#I am SO excited to get back to this one!!!
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The thought of mer!prowl having to teach Jaz to hunt in @keferon 's post apocalypse ponyo au. Just like he probably had to teach his little brothers. Jazz not knowing what or how to eat. So I did a thing
“What-?” Prowl was frustrated. This whole damn mess was going on for far longer than he had ever feared. He needed to get back to his pod. His family. Those fragging humans and their twisted sense of “mercy” had almost trapped him in a life of servitude and solitude. All over a little damage to his melon, nothing a proper mer healer couldn't fix, but clearly beyond their limited medical knowledge. And then everything changed when the wave had hit.
Calling it a wave felt a bit misleading. A miles high flood of oceanic rage that all but wiped the human city off the coastline and allowed for his escape. Their escape. This poor strange mer he had met in that box of stone and steel and glass. The one who had weak fins and an iron grip and no memory of the ocean. Jazz, who had been so excited to meet him.
He had been useful enough at the start. Practically hauling prowl along the dry rough pathways before they could reach the floodways proper and swim away. And it was handy to have one person with functional echolocation as they swam through the worst of the wrecked buildings, But after that he had unfortunately become quite the nuisance. Flighty and distracted by every flashy bit of detritus in the water, startled by fish a quarter of his size, and the talking. Relentless jabbering about everything and anything, occasionally bursting into one of those strange human songs, their tones and rhythm poorly suited for an aquatic environment. Prowl didn't really know why he had continued to let this stranger swim with him. Perhaps it was a debt of gratitude for helping him survive and escape. Perhaps it was his sense of duty, this jazz was ill equipped to survive on his own and had almost perished the first time they had hit a rip.
Perhaps it was because he was the only company in these waters that wasn't a bloodthirsty mutation, a shambling wretched gasping thing that was not mer not human not fish but some horrific combination of the three with their gangly limbs, razor claws and rows and rows of serrated ripping teeth.
And his singing was really good, when he chose the right song.
“Prowler I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?” jazz asked, his posture meek as he floated neutral in the water.
“Of course there is. Just grab something and let's go. We are losing daylight and i'd like to find somewhere safe to camp before it gets dark.”
Dangerous things swam in the dark waters.
“What do you mean?” Jazz asked, thoroughly confused.
“Jazz we are surrounded by fish right now. Pick one and let's go.” prowl gestured to the schools of shimmering fish surrounding them. They were swimming through what had once been a park, the vegetation on the trees now replaced with algae and budding coral growths, the streetlights crusted with barnacles, and what was left of grassy fields struggling to survive as crabs and rays scuttled among the waving green vegetation grazing.
“Yeah that. How do I know which ones are good to eat? And how exactly am I supposed to just ‘grab one' they are all wicked fast.” Jazz pouted.
Prowl closed his eyes and counted to ten, digging deep for the well of patience typically reserved for only the youngest pod members before facing the mer behind him.
“You're a mer. We are the top predators of our natural environment. Everything is good to eat. Well, most of it. Watch me.” Prowl instructed as he swam off a few clicks. His echolocation was still trashed and would be until he could get back to his pods healer, so he would have to hunt by sight. Spotting a fish he liked he swiftly maneuvered around the school, herding them towards an algae covered statue to separate them. With a powerful flick of his tail he changed direction to head the stragglers off and turn them towards the branches of a tree. With another casual turn he isolated the one he wanted and with an effortless burst of speed; caught it in his claws and ripped its head off with his sharp teeth.
Jazz was in awe. Prowl moved so fast! The speed and grace in his turns as he effortlessly put the fish exactly where he needed it.
“Woah! That was slick, man I mean slick. How’d you do that?” Jazz asked with an excited shout and a backwards roll. Prowl finished the fish with a roll of his eyes.
“Everyone can do that. You can too, I know you have the agility for it. It's no harder than those silly dances the two legs made you do.”
“I don't know…”
Prowl sighed. This mer, This clever, happy, sociable mer, had been deprived of nearly every aspect of life prowl took for granted.
No open waves to surf.
No territory to call his own.
No pod to care for him.
He couldn't even hunt his own food.
They had enough time before they needed to bed down for the night.
“Here let's practice.” Prowl offered as he flicked another fish from the herd. Except this time, instead of decapitation he clipped one pectoral and half of its tail fin. As he let it go the fish wobbled back into the school, its progress hampered. When the others zigged it tended to zag.
“Catch the fish. Use any trick you can think of. Flips, rolls, dives. Whatever. Just remember that sight hunting is all about focus. Don't take your eyes off your prey for a second. Catch the fish and you will eat.” Prowl instructed.
Jazz hesitated for a moment. Then the hollow call of his stomach galvanized him to action.
Jazz bolted after the lamed fish and something began to sing in his veins. That feeling started deep in his bones and radiated up to tingle just under his skin. It electrified every muscle in his body from the tip of his tail to the end of his nose. He had never felt so at ease in water. He could feel the movement of the currents and somehow he knew exactly how to play off it. He dove and twirled and the fish scattered in a fluttering cloud of silver. A flick of his tail and he separated the other half of the herd.
He smiled as zeroed in on his target.
This felt good.
This felt right.
This felt fun.
The taste of silver fish in his mouth had never been so sweet.
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The Road Back to You, ft. tripleS Lee Jiwoo
tags: creampie, (light) daddy kink, rekindled love
length: almost 6k words
author's note: well, here it is: one of the fics that was stuck in the WIP dungeon—have at it, you.
“The Cavendish Group says—oh my God, who is it?”
You look at your buzzing phone; Jiwoo’s mother is calling you. You take a few deep breaths to clear your mind before picking up the call.
“Good afternoon, this is Shin Hyunwoo,” you greet her.
“Hi, son—have you been well?”
“Yes, I have, madam. Is there anything I can help you with?”
The woman on the other side pauses for what feels like an eternity.
“It’s about Jiwoo,” she pauses again, “she’s… been quite ill for the past two weeks, and I thought maybe you should pay her a visit.”
Your heart races: you haven’t talked to Jiwoo for almost a year now ever since she walked out your door that one night, and the prospect of seeing the cause of your heartbreak is rather… unsettling.
“I know you’re busy, but if you have time, please consider visiting her.” You can hear the sincerity in her voice, and it’s getting difficult to say no. Your gaze is locked on the large monitor in front of you as you thoughtfully consider her mother’s words. Eventually, with a heavy sigh, you agree to see Jiwoo at her place.
“I’ll tell her you’ll be coming after you get off work.” You can hear the joy in her voice, and it’s getting difficult to calm your racing heart. Your gaze shifts to the window next to you, and reflected on its surface is your smiling face. Eventually, with a chuckle, you admit to yourself that you are indeed excited to see Jiwoo at her place.
You take exactly 6 deep breaths before knocking on Jiwoo’s apartment door. Initially, no answer is heard from the other side, but as you prepare to knock again, the door suddenly shifts.
“O-oppa, you’re… actually here…”
You offer her a tentative smile, unable to tell whether she’s excited to see you or not.
“Yes, I am—erm, your mother asked if I could visit you, so…” You trail off, hoping that Jiwoo will catch on. A smile of similar nature stretches over her face. “Please get inside, oppa.”
Jiwoo invites you to sit on the sofa with her, and after you’re seated, she asks for permission to rest her head on your shoulder for “old times sake.” With a smile on her face, you grant her that permission. “Thank you,” she mutters softly as she leans against you. Your eyebrows furrow when you feel her hot temple on your skin. “You’re that sick, baby?” Jiwoo pretends to have missed the endearment, biting her lower lip to stop herself from blushing. “Yes, oppa; it’s been pretty bad.”
You offer Jiwoo to rest her head on your thighs, and without saying a word, she takes you up on it. Not only that, but she also guides your hand towards her forehead. “Hm, hot,” you blurt. She nods slightly. “My head hurts too,” she complains, sighing deeply at the end. You bite your tongue slightly as you think whether you want to ask her this question in your head. “Ah, screw it.” The suddenness confuses Jiwoo. “Screw what, oppa?”
“Can I take you to the bedroom, baby?”
Jiwoo’s blinks rapidly; she hasn’t heard you say such a sentence in a long while, and now, merely minutes after your return, she hears it again, thus causing her cheeks to turn pink.
“Y-yes, oppa; p-please take me to the bedroom.”
Jiwoo nuzzles her face in the crook of your neck as you’re lifting her bridal-style to her room. “Mm, you still smell the same,” she comments. You chuckle a little. “I just keep buying the same perfume and cologne,” you say. She nods against your skin. “Don’t ever change them, please; I love the smell of you, oppa.” Your eyebrows rise; does Jiwoo realize she’s saying all this like she was still your girlfriend?
“Ah, whatever—not the time to think about it.”
You carefully lower Jiwoo onto her bed, and that is when she tightens her arms around your neck. “Don’t leave me—please, not again,” she begs. You sigh deeply. “What do you mean not again, Jiwoo-yah?” She looks at you in the eyes. “You know what I mean, oppa, so please don’t leave me, not when I need you most.” You sigh again. “You were the one who broke us up, sweetheart; I was just respecting your decision.”
Tears prick at the corners of her eyes as she feels the weight of regret of the decision that led to her stepping out of your door and, in turn, your life. “I-I was… reckless, to say the least—I-I’ve now realized that I can’t leave without you.” You stay silent, indirectly asking her to keep talking. “I’m so, so sorry for leaving you, oppa,” her eyes are shiny with unshed tears, “I should’ve been more patient, more understanding…”
It warms your heart that Jiwoo understands the significance of her decision to leave the relationship and is welcoming about your return. Before guilt overwhelms her, you throw her a lifebuoy in the form of a soothing touch of hand to her forehead. “Sweetheart, I think we’ve both learned our lessons—for now, let’s just focus on recovering.” She smiles slightly. “Please join me in bed, oppa.”
You slide onto the bed as she asks, spooning her from behind just like how you used to. “This is… so nice,” she sighs, seemingly in relief, “thank you for making time for me, oppa; I know you’re busy and all that.” You give her a soft peck to the back of her head. “You have a special place in my heart and mind, Jiwoo-yah—not to mention that your mom was quite good at persuasion.” Jiwoo giggles. “A chip of the old block, or something like that.”
Time ticks by as you spend a few hours spooning the sick woman, and now that your eyes are open again, you see that it’s quite dark outside the window.
“Jiwoo-yah,” you whisper softly, “I think we should find something to eat.” Jiwoo stretches languidly as she gets herself together. “What time is it?” You look at your watch. “Almost 9 p.m.” She exhales deeply. “Can we have food sent here, because I don’t feel like going out.” You ask what she wants to have. “Anything that’s warm like you.” Your heart jumps. “Warm like me, you say?” She nods with a smile. “Warm like you, oppa—that’s what I need right now.”
You quickly order some noodle soup for both of you. “Food will be here in around 20 minutes, sweetie, so please hang on.” Jiwoo places a hand on yours. “Thank you, oppa; I appreciate it.” Once again, you give her a peck to the back of her head. “The pleasure is mine, sweetie—thank you for welcoming me again.” She sighs deeply. “Can’t we just pretend like we never broke up?” Well, isn’t that a good question. “I don’t know, honestly. I mean we haven’t seen each other for almost a year.”
You spend the time cuddling the sick woman whose (literal) hotness gradually becoming a source of concern. Thankfully, however, you’ve received notification that the food has been delivered to her door, which means that she’ll soon be able to take her medicines and get some rest.
Jiwoo reluctantly lets you go from the embrace. “Come back quickly, oppa,” she begs, her voice barely above a whisper. You give her a nod before stepping out of the bedroom to get the food from the door. You prepare the noodle soup for her, opening the bowl-like container and putting a spoon in it.
You help Jiwoo sit and lean against the headboard to support her weak frame. “May I feed you?” She nods with a faint pink on her cheeks. You take a spoonful of only the soup for her to taste. “Is that good?” Jiwoo sighs. “Not as good as expected, but that’s probably because I’m ill.”
You tend to Jiwoo with utmost patient, feeding her carefully until she finishes her food—or not; she’s weakly pushing your hand away from her lips. “That’s enough food,” she says. It’s unfortunate that she’s calling it quit now that there’s only two spoonsful of noodle soup left. “Baby, finish it, please?” She turns her face away from you, signaling that she really doesn’t want it. “Okay, if you say so.”
You place the unfinished food on the bedside table and ask where her medicines are. “I don’t want them too.” You sigh. “Baby, please, I just want to help.” Realizing that she can’t counter-argue, Jiwoo points at the drawer of the bedside table. When you open it, you notice that she has only taken her medications twice. “You’ve been skipping your meds, baby?” Jiwoo doesn’t answer your question, and that is when you sigh for the nth time.
You carefully turn her face towards you. “Baby, what’s happening right now—you’ve been ill for almost two weeks, but you haven’t been taking your medicines.” A tear flows out onto her cheek. “I-I’m sorry, b-but I just… I haven’t been feeling so well recently, if you know what I’m saying.” You hesitantly reach to pet her head. “Will you please cooperate for now? I’ll walk out of your life again when you’ve gotten better.”
Jiwoo breaks down into tears. “A-are you listening to yourself, oppa? Y-you’re saying that you’ll leave me again—are you fucking serious?” You wipe her tears with your thumb. “Baby, that’s not what I was trying to say; I’m just saying that I need you to work with me so that you can fully recover.” She closes her eyes tightly before looking back at you. “A-alright, I-I’ll… I’ll cooperate—j-just promise that you won’t leave me after this.” You offer her some assurance that you’ll stay, and that is when Jiwoo signals that she’s willing to take her medicines.
You prepare her capsules and pills along with a glass of water. “Ready when you are, baby.” Jiwoo takes the medicines from your hands and quickly swallows them. “Are you happy now?” You shake your head. “I won’t be happy until you’re healthy again.” She chuckles. “Hard to please, as always,” she snarks. A flicker of hurt crosses your features, but you quickly shake it off; right now, Jiwoo’s health is more important than your feelings.
Jiwoo moves to lie down, facing away from you dismissingly. “I’ll be at the living room if you need me,” you say. You give her some soft pats on the thigh as you make to leave to give her space to rest. You stop at the door, hoping that she’ll call you to cuddle her to sleep, but it doesn’t look like she wants it. “Yeah, okay,” you mutter as you close the door behind you.
You take a few deep breaths after sinking your butt into the fluffy cushions of the sofa. “Jiwoo has taken her meds and is sleeping right now,” you send a text to her mother, notifying her of Jiwoo’s current condition. “Thank you, son,” she replies soon after, and with it, you close your eyes to get a taste of peace.
Just minutes into your slumber, you feel someone wrapping their arms around you from behind while placing their chin on the top of your head. “Hm? Are you okay, sweetie?” “No,” she answers weakly. “Cuddle, please?” You collect yourself and stand up from the sofa. “I’m sorry, I just thought maybe you needed some space.” Jiwoo bites her lip in uncertainty. “I thought so too, but I think it’d be better if you’re with me.”
You follow her back to the bedroom, lying down square on your back while Jiwoo puts her head on your chest. “I’m sorry for being difficult, oppa; you’re here to help, but I’m not playing along.” You pet her head softly while offering some assurance, denying her attempt at guilt-tripping herself. “I wish… we hadn’t broken up…” she trails off as she drifts to sleep.
Subtle taps on your stomach stir you awake, and through your half-open eyes, you see Jiwoo sitting in bed next to you with a bottle (that’s more akin to a jerrycan) in her hands. “Can I help you?” She nods as she brings the bottle closer to you. “Can you, erm, get me some water, please?” You rub your eyes to wake up and take the bottle from her. “Sure, baby.”
You arrive at the kitchen where the dispenser is—wait, what is that hanging on the fridge?
You free the folded paper from the magnet and read the content, noticing the frequent strikethroughs right away.
“Dear ex-boyfriend,” the letter starts. "Thank you for making the time to come here and take care of me. It means a lot to me that you still care about me, and I don’t want to sound too hopeful, but I wish we can start over from square one.”
“So, can we start again?” Her voice makes you jump. “Answer me, oppa; can we start again? Will you give me another chance?" You turn to her with a sigh. “Let’s… focus on getting better for now.” Your indecisive answer disappoints Jiwoo, her eyes shining with unshed tears of unspoken dismay. “Sure, if you say so…” she trails off as she enters the bedroom again with slouched shoulders.
When you return to the bedroom, you find her curled up in bed, hugging her knees. “Jiwoo-yah, your water,” you say, hoping that she’ll get out of that position. “I’m not thirsty,” she replies, her voice barely audible. You set the filled bottle on the bedside table. “Well, it’s here if you need it.”
Your hand lingered on the bottle just a second too long, and Jiwoo is quick to find your wrist, gripping it weakly. “Stay,” she begs, “I don’t want to be alone again.” It’s disheartening to see the usually cheerful girl like this. “Alright, I’ll be in bed with you.”
Jiwoo tangles her long limbs around your body to keep you close. Not only that, but she also puts her head on your chest. “Your heart is racing,” she comments. You chuckle. “So is my mind.” She looks up at you with hopeful eyes. “I hope you’re thinking about getting back together.” You exhale deeply. “Well, I am, actually.” Jiwoo is getting excited. “So?” You take a deep breath before replying.
“Well, I think… I think I’m falling for you again.”
Jiwoo gathers her strength and moves to straddle your lap, a mysterious grin spreading across her features. “Why are you looking at me like that, baby?” She chuckles. “I want to make love to celebrate getting back together.” Blood rushes towards your cock at her words, but you don’t give into lust as you would’ve in the past. “Baby, you’re still sick—weren’t you complaining about a headache earlier?” She shrugs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she deflects.
Jiwoo’s grin falters when she gets the signal from your stern expression. “Ah, well, I suppose I should get better first.” She then proceeds to let her torso rest on yours. “Thank you, oppa,” she mutters. You press your lips against her temple. “We will have time for celebrations, baby—not now, though.”
When you wake up the following morning, Jiwoo’s limbs are still entangled with yours as she sleeps oh-so-peacefully with her mouth slightly open. You carefully free yourself from the embrace, not wanting to disturb her slumber any further, but despite that, Jiwoo wakes up.
“Going somewhere?” she asks, her voice hoarse. “I have to go to work; we’re trying to strike a deal with Covington.” Jiwoo furrows her eyebrows. “Covington? The same Covington from years ago?” You nod. “The one and only.” Jiwoo offers you a supportive smile. “Go get them, then, tiger—make yourself rich.” You chuckle. “Thanks, baby.”
Jiwoo’s smile begins to disappear as she watches you put on your jacket and walk out of the bedroom. “I miss you already, oppa,” she mutters, too quiet to reach your ears. She sighs deeply when she hears your car driving away. “See you later, I guess.”
