#I am SUCH a sucker for secret plans/allies and pretending to fight
ranchthoughts · 1 year
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this is the exact moment I knew I was in this Bad Buddy shit for life
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alkja · 5 years
Well, here we come: Endgame review (spoilers galore)
Endgame is essentially two different movies for me: the one up until the last three minutes and the one that includes those last three minutes.
The first is a decent movie – riddled with stupid crap, plot holes and the occasional nonsense, but on the whole acceptable.
The second is a waterfall of crap that makes me seethe in anger.
If you liked that ending, I seriously discourage you from keeping on reading. Otherwise, let us discuss the good, the bad, the wtf and the “How dare you?”
 Let’s start with the inevitable: time shenanigans equal inevitable fuckery. That is known.
The most egregious example being: Nebula kills her younger self and is apparently fine and dandy. What the shit? I don’t care if you killed her in 2023 (or whenever Endgame happens, I’m going with Infinity War happening in 2018 as released), if Nebula 2014 dies there is no Nebula 2015 and so on to eventually become Nebula 2023. Ergo, she should absolutely have died. Same with Thanos & Co. No matter where you do it, if you kill a past version of someone, there is no one to do the things they would have done in the future. Thanos 2014 dies, so there cannot be a Thanos from after that to do the Snap.
Which is not bad, go ahead and kill past versions of evil shits, but doing so changes the timeline. Period. Rodhey even proposed that and they had a long nerd out about why that would not be possible... and then they went and did that and pretended it didn’t count. That is so goddamn stupid.
Same with all the time travel.
I don’t care if you go and put the Infinity Stones back, because those stupid McGuffins are not the only thing that can mess the timeline. First of all, there is no one to use them anyway since Thanos died before he did the Snap, but we’re supposed to ignore that.
More to the point, in order to put the timeline to right, you have to put the Stones back after the future Avengers have stolen them. Fine, that puts them back in the timeline. However, that doesn’t erase the actions your slightly-past selves have taken trying to grab them. Which means, for example, that Loki fucking escaped with the Tesseract after Avengers 1, which is a MAJOR change.
Or, it should be. But apparently we’re supposed to ignore that because in the Dark World time Loki is in his cell, and wow. NO. If he escapes in Avengers 1 (with the Tesseract to boot), that leads to massive changes in Dark World and Ragnarok. For one thing, without the Tesseract, the Bifrost cannot be repaired. More essential to those plots, Loki should plainly not be there.
Putting the sceptre back also doesn’t erase the fact that Captain America said “Heil Hydra” to a Hydra agent (oh oh oh, such canny comic references!), who apparently never mentioned it again to anyone ever? Not even to his goddamn boss? So, did Sitwell legitimately think Steve was Hydra up until Winter Soldier? And yet come Winter Soldier he never thought to ask Steve “Wait, even if you’re not actually Hydra, you clearly knew about us for years, so why are you now so outraged like this is brand new information for you? Why did it take you this long to move against us and why are you doing it without much in the way of planning or allies? The hell did you do these past years?”
Hell, why did Sitwell – a prominent Hydra agent in SHIELD who would not raise any flags doing so – never approach Steve, Hydra agent to Hydra agent? No, he discovers that Captain America is apparently Hydra and just rolls with it. No “What the hell, sir?” call to Pierce, no secret handshake to Steve. For years. I can handwave him not saying anything to Rumlow and the rest of Strike, because if Steve is Hydra maintaining his deep cover with everyone is more important than anything (even if they were right there when he gave him the scepter, so what did he say to them?), but not mentioning it to Pierce? Cannot buy that. And not having any mention of that in Winter Soldier is pretty damn unbelievable.
The timeline was also changed by having future!Steve fight past!Steve. And no, it doesn’t matter that past!Steve thought it was Loki. It was still a change.
Not to mention, Loki could not have had a Peggy compass or known shit about Bucky, so it stands to reason it’s not Loki. So, what gives? What did past!Steve think it happened? Hell, come Winter Soldier what did he think about that time some guy who looked and fought like himself told him that Bucky was alive and lo and behold, here comes Buckaroo?
  In essence, the Avengers fucked the timeline without lube but we’re supposed to pretend they didn’t.
To me, that is shit.
Mess with time all you like, but acknowledge you’re doing so. Either your plan goes off without a hitch (as if!), or the moment where everything goes inevitably to hell and there are changes - and here we are talking about major changes - you say fuck it, pull out all the stops and change away.
