#I also have like 6 chapters of Missing gears in back log now just waiting to be edited. XD
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Animatronics (Five Nights at Freddy's), Montgomery Gator (Five Nights at Freddy's), Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's), Roxanne Wolf (Five Nights at Freddy's), Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's), Eclipse (Five Nights at Freddy's), Original Characters Additional Tags: Blood and Gore, robot gore, An abandoned location, Exploration, dark themes, Horror, Unexplained Events, Rescue Series: Part 2 of Missing Gears AU Summary:
The finding of an animatronic that will be prevalent and Missing Gears. Years later, after mysterious events resulted in a major location being condemned, Fazbear Entertainment sends Recovery technicians out to recover whatever may still remain. What dangers will they find?
#complete story#dca fandom#fnaf dca#fnaf security breach#sun fnaf#moon fnaf#fanfic#Missing gears AU#Exploration#Horror#canon typical violence#Monster hunting the main characters#sparks in the dark#This is done now and I am happy.#I also have like 6 chapters of Missing gears in back log now just waiting to be edited. XD#I forgot I wasn't doing 10000 word chapters like in my other series.
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Chapter 7: A soft landing
Chapter 1 -start here
Chapter 6
Bella hurried back to the clearing as fast as her injured leg would let her. The bag with the herbs pressed against her aching ribcage.
When she reached the clearing she could only spot Dwalin and Nori. The thief was about to leave while Dwalin only stared at his back with an unidentifiable expression. Did she miss something?
“Dwalin? What happened?” she asked from behind him, feigning ignorance.
Of course Gandalf had showed up. The trolls turned to stone and the others were on their way to inspect the troll hoard. They wouldn’t have much time to rest. Maybe a few hours before Radagast turned up and with him the orcs and wargs. Luckily, she had already grabbed her backpack when she fetched the herbs.
“Bella! Let me get Oin to check you over. Where does it hurt? Come here, sit for a moment! Are you thirsty? Shall I get you some water?” Dwalin grabbed the bag from her arms and gently nudged her to a log nearby.
“I am fine, really. Just bring me to the others. We are no longer safe here.” Determined, Bella grabbed onto her brother's forearm.
She was half leaning on him and half dragging him into the direction Nori went off to earlier. Bella was right, he realised. They were no longer safe. If the trolls had come down from the mountains then even the main road was no longer safe.
Together they made their way toward the cave Fili and Kili had spotted. Gloin and Nori were busy burying a small chest. A smile stole itself on her lips. That small stinking chest had given her quite the headache back in Shire. So much gossip over such a small amount of gold. This was nothing compared to the treasure hall of Erebor.
Sitting down near the entrance, she held her face up in the sunshine. The warmth made her forget the pain in her body for a while.
A shadow fell over her and as she opened her eyes she stared directly into the deep blue eyes of the dwarven king. Bella took her time examining his face. He would look so much better with a smile on his face. Instead, he was frowning once again.
“How may I help you, master Oakenshield?” giving her best not to wince while standing up she asked him with a steady voice.
This whole situation was new for her. The dwarven king had never really cared for or about her before. He had even wanted to leave her with lord Elrond! Truly strange… Well, it might have been her fault as well as she had stuck to Gandalf for the better part of their travels before and only kept whining about her home and all the comforts she had to leave behind. How shameful of her! They had lost their homes and hadn’t left them willingly.
A pang of guilt hit her stomach. She had been so wrong in the past. This was a good enough reason to improve the present. She would have to improve herself to change their fate and hers at well.
“Well,” he started, averting his look from her intensive staring, “Here! Just take it… Might be your size.” He rumbled low while shoving a small leather sheath in her arms.
Sting. He had found her trusted traveling companion. The small sword lay reassuringly in her palm.
“Thank you.” she breathed.
Joy flooded her heart and mind. Later, she would blame her further actions on her brain malfunctioning at that very moment.
“Thank you so much, Thorin!” lunging forward, she embraced the stern king, giving him a big kiss on his cheek before happily making her way towards the grey wizard.
Thorin stood there. Petrified. Did she just? She did… She…
A muffled snicker followed by the thudding sound of a hand colliding with the back of a head confirmed his fear. She did!
‘Oh Mahal! This was more than confusing. Were hobbits such affectionate beings? Yes, that must be the case. She would have done the same for every other member of the company,’ his own train of thoughts made him angry.
“Nori! Gloin! Hurry up!” he grunted down the cave, turning his back at his nephews.
Those two rascals were still snickering and hiding the fact rather poorly. Bofur on the other hand laughed openly. Dwalin looked at him as if he had been the one kissing the lass. Mahal, how the burglar had already changed his cousin.
Dori, Ori and Gloin returned, having packed their rations and gear. Sadly, only four ponies and Gandalf's horse were left. The rest must have bolted when they had been busy fighting and, well… trying not to get eaten.
He would have to tell Ori once again to leave the record for this day blank! He wouldn’t need to be reminded of the shame when he had to cry out that they had parasites…
A crashing sound and loud cursing made him draw his sword and whirl around to face the possible threat head on.
Bella smiled. It had been ages since she had seen the brown wizard. He was still the same Radagast she remembered. A bit skittish, but full of love for the animals around him. The rabbits pulling his sled had always fascinated her. Curious, she stepped nearer. One of them lifted its head, looking into her eyes.
The dwarrows were still discussing whether to trust the newcomer or not. Sure, Radagast might have made quite the entrance, screaming and cursing, and the stick insect in his mouth along with the nest in his hair were rather off-putting, but he was a kind soul and not one to be corrupted.
The rabbit nuzzled its head into her hand and after a short while she was surrounded by the furry lot. They were gentle as if they knew of her injuries. Suddenly, the ears of their leader perked up and his nose twitched nervously. The wargs. How could she forget that?!
“Watch out!” she managed to scream, before the first ugly monster broke through the bushes and launched at Thorin.
It was killed quickly and now everyone shifted their attention towards the approaching enemy. Well, not all the attention. Gandalf shouted at Thorin and Thorin shouted back at Gandalf demanding to know who else would have known about their quest. She saw the look the leader of the company gave her. It made her heart freeze.
“I will draw them off!” Radagst offered.
“These are Gundabad wargs!” Gandalf warned his friend.
“These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I’d like to see them try!” the brown wizard puffed proud.
They ran and hid. The ponies were nervous and Bella's heart pounded against her damaged rib cage like it had been doing once long ago. This was exciting and nerve-wrecking, but it made her feel alive!
At the very moment when Thorin nodded at Kili to shoot the approaching warg together with its rider, Bella nearly jumped out herself. She was more than ready to take on the enemy once again. Dwalin held her back by gently grabbing her arm. He was right. Kili could handle this. He was an amazing archer and a great fighter. He needed this experience to grow. It would be good for him.
“Where are you leading us?” she could hear Thorin’s whispered question towards Gandalf.
Thorin surely wouldn’t like the answer and Gandalf knew this fact as did Bella, so he kept silent. They came closer towards the large rock formation that marked the entrance to the secret passageway into the hidden valley. Well, the last few hundred meters were open terrain. There was no way to hide anymore. Running would be the only option.
She prepared herself mentally for the pain that soon would be raging in her entire body. Each step had sent a wave of pain through her body, but the occasional breaks while they were hiding made it easier to catch her breath. The last part on the other hand would be not as forgiving. Maybe they would be lucky and lord Elrond would suddenly appear, together with his hunters.
Taking a deep breath, she readied herself to sprint whenever Thorin would give the signal. Without a warning, two tattooed arms lifted her off the ground and placed her on the last remaining pony.
“Why d-” Thorin's signal interrupted her question.
