#I always wondered why everyone and their mother drew her boobed the hell out
ros-sauce · 19 days
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I dream of kissing The Terraria Zoologist under the moonlight
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
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Part 3 of 4
Summary: After an unimaginable loss, you discover your powers and become even more cemented in your faith. Sam experiences a similar loss and struggles with it. When you meet, how will your lives change?
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Indian!Superhero!Reader
Words: 1,922
A/N: This is for @bucky-smiles 2K Bollywood Writing Challenge! My prompt was Jab Tak Hai Jaan. The thing that stood out most to me was both of the protagonists’ struggles and/or commitments to faith, so that’s what I drew on for this fic. Although I know that Sam is an orphan in the comics, having lost both his parents to violence, I had him be raised by his mother, so she’s still alive here.
Beta’d by: The lovely @bucky-smiles herself. I wanted to make sure I did the culture and religion justice, so thank you! Also beta’d by another Indian lovely @emilyshurley​, who also made the above aesthetic for me. Thank you both for working with me. It meant a lot for me to get the culture and religion right because representation fucking matters, so your help was invaluable to me. <3
A relationship, or gasp!, love had never really been in the plans, until that morning at the Washington monument, bonding with a man named Sam Wilson about the infuriating whirlwind that was the 30-minute, 13-mile Steve Rogers. “He’s insufferable, right?” You asked, breaths heavy yet steady at your pace.
“Unbearable,” he laughed, letting go of the competition with Steve to hang back with you. “You’re Agni, right? New Avenger?”
“Been with them for about two years now, so not new. But newer. And the name’s Y/N. And despite the “A” it’s pronounced ‘ugh-nee. It’s the Sanskrit word for fire.” He smiled; impressed.
You’d never felt the need to hide your story – how you became who you were - but what Sam said next took you aback. “Sorry about your mom.”
“Thanks,” you replied, smiling fondly at the memory of her perfectly imperfect smile and shining brown eyes. “I can’t say for sure why I made it out and she didn’t. All I know is what I believe. I plan to do right by her memory.”
“That’s really admirable,” he said genuinely. “I lost someone too, and I think it broke my faith. I admire anyone who can keep it.”
“I have to,” you replied. “My faith grounds me.”
It was your distinct differences in regards to loss and faith that drew you closer. Sam was consistently inspired by your ability to hold onto something so intangible as faith when you’d lost so much. After every mission, you all needed to decompress, and you decompressed in your own unique ways, but time and time again, the two of you spent your time together, watching bad movies, eating popcorn, playing pool – or more accurately kicking Sam’s ass at pool – but hey.
Though he’d lost his faith in God, you’d encouraged him not to lose faith all together, instead channeling that belief into something tangible. “What do you mean?”
“Well, faith is a shaky thing for some people. Because you can’t see it. What can you see? What can you see that you believe in?”
“This team. People. I believe in people.”
“Then that’s where your faith lies. You still have it; it’s just changed course.”
“How are you so wise?” He asked with a laugh.
“Just gifted, I suppose.” Leaning over, you kissed the underside of his chin. Somehow, through all this, you’d just found each other. There’d never been any official discussion of what you were to each other – you just knew. He was your best friend and confidant; the man you loved. Another blessing you were sure. There was no animosity between you and anyone else on the team; you got along with everyone, but you found solace in Sam, and he in you.
No one questioned it either. Not even Tony. Though he poked fun every now and then, which you would of course return, because he had Pepper. After a week without any action, you were almost starting to feel left out, until you, Sam, Nat and Steve were called on a mission.
At the rendezvous point, Fury briefed you on your mission. “Pieter Sidorov,” he said, looking straight toward Natasha. “You know him, right?”
“The Russian scientist and mass murderer? Yea, I’m familiar with his work. Rescue mission?”
“Extraction. We still don’t like the guy. He’s still a grade-A asshole. But after the fall of Hydra here, everyone left that’s loyal has gone into hiding. And Sidorov is aiding what’s left of Hydra within KGB airspace. I need the four of you to get him and bring him back. We need him alive.”
The four of you nodded simultaneously, your mission clear. With the help of a few still-trusted SHIELD pilots, you made your way into former KGB airspace. “Okay, what’s the game plan?” Sam asked, already outfitted in the new and improved EXO suit; Tony had made a few adjustments in the likely case one or both of the wings were damaged, so hopefully he would never be down for the count again. “Who the hell is this guy?”
“Pieter Sidorov is a fucking genius. When you have that kind of intelligence, you go one of two ways, good guy or the worst guy. Guess which Sidorov is?” Nat started. “Anyway, he has no superpowers himself. It’s his suit. He developed a suit that allows him to suck the powers, and essentially life, from other super-powered people.”
“What can he do?” You asked. “He’s just any regular guy without the suit, but with? What do we have to look forward to?”
