babe.” I answer, and we clink our glasses.
“I know you and I both got shit on in the mom department, but I really don’t want that to hang over our heads when we have kids. Like, if I see you slipping up, I will go full hoodrat Kendra on you.” She announces, and let me just say, hoodrat Kendra is a real thing.
“I promise, I’m not going to be like Briana. I can’t be. Also, if I see you being a shit mom, I’ll first smack you into next week, and if you don’t respond to that, I’ll just use my 1-800-MC card.” I say with a big smirk.
“You chicken shit, you rather call Marcus or Samcro than kick my ass?”
“Kenz, we all know you could kick my ass twice and your own ass at the same time.” I admit, and that’s the full on truth. I’ve seen Kendra scrap before, and I think everyone around Kenz should want her to be on their team.
“I’m so glad you know the true me, it will only continue to benefit you my young one.” Kendra tells me as she reaches out and touches my shoulder in a gentle way but it’s with full sarcasm.
“Okay real talk, what is the weekend plan Aleeah Starr?” Kendra asks while opening up her calendar app on her phone.
“Middle name? Really?” I say with a look, my look of ‘was that necessary?’
“Hoodrat Kenz can come out to play if you’d like.” She replies with a smile.
I laugh and eye roll, “Okay then, Kendra Sofia…” I say to her with an evil eye as I open up my calendar.
“Hmm, I’m off this weekend, all I have going on is Tessa’s birthday party on Sunday. Would you like to come?” I ask.
“Eva already called me and said she’ll see me Sunday.” Kendra says with a nervous expression on her face.
I give her a funny look, questioning why she looks like that.
“Aside from my Abuela Natalia, Eva fucking terrifies me – you just don’t say no to her.” She says deadpan.
I laugh, “A-freaking-men”.
Eva, she’s a true bad-ass. She and Marcus, I think they’re still married? They’ve spent more time apart than together in recent years, but they both love each other tremendously.
“Okay, so Sunday we can drive up together. Do you want to drive together tomorrow and go visit your dad?” Kendra asks.
I let out a big sigh, and I give her another look as Kendra knows my feelings about this subject.
“Why do you ask me this every weekend?” I plead.
“Lee, he’s still your dad. Prison jumpsuit and all, he’s still your dad and he still loves you.”
“I haven’t seen him in a while.” I confess.
Kendra nods, “I know, that’s why I asked if you want to go.”
“I don’t know Kenz, I just feel the older I get and the longer he’s in there, that Father/Daughter connection dies each day. He doesn’t even want to see me half the time.”
“He just hates the situation he’s in, babes. He got a shit deal, but we both know you’re still the light of his life.”
I rub my eyes, trying to keep it together yet again.
“I just don’t know how I would feel going up there now, especially when I’ve dealt with so much shit from the club. I don’t need anyone on the inside seeing me talk to my cop father turned inmate. That’s just asking for me to get someone killed or get myself killed.”
“Aleeah Starr Parker.” Kendra says with her eyes rolling, and I am deeply confused.
“Are you so exhausted that you forgot who is even protecting your dad?” Kendra asks, and I palm my face.
“No, I didn’t forget…well maybe for a second.” I admit.
“Lorenzo has Jesse’s back, okay? Our dads are prison buds! How poetic is that?” She says as she pulls me in for a cheesy hug.
I give off a look of disgust, because Kendra is never this touchy feely. But my facial expression does not stop Kenz from continuing on.
“Oh, stop that, give your best friend a hug and smile. Hell, could you even bother to laugh? Come on, if we can’t laugh that our fathers are both in prison, our moms are both dead due to their stupid choices, we would be miserable unsuccessful sluts working on a pole for a living.”
Kendra has a big grin on her face, and she keeps giving me the famous Kendra look – the one where it always makes me smile because she knows how to make me smile; that’s what a best friend is for.
I do end up laughing, quite a bit.
“Thanks for making me laugh, I needed it.” I say looking at Kendra with a puppy dog face, because I am on the verge of tears – it’s been a chaotic week, ending it with the cherry on top that is the Mayans MC. And wine always has me feeling some type of way.
“My little Lee-Lee, come here, give me another hug.” Kendra says as she pulls me in for a hug.
“Okay, time to refill. We are finishing this second bottle and then we are going to sleep like precious babies.” She says as she stands up from the couch and heads to my kitchen.
As Kendra heads to the kitchen, I look down at my wrist and I start snapping my pony-tail holder. It takes me a moment to realize what I’ve even doing or why I’m doing it.
“Breathe, Leah. Just breathe.” I whisper to myself.
“I’ll be okay, just breathe.”
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fymoanstax · 6 years
Monsta X Promposals
Here you go! Thank you so much for requesting and we hope you like it! 
-Admin Ponyo and Admin Hyungwon
Shownu/Son Hyunwoo (Written by: Admin Ponyo)
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You and Shownu are good friends
Since freshman year
You had the same music class and things just clicked
And he had kind of a huge crush on you
So Shownu really had no idea how he’s going to ask you to prom
He’s not really a plan it kind of guy
He’d much rather just straight up ask you
None of that fluff and mush and set up
He decides he’s just going to be blunt about it
So one day you’re standing at your locker picking up your things before leaving school
And you’re talking with a friend
And as he approaches he hears you talking to your friend
But all he really catches is
‘He asked me to prom’
And when your friend asked what you said you replied with yes
So Shownu basically thinks he’s missed his chance
But you were really TALKING ABOUT A GAME
So shownu leaves on his merry way a bit disappointed but still breathing so whatever
It’s like a week before prom and you have a dress. Perfect shoes. After prom plans. BUT NO DATE
At this point you’re thinking of just putting an ad up on the school bulletin board  
‘Seeking prom date; requirements: must be alive’
One day you’re stressing over your lack of prom date while lying face down on your bed
Then you feel the bed dip beside you and when you look up shownu is there
“What are you doing here?”
“My mom made like 6 batches of cookie for no reason and she told me to bring them over. Your mom let me in.”
“Well…where are the cookies? I need to stuff my face right now.”
“Is something wrong?”
You sit up on your bed with a sigh
“Nobody has asked me to prom
“Wait are you serious?”
You nod your head slowly
“Be my prom date.”
“Just go to prom with me.”
“Was,,,,that your promposal to me?”
“What’s a promposal?”
“Where you propose,,,,that we go to prom together you know.”
Shownu shrugs ( like he is literally this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
“You really don’t know what a promposal is?”
“I didn’t think prom was that serious. If it’s being compared to wedding proposals I guess I kind of have to step up my game then.”
“I’m a low maintenance girl. Don’t even worry about it.”
You kinda hold Shownu’s hand to reassure him you know
Over the next few days before prom your friend group has received an abundance of promposals.
One of your friends had a red carpet rolled out for her. Roses handed to her along the way. Big sign.
Another friend had a song written and performed for her.
You just stood by and watched with a small smile on your face.
Shownu notices bc he’s very observative
And he makes a plan.
He’s going to prompose to you
Prepare yourself
It’s literally the day before prom, a friday.
One of Shownu’s friends, Kihyun, is leading you to some undisclosed location blindfolded
“If I end up dead the whole world will know it was you because I don’t know anyone else with a tie that has the notes to their own song on it.”
“Jokes on you, Wonho has one too.”
“I-,,,,,,I’m not even gonna ask”
“We’re here!”
You feel Kihyun mess with the back of the blindfold (tie really) and soon enough it falls off of your face
When you look up you see five shirtless guys
Shownu is number one with a ‘P’ painted on his chest
Next is Wonho with an ‘R’
Third is Changkyun with an,,,,,’M’
Then there’s Jooheon with ‘O’
And finally Minhyuk with an exclamation point. E x c l a m a t i o n point !
Shownu obviously sees the look of confusion on your face and looks down the line
“Changkyun! Jooheon! You’re in the wrong order! And Minhyuk it’s supposed to be a question mark!”
Changkyun and Jooheon merely look at each other and shrug
“I had to run here from my student council meeting sue me for wanting excitement and stability in my life rather than uncertainty!”
“You guys ruined my promposal!”
Shownu is about to apologize to you but you’re,,,,,,,,,laughing
“This is honestly the best promposal ever. Look at Jooheon and Changkyun’s tummies!!! Not to mention McMuscles over here you and Wonho are literally McDreamy and McSteamy. Then there’s,,,,,Minhyuk. Keep up the good work buddy!”
“Does that mean I still have a chance?”
“Shownu I already said yes to going to prom with you I’m not changing my mind now.”
“Oh god that’s good.”
And you guys kind of hug like a little bit closer and maybe touchier than usual
“Wait,,am I McDreamy or McSteamy?”
Wonho/Hoseok (Written by: Admin Ponyo)
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“If you were really my best friend you would do this for me.”
“ Uh Uh, don’t you pull the best friend card on me Wonho.”
“I’m just saying…”
“Last week I let you borrow my car to take your little girlfriend out on a date. And you nearly crashed it!”
“I knew I shouldn’t have told you about that. Come on please! I’ll even pay for your ticket.”
“Hmm,,,,,I’m interested now.”
“...and pay for dinner?”
“I’m sold.”
“Great. All you really have to do is accept my promposal in front of the entire school and make it believable.”
“I’m sure you of all people know how great I am at acting. We DID meet in theater club where we played the lead roles in 3, soon to be 4 consecutive plays.”
“Ah yes, you were my first kiss scene and my first death scene.”
“And don’t you forget it!”
“So tomorrow. School assembly. After my student body president speech. Don’t worry about a thing.”
“Wait, you already had this planned? How did you know I was going to s-”
Wonho begins turning down the school hallway to his class while you walk straight
“You’re my best friend I knew you’d help me out!”
That’s the last thing he says before disappearing into a classroom
Wonho is your best friend.
You met in theater club freshman year
Between practicing kissing (for scenes of  course), memorizing lines, and becoming comfortable around each other you just grew very close
Although this did leave you in hot water with his on and off girlfriend Mina it didn’t really affect your relationship
You starred as the lead roles in the theater clubs major productions every year, leaving the smaller works to other students of course.
But with your senior years production under way and Wonho spending most of his time rehearsing with you, his girlfriend Mina had had enough
She broke up with him,,,,,,,,,again
And his genius plan involved making her jealous
Prom was in two weeks
Wonho was going to ‘prompose’ to you at the school assembly but you had your friend date Jooheon and you would fill him in on everything later
So its assembly day and Wonho is just about to wrap up his speech
He’s a very charismatic guy you know so the entire student body swoons when the lights begin to dim and a video pops up on the projector screen
The screen flashes a whole bunch of short video clips sped up
‘Prom?’ flashes a couple of times and then the video clips slow down
It’s a bunch of off guard videos of you??
Videos of scenes from the plays you and Wonho have been in
Your favorite song is playing in the background
There are videos of the two of you taken by the other guys
You tear up a little bit,,,,,,,,,,,,in a fake way?
It’s a really really cute video, this wasn’t even acting you were actually surprised.
Suddenly there’s a spotlight on you.
And Wonho is running off stage with a bouquet of flowers
Straight to you
This is it.
This is the moment that Wonho told you to prepare for
You have an insanely shocked look on your face as he finally makes his way up the steps
Good thing you were sitting on the end of the row
So Wonho just kinda gets? Down? On? One? Knee?
Does he know this is just a PROMposal not a REAL proposal
“Y/N, you were by my side at my lowest point when I split my pants on stage will you be by my side when I’m at my best at prom?”
“Of course, Wonho. I’d love to be your prom date.”
Insert a series of ‘aww’ and ‘why didn’t you ask me to prom like that?’ or other variations of course
But out of all the aww and everything you hear the one scoff from the crowd
Wonho’s ex, Mina, is sitting in the row behind you
Wonho must have noticed her too
Because the next thing you know WONHO’S GOT HIS BABY SOFT LIPS ON YOURS
hE ! KISSinG ! yoU !
And you kiss him back,,,,,surprisingly quick
It wasn’t weird to do this?
You knew Wonho’s lips like the back of your hand.
You rehearsed this dozens of times
But this times its kinda different because he’s got one hand on the small of your back and the other one is cupping your face and your arms have magically wrapped around his neck and wow wow wow
She pretty much yanks him away from you like no joke
And you have to admit you’re upset
But also kinda happy bc this is what Wonho wanted
Wonho would be happy
The same Wonho that you were HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH
He. Would. Be. Happy
The entire student body is waiting for a catfight
But that doesn’t happen
Because Wonho grabs your hand?