Jiwoo spends some more time rolling around in bed, and at one point, she wonders if she could pretend like her illness is coming back just so she would have a chance to call you back home. As she scrolls down on her contact list, however, she decides against it; Jiwoo remembers that you’re trying to strike a deal with Covington.
The unhappy-but-understanding Jiwoo eventually gathers her will to leave the bed, stretching around and yawning as she gets herself together. She walks over to the mirror to take a look at herself; her hair is a mess, her lips are anything but red in color, and her eyes are, well, red.
“Whatever”, she shrugs, “still good enough for him.”
Jiwoo proceeds to make her way to the bathroom for a quick soap-less shower before heading towards the living room to entertain herself while you’re away doing God-knows-what. She picks up her handheld console to play the new game she bought some days ago, but she puts it down after a few minutes of gameplay; the bright and flashing lights are proving to be difficult to bear in sickness.
Jiwoo lies flat on the sofa, her mind wandering beyond the walls of her apartment. “What are you doing, oppa, and when are you coming back,” she wonders. A ding from the door makes her jump; could it be you coming back early to surprise her?
Jiwoo rushes to look through the peeping hole in the door, and excitement instantly goes away because it’s not you who’s at the door, but rather a food delivery guy. She puts on a face that screams “I’m sick” and opens the door to accept the food. “A delivery for Mrs. Shin,” the guy says as he brings the bag closer to her. Jiwoo blushes at the reference, but before her mind scrambles even further, she quickly grabs the bag from him. “H-has m-my husband tipped you?” The guy nods with a smile on his face. “Your husband was very generous with the tip, actually.” Jiwoo smiles in pride. “That’s… how he usually is.”
Jiwoo quickly sends the delivery guy on his way, closing and locking the door behind her before high stepping towards the sofa while giggling, the discomfort of illness forgotten for a moment. She pulls out the contents of the bag, which turns out to be a large box of pizza and a side of snacks from a place named Primo, her old favorite.
Jiwoo’s forehead furrows when she notices a folded piece of paper stuck on the cover of the pizza box. “What is this,” she wonders as she unfolds it.
“Hi, baby,
I’m sorry for leaving you alone this morning, but I promise I will come back as soon as possible. That is, if you’d let me come back.
Meanwhile, please enjoy the pizza and garlic bread. I asked for extra tartar sauce because I know how much you like Primo’s tartar. By the way, feel free to finish it all.”
With a smile on her face, Jiwoo presses the letter against her chest, both touched and entertained by the gesture. “Come back to me soon, oppa; I can’t stand being away from you for too long.” She puts down the letter on the table and shifts her attention to the 8 slices of delight and deliciousness in front of her.
One slice after another enters her mouth and towards her belly, and before she knows it, there’s only one slice of pizza left while the box of garlic bread hasn’t been touched at all. “I’m keeping you for later,” she says.
Another ding is heard from the door, and this time, she’s certain that it’s you instead of another delivery guy, considering the current time.
Jiwoo squeals when she sees you through the peephole, and in a moment of excitement, she happens to incorrectly enter the code of the door. “Oh, are you serious right now, Lee Jiwoo,” she’s annoyed at herself, “come on, come on—there we go.”
Jiwoo greets you with arms wide open, no longer showing signs of weakness from the illness, and you’re quick to fill the space in her embrace. “Oppa, welcome home!” You give her a peck to the temple. “Thank you for welcoming me back.” She returns the peck, but it lands on your lips instead. “You’re always welcome here—after all, we’re getting back together.”
Jiwoo pulls away from the embrace momentarily and looks at you in the eyes. “Wait, we’re getting back together, right?” You chuckle. “Only if you want to; I won’t force you into giving me another chance.” She takes the turn to chuckle. “You don’t have to force me; I’m already falling for you for the second time.”
Jiwoo drags you towards the sofa, the box of reheated garlic bread waiting on a table in front of it. “I finished the pizza right away, oppa, but I saved this for you.” Her cute joyfulness makes it irresistible to not smile. “Thanks, but can I ask you something first, baby?” She nods. “Ask away, oppa.”
“You didn’t forget your meds, did you?”
Jiwoo’s gaze strays away from yours at the realization that she forgot to take her medicine twice today. “I-I forgot, oppa…” she trails off, no longer as joyful as earlier. “You forgot, huh?” She gulps to swallow the anxiety that’s stuck in her throat. “Y-yes, oppa; I-I forgot, a-and I’m sorry.”
You get on your knees in front of her. “What could you possibly have been doing that made you forget about your meds, hm?” Jiwoo’s chin gets stuck to her chest as tears begin spilling out. “O-oppa, p-please don’t get angry.” You sigh. “I’m not angry, sweetheart—I’m a bit disappointed, though.”
You ignore Jiwoo’s sobs momentarily to get the bag of medicine from the bedroom, and with it in hand, you kneel in front of her again. “Take them, please,” you say, placing the bag on her thighs. She holds the bag tightly, still unable to calm herself down from getting the brunt of your stern attitude.
You carefully reach for her cheeks, wiping her tears with your thumbs. “Baby, you know I mean well, right? I just want to help you recover as quickly as possible.” Jiwoo sniffles. “B-but you’re still as s-scary as you used to be, oppa.” You sigh again, and you can feel anger dissipating from your mind. “I’m sorry, baby; I didn’t mean it like that.” Jiwoo suddenly hugs you tightly. “Leave your businessman charade at the door; I-I need my boyfriend right now,” she begs. You nod. “Of course, baby.”
You lift Jiwoo on one shoulder—while your free hand grabs the box of garlic bread—and carry her towards the bedroom. You then lower her onto the bed, positioning her to sit right on the edge of it. “Can I entertain you with some garlic bread, baby?” She nods feebly. You guide a piece of bread towards her lips while using your other hand to pet her head tenderly, and Jiwoo rests her head against your shoulder as she munches.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart; I didn’t mean to scare you like that.” Jiwoo hums. “I know you meant well, but there’s something about that stern look of yours that always scares me shitless.” You chuckle a bit. “Yeah, anyway,” you stand up and hand her the bag of medicine, “I want to see you take these meds right now.” Jiwoo does as you demand and takes her pills together with one swig of water from the glass you’ve provided. “Satisfied, my lord?” You scoff. “Yes, I am.”
“Now,” Jiwoo’s voice drops to a sultry tone, “don’t you think I deserve a reward for being such a good girl?” You exhale deeply. “A reward, you say—what kind of reward are you seeking, my sweet?” Jiwoo palms your crotch with one hand. “One that will make me scream until I lose my voice.” She smirks when she notices the way you’re getting hard under her touch.
“Please, daddy.”
Jiwoo beams when your suit jacket falls off your shoulders, going as far as biting her lip—quite sexy, admittedly. She follows your hands as they undo the buttons of your shirt from the top. She halts your movements when your fingers land on your belt. “That’s mine, daddy.” She unlatches your belt and swiftly zip down your trousers.
“Daddy,” she looks up at you with big eyes, “may I…?” Your permission comes in the form of a wordless nod, and that is when Jiwoo yanks your boxers downwards. Her jaw drops when your sizeable and hard cock is laid bare right before her eyes. “I’ve missed you, daddy.” You scoff. “Me or my dick?” Still enamored with your cock, Jiwoo answers, “Yes.”
You gently push Jiwoo backwards, thus making her land on her back on the soft mattress. Jiwoo invites you to touch her further by parting her legs as wide as she can, and you take this most welcome opportunity by placing a finger on her nub. “Oh, fuck.” Jiwoo arches her back at the first contact. “More, please,” she begs. You continue your teasing ministrations for some time, making Jiwoo’s moans become louder.
“Oh, I’m so close, daddy—God, how am I so close already?” With a smirk on your face, you remove your finger from her nub. Jiwoo screams in agony as orgasm eludes her. “No, no, no, please,” she begs tearily, “w-why did you do that, daddy? H-how could you be so mean to me?” You chuckle. “I’m the mean one? Remind me, who decided to break us up?” Jiwoo slams her head onto the pillow in frustration. “I-it was me, daddy; I-I was so selfish and immature.”
Jiwoo moves to sit and guides your hand towards her cheek. “If you want to slap me, oppa, then slap me.” She tenses as you lift your hand, seemingly to prepare to slap her, but she quickly relaxes again when your touch is a soft one. “You know I would never harm you like that.”
Jiwoo rubs against your hand like a cat. “That doesn’t change the fact that it hurt so bad, though,” you say. She nods. “I understand—hell, I still ask myself as to why I decided to leave.” You smile a little, hiding the pain behind a simple charade. “Well, you said you were looking for something I didn’t have.” Jiwoo looks up at you with shiny eyes. “I’ve learned that the safety and comfort you provided were second to none—you were the right person who came at the wrong time.”
For some reason, her declaration sends shiver down your spine; you swear you’ve heard this somewhere before.
“So, what convinced you to take another chance to be with me, baby?” A tear escapes Jiwoo’s eyes. “I long for the warmth and love that only you can provide, my love,” she answers, her voice thick with emotions. “And I just—”
Before she can finish, you crash your lips into hers, thus interrupting her speech. “I love you, Lee Jiwoo; I love you so, so much.” Jiwoo nods as more tears come out of her eyes. “I-I love you too—t-thank you for giving me another chance.”
Jiwoo suddenly pulls you onto the bed with her. “Hold me close, oppa,” she begs, and you comply right away. She lets out whimpers into your chest, showing vulnerability like she would in the past.
“I don’t know if this will help make you feel better, but I never saw anyone when you were away from me,” you confess. Jiwoo looks up at you. “R-really? Y-you kept yourself, erm, clean?” You nod at her question, and that is when she hugs you more tightly than earlier. “You knew we’d get back together, didn’t you, oppa?” You give her a peck on the top of her head. “I guess I did.”
After crying to her heart’s content, Jiwoo pulls away from your embrace. “Now, where were we before you made me cry, oppa?” You chuckle. “Well, I denied your orgasm,” you say. Jiwoo reaches for your arm, grazing it with the tip of her fingers. “Would you be so kind as to let me have an orgasm, daddy?”
“Only if you’ll ride me.”
Jiwoo agrees to your term, straddling your lap without being told twice. “You know, daddy,” she licks her bottom lip, “I didn’t see anyone when you were away from me either.” She bends down until her mouth is next to your ear. “It will feel like you’re popping my cherry again, daddy.”
Your grip on her hips fastens at the prospect of feeling her tight walls around your cock. “Excited, aren’t you, daddy? I know I am—after all, I haven’t felt your glorious cock in so long.” You pinch her waist. “Just get on with it already, hm?” Jiwoo chuckles. “What daddy wants, daddy gets.”
Jiwoo guides you towards her entrance and slowly impales herself on your shaft. “Oh, fuck, I feel like a virgin again.” She moves her hips up and down along your length at a relaxed pace, taking her time to get reintroduced to your size. “Fuck, daddy,” she moans, “fuck, you’re… stronger than before.” You groan heavily at the feeling of being gripped by her tight walls. “And you’re… tighter than before.” Jiwoo’s aroused face is decorated with a satisfied grin. “All for you, daddy.”
After getting used to your shaft, Jiwoo picks up the pace, and it’s getting harder to ignore her cute, bouncing tits. You pull her closer towards you so your lips can reach them. Jiwoo gasps loudly when you nibble her nipple. “Oh, yes, daddy; suck it, nibble it, bite it—do anything you want, daddy.” With her urge in the back of your mind, you increase the stimulation on her tits; you take turns putting each nipple in your mouth to make sure one doesn’t get jealous of the other.
While you’re busy playing with her tits, Jiwoo is busy riding your shaft while moaning loudly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck—oh, I’m so close already,” she announces. With an ear-piercing scream (that you’re certain can be heard by her neighbors), Jiwoo comes undone on your lap. In her weak state, she crashes into you, panting so heavily because of the intensity of her orgasm. “I… I’ve missed you, daddy—I’ve missed us.” You grit your teeth as her silky walls spasm wildly around your shaft, as if trying to make you blow inside her. “I-I’ve missed you too, baby,” you reply amidst the heavy pants.
After getting down from the high of orgasm, Jiwoo pulls away slightly; her hair is a mess, her eyes are shiny, but her smile is sweet and soft as always. “Oppa, I want…” she trails off as she tries to string together some words. Your eyebrows rise, urging her to continue. “I don’t know,” she sighs, “I just… I want to be tied to you, if that makes sense.” You think about the meaning of her words. “You want something more serious, baby?” She nods, and your brain comes up with an idea.
“Well, in that case, will you marry me, Lee Jiwoo?”
Your sudden question has her in tears.
“Yes, oppa—a million times yes!” She crashes into you for a tight hug. “I will marry you in this life, the next, and the one after that.” Her answer is as good as you hope, making you shed tears of your own. “I will truly be yours, oppa; your queen, your friend, your everything.” You nod, your cheek rubbing against hers. “Thank you, my love—thank you so, so much.” Your embrace grows tighter as you bask in emotions. “Thank you to you too, oppa,” she replies.
Now that the tears are starting to dry up, Jiwoo rises from your lap, thus letting your still-hard cock slip out. She lies square on her back next to you. “Come on, my king; make love to your queen.” You waste no time to take your rightful place between her spread legs. “Can I—” “Yes,” she interjects. “Come inside, my love; fill me with your essence and make me bear your child.” You chuckle. “Alright, let’s not get ahead of ourselves now, sweetheart.”
Jiwoo was about to say something else, but before the first syllable could leave her lips, your cock invades her lower ones. “Oh, yes, just like that,” she moans out, “make love to me just like that, my lovely king.” You move your hips at an unhurried pace, savoring the sensation of her tightness. “Oh, God, how are you this tight, baby,” you wonder out loud. She chuckles lightly with a blush on her face. “That’s just how much I love you, oppa.”
Jiwoo closes her eyes as the calm lovemaking progresses, finding it more intimate and enjoyable than kinky or rough sex. Quiet hums of approval also leave her lips occasionally amidst the soft moans. “Mm, yes, my love,” she mutters. “But a bit faster, if you don’t mind?” You smile. “Of course, baby.” You turn up the speed of your movements a few notches, thus earning a smile from Jiwoo. “Yes, that’s perfect, love—now, let’s run to the gates of orgasm together.”
Jiwoo’s sexy moans serve as fuel for you in this final stretch of the sprint towards completion, and the signs of orgasm are getting more apparent; you’re starting to throb inside her. “Fill me, my love.” With her permission in the back of your head, you lodge yourself inside her entirely and just… let go.
In your post-orgasm bliss, you fall limply onto Jiwoo, who is also as weak. “Thank you,” you whisper. A soft peck lands on your cheek. “Thank you, oppa,” she returns the gratitude. “It’s now clear to me that I can’t live without you—I mean, no one can understand me like you do.” You hum. “Promise me that you won’t get bored of me again.” Jiwoo sighs. “Saying it was a huge mistake anyway,” she adds.
“It is with utmost joy that I introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Shin. May their love grow stronger with each passing day.”
The hall that is filled with family members and closest friends explodes into deafening cheers, as those present are as happy as you and Jiwoo are for the new status.
You and her turn towards the crowd, waving at them, and you happen to spot your brother and his wife giving you four thumbs-ups. You put your hand on your chest to express gratitude to them for their wonderful, restless support for the past few months during the preparation of the wedding.
Jiwoo steals your attention by turning your face towards hers. “I love you, my boring husband.” Her words make you burst out laughing. “Boring means safe, yes?” She nods with an eye smile on her face. “Yes, I feel safe with you,” she says. You quickly capture her lips with yours.
“I feel safe with you too, baby, and I love you more.”
#girl group smut#kpop smut#kpop fanfic#kpop fanfiction#male reader#male reader smut#smut#triples smut
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always sunny in australia
pairings: tillies x teen!reader
summary: your first debut for the tillies
warnings: mentions of anxiety
notes: this is such a switch from estrella i love it. also apologies because it’s a bit short but i am getting to writing a character like this so give me grace 🙏🏾
you guys can also request stories for this too!
You anxiously chew on your lip as you sit in your cubby, watching your teammates move around the locker room, pulling on their socks, tying their cleats, shaking out their limbs. The energy in the room is electric— excitement, determination, focus. But all you can feel is the nervous pit growing in your stomach.
Your fingers tremble as you retie your laces for what feels like the tenth time, your knee bouncing up and down in a restless rhythm. The fluorescent lights hum above you, their sterile glow making everything feel too bright, too sharp. The sound of studs scraping against the floor, the murmur of pre-game rituals, the distant echo of the stadium crowd, it all blurs together in a disorienting buzz.
You don’t realize you’re holding your breath until a voice snaps you out of it.
“You nervous?”
You jolt slightly, looking up to see your captain standing over you, arms crossed, an amused yet knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
“No,” you blurt out, shaking your head a little too fast. Your voice comes out higher than usual, unconvincing even to your own ears. Sam raises an eyebrow, unimpressed.
Ellie, tying her cleats a few cubbies over, snorts. “Please, we all saw you nearly pass out in the warm-up, kid.”
You groan, burying your face in your hands. “That was one time.”
Steph walks by, ruffling your hair. “Sure, kid. One time. And yesterday. And the day before that.”
Caitlin grins as she leans against the locker. “It’s kinda cute, honestly.”
“Yeah, in a baby bird who might pass out kind of way,” Ellie adds.
You let out a dramatic sigh, slumping forward. “This is bullying.”
Mini laughs, patting your back. “Nah, this is love.”
Sam, still beside you, finally takes mercy. She plops down and throws an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her side. It’s grounding, the solid warmth of her presence, the steady rise and fall of her breathing.
“Listen, Kiddie,” she says, her voice softer now, reassuring. “I was your age when I debuted, and I nearly shit my pants. No joke.”
That earns a small laugh from you, but Sam continues, her tone serious despite the grin playing on her lips.
“But here’s the thing, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t ready. If you didn’t have pure talent and skill, they wouldn’t have called you up. You belong here, and you’ve got all of us behind you. You have nothing to worry about.”
You take a shaky breath, nodding, letting her words sink in. Maybe she’s right. No. She is right.
“Thanks, Sammy,” you murmur, and she smiles before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.
“Anytime, Kiddie.”
Before you can respond, the coach’s voice booms through the locker room.
“Game time!”
The room erupts into motion. Your heart pounds, but this time, there’s something else mixed in with the nerves, excitement. You take one last deep breath, stand up, and follow your team out onto the field.
The stadium lights bear down on you, illuminating the field in a way that makes everything feel surreal. The roar of the crowd is deafening, a mix of Australian and American fans creating a constant buzz that fills your chest with nerves.
You blink. For a second, the lights seem too bright, the world almost dreamlike.