Natasha raised an eyebrow, rattling off the list of abilities the suit imbued him with – telekinesis and telepathy. “With, obviously, the added bonus of sucking whatever powers you and Steve have,” she said, tilting her chin toward you. “So if he’s got the suit, don’t get caught.”
“Thanks, Nat,” you laughed. “We go in teams of two, yea?”
Tony and Steve were your de facto leaders, so you all looked to Steve for your assignments. “Yea. Nat and I will infiltrate the right side, you and Sam go left. Nat will hack us into the system and shoot the map of the inside of the helicarrier to your watches. You might think we need the suit too, but we don’t. It’s programmed to work with his DNA. Without him the suit is useless. We take everyone out in our way and grab Sidorov, unharmed, and bring him back to Fury. From there –“ He hesitated. “From there, I don’t want to know what Fury’s gonna do with him.”
You trusted Fury, but he was definitely a scary man. “Me either.”
“All of us will leave the way Nat and I went in. Sam, make sure your wings are operational. The rest of us, make sure our parachutes are ready to go. As soon as the pilots make the drop off, they’re out. When we hit the ground, Nat has a way out.”
“What way?” Sam asked. “Car, bus, train?” She didn’t answer, her face showing no indication of releasing her secret. “Secret underground base?”
When she raised her eyebrow, you and Sam exclaimed at the same time. “Shut the fuck up.”
Smiling, Steve ensured that everyone had their orders. “Alright,” he said, turning toward you and Sam as the pilot pulled into the hellicarrier’s airspace. “See you two on the other side. Be careful.”
“You too, Cap,” you said quietly.
After Steve and Nat jumped onto the roof of the carrier and made their way inside, the pilots swung around the left, letting you and Sam out before speeding away under the cloak of night. “Back me up,” you said softly.
“Always.” Your back was to him but he spoke with a smile. “Ten o’clock.” Sam hid in the shadows as a man, presumably a guard, approached. Your size, and apparently boobs, always made men underestimate you, leaving you the perfect opportunity to slip them into a chokehold and wait until they passed out.
The moment the guard fell to the floor, Sam emerged from the dark hallway. “Have I told you how sexy that is?” He asked.
“Not now, Sam,” you laughed. “But yes. And please tell me more when we get the fuck out of here.”
Within a minute of knocking the guard out, Nat had uploaded the map to your watches. Unfortunately, it also alerted the entire crew on board to your presence. You figured that would happen. “Alright, stay at the ready,” Sam spoke. “How many people on this helicarrier?”
“About 500.”
“Fuckin wonderful.”
Quickly, you glanced down at the map on your watch, charting the quickest and easiest way to where they were keeping Sidorov. “Right in the middle. Great. They’re coming after us either way. Wanna stealth it or make an entrance?” You asked.
“Baby, do you even have to ask?” Sam laughed.
“Entrance it is.” As you charged forward, Sam followed your lead, handling any stragglers that happened to make it beyond your wall of fire. Those that didn’t run scared, fell victim to your wrath, dissolving into piles of ash snaking through the grates at your feet.
From the opposite end of the vessel, you heard the cacophony of screaming voices. Of course, Steve and Nat were holding their own just fine.
A nearly 300-pound, 6 foot tall Russian made his way past you. Big dude, but agile as hell. He’d assumed you were the strength out of you and Sam, disregarding him to try and take you out. But that was his mistake. As the man put you in a chokehold, Sam pulled out a knife, dropping down and slicing both of his Achilles before spin-kicking him in the face and over the railing. “Thanks, babe.”
“No problem. Let’s go. I want outta here.”
Your well-oiled machine moved swiftly through the maze-like hallways. You’d have a few cuts and bruises, but since joining the Avengers, that was pretty much Tuesday. As you approached the room where Sidorov was being kept, you made your silent prayers for the successful completion of this mission. You’d always prayed beforehand, in one way or another, but in the thick of it, you couldn’t help but offer up a few more silent prayers.
Melting the metal doors before you, Sam barreled past you and grabbed Sidorov, before running straight into Nat and Steve. Sidorov’s eyes sparked with a hint of recognition. “Natasha?”
“Aww, so sweet, you remember. You’re coming with us.”
Steve took the front lines of your escape route, using his shield to push over everyone in his way, while Nat and Sam handled the scientist and you kept an eye on your six. “You ready to jump?” You yelled, wind whipping your skin as Nat opened the door they’d entered. She pushed Sidorov out, sans parachute, and was followed quickly by Steve, leaving you and Sam to bring up the rear.
“Go!” Sam screamed.
Despite having jumped out of planes with the team before, it never got any easier. As you sailed through the air, you chanced a glance back and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Sam jump too, only to watch a hook pierce the middle of his wings, ripping them off, and knocking him off balance. He spiraled in mid-air; you screamed into the wind, unable to do anything else but pray Tony’s upgrades kicked in.
