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penny00dreadful · 2 years ago
So does anyone remember that post that was like "Robin and Eddie meet when she does that thing that's like 'hello, please pretend you know me so I can get away from this person' then Steddie happens?" Because I do. I cannot for the life of me find it. If anyone knows the post I'm talking about please let me know so I can link it, this is very much not my idea, it's that persons idea but the brain worms got me so here we are. 🤷‍♀️
We found it! It's this post by @wynnyfryd Thank you Anon! Obviously I went in a different direction with it but this post was 100% my inspiration so thank you for helping me find it!
AO3 link for those asking! 🖤
Robin should be royally pissed off with herself right now. She would be if she wasn’t so damn scared.
That guy was still trailing behind her, no matter the twists and turns she’d taken down different streets trying to lose him and the only thing she’d gained from it was to get totally and completely lost. It could be something completely innocent, the guy might be coincidentally going in the same direction as her but she wasn’t willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if it meant keeping herself alive.
The distance between the two of them was slowly closing as she was followed through the dark and empty streets of the city, hoping, praying for some kind of shop or restaurant or something to make an appearance so she could hide inside but apparently Robin was able to find the one street in this city where everything was either closed for the night or boarded up.
Her heart was pounding in her ears and the beginnings of tears were starting to sting her eyes and all she could think of was how sick with worry Steve was going to be in the morning when he woke up to no missed calls, no missed texts and no Robin. She’d scoffed at him hours earlier when he’d offered to go to the ‘work thing’ with her but she'd told him she was a big girl and she could look after herself and not to be such a worrywart mom.
And now she had no idea where her phone had gone, if she'd left it behind or dropped it somewhere, no idea where she was and no idea of what she was going to do.
If she’d been a bit more present in her head she probably would have noticed the loud, braying, male laughter coming from just ahead of her and crossed the street to avoid them before it was obvious she was avoiding them. But as it was she could barely see straight through her tears and panicked tunnel vision while simultaneously trying to keep an eye on the slowly encroaching guy behind her. She was practically already in the group’s space and one of them had definitely already seen her though he didn’t pay her any attention.
But even through her blurred vision and panic, she finally registered what exactly she was looking at. Four men standing around the entrance to what looked like the diviest of empty dive bars, chain smoking and being as loud as humanly possible, but that’s not what caught her eye.
Long hair, chains, leather, denim, tartan, rings, tattoos, subculture. If Robin had to choose a group of men to approach, any kind of subculture would be the best option. They knew what it was like to be other. There was no guarantee these guys were safe, but they were probably safer than a group of frat boys.
The next thing that caught her eye that nearly made her cry in relief as she got closer were the patches and pins.
A rainbow ‘A’ against a black and white striped background pinned on one guys collar, a yellow-white-purple-black patch on another's arm, a pink-yellow-blue patch over the third guys heart and a progress pride flag pinned to the largest guys pocket.
Her people.
Without a second's hesitation she made a bee-line for them, planting herself firmly next to yellow-white-purple-black patch person who had a mess of thick light brown curls that reminded her of Steve’s hair. They fell painfully silent at her arrival.
The four of them blinked down at her, with her tearfilled eyes and wild aura of panic around her they were probably, understandably freaked out.
“Hi guys!” She called out to them, probably a little too loud, hoping her voice carried back to the fucker following her, tensing as she could actually hear his footsteps approaching now.
The guy with the longest hair and the pink-yellow-blue patch standing directly in front of her glanced quickly over her shoulder before returning his gaze to her. His face split into a wide warm grin, tapping her shoulder lightly.
“Hey girlie. We thought you weren’t coming, we’ve been waiting.”
The footsteps behind her audibly slowed down. Robin laughed, a little maniacally, keeping her frantic gaze on him, not daring to turn around. “Yeah, I uh- g- got sidetracked.”
“Eddie, what-”
Pink-yellow-blue patch guy, Eddie she supposed, slapped ‘A’ patch guy lightly on the stomach with the back of his hand, shutting him up as her pursuer passed them by, giving the group a wide berth.
“Hey, no worries. You’re here now, right?”
Pride patch guy kept his eyes on the guy who’d been following her the whole time, only looking away when he eventually turned the corner, disappearing into the night.
Robin immediately felt her posture slacken now that he was finally gone, the full weight of everything coming down on her. Her tears began to spill over and her whole body shook as hysterical sobs started to pour out of her body.
“I’m sorry. I’m- I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do. I think I left my phone behind and I don’t know where I am. We only moved here a couple of weeks ago and I got lost trying to get away and- and-”
“Hey, hey. It’s okay.” Yellow-white-purple-black patch person squeezed her shoulder lightly, keeping their distance. “You’re okay. Don’t worry about it.”
“We can call someone for you, if you want?” Eddie asked, crossing his arms tight like he was trying not to reach out to her, probably worried it would freak her out more. “Boyfriend or girlfriend-”
“Or romantic partner.” The person with their hand on her shoulder interjected lightly.
“Alright Baron from the Baronies.” Eddie snorted. “But fair point, Gareth. Romantic partner or friend or whatever?”
“Um,” Robin’s voice was still shaking. “I don’t… I’ve never been good at memorising numbers…”
“Me too, terrible at them.” Eddie smiled again, pulling his phone from his pocket. Robin’s fear and panic was almost entirely gone now even though she was still hiccuping and sniffling underneath their concerned gazes. They were all firmly keeping their distance, keeping any touches short and fleeting, not moving too suddenly, trying their best to make sure she knew they weren’t a threat and it was really helping her to start feeling safe again. “But we could try to find them online? Instagram or something?”
“Yeah. Yeah we could try that.” She wiped her eyes roughly against her sleeve as she shuffled over to Eddie’s side. “My best friend, Steve, he uh- he’s probably asleep and I don’t think you can call him if you don’t have him added…”
“You can send him a message.” Eddie replied easily, handing his phone over. “And if he doesn’t wake up, we’ll try something else.” 
“Don’t worry we’ll get you home.” ‘A’ patch guy smiled down at her while pride patch guy nodded along.
Robin sniffed again. “Thanks.” She was able to conjure up a small watery smile as she opened the app and found Steve’s profile, shooting off a quick message begging him not to freak out and explaining the situation as concisely as she could.
“Here.” She handed Eddie back his phone who glanced down at it for just a second before his eyes widened slightly as he scrolled through Steve’s profile.
“Oh shit. This is your friend?”
Robin nodded. “Mm-hmm.”
“He’s… he’s really pretty.”
That managed to pull a startled laugh from her. “Oh god, don’t tell him that, you’ll give him a big head.”
“Let me see?” Gareth asked, whistling low when Eddie turned his phone around showing a photo of Steve and Robin at their last pride parade cheering with the crowd, Steve with the pink-purple-blue of the bi flag smeared across each cheek and Robin with the pinks, oranges and white of the lesbian flag draped around her shoulders. “He is really pretty.”
Eddie snatched the phone back, cradling it to his chest. “Fuck off, Gare. I saw him first.”
Robin smiled again. “Any response from him?”
“Hm?” Eddie asked distractedly, scrolling through Steve’s photos before pride flag guy punched him in the shoulder. “Ow! Wh- oh, sorry!” Eddie frantically scrolled back up before clicking into his messages again and shaking his head. “Nothing yet.” He held the phone out to show her.
“What’s your address? If he doesn’t respond, we'll find a way to get you there.”
“Uh…” Robin was drawing a complete blank, only able to remember her parents home address hundreds of miles away.
“Or tell us something nearby.” Eddie added, not missing a beat, clearly picking up on Robin’s lack of an answer. “What’s on your street?”
“Um,” she closed her eyes, trying to picture it in her head, “there’s a couple of Chinese take outs, Asian food store, paint store… there’s… I think it’s a tattoo parlour? There’s designs painted on the window, a tower on either side. I think they’re from Lord of the Rings?”
“Inklings? Is that the place?”
Robin opened her eyes. Eddie was grinning at her conspiratorially. “That’s it. You know it?”
“Would you believe me if I told you I work there?”
“No way.”
Hope was starting to grow feathers inside Robin’s chest. She could go home, she didn’t have to stay out all night waiting for Steve to wake up and never let her out of his sight again, she could hug her best friend and drink coffee out of her favourite mug and curse at their finicky fridge and steal his hair products again. She could go home.
“Is it far?”
“Nah, only a few streets away. Ten minute walk, tops.”
“D’you- I mean… do you think you could-” Could she really ask them to walk her home after they’d already done so much for her? Would she be asking too much? Could she be putting herself in more danger?
“I can take you there if you want? Let you get back to your… Steve.” There was a slight blush dusting over Eddie’s cheeks. Maybe he did have an ulterior motive, but it wasn’t an ulterior motive involving her. If she wasn’t so wrung out and aching to crawl into her own bed she’d be thinking up teasing material to lambaste Steve with. But as it was, she was desperate to get home.
“Would that be okay?”
“Yeah.” Eddie replied, bright and easy. “It would just be me and you though,” he held his hands up in surrender, “and you can totally say no, like if you're uncomfortable or whatever. Gareth is Grant and Jeff’s ride home and you’re still on the clock, right?” He turned to Gareth towards the end of his sentence.
“Yeah, but I get off shift in about an hour so could come in if you wanted, wait around in the back room until then if you wanna go as a group?” They answered. 
“I think… I think I just want to get home.”
“Okay, cool. No worries I’ll get you there safe and sound. Here,” Eddie pulled his phone out again, “I’m gonna message Steve to let him know we’re on the way in case he wakes up,” he showed her the short message only sending it off when she gave a nod, “and I’ll get you to navigate just so we don’t get lost.” 
He handed his phone to her with the maps app open, directing them towards Inklings tattoo parlour. He was playing it off like an easy joke, instead of another way to assure her she was safe. He was making sure she knew exactly where he was taking her at all times, he was making sure she had the ability to call the police or whatever if he turned on her, he was making sure she knew he didn’t need or want her address if she didn’t want to give it. 
This fucking guy.
He definitely wouldn’t be the worst choice Steve had ever made if it did go that way.
“I don’t know how to thank all of you, seriously. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t run into you.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Grant smiled at her before hesitating. “Uh, I just realised we don’t have your name.”
“Oh!” She laughed at herself, feeling lighter. “I’m Robin.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Robin.” Grant held his hand out, shaking hers once she took it.
“And don’t worry about thanking us, just pay it forward, yeah?” Jeff said.
“Plus.” Gareth took on a nonchalant tone even though they had a smirk plastered over their face. “We’ll see you again at Steve and Eddie’s wedding.”
“Shut up!” Eddie scowled but didn’t hold onto it for long in the wake of Robin’s giggles.
She sighed once the giggles subsided, a weight lifted off her shoulders. “I look forward to it.” She raised her hand in salute as the three of them headed back inside, turning to Eddie as he held his elbow out.
“Shall we?”
Robin tried to suppress her smile but took Eddie’s arm anyway. They only made it down one street and around one corner, Robin clutching tight to Eddie’s phone before he finally asked.
"Best friend Steve." Eddie twirled his rings around his fingers. "Is he…"
“He’s single.” She answered lightly. “But you might be arriving into his life at the wrong time. He’s recently sworn off men.”
“Well we’ve all sworn off men once or twice. Men are terrible.”
“Is it because of a bad ex?”
Robin threw her head back with a groan remembering the giant breakdown that had finally finally ended it. “Tommy was the worst. He’s the reason we even moved out here, there’s nowhere to get away from an ex in a small town, you know? They’re everywhere. I’m not going to go into what happened, it’s not my business to say but it was bad.”
Eddie nodded, his eyes down on the ground, running through everything in his head.
Robin could see the tattoo parlour up ahead, the glorious sight of their apartment building just a few buildings away.
“Do you think… with time… he could open himself up to men again?”
Eddie had such a tentative hope in his eyes, it was adorable really. Looking over him, she thought about the type of people Steve would constantly thirst over, blip in the matrix Tommy Hagan notwithstanding.
Lithe bodies with full lips and giant eyes, hair he could run his fingers through and something unusual about them. Something odd.
He’d never explicitly gone for someone so heavily into a subculture before but he’d never turned them down either. And based on Eddie’s job at the tattoo parlour and the way he was dressed, he almost definitely had some ink on him. That alone would be enough to make Steve swoon.
“I think he might. Will you walk me up?” Robin asked, holding the door to the building open, offering Eddie the same kindness under the guise of doing a favour that he had offered her so many times tonight.
“Yeah, sure.”
They’d managed to make it up to the third floor, walking down her hallway before Eddie’s phone started to ping incessantly.
She turned the phone over in her hand, looking at the screen. “He’s awake.”
Robin, where are you?
Are you okay?
I’m on the way.
Please be okay.
Their apartment door was flung open just as they reached it. Steve was standing there panting and terrified, his hair a mess, his glasses askew, his jacket and shoes thrown haphazardly over his pyjamas.
Steve slammed into her, holding her tight before immediately letting go to inspect her face and running his hands over her body, checking to see if anything was wrong.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened? What do you need?”
“Steve.” Robin caught his fluttering hands in hers and squeezed, nearly crying out in relief just to have him with her again. “I’m okay. Eddie and his friends helped me.”
“Eddie-” Steve looked to the side, noticing her saviour for the first time. “You’re Eddie.”
“I’m Eddie.” Eddie gave him a short little wave and a dazzling smile that quickly dropped in shock as Steve pulled him into a crushing hug, his blush returning with full force.
“Thank you, thank you so much. I don’t know what I would’ve-” Steve took a big breath in and loosened his arms from around Eddie’s shoulders. Robin saw his eyes slowly trail over his face before very briefly flicking down to the pink-yellow-blue patch then back up. “Come inside, the two of you. Can I get you anything? Tea? Decaf coffee? A glass of water? Like, literally anything to say thank you.” He asked, ushering the two of them into the apartment.
Steve caught Robin’s eye behind Eddie’s back and mouthed ‘oh my god he’s fucking gorgeous!’
Robin snorted and thought to herself ‘sworn off men, my ass.’
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hidden-poet · 8 months ago
S. lands on top; 5
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Darkest content I have ever written. Please don't read unless you are 100% comfortable (and over 18).
Warnings: Graphic sex, violent sex, borderline torture, r*pe, over stimulation, Coriolanus is terrible, terrible, terrible, sexual assault, sex being weaponized, hitting, name calling, punishments, objectification, 18+ ONLY, Coriolanus figures out new kinks (I figure out new kinks), not a safe environment.
Editor: @hotline-to-hell
Author's note: I am in no way condoning this type of behavior. This is a pure work of fiction used to explore a safe, and unrealistic feterisation of the desirability and not the actual act in itself. I am sexualizing the character Coriolanus Snow, and not Tom Bylth (I mean no disrespect or objectification to actor).
That being said, I am going to need some love on this chapter if there is a desire out there to read this sort of stuff in a safe environment and contained atmosphere. What you read cannot harm you, unless you are irresponsible and do not take measures to look after your mental and physical health. This is fiction and SHOULD NOT be brought into the real world. I can create more, but will not if it is not wanted or used responsibly.
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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 Coriolanus sat at his writing desk, completing his last assignment before the break as Mabel lay across the bed, supposed to be completing her own homework. 
But she seemed lost in thought. She lay on her back, staring at the ceiling. Coriolanus had given up on chastising her long ago. 
Between organizing the games, attending lectures and keeping up with his course work, Coriolanus had no time to play games with Mabel. No matter how tempting she was.
 The break would be well deserved and well used. 
Completing this last assignment would free Coriolanus to focus on Mabel and her behavior. Reaping Day was only a week away, and she was inadequate to be presented to Dr. Gaul.
She knew that Reaping Day had consequences for the both of them. He told her time and time again of the dangers of Dr. Gaul, but the fight is what kept Mabel alive. If she rolled over for him once, she felt she might be stuck there.
Coriolanus could hear her as she moved off the bed. He was about to demand that she sit back down and complete her work but her footsteps made their way over to him and not out the door. 
It was the first time she had ever approached him without the intent to hurt him. It was a welcome change when she swung her leg around his waist and not a punch.  
So he put down his pen to give her his full attention, eager to see how this would play out. 
She sat on his lap, twining her small fingers into the curls of his hair. Her green eyes stared back bravely into intimidating blue ones. 
“All you ever do is work,” she states. Her voice carries a seductive tone. “No wonder you’re crazy.” 
His hips buck up into her in desperation. He scolds himself for it. He had more self-control than that. 
“Are you offering a study break?”
“I am offering you the night of your life.” 
He had no idea where this change was coming from. Just this morning she deliberately knocked a pot of hot tea onto his lap. Luckily, it had cooled enough not to burn him but it angered him all the same. 
Now she was offering herself to him. He knew it was a trick. She was playing the only card she had after fighting for so long to keep it. 
He goes to kiss her, testing how much he could get out of this.
His head is yanked back, her hands digging into his hair to keep him at bay. 
“For a train ride back home.” Mabel finished. 
His lips curl up into a smirk. He could almost laugh at her.
“Think about it, Coriolanus. You’ll bore of me sooner or later,” she begins to grind her hips into his. He fights to keep his focus. 
“This, what you feel now. It’ll be gone.” His hands catch her hips to stop her moving. Her tongue was her weapon, and his clear head was his.
“But it’s here now. You could have it.” She yanks his head back as far as she could but follows with her lips hovering over his.
He thinks about just lying. After all, there was no obligation to keep any promise he gives her. 
But he did want a relationship with Mabel, one that had a certain level of trust. She would do nothing for him without trust. And there would be no chance of her teaming up with him against Dr. Gaul. He remembers how important trust is in District 12. 
Satisfaction now could result in negative long term consequences. And Coriolanus was in this for the long term. 
She moves her lips to the shell of his ear and begins to speak gently into it. 
“You could think about me for years. Marry a pretty Capitol girl but think of me as you fuck her.” Her body was pressed tightly against him but she managed to squeeze a hand between them and knead his inner thigh.  “Think of this night, when a District girl fucked your brains out for hours.”
Coriolanus pushes her back by her shoulders. It was almost too much for him. His lust clouded his judgment. He needed to regain control, she had snatched it from him so easily. He was going to be President of Panem. Now was the time to show the cunningness it took to control. 
“I’ll be gone by morning, and you could keep the memory of me. Forget the struggles and fights. When you bore, that’ll be all that's left.” 
Coriolanus reaches out to take her chin in between his forefinger and thumb. Restricting her movements as she did to him. 
‘‘When I get bored of you, I’ll pass you along to someone else. Plinth seemed to have taken a shine to you. Maybe you Districts can bond over the home you’ll never see again.”
His words angered her, he could see it in her eyes. He wasn’t sure if he would ever bore of this. The constant power struggle. He loved it. Winning control gave him such a thrill. He loved the fight Mabel put up because he was always going to win it. He was stronger, smarter. He had  every card and she had none. Yet her nature made surrender an implausible possibility, and his competitive nature never tired of the defeat. 
“Maybe,” she spat as she tore herself from his lap, “Maybe, he might finally make me come too.” 
She threw herself back down on the bed amongst her school work. 
Her words should have upset him, he knew she came more often than not, prided himself on the fact. His ego wasn’t bruised, instead a thrill ran through him. The resistance and consequences were the most fun. 
The next day, Coriolanus excused himself from work, claiming he had a cold. It was only midday but his tired colleagues were supportive of him going home. They all hoped that it would lead to an early mark for all of them. Sickness was contagious, it was possible for them all to have one too.
To Coriolanus’s luck, Dr. Gaul was traveling through the Districts, marking the best spots to host the Reapings. So she wasn’t there to witness Coriolanus act like a desperate school boy.
He was sure word would get to her as it always did, but there was no cold hard stare dissuading him now. 
Tigris wouldn’t be home from work until 5:30, and Grandma’am wouldn’t be home long after that. The old women hated being left alone with Mabel. She was adamant that Coriolanus build a servants' quarters where Mabel could be hidden. 
That meant that he had Mabel all to himself for the whole afternoon, and he was going to use every second.
Only a quick detour to pick up the things he would need could be excused. He made the chauffeur park a block away in front of a cafe and wrote a list. Coriolanus couldn’t be seen engaging in such disgraceful behavior but a faceless chauffeur could. 
His driver was about the same age as Coriolanus but had made some perilous mistakes that rendered him a tongueless Avox. Coriolanus had a vague memory that he used to play with a young child in his primary education days that resembled the young driver now, but Coriolanus didn’t dwell on it. That was the past, the future is what concerns him. 
The chauffeur looks at the list with wide eyes. He knew the items listed were to be used against the young girl he had taken back to the Snow’s penthouse, but he went and got them anyway. 
It was only a quick trip back to the house after that. Coriolanus tore the items out of the packages and continued accordingly. His footsteps were quick as he made his way through the large building. The people in front of him were too slow, it seemed like the elevator took years to get to him. He was just about to leap up the stairs when the doors opened just in time. 
Peacekeepers guarded his door in case Grandma’am or Tigris came home early. 
“You’re not needed.” He comments as he passes the Peacekeepers. They move almost instantly. 
He locks the door behind him, the bag crumples in his hold. 
Mabel sat sewing dresses for Tigris's shop. Despite spending her days making clothes, Mabel only had the green dress from Tigris and wore Coriolanus’s clothes to bed. 
She eyes him cautiously from the couch. There was something in his eyes that gave him away. Mabel decides the best course of action was to run.
He chases her into the dining room where she uses the long table as a barrier between them. 
They pause at each end. Coriolanus was first to make a move and Mabel reacted by swiftly moving in the opposite direction. 