Like intertwined,,,
And he very politely tells Mina to keep her hands off of him
You just kinda stand behind him very obviously confused
“Wonho isn’t this what you wanted?”
SURPRISE ! It’s not.
He wanted you
To go to prom with him
And the lil sob story he gave you was just that- a story
He wasn’t feeling it with Mina anymore
There was always something a little more than on stage chemistry between the two of you and he finally worked up the courage to build on it
He did have to lie lol
But at least he’s going to PROM WITH YOU
“I never wanted to go to prom with her. I wanted to go with you Y/N. It was always you I wanted to go with.”
You’re flattered
Like aww that’s cute and all but also
“Why did I practice my shocked face in the mirror for 2 hours last night then?”
Minhyuk (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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Minhyuk had a whole ass crush on you, like it was very obvious.
Everyone knew it.
Your friends, his friends, the teachers at your school, probably the workers at the cafe that you guys always went to when you were walking home.
Except you lol
So when prom was coming up, people kept asking him if he was going to ask you.
He wasn’t even going to because you seemed like you didn’t like him like that.
But also, you were kind of really hoping that he would ask you but you weren’t very sure if he liked you like that.
(You weren’t….the best at noticing all the times he looked at you like you were the sun but it was chill)
It was only when your friends and his friends collaborated and told him that yeah you very much liked him and you were just very bad at hinting at it did he decide to ask you to prom.
But now he was very pressured to make sure he asked you in the best way possible.
He just didn’t know like,,,,how to do it.
He could go the cliche route that’s in movies.
You know the whole make a sign with a corny phrase.
Or a scavenger hunt that leads to the beach where his promposal is written in rocks placed strategically on the sand.
He looked online for ideas, and even asked friends for advice.
But suddenly prom was three weeks away and HE STILL HADN’T ASKED YOU.
A lot of people have asked you, and he was actually there for most of them since you guys always were together.
You didn’t see his sigh of relief whenever you rejected them.
And there was some...really good promposals too.
Someone found your favorite chocolates and just gave them to you.
One person did a whole musical number just to ask you out.
But you weren’t interested in any of them.
As time went by, you kind of numbed to the idea of prom.
Like it wasn’t a big deal if you didn’t go.
You didn’t actually see the big deal with prom anyway.
There was just a tiny bit of you that hoped Minhyuk would ask you and that maybe it’d be fun with him.
He wasn’t asking though so….
One day, after Prom Rejection #20, you two were walking home like you always did.
Rejecting prom dates have started to become sad for you because after each one Minhyuk still didn’t ask you.
He had sensed you were a little down, so he was trying to cheer you up.
The boy even bought you ice cream. Like what a sweetie pie.
Anyway, you guys were walking and the sun was setting, so it was vvvvv aesthetically pleasing.
You guys were joking around and he was trying to eat your ice cream and he finally succeeded after he had locked his arm with yours and leaned over.
You had pouted and he just laughed, offering his own ice cream.
After  a while, it had gone silent and you two were just walking when suddenly
“Hey, Y/N. Why do you keep rejecting everyone?”
He didn’t know what he wanted to hear, but he still asked it
“Oh. I just don’t wanna go to prom”
You said it so nonchalantly, but he was kind of very heartbroken?
Like he saw this as if he were to ask he was gonna get rejected to.
He wasn’t good at changing subjects though so he just kind of stayed silent and kept walking.
“What? What’s wrong?”
You stopped in your midst bc now HE  was upset and he helped you so now you gotta help him.
“Oh I..It’s nothing,” Minhyuk gave you a huge smile but you were not convinced.
You just kinda stood there with a worried expression.
“It’s just,” he finally sighed, “I was going to ask you to prom, but—”
“Wait you were?”
“Uh...yeah but if you don’t—”
“Yeah I’ll go to prom with you.”
He was taken aback by that like????
Everyone was going to the extremes???
And he had just mentioned it??????
“You— You will?”
“Yeah. I thought you weren’t going to ask so I didn’t wanna go,” you shrugged.
Minhyuk is vvv ?????
“I...rejected everyone because I didn’t want to go with them. I wanted to go with you. But I didn’t know if you felt the same.”
“Well...I do!” He was giving you the biggest smile
(It looked like sunshine oh my god)
“Well?” you looked at him, waiting.
“Are you going to ask me or not?”
Minhyuk was grinning from ear to ear.
The girl of the dreams was going to say yes to his promposal.
The setting was perfect.
And he didn’t even have to rent a horse.
“Y/N? Will you go to prom with me?”
“Of course Minhyuk.”
Kihyun (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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Kihyun,,,,,had been trying to ask you to prom for the longest time.
But like, whenever he’d try you’d just kind of not know?
The ways it would fail got more intense that more he tried to ask.
He gave you a book and said that he really recommended that book to read?
“Oh I already read this book and yeah it’s really good!”
A note asking you?
You lost it.
He went inside your classroom?
You were absent.
He put balloons in your locker????
He decided to put a note on your dog’s collar
The dog BIT him
He got desperate and did the whole throwing a ball at you and hoping you caught it.
Yeah he was a whole ass mess.
It’s okay his friends were also huge ass messes that ruined most of his promposals.
At some point he tried to be original and when you and a group of friends went to a nearby theme park, he was going to ask you at the go karts.
Jooheon forgot and hit him so hard he just spun out of control so all you heard was high pitched screaming.
Wonho fell on the cake that Kihyun made for you.
Changkyun ate the SECOND cake.
Minhyuk forgot that Kihyun canceled the beach promposal because he thought it was tacky and everyone leFT HIM AT THE BEACH WITH 5 POUNDS OF ROCKS.
Shownu was in charge of flowers to give to you but he misinterpreted and he gave you FLOUR. You were very confused. He never gave you an explanation.
Hyungwon was literally the only one that didn’t do anything and that’s because he was dealing with his own failed promposal.
Finally, a few days before prom, Kihyun was exhausted.
Like what he gonna do now?
Thankfully, you were SUPER oblivious that you also didn’t know that other guys were asking you to prom.
You have a dress and everything, but you just didn’t have a date.
You didn’t really care if you had one.
You kinda wanted to go with Kihyun honestly.
But you also didn’t notice the entire time that he was asking you so….
Anyway, Kihyun finally just gave up.
Like, it was too late.
You probably already had your prom planned.
Maybe this was just your way of saying you wanted to be friends.
They kinda knew that yikes they probably had some part of you never actually knowing, so they decided that there would be one huge ask by all of them.
Kihyun,,,was not aware of this.
So you and Kihyun were just hanging out you know, things that friends do.
It was after school and you and Wonho were people’s rides home so like you had to wait for everyone to show up.
But when they showed up,,,,they had flowers?
Kihyun first thought that one of them was going to ask you and got kinda mad because most of them already had dates and Changkyun has a girlfriend.
He looked extremely irritated but then Wonho started talking.
“So, Kihyun failed at asking you to prom.”
“Like 30 times.”
Minhyuk continued.
And you’re very confused????
Like when did he ask you to prom??
You even turned and asked him.
“You asked me to prom???”
Kihyun caught on to what was happening a little, but was also kinda surprised that you didn’t know.
“I’ve been trying to yeah but it never worked out.”
“Well there was the book, I tried to use your dog, I threw a ball at you once, I made two cakes.”
Kihyun kept listing all the things he tried to do and you only had like vague memories of them?
Like you remember the book, and the time he hit you in the face with a ball, and that one time he tried to talk to you while you were on go karts.
But it never really hit you???
“Hey we’re in the middle of a promposal here”
Hyungwon interrupted you two.
“Right, sorry.”
You turned your attention back to them.
“Anyway, as we were saying. Kihyun obviously couldn’t do it. So we’re going to do it for him.”
Hyungwon continued their obviously practiced speech.
They made their way down a line (It was Wonho, Hyungwon, Shownu, Minhyuk, Changkyun, and then Jooheon) and said their parts.
“Go to”
“With Kihyun?”
You turned to Kihyun who looked equally surprised, but he got over it quickly.
“Well? Will you?”
He was smiling at you and it was the most precious smile ever like wow who could say no to that.
Not you!
“Yes, Kihyun I’d love to go to prom with you!”
Kihyun looked so happy when he gave you a hug like this boy deserved it.
The lengths he went through just to get you to go to prom with him wow.
Then it just kinda hit you.
“Wait is that why Shownu gave me flour?!”
Shownu gave you a thumbs up.
Jooheon (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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So Jooheon had a set plan.
He was going to do a little scavenger hunt and it would lead to his house where he’d ask you to prom.
Some of the boys had to be like checkpoints and clue givers and some had to help Jooheon decorate the front of his house while you looked.
He would probably be in a tux, to make it look more fancy.
Of course,,,,,that cost money,,,,
He did not want to ask until he had enough money to pay for everything.
So he took extra shifts at his job and set aside money.
He was a pizza delivery guy and he tried his best to be the best pizza delivery guy so he could get good tips.
It was working pretty well.
He got to houses early (probably by speeding) and people appreciated that.
Sure he might have destroyed a couple pizzas.
It’s fine they were still eatable.
He was working one last shift that would probably give him enough money to buy everything needed for the promposal and prom itself.
(He calculated everything so that he wouldn’t be asking you to prom one week before like some other guys)
And suddenly the phone rang and he was in front so he answered.
“Changkyun? Why are you yelling?”
“Okay but why are you calling?”
“Wait WHAT”
“How am I supposed to come up with a plan right this sec— I GOT IT.”
Jooheon could hear Kihyun faintly shouting “No!” in the background.
When he hung up, he immediately ran into the kitchen.
Everyone that was working there knew he was working more to ask you to prom tbh.
So when he ran in and said there was an emergency regarding prom they just kind of accepted it?
He told everyone the alternate plan that had to happen that second and everyone just kinda stepped aside and let him work.
His big plan was to make you a pizza with “Prom?” spelled on it with sausage.
Your house was fairly close to his work so that wasn’t a problem.
It was actually making the pizza and baking it before the guy asked you.
He was certain the guys could stall enough.
But also he was not certain the guys wouldn’t wreak havoc while stalling.
Anyway, he made the pizza and impatiently waited while it baked.
Once that pizza was out the oven, he put it in the box, scribbled something, and then rushed out while his coworkers were wishing him luck.
He’s pretty sure that he drove through around 3 red lights just rushing to your house.
He made it in like 5 minutes though so it was worth it.
But then,,,,he saw that,,,Kihyun’s car,,,,was parked on your front lawn????
He also saw another car parked in front of your house and his heart started racing.
He practically sprinted to your front door and rang the doorbell.
When the door opened, his heart dropped when he saw that it was Minhyuk.
“Am I too late???”
“No, no you’re just in time. The guy just got here.”
“Who’s at the door?”
He heard you spoke and he suddenly got super nervous.
Like he wasn’t nervous when Changkyun called, or when he was making the pizza, or running 3 red lights, but suddenly it kinda hit him that he was asking you to prom.
“Uhhhh pizza”
“I didn’t order pizza!”
“Changkyun did.”
“Actually yeah I did, but then I forgot my wallet. Do you think you could—”
“Fine I’ll pay for your stupid pizza that you had delivered to my house.”
Your voice got closer and closer and Jooheon got more and more nervous.
And then there you were!
Jooheon almost blanked like for a split second he completely forgot he was holding pizza and was supposed to ask you to prom.
Jooheon saw the boys look disappointed behind you.
“Hi? Changkyun ordered pizza and requested you as the delivery guy again huh?”
You were joking, getting money out your wallet.
“Wait no. This one’s on me,”
Jooheon suddenly remembered that he had a task to do! He could see the other guy impatiently waiting and he was not going to let HIM ask you to prom.
“You drove here to give me free pizza? That’s true friendship right there wow.”
“Well, actually I had a question.”
You were very confused.
Like what does he mean he drove all the way there with free pizza to ask a question????? Couldn’t he have texted it or something????
The guy caught on and went to go hurry but the boys are very very very good at stalling.
(Changkyun tripped him lol)
Jooheon opened the pizza box, looking for your reaction.
“Will you go to prom with me?”
He gave you such a cute smile that you knew that you were blushing intensely.
“Yes of course!”
You didn’t even hesitate, like you damn well knew you wanted to go to prom with Jooheon for weeks.