Turning your attention toward the rapidly-increasing ground below, you waited for the right moment to deploy your parachute. When you ripped the cord, the parachute deployed, but apparently during your scuffle with the Russian guards, one of them had managed to slash it.
“Fuck!” Your heart raced as the ground approached, bracing for impact.
Sam panicked for a moment before his backup wings exploded out of the back of the EXO, giving him control once again. When he looked down, he saw his worst nightmare. “Not again. God, not again.” Y/N was fast approaching the earth with a slit parachute; she had a healing factor sure, but there would be nothing to heal if she pancaked into the pavement.
He retracted his wings and sped toward the ground, his hand stretched out in an attempt to grab her, the parachute, anything that might soften the fall. “Please God, don’t do this to me.”
Within a few hundred feet of the ground, he managed to grab her, only to have the chute make him lose his grip. For the second time in his life, Sam watched as someone he loved fell toward the unforgiving earth.
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mybukz · 4 years
Fiction: Drilling Down by Aimee Lee
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Image by Rudi Fargo on Unsplash
“Morning, Dr. Leong,” Teck Wai’s dental assistant greeted him as he entered his clinic from the back entrance. The smell of disinfectant punched through the air. He never got used to it despite running this surgery for 15 years. It reminded him he had more than ten grueling hours of melodramatic patients, pointless small talks and back-breaking procedures ahead.
He gave his assistant, Gayathri, a quick nod, and entered his office. Through his peripheral vision, he saw a middle-aged woman in a ridiculously elaborate outfit peeking into the treatment room. Datin Hayati was a dental cerewet disorder. She carried a bejeweled hand-held mirror to identify flaws invisible to the naked eye. Teck Wai loathed her, but put on his best chairside manners for this fat cash cow. He would need two cups of coffee if he was going to start his day with her.
He shut the door of his office behind him and flipped his Macbook open. A window with a lewd video from last night popped up at him, and he hastily closed it. His friend and business partner, Vincent, had sent it with the subject line: Syok. Must watch! A grainy cell phone footage showed a young woman sprawled unconscious on a hotel bed, the cameraperson slowly removing her clothes and fondling her. Teck Wai wasn’t sure if the video was real or staged, but it didn’t stop him from enjoying it.
Finally at 8 in the evening, after two molar root canals, countless orthodontic follow ups and a tricky veneer case, he put his instruments down for the day. It was a Friday night, and he usually met up with Vincent at a karaoke place in Kuchai Lama for beers. Vincent was Teck Wai’s classmate in university way back in 1995, and while they came from drastically different backgrounds, they hit it right off at dental school, and had been firm friends ever since. Teck Wai’s parents had to make withdrawal claims from their EPF to put him through university, while Vincent strutted confidently into the orientation hall with a beautifully pressed shirt and a Patek Philippe glistening on his wrist. When they graduated, Vincent had given him a huge loan to get his clinic up and running, in exchange for a share in the business. Although Vincent passively reaped in profits from his running of the clinic, Teck Wai still felt indebted to his friend’s generosity. It took him many years to arrive at this point, but these days when they were together, Teck Wai no longer felt insecure of his own humble beginnings. After all, he had convinced his parents to move out of their shabby home in Rasah New Village to a trendy 3-storey bungalow in Seremban 2. Like Vincent, he had a sports car, several luxury watches and a Callaway golf set he never touched.
He circled the shoplots three times before he found an empty parking slot. He was growing resentful of these new bubble tea and dessert places in Kuchai Lama, and all these youngsters and their Myvis double- and triple-parking everywhere. As he was about to turn off the engine, his phone buzzed in his pocket—a text from Vincent.
Bro, sorry lah I have to ffk today. Meeting up with A, it read. ‘A’ was a twenty-three year-old woman Vincent had swiped right on and been texting for two weeks. Apparently things have gotten hot and heavy digitally, and they were ready to meet in person. This was where Teck Wai drew a line. He had been married for nearly 20 years. Of course like any man, he would occasionally visit a massage parlour for a B2B, or sit with flirtatious Vietnamese girls at a karaoke. But he would never have a mistress; that would be cheating.
Lucky bastard, he texted back.
Face 7/10. Boobs 10/10 came the reply.
It was no fun drinking alone so he decided to head home. Teck Wai and his family lived in a comfortable bungalow in Bukit Jalil. He bought the house 10 years ago, when his wife, Poh Yi, was pregnant with their second child. She had insisted that they would need the space. The mortgage came up to be more than RM 10,000 a month. Teck Wai reluctantly added this to his growing list of monthly commitments. Since his wife had worked so hard to marry into wealth, she didn’t think she should ever have to lift a finger to work again. Shortly after they moved into this beautiful, spacious place, Poh Yi suffered a miscarriage. Their daughter, Serene, remained an only child ever since.