Kili and Fili slapped the frightened pony to encourage the poor thing to run even faster. Howls, barks and several orders cried out in black speech followed, leaving the rabbit sled alone.
The pony was definitely faster than she would have ever been on foot, injured or not. Still, it was way too frightening to break through the two wargs ahead, let alone blindly jump into a small opening between the stones. Panicked, the steed looked around, searching for a way out. A warg used this chance to jump at them, its jaw wide open. In a split second, the pony decided between being eaten by a warg and jumping into a cave, the cave being the winning option.
The sudden movement made Bella lose her grip and she slipped off of the back of the pony, landing on her backside. An arrow flew past her, grazing the warg’s ear. This distraction gave her enough time to scramble back onto her feet and limp as fast as she could towards the passageway.
Kili cursed while Fili changed his direction, running past her. Thorin cursed as well, but far more creatively than his nephew. Dwalin roared while swinging his battle axes. ‘How she had missed this before?’ she wondered, Bombur and Bifur had already vanished into the opening. Bofur helped Ori and Dori while Nori sent another one of his knives flying before jumping down as well. Balin had the nerve to lecture his brother not to be reckless and ‘cut the crap while you are still able to’. Oin and Gloin must also already be down there as she could hear them shouting for the others to come down.
Dwalin turned around, a grim expression on his face, grabbed Kili and Fili, each on one arm and jumped down as well. Thorin was still waiting for her at the entrance, his sword ready. Bella quickened her speed and prompt stumbled, falling into the dwarven kings arms and pulling him down with her.
She landed rather soft on top of Thorin. Her eyes tightly shut, she didn’t dare to move. Carefully, she opened her eyes slightly, only to look into the King's face. It was rather dark in the cave. She wasn't able to make out the expression on his face. In a rather poor attempt to separate herself from Thorin, Bella placed her hands on his chest. She tried not to think too much about how muscular he was. Slowly, she started to separate herself from him, wiggling around trying to find a position that wouldn’t hurt too much. Bella tried not to put any weight on her injured legs or any other parts of her that were hurting. Well, the only part not hurting at the moment was her head, but she could feel a headache rising.
Two big, strong hands on her hips made it impossible for her to move any further. The dwarven King had held her down in this rather shameful position.
Thorin took this chance to search her body for injuries. He grunted, displeased as she flinched under his touch. Somehow it made the King angry to see her hurt. And somehow, it felt nice to have her near. Bella started shifting again. She didn't know what exactly she was supposed to feel at this particular moment. It felt great to be able to be so close to him. But at the same moment, she felt a pang in her heart. This was not her Thorin. And this was not right.
She opened her mouth, ready to give him a piece of her mind when a growl from behind interrupted her. In the first second, she thought it was a warg, but then the growl evolved into a wave of dwarven curses spoken in Khuzdul. Gently, two arms wrapped around her from behind, easily lifting her up from Thorin. She recognised the tattoos on the arms. The warmth on her hips disappeared. Her body reacted to the sudden cold with a shiver while her heart winced to be separated from her One.
Her brother held her protectively in his arms, standing with his back towards his king and putting himself between her and Thorin. She knew that dwarrows were protective, but she never thought that Dwalin would defy his king. This was a completely new experience for her. She didn't want to be in between the two of them, she didn't want to be in between anything. If she hadn't known what would have come next, maybe she would have stayed with Lord Elrond.
A furry body slid down into the cave, taking all the unwanted attention of her and presenting a way for Thorin to hide his embarrassment.
How in the world could he have let down his guard in such a critical moment? His palms still felt the softness of her body. There was something familiar in the way they touched, but he was quite sure he had never seen the hobbit lass before. Still, when Dwalin separated her from him, he wouldn't have liked anything better than punching his best friend in the face and getting back what belonged to him.
To get his mind off those strange thoughts, he shifted his attention towards the dead warg. An arrow was plunged into the throat of the monster. Separating the arrow from the body, he inspected it.
“Elves!” he spat out.
As if to answer his angry grunting, the sound of a horn broke through the cries from outside. The company started fidgeting nervously, looking for a way out. Up and out of the cave was not an option and Thorin nearly sighed with relief when Bofur shouted that there was another way. It was a narrow pass seemingly leading deeper into the mountain, but it was rather bright, so maybe, just maybe, they had a chance.
The passageway was too narrow for Dwalin to both carry Bella and fit through it himself at the same time. So, he had no other possibility than to walk behind her, lending her a helping hand and steadying her whenever she staggered. Whenever he wasn’t fast enough to catch her and, as a result, she would crash into a stone wall with a hollow thump, he would wince. Not being able to help her nearly drove him insane. His mood dropped with every passing second.
Seeing how Thorin looked at her with that worried, sad and longing look made him angrily clench his fists. He had no right to ogle his sister like that!
“It is as beautiful as I remembered.” She mumbled under her breath.
Dwalin wouldn’t have heard it if Thorin hadn’t lifted his head as soon as she opened her mouth. Both of them looked at each other in confusion. Had they heard right?
In front of them, a beautiful valley lay. The valley of Imladris where the last homely house was. The tattooed warrior grumbled a curse in the wizard’s direction. To guide them right towards those damned elves! Thorin seemed to have the same thoughts. He finally stopped looking at Bella and glowered at the grey-hatted man.
Why must dwarrows be so bloody stubborn, wary and suspicious of each and every person they meet?! Bella had found herself in the middle of a small circle built out of muscles, sharp axes and rumbling growls. She could only shake her head at their overprotective behaviour. Lord Elrond would have never allowed harm to befall his guests. Here, in the last homely house, they would be just as safe as in Beorn's hut. A smile lightened up her face as she thought of the large man who was gentler than anyone could have ever imagined.
She shifted her attention back when the sound of a horn sounded in the distance once more, announcing the return of the elven king. The circle tightened around her even more. Gandalf watched their actions with amusement and when Bella locked eyes with him he chuckled at her distressed expression.
Thorin muttered something to Dwalin, too quietly for her to understand. But the two dwarves nodded in grim agreement, not letting the elves out of sight.
Lord Elrond returned with his hunters not a second too late. Lindir seemed a bit troubled by the gruff and dirty company that appeared on their doorstep. Led by Gandalf the Grey of all people! The exchange of greetings, compliments and courtesies gave Bella a chance to remember the lessons of elven language she had all those years before.
“Lord Elrond, it is good to see you again. May I request to visit your infirmary?” fighting her way out, she glared at Fili and Kili trying to pull her back.
The dark-haired elf lifted one brow at her request spoken in elvish. The pronunciation was not bad and gave evidence that she had been learning the language for quite some time. Lord Elrond looked at Gandalf. It was a long, questioning look. The wizard only shrugged and searched his pockets for his pipe weed.
“Of course, little one. But you have to promise me to tell me all the exciting details of your journey over dinner. We hadn’t had a hobbit here in forever, and especially not one traveling with the dwarves, no less.” He smiled, waving Lindir over.
The king’s attendant picked her up with ease, earning a surprised and an acknowledging squeak from the hobbit and an angry uproar from the company. Threats, insults and crude curses were thrown at the elves until Gloin stormed forward, swinging his weapon to daunt the elf holding Bella. It didn’t work. Lindir only looked down at Gloin with an unchanged countenance.
“Food,” Bella hurried to say, “he offered us to stay for dinner, freshen up a bit and rest.”
The adrenalin slowly vanished from her system. The pain returned, stronger than before, and Bella wished for nothing more than a hot bath, a change of clothes, some food and a soft bed.
Dwalin stepped forward in an intimidating manner. He pushed Gloin aside and straightened his back. With his arms crossed, he looked up and, in his eyes, she could see the gleam of an idea. The idea to kick Lindir into the hollow of the knee and snatch her from his arms.