The room is silent apart from their shuffling of feet. Impatient, Coriolanus throws himself across the table but Mabel jumps back to the entrance and retreats to the living room. 
Her bare feet thud across the marble floor as she made her way to the door. Her only chance was the door falsely locking. Everywhere else was a dead end. The apartment was large and filled with rooms but they were all locked and unlocked at Coriolanus’s command. 
She twisted and pulled but the door wouldn’t even budge. 
She could hear Coriolanus reaching her and she slid back across the hallway as Coriolanus came barreling into the door.  He chases her back into the dining room where he had dropped the bag. 
Before she could distance herself around the table, Coriolanus caught her arm and threw her into the polished wood. 
He managed to catch her flailing arms but her screaming gave him the headache had had lied about. 
He gathers her wrists and uses them to pull her over his shoulder so he can hoist her up.
She kicks and hits as he carries her to the bedroom, but it only gives him further justification for what he planned to do. He squats down to pick up the bag he dropped. He couldn’t leave it, given its purpose. 
With the door kicked shut, he drops Mabel on the bed and crawls on top of her, holding her still. 
They wrestle on the bed as Coriolanus struggles to take her dress off as Mable thrashes under him. 
But once off her shoulders, he took the handcuffs from the bag, attaching them easily to a bedpost where he could secure her. 
She panics as the first cuff is secured around her wrist and as Coriolanus reaches for the other, she sinks her teeth into the skin of his hand. 
He yells from the pain. The bite on his shoulder searing in pain from the memory. . 
A sharp backhand throws her down, making it easier to lock her in place. 
“I am going to fucking kill you!” She screams at him. It was a good time to bring out the gag from the bag and secure it in place. 
She continues to kick violently, still trying to hurt Coriolanus. He admired it. Beat and yet still fighting. 
He wanted her completely still so he continued his work, pulling out similar cuffs designed for her ankles and fastened them in place. What was left in the bag was two-meter lengths of rope which he tied around her knees to pull them completely open. He attaches the ends to the base of the bed with a knot he learned from his Peacekeeper stint. 
He stares admiring his work. She struggled against the restraints but could move very little. It was perfect, and he had hours to enjoy it. Unless Tigris came home early. With that thought, he locked the main bedroom door. 
With one last lingering look, he reached into the bag and pulled out the ‘pièce de résistance’. 
It was a small bullet-sized vibrator. It shook between his fingers. She kicked as much as she could as he inserted it dry. 
With the bullet doing its job, Coriolanus did his. He had wanted to explore Mabel's body for as long as he could remember. And with no pressing time limits he would complete this search now. 
He starts down by her feet, letting his lips drag over her skin. He examines every mole and scar along her. Kissing when he wanted to and biting because he could. It took a while, but he reached just behind her knee of the opposite leg he started with when she first came.
 From how slow he was going, he guessed it took half an hour for her first one. He wondered where he would reach for the next one. He smoothed his hands out over her skin, peppering kisses on odd spots. He had gone from her fingertips to her shoulder when her next climax came. 
He was in no rush to do anything. He explored her body the way he wanted to. She tried to headbutt him as he attempted to reach her ear but he caught her throat in his hand before it landed. He spent the next 15 minutes just on her ear alone. Biting and sucking on the lobe. He was still there when she came next. He moved on to the other ear then and waited until her next orgasm which took longer. 
After his mouth had left a cold, wet trail over every inch of her body, he took the time to count her freckles. It annoyed him when her body spasmed with another orgasm and he had to start again. 52 little brown dots was the final count. 
He moved from the bed only twice, first to remove his shoes, coat, and jewelry. And second, because he felt hungry around late afternoon. He went to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich and drink before returning to the bedroom to eat it. He didn’t want to miss Mabel's next orgasm.  
After a break of just tracing his finger around her body, and watching as she came, again and again, he decides to begin again with his mouth. 
Her legs shook from overstimulation. Coriolanus could feel them as they trembled underneath his lips. Her pussy was glistening and swollen. It looked sore from the abuse, but it was far from over. 
Her moisture dripped below her and down her inner thighs but Coriolanus just knew that her throat must be itchy and dry. He could offer her a drink of water, seeing as it had been hours of this torture, but he doesn’t.  
She had tried begging before or at least that’s what Coriolanus assumed. It could have been more insults but the crying after it made insults seem unlikely. The crying only lasted 10 minutes before her exhaustion didn’t allow her to do even that. 
She looked beautiful like this: entirely his. Under his control and mercy.
He licked the cum from her shaking thighs and moved to sit on her stomach. He was still fully clothed to add to her humiliation. 
She groaned from the weight of him. It came out muffled from under her gag but he could hear it. Her eyes were closed, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing the fear in them. 
His fingers pinched at her erect nipple, twisting it, and massaging her breast under his hand. 
Her breasts were small but a handful was all Coriolanus needed. 
Bore of this? He thought to himself. He wouldn’t object to perfunctory sex with Mabel but this is an elevated high he never thought feasible. 
A whine came from her again and he wondered if she was going to begin begging again. If she was, she was interrupted by reaching another climax that turned her begging into a muffled yell. 
Her hips buck underneath him as it ripples through her. Coriolanus watches her face as it screws up in painful pleasure. She throws her head back into her pillow three times as it passes. 
He wonders what she would say if she could say anything. Her begging is muffled, so she felt free to speak her mind but would the words flow from her mouth knowing that it would give Coriolanus confirmation. 
When her eyes fling open, it almost shocks Coriolanus. They had been closed for the past four hours. Her eyes tell him she is tired but still oh so defiant. If he was to take off her gag, he was sure that she would spit at him. 
Something about it aroused him further. 
He takes his weight off her and goes back to the end of the bed. More cum had leaked from her, making her thighs once again glisten. 
Deciding to give her a break, he reaches in and pulls the rotating device from her. It was holding in some residue cum that poured onto the bed sheets. She began breathing heavily again now that the tension was gone from her body. The poor thing thinks it’s over.
He blows gently on her abused pussy. Even the air was too much after the overstimulation. 
She tries to close her legs but the ropes stop her. 
A kiss is firmly planted on her clitoris and her wetness soaks Coriolanus's lips. She whines again, bucking her hips up to try and get him off. He cages her legs between his arms, pinning them under his shoulders as he digs his nose into the spot and begins to swirl, licking and lapping with his tongue sporadically. 
Her thighs still shake under him, and his legs join in anticipation. He rises himself to undress completely before dragging her by her knees into her own wet spot on the bed and inserting himself. She grips the chain at the intrusion. He could tell it caused her discomfort, maybe even pain as he did, but he slid in so easily. 
Her wetness meant that friction was hard to pick up so he slammed into her harshly for his own satisfaction. He had angled her so she was slightly raised from the bed as far as the ropes would allow and pounded into her with such force that she jolted at each thrust.
Her fingers clawed at what they could as Coriolanus had his way with her. 
Her swollen cunt clenched around him making Coriolanus groan in pleasure. 
The pressure around his cock got tighter and tighter as she reached another climax. Coriolanus was not far behind her after holding out for hours. 
As she came around him, it was enough for Coriolanus to come with her. 
He wanted to make a snide remark about how he could make her come but his mind was swimming. He drives his cock as far as he could into her even though he was empty. They remain like that, Coriolanus keeping Mabel there with a strong grip on her hips. Occasionally he would rock his hips back and forth, fucking the cum back into her. 
By the time Coriolanus caught his breath, he could hear the faint sound of Tigris’s heels coming down the hall. 
Mabel opened her eyes again, sure now that it was finally over. Coriolanus was hesitant to show his family his darker side. Mabel was subdued to never talk about it with threats to her family. So suspicions were never confirmed.
“Mabel?” The locked door jiggles. “Are you in there?” 
With a sigh, Coriolanus separates himself and goes over to the other side of the door. 
“Don’t come in, Tigris.” She couldn’t with the door locked anyway. “Mabel has been sick.”
He throws his gaze back to Mabel still tied to the bed.
“Let me in. I can help.” Tigris tries the locked door again. 
“She’s asked for privacy.” 
Mabel's brows furrow, but loosen as she forms a plan. While tied, her hands still had a little movement which she used to bang against the wooden headboard to alert her friend to her danger. 
Coriolanus rushes over and stills her hands firmly against the headboard. He was going to make her pay for that. 
Tigris had heard it and asked what the noise was. 
“Go away. Don’t worry. I’ll look after Mabel.”
Mabel instantly knew the underlying threat and went limp in his hold. 
He remains motionless until Tigris’s footsteps disappear back down the hall.
Only then does he move across the room to retrieve the cane used by her governess. 
It was a thin metal stick that a heavy piece of leather attached to the end that was used to smack down on hands. 
Mabel watched him as he brought it over. She pulled against her restraints but they were the best money could buy. 
He stood by her side, closest to the door so he could hear any more visitors.
Bringing the leather down to her clit, he began slapping the rod down unpleasantly.
He hit harder on her thighs, and more forcefully on her stomach, but only a rap on her breasts. He rotated randomly between the four areas of her cunt, thigh, stomach, and breasts, so she could never brace herself for the next hit.  
Her skin turned red from the assaults and her sobs hiccuped between her heavy breathing. 
There were sure to be black bruises the next day. A reminder for her. 
He taps the whip one-two-three-four times more harshly against her cunt than previously, before kneeling down and dropping it completely. 
He is at level with her perfect breast and he takes it into his mouth. His teeth grazed the sore and sensitive skin. He sucked like an infant while his hand groped her other breast between his fingers. He squeezed too hard for it to be of any pleasure for Mabel. 
He had grown painfully hard again. Now seeking his next relief he stands and unlocks one cuff with his fingerprint. 
Mabel instantly reaches for her gag but her wrist is caught and brought towards Coriolanus’s throbbing cock. She tries to pull her hand free but it is forced around his member and with his hand on top of hers, he begins to move it back and forth. 
She concedes and follows his movement with his hand now free and off hers, he uses it to redirect her face to what she is doing. 
He holds the back of her hair steady and keeps it in place as he feels his end nearing. 
His cum squirts out over her. Her face and chest now dripping with it. 
He was so caught up he failed to hear Tigris coming back down the hall. 
“Coryo, Mabel. Dinner is ready”. 
Coriolanus takes a deep breath before answering as evenly as he could, “We’ll be right there.” 
But he clips Mabel's hand back into the cuff. 
A whole afternoon of sex had relaxed Coriolanus. Everything that had bothered him before now seemed so silly. Was this all he needed all along to relieve the tension he always felt? He felt so good. But poor Mabel had taken his hurt. 
But she was bad and bad girls get punished. He had told her this. She needed to learn her place and this was a perfect example of it. 
Coriolanus wiped his cum from her chest down her stomach. She shuddered as he did it. She was sticky and wet and so, so beautiful. 
He looks down at his sticky hands and goes to the bathroom to wash them. Wiping a warm washcloth over himself to rid the mixture of cum he had picked up. He disregards the used washcloth and grabs another to wash the smell of sex off him. 
He runs it over his arms and shoulders as he walks to his closet to pick out an outfit for dinner. Deciding on his navy suit pants and white dress shirt, he finishes running the rag over himself and drops it to the floor.
Mabel was so still, if it wasn't for her shallow breathing, he would have thought he killed her. 
Now dressed, he goes back to her and stands on the end of the bed. He could hear the buzzing of the device but couldn’t see it. Mabel lay with her eyes closed, resting. 
He finds it and shoves it back inside of her. 
It causes her eyes to shoot back open. This time he was sure she was begging him to take it out. Her head shook ‘no’ when her words failed her. 
He smiles down at her, feeling like a god. 
“To make up for my previous inadequacies.” 
He leaves the room, making sure to relock it. 
Tigris, of course, asks him where Mabel was when he reached the dinner table. He continues with the ‘unwell’ lie and eats with a hunger he never knew, even during the war. 
He skips dessert to attend to Mabel and warn off any more questions from Tigris. 
The room was quiet and dark. She lay on the bed motionless. The slight buzz sound could be heard the closer he got but Mabel's legs lay limp, unresponsive to it. 
He reaches down gently and pulls the device out for the final time. When he switches it off, Mabel considers the ordeal over. 
He unlocks the cuffs from her wrists and ankles and unties the rope from her knees. He half expects her to be filled with a burst of energy but all she could do is curl into a ball as she is released. Her eyes never open and her mouth never makes a sound. 
He switches on the lamp to see her more clearly. Her skin was still red and glistened with his cum. 
Her thighs were smeared with a small amount of blood that leaked from her abused hole. 
Perhaps he went too hard, but he didn’t feel sorry for it. 
She still doesn’t move as Coriolanus picks her up. No whimper or sound. She let him do what he wanted and that’s all he had ever asked of her. 
He places her in the large tub and runs hot water for her bath. Her head tilts to the side as she rests and Coriolanus brushes her hair from her face. 
He leaves her there to return to the bedroom, ringing down on the service phone for the changing of his sheets. 
The hot water begins to cover her body which is slumped down. He pulls her back up by her neck and keeps his hold in case she slips under. 
She sighs as the hot water surrounds  her. Her body ached with pain. If she had any water left in her she would have cried. 
Coriolanus leans against the bathtub watching as the water rises above her. It all seemed surreal to finally have done the debauched acts he had dreamed about doing since he first saw her. Just having sex was one thing, but that was a performance. A period of time when he could do anything and everything he wanted. A quickie in the shower or a quiet struggle at night did not satisfy Coriolanus the way this had. 
He had to get Tigris and Grandma’am out of the house, or he and Mabel could leave. He could no longer live by their rules. He wanted Mabel completely under his control like she was an hour ago, not safeguarded by virtuous Tigris. 
He had waited all through his tortuous months as a Peacekeeper, watching her as she was protected by men much larger than himself. Even with his position and weapons, he was no match if one of them decided to fight him off. But now he was. Now no one stood in his way, apart from Dr. Gaul. But once he won the presidency, he would deal with her then. 
He remembered the night of Mayfair’s murder. Watching Mabel as Lucy Gray sang his song. She had her hair twisted on top of her head, hot and sweaty from dancing. She was surrounded by her friends and hopeful men and sat drinking something that was bought for her. She talked through his song to her man on her left. She was missing the song. He wanted to do something. To force her to listen to the words of the song. 
He was desirable just like her. He was powerful, and resourceful. Saved Lucy Gray from the Hunger Games. If she would just listen, surely she would want him just as Lucy Gray had. But she laughed over his name. The anger he felt proved useful when it came time to kill Mayfair but buried itself into his body until it could be released upon his target. Tonight it left his body, and Coriolanus felt as if a weight had been released. 
He turns off the water, hearing a forceful knock at the door. The maids were here to change the sheets.
‘‘Sit up. Don’t drown.” He demands, letting go of Mabel's neck to answer the door. 
To his surprise, Tigris stood with the maids. Her tall frame towered over them. 
He was careful only to let the maids through the door. 
“She’s thrown up all over the bed. Leave her be, Tigris.”
She eyes the room behind him, trying to find Mabel. She offers to make up the spare bed for him to sleep in, but he knew it was to create distance between him and Mabel. 
It hit the final nail on his decision, Tigris and Grandma’am could no longer live with him. 
“I’ll stay with her tonight to make sure she is alright.” He shoves himself through his door and slams it in Tigris’s face. 
The maids had stripped the bed and he ordered one to fetch him two bottles of water before disappearing back into the bathroom. 
The door is shut offering privacy. 
Mabel still had her eyes closed and a crumpled frame. He resumes his spot on the floor next to her. 
“I would like an apology for your comment last night.” 
She doesn’t offer one. Coriolanus was glad. He wanted to keep at least some of her fighting spirit. 
But disobedience still had to be punished. 
He lowers his hand down into the water towards her sex. She jolts, squeezing her legs as tightly as her weak muscles would allow.
“Okay-okay. I am sorry.” Her voice was raspy and barely existent. 
He lets her finish her bath in peace. The water was nearly cold by the time he reached down and pulled the plug from under her. 
She had rarely moved as she soaked. He doesn’t wait for the water to disappear as he picks her up from the tub and moves her to sit on the counter by the sink. Her body was weak and she leaned against the glass as he dried her with a towel. 
He rolled up his wet sleeves, unsure of why he didn’t do it earlier. He had just wanted to get Mabel out of the bath and into bed but at even the slightest expense to himself? Maybe he was just tired also. 
He brought her forward so he could reach behind her for her toothbrush. She tries to take it after he applies the paste, but he is resistant to give it to her. Her hold was so weak, that it would surely topple to the floor.
He forces it between her lips to give her teeth a quick brush. The foam dribbles down her chin as she spit it out. Using the same towel, he wipes her clean before picking her up once more. 
He sits her on the ottoman and she falls back into the newly made bed. She was so tired. She couldn’t care where or how she slept. But Coriolanus did. 
He found his nicest pair of silk pajamas. They were deep brown and soft as butter. 
She was awake enough to see him bring them back over but they were entirely wrong for her. 
They reeked of him. They fit her too loosely. Reminded her too much of all she had lost. 
They caused a surge of energy. Enough to sit up and resist the clothes as Coriolanus dressed her like a doll. It was a struggle to get her hand through the first sleeve but as his movements became rougher, her fight fled. 
He wondered why it was so important that she was clean and comfortable. Why didn’t he leave her in her own mess, or let her sleep naked if she was going to fight him on it? What did it say about him? About how he felt about Mabel?
He assured himself it was the war. He had very little but always took very good care of the things he did have. This was the same. He was only ensuring that his things would last. 
Besides, when she was good, he would treat her nicely. He could, but it didn’t mean that he wasn’t ruthless enough to run Panem. He was sure that even Dr. Gaul let her favorite pets sleep in the bed with her. 
As soon as he pulled her up to her pillow and laid her down into the fresh sheets, she fell asleep. It was the easiest bedtime since she was brought here. He pulls the blanket over her, tucking her in before he has his own shower. 
He returns to the dim light, straining to see if Mabel was awake. 
Mabel had not moved, even in her sleep.
He dresses and turns off the lamp. He wiggled next to Mabel, lowering his shoulder from its natural height so Mabel's cheek was pressed against it. It was silly and out of place after everything he had done, but it felt right to him. 
He wondered how she would wake. Would it be with a newfound obedience or did Coriolanus have many more nights like this on the cards? He secretly hoped for the latter. 
When Coriolanus woke the next morning Mabel was still asleep. 
In his kindness, he decided to let her sleep longer. Last night was sure to have worn her out. 
He takes another shower, taking time to groom himself and apply his skin care. 
When he was finished, Mabel was still asleep. It was early, not even seven in the morning, so Coriolanus finished dressing without disturbing her. 
She looked so small in the massive bed. So delicate. If he didn’t know her, he would have never believed that such a small frame could carry such a big mouth. 
He closes the door quietly as he exits for breakfast.
Grandma’am and Tigris were already sitting at the table, picking food from the center. 
“Where’s Mabel?” Tigris asked.
“Asleep,” Coriolanus takes a pastry off the centerpiece and talks to the maid as he sits, “Put aside a plate for her.”
“You’re not going to wake her for breakfast?”
“She is still ill.” 
“Lazy,” Grandma’am spits out, “Districts are all lazy.” 
“Oh dear, maybe I should stay home today.” Tigris offers. 
“And watch her sleep?” Coriolanus mocks. Mabel knew to keep their relationship between the two of them but after last night it was best to err on the side of caution. 
“She’s sick, Coriolanus. She needs someone to take care of her.” 
She was Coriolanus's pet and Coriolanus's responsibility. 
“The Peacekeepers have a direct line to my office. If she needs something they can’t provide, I will take care of it.” 
Tigris pushes back her eggs, no longer hungry. 
“I still think-” she begins but Coriolanus’s temper flares. 
“You know what I think, Tigris? Perhaps it would be best for Mabel and I to find an apartment closer to the city.” 
“Move out from the Snow penthouse?” Grandma’am exclaims. 
“If Tigris will not stop interfering, what choice do we have, Grandma’am?” Coriolanus responds. 
“Interfere? Interfere with what exactly? Your violation of that poor girl? Is she sick, or have you done something to her? This is-this is…No!” Tigris gets up flustered.
“Sit down, Tigris,” Coriolanus demands, “Mabel is sick. It was bound to happen. She is District. She is not used to Capitol illnesses.’’ 
“Listen to your cousin, dear. Sit.” Grandma’am beckons. 
Grandma’am knew that if Coriolanus was to move out, his protection would go with him. Grandma’am had lived a hard and bitter life since the war, she was determined to die in peace. 
Tigris does sit back down, but remains in her frazzled state. 
Mabel was still asleep by the time everyone had left the apartment. Coriolanus left her a bottle of water and some painkillers next to her on her bedside, alongside a note letting her know there was food in the fridge for her. 
Work was more bearable with last night still running through his mind. He was in a good mood all day. It made him stand out amongst his gloomy coworkers. Nothing was too much trouble. He could take that extra task on. He could wait while his assistant readied documents due hours ago. 
Mabel was going to be of great use when he became President. He laughs quietly to himself as fleshes out his new game ideas on paper. 
“President Snow, how do you manage the pressure of it all?”
“The satisfaction of knowing I am serving my country keeps me preserving through difficult times.”
Meanwhile, Mabel would be back at the presidential estate tied to his bed, waiting for him. 
A small giggle escapes into the silent room and floats through the air. Coriolanus sits up straighter, fixing his face into a scowl as people look for the source of the laughter. 
Did Dr. Gaul laugh?  Did Dr Gaul ever kiss and pet her animals? What would she think of him if she could see him giddy as a schoolboy?
He used to pride himself on his self-control but Mabel had deteriorated it. 
