#I also forgot vector’s chain… man
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michdoodles · 3 months ago
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I have room for another character or two, who should I add? (Adding to that sketchbook spread of Sonic characters in an alternate style, you can see who I’ve already drawn to some degree here)
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zippy-reacts · 2 years ago
Sonic the Comic Liveblog: Issue 67
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Goodness, I know this comic goes through the calendar quickly since it released fortnightly but I can’t believe we’re at another Christmas issue already
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StC is always really excellent at capturing this amazing sight of the chained planet
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Oh shit I entirely forgot he was stuck up there
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Although I’m not confident this is actually Porker. He’s usually relatively polite but not quite to this extent.
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Yay, Team Chaotix is back! But also, geez, this design of Vector has some really weird shoulder anatomy.
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Oh no, poor Charmy is getting the Tails treatment in this comic too!
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Ah, this is the first time Sonic is actually meeting the Chaotix! I think they had a connected plot tread in previous issues but never actually crossed paths.
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Impressive renovation after only one month.
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Back to Knuckles’ story and Doctor Zachary still looks high as hell
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I was about to say something like ‘a-ha I knew he was evil’, but like, his man straight up calls himself evil, he’s owning the vibes.
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But anyway, looking forward to figuring out what this guy’s deal is.
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Zoom tube
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Lol even the robot does a head turn
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Fantastic onomatopoeias
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Poor Metamorphia, she absolutely could’ve bluffed this and still kept the upper hand
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Having a self-aware moment are we StC?
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mobius-prime · 5 years ago
285. Sonic Universe #12
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Knuckles: The Return (Part 4 of 4): Echoes of the Past (Part Four)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
Things are certainly dire, as both teams of heroes (minus Julie-Su and Ray, still up on Angel Island) have been captured by Finitevus and the local Dark Egg Legion chapter. Finitevus gloats about how well his plan has gone, that he found the Legion when he was investigating the very same ruins that had Knuckles so confused, and from there orchestrated an alliance between himself and them, so they could capture Angel Island for Eggman/the Iron Queen's regime and Finitevus could study the Master Emerald at his leisure. After monologuing a bit at the furious Knuckles, he takes his leave to go oversee Angel Island being reeled back into the Great Crater, something which… really should be more stunning to everyone involved, if you ask me. I mean, literally the past several centuries of echidna history have been irrevocably shaped by exactly this concept, returning the island to the planet's surface. Dimitri did his whole godhood insanity thing entirely because people didn't agree with his plan to set this in motion, and perhaps even more importantly, his plan was shown to have failed in an alternate timeline, causing the island to crash into the earth and kill everyone on it. Apparently, this entire time they shoulda just been using regular ol' chains to do the job! Imagine after so many hundreds of years of this being an issue, Finitevus really did just accomplish the task with some random chains. But anyway, Finitevus leaves the prisoners to the overwatch of Bill, who so far hasn't said a word during Finitevus' speech despite his former friends being among the imprisoned.
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Oh no! Whatever horrible tortures are about to befall our heroes? The torture of having their shackles fall off harmlessly, as it turns out. Yeah, of course Bill didn't just turn evil for no reason! Though he does appear to have some beef with Vector, remarking angrily that he'd have preferred if Vector stayed chained up. Man, what in the world did Vector do in the past that pissed off so many people? Barby demands an explanation, with her dialogue vaguely hinting that she and Bill were possibly involved romantically, so Bill explains that several months ago when Eggman began pushing in this region, the other platypuses decided they wanted a little taste of that power and began demanding to join up. Bill couldn't talk them down, so instead, he went to Eggman and voluntarily joined his cause, becoming outfitted with cybernetics along with the other platypuses, hoping to manage the situation from within. Apparently he never found a chance to tell his former teammates that he wasn't actually evil after all, but he's been doing his best to mismanage the campaign in Downunda without seeming too suspicious. Everyone is pleased and relieved, and he urges them to quickly make their escape so he can play it off as having been overpowered while separated from his backup. Thrash happily obliges, and reveals his own special power - yelling so loudly that it can break down doors. The fight against the Legion in the crater quickly commences, but Walt encourages Knuckles to head back to his island while they carry on the fight here on the ground. Vector can't see a way to get back up without their warp ring, but Mighty apparently has an idea of his own.
