#I always break bones when he's not in the manhwa
sidra-de-callisto · 8 months
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Missing my boy every time he doesn't appear in the new episodes
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
THANK U FOR THE RECENT SAMUEL SEO im literally so obsessed with him i cant-
but!! he’s not the only one!!
could u try goo with a childhood friends!lover? (im just going through my list of red flags boyfriends with this trope heh)
To my requests. sorry for not answering in order. Btw I've got a school day/teenager long fic with Goo in the Gun + Goo masterlist... but how about this.
Goo Kim x Reader: Childhood 'friends'
G/N. Sorta childhood friends to lovers.
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Goo descends into your life like an angel.
"Will you pay me if I beat up these boys?" he shouts over, giving the wooden baseball bat in his hand a few practice swings.
(He takes in your cowering body, cornered against the wall, the group of older boys slinging insults first.
Then your pristine, limited edition trainers and the expensive label on your clothes second.)
You look over at the short figure with the badly bleached blonde hair. He seems small for his age, same as you.
Best case scenario, he makes good on his word. Worst case, they beat both of you up.
You give a nod and all hell breaks loose.
Goo isn't an angel at all. He's a demon that has ascended and strutted into your life.
"Is this enough?" You ask, peeling open your velcro Sanrio wallet and removing a handful of bills.
"Thanks!" Goo swipes it out of your hand, tainting the notes with blood before tucking it away in his pocket with a reassuring pat.
A body at his feet lets out a groan and he gives them a hard kick. You think there’s a crunch of bone breaking. It’s not as sickening as you thought it would be.
"That one's for free." He gives you a gigawatt grin and you return it. In your eyes, not even what you just witnessed this boy doing could tarnish his shine.
"My name is Goo," he signals for your phone and you hand it over without a second thought. He taps in what you assume are his contact details before giving it back.
"Call me if you need any help." You reach out to take it and he leans in, smile taking a dangerous edge, "You'll need to pay though."
For fear of retribution, you ask Goo to walk you back home from school everyday for the next few weeks.
You text him a time and an address, and he texts you back his price. It's enough to drain your allowance, but not enough for you to risk your safety.
He waits for you by your school gates everyday, with his patchy hair and a scruffy jacket three sizes too big, and gives you a wave with both arms whenever he spots you.
He's chatty. Much chattier than you expected. Always just seemingly rattling off whatever is on his mind. Animes he has watched, manhwas he's reading. What he had for lunch, what he's craving for dinner.
You piece together that Goo is only a few months older than you. He should be in 6th grade by now but he never mentions school. You don't think he even attends school.
He also has a terrible sweet tooth, that you pay for of course. Stopping off at a convenience store together as he picks out a snack.
"Get whatever you want." you say the first time you catch him deciding between a drink or a bar of chocolate. "I'll pay for it."
He buys both.
That should have been a mistake. He drains your allowance further everyday. Yet you can't help thinking it's fine as he gives you a toothy grin that reaches his eyes.
The weeks pass by in the blink of an eye. When you reach your front door on the last day, Goo shuffles, fidgets uncharacteristically.
"I can keep walking you home," he says, eyes on the floor and kicking at dirt. "...I can give you a discount."
Goo starts seeing you at the weekend too.
You're the first person that sees him after getting his hair professionally done.
"I'm handsome, aren't I!" his bravado masks his nervousness. He doesn't know why he's nervous in the first place, but when you agree and ruffle his newly coiffed locks, it evaporates completely.
Payment comes in the form of food and drinks, snacks and street food, cinema tickets, small little gifts he has his eye on.
As consolation, at least he always shares.
When you first met you're sure he was shorter than you.
You don't remember when he matched your height, but now you notice you have to tilt your chin up to look at him.
You miss the scruffy jacket he used to have. The one that he rapidly grew out of, body filling out with muscle. It gets replaced by more and more luxurious brands. His hair looks more and more polished. He picks up glasses along the way to complete the look.
He still makes you pay every time you meet. You feel like he lets you off easy with cheap choices because his taste these days seems anything but cheap.
You wish you had more time with the boy you used to know, but you love the man he's growing into.
Goo never lets you sway too far away from him, keeps you by his side most weeks. Reaches out to send you silly memes or calls you just to ramble his thoughts when you're apart.
You're two peas in a pod.
The longest time you spend apart is when Goo is sent away to juvie.
An unknown number texts you, says they're Goo's cousin and breaks the news.
It doesn't come as a surprise, considering how you first met, the person he is. You've spent years together at this point and seen him at his most violent and bloodthirsty.
Still. For you, nothing can tarnish his shine.
On the day Goo is released, you're waiting for him outside the juvenile detention centre.
You're the first person he sees, and he waves at you with both arms before opening them, welcoming you, offering himself.
He’s even taller, more muscular. His features distinguished and jawline cutting. His hair, just like years gone by, is bleached and patchy. 
The grin is the same. It’s always the same.
You sprint and throw yourself full force into Goo, knocking the air out of his lungs.
He holds you tight. Clings on harder than he ever has. Missed you more than he will ever admit.
As if you're reading his mind, you murmur into his collar, "I've missed you.'