She was a source of pleasure, where he had only known pain. The pain kept him sharp. 
He was doing so well. Too well to be thrown off balance by her. 
He reshuffles his pages to a blank piece. With Mabel on his mind, his proposal was weak. 
To impress Dr Gaul, he needed to show her that he was just as ruthless in his pleasure, as he was in his pain. 
He got home an hour after he was supposed to. No one was surprised when he was late. Not with the games just around the corner. 
His tired eyes were looking forward to seeing Mabel, but as he entered the apartment only Grandma’am, and Tigris greeted him. 
He kisses Grandma’am hello as she croons about his long day. Tigris sat in the living room matching patterns, clearly still angry. 
“Where’s Mabel?” he asks. He knew she was either in the kitchen or bedroom, but it seemed odd that she would leave her friend. They were normally joined at the hip as soon as Tigris came home from work. 
Tigris’s eyes shoot up at him. Before Mabel, Tigris had never looked at him with such hatred.
“She’s in bed. She hasn’t moved all day. I sat with her for an hour, she didn’t say a word.” 
Coriolanus makes his way to the bedroom to see it is completely dark. She didn’t even move to turn on a lamp. 
His sounders tensed with the thought that he had damaged his new toy. He had only wanted to control the spark, not extinguish it. 
He knew she could hear him as he approached her but she gave him no attention. 
He hoped to at least have her yell at him. Demand he get out, but everything was silent. 
Sitting on the bed next to her, he places a hand on her shoulder and speaks softly. 
“Mabel get up.”
She ignores him which angers him greatly. 
He sees she has taken her painkillers and drank her water. She had no reason to act this bratty. 
“What you did yesterday was…” She pauses to take a breath. 
Coriolanus’s mind races with answers: Exhilarating, memorable, long overdue. 
“Cruel.” She finished. From her perspective, maybe.
“You know, I’ve spent all day trying to remember you back in 12. I can only remember that night at the Hobb. Your eyes. So blue.” Her green eyes look up at his, “They gave you away.”
He could remember every occasion that Mabel came into view. But he watched from the shadows, and she danced in the light. 
“Mabel, I have given you no delusions as to why you are here. I’ve been very honest about your situation.” 
“Did you kill Mayfair?”
“Yes,” he admits. He felt his secret was safe with her. 
“Lucy Gray?” 
She doesn’t look afraid. Only defiant. It relieved Coriolanus to no end. He hadn’t broken his favorite toy. She was regaining her strength for battle. 
She sits up causing Coriolanus to lean slightly back to avoid a collision.
“Your eyes,” she states, “There’s something so dark behind them, that’s why I remembered them. I thought ‘run Lucy Gray!’ when I saw them.”
“She tried.” 
“I won’t run.”
“You won’t get the chance.” Coriolanus rises from the bed but keeps his eyes trained on Mabel. 
“I won’t run,” she repeats, “I’ll kill you.” 
He took her jaw roughly into his hands, turning it left and right as he spoke. 
“There’s not a single thought in that pretty little head of yours, is there?”
“There’s only one.” 
Coriolanus smiles down at her, despite her threat. She was so beautiful with her long dark eyelashes and her long dark hair that twisted past her shoulders and lay splayed out around her.
“I watched you for months as a Peacekeeper. Imagining all the things I would do if I could.'' He tucks her hair back behind her ear as he continues speaking, “Now here you are. Right under my fingertips. Mine. Free to do as I wish with.” 
He pushes her head back as he releases his hold of her jaw to stand.
“You thought I was cruel last night? Imagine what I am capable of when I am truly motivated.”
 He pulls down his sleeves that had rode up from his movements. It was important to look put together at all times. 
“I’ve dreamt of you for so long, Mabel . I will have you exactly how I want.”
“For now,” she concedes.
He squints his eyes at her. The things he would do if Tigris wasn't already waiting. 
“You need to come out and show Tigris that you are fine.” 
He could tell that she was in pain from her tense and slow movements but her face was brave.
Still dressed in his brown nightwear, she walks tall to the door, never looking behind her. 
Coriolanus arrives home well after dinner due to Dr. Gaul arriving back in the Capitol. Now that the screening locations were picked, she didn’t want her efforts to be wasted. They all had to think of ways to prolong the screening. 
She was happy with nothing unless it added to the misery of districts. Coriolanus watched as she pushed and hinted at what she truly wanted. She was not interested in sharing ideas, she only wanted the participation of the group to distribute the blame. They were all in this together.
 All monsters of the Capitol. All a fine example of the human condition: hidden by fine clothing, and etiquette but at the core animals that believed in nothing but survival of the fittest. 
Coriolanus finally guessed at what she was getting at, and they could all go home, nearly three hours after the official day had ended. 
Coriolanus was eager to get home and relieve some of the stress that he felt. Gamemaking was not for the faint of heart. 
They had waited to have dinner with him, much to Coriolanus’s annoyance. Grandma’am was adamant that it was disrespectful to eat without the man who put the food on the table. 
It fanned Coriolanus's ego so he sat alongside Mabel and ate his dinner in silence. 
All he wanted to do was retire to his room with Mabel and read. He skipped dessert to do so, much to Mabel's disappointment. 
He did enjoy Mabel's company. Even just her presence in the room helped to settle him. Was she a symbol of his power? A silent promise to the man he is to become? He had no idea why she had this effect on him, only that she did. 
After a whole day of tense conversation with Dr Gaul, he could finally relax and read his book. 
He forced Mabel to do her reading homework as well, so she didn’t annoy him. 
Her book was for Capitol children and yet it still was above her level. She sat on the bed trying to read it while Coriolanus stretched out on his desk, reading for pleasure. 
She grew frustrated, throwing her book onto the floor. Coriolanus shuts his own book to pay attention to her. 
“Something the matter?”
“The cat sat on the mat, the mat sat on the cat. Who cares? Not me.” 
Her hair was pinned up by something but it was mostly coming apart. Ringlets fall and frame her face, giving her an endearing disheveled look. 
With his book back on his desk, Coriolanus goes to entertain Mabel.
Mabel is pushed to the bed as Coriolanus crawls on top of her, his head aiming for her neck. She lays unenthusiastically beneath him.
“Is Tigris dumb?”
Coriolanus stopped kissing her neck to respond. 
“I wouldn’t mind if she’s dumb,” Her eyes focused on a faraway spot in the corner, Coriolanus had trouble regaining her attention. 
“But she’s my friend,” Mabel continues, “And she acts like she doesn’t know what you are doing. If she ain’t dumb, then she ain’t loyal. And if she ain’t loyal, we ain’t friends.” 
‘‘Isn’t,’’ he goes back to his work on her neck, ‘‘Are not.” 
He rises once more to look at her,  “We don’t say ‘ain’t’.”
“Well, I say ‘ain’t’.” Mabel pushes back on his shoulders and he takes it as a sign that more forceful measures must be taken. 
“She told me, ya know. About your childhood. How she looked after you, how poor you were. She reckons that’s why you are the way you are.”
“Mabel, don’t make yourself familiar with me.” He grabs her arm harshly and pulls her from where she lay into a kneeling position on the floor. 
“‘He doesn’t mean it,’ she said. ‘He’s been through a lot’.”
Coriolanus undoes his pants, and Mabel remains kneeling on the floor. 
“So maybe she is just dumb.” Her words are fierce but her frame shrinks underneath him. Her hands stuck together on her lap, her spine slightly curled like she wanted to roll herself into a ball. 
Coriolanus grabs her jaw to straighten her, his other hand snaking into her hair. He stands up and positions himself correctly. She couldn’t be trusted to do it by herself, so he kept a strong hold on her jaw to ensure it didn’t close, and a painful grip on the back of her head to ensure that she didn’t move away. 
He begins to fuck her mouth at a frustrated pace. 
She chokes as he pushes himself all the way in. Slamming his hips back and forth into her. 
She reaches up to take hold of the back of his pant leg, trying to steady herself.
“You don’t look like a big, tough girl now. Do you still feel like one?” he taunts, feeling her nails dig into the fabric of his pants. 
“Getting awfully friendly with me. Are we friends, Mabel? Or are you my little slut?”
His hips buck harshly in time with his words, “My-beautiful-little-slut.” 
Before resuming their quick, and needy pace, he spat out “You know what your problem is, Mabel. You never know when to shut the fuck up.” 
Her fingers curl around the fabric of his pants.
“You’re so brave, Mabel. And what did it get you? A mouthful of cock. A belly full of cum. Was it worth it?”
He could feel her jaw move under his hand but his tight hold disallowed her speech. He was going to talk, she was going to listen. 
“You think I like being cruel?  I do.  But you know what I think? You like it too. You like being shown who's boss. Again-Ah- and again.” 
He slows his pace down, dragging his cock slowly along her tongue.
“Those District boys never quite did it for you. Did they? That's why you kept cycling through them. You were waiting for a man like me to put you in your place. On your knees.” 
Her eyes flamed at him but she could do nothing more. 
She gags when he pushes too far but he doesn’t stop. 
Drool spilt from the corner of her mouth, and her eyes watered but he felt no pity. 
“You’re not dumb, Mabel. Haven’t you realized that when you’re nice, I am nice? Or have you realized that when you’re mean, I am mean?’’.
He laughs at her, angry and powerless on the floor. She digs her nails into the back of his thighs. With four more uncontrolled thrusts, he spills into her mouth and throws her back like a dirty rag.
She’s left on the floor, eyes watering and gasping for air with cum dripping off her lips. 
He drags her by the arm to the corner of the room where he forces her back into her knees facing the wall. 
“You don’t want to read your book? Fine.” 
He balances it on top of her head. “Stay there while I finish mine.”
Mabel, still ever so defiant, turns as he walks away and throws the book at him. Hitting him with a thud against his back. 
“You sick fuck!” she calls out. She goes to get up but Coriolanus is too quick for her, grabbing a thin book from his stack and shoving it between her teeth. He pushes her shoulder back towards the wall, reaching blindly for the rod he knew was close at hand. 
Feeling the cool metal between his fingers he brings it four times against her back. The book drops as she shouts and Coriolanus’s hand replaces it until the fourth strike hits. 
He picks it up again. It was a thin book, only 100 pages in length about the legislative process of government. It was short in nature given the hierarchy of parliament. It could be summed up in a sentence: the president spoke and the rest rushed to make his sentence a reality. 
He tells her to bite down and she does against the spin of the book. With her there, he goes to the locked drawer at his desk where he hid his toys from the maid. He brings out the cuffs he brought and secures her hands behind her back to make her task harder. 
Rebalancing the book, he leaves her there to return to his book at his desk.
He kept the cane in his hand, bringing it down across her every time the book fell. She remained completely still even as her neck strained. It annoyed Coriolanus so he took another book from his collection and placed it upon her thin child's book to add weight. She dropped it more easily, but the sting of the cane had her soon learning how to evenly distribute the weight. 
He had three more heavy books stacked on top of her head by the time he was finished reading for the night. 
She blinked tears away but made no sound or change to her straight posture. 
He took his books back from her head and teeth, placing them in their rightful places on the shelf. 
She was smart not to move, and he rewarded her for it by crouching down next to her and wiping her tears away with his handkerchief. She doesn’t look at him, keeping her eyes on the white wall. 
He takes hold of her jaw again to raise her from the floor and leads her to the shower. 
Another long day at the office left Coriolanus wishing for Reaping Day. 
 The sooner it was all over, the better for his nerves. 
Normally, on the way home he would listen to the radio news but after his exhausting day, all he wanted was silence. He knew he would no longer get it at home. The car pulled up to the curb of his building but he couldn't force himself to get out. He watched the lights of the building and the people as they entered and exited. 
He sighed deeply when he saw Mabel's Governess coming from the building. They were supposed to be done hours ago. 
He rushes out of the car as she approaches. 
“Mrs. Fox. What has she done now?”
The older woman jumped at the sound of his voice but regained herself as she turned. 
“Oh nothing, Mr. Snow,” she looked surprised to say it, “I was just visiting a friend in the same building. Mabel finished all her work diligently. We were done within four hours, and I didn't raise the cane once.”
Coriolanus smiled. Was it over? Had he done it? Maybe he was ready to be President. If he had trusted his instincts on the first day Mabel would be eating out of his hand right now. He had done it. He had won. 
“Well, that's good news.” He walks the teacher to her car, feeling generous. 
“I know I could get through to her with a heavy hand. You really must let me use my teaching experience. 
Coriolanus felt too good to correct her so he just bids her goodnight and leaps up the steps into his apartment building. 
He greets people as he makes his way through the building, avoiding conversation where he could. He was glad when the neighbor left the shared space of the elevator, sending the old woman off with a nod. The silence was refreshing after his day of non-stop chatter. He liked that Mabel didn’t speak much, at least not to him. 
The Peacekeepers greeted him as the doors opened before taking his place in the elevator. He doesn’t greet them back, focused only on opening the door and retiring to bed. 
He looks around the room to Grandma’am who sits at the kitchen table reading a gossip magazine and Tigris who is helping Mabel sew a large dress. 
Mabel wore a big, bright smile as she walked over to him and took his coat. It wasn't an unwelcome change but one that put Coriolanus on edge.
“Coryo, how was your day?” Tigris called from her seat on the couch. 
“Fine,” he answers. With Mabel still within reach he places a quick kiss on her cheek. Her eyes widened in surprise before her face scrunched into disgust. 
With his coat hung up, she leaves him by the door, going back to Tigris. The corners of her mouth twisted up into a smile. She bit down upon her lip, trying to stifle a giggle. 
He had an unsettled feeling as he walked from the living room to his bedroom. He expected glum Mabel, defeated Mabel but not gleeful Mabel. 
Opening the door he could see why. 
His books had been thrown to the floor, pages torn out and spines broken. He had nearly a whole wall full and she had taken every single one and torn it apart with her bare hands. Coriolanus had been a boy who had nothing, and even now as a man who had everything, watching his things get destroyed gave him a sick feeling. 
His bag drops by his feet and picks up the book closest to him. Chocolate was squished between the white pages. The book was borrowed from one of his professors. A first edition and highly expensive.  
He was going to kill Mabel. 
He dashes out of the room, and back to the living room where she was expecting him. 
She eyes him on the couch, eagerly. 
Alarm bells ring in his head. She wanted him to react but why? He was too angry to care. 
He had expected her to move so when his fist came down, it came down with more force than he would have normally used, which sent her off the couch and onto the floor. Despite how angry he was, he forced himself to uncurl his hand into an open palm. He straddles her, bringing his hand down across her face as many times as he could before Tigris could hinder his movements. 
“Coriolanus!” he could hear the fear in Tigris's voice and it clicked for him. Mabel had set him a trap and he had fallen straight into it. 
She wanted to expose him to his family. Make a fool out of him. 
He got off her, falling back on his legs, his eyes going to Grandma’am at the table. Her face froze with shock. 
This was too much for even Grandma’am who used to let him steal toys from other children in the playground. 
Mabel manages to get up, grabbing the fabric scissors off the table as she gains distance between them. 
“Touch me again, and I’ll fucking kill you.” She threatens. She holds the scissors in a tight grip towards Coriolanus. Grandma’am cries out in panic but she is largely ignored. 
“Let's just calm down,” Tigris soothes. 
Coriolanus rises from his spot. He could feel his rage ripple through him. 
“Drop the fucking scissors. You won’t use it.” He demands. 
“What to bet?” she spat. The scrapping of the kitchen chair breaks their standoff. 
“I am calling the Peacekeepers” Grandma’am attempts to make a break to the kitchen but she is slow in her old age. 
“Don’t!” Coriolanus growls. He wished Tigris and Grandma’am would melt into the floor so he would deal with this. 
“What a game you played, Coriolanus. So smart, so charming. It must have been exhausting for you” she mocks. “Is that what I am for you? Something you can toy with after playing Capitol pin-up boy all day?”
“I care for you, Mabel.” He admits, his face turns slightly pink from the heat of his embarrassment. He felt foolish to admit such a thing in front of his family. 
She scoffs at him, turning to Tigris. 
“Do you see?” She asks, “Do you see who he is?”
All eyes are on Tigris, who stood in silence giving her answer away. 
He had to get her back under control before she could forever ruin his and Tigris's relationship. 
“You want to go home?” Coriolanus takes a cautious step forward, “I am willing to make a trade.” 
Mabel listens.
“I hear your sister is growing up to be quite pretty. She’s too young to be of any use to me for years, so I’ll take your mother in the meantime.” 
“Coriolanus.” Tigris' voice is hard and cold.
 It felt as if a bucket of ice water had been thrown over him. But he was a Snow. Snow’s are not threatened, they are the threat. Does this District girl think she can make a fool out of him? That she could use his family to stronghold him? 
“I’ll send your mother back once your sister hits the right age.” 
“I’ll kill you.” Mabel threatens but her tone is weak, and her lips quiver. Coriolanus knew he was on the right track.
 “Don’t you understand, Mabel? Your life ended when you were placed on that train. It belongs to me now. I took you as easily as I can take them.”
“Not if you’re dead.” She declared. 
“Kill me Mabel, and it would be as if you slit their throats yourself.” 
She knew it too. That's why she never took a lunge. 
“Drop the scissors,” Coriolanus contends, “And I’ll forget it happened.” 
“Do you see him, Tigris? He’s not the boy you raised, he’s the boy you lost. Do you see?”
Coriolanus wasn’t sure when Tigris had begun crying but she stood now with her hands clapped up to her face and big, fat tears running down her face. 
“Yes,” Tigris sobbed. 
Mabel threw the scissors away from herself and Coriolanus took her arm, leading her to the bedroom before she could cause any more damage to his relationship with his cousin. He locks the door, making sure to double-check it before he hurries back to do damage control. 
Grandma’am and Tigris hadn’t left the living room. He doesn’t think they have moved since his outburst. He was so good at only showing them his best side. He hid the Snow that lurked beneath him all those years at the Academy, even the day he told them he was leaving for Peacekeeper training. All those years of self-restraint blown over by a hot-tempered girl in an afternoon. 
“Tigris,” he begins, reaching out to her but she jerks back away from him. 
“No, Coriolanus. No. I can’t sit by and watch you torment that poor girl.”
She begins to shove her work into her suitcase, throwing the scissors hard into the bottom.  
He felt a switch flip in him. She was going against him? After all he had done for her? Brought their family from ruin all off his own back. Slaved over his grades. Went to school hungry so that she could have more to eat. He got punished for cheating in the hunger games so he could win the Plinth Prize and keep a roof over her head. And now, she was going to take a District's side over him?
“Then don’t watch.” 
Coriolanus turns towards his office, the words of peace Grandma’am spewed behind him got lost in the slammed door. 
He immediately contacted a colleague who owned a collection of high-end resorts and inquired about the best apartment that he had available. His next call was to his driver and then to the Peacekeepers telling them to come inside in the next five minutes. 
When he entered Tigris' room she was already there. She begins the lecture again but this time Coriolanus is unfazed as he grabs one of her many bags and starts to shove whatever his hand touches into it. This stops her. 
The startled sound she made was new to Coriolanus. He always tried to hide his dark side to avoid scaring her, just as she always hid her panic to avoid worrying him. Tonight Mabel brought the emotions to the surface. 
“What are you doing?” she asks meekly. 
“I told you, Tigris. Mind your business or get out.”
She doesn’t stop him as he packs her things. 
“You aren’t serious. This is my home!” 
Coriolanus makes no verbal response causing Tigris to sit on her bed to absorb the blow. 
She had to leave. To save their relationship. Coriolanus planned to do much worse things to Mabel. 
Mabel too, needed to know that his family were not playthings for her. He couldn’t be seen cowering in the shadows any longer. He was the leader of the Snow family, it was time he acted like it. 
He could hear Grandma’am. Her loud, high-pitched voice quivered as it exclaimed to the Peacekeepers the events of the night. Coriolanus raced to stop her.  
“Coriolanus!” she calls as he enters the room. 
He takes her into his arms and speaks softly to the woman, “Go back a bag, Grandma'am. I’ll send the rest after you.” 
Coriolanus held her a bit tighter as she turned pale. Would shifting her from the Snow penthouse kill her? She could have her rose garden anywhere. He will ensure it. The new apartment was closer to the city anyway. This would be better for them all. 
After a moment of silence, Grandma’am stood tall. Her face was blank from emotion as she shook her youngest grandchild from her. 
“You,” she points to a Peacekeeper, “Follow me.” 
Silence overtook the room again as the sound of heavy boots and light heels made their way together. 
“Coriolanus!”His name is yelled down the hallway. “No. No, I won’t go!” 
Tigris’s screaming interrupted Mabel's banging. The noise was too much for Coriolanus, whose temper flared once more. 
“The bag is in the end room.” he seethed to the remaining Peacekeeper who took off at his command. 
Mabel screamed Tigris’s name, thinking her friend was in danger. 
“Shut up!’’ Coriolanus screamed down the hall. 
“I won’t go. I won’t leave Mabel. You can’t do this!” It was hard to hear her over Mabel’s incessant banging. 
“Please, don’t do this, Coryo. This isn’t you.” 
Tigris stills at her own words. The war-torn boy was no longer there. She wasn’t sure if the child she raised was still in there. 
The same blue eyes that used to cry with her out of hunger now glared back at her. His father's eyes. Full of hate. 
The Peacekeeper returns with the bag and gently places a hand on Tigris’s arm to lead her to the door. She goes willingly, too dazed to resist. 
Grandma’am kisses him goodbye, shadowed by the young Peacekeeper holding an impressive amount of bags given the small time frame. 
He is left alone for the first time in the Snow Penthouse. 