“What are you planning to do with my sister, elf?” his voice was deep and threatening.
Lindir only raised an eyebrow, looking down he smiled coldly, “If you happened to notice, your ‘sister’ is seriously injured.”
Dwain’s hands twitched as if he wanted to deliver the first punch. Right in that moment Fili and Kili appeared on each side of the warrior. They looked determined.
“We will come with you.” Fili decided, while Kili nodded agreeing, “Can’t let you alone with them!”
Bella smiled. It was not convincing and far away from reassuring, but from her position, held by Lindir, she was finally taller than all of the members of the company. They looked worried up to her, big pleading eyes and protective sternness in their faces. They meant it, she realized. Tears started to fill her eyes, not out of pain, but happiness. Even Thorin fidgeted from one leg onto the other, trying his best to not meet her eyes. He stared at Lord Elrond, but still observed her out of the corner of his eye.
“That is very sweet of you, but I do prefer to bathe alone,” Bella chuckled.
Her chuckle quickly changed into a cough and a few drops of blood blemished Lindir’s perfectly white robes. The elf frowned displeased down at her. With a sharp nod towards his king, he hurried off to the healing quarters, taking her with him. Over Lindir’s shoulder, Bella could catch a glimpse of Thorin’s expression. Was that jealousy hidden behind the usual frown?
Chapter 8
General things:
If you want me to tag you as well, please just send me a message.
If you like what you have read consider reblogging my story for others to enjoy too.
I am always open for asks and requests for shorts of our favorite dwarrows!
#thorin#Thorin Oakenshield#king thorin#middle earth#the hobbit#the hobbit fanfiction#thorin fanfiction#Thilbo#bilbo baggins#female Bilbo#thorin x bilbo#bella baggins
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Target II - Chapter 6
HOLY SHIT sorry for the delay but I seriously got into a rut of ‘I don’t wanna” then Queen happened but now Chapter 6 is here!!! Now I’m not going to lie I did channel Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds for a small section of this. Now Four comes across as a fuck boy in this chapter cause ya girl was dealing with some shit while writing this. Also I never thought that I would ever google “how to clean a gun” and “how to care for throwing knives” BUT HERE WE ARE!!!
Tags; @adrenaline-roulette and @amy-brooklyn99 - if you would like to be tagged just let me know
Pairing; Four x Eight (female reader) Fandom; 6 Underground Warnings; Swearing, angst, mentions of trafficking again (sorry), violence against fellow ghosts and smoking Word count; 1.9k (total so far 9.8k)
Summary; The team has moved onto their next target after dealing with Rovach Alimov, a war criminal named John Dough. Eight has just joined the team and is dying to show how much she deserves to be there
Catch up: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
A week has passed since my last interaction with Billy, was he avoiding me? I was able to keep my mind off the blonde for a while by concentrating on the hard drive and working out who John Dough interacted with most so we could hopefully take down his whole operation. Unfortunately, I made quick work of that task as Dough was meticulously organised. He had folders for business associates, shell companies, calendars and meetings with audio logs, he even had a folder for completed deals, and all were named as such. Normally organised hard drives were sought after, but all I wanted was a massive mess to have to dive into, search for what I need and take my mind off that stupidly beautiful blonde. So I started to make notes, prolonging my work and making the next brief easier, or at least that’s what I was telling myself. I decided a timeline was the best way to figure this guy out, so that’s exactly what I did. I hit play on a random playlist on my iPod to have play in the background while I focused. According to every system I had access to; John Dough did not exist before 2001 when he was 29. There are no birth or death certificates, no school, prison or medical records, no properties or loans under his name. He was effectively like us, a ghost. No real name or family, nothing tying him to anything before his crimes. Which began when he made a name for himself as a hitman. Starting slow, killing random strangers for other random strangers to make money, but without a conscious, it appeared he had no rules when it came to his murder for hire business. Three had previously mentioned almost all hitmen refuse to kill children, a few less refuse to kill women, but this guy had no cut off point. His youngest victim was just 6 months old when the car he was in with his mother exploded, as per the deal with the scumbag husband and father who paid him $500,000 for the hit. In 2008 he left the hitman business and became a human trafficker, more money and more risk involved with that particular lifestyle. And in that position he was able to create all sorts of partnerships with all types of psychopaths and lowlifes, so in 2011 when he decided that he wanted more money and more power, he became an arms dealer. His biggest earning clients were the terrorist cells he supplied with guns and chemical weapons. And that’s what he’s been doing for the past nine years, and that’s what caught One’s eye. One had a sneaking suspicion that Dough has supplied Rovach with the Sarin gas for the attack that he bore witness to all those years ago. Granted One had no idea I knew he was there during that attack, but I gather intelligence, of course I knew he was there.
Eight: Call a brief. One: You sure you’re ready, or do you still need your beauty sleep? Eight: Fuck off cunt. One: This better be fucking good. Hanger, 1 hour.
I busied myself, making seven copies of my notes and timeline and filed one copy into one folder for everyone, shoved another cigarette into my mouth and lit it, pocketed the pack and made my way over to the hanger with the files and my laptop. I had to set up to make this brief go smoothly, because unlike the rest of the ghosts, I have been legally dead for the past 3 years, well before One had recruited me. If One decided that he no longer needed me, I wasn’t stuck for options, he didn’t have to actually kill me and I could make do on my own, and he knew that.
I wirelessly connected my laptop to the multiple screens around the room, giving everyone a decent view of what I’ve found, and just as I was placing the folders around our table, One entered the room, making a scene and complaining that I was making the room smell worse with my cigarettes. “I prefer cigarette smoke over the smell of dried blood that normally floods this room” I sneered in his direction. He just rolled his eyes in response. Slowly everyone filtered in and took their seats, Billy was last in and refused to make eye contact with you. Fuck him; he doesn’t know what he’s missing! With a slight shake of my head I steadied my breath and started going over everything I know. “Alrighty squirrel friends, I have delved deep into this monsters hard drive and this is what I’ve learnt…” I started my monologue, going over the time line I created with all his victims in the early days, moving onto his trafficking days with the photos found a week ago inside their own manila folder for only the brave to look at. Four pushed that folder as far away from him as possible as soon as I mention what was inside. Finishing with his latest weapons deals that were leading to innocent deaths in the hundreds of thousands to possible millions. “Prior to 2001, there is nothing on him. I have no idea what this man was doing before he turned 29 so just in case it wasn’t obvious; John Dough is not his birth name.” this caused a small chuckle from the ghosts. “But what I do know, he travels to meet this man” I flashed a picture of a fat, white and balding man up on the screens for the team to see “twice a month, to eat expensive meals, drink ridiculously old and pricey scotch, smoke Cuban cigars and fuck high end prostitutes. Not to mention secure guns and chemical weapons for the people Dough sells to. His name is Stanislav Zakirov, a high level member of the Russian Mob. Now we could go after this piece of shit as well, but that would be more of a shit show than Hong Kong was. I would recommend hitting Dough after one of these meetings, after Zakirov leaves. This minimises the risk to us, keeps us away from the Russians, and means we can take this fucker down.” The room fell quiet as soon as I finished my speech; I was done talking so I just waited for someone to say something, a glance up at One revealed he was avoiding looking at me after his last words to me in person. After a few minutes with not a single word I decided I was done sitting around, I picked up my laptop once more, I walked past One and said loudly “Was that fucking good enough for you? Prick” lit another cigarette and walked out the hanger.