Inside the house, Poh Yi and Serene were at the dinner table, finishing up their meal. He often worked late at the clinic, his dental assistant having to tapau a greasy pack of chap fan for him. They looked up in surprise. The Indonesian maid brought out a bowl of steaming white rice and a pair of chopsticks.
Serene whipped out her phone and started to watch a series of 15-second dance videos, each with music more annoying than the last. Teck Wai cleared his throat. He had not had a conversation unrelated to patients or investments in a long time. And he definitely had not had anything in common with his own daughter for years. It seemed like yesterday he had taken her and her friends for badminton, tennis and swimming. He didn’t know where all this time went, and suddenly she was already 16 and no longer took any notice of him, other than to ask for pocket money. Even so, she often solicited her mother to do it on her behalf.
“How are your studies, Serene?” he asked. It was a question his father often asked him over the dinner table when he was 16. He always indulged his father with how well he did in class, and how he measured up to the brightest students in school.
“Fine,” she replied, not bothering to look up from her phone, her thumb repetitively swiping its screen. He looked dejectedly at his wife, willing her to break the ice. She hardly seemed to notice, as she moved towards the living room, and tuned in to some Korean drama or other on her iPad.
“So tell me. What has been going on with you? Your friends?” Teck Wai was determined to have a conversation that lasted more than 5 seconds with his daughter.
“Fine,” she repeated.
“Don’t you have anything more to say to your daddy than just fine?”
She looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes. “You are never home, why do you suddenly care now?” she said without a hint of anger, so softly he was not prepared for the venom her words packed. Also, when did she start speaking with an American accent? That bloody international school. He never should have sent her there in the first place.
The next day in his office, Teck Wai was still haunted by his chilling, but perhaps unsurprising, fight with Serene. He couldn’t even call it a fight, there had been no yelling or display of emotions on his part, she simply got up from her chair and went back up to her room. The house and the dinner table were full, but there he sat all alone.
He didn’t think it was that long ago when he felt like he was the most important person in Serene’s life. She made Father’s Day cards for him every year for the longest time, and called him the best daddy in the world when he brought her to Hong Kong Disneyland and Universal Studios in Singapore. He always gave her what she wanted, and now he couldn’t even get more than a cold ‘I’m fine’ from her. He just wanted to know what was going on in her life, was that too much to ask?
Suddenly a thought struck him. These teenagers. They put everything online these days, don’t they? Only a couple of weeks ago, she took a selfie with him on her phone that digitally applied horrendous make-up on him. It made him look a little like Datin Hayati, if he were to be honest. He turned on his Macbook and typed her name into a Google search bar. It didn’t take long to find a blog with the title ‘Not-Your-Typical-Girl’ splashed across its home screen. In the About Me page was a selfie of his daughter pouting, clad in a skimpy black top he had never seen her in. ‘ENFJ, Gryffin-whore, #wokeAF’, read her bio. He had no idea what any of those words meant. Serene revealed quite a bit of herself, both physically as well as emotionally. Her latest blog entry, from only a week ago, read:
OMFG - X surprised me at school today!! He came to pick me up after school and parked his bright red Mazda convertible, and parked right in front of the school gates. There was LITERALLY a small commotion as everyone was wondering who the hell’s sports car it is. To be honest, I was a little embarrassed but also a little proud. Like, HELL YEAH that’s MY MAN!
Anyways, X said that he had got us tickets to watch Avengers in Mid Valley at 3PM. I told him there was no way I was going to go to MV in my school uniform, it’s so embarrassing! And oh my gosh, would you guys believe it?! This sweetest man reached into the backseat of his car and pulled out a ZARA paper bag with a beautiful dress inside. He really spoils me. Of course once we got to our usual quiet parking lot in The Gardens, I had to reward him, and OBVIOUSLY we never made it to the movies lolz ;)
Before Teck Wai could read any other entry, there came a knock on his door. “Coming,” he responded as he adjusted his facemask and slipped on a pair of gloves. He greeted his patient half-heartedly and mechanically picked up his handpiece and started prepping a large cavity on his patient’s lower molar. His mind was still on the entry that he had read on his daughter’s blog. Who was this supposed boyfriend X? He didn’t have much to go on, but could deduce that it was an older, and apparently wealthy boy with a sports car. What did she mean by rewarding him? He didn’t care how mature his daughter thought she was, in his opinion 16 is way too young to be getting physical with boys - especially with college boys! He had no idea how much his daughter knew about sex and birth control, he had just assumed that these were girls’ talk, and Poh Yi should have had it with her. But then again, after her miscarriage, Poh Yi has been increasingly distant with Serene. She much preferred spending time with her friends, having high teas and shopping with his credit card every other day. The only time she ever perks up with regards to her daughter is when someone remarks that they must be sisters.