Goo takes a deep inhale, nose nestled in your hair and breathing in your familiar scent. Relishing your touch, your presence, you.
He doesn't plan on spending this long away from you ever again.
"Me too, Sweetheart."
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weirdocat83 · 3 months
Love the idea of the junior quartet eventually finding out what Wei wuxian actually looked like. Like, there aren’t enough fics of this. Have one of them find a portrait of him in lotus pier or the burial mounds! Have him make offhanded comments about what he used to look like that don’t sate their curiosity but only serves to make them more curious. Have the juniors listen in on personal talks between LWJ and Wwx because there’s no way that they’d never talk about it. It wouldn’t be often but just every now and then wwx comments on something he finds different or LWJ will help wwx adjust.
Somewhat related thought: do you think wwx had chronic pain or some really weird things going on in his original body that he just got used to? Because it is mentioned that he was whipped every so often for punishment and I’m curious whether that ever affected him. Same with LWJ for the discipline whip. Whenever anyone writes Yllz!WWX I always end up thinking about that because realistically, his body must be covered in scars. So he’s probably have chronic pain? But nobody really brings it up??? Same with LWJ??? Idk I was in the mha fandom for a long time before falling down the rabbit holes of manhwa and danmei and with the bone breaking in that show chronic pain is a common addition to fanfics so I just wonder why it isn’t added in many fanfics when the brutalization of characters in MDZS would logistically be worse likely leading to chronic pain.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
I wonder if it's too much to ask for a isekai reader for the eldian soldiers like Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie and/or Zeke ? I just realised that isekai in aot is like the manhwa "iris lady with a smartphone"
More Attack on Titan!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, overprotective behavior, clinginess, stalking, controlling Yandere, mean Yandere, kidnapping, death
Reader gets transported into their world
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🟤🧡💗People might think they didn’t have already enough secrets keeping with them. Needing to keep quiet about who they really were and what their true intentions were. But then you suddenly came. It was after Marco had died that you suddenly stumbled upon them, to be more specific after Annie had joined the police. She was just patrolling around the city when she suddenly heard loud noises from one of the alleys, slowly walking inside, ready to fight whoever was in there. She had expected some drunk bastard or thief to hide in there. But she hadn’t expected to find you inside. Someone with a very questionable sense of fashion who just looked with huge eyes around, muttering something from “not believing you were in one of your favorite animes”. At first Annie thought you were some lunatic, confronting you and asking you coldly who you were. Upon seeing her you instantly flinched and stuttered to not kill you. Annie just rolled her eyes and told you that she you should leave because she didn’t want to waste time on you.
🟤🧡💗It was kind of obvious to you that she thought of you as some crazy person. But you weren’t. And you needed help! And just as she was about to leave you suddenly told her that you were from another universe. That caused her to scoff, continuing to ignore you. But she froze when you told her that you knew that her, Reiner and Bertholdt were Titan shifters. And before you could even blink you were suddenly thrown to the ground by Annie, threatening you to better tell her if anyone else knew about this and from where you had even gotten this information. You were honestly scared that she would kill you so you told her in a scared voice that you had proof that you were from another world, telling her to look into your pocket. She did, her eyes never leaving you and her arm never stopping to twist yours in a painful grip. You knew that if you would move she wouldn’t hesitate to break it. Annie quirked an eyebrow when she pulled that weird thing for the first time out, some flat object. For a few moments she just turned it around from all angels before accidentally pressing somewhere down. When that thing suddenly started glowing she was a bit startled and nearly let it fall before catching it. What was that thing?
🟤🧡💗You were dragged away from the town, Annie making sure that no one would ask any questions. If they did she just said that she escorted you home due to being a bit drunk. She got laughed at for this, but didn’t care. And you had to keep your mouth shut or else...You didn’t want to find out what else would happen then. So you just followed Annie for who knows how long, always asking you where the two of you were going to and her always making you shut up with a short glare. By the time the both of you arrived you had been traveling for hours. At least you had ridden the most part on horse Annie had taken with her on her way out. Your destination? A small house in the forest, pretty isolated from other villages in here. You actually wanted to protest, but before you knew it you were pushed inside from her. And after she had locked the door she slowly pulled the small object out, asking you what exactly that was and that you should better on explain everything to her. And be truthful with it. She was still a bit suspicious of your explanation that you came from another world, but on the other hand she had never seen a thing like this before. But she got convinced when you showed her photos on your “phone” from her and all her comrades, telling her that in your world the story of her world was like a fairytale in hers. Many people knew that story and that was because you knew everything.
🟤🧡💗Annie left you alone in that house after progressing the news, tying you to a chair and warning you to better not disappear. And there were definitely better things than being tied up for hours to a chair without having the chance to go to the toilet before, not to mention without having drunken or eaten anything before. You were when she finally came back sure that you would pee in your pants if she wouldn’t hurry up. But she hadn’t come alone. You realized that when suddenly no other than Reiner and Bertholdt stepped in, Reiner having a non believing look on his face and Bertholdt a unsure yet curious expression on his. Both of them observed you closely when Annie carefully untied you, giving you finally the chance to relieve yourself and even being that nice to steal some food and water for you which you needed after hours. But it didn’t change the fact that you felt very nervous by all of them. Especially Reiner scared you. At least they had the patience to wait until you had shoved down all the food before Reiner finally demanded from you to show them what you had in your “phone”. So you showed them gladly all the fan art and pictures you had saved about them. Reiner kept his stern expression, but Bertholdt watched everything with wide and fascinating eyes, being amazed by the fact that there was another universe like yours out there.