[Ok, I admit it, by that I mostly mean: pull out all the stops, take 5 minutes to explain to your past self you come from the future and tell him to get his ass in gear because Hydra is literally running the government and SHIELD and most importantly Bucky has been frozen, tortured and brainwashed for about 70 years, so get to it, save Bucky Bear save the world, and smash Nazis like the fucking Hulk. May the fic gods, as ever, be kinder to me than the canon ones.]
This “pretend nothing has changed even while we change important stuff that should logically have repercussions” approach only works if you think your audience has the reasoning capabilities of concussed goldfishes. Tony’s last bout of genius solving time travel on the fly deserved better than this.
(Also, good luck trying to sell me on any future conflict stakes when our heroes now have the capabilities of fucking going back in time and change things, even if you don’t want to admit it.)
In the “this is so dumb and nonsensical and wow look at those strings” camp, we also have the two Nebulas being connected. That is so stupid and clearly only there for the sake of plot you can literally see the writers going “Uhm... how can we make it so past!Thanos knows what the heroes are doing? What if we make it so past!Nebula gets the memories of future!Nebula from a galaxy away? How? Why? Because!”
About as riveting as the Thor stuff. Here you can see the writers desperately wracking their brain wondering “But how are we gonna have dumb jokes in a serious movies? Where will we go for cheap, juvenile humor? I know! Let’s make Thor a drunk idiot with a beer belly! Oh oh oh, what could be more funny than a parade of fat jokes, we’re comedic geniuses!”
Yawn. Also, offensive much? But really, everything about Thor spits in the face of his three movies long character arc (which was all about responsibility): dudes, do you even know the characters you’re writing about?
Speaking of desperation: no Steve and Bucky reunion post UnSnapping? Seriously? We have Tony and Peter - who have known each other for 5 minutes - tearfully embrace but no scene between two characters who have known each other all their lives and have been through massive shit in those lives? Marvel execs, we know that every time Steve and Bucky shared a scene The Dreadful Spectre of The GAY appeared and made your blood pressure rise but this is ridiculous.
Which is also why you get no cookie for The First Gay Character in the franchise: an unnamed character in a single blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene, truly stellar representation. What made you believe this was a smart move?
  That said, there are some good things in this movie.
First of all, Tony Stark.
Never thought I’d say that, because I’m the furthest thing from a Tony fan and spent all of Ultron and Civil War wanting to punch him. And Infinity War being indifferent to him.
But goddamn if I didn’t feel how goddamn much he adored Pepper and their daughter. Goddamn if I didn’t tear up at his heroic sacrifice, going out with the line that started it all (“I am Iron Man”- my heart), goddamn if I didn’t tear up at his goodbye with Pepper and then at his funeral.
For all his many, many faults – which I’m not gonna forget for a second – Tony went out exactly as he should be: a goddamn hero. With a heart big enough, strong enough to give himself up for everyone else even at the moment where he had everything he ever wished to have.
My hat’s off to him.
Never thought I’d ever say this, but I will miss him.
 Other MVPs of Endgame: Clint Motherfucking Barton and Natasha “Love is NOT for Children” Romanoff. I know: Natasha, sure, but who would ever have guessed that about Clint? Prior to Endgame, he was just sort of there, not helped by Ultron and his sudden family in a farm.
Endgame managed to make me care about the family I loathed. How? I don’t know, but I am totally down for a Clint + Kate Bishop + Lila show, where everyone is a badass archer and they are all codenamed Hawkeye just because! I am also totally down for Clint’s badass reinvention (after, I’m guessing, mainlining all 7 seasons of Arrow), no matter how heartbreaking the reason or questionable the style choices.
And that Clintasha scene was pretty much worth the whole movie to me.
Because, first of all, that’s how you solve a problem like the Soul Stone: a willing sacrifice. (Which, btw, makes even more disgusting the fact that we are supposed to see this as equally worthy to Thanos murdering his daughter).
Second, because I am a total sucker for characters fighting about who gets to sacrifice themselves. Clint and Natasha beating the crap out of each other just like in Avengers 1 (just one of many delightful callbacks that pepper the movie), this time because they love each other too much to let the other be the one to die is everything.