You shake your head quickly, grounding yourself back in the moment. Focus.
Sam is hyping everyone up, her voice loud and confident. Caitlin gives you a nod, her usual calm demeanor somehow reassuring.
“Ready, kid?” Alanna nudges you with her elbow.
You take a deep breath and nod. You don’t know if it’s entirely true, but you want it to be.
“Good,” she grins. “Let’s give ’em hell.”
Ellie cracks her knuckles beside you. “Try not to faint, alright?”
Before you can reply, Mini elbows her. “Leave the kid alone, she’s already stressing.”
“I’m not stressing,” you protest weakly.
Mini raises an eyebrow. “Right, and I’m a six-foot striker.”
Steph smirks. “Hey, that’d be terrifying.”
Ellie grins. “I’d score a hat trick every game.”
“Against an open goal, maybe,” Caitlin mutters.
Before Ellie can argue, the ref’s whistle cuts through the noise.
The U.S. comes out aggressive, pressing hard and fast, making it difficult for your team to settle. You track back defensively, trying to hold your own against their left-back, who isn’t giving you an inch of space. The pace is relentless, and your lungs burn, but you push through it.
Then, in the 23rd minute, the U.S. strikes first. A sharp cross, a towering header, and just like that, you’re down 1-0.
Macca picks the ball out of the net, shaking her head but clapping her hands. “We go again!”
Sam shouts, “Heads up, we’re still in this!”
And she’s right. Because ten minutes later, you get your first real moment.
Mini finds you out wide with a pinpoint pass. You take a quick touch, feel the defender closing in, and then you burst forward. A sharp cut inside, a feint, and you slip past her. The space opens up just enough. You whip in a cross, and there’s Mary, perfectly positioned. One touch, back of the net.
The celebration is instant. Mary grins at you, offering a fist bump as the team huddles together. Steph ruffles your hair, and Ellie slaps your back.
“That’s more like it! Goal in your first debut!” Alanna shouts.
“See, baby bird can fly,” Caitlin teases.
For the first time all game, you let yourself breathe. You’re doing it. You’re here.
The U.S. regains the lead early in the second half with a rocket from distance. Macca dives, fingertips grazing the ball, but it’s not enough.
You jog back to your position, frustration bubbling under your skin. You glance up into the stands, and for a split second, your breath catches.
A little girl with an Australian flag painted on her face. She has an old Tillies jersey, but it’s her sign that caught your attention. It had your name on it obviously in her hand writing.
“Stay in it,” Sam mouths, bringing you back.
And you do. Minute 78. Your moment comes.
Mini wins the ball in midfield and immediately looks for you. The second you see her foot swing, you’re already moving. The ball zips toward you, perfect weight, perfect angle. You take one touch, just enough to set yourself up, and then, you strike.
It’s clean. Pure. The ball curls, spinning past the keeper’s outstretched hands. The net ripples.
For a second, everything is silent in your head. And then, chaos.
Ellie practically jumps on your back. Caitlin grabs your shoulders, shaking you with excitement. Alanna and Steph clap you on the back, and Mini, beaming, yells, “THAT’S MY GIRL!”
But it’s Sam’s voice that cuts through the noise.
The match ends shortly after. 2-2. A draw against the U.S., and considering the way your team is celebrating, it feels like a win.
As the final whistle blows, you exchange handshakes, feeling the adrenaline finally start to fade. Your legs are heavy, exhaustion creeping in. You quietly peel away from the group, heading toward the tunnel, wanting to slip away unnoticed. But before you can disappear, an arm wraps around your shoulders.
“Where are you going, Kiddie?”
Sam’s voice is light, teasing, as she gently redirects you.
“The locker room?” you answer hesitantly, furrowing your brows.
She chuckles. “Nope. I have someone you need to meet.”
She steers you toward the center of the field, where a blonde U.S. player is waiting with an easy smirk.
“Sunny, this is Kristie,” Sam says, grinning. “My better half.”
Ellie leans in from behind you. “The actual boss of Sam Kerr.”
Kristie extends a hand, her smirk softening into a warm smile. “Nice goal, kid. You gave us trouble out there.”
You shake her hand, still feeling a little starstruck. “Uh, thanks.”
Sam squeezes your shoulder. “She’s shy, but don’t worry, she’ll warm up.”
Kristie laughs. “Sounds like someone else I know.”
Ellie gasps dramatically. “You mean Sam wasn’t born screaming orders at people?”
Caitlin grins. “Shocking, I know.”
You glance between the two of them as they exchange knowing looks. The nerves that had been weighing you down all night start to fade, replaced by something warmer, acceptance.
#woso community#woso x reader#woso x platonic!reader#woso x teen!reader#auswnt#auswnt x reader#sam kerr x reader#matildas x reader#matildas x teen!reader#sam kerr x teen!reader#matildas#woso#woso fic
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Need! F1 reader gets in an accident internet reaction and comfort x W2S 🥹🥹
Close call -W2S
words: 0.5k+
warnings: angst, worrying, ‘near death’ experience, hospitals.
summary: you’re an f1 driver and you crash. Your boyfriend, Harry, and the internet hold their breath as they wait to find out if you’re alright.
notes: hii babe! I love this idea, though, I have absolutely no clue about the bts details of f1 so I apologise🥲🫶🏼. Anyways… enjoy!!💫 (this is a mix of my usual smau’s with some actual writing for the Harry bits🫂)

Liked by f1, faithlouisak and others
y/username: one day to go!!💨
wroetoshaw: ❤️
taliamar: woo! can't wait to watch girly🥳💞
-> y/username: hehehe
y/nfanpage21: AHHH, I'm so excited
user: the nerves must be crazyyyyy😖

y/username posted a new story!

wroetoshaw posted a new story!
When the race began, the stadium erupted with cheers and whistles. Everyone watched as you and the other drivers sat in your cars and raced around the track. Harry sat nervously by himself, which is something he always did since he was too focused on what you were doing to talk to anyone.
It all happened so fast. There was a loud boom on part of the track that wasn't far from the starting point. Harry stood up quickly, his head whipping around to see where the sound came from.
"It looks like that's y/n y/l/n in the barracks!" The intercom system rang out. Harry's heart stopped. "No," he whispered under his breath, voice cracking, "please..."
There was fire, smoke and silence. Everyone was patiently waiting to hear if you were okay, though, Harry... not so patient.
"She's out! Don't worry folks, as usual she'll be escorted to a hospital but she looks to be alright!" Harry practically fell back into his chair. He'd never been so terrified in his life.
Harry immediately found his way out and left the race. The f1 team had quickly organised a car to take him to the hospital, which he was grateful for. His knee was bopping and his hands were sweating throughout the entire drive.
When they pulled up there was press outside and as soon as he got out of the car he was practically swarmed. Some of the hospitals security pushed them back, so he could get into the hospital.
The staff already knew who he was here to see, though they still double checked his name. "She's right this way," one of the older staff said as she lead him through the hallway.
When he got to your door he took a deep breath before opening it. The doctor was just leaving after fully examining you. "Hi," you whispered as he approached, your voice slightly horse.
He rushed over and sat by your side. Before he could say anything you told him what he was desperate to know. "I'm okay," you said calmly. He let out a relieved breath. "A little sore and stink of smoke but fine otherwise. Sorry for scaring you love."
He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead and then one to your lips. "Jesus. I love you," he whispered, eyes glossy. "I love you too Haz."

Liked by wroetoshaw, taliamar and others
y/username: thank you all so much for the kind messages. I'm okay, just a little bruised up, and am spending my time resting up so I can get back on the track! I'll see you soon🤍
faithlouisak: so glad you're okay babe!!🥺💞
-> y/username: I love you cutie😙
y/nfanpage21: girly you had the whole internet on the edge of their seats, I'm so relieved❤️🩹
user: okay but watching the old Barbie movies is incredibly real
#w2s#wroetoshaw#harry lewis#harry w2s#harry wroetoshaw#w2s x reader#w2s fic#w2s imagine#wroetoshaw x reader#wroetoshaw oneshot#harry lewis x reader#harry x reader#youtuber x reader#sidemen x reader#british youtubers#fanfic#imagine#oneshot#x fem!reader#x female reader#x y/n#x you#x reader#angst#angst with a happy ending#f1#formula 1#formula one
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ᯓ. How will the WBB players react to your fake hickey prank .
warning : suggestive
| you set the phone down and recorded hitting the red button. "hello everyone, its your girl here! today paige is going to tell a storytime on how we became a couple" you put your tounge out and she laughed. "well when we were in highschool i was already fucking inlove with her a..." as she continued to speak, you flip your hair aside purposely exposing your neck. but she just kept on yapping and yapping.
It didnt take her long to notice when you responded to what she said making her focus on you and once she noticed that red spot on your neck, she frowned.
"what is this?" she held your chin gently and turned your head giving her a clear view on your neck. "huh i dont know." you uttured and looked back at the camera talking again, but when you saw her look on the screen your smile faded.
"babe im asking" she frowned more and grabbed the camera putting it down to remove it from your attention earning a laugh from you.
"its fake babe chill" you rubbed your neck the red spot fading. she rolled her eyes and nudged your shoulder walking away.
| you are currently on live while eating some cookies, just chilling reading the chat. while caitlin was in the bathroom taking a shower.
cait_4ever : BROO where is caitlin 😭🙏🏻
sleep_head : girl your glowing
yanina_tt : ✂️✂️✂️
viene_ys : can you beat caitlin in basketball
kaii_zer : you do the hickey prank on caitlin
one chat caught your attention and you smirked "hickey prank? i saw that on tiktok, should i do that?" you took a last bite of your cookie and looked at the bathrooms direction that fall of water being heard.
shul_yum : OMG YES PLEASE
vianne_ni : goodluck with your legs maam
shiva_le : YES DO IT
you laughed and rolled your eyes, you took your lipstick that you barely use and focuses on your neck smudging some few, finishing up you looked at yourself looking like you just had the most vulgar make out ever.
the bathroom door opened and you jumped putting the lipstick under your pillow and moved your hair to cover your neck. "shes here ya'll" you cooed and caitlin walked over to you fresh out the shower, she looked so hot hair wet and she was wearing a t shirt and a loose jogging pants.
"look so hot babe" you moaned and she chuckled pinching your cheeks. "oh am i?" you nodded purring "your not the only one who thinks so." she shrugged pointing at the chat whos literally going crazy making you frown.
"okay chat, back off shes mine." you growled and caitlin plopped her self next you getting comfy. she kissed your cheeks and you looked deeply at her eyes. "are you flirting with me right now?" you asked eyebrows raising "well what made you thin-" she cut her self off when her eyes shifted on your neck
"did i do that?" she asked touching your neck and you stayed quiet looking at the screen "theres no way i did that." she muttured under her breath and she looked over to you "hey?" you tried holding your laugh and she finally bought her fingers rubbing on your neck, when it smudged you quickly hid your face laughing as she smirked "oh? pulling a stunt on me huh" she shaked her head getting on top of you, her fingers tickling your waist making you die out if laughter.
| your girlfriend is currently live at your living room, she was loud as hell but your not bothered by it, your actually excited because you have planned on her fans on your channel in instagram that your going to pull a hickey prank on her, which her fans are also excited at. you knew they wont snitch.
you made your way outside the living room to be met by kk's gaze and she squirmed "girlfriends here guys!" you sat on her lap and she kissed your cheeks, she leaned down on the chat and she furrowed her eyebrows "why are you guys calling my girlfriend mommy whats wrong with you?" you laughed and lightly smacked her shoulders, it was harder for her to notice the redness in your neck because she cant stop yapping. it had gotten to the point where a viewer had to point it out because she was a dumbass. "girll whats that on your girlfriends neck, did you do that?" she read out loud and furrowed her eyebrows "come on guys everyone does that, and its not that worse.." she rolled her eyes and looked over at your neck to be met with a shocked expression "i didn't do that." she looked over at you with a devasted expression brows furrowed and you tried to hold your laugh looking straight at the camera.
"babe?" she called out again and thats when you ended up laughing covering your mouth. "i knew it! i mean you could tell that its fake dumbass." she states rolling her eyes acting like she wasn't convinced on the fake hickey.
she pinned you down on the couch and roughly bit your neck making you squirm loudly.
| you are currently seated at nikas lap, caressing her hair while talking to your friends. what she doesn't know is the four of you have decided to prank her by smudging some fake hickeys on your neck. because they wanted to prove that she was really possesive which she would always deny and would get annoyed when mentioned.
paige looked over at you and winked making you smirk, you moved your hair to the side and listened to your friends talk, then nikas hand caught you chin making you look at her.
"whats that in your neck? i didn't do that." she whispered to you and you turned your head ignoring her looking at your friends again. she whispered again not wanting to bring any attention to anyone "hey look at me." she said firm voice and you continued laughing at when your friend is saying.
she frowned at your behaviour and gently grabbed your chin again making you look at her. "what the fuck was that?" she whispered annoyed and paige spoke up "ya'll whats up with you two?" you shrugged but you had a big smirk on your face.
"thats a pretty wild hickey you have there huh" kk pointed at your neck and giggled "because she has a wild nila" aubrey added and you giggled. but nika is not fazed at all having the most serious face. "thats not even mine, i dont know whos fucking lips is that" she scowled crossing her arms as she glared at you.
everyone bursted out laughing and she was madly confused, "its fucking fake dude your a wimp!" paige shouted and you tried not to laugh since your ass is getting scared at the way nika is glaring up at you, she gave you that look 'just wait till we get home look' and oh boy you dont know if this prank was worth it.
a/n : might make another part containing other players 👆🏻
#lesbian#wlw#wlw smut#paige bueckers#paige bueckers smut#paige bueckers x reader#paige x reader#paige bueckers fanfic#uconn wbb#wbb#caitlin clark fanfic#caitlin clark smut#caitlin x reader#caitlin clark x reader#caitlin clark#kk arnold x reader#kk arnold#kk x reader#nika muhl#nika mühl#nika muhl x reader
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warnings: f!reader, age gap (20s x 40s), unprotected sex (creampie), mentions of guns/knifes/blood
a/n: this man puts the hot in psychotic

It had been two weeks since you took on the job of tracking down the recruiter of some deadly underground games. Your boss, Seong Gi-Hun, was apparently a survivor of the games, the only one who made it out alive in his case. The stories he told you about that place and those games, were absolutely horrific. Your face turned up just at the thought of them. Did you believe Gi-Hun’s stories? No, not completely, but you knew he wouldn’t be throwing millions of won away for no reason. There had to be some truth to his story and since you knew that, you took on the job, wanting to help him catch the bastard. Even if your own life depended on it.
So here you were, on the clock, alongside another man named Mr. Kim, on the hunt for this game recruiter. Things were quiet and there was no sight of him, per usual. Until a loud slapping sound rang throughout the entire subway station. Mr. Kim turned his head in the direction of the sound and you did the same.
“No fucking way.”
The two of you spoke, words syncing.
The man you’ve been looking for all this time was real. And he was right in front of your eyes. He wore a nice suit and carried around black briefcase, just as Gi-Hun explained.
“Grab your phone and call Mr. Seong! Hurry!” Mr. Kim shouted to you as he quickly pulled out his phone and snapped photos of the man from afar.
You nodded hurriedly and pulled your phone out, fingers trembling in excitement as you unlocked your phone and called your boss. The sound of your phone ringing could be heard and you tapped your foot impatiently, waiting for an answer.
“Mr. Seong! We found the guy! The ddakji, the slapping, the money!! It’s all real—oh! He’s handing over the card now.”
“Where are you?”
“We’re at Jonggak Station! He’s leaving now.”
“I’m on the way. Follow him and keep me updated on his whereabouts.”
“Yes sir.”
You ended the call and you followed Mr. Kim as he ran behind the recruiter.
After following behind the game recruiter for about an hour, he had finally made it to what seemed to be his last stop.
“Mr. Seong still isn’t here. We’ll end up losing him if we wait any longer.” you spoke to Mr. Kim as your eyes pierced into the back of the recruiter.
“You’re right. Let’s get him.” Mr. Kim nodded before running after the recruiter.
You followed behind his actions and the two of you caught up fast.
“Hey! Asshole! Stop right there!” Mr. Kim shouted to the man, still running behind him.
You stopped running and watched as the recruiter turned around and wasted no time pushing Mr. Kim into a nearby wall and hitting him in the head with his briefcase, knocking him out cold. Your eyes widened as you gulped, feeling your mouth suddenly get drier than The Sahara Desert.
Why did you take this fucking job?
The recruiter suddenly locked eyes with you and walked over to where you were hidden and a sly smirk was plastered on his face.
“Do you work for him?” he questioned in a casual tone.
“N-No! I don’t even know him.” you lied through your teeth.
The recruiter tsked before lifting his briefcase and hitting you in the head, throwing you into the same unconscious state that Mr. Kim was in.

Your eyes flickered before opening completely and as soon as they opened, you made eye contact with that crazed recruiter and wished they’d close again.
“Rise and shine, beautiful.” he spoke in his same calm but spine chilling tone as he watched you attempt to free yourself from the ropes that were wrapped around your body.
“What the hell? Why am I tied up.” you hissed angrily.
“It’s all your own doing, sweetheart. You should’ve minded your business.” he smiled and tapped your shoulder lightly before trailing off.
“Wait! Where’s Mr. Kim?” you questioned in a worried tone after eyeing your surroundings and seeing no sign of him anywhere.
“Dead.” he responded as if it was a casual thing.
“What the hell is your problem?!” you yelled at him and continued to move, hoping that the ropes tied around you would just unravel.
“Don’t get yourself all worked up, princess. Your pretty face saved you from dying. I couldn’t let a beauty like you die this way.” he smiled, squeezing your cheeks together harshly before letting go.
“I’ll untie you under one condition,” he took a deep breath as he paused. “You have to promise to answer anything I ask you, truthfully. If you try to escape, I’ll shoot you and I’ll make sure to bury you next to that Mr. Kim of yours.”
“I promise!” you exclaimed.
You had no intentions of escaping anyway, you have no idea of what this man is capable of. He smiled once again and pulled a knife out of his pocket. Your breath hitched as he came closer to you with it, pushing the knife up against your cheek before running it along the ropes that held you together. The ropes fell in a swift motion and you were set free. You remained seated in the chair and watched as the recruiter took a seat in the chair in front of you.
“Have you ever heard of Russian Roulette?” he questioned, staring deeply into your eyes as his face lit up.
You nodded your head hesitantly in response to his words.
“Good, we’ll play that. I’ll place one bullet into the cylinder of this gun and spin it. After that, I’ll place the gun onto this table and give it a spin, kind of like spin the bottle. Whoever the gun lands on, will be the first to go and they’ll be able to ask a question if they want.” he explained and your brow raised slightly.