🟤🧡💗The opinions about you at the beginning were very different. Reiner believed it might be the best to just kill you, seeing you as a potential threat. If people like Levi or Erwin would find you, they would be doomed. Bertholdt thought the complete opposite. He had instantly taken a liking to you after the first meeting, protesting and saying that you could be a great help for them as well with all your knowledge. Annie’s decision was what saved you in the end. She thought that it wasn’t their job to kill you. You didn’t even belong into this world and they didn’t even know if you might just get transported back without them doing anything. So after long discussions they agreed to keep you in this house, making sure to tell you that if you would try to escape. Bertholdt wasn’t even all that threatening, Annie just told you with a neutral face that she would break your bones if you would try to escape and Reiner was the one who definitely was focused on scaring you the most, telling you he would kill you if you should ever try to run away. And so your new life started. Being locked up in a small house with one of them or all three coming every night at the same time to look after you. You weren’t very happy about this, having hoped to see the other characters as well. But all three had agreed that it would really mean trouble if the scouts would find out about you. Not only that, but you obviously had “favs”, meaning they couldn’t risk that you would tell someone about them just because you wanted to save someone’s life.
🟤🧡💗Bertholdt was the first one to become obsessed. He had a huge curiosity for you the moment Annie had told him and Reiner about you and had taken a instant liking towards you the moment he had met you. The thought of another world much more peaceful than his existing was so soothing for him, making him want to know everything about this world and also you. What exactly made him fall so hard? It was probably the fact that you could listen to his worries and his guilty thoughts without completely judging him like everyone else did. You were somewhat neutral, despite having your “favs” in this show, being able to give him your honest opinion without having to always add in the end what he had to do. You just told him what you thought about this. For him you were a true angel, possessing an innocence that not even a child had. It made him want to protect you, to make sure that you would never have to suffer like he had to.
🟤🧡💗The next one to fall for you was Reiner. At first he honestly disliked you. He didn’t enjoy the fact that there was someone from another world in here and knew everything about them. You were just an obstacle in his eyes, at least at the beginning. But he was a very unstable one and that was what made him fall faster than thought for you than he had expected. The knowledge that there was a world where people didn’t have to suffer like him or all the others was truly medicine for his damaged mentality. Similar to Bertholdt it was also your innocence that made him fall even harder even though he liked to describe it more as naivety. Despite the fact that he still was sometimes very harsh with you he relied a lot on you, being able to just let every shit that was going on in his head out without being scolded for being weak or being called a monster. And you just listened and tried to understand. He would have never expected to fall so hard just because someone would just sit down and let him talk all his overwhelming feelings out.
🟤🧡💗Annie was the last one from those three to fall for you. She had been the most neutral and calm about you. She hadn’t hated you like Reiner had done, but she also hadn’t been all over you like Bertholdt had been. She had just thought rationally about the whole situation. But you knew that behind her motionless mask someone else was. And that’s what made her in the end fall for you. You didn’t just see her as a soldier or warrior. You saw her for the person she was and not just as a weapon or a monster. You saw her as more. And Annie felt...appreciated. For the first time in her life she felt like she was sincerely liked for who she really was. This innocence made her want to shield you from the cruelty of this world, ensuring that you would never lose those pure thoughts of yours.
🟤🧡💗Everything was alright for some time, but all of them weren’t dumb by any means and realized that they all felt the same for you. And then it came to a small argument. Reiner was definitely the most pissed, Annie was, despite still being able to keep most of her cool, slightly annoyed and Bertholdt was only confused and surprised by this discovery. It became more messy between them after this. They didn’t hate each other, knowing fully well that they needed to work together, not only for their home’s sake, but also for you. But that didn’t mean that there wasn’t some tension. Especially between Annie and Reiner was the tension more thick. Annie had a talent for pissing him with her words off whilst keeping a cold face, making it even for Reiner hard to keep his cool. Bertholdt was the one who tried to ease the tension between the two of them. He considered both of them as his friends and more important, they were also helping to protect you so he needed them to get along.
🟤🧡💗Despite this small problem they were still able to keep you a secret. But things started to become more messy after Annie’s cover had been doomed. This is an AU where she was able to climb over the wall and escape. Suddenly people knew that there were more like Eren out there, people who could transform into Titans. It became more stressful after that for Reiner and Bertholdt, needing to be more careful since it had been known that all three of them had been always very close. Especially after they had found you. There was a closer eye kept on them, not allowing them to visit you every night like they used too, what was for both of them a torture. They feared that at some point you would ran out of food or even worse, the Military Police would find you and investigate you. For Annie it was even worse. Whilst Reiner and Bertholdt were at least still able to reach out to you, she was now completely out. Somehow sneaking back in would be very hard and there was also the danger that she could doom Reiner’s and Bertholdt’s cover or even leading the enemy directly to you. She needed a plan and help, leading us to how you met Zeke.