Mabel continued pounding the door. She was screaming but her words were muffled and Coriolanus’s ears ringed with his own consequences. 
He had got everything he wanted but it has cost him everything he had. 
The shattering of something caught his attention. He sprints to his locked bedroom door, and bangs back against the door, bringing his face up to the wood so she could hear him. 
“You hear that, Mabel? It's the sound of your only friend leaving.” 
Reaping day was finally here, and Coriolanus felt the most nervous he had ever been. Even the day of the Plinth Prize, or the first day as a Peacekeeping grunt. This was much worse. This was a situation that he couldn’t crawl his way out from. It depended entirely on Mabel. 
She took all day to prepare to the Capitol’s standards. A team of beauty technicians came around and spent hours waxing, shaping, styling, and dying. 
The Reaping was at noon and the team had been working since eight getting Mabel ready. It was well worth the effort. Her natural features were enhanced, her curls fought into submission, and the treatment on her olive skin left it glowy and smooth.
 He caught her looking at herself on reflective surfaces.
 Her dress was a plain black halter-neck dress that reached her ankles. A large white, satin bow skewed over her hip, tying together in a large bow on the opposite side. It pinned her dress together so there was a large slit that allowed for the viewing of her fine legs. Even in heels, she only reached Coriolanus’ shoulder in height.
She certainly looked the part, but could she act it? Coriolanus could tell she was worried. Her fingers fiddled with her bow, and her attention was hard to keep.
It was a big day for her, and her family. Any trouble and they were to pay the price. 
Dr. Gaul was to arrive soon. The servants stood along the wall, waiting. Mabel sat on the couch while Coriolanus paced in front of her. 
“Remember, always refer to her as Dr. Gaul. Don’t speak unless spoken to, and no backchat. Mabel, no backchat.” 
To Coriolanus’s surprise, she gives him a nod instead of an eye roll.
As if summoned, the doorbell rang and a servant was quick to attend it. 
Her small frame haunted the doorway. No longer in her lab coat, Dr. Gaul wore a maroon pantsuit that widened her broad shoulders. 
“Dr. Gaul.” Coriolanus greets but is ignored as Dr. Gual makes her way to Mabel. 
Dr. Gaul looks Mabel up and down, seeming to approve by the end of the inspection. 
“A pretty bird,” she said to no one in particular. 
Mabel’s lips pressed together. 
“Dr. Gaul, would you like a drink?” Coriolanus tries to take her gaze off Mabel. They were a team today, and Coriolanus would try and protect Mabel as much as he could. 
His tactic worked, turning Dr. Gaul from the young girl to the servant with the tray. 
All too quickly, Dr. Gaul turns her attention back to Mabel, extending her gloved hand. 
“Dr. Volumnia Gaul.” 
Mabel reaches out and accepts the handshake. 
“Dr. Gaul, I have heard lots about you.”
Dr. Gaul's eyes quickly flicker to Coriolanus before resettling on Mabel. 
“Not as much as I have heard about you, I bet.”
The Panem national anthem is heard from the television. It was the perfect opportunity to usher the pair towards the lounge and away from the conversation. 
They stand as the anthem plays. Coriolanus could barely breathe as time was swallowed by the song. It was a minute and 16 seconds of free time and Coriolanus was grateful for every second. 
All too soon Lucy Flickerman appeared on the screen and the pair followed Dr. Gauls' lead to sit. 
Servants hovered over them offering food and drink but Dr. Gaul kept careful watch of Mabel who sat, hidden by Coriolanus. 
“I am surprised at your composure, Mabel. Today must be hard for you.” Dr. Gaul provoked. 
“Not since I turned 18.” Mabel leans closer to Dr. Gaul, and Coriolanus has to refrain from yanking her back. 
“I’s rather hopeful today. Adelaide Bennet owes me money and it’s her last chance to get picked.”
Dr. Gaul smiles back at her. 
“Well let’s remain hopeful then.” Dr. Gaul returns to the television as the presenter makes his introduction. 
Mabel leans back in her seat to watch the ceremony and Coriolanus takes the opportunity to lay an arm across her shoulders to stop her from leaning forward again. 
The tributes were picked and then called on stage to be asked questions. It was a terrible idea. Most just cried or just stood there. Coriolanus made a mental note to scrap it next year. 
Dr. Gaul who normally loved to watch the dismay of tributes, shuffled in her seat towards Mabel. 
Coriolanus motioned for the servants to serve more drinks. Trying to distract any further conversation between the two. 
“Are you enjoying the Capitol, Miss Mabel?”
“Yes. I love this apartment.” Mabel quipped. Coriolanus dug his fingertips into her shoulder. 
Dr Gaul grinned at her backchat. “Well, I suppose you haven’t seen much beyond the bedroom walls.” 
Coriolanus could feel Mabel flinch under him. She had hit a sore spot but Mabel put on a brave face. 
“Is there much more beyond that?” 
Mabel and Coriolanus shared the same philosophy of never letting anyone see your weakness. 
It impressed Dr. Gaul. Coriolanus watched her from the corner of his eye as Dr. Gaul revels in all that is Mabel. 
“Whoa,” Mabel exclaimed, wanting nothing more than to switch topics, “That’s a clear winner if I ever saw one.” 
The man on the screen was large. Coming from District 2 where they trained to be victors. 
“Hmm,” Dr. Gaul agreed. 
“The interviews were a bad idea,” Coriolanus comments, trying to hide Mabel from the attention, “Prescott only has bad ideas. Why do we let him contribute?”
“Because Prescott’s father is a large contributor to the Games. We all make sacrifices for the good of the Games.” Dr. Gaul returns. 
“We also need the presenters to act more lively. Make it interesting.” 
Coriolanus engaged Dr. Gaul with further adjustments to the Reaping as long as he could while Mabel sat silent and beautiful. 
Coriolanus got nervous the closer the Reaping got to District 12. Mabel was already cracking. 
When she saw her home, would she hit a breaking point? What if she saw her family in the crowd? Could she keep her composure? 
District 4’s interviews finished and the camera shifted to District 5. 
“Mr. Snow tells me you used to wash Peacekeeper uniforms.”
Dr. Gaul had no interest in the Games. The focal point of the evening turned to Mabel. She seemed unphased, drinking liberality. 
“I did.”
Mabel takes a sip of her drink, her eyes never leaving the television. 
“I heard you had quite the reputation back in 12.” 
Coriolanus wanted to interject, to somehow change the conversation to himself but he knew it was the wrong move. Dr. Gaul would only push further if he tried to change directions. 
“Yes, I was quite the washer.” 
He was sure that was it. Mabel’s tongue would be in his hands by tomorrow.
To Coriolanus' surprise, Dr. Gaul began to laugh. A deep chuckle that turned her away from Mabel, and hunched her frame into itself. 
Her hand reached back out once she was done and patted Mabel’s knee. Mabel ignored it but her grip around her glass tightened. 
“You must come to see my laboratory one day, Mabel. Put my experiments to shame.”
Coriolanus felt a swirl of pride go through him. Dr. Gaul was jealous of his pet. 
“You’re asking the wrong person, Dr. Gaul,” Mabel says, ducking her knee from the woman’s hand. 
“Coriolanus,” Mabel directs, “What do you think?”
She had passed the ball back to him, unable to front the fire from Dr Gaul. He could kiss her for it. 
“Maybe, if you are well-behaved enough,” he replies. He takes a sip of his own drink, noticing it was untouched. He too, had to seem unbothered. 
It would never happen though. He would create as much distance as he could between Mabel and Dr. Gaul’s laboratory, He hated it himself. Mutated creatures put on display in glass cabinets. 
Sometimes when he was forced to go there the sound of screaming deafened him. Some were clearly animals, but others seemed too human to dismiss. 
Dr. Gaul began to laugh again, this time letting her company see the thin lines as they appeared on her face to accommodate her laughter. She looked odd smiling. Coriolanus preferred her when she was angry. 
“Oh!” Dr. Gaul crooned, “You’re good at games. I wish I knew that before I let this go on. Maybe you could have helped.”
Her attention was back on the television, and her usual dissatisfied expression was back on her face. 
A District 9 boy was called up on stage amongst the silence
“Yes, this year is far too gloomy to inspire Capitol glory,” Mabel gibbed. 
“Glory?” Mabel piqued Dr.Gaul's interest again, “Is that what you think the Games are for? Capitol glory?” 
Her tone conveyed she thought it was the wrong answer. 
“I think glory does more for Capitol order than sending children to fight to the death ever will.”
“And what does it do?” Dr. Gaul pushes. 
“It reminds us of our place.” Mabel was happy to end the conversation there, and Coriolanus tried to assist her by ordering the avoxes to serve lunch. But Dr. Gaul kept pushing.
“Which is?”
“The losers,” Mabel conceded. Her words sent shivers down Coriolanus’ spine. 
“We lost the war, and we’ve been in limbo between death and the afterlife ever since. Our lives became yours when the war ended. The Capitol’s toys. When you glorify the Games, it reminds us of that, more than the actual Games itself.” 
“My! I want you on the team next year” Dr. Gaul declared, “It took Coriolanus the loss of his lovely locks and a summer as a Peacekeeper to even come close to your conclusion.”
Mabel turns to him, now coming to the realization that he was Dr. Gaul’s pet as much as she was his. 
Dr. Gaul quietens as she eats the delicate food, meticulously prepared.
District 11 was halfway through their interviews. Coriolanus wondered if it was too late to drop his sleeping powder into Mabel's drink.  He could convince Dr Gaul that she had too much to drink. It would embarrass him but surely less than what he knew was to come. 
It would only reflect poorly on his training skills, but Mabel could keep her tongue for only a little bit of Coriolanus’s pride. 
It was too late, District 12 spread across the screen, and both women were no longer interested in conversation. 
“Here’s hoping for Adelaide, Miss Mabel.”  Dr. Gaul raised her drink, and Mable nodded back. 
The presenter in 12 is sluggish as he reaches for a card in the cage. Mabel looked in the crowd for her family. 
“Vera Woodsmith.”
“Ah,” Dr. Gaul mocked, “Don’t worry, Mabel. There’s other ways to get Adelaide.”
“Far be it for me to mess with fate.”
“Is that what you call it? Dr. Gaul brings her glass to her lips, but her thin smile hinders her ability to drink. “Coriolanus?” she adds. 
She was not in the habit of calling him by his first name. It shot shivers down him. 
“I don’t believe in fate,” he mutters, “Only power.”
On-screen the presenter tries to interview Vera Woodsmith but she cannot be heard over her own tears. 
The Peacekeepers take her away when she wouldn't stop wailing and the man draws the name of District 12’s male tribute. 
Coriolanus hoped it would be a past lover of Mabel’s. One less person to hold the memory that Coriolanus had fought so hard to have. 
“James Irkle”. 
The camera follows the boy as he makes his way to the stage. Shoulders up and tense, hands clasped together. His shoes were falling apart as he walked. The sole of his boot as it stuck to the hard gravel could be faintly heard over the silent audience. 
He couldn’t have been one of Mabel's past lovers. The boy was too young, barely 12. But she gasped upon his name as it was drawn.
Mabel shoots up before Coriolanus can stop her. 
“Someone you know?” Asks Dr Gaul. 
“He’s my neighbor's child,” Mabel eyes watch as the child makes his way up the stage steps, “He’s just a kid. Surely someone will volunteer.” 
She watches expectantly but no one rises. 
The presenter continued, lowering the mic stand to the boy's height so he could answer questions. 
“You can stop this.” She turns back to Coriolanus who tried his best not to let his panic show. 
“What would you have me do, Mabel? The name has already been called.” 
“Change the game, isn’t that your job? Make a new rule that it’s between 15-22. You’ll get more viewers.” 
“I am only interested in one viewer right now.”
“Coriolanus, please. He is just a boy. A good boy.” 
“Not the first good boy to die.” Dr. Gaul pushes Mabel a step too far. 
“Shut up.” Mabel snapped. Everyone knew it was the wrong move, but in her anger, she failed to catch herself. 
Dr. Gaul rose from her seat, and Coriolanus followed, unsure of what the unpredictable women planned to do. 
Dr. Gaul raised her hands as if she was going to reach out and touch Mabel but her fingers curled inwards. 
“If I could just get my hands on you.” 
“I am afraid you’re at the back of a very long line.” Mabel quips. Coriolanus wanted to reach out and cover her mouth before she could do any more damage. 
“That line keeps you safe.” 
Mabel throws her hands out, laughing humorlessly as she spins.
“Look around and you tell me how safe it has kept me.” 
Dr. Gaul smiles once more, giving Mabel one final look over before turning back to her successor. 
“An hour, Mr. Snow. I would have your bird singing an entirely different tune.”
A wave of shame overtook Coriolanus. He had failed. He was so close only to have Mabel crack at the last second.
Dr. Gaul leaves Mabel, finding a new victim in Coriolanus. 
“It looks like you still have work to do. I’ll leave you to it, Mr. Snow.” 
She pats his sore shoulder as she passes him. A shoe follows her, narrowly missing her shoulder. 
Dr. Gaul looks back in shock. She had never been bitten by an animal before. 
“Child murderer!” Mabel works on undoing her other heel and manages to pull it back to launch it before Coriolanus can restrain her. 
Dr. Gaul watches as Coriolanus wrestles Mabel to the ground, keeping a firm grip on her wrists, pinning them to her chest as he keeps her tightly against his.
A full belly laugh erupts over the sound of Mabel’s screaming. Under Dr. Gaul's stare, he wished for nothing more than to turn to ash. It reminded him so much of his father’s stare. Or at least from what he could remember. It paralyzed him like it did when he was young. 
He still felt frozen as he watched Dr. Gaul head for the door. Even when the servant closed it behind her, it offered no closure for him. 
His rage, however, slowly returned. 
“Get out. All of you get out!” He demands. 
Mabel had stopped screaming and started crying. He doesn’t release her. His fingers froze around her wrists, his shoulders would not unstiffen nor his legs untangle from hers. 
He wasn’t sure if he was holding her for her own comfort or his own. All he knew was that he couldn’t let go. 
Mabel had done far worse than he could have anticipated. She had piqued Dr. Gaul’s interest. If Mabel merely angered her, the course of action would be apparent, and it left her as the property of Coriolanus at the end of the day. But Dr. Gaul’s interest had a possessive grip. How far would she take it? Would Mabel be left one of those creatures trapped in the laboratory? Could he protect her from it? 
For the first time, Coriolanus felt a pang of guilt for having taken Mabel in the first place. 
He had plucked a flower from its stem and now it lay in his hand, slowly dying. 
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burningcheese-merchant · 5 months ago
BurningCheese Ficlet for y'all
I'm planning to take a break from AO3 for a little while, because I wrote 4 fics in 4 days and my head hurts. (I don't usually write anything this fast, but when I'm truly inspired, I'm a man on a fucking mission lol)
Here's a relatively short fic for you guys to enjoy while I'm gone. It's wholesome (for once). Hope whoever reads it enjoys it, whether they like this ship or not
Post-canon (technically), Burning Spice is no longer a threat to anyone, he's just an asshole who's down bad
"Hm? Golden Cheese eyed the envelope being handed to her critically. "And this is...?"
"For you," Burning Spice said. "It is a romantic holiday today, is it not? Is this not what couples do for one another in celebration?" "I don't recall us ever being a couple, Mr. Burning Spice," Golden Cheese muttered, crossing her arms and giving him a look. "So I'm not sure what possesses you to want to celebrate a day not meant for either of us." "You possess me, my little thief. That is all the motivation I need." He returned her look of annoyance with a look of cool confidence, giving her a flirtatious smile. "Regardless, why do you shun a heartfelt gift? Are gestures of admiration such as these not what you like to receive from others?"
"They are," Golden Cheese said, "But I can't imagine whatever you've brought to me being 'heartfelt'. In fact, I didn't realize that word even existed within your vocabulary before today." He chuckled at her little jab, much to her own furthered annoyance. "You wound me, pretty bird. Why do you judge me for my appearance? Why don't you read this and see for yourself what I am capable of?" "It's hardly your appearance. I've encountered far more brutish beings than you who turned out to be bigger sweethearts than Pure Vanilla." She sighed. "But... fine, very well. If you went to this trouble, I suppose I can entertain it this once." "Yes... please do, my little thief." His smile grew bigger. "Entertain me."
She narrowed her eyes at him, but otherwise did nothing to challenge him further and took the envelope into her hands. It was surprisingly fancy; adorned with intricate little patterns that she recognized to be commonplace in Wild Spice artistry. When she opened it, the smell of spice reached her nose, causing her to sneeze. Burning Spice chuckled again, and she shot him a disapproving glare. He gave her a look of endearment, his eyes twinkling with mirth and mischief. He did not speak, but he did not need to; she knew exactly what he meant by that face, for he'd given it to her before, along with the words meant to describe it. You're so adorable when you sneeze.
Not wanting to encourage this sentiment any further, she turned her attention back to the envelope and pulled out the letter inside. A pale reddish-orange, scented with nutmeg and tumeric. The words were written with black ink - in quite good handwriting, much to her surprise. A very quick skim told her it was a poem. She brought her eyes back to the very top and started again, reading it diligently, word for word:
"You flaunt your beauty in the rose, your glory in the dawn, Your sweetness in the nightingale, your whiteness in the swan. You haunt my waking like a dream, my slumber like a moon, Pervade me like a musky scent, possess me like a tune. Yet, when I crave of you, my sweet, one tender moment's grace, You cry, 'I sit behind the veil, I cannot show my face'. Shall any foolish veil divide my longing from my bliss? Shall any fragile curtain hide your beauty from my kiss? What is this war of thee and me? Give o'er the wanton strife. You are the heart within my heart, the life within my life."
Golden Cheese's mouth hung slightly agape by the time she finished, her face hot and cheeks flushed so red that she was certain it could be seen even all the way back home. "Burning Spice," she began. "I..." "You...?" he asked back, clearly enjoying the look on her face far too much. She stood silent for a moment longer before she collected herself. "It's... this is lovely," she said. "I don't know what to say. I... I truly did not think you were ever capable of something like this." "That's alright, pretty bird. Your eyes say enough." Oh, if only that blasted smile of his would fall away already. It was making her feel even stranger. "You and your people aren't the only ones with silver tongues in your mouths."
She hadn't been insulting the Wild Spices earlier, she had been insulting him - but even so, she had no choice but to admit her folly. "Fair enough," she said. "I was wrong to judge you so harshly. If I may gift you with something in return, it's with me saying that this would fit in among the works of my own kingdom's finest poets." "Would it, now? Such high praise, coming from you," Burning Spice purred. "But I'm afraid I'd rather you gift me with something else." "Oh?" She tilted her head at him. "And what would that be?" He answered her by coming closer, closer, until they stood toe to toe and his face was not so far from hers anymore. "I think you know," he said. He cupped her chin. "Or shall you let a veil divide us any longer?"
At this, Golden Cheese said nothing. She only let him tilt her head up gently, and her eyes flutter shut, as he leaned down and captured her lips with his own. Burning Spice kissed her sweetly, tenderly - so unlike what she expected of him, such a feeling and taste she never thought she'd find within spice like his. He licked at her lips, soft but still forceful enough to be noticed, politely asking for entry - and she obliged him, parting her lips and sighing into their kiss as his tongue slipped into her mouth and caressed her own. She felt a hand touch hers, rough fingers ghost against her skin, and she obliged him again, taking his hand into her own and lacing their fingers together. When they parted, he lingered there for a little while longer, their now half-lidded eyes locked and foreheads touching. The fire that always burned so bright in his eyes was now brought down to a smolder, reminding her more of the warmth of a fireplace than a scorching inferno. She could still feel his breath, taste it: hot and spicy, a shock to her senses. But... it wasn't so bad. It wasn't bad at all, actually. ...But he didn't need to know that. She'd fed his ego enough for one day.
"My little golden thief," he purred. "I thank you. Your gift is as lovely as mine." "...You're welcome," she murmured. "But... don't expect any more like it." "I won't," he said, that familiar sharp-toothed smile creeping back across his face, "Just the same as you expected me to give you something crude and mediocre." Her eyes widened and her eyebrows shot up in surprise, both at his words and the little jab hidden behind them. She opened her mouth to retort - but he cut her off before she could by kissing her again. Lightning fast, but still hot and rough, stealing the breath from her lungs. When he pulled back, that godforsaken grin came back in full force, stretching from ear to ear. "See?" he asked playfully. She chose not to respond this time, instead only huffing at him. Such audacity need not be dignified in such a manner. (And it wasn't because she had no real rebuttal to give him. Really. Honest.)
He gave her hand a squeeze before letting it go and stepping back again, giving her back her personal space. "Well, then," he said. "I shall give you one last gift by allowing you to enjoy the rest of this day on your own terms." "How kind of you, Burning Spice," Golden Cheese said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Once again, you surprise me with your words and actions." "Golden Cheese..." He turned his back and peeked at her from over his shoulder, his eyes burning bright once again. "I intend to keep surprising you as many times as you'll allow." With that said, he turned and began walking away. She watched him leave with her arms crossed, staring daggers at the back of his head as he left. Finally, she was free. No more of his nonsense; she can bask in light and peace again.
And yet, his parting words still rang in her ears. "I intend to keep surprising you as many times as you'll allow." Just where did he get this brazenness from? Wherever he cultivated it, she wanted the earth salted and burned. After everything that's happened, after her granting him a goddess's mercy by allowing him to continue existing in her life after all was said and done, and he repays her with this never-ending foolishness? Well, she could commend his stubbornness, if nothing else. But this time was a step too far. This was the first Valentine's Day gift she's ever received from him, and it shall be the last. Next time, she will turn him away without remorse. Won't she?