This man was truly sick.
You watched as he placed the gun onto the table and gave it a spin. The gun pointed towards him and you let out a sigh of relief, happy to not be going first. He picked the gun up without even an ounce of hesitation, and placed the gun on his temple.
“Why do you work for Seong Gi-Hun?” he questioned calmly, despite having a gun to his head.
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s an easy job that pays well.” you answered him, trying to remain as calm as possible.
His teeth gritted as he smiled menacingly and laughed. Your face turned up and your brows furrowed as you watched him push the gun further into his head before pulling the trigger. Nothing happened when he did though and that relieved you, the last thing you wanted to see today was brains splattered across a wall. He quickly slid the gun over to you, eyeing you as you picked it up. A smirk crept onto your face as your brain flooded with inappropriate thoughts.
“Pull the trigger a few times and blow his brains out.”
“Have some fun with him.”
You leaned back a little and eyed the recruiter who cleared his throat and readjusted himself in his seat. Your eyes trailed down underneath the table and you noticed the very obvious boner that appeared in his pants. Your eyes trailed back up, meeting his. You leaned over the table, closing the space between the two of you as you held eye contact.
“Is this turning you on?” you questioned in a whisper before speaking again. “You’re a psychopath.”
The recruiter didn’t give an answer. He just took a deep breath before gulping and continuing to stare off into your eyes.
“Answer me or I won’t pull the trigger.” you smirked as you brought the gun closer to you.
“Yes.” he answered, this time with a tone different from the calm and confident one he spoke in before.
His shell was finally starting to crack and you enjoyed knowing that there was a real human under his crazy man act. Your mouth opened slightly and you placed the tip of the gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger, eyeing him as you did so and letting out a sigh of relief when you heard a faint “click”. You slid the gun over to him as you plopped back down into the chair.
“And I’m the psycho?” he laughed, grabbing the gun and placing it alongside his head just as he did before.
“Yeah, cause I know you wish that was your cock in my mouth instead of a gun.” your lips curled into a smirk as you watched as his face dropped.
“Excuse me?” he questioned, setting the gun back onto the table.
“You’re not the best at hiding things, just look at your pants.” you laughed as his gaze went down to his pants.
He smirked, grabbing the gun again and pressing it against his temple as his eyes made their way back onto you.
“If I pull this trigger and survive, I’m going to bend you over and pound into you until you’re begging me to stop.” he bit down on his lip, grabbing his boner as he spoke.
His finger lightly grazed the trigger before pulling it.

He survived. And here he was, keeping his promise and pounding into your pussy from behind you at an unbelievably fast pace as you moaned as loud as you possibly could while his large hands gripped your bare breasts, pulling you closer towards him as he forced himself deeper into you.
“F-Fuck!” you yelled out as he continued ramming into you, grazing your cervix with the tip of his cock as he did so.
He let go of your breasts and grabbed onto both of your wrists, holding you by them as he pulled you up towards him.
“You still haven’t had enough?” he smirked.
You were three orgasms in and you refused to tap out, refusing to stroke his ego by letting him win. You’d keep going all night if you had to.
“Not yet.” you breathed out.
He smiled before letting go of your wrists and pushing you down onto the table harshly. You hit the table head first and hit your nose harshly, causing a warm crimson colored liquid to drip from your nose, coating the table beneath you. The recruiter laughed uncontrollably from behind you as he continued pounding into you, watching as your blood dripped onto the table. He grabbed you by your hair, pulling you closer to him once again as he began licking a trail of blood that dripped onto your chin.
“You taste so sweet.” he mumbled before pulling you in for a kiss.
You moaned lightly into the kiss as you began feeling the warmth that had built in your lower abdomen start to unravel, forcing your walls to tighten around his cock as he thrusted into you, hitting all the right spots.
“Be a good girl and tell me you can’t take it anymore.”he cooed into your ear as his pace slowed.
Your teeth sank into your lip leaving behind marks as he continued ramming in thick cock into your tight pussy that was slick with all the juices from your previous orgasms. You were trying your hardest to wait until he gave in first but your knees began to buckle as he continued to pound into you without a care for your wellbeing.
“S-Stop! I can’t take it anymore!” you yelled, finally giving him what he wanted.
What he needed.
He stopped and grabbed you by your hair, forcing you to look him in his eyes as his cock pushed deeper inside of you.
“Say it again, whore.” he held you by your hair, smirking as he waited to hear you give in for a second time.
“I can’t take it anymore!!” your eyes closed as your legs began to shake due to the overstimulation.
He groaned and slapped your ass harshly before thrusting into you again.
“Such a good girl.” he cooed before finally letting your hair go.
He continued thrusting into you, destroying your pussy, even after you admitted to not being able to take it anymore. Your voice became hoarse due to moaning and screaming so much and his hands grabbed onto your boobs once again as his cock started to twitch inside of you.
“Oh, fuck.” he slapped your ass once again before leaning his head back.
He thrusted into you a few more times before he released his warm, thick, load of cum deep inside of you. After catching his breath, he slipped his cock out of your tight pussy with and unsettling grin on his face, watching as his cock slid out of you, along with his cum that began leaking from your pussy and down your leg. He gave a harsh slap to your ass again before speaking.
“You work for me now.”

#squid game smut#squid game#smut#squid game season 2#squid game s2#the recruiter#the salesman#salesman#the recruiter x reader#the salesman x reader#gong yoo#the recruiter smut#the salesman smut
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Jason x Reader
Content: You and Jason get tasked with babysitting
[1,917 words]
You and Jason had been called in at the last minute to babysit Dick and Kori's daughter, Mar’i. Damian had more important things to do (probably brooding somewhere), and Wally, well, he wasn’t trusted to babysit anymore after a certain incident. That left you two—definitely not parents, but trusted enough to make sure their kid didn't accidentally set the house on fire.
Jason had made a comment earlier about the whole thing being a bad idea. "I'm not built for this," he muttered, sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table. "You know I’ve got a reputation to uphold."
You had just rolled your eyes. "She’s not that bad, J. Besides, it’ll be fun. You’re good with kids."
He shot you a skeptical look. "When did that happen?"
"Let’s see… maybe when you stopped acting like a psychopath and started being halfway decent to people?"
He grumbled something under his breath but let it go, giving in. That was Jason Todd for you, more complicated than a five-page essay on why not to mess with Gotham.
Mar’i was busy in the living room, stacking blocks in her little fortress-building project. Her black hair, inherited from Dick, was tied up in pigtails, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with mischief as she concentrated on making sure no two blocks were out of place.
You were on the floor next to her, organizing some blocks into colors when Jason casually asked, “What’s she building again?”
“A fortress.” You glanced at the little girl, who nodded sagely.
“A fortress?” Jason raised an eyebrow. "For what, exactly?"
“Defending against bad guys!” Mar’i chimed in, her voice full of excitement. “Like you!” she added, pointing directly at Jason.
Jason snorted and leaned back on the couch. “Me? A bad guy? Why am I always the bad guy?”
"Because you're the only one who can be bad," Mar’i said with a grin, somehow more confident in her statements than she probably should’ve been at her age.
“Alright, little one. You’re about to see just how bad I can get,” Jason said dramatically, getting to his feet.
You shook your head but smiled, knowing Jason had a soft spot for his niece despite his tough exterior. “Uh-huh, you’re really selling it there, Romeo. Let’s just finish the fortress so we don’t lose this round.”
Suddenly, there was a loud noise above you, a scratching, scuttling sound that definitely didn’t belong. But to your surprise, Mar’i was nowhere near the ground anymore.Y
You blinked. “What the...?”
Jason turned to look, his face full of confusion as Mar’i’s voice echoed from above.
“Guys! I’ve got a better idea!” she shouted, her voice coming from the ceiling. Your eyes darted upward, and sure enough, there she was, clinging to the ceiling.
Jason’s jaw dropped. “How—?”
Before he could finish his sentence, Mar’i dropped down from the ceiling, landing on her feet with the precision of an acrobat. She grinned like a little troublemaker. “I made a tunnel! The bad guys won’t even know what hit them!”
You blinked again, trying to comprehend what had just happened. “Did you just—did you just crawl on the ceiling?”
Mar’i shrugged innocently, her tiny hands on her hips. “Yup. Mommy and Daddy taught me. It’s like an easy trick.”
Jason rubbed his temples as though trying to process the entire situation. “Okay, first of all, why is that an easy trick? And second, why did your parents teach you to do this?”
Mar’i looked at him, deadpan. “You want me to go back to my fortress and defend it?”
Jason’s expression softened. Despite the fact that his brain was still trying to make sense of the fact that this little girl could defy gravity at such a young age, he smiled. “Alright, alright. You win. I’m the bad guy. You’re the hero. But know this…” He leaned forward, making a show of cracking his knuckles. “I’m not going easy on you.”
“Bring it on!” Mar’i yelled back with a devilish grin.
You just sat there, slack-jawed. “You’re seriously going to go along with this?”
Jason shot you a look that said, You know what? Why not?
You sighed and stood up. “Fine. But if you break anything, I’m calling the big bat before I call Grayson”
Jason raised an eyebrow, already getting into character. “He’ll probably reimbursh for everything. You know he’s got a soft spot for Mar’i”
Mar’i was already back in her fortress, peeking around the corner with only her eyes visible. “Come on, bad guy! Let’s see what you’ve got!”
Jason nodded, cracking his neck as he casually strolled forward, pretending to ignore the fact that Mar’i was doing some acrobatic backflips around the room. “Alright, kid. Get ready. This fortress? It's going down.”
Just as Jason reached for one of the block towers, Mar’i leapt from a shelf on the opposite side of the room, landing on his back and immediately trying to knock him over like a wrestler. “Gotcha!”
Jason stumbled for a second, then grinned. “Not bad. But you forgot one thing.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Mar’i asked, tilting her head.
“Never underestimate the bad guy,” Jason said, spinning around and scooping her up off his back. He tossed her in the air and caught her, grinning. “Your fortress might be safe, but you’re not getting away that easy.”
“Wait a minute, you’re supposed to be the bad guy! You can’t just—” Mar’i laughed, but then she twisted around and pointed at you. “Help! The bad guy is taking me hostage!”
Jason smirked. “Oh, you’ve already lost. It’s game over.”
As the two of them continued their playful “battle,” you couldn’t help but laugh. Sure, it was chaos, and things might get a little out of hand, but you’d never expected babysitting to be this entertaining. Mar’i had her parents’ adventurous spirit, and Jason, well, he was having way more fun than he’d like to admit.
And you? You were just here for the ride. Even if you did have to deal with the aftermath of broken furniture and very strange, upside-down ceiling crawls.
But hey, that’s what you signed up for.
Jason would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little sad when Grayson came back to pick up his daughter. It wasn’t the usual case where Jason would be happy for things to go back to normal. No, today was different. He’d spent the last few hours getting a crash course in chaos, laughter, and, for once, not being the one causing all the destruction.
Mar’i had attached herself to his leg as soon as Dick had walked through the door, her little arms wrapped around him in a tight hug. “Daddy, don’t go yet! Can you come back another day to play? I want to build another fortress!”
Dick chuckled, bending down to scoop her up. “You know I have work, sweetheart. Maybe next time, okay?”
Mar’i pouted, clearly torn between her desire to keep her fortress intact and the fact that she had to say goodbye to her most favorite "bad guy" in the world. “But I like Uncle Jason! He’s fun!”
Jason gave a half-hearted shrug, though a grin tugged at the corners of his lips. He had to admit, having the little girl look at him like that was a strange kind of feeling. “Don’t get too attached, kid. I’m a dangerous criminal.” He threw a glance at Dick. “Right?”
Dick rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you’re real dangerous, Todd.”
“Okay, fine. Just—don’t forget me!” Mar’i finally relented, giving him one last hug before she was gently placed into her father’s arms.
Jason chuckled as he watched them go, a weird, unfamiliar feeling settling in his chest. He wasn’t sure what it was. Maybe it was the way Mar’i’s laugh still echoed in the air, or the fact that he had actually enjoyed himself. Maybe it was the fact that for once, he had been the one to show someone else how to embrace the chaos.
When the door clicked shut behind Dick and Mar’i, Jason let out a long sigh and fell back against the couch. He stared at the door, his lips pressing into a thoughtful line.
You, still sitting on the couch beside him, couldn’t help but notice the change in his demeanor. His usual tough-guy act had faded for a moment, and there was a softness in his expression you rarely saw.
"That was cute," you said, humming softly as you stretched out on Jason’s lap, trying to get comfortable after the whirlwind of the afternoon.
Jason’s hand immediately slid to the back of your neck, absentmindedly stroking the skin there as he looked toward the door. His voice was low, almost contemplative. "Yeah. Made me think... maybe having one of our own wouldn’t be such a bad thing."
You nearly choked. “What?”
His hand froze, and he turned his gaze to you, a smirk pulling at his lips. “You heard me.”
For a moment, you just stared at him, trying to process what he’d just said. The idea of Jason Todd, your Jason, the one who made sarcastic comments every other minute, saying something like that threw you completely off balance.
Now that you thought about it, he would make a pretty damn good father.
You tried to hide the laugh that bubbled up. The guy who still had a tendency to hold grudges over the smallest things, was talking about fatherhood like it was a casual weekend hobby.
“As fond of the idea as I am, I’m not sure if the world is ready for a mini Jason Todd and Y/n L/n,” you said, finally breaking into a smile.
Jason grinned, leaning in closer to you. “Maybe not. But you’ve got a point. We’d probably make one hell of a team. Think about it—our kid would be the perfect mix of stubbornness, sarcasm, amazing survival instincts and, of course, good looks.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you looked at him, half-amused, half-skeptical. “Jason, I think you’re getting ahead of yourself here.”
He let out a laugh, his hand still lazily resting on your neck. “Hey, I’m just saying. We’d get to see Mar’i more for playdates”
You let out a breath, feeling the warmth of his hand on you. “There are other ways to spend time with Mar’i than giving her a cousin.”
“Fair” He put a hand on his chin before pulling you in closer on top of him for a kiss, “but I like my idea better.”
#jason todd#jason x reader#jason x you#jason x y/n#jason todd x reader#jason todd x you#jason todd x y/n#jason todd x oc#batfam#dcu#dc comics#dc x reader
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Thank you for making what you've made. I'm not talking just the AU comic (as world shatteringly phenomenal that shit is you've had the entire fandom in a chokehold from day one godDAYUM) I'm talking all the way back to the silly owl house drawings, the stickers, you've been an honest to my precious cat inspiration and lovely little lantern in my life and the lives of many others. I honestly would never have made my own spin on the mythological characters, or hell even stayed with one of my favorite fandoms if I didn't get lucky enough to experience your amazing comic. Thank you for all that you do, all you've done, and I hope you are goddamn proud of yourself for how much you've done! you are an absolute icon! as sad I am to see the silly comic end, I'm a million times happier its gone on at all, and how its had so much love and care put into it by such an amazing author and artist! You are incredible Kyri, and I can never thank you enough for being so :)
I hope you have the loveliest of lovely days, and find just as much love and excitement for whatever lies ahead, be it a new project or just some silly simple doodles while you take AN EXETREMELY EARNED BREAK BECAUSE HOLY SHIT-
but either way, again, thank you. You're one of my absolute favorite artists out there, and I wish you nothing but good vibes, and the gayest of times.
WOW a long lasting fan! thank you for the support! Hopefully I will be able to take a break ahah
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SKINNY DIPPING pt. 2 ✩ Wally Clark
Pairings: Wally Clark x Fem!reader
Warnings: +18 SMUT MINORS DNI. very slow burn. semi-public sex, unprotected p in v, teasing, heavy sexual tension, explicit dirty talk, praising, degradation, skinny dipping in a public pool, possesiveness/jealousy, light choking, rough gripping & mandhandling, overstimulation, wally being a cocky little shit and very possessive, kinda dom!wally, risk of getting caught, begging, breeding kink. wally whimpering???? (god have mercy)
Summary: For what feels like an eternity, Y/n and Wally have been nothing more than just friends. but that changes one reckless night when they decide to cross skinny dipping off their "100 things to do before crossing over" bucket list. Teasing and meaningless flirting turn heated, and the tension that has been simmering between them finally snaps. Under the moonlit water, boundaries blur, and their friendship is completely wrecked, in the best possible way.
Author's note: this is part 2!! Part 1 is linked below <3 And part 3 soon! I had to take a moment to breath and relax while writing this cause hello????? god jesus have mercy I'm literally gnawing at the bars of my enclosure. Also, thank you so much for the love on part 1!! it made me soooo happy to see you guys liked it <3333 it means the world to me!
Word count: 4043
Song choices: lose control - teddy swims, tear you apart - she wants revenge, closer - nine inch nails, flawless - the neighbourhood, do i wanna know? - arctic monkeys, TiO - zayn, again - noah cyrus.
masterlist. part 1. part 2. part 3
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"So...Skinny dipping?" his lips brushed against your ear, his voice now a low whisper.
"Skinny dipping," you repeated, lips curving into a playful grin. "Just don't get all excited to see me naked, Clark," you teased, pushing him lightly. "And hands to yourself," you added.
He raised an eyebrow, his eyes darkening a little. He couldn't help but smirk as well. He was excited at the thought of seeing you like that.
"I make no promises," he replied with a teasing grin, his raspy voice sending shivers down your spine.
"I mean it, Clark," you huffed, rolling your eyes, though the warmth you felt bubbling up inside you betrayed the annoyance you were trying to fake.
He leaned in again, his face mere inches from yours, his breath warm against your skin. "Can you blame me, though?" his voice dipped lower, rougher, almost a whisper. "You look so damn pretty, I can't help but flirt a little."
Your pulse quickened, but you refused to let him notice it. You pushed him back again, keeping the smirk on your lips. "Yeah, yeah," you drawled, tilting your head. "Am I the first girl you've ever said this to? Or the fourth? Or ninetieth?"
He lets out a short laugh, shaking his head. The truth was, Wally had a certain reputation, and everyone knew it. His charming smiles, teasing grins, and how he made girls feel like they were the center of his world… He never meant any of it. None of the girls he flirted with ever came close to you, to how you made him feel.
He pulled back just enough to look you in the eyes. His gaze held yours, unwavering.
"None of those girls were you," he said quietly. "And none of them meant anything to me."
With a dramatic sigh, you place your hand over your forehead, pretending to swoon. "Oh, Wally! How you make my heart race!"
His laugh was loud, unrestrained, the kind of laugh that made your stomach flip every single time you heard it. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he nudged you in the stomach. "Oh, shut up," he said, grinning. "You're such a dork, you know that?"