Third, because it’s just a really good scene, based on one of the better relationships in the MCU. Even those not shipping Clintasha have no doubt that those two are extremely important to one another, and Renner and Johannson acted the hell out of it - just as they did every scene together, from their reunion post-yakuza slaughter, to the giddiness of flying a spaceship. I teared up like a baby at Nat’s sacrifice and I was right there with Clint hoping for a loophole that made it so we could get Nat back and was heartbroken anew when that did not come to pass.
But, again, the Black Widow went out just like she should have: a true hero, loving, strong and unafraid. The red in her ledger was wiped out once and for all.
  The “Feels” subdivision
 Scott Lang was an integral part of the solution. I mean, never before have we heard about time passing differently in the quantum realm – and in fact Janet Van Dyne aged the 30 years she spent in it, so more plot service crap – but who cares! Still, his desperate checking to see if his daughter was among the Snapped only to find his own name and running like hell to get to Cassie only to be suddenly confronted with a teenager and realizing he missed those 5 years with her and not caring because she was still there was absolutely perfect.
Speaking of families: I have already said it but Tony and Pepper and little Morgan were amazing.
Also, Thor and Frigga! Frigga was an egregious fridging to start with, so it was lovely seeing her again, but especially giving her a wonderful scene with her son that shows her intelligence and strength and exactly why she was Queen of Asgard. Not to mention being the one to restore Thor’s confidence and absolving him of his failures. Sometimes you just really, really need your mom. (Too bad about that stupid salad joke.)
Natasha and Steve. Just... Natasha and Steve being badly messed up by those 5 years post-Snap and yet being so supportive and understanding of each other. Really, after Winter Soldier, this was the best Natasha movie. And rightly so.
In general, the Avengers being not just a team but also friends, fucking finally. Sure, there is the whole “found family-baited” post going around, but memes aside, it is true that we never got to see those people acting like friends and not merely co-workers. Was that so difficult to do before the very last moment?
 A small but admirable moment for a villain that was otherwise pretty underwhelming no matter how much they tried passing him off as deep: Thanos having the smarts and the metaphorical stones to goddamn destroy the Infinity Stones. Better to accept never using them himself again than run the risk of someone stealing them and undo his work. He may be evil and incapable of properly understanding the concept of proportions (that whole: if you destroy half of the resources along with half of the people using said resources, you are just as screwed as before), but the guy is smart.
Carol was as amazing as she could be in a movie that by design could not be about her kicking Thanos’s ass up and down the whole galaxy but was necessarily the Last Hooray  of the Old Guard. Her face seeing Fury among the Snapped, her entrance and towing a fucking spaceship, her pointing out that while the Avengers have been watching (with mixed results) over a single planet she was watching over a lot of them (likely with better results), her second entrance, her goddamn everything. Not as good as her solo movie but what could ever be?
Speaking of ladies, Valkyrie becoming a Literal Queen warms my heart. I have some doubts about Thor just up and leaving what remains of his people, even after everything (read: I don’t buy it, just like I don’t buy anything about Thor in this movie), but considering Heimdall is not around anymore, we can all agree he left them in excellent, badass hands. I want more.
Switching to metaphorical Valkyries... It was a fanservice-y, mostly unearned scene in a series that has historically been pretty low in female friendships or relationships, but goddamn if the optics of all the badass ladies of the MCU banding together weren’t made of FUCKYEAH! Give us a ladies-led movie, Marvel, you fucking cowards: DC is giving us the Birds of Prey (and Harley Quinn), what’s your excuse?
In that vein: Pepper donning an Iron Man armor! Basically everything I ever hoped for, so much so that for a moment I legitimately thought I had imagined it. Now that Tony is gone, let Pepper step up as Rescue or Iron Maiden or whatever, get her to mentor a bright intern named Riri Williams and we’re set to go for maximum awesomeness.
Still, when talking about maximum awesomeness: CAP. WIELDING. MJOLNIR. We Italians don’t have the habit of reacting to movies out loud at the theatre, but you could hear the current of FUCKYEAH!!! coming from all the nerds in the room, and rightly so. Cap fighting with the shield in one hand and Mjolnir in the other was everything every superhero fan could ever have wished for in a movie distilled into the Crowning Moment of Awesome to top all CMOAs. (Too bad this gets incredibly undermined by that ending beacuse I refuse to believe that that guy could be worthy of a fucking shoehorn, much less Mjolnir.)
Thor dual-wielding Mjolnir and Stormbreaker deserves a mention too.