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I just need everyone here to remember that according to canon measurements, this island floats forty-three miles (69 km) in the sky. Yes, I realize that's only the case because Penders didn't create his units of measurements with sanity in mind. No, that does not mean I'm ever letting this fact go. It's also worth noting that this entire arc portrays the crater as not looking much bigger than like, a mile across at the most, but the island is forty-seven miles (75 km) across at its narrowest. I mean, we already knew that no one pays attention to matters of scale in these comics, but still, I notice, and it bugs me to no end. Consistency, people!
Anyway, Mighty tosses Knuckles alllll the way up to the island, as the fight continues to rage on the ground, and he hops up over the edge just as Finitevus is about to put his grubby hands on the Master Emerald. No sign of Julie-Su or Ray anywhere, huh? Knuckles is immediately ready for a fight, but Finitevus tries to talk him down, actually apologizing for forcing him into the role of Enerjak before. Knuckles still isn't buying it, but then Finitevus hits him with the bug guns - Dimitri actually wasn't the first Enerjak. Finitevus claims to know everything about the echidnas' history, the fact that Enerjak goes back much further in their history, the true history of Albion, the origins of the mysterious ruins in the desert, even some secret about Aurora and how she may not even be a real goddess. Knuckles is clearly torn for a split second, because damn are those some juicy-sounding secrets, but he's shaken back to reality when Finitevus tries to pull the "We're two of a kind, you and I" trick and promises, if he joins him, to give him "anything he wants." And what does Knuckles want?
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Finitevus is not amused by Knuckles' defiance, and turns the fight around on him while mocking his childish desires. Hilariously, he actually does the cool-guy thing of catching Knuckles' punch in his own hand, which seems badass until you realize we're talking about the guy with spikes on his fists. I can only assume Ian forgot this little detail, or else the rest of this issue would just be Finitevus yelling in agony at the two brand-new holes that had been punched into the palm of his hand. Knuckles powers up with the energy of the nearby Master Emerald, while Finitevus summons his… I dunno, dark black evil-guy energy or whatever, and they go head to head, Knuckles reciting Tikal's prayer for strength, while Finitevus puts a new twist on the same chant.
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I actually don't get Ian's fascination with Tikal's prayer at all. It's always recited verbatim from the version of it in Sonic Adventure, but personally, I always felt like it was strangely translated in that game, not really making a ton of grammatical sense, or any real sense at all, really. I mean, the chant was originally just supposed to describe the relationship between the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds, but that's not relevant at all in this universe given the vastly different origins of both - the Master Emerald in the comics isn't a direct counter to the Chaos Emeralds like in the games, but one giant Chaos Emerald itself. I dunno, maybe this is just a nitpick, but it still confuses me.
Finitevus is impressed by Knuckles' display of raw power, but decides to end the fight quickly, and pulls out one of his warp rings, encircling it around Knuckles midsection and happily threatening to close it while Knuckles is still only halfway through. However, at that moment Julie-Su finally makes her entrance and shoots Finitevus in the shoulder, distracting him long enough for Knuckles to grab him and make good on his promise to throw him off his island. That doesn't seem like a proper solution to this threat at all, but eh, whatever, Knux is happy with it I guess. He, Julie-Su, and Ray all head back down to the crater, where the Downunda Freedom Fighters have finished running the Legion off for now, and say their goodbyes. Barby makes a remark that her father would have been proud of Vector, hinting at yet more unexplored history between him and the others, but he still refuses to explain further when Ray tries to pry. Thrash leaves through a warp ring of his own, making some odd comments about how it would be such a shame if the rest of the echidnas were to be wiped out - this guy really doesn't like echidnas for whatever reason - and with the threat settled, Knuckles and his friends finally head back onto Angel Island for some peaceful rest.