He felt the tip of his dental bur slip and nicked the inside of his patient’s cheek. The patient did not notice but blood started to ooze from the cut. He clenched his jaw in frustration, and saw his assistant, Gayathri roll her eyes as she moved the suction tip to the small pool of blood in the patient’s mouth. He then rushed the procedure along and filled the tooth without his usual meticulousness to it, his heart was just not in it today. As his patient leaned over to gargle and spit, he noticed the blood “Eh doctor, why bleeding ah?”.
“Uh, your gums. You should floss regularly,” Teck Wai answered, already making his way back to his office.
He went down a rabbit hole reading his daughter’s blog. She wrote frequently and most of the entries were pretty mundane. They were usually about friend dramas at school, or pictures and videos of some Korean boy band or other. X made his first appearance in the blog only about 3 months ago, in some older entries Serene had referenced numerous boys - B, R, Z and many other initials, that she had been chatting with on Tinder. It was the same dating app that Vincent uses to meet women online. On more than one occasion, he had whipped out his phone and started swiping furiously at his phone, showing a series of women’s profiles to Teck Wai.
“See this one, this type of woman is my favourite. Confirm got daddy issues, little bit insecure, always want to impress in bed. Syok man!” Vincent would remark. Teck Wai felt sick to his stomach, imagining that someone somewhere was also saying something similar about Serene. He had to find out who this X is, he just needed to know. Of course, he would have no objections to Serene having a boyfriend, he thought of himself as a modern 21st century father, and accepted that she wouldn’t be a child forever. But he would not tolerate sneaking around after school and doing God know what in a parking lot. He would not be kept in the dark.
He had to strategise. It was nearly impossible to get his daughter to speak to him about her day, moreover something as personal as this. She would be mortified if she knew that he had found her blog, and read about her escapades which might or might not be sexual. He shuddered at the thought. If X frequently picked her up from school, then he could probably get a glimpse of who this boy was. Maybe he could find out where he went to college, and try to speak with him there, man-to-man. He knew he couldn’t wait around Serene’s school in his Porsche, it was much too conspicuous and she would recognise his car at once.
“Gayathri, can I borrow your car?” he asked his assistant during lunchtime. It was an old navy Proton Wira, the perfect camouflage that he would need. He knew that she often walked to the nearby shops for lunch, and never needed her car at this hour.
She was quite taken aback at the request, “Ummm..”
“Don’t worry lah, I will help you put petrol,” he added quickly. He also knew that no one would ask too many questions about free money. Gayathri passed him her car keys, albeit hesitantly.
He drove her old car towards Serene’s school, and on the way reminisced about how decades ago as a new dentist in government service he drove a Proton Wira, not unlike this one. Vincent was the one that convinced him to upgrade to a BMW, he said that which doctor would be seen driving around in a Proton? At the time, he was trying to save up to repay his PTPTN loan, but Vincent was right - his car had to reflect his current social status. Only wealth can attract more wealth, right? But what he felt was only loans attracting more loans. First it was his old BMW, then it was the cost of setting up his business, his extravagant wedding dinner, their first house, Serene’s arrival, a bigger house, a flashier car. Before he knew it, he was 45 years old, stuck in a hamster wheel of back-breaking work for long, gruelling hours. His only joy being increasingly expensive toys.
He parked Gayathri’s car under a tree near Serene’s school and waited. He didn’t see any red sports cars, that would have been hard to miss. He caught sight of his daughter with a group of friends, and they seemed to be headed towards the shops. No surprise visit from X today then, Teck Wai thought. He was simultaneously relieved and disappointed - he wasn’t sure what he wanted to achieve from this stalking, and was glad that he didn’t have to face the upcoming confrontation just yet. He continued doing this everyday with Gayathri’s car for 2 weeks, when he finally saw a red Mazda MX-5 parked at the school gates one day.
His heart raced, he wanted to walk right up there and speak to this young man right away. He had to be careful, it was 1.00PM and the last bell would ring anytime soon and Serene would see him accosting her boyfriend. The window of the Mazda rolled down, as the driver’s hand stuck out, a cigarette dangling from his fingertips. Disgusting, Teck Wai thought, a smoker? There was nothing he hated more as a dentist than a smoker. He snapped himself out of his judgment, and slowly drove by the Mazda, with the windows rolled down he could perhaps get a glimpse of the boyfriend.
To his horror, this was no college boy. Despite the modern haircut, and trendy clothes, the Mazda owner must have been in his forties, perhaps even close to his age! What in seven hells was Serene doing with this man, this predator? It cannot be, his sweet baby daughter, his only child. His blood began to boil, and in his rage failed to see an oncoming car at an intersection, and nearly crashed his assistant’s car.