Now with nothing to do to take my mind off everything that had happened over the past weeks I felt lost and unable to get rid of my anger, so a ritualistic activity was needed. Cleaning my guns and sharpening my knives. I walked to a rusted airplane fuselage across the lot that was upcycled into the armoury for the team, and over to my gear and started to lay out the items needed. I started with my knives, unsheathing the blades and placing them on the metal bench, and one by one sharpening them with my trusty bastard file, quickly washing away any shavings that might be left on the knife-edge and rubbing them down with lubricant, thankfully gun lubricant works for this as that’s all I had left. As I was sharpening the last blade I noticed it was slightly bent, possibly from the last mission, so I made quick work of straightening it out, placing it slightly offset from a piece of the fuselage and using my body weight. Not the best way to do it but after years I found it was the quickest. After all my knives were sharpened I started the formulaic process of cleaning my guns. Rolling out a towel and placing the brushes, lubricant, cleaning solvent and cotton swabs down and disassembling my guns one at a time. I found myself falling into rhythm, the clicks and smells of the cleaning solution taking my mind off the joke that was this teams current state of being. As I was working on my last gun my heightened instincts told me that someone was coming towards the armoury. I grabbed one of my knives and used my shirt to wipe away any remaining lubricant, and with one swift move I turned on the stool I was on and threw the blade. The knife pierced the plastic on the side of the planes body right by the door, a warning throw, not intended to harm but to scare away whoever was coming. “Fuck me dead Eight! You have to stop doing that to me” One’s voice, dripping with frustration and anger broke the silence of the room. “Maybe you should’ve learnt your lesson from last time and avoid sneaking up on me when I’m pissed off” I sneered, my attention was back to my gun, with one final click the barrel was back in place. “The fuck do you want, can’t you see I’m busy?” “Well we all wanted to know if you were coming back to the briefing or if you were gonna wallow here in self-pity” One snorted. That does it. I let loose another blade, this time aiming for his thigh, but he saw it coming and quickly dodged it. “See I did learn from last time” “Leave me alone One, I’m not in the mood for your bullshit right now. Last I checked, we were the ones working our asses off on your vendetta missions while you hang around out of danger and piss us all off.” I was yelling at this point. I was never one to hide my anger and One had hit just the right buttons, that and Four who was being the exact definition of a fuck boy right now, was enough to make me explode. “Now unless you’re here to apologise I suggest you get lost” my voice was almost a snarl at this point.
That’s when I noticed that the rest of the ghosts were also in the room with us, all but Two seemed surprised by my outburst, and even more so at my complete disregard to if I hit One or not. She had what almost looked like a smile on her lips. One pushed past them all in a huff, a string of profanities leaving his lips, all focused towards me. After a few awkward moments Two broke the silence. “Well I’m no pussy so I’ll speak. We agree with your plan, it’s smart and the easiest way to take him out. Also One is a dick. He wants to apologise but his ego is getting in the way” her French accent bringing an air of class to her words. The rest of the ghosts nodded along with her words.
“Right well he knows where to find me if he decides to pull his head out of his ass and apologise” I told her, standing from my position and making my way out of the room “excuse me, I need to be alone right now” I made my way past my team mates and out into the thick humidity of the Californian desert, unsure where I was going, but knowing I didn’t want to be around anyone.
#ben hardy fic#ben hardy#ben jones#6 underground#6 underground fic#four x eight#four x reader#billy/four#FOUR FIC
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Pairing: Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels x OC
Warnings: None
A/N: Parts 11 and 12/13 run concurrently but from different points of view, so when you see Several Days Later, it’s all happening on the same day. And at last murder answers!
Also, shout out to @mandoandyodito cause their reaction gifs have been killing me over the last week.
Reminder: I haven’t seen Kingsman: The Golden Circle, so I’m just using the Wikia, IMDB.com, some gifs, and my own weird ass brain to make up this whole ass story.
Tag List: @zeldasayer , @romanticgumchewer, @tarrevizslas , @coolmaybelateruniverse , @the-feckless-wonder, @lavenderl3mons , @pascalisthepunkest , @mandoandyodito , @randomness501 [please message me to be added or subtracted]
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4] [PART 5] [PART 6] [PART 7] [PART 8] [PART 9] [PART 10]
Chapter 11
Final Pieces
She stayed like that until she watched the life fade from his eyes and his body stilled. He was dead and it was done. When she was sure of it, she got up and turned back to Jack. He was staring at her with a dazed look in his eyes. Dropping the gun, she hurried over to him, falling to her knees between his legs. Her hands came up and gripped his face.
“Jack.” She whispered it so low that only he could hear it, fearing that he may not love her anymore. Not after he watched her kill a man in cold blood. She didn’t know if she could live without him in her world. The elation that her pain was at an end abruptly left her at the idea of having nothing for her on the other side of it all.
She nearly missed it, but when the sound reached her ears, her eyes flew up and looked into his. Behind the dazed look was love and admiration. He didn’t hate her or fear her or whatever else her brain conjured up in those few moments. No.
Jack loved her and he was proud as hell that this woman he loved so much saved her own self from the nightmare that nipped at her heels for five years. He reached up and grasped her face before slamming his lips against hers. Their kiss was a heady mix of desperation, admiration, and love.
In those moments, when Port was strangling him, Jack didn’t feel fear at his situation. Instead, he felt deep despair that he’d may never see his Marigold again and that he was leaving her alone without him. But now, all that dissipated as he felt his love for her coursing through his veins.
When they broke apart, both had tears in their eyes and wide smiles. She grabbed his wrists and held them. Their small moment was interrupted as Champ unleashed the agents. Ginger and Tequila rushed over and dropped to their knees, wrapping their arms around the duo, and they collapsed into a laughing heap of limbs. Ginger kissed Shirley on the cheek and cried. Tequila grabbed her and held her close.
“Darling, I told you that you could shoot the pitcher. Didn’t me and Whiskey train you right?” His joking tone was roughed by his tears. The four sat there for long moments holding onto each other as other agents came in and cleared the scene. Champ turned to Merlin, who was standing next to him.
“Can you stay a little longer? I’m going to need help with the West Coast crew when they get here and I’m a little ashamed to say, I don’t want to break up that party.” He pointed at the crew with his thumb. Merlin smiled while he nodded and walked out with Champ to debrief some HQ agents and prep for West Coast.
Snuggled in the arms of her friends, Shirley looked up and caught Jack staring at her, grinning stupidly. Certainly, one that matched her own. She mouthed something at him, and his smile got impossibly bigger. He mouthed back to her.
“You and me and marigolds. Always.”
Several Days Later
“The report came back, Ginger. I think we got a hit on who Agent Port really was.” Merlin walked over with the paper he printed off. Statesman Austin had sent over a file on a missing agent who went by code name Kirsch. Ginger took the paper from him and looked at the picture. She grimly looked up at Merlin, who nodded back.
When they read the report, much of it was redacted. Ginger realized they needed the whole thing in order to tie up this case and close it once and for all. She grabbed the phone on her desk and hit the button for Champ’s office.
“Champ, I need you to call Austin and tell them to send me the unredacted files for an Agent Kirsch.” Ginger told him the picture looked exactly like the dead man in the morgue. He put her on hold before dialing down to his Texas brethren. After giving them a verbal beat down, he got back on the line with Ginger.
“Check in five minutes, it should be all there. I swear to god, I’m going to fire that whole ass office myself once of these days. I never liked Agent Rum, too damned arrogant for my liking. And now his staff is starting to act that way. I swear God is challenging me every time I gotta call them.” Champ ended his rant with a swig of bourbon. “If it didn’t make me look like a complete asshole, I’d make ‘em put Mezcal in charge. Now that’s a damn agent worth something.”