So the fact that he asked you just made you extremely happy.
And he was so happy, he laughed and went to go hug you before remembering he had the pizza so he stopped himself.
He looked so excited and you were also excited and wow can you believe you’re going to prom with Jooheon???
But something else was bugging you.
“Why did you open the pizza box?”
“Oh bec—”
He looked at the pizza and realized that,,,,,he brought the wrong pizza,,,,and someone else was going to get your prom pizza,,,,,
“I….you still want a free pizza?”
You laughed and agreed to it.
Later on, you learned that the guy didn’t come over for math help but to ask you to prom.
You would have said no anyway.
Looks like Jooheon had nothing to worry about after all.
Hyungwon (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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You and Hyungwon were actually childhood friends yay
You guys were inseparable and remained so until the present.
You were kind of opposites though?
Like he was vvvv lazy and really liked to sleep, and you were very energetic and liked to be on top of things.
But it’s okay, you guys balanced each other out.
You kept him in check so that he wouldn’t sleep for a whole week, and he made sure that you were you know,,,,sleeping.
Of course with a friendship as close as yours, people joked that you two would probably end up together and instead of being awkward about it, you humored them.
When you were kids, you guys even joked that Hyungwon would be the one to take you to prom.
Hyungwon did not forget about that joke tbh
He,,,,had developed a huge crush on you over the years and when prom was coming up he decided that was the perfect time to tell you.
He had it planned.
He didn’t really plan things often, but he knew him planning every single detail would both shock and impress you.
There was going to be a bouquet of your favorite candies, a corny song that he imagined you rolling your eyes to, and then he would ask.
But,,,,he,,,,was too late,,,,
The day he was planning to ask you, some guy had already asked you.
And you said yes.
He was vvv salty about that, but he didn’t let you see it.
He smiled, said congratulations, and tried to move on.
When you started to plan with your friends, he sat there and listened as you tried to decide what dress to pick and if you and your date should match.
And then,,,,,your date wanted advice from him,,,,bc Hyungwon is your best friend?????
It was pure torture for him, but hey, he was your best friend, he couldn’t just pretend it wasn’t happening.
So he did help.
He gave advice of floral arrangements for the corsage and boutonniere
(They were flowers that he wanted to give you at prom if you had said yes)
He offered your favorite color as a reference for what you would be looking for
(He had already bought his tie in that color)
Before he knew it, he had planned his perfect prom with you….with some other guy.
Whatever you were going to be happy and that’s what mattered.
He witnessed that for weeks.
At some point he got kind of sick of hearing about it so whenever prom came up, he just excused himself.
You noticed, and always wanted to go check on him, but were always dragged back into planning.
The thing is despite literally telling him your dream prom, the guy just ignored Hyungwon’s advice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So prom planning wasn’t going smoothly.
Hyungwon didn’t know that though.
Well one day, he was just chilling, laying down, scrolling through his phone
It was about a week before prom
And suddenly there was a knock on his window.
He went over and lo and behold
There you were, in the flesh.
He was used to you just randomly showing up, you did that a couple times a week.
But for some reason, seeing you in an oversized sweater and jeans, crouching in the tree outside his window with a huge grin on your face kind of made his heart hurt
It was weird and he hated it.
He let you in and you immediately started talking, like with no time for him to even say hi.
“Okay so I’ve been thinking right? Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? I haven’t!”
“It’s because they’re ugly Y/N.”
“Don’t talk about my babies like that!
“What’s the rest of that thought?”
“Oh right! Let’s go find baby pigeons!”
“It’s 2 in the morning.”
It was then he realized that you were trying to distract yourself from something and the baby pigeons were a cover for something.
“Baby pigeons!” You were so excited.
“Y/N what’s wrong?”
“Nothings wrong I just want to see a baby pigeon!”
“You’re not going to see a baby pigeon at this time so what’s wrong?”
You stayed silent but then just sat on his bed.
“The guy I'm going to prom with? Yeah that's cancelled. He called it off so quick and immediately got a new date.”
Hyungwon sat next to you, feeling angry that someone did that to you, but also relieved because he never really liked that guy.
“I'm sorry he did that. But look on the bright side. We know he's a jerk and you dodged a bullet.”
You gave him an unenthusiastic laugh and then just looked sad.
THAT really made his heart hurt.
“I’m going to have to explain to face people now asking what happened and I don’t want that.”
“Then don’t. Refuse to comment and if they don’t then I’ll—”
“Are you going to threaten to beat people up again?”
“--give them a strict talk?”
You just laughed a little and shook your head.
“I’m not even that sad about it. I don’t think I really liked him? I just thought prom was required a date because that’s what we always were told and then it was getting close and he was the only option.”
He kinda felt bad bc he was not an option since he hold off on asking.
“You know it’s weird. Do you remember when we were kids and we said we’d go to prom with each other?”
Hyungwon’s heart skipped a beat because yeah! He really did remember that!
“I thought...this is stupid I know and I don’t know why I’m telling you this….I thought that maybe you were gonna ask me.”
You didn’t look at him since it was a little embarrassing (for you)
And Hyungwon just about flew off the bed.
You were waiting for him to ask and guess what he didn’t do!
Thankfully, he actually never threw away any of the stuff that he was going to give you because he just couldn’t be bothered to throw it away so his bright idea was to ask you to prom right that second
At 2 A.M, after you had just gotten dumped.
“You weren’t wrong, actually.”
He was,,,reaching for something under his bed? It was the candy bouquet
(Why the candy bouquet was under his bed we will never know)
“I...was going to give you this when I asked you to prom, but then he asked you. Wonho got rid of the sign that actually asked you, so I just kinda have this.”
He handed you the candy bouquet and you’re just ??????????????
You were still stuck on the fact that he wanted to ask you to prom?????
“I lost my chance and I’m going to keep apologizing for that but—”
“Wait are you really asking me to prom?”
You interrupted him, completely in shock.
“Will you let me finish?.”
“Oh! I’m sorry go on!”
You perked up significantly and it made him laugh a little.
“Y/N...Will you— Oh wait a song is supposed to be playing!”
“It’s that song that you hate that always plays on the radio. It was supposed to play in the background.”
You groaned and rolled your eyes.
“Please don’t play it.”
“Fine because you just got cancelled on, I won’t play the song. Okay. This time for real. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? Even though I’m asking at 2 A.M in my pajamas with probably melted chocolate?”
That caught you off guard bc girlfriend???? You thought this was about prom???
“Yes, of course I will!”
You guys hugged and all the mushy stuff. He gave you the candy bouquet and everything.
It was rlly sweet.
P sure one of you cried.
“Oh and also go to prom with me?”
“Oh yeah sure of course.”
You got a boyfriend and a prom date!
I.M/Changkyun (Written by: Admin Ponyo)
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Changkyun is the only one with a girlfriend
You’re his girlfriend
He’s dating you
And prom is coming up
And some people assume that because you’re dating you’re going together
But you’re still waiting on that promposal
Like two weeks before prom you see him with a lot of promposal-ly stuff
One day he just has an entire cake
And you think this is it
But he just eats? It?
Another day you see kihyun’s car parked on one of your friends lawns while you’re walking home and changkyun told you he’d be hanging out with kihyun that same day
You assume he’s asking her the best way to prompose to you
But here you are,,,,,,still waiting
There’s an entire song on some music sheets on his dresser one day
On the corner it says hyungwon
Is changkyun gonna ask hyungwon to prom?
Maybe who knows
Then another day you see him sprinting across campus,,,,,shirtless,,,,,,with an ‘M’ painted on his chest
You walked a little slower
Hoping one of your friends would come get you and take you to the site of the promposal
It is literally TWO DAYS BEFORE PROM
And out of the blue you get a text
‘What color should my tie be?’
You are MAd
Not only has he not formally asked you to prom
He also hasn’t been picking up on your subtle hints that your dress was maroon and that maybe he should be matching with you
You don’t respond to his message obviously
No lie 10 minutes later your doorbell is going off like crazy
Thinking its an emergency you run downstairs and open the door
It’s Changkyun
He’s doubled over, sweating, panting, trying to catch his breath
He looks like he’s gonna say something but instead he puts a finger up as if asking for a second
You stand there, hands on your hips and nothing but sass radiating off of you
“I…...came as ………...fast as I………..could…….because you left me on,,,,,,,,read.”
“Me leaving you on read is the last of your worries Changkyun.”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“I-I did…..ask you?”
“I got you a CA-...oh wait no that was kihyun’s cake.”
“My friends and I spelled out prom on our che-.....That was Shownu…”
“I have now realized that I, Im Changkyun, forgot to ask my own entire girlfriend to prom”
“You big jerk! I bet you don’t even have tickets!”
“That’s not true! Wel-...actually it is you got me there. But I am also friends with the student body president and I’m sure he could pull a few strings for us.”
“You better hope so otherwise you can consider yourself single after prom”
“Oh come on babe don’t make any rash decisions”
You cross your arms over your chest when Changkyun pecks your lips
You’re kind of a brat but Changkyun likes it?
“Wear your black suit. Maroon tie. Your new pair of dress shoes. Not the glossy ones. The matte ones.”
“Anything for you.”
“I’ll see you on Saturday.”
“OR we could head upstairs and ‘watch’ a movie”
Prom day has arrived
Changkyun has not seen your dress but when you walk out your front door his jaw drops
You know how we fangirl over good ass pictures of the boys
That’s him @ you rn
He’s the personification of ‘i WOULD PAY HIM TO HIT ME WITH A CAR’ lol
That’s it.
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chessthorpe · 5 years
bloom / decay
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The black vortex Chess had been sucked through, the piercingly white room, then the meeting with the devil himself (lord, why could she only think about how dashing he was even in such a terrifying moment?) were all quickly forgotten. How could they not be, when she suddenly found herself back on earth? What had happened? Did the powers that be realize they had stuck her in Hell mistakenly and now she was to live again? Oh, she would never take anything for granted as long as she breathed, if that was the case.
She was in a bathroom. Her reflection stared back at her from an ornate mirror. Chess was in a tight, sequinned black dress, hair up in a ponytail, her face baked to perfection— in short, her usual glam self when she had still been alive. She touched her face, her tits. All felt real and very much ‘there’. She pinched her arm. Pain. Real pain. Could this be? Was she really back like she had never left?! What of her death? 
Outside the loo, a drum n’ bass song reverberated. A party. Chels took a few moments longer admiring herself, before gathering the black clutch that lay on the marble countertop, and stepped outside the bathroom. It was a party, alright. Bass beats moved through her, purple and pink mood lighting illuminated familiar faces dancing, drinking, instagramming picture perfect moments. She moved through the crowd, some people parting for her, some pushing, most not taking notice of her. And at the far end, perched on the back of a sofa with his impossibly sleek hair— Harry Crawley. One of her oldest friends and member of her posse. 
“Harry!” She calls out, waving her hand frantically. Harry looks up, but doesn’t seem happy to see her. How could he not be happy to see her?! Chess totters over on her stilettos, wanting to pull him into a hug, but he’s perched on the back of the sofa and against the wall, making no motion to move. He looks rather confused. “Oh my god, it’s been so long!” Before she died, she’d seen him a mere weeks ago, but after her whole Hell journey, it had felt like ten years or more had elapsed. Harry, with his angular features and Greek chiseled face, still looks nonplussed.  
“I’m sorry, who are you?” he finally asks.
“Are you taking the piss, Harry? It’s me, Chess, you idiot.” 
Nothing. No flash of recognition on his face.  
“Chess?” He’s almost amused. “What sort of name is that?” 
“Oh fuck off, Harry, I don’t have time for these games. Where’s Laura?” 
“She’s at the bar. Do I know you from somewhere?” He’s still perplexed, but not for long, his attention has shifted and he’s on his phone now, scrolling instagram.
“Give me that.” She snatches the phone out of his hand to a cry in protest, but Chess moves out of his reach before he can reach for it. She enters the search function and searches for her instagram handle, @chessthorpe​. No results come up. She tries her name, first ‘Chess Thorpe’ and then the full ‘Francesca Thorpe’, but again, only one result comes up, and it’s some girl who isn’t her. Where have all her fan accounts gone? There’s absolutely nothing. This must be some sort of glitch, and Francesca is already looking up towards the bar, spotting her other best friend, Laura. 
She’s unsettled now and makes a beeline towards Laura, pursued by Harry because she still has his phone in her hand. 
