#I also have the very strong urge to write fanfiction but idk if anyone would want to read it
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Lloyd Garmadon everybody!
Gods I had so much freaking fun drawing Lloyd, he’s just so scrunkly! Now I have had one of my friend argue that he wouldn’t be scrawny since he’s a ninja, but I object, he’s not a front lines fighter PLUS no offense but he gives off twig vibes.
Extra headcannon: The Aro/ace vibes are so strong I can practically taste it
Anyway expect some Atla fanart cause I just got into that show!
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candlefairybb · 1 year
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Sorry for lack of mermay content, i busy-
Aaaaanywaysss, Y/N, or rather, You are a part of an organization that cleans the ocean! I wanna do more info abt this, but I feel like that deserves it’s own post. (Also the urge to write a Fanfiction based on this specific AU is strong VERY STRONG)
It also seems that this organization has gotten the attention of some particular mer….and their main focus is on you.
More abt this au:
Basically everyone gets their own little paddle boats, which are kinda like big surf boards but they were definitely built to be more boat like. The little shade/roof thingy can be moved or altered, it’s basically a little sail, but considering the job, it’s used more as a shade provider. Everyone gets mesh bags to clip to their belts, and then you go below the surface and collect trash, putting it in the mesh bags. Two bags for trash, and one for things the diver could determine as valuable. You come back up to your little boat, deposit what’s in your bags to buckets, boxes or a larger tighter mesh bag. When your boat is full, you return to the organization’s main boat for your team. They haul up the trash you’ve collected then you can continue collecting. The organization gets paid for cleanup, so this is basically your job. They have multiple fleets around the shore, but your team is the smallest. A small crew runs the main ship, and you and some other members run the small paddle boat fleet, collecting trash. If an area is deemed clean, then the boat will move to a new location nearby (all of which is chartered on a grid map) All the little paddle boats get raised and the swimmers will return to the main boat.
Everyday when the boat releases from the dock in the morning, a couple of swimmers will lower their paddle boats and explore through their commute or places they have cleaned already to check for anything new. If an area seems recently or majorly littered then the rest of the swimmers will deploy to help clean. If everything is all good the boat will continue to an uncleaned sanction of their map.
Your specific team isn’t just small, but it’s rather isolated from the rest of the organization. Considering every team is made up of the town they were assigned to, it makes sense your team would be small and isolated. A small coastal town is where your team is located, far from the rest of the teams. Which means a lot more attention from merfolk gets put on your team than on other teams in the organization.
It also means y’all get paid a lot to clean up after town events or major celebrations that are held near the shore, on docks, or out on boats. You can afford to live comfortably while doing something you love.
Anywaysssss- yeah I really want to write a fanfiction for this but like idk if anyone is gonna read that-
Anyways lots of tags
tis’ official 😌
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