🟤🧡💗🚬You were very well aware of the events that were avout to happen, speaking of the Beast Titan aka Zeke Yeager coming into the picture. You were aware that some of the original story line had been changed, knowing that Annie had actually been supposed to crystallize herself. You guessed your appearance had led to some change in the plot twist and asked how much that would change the story. And what would happen to you? You got your answer sooner as wanted when that happened which you had already known. When the Titans started to appear inside the wall and the roof of your house had suddenly been lifted up, giving you nearly a heart attack and thinking that this must be your end. That was at least until you recognized the Female Titan. It was Annie who had grabbed you and set you on top of her head before running off with you, not giving your brain the needed time to progress all of this. She just ran away with you, bringing you somewhere else. Somewhere far away from all the disaster that was currently going on in the Walls.
🟤🧡💗🚬It was a while later when you met Zeke who had decided to help Annie with saving you. Could you blame him for wanting to meet the infamous “world traveler”? You didn’t look that different from any other human, but he as a smart man instantly noticed during his talk with you that you were different. From the way you used gestures whilst talking to your speaking pattern. It all was unique, not to mention the weird words you sometimes used from which he had never heard before. He had believed Annie when she had told him about you, being able to tell that she wasn’t lying. But when he asked you what you knew about his past and you held a whole speech, including even his father’s and mother’s past up until now? If he hadn’t been convinced before he was now.
🟤🧡💗🚬It was only natural for him to become obsessed with you. How couldn’t he with someone who was such a mystery? How had you even gotten here? Had there been a reason why you and not someone else? Was there a way to teleport back to your world? What was your world like? At first Zeke had just been obsessed with those kind of questions. But with time they started to revolve more and more around you. What was your family like? How was your childhood? He wanted to know everything. He had expected to be highly interested in you, but he hadn’t expected to feel so abnormally strong for you. What was it about you that caused him to feel this way? Was it your point of view from the meaning of life and this world that he had never heard before? Was it your more innocent and openly personality that was like a breath of fresh air for him? Now that he started thinking about it, there were a lot of things about you that he loved. Who would have thought that he would found himself attracted to a dimension traveler?
🟤🧡💗🚬Not long after meeting Zeke you were also reunited with Reiner and Bertholdt who were honestly nothing, but glad and relieved that you were safe. They had feared that you might have gotten in contact with a Titan or the scouts. But now a new problem appeared. Whilst Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt had gotten by now somewhat adjusted to the fact that they all loved you they hadn’t been prepared to finding out that Zeke had it suddenly for you as well. Zeke hadn’t either. He had suspected from the way Annie had acted when it involved you that she had feelings for you. But he hadn’t expected all three of them to be in love with you. And even with the same unhealthy feelings he was. That was somewhat troublesome.
🟤🧡💗🚬Zeke had an advantage in here. The fact that he was the superior of the three. So it wasn’t rare that he often just snatched you away from the three, claiming that he wanted some more informations from you. In reality he just wanted you away from them and being a manipulative and controlling one he started to try to talk you into avoiding the three and spend your time instead more with him. And that was what caused the tension to reach a suffocating level. Because Annie, Bertholdt and Reiner weren’t happy with that. Whatever dislikes they had held against each other before was put to a stop and they teamed now willingly together. It became honestly like a game of tug of war. Suddenly you found yourself in a situation where Zeke tried to tell you to stay away from those three since they weren’t good influence and Bertholdt, Reiner and Annie telling you that you should probably stay away from Zeke since he wasn’t what he looked like. It was a very tiring situation for you.
🟤🧡💗🚬Now to what would happen if each one of them would find a way to travel back with you. And let’s be honest. They would all use that chance without blinking twice. But would they consider sharing you with someone? Let’s see. For Zeke it would be a huge no. He’s paranoid and not a fan of sharing, making him someone who would definitely take his darling and travel without anyone else to your world to finally have you all for yourself. Annie is another one who would travel alone back with you. She might actually consider the fact of taking Bertholdt and Reiner with her since she has some history with them and they did help her to protect you. But I feel like in the end she would decide that this might cause to arguments for which she don’t have the patience and will also consider Reiner’s unstableness. With Reiner there’s a high possibility that he might take Bertholdt with him given the fact that both of them are really close and there’s a chance that he might even consider taking Annie since she helped protecting you as well. Bertholdt is honestly the most willing to share, seeing both, Annie and Reiner, as his friends and as more ways to ensure that you’re protected and save even in your world. But don’t forget that the moment he witnesses that they should treat you wrongly in his eyes he’s also willing to leave alone with you. But as long as this doesn’t happen he’s fine with taking them too.