"And you love it," you shot back, tilting your chin up in defiance.
Wally didn't answer immediately. Instead, his smirk faded slightly, and it made your chest feel too tight. He took a step closer again.
"Yeah," he admitted, voice just above a whisper. "I do."
The teasing had completely vanished now. Your throat suddenly felt dry, your pulse hammering in your ears. Something in his eyes told you that he wasn't playing anymore.
Your mouth opened, but before you could say anything, he lifted a hand, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. His fingers lingered just a second too long, his touch light, but it managed to burn right through you.
He knew exactly what he was doing. The way he spoke, the way his gaze bore into you, the slight grin on his lips—it was all too deliberate, too calculated, and it made your pulse quicken. His eyes didn't lie, it was pure desire that clouded them and his judgment too. Wally had always been a flirt with everyone, and you were no exception. There had always been playful and flirty banter between you, but it was nothing more than a game. Nothing more than playful teasing. This? This felt different, it felt real. Lines were getting blurry, and your body was reacting in a way you never thought possible.
"You're trouble, you know that?" he murmured, his thumb grazing your jaw.
Your breath hitched. "Takes one to know one," you whispered back.
His eyes darkened, and for a second, you thought he was going to close the distance between you completely. Your heart slammed against your ribs, anticipation running through every nerve in your body.
With a smooth, effortless motion, Wally pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside like it was nothing. He knew you were watching him, and you did. You watched him, you couldn't tear your eyes away, hypnotized by his every movement, by the way the moonlight caressed his skin, his body gleaming under the soft light. You had seen him shirtless plenty of times before–he loved to work out and flaunt what he'd earned. But tonight? Tonight felt so much different.
Your heart skipped a beat as you let your gaze travel down his chest, the way his abs tightened as he took off his shorts, kicking them aside, leaving only his boxers on. "You coming?" his voice was casual. But the way his eyes roamed over you, the way his smirk depended as he noticed the way you couldn’t keep your eyes off him, it was anything but innocent. "Go ahead," he added, nodding toward the water. "Get in first. I'll be right behind you."
You folded your arms over your chest, tilting your head as you arched a brow. "Oh, I see what you're doing," you mused, propping yourself on your hip. "You want me to strip first so you can get a show, huh?"
Wally's grin became bigger, shameless, and cocky. "And if I do?" he murmured.
"Then that makes you predictable," you shot back, tilting your head trying to feign disinterest.
His smirk didn't waver. If anything, it grew bolder. "Or just a man with very good taste," he countered smoothly, stepping closer. "But, hey, if you're too shy—"
Before he could finish, you grabbed the hem of your white shirt and pulled it over your head, letting it drop carelessly onto the ground. His smirk vanished. It was only for a second, but you saw it, the way his throat bobbed, the way his gaze dropped, drinking every inch of you. Satisfaction curled in your stomach.
His tongue darted out to wet his lips. That cocky smirk? Gone. Replaced by something you couldn't quite place, something darker, deeper. Something raw.
You stepped toward the pool, your back to him, deliberately ignoring his presence, pretending you didn't feel the heat of his gaze burning into you. "You were saying?" you teased, sliding your skirt down inch by inch, slowly, letting it slip past your thighs and pool at your feet before stepping out of it. "What was that about me being too shy?"
A smirk tugged at your lips as you tilted your head just enough to catch a glimpse of him over your shoulder. Victory. He wasn't smirking anymore—his mouth slightly parted, eyes darker, stance tense like he was barely holding himself together. You had him right where you wanted him.
But you weren't done. If he wanted a show, he was gonna get one.
Keeping your gaze locked on his, you let your hands drift behind your back, fingers working the clasp of your lace bra with infuriating slowness. You could see the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed hard, his chest rising and falling faster.
The straps slid down your shoulders, the cool night air hitting your skin, making your nipples harden instantly. And still, you watched him, letting his gaze devour you. Letting the bra drop, you let yourself bask in the way his pupils dilated, the way his hands clenched, every single vein and muscle in his arms tensing like he was fighting every instinct to move towards you and touch you.
And he was. God, he was fighting it, hard. Every demon inside him was telling him to grab you, to pull you close to him, to feel your skin against his, to claim you.
With a wicked grin, you toyed with the waistband of your lace black underwear, sliding it down, teasing him slowly. "Cat got your tongue, Clark?" you chuckled. Before he could answer, you turned your head and slipped into the pool.
When you submerged in the water, disappearing from his view, he let out a sharp exhale, the sound more like a whimper. As you resurfaced, he could've sworn he stopped breathing. You were everything he had ever wanted, and to see you there, bare, wet, and exposed? It was almost too much for him to handle.
His hands clenched into fists, his entire body trembling with the effort to restrain himself. His gaze didn't waver—it never left your body, exploring every inch of you.
You looked mesmerizing, the way the moonlight made your wet skin glow underneath it. He was desperate to touch you, to run his hands over your perfectly soft skin.
You ran your hands over your wet, slicked-back hair, your gaze on him. Wally stood there, frozen, eyes dark and fixed on you.
It was intoxicating, the power you had over him.
"What happened to all that smooth talk, Clark?" you teased, tilting your head, a playful smirk on your lips. "You suddenly forgot how to speak?"
That did it.
Wally's jaw locked, his hands clenched at his sides like he was physically restraining himself. For a second, you thought he might actually fight it—might crack a joke, roll his eyes, brush it off like he always did, return to his usual cocky self.
But then, without hesitation, he shoved his boxers down and kicked them aside. His eyes never leaving yours.
Your breath caught in your throat.
He stood before you, the hard lines of his body tense with restraint, every muscle in his stomach flexing as he fought for control. And then there was the unmistakable evidence of his arousal, thick and hard, a blatant display of everything he wanted—everything he wanted from you.
A shiver went down your spine, heat pooling in your stomach as your eyes slowly flickered up to his.
He didn't say a word. He just stepped forward, smoothly, deliberately, like a predator hunting its prey, before dipping into the pool. The water rippled as he disappeared beneath the surface. And then, he surged back up, breaking through the water right in front of you, so close that droplets splashed on your face, so close that his lips nearly brushed yours as he exhaled a deep, slow breath.
You inhaled sharply, instinctively swimming back, but his hands were already on your waist, locking you in place. Holding you right there, right where he wanted.
“What happened to all that smooth talk, sweetheart?" he repeated your exact words, the term of endearment making your stomach flip. His voice low, almost teasing. "You suddenly forgot how to speak?"
Your pulse hammered against your ribs. You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to smirk even as every nerve in your body buzzed with anticipation. This was dangerous, you knew it, and he did too.
But neither of you seemed to care.
"You think you're real cute, don't you?" his voice was low and rough, every word seemed to vibrate through your chest as his lips hovered just above yours, his breath warm against your skin. His voice made your knees weak.
You grinned, hands sliding up his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. "I don't think," you whispered. "I know."
A low growl rumbled in his throat. And suddenly, you weren't smirking anymore. There wasn't a single hint of playfulness in his eyes. They were filled with pure and raw heat. Dangerous, Hungry. His grip tightened, pulling you flush against him. Beneath the water, skin met skin, heat against heat. It was undeniable now, impossible to ignore, impossible to run away from. Everything you tried to ignore, every line you'd both tried so hard not to cross.
Everything was collapsing in on itself.
This was happening.
This was real.
"You have no idea what you're doing to me." His voice was thick with frustration, like he was holding back every ounce of self-control. Every inch of him trembled beneath your hands, his chest rising and falling too fast, his fingers digging into your waist. The struggle was written all over his face. He wanted you. You could see it. Feel it. He was trying so hard to hold back.
And God, he wanted to. You could feel it in the way his body tensed against yours, in the way his jaw clenched, in the way his lips hovered right there, barely an inch away, like he was dying to close the distance. Dying to taste you.
You inhaled sharply, your heart slamming against your ribs. What the hell were you doing?
Stripping in front of him? Letting him see you like this, bare and exposed? Teasing him? Knowing exactly what it would do to him?
It wasn't like you at all.
It wasn't like either of you.
This wasn't the playful banter you'd always shared. It never got further than simple jokes and meaningless teasing. This? This was territory neither of you had ever ventured into. There was a thin, fragile line. You wanted to cross it. You needed to. But the fear... the fear of losing everything you had—the fear of losing him—kept you hanging on, just barely.
Wally swallowed hard, his fingers tracing slow, agonizing patterns against your skin. "You're dangerous," he whispered again, lower this time, rougher, as if the words were ripped straight from his chest. His hands tightened against your hips beneath the water, his eyes locked onto yours, searching for hesitation—begging for it, for a reason to stop.
But there was none.
The words slipped out of your mouth before you could even think. "Am I?"
His breath caught a subtle tremor in his jaw. "Don't tease me," he growled. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."
But you did.
And so did he.
His forehead dipped to yours, his breathing uneven. Your hands slid up, curling around the back of his neck, fingers threading through his wet hair. His eyes squeezed shut like he was trying—really trying—to fight it.
But there was nothing left to fight.
You’d both lost this battle a long time ago.
"You know this changes everything," he whispered, his voice raw, breaking over the words. His thumb brushed your skin, so painfully slow, like he was memorizing you, like he was savoring this moment.
Your chest tightened. You knew he was right. You knew this was it—the point of no return.
But it was too late for second thoughts.
Your lips parted, breath shaking. His eyes darkened at the sight of your open mouth, the sounds of your shaky breath making his pulse quicken. He was undone. Completely undone. All his hesitation, his willpower, his good intentions. Gone. He was drowning in you.
"Maybe it should," you whispered.
A sharp inhale. His hands gripped you tighter, and his forehead dropped fully against yours. "You have no idea what you're saying."
You let out a soft, breathless laugh. "Oh, I think I do."
His head lifted just enough for your eyes to lock, his pupils blown wide, lips slightly parted. His mouth was right there. Just a little more...
"You don't fucking get it," he rasped, his hands sliding up, thumbs brushing the underside of your ribs. "If we do this—if I kiss you—I won’t be able to stop. I won’t be able to just pretend it didn’t happen. You know that, don’t you?”
Your pulse slammed in your throat, and you nodded, barely breathing.
His fingers traced slow, lazy circles against your skin, like he was trying to soothe himself, trying to keep his composure. But you could feel it—the tension radiating off him, the heat rolling off his body even beneath the water.
"What if I don't want you to stop?" you whispered.
His eyes darkened, the grip on your waist tightening, pressing into your skin, making you groan. You were sure he was going to leave bruises, but you didn’t care.
His jaw clenched, a muscle ticking as he sucked in a sharp breath through his nose. "You think this is a fucking game?"
“A little," you replied, a playful smirk dancing on your lips.
Wally let out a strained, bitter chuckle, but there was no humor in his eyes. No playfulness was left in the smile that painted his face. “You wanna keep playing?” he murmured, his voice rough, teasing, but there was an edge to it now, something deeper, dangerous. ��Because I can play, sweetheart. But you better be ready for what happens when I stop holding back. When I stop pretending, we can go back to how things were. When I stop fucking pretending we're just friends.”
With a growl, he pushed you through the water until your back hit the edge of the pool. The impact and the feeling of the cold tiles sent a sharp shiver down your spine, making you gasp. The way he mandhandled you with such ease, his grip so possessive, the way his body caged you in completely, it made your head spin.
His lips brushed yours—just barely. But it was enough to make your fingers clutch at his shoulders, nails digging into his skin, like he was the only thing keeping you standing.
“Tell me to stop,” he whispered against your lips, pleading. “Tell me you don’t want this.”
You should say it. You should push him away, laugh it off, pretend like this was just another game, another moment of playful teasing between best friends who had spent years toeing the line.
But you didn’t.
Because you couldn’t.
Instead, your fingers crept up his neck, nails tracing the hard line of his jaw, tightening in his wet hair, pulling him closer, your body pressing against his beneath the water. You felt the way his breath stuttered, the way his fingers dug into your ribs, his thumb caressing your breasts, like he was barely hanging on.
Your lips brushed against his as you whispered, “I dare you.”
A sharp inhale. His hands tightened. "Don't," he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. "I swear, if you keep looking at me like that—"
"Like what?" you interrupted, faking innocence as your fingers trailed down his chest, nails scraping over his hard muscles.
His breath left him in a shaky exhale. "Like you want this."
Your lips curled. "Who says I don't?"
A low groan rumbled from his chest, his restraint hanging by a thread. His hands slid down slowly, gripping, teasing, like he was testing himself—testing you. “You don’t get it.”
"Oh, I'm pretty sure I do," you whispered, your mouth just barely on his, so close he could feel your words on his skin. "You're the one who doesn't."
His jaw ticked. "Don't push me," he warned, his voice a painful growl.
You tilted your head, dragging your nose against his. "Why? Afraid you'll give in?"
"Afraid I won't be able to stop."
A wicked smile danced on your lips as you leaned in, your mouth grazing the corner of his. Not a kiss—just a taste. "You know what I think?” you murmured, your teeth just barely scraping against his lips, leaving the most devastating kiss there. “I think you’ve thought about this. A lot.”
“Tell me I’m wrong,” you taunted him, your voice nothing but a breath, a challenge, a plea. "Just tell me I'm wrong, and we'll stop, we'll forget any of this happened, we'll just—"
His patience snapped.
His hands slid down your waist, gripping your thighs before he hoisted you up, forcing your legs to wrap around him. A choked gasp escaped your lips as you felt all of him, thick and hard, pressing right against your soaked core. A groan tore from his throat, guttural and desperate, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs, bruising you.
“Fuck,” he whimpered. “You keep grinding on me like that and I fucking swear–” His words cut off into a sharp inhale as you grinded against him again.
You rolled your hips against him, dragging your slick heat over the hard ridge of his cock, and his entire body tensed.
A sharp, wrecked groan tore from his throat, his grip turning bruising as he slammed your body harder against the cool tile. His mouth was on you in an instant—biting, licking, claiming—his teeth scraping your jaw, his tongue lapping at the spot he just marked, soothing it just to do it all over again.
“Tell me to stop,” he rasped.
You swallowed hard. The words were right there, on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say them.
No, you wouldn’t. You didn’t want him to stop. You wanted him to keep going, to touch you right where you needed him the most, to make you his, to claim you, to possess you. You wanted to feel his lips on yours, on your entire body. You needed this, the release–you needed him.
“Say. It.” His groan was raw, wrecked. His hands ghosted up your thighs, slow, teasing, so agonizingly close to where you needed them. “Tell me to fucking stop.”
You stayed silent.
His lips curled into a dark smirk. “That’s what I fucking thought.”
His hands flexed, gripping your thighs tighter, dragging your hips flush against him, grinding against your core so hard and deep it made your breath catch.
“Fuck, you feel that?" he groaned, his voice rough dripping with need. "Feel how hard you make me? You did that, sweetheart. You."
His lips brushed your jaw, teasing, before his teeth sank into your skin—not enough to hurt, but enough to make you whimper. His tongue soothed the spot, only to bite again, harder this time.
"You don't think I've noticed? The way your eyes are on me when you think I'm not watching? The way your whole body reacts to me?"
His fingers dug into your hips, hard, making you gasp, dragging your body against him once more, letting you feel every single inch of how much he wanted you.
"You've been playing a dangerous game, baby," he growled. "Playing dumb, acting like all those little teases, all those flirty smiles, all those times you touched me without meaning to—like they didn't mean anything."
A dark chuckle rumbled from his chest.
"But we both know that's not true, don't we?" His grip became stronger by the minute, his fingers slithering lower, teasing the edge of your stomach, dancing along your skin with agonizing precision. He knew what he was fucking doing, he wanted to drive you insane, the same way you drove him to the brink of insanty.
"You know it's not true. Deep down, you always knew exactly what you've been doing to me."
And he was right.
Every glance, every touch, every smile, every almost—you’d been testing him, taunting him. Watching, waiting, wondering how far you could push before he snapped.
And now? He was breaking apart.
His fingers inched lower, making your entire body arch against him, desperate, aching, starving for more.
Please, please, please.
A gasp tore from your throat as his fingers finally found your aching clit, pressing down in slow, agonizing cirles.
Oh, fuck.
Your head fell back against the cool tile, your breath coming out in ragged pants. This was different. He was different. This wasn't the Wally you were used to—your best friend, the sweet, flirty, cocky, Wally who loved teasing you just as much as you teased him.
This was someone else, a completely different version of him you'd never seen before. Dangerous.
"I think you know how much I fucking want you," he groaned, his forehead pressed against yours, his eyes dark, desperate, completely feral with need. "And you've been pretending you don't feel it, too."
You swallowed hard, but no words would come out. What could you say? That he was wrong? That this was just another game?
It wasn't. Not anymore.
You'd crossed every line, and there was no going back.
Your entire body trembled as his fingers moved harder, faster, making your entire world narrow to the feeling of his fingers against your aching core.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, your breath coming in gasps, but you didn’t answer.
You couldn’t. Not when you were falling apart in his hands.
Not when you felt so good pressed against him.
So fucking good.
"And now, baby?" His tongue brushed over your lips, slowly. "Now you're gonna find out exactly what happens when you push me too fucking far."
#smut#wally clark smut#milo manheim fanfiction#wally clark#milo manheim#wally clark fanfiction#wally clark x reader#zed necrodopolis#school spirits season 2#maddie nears#rhonda rosen#school spirits#charley school spirits#wally clark x you#milo manheim smut#milo manheim x reader#milo manheim x you#milo manheim edit#milo manheim x y/n#janet hamilton#school spirits season two#yuri school spirits#quinn school spirits#charley x wally#charley x yuri#zombies
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Stacking donuts on it
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x bratty!reader
Warnings: Suggestive content, playful teasing, food play, light humor, established relationship, mild language.
Summary: you were bored at home so rafe comes over and brings you donuts then you talk him into letting you stack donuts on his cock
It was a painfully slow day. The sun was out, barely a breeze in the air, and you were bored out of your mind. You had scrolled through social media more times than you could count, tried watching something on TV, and even considered cleaning your room—but nothing sounded remotely appealing.
Then, it hit you. You wanted something sweet. Specifically, donuts. And who better to get them for you than your doting boyfriend
So, you called him, and after some light convincing borderline demanding), he agreed to bring them over. Because, well—he was a good boyfriend. Most of the time.
Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at your door. You grinned as you swung it open, and there he stood, looking effortlessly good as usual, a white bag in hand.
"You’re lucky I like you," he muttered, stepping inside and holding up the bag.
"I know I am," you teased, pecking his cheek before snatching the bag from his hand.
You both settled onto the couch, and as you took your first bite, you found your gaze drifting to him. He was sitting comfortably, leaning back against the cushions, scrolling through his phone, completely unaware of the absolutely genius idea that had just popped into your head.