“Yes, Champ.” Ginger smiled into the phone. Something about this conversation felt like old times, before California. To be happy a man is dead may seem crass, but she was elated. The invisible cloud that hung over their little group was finally dissipating. She hung up when Merlin signaled the arrival of the case file.
As the two skimmed the contents, Merlin whistled low under his breath. The unredacted files told the story of a man who loved pain. Reports of him hurting fellow recruits in training, of causing physical harm in exercises, and plenty of them indicated that he was extremely violent towards suspects and even witnesses. His entire history was a red flag and Austin ignored the whole thing.
Champ was right. These guys were assholes.
Merlin threw the files up on the screen and together the two specialists worked to rethink their timeline. At least thirty victims had been identified by Ginger, Tequila, and Chai over the years and ever since the microdrive came back into play a few months ago, over forty other possible names were given to HQ by other Statesmen offices. Most of these were missing recruits, agents, and even retirees.
Ginger and Tequila took over the California case weeks after they returned to Kentucky. With the limited information that Shirley had sent in, they slowly rebuilt the file load as best they could. West Coast and Jackson Hole cooperated, but the work was slow. It seemed that the killer could wait months between murders, and they were certain there were more victims out there.
For over four years they pecked at the case when they could and when information came in, but it mostly stagnated until Shirley revealed the location of the microdrive. That kicked the event into high gear, but they didn’t realize their dogged pursuit would bring the killer so close.
That drive also gave Ginger a personal win – she had suspected since the night they rescued Shirley that the person they were looking for was a Statesman and that he was keeping an eye on the case. All the notes in Shirley’s internal report log drew the same conclusions, but she was stumped at how he was able to go undetected for so long given how wide his killing area seemed to be – all of California, Oregon, and Washington, as well as parts of Wyoming. As active as a killer as he was, Statesmen were still bound by their jobs and would be tracked in the field. But questions always have answers and they will come eventually.
“Oh my god. . .” Chai sucked in her breath and looked up at Tequila. “T, you need to look at this.” He leaned over at the two files she was looking at and read them. One was the death report of an agent from their Chicago office that went by the code name Pilsner. The other was a report filed by Pilsner at the Jackson Hole office. He looked at her – that first report was dated three months before the field report in her hands.
“Ging, I think we got something.” Chai called out. Ginger looked over at her co-worker. “Pull every missing or dead agent, I need the list, I think I found how he was going undetected.”
With the tap of her fingers, fifteen faces popped up on the screen, including Pilsner and Port. Neither looked like the man killed just days before. Chai ran a search on the names and on her screens pulled up their field reports. Tequila pointed out seven names besides the two they had found that filed field reports after they were reported dead.
Merlin moved back to his computer and pulled up the personnel files for every Statesman office. Given the rather narrow naming scheme the offices use, it is not uncommon for several agents to take on the same code name in succession. If the office was doing the work correctly, there will be a timeline of when the code name was in use. He pulled the names he was looking for and the dates were cross referenced to the time frame they now built.
“Look at this.” Said Merlin. “He was taking on the dead agents’ names after he killed them, but only if they were declared dead, but not in the line of duty, which would then alert other Statesman offices of the change. If the name wasn’t put back into use right away, then he could modify his credentials within the system. You have so many offices that its likely no one was paying attention to an Agent Port or Pilsner showing up to work a case. It’s how he could still access everything in Statesman and not get caught.”
“I bet you’re right, Merlin,” Said Tequila. “I know all the front desk does is scan our cards when we arrive at an office, but beyond that, nothing else. He clearly has the tech smarts to hide most of his tracks, but it sounds like he was relying on holes in the operating system to cover the rest.”
“Yeah, well it worked. The Pilsner reports are from three years ago and it seems like we’re the only ones just catching all of this.” Replied Chai. She shifted the files onto the main screen and let the computer put them in the timeline. The four of them looked at each other and then back to the wall. Their timeline just got a lot easier as more pieces fell into place. Ginger walked over to the phone and called Champ back.
“This case will be closed today, want to come watch?”
“I’ll be right down.”
#agent whiskey#jack daniels#pedro pascal#kingsman: the golden circle#fanfic#agent whiskey x oc#agent whiskey x reader#pedro pascal x reader
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The Christmas Con - Chapter 1 (Chris Evans x Reader)
Pairing: Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Few curse words. Fluff. Tiniest hint of angst.
Chapter: 1 Read More Here
Summary: Chris Evans agrees to be your fake boyfriend when you head to your family’s annual Christmas holiday at a rented cabin in the mountains. You think you’re pulling off the con until you’re both faced with a few obstacles you weren’t expecting, namely meddling relatives. Your family love him and you’re starting to think you might, too. This holiday you’ll learn there’s more to the season of giving, and Chris, than you thought.
Author’s Note: Happy Holidays everyone! This is the first chapter in my Chris-mas story that I was inspired to write after watching The Proposal and way to many Hallmark movies since November. We handed out tropes like candy in this story so gear up for some fluff. I took a few liberties with family names because it was getting a bit confusing trying to reference all the relatives. I hope you all enjoy.
Y/N = Your Name, Y/F/N = Your (female) friend’s name
Word Count: 2.6k
"Hey, want to help me get my parents off my ass about not having a date for the holidays?"
That was what started this whole weekend of tinsel town torment. Chris had graciously agreed to help you out and travel with you to your family’s annual three-day Christmas getaway to a cabin in the mountains. All it took was agreeing to provide the food for the next Patriots game watch party at his house. You readily agreed as you wouldn’t be able to stand your elder Aunts’ incessant questioning about your love life one more year.
The drive to the cabin went fine since you and Chris rode with your parents who had welcomed Chris with open arms from the moment you landed at the airport. He’d chatted away with them during the drive while you watched the gradual snow banks get taller and taller on the sides of the road the higher up the car went.
Your heart sped up in excitement as you rounded the final turn. The three-story cabin was set against a dense tree lined forest that, through the years, had seen you and your cousins build an army of snowmen, battle it out in snowball fights and share a contrabanded drink or two when the adults got to overbearing in the house. The log roof and wrap around porch railings were covered with snow, making it look like a picture perfect gingerbread house. The setting felt like a location straight out of a Hallmark Christmas movie. Regardless of the family craziness you knew was waiting behind those tall oak doors, you always looked forward to returning here every year.
You were also glad Chris was here with you this time. You’d become close friends over the years after working with him on the first Captain America movie. You’d instantly bonded over your shared love of Disney and dogs. Chris liked to joke that Dodger loved you more than him since his pup would never leave your side when you went to his house.
It was about 6 months ago, though, that you felt a shift in your relationship. Chris had helped you home after one to many drinks at the work wrap party. He’d taken off your coat and shoes, tucked you into bed and kissed your forehead goodnight. The next morning you woke up to a glass of water and headache medicine on your bedside table, and found him asleep on your sofa. When you’d thanked him over a cup of coffee, he shook his head and shrugged off your gratitude.
“I didn’t want to leave you alone with that fucker, Colin,” he muttered, clearly still agitated about whatever had happened last night. “He wouldn’t stop hitting on you all night even when you told him no. You looked uncomfortable and he didn’t back off until I told him we were dating.”
“You what?” You wiped the bit of coffee that had spit out of your mouth at his revelation. you vaguely remember some guy following you around the party until he’d suddenly disappeared. Now that you thought about it, Chris had magically appeared around the same time. You held your pounding head in your hands just wanting to block the entire night out of your memory.
“Told him we were dating,” he repeated calmly. “In a not so subtly threatening tone, I might add. Almost tripped over himself apologizing when I put my arm around your waist later that night. I mean, most people think we are anyway, so it wasn’t hard to convince him.”
“Oh, I didn’t know...” You trailed off.
“What? That people think we’re a couple?” Chris laughed.