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tamagochiie · 4 years
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pairing: iwaizumi x fem!reader synopsis: he was the king's one and only son; he could have anything he wants as long as he asks. anything except you. genre: some fluff, angst  warnings: ehm, slight mention of pedophila. slight spiciness (but not really spicy?) a/n: i got this idea out of a manhwa, King's Maker, i was reading and lemme tell you i just HAD to write it. Also, please don't hate me with the spicy! I don't usually write spicy, so it's very WEAK.   also, this was kinda inspired by arcade by duncan laurence 😙
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"I-I am yours." You were teary-eyed, glimmering beneath the moonlight as it pierced through the stained glass wall towering the both you. Your stuttering confession had left Iwaizumi's heart floating out of this chest, yet his breaths were hitched in his throat at the sight of you; the cut that left a deep wound on your bottom lip, and the bruises that kissed your skin, reflecting against the light.
"Make me yours." You breathed as you tightly held onto the hand cupping your cheek. Devotion was dripping from your words, desperation quivering in your bottom lip as hot tears spilled down your face.
Iwaizumi was a raging fire that was willing to burn down the whole kingdom for you in a heart beat, and your love for him fanned his flames.
He loved you more than anything; more than his title, more than himself, and more than anything he's owned or could ever own. Yet that was the problem; he could have anything as long as he asked, but he couldn't have you.
You were the King's Ward, you belonged to his father and no one was allowed to touch you. But how could he deny you, the woman he's loved since he laid his eyes on you, of something you were begging from him?
His gaze settled deep in your eyes as you shook in his gentle grasp. The sight of you coming undone pained him, and he couldn't stand to continue doing nothing. So, in a quick, tender motion, he pulls you into a kiss.
His lips were soft against yours as his hand slips to the back of your head, fingers woven through your hair as he deepened the kiss, and you melted in his hands.
This is what happiness feels like, you thought as you felt yourself float away. You knew this feeling would be fleeting, sure to be gone as the morning sun rose. But you smiled into his lips anyway, wrapping your arms around his neck as he picked you up from the floor and carried you down the hall and to his chambers.
It wasn't until you felt a soft, cloud-like material pressed against your back had you realize where you were. You pulled back  for a moment to find Iwaizumi shadowing over you, eyes brimming with love as he peered over you in confusion, wondering why you had stopped.  
You softly smiled at him, brushing away the stray hair sticking to his forehead before moving you hand over to his cheek. He was such a beautiful man, and he was finally yours. 
His breaths grew ragged, brushing against your bare skin. You felt it over your cheeks, over your shoulders and chest. He smiled at you. He found your body quite small beneath him—fragile too. He didn't want to do anything that would hurt you, and those bruises that stained deep into your skin—that branded you as his father’s and the power that he held in those bloodied, calloused hands reminded him of that.
You saw the pain in his eyes—the regret. You knew what he was thinking, what he was feeling in that moment. That it wasn’t of you, but rather of himself and his inability to protect you. That he couldn't help you because he was nothing more than a son to an abusive King that had no interest in his people—people whom he recognized as nothing but mere chess pieces to a game he'd always win.
"I'll save you from him," He said, determination laced in his words. You saw the way his eyes darkened beneath the moonlight, his jaw clenched, "I'll be King, and I'll save you from all this pain. I'll save you from him."
Tears brimmed at your waterline; once again, you found lips quivering, throat dried in pain. You wanted to believe him, you really did. But you knew your King too well. You knew he was threatening as he was powerful, and Iwaizumi saw it.
He dipped down to your neck, peppering kisses onto your skin, doing what you had asked, making you his. He remained gentle, minding the ache in your bones as well as your heart as he continued on.
"I promise I'll save you, "He repeated in a whisper, lips brushing against your ear.
A tender shiver electrified through your body. You had never felt so cared for, so loved. It had always been rather harsh and aggressive during your times with the King; quick and careless as he was more focused on his pleasure rather than yours.
You remembered the day you first bloomed, and the night that crushed you almost immediately.
You weren't a fool, you were well aware of the King's peculiar taste for...youthful things. You heard the rumors, seen the proof to match it. You had known the time would come when the King would call for you and do his deeds behind those hellish closed doors.
You remembered how torn you felt. You remembered how you felt everything and nothing all at once. How you the numbness began with a twinkling feeling on the tips of your fingers, and eventually spread throughout your body; yet there had been a continuous throbbing in your chest and a burning ache in your legs.
A painful remind that you were, indeed, no longer a child.
You had expected to stumble back to your chambers—crawling even. But after that night, and every night that had followed, after all had been done, regardless of the hour, Iwaizumi would be waiting for you. He had been sitting on the floor, fiddling with his thumbs until you came out.
You would look at each other in the eyes and sat in the silence. He was young—you both were, but he knew what had happened. He was not an idiot. He knew from the new found trauma in your eyes, he saw it in the tears that pooled down to your chin and the way you flinched when he stood up from the floor before walking towards you.
He'd walk you back to your chambers, and he wouldn't dare touch you. He never touched you, knowing how but he did love you. He loved you the moment he saw you. He loved you even though he knew what went on, and all he wanted to do was protect you.
So as you laid beneath him, with an arm tightly wound around your waist as he held you close against his chest, and the other supporting the back of your head, he scattered kisses over your shoulders, to your neck, across your chest and all over your face. He wanted to make you his in the most innocent way.
He wanted to make you his in his own way.