You swallowed your bite and licked the glaze from your lips. "Rafe."
"Hm?" He didn’t look up.
"Can I stack donuts on it?"
His thumb paused mid-scroll. He blinked, then slowly turned his head toward you. "On what?"
You gave him that look.
"No." His answer was immediate.
You pouted, shifting closer to him. "Come on, Rafe, just let me try—"
"Absolutely not."
"Please?" You dragged the word out, giving him your best puppy-dog eyes. "Just a few. I just wanna see how many I can stack—"
"You’re insane," he muttered, rubbing his forehead like you were giving him an actual headache.
"You love me," you countered, grinning.
"Not right now."
"Rafe," you whined, dramatically draping yourself across his lap. "Pleeease?"
He sighed, head falling back against the couch. "This is the dumbest shit you’ve ever asked me to do."
"So, you’ll do it?" Your face lit up with hope.
Another deep sigh, then a grumbled, "Fine."
You squealed in victory, practically bouncing as you reached for him. "Okay, okay, sit back—"
"I hate you," he muttered under his breath, but he was already undoing his jeans.
You ignored his complaints as you eagerly helped free him, your excitement only growing when he was fully exposed.
"Okay," you said, grabbing the first donut. You carefully placed it on top, watching it balance perfectly. "Oh my god."
Rafe groaned, running a hand down his face. "I can’t believe I let you talk me into this."
You snorted, grabbing another donut. "Hold still."
"Hold still?" He huffed. "You act like this is normal—"
"Shhh, you’re ruining my focus."
He grumbled something under his breath, but he stayed still as you continued stacking. Three. Four.
"This is art," you declared, biting your lip as you admired your masterpiece.
"This is stupid," he countered.
You grabbed your phone. "I need a picture."
"Absolutely not—"
Too late. You snapped one before he could stop you, grinning at the screen.
"You did not just take a picture," he said, glaring.
"I absolutely did."
"You are so annoying."
"And you are so good at staying still," you teased. "Ooh, wait—"
You leaned down, took a bite out of the top donut—while it was still stacked—and snapped another picture.
Rafe groaned. "You better not show that to anyone."
"Obviously not," you laughed. "This is for my own personal entertainment."
He rolled his eyes. "Are you done?"
You pouted, admiring your work one last time. "Yeah, I guess."
"Good," he grumbled, shoving the donuts off himself and pulling you into his lap instead. His hands grabbed your waist, holding you firmly against him.
"You owe me for this," he muttered, his voice suddenly deeper, more serious.
Your stomach flipped. "Owe you?"
"For my suffering." His grip tightened, his lips ghosting over yours. "I think I deserve a little reward for putting up with your bullshit."
You grinned. "Oh? And what exactly do you have in mind?"
He smirked. "Let me show you."
#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron#outerbanks rafe#rafe cameron one shot#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron fanfic#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe cameron smut#rafe outer banks#rafe headcanons#rafecore#rafe imagine#rafe x reader#rafe cameron fluff#rafe cameron outer banks#rafe obx#rafe x you#rafe x y/n#rafe x sofia#rafe x oc#rafecameroncockwarming#rafecameron#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron x female reader#rafe cameron x kook!reader
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Twice Interactive Story Part 17 Protect You (Mina, Feat. Sana, Dahyun)
You slowly fall asleep when you are thinking about Nayeon, Jihyo, and Momo.
When you wake up again, you see Mina is making the alarm for you as usual. It's a new week already, you gonna back to work.
"Thank you Mina." I caress her cheek, and let her continue.
'Morning boss.' Mina smiles at your compliments and continues her work.
You put your hands on her head, slowly guiding her movements. Mina is now licking the rod.
'Are you feeling better at the weekend, boss? I was so worried last time.'
"I'm feeling better Mina. You might want to hurry Mina, we need to get to work."
'Minari is glad that boss feel better, Minari will hurry up.' Mina focus back on your tips, she licks it a while and start swallow your whole cock again.
'OH, Mina, you always do a great job, I am happy to have you as my secretary.' You moan Mina's name due to the pleasure.
'Thanks for the reward, boss. Minari will try to make boss cum sooner next time.' Mina swallows all of your cum and helps you to wear the clothes.
Jihyo and Dahuyn still haven't wake up, so you two leave after breakfast directly. You Starr at Jihyo's room before you leave, and it is noticed by Mina.
'Still fascinating about Miss Jihyo's tits, boss?' Mina caresses your cock when she gets on the car.
"That’s not it Mina. Let's just make sure we're ready for the day." I say as I drive to work.
'Boss, I see the way you look at Miss Jihyo's room, you want more than her tits I can tell.' Your cock is hard again by Mina's touching, she frees it from your pants and start jerking you off.
'Boss, please don't tell to Minari, I can see you are telling lies, Minari wants to help boss, for everything.'
"You can help me in the office Minari, I need to relieve some stress. You'll be getting a lot more than breakfast. So just hold on."
'I'm hungry now, Boss.' Mina bends down and start sucking you while you are driving.
'Miss Sana must want to share boss with Minari when we back to the office, Minari wants some private time with boss.'
'If Boss doesn't want Miss Jihyo's tits, maybe boss can play with Minari's.' Mina unbutton her shirts and show you her tiny tits.
"Mina, I can't drive and play with you at the same time. Let me find us somewhere quiet."
Mina gives you a thumbs up but doesn't stop her mouth, still sucking your cock. Worrying you may crush the car, you just park at a secret place that no one will disturb you.
You adjust your seat and enjoying Mina's blowjob, which you use one of your hands to play with her tits.
'So horny today, Mina?'
'Minari is always horny for boss.'
“Maybe we should spend a day making sure you get all the cum you could ever want." I say as I push Mina's head down. "You're so good to me Mina, I love you."
Mina does not resist, she allows you to push her head deeply to your base. Mina starts choking as you reach her deep throat, but she signals you she is all good and tell you to keep going.
'OH, Mina, such a nice mouth...' You raise your head as the sensation is too much.
As my left hand moves her head my right plays with her nipples, flicking and pulling them.
Mina is more excited as you tease her nipple, she moans even with a dick in her mouth. 'Umm...ummm... ummmm!'
But maybe she is too excited, she starts choking again, she hammers your thigh, wanting you to let go.
I'll let her go and cup her cheek. "Minari is struggling today isn't she?"
'Minari has disappointed boss, sorry.' Mina looks down while she is breathing heavily.
'What does Boss want for compensation?' Mina strokes your dick and grabs your hands on tits, want to keep your excitement.
I move Mina onto my lap, "I think you know what I want Mina."
Mina shyly nods and starts riding you. 'Ah, Minari will make sure boss feels good this time.'
Mina guide your hands to her tits again. 'If you can't play Miss Jihyo's tits for now, use Minari's. Minari will help boss to get Miss Jihyo.' Mina says this before she leans her head to kiss you.
I'll push Mina down while I thrust up. "But I already have you Minari." I start fucking Mina at a good pace soon afterward, kissing her nipple and lightly biting them.
Mina pushes your head toward her chest, she raise her head, enjoying your gentle bite to her nipples. 'Boss, Minari really loves you.' Mina says in a light sound which you cannot hear.
Mina tenses her pussy, making it tighter and you are happier for every thrust.
I bounce Mina on my cock faster driving her toward her orgasm. "I know you want to Cum Mina. Do it."
'Ah, boss, Minari wants boss to cum with Minari.' Minar rides you faster as her orgasm is near. Mina looks right into your eye before kissing you again.
As we kiss, we both orgasm. I fill Mina's pussy with my cum. As we relax i kiss her neck. "We should hurry along now."
Mina raises her head, and let you mark hickeys on her, she just moans when you do it. 'Boss is right, maybe we should continue in office.'
Mina helps you tidy up before you restart the driving, she slowly caressing her belly, feeling your cum inside.
Once we arrive to the office I send Mina in first and wait for a couple of minutes before walking in.
Mina kisses you before she leaves the car. 'See you later, boss.' You wait a couple minutes before going up.
'Having a nice weekend with Mina, boss?' Sana smirks at you when you walk past her seat. 'I wanna join too.'
"Why don't we spend a day at your place instead?" I whisper back before continuing to my office.
'I did send you the invitation, but you reject it.' Sana slap your ass before you go. 'I will find you later, boss.'
You return to your room and see Mina is tiding your desk.
I come up behind Mina, my hands grabbing her tits. "Why are you cleaning my desk little Minari? You know we're just going to make a mess again." I start kissing the back of her neck, and start undoing her shirt.
Mina relax and let you take the initiative, 'Boss, Minari haven't finished yet, can you wait a while?'
But Mina's hands do not stop, it going down and jerks your dick without removing your trousers, soon your have a bulge.
I start tugging at her skirt. "I want to fill you up with more cum Mina, don't you want that too?"
Mina helps you to remove her skirt and panties, she is now fully naked and she put her upper body on the table.
Mina spilled her cilt for you, the cum is slowly dripping out, she gets some of it and tastes it. 'Boss, Minari needs more.'
I waste no time and thrust into Mina. "I'll make sure to give you all the cum you want Mina." I caress her ass as I thrust quickly.
You take Mina from behind and your desk soon becomes messy again. 'Boss, Minari will clean it again, later, ah.'
Mina use one of her hands to grab the table, making sure she is balanced; her another hand goes backwards, pushing you to thrust faster. 'Minari like this so much, boss.'
"I like it too Mina." My cock has become slick with her juices as I continue thrusting into her. It's allowing me to thrust faster and harder, and I give Mina all that I can. I even spank her ass until it becomes a deep red.
Mina moans as you spank her, she grind her ass with you, increasing the friction you thrust in everytime, her pussy is becoming tighter, she is going to cum.
'Boss, Minari is cumming, faster please!' Mina's hand is pushing your hip faster, her ass also moving backwards at the same time.
I follow her orders thrusting faster, "Let's cum together Mina. I'm going to cum inside."
'Um, um, ahh...' Mina stops her moan when she reaches her peaks, you shoot the third time of today in her, Mina's body jerks when you cum in her.
You move to your chair without pulling out, Mina sits on your lap. You slowly wipe the sweat on her forehead, admiring her beautiful side profile.
I pinch her nipples and kiss her neck, "You're one of the most beautiful women in the world Mina. Can you keep going?"
'Only one of them?' Mina pours her face, also raising her head and pushing you harder to her neck.
'Minari always ready for boss, just tell me what you want, tell me what you need, ahhh... Minari will be there for you.' Mina's breathe go heavier as you are pinching her nipple.
I bounce her softly on my cock for a few seconds while I think. "Then how about we have some fun with your ass Mina?"
Mina shyly nods and rides you one more time before she eventually stands up. Mina strokes your dick a few times before sitting back, this time aiming her asshole, slowly putting it in.
'Ah... it's tearing me apart.' Although your cock is lubricated by Mina's sauce, Mina's ass is too tight, she is slowly adopting it.
Meanwhile you hear someone knocking on the door.
'It must be Sana.' You say to Mina
'Miss Sana could wait, boss.' Mina caresses your cheek. 'Enjoy Minari's ass first.'
"Mina what if it’s someone else? We should be careful."
'OK...' Mina is unwilling to let you go, but she obeys your order. She gets up and allows you to answer the door.
You wear back your trousers and walk to the door. It's Dahyun knocking at the door. 'Surprise? Oppa. Can I come in?'
"Not now, Mina is still helping me clean the room up Dahyun" I say through the door while looking at Mina to silently tell her to get dressed. I quickly open the door slightly and and step out, closing the door behind me. "What's with the sudden visit?"
'You know I am finding jobs right oppa? I come for interview today, haha.' You only notice that Dahyun is wearing suit today.
'Can oppa show me where I should go?' She hands you her phone and shows the address of the venue. It's no good, it seems the interviewer is Tzuyu's boss.
"How about you work for me? I could help arrange something, this position you're applying for is with someone I don't want you around. Please Dahyun let me do this for you."
'Come on, Oppa. I am not children anymore, I have my own route to go, and I can't always rely on you, right? I will find the way myself, see you later, Oppa.' Dahyun takes back her phone and turns around to leave.
I grab her arm "Dahyun please, he's the type to harass the women under him. I don't want you to deal with that. I know you're not a child anymore, but I still want to protect you. What's it going to take for me to convince you? I'll do whatever it is."
'Oppa, if you don't like your colleague you don't need to tell me his bad things, just trust Dubu, ok? I can get the job without your help, I will prove it. Oppa, you don't need to convince me, just trust me please.'
Dahyun looks at her watch, 'Not much time left, oppa. I will meet you at lunch, ok?' Dahyun then leaves before you say anything.
Mina comes out from the room when she saw Dahyun is left, 'Why your sister will come, boss? Did she notice Minari is with you, boss?'
"No, she's meeting with the old man from last time." I rush towards Sana to tell her to visit the old man's department and watch over Dahyun. I explain that Dahyun is my step sister and I don't want anything bad to happen to her. If she can do that for me I'll do what she wants for a day.
'OK, no problem, boss.' Sana stands up and is ready to go for Dahyun.
'If that old man wants to fuck me, should I accept it?' Sana looks you playfully.
"Don't you dare, but thanks Sana. I really appreciate it."
'You can check it later yourself.' Sana leaves, you return to your room and wait nervously.
'Boss, Miss Sana is smart enough to handle it, don't worry.' Mina massaging your head while you two are waiting.
"Yeah you're right, she is. I just have to wait. Why don't you get back to work for now Mina. It'll do me no good thinking about it."
'Boss, Minari don't wanna leave you alone...' Mina stands in front of you and cup you cheek. 'Minari wants to help boss.'
"I'm not in the mood to continue what we were doing. How about we go out for lunch then? We'll pick something up for Sana and Dahyun too, just in case."
'Minari just wants boss to be happy.' Mina keep holding your head and kisses you.
'I'm back, oppa... Oh, sorry for interrupting.' Dahyun standing at the door. Mina blushes and rush out of the room.
"How did it go?" I ask without missing a beat.
'So far so good everything.' Dahyun sits opposite you. 'I guess I can get the job, but someone come in during the interview, the girl tells something to the interviewer and then I was told to leave, so strange.'
'How about you, oppa? Who is that girl? Does Nayeon eooni knows?'
"You mean Mina, She's my secretary. She's been helping me deal with everything lately. Work and regular life."
'Your secretary? Would a normal guy kisses her secretary?' Dahyun is ignited by your answer.
'It all starts before you break up with Nayeon eooni?'
"After Dahyun, she confessed her love after I broke up with Nayeon. She spent the day I broke up with Nayeon watching me cry."
'You have accepted it then? Please tell me you didn't.' Dahyun low down her head and ask. 'Nayeon eooni would be sad if you move on that quick.'
'I don't want my chance leaves before I can catch it.' She whispers to herself.
"Not exactly, but we're getting there. She's probably going to ask something soon."
'Can you not accept her, at least for now, Oppa?' Dahyun raises her head, seems she has made up her mind. 'Please?'
"I suppose I can try but I can't guarantee anything. Dahyun how about we go out to dinner after work, celebrate your effort."
'Having dinner with you is good, but I am not receiving an offer yet, will the celebration be too early?' Dahyun not so sure.
Sana enters your room at the same time, 'Hello, boss.'
"Hello Sana, I haven't seen you today. Have you met my step sister Dahyun?" I say hoping that Sana catches on to the fact I want to make it seem that I had no part in her going to Dahyun's interview.
Sana knows what you mean, she pretends she knows nothing. 'Oh, you are Dahyun, such a cutie. Boss always mentioned you, Dahyun comes to cheer up your Oppa today?'
'No, I am coming for interview today.' Dahyun shyly answers.
'I am glad to hear that, hope you can work here too.' Sana pat Dahyun's shoulder, encouraging her.
'But for now, I have something need to report to Boss, would you mind come back later, Dahyun?'
"Dahyun, we'll talk later. We can get dinner, spend sometime together." I say as I usher her out of the room. "What do you have to report Sana?" I ask as I close the door and turn around.
'Of course, about your dear sister, boss.' Sana put her hands on your chest, and whispers in your ears.
'Or you wanna check have I let that old man fucked me first.'
"Tell me what happened with Dahyun, Sana. That's my priority."
'Of course, Dahyun is safe from that old man, you can see it right?' Sana sits on the sofa.
'I didn't directly involve in it, instead I have used Tzuyu, don't you remember that girl?'
"What exactly did you do?"
'We know Tzuyu has a high influence on her boss, so I make a deal with her, if Tzuyu can stop her boss to approach Dahyun, you will get her in your team, but I didn't say the time, it could be now, it could be when she graduates next year.'
'I told Tzuyu to seduce her boss, and let him know if Tzuyu is no longer the only woman in their team, he won't get anything from Tzuyu again.'
'Does Sana satisfy you, boss?'
"Well you did a good job Sana"
'But how to get Tzuyu in our team is something you should handle yourself.' Sana smirks.
'Is it time for my reward now?'
"Do you want it now? Or would you rather get a Saturday all to yourself?" I ask her as I put my hands around her ass.
Sana holds your hand to grab her ass harder, and blow hot winds in your ear. 'Why not both, boss? Do you sure you can hold on?' Sana then start kissing your neck.
"I can always hold it in, so choose wisely."
'Then maybe I should keep it for the weekend, remember what you promise me, ok?' Sana leaves a hickey before she leaves the room.
'And, don't let Mina know, Dahyun too.'
"Yeah, yeah." I start to clean things up and finish the day. I send a message to Dahyun asking where she wants to eat.
#minasaiyatis#twice smut#girl group smut#kpop smut#female idol smut#m reader#sana smut#mina smut#dahyun smut#twice sana#twice mina#twice dahyun#twice imagines
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summer on the lake w/ jack hughes ⇨
jack hughes x reader
summary: jack hughes invites you to spend the summer at his lake house, hoping for a break from hockey life. as you both hang out by the water, kayak, and have late-night talks, you start to feel something more between you. when his brothers, luke and quinn, show up for the weekend, things get even more fun and chaotic. with the relaxed vibe of the house and the laughter of his family, you feel right at home. by the end of the summer, you realize it’s not just the lake house that’s special—it’s the start of something real with jack.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: kinda a slow burn, mild language, and light angst
a/n: my first fic omg!! i am so excited to finally start fic writing. leave any comments or suggestions in the comments and i hope you enjoy! send requests!!
the warm summer breeze carried the scent of pine and fresh water through the tall trees that surrounded jack hughes' secluded lake house. the new jersey devils star had spent countless summers here in the past, the tranquil escape offering the perfect retreat from the high-paced life of professional hockey. but this summer felt different. with the end of another hard-fought season, jack was ready for a fresh start—a fresh start with you.
you had known jack for a few years now, meeting through a mutual friend, and after spending some time together last summer, the two of you had grown closer. it wasn’t a traditional friendship—at times it felt like something more, but neither of you had ever said anything. you had a comfortable bond, one that came easily, filled with laughter and late-night talks, but both of you had been hesitant to cross that line.
when jack had invited you up to his lake house for the summer, you had been hesitant at first. the idea of being stuck with one of the most successful player in the nhl in an isolated house on a lake sounded like something out of a dream, but you couldn’t help the anxiety creeping up in the pit of your stomach. what if things changed between you? what if that easy comfort was lost when there were only the two of you, day after day?
but there you were, standing in front of the house now, watching jack unloading his car from the deck. the lake sparkled in the distance, surrounded by the dense woods, making the place feel like a hidden paradise. the nerves settled a little as you spotted jack smiling at you from the front porch, a carefree, relaxed expression that you hadn’t seen in a while.