She slides between the people at the bar to stand face to face with the pretty blonde, grabbing her attention. “Do you know who I am?” she demands.
The girl looks confused, the same blank stare Harry had given her, albeit more polite. “I’m sorry, I don’t,” she says with a perfectly polite smile. “You a friend of Jessica’s?” 
Chess’s heart sinks, but before she has time to ruminate on what’s happening the phone is being snatched out of her hands. 
“Gimme that. Psycho,” Harry sneers, taking back his phone. Laura looks at Harry confused, and as Chess spaces out in deep thought, they carry a conversation unbeknownst to her.
“Who even is that?” 
“No bloody idea, she just came up to me and snatched my phone.” 
“Fucking weird. She one of Tom’s friends?" 
“Probably on something. Batty bitch.”
She’s suddenly out of the club and in her home. Her family’s manor in Sussex, to be precise. They’re opening presents on Christmas Day, a tradition her father has kept as long as Chess could remember. 
“Open it,” Daniella, her older sister, encourages her bother, James. Neither of them acknowledge Chess on the sofa between them. 
James tears open the packaging to an ugly jumper. “Fuck, not again,” he laughs, holding it open. It’s got a knitted picture of Santa mooning a reindeer. “At least it’s creative.” 
Her mother and father sit opposite, equally amused by the present. None of them look Chess in the eye; she’s there, but she’s not. Her mouth feels dry, her head is spinning.
She opens her mouth to speak, carefully planning her words this time. “Mum, Dad? Are there any presents for me?”
Her mother and father both turn their heads to look at her. For a second her heart skips with a grasped sliver of hope, but it’s stolen away just as quickly when she recognizes the same glassy look in their eyes as the one in Harry’s and Laura’s. They don’t know her. She might as well be a fucking ghost.
She’s in a limo, driving through a city at night. Chess isn’t sure what city it is, but it’s big and there’s neon lights and billboards everywhere. Sings in Chinese. Must be Hong Kong, she’s been here before. They pass a backlit billboard, a Lancôme ad with a toned, glossy girl looking back at her. She recognizes the girl. It’s Aluna Preston, her rival if she ever had one. Why is she on a Lancôme billboard?! Chess was the Lancôme girl! It was Chess’s face that was supposed to be up there, her face beaming down at travellers from every airport duty free poster and sign. This wasn’t right. This couldn’t be right.
The limo pulls up to a hotel. Somehow, Chess knows which button to press once inside the lift, and a card key materializes in her hand as she’s going up the floors. A middle aged businessman gets in on the next floor. They exchange looks, the man sizing her up and down. He smiles. 
“You know, you look like someone,” he comments, before getting off on a floor. The lift continues up and opens onto the 16th floor. 
Somehow, guided by a force that’s pushing her towards this, she knows which corridor to go down, which door to slot the card key in. There is a strange numbness washed over her as the light clicks green, with an undercurrent of dread. No matter what she’s done tonight, the dread is there. Chess opens the door of the dimly lit hotel room, and the sounds of moaning and groaning assault her ears. 
“Ohhh. Fuck yes. Fuck me!” 
She’s walked in on a couple fucking, a girl on all fours on the bed and a guy fucking her doggy. As her eyes adjust to the dimness of the mood lights, she recognizes the faces, to her horror. It’s Hunter, her boyfriend. Everything he’s done to her is forgotten, and in that one heart-breaking, gut sinking moment, she has to witness the love of her life balls deep in...the hate of her life. Aluna Preston is on all fours, moaning, screaming his name and begging for him to go harder. If there was lack of evidence that Chess ever had a heart, here was the counter-evidence, right here. She could physically hear her heart cracking and splintering into little pieces, her face etched with terror. Munch’s Scream pales in comparison. 
“Oh, fuck,” Hunter moans, throwing his head back, hands dug into her ass. “Shit, you’re so much better than...” 
Better than? Yes, Hunter? Finish the sentence. Chess knew what name was coming next, expected it already with a lead weight at the pit of her stomach.
“..better than...” he continues, half panting, half speaking, “shit...whatever her name is. You’re much better than her. Fuuuuck, Aluna!” He slams into her once, and a final time, doubling over at the peak of ecstasy as he’s cumming. Chess knew that face so well, the way his right shoulder would twitch a little as he’d orgasm, then fall on top of her with a happy, contented sigh. She’d spent all her happy memories wrapped around him like that, finally having found the guy who could both keep up with her wild celebrity life and her insatiable sex drive. Her one. 
And he couldn’t even remember her name. 
So this was what it felt like to be nothing, absolutely nothing. It was beyond the worst feeling she’d ever felt, because she felt nothing; was nothing. She didn’t exist, not to anyone who mattered to her, she wasn’t in this world at all, nothing but a speck of dust. They could see her, but they saw right through her. A ghost. A nonentity.
A fate worse than death.
0 notes
reapers-carino · 7 years
Beauty in Simplicity|Ch. 1 (Yakuza!Hanzo x Hostess!Reader)
It was much too early.
 Twisting your wrist you glanced at the time as it projected itself an inch above your skin, grimacing slightly at the time. ‘0714’. Carding a hand through your hair you couldn’t help the soft sigh that tumbled from your lips, the soft click-clacking of your heels against the concrete sidewalk picking up. This was ridiculously early for you. If Ayane hadn’t called you with this ‘urgent favor’, you had no doubt you would still be wrapped up in your comforter, dead to the world until 10 AM at the earliest. The older woman, who you affectionately referred to as mamasan, was your boss and dear friend but you swore that as soon as you made it to the club you were going to have a talk about your ‘business hours’. Still, you couldn’t be upset with her, it appeared that a ‘special’ client had reserved an early trial meeting and she wanted her ‘best girl’ there. Her flattery worked, obviously, pulling you out of your bed and sending you down the road towards the coffee shop on the corner before catching a cab to Roppongi.
 She had kept details scant, as was normal, not wanting any prying ears to possibly pick up anything over ‘unsecure lines’. The patrons of the club valued their privacy and every girl that worked there as well as mamasan were more than happy to comply. Club Rosebud was a members only club that served the elite; politicians, CEOs, oyabun of the upper crust yakuza families, military leaders and the like. As long as they paid their dues, respected the ladies and didn’t become too disrespectful or belligerent, they would always be welcomed back with open arms. The building itself was discreet; a Vishkar commissioned project, sleek and modern with solid black privacy glass covering the outside. Ayane had balked at the thought of subscribing to the neon signs that often decorated the hostess and nightclubs in the area, instead vying for a hologram that projected the name in stylish cursive and katakana,  hard light roses and petals constantly falling down and onto the sidewalk. It was chic yet discreet, beautiful and classy; the exact image mamasan wanted to convey and what kept their clients both happy and impressed.
 Club Rosebud location was a calculated decision on Ayane’s part, a street that existed an arms length away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, yet close to several embassies and five star hotels. The street was fairly calm; wide sidewalks leading to high-end cafes and bistros and a small two-lane road that had a small side lane that cars could take directly to the front of Rosebud. A side street led to a private entrance for those that required it, although it was most often used by the women that worked there as a quicker way to the back. This is where you often entered the club and where you were headed that morning.
 Lifting your wrist to the panel next to the door, you hummed idly as you waited for your credentials to be verified, the small security pad turning blue before the door slid open smoothly. You barely paid any mind to the environment around you as you moved through the warmly lit hall, continuing the softly hummed song as you made a beeline towards the back. The art deco theme left the place brightly colored and yet tied together with dark walls or decor, seating plush and comfortable and inviting. A long bar was attached to a door that led to the kitchen, the different bottles of high-shelf liquor on the wall looking like twinkling gems. There were private rooms, of course, with varying themes; Japanese-style tea rooms, traditional conference rooms, hell, there was even a small private theater. Anything the clients needed, Ayane wanted to be able to provide.
 You carried on past them, walking through a door that was affectionately marked ‘Roses’ Only’, signifying an employee only area. A little ways down was another door that led to the dressing rooms; a pastel explosion of a room that was fitted with a dozen pearlescent white vanities, soft lighting and two dozen or so rolling racks filled to the brim with clothing from designer clothing from all over the world. Tucking your purse underneath your personal space, you sighed as you sank into the soft pink skirted vanity chair, stretching before crossing your legs.
 ‘Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster’- Sun Tzu.
 The quote from the great Chinese philosopher sat permanently affixed to the mirror of your vanity, a silent reminder of your life’s philosophy. You jokingly would tell the other girls you worked with that you were preparing for a battle; dressing yourselves in fine silks and chiffons like they were armor, your warpaint high-end cosmetics, your simplistically intricate hairstyles your helmet. The war ground is one that you had fought proudly on for years and would continue to do so for however long your spirit compelled you to, the battle of courtesans and their wealthy, upper class clientele.
 Your battle hardened statements were all in jest, of course, but you enjoyed the playful distance it allowed you to practice whenever you entered the club. You were skilled at your job and you knew what was both wanted and demanded of you. An amicable warmth, lively conversation, class and professionality, charm and attractiveness all wrapped into a package with a pretty little bow. You were fortunate. Within the walls of the club and the mouths of patrons and advertisers, you were sought after not only for your beauty and charisma but your intellect as well, known for being demurely scintillating. For now, however, you worked on accentuating the beauty that was seen before the brain, primping in front of the vanity in the changing room.
 You kept your vanity clean and tidy, makeup neatly stored away and sorted in a deep blue makeup case, your hard light styling multi-tool laid across the top of it. Assorted hairsprays, perfumes, brushes, accessories and jewelry were scattered, albeit tidily across the back of your small table. A place for everything and everything in its place. Your fingers moved over your items in a practiced manner, humming softly to yourself as you considered the look you were trying to go for this afternoon.  Bold, glittering neon matte lips had become popular recently, appearing on magazines and in talk shows but you felt that it was much too flashy, at least for the client mamasan had assigned you. Your look had to be perfect, demure and respectful, enticing and seductive. Chewing lightly on the inside of your cheek, you visualized several looks before opening your eyes and looking at your reflection. You had an idea.
 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
 Hanzo rolled his shoulders as the hovercar came to a stop, eyes glancing up at the building, barely suppressing the groan that tumbled from his lips. Hanzo could feel anger begin to lap at his insides like fire, doing nothing to hide his agitated expression from his brother. Hanzo made a soft dismissive ‘tch’ in the back of his throat as he stared at the name, ‘Club Rosebud’, the fluttering flower petals aesthetically pleasing and yet...irritating.  
 “A hostess club”, Hanzo deadpanned, shooting his younger brother a scathing look. The frown on Hanzo’s lips only grew deeper as Genji returned the look with a shit-eating grin, clapping his hand down on his older brother’s shoulder and shaking. “This is the last time I trust you with picking the venue Genji.”
 “Relax aniki”, Genji says, his tone much too lackadaisical for Hanzo’s taste, purposefully sliding directly next to the man despite the car’s roomy interior. Genji wrapped his arms around Hanzo’s shoulder, the older pushing against the younger, drawing laughter from the man. “Rosebud is one of the classiest joints in all of Japan! I promise, aniki, even Prime Minister Sakamoto goes here!”
 That earned a small upward quirk of the eyebrow from Hanzo, skeptical yet easing the shoving match he and his brother were locked in.
 “I don’t think you would know ‘high class’ if it bit you on the ass”, Hanzo stated matter-of-factly, finally managing to untangle himself from Genji’s hold. Hanzo’s hands immediately began straightening the tailored black suit he wore, readjusting the deep blue button up with an agitated precision. He shot another glare his brother’s way, only earning yet another wide grin. “What exactly was wrong with Suzume?”
 “No offense but during the daytime that place is boring”, Genji said bluntly, nose wrinkling up at the thought of returning to the empty, musicless, patron-less club in the daytime. “It doesn’t create a ‘welcoming’ environment! We want to make our ‘partners’ feel welcome, Hanzo! Not bore them to death in an empty night club. Plus the girls here are gorgeous and they are very generous with alcohol. You know how that loosens lips, right? Plus today is only a trial run aniki! No pressure!”