You felt so grateful you couldn't help but cry at how careful he was with you. You felt his love pour over you as he continued to do nothing else but just kiss you and hold you close.
If you had known it was going to be like this, you would have told him sooner. But you never allowed yourself to be sure, always careful and closed off. Even when Iwaizumi had given you nothing but kindness.
The night continued on and as it did, Iwaizumi held you close. His nose buried deep into the crook of your neck as his arms held you around your waist.He was like a child, clinging onto you so tightly as if you were going to disappear.
"I love you," He whispered into your ear and your cheeks glowed red.
You threaded your fingers through his hair and pressed a kiss on the crown of his head, humming him softly to sleep. "I love you, too, Hajime."
Inevitably, morning came and Iwaizumi woke up feeling empty; you were no longer by his side, cradled in his arms—or rather, cradled in yours. 
Though, remnants of last night soon glimmered in his memory, reminding him of your confession as well as his. How the temples of your foreheads pressed against another as your lips ghosted over his, as he whispered again and again how much he had loved you, and how long he had been holding onto to that love. 
It sent a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. He covered his face, smiling into the palm of his hands. His great love loved him back.
Iwaizumi assumed you must've retreated back to your room before day break, straying away from gossiping eyes. So, he held himself together throughout the day, doing all the things he needed to do, counting the hours until he could see you again.
He had hope to see you during lunch, but the halls were still empty and there wasn't a single trace of you in the places he'd usually find you. You must've shared your time with his father, knowing how demanding he is of your presence.
But he just wanted to see you, and he was beginning to grow antsy, twiddling his thumbs and picking at his bottom lip. But before he could make up his mind and head to your chambers, one of his father's servants called out to him.
"Sire," Iwaizumi averted his attention to the familiar old man standing on the other side of the hall, "your father, the King, requests for your presence outside—in the courtyard." He parted his lips to speak, foolishly forgetting his place. "Immediately, sire."
He sighed defeatedly before nodding his head and following the order.
The air was quite fresh, and Iwaizumi took a deep breath to relish in the moment. Hope lingered in the air, and it undoubtedly felt like a good day. There wasn't a single cloud in sight; birds flew above the walls of castle as the men below practiced their rounds in combat.
Iwaizumi strolled passed them, once he spotted his father across the courtyard, on the other side of the bricked archedway . His father stood tall with his broad back against him, hands clasped together as he looked up.
Iwaizumi furrowed his brows, He must be enjoying the weather as well, he thought.
But as he grew closer, the air around his father was tense. Iwa's legs felt weak and his heart began to thrum harshly against his bones at the the growing anticipation.
"Right there is fine." His father said with his back still turned away from him. His father's voice was guttural, as if he had spent the morning drinking. The shadow of branches swayed over his father's face, shielding him from the sun.
"Good afternoon," Iwaizumi greeted, bowing to his father's back. "How are you, father?"
The King glanced over his shoulder, looking down at his own son with a smirk that tugged the corners of his lips. "Fine day, isn't it?"
Iwazumi simply nodded, "Couldn't be better, father."
"Why don't you step out from beneath the shadows and enjoy this sight with me?" Iwazumi furrowed his brows, puzzled; and though he ought to be wary of his father, he hesitantly stepped out of the shadows and into the light.
He look up, expecting to find the sun filtering through leaves, beaming against his cheeks. But instead, the sight before him made him falter to his knees, bruising into the pavement. His heart swelled in his throat as he gasped for air.
It wasn't branches swinging beneath the afternoon heat.
It had been your body swaying in the wind as it hung on one of the branches of the old oak tree; and all the light in you had gone out.
The King bowed beside his son, just enough for his lips to meet his son's ear. "What will you tell her now?" His tone was proud, mocking his son in his weakness. He circled around his son and stood before him, “I loved her more than you ever could, but I just don’t do well with touching scraps.” 
Iwaizumi’s mouth gaped open; he couldn’t even mutter a sound let alone a single word. He had failed.
Looking down at the his son, the King brought his foot up to his chin, lifting his head to meet his gaze. The thin metal lining wrapped around his leather shoes burned into Iwaizumi’s skin, "Let this be a lesson not to cross me, and not to make promises one cannot keep."
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Dino Watches Anime (Oct 21)
It’s a lot of the same stuff as last time. I’m just updating this:
Kono Oto Tomare! - SEASON TWO (3/13)
I talk about this anime every week because it’s seasonal and I have to wait for every episode like some sort of fool. I slept on this anime when it first came out in the spring of last year or something. Now that I’m current, I’m just here to suffer. I actually ended up reading ahead in the manga because it’s monthly which makes it far more manageable (it’s published in Shonen Jump SQ).
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Non Non Biyori (5/12)
For the first time in quite a while, I’m watching a slice of life that doesn’t actually have a plot of any kind! Seriously, it’s just about country kids living out country life. 