"hey," jack called, waving his hand as he jogged over. "you're here!"
you smiled, grateful for the ease he carried with him. "yeah, finally. this place is amazing."
"right? i love it here," jack replied, his voice full of pride. "it’s the perfect spot to relax, you know?"
as he dropped your bags onto the porch and ushered you inside, you could already feel the stress of your daily life start to dissipate. the house was exactly as you remembered it—a mix of rustic charm and modern comfort, with large windows that looked out over the lake. it felt like an oasis.
"can i get you something to drink? we’ve got everything stocked," jack asked, already digging through the kitchen. "want a beer or something? or i’ve got some iced tea."
"iced tea sounds perfect," you answered, setting your things down on the couch. jack returned with two glasses, handing you one as you both settled into the cozy living room.
"i’m glad you came up," jack said quietly, a little more serious than usual. "i know it’s kind of a big ask, but i think we’ll have a good time."
you nodded, taking a sip of the cold, sweet iced tea. "i’m glad i came, too."
jack leaned back on the couch, his usual relaxed posture taking over again. he looked comfortable, at ease, but there was something else in his eyes—a curiosity that hadn’t been there before. it was like he was waiting for something to shift.
"so, what do you think?" jack asked after a moment. "it’s just you and me here for the next couple of weeks, and i figure we should make the most of it."
"i think that sounds amazing," you replied with a smile. "what do you usually do when you’re here?"
"oh, you know," jack said with a grin. "i swim, kayak, go for a run in the mornings. but i’m sure we can find something fun to do. i’m open to whatever."
you both laughed, and for a moment, the nerves melted away. you were here for an adventure, and you were sure it would be the kind of summer you’d never forget.
the next few days passed in a blur of sunshine, cool drinks, and lazy afternoons by the water. jack had shown you the lake, introducing you to his favorite spots—the hidden cove, the cliff that overlooked the vast expanse of blue. you had spent hours kayaking, the two of you racing to see who could get to the other side of the lake first, only to laugh when you both ended up falling into the water anyway. there were nights by the fire pit, roasting marshmallows and telling stories, the stars overhead so bright they seemed like they could touch you. the days were simple and full of joy, but something was starting to linger in the air, something neither of you wanted to acknowledge.
it was on one of those lazy afternoons when the tension finally broke. jack had invited you for a walk down a trail near the lake, the sound of the water rippling beside you as you walked side by side in comfortable silence.
"this place is really special to me," jack said softly, his voice almost lost in the rustling of the trees.
"i can tell," you said, looking up at him with a soft smile. "it’s beautiful here. i can see why you love it so much."
jack glanced over at you, his expression a little more serious than usual. "it’s more than just the place. it’s like... i can just be myself here. no pressure, no distractions. just peace."
you nodded, unsure of how to respond to that, the weight of his words hanging between you. there was something intimate about what he had said, something raw. you had always seen jack as this happy-go-lucky hockey player with an easy smile and carefree attitude, but in that moment, you saw another side of him—one that longed for simplicity and connection.
"you know," jack continued, stopping in his tracks and turning to face you, "there’s something i’ve been meaning to say for a while now."
your heart skipped a beat. was this the moment? was he about to say what you’d both been dancing around since you’d gotten here? before you could open your mouth to ask, jack’s phone buzzed in his pocket, cutting off the moment.
"sorry," he said quickly, checking the screen. "it’s just my brother. he’s probably asking if i’m going to show up for the family bbq this weekend."
"don’t worry about it," you said, a little disappointed but understanding. "you should probably get back to him."
jack hesitated for a second, staring at his phone with an unreadable expression before slipping it back in his pocket. "actually, maybe i’ll just forget it for a bit," he said, a playful grin returning to his face. "we’re here. let’s enjoy the moment."
later that week, jack’s brothers—luke and quinn—showed up for the weekend, bringing a whole new dynamic to the lake house. you had met them a few times before, but never in such a relaxed, laid-back environment. luke, the youngest brother, was full of energy, constantly trying to get jack to do something competitive, while quinn, the eldest, was a bit more reserved but just as charming in his own way. the house was suddenly buzzing with the chaos of their arrival.
"finally, you invited us up here!" luke said, tossing a bag on the porch and giving jack a playful shove. "figured we’d have to track you down to get some family time."
jack grinned, rolling his eyes. "you guys are lucky i actually like having you here."
"yeah, yeah, i’m sure," luke shot back, raising an eyebrow. "where’s your friend, though? didn’t think you'd come up here without them."
you stood a little awkwardly on the porch, unsure of how to respond, but jack gave you a quick glance and then a reassuring smile.
"they’re inside," jack said, nodding toward the door. "you’ll meet them soon enough."
"nice," luke said, his voice full of sarcasm. "we’ll give you two a minute, but the bbq is happening, and you can’t miss quinn’s famous ribs."
quinn smiled from the porch, his deep green eyes lighting up with a grin. "trust me, you’ll want to be there. nobody does ribs like me."
"we’re coming, don’t worry," jack said, clapping quinn on the back as he walked inside to grab a few things. luke followed suit, but you were left standing there for a moment, taking in the sound of the lake and the easy laughter that echoed through the air.
jack’s brothers had this effortless, playful vibe that immediately made you feel comfortable, like you had known them for years. the conversation was light, the jokes were easy, and it felt like family, even though you weren’t technically a part of it—yet.
as the evening went on, the bbq was in full swing, and the tension from earlier in the week seemed to disappear entirely. you found yourself laughing with the three brothers as they tried to one-up each other with ridiculous stories and impromptu challenges. jack’s laughter was contagious, and you couldn’t help but feel more and more at home with each passing hour.
later, after everyone had eaten their fill and the fire was crackling in the pit, you and jack stood by the water, quietly watching the sunset. luke and quinn had disappeared inside, leaving you two alone again.
"how’s it been so far?" jack asked, his voice soft.
"honestly?" you said, turning to look at him. "i didn’t think i’d have this much fun. your brothers are pretty great."
jack smiled, his expression a little more serious than usual. "i’m glad you’re here. they really like you, by the way."
you laughed. "i like them too. they’re... a lot."
"yeah," jack said with a chuckle. "but they’re good guys. and it’s nice to have you here with me. it feels... right."
the air between you shifted again, and for the first time all week, you could feel the distance between you closing. jack’s words were simple, but they carried so much weight. the summer, the lake house, his brothers—it all felt like it was leading to something bigger.
as the sun dipped below the horizon, you turned to jack, the words on the tip of your tongue. this moment, this summer, was something you’d never forget. and, maybe, just maybe, it was the beginning of something real.
the summer at jack’s lake house was more than just a vacation. it was a turning point. the days spent by the water, the laughter shared with his brothers, and the quiet moments between you and jack—it all came together, and it felt like the start of something much bigger. something full of possibility. and with each passing day, you couldn’t wait to see where it would lead.
#jack hughes x reader#jack hughes imagine#nhl x reader#jack hughes#nhl x you#nhl fic#nhl imagine#jack hughes lakehouse#new jersey devils
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Hi Angel!! I first wanted to say that I love all your Sevika stories, they never fail to make my days better!
So, I've recently been thinking about little fucker and the twins a lot ((bc I found out I'm gonna be an aunt for twins :DD and it made me wonder how did Sev and Reader react to the news, like.. "what. WERE HAVING TWINS??? HOW." something like this lmao.
Not sure if you've already written something like this, but I've practically read all of your masterlists lmao. If you did feel free to skip cuz I have really bad short term memory ;))
oh my god that's so exciting!!! congrats auntie!!! i think i wrote a few little sentences about this in one of the first twins posts, but lets make it a full fledged story heheeh <3
(also as always with these stories, don't think too much about how the pregnancy happened. reader is trans, or has a magical strap, or it's just yuri magic. you choose hehe)
men and minors dni
for the first few days after sevika's pregnancy test coming back positive, you're both living in denial.
"how am i pregnant? i thought this was menopause! i thought i was done with all this shit!" sevika whines.
you giggle a little hysterically, then pull her into your arms. "i have no fuckin' idea." you say, blinking in shock. "holy shit. i actually knocked you up."
sevika giggles just as crazily in your hold. "congrats."
"i've been trying to get revenge on you for little fucker since you first knocked me up with her!" you laugh. sevika snorts and smacks your shoulder.
"don't say revenge. oh fuck, this is gonna miserable, isn't it?" sevika whines. you kiss her sweetly.
"it's the most amazing thing that's ever happened!"
"you're such a shit. you're just happy it isn't you this time around."
"damn right i am!" you laugh. sevika smiles at you, and then her face falls. you coo and wrap her up in another hug. "it's gonna be alright sevi-bear. i'm gonna be with you every step of the way."
"no, it's not that." sevika whimpers as she nuzzles against your shoulder. "i'm just-- i'm so happy. we're gonna have another one, baby, holy shit."
you grin and pull sevika in for a kiss.
her reaction isn't quite as happy when you get to your doctor's office, though.
"o-oh!" the ultrasound tech gasps.
"good 'oh?'" sevika worries, sitting up a bit from her spot on the paper covered exam table.
"you're having twins, mommies! congratulations!" the tech gasps, grinning up at you and sevika.
you blink.
the tech giggles with glee and turns back to her monitor, clearly handling the news better than you are. you blink again, then look down at sevika.
she's glaring at you like she's going to murder you.
it's only now that the tech's words hit you. and for some reason, you burst into laughter.
"t-twins?!" you cackle. "like, two of 'em?! how-- how the hell did we do that!?" you ask.
the tech blinks up at you in surprise, opens her mouth to speak, but you don't hear her answer. you're too busy grinning down at your wife.
"i'm gonna kill you." sevika finally whispers. you burst into another round of laughs.
"alright. just wait 'til after the pregnancy, think you might want me around these next few months, mama." you tease.
sevika's glare is deadly, but you can't find it in you to stop laughing. holy shit. two more little babies running around your house. if they're anything like their sister, they'll look exactly like sevika. tears well up in your eyes as you gaze lovingly down at your angry wife, imagining two pairs of grumpy baby eyes glaring up at you while you try to change their diapers.
"are you crying?!" sevika squawks. "why the hell are you crying, i should be the one crying!"
"you can cry too, baby!" you giggle, a surge of love taking over your body. before you know what's happening, you're smacking the tech's hand away from your wife's belly and straddling her waist, peppering her face with an endless barrage of kisses. "oh, holy shit, baby, we're gettin' two more of 'em!"
sevika's glare lessens a bit, a small smile ticking up at the corner of her mouth. you can see her softening to the idea; two more babies for you to love; but before a full smile can take over her face she forces herself back into a frown. "we can barely afford the kid we've got." she huffs.
you snort. "that's the beauty of hand-me-downs, sev. plus, silco gave you a big raise when we had the little fucker, what makes you think he'll hold back now that it's your turn?"
"we live in a two bedroom home!"
"we can move!"
"while i'm pregnant with twins?!"
"i'll start looking for a new place the second we get home."
sevika finally smiles, rolling her eyes and giggles a bit. "i can't believe you." she whispers. you grin.
"you're the love of my fucking life. i can't believe you."
the door clicks shut, and you both look up from your embrace to find that the tech has snuck out to give you some privacy.
and, finally, sevika bursts into laughter along with you.
@sevikas-baby @ghostscandys @sevikasllver @runawaybaby3 @lesbones
@chezze-its @lez-zuha @vikashoneybee @shanesevikasfuckdoll @imheadintothemountains
@nanajustnana-a @helaenabugmom
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@kissyslut @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@lavenderbabu @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @my-taintedheart
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen @annesunshiner
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom @lushh-s3vik4s @katyawooga @lesbodietcoke
@strawberrykidneystone @vkumi @fict1onallyobsessed @dvrkhcld @sweetybuzz25
@sluttysierraaa @snake-in-a-flower-crown @ruiwonderz @littlemisszaunite @biblicalcrybaby
@blackgaladriel @nightlyconfusion @dancingqu33n17 @losernb @p1nkearth
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Word count: 1.7k words
Series synopsis: You and ellie broke up when you wanted more than a fwb situationship , yet she can't stop talking about you, even when you're in the same room as her and her friends. ( + a little more ellie-focused but trust me please..)
warnings: mentions of drinking alcohol, sweering + no more warnings! unless you're not into lower-case intend from a lazy author...
author's note: I'm going further into the pool of writing for ellie williams..I'm excited n scared. ellie's lowkey (HIGHKEY) an asshole in this one but i wanted to try writing angst + this is like a 2023 draft-series i never finished, back when i was still a good writer😭part two soon.... If this doesn't flop. Please reblog + like if you've enjoyed this!!
The house was packed, bodies pressed together as music thumped through the walls, drowning out any coherent conversation. The air was thick with the smell of sweat, cheap beer, and a fire that burned in the fraternity's backyard.
Ellie leaned against the kitchen counter, one hand wrapped around a lukewarm can of beer, the other gesturing wildly as she recounted ths latest tirade about her repeated ex, you.
"I'm just saying, dude." She scoffed, shaking her head. "She's the most dramatic person I have ever met. Like everything was a huge life-ending crisis for her." Ellie took a long swig of her beer, catching her breath, before she continued trashing on you.
"If I didn't text her back in five minutes? boom, I was ignoring her. If i wanted a night out with you guys? I suddenly didn't care about her feelings." Jesse absentmindedly nodding along, not caring for Ellie's rant as he looked down at his own beer.
"It was exhausting, like, get a fucking grip." She added, shaking her head, again.
Dina snorted into her red cup. "you're so fucked up for this, Ellie."
"Am I wrong, though?" Ellie shot back, grinning at Dina. "Come on, you guys saw how she was, especially on double dates." Jesse raised his eyebrows. "I mean...yeah, you guys weren't the best, but don't go in on her when she's–"
"Right over there?" Dina finished, subtly nodding past Ellie.
Ellie turned, her stomach flipping when she locked eyes with you. you stood a few feet away, eyes glistening under the harsh kitchen lights. The half-empty drink in your hand trembled slightly, gripping it like it was the only thing keeping you grounded.
"You really couldn't help yourself, huh?" You said, voice barely audible over the loud music.
Ellie's smirk faltered. "Look, I was just–"
"No, I heard you, Ellie" You took a shakey breath, your voice rising just enough to make Jesse and Dina shift uncomfortably.
"You love this, don't you? Running your mouth and making me out to be some crazy bitch so you can feel better about how you treated me."
Ellie scoffed, pushing herself off the counter. "Oh my god, here we go again–"
"No, shut the fuck up, Ellie." The whole kitchen went silent. Even the distant bass of the music seemed to fade as everyone turned to watch the unfolding disaster.
"You act like I was the problem, but you were an asshole to me." You continued, voice cracked. "you shut me down the second things got hard, you made me feel like I was 'too much' just for wanting you, Ellie."
"now you're standing here, laughing about it to Dina and Jesse like I was worth nothing to you." Ellie's throat went dry. she could feel Dina and Jesse's eyes on her, waiting to see her response.
you let out a humorless laugh, shaking your head as tears fall down your face.
"fuck you, Ellie." Voice wavering and eyes steady—filled with nothing but exhaustion and hurt. You had enough of fighting for your innocence, especially to somebody that never cared for you.
"You're a horrible person, Ellie, I hope you know that."
Ellie felt something twist in her chest, something ugly and painful, but before she could even try to respond, you shoved past her, disappearing through the crowd.
The silence lingered for a few beats before the music swallowed the tension, and people went back to their drinks, their conversations, and their distractions.
Meanwhile, Ellie stood frozen, gripping the beer can that indented in her hand. She could feel the weight of your words, heavy and suffocating, echoing louder than the music ever could in her head.
Her pulse was hammering against her ribs as your words sank in.
You're a horrible person, Ellie, I hope you know that.
The kitchen was still thick with tension, even as people settled back into their conversations. Dina and Jesse exchanged a worrisome glance, both hesitating before turning their attention back to Ellie.
"Dude.." Jesse muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
"That was—"
"Yeah, I got it." Ellie snapped, tossing her beer can onto the counter. It sloshed over the rim, pooling next to a pile of abandoned red solo cups. Her jaw was clenched so tight it ached, but she forced out a breath, trying to shake off the burning in her chest.
Dina eyes her warily. "you good?"
Ellie wanted to say yeah, wanted to roll her eyes, crack a joke, and pretend like the whole thing hadn't left her skin burning with embarrassment. Yet, her throat felt tight and her fingers twitched like they didn't know what to do with themselves.
So instead, she scoffed. "Am I a horrible person?" She asked, looking between them. "Seriously? She was asking for more than what we agreed on."
Dina's expression was unreadable. "Ellie—"
“She knew what this was!” Ellie continued, voice rising despite herself. “I told her from the start—I wasn’t looking for anything serious, but suddenly, it’s my fault because she caught feelings?"
She ran a tattooed hand through her short auburn hair, frustration clear in her words. "Like, yeah, we spent time together, we had fun, but that didn't mean I wanted the whole relationship package. She just—expected more, like I was supposed to change for her."
"But I'm the bad guy?"
Jesse sighed at Ellie's behavior. “You were the one talking shit about her while she was in the room.”
“Yeah, well, maybe she shouldn’t have listened in on my conversation.” Ellie shot back, but even as she said it, it felt weak, forced even, as if she was putting on a 'tough guy' act.
Dina crossed her arms, staring at Ellie like she was trying to pick apart a puzzle. "you really don't get it, don't you?"
Ellie frowned. "Get what?"
Dina let out a slow breath. “You hurt her, and instead of just letting her move on, you stood here and made a fucking joke out of it. Right in front of her.”
Ellie opened her mouth to argue, but nothing came out, because what was she supposed to say? That she didn’t mean for it to get back to her? That it wasn’t that serious? That it didn’t hurt as bad as you made it seem?