 Genji wiggled his brows conspiratorily, a knowing smirk on his lips as he gently nudged Hanzo with his elbow. Hanzo gave a grunt, an unspoken, if temporary, concession that he would try this for the time being, twisting his body towards the door as their Omnic chalet opened the door. At the very least, if the location was subpar, Genji had actually come prepared for the meeting. The 25-year old had actually worn one of his nicer suits, albeit was a crisp snow white in color. The inner button up was a forest green, his cufflinks golden dragons with emerald eyes, much like Hanzo’s own white gold and sapphire ones. His younger brother had even managed to dye his garish lime green hair back to black, just solidifying how serious he was about assisting Hanzo with this transaction. Although the elder sibling had no doubts that his brother would soon dye it again when things were set in stone with the Americans.
 From birth, both brothers had been molded, trained to take over the Shimada-gumi, one of the strongest and largest Yakuza factions in the Tokyo area. The older the heir and the younger his right hand man, each imbued with their own skills. Hanzo was the tactician, blessed with a naturally analytical mind with a scathing wrath that could, and would, crush anyone that dare to buck against their Shimada reign. He was protective of what was his; his family, his assets, his livelihood. Genji was the amiable social butterfly, a man able to read the room and the people around them, able to draw people to him with his innate charm. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn’t a naive playboy, his ability to disarm people allowing him to gather his fill of information before flashing even a modicum of his true nature. Both had extensive training in both hand to hand combat and various weapons; pistols, assault rifles, swords, bows. Name it and it had been in their hands. And while their father, Sojiro, still handled a bulk of the responsibilities, he trusted his two sons with managing new business deals in his stead.
 Giving one last vexed grunt, Hanzo turned towards the door as Yosuke, their Omnic chalet pulled the door open. Hanzo stepped out into the subtle warmth of the spring morning, straightening up and rolling his shoulder before stepping to the side to allow his brother room to move out as well. Genji practically jumped out of the car, arms raised high as he waved at the elderly woman who was walking towards the two of them, both waving enthusiastically before each approached the other with open arms. She was short, definitely no taller than five feet tall, dressed in hōmongi-style black kimono, soft pink and creamy yellow primroses and tea roses stretching from her feet to her back then over her left shoulder and to the edge of both sleeves. As Genji spun her around, Hanzo caught sight of the simple graying bun she wore, adorned by a fresh pink-red rose pinned in her hair.
 Setting her down, Genji and her continued to talk animatedly as Hanzo observed, taking in the yellow obi with the intricately tied knot. An obvious refined taste was felt in the clothing, but her nature only helped to solidify her classiness. Her gaze was affectionate yet sharp, focused on Genji yet not missing anything happening around her. She wore very traditional clothing and yet her mannerisms were nothing if contemporary; hands on hips, grabbing Genji’s chin and pinching his cheeks. However when her gaze twisted to Hanzo, the playful chiding in her tone gave way to a warm professionality.
 “Shimada-san”, she said, stepping away from Genji and giving a respectful bow that Hanzo returned with one of his own. Straightening up, a small sage smile settled onto her lips as she returned Hanzo’s once over before giving a quiet chuckle. “Your brother has told me much about you. My name is Ayane Takahashi. Let me assure you that we, at Club Rosebud, are both honored to be at your service and understanding of your need for discretion. Genji has enlightened me on the company you are expecting and I do believe I have the perfect accommodations for your needs, Shimada-san.”
 Hanzo gave a short half nod, disguising the look of skepticism with a small bow to the elderly woman. Her eyes twinkled as she returned the bow, turning on the heel of her foot and beginning to move smoothly towards the building. Hanzo kept himself a few paces back, Genji walking backwards between the both of them, a Cheshire grin on his face. As Ayane approached the front doors, two well dressed men, obvious bodyguards, pushed the doors open from the inside.
 As soon as he stepped foot within a door they were greeted by a comfortably sophisticated ambiance; lighting warm but frosted, casting a well lit yet relaxed vibe. The soft scent of perfume hung in the air, constant yet not overpowering; base notes of vanilla, musk and amber were accompanied by notes of citrus and stone fruits. Plush fauteuil armchairs in colors of pink and key lime and powder blue and creamy peach were spaced around the room, some near wrap around black hard light tables, others stand alones with small cherry wood coffee tables placed in front of them. To the left of the room was a long bar counter, black marble with glittering gold flakes locked under a highly shined surface, ambient lighting shining beneath top shelf liquor and fine crystal glasses. The floor was hardlight as well, sturdy and slip resistance, twinkling lights following the steps of the three of them as Ayane came to a stop in the center of the room.
 “This”, Ayane started, sweeping her arm left to right across the room. “Is our general sitting room and bar. This is where most of our one on one meetings between our ladies and their patrons, although small private rooms are readily available if requested. Our bar is one of the, if not the best, stocked bar in the area. However, if you do have a particular brand which isn’t located here, we will be more than happy to order it for you. We also have a fully stocked kitchen and chef on call, so if you have any requests for your guests or if you’re anything like your brother, we can supply almost any sustenance you’d like.”
 There was a satisfied smile on her lips as she casted a brief glance over here shoulder, able easily read the subtle impressed look that rested on the elder Shimada’s face. Hanzo had seen some of the clubs that Genji frequented and this definitely differed from the playboy’s normal. Hanzo had half expected a gaudy interior, fraught with the acrid smell of cheap liquor and perfume, cigarette smoke clinging to everything. This was actually...nice. More than nice if he was being honest. Genji smiled, breaching the gap between his brother and him and clapping a hand down on his shoulder.
 “Nice isn't it aniki”, Genji practically sang, the smug smile on his face only growing as Hanzo rolled his eyes yet didn’t push him away. That was as good as an admission as he was going to get from the hardass.
 “Security seems lax”, Hanzo stated, more to his brother than Ayane as if to pull some of the wind from his presumptuous sails. Ayane turned completely with that, her grin slick and filled mirth.
 “Oh Shimada-san we take security very seriously here”, Ayane said stated warmly, reaching into her sleeve and pulling out a tablet from a hidden pocket. “We value privacy here and you cannot uphold privacy without superb security, right? Every single guest, employee and Rosebud members are authenticated into our systems. If you are not in our system, you do not get in. If by some chance, let’s say, some paparazzo snuck in here we have automated security systems that not only notify our security team but short circuits any electronics they have on their person. If they happen to fight back, well, we do have other means as well.”
 Hanzo hummed softly before looking at the woman and giving a small smirk at the dangerous glint in her eye. Well, it appeared that this place could be...acceptable.
 “Shall we continue”, Ayane asked with a soft chuckle and a graceful turn back around. She didn’t wait for their acknowledgement, steps picking back up as she led them down a warmly lit hallway. “The conference room your brother requested is one of our mid-sized rooms, more than enough space to accommodate up to twenty people if need be. Light refreshments and drinks will of course be provided within the fees for the room, as well as the services of my girls. Now you both are in for a treat. I have picked two of my loveliest, most charming girls to attend to both of you personally. It always looks nice to have a pretty lady on your arm, especially with those Americans doesn’t it? Oh and Genji, do watch out. She is not happy with you.”
 Ayane waved her hand over a small console built into the wall, the screen coming to life as her credentials were instantly accepted.
 “These doors are secured as well”, she stated simply as the console turned green and the doors began to slide open. “Just as an added measure of privacy. Ah, Aiko, Hitomi, come and introduce yourselves!”
 Ayane stepped to the side as the doors to the roo fully opened, allowing the two Shimadas to enter before her. Hanzo hummed in approval as he looked around the room. Two bright, avant garde chandeliers hung over a mahogany conference table; glasses, holopads and bottles of premium spring water sitting in front of each plush, leather upholstered chair. A small bar was tucked into the corner, a small holopad denoting an automated bartending system. Across from the table was a large screen, obviously for projecting any presentations, pictures or videos to anyone who hooked up to their system. What set the room apart, however, was the sitting area that had been included. A large, cream wrap around couch sat spaced apart from the conference table, fluffy pillows and throws of various shades of orange adorning the piece of furniture. Two women were just beginning to turn as Hanzo’s eyes finished assessing the room, his focus now on them.
 “Genji-kun”, the shorter of the two squeaked out, a playful, scolding look on her features as she stormed over to the younger Shimada. The woman was petite but the heels she wore placed her just under Genji’s nose. She was dressed in a glittering blue lace bodycon dress, her light brown hair styled in loose waves around her shoulders. Her hands rested on her hips, her frown faltering as Genji grinned back at her, bottom lip quivering as she tried to keep her expression downturn. “Where have you been mister?”
 “Ai-chan”, Genji exclaimed, taking a half step back so he could give the young woman an exaggerated look up and down. Aiko rolled her eyes at him before cocking her hip to the side and continuing to stare him down, any real malice in her actions lacking. “You are looking as beautiful as ever. Did you do something with your hair? It accentuates your cheekbones!”
 Aiko’s face lit up, her hand moving to wrap around a lock of her hair before moving to her cheek, the hard look on her face melting away as she dissolved into a fit of giggles.
 “You’re lucky flattery works every time”, she stated simply before throwing her arms open and laughing as Genji’s arms wrapped around her in an affectionate huge. The two began talking back and forth rapidly, the increasing volume and pitch of their voice making him cringe.
 “So excitable. I’m envious, I wish I had an iota of that much energy. Although, I highly doubt I’d get half as loud…”
 Hanzo’s gaze snapped to the left, eyes dancing over the woman he could only assume was the ‘Hitomi’ Ayane had mentioned. She wore an ombre strapless chiffon dress; the bodice fitted and white, the color gradient slowly trickling downward until it was a warm orange marmalade color around her feet. Her exact shoewear wasn’t clear but she stood right at Hanzo’s chin,dark eyes glancing up at him as she addressed him. A rose gold bracelet with pink and white diamond hung loosely around her wrist, shifting with the subtle movements of her hands as she commented on the pair in front of the two of them.
 Her dark hair was half up and half down, loosely pulled back with a twist and secured by a pink crystal hair comb, the shape a large sakura blossom flanked by smaller closed buds. Her makeup was simple yet elegant; a soft pink glow across the cheeks, lips glossed with copper and bronze eyelids, mascara and eyeliner tight. Confidence poured off of her in waves as she stood next to the man, the smile on her lips demure and inviting, eyes respectful yet curious. The eldest brother was intrigued. While attractive people were not a rarity to either brother, he couldn’t help the way his heart picked up as he looked her up and down. Hanzo hid the gulp that unconsciously wanted to follow as he stared, his eyes locking onto hers before snapping to her hand as she extended to him.
 “Oh where are my manners”, you asked softly, head tilting to the side as you admonished yourself. “My name is Hitomi. It is nice to make your acquaintance, Shimada-san.”
 Hanzo lightly grabbed your hand in his, feeling a rush of lightning arc through his system at the physical contact. This was new. Lifting your hand to his lips, he pressed a chaste kiss against the back of it before looking down at you with the slightest ghost of a smile on his lips.
 “The pleasure is all mine.”
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jiminwreckedme · 7 years
Gyve (3)
| 1 | 2 | Chapter 3 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 |
Member - Hoseok x reader
Genre - Drama, Angst, little bit of fluffy stuff, little bit of sexy time..
Word count - 8.5K
Summary - On the occasion of your best friends wedding and high school reunion, you happened to meet once again, one of the richest heirs of the country, famous fuckboy Jung Hoseok.
While the world saw him as a cocky arrogant person and you, as a confident, strong woman, only the two of you knew the scars that were hidden, and things you both were unable to fix.
Only the two of you could see right through each others facade.
But could you and Hoseok finally break the gyves holding you back? Or were you the ones who shackled each other in the first place?
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The music was still blasting in the speakers when he reached out for his third drink on the night that was still young, holding hundreds of possibilities. Hoseok looked away from the crazy dancing crowd at the woman who was giving him company.
Her vision was fixed on the dance floor, a drink in her hand, while the other played with her hair that was in waves, draped over her shoulder. Hoseok couldn’t help but notice, among all the women who were here, how simple yet alluring she looked. She was fitted in a slightly shimmering black dress that was hugging all the curves of her body till her mid-thigh. Even with a turtleneck and sleeves that extended will her wrists, making her too covered for a cocktail party, she looked stunning, making it harder and harder for Hoseok to look away from her. She wasn’t drinking much though, not even attempting to mingle, and from his experience seeing different types of women in clubs all these years, Hoseok knew she was the kind who had to be physically dragged out of the house to party. He wondered what she liked. Books? Maybe drawings? She was doing some sketches when Hoseok had met her last night. Or maybe she liked adventure. Whatever it was Hoseok wanted to know and it surprised him as well.