(This as long as we forget Mjolnir being taken away to the future at the start of Dark World makes gaping holes in Ultron e Ragnarok, because past!Thor wouldn’t have it anymore, but whatever LALALALALA what time logic?)
But the moment that threatened to bring down the house in cheers was the sight of all the Unsnapped returning followed by - finally - the call: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! Every single person visibly restrained themselves from punching the air and shouting along. I think we all regret not doing so, dignity be damned.
   So, leaving aside the truck-sized plot holes that are practically a given once you decide to muck around with time travel and the occasional plot-over-character-or-sense stupidity, all in all we have a rather solid movie full of badass moments and with occasionally meaningful emotional beats.
Not my favorite by a long shot, but a mostly fitting end to an insane project no one ever thought could possibly be achieved that ended up sweeping the world and fandom.
Too bad those last five minutes arrive to shit all over that, and incidentally all over a beloved character.
 Steve – I must suppose SERIOUSLY concussed during the battle to the point of brain damage beyond the repairing capabilities of the superserum – returns the Infinity Stones to the past and, while he’s at it, decides to abscond in the same past to live his life with Peggy, only returning as an old man to pass the shield to Sam.
Awwwwwwwwww... Steve and Peggy living their life together, so heartwarming...
Yeah, except once you think about it, then you want to use that shield to fucking brain the skrull that must be impersonating Steve Rogers.
Because, in order to buy this story, we have to believe that Steve “I don’t like bullies” Rogers, Steve “If I see a situation pointed south, I can't ignore it” Rogers, Steve “On va voir” Rogers, Steve “I can do this all day” Rogers deliberately chose to spend the rest of his fucking life doing exactly nothing, otherwise the timeline would have been SERIOUSLY rebooted.
A life of inaction, hiding the fact of his existence.
Sure, that totally sounds like the Steve Rogers we have been watching up until this point.
Instead of an ending about moving forward no matter what life throws at you, we got one about happiness being literally going backwards.
Because that’s a totally healthy message.
Hell, you decide to go the retirement route, I don’t even necessarily disagree with it. If, after all the trauma of Infinity War + the five years interlude + the shitstorm of Endgame, Steve decided to lay aside the shield for a while and try to make an actual, functional life for himself I would have been all for it. If nothing else, the guy could make do with a lot of therapy. Most crucially, not being Captain America would not mean quitting the fight: he could do just as much good as an artist, a politician, an opinion leader, an activist or what have you. All that is not gonna be possible in the past, because to mantain the timeline he cannot become anyone relevant in any way. Especially since he knows Hydra is still around and attracting notice would mean risking some of that attention coming from them. So no, absconding to the past means by necessity a life not fighting in any way, not doing anything of any particular importance whatsoever.
This is completely antithetical to everything that Steve Rogers, as he was shown up until now, stands for.
And we have yet to touch the morality of it all, or the lack thereof.
Lest I get accused of being a bitter Stucky shipper whose slash goggles cannot make her appreciate a Steggy ending, let me point out that I ship Steggy as much as Stucky and if anything I am a bitter Peggy Carter fangirl: Our Kick-Ass Lady of the No Holds Barred Beatdown unquestionably deserves better than this crap.
By which, I’m not even talking about how this ending shits all over the closure we got before and the entirety of the Agent Carter run, which both show that while Peggy unquestionably loved Steve, she mourned him for a while and then, as healthy people do, moved on to have a perfectly fulfilling life with a rewarding job and eventually a new love and family. I’m not even talking about how this takes her back the “Steve Rogers’ Love Interest” route, Betty Carver-style, instead of letting her be her own woman with her own story that may have started alongside Steve Rogers but then developed on her own terms. I’m not talking about how she was rewinded from a character in her own right to a “hero’s” prize.
I’m talking about how this supposed happy ending to slow dancing and snuggling is based on either Peggy being apparently also brain damaged to the point that, upon hearing that the organization she’s busting her ass to run is a Nazi cesspool, just rolls with it - which, I think we can all agree, is definitely not something our Agent Carter would ever in a million years do -  or Steve merrily electing to spend something like 50 years lying like a motherfucker to the supposed love of his life about how the organization she’s busting her ass to run is a Nazi cesspool. True love, everyone!
Fuck you: Peggy Carter fucking deserved better than this.