She turned her eyes back to the paper in her hand. To the beautiful envelope that had housed it. To the poem inscribed on the page, that serenaded her without making a single sound. Golden Cheese, against her own better judgment, brought the poem back closer to her face and read it a second time. When she finished, she tucked it back into the envelope - carefully, so it wouldn't tear. And then she sighed. ...No. No, she won't.
The poem here is "Humayun to Zobeida" from the poetry collection "The Golden Threshold" (bet you know why I chose a poem from there lol), all written by Indian poet Sarojini Naidu. Please check it out if/when you can, her works are lovely and you can read them for free online (also a lot of the poems give me BurningCheese feels, especially "To the God of Pain")
Y'all let me know if you enjoyed this, I thought of a sequel and I'll write and post it if you want
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just-jordie-things · 2 years ago
Hiiiii I love all your writing sooo much !!!!!!!!! Pls can you do No.26 with Yuta I am so obsessed with him rn..... the brainrot is too much
i'm obsessed w/ jealous kisses in party settings 26: Jealous Kiss **aged up characters!!** **cw: yuuta calls you a slut but it's in a hot way. also it's not full smut but this is smutty asf. i got quite carried away. this shit is delicious. ___
yuuta is so friendly. it was something that had attracted you to him when you first met, the way he'd gotten you both lost in conversation like you'd been old friends, how polite he was, you were drawn to him right away.
but you're realizing now that you were not the only recipient of this kindness.
"you're gonna break that cup"
you jolt from your frozen stupor, turning to look at yuuji, before looking down at the red plastic cup in your hands. it crinkled in your grip, parts of it jutting out at sharp angles that could snap the plastic if you kept it in the vice of your hand.
"oh" you mumble to yourself, relaxing your grip, before throwing back the drink and swallowing the bitter alcohol hard.
yuuji's eyes widened in astonishment at your bold displeasure. he'd come over to you because you were hanging out by yourself, and this was a party, so he thought he'd come keep you company. but as soon as he was within a few feet of you, he could practically feel rage emanating off of you in thick waves.
"you uh... you okay?" he asked as your jaw locked up, your teeth gritting together roughly.
you turned towards the pink haired boy again, your features brightening as you gave him a pleasant smile along with your attention. but the smile didn't reach your eyes. they remained hard, an anger buried in them that yuuji didn't understand but was frightened by.
"course i am," you say, your tone as chipper as your fraudulent smile. "it's a party"
you take another swig of your drink, yuuji's eyes following the jerky movement with concern.
"you just seem, uh, a little upset," he says, raising a hand to the back of his neck nervously. "did something hap-"
"you wanna dance with me?" you ask him suddenly, before he can finish his question.
he blinks, eyes wide in surprise, but yuuji's a good friend, and he supposes his intentions when he came over to you had been to make sure you were having a good time, so he nods back at you with a smile.
not needing more confirmation than that, you grab him by the hand and drag him into the living room where the music is the loudest.
coincidentally, you strut right past yuuta and whoever the chick was that he was talking to. you don't pay him any attention as you brush right past him, towing yuuji behind you, right on display.
you do, however, feel his eyes follow you as you walk off. they burn into the back of your head, but the sensation fades away quickly. you assume the glare is being targeted at your new dance partner, now.
yuuji's fun to dance with. you're kind of surprised when it turns out he actually has a sense of rhythym, and he also seems to know all the songs blasting through the speakers, singing along with glee while he twirls you under his arm and spins you around.
you've never really let loose like this, but your jealousy had mixed beautifully with the alcohol in your system and dancing seemed to be just what your body needed.
your hands run up your body, into your hair, throwing it to the top of your head before letting it fall as the beat you're feeling yourself to drops, and you even find yourself singing along with yuuji.
and poor yuuji, he thinks he's doing you a service with his company. he'd just thought you were bored at a party, and as a good friend was happy to dance with you if that's how you wanted to enjoy your time. he has no idea that when you press the front of your body into his and throw your arms around his neck that you're pretty much putting a mark on him. he thinks you're enjoying yourself! he thinks you're feeling the wonderful music of shakira as you grin up at him and roll your hips from side to side.
sure maybe he should have found the sensual move a little out of character for you, but it's shakira! and he can't argue that hips don't lie is a beat you just have to roll your body in tune with. so sure, he's matching your movements with his hands on your waist.
but his intentions are nothing but respectful! and honestly, yuuji's having genuine fun with you. he's never seen you so carefree before, you were always the reserved upperclassman he'd honestly been a little afraid of when he first met you. like maki, there was a confidence about you that told him you could be a force to be reckoned with. so to him, he was happy to get to know you better.
unbeknownst to him, yuuta was across the room with something buzzing through his bloodstream that he could only describe as violent. he didn't know yuuji all that well yet, but he didn't feel like he needed to know more than what he was seeing right now.
and right now, his girl was grinding her hips against yuuji's, while her hands carded through his undercut and then into the longer strands of pink hair.
when this little performance first began, yuuta tried to pay it no mind, and continue the conversation he'd been having with a girl from the kyoto school, but eventually his attention just couldn't be torn away from you, and he had to apologize to her before she walked off to the kitchen for another drink.
he'd remained glued to his spot at the wall with the other non-dancers and people trying to mingle, watching your every move as you danced with yuuji like you thought that was okay.
yuuta's not a possessive person- of course not! you weren't exactly his, perse, but he knew you had to admit that the lingering touches and longing eye contact had meant something. he knew that you knew there was something more than friendship between you- and now here you were twirling yourself under yuuji's arm, and pressing your back to his chest.
his last straw should've snapped long before now, but the slow drag of your hips, and ass, against yuuji was just far too much, and yuuta's moving before he can think through what he's even going to do when he gets to you both.
you turn again, throwing your head back as you belt out your favorite line of the song, and you miss the way yuuji's face is flushed from just how loose you'd let yourself become, because over his shoulder you see the holder of the attention you really craved coming towards you in fast strides.
your eyes meet over yuuji's shoulder, and you slither your hand across the back of yuuji's shoulder blades just because yuuta's clearly watching you now, before you turn your focus back to your dance partner.
you give him a wide grin, taking note of his pink cheeks and nervous smile.
"thanks for dancing with me," you say, still rolling your hips to the beat. "but i'm parched, so i'm gonna go"
yuuji nods back at you, and you stand on the tips of your toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek before heading off through the crowd. your eyes lock on yuuta's from across the room before you're heading for the stairs. he picks up his pace to follow you before you can escape from his sights.
the boy you left is standing still on the dance floor, completely lost by what had just happened, but hey, he wasn't complaining.
"you know you're gonna die, right?"
he jolts as he turns around, seeing maki behind him, nobara giggling under her arm.
"yuuta's going to kiiil youuu~" nobara drunkenly sing-songs, sending maki into a fit of giggles too.
meanwhile, once you're upstairs, you're pushing into the first open door you can, finding yourself in the bathroom. you barely had time to catch your breath from your eager dancing before the door is swinging open again. not to your surprise, yuuta's entering the bathroom, too.
"yuuta!" you gasp in a mock-scolding tone, although a smirk of intrigue curls on your lips. "i could have been peeing!"
the door's shutting behind him with a swift kick of his foot and the loud slam make you jump a bit. however the slam of the door is nothing compared to your surprise when yuuta's towering over you, grabbing you by the waist in a fast, rough movement. your breath hitches in your throat, which is what makes you squeak when he's pressing you back against the sink's counter.
"what the hell was that?" he mutters in your face, and he's practically glowering down at you, but it's making you weak in the knees.
he's so close to you that your senses are flooded by him, the smell of his cologne and the rum on his breath wafting in your nose, and you have to fight to keep your eyes focused on his.
"what was what?" your voice lilts as you tease, fluttering your eyelashes at him.
it's safe to say he doesn't find it cute, or maybe he does. either way, he's lifting you by your hips and planting you on the counter, only to pull you close to it's edge. and either way, he's man handling you, and you're falling for it.
moving like it's second nature, you rest your arms around his shoulders. you want to run your hands in his hair, you want to grab him by his neck and kiss him fucking senseless, but you don't. you're too curious to see just how riled up you'd gotten him by dancing with yuuji, and so far you quite like where it's going.
"you know exactly what i'm fucking talking about" yuuta snaps back at you, his hands grabbing you by the thighs, tugging you again until you're chest to chest, your legs hooked at his hips.
you want to catch your breath, but you'd have to take in heavier breaths, and you don't want to give him the satisfaction of making you pant so easily.
"i don't think i do, yuu," you feign confusion as you peer up at him from under your lashes. "but you must've followed me for a reason"
you tilt your chin up at him as you present him with a sweet smile that he wants to wipe off your smug face.
his hands grip tight at your thighs in an attempt to channel his anger, but as he leans into you, only to stop before giving you what you wanted, he can't help but run them up your legs and back to your hips.
a small whimper dies in your throat as you try to tilt forward enough to kiss him, but one of his hands snatches you by the nape of your neck, drawing you back before you could be successful.
your brows furrow as you pout.
"you grind on yuuji and expect me to kiss you?"
you smirk up at him with pride.
"so you are jealous," you muse. "i wasn't so sure,"
yuuta's fingers twitch and flex against your waist.
"yuuta, i would've happily danced with you," you tell him, fluttering your lashes again, just to be a tease, just to remind him again of why he was really here. "but you were so busy with that girl, and yuuji was there, and, well, he was more than happy to keep me company-"
"if you don't stop fucking talking about itadori i swear to god (y/n) i'll-"
"you'll what?" you ask breathlessly, your eyes glittering with excitement, and mischief. your pupils are blown wide as you stare up at him, and goddamnit you're so pretty when you're acting so needy for him.
yuuta hates this game, he really, really does, but if he gave in to you this easily, how would you learn your lesson?
"so what, i talked to one person and you think it's okay to be act like a slut with the underclassmen?"
"you were being a slut first" you mumble back pathetically.
"well for the record, that girl was asking for maki's number. she's gay," yuuta tells you, and now your face feels hotter than before, because that little piece of information made this whole thing a little embarassing. maybe more than a little. "and while we're on that record, you're not allowed to dance like that with anyone. ever"
he mutters it into your ear, warm breath fanning over your neck in such a blissful sensation that you're shutting your eyes and rolling your head back lazily.
"okay" you breathe out, compliant to any instruction he had for you.
"and after this, you're not going to talk to itadori for the rest of the night" yuuta says, ghosting his lips over the side of your neck.
despite trying to keep some of your resolve, you can't keep your hands from grabbing his shoulders, gripping onto them for dear life.
"okay" you repeat, your chest rising and falling as you try desperately to catch your breath that you hadn't had control of since you'd gotten to this bathroom.
"you're going to stay right with me for the rest of the night, since clearly you need someone to keep an eye on you"
he punctuates his last rule by pressing his open mouth against the side of your throat, kissing and sucking at your skin slowly. you hum through a soft moan, feeling your heart beat in your ears at the new sensation.
when yuuta deems the mark on your neck warning enough to itadori and the rest of the party-goers that had watched your little display of a dance, he pulled away.
your hooded eyes meet his for only a moment before he's slamming his lips into yours. you both moan at the sudden impact, and your hands finally grab at his neck, pulling him further, further against you until your legs are crossed at the ankles around his hips, and he's making you lean back with how his tall stature towers over you.
between heated kiss you're panting for breath, moaning in pleasure as the tension that had been growing between you finally, finally snapped. one of his hands is tangled in your hair, keeping your lips firmly on his, not that you'd ever pull away from his intoxicating mouth, and the other is pushing up the hem of your shirt so that he can grip the bare skin of your hip.
he bites experimentally at your bottom lip, smiling to himself with satisfaction as you moan into his mouth, your hips stuttering up against his. he rolls his tongue over the now sensitive plump of your lip before he's pulling your hips into his again, grinding into you shamelessly.
"yuuta~" his name rolls off your tongue in a moan so pretty you have him whimpering into your mouth, before he's reaching to tilt your head back so he can deepen your kiss further.
yuuta licks his way into your mouth with abandon, dominating over yours before you could even try to return the favor. he maps out your mouth like he's a lost man, and when he pulls away, there's a lewd string of saliva connecting your mouths.
he takes a proper look at you now, at your rocking hips, your heaving chest, disheveled hair, swollen lips, and finally, when you open your eyes, he thinks your blown pupils and heavy eyelids have him at another loss of air.
you give him a lazy, drunken smile, before you're fisting the material of his shirt to pull him in close again. you prod your nose against his before giving him a long, slow kiss. your hands relax against his chest, before smoothing down his abdomen. you just barely ghost over the bulge in his pants before he's pulling out of your kiss and tugging you against him before your hands can wander further.
you pout up at him prettily, and he can't believe what he's about to say.
"not here," he mumbles into your mouth, before stealing a kiss. "later"
you whine into his mouth as you chase his lips before he could go too far. you're making it hard on him, that's for sure, but this whole thing started because you clearly get a kick out of making him suffer over you, so this shouldn't come as a surprise to him.
"we should go back," he sighs into your mouth, sloppy kissing you with his open mouth.
your hands are pulling at the hem of his shirt, before they explore the skin underneath. he's shuddering under your touch, and it takes a great effort to remind himself of why he can't hook up with you right here in this bathroom. who's house was his again?
your fingertips drag over every inch of his skin as you nibble playfully on his bottom lip. he hums in pleasure at the feeling, understanding now why you had seemed to like it so very much.
did he lock the door when he'd come in here?
"fuck- okay- we have to-" he tries to the best of his ability to pull his lips off of yours, but they're addicting. rum and cherry flavored, soft, hot. "baby- we have to go back"
you sigh in irritation, but ultimately give in as you lean back, your back hitting the mirror behind you. yuuta's also huffing as he begrudgingly pulls his hands off of your hips.
you look at each other for a minute, taking in the other's swollen mouth and blown pupils. you both know if you leave the bathroom like this, everyone will know exactly what happened.
(you forget that the love bite he'd left on your neck is damning evidence enough)
your legs are shaky when you finally slide off the counter, but yuuta's arm is a firm presence around your hips as he pulls you out of the bathroom, keeping you completely tucked against his side.
it seems all of your peers' eyes are on you as you both make your way down the stairs. the rest of the party is in full swing, but those who know the both of you follow your movements with wide eyes and open jaws.
you pay them no mind, whispering into yuuta's ear to let him know just how much you'd like to dance with him now. your lips brush his earlobe before you plant a kiss at the spot on his neck just underneath it. yuuta agrees to the offer instantaneously.
however unbeknownst to you, his eyes are focused on a certain pink haired boy that was staring right back at him.
yuuji swallowed nervously while yuuta let you press a sweet trail of kisses down his neck, blissfully unaware of yuuji's watchful eyes- you were blissfully unaware of anyone in the room. the younger boy could see the red and purple mark on your neck and he'd known exactly that it's purpose had been served as soon as he saw it.
he was quick to find megumi and leave the room to hang out in another part of the house. he was too afraid of the warning looks yuuta would send him while he danced with you.
but of course you were happily lost in the feeling yuuta's hands on your hips as he followed the push and flow of your body rocking to the beat.
and poor yuuji spent the rest of the night thinking he was hiding from yuuta, when in reality the two of you left that party after only one dance, feeling your tension would be better released in the privacy of your car. ____
a/n" y'all i got CARRRIED AWAYYY JESUSCHRIST also i can't write smut i'm too awkward at it but if anyone wants to make a smutty second part to this or their own smutty rendition of this PLS do and PLS tag me bc. like. i need it now. i had hips don't lie on repeat for so long while i wrote this bc it was just too good for the move and the tension.
xoxo ~ jordie
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 months ago
Freebie!!! With good vibes and cookies 🍪🌟
You ordered a spicy chicken wrap and some ice water with lemon, but he wasn't satisfied until you were actually eating. Once he was mollified, he let himself pay attention to his own meal. He had a million questions.
But- he had to tread carefully. It made him feel like he was trying to coax a feral cat. Or disarm a bomb. Two things he'd never been good at. Still, he knew two things now he didn't know before. The kid was healthy and the date of your next appointment.
And you hadn't sent him away. He'd also never seen you eat anything spicy before. Maybe the kid liked spicy food. Or maybe he just never paid attention. "What else are you doing today?" he asked.
"Thought I'd try and get some cleaning done. Try and get some writing done. Take Trigger to the dog park," you answer, pushing a stack of napkins at him when his burger starts to fall apart.
"Thanks- Figured you'd want to go shopping. Get some baby things," he ventured.
You shake your head, "I don't- next week," you tell him. "Had to pay mom's allowance early to keep her over there."
Logan felt himself frown reflexively, "Wade throw in his share?"
You shrug, "You know how it goes. It's not like being Marvel Jesus comes with steady pay. But I have some freelance money coming and- well. It doesn't really matter. It's not-" You break off and shake your head, "I'll figure it out. I always do."
"Y/N," he said, cringing when the growl in his voice made you pull back. "It's not just you that did-"
"You made it pretty clear you didn't want this, Logan," you murmur, looking out the window. "Before I even knew what was happening."
"And if I could, I'd-"
"But you can't," you tell him. "And how am I supposed to know you won't just-" You shake your head and slide out of the booth, leaving your half-finished plate on the table. Stalking back to the ladies room. Hoping he won't follow. Not right now.
Fuck. He scrubbed his hands over his face and gulped down his drink, signaling for another to show he wasn't leaving and followed you. If diplomacy wasn't doing it- if words were going to keep getting him in trouble- it was time to try something else. He was just glad the bar was dead.
He opened the door carefully and found you leaning on the sink. Griping the counter so hard your knuckles were white. And he spun you around, hefting you up as he reached behind him and locked the door.
"I'm a fucking idiot," he growled, claiming your mouth in a kiss that burned his lips as he pushed your knees apart to stand between your legs. "I panicked like a stupid kid," he said, pulling back and resting his forehead on yours, giving you space to tell him 'no'. "I thought it would be better for you if I walked away from you. And now every time I look at you I can't fuckin' breathe."
He can hear your heart. He can smell tears welling up. But your hands are fisted in his shirt. And he rests his forehead on yours. "Listenin' to you tell people this ain't my kid- that you don't know who their daddy is," he huffed a laugh. "Fuck. I know it doesn't hurt as bad as what I did but- it's a gut punch, Princess."
"I'm so fucking mad at you," you tell him, voice breaking. "And I'm so fucking scared."
"Hey," he breathed, cradling your face in his hands and wiping tears away with his thumbs, "shhh." He kissed you again, more gently this time, "I'm not goin' anywhere, baby. Okay? I'm gonna show you that. I just need you to give me one more chance."
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bedtimescenarios · 5 months ago
Hii! You asked for prompts to stay motivated, so I thought I'd share my all time favorite as a possible request?
I'm a SUCKER for an injured whumpee who's incredibly scared of the caretaker, not understanding that they just want to help them! Maybe they lash out or try to run away and have to be held down to receive the medical care they desperately need, with the caretaker trying to comfort them as best as they possibly can... You know?
/nf of course!! Have a great day!!
This is my first time requesting whump stuff, I hope I'm doing everything right aaa
hey there, anon!! thank you so much for the prompt:) it's actually helped me get to writing, and it's even a bit different from my usual stories, so i had an opportunity to diversify my writing!!
i hope you like this and that it fits the prompt well enough, and thanks again!
p.s i am supposed to be sleeping and have written this at 2 am. if there's any mistakes in there or something that needs to be re-done please let me know😭
. . .
As the door swings open with a squeak, Whumpee instinctively presses their back into the wall and lowers their head. Whumper must have had a bad day, otherwise he would've let them heal before another session. They're not getting that luxury now, they think, as the wounds on their body throb and sting with the reminder of their situation. They prepare themselves. They unclench their jaw so they won't bite down on their tongue, shifting so their knees are facing outwards,- they'd rather endure another leg fracture than be nauseous all week- and they tightly shut their eyes.
The voice that rings out is different.
They don't raise their head, but they hear the person's next footstep resound closer. Another one is their cue to cower, pressing an arm against their bleeding abdomen. Did Whumper send someone else to hurt them? Oh, God, he sent someone to finish them off. He got bored, they're finally going to die, or worse-
"Whumpee, I'm not here to hurt you." The voice says, as if reading their mind, and Whumpee takes note of the apparent gentleness of it. A trick.
They look up through the fallen strands of hair stuck to their forehead, trying to assess the amount of danger- no, pain- they're about to be in. A man stands a few feet away, and they quickly identify him as the owner of the voice. Fuck, he's strong, Whumpee thinks as they notice his buff, tall build. He could break their wrist bare handedly, without much effort. Their eyes slowly trail up to his face, noting the short, dark dreads pulled back into a ponytail that ensures an unperturbed view of his surroundings. Increased efficiency and a boost in fun. I can pair your screams with clear images, Whumper used to say.
Caretaker's obsidian eyes meet Whumpee's, and they imagine him saying that same thing to them. They ignore his manipulative attempt at an empathetic, pitying glance. Having been through this too many times already, they can recognize it from a mile away. They just want their break, at least until their wounds close. And they won't let this random stranger take it away from them. Their gaze hardens slightly, yet it's still tinged with raw fear.
"I'm Caretaker. I won't hurt you, I swear- Just- Whumpee, we need to get you to a hospital."
Another lie. But... taking them to another location? No, no no no. Whumpee's hand clenches around their wounds. Another lonely gathering of walls where their screams will echo for eternity. Whumper is giving them away for good. They're so, so tired. Death suddenly doesn't sound as bad.