Because he wasn’t the type of people who bothered about the interests of others. If they were his friends then yes, he knew about them but most women weren’t exactly Hoseok’s ‘friends’. They were more like acquaintances who he happened to interact with from time to time and for that, the kind of things he needed to know about them were different. Knowing their personal hobbies and personal interests and details about their private life was absolutely out of question. Why did it have to be any different for her?
Hoseok put his glass down determined and cleared his throat, finally grabbing her attention but he felt no words able to leave his throat as she turned towards him. He found himself once more, for the umpteenth time today, taking in her features all over again. She was a slight shade of pink, the alcohol now getting to her. Her fingers were circling the rim of her empty glass, her eyebrows arched as though asking why he wasn’t saying anything. How was he supposed to say something when the only thing he could think of was running his hands all over her.
He cleared his throat and his head again, “Let’s dance.”
He gestured at the crowd which was dancing, bodies against bodies shamelessly taking advantage of the dimness and the alcohol. She looked at the dance floor once and then back at him, opening her mouth to answer but Hoseok never found out what she wanted to say for as usual Jeon Jungkook appeared in between them, out of nowhere.
“Hoseok! I’m gonna steal Y/N for a bit if you don’t mind. Kate is looking for her.”
Hoseok pursed his lips nodding, mentally kicking Jeon Jungkook in the ass. Y/n shot him an apologetic look and Jungkook led her away from him, his hand resting against the thin material of her back, most of which was uncovered, revealing her sharp shoulder blades and the slender curve of her back. Hoseok instantly felt jealousy rise at the back of his throat at how easily Jungkook was able to be so comfortable with her like that and he groaned looking away. Oh the kind of things he was willing to do just to be next to her like that.
“Y/n there you are!” Kate let out a breath of relief grabbing you. “My makeup is fading and I’m totally out of mascara. Lend me some will you?”
You looked at her incredulously. “Kate, You know I don’t carry makeup around with me. If you can see, I have nothing but my phone on me.”
“I know you idiot, you at least have it in your room right? Help me please?” She made her puppy eyes at you with her trademark dimpled smile.
Holding your hand out at Jungkook in whose pocket your room card safely rested, you agreed and took Kate’s hand in yours, ready to go up.
“Uh Kate, you go up, let Y/N stay here.” Jungkook held your hand a little tighter than you expected him to.
The two of you looked at each other confused and frowned at Jungkook.“Why?” you harmonized together.
“Um because you know once Y/n goes into the comfort of her room she won’t come down again, making a hundred and one excuses to stay back. Remember how long it took to convince her to attend the party in the first place?”
Kate nodded seriously, swiftly snatching the card from you, and left before you could protest. “She’s going all alone Jungkook, let me go with her, I promise I’ll come bac-”
“We need to talk Y/N.”
You turned to meet his eyes that was greeting you with absolute seriousness. You crossed your arms, glaring at him.
“I know what this is about and so no. We don’t.”
He opened his mouth to argue but you cut him off, ruder than you should have been.
“Jungkook, I have had this conversation way too many times with you don’t you think? Ever since you got here, the only thing you have been asking me is if I’m fine and every time I keep telling you I am alright, but somehow it doesn’t seem to be the answer you want to hear. Let me be Jungkook! Even if I’m not fine, there is nothing you or I can do to help it. I’m here, and I have to face everything I have been running away from and that’s fine. I can handle myself okay -”
“Are you done?” Jungkook leaned against the wall next to him, thumbs fitted in his pockets. “The day you actually listen to me will be such a blessing, I swear to god. I’m not here to talk about that.”
You frowned in confusion unlocking your arms, surprised. “Then? What is this about?”
“Hoseok?” Why did Jungkook want to talk to you about Hoseok?
“Y/N, listen to me carefully. Hoseok isn’t somebody you should involve yourself with. He’s a -”
“I know how he is Jungkook, I’ve seen him in high school.”
“It’s worse now Y/N. He literally never looks back at the women he fucks-”
“I know Jungkook.” You held his hands trying to calm the worried look on his face. “But it doesn’t matter to me. It’s not like I’m interested in him or something.”
“Um excuse me, you were literally fucking him with your eyes the entire evening.”
You blushed, “Uh no. I was merely looking” you justified “…yeah just looking. But how do you know unless you have been staring at me the whole night?” You smirked at him playfully making Jungkook roll his eyes because he has had these kind of silly conversations with you way too many times. It reminded you of the days in high school when people used to look at the two of you and tell you to get married already. Somehow it was so hard for people to understand that a guy and a girl can be merely friends and nothing more.
“I keep worrying about you Y/n.” his grip tightened on your hands, drawing circles at the back of them, as he looked down at them softly. You sighed, pulling him closer, wrapping him in your embrace.
“I know. And I want you to stop. Stop putting my life before yours and live yours properly. I’m fine and I’m better now. I know how to handle things better than before.”
“I know and I’m proud of you for it. But Jung Hoseok isn’t someone easy to handle.” he said at the crook of your neck. “I was worried you were starting to take an interest in him….”
Starting? Yes you did tell Jungkook that you weren’t interested in Hoseok but you were only lying to both him, and yourself. Deep down you knew you had already taken enough interest in that man that it was too late for Jungkook to be talking to you about this. But you pulled away from him and reassured him for his satisfaction.
“ I’m not interested in him don’t worry. We just…….have conversations from time to time.”
“Still, keep your distance from him. Things happened after you left high school Y/N. Terrible things you don’t know about. Hoseok isn’t who he looks like. Just remember that yeah?”
He patted your cheek like he always did when he was worried as Kate returned looking perfect again.“Thanks Y/n! “ She smiled at you gratefully and handed the card to Jungkook from but you took it from him a little too quickly, raising eyebrows around you. “I’m gonna go touch up a little too”
Kate opened her mouth to protest but Jungkook held her hand and nodded at you before leading her away.
You entered the life lost in your thoughts, Jungkook’s words echoing in your head Hoseok isn’t what he looks like. Mia’s words were ringing in your head too. Hoseok wasn’t what he seemed like. In fact, Hoseok himself had said the same thing to you. You didn’t know if this should have frightened you and make you stay away from him. You only knew one thing. That it was only making you more curious. After all, who is the real Jung Hoseok? Why was he trying to be someone he was not? And what had happened after you left school?
You had been observing everyone the few days you had been here, especially the members of the Bangtan squad. Something happened, something changed and you wanted to know what this something was. What had Hoseok done that Jungkook had to warn you so specifically? Yes Jungkook was unnecessarily over protective and he never really liked Hoseok much, but that way he didn’t like any of the members of the Bangtan squad he was partying with today either.
The Bangtan squad was made of seven members, sons of the richest businessmen in Korea, seven heirs who were more famous among the media than celebrities and idols. The boys were always the center of attention in public, in social parties, everywhere. In face they were all supposedly so close, that all of Seoul looked up to their friendship. Supposedly.
In reality, few of the members could hardly stand each other, the school being the one place they could shed all their pretenses and be who they genuinely were. Most of them had their own friend circles, their own world, and Jungkook was the most distant to them all. He preferred sitting in the classrooms or cafes with you and Kate than take part in the daily typical rich heirs picking on the poorer students scenes that happened everyday in the canteen. Jungkook never wanted to have anything to do with them ever and did his best to keep you and Kate as far away as possible from them too.
But when he left to serve the army and you had joined university, you met Mia and the Bangtan squad again because of her and Jin’s relation. Well, everyone except Hoseok. And Taehyung. And Jungkook grudgingly met them too whenever he came to visit you. Over time he finally managed to put aside all the childish differences they had between them, laughing over it, actually becoming the good friends they were once assumed to be. When Jungkook came here, he was interacting with Hoseok pretty well too, hardly showing any signs of displeasure for being with him. In fact he seemed to be enjoying his conversations with Hoseok, so that meant there was no enmity between them. If he really had no problem Hoseok the definitely something really serious must have happened for Jungkook to warn you like that. But what had happened?
The soft ding of the elevator alerted you, making you look up from the floor whose patterns you were tracing visually, but before you could get out a strong pair of arms pulled you out harshly, trapping you between them against the wall next to the doors. You sputtered for a second looking around the corridor, lowering your voice, staring at the person in front of you
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?”
Hoseok waited outside Jin’s room as the latter took his time to take the phone call he had stated as ‘absolutely important.’ He paced about in the corridor wondering why his friend was taking so long, finally giving up his wait going in.
“Yeah I have a room ready” Jin stood in front of the mirror adjusting his hair “don’t worry just reach on time you asshole……yes~….”
He slowly looked at Hoseok who made himself comfortable on the bed watching him confused through the mirror. “I’ll tell him about it……..Yeah I’ll make sure he will, don’t worry………alright bye.”
Jin cut the call running his hands through his hair. “It was Yoongi. He’s coming in two days he says. I don’t know whether to take his word for it or not. He keeps saying the same thing every time I call him. I don’t know what to do with this boy.” He sighed.
Hoseok grabbed the pillow to place it on his lap and rest his arms on it. “It’s okay at least one of us is that dedicated to our work.”
“Yeah i guess….” Jin trailed off.
“Are you worried about something?” Hoseok watched as his friend radiated nervous energy so thick he could literally feel it.
“Yes you are. What is it?”
Jin hesitated.
“Come on Jin, has there ever been anything that you couldn’t talk to me about?”
Jin shook his head his perfect hair falling into his eyes. “Yoongi told me to tell you something.”
“Me?” Hoseok raised his eyebrows confused. “What?”
“That he has something to give you.”
“And what is that?”
Jin gulped and licked his dry lips, taking too long to answer. “The letters.”
Hoseok stiffened at his words, looking around avoiding his friends gaze. He knew it. When he agreed to come to the wedding he knew he would see Yoongi and he knew what Yoongi had to give him. He just didn’t expect it to happen this soon.  “I don’t want them.” he said so softly he could barely hear himself.
“Hobi” Jin soften his voice “those are not Yoongi’s responsibility. They belong to you. Yoongi has held onto them for 6 unnecessary years already. It’s not right to burden him with them anymore.”
“Then ask him to get rid of them! Who asked him to keep it?” Hoseok could feel unnecessary anger rising in him in his attempt to end the conversation as soon as it started.
“It’s not his to take any decisions about it Hobi! And fine if you really don’t want them then when he hands them to you as soon as he arrives, you get rid of them. I’ll see you try.”
“What do you mean try?” Hoseok snapped offended.
“Will you be able to Hobi?” Jin bore his eyes onto the tensing figure of Hoseok. “Will you be able to do away with those letters without even looking at them?” he didn’t even wait for an answer. Because he knew. He knew Hoseok too well. “I don’t think so. If you could have then you would have done it years ago. The fact that you ran away from them shows what a coward you are.”
Hoseok stood up to face the taller man, his eyes reddening in anger. “A coward? Me?”
“Yes of course you.” Jin took a brave step towards him. “You think running away from everything is a solution. You haven’t even accepted what has happened Hobi, how will you ever get over it?”
“There is nothing I am not over.” Hoseok muttered under his breath through his gritted teeth. “I moved on long ago Jin.”
“No you have not. You still burn yourself in the fire of guilt Hoseok. If you did move on why are you so afraid of reading the contents of those letters? Why do keep feigning indifference, turning yourself into a man who the world is afraid of entering in a relationship with? Why won’t you let yourself fall in love Hoseok?”
“Enough Jin!” Hoseok felt suffocated, he was being accused too much. Of too many things he was actually guilty of. “I’m so done having this conversation with you all the time! I’m over it! I moved on! I’ve accepted whatever has happened and I’m not letting it affect me anymore. Stop bringing this topic up over and over again.”
“But Hoseok-”
“DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!” Hoseok flung the vase next to him in his anger, it’s aim right at the mirror, smashing it into hundreds of pieces which fell not so gracefully onto the floor. Jin didn’t flinch one bit even though Hoseok instantly felt his fury being replaced by regret.
“I’m sorry….I didn’t mean to…..”
“Look at yourself in what you have shattered Hoseok.” Jin pointed at the many faces of lying on the floor unfazed. “That’s who you are. A broken man. And don’t you dare deny it. Don’t you fucking dare.”
Hoseok swallowed visibly at his lose of words. No he wasn’t. Of course he wasn’t a broken man. Of course he should deny it. But all he did was turn and walk away, slamming the door shut behind him.