This also leaving aside the fact that, in this happy ending, Steve knows that while he’s squirreled away in the woods dancing and doing decoupage, his supposed best friend is getting tortured to the point of complete dehumanization. But whatever, he’ll eventually be fine, no use doing anything about it. Oh, JFK got murdered? Nice shot, Buck! Oh, there goes Howard, a smooth operation, buddy: hope the brain-frying won’t be too bad, just hang on until 2014.
End of the line my goddamn ass.
Oh, and since no-one’s memories are rewritten, Bucky also conceivably knows all this. He knows that his supposed best friend voluntarily spent his life doing squat to save him.
Fuck you: Bucky Barnes fucking deserved better than this.
SO, TO RECAP: Steve Rogers is a selfish ass who chose a life of inaction, Peggy Carter is either his accomplice or a dupe and Bucky Barnes lost his best friend all over again. Coherent characterization got sacrificed for a theoretical feel-good moment that doesn’t stand up to the most cursory examination before being revealed as sheer horrifying fuckery.
Sure, Sam gets to be the new Captain America (which, don’t get me wrong: he totally deserves it and at this point he’s more worthy of it than the original), but that’s literally the only good thing in a mountain of shit dumped over characters that deserved much better.
I get that Evans wanted out, but there are ways to do it and then there are ways. Tony went out like a goddamn hero. So did Natasha.
Steve went out quitting - aka the one and only thing Steve Rogers would never ever do - and in addition what can only be called a bastard who shrugged off his best friend’s decades-long torture and quite likely spent his life lying to the woman he loves.
Fuck you: Steve Rogers fucking deserved better than this.
If there could be a worse impression to leave bowing out than this one, I’m honestly unable to imagine it (Well, beside making Steve Hydra for real: but considering that he spent his live blithely pretending they were not still around murdering, torturing and so on, that makes him a collaborationist at best and WOW, at this point it’s kinda splitting hairs, isn’t it?).
Coming into Endgame, I knew this was gonna be Cap’s last waltz and after spending years as a Steve Rogers fan I was dreading watching him die. Now, I wish he could have gone out with the heroism and dignity of Tony or Natasha instead of... whatever this was. I could have mourned him while celebrating him, instead of mourning what he used to be while despising what he was made to become.
This Steve Rogers fan, who spent years loving him while being annoyed and occasionally enraged by Tony Stark, left the theatre feeling deeply moved by Tony and quite honestly hating the guts of whatever was left of Steve. If someone told me this would happen I wouldn’t have believed them and yet here we are.
 Personally, in order to actually enjoy the movie and especially to be able to retain any fondness whatsoever for one of my most beloved characters, those last five minutes are gonna join the entirety of Age of Ultron in the realm of “I recognise Marvel Studios have made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it”.
As far as I’m concerned, Endgame ended with Tony Stark’s funeral. A fitting tribute to the fallen hero who started it all, to the road that took us to this moment and all those characters who travelled it with us.
To the end of an era and hope for the next one.
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ranger-of-estel · 6 years
CC - #26 Jealous Kiss with #41 Forbidden Kiss please
#26 Jealous Kiss & #41 Forbidden KissCaptain CanaryAU where Sara spends some time in Central (as the White Canary,) and meets Leonard while he’s still head of the Rogues 
               Sarawatches the Rogues retreat, shaking her head as she makes her way back to therest of the team. Oliver frowns as she approaches, “What re the chances wecatch them?”
               “Honestly?”She shrugs,  “pretty slim. The Rogues disappearwell.” She motions toward the museum, “they won’t try here again, at least notuntil things have gotten quiet.”
               “Alright,”Oliver sighs, knocking his hood back. He reaches up, tapping the com in his ear.“Felicity, put in a call to Barry, let him know Captain Cold is likelyreturning to Central.”
               “Well,”Laurel steps up, “I for one say we celebrate stopping a world class thief.” Shegrins at the rest of the group, “Milkshakes on me?”
               “Yes!” Theajoins in, “and I’ll buy fries.”
               Theothers start moving toward the diner, debating the merit of dipping fries inmilkshakes as they walk. Oliver turns to look back at where Sara is stillstanding, “You alright?”
               “Huh?Oh, yeah.” She smiles at him, “You go on ahead, I’ll catch up.” She motionsback toward one of the allies. “I wanna grab my throwing knives.”
               Oliver’sbrow raises skeptically, but just nods. “Alright.”
               Sarawaits until the team is out of sight, then makes her way toward the ally. Themoment she steps into the shadows a coat covered arm blocks her path. Shesmiles, turning to face the man boxing her in. “Hello Captain.”