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Oresuki (3/12)
I’m not even putting a gif. Just watch this video of Daiki Yamashita’s English. This anime is a trip, and it’s not always the good kind. Let’s just say, everyone’s an asshole. It’s just a matter of who’s the biggest asshole of them all. It’s very entertaining. It really has nothing else going for it critically. It relies on gimmicks from week to week, and honestly, it’s working, really well for me at that. It continues to surprise me that I actually find myself laughing at the ridiculousness of its writing and voice acting. Its voice acting is what keeps this going. Daiki Yamashita is just too good at this role and at Deku, but I think this role shows that he’s good for more than a high-pitch protagonist. He can turn really dark, and I’m enjoying it.
@akaskira​ (not sure if I’ve tagged you before for this role before but Daiki Yamashita is really funny as this twisted main character)
Dr. Stone (16/24)
Yuusuke Kobayashi didn’t even decide to become a seiyuu until he was in his mid/late-20s. Now that he’s placing more and more roles, it’s interesting to see what type of person he really is. I saw him hosting a show with Matsuoka the other day, and he isn’t what I was expecting. For some reason, until I know the voice actor through subbed clips, I always assume they’re like the character I see them portray. In this case, I thought he was smart and witty like Senkuu. My thoughts on Dr. Stone remain the same from last time. 
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Chihayafuru (15/25)
If I’m completely honest, I still don’t care about Karuta. I’m watching this knowing that Madhouse isn’t kind to their employees and abuses them for the product, but my goodness, the animation of this is superb. It’s visually stunning. Its voice and sound direction with its stacked cast and subtle soundtrack really add to it. The characters (the main three) are also engaging. I really route for Chihaya. Even though I don’t care about Karuta at all, I will still continue this anime.
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My Hero Academia - SEASON FOUR (2/25)
Episode one was an enjoyable filler so I let it pass. Episode two? It’s technically canon, but they are sure moving slowly, and if I took a shot for every time they had a flashback/recap, I’d be dead. Come on, I know you’re saving money for that Overhaul fight, but I found this a little pathetic. I know people are mad about the changes they made to Nejire as well, but that’s another story. Bones likes to slim down and boobify their characters to the point where it’s a little creepy. I will put that stuff on the side though because I want to enjoy this.
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - SEASON TWO (3/13)
If you liked Nisekoi, you will probably like this. It’s a mix between Gotoubun no Hanayome and Nisekoi. Except I actually like the cast of Bokuben... except for maybe the teacher. I have no idea why she’s even classified as within the harem. Uh... very soft and fluffy with fanservice because it’s Shonen Jump. A lot of the main girls are very easy to root for.
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Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 3 (1/?)
This anime is pretty funny, and even though they have now resorted to the love triangle gimmick, I still find it relatively enjoyable. Unlike most anime, it’s source material is a Chinese manhwa. It’s only the first episode of the third season, but as long as it keeps up the quality, I won’t have a problem finishing it.
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Fire Force (13/24)
You know, if you have to reuse a joke that’s been used in past episodes again and again (I think at least three times within the last episode?) it’s not gonna be as funny. That’s the case with this scene. It overshoots those shonen tropes. It’s just... my favourite character isn’t getting good screentime either. Come on Fire Force, I was rooting for you. Don’t blow out your flame.
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Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (9/24)
The first episodes were pretty bad, but it gets better as it continues on, and this anime is strong within the seiyuu community because it’s one of the 30 anime that Matsuoka and Kayano work together on, and they’re love interests at that! It has a lot of fanservice, but behind that is actually is a good story? I like the cast of weird and quirky characters. 
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Mononoke (1/12)
It’s a horror anime apparently. It left me feeling uneasy, and its art style is really cool. Really, it’s just a first impression, but so far so good! I mean, it came out during the “Golden Era” which was around 2006-2010, but Toei brought their A-Game and really goes for it. 
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Saiunkoku Monogatari (2/39)
I didn’t even know how this anime got onto my list or where it came from. It doesn’t even look good from the promotional art. If I’m quite honest, it looks like a bad reverse-harem. However, I decided to watch it on a whim, and it proved me wrong... kinda. It hasn’t proven me right or wrong. Instead, they gave me this character that’s making the best out of what she has. She’s poor, a woman in an era where women can’t get into politics, and she tries to maintain her nobility status while trying to not get discouraged by the turmoil she has experienced during her lifetime. She’s tasked with an impossible task, but she takes it on skillfully and with a lot of sensitivity. In other words, I was expecting this to be horse poop but it turned out to not be that. It looks like a really old anime, but it’s only a year older than Mononoke. It’s probably their triangle-ass heads.
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Aoi Bungaku Series (4/12)
They got a live-action actor to voice act, and he isn’t terrible. He also acts as the narrator and plays several characters throughout the series since the story changes based on the work that they’re portraying. The first four episodes are the adaptation of Osamu Dazai’s “No Longer Human” or “Ningen Shikkaku”. Boi was it depressing, but I see it as an echo of true Dazai’s life (with changes and variations). It was a ride, and I would suggest watching it if you’re interested in shows like Bungou Stray Dogs. I will probably take a break just to recuperate from the hold “No Longer Human” left in me.
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Okay, it’s 14 right now (left out things like Gintama and stuff). 
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
*jamming to look what you made me do* 💃🏻
It has been awhile! How are you? What's new? Hope you've been well!