Alarms blare inside Whumpee's mind, turning their world to hues of red. They feel their veins burn with adrenaline, and before they know it, they're on their feet, scratching at Caretaker's face. They use all their strength, a final attempt at freedom- one way or another. Like a wounded rabbit scratching at the fox whose jaw is clenched upon its ears.
They expect a hard blow to their temple. Or the sharp prick of a syringe. But nothing comes, except for pressure pulling their hands away from the man's face. As they're pulled away, writhing in the grip, they internally swear at themselves for omitting the possibility of backup. Only when their arms are held firmly to their sides is it that they notice themselves trembling, and only when the two people next to them lower them to their ground do they realize how much of an effort each move is. How much pain each shift brings.
As the people behind them hold them still, hands quickly shuffling through a first aid kit, they can finally make out Caretaker's expression. Beyond bloody streaks, his face is painted with genuine shock- or simply incredible acting. He doesn't step forward again as Whumpee sobs in terror, their eyes glassy and breathing labored. Though, if they look closely enough, they can distinguish tears at the corners of his eyes too. He tilts his head, and the corners of his mouth turn upwards softly.
"Shh...It's okay. We'll make you all better, and you'll be able to trust again sometime."
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six-eyed-samurai · 4 months ago
HEHEHEHEH >:3 all im saying is rindou x popular!reader? like bratty and full of herself. REGINA GEORGE. REGINA GEORGE READER. but not actually
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A/N: PLEB MY BELOVED TERIYAKI PEACH I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG YOU ALREADY KNOW MY EXAMS AND SHIT BUT RAAAAAH ALSO I NEVER WATCHED MEAN GIRLS (the number of people about to murder me rn) SO I HOPE I'M ACCURATE, PLEASE ENJOY IN RETURN FOR THE VIP I LOVE YOU TO PLUTO AND BACK (Did someone say mushrooms? Well, I am a fun-guy- get it? GET IT?!) WARNINGS: Swearing and breaking the fourth wall. Nowhere says the Haitani brothers attend high school, but nowhere also says they don't, so here they do.
🌸First of all, let this be known that the one and only Haitani Ran came up with that title and is responsible for the whole story below (or so he claims, because I did about 80% of the work typing this out).
🌸You meeting each other was probably inevitable - the Haitani brothers the head delinquents of Roppongi, you the literal head of every single popular girl clique.
🌸Do you hit off at once? Absolutely not. You made a very cutting comment about Rindou’s hair, even after your terrified girlfriends (minions) warned you about who he was and similarly Rindou called you a wannabe with fake Prada and your makeup was smudged.
🌸What a great start to a friendship! From that day onwards every time you both caught side of each other it was snarky jab after snarky jab at each other’s hair, clothes, shoes, speech, grades, lunch, anything you both could think of.
🌸Rindou hates you because you’re just such a prissy, spoilt princess brat with hella nice hair. You just hate him because who does he think he is to insult your fashion taste? So what if he’s a total bad boy delinquent? What about it?
🌸Ran thinks it’s hilarious. Rindou cannot not talk about you even when you’re not around, even if it’s just the repetitive complaints of your usual petty annoyingness, and gee, Rin-Rin, are you really that obsessed with them that you even still think about what colour their nail polish are in the middle of a fight? It’s almost worth missing a nap, Ran decides, when he can record Rindou spluttering out protests and declarations that you’re the ugliest, nastiest girl he’s ever met.
[Ran turns the camera to his face] I think my brother is a kindergartener afraid that girls have cooties. Sigh, he was supposed to be the more mature of the two of us.
🌸Even your traitorous girl clique were shipping you both! Even after you told them to shut up! Ugh! You don’t need them to stalk out his socials, you don’t need them yammering about how you always greet him in the corridors (”Did a dog shit on your shoes, Haitani?”), you don’t need them taking pictures/photoshopping you both together. Just, ew.
🌸Once again, so what if both your rivalry was turning into a…really weird obsession?
🌸You were pretty sure you hated Rindou with a burning passion, but one day you caught yourself studying your figure in the mirror, judging - judging?! - your own outfit by his standards: what sort of comments would he make this time? Is he going to jibe that you had finally found a skirt shorter than you? Are you actually wondering if he’d like it?!
🌸You CANNOT be seriously breaking one of the sacred rules of no pink on Wednesdays right now either just because Rindou had once made a muttered remark this being the only thing that looked good on you.
🌸Rindou was quite certain as well that if he could, he’d run a bus over your snobby ass but…here he was, cringing at whatever made him stop by the roadside asking if you needed a ride home since it was raining. Not because he cared or whatever. He hoped you got soaked to the bone sitting on the back of his motorbike. And that your hair gets messed up from wearing his helmet.
🌸You treating him to the boba cafe that nearly opened the next day was also strictly returning a favor so you didn’t have to owe your biggest nemesis. In fact, HE should owe you for making you wash his stupid jacket that he had forced you to wear that night as protection from the storm.
🌸Rindou sasses you right back, but yes, he supposes he owes you another drink. And another. And another. And another.
🌸At this point it’s so obvious the only reason none of you have admitted you’re practically dating already is because of your egos and reputations.
🌸That is, until one day when you’re strolling home by yourself and scrolling on your phone to scoff at Rindou liking your latest photo, A FEW DAYS AFTER YOU POSTED, you’re cornered by several members of a gang with a grudge to settle with the Haitani brothers - what better way to do so than to target Rindou’s girlfriend (see, if they were targeting Ran, they’d have to target every girl in the neighborhood, playboy that he is).
🌸Now you might be a prissy mean girl but that don’t mean you can’t kick ass physically. One of them made the stupid mistake of trying to grab your arm and EW, WRECKED YOUR NAILS? You slapped him pretty hard for that…and the rest too, with your new handbag, which made you even more pissed off, because hello, that shit was designer?!
🌸Also, congratulations, you've managed to make them all extremely self conscious while unconscious with your jibes about their appearances.
🌸Unfortunately that can't help you when more of them show up and you're outnumbered. At least you're going out with a bang…but not in the way you think when Rindou’s motorbike suddenly plows through them, engines revving, an irritated expression on his face.
“The only one who gets to piss my girlfriend off is me, so hands off.”
🌸Most people would've thanked him once he was finished knocking them all out but you immediately start berating him for taking so long in arriving.
”You really took your sweet time driving here, so of course I just decided to head home myself! I didn't need you to accompany me!”
He rolls his eyes because if he ignores your ungratefulness he can see your fingers trembling as you picked the items fallen from your bag, evidence of you still being shaken up. This (bratty) behaviour was just your…coping mechanism? Or maybe just typical you. “Then how'd you get surrounded so easily?”
“How was I to know people wanna beat me up today?!”
“You know what, stuff it and get on the bike. I'm taking you home whether you want me to or not.”
You stuff it and get on the bike. Rindou only uses that tone when he's worried.
🌸Aaand then it's only when you're on your doorstep do you realize what he had said.
🌸Rindou sees you frozen and raises an eyebrow. “What is it this time?”
“You called me your girlfriend.”
“So I did. You're not? Aren't we going on dates and everything? Sorry, “outings just between the two of us”?”
“We never talked it out or agreed on anything official!”
“I didn't know we needed to file a form and get a stamp of approval in order to go out.”
“OMG, you're so annoying I can't even - fine, I’ll…be your girlfriend. The moment you get a better haircut.”
“WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE! Ugh, gotta go redo my makeup now.”
“Stop talking about my hair then, before you look at yours.”
He's still smirking as he leaves.
🌸So now Rindou has not one but two divas in his life. He can't decide which of you is the lesser evil, because on one hand he has Ran killing his wallet with all his dye jobs and on the other you're demanding his wallet for that new pair of heels he's pretty sure will break in less than a day.
🌸What are dates like? You dragging him off to clothing/shoes/jewelry stores, mall dates where you empty him of all cash on dessert and boba, going to the latest trending cafe while you judge everyone around you, spill all the gossip at school and naturally, talk about yourself (Rindou secretly eats your cake and zones out when the last one happens).
🌸If you've seen that reel of someone digging a hole in their cake to secretly reach the other person's cake…you know what Rindou does now.
🌸However both you and Rindou's favourite kind of date is when you're just driving around aimlessly in your shiny sports car with the wind blowing through the windows and the only fights are over your music choices: popular ones from Instagram (you) and whatever strikes Rindou's fancy.
🌸Has Ran attempted to gatecrash your dates and plead to drive your car? Absolutely. Have you let him? No. It's one of the few things you and Rindou agree on.
🌸You can be pretty annoying with that full of yourself attitude, “camera eats first!” mindset and double meaning words, but it's only annoying because Rindou has to go clean up your messes and apologize - apologize - to whoever was dumb enough to incur your wrath lest you get into trouble (for the millionth time). You'd never admit it, but you'd stopped directing any of that bxxchiness at him a long time ago.
🌸For anyone that did something wrong to Rindou though? Hell hath no fury like a woman with an ego bigger than Jupiter and a protective instinct for her man.
🌸If Japan has prom, you both would be crowned king and queen. If someone's hosting a party, you both would be the ones rocking the dance floor. If any of this happened, it's because you forced Rindou and he can't say no, however much he grumbles.
🌸First kiss was probably during some heated argument in front of everyone and Rindou claims he only instigated it because he wanted to shut you up. You reveled in the gossip that came with such a scandalous affair but yes, he took you very aback with the “Because I love you, dumbass?!”
🌸(Ran recorded everything and posted it on his super secret fan account following his favorite crack ship, the two of you.)
🌸Rindou doesn’t strike me as the jealous type. He KNOWS, however full of shit you are, you ain’t going to leave him for any of those losers just staring at your ass. To him they’re just minor annoyances, like flies - bothersome, but easily dealt with. Besides, who’s crazy enough to take THE Haitani’s girlfriend?
🌸You don’t get jealous much either, or so you claim. It’s quickly proven false whenever you snap spitefully at any girl who dares to lay a manicured hand on him - you won’t even tolerate your own girlfriends. You’re proud of the fact he’s so attractive, but that makes you even more possessive, because some deep, dark, insecure part of you is afraid he’d leave you for a similar girl, because surely there’s no difference between you and them. Just petty, bratty, arrogant mean girls.
🌸”I’m just going to get this tattooed on you, because for the hundredth time, sweetheart, I’m not going to leave you for some airhead bimbo. You’re more than just a face, and yeah, you really need to get off your high horse sometimes, but I’m still here, aren’t I?”
🌸The sappy moment is ruined when you sniffle and slap him lightly for making you cry and ruin your mascara. Rindou sighs (how many times has he sighed throughout this piece of writing already?)
🌸Average conversation between you and Rindou:
“I’m not surprised he got beat up with that kind of hair…is he trying out a new style from the slums?”
“Mhm. Couldn’t even throw a punch properly.”
“I bet you put him in his place, bae.”
“I’d kill myself if I didn’t.”
🌸And if the person in question overhears?
“Oh…we were just, you know, discussing your ah, state of hair. Bad hair day? Thought so.”
“That black eye really goes well with it, don’t you think?”
“Now that’s why you’re my boyfriend.”
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hearteyes4hobi · 4 months ago
juno- sabrina carpenter
"adore me, hold me and explore me mark your territory, i'm so fuckin' horny"
"cant help myself, hormones are high. Give me more than butterflies"
a/n: GUYS THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING SMUT AND FIRST TIME WRITING A ONE SHOT IN GENERAL IM SCREAMING I'VE BEEN WANTING TO DO THIS FOREVERRRR. i hope you don't hate this, but remember i am new to this!!! be nice plz...i am open to feedback and would love to hear what you think :) my asks are open for requests, comments, questions, or anything always. i listened to juno so much this happened and i am so sorry im ovul*ting
warnings: breeding kink, lots of cum, they fuck on a car sorry, all porn no plot, reader squirts, outside kinda, pure filth tbh, hints of future baby
wc: 982
When you first started dating your boyfriend Mingyu, you both agreed it would be a couple years before you would even think about having children. Being young and in love had its perks and you didn’t want to spoil it with a newborn just yet. It isn’t until you see Mingyu outside with the hood of your car open and a bag of tools on his waist that makes you consider dropping everything to have his children. The way his honey golden skin was damp and glistening in the sunlight had you completely thoughtless and drooling. You felt some sort of carnal desire flow through you that can only be blamed on your ovulation cycle and maybe Mingyu’s huge biceps.
“(y/n) can you come help with something really fast?” you hear Mingyu shout from outside and you drop everything to see what he may need. Walking towards the car, you see him smiling mischievously.
“How can I help the cute mechanic today?” you say to him teasingly. He looks heavenly, he has grease on his forehead and all over his clothes, but he’s never looked more attractive to you than at this moment. God damn hormones.
“I just wanted to see your face, plus I saw you staring at me and figured you’d love an up-close view better.” He replied smugly with a huge smile on his face.
“I can’t help myself okay, my hormones are high lately. Plus, my boyfriend is too goodlooking, what am I supposed to do?” you say as you hug him tightly, being overly affectionate.
He squeezes you tightly and picks you up off the ground slightly.
“Aw baby, what am I gonna do with you? Distracting me while I’m working isn’t very nice. Gonna have to fuck you dumb to get you calm down now, aren’t I?” Mingyu whispers in your ear seductively.
“You look so sexy out here working, Mingyu.  You might have to put a baby in my belly to truly satisfy me.” You whine while looking into his darkening eyes, daring him to make a move. Mingyu quickly grabs the back of your neck and pulls you in for a deep kiss. You immediately put your hands into his hair. Not wanting to spend too much time kissing, you needed him now. You begin sliding your hands down his chest, all the way to the button of his jeans.
Breaking the kiss, Mingyu mutters, “you vixen…can’t ever have enough, can you? I thought I fucked you well last night, but you always want more. Such a greedy whore for me, is that it baby?”
Already feeling dumb and fucked out listening to his filthy words, you nod in agreement, letting the arousal take you.
“Gonna fuck you right here on the hood of the car, bet you’d love that huh (y/n)?”
You whine out loudly as he bends you over onto the hood of the car. The feeling of the hot metal on your skin burns with desire and anticipation for what will come. You suddenly feel Mingyu's fingers making their way to your center, pulling down your underwear, he adds two fingers into your cunt and ruts them into you making you scream loudly.
"So loud for me baby, guess you want the whole neighborhood to hear how well I fuck you." he growls out at the sight of how wet you are. It's almost picturesque how well your pussy glistens in the beaming sunlight. The squelching of his fingers is getting louder and louder as you near your climax.
“M-more Mingyu, need more, I’m so close” you manage to croak out.
“See, such a greedy whore, (y/n) can never be satisfied with what she has,” Mingyu tugs at your hair as he readjusts leaving your cunt empty and prods your entrance with his cock. “Here baby, gonna fuck you so full and give you that baby you want,” He stammers as he enters you slowly, rocking back and forth. As he bottoms out, his eyes roll to the back of his head.
“I love the way you fit, never want you to leave,” you whine as he enters you fully. You swear you’ve never been this horny ever in your life. Being bent over the hood of his car is doing things to you, and you swear you could cum at any second. You begin to move as to signal to Mingyu you are ready. He begins drilling into you like a dog in heat. “I’m gonna cum, fuck I’m so close baby.. please,” you croak out as he fucks you into oblivion.
“Yeah angel? Gonna let me cum inside you? Your pussy is begging for my cum I can feel you milking my cock every time I speak, you drive me crazy.” Mingyu lifts one of your legs onto his shoulder and begins rutting into you deeper and faster. After a couple more thrusts you feel your climax rising. Suddenly you’re hit with the strongest orgasm you’ve ever had. You see stars and feel euphoric.
 “Holy fuck baby,” Mingyu growls and you realize you squirted all over the hood of his freshly clean car. “That was so hot oh my god,” he states in disbelief and begins hammering into you even harder to chase his climax. “Almost there angel, you did so well, put on a show for me and everything.” All it takes is a couple more thrusts and Mingyu is moaning your name as he is pumping you full of cum. “Gonna make sure you’re stuffed full, don’t let it fall out baby. Wanna see you all big and full carrying our baby, yeah?”
You kiss Mingyu as he finishes riding out his high. Both of you are so full of love for each other you truly can’t wait for the future together, and who knows, maybe having two of you isn’t such a bad thing after all.
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lvlyghost · 2 years ago
One Last Time
Pairings: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader.
Summary: You and Ghost go on your first mission since your break up.
Word Count: 1k
Tw: angst, hurt with very little comfort. suggestive themes. ghost being cold hearted. reader's call sign is starlight. not proofread 👻🌸
A/N: Finished this in one sitting lol, just couldn't stop thinking about it so forgive me if it's all over the place, i totally didn't write while listening to champagne problems🫶🏻✨💞enjoy
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The sun's starting to hide on the horizon, casting pink and orange shadows against the concrete walls of the abandoned building you're currently hiding in. You sort of wish you at least had your earphones. Anything to help you swallow the tense silence that's fallen between you and Ghost.
Both leaning against opposite walls, waiting until it's safe enough to go out and reunite with your team. You cross your legs, shifting in your place to a more comfortable position. The temperature slowly decreasing as the yellow burning star in the sky disappears. You didn't mind Ghost's presence. You liked him. And he liked you too; perhaps way too much for your own good.
But not after what happened.
Not after that night –12th of June–, just one week ago. When he had decided that this –your relationship– had no future. And it hurt like hell. Your ever present smile faded when you came to his barracks ready to spend another night under the covers, admiring each other. You loved him it physically pains you. He had greeted you with that stoic face of his, grabbed you gently by the arm and pulled you inside only to break your heart.
Ghost pulls his mask over his lips to take a sip from his canteen, you divert your gaze not liking what his mouth reminds you of.
You don't get to see him anymore. Not in the way he only let you. You don't get to hear his deep chuckles, or how his chest rumbles when he does. You can no longer have the pleasure of touching his pale features; or feel the stubble that adorns his jaw under your hands. Never again will his hands travel down your body nor hold you when you have a nightmare. Shared lunches at the cafeteria with the team.
Maybe it all became too much in the end.
What were you supposed to say, to do now? Act as if nothing happened? You swallow. Your heart is beating fast so you force yourself to breathe deeply.
"You okay sergeant?" He finally asks, staring straight to you. Ghost's right arm resting atop his leg, the other one splayed in front of him. The intensity of his gaze never leaves your form.
"Yeah. Just tired, Lt." You lie. Because you're not tired at all. you're heartbroken.
"Sleep then." Ghost barely does so it feel almost selfish to do it.
"I'm fine." You murmur, looking everywhere but at him.
"Look at me when I speak to you." Your eyes snap to his. Wide-eyed you fight back an insult. How dare he? "I'm still your superior out here." So you wait. You wait for him to break first. Had you been paying attention to his demeanor for the past week; you would've noticed the cracks on his façade. No one knew like you did.
But you refused to look at him ever since that Friday night. "Whatever happened that night it stays there. Don't bring that shite here."
"With all due respect, Lt." You pause feeling the tears welling in your eyes. "Shut the fuck up."
Silence falls again. Ghost's hand balls into a fist, jaw tightening so hard you can hear the bones crack as an overwhelming press on his chest settles. He had never meant to hurt you, but things were getting too serious, you were getting too close. He couldn't afford to have something like that; Ghost knew what it meant to let someone too close. And he broke that rule. You plagued his mind, his space and feelings.
Too bloody close.
"That all you've got, kid?" He ask firmly. "Try again. I'll give you another chance. Thought you more than anyone would understand."
You're shaking. Astonished by his words. The pain is unbearable. You laugh with no emotion.
"What am I supposed to understand, Ghost?"
"Why it can't be."
Shaking your head in denial you stand up, not thinking about the consequences, too enraged. Ghost is quicker though. Jumping from where he was sitting he grabs you by the straps of your combat vest and yanking you down with him. His nostrils flare from underneath the balaclava, eyes boring into yours. His visceral reaction sinks deep inside.
"There's a potential sniper out there. You trying to get killed?" He hisses through gritted teeth.
You slap his hand away from your vest, yet you don't move away from where you sit between his legs.
"Thought you didn't give a shit about me."
"You're bloody blind if you think I don't care about you."
"You don't!" You bite back. "If you cared for me in the slightest you wouldn't have tossed me out like I'm a stranger! Like nothing we went through ever mattered to you." His body goes stiff as you keep talking. "I loved you..."
Ghost can't bear the way you tremble in his arms, watching you sob. In pain. Because of him.
"I told you not to get close to me. I knew from the beginning I'd hurt you... not because I wanted to. I don't know how to do this. I wish I could be better for you, but I can't, it's all I've been my entire life. My biggest regret is that I started to care for you somewhere along the line; and when I realized, it was too late." He pauses. "Forgive me." The words echo in your ears, paralyzing your entire limbs. "I know you're hurt," he whispers your name. Not your callsign. Your real name. The one he adores to call you when he's buried deep inside you, and you cling to him like he's everything. "I don't deserve you, not even the smallest part of you." He holds you closer, you're still not looking at him, the weight of his words... it's too much.
"It was real, Simon." Your voice is soft and very quiet. "All this time it was real to me. Just because you were afraid..."
"I am fucking scared!" He yells. "Can't bloody see it?! If I lose you...-" you look up at him, mouth agape forcing as much air as you can inside your lungs. "How do I make it right?" He questions. "It was real to me too. Too fucking real."
As angry as you're feeling, broken and betrayed you bring a hand up to his pained features, lifting the mask so you can feel his warm skin again. Ghost's eyes are frantic, waiting for you to speak.
"Let me in."