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Yeah, gee Vector, I wonder why no one found a body? I mean, it's not like Finitevus has demonstrated that he can warp himself to safety mid-fall during literally the previous big battle against him or anything. Of course, he's safe and sound, and heads back to the crater once it's clear to watch the island's departure and muse to himself how his plans aren't through yet and he's ready to kill Knuckles when he next gets the chance - anything to put him closer to the Master Emerald. Let us know how your quest to off one of the comic's most popular characters goes, buddy!
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jonathankatwhatever · 4 years ago
I saw a complete version. It went by in maybe 3 to 5 seconds, but it was complete. It began by defining a space, probably by going through various conceptions of spaces, from Hilbert and Hausdorff to what I dont know because that’s a step with an ordering in it not the scroll itself. Then it divides that space. It uses layers of graphs and thus graph theory because triangular is a clique and the gs ideals are a clique which is a complete graph. The concept of completeness in there is important: only by accepting gs do you achieve the ability to say a graph can be complete, because a graph of simple IC is a highly complicated statement. That gets back to Ramsey’s theorem.
At this moment, I feel entirely female, perhaps because I’m being looked at by a gay man and seen sexually, perhaps because the literalization of 2 in me is Anne and I physically represent that, which connects to the way I’ve figured out how to wear my pants over my hips - and that’s a case of me internalizing a photo of you so my hips move and the more that happens the more higher level function and movement - and my shoulders have to come to me from somewhere. My small waist. Without the shoulders, I’d be an effeminate appearing man. So the shoulders come from Anne too, as a hint of the voluptous inversion. This suggests we share body parts in different arrangements, which gets back to that occurring over the Bhyp as an inversion line.
Let me take this to a version I’ve not in memory considered: say your view of Anne is male, like Al. So instead of being the end of Jonathanne, it’s the beginning of Alison. Then the same Storyline with entirely different conversations about the exact same subjects and other ones as well, except you were aware of your side of the cr and I was aware of my side, where sides are thread determined, meaning they read across the space.
That connects to the graph theory part. It also connects to many other approaches, including the ordering of a set as having a separable meaning, something which is now proven. Just like 1234 is not the same as 4321 in cash or as a pin.
Once this structure builds out, it starts proving things. That is where I get stuck: very specifically, I have trouble accepting proof. What does it mean to locate IC at each point? I get that answer. If I then pick a random zK, it has IC, and that means it must connect to the IC layering, which is all halving really is: fCM is all by 2 because it is all reflexive in the various ways that it expresses. And note how CM28 now demonstrates cr. And note that enables how you can read across to get different perspectives that are actual sets, etc. (and which can act a vector spaces, etc.).
But that counting is also separate from zK labels. zK(weird big number) is in IC, connects to other numbers, and only condenses or has poles at values - no, that’s too complicated - the better approach is to run it backwards, so from 1 doubling to a number which is divisible by SBE3+1. This would be seamless from 3 up (because SBE could run 0,1,2). That makes f1-3, when counting from 0 to 1 to 2 and that in full zK is SBE3 from any origin. All shifts further build from there 1 by 1. This makes complete sense because counting to 3 invokes 3 or 4zK, which relates SBE to fCM.
So now, we induce a chain extending forever. Oh, I forgot: I’ve been assuming the case when SBE3 isnt halvable. When is SBE3 halvable? When it is exactly this relation so the attachment at the back end is not immediately visible. What about numbers that aren’t halvable? Again, asking the basic question: why apply SBE? Because that’s the expansion of 1-0-1, which is the gs and the 0-1 segments expanded to 3 squares. So this is literally asking: if you take a square, an odd square, and you expand it to SBE - so you dont now need SBE3, just SBE (though they transform) - then it becomes even, either by attaching it on the front end or by the hidden attachment in the back end. Literally the odd parity checking back or forward. And then it fits to the halvings.