Because that would be a lie. And if Ellie was honest with herself, she knew the truth.
Ellie knew she wasn't built for commitment. She knew she got too comfortable, letting things go further than she should have. Let you believe it could be more—because, for a while, maybe Ellie wanted to believe it too.
But she was always going to pull away.
And now, standing in the mess she made, she felt sick.
"Fuck." Ellie muttered under her breath, dragging a hand over her face.
Dina and Jesse were still watching her, waiting to see what she’d do next. She could tell they were both teetering on the edge of saying something, maybe telling her to go after you, or maybe just reminding her what an asshole she was.
Ellie swallowed. “I need some air.”
Without another word, she pushed past them, heading for the back door. The party raged on around her, but for the first time all night, she felt completely and utterly alone.
The cool night air hit Ellie’s skin as she stepped outside, but it did nothing to settle the tightness in her chest. The backyard was quieter than the house, the muffled bass of the music thudding through the walls. A couple of people sat around a fire pit, laughing, passing a joint between them. None of them looked at her.
Good. She didn’t feel like talking.
Ellie exhaled sharply and dragged a hand down her face, then pulled a cigarette from her pocket. Her fingers shook as she lit it, but she told herself it was just the cold. She took a slow drag, letting the smoke sit in her lungs before releasing it into the night.
your voice was still ringing in her ears.
You're a horrible person.
Ellie clenched her jaw.
She’s just mad, Ellie told herself. People say shit when they’re mad.
But the way you had looked at Ellie—like she was something cruel, something heartless—it unsettled her.
A horrible person.
Ellie had never thought of herself that way. Sure, she had flaws. She could be distant, avoidant, maybe even selfish, but horrible? That felt like something else entirely.
Yet, wasn’t this exactly why Ellie never let things get serious? Why she bailed the second people wanted more from her?
Because deep down, maybe Ellie was horrible.
Maybe Ellie didn’t know how to care about someone the way they wanted her to, maybe she never would.
The thought left a bitter taste in her mouth, worse than the lit cigarette near her mouth.
She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she almost didn’t hear the sound of footsteps approaching.
Ellie sighed, knowing she wasn’t about to get out of this conversation. “If you’re here to lecture me, just—don’t.”
Dina ignored that and leaned against the railing beside her. “I wasn’t gonna lecture you.” Ellie glanced at her, unconvinced.
Dina sighed. “Look, I’m not saying what happened back there wasn’t messy. It was, but…” She hesitated. “You’re not a bad person, Ellie.”
Ellie let out a humorless laugh. “Yeah? Tell that to y/n.”
Dina was quiet for a moment. “You really liked y/n, didn’t you?”
Ellie’s grip on her cigarette tightened. “I don’t know.”
Ellie exhaled, watching the smoke curl into the night. “I did, but I liked things the way I wanted them and that wasn’t enough for y/n.”
Dina shook her head. “Because no one wants to feel like they’re just an option, Ellie.”
Ellie swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry. “I never meant to hurt y/n.”
“I know,” Dina said softly. “But you did.”
Ellie didn’t have a response to that.
The door opened again, and Jesse poked his head out. “Hey—some guy just puked in the kitchen, so if you’re looking for another disaster, there you go.”
Dina groaned. “Oh my god.”
Ellie barely reacted. Her mind was still stuck in the kitchen, in the way your voice cracked, the way you had looked at her like she was something irredeemable.
Dina sighed and gave Ellie’s shoulder a squeeze before heading back inside with Jesse, leaving her alone again.
Ellie took one last drag of her cigarette before flicking it into the grass. Then she sat down on the backdoor steps, elbows on her knees, head in her hands.
She had come outside for air, but no matter how deeply she breathed, it still felt like she was suffocating.
© 𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 ─ 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙙. 𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮, 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠 𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨.
#⋆˙⟡ elliesbabygirl#ellie tlou#ellie williams#ellie williams angst#ellie williams x female reader#the last of us#ellie the last of us#ellie williams x reader#ellie williams x you#tlou#tlou part 2#lesbian#lesbian pride#ellie williams au#ellie williams fluff#ellie williams fanfic#ellie williams imagine#ellie williams the last of us#ellie x fem reader#ellie williams tlou#player! Ellie williams#abby anderson#abby the last of us#abby anderson x reader
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♡︎ Falling for you (and the bed too)
synopsis: a night out with their friends intensifies the tension between Paige and Azzi, who are already together. things get hot back in Azzi's dorm—until the bed collapses under them. they wind up huddled up on the couch with blankets and the knowledge that their love is as enjoyable as it is fierce, as laughing takes the place of desire
pairing: paige n azzi (paige bueckers n azzi fudd) notes from author: hey everyone! this is my first time ever writing a fic, so i’m super excited to share it with you all. i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it! if you have any ideas, suggestions, or tips, feel free to drop them in my inbox – i’d love to hear from you. i’ve got some more ideas brewing, so stay tuned for more. thanks for reading!! ──────────────────── the club was alive, a sea of movement and sound that pulsed through the air, its rhythm sinking deep into their bones. paige leaned against the bar, drink in hand, her eyes wandering over the dance floor. her teammates, scattered across the room, danced with abandon or shared quiet conversation. then, a gentle nudge broke her focus'
“you look like you’re planning something,” azzi teased, her dark curls bouncing with every step as she swayed to the music
paige smirked, her gaze lingering on azzi. “Just observing. You having fun?”
azzi twirled, a grin lighting up her face. “I sure am now”
aige rolled her eyes, but the smile on her lips was unstoppable. azzi had that power—effortlessly captivating, with a mind as sharp as her beauty. lately, paige had stopped pretending not to be drawn to her.
“Az, boogers, get over here!” one of their teammates called, pulling azzi's attention to the dance floor.
without missing a beat, azzi grabbed paige’s hand, leading her into the crowd. paige followed willingly, her pulse quickening at the contact. azzi moved with ease, a natural rhythm to her, and soon, paige’s body mirrored her movements, no thought required. they danced—close but never quite touching, a game of unspoken tension that neither was ready to break.
then azzi turned, her breath warm against paige’s ear. “keep looking at me like that, and you might just have to do something about it.”
paige’s hand tightened around azzi’s waist before she released it, her voice low. “maybe I will.”
azzi’s laughter sparkled, but there was a glint in her eyes, something that sent a flutter through paige’s chest.
the walk back to the dorm was filled with laughter, the energy of the night still hanging in the air. But paige and azzi lagged behind, their fingers brushing now and then, each touch sparking something deep inside. by the time they reached their floor, the rest of the team had already gone inside.
azzi glanced at paige, her voice soft. “wanna come in?”
Paige exhaled slowly, her heart racing. “is that even a question?”
as soon as the door closed behind them, the air changed. azzi stepped forward, her eyes flickering to paige’s lips before meeting her gaze once more. that was all the invitation paige needed. she closed the distance, one hand resting on azzi’s waist, the other cupping her jaw as their lips met.
at first, the kiss was slow, tentative—but azzi had never been one for hesitation. she deepened the kiss, her hands slipping beneath paige’s hoodie, her fingers brushing over firm muscle. paige groaned, pulling azzi closer, their bodies pressing together. azzi’s back met the edge of the bed, and she laughed, pulling paige down with her.
it should have been smooth, effortless—but as their weight shifted, a loud, splintering crack echoed in the room.
the bed collapsed beneath them.
they landed in a tangled heap on the floor, stunned for a moment before azzi burst into laughter. paige groaned, rolling onto her back and covering her face.
“you broke my bed, big head!” azzi accused, still giggling.
paige peeked through her fingers. “you’re the one who pulled me down!”
“you didn’t have to tackle me like a linebacker!”
paige chuckled, sitting up. “alright, we’re definitely not sleeping here.”
azzi wiped away a tear of laughter, still grinning. “couch it is.”
they curled up on the couch, wrapped in blankets, the soft glow of the TV flickering in the background. azzi rested her head on paige’s shoulder, absentmindedly tracing shapes on her arm.
“kinda glad the bed broke,” azzi murmured, her voice drowsy. “gave us a great story.”
paige pressed a soft kiss to the top of azzi’s head. “yeah. KK won’t believe this when i tell her”
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written for @steddielovemonth day twenty eight “endlessly” by the cab | rating: t | wc: 2,1k | tags: post s4, three years in the future, established relationship, marriage proposal, fluff
read on ao3
There’s a shop down the street where they sell plastic rings for a quarter a piece and Eddie swears it might be his favorite thing about his and Steve’s apartment in Chicago.
Well, no. He really loves that it’s only five minutes away from Buckley’s dorm and that it has a fire exit that’s often visited by their downstairs neighbor’s cat. And of course, he also loves living there with Steve.
But that little shop is pretty sick too. Eddie is constantly misplacing his rings, and this way, it’s easier for him to replace them.
He stops by once or twice every week, which in Steve’s opinion is too much.
“You only have ten fingers, Eds, how many rings can you possibly need?” He tells him every time, but he always asks Eddie to show him his most recent buy.
Today’s visit has gotta be quick. Steve is waiting for Eddie and the black pepper he sent him to get for his homemade chili. So it’s in and out of the shop in less than five minutes, a new black band secured in his pocket, before Eddie hurries back home.
But even if he does, Steve still lets out an impatient little huff when he arrives.
“There you are!” He says, walking over to Eddie– and grabbing the black pepper from his hands, ignoring him.
Eddie lets out an offended string of noises. “And what am I? Chopped liver?”
“No, you are late,” Steve chastises, but still presses a placating kiss to Eddie’s lips before going back to the sizzling saucepan.
Eddie follows him and hops on the counter, his legs dangling back and forth as he watches Steve stir. “Unless everyone’s hiding in our bathroom, and I would be impressed, given how small it is, there’s no one here yet so there’s no way I’m late,” Eddie says petulantly.
Steve rolls his eyes, adding the black pepper to the chili. “They’ll be here soon. Rob called to say she was leaving her dorm and the kids said they’d get here around two, and you know they’ll be starving from the three hour ride. And they’ll bitch if lunch isn’t ready.”
“They’ll bitch either way,” Eddie says with a snort. “If not because of the food, then for the fact that they’re all sleeping on the floor since we only have one couch.”
Their apartment is hardly the Harringtons’ mansion, and while it’s more than enough for Eddie and Steve, it doesn’t have multiple guest rooms and mattresses to fit nine people for a weekend.
Chuckling, Steve stirs the black pepper in. “You’re probably right, remind me why we agreed to this again?”
Eddie taps his bottom lip with his finger, pretending to think. “Mm, because you can’t say no to them, and because Lucas was excited to use his newly acquired license to get them all here. Oh, and because you miss them.”
“You miss them too,” Steve points out, one hand on his hip while the other brandishes the wooden spoon in front of Eddie’s face.
“I admit to nothing!” Eddie says, but the truth is that he does.
The last time they saw the kids was a couple of months ago, when he and Steve drove to Hawkins for Wayne’s birthday and it had really hit Eddie just how much they’ve grown in the time they were away. Mike had been taller than both him and Steve, Lucas had actual facial hair. El’s curls were almost as long as Eddie’s while Max had chopped hers off and was rocking a badass bob. Will had a boyfriend and Henderson had a goddamned tattoo, for God’s sake.
Needless to say that visit had left Eddie reeling, Steve too. And while they were both excited to see them and show them around Chicago over the weekend, neither is ready to see how many other things have changed since then.
God, is this how parents feel when they watch their kids grow up? Maybe all those jokes about him and Steve co-parenting these shitheads were right all along.
“Here, try this,” Steve says, snapping Eddie out of his spiral. He holds the spoon in front of Eddie’s lips for him to taste it in a move that’s become familiar since they moved in together. Eddie leans forward and takes it into his mouth.
Then he lets out a moan.
“Fuck, Steve,” he says, watching Steve’s cheeks go pink, either at the praise or the familiar obscene sound. “That’s so good, oh my God.”
Steve ducks his head, smiling. “Yeah?”
“Mhm,” Eddie hums, licking his lips. “I’d marry you for that alone.”
It’s hardly the first time Eddie has said that, but Steve’s reaction is the same as always. His cheeks pink up even more and a pleased bashful smile stretches over his lips. He puts the spoon in the sink and covers the saucepan to let the chili simmer before he stands between Eddie’s legs.
“You keep saying that, but I’ve yet to see the ring,” Steve says, teasingly, only Eddie’s mind goes to the ring in his pocket, the black band that would look so good in Steve’s ring finger–
And before he knows it, he’s jumping off the counter and dropping to his knees.
With a raised eyebrow, Steve takes half a step back. “Eds, you know I’d let you blow me for how good my food is any day, but the kids will be here soon–”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Steve,” Eddie scoffs. “This isn’t that, although that chili is definitely blow job worthy.”
“Well, if it isn’t that then what are you doing down there?”
Hell if I know, Eddie thinks before digging into his jeans, taking the ring out.
Steve blinks down at it. “Did you stop by that shop again?”
“Yes,” Eddie says and before Steve can protest, he adds, “But this one isn’t for me. It’s for you.”
Steve’s eyebrows shoot up in his forehead and when Eddie holds it up to him, his eyes widen, his jaw going slack.
“Oh my god.”
Eddie clears his throat. “Steve, these last three years with you have felt like a dream. Most of the time, I still can’t believe they weren’t one. That I won’t wake up from a coma at that damned secret hospital to find that none of it happened or that I died that day in the Upside Down and this is actually heaven. Life with you is just that good, sweetheart. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch because I get to come home to you every day and wake up next to you and your ridiculously bad bed head.” At that, Steve makes the first noise since Eddie started his speech– a soft wet chuckle.
“And I might be pushing my luck here, Stevie, because half the time I think I don’t deserve you. You deserve a– a gold ring and a beautiful house and someone who doesn’t think that jeans without holes in them counts as formal wear. But while I might not be able to give you that, I can and I will love you endlessly. So, ignoring the fact that legally we can’t, because fuck society, will you, Steve Harrington, marry me?”
Steve’s mouth opens with a gasp but before Eddie can get his answer, the door to their apartment swings open and in walks Robin.
She learned the hard way to use the key that they gave her cautiously after she walked in on them going at it half naked in the kitchen. The only reason why she used it today is probably because she thought it was safe to do it, knowing that they wouldn’t get up to any funny business while they were expecting the kids.
She probably didn’t expect to walk in on this instead.
To be fair, Eddie didn’t expect to do this at all today.
“Boys, look who I ran into downstairs!” She says, holding the door open for the kids before freezing on the spot. “Oh my God!”
“They’re naked, aren’t they?” Dustin groans. That damn tone is the one thing that hasn’t changed at all.
Robin sputters. “Uh, no, they’re–”
“Oh my God!” Mike gasps, echoing Robin’s words as he steps in and sees Eddie on his knees in front of Steve, the ring still held between his fingers.
“What? What?” The others ask, trying to get a look while stuck behind Mike’s tall frame.
They see El’s head pop up under his arm. “Eddie is proposing to Steve!”
“What?” Max and Dustin shriek, shoving Mike out of the way and stumbling into the apartment with Lucas and Will in tow.
Lucas gasps. “Holy shit!”
“Did he say yes?” Will asks, glancing between the two.
Dustin gives his arm a light slap. “Of course he said yes, he’s just as obsessed with Eddie as Eddie is with him.”
“Actually,” Eddie cuts in, speaking for the first time since they all barged in. “He hasn’t, you shitheads interrupted him.”
“Dude!” Max lets out an indignant huff. “What are you waiting for?”
“Yeah, Steve!” The boys all agree, El’s wide eyes do too.
“Children–” Robin chastises, but Eddie can see the curious glint in her eyes.
“I–” Steve starts, finally saying something but he doesn’t get far before Eddie interrupts him.
“Stevie, it’s okay, you just can tell me later–”
He firmly shakes his head. “No, Eds, I don’t mind that the kids are here,” he says, his lips tugging upwards as he starts his own speech. “I don’t mind that you got that ring from that shop down the street that I insist you spend way too much time in, or that we live in this small apartment and that you only own a single pair of jeans without any rips on them. I don’t care about any of that because I love you, and I love our life, and nothing would make me happier than being married to you even if it’s not official. Actually, fuck that, we can have our own wedding and it can be real to us. All that matters is that I get to love you. Endlessly.”
Eddie gapes at Steve, his heart in his throat. He wants to say something, anything, but he’s afraid he might embarrass himself by starting to cry.
“Dude,” Mike says, breaking the silence for him. “That was so sappy.”
“Shhhh!” They all say in unison while Max delivers a slap to the back of his head.
Eddie can’t help but laugh– a happy, giddy sound. “No, Wheeler is right. That was sappy.”
Steve shoots him a betrayed look. “Shut up. You’re lucky they didn’t hear your speech!”
“Don’t act like it didn’t make you swoon,” he teases.
Steve’s cheeks go red. “You’re insufferable, I take it back, I won’t marry you.”
“No take backsies!” Eddie protests, grabbing Steve’s hand and sliding the ring on. “You’re stuck with me now.”
“I know,” Steve says, his smile tipping into something soft as he hauls Eddie to his feet so he can kiss him.
Their friends cheer but the sounds quickly turn into groans as they both get a little carried away with their kiss.
“Do you guys need us to go back to the car and give you a minute to be gross?” Lucas asks after a while.
Eddie feels tempted to say yes but before he can Dustin jumps in protest. “No way! We’ve been in that car for hours and I’m starving!”
Steve and Eddie exchange a bemused look. They know their kids well.
“Well, lunch is ready, so go wash up and then you shitheads can eat.”
As soon as Steve says it, they all barrel into the apartment, squeezing into their tiny bathroom so they can wash their hands, arguing over who goes first the whole time.
Robin closes the door behind her and hands Steve her key. “I don’t think it’s not safe for me to have that,” she says sheepishly.
Eddie snorts. “Your timing really is impeccable, Buckley.”
Pulling them both in for a hug, she says, “I love you, dinguses and I’m happy for you, but if you make anyone else your Maid of Honor, I’ll kill you.”
“We love you too,” Steve chuckles, and Eddie agrees with a nod.
She pulls away, heading to the bathroom so she can also wash up.
Steve wraps his arm around Eddie’s shoulders. “And I love you,” he says with a kiss to his temple. “Endlessly.”
Eddie intertwines his fingers with the hand that rests over his shoulder, feeling the ring on Steve’s finger. It causes a flutter in his chest.
“Yeah, Stevie,” he says, giving his fingers a squeeze. “Endlessly.”
#steddie#steddie fic#steddielovemonth#stranger things#stranger things fic#this event is SO important to me it's why i started writing steddie a year ago and i haven't stopped since#here's my last little contribution enjoy x#steve harrington#eddie munson#the party#monse writes
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