Staring in the pitch black darkness, silence reigns yet again.
One last chance, that's all you need.
"Ghost, Starlight, sitrep." When no one answers the radio crackles again. "Hostiles coming your way, get ready."
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stranger-opinions · 6 months ago
maybe it's not a writers-block; maybe you just need a break
creativity is a muscle, right?
you need to exercise it to keep it in good shape, to have it ready when you need it and don't we all love those hyperfocused sprints of writing where the words just spill out of our fingertips...
but muscles get sore when you overuse them, will strain when you force them past their limits, they need nourishment to stay healthy and in shape
fandom today has a competitive atmosphere. many wouldn't admit that; it's supposed to be fun after all. just vibing with our mutuals, playing with the blorbos having a fun time online to scratch a few itches.
but the truth is that it can become a lot of pressure rather fast.
putting out several k of (edited) writing a month, setting up painstakingly formatted posts with the right tags and a fun header we spent hours on to look effortlessly cool and eye-catching just to hit post and then feel... nervous. excited too, sure...
but damn, when will the next chapter be finished? or the next one shot? will there be enough time to put a few blubs in between so that the few people who actually seem to care won't forget about us and move on?
writing for writing's sake is a nice notion. the myth of the self-sustaining artist who needs nothing more than a passion and their tools of choice.
but shit isn't just created out of nothing.
what has that all to do with the title of this post do you ask?
very few people can just keep going and going making art like that without needing any breaks and a good portion of those people very likely have very different conditions than most of us have with full-time jobs, families, school and so on.
For many of us writing is a main outlet, an important hobby and a safe space but that still doesn't change that it is a creative hobby, an outlet that demands energy: emotional, mental and physical (typing for hours is hard work if you want to believe it or not) and that sometimes makes it impossible to accept that we just need a fucking break.
"writers-block", in my own experience, is my brain telling me that something is off and that it's on strike until I fucking fix that.
and sometimes it's just that I need a break.
that I need to recharge my creative batteries, take in things that inspire me, that make me happy and get me excited without having to make anything myself. to just be. take some walks amongst trees, watch a new series, read a new book, go into a deep dive of some random topic on wikipedia until I don't know where the fuck I started from.
sometimes I just need to log out, cut the overstimulation of a never ending dashboard, turn off what everybody else on tumblr is doing, how much everbody is putting out, get away from my frustration about "my flopped fic" or the latest fandom drama and reconnect with the real reason I am doing this.
the love for stories and the source material.
for some people those breaks can be as short as two days, for other is might be weeks or months and that is not only okay but totally normal.
sometimes you might realize that the reason you are not writing is that you actually don't want to. sometimes you just want to daydream without the extra work sometimes you're just not in a writing mood and it's not much deeper than that.
that doesn't have to mean you're done with your blorbos. it just means that there are more valid and fun ways to play with them.
don't worry, the fandom will still be there when you decide to pick up the keyboard again. maybe with less people, maybe with many different people but you will always find someone who cares. those who have moved on to different things not come back wouldn't likely have stayed if you had powered through.
fandom shouldn't be a you're in or you're out thing but a place you come to when you want to.
contentification of fandom has had a lot of negative effects on the way we create and so many people fade from their hobby because they simply burn themselves out to a point where it leaves a scar.
so. find something that makes you happy that does not require you to invest too much creational energy. rest those muscles as long as it takes.
nothing you can get on tumblr or ao3 is worth the sore brain, the frustration with yourself and the stress you add onto your mental health ontop of everything else in your life.
recharge, reevaluate, reconnect
have fun
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topherwrites · 1 year ago
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If I made a little comment about every single fic or series here, it would be inhumanely long, so I've refrained from doing so and have just put the summaries for each. This is split into two parts, TGM fics and everything else.
I hope that anyone who reads this list finds something that they love on it just as much as I do! If I missed you, I'm sorry, there was a lot to sort through!
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Yellow Soul by @creatchie8
Trapped in a relationship with your high school sweetheart Perry is like a never ending nightmare of always stepping on eggshells. One winter break changes everything as you are reintroduced to his younger brother, Rhett. Looking for an escape, Rhett provides the perfect shelter you crave.
right where i want you by @sushiwriterhere
Standing there, staring at the cotton balls in the trash, some part deep inside of you decides that it’s now or never with Rhett.
Odds are Stacked by @sunlightmurdock
In which Rhett loses a bet and you lose your virginity.
Wayfaring Stranger by @/sunlightmurdock
Betrayal sends Rhett veering further West, searching for answers and searching for himself. Instead, he finds you.
Much Love by @southpawbitch
you & rhett have found yourselves in a little fwb situation despite the fact that you have a fiancé.
About Last Night by @delopsia
A self-indulgent take on Rhett's best friend coming back to Wabang and surprising him after his final rodeo.
Dancing Beneath the Moon by @/delopsia
How is it that your heart only longs for the ghost of a cowboy? And why do you get the feeling that his heart utters the same for you?
Closing Time by @youvebeenlivingfictional
“You’re having a helluva night, huh,” You comment. “S’that supposed to mean?” “You got a shit bull, then you struck out with that girl…And you failed to bait Luke Tillerson into trying to kick your ass.”
Untouchable by @boneblushed
It is crucial that the head boy and girl of Kildare Academy work together. Too bad the head girl is you and the head boy is Rafe Cameron.
Glitch by @/boneblushed
Rafe has a bad fall on the ski slopes. A temporary amnesiac, he falls in love with you all over again.
So Gorgeous It Actually Hurts by @/folkloreslovechild (deactivated)
childhood enemies to lovers, the slowest of burns, an unbearable amount of pining, both parties in heavy denial for like 90% of the fic, Rafe’s a total douchebag but he can’t help it (you’re gorgeous).
Euro Trip by @/folkloreslovechild (deactivated)
europe summer trip au!
new light by @outerbankies
you come home from college to spend your last summer before senior year in your hometown of the outer banks. an old friend hits you up wanting something more, and you begin to see what’s really been there all along.
You Belong With Me by @forevermoreharrington
Rafe’s fallen helplessly for his dream girl but she just doesn't see it yet.
tis the damn season by @atlabeth
When your roommate Rafe lies to his family that the two of you are dating, you agree to go home with him for the holidays to help sell it as his fake girlfriend after a generous bribe. It's just three weeks in the Outer Banks with one of your best friends -- what could go wrong?
Armour by @probably-writing-x
Having your heart broken was one thing. But Rafe watching somebody break your heart? That was something nobody could prepare for.
So We Won't Forget by @netegf
you meet rafe cameron at a grief support group while he struggles with the loss of his father. he's trying to be a better man, and you can't help but love him for it.
Hate It When You Leave by @/netegf
you are trying to cope with the fact that you're hopelessly in love with your best friend. He's trying to cope with the fact that you don't go after the things you want… including him.
I Know I Am by @bookofbonbon
For Rafe, it's always been you. He's just waiting for you to realise it too.
redamancy by @sanguineterrain
redamancy (n.) - the act of loving someone who loves you back; a love returned in full // or, four times you kissed Steve Harrington, and one time he finally kissed you back.
dancing with our hands tied part i | part ii by @taintedcigs
in which steve is in love with his best friend's ex.
Pearl by @cacoetheswriting
a story about two kids trying to navigate through love and loss, inevitable goodbyes, various reunions, friendships and hardships, joy, heartbreak, plus surviving the upside down - all to the sound of Janis Joplin's Pearl.
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always-and-forever-alone · 2 months ago
Hi! I was wondering if you could write a Fred weasley x muggle! Or Hufflepuff! Reader, anything you feel like could vibe, though I am feeling a bit hurt/comforty lately.
Hi, I hope you like it. Wasn't exactly what you asked for but still in theme
[Missed Signals]
[Fred weasley x Muggle ng!reader]
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Summer: [4 time you and Fred had a moment, 1 time you understood that it wasn't a bit]
TW: [reader gets hurt in a prank, swearing, hurt/comfort]
[Sorry if it say you were it should say i, im trying to switch but i think i might not.]
[I don't ever want to see this fic again I spent so long writing this]
[Not my best work]
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It was uncommon for guys to ask me out, not because of the way I looked or anything, but because they always assumed Fred and I were dating, and no, we weren't. but every time they said, "Oh, I thought you were together," or "You're not joking?" I'd get a little flushed. Especially the time a guy said "You guys would look good together,"
That does not mean people didn't ask out Fred. At least once a week, there was a new girl who'd throw herself at him; now, most would leave after a week and a half. But this girl Bri didn't. It'd been about 1 month and 2 weeks.
It's perfectly fine if Fred has feelings for her and they choose to date. But she gets on my nerves and I know she hates me. I mean, really, why do I have any reason to be upset if they date? I don't.
"You good, you've been starting them down," Charlie said. I signed and looked away, "could be better," I whispered; they had just got back from their fancy school, and for almost all of the summer break, Fred had been with her; at least, he seemed uncomfortable every time they talked. Still, couldn't she just take no for an answer? This looks like it was the 7th time turning her down.
Eventually, he made his way over to us. "Oh, thank God, her brother needs her," Fred sighed. I rolled my eyes; I knew he didn't want to talk to her, but for some reason, I felt jealous. I wasn't sure if I was rolling my eyes at him or her. Regardless, he smiled at me. "Oh, are you jealous?" My eyes snapped away from my drink and focused on him. "No! Why would I be jealous?" I replied as if it were a fact.
"Oh, she's definitely jealous," said Charlie, and got up to leave, "sorry, cupcake," he laughed and patted my shoulder. Fred still had the Smug smile on his face, "wipe the smile off" I mutter, frowning but not actually being sad.
"And what if I don't want to?" Fred answered, then frowning when he saw Bri coming back. He gave me a panicked look, but I couldn't help because she was already at the table.
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The prank was going according to plan until I discovered a hidden camera I was previously unaware of. George said he didn't see any, it was like he didn't even know what to look for because it was pretty obvious. And I was running out of time. I needed to be by the front of the store in 2 Minutes. Maybe if I squeeze past the shelves, I can hide.
With no other choice, I begin to move; in a minute and a half, the color bomb will detonate, coating the store in red and gold paint.
I was just about to reach the door when the bomb made a sound, signaling that it was about to go off. This meant I had to leave immediately, so I rushed out. In my haste, I tripped over something I hadn’t seen in the dark. I got up, being less quiet now, and continued to try to escape.
But just as I reached my full height, the bomb went off, being stronger then It was Supposed to be. Making the things on the shelf hit me, knocking me down to my feet. The paint geting in my eye.
My vision blurred. I tried to get up, but my legs were in pain from whatever had hit me. I felt glass and a liquid on my leg, and my eyes burned. I couldn't tell if I was bleeding or if the glass had caused the mess, but it soon became easier to move as the adrenaline kicked in. My eyes were watering, and the pain made it hard to see.
But I could make out someone walking towards me. I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me to someone's chest, "You're going to be ok" I could barely make out fear and guilt in the person's voice
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He didn't say it, but I know Fred was mad; I couldn't tell at who; he got into an agreement with his brother, saying that they shouldn't have tried a new paint bomb in such an uncontrolled situation. And I think he was mad I got hurt, but that wasn't fully my fault, I could of gotten out if the camera wasn't there.
"Can I come in?" Fred says behind the door, I wonder how long I've been out here. "Sure," I say, looking back out at the sky; it was late at night, 1 and a half hours after the prank; Molly didn't know yet. "How are you feeling?" Fred asks, referring to my legs that had been cut. My eyes were fine. Fred gave me some medicine, and it almost felt instantaneous, but it was probably the placebo effect. "Fine," I say with little emotion; I know that it's a little petty, but I was mad at him for getting mad at me for not getting out in time. Did he even care?
"Can I see? It might need bandages?" he asked; the look he was giving me made me feel bad, but I stayed strong. "They probably do, but I'm sure I can do it," I say. "Please," he sounds concerned; maybe he does care. "Fine" I sigh, moving the loose pajama pants to my knee. He winced at the small cuts, moving to the door "I'll be back" he said before being completely behind the door.
He walked back in with a first aid kit. Pulling out a small bowl of water, he got a rag wet and gently cleaned the cuts on my leg. As he held my leg, I felt a strange, intimate sensation and looked away, trying to hide my blush. "Wouldn't this be more effective in the bathroom?" I muttered, but Fred didn’t look up from tending to my leg. "This works fine," he whispered. Did he not realize how much he was making me blush? Im supposed to be mad right now.
Silence settles around us as he gently holds my leg while tending to my cuts. I wince when he applies antiseptic to one of the wounds. "Sorry," he murmurs, appearing deep in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" I ask, feeling a bit hesitant. "I’m sorry for being upset. I was just worried. You should be more careful." I roll my eyes at his words.
"Oh please, like you’ve never gotten hurt doing a prank," I retort.
"I have, but it’s different with you," he replies.
"What? Different how?"
He sighs, slightly annoyed. "Just forget it, okay?" And just like that, we’re back to square one, with me feeling upset at him again.
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Early in the morning, I made my way over to the Weasley house. We had planned to just hang out. I knocked on the door; Charlie answered, "Hey, Charlie." I smiled, "Fred! Your girlfriend/boyfriend is here," Charlie yelled. Looking behind him, I could hear Fred yell back, saying she's not my girlfriend/boyfriend, then pushing Charlie out of the way. "Jeez, sorry, mate," Charlie chuckled.
Fred pulled me in, practically dragging me to the living room. He laid down on the couch, tugging me along with him. This was a common occurrence, one that often got me teased. “Get a room,” Ginny said, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I poked my tongue out at her, and she giggled. Fred just pushed his head further into my neck
I felt a slight sadness because I knew that this would probably never develop into a romantic relationship; Fred only saw me as a friend.
My thoughts were interrupted when music began to play. Fred lifted his head, looked at me, and then got up, pulling me along with him. "Dance with me?" he asked. I smiled at Fred's offer and nodded. He set me down on my feet and started doing some weird dance moves that made me laugh. "You're so silly," I said in between laughs. The more I laughed, the more he seemed to smile.
"Ok, ok," he said, grabbing my hip and starting to dance with me; we were so close. I could feel his breath. How did we get so close in so little time? I looked away, trying to focus on anything but him. "Look at me," he whispered. Huh! How! Why! He didn't even know what he was doing did he?
I glance at him but not fully facing him, he smiles. "Good"
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The end of summer was nearing; there was a party being thrown. So nationally Fred asked me to go, and wanting to spend as much time with him as I can before he went back to his fancy school, I said yes.
The party wasn't amazing, but it was still fun. I saw some old friends, and Fred and I sang our hearts out. At some point, Fred slipped away and feeling uncomfortable in a crowd of people I didn't know, I decided to go find him.
Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, hoping it would be Fred, but instead, I was met by a stranger. The guy smiled and said, "Hey, do you want to dance?" I was taken aback and replied softly, "No, sorry."
"Oh? Well, can I have your name? Maybe we can meet up later," he said, looking a bit annoyed.
I replied, "I don't even know you," feeling increasingly uncomfortable. "Buzz kill," he said, pushing past me. Then he stopped, turned around, and added, "You know what? You’re lucky that someone like you would even get a chance with someone like me. If you can't see that, then it's your loss. There are a million people who want me."
"Then go bother them, because this isn't going to work," Fred said. Hearing his voice made you feel more comfortable. "And who are you, there boyfriend?" He laughed, clearly thinking it was a joke.
"So what if I am?" My eyes widened in surprise; I didn't expect him to say that. "I don't believe it," the guy said finally leaving. I sigh, "That was weird, sorry you had to lie" I awkwardly laugh; he nodded. "Hey, what if... what if I didn't have to lie?" I looked at him confused, "what do you mean?" I nervously waited for the answer. "I mean what If I was your boyfriend"
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This started off poorly; then it was somewhat good, but ultimately bad again. Sorry, everyone. I've already restarted this, so I'm just going to post it. Hope you like it!
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itsonlyfanservice · 28 days ago
I will probably combine the answers to the complaints and questions of the pjms in this one long post. I probably didn't answer something, but it's okay. I'm just combining the general complaints. Whoever likes to read long scrolls - welcome.
I apologize in advance if the text contains logical errors or incorrect words - I don't speak english :3
So, the first thing I will simply say on behalf of myself, as a jkkr (I can't take responsibility for all of us) - I am extremely saddened that a certain part of you, pjms, deny any warm relations between jkk. You support Jimin so much in everything, you will stand up for him like a mountain. But no. As for his relationship with the person he loves (here you can insert any meaning: as a brother, as a bandmate, as a lover, as a colleague, as a close person - any will do) - here your support breaks down. Yes, I'm still mad at you because of ays, how you unite in groups to vote against this show)) That's how furious you are with the unit of jkk that you are ready to start harming your own supposed bias, which makes you exactly the same haters as tkkrs, which we will talk about later.
And now, to the reading of complaints and questions.
Jimin gets hate because of jikookers.
Let me clarify, did jkkrs do something that made everyone furious and hate Jimin? It's not Jimin and Jungkook who go on vacation together, it's not Jungkook and Jimin who are close to each other's families (the same Jimin plays with Jungkook's brother, and Jimin's father singles out only the two of them for some reason), it's not the jkk who constantly communicate together in this special manner, it's not the jkk who comfort each other in a manner that's very different from all the other members, it's not Jungkook who makes Jimin thirst traps or is ready to run to him right in the middle of the night, and it's not Jimin who puts Jungkook's eyes in his music video (come on, tell me that this is another coincidence and the eyes are actually anyone's, not Jungkook's). It's not all this that makes the tkkrs burn with jealousy and hate Jimin, inventing hundreds of legends about his disgustingness, but the jkkrs who are touched by this and support jkk. Am I understanding your idea correctly? Well, ok. I'll take all the blame then 🤡
We (pjms) have been fighting against tkkrs for so many years, and you only fuel their hatred.
Here I will ask a counter question, why weren't you seen earlier, in the past years, when jkkrs fought tkkrs? Why did we often get excuses from you and from ot7 "these are wars between stupid shippers"? The most you did was run and write how wonderful Jimin is, and tkk are worthless compared to him, even together. Well, now we have what we have. And don't pretend that you are special knights who single-handedly defend Jimin and everyone should thank you for it. The reasons for the hatred itself have already been written above. It is not because of jkkrs. We've been fighting with tkkrs for a hundred years, but for some reason you don't seem to notice it, although every second jkkr fighting with tkkrs 🤨
We only get content about jkk from the company and never anything personal. It's fanservice, and you're stupid and support it.
Yeah, yeah, and dozens of leaks from sasaeng are also not true. And that jkk literally hang out in each other's families is also a lie. And their company forced them to join the army, it's not their personal desire. And Jimin's father is just an idiot flirting with jkkrs, yes. By the way, about the father…
Jimin's father is unprincipled and greedy, and makes money on shippers, it's just a business. This has nothing to do with reality. If Jimin were shipped with someone else, he would have made a cafe for a different pairing. And so he just makes money on Jimin's name in the same way.
Seriously, the father made a cafe for the pairing and is making money off of Jimin's name? 🤨 I heard this somewhere, from taekookers, if my memory serves me right)) But even if you discount everything, Jimin is still shipped with a lot of people. So what, and where? Dad, make a minimoni cafe 😂 In general, all this rhetoric is pure brainwashing of tkkrs. It's not the father expressing support for jkk, but the father stupidly making money off of his son's name and shipping. Which again brings me back to the thought - pjms and tkkrs, it seems you are very much in favor of the same thing. How come you didn't start shipping tkk so that in your head Jungkook would stay away from Jimin 🤔
Jimin and Jungkook get different support from the hybe, Jungkook is idolized, and Jimin is pushed aside, and you deny it and only pjms scream about the blatant injustice towards Jimin.
Do you know what's funny about this statement? Yes, that's right, you're talking like tkkrs again 🌚 tkkrs who say that Jimin earned his place with his ass from the producers (you get it), everything was bought for Jimin by his father and bpd, that Jimin is pushed everywhere, and Taehyung is pushed aside for the sake of Jimin's promotion, Jimin was given this, they did that, and Taehyung's songs were stolen and given to him (sorry, I still have psychological trauma from these theories😂). The roles have changed, but the narrative remains) The company has only one interest - financial. They spend years calculating how to work with the artist in order to earn more. Do you seriously think that a company like that sits and thinks, hmmmm, we have a superstar and another superstar, but we will pull one out by the ears with all our might, and for some reason we will forget about the other one, so what, we will miss out on millions of dollars? No, that's not how it works, they will work for every cent)))0))0 The most they can do to harm an artist is to create a fake scandal, and even then it will be retribution for some disobedience. This does not look like Jimin's story. You are immersed in the world of hopeless delulu, trying to connect the dots on the map and make Jimin out to be a sufferer offended by everyone, and then walk around and feel sorry for him because of your own fantasies. You don't have contracts in hand, you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, you have no idea what kind of relationship the guys have with the management. You literally have nothing except "well, we would like more, Jimin deserves it." I could sit next to you and also complain about why there was no tour, why we didn't get promo for half a year, but in reality there is no reason for this. Jimin was not dragged into a scandal, Jimin was not banned from solo work, Jimin was not set up - literally nothing was done that really indicates machinations against him. All the work was obviously carried out in accordance with what was discussed at meetings with Jimin and according to the plan that was built.