Also tell me lil bit about Tears of Themis
*sings-a-long with you* 🎤🎤🎤
nothing new, just the usual😍😍 except that i am excited for 2.8 to come already since kazuhaaa💍💍💍
you just trapped yourself anon, im telling you /j
BUT ANYWAYY😍😍 since u asked abt these dear men who has been occupying me for the past few days *looks intensely at artem* i am delighted to tell you abt them though its just me venting my love and opinions lmao
FIRST OF ALL WE GOT THE PUPPY OF THE GROUP who can break your bones btw MY BB BOI LUKEEE PEARCE😍⁉️ ppl will hate me for this but when i first got into tot, he's my least fav bc i thought he's gonna be boring since he's the usual childhood friend and the childhood friend is my least favorite in every otome game👉👈 BUT I WAS WRONG VERY VERY WRONG I AM SOREY LUKE STANS I ALREADY REPENTED🤧🤧 luke is actually the one i ship with the mc since their chemistry is just top tier🤨🤨⁉️⁉️ and friends to lover btw😍😍 his second birthday card actually changed my life. i became his no. 1 fan. my life is now better. i bow down to him and wish for his lifespan to increase /hj NAURR THAT CARD IS JUST SOOO AND MC IS SO SEXY THERE⁉️⁉️ both of them are sexy🙄⁉️ but anyway, i luv this cutie sm and he's so sweet🤧🤧 9/10, minus 0.5 bc he only have 3 years left /j
THEN MARIUS VON HAGEN🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ ugh this kid🙄 (affectionate btw) tbh i didn't like him that much at first too but since i always get his card i somehow had a marius phase when i started🤨⁉️ i have a love-hate relationship with him /j HES SUCH A TEASE OML I SOMETIMES JUST WANT TO SHUT HIS MOUTH😭😭 and he's younger than us so i refuse to be shy bc of a kid who's 3 years younger than mc🤨(affectionate again) nah but i wont forget when strawberry shortcake anon told me that i act like him🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ that's an insult to me to be told that i act like that kid QOKAJSKSJS JK I WILL STOP THE MARIUS SLANDER NOW BEFORE THE SIMPS COME FOR MY NECK😰😰 i remember this one time he brought mc a flat shoes(?) bc he noticed that she's been wearing her heels all day and her feet is already hurting, tho she never said anything but he still noticed😔😔 i might make fun of this dude but he's really sweet🙁🙁. 8/10, minus one since i can't with his teases and another minus one since he marius von hagen /j IM SORRY I JUST LOVE MAKING FUN OF HIM😭😭 probably bc im older than him🤨
OFCOURSE I WON'T FORGET ABT VYN RICHTER THE LOML (before?) okay alot of ppl said that he's a red flag bc he's a manipulator but like do i look like i care abt that?? /hj. he's the first one who caught my eye among the four btw😍😍 idk why but there's something abt white/gray haired characters that always got me like ??? and one of the things that made me attracted to him more is bc (spoiler ahead?) he's somewhat a noble/aristocrat since his father is basically a duke from the kingdom of svart😍😍 IDK WHY AGAIN but im really into royalty😩😩 like idk why i just love royalty since for one i want to experience a lavish and elegant lifestyle, living in a castle, dancing in the ballroom (this is the effect of reading too much historical manhwa i swear) BUT ANYWAY i think he's the most hated ml among the four since they say he's a red flag but he's really sweet and caring though (for me atleast okay?) im really attached to him bc i think i need someone like him. he's a psychologist/psychiatrist 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ (in conclusion i need him bc of free therapy) OWJKSJS LMAOO BUT ANYWAY i feel like he can and will read me well and that's what i need. so if you please mr. vilhem richard albert de haspran🧎‍♀️💍 (HIS REAL NAME IS SUCH A *CHEF'S KISS*) there's more for me to talk abt him but i will stop here since its already long😰😰. 11/10, a literal perfection but has a crack on some sides (the said red flag by ppl🙄)
AND PLEASE WELCOME THE ONE AND ONLY ARTEM WING THE MAN IN EVERY MAN'S PRAYER🙏🙏🙏 oml if vyn is someone i need then artem is the one i need and WANT (im sorry vyn, artem just hits different these days) he is literally a malewife and house husband. HE CAN COOK OML QOWJEKEK😭😭😭 ik that's something i shouldn't praise a man for bur come on, its artem wing we're talking abt, the hopeless romantic man i ever dreamed of😫💘 OKAYY SOO i only realize that he's my ideal man these past few days🙁🙁 like ik he's a malewife but im focused on vyn🌝🌝 NAURR BC I DON'T WANT A MAN ANYMORE IF ITS NOT HIM👹👹 /hj (love you diluc <3) gosh idk what to say anymore i just adore and love this man😩😩 the things that i would do to have someone like OR HIM 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ HES SO SO CARING AND SWEET AND LOVABLE AND CUTE AND ATTRACTIVE AND ALL😩😩 lawddd just one artem wing please 🙏🙏🙏. zhongli's age/10, malewife.
THATS ALLL :DDD its so longggg😭😭 but its your fault since you started it 🤨🤨 /j
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