Why? Why did this topic have to come up all the time? He was away for 6 years because of this. 6 years to avoid this. Yet people just won’t leave him alone. Even after so long the same things were coming to haunt him again. Those letters. What would he do about those letters? Hoseok grabbed his hair with his hands in frustration. He needed to get his mind off things, he needed you get distracted.
He patted the pockets of his pants looking for his phone, frustratedly realizing that he left it in Jin’s room. No way was he going back in there. But if he didn’t have a phone, how was he to call someone for tonight? He could borrow someone else’s phone, or maybe make a call from the reception. Whatever it was, he was beyond frustrated tonight and he needed someone to fuck urgently.
Hoseok stood before the lift weighing his options when it opened revealing the one woman who shouldn’t have come before him at the moment. He ran his eyes once again along her body, feeling himself lose control. Letting the wildness in him take over, he grabbed her by the hand pulling her out and slamming her against the wall not too gently. She looked at him in his enclosure, eyes wide in fear making Hoseok stop himself from crashing his lips onto hers, wanting to taste her so badly.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she hissed looking around, relieved that the corridors are empty. ‘Are you drunk Hoseok?”
“Of course not. It would take more a few glasses to make me lose my senses.”
“Then what are you doing exactly?”
Hoseok ran his tongue along his lips, worried he was showing too much desire in his eyes,
“I’m bored.”
“You are what?” She stared at him blankly.
“Bored. I’m looking for some worthwhile company.”
It took hardly a few seconds for her expression to change making him instantly regret what he said. She looked so insulted as she shoved him backwards causing him to tumble losing his balance.
“I’m sorry Hoseok but I am not the kind of woman whose company you normally associate yourself with when you are bored. You should find someone else for your entertainment.”
She began walking away when Hoseok sweared under his breath for ruining things once again and quickly ran to stand before her, blocking her way. “Y/n! I’m so sorry that is not what I meant. Look I really don’t expect you to….I mean that’s not why I approached you. You looked done with party and so was I, so I thought -”
“So you thought I was free to fuck around with?”
“God! Why is everyone so frustrating today? I said I was merely looking for company right? I don’t expect you to walk into my room with me right now.”
“Do you really expect me to believe that Hoseok?” She crosses her arms defiantly.
Hoseok took a deep breath “Okay fine yes I was looking for someone to fuck alright? but I don’t need that someone to be you. You just happened to be the first one who I saw and I wasn’t in the right state of mind and too many things happened at the same time okay. I’m sorry. I really am. I totally get why you are so mad and-”
“Are you upset about something?” The concern in her voice took Hoseok aback, the initial disgust she talked to him with gone.
“What?” He blinked stupidly.
“Emma said you generally are impatient for company like this when you are upset about something or if anything is bothering you.”
Despite all the frustration inside him, Hoseok felt himself smiling fondly at that. His stupid sister knew him well enough.
“Yeah and I sort of was in need for a distraction right now.”
“You get distracted by sleeping around?”
“I’m sure you don’t want to know but I feel better doing things I am good at.” she thought about it for a moment taking in what he was saying.
“So it gives you satisfaction seeing the kind of effect you have on women?”
“Sort of….”
“And you maybe even listening to them tell you how much they liked?”
“I knew it.” She placed her hands on the curves of her hips. “What a typical man you are. You just need your ego stroked.”
Hoseok looked at her amused face in disbelief. No one. No one had ever spoken to him like that before. Did she just say he needed his ego stroked? Of course not. He didn’t sleep around to satisfy his ego, he did it because enjoyed it. But even as he thought about it Hoseok knew he was lying to himself. it had been days since he had been satisfied with his company, liking the act lesser and lesser yet he never stopped, always looking around for more.
“Excuse me? What do I look like? Some sort of dominant Alpha male?”
“You literally just said you wanted to fuck a woman to feel good about yourself.”
Hoseok searched for words. “Not… not exactly….. I just need to do something that will take my mind of things. No one really analyses their life in the middle of sex right?”
“There are other things you can do too to take your mind of things you know.”
She thought about it intently biting her lip and then suddenly straightened, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “Do you trust me?”
“No.” Hoseok said immediately scared of the smirk he rarely saw on her face. “I barely know you Y/n. You could be a psychopath or a serial killer for all I know.”
“Oh shut up Hoseok. I know a way to make you feel better. Just tell me if you are game for it or not.”
Hoseok looked at her for a little too long before taking a deep breath. What could he possibly lose by giving in?
He simply nodded and she smiled way too satisfied with his response.
“Did you just make me leave the hotel without telling anyone?”
Hoseok looked at you who was sitting at the driver’s seat of Jin’s BMW humming to some tune, tapping your fingers on the wheel.
“Like everyone knows where you are all the time Hoseok. Anyone who is looking for you will just assume what they always do. That you are somewhere around there fucking someone.”
“Really? That’s sad. Sometimes I’m just sitting in a corner lost in intellectual thoughts you know.”
“Save the rubbish for someone who will believe you.” you glanced at him who had crossed his arms shaking his head dramatically.
“You are incredibly rude Y/n. First, you are dragging me somewhere without telling me where we are going. On one hand I’m sitting here worried you might be kidnapping a hot guy like me harboring God knows what evil ideas about my chastity and on the other hand you find it amusing that I am the one who is not believable here. I seriously doubt your intention- ouch!”
You slammed the brakes reaching the destination making him surge forward in the suddenness. “We reached.” you grinned pleased with yourself, unbuckling your seat belt, and getting out. Hoseok followed your actions uncertainly as the two of you stood against the car before the short building that loomed before you reading the words -
“Arcade?”  Hoseok looked at you in disbelief “ You brought me to an arcade to make me feel better?”
“mm hmm.” you nodded. “Trust me it works. Jungkook always brings me to an arcade when I’m upset. The feeling of winning is a better way to stroke your ego.”
“Are you crazy Y/n? You drove all the way in the dead of the night to an arcade to play these children’s games?”
“Haven’t you noticed how children are so happy all the time?” You clicked your tongue disapprovingly. “The key to happiness is to be a child Jung Hoseok, what an ignorant man you are.”
“And what an ignorant woman you are, thinking that an arcade will be open at fucking 3 am.”
You opened your mouth wordlessly looking at the watch on his outstretched hand, only just realizing the situation. Shit. Why hadn’t you thought about that?
“Oh god I didn’t even…. I’m so sorry Hoseok I -”
Hoseok crossed his arms and looked at you smugly. “Be honest. You really wanted to come to the arcade didn’t you? I was just an excuse wasn’t I?”
“Uh no.” You blinked trying not meet his eyes to avoid getting caught.
“Save the rubbish for someone who will believe you.” he smirked.
“Instead of mocking me, how about think of a way to get in?”
“Get in? All we can to do now is go back Y/n”
“No” you whined at you failed plan. So much for proving how to have a good time to Hoseok. “I didn’t come all the way here to leave without doing anything.”
“Then what do you want to do? Break in?”
You smiled slowly at that, calculating the possibilities in your head. Hoseok really looked stunned. “wow y/n. and here all this while I was thinking you were a goody two shoes. Young woman, have you always been this naughty?” he scolded you mocking mother like authority.
“Yes.” you snapped. “Now think. How can we open this thing?”
“By entering the password?”
“Really? What a genius you are! Why don’t you do the great deed then?” You let your voice drip with sarcasm knowing very well he had no idea what the password was.
“Alright” he said surprising you. “I need a phone.”
“A phone?”
“It’s a pity you don’t know Ms. Y/l/n but I happen to be a very influential person. One phone call and I can get you inside, without even breaking in.”
“Oh really?” You looked at him, challenge written all over your face. “Prove it.”
He nodded searching around his pockets patting them as you waited patiently.
“Shit my phone.” he tensed passing his fear to you.
“ oh no did you lose it?”
“I think so. Oh god where did I leave it? Can I call it through your phone? Maybe someone will pick up.”
You handed him your phone nodding worried as he dialed his number, staring at the screen as it rang.
“Place it against your ear Hoseok, how will you know if someone picks up?”
Hoseok smirked at you. “I can’t believe you fell for the classic trick of getting a girl’s phone number. Seriously Y/n?” He laughed at your expression of disbelief. “Now if you don’t mind, I am actually going to go make a genuine call now.”
He walked away dialing, as you looked on not too annoyed by his attempt to fool you. But it was only when Hoseok left you alone that you realized what you had done.
You, Y/n, who was terrified of the city of Sydney, had driven a car at the dead of the night, that too for a man you barely knew? What were you thinking? More importantly, where did you get so much courage from?
All you knew was at that moment the look on Hoseok’s face had disturbed you. The face you had usually seen so bright and mischievous all the time, was twisted with an unknown pain and regret that he was feeling for the way he behaved with you. All you knew was at that moment you were ready to whatever it took to bring him back to normal. But you the fact that you had gone against your own fears for it struck you only now and it made you wonder - while trying to get him to think differently, were you changing yourself?
Hoseok returned smiling and punched a couple of numbers on the machine next to the door and it gave a beep as he pushed the door holding it open for you. “Welcome Ms. Y/n.”
Hoseok had never seen her or anyone as a matter of fact this enthusiastic. She was literally staring wide eyed at all the machines trembling with excitement. Hoseok couldn’t believe the woman who was looking so sexy seconds ago was suddenly so childish.
When he saw that she had pulled over next to the arcade building he thought she was actually playing a joke on him. The fact that she was serious was enough to lift his mood, making him laugh, putting behind all that happened with Jin earlier that night. It had been ages since Hoseok had been in an arcade, high school was the last time maybe that he had gone out to play like this. But he was willing to try again. At least for her sake if not his.
And she was such a great sport, it amazed Hoseok. Not only that, she was unbelievably  talented. Hoseok couldn’t digest the fact that she actually scored twice as much as him in basketball and that she had nearly the same score as him on the punching machine and that she was better than him with the claw crane. Though Hoseok got a much bigger toy than her, she still got more than him.
Hoseok sat down on one of the chairs pouting.
“What did you say when you got me here?”
“That it was winning that boosted the ego. But I haven’t won a single game against you if you realized. How is this supposed to make me feel better exactly?”
“How was I supposed to know you were this bad at playing in the arcade exactly?”
“I’m not bad okay. I’m just…..out of practice” Hoseok said seriously. She smirked at him.
“Save the rubbish for-”
“Yeah yeah I know.” He rolled his eyes then sat up suddenly, his eyes shining. “There is one game we haven’t played that I am sure I can beat you in.”
“Oh really?”
“Come on.” he grabbed her by the hand and rushed careful enough not to make her trip to the second floor, opening a door and flipping the switches to reveal a green pool table in the center, the wall lined with cue sticks.
“Billiards? I’ve never really played this before.” she said softly looking around the room uncertainly.
“Aha! My time to shine then.” Hoseok smiled proudly, walking up to arrange the balls and then selecting the sticks. He had played Billiards literally all his life. He was sure he could beat her in minutes as the two of them stood on opposite sides ready to challenge each other once more. Hoseok watched her competitively as he hit the cue ball first against the rest of the colorful ones, scattering them. Ah that was a good move. He waited for to play as she swiftly pulled her hair into a ponytail at the back of her head and leaned against the table making Hoseok gulp. There was nothing he could see, no cleavage, no ass even though her dress had probably skidded up her thighs. yet the way she looked still managed to make something twitch in Hoseok’s pants. There was just one desire filling him - to fuck her on this very table till the only thing she remembered was his name.
The rest of the game was torturous. Sometimes she was standing at an arm’s reach from him and Hoseok had to tighten his fist, exerting incredible self control. Best part was she wasn’t even doing anything intentionally and she had no idea what she was doing to him. She was making him want her in the most selfish way possible. It was not just her body that he needed, he wanted her. All of her. All of her just for himself, but all he could do was just watch as she played, still managing to notice that she purposely lost to him. This was clearly not something she hadn’t played before.
“I still don’t feel better.” he sat after he finished the game he won at her mercy.
“Liar! you were laughing all the while we were playing and even after winning you are sulking again.”
“Did I really win this?” He raised his eyebrows questioning her as she bit her lip looking around muttering.
“I tried to help okay.”
“Then let’s play one last game.” Hoseok sensed another new idea forming in his head
“Hoseok” she groaned exhausted “it’s 5:30 in the morning. The sun will rise in about an hour and you still want to play?”
“I want to win.” He clarified.