               “Canary,”he drawls, smirking down at her.
               “Didyou plan a heist just so you could come see me?” she teases, relaxing againstthe brick wall.
               Hehums, “tempting as that might have been, this job was in the works long beforeyou left my city.”
               “Isthat so?” one brow raises, “Because the exhibit you hit was a last-minuteaddition for this week. And it was executed poorly for something you’d beenworking on so long.”
               “Wasit?” she sees the mischief glinting in his crystal eyes. “Maybe the museum wasn’tmy target at all?”
               “Thenwhat was?” She looks genuinely curious, “you made it pretty clear you don’tlike this city.”
               “And Ilike the criminals here even less.” His gaze narrows, “needed to have a littlechat with someone who thought they could do business in my city without menoticing.”
               “Ah,”she grabs the front of his coat, twisting them so he’s against the wall in one fluentmotion. “And drawing the attention of Team Arrow?”
               Thesmirk is back again, one hand settling at her waist. “Seemed a waste to comeout and not meet the locals.”
               “Localsthat you went strangely easy on,” she smiles.
               “A courtesynot returned,” he frowns.
               “Comeon, I didn’t hit you.” She rolls her eyes. He raises a brow, reaches up with hisfree hand to pull a knife from the wall, fur of his hood still stuck on the point.She shrugs, taking the knife and tucking it away. “Still didn’t hurt you.”
               “Yourgreen hooded friend was less careful with my Rogues.” He frowns, “and he seemedawfully intent on fighting near you.”
               “Do Isense jealousy?” She teases, one hand coming up to rest along his neck.
               He spinsthem again, though this time his hands remain at her waist. He leans in, lipsghosting against her ear. “I don’t like sharing what’s mine.”
               “Well,”she shifts so their lips are nearly touching. “you’ll be glad to hear that theArrow had his chance.” She laces her hands behind his head, “and he lost.”
               Hislips cover hers, rough but never unpleasant. His grip tightens almost possessivelyat her waist, the other hand coming up to cushion her head from the bricksbehind her. She pulls him closer with a fist in his shirt, grin pulling at herlips as they break apart for air. “Definitely a better choice than Ol-“ shecuts off, and he smirks.
               “Carefulthere Canary, you almost ratted out your vigilante friends to a world classcriminal.” He teases.
               “Likeyou don’t already know who most of them are, Snart.” She rolls her eyes,fingers playing at the nape of his neck.
               “I willneither confirm nor deny,” he watches her another moment before adding. “Butthere is one person I’d like to know about.”
               “And whomight that be?” she tilts her head slightly.
               “I haveit from a source,” he leans in again, breath dancing across her face. “that SaraLance is looking to relocate?”
               “I’mgoing to kill Barry,” she huffs, and he chuckles. “Turns out you aren’t theonly one who can’t keep secret identities well.”
               “Shutup,” she swats at his shoulder before ducking out of his grip. He just shiftsto lean against the wall, watching as she grabs a couple more knives from wherethey’ve become imbedded in various locations. “But to answer your question,”she glances back up at him. “Yes, I am coming back to Central.”
               “Isthat so?” he crosses his arms.
               “Getover yourself, Crook.” She straightens, “My mother lives there.”
               “And,”he drawls, pushing off the brick to move closer. “Is that the only reason?”
               “Well,”she tucks the last of the knives into her outfit once more. “There is this guy,”she closes some of the distance. “and I happen to be a sucker for a bad boy,especially one that knows how to have a good time.”
               He’sabout to comment when her phone rings, both starting slightly before she grabsit and answers. “Hey Sis, what’s up?”
               “I justwanted to make sure you were okay,” Laurel’s pretend-I’m-not-concerned voicereplies. “Milkshake is starting to melt.”
               “Ofcourse, I’ll be right there.” She glances back up to Leonard, “I bumped into afriend and got distracted.”
               “Allright, see you soon.” Laurel replies, Sara ending the call.
               Hedoesn’t wait for her to speak, just holds out a piece of paper. She looks athim curiously and he just shrugs. “In case you want to spend your evening withdrinks and a possible fist fight.” He leans in to steal another brief kiss,then pulls up his hood. “See you around Lance.”
               Shewatches him disappear into the darkness, shaking her head and pocketing thenote. She knows she shouldn’t, that this entire affair is a horrible idea. Butthat’s never stopped her before, and she’s definitely not going to start now.
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