You’d be lying if you denied you found Chris attractive, but your timing just never seemed to work out. Either he was with someone or away filming when you were single, or you were dating someone when he was back in town. And, it wasn’t like either of you had the best track run when it came to relationships. Just another thing you had in common. A few of your exes’ seemed to be uncomfortable with your friendship with Chris, but the truth was, none of them were as easy or fun to be around as Chris. You didn’t have to worry about saying or doing the wrong thing with him. He’d said as much to you when you’d brought it up after one of your more hurtful breakups. He said it was the same with his own exes’, but eventually they realized that you were always going to be a part of his life and came to terms with it in one way or another.
He got up to pour himself another cup of coffee. “I’m used to the press linking me with any woman I’m seen with at this point, but even my mom called me to see if we were dating after we were photographed leaving the Ritz together at night a couple times a few months ago.”
“I was helping you with your lines!” You spluttered. “We ate pizza and watched The Lion King, for Christ’s sake. Mackie was even there one day!”
He shrugged unbothered, “You know how the media twists things. Anyway, it was my pleasure being your arm candy for the night.” He raised his mug up in a mock toast before laughing as you rolled your eyes. “Oh come on, you know we’d be good together,” he teased as you got up to go get dressed.
“I know we would,” you sung over your shoulder.
After that morning, you noticed Chris didn’t date much. He claimed he was to busy for a relationship when you’d questioned him. He also started calling you more while he was away on set, which you began looking forward to each day after work. That was when the idea of fake dating Chris for the holidays became more than a way to get your family off your case. You imagined spending a night curled up in front of the fire with Chris, Christmas lights twinkling as a cold wind blew outside, and your heart ached with a feeling you’d never experienced before when you thought about your friend. So, you pitched the idea to him and he immediately agreed to accompany you, since his family were meeting up for New Years instead this year due to his siblings’ schedules.
Now, here you were in this winter wonderland. You were slightly annoyed your parents didn’t even seem that surprised when you said your boyfriend Chris would be joining your yearly gathering. You swore you’d even heard your dad mutter “about damn time” through the phone when you called them.
Chris hopped out the car and hurried over to open your door. You took the hand he offered, but he held it tighter when you went to let go. He pressed a kiss to the top with an excited smile.
“Don’t overdo it, dear.” You giggled, snatching your hand back and lightly punching his shoulder.
He quickly wrapped his arms around you before you could move further away, and pulled you close, booping your nose with an evil grin. “Oh, I plan to be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. Fake or otherwise. I’m going to make your family love me so much they’ll be devastated when we break up.”
You shook your head and laughed as he quickly released you go with a chirpy, “Let me help you with those bags, sir,” to your dad.
“Hey loser!” You turned to see who shouted and were tackled in a puffy coated embrace. Your cousin, Y/F/N, had her arms wrapped tightly around you. You both squealed, excited to see each other. Y/F/N was the kind of cousin who just so happened to also be your best friend. There was no one else who knew the ups and downs of your family like her and had been through it all with you since before you could walk.
“I’ve missed you so much!” You said, finally pulling away to look her up and down. She still looked like the same mischief maker she’d always been.
She was distracted by something behind you. “I see you brought a friend to play with,” she teased in a hushed voice, peeking over your shoulder. You followed her gaze and saw Chris’s jacket straining against his muscular arms as he easily lifted your mom’s heavy case from the trunk and onto the snow. “Nice.”
You slapped her arm with a giggle, “behave.”
“Honestly, you know I’m tame compared to the cougars he’s about to face in there.” She looped your arms and started walking up the drive, pulling you along.
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” you chuckled, nervously taking in the light decorations lining the brick path to the house. You recognized the bent, tiny display sled in the middle of the yard that your uncle had broken on one trip when your dad dared his brother he couldn’t snowboard down the hill on it. The “hold my beer” moment resulted in a night spent in the ER and hearing the story told at every family gathering since.
“So, why did I have to hear from my grandmother that you were not only dating a superhero but bringing him here?” She feigned a hurt expression. “It’s like you wanted me to be clueless in the firing line of questions.”
You chuckled. “Well, you know, we’ve been friends for a while now, and we decided to give it a shot. And don’t feel bad, because the only person who was supposed to know was my mom and I had to call to let her know I was bringing someone otherwise no one would’ve known until we showed up to protect me from the dozens of texts I received afterwards asking about what his favorite flavor of candy cane. We’ve been keeping our relationship secret so the press and fans don’t have a field day. Plus, this way we can control the narrative.”
You and Chris had discussed this, and a few other “relationship milestones” beforehand to have your stories straight. He’d suggested sticking to as much of the truth as possible so it wouldn’t be hard to keep up the con.
“That makes sense,” she agreed. You pushed open the door and were hit with an invisible wall of heat that immediately started defrosting your cold nose. She scoffed, “but, don’t tell our dear auntie or she’ll have your head and then what would his gorgeous mug kiss? Although I do have some suggestions...”
But before she could tell you what those were, you heard a stampede of footsteps as the youngest members of your family came charging down the stairs shouting and yelling over each other about whose turn it was to pick the Christmas Eve movie this year.
“Y/N!” They shouted upon seeing you, all rushing to hug you and soon you were in a doggie pile of tiny children.
“Mommy said you’re dating Captain America!” Y/F/N’s young nephew giggled as you pretended to struggle under them all.
“No, she said she’s dating a hunk!” His sister argued. “What’s a hunk, Y/N?” You choked back a laugh and fumbled for a response.
“Do you get to play with his shield?” Another one asked as a chorus of tiny voices started shouting questions without waiting for answers.
“Does he like marshmallows in his hot chocolate?”
“Does he like pink?”
“Does he know Spider-man?”
“Can he really pull a log apart like in the movie?”
“Will he help us make cookies for Santa?”
“Do you like him a lot?” your own niece piped up from the back of the group.
They were overwhelming you with their curiosity but you smiled warmly, “I like him a whole lot.”
“Aww, babe, that’s so adorable. You like me.” Chris laughed in the doorway behind you and stepped up to press a cold kiss to your temple. “I like you a whole lot, too.”
He slid an arm around your waist and stared down the kids who’d gone uncharacteristically quiet, watching him nervously. He bent down until he was looking them each in the eye in turn and said, “She likes to play with the shield, but she doesn’t like to share. I love marshmallows in my hot chocolate and refuse to drink it without them. Pink is one of my favorite colors and I think it should be everyone’s. Spider-man is a very good friend of mine. Yes, I can pull a log apart, and I might be able to show you later. And, I think I can fit cookies into my schedule, but you’re all going to have to show me how to decorate them.” He broke out in a beaming childlike smile, “deal?”
The kids all giggled and nodded before bombarding him with more questions. You watched fondly as he answered every single one with a well thought out response, never making the kids feel like they were a nuisance.
“Didn’t I tell you all to go unpack!” A loud voice suddenly shouted from the kitchen doorway. You saw Y/F/N’s mom standing with her arms crossed, foot tapping angrily, glaring as all the kids scattered and scrambled back up the stairs, not wanting to get in trouble. “And make sure you neatly hang up the clothes! I’m going to check each of you later!” She yelled up the stairs after them.
Chris nervously stood up as she moved towards him.
“So,” she drawled, slowly looking him over, “you must be the boyfriend I’ve been hearing so much about.” She smirked, “it’s good to see you’ve lived up to the hype.”
“Mom!” Y/F/N hissed, embarrassed.
“Good to hear, ma’am,” he chuckled. “From what Y/N’s told me, you’re basically a second mother to her, so it’s a pleasure to meet you. I can’t wait to hear all her embarrassing childhood stories and please don’t leave out a single detail.” He nodded over to you, “I could use the intel on this one.”