“Well unfortunately there is no game in this arcade we haven’t played, no game in which you haven’t lost to me.”
“Car racing.”
“Been there. Done that. and you lost.”
“No not this lame car racing, actual car racing” He said his eyes gleaming wickedly. “on the road.”
“Are you mad?” She looked at him incredulously.
“Are you scared?”
“Of course not.” she huffed “But you need two cars to race Hoseok. And if you noticed genius we only have one.”
“I happen to be a very influential person, you are forgetting that.”
“Getting a car isn’t as simple as opening a door. How are you going to manage this exactly?”
“Nevermind that. If I do manage to get a car, are you game?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You have five minutes before I start off without you.”
Hoseok smiled as she left, her heels clicking the floor, her ponytail swinging behind her.
It had exactly four and a half minutes since you sat in the white car which you had begged Namjoon for as Hoseok pulled up a black Mercedes next to you on the road that looked empty for miles.
“Impressive….” you ran your eyes along the sleek body of the car.
“That, I am.” chuckled Hoseok.
“Say that if and after you defeat me Hoseok.”
“Don’t underestimate my talent Y/n. I may not be good at children’s games but I’m a beast on the road.”
“That, we shall see.” you cocked your head confidentially, adrenaline taking over your system.
“Choose the finish line” he tapped on his GPS waiting for your reply..
“Bradleys Head.” you decided thinking for a bit. Hoseok entered it on his GPS while you raked your memory for the route.
“Alright.” his voice was beginning to drown in the sound of the engines as the two of you raised the acceleration, with one foot on the brake.
“Three.” you looked at him
“Two.” he looked at you.
The gears changed and the both of you sped down the empty street, neck and neck in competition feeling the wind on your faces with the windows down. You could clearly hear the 389 horsepower, 6-liter engine, running at eighty miles per hour, feeling the power of the car obeying you. One hundred thousand pounds worth of German engineering. This was a car that sneered at speed limits.
The streetlights were your only spectators, the sounds of the winds your only cheers and you concentrated on the destination, your only goal. That was your mistake. You shouldn’t have been so focused. You should have looked around to see if Hoseok was there. You should have kept an eye on him too. Because suddenly you couldn’t see his car anymore.
He was gone.
You slammed the brakes of your car, situated alone in the dark street, not a soul at sight. You searched all the mirrors for his car frantically, panic rising in you. Where did he go? You didn’t have your phone on you. It was with him. The city around you was scaring you once again and all the fear that you thought you lost tonight was back. Your heart was the one racing now and sweat was running down your neck and you were shivering even without the cold. Where did he disappear?
Wait. Calm down. Breathe, You told yourself. Maybe he had gone way ahead of you? or maybe the gps showed a different route? He would ultimately be reaching the same place right? You would meet him there. And then you won’t be alone in this darn place anymore. You just had to go to him as soon as possible. You took a deep breath raising the accelerator once more and shot off into the darkness, never feeling more terrified in your life, never having driven this fast.
As you neared the final point you could see a large parked object and a slender figure leaning against it, making you finally let out the breath that you had been holding in for so long. Hoseok was already there, laughing at you as you pulled over next to him until he saw the look on your face, tensing immediately. There were no words to explain the feeling you had when you saw him, tears of relief flooding the back of your eyes. You immediately opened the door of your car and got out, walking fast and flinging yourself towards him, breathing heavily wrapped in his arms. It allowed you to breath again. It allowed you to be normal again. His presence allowed you to feel sane again as you felt his hands rub the skin of your back with concern that you would never have associated with Hoseok.
“Y/n are you okay? Y/n….” he broke himself away from you, holding your face in his hands. “Hey, look at me. Are you alright?” You snapped to your senses instantly taking a step back to escape the proximity, not meeting his eye.
“Come here.” He wrapped you in his arms once more and you loosely coiled you arms around his waist and melted against him, feeling his heart beat in your ears comfortingly. He didn’t leave you, didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything. He just being there was enough. But it shouldn’t be. You shouldn’t be feeling so relaxed in the embrace of a man you barely knew. You slowly pulled yourself back slightly shivering for no reason  
“Are you cold? Do you want-”
“No it’s okay” you interjected quickly stopping him from stripping off his leather jacket. “Rather I feel quite hot.” you laughed nervously fanning yourself with you hand.
Hoseok took your hand in his leading you to the passenger seat of Jin’s car, opening the door for you as you sat in. Then he himself got in, sitting in the driver’s seat taking your hand in his casually once more. He rolled up the windows and blasted the AC letting you feel the cool air evaporate your sweats of fear. Taking a bottle of water from under the seat he handed it to you, a look of worry etched on his face.
“Drink up. You’ll feel better.”
Taking the bottle slowly you gulped the water, finally calming down as the water ran down your throat and Hoseok watched you with hooded eyes.
“Do you have nothing to ask?” You looked at him curiously.
He just saw you in a way you never showed yourself to anyone. The kind of fear you exhibited a while ago was foreign even to Jungkook and Kate. You were ashamed of how such a small thing like being alone on the road in this city could reduce you into such a meek person. Hoseok shouldn’t have seen anything tonight but now that he did he must be have many many questions.
“I do. Are you okay?”
“Other than that?”
“You don’t want to know what happened or why I’m like this right now or anything?”
“You would have told me if you wanted me to know. As long as you are fine. That’s all that matters.”
The way he wanted no explanations, no reasons, just worrying about whether you were okay or not was bothering you. You were being so inconsiderate of him, spoiling the time that was meant to make him feel better by making things worse.
“Sorry for this mess.” you looked out of the window at the black car parked near by “and for ruining your night.”
Hoseok shook his head “That’s not what you’re supposed to be worried about.”
“At least you finally won.” You smiled weakly at him, leaning back sinking further into the softness of the seat.
“I don’t care.” He took the bottle from you placing it where it was meant to be as you let out a short tired laugh.
“Just a while ago you were hell bent on winning. What changed in half an hour?”
“You literally stumbled out of the car looking so pale Y/n…do you have any idea how scared I was?” You looked him in the eyes that were piercing you with his gaze. “I don’t want a victory that does this to you. I don’t want anything that comes at the cost of you”
You sighed looking at the sky in front of you that was turning red. “Then what do you want Hoseok?”
“Do you really want to know?” You turned to him and nodded waiting for his answer.
“I want to kiss you.” he searched your eyes desperately. “So bad……Right now.”
You licked your lips feeling every cell in your body saying no, remembering every voice that told you to stay away from Jung Hoseok, recollecting everything you had wanted to talk to him about respecting your limits and staying at a respectable distance from you. Say no Y/n, say no. You met his eyes with yours determined.
“Then what are you waiting for?”
Hoseoks eyes widened at your response, his grip tightening on you hand as he brought his other hand up to your face, tracing your features, hovering it in the air like he was scared to touch you. He slowly leaned in, his face incredibly close to yours, but still just lingering, not closing the gap forming yet it wasn’t awkward until he shifted uncomfortably.
“You aren’t supposed to let me Y/n.” he lowered his voice and his eyes looking at your hands which were laced together with his.. “You should say no.”
“Because you deserve much better than me. Because you are worth so much more. Because if I start, then I don’t think I can stop.” He looked at you begging you to push him away, to place the control on him that he was losing. You gulped knowing exactly what you were going for.
“Then don’t.”
He groaned at your soft voice, finally giving in and pulling you closer, kissing you softly. His hand found its place, wandering down you to your waist, pulling it, trying to close the gap between your bodies only to be interrupted by the annoying console at the center. At that moment, you didn’t know what came over you and where you were getting all the courage from and you raised yourself holding on to the material of his jacket on his shoulders, straddling him in the front seat of the car. He pulled back as he adjusted you on him, hands on your waist, staring intently at your face which was a little above his, as he looked at you in awe. His hands reached for your rubber band and tugged it, letting your waves fall over your shoulder and he was looking a you like you were the oasis in his desert, a warm fire on a freezing night, the only life preserver he could find in the ocean he was lost in. You felt unexpectedly shy under his intensity and tried to look away, tucking the free strands behind your ear. Holding you by the chin he forced you gently to look at him.
“You have nothing to you should hide Y/n. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” You felt yourself growing weak under his vision only just noticing the little details of his eyes - raw umber and caramel mix, dotted with bits of dark chocolate. They were so beautiful. He was so beautiful. How could he think someone like you was…..?
“Let me show you.” and he kissed you once more, more passionately and carnal this time, groaning as you held onto the material of his shirt pulling him closer. He waited, his fingers tracing your spine, till you parted your lips letting his tongue taste you, engaging in a battle with your mercilessly, a battle where winning and losing both gave pleasure. He left you aching for him as he dragged his tongue on you lower lip and sank his teeth slightly tugging it, earning a very satisfactory whimper from you. “H-Hoseok…..”
“God do you have any idea how good you sound?” He whispered, his hands running down the length of your body, squeezing the cheeks of your ass making you moan against him again.
“Do you have any idea how badly I want you Y/n?”
He pressed his lips onto yours once last time, kissing you fiercely and gently all at once as he held your face in his hands, like if he didn’t have you now he might just die, desperate to get as much of you as he could before this would have to stop. You could feel the slight heat as the sun began to rise, but that was nothing compared to the fire Hoseok had ignited in you. You were sure you had bruised some part of his lips with the way you were attacking him back, not even letting each other take a breath but Hoseok didn’t seem to mind. He let his tongue wander around you, gripping your thighs, his fingers surely leaving marks like you were on his back and the two of you were thinking about everything but stopping. He said he didn’t think he could, you wanted to show him that you couldn’t either. You tugged the soft hair at the nape of his neck tilting his head up making it easier for you to slide your tongue into his mouth, tasting the whiskey he had hours ago still in his mouth, its tang only increasing the euphoria inside you. Hoseok left your mouth, sucking on the soft skin of neck with only pressure enough to not make a mark, making you moan helplessly against him, each sound from you causing him to growl, making him slowly lose the little control he had over himself. You felt his growing erection under you and his hand making its way under the material of the dress on your thighs causing you to shift back to allow him to touch you properly but accidentally pressed against the horn on the steering wheel, letting out a loud, unpleasant sound, completely ruining the moment.
Hoseok and you looked at each other awkwardly, situated a little away from each other till you saw he was distracted suddenly by looking over your shoulder, making you turn your head as well. The sun was up already, barely a few minutes remaining till it was bright enough for the anyone to see the way you both sat, stuck to each other.
“We…” Hoseok began.
“We should go.” you said quickly, not quite sure if that was what he wanted to say. You didn’t have a clue about what he was thinking, his expression betrayed nothing.
“Yeah.” he looked away his hands leaving your thighs, carefully helping the struggling you to sit back in the passenger seat. He looked a little lost before finally turning the keys, starting the engine,
“Then what about that car?” you pointed at the Mercedes parked next to you.
“ It belongs to the arcade owner, I know him quite well. I’ll send someone to drive it back to him so don’t worry. Right now it’s more important to get you back before people realize you are missing.”
You nodded worrying yourself for not telling anyone before you left. If Jungkook found you missing from your room he would create and absolutely horrifying scene and turn the whole hotel upside down.
That was the last thing Hoseok he said the whole way back, neither of you engaging in a conversation or even looking at each other. Was there anything left to say? Could things be how they were between you before again? What were you thinking letting him kiss you like that, showing him how much you wanted him. You were supposed to stay away from him. That’s what you were told by Jungkook and yourself and that’s what you would do.
Strangely the whole way back only one image was forming in your head. A pretty candle with a small bright flame and a frail moth which knew it how things would end if it went close to the fire, yet set out on a self destructive journey towards it. You pretended like you didn’t know how the image applied to you.
Hoseok pulled up in front of the hotel, handing you your phone as you got off and didn’t even mutter a bye as he zoomed off to park the car. You walked back to your room, not able to get the memory of the way he felt under you and the taste of him and his hands on you, as you pulled the curtains to hide the now fully risen sun and fell back onto the softness of your bed. Why Y/n? Why did you do that?
Your phone beeped beside you and you reached out for it, squinting to read the message from an unknown but familiar number that was scribbled on a tissue paper more than a couple of hours ago.
Thank you Y/n for one of the best nights I have ever had the pleasure of spending. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget today.
You smiled at the message sadly, feeling your heart tugging in your chest, warning you once more like it did years ago, to not let yourself fall for Jung Hoseok again.
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