For the next several weeks, Teck Wai was completely consumed by the thought of his daughter being exploited by a much older man. He couldn’t get the image of this man, this ‘X��� out of his head. His narrow, untrustworthy face, his lecherous hand all over Serene, his disgusting smoker’s breath. He felt nauseated at the thought of this, and had lost his appetite, he felt his regular surgical scrubs loosen. He was distracted both at work and at home, imagining possible scenarios of confronting his daughter over and over again. There was no point discussing this with Poh Yi; she had a terrible temper and would definitely widen the rift between them and their daughter.
His friend Vincent has to get in touch with him, but he had been too distraught to engage in a proper conversation. Several days ago, Vincent had sent him a photo of several of their buddies from university at their regular karaoke bar. They were all flushed with alcohol and were surrounded by half a dozen scantily clad young girls. ‘You are missing out, bro!’ read the accompanying text. Only a couple weeks ago, this would have been a completely normal Friday night for him, and now he felt absolutely disgusted by himself. Were his friends and him so different from Serene’s boyfriend? But surely, none of the Vietnamese girls who worked at the karaoke were as young?
One day a new patient walked into his clinic, a man who looked to be in his late 30s or early 40s. He was extraordinarily well-groomed, with perfectly coiffed hair and overpowering, unmistakably expensive cologne. The patient perched his Ray-Bans on top of his head, and reached out to offer Teck Wai a firm and confident handshake. Teck Wai was taken aback, it was rare for patients to shake his hand. It is unusual, if not a little bit rude to shake a gloved hand. He peeled off his gloves, and reached for a new pair. He motioned for the patient to take a seat, as he glanced on the patient’s file that Gayathri had just laid down on the desk.
‘Xie Jason’ it read, he was a new patient and had no prior record. That’s an unusual surname in KL, Teck Wai thought. He scrutinised the patient who was now sitting docile on his dental chair. Was this X? Was this the man that he had been vividly picturing himself strangling for weeks? He had been playing it out in his imagination for so long that he had distorted the real image of X from the afternoon outside Serene’s school. Now that he was possibly right in front of him, Teck Wai couldn’t even be sure if it was really him. He felt a burning sensation in his ears, he clenched his jaws under his surgical mask and calmly asked the patient, “Yes, what can I do for you today?” A stench of halitosis and tobacco escaped the patient’s mouth as he answered “Just cleaning, doctor.” Surely there was no mistaking that this was the cursed boyfriend that he saw?
He didn’t think that his hatred for this vile being could get any stronger, but when he peered into the patient’s mouth with his probe and mouth mirror, it was a dentist’s worst nightmare. The inner surfaces of his teeth were completely stained and there was nothing more stubborn than tobacco stains. He set to work wordlessly as he removed the heavy chunks of calculus a fleck at a time, each time his nostrils completely attacked by the putrid stench. The patient got comfortable and settled himself deeper into the dental chair and pulled out his phone. He opened up a bright pink app with a flame on it that was somewhat familiar to Teck Wai. Soon it became clear that it was the same dating app that Vincent had often used in front of him. Teck Wai glanced at the patient’s phone as he could see picture after picture of attractive young women pouting back at him. He felt the tip of his scaler slide as he was momentarily distracted and probed too deep into the patient’s periodontal pocket. “Ouch! Watch it!” he winced.
Teck Wai was seething with anger and disgust at this man, for not only taking advantage of his 16 year old but also clearly cheating on her by preying on other young women. He made very little progress with the cleaning, looked up at the clock - it was 7 in the evening. He told Gayathri that he could finish up the case on his own, and she could leave. After he heard the surgery’s door click shut, he turned to the patient and said “I have spotted a few cavities which look quite deep. I would need to give you some nitrous oxide to relax, okay?”. The patient nodded as he pulled the mouthpiece over his face.
He could feel the patient’s body begin to relax and his eyelids drooped, he didn’t protest when Teck Wai bound his wrists tightly to the dental chair with latex gloves. He was only half conscious and the dentist held a pair of forceps against his upper incisors. Teck Wai gripped the tooth firmly and began rotating expertly for several seconds before the tooth luxated from the patient’s jaw. He dropped the tooth onto the metal tray with a delicate clink, and moved on to the next tooth, and the next. Some of them slipped easily like popping pills out of their blister packs. The molars were trickier as they had thick, long roots that anchored strongly to the alveolar bone. He heard several roots fracture, as the patient groaned in his semi-consciousness, but he couldn’t care less, this was no ordinary procedure. When he finished removing every single tooth, he laid down his forceps and looked at the gory pile of teeth piled up on the tray. Some dental student would be very lucky to have this complete set, he thought. He stepped back and looked at X, who only 20 minutes ago swaggered unassumingly into his surgery, flawlessly put together. It was a stark contrast with the now-edentulous patient, his mouth collapsed and bright red, the front of his chest covered in blood and saliva.
“Not looking so handsome now, are you Romeo?”