She laughed. “More like stories about all the trouble they caused. Why do you think I’ve got some premature grey?” She motioned to her hair.
“Nothing wrong with a little experience, if you ask me,” he winked. You gaped, speechless, as he shamelessly flirted with her. He was turning up his usual charm, and it was working her over like a dream.
Her eyes brightened as she gave a cheshire grin and pulled him in for a hug. “Oh, I like you. You’re going to fit right into this family.”
You scoffed as she let go and turned to give you a tight bear hug. “All lies. I was a very well-behaved child, and I still am.”
“Not from my knowledge,” Chris’ eyes sparkled wickedly as you swatted his chest.
“Leave those bags in the hall for now, sweetie. You kids come on in the kitchen. We’re finishing up the spiked eggnog.
“More like finishing off,” Y/F/N muttered low so her mom wouldn’t hear. “This is their second batch and we only got here two hours ago. Ian had to put the lights on the house before one of them tried to find the ladder.”
“Jesus. Like we need a repeat of 2007’s ‘ladder log’ incident. Has Uncle James taken out the spatula yet?” You whispered as you made your way down the long winding hall. She nodded solemnly. “Oh shit.”
Chris snorted behind you.
“Don’t laugh. It’s this hideous spatula that has Santa’s face on one side and his bare ass on the other. He tries to pinch everyone with it when he’s had to many to drink.” You explained, shaking your head.
Chris beamed, “This trip is going to be so much fun.”
My Masterlist
Forever Tags: @appreciating-chase-brody
The Christmas Con Tags: @aboxbesidethesea @capcevans81 @inlovewith3 @memyselfandandrea @steftolbert @hiddlebatchedloki @jinglebella-maximoff @marvelgirlsthings @chmedic
Chris Evans Forever tags: @spider--bae @bookgirlunicorn @coffeebooksandfandom
#The Christmas Con#Chris Evans#chris evans x reader#chris evans x you#holiday fic#Chris Evans christmas#Christmas#Holidays#Steve Rogers x Reader#Marvel x Reader#marvel rpf#chrismas#Steve Rogers#Captain America#Chris Evans fluff#Marvel holiday fic#Chris Evans fanfiction#Chris Evans fanfic
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Friends With Benefits: Bill Skarsgard... Chapter 6
The next few days passed in a blur and things with Bill were different, a nice different.
He was so invested in me and even kept his word, he didn't push me to talk about what happened on the hill top, he was waiting for me to be ready and bring it up myself.
This morning I'd awoken to him pushing the hair from my face and placing a lingering kiss on my temple.
My eyes fluttered open and I was met with the sight of Bill leaning over the bed, I smiled sleepily at him and I lifted myself up to lean against the headboard, holding the sheets to my chest.
I was so tired from the last few days on set that I'd slept through the night and not even felt Bill get up or heard him get ready.
"Where are you going?" I asked, looking him up and down.
"I have a meeting."
He was clad in a fitted black shirt that was tucked into slim, dark grey trousers that were fastened with a black belt and his hair was gelled into place.
I bit my lip and looked up at him through my eyelashes.
"Don't." He warned, narrowing his eyes.
I tilted my head at him and smiled innocently, before pulling him down onto the bed with me and pushing him onto his back.
I dropped all the sheets around me and climbed on top of him, straddling him and pinning his arms by his head.
He groaned but watched as my breasts bounced and he shifted under me, it was pretty obvious that his trousers had just become tighter.
"I've literally just told you I have a meeting." He laughed, making no effort to remove himself from under me, even though he was considerably stronger than me.
"And? We've got time." I began unfastening the buttons on his shirt, revealing his milky skin to my eager eyes.
"My ego hurts at those words, I must admit and as badly as I want you right now, I really have to go." He sighed, flipping us over and kneeling between my legs as he fastened his shirt back up.
I lay with my arms behind my head, staring at the white ceiling of Bill's room.
"When will you be back?" I wondered, looking downwards towards him.
"A couple of hours maybe, I'm not sure." He shrugged, focusing hard on my naked body and running his hands down my thighs.
"I'm gonna head back to my place, I need to get showered and I bet my post is mounting up. My neighbours probably think I'm dodgy or something, I'm literally never there these days." I laughed, leaning up onto my elbows as Bill removed himself from the bed and adjusted his hair, pushing it back into place and shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Wanna do something after my meeting?" He wondered and I nodded.
"Target trip?" I asked excitedly and he rolled his eyes.
"Fine." He groaned, and I clapped my hands.
"You're such a pushover." I giggled, now sitting up on Bill's kingsize bed.
"I'll show you pushover later, but right now I really need to get going." Bill hurriedly kissed my lips and left the bedroom, I could head him jog downstairs.
I waited until I heard the sound of his car pull out of the driveway, the gravel crunching underneath the wheels and that's when I finally decided to get my backside out of bed to brush my teeth in the en suite bathroom.
I shoved my hair up into a disheveled bun and washed my face, removing any reminents of toothpaste from around my mouth.
I quickly sprayed some deodorant just to last me until I got home and could have a good scrub in my bath or in the shower, depending on my mood.
When I was back in Bill's room I mooched around for the first set of underwear I could find, which just happened to be plain black.
I stole another t-shirt from Bill which was white with a random print on the front and rolled the sleeves up so they didn't hang awkwardly at the crease of my elbow, I hated that.
Luckily, I had a few pairs of Joni jeans hanging around here so I merely shoved a light blue pair on and was good to go.
I was pretty impressed with how briskly I'd managed to get myself ready, although I definitely had the advantage seeing as I hadn't applied any make up.
I tidied up Bill's bedroom and made his bed, pulling up the blinds to allow the morning sunlight to flood the room and wake me up further.
I made my way downstairs and to the door, where I just pulled my vans on, grabbed my bag and had a quick scan inside to make sure I had everything including my wallet, keys, iphone and my glasses.
I was pretty content that I'd got everything and that I'd tidied Bill's place up accordingly so left the house after setting the alarm and locking the door behind me.
I'd driven over here yesterday so my white Audi was parked up and waiting for my entry.
I unlocked my car and hopped right in, dumping my bag on the passenger seat.
I belted up and pressed the button to start my car, seeing as it was a keyless start. I got into gear and began the long descent back onto the road, eager to get home.
I'd been back and forth to Bill's place over the last month and it was starting to feel pointless paying rent for such a gorgeous apartment when all I did was stay at his.
I pulled up to my apartment complex, parking in one of my designated spots and locked my car up once I'd grabbed my bag.
I punched in the code and opened the door to the building, entering the foyer where I collected my post.
I mindlessly flipped through the envelopes, scrunching my nose up at the sheer amount of junk mail I'd received.
I climbed up the stairs to my floor, where only my apartment was and shoved the key into the lock, happy to be home.
I kicked my shoes off, dumped the post and my bag on the kitchen counter which happened to be around the corner from my front door and also threw my keys down next to the items.
My apartment was in pristine condition, mostly because I liked to keep it tidy because I was a slight neat freak. It worked out pretty well for me though, because Bill was the same.
I flopped onto my couch, grabbing my MacBook from the glass coffee table and placing it onto of my folded legs, logging onto my account and almost immediately pulling my emails up since I’d neglected them pretty bad.
I flicked through the junk emails, sending them straight to trash folder. Most of them were pretty standard, a few asking of my availability for the rest of the year but one in particular caught my eye.