I think then this becomes true in 2 ways. First, you can go past integers, so halves are not. Second, you can always halve because each halving is a division of the and into the 1 of that form of counting. So, that asks if you can halve back to 1, and the abstract answer is clear: because the form is built onto and into each value, then each value must contain the potential for that reduction or it could not exist.
That is the closest I’ve come to understanding the proof for the problem: if we phrase the question as existence, then the existence of the form expands through the standard notation of delineating it as a function and asserting a k count of n or just n. That phrases the proof as contradiction of the assertion that this could not be true, because that requires the separation of form over a space which is read as adhering to that form.
That is what I’ve been trying to do. Wow.
And that came out of the oscillation of acceptance and rejection of the identification of you and me. What that says then is the forms directly connect because they must, in the same sense that otherwise you presume a void that just happens to replicate on the other side, and that problem reduces to the void being the 0 in 1-0-1 and that strongly induces, meaning it induces bidirectionally.
Should I stop? That was freakish. It really is a revealing new form of mathematics.
Now, if there are two guys on this end, that explains the sexual imagery better. But if there’s Al, who else? The way I heard Nicole was through Jonathan Mitchell, where the n-M leads to an ee and hell turns into col. That explains why I’m cold, I guess: nee cold out of nee cole. Then the n-M expanded to Nicole-Marie, which of course is masculine married and a girl’s name. So if Al, who can be Alice (even in the looking glass), then ... try the exact match: Lor like in Little Women maybe and Al, which makes Laurel. Because they have to be gay and Al has to tell Lor that he will love you. So now I can see them standing in line and he walks over to you with me trailing, looking stricken because the last thing I want or need is to get involved with a female. But no, that’s wrong: the equivalent would be more if you were male and I’m the girl and you two form a relationship in which you have to be with me and I with you. That fits except it’s internalized. The other way keeps the gender assignment, and that has consequences, but maybe it is better. Let’s see: the inversion is from same sex at the back end to same sex at the front end. That’s entirely consistent with the threading: from your perspective, if you are at that end, then this is what you see. If you are going first, then the paths are you in same or you in opposite, so he could be a man and then he introduces you to another man and you share that way. This fits, and heaven knows I’ve seen that a zillion times. Oh, so I’m still letting go of forced perspective.
Are you? Are you that aware or is Anne / Al in your ear telling you it will be fine, and that you are aware that you can see a cr level and how these cr levels relate, but that doesnt mean you know ... actually it kind of does. Which gives a new meaning to I think he knows. I can connect this to inversions of what has already occurred into what has yet to occur without violating classical limits!! Information is limited within the gs, but information from outside the gs is not imparted evenly so they can manage us.
Now I’m comfortable with a lot more. It is however getting busy in my head.
Did we actually advance a proof? I think so. It’s the same as the underlying conception between irrationality’s proof: the existence of the two forms is taken to be continuous over whatever n, meaning there must be a connection across the iterations which abstracts to constant in form.
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mobius-prime · 5 years ago
90. Knuckles the Echidna #9
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Dark Vengeance (Part Three of Three): Twilight of the Titans
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Manny Galan Colors: Barry Grossman
Enerjak has returned to the Dark Legion after murdering the crap out of Knuckles, and creates for them a literal golden bridge across the desert sands that leads to Echidnaopolis. Great idea, man, I'm sure the other echidnas will never see you coming as you march across the humongous and flashy new landmark leading straight into their city! Julie-Su is quietly concerned when she hears that Knuckles is gone, but maintains her ruse as they head across the bridge. Oh, and we finally see what happened to the Chaotix!
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I have to assume that this is Julie-Su's idea, since last issue she was ordered to execute them and all. The best she could really do was make sure it looked like they were doomed to a slow and painful death by desert sun, while still giving them a slim chance of being found and rescued. But what of Knuckles' fate?