Aimee Lee is a Sri Petaling girl who grew up sipping pasar malam bubble tea before gentrification and fancy tea rooms took over the local area. She practiced dentistry before pursuing a Masters in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine under a Chevening scholarship. She now works in scholarly publishing, developing editorial content for public health and medical journals. In her spare time, she empties her bank account buying books and runs a quarantine book club at @i.read.and.drink.tea on Instagram. She lives in London with her husband.
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stunudo · 7 years
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Girls Just Wanna
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: “I really want to send a JJ x reader smut but I can't think of a plot line for it it's like my mind has gone blank 😩  “          
Featuring: JJ x Female Reader      Setting: Season 2
Warnings: SMUT below the cut. Happy Smuturday, y’all. I hope I did okay finding a plot line for you! Btw I used roughly A.J.’s age as J.J.’s age has not been confirmed. xoxo Stu
I do not own the images (wifflegif.com via giphy.com) or characters.
JJ was pretty excited about returning home for her high school reunion. She had tried to keep in touch with everyone since graduation, but after college and the academy it hadn’t been easy. She hoped the soccer team would represent their glory days well, it wouldn’t be the same if their clique was only half there. She spent the day with her mom, catching up and going over old photo albums.
“What ever happened to Michelle, or Y/N even?” Mrs. Jareau asked, flipping through the stacks of photos from yet another box she had saved.
“Um, Michelle went to school in Washington State, but I don’t know after that. Y/N graduated and went to live in New York last I heard, but I have no idea what she is doing with her degree.”
“Is anyone you know married?” JJ’s mom prodded. “I mean, you’re all in your late twenties, there should be weddings and babies by now!”
“I guess I’ll find out tonight, won’t I?” JJ smiled lazily at her mother, this was not a can of worms she was opening.
You arrived at the reception hall at the hotel nervously. You felt confident every other day of your life, but now a cool sliver a doubt snaked through your stomach. What if everyone looked good? What if everyone was uber-successful? What if no one remembered you? Well the last one wasn’t a terrible thing, if no one remembered you, it was a perfect excuse to bounce.
The room was set up like a wedding, actually. Round tables set for dinner, a bar, a dance floor and a D.J. There was just a sign in table with name tags instead of a guest book and table assignments. There were about ten other people milling around. Whomever was manning the table had disappeared, so you filled out your name tag and stuck it awkwardly on your shoulder like an arm band. Who likes putting these things on their boobs?! Plus you didn’t want to mess up the front of your dress.
Now was time for liquid courage, you headed straight to the bar. There was a big burly guy in line first, making comments to his date. “That was Paige at the sign in, she was always super popular, but annoying.” His date/wife just nodded. You wondered who this guy was, but were too polite to butt in, yet. As they got their drinks you tried to catch a view of the front of the guy, but his head was bent taking a sip. He had dark hair and a goatee, harder to place from the acne and peach fuzz covered faces of your memories.
Then you saw her, long hair and bright eyes. JJ had come back to your little corner of Pennsylvania! You were too excited to start to worry again, you practically skipped over to your former teammate. “JJ!”
Her head spun and her face erupted into a shriek! “Y/N! Holy shit, hey girl!” You gathered her in a tight hug. So tonight wasn’t going to be so bad after all. You managed to spill your drink while you squeezed, but you laughed it off. 
“I didn’t get any on you?” JJ checked her arms and top, everything was clear. “So, tell me everything!”
Two hours later and many quick and awkward conversations later. You had stuffed yourselves on crab cakes and mini cream puffs. JJ had stuck by your side through the whole surreal night. You were cozy in the warmth of the free champagne. “I can’t believe you are in the FBI! That is so exciting!”
“Yeah, I mean, I feel more like a mouth piece than an agent most days, but my team is amazing.” JJ explained. “They really help people.”
“That is so, I don’t know, noble, I guess?” You tried to explain, “JJ the bad ass still being a bad ass.” She laughed.
Suddenly the D.J. broke into the elevator music of the dinner hour, “Alright East Allegheny High, who is READY to PARRRRRRRR- TAY?!” The deep bass filled the air and the overhead lights dimmed for the dancing to commence. JJ and you shared a glance before bee-lining to the dance floor.
Two hours and four shots later, JJ and you stumbled into your hotel room. You certainly weren’t staying with your parents while you were in town, so you splurged and got the executive suite. It was decent, with the small town charm you recalled.
“Help yourself to the mini-bar, I have to ditch these shoes!” You called to JJ as you dug through your suitcase. Ah-ha! You found your trusty slippers. Suddenly JJ was behind you, her fingers playing with your hair.
“I can’t believe you cut your hair!” JJ exclaimed. “I like it, it was just always SO long, ya know?” You nodded, enjoying the sensations of her hands on you. Slowly they found their way on to your shoulders, her thumbs digging into your muscles. You groaned in appreciation of the pleasureful pain.