The name was unfamiliar and the subject merely said ‘an interview with the hottest couple of 2016’ and my heart sank just at reading those words, but it was nothing compared to the actual email itself;
An invitation to Miss Mya Williams,
We hope you are able to join us at our Beverly Hill studio to participate in an interview that delves deep into the reality of dating one of the biggest upcoming actors of the year, we would be delighted if both yourself and Bill Skarsgard could attend and reveal all to us and your fans.
I hope to hear from you in the upcoming days,
Lizzie Sharp Entertainment Central
My mouth was agape and my heart was beating so aggressively against my chest, why would this reporter lady want to interview Bill and I over being a couple when there was literally no proof or anything out there to suggest that we were more than friends.
We were so careful about doing anything on the set of the last television show we worked together on, that ceased filming a few days ago. I don’t know if Lizzie was working with information that had sprung from rumours, since Bill had gotten big, the public were interested in his personal life, specifically his love life and people were quick to pin me to him.
I hastily sent the email to the junk folder, where it was going to lay dormant with he rest until I went on a deleting spree.
If I didn’t reply to the email, surely it would all go away, right?
I tried to forget about the strange email, hoping to never receive anything like it again.
I pulled up twitter, signing in and having a mindless scroll through my timeline, favouriting the odd tweet and retweeting a few cool pieces that had some relevance to my life.
I also decided to tackle my mentions, which filled up a lot these days after my work was revealing to the world of critique. I mostly got compliments galore and the odd comment that came from a pre pubescent girl who liked to slate my every move, every breath I took.
After moving to LA I grew a back bone and learnt to take shitty comments on the chin, and because of this grew my delightful personality that consisted of sarcasm and standing up for myself.
I yawned as I weaved through the mentions, not particularly interested.
Well, that was until I came across multiple pictures of myself and Bill spamming my mentions. I rolled my eyes, people loved to be nosey.
Although what I did notice was that it was the same three images across multiple tweets, so I decided to enlarge them and what met my eyes were pictures of myself and Bill looking awfully close.
Sickness overwhelmed me, as did sheer panic.
The first image was of us on set, with me on his back and a huge smile on his face as I whispered something into his ear.
The second was of us walking to the restaurant in Beverly Hills in the other day with his arm thrown over my shoulders.
The final image was of us in the restaurant, taken through the window and we were holding hands.
It didn’t look good for us, and I figured it was better to say nothing than to try and magic up a lie that probably made us look shadier.
I let out a growl and slammed the my laptop shut, throwing it to the side of me and covering my face with my hands.
I knew this would happen, but I thought it’d be easier to deny and it was only a matter of time before the tabloids had the pictures printed in every magazine in America.
The last thing we needed getting out was that we both liked each other and the sheer amount of time we spent together, or to have any more picture taken of us without our knowledge.
To say I was worried was an understatement, being so out there now meant that the press would start digging and the last thing I wanted plastered over the internet was my sad excuse of a life.
I didn’t need anyone to know that I’d dropped out of school and that I hadn’t even wanted to attend college. I didn’t want anyone to know that my parents absolutely hated me for doing these things, I was nothing but an embarrassment to them.
I definitely didn’t need Bill to have to endure the comments that would be thrown at him about my age or my background and it was a blessing that he didn’t have any social media or it was certain that this would have blown up even bigger.
I have no idea how long I was sat on my couch wallowing in self pity but the sound of my phone ringing, along with he vibrations snapped me out of my trance.
I yanked it out of my back pocket taking a quick glance at the caller ID, almost shouting out in frustration at the sight of Bill’s name.
I couldn’t bring myself to answer it, so speedily pressed the reject button on the screen.
There was pure silence for a minute before it rang again, flashing up once more with his name. I knew that he’d keep calling if i didn’t pick up, he was the most persistent man I’ve ever met.
“What’s up?” I breathed, running a hand down my face.
“Oh, hey. I’ve just finished with my meeting, are you ready?” He asked, most obviously speaking to me over the speaker in his car.
“Erm, no. I don’t feeling like going out anyway, feel free to head back home.” I excused, the thought of being pictured out together again making my head spin with anxiety.
“Why not? You love going to Target, you were so up for it this morning… is something wrong?” I could almost imagine him frowning in confusion, because it was true, I fucking loved Target.
“I just don’t feel brilliant, Bill. Look, I’ll talk to you later, bye.” I spoke in a rush, hanging up the phone and dropping back into the cushions of my couch.
Tears spilled over and I sobbed quietly, more overwhelmed than anything.
I didn’t move to LA to become the focus of every gossip magazine, I came to escape my old life. This wasn’t what I wanted, I just wanted to work and be happy.
I merely wanted to be left alone, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. Bill was the only person who knew almost everything about me, he was the one person I knew who would catch me if I fell.
A knock at my door pulled me away from the darkness that was just my thoughts and I wiped the tears from under my eyes, sniffling and breathing deeply before hopping up from the couch and plastering on a smile ready for whoever was on the other side of the door.
I twisted the inside lock and pulled it open, cursing at myself for not checking through the spy hole before opening the door.
“What are you doing here? I told you I didn’t feel like going out.” I muttered, leaving Bill at the door and walking into my kitchen.
I heard him close the door behind him and he followed me, and I could feel him watching my every move as I leant on my sink and looked out of the window in front of me.
“You sounded upset on the phone and I’m not an idiot.” He remarked, his presence strong behind me.
I made a face and gritted my teeth.
“You’re an idiot if you forgot how to use your key and let yourself in.” I whispered to myself, watching as the sun moved behind the clouds.
“What’s up with you? You were fine this morning, right until I left. Now I’ve finished my meeting and you have no interest in being around me, and I can’t figure out why.”
I span around harshly, taking him off guard.
“I told you to be careful with what you did in public, the hand holding, the cuddling! Now the press have got photos of us and they’re all over the fucking internet and I have people emailing me asking for interviews, I knew this would happen, I told you that people would start speculating!” I yelled at him, his eyes widening at my sudden tone of voice.
“What pictures? You need to get a grip, Mya! We take one step forward and two back and I specifically remember telling you to not worry and just let people speculate. We’re the only people who need to be involved in our business, it's our own business.” He spoke back, making me roll my eyes.
“It’s not even speculation that’s the problem, Bill. It’s the fact that people have confirmation that there’s something going on between us, and I don’t know what to do about it.” I spoke, my voice cracking and more tears threatening to fall.
Bill let out a prolonged breath and advanced towards me with his arms outstretched, they wrapped around me like a shield.
“There’s nothing you can do, or that you need to do. But I think it's time to face the facts or maybe our feelings in this case." Bill murmured into my hair.
I nodded against him, my face buried into his neck.
Now was the time.
"I'm pretty damn sure that I'm in love with you." I admitted against the skin of his neck.
"Well that's good then, because I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you to." He replied, pushing me back gently and holding my face between his hands.
I looked up at him and once our eyes met I felt every ounce of hurt, upset and anger leave my body.
He rested his forehead against mine and pressed a kiss to my lips, it was gentle, like a feather touching you for a second.
I kissed him back and let my arms go up around his neck, so grateful to be in his arms.
He pulled back for a second and I almost let out a whimper at the loss of contact.
"Be my girlfriend, wife, whatever. I just know that I need you, all of you." Bill revealed and I nodded.
"Can we not say anything to the press? or to anyone, just not yet." I asked, touching his full bottom lip with mine.
"Whatever you want." He whispered, grasping my face harder and crushing his lips on mine.
This was it.
This was official.
Friends with benefits didn't really work out the way I planned but I think it was for the best and now all feelings, secrets and confessions are out there.
I just hope nothing ruins it.
- Hey everyone, I’m so thankful for your patience with me and I’m so glad to finally have this chapter up. I hope you enjoy this filler and there will be more tomorrow :) Also thank you for your wishes of wellness, they’re very much appreciated 😘
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