The company is trying to make it look like Jimin wanted to film a jikook show on his own, for which Jimin is hated again (what does jkkrs have to do with this? 🤔)
This is very interesting. Jkk once wanted to film a show, apparently they thought about it more than once and decided to jump on the last train, before the army. Jimin did not say anything about the fact that he was the only one who wanted this. They both said that these were joint thoughts. But what do we get in the end? Pjms hate this show because it was kind of forced on Jimin and Jimin was hated by tkkrs because of the show, tkkrs hate the show simply because it features jkk in all its glory and again that nasty Jimin next to Jungkook (I laugh that they don't make any claims against Jungkook, who snapped at Taehyung quite strongly in the second part "well, why the hell did you come here, this show is for the two of us" 🤣). As a result, the brainchild of jkk, in which Jimin himself takes direct voluntary and happy part, pleases only jkkrs and that part of the fandom whose brain has not atrophied. Everyone else is against it because of their fantasies. Mmmm cool.
Jimin's femininity, queer coding, bigender/bisexuality, references to LGBT people and culture, etc. - all this was invented only by jkkrs, in reality it never happened, he didn't tell you all directly "I'm gay", so shut up. No one sees it except you.
Well… no, so no. We made it all up ourselves. And none of this, for example, ever existed))
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And if it does exist, it was all invented by stylists. It's all queerbaiting in K-pop. It's all just like that. These are all random coincidences, every time. But in fact, he is a brutal heterosexual, worse than Dwayne Johnson, as he says himself. Especially when he corrects the host who admires his masculinity "I'm not masculine". Plus the question, when did Jimin say that he was heterosexual? Queers see queer coding, you don't. That's all.
Jkkrs regard all of Jimin's actions as confirmation of his fictitious relationship with Jungkook.
Hmm no 🤔 But for example, we have Jungkook's eyes on the falling scoreboard (you can try as much as you want to prove that these are not his eyes, but until you have real evidence that someone else was photographed or, as some wrote, that these are AI-generated eyes - we don't care about your delulu). Or the song "Letter", packaged in a very special way and again, by some miracle, it is Jungkook. AYS with Jungkook (+ Tae in episods). And he went to the army again with this fucking Jungkook together… But in general, you right, his life does not revolve only around Jungkook. And it should not.
If it were not profitable for the company to sell jkk, then they would never have been together at all, but this way they at least see each other on set once a year (again, what do jkkrs have to do with this?).
Considering that the most popular and aggressive pairing is taekook, and the most hated is jikook, the company is full of idiots and they think, damn, we have a super-hyped ship and a ship that is a bone in the throat of many. What to choose… Which one will pay off… I'm betting everything on red. Oh, I mean on jkk 🤡 It's funny to hear about "once a year", when they literally say themselves that they drink together, Jungkook is all languishing on broadcasts, when I can already come to you, Jimin, I can right now, right in the same blanket 😂 They solve issues with the army together, Jungkook's brother exposes Jimin in front of him (well, if you don't try to play the fool again, pretending that there is definitely someone else in the photo), they leak us photos from surveillance, photos from stalkers and God knows what else. For some reason they even wanted to serve in the army together. But that's what personal life is personal for, because you don't have to report on every step. What we see is already more than enough. As much as you and tkkrs don't want it, the jkk are obviously extremely close people to each other.
Only pjms support Jimin, the rest have given up on him, including the jkkrs. The jkkrs just jerk off to their fantasies and they are of no help to Jimin. They will vote for anyone but Jimin. They will prefer to vote for Jungkook.
Very funny) And again we see how your self-esteem soars to the skies. Only thanks to you Jimin achieves success, no one in the whole world needs him, everything is only you and everything is only for you, all you do is vote, stream, buy merch, etc. So what does this mean, you support the opinion of the tkkrs and akgaes maknae that Jimin received all the awards undeservedly, simply thanks to the cheating pajamas, and no one needs him? Oh, oh 🤡 Think again before you write such nonsense. It's not only pjms who support Jimin. And jkkrs most often have Jimin in their main biases, by the way, and they will vote for him rather than for Jungkook 🤔 Jkkkrs, I'm waiting for your excuses, why don't you also actively support Jungkook, huh? 🌚
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viktoreznovs · 2 months ago
a little reznov rant i sent in a server i'm in
i love viktor reznov no one understands him like i do ( because i am him but thats beside the point ) ( will be referring to myself in the 3rd person so people dont get confused )
i love his characterization i feel like treyarch did an amazing work but i also feel like his mental issues are often overlooked . and it's so ironic because people always talk about reznov being some strong cold alpha hero or smth who doesnt need coddling and doesnt have any trauma and it's just . you fell for the character's facade meant to be dismantled by the player / viewer ! ! ! plus, their depiction of him is often way over exaggerated . like yes he is strong and sometimes cold towards his allies but he does care . he is most likely the most progressive person in the game i'd say ( these are my thoughts ) . deep down he is still a broken person just like the other characters , yet people don't acknowledge it because they can't see through his facade . they're at war , of course he isn't going to break down crying about his issues , but that doesn't mean he doesn't have issues .
think about it , he's been in that prison for 18 YEARS . there is not doubt he developed a lot of mental issues during that time period . we can already see this when mason writes about reznov and dimitri in his journal . mason knew in detail about the battles and journeys reznov had gone through with dimitri . mason says reznov often told him he saw dimitri in him . this man has been in prison for eighteen years yet he still has a perfect memory when it comes to his dead " best friend . " this attachment grows so unhealthy he starts seeing dimitri in other people . this delusion of his grows so strong he constantly puts himself in danger just to protect mason . where have we seen that behaviour before ? oh , right , with dimitri . ( he already shouldn't be putting his life on the line for one man but i digress ) . an example of this is the beginning of their vorkuta escape plan where reznov PLANNED to get beaten up by that guard just so mason could kill the guard and take the keys . plus , he quite literally admits just a step later ( step 2 : ascend from the darkness , on the elevator ) that he trusts mason with his life .
he takes the whole " victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice " saying way too seriously , but he has always been like that ( the most obvious example being mason's reprogramming done by his hand ) . another example would be when he sacrificed himself ( even though he ended up surviving ) just to get the guards off mason's back so mason could escape
also , in a cut content scene from waw , chernov wasn't supposed to die immediately by the burns and instead was meant to get shot by reznov / dimitri . reznov tells dimitri that chernov is suffering and that " he knows what to do " . if dimitri waits too long , reznov outright puts chernov out of his misery himself . in his eyes , he was giving chernov a quick and less painful way out , instead of trying to treat his wounds . it is shown so many times he believes death to be merciful .
all of this is not the mindset a " normal " or mentally stable man would have , but of course most fans will never acknowledge it because they can't even see past his whole hero facade that he puts on .
obviously this isn't to say that he hasn't done bad shit and that his trauma justifies what he has done to mason , but he wasn't some normal man who knew EXACTLY what he was doing . he was blinded by his need for vengeance . he always has been , and this behaviour most likely rose from his father's death : the undying loyalty to his motherland and the self - destructing need for vengeance .
he most likely regrets what he did to mason . will mason ever forgive him ? probably not . does mason owe him forgiveness ? fuck no . i like to think that's why reznov went along with the whole death thing after vorkuta . in his eyes it was better for mason to move on without him than for him to be a constant reminder of his trauma . did that help at all ? according to bo2 woods : not a goddamn bit .
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ginsengkitten · 8 months ago
༺ Beautiful Dangerous ༻
Chapter Sixteen
Never Tear Us Apart
A/N: Thank you so much for all your love and support. I have had so much fun writing this and am very proud of it.
☆smut warning
☆ highly recommended song listen for prior or during this chapter : Never tear us apart by INXS
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Smoke bore through the neon lights in the private dance room. A compact stage adorned with moody lighting and luxurious red shag carpeting everywhere. Slash reclined his body into the couch. His stature at spread legs, taking up the entirety of the velvety sofa. The outside world shut out. He had to see her. His girl. His curiosity burned as soon as he first saw you up on the main stage before. He put down half a tours worth of money to reserve a private dance then and there. It was not in your jurisdiction to object, while you wanted to, there did lie a part inside of you that wanted to show him what he was missing. What he- walked out on? No, remember, he just revealed that wasn't the case and he maybe still lo-nevermind that. This is your job, your profession, your livelihood. A check was a check. Anything to keep a roof over your head. While confusion simmered at your fringes from the earlier interaction, the hurt still remained and caused you to entertain this idea. A bitter angle that made you want to torment him with your skills. To fill him with desire and regret. To cause him pain. Pain in the way that he caused you-although you suppose- he didn't-mean to? You repress the thought and take one last bump before your private dance. You looked like a vixen starlet in fishnets. The epitome of beauty and desire. To show him all that he could have had, to show him just how good you were doing for yourself now. Without him.
The lights lowered to a sultry glow. Slash leaned forward, elbows on his knees curiously as he watched the stage.
The beginning synths of 'Never Tear Us Apart' by INXS bleeds into the room. He watched the empty stage, awaiting your appearance, when to his surprise, he felt a light touch, slide its way from the back of his shoulder, and down his arm. You made a dramatized entranced from behind, with a sexy waltz in your stilettos. His eyes immediately began to drink you in. The deep bass lines of the song filled the room with a deep yearning. Something romantically inclined and full of want between the symphony.
The song continued
"Don't ask me-
What you know is true-"
You and him connect eyes and hardly break. You circle in front of him and to the other side of him, like a tiger encroaching on its prey. A part of him wondering if he should be afraid of you in this moment. He wants badly to reach out and touch your skin. You can feel it too. You swipe his cigarette from his lips and take a drag of it before putting it out in the ash tray in an effort to fuck with him.
"Don't have to tell you-
I love your precious heart...-"
He watched you.
You escape his reach and dangle yourself in front of him as you turn around and walk up the stage.
"I , I was standing,
You were there,"
Watching you leave was almost as good as see you approach. The corset bound neatly around your figure, leaving little to his imagination.
"Two worlds collided..-"
Did you still have that freckle under your left breast? He thought. Or that birthmark on your inner thigh? He yearned for more of you. Already having to adjust his seat to remain comfortable with the added pressure his jeans now withheld.
You took the stage as dramatically and the song entered a heavy bass guitar lick as it dropped into a more intense and sensual tune. Using the rhythm of the song to begin dancing for him. You grabbed the pole and wrapped yourself around it in the most talented way that made slash sweat with desire.
"We could live-
For a thousand years."
He had never witnessed something so tantalizing. The memories of days past flooding his  mind.
"But if I hurt you,
I'd make wine, from your tears..-"
You tried to focus on your craft. You felt his eyes on you at every sway of your hips.
"I told you- that we could fly."
The urge to be close to him overtakes the choreography and you move your way back down to dance in front of him again.
"Cause we all have wings"
With your back turned rhythmically to him, you felt a shocking touch as his fingertips glided down your spine across the corset bindings, departing his touch right before reaching below. You turn around, out of choreography. Meeting his gaze. That one familiar gaze you knew so well. The one that hunted you down and tore you open like an animal. That poured into you like a river or a blade. That warmed you. Kindled you.
"But some of us- don't know why-"
You had altogether halted your choreography to meet him. To examine his matured face in the dim neon hues. It was gruffer now. No longer fresh of youth but a more rugged and chiseled canvas. Up That face that you had yearned for, that plagued you.
You took at step closer to him inquisitively. The years worth of dreaming of you every night, how your face was attached to every woman he had met. How the curvature of your smile and hips had tortured him for years. Your image playing in his mind on a loop. Begging for more. Memories of touch, sound, taste, infiltrated his mind as he looked you up and down.
The air growing thick as the song amplified to its most dramatic part.
"-and they could never, tear us apart..."
As if on key, connected through the melody, the both of your bodies collide in an instant. He gets a taste of your sweet lips and goes feral. The two of you connected as if one was supplying the other with the only oxygen in 100 miles. Both satiating a lifetime of hunger and yearning. "Fuck it" you thought. As did he. The imaginary parameters that had placed themselves under the guise of time, fell apart. It was as if no time at all had passed. You felt his large, rough hands, sculpt the outside of your body. Your hands flush with his wild curls. His breath was a spice of cigarettes and whiskey and you tried to taste all of it. Quickly, clothes were ripped from eachothers bodies. You took place straddling his lap. The two of you maneuvering without breaking lips. Your breath heaving and moans of relief and rescue escaping. How long you both had yearned for this. His hands mold to you. Running up and down your now bare skin, giving you goosebumps. He peppered wet hungry kisses across your neck and chest, as if trying to devour you whole. While his years of romantic yearning came to fruition, he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss your body. Fantasizing about the way you felt, the way you sounded when your sweet gasps of pleasure would escape your lips.
Your tongues dance recklessly with another as he effortlessly lifts you onto his sprung and hard cock. You instantly felt the years of his maturity, manifest inside of you and a moan sprinkled laugh of shock and pleasure lets out of you. Slash lets out a devious grin. That signature devious grin. And begins ushering you to up and down motion on top of him. He lets out a deep heavy moan and holds you close to his face as the two of you cease to break eye contact. Your foreheads press together as the frantic fucking continues. “Fuck Foxey girl, you feel so good.” Slash moans breathlessly.
Slash quickly lifts you off of him and adjusts the position now. He grabs you and gently but firming lies you on the red shag carpet and enters you missionary now. He wanted to fuck YOU. To make love to you on his own power. He thrusts harder into you and pumps in and out passionately. He hangs over you as one of his necklaces dangles above you. His golden brown abdomen drips with speckled sweat as he pants like a dog. His dark curls fall around you. He cradles your head in his arm and uses the leverage to fuck you faster and harder now. You are speechless and seeing stars as he pounds into you incessantly. The rapid passion increases as the two of you breathe into eachothers lips.
“My Foxey girl. I miss your sweet pussy. So fucking good.” He whispers to you and his adornment sends you spinning.
“Slash I’m - gonna -“ you cry. He cradles you firmly and thrusts into you. You feel his entirety inside of you. He holds you close and encourages you.
“Cum for me Foxey girl. That’s it baby.”
You release, sending echos of gripping pulses around him, which send him over the edge as well. You feel warm hot spurts inside of you as you both cum.
“That’s my- girl.” He grunts into you.
It was minutes before either of you dared to break away from your post sex embrace, to utter a word. No words could satisfy what ecstasy this was.
Alas, with tears brimmed in your eyes, he pulled away and held your face in his hands. He examined you fully. He was enthralled with your beauty. With how you had grown into such a beautiful woman. "Look at you Foxey.." he said trancelike in awe of you and your beauty. Tears almost brimming his eyes too. His thumb grazing your cheek and your lips. "My girl. My girl." He cooed.
A softer song played out in a melancholy romantic melody. He lifted to his feet and the two of you began a silly, tired, haphazard slow dance to the song. He presses his forehand down against yours and smiles at you. You interlock fingers as You return a smile and two of you exchange a chuckle. How strange a place to find yourselves in this time and place.
Your tears fill with regret of time wasted and your let out a sad sob as you curl into his chest.
"I'm sorry- slash- " you cry. "I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to leave like that. Slash I loved you, I loved you so much I still-
You short circuit to debate the next word but he clutches you harder and soothes you.
"I know baby, I know." He whispers through tears. You break away and meet eachothers gaze again.
"My Foxey girl..." he says.
" I love you. I loved you then, and I love you now. I never stopped loving you. I'm know I'm from washed up junkie -“
“No honey no.-“ you try to interrupt, holding a hand to his face.
“but I swear to you If that's the one word I'm good for it's that. I thought of you every single day. I dreamt of you every single night. Every breath I took was to hoping maybe if I just tried one more day, maybe I'd see you.”
“Come with me…” he says calmly.
“W-what?” You pull back to look at him again curiously.
“Come with me. Be on the road with me. I know it’s not much it’s hectic and it’s crazy but I swear I can’t be another day apart from you. It could be us. I can take care of you.” He says
The thought of letting someone in to nurture you like that made you nervous. You had built yourself like a guard dog. Ready to bite when needed and always watching your back because no where was safe.
Slash could see the apprehension inside of you and grabbed your face again.
“Let me take care of you. Please.”
After a teary eyed session of goodbyes to everyone at Sparkplug, an especial thank of gratitude to Dee, it had taken little convincing for you to leave with slash. He’s right. It was hectic and it was crazy but it was you two. Finally together, free to love and laugh and live together. Peace befalling you both and you spent your days recounting that summer, the war stories of the time that had past, and riding the rollercoaster of the rock world once more. This time as seasoned veterans of life and loss, making the reunion of your hearts all that much sweeter.
It was beautiful, it was dangerous, it was love.
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youcouldmakealife · 5 months ago
Stuff That Helps Me Write: Pacing (no, not that kind), and burnout avoidance
So this was supposed to be about something entirely different., but every time I started making a point, I got distracted by a second, bonus idea (ways to trick your brain when it's not cooperating with you! things I've tried (I will try everything) and what worked and didn't! what to do with writer's block!) and then start writing about that, and I've got half a dozen unrelated paragraphs going in my drafts, so I think I'm just going to make this a mini-series of 'stuff that helps me write and may also help you (or maybe they won't, I don't know, this shit's all subjective)'.
If there's anything in particular you'd like to hear about, or something about my process you're curious about, absolutely feel free to reply or shoot me an ask and I'll do my best to address them as I go.
But yeah, pacing. And more specifically, not burning out. I figured it was important I hit this one first, because I think it's the most important one, or at least, the one that makes the biggest difference.
With the caveat that I am someone who has repeatedly driven myself into burnout, I'm also someone who now knows why that is, and have been teaching myself how to, you know, not do that.
So. Here's how I, you know, don't do that.
Will preface this by again mentioning that most writing advice (and advice in general) never seemed to work for me, and I mostly thought I was just Bad at Doing Things, until I learned my brain's literally wired differently, and that I'd been trying to apply processes that didn't actually work for said wiring.
So instead, I figured out what worked for me. And what works for me isn't necessarily what will work for you, or even what will work for me a month or five years down the line, but it's going okay right now.
I'll straight up say that, contrary to all the Writing Advice, I don't write every day, and I don't think it's necessary, or even necessarily a good idea -- I have at times, but I no longer do, because if I write for more than six days straight I find the proverbial well dries up and I write less than I do had I just taken a break when I needed it.
Cognitive energy and the sort of ephemeral ~inspiration (work that's been done on a subconscious level) are fundamentally no different than physical energy: if you don't replenish it, you will run out. If you overdo it, you will run out. If you consistently overdo it without replenishing it, you will burn out.
Taking a page from hockey players here: if you did an intense workout right before a game they'd ask what the fuck was the matter with you. You need a nap and a meal and to get some stretching and light work in. Running at 100% all the time will burn you out in every single field, including this one.
That's not me saying not to run at 100% at all. I generally try to pace myself now, but if I'm really in it, and the words are coming easily, I don't stop until they stop -- I wrote just shy of 4k of later scenes for SAIT last week (my 2024 record!), all in one sititng, by hand, when I was supposed to be sleeping, because that's when the inspiration came. I didn't fall asleep until past 6am that night, and my hand is still mad at me.
But you know how much writing I got done the follow day? (None, I was busy transcribing 4k of handwriting). The rest of this week? (Not much more than that). Those bursts of energy are awesome, and honestly can make you feel like a writing god, but the well's the well, and I've learned my personal well is about 5000 words a week deep.
Before my most recent scrape with autistic burnout, which I'm still sort of climbing my way out of, that well was closer to 7500 words. But honestly, it probably wasn't; I was likely just siphoning words from future wells and then it all caught up with me when I was looking at a horizon of dry-ass wells ahead of me. (I'll admit this isn't a perfect metaphor.)
But seriously, my advice for basically everything, not just writing (and something I wish I'd learned before I hit my 30s), is 'figure out what pace you can work at sustainably'.
Please note that 'sustainably' is not 'without literally dying'. Because my literal ass thought when people said 'give it 100%' they meant, you know, 'give it 100%' (I know! absurd of me), rather than 'give the best effort you can give in this moment considering your current resources'. So I gave it my all (also interpreted that one wrong I guess?). And then I wondered why I kept hitting a wall all the time. And why, eventually, I stopped being able to climb that wall entirely.
I don't think I'm ever going to reach that 7500 word threshold again. There will be weeks I'm so inspired I write that much, but the next week I probably won't manage more than 2500. Or maybe I'll have two 7500 weeks in a row, but I'll need to take a whole week off after that, or spend several weeks working at a lower tempo while I let the well replenish itself.
I've been tracking some metrics quite closely as I sort of tweak my life into its new shape (said shape being 'do the best you can given your resources') , and during my most productive month of this year I wrote 3x as much as the worst (writing wise, I was finalising publication at the time), my current weekly average is about 4800 words. Sometimes it's a bit higher or lower, sometimes much higher or lower, but that's what I can sustainably do right now.
Frankly, I'm a little cranky about this: I know I can do more, because I did do more. But my priority now is not to send myself straight back into burnout again, so when I sprint, it's just that, rather than my previous 'trying to run a marathon at the pace of a sprinter'. I'm writing less than I used to, but it's honestly not that much less: because the pace is sustainable rather than boom and bust, I don't run myself ragged enough to desperately need a break.
I'm aware this advice only works if you have control over your own time, and a schedule that doesn't force you to focus on writing say, one day a week, or around other obligations, but the only real workaround for burnout is consistency, and that consistency cannot be your maximum.
Or, it can, but I guarantee you that will bite you in the ass at some point, and the pain of not getting enough done is nothing compared to the pain of not being able to get anything done because your nervous system threw up its hands and decided if you weren't going to listen to their clues (feelings, symptoms) or their warnings (Feelings, Symptoms) that you were overdoing it, they were going to shut your ass down until you listened.
0/10 do not recommend.
Next week: how to trick your brain into doing shit that it doesn't feel like doing, even though it's onto all your tricks by now. Or at least, how I trick mine.
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