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Oh, good, he's okay! I guess being taken apart and put back together again atom by atom leaves no lasting ill effects, much to Knuckles' benefit. Apparently, this is the Ancient Walkers' doing, and Athair spends just enough time to explain this to Knuckles before having him teleported off once again, where he lands just next to the chained-up Chaotix.
Meanwhile, the entirety of Echidnaopolis is mobilizing for a battle, since again, I can't stress enough how non-stealthy the whole golden bridge idea was. Remington gets a call from… someone…? I don't know, it's not really explained, but whoever it is on the other line convinces him to go to General Stryker to request that he and his people help defend the city.
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Meanwhile, after freeing the Chaotix with the help of a hammer and chisel mysteriously discarded nearby, Knuckles notices a water canteen in the sand, noting that it seems like someone was looking out for them. While Vector drinks all the water himself, claiming he would have escaped his bonds again like last time if given the chance, Knuckles gets the sudden, strong impression that Archimedes is nearby. Sure enough, when he digs at the site of a "rock" in the ground, it turns out to be the portable cooler that Archy and Deo were locked in. Oh, and Charmy was in there too, I guess!
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I get the impression that Penders legitimately just forgot about Charmy until now, as nothing was mentioned or shown of him in the previous two issues. It's worth noting that he flies out of the same container that Archimedes and Deo were trapped in, which seems weird if you're thinking of him as being the same size he's depicted in the games, but apparently he's actually bee-sized here. A later issue does address this apparent discrepancy, since previous issues have been really unclear on his size, with the perspective even page to page being all over the place.
Back in Echidnaopolis, the Dark Legion's attack has commenced, with Julie-Su piloting Kragok's hovercraft around in the chaos. Enerjak stands up and attempts to shout insults and demands for surrender, but suddenly…
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Julie-Su has finally seen her chance, and abandons ship to help the rest of the city out. Good for her! But who was it that forcibly teleported Enerjak away? Well turns out, it was Mammoth Mogul of all people, having made his reappearance with the true Sword of Acorns. He points it at Enerjak, using it to siphon the power of the eleven Chaos Emeralds within him, and as the city watches the spectacle above them, he gloats in his newfound power.
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Knuckles, ever the selfless one, arrives just in time to catch Dimitri before he hits the ground, having appeared back in the city with his friends thanks to Archimedes' powers. Locke and his father watch the proceedings from their hideout, as Knuckles is grabbed by two Dark Legion soldiers and two more take Dimitri from his grasp, and Locke still refuses to step in and help, even when his own father admonishes him for staying out of it and making Knuckles handle it himself. Locke defends himself, saying he'll step in if Knuckles really needs it, but like, nah buddy, your dad is right. Locke is so hands-off it's ridiculous, and yet at the same time he feels comfortable meddling in literally everything Knuckles does. The result is often Knuckles being forced to play Locke's mind games without the slightest inkling that it's his own father setting everything up. However, this time Locke at least tries to get Knuckles some extra help by calling the Freedom Fighters while pretending to be Knuckles himself (hence, the distress call from StH#55).
Down on the ground, Knuckles and the Chaotix finish fighting off the soldiers attacking them, and are approached by Remington, whose men have also managed to drive off the rest of the Legion. In the fray, they managed to capture Kragok and Julie-Su, the latter of whom is now being treated as a traitor since that's technically how it appears from the Constable's point of view. Knuckles tries to insist on being allowed to speak with her, but Remington refuses for the time being. But things aren't over yet…
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Just as soon as they arrive, Sonic and Tails, as well as Knuckles, find themselves being teleported away to yet another unknown location (this arc is just full of involuntary teleportation, isn't it?) while Mammoth Mogul, now powered up by the energies of the Chaos Emeralds he absorbed from Dimitri, demands that they immediately worship the ground he walks on (literally his words, not mine), or else be destroyed. Man, we just went over this with Enerjak, can't you cool it for like five minutes, Mogul?
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