“Oooo, lower, hmmmm.” Your eyes slipped closed. Her hands were like magic. Slowly she began unzipping your dress, kneading your bare flesh instead. This was... unexpected. And so nice. You dramatically fell forward onto your face on the generic hotel comforter. JJ laughed, following your descent. She straddled your thighs and leaned into the massage.
“Your ass is amazing, Y/N.” JJ complimented, dragging her strong fingers over the crest of your assets. “But I think it’s time for the dress to come off, don’t you?” You didn’t want to move, the alcohol and the massage had relaxed you into a state of near euphoric dreams.
“I can’t move and I don’t know if I want to, Jayge,” you explained in a slightly whiny voice. You rose up to turn and look at her.
“If you take off the dress, I promise,” JJ held up her hand like an oath. “I promise it will be worth it.” Her blue eyes were teasing. You caved, throwing out your hands to her so she could drag you off of the bed. As soon as the dress was on the floor, her lips were crashing into yours. Okay, you had woken up now. It was going down, for real.
You started undoing her pants while maintaining the full blown make out session. You reached around to grab her tight ass as she started unhooking your bra. Clothes and shoes were kicked away, finally you were back on the bed and JJ was above you. Her soft curves fit perfectly in your hands. She rocked her hips against you and you began to whimper with the friction.
She reached down between you and started lightly petting your dampening lips. You started tugging her nipple as she watched you twitch with her progress. She hissed, leaning in for another sloppy kiss. JJ trailed her luscious mouth down your neck, your breasts, your bare stomach. It was then that you sadly had to release your grip on her tit in order to grant her access to your core.
You pinched it once more, caressing her smooth face as she dove into you. Her mouth delicately lapped up your juices. Your knees were weak and fell apart with ease. You took your own breasts in your palms, adding to the sensations of JJ’s nimble fingers and soft tongue. She scissored two fingers into your core and you bucked back. She laughed deep in her throat, the sound transcended your arousal. She flattened her tongue and licked your entire seam. She pinched your clit with her left hand and you fell apart. You moaned, but words were for lesser beings, this was another level of existence. She hummed into your finish and you rode her fingers until you couldn’t move anymore.
JJ crawled up your body, leaving a trail of messy kisses along the way. You rolled slowly to the side, afraid your pelvis would dislodge your legs from your hip bones. She took your mouth in hers, sealing the moment. You couldn’t keep your hands off of her. Her tiny waist and perfect hips just called to be adored.
“I don’t know if I am going to be able to stand, but I am going to do my best, JJ.” You smirked at her through hooded eyes. “That was amazing.”
“What are girlfriends for?” JJ teased, laughing at the out of date term.
“Yeah, I could have done with a lot more of this and a little less drama in high school.”
“Everyone could have, that’s why so many people were miserable. No one just took the chance. I thought about you a lot then.” Slowly JJ rolled on to her back, her hand holding her mound, rubbing herself. You bite your lip at the beauty of it.  “I thought about you, Y/N, when I did this.”
Oh hell no, this girl rubbed off to you in high school?! ‘No points for spectators, Y/L/N get in there!’ your mind screamed. You stood, rummaging in your suitcase for a minute while JJ cooed on the other bed. You found your vibrator. You slipped some lube into your palm and you layered the teal machine. You set it down gently next to her, snaking your hands up her pale thighs.
Your scents clung to the air, deepening each sensation. You leaned over her planting a deep kiss on her mouth, letting her touch herself for a moment longer. Gently your drew her hand away, slowly you kissed and sucked each of her saturated fingers. You brought her hand to her chest, palming her hand to her breast. You walked your right forefingers slowly down her stomach, agonizingly so.
She whined, “I was so nice, Y/N. C’mon!” Finally your stroked her slit, sliding into her readiness. You watched her blue eyes expand as you entered her, your mouth dove onto her exposed nipple. As she began to rock into your hand, you reached over to grab the toy. You turned in to the second setting and began stroking JJ’s little bud.
“So you were nice?” You whispered darkly. “Did you do a good job? Did you earn this?” She didn’t answer she just nodded between the moaning. You slid down, positioning your face to aid in her pleasure. You blew streams of cool air up one thigh and across the other. As you felt her walls constricting, you began to tease her ass with your pinky. She came suddenly, “Fuck! Me! Ughhhhh!” Her voice reached a new tone, a symphony of possibilities.
You removed the vibrator from her clit and kissed her, lavishing those pink creases. Slowly you withdrew your fingers, wiping them as discreetly as possible on the duvet. You reached back to drag JJ’s hips to yours, entangling your legs. Your lips worshiped her, you held her tightly. The next set of orgasms were much more deserved than the first two...
@reidsexualwriting @dontshootmespence @reidbyers @rachficrecs
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